HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-3-7, Page 6f:
^"w^, -
ant o.ome ovrr
here atilt punch Ilia hear) to pb•re'."
ar ans, w nue to for rrlr,is of Ins Iron.
"1 will hear what y,ph Iwte to stay
day when i, left the. valley ao/l.-
••fah," vroirtl Beverly piteously, "don't
Remember where you am, air: Yens
must not go on with It,
,�f .
anw. non', 4!on't be tan high an,1
Itabin.. Iton't
come u step hearer. Do go tonight:
i - -4
8 Tit sNUA1, 1llancb ;, leo;
mighty, ,fear. Lel ug ace how ratiounl
we "An Im•;' said the prinee" gently.
"AI:1.. Miss Calhoun. it Ips ttrur;'=anid
hestadty. "I nm Pennell tut Isere athero
It IN for The heat. i bnve been ar-fully,
7111111! W
wheretlton the hest headed girl from
clndie•at{on will comp, however. With
It's so easy to*�
"rir'i '_j;s tit"�
}� ' f :!`��'
ett•re tures Roureu lu Ihr roots. I
t fins Veen a rRn•t comedy, a summer
glnnrced secret
F,e, but ht also may tie the wnrat of rid• At the bnodwritin and Ills face Int up here
venturers. One can never tell, dear. proudly cuulstanc•es.
T wish now that I had nat hu M
Cute Rheumatism`.
ao:.i:�:1::;:.:' ::'-i:
i' a
,vh;i-.-.:.,: � .i la ;�tri>rit�L{& It
1 am byre to rc sett your hl 1n1,Pas,"
bald hc•, IIURIuK loll brforc We
partlme. Forget what I way hes• rake
-*.i -..!:::.&:.Iain::
L,'-: ;,- as
to yon last night, forget what my eyes
S1101 a suuPle treatsuent. Sul ab.
r,,,, ..
^: .,!.e..-.. * ' f
face. princess, with a butllu t lino 61* hashed
may have said for weeks And weeks."
WQlerPr-/ n\ my &a i,he �f 5
solute' certain b
7 Jane take
>"`' T'�•.
.•jr• .-
610W B�
••Yon are joronq�t." said lho :Prin-
"I shall never forget," she -laid. "You%V�,
�� r�. � �lho it tai WS,
No -Ju. Nota few
.i 'Beverly0
•�••�1 ~
('Cas, "11'hat ala l'v y„
to fe mart Nlr.
deserve the lorst lit the world. Would
atop [Ven after S few hoar-.' Glve
W -Jul a fair cltauce—t ke it
■ I' ;: ••' +
N":i.".; C(��U�TOHION �"-
�""1�'LN,• %::.
•••f'l'at 1111 attellllpt bas jtlat IIeen
that I could give it to you. You have
braved many dnugera for my sake. f
.• y �/+1r1111)l �t7(�B5 hill JtJ\�.
faithfully ; carry out the directions
' y�,: ,
,.: A.ur d'barrra' <`' :t '
nada to Ella a welutx•r of the cattle
shall not forget Do OU know that w•
'11 kee IeE
ellactly ; and su-At will cure you
r;: 1.7 tea,; .
y... ,;C::
cnnrd," ho coolly aur\vvrcvl:
I were watched last night?"
�/ / l -
'J p J our
as surely as a and s »take t.
�,%��i 6roMtdrk
[. •;.• RIR ;:i,• a.
, ,
11'atched;'' he cried IocreduloWly.
" +
• ;• : . Ia;
1 w quite errtaln of It, your hltih•
dry all the �iay.
" tr
"t;i,• ;R.
I".. ...
\! :^�.;'
r (snot �
- ;., ,; :? '
orbs. u bullet xltunat rhpind toy
Oh, toll that I aw! I might have
kuonvu. And I have subjected you to-
�j.' t4. I. •a r` ur "1'
-':`...... t.•i v::�t/l•,r;. :({jh•:• ;'4 ::•t•t
;•i = ::: �':
•` •.. ,,.••. ...:'
''•/t: :• <.,
•'Goof heavens!" lens! as11 M tate bairn.
to --don't tell me that harsh things have
N 1
•I"• et. ;�..
1;• `.' •.`: •�. �.::: ,.
:. �" J 1,•..y., Y:
n- ,.:�.,�.,,...:.,:<:':
i•''"•' 4:•?.::•.,.s ,
:i:=i ,.i ': ,�::!.: •.: o�:.�j .
rr-. Thea the
�' y eagerly plied h{all \\'Ith
been bald tit ou, 'alas Calhoutr' He
,1 .. ,.
• �b��se���d•
nuns IlgilYhd gUldllOn9 than he couldWEAR
Rar deeply disturbed. __%
Q 0�1
rr W �,IU I,\ U.
"General Marlaux saw you. $• bag
i L.le f�
•'ueavemt!. gas led ite%erly. crush•
II r.uuc Iurfct to the ca.( la and Iotdly
"And alba You not pursue tit•
threnteaM ale, Boldos" --
ed by the brutality of it all. •'I would
1 stns ward to Iielert that he must
. wretch?" cried the princess.
"I will kill him! What do I care for
I ( L(
• s
1.' 1
saner die. Would to heaven my fl'-
i sl"•itk to her at once. Blip proulpYy an-
"No. your highness. I was command-
the consequences! He shall pay dearly
y; _ _ -=?„`-I
[her were hero. lie would shoot yowl
bwered that rite J1d not Rant to nrn
ell to report to you at once. only the
1 J
f(Ir'- _
=- -
y '
Aa he R'OUI<� l dog! Ob, hell• 1 In:1f114e
hon and would not. Wfthont a tan-
all'I"P-4 at the a+h+ISNIII rO111A 11711'g
"Stop! Where are you goi ? You
_ - e
elites Muscular Rheumatism. In•
yOU: 11011'1 \'Oil try t0 elOp me: I
unent'K staitatf�u ho appceled for Pull{•
Inade me—Kell, IMmlfNtq•' Pt1id 11„
are to remain here, air, and ake Jetr
— �':- . --
-_ _
_ --
fiammatory Rheumatism, Sciatica,
bball go to the princess myself. tibe
elce with the princess, slid it was
calmly. :k beadier has but to obey."
comwands front we. I don't want you w'
J r
Lumbago, because it removes the
shall know what manner of ileast yon
"tat you thiol titres R'ila R drllbPr-
Ito kill hila. They'd bang you, or some- �
CAUSE of these troubles,
Ile pr,*•lwled, with Irate coolacs.', to
ate attempt to kill yonY asked the
thing lust as ball. lie's going to be
Y'ouw4;'s FOINT, P. O,
She was racing u, the steps, teaming
ask bnw tar she believed herself bound
t'onutram Dar -alts IteccrlJ Calhoun
punished, never fear!" Raldos amhM
"Have iter' your ilbene Kirfor Pills,
with anger and shame•.
to protect Use person of lialthls, the
n'Nm dumb with rflnst:•rnntion•
ill rialto of his dismay. it was import-
and found them eery beneficial for Rheu.
Remember, I ran born what I ba
gfinrrl. Ile understood that mite wn*,u14-
••I cannot say, uuldame. I'oselbl}• It
siblr to ince this confident champion -
- - -+--
snatism and n in the hack. The are
pPaal1 I
Paid' Beware what you do. I Inve you
der certain obligatious to Mlas 4'111•
nam 7111 It 11 P. ()Ae
fu petticoats without catcbing her en.
eertafnly a
ben My husband iaalie
Imo macs that I now Pak you to hrrmne
boon, Holl he wooled to be perfectly
thenad ant make accnsatious uusfip-
thusiasm. "TwI bat bay you done wits
feceiving great benefit from M-Jg lir
has had groat pain in the small of his
my wlfc. Think well over It. Your
honor and bis life: it math with
Purn of blow position before taking, a
pnrh.d. I[ you have uo innuedlul,• I
-wtth that rosei" she asked suddenly,
llaek, but is so much setter now•.
he cried eagerly, following her to the
Plop R'hlcb now seemed Imper•ati
Raldo% Iran a mpy In the employ Of
n,,n,l of my servlve-, youPhighnesa, l
hushing :bud diffident. Iter eyes glis-
]las. A. C. Kinn.
Ilawatm•rgen. IfP Ilad PUmrIPllt proof
will Ask you to u
Ibar (if xh-
tersod Rath embarrassment.
Rheumatism, in anv forms. means im.
"You disgusting old fool•" abe hissed,
turning upon him an she pulled the
to warrant his arrest mud execution;
4lellrr for half An I1nUr. I ltaTO II
ho . ,,`'
c" liar longing to IuI•Pstigate." Th,•re
ales next m bc•aCt. I IbT• it." be
said hraceiy,
tated tier-.". and is canoed by uric acid
being deposited in the blood Ptmam. The
big braes knocker of the door.
thorn were dM•nments and there vial;
wvls A deterlulned gleam lu big eyes.
"I think I'll comwand you to return
only way fine aci,l reaches the h'oorl is
-1 must have In )• nuswer tonight Or
prsltice kunwlalge that be had con.
frrrM R11h strangers from Ii
�o, no:" cried RcveN J• ,Tsau't ynu
It to we," vaguely.
through w•eaknes4 or diaeax of the Kid.
you know what will happen."
1 ►m•n," he cont'
WP to
titse, even within the wall*"of tha
share to u
F out Ihrm a;Rln- You am
".l crotnm+lied to ole dlsul+ryed. it 1a
The Iaolbpr bed. e„ern■a r..hs,t
neya, The only was to cure weak. Aia-
Pd, but by felt fn his heart that he had
tit• Rr'ounfim. \Inrlanx luslaitertt
In stay ri • 1
hitt here lu f./P o'altlr, air.
1n i•xrhatl t
g' for ,toy feather," be amlhvl
.el«ts the chwce.t
mon.'. for bet
lased Kidneys, and thits cure Rheumat•
In -t throuch hits Pagernesto.
%,i hale sowethitig cls- for you to do.
ism, is to take •u -Ju.
a large box. At
she flew to Yetive's boudoir, rooauut-
in which Mahlon had been seen talking
to a strange Inside
It was that awful old 11arlAnx who
• "11 ell, .of course, If you are I,rolug to
iM,•s. hllmaa rwot6.r
5oc. all drn at%, or
sent on receipt of price,
rot In rnrP and mortification. IletePeu
old elan tele grwin.1q,
,1° I proft•ssed to have proof that he
Phut At yowl. Hr"-
ht mean -bast Now, let Ire Por," ssc
mobs "not feminine maledictions she
lour-," t the whole story, Iii nil its agl-
had gone Po far an to Rival allay by
left General Marlauz In Colonel
(1u,nnoz's qunrtera, Miss Calbann." lo-
.said confusedly, "what are your duties
for trmighl? You are to stand guard
nes%, into etas Party fit the pt"�nrnms.
ul;;ht to meet men beyond the city
terprrsed, Bnld(ls grimly. He ee+rld
In Its corridor. Uutw in nITItIIe you will
tu• Msus.Rs4ts
"Now, Yetive, you have to btuud tar
n'a In tsls; auroauced t> ,Iparratrr
conclusively, her ry.er ben mg ho,e-
w lie was now re+idy to seize the
911:1 1-41. hart R'Uldd ilnt dU NU until he
had cuufern•i with big bover•fYo
not have fired tb•• shot. For tw'o or
tilre•e Rights, your 111"!illeaa, i Iri Ye
Isrn folln\ced
k',I nut upon the• balcory and take a
look. Yon tee, 1 nm afraid of Rome
otle. (lit, Rall", rebates the use
It twld. aturclt, .hmrpen• intellect. Iran
fully through her tears.
1 cannot present 4;Porrat \tar4aux
"Jlis$ Calhoun tolls fine flint you halo
made certuio oro
proposals to her, 4'it
aced rin_,r,l a'itil h+unilt
neing persistence try two nlen wenrioz
of nn J
trilling like this? You are to escape
1" '1' IJJ✓.A N
from preferring Im•rinu4rharge,aRa1 st
lhtldos, dear. i kung• he was
\IArinnx." aniel Yetile to'i'l 3', her e•ypg
urm has hawkish faep•
the: wlnlffernns of c.tafle guards. They
do not alee•p at lite bamncks. .1lay 1
l:dplw`pisq tonight. Phut fs the
whole plan- the whole ides in a out.
}our rnont last night. You did not.
"I hale asked her to lee my wife,
ask what i bale done to sec subnliltorl
shell. lion't hook like that. Dolit you
bare to Irl' me that, 1lrrauRn I mnw \JcHtr
to such trt•atwruti" there nn+ A
want to go"' Now she Ras trembling
you both at tit• hale I" �,-
"You hale threatertrd iter Cunt
trate Of loorly cuuceijed Indigii-Wou
" - c , ony rat . ver- 0 Ir hill soice• "1 do "'it want to IPal" you," he
-- ly's face tfilik on such n radiant look of Marlwiz." 'hod eagerly. "If would tie colo artily.
rrjoiving that YPtice was amply rid • •'�1e has exposed herself to you? 1 "1 ns.gnm you .that this is news to
1 I P' nu•," sold Yetire hl :unaremeut• .1larhulz nunl4 understand that poll
for the surprising and gratifying ay. R-owlhl not have told what I K:rw Inst Marl aid noel sl a nd,r You world tan
nig":." "i nm lm•ilw R'atrlted not if i were a gave
tt e\ ►norel4•dgment of n Im,•nnA period of enuinion -thief." he brat oil boldly. 14 -ft to tarn the charges Ire would make.
Royal Crown enyem,troppbrg. -You may deppild up- , • Wout It interest you to know that • Thos men are not your agelir. Im/n't you Ker, Iteserly? You would ba •
on me to protect you from Manana. i ban• es ytbing that pasalol on the are foot the nut -tits of uranstarl:. .\tai' implicated; you would bee accuarvl. The It
n a 1 1
lie can make It err. unplea, fit for tial- it, la. night? . You will ailuiv Why did you not let me k-111 him. N,; . S
wltCh'l�� el 1121,109, bat he shall y dmwrly for this Pu 1 le; Io toulpH tl to say that they ars•
I►a. T. g oral, that'ywl bate l,e- I will not go:" .Neither anti,
c' Insult to,you. He spiex Kra ui,fln. tar I.c a man Rho hes+ rel the
y 4i/ g17Oe too far." hared In a m^,vR mltrn,jeOCal manupr in an ob f4't in dilitr:win: file? \{'Ito that uatile 1•y which he had called her.
Toilet �oa;� I '•]tat .
"1 don't think hr Itis any prat upproa,:bhltz lay 'X:u•st with sura fool nun' is 1 I^•not to your royal .1•onjt•(• I insist:" she crled weakly. • List The name I-"; against Itoblos," ..1111 )t,•corty-, think- proposals. Faop. sly: She has tol•I ❑et• ' turn.'• "You mnat go Away from me. 1- I 1ubbIng only of the guard+plan. eVerythiug, And 1 111•Iiel,• her. i lie- ••MarlaniY' command you to' - e ■
Asps —Ruai . ••'tut It is act P,IsY to i nnnafacture ev- liere trowl, e••ea. here la nu deer' w'1'r st, cflwlr.hlgh+:e•ss• "IN it because you want to drive me a1g
I q ale bars mo• a
Crown —Pert^,r:,;n in ma-ris Idener, my dear. The Iron Count has to diAPllsm the ulaller, further. You deadly grudge and yet he f:•arg ,it- -
I out of your life forever?' he downnd.
wrfdsHrtlel-,rP:hinr,hfa!mg,rc- art his heart upon having you, and lie Icr:e lost the'ri,ht In lat`i•alled a mats. know fall well. that Ito and his agents M. anddt•n understanding eowlug �o
f1 not the wan to be turuf4l aside cows• For the pre%ent I bare only to say that have built a strong case algallot u1." bitu.
tushing, beautif: tow • fly.*' }flit shall be relielcd of tln� cnllunand They are ;if a %t rc:nly to eh":e in Ill -on "Doict Ol 1907
Put It that way;' alta mar.
soap ---cleaning "lie Kerwa to think he (,tin get wlrr•s of my ariny.. '1'br m:rn \cite niakrK n'c. nhd tht;r will have GIIPe ecieirn•r• nnurtvl.
A perfect cornpiexion roa; , ss easily as he gets r{d of them, I oil- war fin women Ir not tit to srkve one, s(1 craftily prrpare•d that even nay tru- "I4 it 114 --muse yon rare for me that
serve•, i wan going bask to Washinl;• A4 for ]laid,)., you tire-st )jhorty to est frlefocj4 may Aoubt my loyalty to you want me to
a perfect toi:tr son Inc. a g^?f hr insisted, draw- �t>•��ntn�m
j`e p. ton clone Yrlicr. but 1'11 nese on now prefer tl;• Phar est., iia att:,ll ha\e• a you amt In lite tau,.• t aert•e. ltefnre !ng near. "In it Im•cauPe you tenr•ths
cake. j cakes xsc. I and err flit, thing to the end. Its can't fair trial, roost assure'''• 4:041. i have lotto trim tip my oaib. I nal Irby 1 hear for you? • The Signa
Pare A Valholn; no a{r-r•r: I'll let--- '•lour highnt�,P, ,hear nae," ingd,oirm1 local lip 4:ratuttark. It was n berry "Lore! You don't really - stop, �I 00
At � EV-Ywttr't• graph for me brother iI 1 1,1 I •I P'
ant o.ome ovrr
here atilt punch Ilia hear) to pb•re'."
ar ans, w nue to for rrlr,is of Ins Iron.
"1 will hear what y,ph Iwte to stay
day when i, left the. valley ao/l.-
••fah," vroirtl Beverly piteously, "don't
Remember where you am, air: Yens
must not go on with It,
The tii� real and Montreal Week;y Herald I
,�f .
anw. non', 4!on't be tan high an,1
when my 1rus:r.InA is of toy tide."
Ray that:''
Itabin.. Iton't
come u step hearer. Do go tonight:
The Signal, N eekll• Iler;Ill Toronto
room. tluinnox hnndod him nn ton- lieve
lira with tiny Tom, Dirk or DArry veloPt, telling hIm th11t ft from
mighty, ,fear. Lel ug ace how ratiounl
we "An Im•;' said the prinee" gently.
"1 call but st:uld coudemnewl, thele.
your highnetim, without a hent':';;, .Aly
"AI:1.. Miss Calhoun. it Ips ttrur;'=anid
hestadty. "I nm Pennell tut Isere athero
It IN for The heat. i bnve been ar-fully,
Weekly Globe •
- -- _
wheretlton the hest headed girl from
clndie•at{on will comp, however. With
i (•:tun^t 11g11t Inwk Treaao 1% hti
wicked In letting It run ou a+ t has.
'Rest nsn Mia, Cnlhaun.
i 4 j•orgirp nil-; Please forgive mr," mile 1 he St tial i� eekl%- 1 Ira;alta .Intl Toronto
Dl:le muslorndtsl hostilities and Iss•afo)e your peruds,lon. I retire to c^utnc� a gainef one. Hill. M yfl,ld nal' thi1, 1 ph-1d+•tl. Ile dreg back, Pale and hurt. � +
A very dennlre y'oulg wenn-. Ittfore the urry est of this ropy. You may d,,Ip„se harp piy'ulittml Illy loyalty to udldeRd A great diguit settled a Dally Globe 4 en
me, tan, fl J fwt his face. 50
loos she was eoutr,ming timidly, thin you eanfont ask me to n(• feet nny' amh;tjnn. i hnce aspired teraamr• Hi+ dark ryes trumlle(1 her with their The �S�ignal and Montreal Family Herald and
hcddly, that she loved Boldos bx•lter me duty to Grnustark. I hnce tri,•d to thin;; I varI 'ri'l blot neser {ogsrss. quiet w-nrn.
then anything In all the world. move him for .111%,4 4'alhoun's make"-- Bett-•r [bat uercr ahnuld have fasted -Weekly Star
"I anal^ralaTo slims I'Althe l 'less - T $O
"i can't ,help il. Yttirr, f know 1 Itnt bre baud Iv's r 110%,u; to the dear. of tits uua.r. '.. tale than to have the play h over. Y'on will find the luckless Every Subscriber tit •'help family Herald
oughtn't in, but what it there to cls Ttri minutes Intro i ithe I was heir-' enp truhdrawl just a, Inv mweetne,.; vagabond n tfenti-man, after all. You and Weekly Star 11 ill receil'e the pre -
when ane can't help it? There Rouhf ht: prcrylltinK trot- the lips of the Imgiwl, fo Iutoxic. tc." Ask me to desert the taunt I metre.
tie an awful tore nt hostile if I murritvl princess. .slid Afarinuz Trus cursing him He stood im.fnre Vain- pale with $111 That Is enough. I shall mium Ictllre, 11 Tug Of War."
R Ra tonight." I p }�
him. 41f course be hasn't ask-esl car•. Ray toward the barracks, crugeartee. pressed rnlotio•l: 'Ihlewomen of (:rnn- •phi
�,, girl wow, trap to s toint. ea Had The Si Tnal, Weekly Herald and Weeks Sun
.1faylie he won't. In fact, I'm sure ►,,. In his heart. But n swift mrsscngrr %tack looked Invohm oily at itrrrrl}, b
It teat tape- for the r might
s fear that Weekly
'Sun 1 shan't give him n chrmr, from the tamale nalrh(KI use Rnnrdrtx,nt 'rho sat cola mol soiMiPSP, Ittarinu fit her proud old father might guQrr from (Toronto) ,
Rest 1f he deet. ask Ste I'll jn-t ketyo Ahead of him_ Colonel tjuinnoz ails tits f:itr of the guard eche knew what her w'lllfnrteme, star Rrould have thrown "rhe Weekly Suit IS a paper- that sht4uit! alt' I 75
PutthleA hint off. I've clone it before, reading au ofiteixl note from the grin- he meant: she ':new thi something down the barrier and risked have
cent know, You ser, for n Ion;;, long 'r,m n'htu \larlanz strode angrily into was expe,•ted of her. A w N front tier In the ehnlcr. Her heart was crying rythingread.
by every farmer.
time I fnnl•IP#1 he alight be A prince. the rano, send he would wlndergtand 111.•! he had out htwgrily for the love of this tali. The Signal, Ueekly Herald
but he Isn't At nil. 1're bad sl, word I "Bring this fellow Raldos to me, not tasted cif the unattn{nnble. In nn- v +' - :Told Farmer's
\ myatc•Is b soldier of fortune.
for It. iie'a Just nn ordinary {x•t•so,. I (alone' Qulouox," ho said. without brief moment Phr sow that abe had tit•. Advocate ,
tang• lilm•rately led him on, that she beft ell :.It o beat" she murmured eaally. 2 30
Ilk[-- ilkok (word, like I nen, ie h tat• , g^"' Later on ape was to knew the meaning We recommend our readers to subscribe to
doesn't Irak en ordinary. Isn't he broad- 1 mgrct to may That i care hot thin cnnrigPel nim, 1hAt she nctnLalli Nsrl 'of the peculiar amble be Rare her. �rhC L'armer'sAd1'OcaICsnd Hume Ma},
mome Yo-tive? •raid• drar roe, it fs Pn inRtant ro•rired a message front her proffered -him Ili-- cup from which h r-
'1 go because you dismiss me, not
ImpIlIsIrPI if he hod Asked Int to htghnesh commanding me to send him had Iw•gan to mfp the bftterae-P. P; ids aunt', the bell a rrtl ''bars' journal Ill
to the castle," wild Quinanz, with a null lore were waging a eonfliet In this b' An%e I fear as enemy. It you
jump over the bAlrmly roll tclth hint 1 g choose to remember me at all, be just America. The 'above pffer includes
last Dight I believe i would flare den, smile, linlesm mouthern girl's heart. Rut she
It."Tile devil! What bolishnesn 14 Iraq ailent. Show could not Pay the ennogh to believe that I am not a a COPY Of Tile Advocate's Christmas
Ni Rbuldn't that flare gave,
.1l%al mrd thfii*.' snarled the iron (:bunt. word. shamttess coward." Number for i906,
tough nsT troubleerly gate A tuningrrr "You are brave and true and good,
tough. to
troubles d the morning "Have n c til air." mer% you pe Miff• "I thank i know what you mean, Rol• end I am a miserable, deceitful wretch," The Signal, IVeekly � Herald and Toronto
seemed to fade away under the warmth lye •'It le of tine rio,rP, you a peak.^ dos; • eaid Yelirr, seeing that Rrrnrlc
Bah! i oro her(- to "rdrr the man's T.•ould not IntervPne. "We nrn mom. she lamcnttd. "You will seek Raroae Weekly Mail and Empire ' . I O
of her humor. Y1line eat hAek nml a"P%t it Ile more Innportant than"- No one trusts io your honor morn thnn and the ot4erm?' r %
blithemarveled at tit, American
fo whle h thin "Neiertheleav, sir, he goes to the roa- I do. .1i'y bushnad belle\*, In inn. I "Yea; they nrn. my friends. They Subscribers to 'Th^ Weekly Mail and I' m"
blithe voting American ^ rot
Inns ri Am readv to go, Fir," tip Pal,l, P"sa• IolitIon. Rcileveme, I am yoor "i agree with you,,, eaid she regret./heSignal,
y News
7011 in your plan to bring him to the Ing thn iron Count with a most disco- h•iend." tally. "Toa know how to hold ynnr., '
castle, I'm Afraid I hese dont wrong, ,prtiug -mile oil hea Uiec. "I still 11 revere v(,ur highness former tenger." He laugher' harshly. "For al, Weekly Herald and London Daily
A L L KINDS OF COAL YOU have seen ton much of him, and - for those words," Bald he simple. leis Once lit a way will yon answer a quer-ertlser
ALWAYS O N HAND ^h, will, you w III bo sennlbte, won't ---- p non?" '
you, dear?" nern was real conerrn In t'H.1I 1RIt X�1 t. (•yc's went sangria; to Beverly' nrrrt- I
SWAll ('eel w•efghe,l oil the mar►rt .cwius, 11,110,14 Penmen' ort fit on" fns "I will not promise.,, IS
nal, Weekly I-lerald ;Intl London
the fare at the princess. Ilecerl t•d ince and then asmuroed n rarrtnrs B '
where rate get 2.Ir1k, Ih., for a Ion. P y kissed the castle, his licart Kinclll Fleant whlch indivated that ho find re- "Yowl tiny that you are hantan•aekly Advertiser
her rapturously. � R.
WM. LEE, "Don't worry about me, Yetir,. i 111 lite dArktieas of the night .jgucd himself to tits Inevitable. friend. is 1t true that he is to marry
he klsse•il the mr�:nge w'hl,It "1 nm constrained to ask von amt filo daughter of the Duke of Matz Weeklry�Herald and London Daily
Ord left at C. 4 , 1,1 t;:, tlnr,lw.orr sl,m know hniv to take rare fit my -elf. Wnr- lli;l cone fn hint from '•her hlRhucsw." 'lflemtinn, sir," went on the primer-�a. Counters Iolanda?" ( Free Prean, lYlOrning CdIt10I1
*amt aide nouare. Ptnm"Ur attended to. rc About ?nur old 4:nbrlel, if yon likes. Thr. tnt-0101 hod Men cl(nt"I with oho I "You nre not the rnmmon goat hunter "It has IltPn so reported"
_-_ - ___ but dno't bother your brad Aalk me." "llb Jal seal of Yetire, gprinve::h of you Assume. Will you tell me In inn- "I, mile beautiful?" 1;Y'e1lillg edition
Ihp Pripet ninny. '•vow ht'A talk thmit 4;rnustarJr, null was mAcrrit In the eyri I ftdence who poll molly tire?' The nth. •'Yps: exceedingly." - ,
•" r' the war. \Inrlanx won't An Anythh,;f "I'hC Signa 1, Xti•eekly herald
M any anw sale the LIJII to whom It ors held their breath. Ito hesilated for "Rut i : be to marry her?" she anal - ;Ijld London
until or hngi from rot. 1lthat'a the wnm d{r(wte,l. The words It en"t.I.M M. Pilo knew not why. Weekly Free Press
asp wnrryi" m moment. ,
g�•' were bismed deep In his brain: "Will It a11111ce If i Pay Ihnt I on, nn "Ilnw should I know, your Igh-. The Signal, Weekly Herald and Presb t
SYNOPSIS OF Xightfnll hrnnght GParrol .11„rlan>< 1n unfortunate frim 1 d •I f ",, s?"
r_� ..-- --- - -- - Sri„ ., ,.,, n�1
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
1ny wren numla•rood •rrllm, Of Ihmlinion
i,anela h, Manitolw. NRwkah'I„w•wti wad AlbaHw,
=eras KI a and 2n, tint -sari oil. nmy I"! tint,,,..
ea by wool, pp!rnnn write P the Pole hrwd of ,% I
family. or any 1, alo m-er IK )ear, of ante. M list,
w,tent of oar rrwwrtcr -',cl Wes of I?r n, rer, ovot9 t
or law•.
gnt,r)• must I,r maele lotwtrnallr at the, lewnl
Ind , or fur the dfarfet in whkh tate twlmt i.
Thehonie-fraderlit rrvpdred to perforno III,
evmluiern. _,lo"'rerl ljm,ruwith Madre rote of I
the following lot.".:
UI AI IM.t la rnonfros' rerldenre often amt
soh 4, at oh of the: Iat1•I In e•a,h 1„ar for Itpn:c
t sew. 1
tit if the father ,or mfm her, if the fat her 1 -dr
I almerll of Ih,• hnn,..tr•adwr MA -1.r- lit", a faro,
the ,1eItittr-f the )atilt ••inert.' to" Iterr"
,uirooment. a. In nsMen•w "wool. 1., aa11.1hr1
toy aeeh p+t".tn re-lding with the .fattier or
m -A hrr.j
Iml If the .wftlm 1140 hl• T-r'manent rmidenre I
$Is", fwrmlwog I -,.I nlrnnl In• ham ... the I.",;: I
ity of hl• home -excel• the n 1,111"n,.nr. 4.. to
"wlderwoe maY be sal I -atilt by ",,,ideme ulten 1
title .wed I.M.
Nis nionoth.' not Ire fn wrlunlc •hmdd I. RRh oto
("wnmi-10'wt M ItonnnM" I^nd, at.
Irtwwwof fntentarm tti.rrlr fm Iwlrnt.
N. Nov. (,()fill.
ftet"Ity of the Mind -4r, of ted. interh,r. I
%.1t, 1'tia,,thori,e%I pnbbr.l6e, of'hal-ad I
u *red to report ac nn n. Volate o y 'Urian
Iltm Pert for dot, In The Signal Week' I Jerald and
ra.rre, c mm� at cove. Iter hlrhne., 1'rfiu r. Dnnitln't 1 have rlPkrvl tette- "it yr r , 111 me 'yo/bloll,,,nexagain t y Westminster
ha- sent an PfIIrIAI enmmand to (:-lona thins: fed his woke, And I fear 1 Imi-so i'll desplst you:"shotably,yulnnw". t'ount Mariana hea'wen here. lost everything.ihnre foiled to Ir of "Anothrr gnration: hat the rhe Sljynal, Weekly 1lerald,1'm,meanota,pertM to dPaett un,ll ln,+ Presbyterian
h:„Iw P• n m-, Thwre in an underernnnd service to him, blit thiengh no fault of yannr; Duke Christobuite bis ;Ind WestminsterpT,P:ego romowhen-. 1;, I mine. Palo has Men against me." father ohjpe.fed M hewith a ! . •
Ilnhlos went -lona and awI[fly. The "Yon aro C'hri%fobal!" cried Da;n,;,r gone warvlen'a daughThe signal, Weekly 1lerald Itt41 Farmannote to Colonel Quinnox load berm Im- i ellacrly. "I have never beara touch World (Toronto) g
Imp^tire, Ht wan to metre es nn Inner lTn Koen her n mfarllpd glAmr, bot 0f hanfenr, ,
Raerd until further nrder,'. Snnno tale, ! off, -r(41 no deulal. Beverly's face was "Dte.Ito' knnwthat the girl In dealt?•' l'h(' �IF,rllal, Weekly Herald •,nil Montreal
I' "*All r,parted, had tried In enter Mime ' n study. if he Isere Cbr{slnhAl, then Pate on -ked cruelly. Ral-IA4 did lint an. ' Dail Witness '
4'alhonn'te room from the o,t-{de dor• what of the K:nne IrnrdPo's dnnghler? fewer for a long time. He atarea at b -r y '
Pig rho- rnin,torn of file lore,lo•Im night, I •11'0 -hall question you hn further." Pten4111y, Ilia tyre expre•,hina nil onla• , The Signal. Weekly
P Reim i was fn hn flintIon. t could TroMe. •'1•nll enllstrA to Perri Judge him. 1' ' Herald .11141
sii4 a m erlal tfo4 from which the oronld rid Montreal
ed near the door. ,111 of this ria, un. \Iles Calhoun. I' JA fnr tier to colt- Weekly Witness
•} lire nK 1'1)!fTIFI'Nfl.l
kiln" it few Balling. but he did not milk ! mand you while Tell nrn herr. May Th Signal, \X'cckll' i lcrald ;4nd World Wide
for nils rzplanntinnm. I f:(Kl lin w-Ith you in the poll. 11144 Cel- Till, 'hedge.hnK, p:natded hr mpikrm,
Ito Irate hAlfwny tn' ufe rAmtle when I bnon, will you tell him what his till- roRse
a itself up for the [:,inter in n holo lti
i'hc Si real, 1l'eekly Ilcral(1 and Toronto
the effort) retort of R grin startle lie, Are for tonight? rOme,.my drar." lineal with grium find ,110141, Saturday I'll". A bullet witlzzerl Bose to his ear: I 1'Ptive Anal llagmato /calked slowly ay Night .
RAldoa brake into A rinnchins run, but I from fit, revisal, leairlag Beverly and - - It
did not chpggn him eflurar. He knew her gowned slone. .
that file shot nom intenfkd for him And I "I nm fit ' oor service, Alloem (!elhmte." ft —�
That Its misaion was t� prevent him Inn Paid enmily. ills ajttlemnt. IndlRpr• • a . w w Send all silhlicrl clot's t0
from reaching the c afld The attend. "tire Plung her Into wnmsofJ rerolf. j)
anta at the ('"Pilo door ildmlttN hen, ; "t wag A fool last night," she swill rib • • 1 a VANATTER &ROBERTSON,
pointing and pxclterl. AndlhP
, was inken rnrfly. -
iomMlatel/ to lion rn,•114111ed IIn1MOlf "N^: t wan the tan'. I boon been the I THE SIGN
2 35
2 35
I 6o
3 50
2 �O
2 25
2 25
3 25
I 30
3 50
I 85
2 65
I'oMi.em,•nl ,rill not M avid Int But her hand u'os •alnryno to Nt Roar. fir the prinerwa, which amt few men fool front the beginning. Yon ahAll lint I I , I 1 I GODS In I. -I ONT
Nen fortuanle enm,th to -tee There blame yourself. for I do not blame lou. 1
" I .
a I �/a
ca. out oho tie first. This note says i awls to dim•
"b)ne devils.•' ,
regard nny ttwmnnd you nay gine
"Yon moat not do anything faoli%Il,forth,
Beverly." Pilo cautioned. ••Your par until further ttafirr." I
d .1farinnx jell hark mm�znl noel atm
int■ would never foiRlce mP if 1 ill'
trill cnnfesm that you air. to trot arrest-•
ria +t -spy tomorrow. Tonight yowl .-Irl.
t•, errl•e n, n gnnrd 1p the, e'Astle. Tht,
ahnuld grecs to you that I here nn-
love m y, y
( I poverty. And anw, ma ft
P1PAse your hlghotas, when am I to go
and In what garb? I should no
longer went the honest uniform of a
pipe will reCC11'e the renllllnl ICtt1rC
p p
offered b�' that paper.
'rhe signal, Weekly Herald ant' Toronto
'PHONE 15 OR 24
net'. At this junr•ture Ilaldom entered lout
lowed yon to marry or even to fall In the
ded faith In you. -Moreover. I hr.
Daily World
warehou-a (e; r. Ir,•.t
IVb•n Tnn want Ynpd t'an's .Pare•[ nn't1
room. tluinnox hnndod him nn ton- lieve
lira with tiny Tom, Dirk or DArry veloPt, telling hIm th11t ft from
In you to the extent that i should
It to me. F•Terything shall be
arr"ingod. Ton will tan
3 25
'rllk 11t4tfr at Dock Square
over bMr. RalAns mn .I
y be floe gallAnt. tine princess and that he wait to r pair to
bengal gentlemnn t'I •
not r.frnid to trust you If you wore
go out Into iso world with every
discreet? No
Ont le t0 knOw t1tAt I am yollr"--
ow t
The S1�I1a1, weekly Herald and Toronto Daily
we believe him to fit once to the cngtlp. RAldOs
'Rest nsn Mia, Cnlhaun.
J d
glnnrced secret
F,e, but ht also may tie the wnrat of rid• At the bnodwritin and Ills face Int up here
venturers. One can never tell, dear. proudly cuulstanc•es.
T wish now that I had nat hu M
Irbics we Poasests. Toa risme
under n peculiar sfross at coir-
not wholly of your own
t have
a close mouth" And he smiled con-
2 30COAL
'rhe• Si al, Weekly l leral. ,and Toronto
Inns ri Am readv to go, Fir," tip Pal,l, P"sa• IolitIon. Rcileveme, I am yoor "i agree with you,,, eaid she regret./heSignal,
y News
7011 in your plan to bring him to the Ing thn iron Count with a most disco- h•iend." tally. "Toa know how to hold ynnr., '
castle, I'm Afraid I hese dont wrong, ,prtiug -mile oil hea Uiec. "I still 11 revere v(,ur highness former tenger." He laugher' harshly. "For al, Weekly Herald and London Daily
A L L KINDS OF COAL YOU have seen ton much of him, and - for those words," Bald he simple. leis Once lit a way will yon answer a quer-ertlser
ALWAYS O N HAND ^h, will, you w III bo sennlbte, won't ---- p non?" '
you, dear?" nern was real conerrn In t'H.1I 1RIt X�1 t. (•yc's went sangria; to Beverly' nrrrt- I
SWAll ('eel w•efghe,l oil the mar►rt .cwius, 11,110,14 Penmen' ort fit on" fns "I will not promise.,, IS
nal, Weekly I-lerald ;Intl London
the fare at the princess. Ilecerl t•d ince and then asmuroed n rarrtnrs B '
where rate get 2.Ir1k, Ih., for a Ion. P y kissed the castle, his licart Kinclll Fleant whlch indivated that ho find re- "Yowl tiny that you are hantan•aekly Advertiser
her rapturously. � R.
WM. LEE, "Don't worry about me, Yetir,. i 111 lite dArktieas of the night .jgucd himself to tits Inevitable. friend. is 1t true that he is to marry
he klsse•il the mr�:nge w'hl,It "1 nm constrained to ask von amt filo daughter of the Duke of Matz Weeklry�Herald and London Daily
Ord left at C. 4 , 1,1 t;:, tlnr,lw.orr sl,m know hniv to take rare fit my -elf. Wnr- lli;l cone fn hint from '•her hlRhucsw." 'lflemtinn, sir," went on the primer-�a. Counters Iolanda?" ( Free Prean, lYlOrning CdIt10I1
*amt aide nouare. Ptnm"Ur attended to. rc About ?nur old 4:nbrlel, if yon likes. Thr. tnt-0101 hod Men cl(nt"I with oho I "You nre not the rnmmon goat hunter "It has IltPn so reported"
_-_ - ___ but dno't bother your brad Aalk me." "llb Jal seal of Yetire, gprinve::h of you Assume. Will you tell me In inn- "I, mile beautiful?" 1;Y'e1lillg edition
Ihp Pripet ninny. '•vow ht'A talk thmit 4;rnustarJr, null was mAcrrit In the eyri I ftdence who poll molly tire?' The nth. •'Yps: exceedingly." - ,
•" r' the war. \Inrlanx won't An Anythh,;f "I'hC Signa 1, Xti•eekly herald
M any anw sale the LIJII to whom It ors held their breath. Ito hesilated for "Rut i : be to marry her?" she anal - ;Ijld London
until or hngi from rot. 1lthat'a the wnm d{r(wte,l. The words It en"t.I.M M. Pilo knew not why. Weekly Free Press
asp wnrryi" m moment. ,
g�•' were bismed deep In his brain: "Will It a11111ce If i Pay Ihnt I on, nn "Ilnw should I know, your Igh-. The Signal, Weekly Herald and Presb t
SYNOPSIS OF Xightfnll hrnnght GParrol .11„rlan>< 1n unfortunate frim 1 d •I f ",, s?"
r_� ..-- --- - -- - Sri„ ., ,.,, n�1
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
1ny wren numla•rood •rrllm, Of Ihmlinion
i,anela h, Manitolw. NRwkah'I„w•wti wad AlbaHw,
=eras KI a and 2n, tint -sari oil. nmy I"! tint,,,..
ea by wool, pp!rnnn write P the Pole hrwd of ,% I
family. or any 1, alo m-er IK )ear, of ante. M list,
w,tent of oar rrwwrtcr -',cl Wes of I?r n, rer, ovot9 t
or law•.
gnt,r)• must I,r maele lotwtrnallr at the, lewnl
Ind , or fur the dfarfet in whkh tate twlmt i.
Thehonie-fraderlit rrvpdred to perforno III,
evmluiern. _,lo"'rerl ljm,ruwith Madre rote of I
the following lot.".:
UI AI IM.t la rnonfros' rerldenre often amt
soh 4, at oh of the: Iat1•I In e•a,h 1„ar for Itpn:c
t sew. 1
tit if the father ,or mfm her, if the fat her 1 -dr
I almerll of Ih,• hnn,..tr•adwr MA -1.r- lit", a faro,
the ,1eItittr-f the )atilt ••inert.' to" Iterr"
,uirooment. a. In nsMen•w "wool. 1., aa11.1hr1
toy aeeh p+t".tn re-lding with the .fattier or
m -A hrr.j
Iml If the .wftlm 1140 hl• T-r'manent rmidenre I
$Is", fwrmlwog I -,.I nlrnnl In• ham ... the I.",;: I
ity of hl• home -excel• the n 1,111"n,.nr. 4.. to
"wlderwoe maY be sal I -atilt by ",,,ideme ulten 1
title .wed I.M.
Nis nionoth.' not Ire fn wrlunlc •hmdd I. RRh oto
("wnmi-10'wt M ItonnnM" I^nd, at.
Irtwwwof fntentarm tti.rrlr fm Iwlrnt.
N. Nov. (,()fill.
ftet"Ity of the Mind -4r, of ted. interh,r. I
%.1t, 1'tia,,thori,e%I pnbbr.l6e, of'hal-ad I
u *red to report ac nn n. Volate o y 'Urian
Iltm Pert for dot, In The Signal Week' I Jerald and
ra.rre, c mm� at cove. Iter hlrhne., 1'rfiu r. Dnnitln't 1 have rlPkrvl tette- "it yr r , 111 me 'yo/bloll,,,nexagain t y Westminster
ha- sent an PfIIrIAI enmmand to (:-lona thins: fed his woke, And I fear 1 Imi-so i'll desplst you:"shotably,yulnnw". t'ount Mariana hea'wen here. lost everything.ihnre foiled to Ir of "Anothrr gnration: hat the rhe Sljynal, Weekly 1lerald,1'm,meanota,pertM to dPaett un,ll ln,+ Presbyterian
h:„Iw P• n m-, Thwre in an underernnnd service to him, blit thiengh no fault of yannr; Duke Christobuite bis ;Ind WestminsterpT,P:ego romowhen-. 1;, I mine. Palo has Men against me." father ohjpe.fed M hewith a ! . •
Ilnhlos went -lona and awI[fly. The "Yon aro C'hri%fobal!" cried Da;n,;,r gone warvlen'a daughThe signal, Weekly 1lerald Itt41 Farmannote to Colonel Quinnox load berm Im- i ellacrly. "I have never beara touch World (Toronto) g
Imp^tire, Ht wan to metre es nn Inner lTn Koen her n mfarllpd glAmr, bot 0f hanfenr, ,
Raerd until further nrder,'. Snnno tale, ! off, -r(41 no deulal. Beverly's face was "Dte.Ito' knnwthat the girl In dealt?•' l'h(' �IF,rllal, Weekly Herald •,nil Montreal
I' "*All r,parted, had tried In enter Mime ' n study. if he Isere Cbr{slnhAl, then Pate on -ked cruelly. Ral-IA4 did lint an. ' Dail Witness '
4'alhonn'te room from the o,t-{de dor• what of the K:nne IrnrdPo's dnnghler? fewer for a long time. He atarea at b -r y '
Pig rho- rnin,torn of file lore,lo•Im night, I •11'0 -hall question you hn further." Pten4111y, Ilia tyre expre•,hina nil onla• , The Signal. Weekly
P Reim i was fn hn flintIon. t could TroMe. •'1•nll enllstrA to Perri Judge him. 1' ' Herald .11141
sii4 a m erlal tfo4 from which the oronld rid Montreal
ed near the door. ,111 of this ria, un. \Iles Calhoun. I' JA fnr tier to colt- Weekly Witness
•} lire nK 1'1)!fTIFI'Nfl.l
kiln" it few Balling. but he did not milk ! mand you while Tell nrn herr. May Th Signal, \X'cckll' i lcrald ;4nd World Wide
for nils rzplanntinnm. I f:(Kl lin w-Ith you in the poll. 11144 Cel- Till, 'hedge.hnK, p:natded hr mpikrm,
Ito Irate hAlfwny tn' ufe rAmtle when I bnon, will you tell him what his till- roRse
a itself up for the [:,inter in n holo lti
i'hc Si real, 1l'eekly Ilcral(1 and Toronto
the effort) retort of R grin startle lie, Are for tonight? rOme,.my drar." lineal with grium find ,110141, Saturday I'll". A bullet witlzzerl Bose to his ear: I 1'Ptive Anal llagmato /calked slowly ay Night .
RAldoa brake into A rinnchins run, but I from fit, revisal, leairlag Beverly and - - It
did not chpggn him eflurar. He knew her gowned slone. .
that file shot nom intenfkd for him And I "I nm fit ' oor service, Alloem (!elhmte." ft —�
That Its misaion was t� prevent him Inn Paid enmily. ills ajttlemnt. IndlRpr• • a . w w Send all silhlicrl clot's t0
from reaching the c afld The attend. "tire Plung her Into wnmsofJ rerolf. j)
anta at the ('"Pilo door ildmlttN hen, ; "t wag A fool last night," she swill rib • • 1 a VANATTER &ROBERTSON,
pointing and pxclterl. AndlhP
, was inken rnrfly. -
iomMlatel/ to lion rn,•114111ed IIn1MOlf "N^: t wan the tan'. I boon been the I THE SIGN
2 35
2 35
I 6o
3 50
2 �O
2 25
2 25
3 25
I 30
3 50
I 85
2 65
I'oMi.em,•nl ,rill not M avid Int But her hand u'os •alnryno to Nt Roar. fir the prinerwa, which amt few men fool front the beginning. Yon ahAll lint I I , I 1 I GODS In I. -I ONT
Nen fortuanle enm,th to -tee There blame yourself. for I do not blame lou. 1
" I .
a I �/a