HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-3-7, Page 8A 8 Tuu1WDAY, htaleb 4, ltro' THE SIGNAL: GO'DERICII, ONTARIO PLANS OF WORK. and after this no mune ,eaaritig won I lis till wily the right hand wns en Ifni- I RANDOLPN MilcDONALD, A. A. ALLAN, --._ dune ill tin' first half. lab tit" M e Y:1111,1 verinily- au:ofdesl tits. prr•vneine11''''' President. Vice -President. Lines Along Which the Goderich Horti• hAlf lila players, were neArly all, Thetion of left-h:aided l,w,pb•. i Will Move. wuttled, #tied (nn.eeluentl)• they ill- I,,, Bald, wail shout two And A bill( cultural Society 41110ged in wuch tripping and alaishiuK• per cent. Mr. Uunue it Always it we•I- I THE Tilt- lforticillural hasciety tit its nnu h hl the delight of the talwetatorii. came vihitor to eft. (iw,lptel'a And base nu•el ing If le weak received soil Many of tilt- Pub It A werq retro eft. adores, tie ightsewe and alKo lean mei'• j Sovereign Bank !� f adoptai the fulluwiug rep eert utx,n Itul IKdh bides K+ sial Ihre•e laud ufi to nun LssL eight were bijhly upyreei- utethcxls of work which flit- Stxlut)' five utinutes I. -f, rt, time it, hstkcd es nitxl, 1_ i propose, to cmrry on : if it would b e x t e. 'Jibe Seamen, how• AT HYMEN'S ALTAR I D. M. STEWART, Gen'I Mansgcr. I Canada! ToI Ike 'ola•mbursofthe GgoleriehHot ticuitstreet a.ter, HV&P lottbe• And sifter houre -i- Head Office, Toronto. IVx•Irly. klK•rtaculm.1'1Ik11rm,blYlkY thr lfgh tot. Table -Morrish. 1 ll><N rl.l(strsN,--Ari your• committee ••htorkeivall defence of the Pilots anti nlllx,tnted Ut prelmre plxnm ui linea scored the winning goal. The it he beide of Sirs. Mary 1{ow•lerr, l l�aldlltl �lll)BCrlbe(L............._........................ t,Otj0,000 a ung which thin bili tely cull carry on -hc,itc wail., lab 1, ( Altglrstut •fleet. with the acerae of ti 01pital I' lllly Paid ............................... _. :3,99ti,000 it ,:Fk, we Iwg leave ) + uhgl..,t the The te.etus and utlfeial" : plralbat-t rvl•n Kye,terday evening, lite I\Ei8e1'{'o Fund ...... __. ... ....................... l ,'':i5,0011 following ail worthy ut our cuusider. '"lana. s,Axs:N. ovcaslo I Zein the tuarrinfl,a (ff bur ation : Heo. $ars $(goal till, Grittwtin dao blur, Misrllnrrie Alorri,li, to Rub. t ua-. suuu l.4at r.d. lila, g . AY8ets over .. .. . 25,Dot),600 I. rbc Can au Horticulturist vai stare Ili to �t rtlJ rahh, Tile voremonv way x'r- ael► $( r• Imdur K. )Ir•,, III>' 1 hu ofterval an a preruium Lel all pre•«rut FI,KI aiteamtanl t.,,i(fe %. It's. ri.y forwed by ltev. W. If. Grahusu bit GENERAL BANKING. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. members tend ;u, others joining oui %rte. Cl efi ell so,•a win. McLean 5:3) u'olnck. The bride wits asbialed Ed. Itutllnsw4 r. wil.g J. W l aor h(wiety, lite chs a Into tet whirb it i+ M.M,f.wKi I. wins tit, .Airlbnmid by her, al6ter, J1tsA Ada. M orri,h, must interest Credited Quarterly.offel•tvi to blx•ielies uq rakiug this uHA quite %%'Ater buy, Rabelais hle. 1'11afe • pack, Wiy tile a e gtn/t by Itis brolher, Ismxc p•lasible,-xud we consider it lilt excel. Itubrits. Tina k«iia-m. Jai -6 lie,tford and 'fable. After the cutrosuunv flat, thirty- N'u. (rats. Judge ofplrr, paF)• &aidJhy' five set• furl wrath coal down lab an ANDREW PORTER, Manager, - - - - Goderich Branch. Joint quids. and coucxl(ft in hurtirul- a4.,1 oolptrea, r'apr mi,epha,.t seal John ). K Lural matters. Niehol.on. leonalt), un,e klK wr, Ch».. Niel, excellent reluast. Mr.. laud Mum. 'J'abb Woo ouuld recommend x heris•s of hmli. Capt. A. Yhel.h.&M. ?�anagur of 1•ihs,e. will 111+tke their humo on the sixth - - -- '-- /tu-, (A'ahaln. M %ago of rk•.uucn. Itofrreq, cumpe•titiuus tilt- prizes fur tile,. iR-st• 11 elltleOdere fral I',A i. cuuce,aciou (lf Collnx•nr meld the teat ,t>• rte-I��,r��� kept IIvvoivr gxtden, irreripective of _______ wishesof inany friends will 1's. with Yo �% 'ize, dfvidell by ward+, that i,:, theev LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Chum fur a lung tend happy lite. Do 1 V�� `have / ��Irself ? rrizeh for each ward (ff, mar- Ise, $:I : Walker Blake. ' :Md, Wl1 3rd. 1$31 beinK SI(1 to eavil Thive weak, to Eth Etter' u,.t %,nlr . rill ----_ ward• a total of $411. Or, if we find by ,nit orda etwt lanw I ralhal" the Tailor'. . x 1 e'aterla)' at high noun were crlr-�- a Iditiuns w Aur filr"nlerhhip Ihot our The M.o,hall mnitary tnattr.•.+1,, 1110 be.t broiled the nuptial, of Alexatuler V:• 1t roti du, and Nits in need of tiny of U mlit will warrant lar er prize- then ' o.f.j r, w w„•t -,n lar) m,itt,w,, the ul,.t WidL•er, tit likWAnville, Fliuik., and K P vdor[abL•I" xttrc--. It a, .011 by %i ilmor J1ism Carrie Blake, daughter of Mr, flee fouls, 1\')e, CAN SUPPLY YOU. a •• -ich inreaIslip iplit len considered. adah. Our cum etitiou mud prized moat for ,laid Mrs. Will. ISlmke, the happy event HALOR21--Baker b and Carbo-Jlmgnetir. 1 P A `real variety of f+oey coot no doubt taking place at the r•em,drta•u of the tirat year• tat on A muulewhat liar• wall he ""the ice at Ise rink wwuht. Ito, n t 1:AZOR RTRAI'S-at Lit•, 3Se, 3(1), -,Oita•, 5c and $I.W. i"meale, but we lelievl' after this In,uterwhit 01)lu•IfL0,01meyou wear whe„ tho bride'a lxuyufs. 'title regr•mtmy sun $(ote8slbticsfnra pnrtrli,liters i+on!y ,vas prrrorun•tt by Iter. W, if. (ilea- SHAVING BK[•SHES-Grailyange.Ironlite•tojl.lq. yrar'as experience ter will be able to 0114 carietygfra,4nt-ani•uc.lite fixe wrt-aad SIIA\'lNG SOAPS 'I ardCu: Atr's,iucakew. oTer larger prize�und ineresue our halo ono Irridr teed grlxnu were un• f g C ,ulletihon in various ways• much as John Young, of I orter's ,Hill. attended. The bride's esmottime was of SHAVING SUAPtI-[nue 1 flee u1Alr,, in atickr. including cin omes for lawn.,• orchards slfppeil on tilt- ice sidewalk in Clown creams crepe•de-chem• trimmed with SHAViNO \(CGS -set f m Yin to :Ila• ra, h. f and rhildren'A flower trxlrus, nDd lent Friday and stibtsilled a broken chitrun tend I-llxnl, xnrl she rarriesl :s B' S H A V I N 0 MI1tRORS' Etc. behuco cotnletition. leg. lwutturt of trwem. Among flat, ollemts ' 3. We ietutnmeud consultation by'a Ow'fng (u lite unt:rvnrable weather- bare Nil'. .',fill Mels. 'Thum. Ma?•quts and , ' rnmluitlee with the public: mchol)1 last Friday flight the mecond great) MissJenttie Marquis, of Niligxrs,Falls, S. L. HIS -CENT RAL DRUG STORE and Collegiate, institute Ilitalxlm to Luivy dn•ss coruival 1A'A3 lwatpunull N• Y" +uui Mr. And Mrs. George endeavor to have a mrbtA•m orf improv till tonight. Walker, of Gerrie. After the awl• ' li(llli {ilii:. UX"t'. in and lesi itif •ill • Litemt•homtl d,rt dinner still the usual festiritira g ) ti The Li1K Isis of i tet IJurun un Tnlw- •Ir�est�0 ����s�elelei����� �tx,unds of the town. and tie develop del met in convenliouat Brusim.6 and the nippy couple Ir[t on the :I:,ia1 train _ CLEARING SALEOF WINTER FOOTWEAR Now is tho little to secure genuino bargains ill all kinds of WINTER FOOTWEAR. Wo have decided to clear out all lines of Heavy Rubbers, Overshoes, Felt and Felt -lined Boots, Shoes and Slippers, at greatly reduced price& Tho new good3 for spring and sunlnler aro coaling in and we must have the space the winters , oods occupy. This is a sale you'should not linails s every- thing in this class of Footwear mustgo. REPAIRING., Downing & MacVicar N1•t'st silt of tluarr, GODERICII Get Your Lawn dower Sharpened AIM% in lila u tldren ell intrust in tinier+ generally. '11IIH Illlgh( alio tour be by di i > ,' tsole,c?u:1 \\ , fh Karn editor ni '1 11 nrU,e•I . f awl, ay Iheir Glndid itr for tura visit at ingrnmol»lad (:urrip nn,l ,ext Monday they btart un their tri i lab 1 heir future hnuiral �'he the &ink u( l' tmc re In lhu head Otlfee :,' �. PE�IhINGTOiV 1'orouw. � � R �-r ' F I D Ei 1 encourag%ed it»IIs. ge as. am to til tion ila and bulls to the chtidly n n the next election lab the 1'ruvinciuf L •Kislaturr' iiisipincillr. bride's Gavclliug con Uuue is of htrmll Rov. J. AndOna,n, lte,. J. Itarnutnn ata a 11� • 1, L.r + Shupened 3. Lawn h?$(wars Last Season, aryl 1 r wlincaelh our $(cold ,with prizes foe suceers \\'o would direct the xttrntiu❑ of Indies' (•loth 'With halt U, ntntch. 1Len)' \%situ friends in Ualrrirhmudthat icor. Lr Afrl eua .Incudal t u J'ro,b)tei, he expects to doubt - maetb in e1loton ou Tue alar. ---- in intbrircultiv,uiun• 4, We would also Ion• our leaders to the new wlrrt timrment vicinity wish the happy couple a long number thus year. Igo Inv Re,'iew . l'aptain Murdoch NIr I File your old hark at Y Lw Id, Is. returned to he, hotue m G•de-' I To avoid the rush he suit»tion ,old co-operation with flee ration with town council in tle (ormulaulti tend of lhp Clintnn 13usinrsa College, w nch is recoguized Lu IW one of the R life of unalloyed happiuems. Among many I eautiful present, were cher nen I ri timer.po ndi11aafo% d.y+with lawntae, Any - r, F'. if. C'lemerit- will began now. Any- S. H A L S T E A D carrying out of telans fur hrasrtifving °lust prlgn•sbive, unadrru reaped Gx,w flee hride'm father and the groom' _--._ • one notifying him by -- i stre,•ts and par•km of the town, and the iro rovement of many s ata sand p 1 Iitivaueam schools In the Province. ,tither. Tile regular meeting of tjtr W. C• I ,lite grexnn is a brother ,f T. H. Walker. of the Has sit mp•e•e•t Iry ry. v n He is till the rond And carries Onvern. postcard or otherwise I WANTED have his htf•eetH which nn• new an ryewlm and T. C. will Is• bald nn lfund,ty lifter- I i' intent-lested Scales, »sed will pay the can mower tollowin rices: for, it a Ceprotel. leant at 3 licliwk in t he Teutleraticr PERSONAL MEN TIO SD tilled and wdl- 5. We ulsn strongN recommend the Hal. A cordial invitation isextendeA -- A. F. J. Naftel ACTIVE AGF.fNT RARm, 3s. per 1(Jim. be dehveted in time for formation of 1,I:u,s for the collection to all t.h . Isdil.A of the t(iwn. Mts. wait in Toronto t week. Motu Ftoee Fox tat retLL: tied m q \'loll 1{alter, tee per Il. use. His charges are of bampI" (li bell It to hl' %hniv 11 '1I lila BI y,ll,. rif i.uckllnw, president laf In Lnml4x,. Ill Sell rel h-claem Cla , W 1 K I I ,' anJ (3e,»mil, lila• IPI I1. moderate, and all work nnual it owe and o A fru H r sn 1 h see show in Mmsey Han. Toronto, ill tnyem- 1{ruc•u roust W. C. T. 1:., will b�• Y I,Iesenl. A14,Grrtce �trangwaa b c from Mitehe❑ geyrDtiaday. 'U,xrd S(rnp Iron x,l,mcialty' entrusted to hen will be i MINING STOCK Highekt 1, -e paid fair it. l-er, the exhibit to lee elastic. us is Arthur Sutherland, of town, tank Wardell Currie wit, ' t town, tlsi, week un done In a thorough ••County of Hirun exhibit," thwe at e part u in a nlhical entertam inent given con -ay husincho. in Goderich laid vieinilc. FEATHERS It1i:NOVATEII• manner. I Way du something to show w•h.it this Ire. Clinton. and The New Era bays J. A. \Lorton. bar ter, of Wieghatn, was ie. is unMend* Y. Rehidencr , end Feather•-Renurmting county Is capable of doing in hurlicul• lure. Such a scheme call le d cared that, -though» hto', lit to A ClClinUm a udi"ve, he won flavni•'Lv his easity Wra. Willis. Halifax, wt,+ Ill town over Sunday ,iritis hishister. Mm A. F. J. Nanel. Addressiuuutdisi;ely' Works. Bt. David's lit. ' BOX 413, T0I10%TO. OLIVER 11. PENNING 101, = Wllllam'st., Goderich out with the co -reparation tit the other mnnrier laud clrstr enunciation. Hila Ilaa,ald N .lumlay halt returned slum a tiro S. HALSTF.AD. horticultural mncteties in the county, voice, tbn11gh filet px,rtictilarly strong, wteks' tri to Toronto and King, in York tsn( rf a fexriRltt plan were outlined was 4)ff plexaing quality."ir,n I -ntr. ,_--- -- --- _-- _ _--__--- _. --- . and submitted G, the c(funly eouncil at its June me Won that bod'v w'eulldnil IrasL F'ridav evening the re•sidenee *Mrs. II, . Han, of Torootn, inspector of the Rterl sa HAksk, /. vilaung the brstirbu of tilt. doubt The ple ase d to arsibt us, its it of Jar•. sand Walter Sharman, Kemys street, woo the mcene (ff it pleas- Bal fai thiedfrtrict. . J. Off -ie, late with the T. Felton co.. Tor would Ike te gr•ent benefit to the• rointy of Hurnn. $tilt ethering, the foo -cat -ion being the nio, hn+Liken a r"Otlon as wtlwmut l,a tied.whole getut Hnr.'dryh'ood■ store. 0. if our llnances will allow it, we would realeiinntit the silver atlnivrMa' rml car qtr. And 'Mr•s, Sharnlau's wedd' Nit White lneeWynn).ofKan•staCity, has been set town for a tow* dA • attending her I recommend artangentent.s to be made for A dihtrilltitiun of Atxtul fifty guests, were proeseut, onsh father, who have been unwell ureds and bullies, or sbrulmc, aftioniZot. the feline outside being Rion Det t And Woodstock, Mr•. Funk Wright and Aon, of strat ford. ars rtoottinR Mm Wriaht'm titrentr, %fr. and ]iia. Geu Toronto members (lt the Society, daring the coming fill, N,nIPWh»L ou f he lines A hit mnnler of our ei Zell" have sbomwxt.,trect. N. } . Iwne. rose of cnuntr' l'lerk ••�l1,,aan,, has shown to have been "urresafulIv rac- Igen under the duclorr' Imre during been Inunfrrr"t from the• r I1ntbam l,rala:h of reed out by the St.. Catharines iforli- the laht few• weeks, the being many _ - C dp?ral And other N,wiedes. If this Coital,of lac cold it it -grill' and it be notlNlahible thin hall, we IWlieve it number of cruses air tore serinum coni- baron Co. Stock Exhibition he a testers. fotthe encourngrrur„t plaint.. The epi ends. (if (.•rods has Paula chit -ch. Clinton. delivrr•ed it I of memherhip and the developeneoL apparently lab and moat of the at Clinton of horticulture in our tmvn which • len Id t f I h f 1 M ether !laden' tate, progressing tel- wanla recov ing (if . e ii,i gpa A. ,� P. o no Ture(lay ecrning and Lhr follnw•init Us. R Il sell x: ti,t mfg L as , lilt , al • ranged for iusl site anon As our finances The Cit atilt Foundry Co. pLice,l I- W permit_ rt�he l s girlet at lhr, Guelph A The preaposmils above made (to not by r4d1.1' .i Railway rappPeer Maitland Thursday, April 4th any means exhaust possible lines of brid : at Auburn oilAtr hi,llety, and useful work we %night engage ho for it the rivettinpi is completed there. Your committee Luce found ass they r Cinnlwny will send its men considered theme Lbnt the Held of lack hetet to complete the bridge Prize List horticultitral work whirb such ahoci - arrom the G. T. It. tracks. There im ty its this can engIs a in im m t rh Also , span to Ile placed at Sharp'h - wider and mnrr variurl than we) let creek. HoResA. Await Seen)lm,akihlr, but iia we it only A tortiarr resident of G(Nlmrich, who, (yreeatrar.r.. IK•ginuisg A life (lt activity on iude- %sill la• remembered by thews. who) Isl :rid Ird lendent lines we feel -con tent that lived here twenty-five years Ago, died Rebellion, yr.. and over. #In art $3 �WIitm. 1 )'r,. and noder• r t the nsulls of even our fl t year'at o•I'• nu Tuewtay last at het• honle, in Feaa►.. frnts will awaken a de c of 11 rent T(fmulo, in the erhnn of \frri. Atthnl' "alben,:1)n. and over In a x :laid enthusiasm whir. -would make, it Wily. Mr. \\illy was G. T. H. eGt- `414hen, 1)'r .and older......... n $ 1 possible for uA W nl•trge our opera- tion agent herr slain a quarter of A 1'xru usleuN, tions many foil. centiiry sign And lath he and him 11(fw• Ile,, f'crcherun malllon.. . In 3 Such it tow to Gnflericb offers# decenleed wife- were well_ known and HCA%•r inlArunrm. ?tinny advan es for organized work popular in the- hot:iitl eircb•s of the Hrood MAre, 7 )•n. and over...... a 1 7 ,nch as we have endeavnr•d IA, out- town. 1rwxKl Aare. 1 y„•. and Imcler 7 Y line, and, if we would "sake gfxKI our lfimri \arab Hnrlrr, lhla little ten- t:etding,:syn,. and ever . ... .. a x x chin) Aye "the nattiest" as well (ietdin", 1 yr,. Gaal under..... x Y }' rear-ulrl (Lurghts.r of (i. T. It. Section-'I'ean, its harnasa .... s a J ter'L hPAlthaeto t,,%% -n inCansula, roan .luhn Hurley, pbesmed the ffr.t Flnul]yofat.ol,.eralis..... " ,vs. est do rsuuething nxlre than we• niuhical exnrninat ion at the ismthm AGan't•LTt'aAl- , r io the, pant to oupplement what Con"ervAt)rV of 11rtiaiv, held Febrnsry Tann in h.rnts.. tat, miller dmated by Thw aturc bar doer in this ravuted `P` >latrhr. a$(e•nr, lkyrina Mf$(. . 1 Yimt, w'Itll fit�l-CIM9 bnnnl ri. Mass I'n, %«tile IV,_ } - -- - --- - Hurley iv raphial of the sinters 11f St , hl»od Male. J yr, . gold lost -ph :and her mplvndid sourceless is Ilreao•l Marc. 1 ye•• and under 3. 7 1 1 HOCKEY NOTES. hi0hly 'Teditable to we, young a leUl- 'Gy.NRNAL Pt'Itlxll/r., uoslrr j►n„ !' :SO•utrhie'1 McDonald. of lhr dent unit also rere flector credit on her Team ill harness, Jilin it.. and �A t (i,Klerich lawAry leans, accompale•nrher•s. nivel ItuAWrnm. the Molmt'vorbt team which played The Horticultural Socipty has bees, aita111(mn. Uilxte. and under,:l)rr. cAnva.sing fur new mernlerm assist baa sed over. .. herr In"t week to Se,rfurth Nlld p1AV4'd With the northern -hath Inns. the- -ulded rllaite• a namter t., its toll. while Stallion. Igo hands and 0%rr, xyrs. he )tie wag u f ie,, tl to 8. and the preps rdhrrn are exlecLld to join I»err. 1'he and nror p min1t]e Horne in harnesses, Ii 1 1 reports all may heotchie wsim the Near• nl('mbe IN grt'rhe Canadian florticnl- Fibers IN and over, equipnee11l Ulrist las n Iretniunl and Seerrtitry ,nn.Idered n 1 of the evening. 1 Saddle iflaror , Goderich Will Soy Amateur. Lane split in a club 41f lhirt� eight Tuan in bnrnc,a, JS t.2faiand..and menlllers the either day. 'Ilia is in oy t.r . ... In The secretary of lite O,xlevirh addition In the many members of the Hc,C ,toille mcer In hanw..,, hockey chile rrrrired A rnmmunira- Society alio were nlet•al egaipm u, comide"A.... ..5 a 3 - ) getting Ilse Jatnpt:s,rn%-,-r hurdIr. . Ili .5 tion front the Guelph professionals, Iringazine. hlose(I,ll:r, ander 151.1' handii, equir sient talk atxking the Goolerich temil ti, dna• x fdrnd, lnirnnf A blanket dnnar,nl by It Ilia 1 SrctAtary Lranc of the (lnderirh hum, IS,•.t It,aul.lur T,Ktnr. nndrr 1311 hams., gant- ill Wit% l on accepts night, hat Bn\vling 11.11111 lush reei•ivpal slit nal- whllrdom•led by Jntnes ween.. the. $(tire wxri unL ter-ePp[pd, !ie•crtnl vr1•timingelreilarof -Wit It the Blit. C.vrrix of the plAyerm refu.ed to go, rviderttly i.h linwle•ry in Canada," a history of Iulwilling,n lose their Auaalenr soLau(l• lhr plKyerr and 111(mit of the towrtv msnllu,ns' ing. The London Free d reams hum not Roll, and mt.r 3 y leen Able to plrn the hrAela of 11te, vimltrd. Lv la. \Cillox, (ibi•K(lw, and Hntl, 1Ye,. end tinder 3 : h,sec, n mnt„eriptlGn list at him ,,;,n Hntl. 1 yr. Ind sander . a Pb,yeib in regard to the O. H. A., ,and Anyone wishing A coolly of the hro, io ti 3,3'r - and ever.. :, 1 although theydid lloL get v(•ry g. I .!,ould see �(r. lane. Cloth -faunal Hclfcr, l yr...... .. ; 2 flrutmcnt from that laxly -they +lar AI the book cowls 3 shillilli(., lxntJiro, I /fxarmalir:. h•aet unwilling to forfeit their go,xi ,fid :lanorm en, in french hlandi11q, `"gnorce, t ehil- Hnn, 1 rimad m;a . ower .... s. Ih,)I, t yr. seatunder.. :1 Seamen vs. Pilots. _ Co.. 3 ye+. and ro-rr .. x The West -ht n -et rink wan the scene CHURCH NOTES. Rainer, under 2years . 3 a ell an n i.-iial event (ln Tisewlay even- Pol.i.st Aro hull, yrv. and over. - x ing, when tilt- "Ilii Is h' mnd "Soatnen" The official IKund of the Se•nforth lint], I yr. and under . 5 Met ill It lit.. match, which Lhr 110hodist,chnrch hast invited Rev. A. I'4'w-3jr.. awl over . .. Letter wun After an excepaionnlly h»ell K. BirkK, w'hn in concluding his thiel Huirer. und4rl yl,o,... ...:,'. s A baton by n acore of 5 to I. The gmnip year :am l,astor of the cMlrch. Ill re- ,Alar ('ows, FAT Ave Prfrs RTrxes AND wrote playttel inner a new costs- of rolem main for the fourth year. Hairm ,, or: -tan If fair for feonsion, whi(•h 1) 17Calw-,any ace orbrePd . ... '35' 7 1 P At the preparatory serviep in Knox Fa effea ace considered 7' Cnrmmndore Fred Platt, in iniforen, chireh last Friday evening eight new Fat steer, nae renaiderrd x 1e, hnudexl out in a rather entertain w•ny. tntemlx•rm ;vert et•criced into full cute- '1 •reek let,em. a )ern. need tinder. 7 i The rule, were drawn U in Kisch n 1 stork Hctfnrs. 7 yrs. and ruder. 7 "x P Inanlon with the rhmTh, • meven tin Rwyy:l,oTA9rA, \toy lhAt fill ritattcr what hnppene•d at pr•or".sion of their"faith and (life ivy Heat %fate. any age, . Inns would he rolled off. I•,,r in. coil tIRents.. [test Female. an (' . stanrt-, if a fnr%voted t•nshed and leftist of an fiiord, a )16: also nn lisp g 1 11 The, fir.% aonivenoiry (lt flip dedicA- lick. Ano the natLkre er -lopped ,,ler, will nil. it tilrl"nrw•nd w'oltld l,• ruled o I} f ' Lon of North draft Nrlh(idint church "r not Arnrifig, while 11' the Juek w.•nt in will IK, celf•hnat it nn Sunday, Dtnrch lith. Nev. \\'. (i, Hnwann, (if Wing* ----- --- �-- -----I the net the goatkee keeper, \v„old le put 1 PIT for not sGapping It. 1{etA•rn• 1'Lrtt brim. will nr•a,•h. Tile chair ill n•- 41 I t �. handed out his pcmdtiem tin ineveifill l•. tend set ane stage of the game only the iwl Itig bitcrinl music for the rx:l neion. Thpie walk a gorxl attendance lit the �' wet lift nn the lee, two took Fred lrn)kthe p11ek nnrf cherkrd off "misainnnry tesi' In•Id At lila hnrnr of Mr. land %Ira. Willian, Arhpmnn un EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL with hhnself set. the. c•entrr, anti the t M4ndnw evening under the auspirrs (of t wen genal-lbeelwia had .I hundred-vardst dAkhlomrewho the W'on,nn'm %limminnery lbclPt) of Ns•ithatrert,\Irth4xlintchnreb. tNITN HYPOPHOSPHITES could get it. tit t wow ton �/ Aftor the Ifni Mrs. (Iter'.) lbunilton Rev. islass mach lilt, the a rIAtavr4, iW sand Ihr h4•.1 Innis set. Ibis tainlfl of the players find tont ieen on J. U. Heid, of Nile, gave interesting he"oun (if the yetar. skates flat' yeah atlel rnn�WlllPtitl)' did moue extra at lnta that sere not goner• ally mein nt a hockey match. The ouldreabef•s oil ntissionsr•y topics And Arthur St,thrrbtnd sango lo solos in very pleaming manner. Curna ktnnding Colds nerd tone. tip I lie &) ,tem, thereby pre. v ing as further scan( k. D.ArR(1 )lottlry 50C, Fhi" xrne wits in nil of the Alexandra ltev. C. It. (iudne, rcetor of St. (Areital and fpnre A aim wax netted Paula chit -ch. Clinton. delivrr•ed it Its he hnndpd twer to the Irulvd, there very Intrrosiatinq ndd"e, tit the inert- Ir,•tn i a large Attendance110*rof of aiaPCGttora x,41 ,a IsrgP nurnl,er set tickrts afetal. ing (if . e ii,i gpa A. ,� P. o no Ture(lay ecrning and Lhr follnw•init BLACK CHERRY COUGH BALSAM wiom the g;une rommenccal all the evening enndnctt-cl Ihp \VPdnemalar Vnverm wore- oilskin et atm and hata, t when it started they' All d/iffrd evening nervier. At Rt. Oe/r•gp's. Itim Tirwleym-ening addrTvat wma on the the• giiarantecol Cough (•tire, 26e pit Intfle. thes(- metal \vent after the puck lei great selyle. The s -,amen got thr flrat 1suh,iPel, "Right-handedness nnrf 114t.)1 handwinemx,'• and wan Mons k u, 0. DUNLOP,(.ientifio•, 1 Sial, but the. Pilots rvotl evened up, fines, calrylated to slh11ulatp thought nF:uFoRo BLfn x })urn(l]m'r, linnttwo u. ■ ■ wwac'e••aslsr•s .. • COURTHOUSE igff! - 'a"'ai"�' i{ PHONE NO. SQUARE. as/RLC lMPORTLIiJ{ GODLR%CM• Lace and "Embroidery Sale COMMENCES SATURDAY, MARCH 9. OUR annual sale of Laces and Embroideries commence~ &-tturday, March the oth. Awav back last Fall we placed big orders with manufacturers in 1-_.ngland, Switzerland and Saxony for the Laces and Embroideries that go on sale Saturday. Thousands of yards, from low-priced cotton Laces to (taint' and deli- cate Swiss Embroideries, will be on oar counters, marked at prices that are pos- -ible only because the goods go to you with, no profit but ours between you and the maker. Lowness of price is not the only attraction these: Laces and Embroi- deries have. The beauty of design and fineness of quality of the better lines are enough in themselves to win thefavor of those who see them. Saturday, March the 9th, the sale starts. if you have Laces or Embroideries to buy for any pur- pose he sure and come. Bigger stocks, greater Variety, better values than ever before. 1' ,\ 3Cllundlwls asst hin(heds t+f ):anis „f coUou tnlrhun I.0 er an 1 ln,tertiun,.' 11uZ4•IIH of patterns to select fallen. Amsterled widths. in any rami worth double the u,rnke%. all At (file prive feet- clear lace and F.r ibntider) sale, and that price... .... .........3t per yard. \•l. Hundred" of yanin of Nottingham 5c iau•ra, cotton, tnnhlan, valenciennr. :1 11 ran,hric Embroideries unit inetertions. lhiz- i•nm uI palterus to st-lart from, every user Ilew Ihimseason. All al. (lilt- Juice for oua r face sst I;mhroidery sale, sand that price ...5s. per yard, lnttinghum isarte:, esttnn. tearrhon. `\T 7s. 9wtms N:mhltiiiderb•a nnrf fneertions, rl(lzpnh of new patters, dirt-vt from the maker4 In McAliogham rand Switzerliend, all at one price fur one te•wits, and F.nlhmidery sale, and that price. .........................7C per yard. AirlOFine v:deneiennrmiann la, tnrrhoc Lw:PY, trimulingg laves with huaer- Iinns. Assn Swimr Ernbroiflery on cambric soil s(lImlin will, inarrtiin, to ...atch. Dozens (lf widths Israel tail lerns, go,ml vahies, all at cl11e Ise ire fot• 41111 Lira and Vnibroidri v sale, and that Miles..........................10c per yard. Corset -Cover Embroideries 25C lir to �!I) patlocris only, ( nrset.-cover Fill brnidery, foil width. Wand desigtlb, on Hnr, strong cloth, regular:3'K: to 41k, the yard, all bet on:- price for oai 1-4ce and Eitibroidrry stele. Anl that Price .... ......... ....25c per yard. ,t The Sample Whitewear Corset -Cover Embroideries 35c A dozen patterns or more Corset -cover Embimderie.. fill width, bending r11go. nice, new fuatterns on fine el(lthn. imported di- rret retain the tankers in Switzerland. Pxtta a•sl11r /lar our lacctued F.mht;lirler}'snlr, 36cyd. Corset -Cover Embroideries 5oc'y ill or 11 patterns 041rset-cover Embroider- ies, rhnice dPhigns, good quality clnth, all new thin nenson, bonight direct fntm the makers, extra vdsav fill- the I,iwe dud Etubroidery %Ale, tier -,;%rat ...... . ........ ............60C Very Fine Embroideries Dozens of ,tttA rukin \Iry Hnr Vwism Mani 1Wntdel'iem and �n.ertinns. Beautiful dP/igna ou lino lawns and nnlslins. Inkert.ious end 4.111- 1-rnideries to maG•h. All widths from linv ed Kos to those wide enodgh for rnrmet-covele. The handkln11test Int of Emhtvlidetrips that ever have been on 'uur counters. Well worth conk- ing to m-. even if you don't Imy a yanl. All -Overs An extra ell(lier list of thrill, froth Iaceb end Enrihn,ideries, dolens of patterns-, unit enn- tined to ouraeliei and this town. A Int that is fat•and away IWtter than wee ever imported Huitalrle fnr silly pnrprxle•, per yd. 50c to $3.50• We, never sold so m'.Ich underwear in a day as we did last Saturday. it wAs no wonder, for these samples are good and prices low enough to make every grarmznt a bargain. There is still a good assortment left and the sale will con- tinue for another week until all are sold.' it's not often We get a chance to give customers of this store values as good. if you can use Skirts �---, Corset Covers Children's Dresses Gowns Dressing Jackets Children's Underwear dont let this chance slip. When they are }gone, it Will he many a (lay before you can buy them as cheap again. We couldn't sell them at these prices If they were not samples. e A Curtain Special 3P pairs Lace Curti -tins to sell on Saturday. of one pair more. Surplus a jobber had list 39 pairs to sell at 95c after filling his orders. Merchants who worth at least $1.25. bought thein ii+'ill have to sell them at $1.25, and' they are worth it. Full ,;5; yards long, lock -stitched edges, good width, nice, lacey patterns. Just 3f)pairs to "ell on Saturdav, at, per pair .... .., ..... .................................. 95C a