HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-3-7, Page 74 Yj •
_----------.. .w — — ---- -- , _. __
*Ii**s *+-********+*' ,* ci?* Dear Mother
Your little ones are a coolant can is
i.b Fll
ca" and Water
Do you e rJim. rh,yrabout sk,loi.,
The News of the
+ District. _11r.
Curr, da Lung fon., and
hat a . dose I%.o on
? It a said
a to be the only mluhle reaedy for all
Po'p"• "P' '4"V' ''V' °9` °V' "V" VLOD"t"J" •'U"'V"'US"!"'0`''W'P"''V' '9" U"`9°"V' "l "V F'V"` ""V" drs.ea of th-. sir pawoors ,n chiidren.
UUNUANNUN. I LOTHIAN. Ing uschineb and the shrill whittle as dents tooth at Danlup Haid Leeburu It a sb.olutely hJrmlca. and pleii .alt to
the xu•allt thresher- fn that sectiol. will Inia +t god citizen and an oblig- take Ituguar.nteedtocweoryourmouey
GG. A. NEWTON, DENTIST, LUCK I '1 UKRUAT. Mal'. 51,11. o rrtunted. I he pace n 25c. per Lonle,
. NOaa'. -At hours everyday air mptThum Mfw Mar Giltuour, Detroit, it at Filllould ,1larch weather prove nice ounl Ing nes falas. Ilia bon, Atchle, of and all dealers an roedicune sell
day.. New nwouyfurarirwtialtt.•ethlt)auno- Y ulnen a good day's N ort might Ila it - Carlow, hAa loasant Jbe farasl and will t''a
aurae Chir week. y s I L o H
forvsr.lwU•r Ihnn am+. llvwu and bridru work. 1•:LaiµLrl to dentruy thin terror or the shM'tiv cutue bete to 1esidr.
els. Aluminu is Lo tel own-breakabl•1. Jack Moltlatm bag been on the dirk pt,ultr)) The huutunu•u alt Sultfurd • - - . -..-. -- - .-
N. H. - You lar Awry, hisvis 'worknon,h list the last few dx r. xnd Lbe Gun Ulub wemlwt•b lisle
hotter dune In tan dnulal o ere route ill'
Y K L;AYFIELC. T6a reaoedy.hould be in eves h
betterfarillU«.9.doinguw wtork, uwty txrw \Ve aro plea►eel to see Mrs. A, Me. here should get together. y ou.ehnld.
rortable fur the Ila ieut' Lean Able w lie umtind again. _ _ _ _ - MuvrAT. Mail. nth.
NT* for
- THE LOCAL AGENCY Rnd. MacKay xnd !Urs. MxcKets i• LAURIER. - - Scuuot. 11KPUR'r.--The 1'ull0wiug is - -- --- _ ..
inhuaaasanalfor'rheSinuallsatthePost the twlwt•t of Hayfield pastille school
m,, ltar ii hntt btaLlonery Store, whl,ru of+land hi Iwochalnh on \Vcd ut+setay. yy -mass..., Faure, ;anti dallcin;:, lifter
orders wt U be resolved for .ntLeriptlon,, ad- TrEen. on AiAr, Sth. for the nce. of February, ry, bated on whfeh the ha o , K up
lo McDonald hxb received wont of I I ii your Allo to left
rertl.Ina said job work. end roculp. will Ire Goo. Jardine called on friends at uttendaucr, deuaranor +and geuet•xl fur theft• new' t,.ule, /lollloweNl h the
the severe illnebm of his eon William, rruIJtieric Y
given fw rwuualr Iwo fur the sttnw• the lake oil H+atulday last. I y best w1,'Iles u( x11 pt•esnlll.
at Alunnx: \Nath.
Bl)CCK\VHfsA'rFLOli1L THE AB. MrN. Alex. Mc(ireggot• said son, HE:tIORDn'Is1oN. -___ .. _ .
anLUTNLY'pureartiole,at0. C AUGUS. blies Boyd and Miss Mary Bender- uurdo, bent l•'ridxy in (ioderich. V.—Mamie Mcmugatl, H. Cameron, PROSPERITY.
'NNKA Dunrannosl. ran, Lucknow. were the guests of H
WKDNKeDAY, Mar, 11th. Miss S. McLean Sunday. We ere mairry to state Will John. Cleave Erwin. I V,-- ilda Bing, Ford
Mies Mar Rysu visited At her Iwme DEATH IIF MRs. G LMOIIR.-Uil Fri• tato° is at present under the weather. King, l'Iitlurd I ulluek. lyrnior 111. Afu D:tY. Mar. 4th.
> l-Wionle McNeil. Edux UCUee uud Kciunn. Rveour.-Thu fulluwiI , it
un Sunda • at. day, ALu•ch Ihr. tan xn c1, nI death :Itis:: Maggie harries aptmt a c•onple the mtnadiu • of the nn dls f IS N..'u.
y g lit dayo with her grandmother, Mrs. Juhu ,McNeil, euro. JuMor 111. F• 1 { V
\V. Mole inade a business trip to p,Iar,sel over our community and y g - Evelyn Pollock. Andy Sturgeon, Weet WnLit an,hall. fait• the na„lat11 of
Gooderich on Tuesday. claimed as fill victim Mrs. Post. (:it. •1• Jamieson. hr., last week. Maggie McLeod. Senint 11.--LJ14Ala February : Senior 1V.-Thnu11a laid•
Mibh Martha hlullouKh is ail I)ivm t 1110111•. 'rhe deceased h:ad Fars fn deIf- Mib> Fanny McKenzie hits returned King. Irene Rui,s, Mataie Patr•slonl,. (filbert. Wilson. Senior Ill. -Liz..de•
vitoiting frit•udr Slid relative, ias Luck• rate health for nearly A ,year and for home, after mlwnding a week with Nuiullor un roll, 4'2 ; aver, a„r, ILi. Finkel. '('I:u•n 'i Ivuurlry, Uxix•I
flow. the past four months had been lied. friends #laid relatives In Ripley. T. 11. Bluow1Lof Toncht-r. Mills. Junior III. --(:.•urge 7'taanaley,
fast. A]I that 1111•diral Powt•r could Mrs. Ken. Melsennnn t•ntertalned a ' Jv--lon DIvIS.O.W 'Vloiet Plunkett. "LOLUa Gibson;
Rev. Mr. Robinson and Ra•a. ,Nil-. du w•an done, but to no Iavail. AI few lit her friends ;and relatives very '\\ tale)' TWIL11110y. 'senior IL
Rutherford excngeld pulpltk un .Sufi. though a great ser
riRer, she always pleasantly on Tuesday eveilifig
t. Senior H. Latin King, i1mroll Ch#lrlir '!'wand, -y, :llnriel \1'ashinp;.
(illy last. showed the greatest, furtiulde and nruodun, Anuie Elliott. Junior Il,- ton, "Charlie Mills. Jithiur It. -\Val•
8 en4o Annie nod and Mie" Maggie W. Sturgeon, Annie MrNoil, Agnes Kc- p s
Mise Prank McLean, of Lucknow, chnet•fullte.-. Hae will hr gnaUY H(-n,L•rson, of Lu •know, sere gums K , K fur \Ylshin •tau, •hillie 1 Irinkol 1.
srwnt H+aturday and Sunday under the ulis,vd, as she was highly es. of Alr.,. Diane. Mclvnu+ul til Sunday. Dunald, Senior Platt 11, -Willard Part i1,.-LavinalllotchinN, Ada Medd.
1 ,
Ir • 't'ItP-•L
•Gen AI . rt
DI'PbN 1 !r r.
rx eutxl runt. ► Hannah F' t e
t t. + . , • M. [ x t ! - 1,I I tk r, Ilaz 1 Ills -
eau I l a a large circle of friends.
We are pleased to report that Dors, ` JAOted McLennan hes aereptel It Leitch. Middle i'll"t ISI. - h:atir
i 'l'Ilr funeral wmm lar sly attended on nigun, Alurirl .Smith, 1•:Iwul alloNm, ,
Monday to Kin l.asirf0n fn the M5lbons Bank, Luck- 1.itUr, ILrLsie laliu t, ,%tw Blandon.
H. E. Manning in aide Gr he out :again Kr iilge ceruetuty, Adrlirie Smith. Those whostr n:uurm
after a prulungutl Mulled. whew Father•, McCorwick cnnd11cld ,low.nrad started to work ilia March 1. Junior fart IL -Alvin Towfirhrnd, are niarkrid a were allotment hunt one air
The W. M. H. hold their w nthly Lite funeral be•vlces. The warmest J.ah'k Dingwall Arid Lave McGill and Frank King, Lillian Cittlitg. Senior rnuW exandnAtiuus. MAnlu. .1.
ineeting at the home of Mnt. 1 pert aynghalhy lit tae conumnity is ex- \lis-:•. .It-unir a1r11urchy and Anna PxiE 1. -- t\'ibuei }flair, Beatrice BAILIE. TeaChcr.
tended to the sorrowing huroband anti Mctileglor spent W-Anewlaay the Brown. Juiliur l'iut 1.-,I.ubv Eliiult,
Henderson on Thumday of t hi, w a,k. gurht, of Miss Annie SICLenti:tu. Sidney C:t"Uer. Clarence Pa x• . Num- -
\ there small children.%
Mrs. J. O'Neil, and her bon mo d _ Iter tali roll. 17: average. 37. WESTFIELD.
daughter, of Fannytl.•11,•. DLu1., ash -- \ t;REWE. F. N. tiTAN rRy. Tcaehrt. Tt'KynAl. JlHrdi v.
have Iwen yimlling Lite forwer'- MAFEK U. Wkanszt•'t1Y, at5r. lith. p;,lwanlmi-nuwellleft this (Tues(i.aN,
nether, Met. McC.uu), in I NL T''ro'4AY, March :nth. Mist, I.. Caun+run is.i'ialtin • in l;tin•
nosh, left fur their halon in lin \\'(-,t MOND Y. Feb. ;lith. ( anornin t to visit ftfruds in Hebpelet.
ldrv. l;, Itasllie•)torri exrpanged (aril- son thin week.
,on Tuesday wnruing. '!'bey were atf•• Visa. Blake is still 1,y. pits wish' ►fres J. W. ltoohiu"on lust R. J. Hoover. of Grey I wnsI , ,
vornpaniet as far as Goderich by MrN• \1 artloy KiIpatrirk. o ,the G. (. L. Sahln►LII. &tlllUcl Muor.Lie is 15i,1 up Nilh '.I•)' was fu this neigh III rhuud taw I'atlrr
0.Neil'r roister. Mibs Carrie McCann, Inns file over.Sunday. . 'il ,, a , eilwhab ill his hare.. part of lar week.
Anlhnuy Pierce And is htide' Ifo roll Podloc'L is visiting avintives Miss McKellar, of axginaay. is visit-
w N V'ml ,1'
ho will t t there for a few days. Mrs. John Gauley. of tllluu ib formerly .tli.b Mar•g;Lret Sispeas, of
K { Belfast, what were wedded ILL tiro in Iw.wluu fair week.
LR.tlitfKRmo \'Aller Lt•1•K!tow•. Un risitin her Ixrt•nts.11en•, ing her trotter .illrrrL Iliad oUuv
Mond ty evi•nhig I tat about thifty Miss ilina Sproule, of Du annul, hoaae lit the bride's parents on Thnrh- •Ivan Parker i, e,rotNrd to hi. Led friends in this vicinity, -
of our Epworth Leagnere, in re- is lbe guest tit Jdrs. Sauuderse. day I:as1+, latave tide I. -tot w6hes of their leis h a sua,riv attack ail l,nenmouia• John fi,unfonl i -I spending a few
sponse W an invitation, paid the Lick. ul.tny Il-rrwl+. Mita:, ILI;a lirnw ,i,•.,, -of 1Nondon, is days under the parental 1•rI,IL precious
now t,cx►gur. x visit. Miss &irkley, of I)un'arinon, isltaai
The L•scknuw• at the huwe of %Von. Henry on gun- 1'Rt»KNT.\775x. (1,n Friday even. I])c guest of her eon"iia, : Pty. H. Little io taking bis drpartfire to 1,u.+ home
lielagtae, Arbislad by lint• own League, day. r Ig lust. ° membet•s of the Crewe Wal. 11..bifiron, fortuerly pritivipal iia Saskatchewan.
rendered a proga:uri, atter which AIisN Huth PLarkwell, A[ LcNh#loch, is A lhodi"L clotlglxt;atirnr, with their of l4tyHeld publfc,rin.ul w'as ill lawn Miw F:cx 1\'igbtnuua. aa; it la le •r
unch was r,-rytd, and x social time
Kenally was spent. 'row Duugannot the g-aent ,if her aunt, Mrs. \V► . Vx lot, I(ev J. W. ttuloinsonn, gathered over ritud;,a+. friends. 111 r. and Ates. Hell, ICit ..It
wuaguemhoia+tlthenearhiture pen. `Ituthels. at he hunre e( I,eor)h Cacrzirr 'cud Hey. '1. :1.KLrndmah i.. coUduclfng Monday for liaxnduu, where .hr in-
joy a visit frons their Lowknow friends Elmer Phillips, of (iederich, war fore •ntal 6'. with ,a line easy Chair n•vivml Nervirrs ill the Melho.lihL Irnds to reside fur Futlae little.
fid t writin) dwsh , xevouipanied by chin-vIl ever night. J. E. Tate, of Cildetich, W !tool in.
Hud to trtw•u till- kindurns hhuavll huulr nn the sirk list for a few days Y K
them oil 314, ,,,III. evening last...esm last week. u• fo luw•11I;t oaoifred, : 'rho will i, Clubed doavn this wet J., sioecWe for .\\'est. Ilut•un, visited oar
r:.%R nnrtu:rtal:,,•.o:r:.—a•:a. the memlwi-s as tau ml•n nor r1, 40, tl:u log" on iLm- school this week and found it in :a
T. 1' K
s 1 mitt Harry. ra of
oc w: M INE,_ .. , l i . I'. Alton and t i t !
INIH L I t. I ItF:UI :'+ air lit ern, lit u,r 1'r w• h tr Irv°
1 a r 1,, Intake C a h. I
) ) aiNconditionr • c
g rue cru under b x11 m• -
Jail. \\'hyxnl h Iswu locking t rrru• Lucknow, vixirwd At' the house of an aid sur wJ.ru,K suxi cud /INItlLtIIrNIrIb Ia•taCh holtr. They arc drawing thew I I1 1 L
sive ire novenaentol in ruruneti.tlo ,'itis W. IlLike over Sunday. artist: a•l 1 ulbotoour.ptnnu.l wellJn• ourh.K ton the lake ice. v{talon of Miss Clutk,
i the.,., ,hx , yc.n..,,, rebtt:,th .ohc.al .ul.I' IjirLitl C'auL 11.•11. ,ho has INN -n
his hardware business. On ac,-waut of :Arnold Phillips, who has firers in I_,I -12 a, m.. leader. halt se,•ret,rr "ild JL••a•. T. A. htradinatl exchanged t
the growing Ira(]-, he haw had to cal- 1)rotlon fur the piaht two) years. is vis- trn,.•nn• .,it „• In"," L.,anl. and ,s. the ILI),. pullnls with Rev. John Llnrt. M Kip- ,livendfilg the wittier in To -rAlrcr, ,and
aK „u„ - p.. 111.e 1,. 11,1 elq-orlunitie, wait I Ire. on Sunday. The latter n•rxchrd hs daughlrrN, Alt,.. Hiles, of Kiue'll.-
latgc him t,)nt mash,, alllll oa now 1,u sling relatives :and trieAdb hetes. nut eCJ,s,, tt'„ u, iwr.ur, wo were htuae•1 in 1 I dine, and MIS. Ru n rson, alt Jnrner-
conne7tion with lire msidente hall, i"ll:uvnlit Val •alt one.. aa'e wish of .hu,v a IWssion+.ry s=ermon. 4'
Finlay Apthe Harold Treleaven and warn t.,.,on r The (:Ir.: ('duh• g:tyc anothel. town, N. Y.::uat visiting toren uon'ertd filtlo mo workr»nan, A it I. yoar.ere to vary prulydc,i.. 1, t the hunie
private office• lassos soca installed. Hud Rails(- .S exit St, of Lucknow +1anblic , ,n wit I. Uri :.1,u 'i. utrl,a xlsl wriva,t d,:w. of W. If. ('.uulrta•!I.
I"Chou!, Np#l•ut Sunday tit their Iprtned i.ut u,s'luO, o w autrut,iC vnlyr. but ., r l wMiAl hop fn tar town ludo uti 1'hurs 11 r. and alis. ./. H. I1.Nrver, of
Phu improvenlrrits 1rHtxt credit on hen, fuses o/ our L 'ah,,.auwdol)htorwt.naf,Lty eaworat;. afh.and air-;. a1r1)rm-'
tar pmprietrr. We are al+ul to stag tnknu ut4whit es .o to fr5:n,l,of rn•w,:. IW, of G,KI,•r•icb tuavualli f0roishell Pigeon. Mich., after bpending a few•.
that out werehants air prNrrrsmise Srraicer at HIAkr's church lo Hun- iain. i ior.o, h'vI!,.- is.IMr. lmai,; i . `o aaomr' the music. , days with Mrs. Hoover'h hrulhet•N, \V.
:and . er on themoh•rt In keelr;.t.rt•,u c„( day were taken fn tar morning Icy Mr. rnld.t tornanr Yva + ,wrw.,uw wix•nyuur If. And J K. l'xnlplN•II, curd other
e\ •new :anal in the evenia to Mr. so,,, •tr:.,l at n, ay u I a rlorr sky Now Il.en .1"r rltEn \V;aY' Dt' lhfi\r: 1T. -lbw
for times. 1)nr u Irl taPh cuunw tion s` g y frfends• t•n,4 th••ir d(-I,arr.Orr Pur flit-
. LwICILI)w, whh•h f 1,r souls tittle Honith. Thr Methodists of Ashfield Aso bunaC to p.mt w h ,rvcd : n,,x...I thus° c.,nncil i net ilia Muuctnv evening and fern Istk Allwrta, til., uiurniu
wonw )o, IL.I. tae: Iu Ir.,.I to Chr,•i. I aloin r With other husinr e cunct•d K•
rirruit have invited Rev. air. Sawyer ✓ We wish I.lit•w x safe join 11 a' In aitn
Jut -been soumwhat uu.aliol[uauty,'f11 '11a.,tuyrwusn..t1 °Amt I Ib„ ,.vr.11.3. Nr.it th,tt:dl o olemsows ofdog"mriml legis- j 1
allow in .perfect working ntd(-l- :and a tticrrttfL11Ime itis leir aving. n next year,
year, as has r. a ,t!ir ":c •R .,nn .w a t. estN•I,cu..0 a,d 1Cr turd pay the dos; flax before the Pnosprri►y in their ?I, -IV ht, u, .
Hnxl•rleaxm men iso is #lssnrel- a, rI ,ted flit- invitation. n+rl. a up Wimill of tic, e-Yrodo”. xlttI of April or they will be lined - - -
- -- 1 ..t 1c"xr.• fnnu 4i3 t51i111. This avill do awA}
NILE. MonfoAY, .\lar. 4th. 'u FINl,or." i I Planting Tier.,
I with Ilidinv air seudiuK Away clogs stn -
John }lalluu h returned to (.,tile- all-. Crozier wwo quite t ear I.y ;,ase . ! f'lantinz time will so on toe herr. or.
MI/ U.\Y, alar. Ila. g trier. tint expressed his oracle fur hi) the : ssl•,sur Inc past.
-So 11(101. RENMT. The foll.ravi114 1, rich oil .Satrartay. 1 1 F i der the stock sod avant early, an that
the gift and the dddres, a it titlifog 1
the txiNrrt of Nile public school' for 11rr►.L F'itzgrf,akl lust a valuable - - - - - it \rill not be far down oil the nnrxery.
Febru#lrv: V. Lr,nutrlAlrllwaiU. 1\'. 6or1e bast SaturLt tlauner. Altlluug11 Phu' lar her was ST. AUGUSTINE.
ninu'a Inst and reach you late in the
- tiny I+:err, F:rn(-st alcllwain, \•itdu i sneer Bb►kw said l'xnnun .Stolhel,+ t1,nplrxsxnt » guuil t,a. ay.
1'rnu1F, Iw)rne Kirkpatrick, alub.+l were in UcNleric6 Durr .Sunday'. i'rr,cut anP:a very ^njuyahlr eruinti Tt Eru.aY; Matr11 5111. Na:esnri. Late pl:w1,iu; iia the spring i9
Wilson, GLorhe,- irkpatrick, Senior , w:t` Nixon 1. John Furan, jt., left for Lite West naisarajous, and a large ler rent of late
o Regfuall Glen. trick. it L- Mrs. and Miss Mary I hillips have last Monday. planted trees aro always I. Nursery
re urnel horn(- after an alNenCe of Dr•YTu air• Y1tt;. Hloutxet On jy
Worthy Hymn, HAruld Mellwafn, oo Tuesday. FehruArV :0th. After 1 ingi DavidSnryth inlendm returning t0 stock sbn+ild Ire planted art as early
\ deter You
' Hym Olive AfcNre, 1 L- t yo mnntlin. contlued to her I,ed for nearly t ax • Edtaauton iia about two we•eLs. as the soil will do to work, 'And, know -
Ernest Glen. Vera Tiffin, Lloyd John F. Andrews, of Lucknnw, weeks owing to Lite infirmities of , • Chus. Robinson .knit Wo n. `:ixotf Ing whet, such time usuallY m, -s in
Yorin Viola McWhinney. Part 11, violated tot the home of his daughter, vxncing yevtl•s. .Iran Eliza Dreary each delivet•d a tine horse to John your sectinu, urge your nurse f M
' Mre. Wan. Stothers, last week. widow of the hate Marmiun Higgins, Medd. of DunKxnliun, un Monday. this on a oste that will Rc•► the dar n!
-Marion Ryan, hues Cutty. Mar- I
Rnwrfte Glen. F,a xfF; N. GR.1T, Stephen Stothers is hurilin stones P,ashel away at the residence of her
R I K .Gen. Smyth 'and family moved to ml time. TIN! nor.-rrYttan 1s nal, 1,u,
Tr:►cber. for the foundation of a shed. Non. llolorrt Higgins, where 11110 11Ht1 rknow Joist :Monday. They will lu- nation, std, while lie will NI Most on era
,• }Jew tits SI•suf•.viis .S•r,avn. -- trren ,living fur Ova ly forty yemots. K , th- uiibw•d In the neighlmrrhowl• fu rotation, he will tit- inflneurell by
PORT ALBERT. School report for Fehr IIAIT, S. S. No. Thedeeeweel war.i native of county . t trusters tan putting in new• that palmn Aho knows )list what he
H. Ashfield : V. (Total• 4tfs) - ImttlrA Armagh, irelatld, and came to this Tt •.mnAY; baa 5th. Fitzgerald. 31N1 ; Ger. Trehmven, :fel, country with her parents wheat alNnbt. r scat. )1,+t. Augustiasr. behead. They wants aael taken he wants 1t. 1Vrffe A
Alumpr And b gg►r•i1ppe A►.0 %rry prey- W. ITlotal, :15111 --Bert Iliyeas, 4 )7 : /'. ei✓ht•en yelars of age. She was I have puls•hamed all the IM11-AhnVy letter „f Inquiry about , yoar stnek
alsnt in our nei abet hoNxi. xrtid e/ uir,d bT the nww bt.c.
g Stotherb, a1N1; Maggie Glenn, 317 : l+vice untried. her Hast husband I,eioKl 1 nllont the time you ordered ft shipfe4
Russel Irwin, of Ripley, a irited in 1V,allacr Twatuley, 314 ; Leila Blake, John Tempi -,Lon. .She anti reridcaI fit — tint no mistake tray top made in the
out neighborhood the first of the air : Pear) .Saunders, 2K7: I"anny. London. Bluth• Marionette and in this DELFAOT. (fine. L. R. J. in Iowa homestead.
week. Fitzgerald, 1'-i i ; Will Alton, 272 ; tuwllsbip, and had 'd renclied her I uvilml Y. March bills to
-- ----
'rhomsnn's music wan is out again Mary Saunders, 3(18. 111.-- Erneat sevant.y- eighth year. She is Nurvivcd Miss ate h mev, of dile, has heelsDiversified Farming.
After being indispawed for the L•tst two Hall. Witt. Alton. Gee a Saawders, by two nulls anti three daughter :
weeks. Effle JuhnNtou. I L- Fission Twaeilev, John, Templeton, of Msw.
ooa jaw. Sask..-, vi"Ring het v. Id: 'Misr Bertha Show- The reasons for diremirying in fnrtn.
Mr. and Mrs. Janors Hayden at. Mary Glazier, Toni Glenn, will Mn. \Vile, urnhanl, or London, (ilia.:: wood. . lot; am M8113. First, it enables the
tended the funeral of the late feller Glazier„ Jessie Ftathers, Edith Johnl• JIrs. Wain. James, -if Kinlough; a1rs.1 Elsner Phill , , the ham 1N,-ri visit- farmer to gmw the Treater pnrtion of
Cotunphell, at Belfast, on Wednesday ton. Part 11. -- Will Fitzgerald, Ida d+ullr" Cuil)ert, lit Crewe: and Rohe•rt mg his Parer s ere. returned to Ills Own Ifrtng with but little cash
last. rlazier, Lila' Alton. tart 1. - Higgins uta the huttiestead, Itoiwrt 0orforich last we •k. a,':1111I.; r•-•l•oini, ,It' puts him in a post.
Jarvis Wiles has Purchased a tine W11-ath:a Twoandey, John (:learn, ta•ii:g the only child of her laic bus- l A goomlly tloml rat ended the rale ti:rn ht a Itich he Is match I, -P5 at lite
Peter (hazier, Glad a Rivers. I. -dud. 31st. Hirgins was a, devout At G. Smith's near St.. Ugustfac on mens c[ adcerr+• seasons, as, thou -,h
colt front Nelson I ierann. Nets. »I- y nre•nalm t of the 1'b:uch of F:ngl:uld. ' Aloildac of hank wreL Cwrl:an Cm , wales ho
ways keeps a few good hurewb on -- Srraica• Inns cuudur1,rd lit the houlei P grows rainy
hand. Ave regret to It •n t t. alts. J. nru, other rrffpm stay ylrld arell; third,
ST. HELENS. and grave toy Itev. T. flicks. of Dun• I M.rt'Ixnd is not ree, yr inf n1 fast nh-;r'rnnl.ir.: i:inr the M•tb r t0 maintrin
\Ir. .,n•I sits. James Crawford re- TvrmDAY, Mar. ?.-nth. gaurion, and the interment waft Made bar many friend-, wou wish.
nr.wld old friendshipm AC the home lit' in Dungannon cemetery. far pall- Ihr felyllf.y of his poll; (oast t. It brings
Mr. and ;Drs. JAmex Scott on Mot Miss M. C. Rutherford visited in N..(. it win bas left. b TulnnY,o In to hint Other b^ncAts p rowing mat of
Y loe+alers sem ll, DlcKenzir, 1 3lc-
evo,ein • Istel. Wingha in on Tuexdity. Lcakl• » course it) th•+ Scht ,1 of Prai•ti-'
i, GI-vnn, Wan. James, Jesse (ire;, Walt. I mtnttlrn, such ala r1latHbutlnq labor
Alfred And Wilfred Al r. ,►fid Miss liartlWan, of near Iiuv- oat `Jt•iencr•, \V(- ae4,h hftn uccehs.
Quaid took +a Urey and Jam. Culbert. I aver the -hole yr'rr nftrl mnrn rrfrc.
trip w Blyth on .Smoturdxy. They fn- flrld, vibitetl lit T. H. Taylor's hast - ____ -_ _. - Nur-- A v"i v pretfh wedding, heals it-l•(ng at bay r.rtodn trnnbits.
tend calling at. \VinRhnm #lnd nth, -r• AUBURN. I t0nk plNre at the huwe of r. and I prrfT:e i ra•rt pestN and nnzbas c:erds.-
loints before returning. Miss .1 )hnetun, of Varna, is visiting Mrs. Speerm on 'Thursday tit's sno ull' ! rnf;,esor Shaw ID Ransas Fnn•,tpr.
:,t tar home of her ri+tet, Atex. Robin_- \Vt KAPAY. Alno. Lith. February :7+th, avh.rn tho•ir (At ht•r. {
KINGSBRIDGE. son Woods. %%'Ili. Scott, of the gravel road, I Mass Margaret A., wits nnitel,in ear-
TrxsL)AY, Mat. ata. Mien Helen Harper ix At present Hallett, has fold his ferns toJailley riage to A. Pierce. Crewp. To' ------
I. J.01tiell bas recentI tirchtamed inaking an extended visit with friends Howitt, of Erol, Witwano,h. tic• "trains of the we dinC mal h, 1"'i 9
Y Y P in Toronto. Mu11es ilaultzaner has rent.•al for played by ?dims It. Sherw..c ,. t ,- - aLRS S
a floe driver.
Mss. O'Neil, of \Vfnni r!{, has lunm
Rev. R. W. CrAw and J. B. Ruth- f:ari n of Adam Scott, nn lite kith v) lyealdinr party tcxrk their Places• air
r erforl attended Fresh Wal In \Vin rerNliori o[ Ilullwtt, and iutrnd" roes• Rea. \\. A. Smith lerf[rrrncd the nappo- hs e COUGH AROP9
for the fNwt few aveeke the guest. of Y Y B tial cerwtroon The channfn hrfdti -" . eµ•aoas. rayon,, sa 4,.. a en;
Mrs. P. Austin, of Kingmbridge•, h:un on'l'ucxdn. fog in a .short .liaise. 7• K
, w'H9l'H[iINIIL 111 \Vhltl• silk with Chiltern I • ci ,,,,,, arc nnhl.•r ...•ce..es•'1..,s1
Little Beatrice Kenny left on Mon-
day for London, whet-,- Ishii will under-
go a course of tr•eatineut fur her ,•yell.
FA. J. Dalton hall returnedhonnefrom
SL .lrweph's hospital, London, where
he had been for trenttrlwnL slowing the
pANL few months,
The remains of little Mary Mc• -
Glynn, of Laoes, were intievattA in the
Roman Catholic eeni•tery here ilia
ThursdAy of last week.
OnITTIARY.-Gal Friday morning;,
starch ort. a Kitson with 4 -most, over till,
house of Patrick Without. 13th con'l•s-
Nion of Ash Held, when death visited
there ;laid cl►nnrd its it -4 victiuf his
wife, the mother of thne small chil-
dren. Mrs. Gilmour him) IN -ell ailing
for some nwnth- &rid doer• mriffeting At
times with severe, but she ioru it with
that 1Naionce which is rharecteri"tie
of the tnfw Chrimtbur soul. (tin Mon•
day morning it large procnrK,Ion' of
sympathetic friends followed the I'l•-
mains front her ]ate residence• to St.
,iooeph's Vatholle eetretety at Kinga-
bridge, where all that r•mafucll of a
g title wife and luvigg another wits
i iulf at rest.
(fed he- lit. myaterie, of 101 r.
,,%-& that we taannol, tell
Re Alden them Aeep 11ke the hidden -leer
Of her • loved ren well.
IF mm another rnmwtgndont.l
Tt•r.ADAY. March .'Ah.
M4Ns Mary McCaalhy in visiting Mn+,
\Y. Fats, in Goderich.
Potter McCarron, of Calumet, Mich..
is visiting At John O'Neil'm.
Mips Kate Sullivan i" yisitin;; alto.,
(,amie Finn, of Goderich, this week.
John M. O'R,-dlly spent a few dayh
Usin week visiting friends in Ooderich.
Rev. Father Mccornilek im attendinq
forty hourm devotion in Glderich thin
Mn. F. McCmorthy is very ill. We
hope to hear of her recloverY in the
near fulum
Alm Duruln, Donald ,McDonald and
Roht. Mc Gi ire made a business trip to
Clifrotd on Turxday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gen. McKenzie, of
visited At Jam. H dn'n the
'Ken t
a, Y
latter fnart of Inst wnek.
Will Mc(:r[•*or intends holding an
entertainment nn ThrirNlay night,
March lith, fn aid of a whool library.
The liest talent i, Irving v1•nnd and a
gall vveninKh rnlertainwent is an.
hured. Sew 1014.
Hoist.:llcuuite, who fur some titne
Is has car•riasl on A Nucceromful buei-
nesm fn buying hlotxr-, .ins iveently
enterfd the world of rnumie And will
IN+ open for engagements after Hairier.
(loon songs A NiN•ciAlty.
11F.AT11 of M11m. Drnxrv.--After
only a few dny-N' illness then passed
away nn Wednesday morning last an-
other of our old residenla, in the per-
sa n of Mrs. Alex. Dnrnin. Mrs. ])in --
vin had leen in het• usnal health pre-
vious to It hnAvy att i k of cold. t,
which she mur•cnmlmxb. The deceased
with highly rr,afxa•tml, xnd th0 funeral
on Friday to Dungan I,on rcnneterY
w'a Ire-kely attended. MIN. Dnrnin
leaveh two daughters and Lwo sons In
ninm'n her Inm a : Ales. Joan. Cnruppbell,
of ANhneld : Mrs. Jam. Riad, of CrAn-
brm,k : George, of Dakota, And liAmnrl,
who rmirlem herr, to All of whom is
etftended the ,sympathy of their tunny
friends in thernnmmnnity.
TuwAn.av, Most-. .')tit.
ltk.al•rK.anXI)' - The mate of tilt-
lynx which wmm'Nhot in the precincts
of Loyal last .itne ham, lar are told,
returned, And i1 making its IAir in San
empty horn, the farm in connection
with which it, armed ,an n pnature. The
lynx wan seen And heard for atlme
weeks after its mate'- death, Mit dim•
spopea►nd when the hArvest{ng started,
frightened away by the noise of reap
I 1 Ven 1% teruul congregaturn Ilan :and se. uiu Irinnriin s and we log A Ara,• un -rot hlwh. 1»as ..y of".r
decided W rnll+arge that•xheds, sri t.hat the grlionf'a gift. a h:andmmne ,lel "or s .'rn'.4111"Itnith„ r-is1., ;1nho~
all will he cticlu:;ed. Tenden have I,1•Acelet. She, w,L attended only Ily of THEY YJ I L L C IJ R iL
Wets requested for. he wofk, ftfims EVIL F.uth"IfOrd, In follow 1414 1 -
bridge The railway a •rh"aN eMilk- -.. _
t Ili.
n t II with a• encirnnem
f t »I lace e•ara• •in
land i1 nearing c•omplt•tion. The last •► iN•»astind INasLet of n"ev, chile
gitdilrs wen pl+ced in posiLion on Master Gotalon Irwin wits ring -hearer.
Tne•sday. The trivial as ill le able to After congratul,ttinn, and test wishesEN It
cross it, :t couple of ,'eeks• the guests, to the number n[ one 101It1e•• f•^
James Stewart. w•ho$ lately Fluid out hundred and twenty-five. ! LtL. en.,,
} pat'lrok of a , Mo . ".blh -
him h:u•dw•Nre b4siness la James sumptuous aa•eddiuK easppo. The1,°elle"`" I
t'nung, baul.
Iv grind -hyo to Auhnr, on evening wmh spetil• very pleasantly in aAtps ar:.lo
ToeldAy-, noving his bunily to Wing- I
hnin, where he intends ►'[•biding for . - -.. ---
the Miss
Rpresent. "04" "
Miss Ronx.t'rsnv's [►r.a•rH. -- The
death of Mise Margaet, Rohe tion, of
( all"'t-tw " which m•curred »t the
Gcttlerich hospital on HAhuntmoy, I
IV -
moved one who leas utwli exf.e need Rnpid changes of temperature are hard
for her mxrq• excwllPtlt qualities. Thy ,
decesed wan thorn in Scotland in 18.11 on the toughest constitution.
and thirty -mix yenrx ago Carne with
her parenth u, tilt- township of ('lol-
looThori•, where saw and nine.• Merin. The conductor passing from the heated
9'hrwgh ser lila Inns now of aultering, p g
she was kind And considerate to the inside of a trolley car to the icy temperature
arott.m of othvi-e. and the enlrr,•ll the
dark hhaadnw trusting in ihi n Who is of the platform - the canvasser spending an
the resnri-rction +and tire lite.
vitlAN i GD Rv'.Me1F, mfr
-,i _,l 1'0.,.4 tit..".' .nnni,n.". to
:-1.,,. I:,, I .all.. I v., mg.1,..:,.' N,d.
..I,." .rd tan sputa! . .. 0, ;tale.
.M.!,, „lose (s .,_.Ion.• n.1.rr
r:r 'e, 1,•I Ills, ale,. vtrsa,- .rep, or.
.: , u, ,n it- I.s ma ,-..r sora far
INAL ' , Lnedrn• CA!erle, Canada
TritrimkY, Alar. bth.
Mrs. A. LI. Clinton visitel rt•IAtiveN
in (iederich last. week. This week she
is In BrioreHrld, cidled there by the
serinum illness of her father, Wm.
RRTtntrn.-Gut• well-known pioneer
resident statues Horton Ivan decided to
give ap the work of the farm and
after hiA hale is likely to move to
Onderich to rexide. Mr. ltortnn w"
alwaym x familiar flare at the Ives and
raisings which have ie, -n hall 1,u r1,, -air
alp tan fnrtnA and btild the harnia
In this- archon of Colhornn. Fnr a
nw,ftxtr of yreats, tot), he ran n borne
power threshing InAehlue, 1bu rest•
hour or to In a heated building and then
walking againftt a biting wind --know the
difficulty of avoiding cold.
Scoft'j- F,mul,iiori strengthens the
body to that it can better withstand the
danger of cold from changes of temperature.
It will help you to Avoid taking cold.
ALL DRUGGISTS: :.Or. AND $1,010.
TUUKNDAY, 'Mar, to 7, 1901 7
' Tailored- •
„r `air- Suits for-, Men
are the proper' thins; to a liar this Spring.
C oiceality of material Itterns.I ill ('hoice of newest patterns. • Will keep shape until wore out.
Better if,. every way.
The Newest, Nicest and Nobbiest Notions and
Novelties in Neckwear.
. ,,w Heats * New .Sh i its
Everything for Men and Boys.
Clothiers ART TAILORS -- Furnishers
Court I1ous"b Square,
batters (aiD;NICtI1 ONT. I
Indispensable in linter. a
There's a nee,l in every hotue for
A few doses, at the first sign of a cold, will allay all throat
irritation -take away hoarseness -check the iDflammatim-
strenglhen the lungs --ward ori the cough.
All the litalinF, soothing, ruralise properties cf Canatlian Srmure
cunt 'JmJlaed r:il?t nremiti::. '•. , rant to W/:- -,rill. !K.ttle.
Z, .,... ' +,r+'—)—^.r rn. -. -1-•,• - , ., , %_.._. C -t n-.;-...z•R►
I is Bole's Preparation of
5'. .
`.". , ,, Friars Cough Balsom
°..— ' - >., Curas CoughS
(/ i- : / .,t.nr then, right eff. The first teaspoonful
' w u
r- ami _ - doe; $east. In a to hours notice that
" tight feeling •' disappear—the coughing spells
Lro:T farther end farther apart—tSe carrt•t is easier --and the soreness gone.
ILCove h ourself at hone --for z:r -with Bola's Preparation of !liar's
. Cee -_•'t ''als^.rs.' l;nld 1'v all druggist,. M
lv,,. r '01I0VAL c,11111)(11 A CNEaeIcAt. CO , Uw,rrlt LONDON, OUT. r
rMilw ame ■s
IW The not 7,
I r Dull headaches—hack arhee—low spirited—hate
the sight c,f forxl—don't sleep well --all tired out to
the morning—no heart for work t
lit. will Mahe You well
1 Your kidneys are affected -tither through over -
/i wose
cork, exposure or disease. It is the Kidys that
are anaking you feel so wretched. fain Pills ,use sick
1, , kidneys -make you well and strong -give you all
%) your old time energy and vitality. Cheer n and
i I late Cin Pills. Soc. a tar $2.30. Rent on „
receipt of price if your dealer does not handle them.
- ------- - WINNIr[O, MAN. tS-
Thal horrid null! -- 81- ' :'+amt• ' man down and rob him.
t.•ople profit by five, Ilnbtakes of
other's." He _••\•es, like the, i nini.te•, --- -
whu g•.rt a gnin,•a fall- marrying us." ..- k.! .;a,tl
If so unzip of n, coastal only remem.I . ; . F. •raj+!!
ter that lar have no wore right tea Nay I . • , .., I 4 7
a Aldo thing than we h;avu to knock a r `
..... h .` I d
S ,
- ------ ! .. -: '..Y W.AGAZINE
J b nm ptrPand to fill onlers fur ccrernt OitC i' ,f S'
oil -hurl nnitrr- Sian, from a lusher to It loser I ; ,. , `i sere;.apt Utarature
+n (isNh,elrr. I air also) mermrod to take Call ,
i m,,s fur- I-midmi; oihrr woe or flat Asn .? ' - '17•,ELt YEa RLT
bridlrrs, any width alp In:ratnot .pan :cement 1 , , :,y • i AFtI ES AND
,n.-, rcnwtot thr' I,inir fl-. w.,I,r tanks. • •
tenacul •idoualk+laud runnel or ,Alun rata. (•;,, .- „ _,a - .•ELY TOPICS
neve. AIt work Ku.oa.ntmst. I hairs, oil hand
pat emisir Im %i, , neatly tilincA. for I two (once'°. ' 'e,:.' .. :•art Y.:A R.i CTS. A CO aT
All kandmoftnnd.% -1:tncraft? Fbny aril. 1;0 C!6('f11,:UC0 0TORIILS s
M Fund Rrarn L,nd, will wnl.cre.l: w•hu:6 i will
n fir fur ,Ila ,rva..nu. Esthnatc, fnrnl.holl on 9VRIIT N1-WrE►t r0.1rL[T[ IN ITt[L"
all kind. of rrinent 1" -hal -h.
nn .o•pl h•ntion, —^ .... =...m ,w.], l.
1'1111+1. Z;ANIIY, Iwm•hnl.h. ;1a -:N,
fia-,1;at,SacrificP. Sale-
Over two hundred
dollars' worth of
$2.00 Razor for $1.35 Gash.
After one week's trial, if it i9 not satis-
fiietory, return it and het another, or have
your troney refunded.
Place y o if r. orders
early for
and get ill (nil the
low price.
at last year's prices fill- cash only. .
We carry a full line of
Plumbing, Cleating and Tinsmithing
pro III III ly,attended to, anti all work
fully guaranteed.
Stere, tt. House, lit,
eam=mm ommoommu .OMNN--e...w ■