HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-3-7, Page 5J
I%@ never ISN"ood .litter lit. ,unto J-)JAV xoom
to du,
I hate 1. see It rouduand I'm lilwl when once
It's thmulib.
I like to.oe the flower- blooul ^Silt hear the
bluebinls Nina,
And March jus llnd. tits Wulte..u' w hanker n,
for .prlug.
,1011 MAO. fuik- that'd go Lhrouch lift -
clean mutnad W the vara.
I. them tits ncaao114 aro alike at leant. It w
s pl,aarn.
They do not love the apriot' tales, nor kale
the wluterb .ting;
flu( ally .Start jeer Iceop. A hankenu' a hanker
in for ,,pries.
I net lookin' troll the mead.., to the 1,1114 all
while with .now
'ro lits etrekdi Of hllent wuotllaud, vdiery nook
of which I ►no..
1'nt luuawmc--nomo.Sow, luueho It &Sill I
het earl hut
o.'W stn{,
Per I'm weary of the winter and 1'nl hataarill"
TheNew York Post buys:
We have been much edified by the
le ed s m lural nuw gui6K fill re.
gxrdfug the listory of that ugaticxl•
uumfwr of dismissal, '•xi," tvhiull ex-
activ two years ago could be uttvroll
othe vaudeville atage without a
ln augh anti now vonvulsost a continent.
V,vrry conductor of nn enquiry col -
limit known ,the unswer, An well as
mny aprh•ate citizens ; the trouble is
that they du not all know the sante
answer. till far as we cull aecrrtaiu,
the plermla, ••twstlty-three" origivat4#l1
in the following wanner:
I. --Race tiackm are MI laid fiat A. to
a',romuludate not rouse than tvvuoty-
two horsed at a time. The twenty.
thins horse entered, there•futr, .rust Ile
put out of the race.
1:. --The pm •chopathic want at Belle-
vue H(siI)iW is wand 'r-rr' and in the
veu muscular all the AlllbnlAlltr hus Reuel,
•'Twenty-thnw fur hill," i, equivalent
to .,He'llcrazy."
3.- in numbering the nprws 'of a
certain new hotel. the numeral ••_r3"
was insid%ertrntly oufitbrl. Th I'
clerko, lherefun•, ustrt "Show the
gentleman to remafi 'S3" as IL ,ignal ti-
„the '•tpluncer” when nn undesu•ablc
apptil•amt came for a Mosel.
4.- The expreesfnre on
on front
tho twenty-third vrt•m . of tie-- thin,
chapter of Geue.im : •'Therefure, the
lord sent hills forth fnnu the garden
of Lrden lit till teat, ground fnnu
whence he Ka% lnkrn."
S.- The exprepatioll originator} frons
a p:taalige in '•A Txlf• of Tno Cilie.:"
-She klmse, hi" lila, : he kis.rh lu•rh .
they solemnly file,& rash .111401. The
,pare hand doe" not trovinble A. hr re.
leaner, it; nothing worse than a sweet.
right constancy la its file- (Patient
face. Rhe goes next Ilefore hili --Is
gone; the knitting women rount
'*The truirmu •ing of nhuf)% voices.
the llpturnmg of is . fact's in the
nut,ku'Is of the ces,ad, sit that it
"wills forward in A Hasa, like tine
ggreat heave of water• all t1„bhr, away.
1'wrt!1y A sree. ..tl-- "T'wetty-thnr•' i. u,-tl M• tele-
graphers to signify "Keep ,,if the
wire,” an the)• use ..Thirty" for %n7 '-
iug '•fitp,d-nfghl."
All of them- are lot Aa•IIll.•. '. %eia11
ro( them Are undouhledlY uu,'. the
reader is at liberty, to re,ieet ur accept
whichever he seem'
eem fit. And, atter he
has done see, he uiay freely sfteculate
how the phraar was conveyed from
the rant Side Hospital, the atenny.
moni h,itel, the race track, the Run -
day whrx,l or the library, to enrich
our heritage of Engliteh sneers.
Nor is thin the only linguistic proh-
leul of the ,];I%. The handing of a
••lemon" hand recently been traced hack
U) BIIswPll and to "6)vt's i.Abore
Lost." One of our Boston contemfp)r•
alien, a conservator of pure fiction,
!yenta almoht hotly the idea that
'skid oo- is •'egregiously vulgar." Nor,
it contends, in that terul A inere All-
breviation of the civil war tenni, "ske-
daddle"_ itself the alleged offspring of
honorable Greek. Irish and ScAndi-
navian verb". Alt is more likely,"
have our authority. "A portmanteau
word, to quote the serve of Lewis
CArndl. the creatur of the imtnortat
Alice -a wont that contains the rrepan-
inir of 'skeddle,' and #list. of •ship,,' "
On points like these we du not pre•
tend to plonutmc,• An authoritative
verdict. live do welcome every sign
that the generation bi which aimpli-
fled elMlling and F,operant o hate Ilren
offered in vain is Anxious to know
more alsmt the, words it dlses use.
f Lrr(a,.;.
Vh -little Afterthought, 1 wi,b
lion had not come to tot.
For with miself 1 nl 1wrwl.e
,lune ,ati.rleal new r,nfit he.
)homy exoollent, bar 1 depllim
That you should not have come I-efore.
why Ix it that you are not rn"*ol.l.
But saunter In in.te,td
When all the thing. I've dOfm .n, dr•ne.
And all 1're .w1A Is said t
I K nulsanre. soil are the went
Icon I. come, lihlea" yenrome ..I ilr -'.
.+ .
We have I.cen hearing of cold
weather in the West• lout evidently
the tomperettals• hits not been on
severe as to congeal the )•outhful
spiritm of tho old boys of Qu'Appelle
and Regina. The rvidentr isles large
(a copy of which has leached
Pn and 8cissllrsl which announce. aA
Tdllows :
To hef+layed atQu'Appelle, Jioy
Feb. IR, 1a.
Rant-,.\ \'r1. Qc'ArP> f.r,F..
xlwinor to .tre.. ,( fetv)leux engw¢rment•.
these two tewmn, who have hold I he rha nplon
%hep of their re.pertivo vlllagr. fmYA yeam
have no0ar yet come tOAmthor. NOwever, anal
arran¢emonta hale been completed for their
encounter on it)( AMD,• State. It has trwSi
apireA that the Ite¢Ina leant, tho,lich carrying
iron yet a rewter amount of aroirdupoin, am
east, round ng Into their [melt form. _
(Ant_ Dickson of the 4tt'Apyrllx Joonaster-
ha" not slower, &sep. how0) c?.And fur several
Ill v lax learn seen hauling hi- twf4 off on lona
balk- and earns-Ily demflnstmfing what is
-aid to be the flne•l 1100sr „od¢c Play yet
rrol,ed In linckey.
Thr fMowinlr I. the line-np :
Iteginw., ,Anlrlle.
McDonald 'i0Int Browne
' IP
Mytton 1 er-pant Vb;'Ir
ipelnnvill Rorer .lohn-t nn
\\-ood ('rates' hhrk4on
HMn If Ai■ 1A,ai((t \ring I'J&otk
('o0imr itlght wing Nallsomi
Tenders for the. solo-,Nan.of Timekeeper for
O,I At Pelle, Referee, Judge of Play. (4.1 te
Ire, will be rrreived by t Town Clork lip till
: O'clock nnnn of Feb. Ili, The lowe*tor any
tinder net. i . sAin,&ril) w -ceptMl.
Game calbvl at R p. in. sheep. Time.
kepper file- Regina, -Inc. A. Kerr.
Geftleral Admission, 25r. Rdamprved
Hessle, :%)c.
iKIN '1' ,, M19S IT.
Captain Dickson of the Qu' Ap-
elle seven in Alex. D. Dickson, son
of William Dickson, of Goderich, And
A prominent harrlster of Qu' Apppelle.
The left wing inn- on the 'Regina
team is the Hon. F. W. G. Haultaln,
frormsrly Premier of the NOrthwsst,
TerritorlPm• and the players include
THE F;IG;AI, : CI)DETH'I'I1, oN,ro uo 'I'm l,i,t,, Varrh 7, 1807 b
!_---- --- - - . - --- - - - - '------- -
— --
,dell an ex -deputy Atturney"General, I MUSIC IN THE SCHOOLO. ! And I'aihlry i. ill the lutuds of a dti¢to. T w-_
1.ou.:nr a es , +. nor a:/wt.Leae
A Hotlk of Ct.u1111ol a Inauagt+r and -_ . -_ .- -- I partial be..
other"uteblea. We have not healrl. , I
i Mlltx J>♦mA1
To the 6.litgt of The t+ignal. How's Thi{ 7 A few , ilh rr a lel lywivarr, .a>ttl at iM ' %
ally news of the result of the eel- SIN,- I should like to have the Priv. ' In 7t- ea•4, out Dol .w• ltmxCL A R 1 N V SALE
ct)unter- whether the eombosIonts al, 1 ova• Pati uur Iluideat "l/ulLu+ IIN any "ll,A i ) apt toe Inc.Ira
all taut up Is N uuLLsr of conjrc:tun,, ilrgN 11( plraPUtlllg In 'A' (CK' Inlyd a ,If ,a l.arYh .l t1,p1 ,iAu.,ut l art -t by if "ll, car pNser•
very important subject ill regard I's lrt.t,lll'Ute. s'ea1 Ca1v.*. I .
-" ____-- .. owl• mehtplm. It • , wArli In we that F. J. ('honer I d, 7'oltdo u. \'eW ralv.r, IrgA n1 NL7:. Ire owl. , ,
I 1\'nthrundrrsian- h-wr.k IN'll5'.J.tt'IINr
brighter h alp0e•a cud I+rloa,
SMALLPDX ON g torr minds and higher thoughts for the la,t tlflooti ).wrv, mal •lie%. hill per I
BRUCE PENINSULA. might Ile developed in the children hectly him ... rable In all bit -it.•,- Irrn-welnll.l' Yaptlnewr+wl:.l nl ii.i+tree cwt.; year'
1 a d tlnanciullyy rhle to ,•err). uul soy ubllga fill{ taml,. ..I i7.... per es•t. O f -
Altellding our hellm,ls it morso atlen• Uun.utadubv hl,Anu, llama. -
Startlin Charges Made D The Wlar• tion were paid to singing. Only AI WWI luvo. K1,%AN'R\I,a, 1%. It. 1•, he,ldel r,gals pri-aw I:e P.,I
8 ¢ Y all fall `NUctioli of the young PPuplr ( w'h.l,..als ln'ngxl-I-.'1'uhslo, U. I -•wl. 1-nve•r, -at 667:, ror u•!.r-ta and ie: -Ie -
ton Echo. ` limit, Catnrrah Gum i- roan uder,wllr. Iwo ,►r ,-w t. far li• II- .:ml (air.
(I dater "those who) can ufful•d SHOES
x b1q upon she bl,xd and uua.w. .nrfa,•e- of I 1 A
teuicher nt good standing receive Ile . tma. 'fwtivaau.,I: Oe nw. I'It,v Montreal Live Stock. ll
the N'iartun Echo hitt week made g ;rt•,•ni.t elliptic. .rn!d bv'lll draa¢i.t,. ' YOU 'Wlbll to )artill" AIN
Hoch tultiuu t-1' II'a 11i111g in WlLlc as, pwe+ \10atreal. llateh 1. 4'aNe adrl.ft owls F' , elf UI t110 U• Hli
the following edi Wrial ataLeulent I Take IIa 1'- lluulty Ihll- for coni oxo flu. ulNl Imdon .r ,yasdlre ,'Aall.• 1 _ .
'*Tile Echo ha" not said an thin it seems L6 use, every person ought to I - _ I IJ #'rva'! feast, WV IaVU S 1'E'illl for )'OU, jfOU
Y Jf avow NV,Y,a.•.•r, alit I,r4r,s alsow, an'arlvay-r
alm,ut sulallla)x on the Peninsula, al- harp. l'wh five ,titodli il work in ewrh I :1,14
f Vee w. Ib. sot,• vale day w,•0k, .tln ,
though for a fuw weeks we have 1`111 would give ill the pupils s ruM• lit I''rnuce the amq'age spun t) til'.• is :1,1 a t_•,,,,. kalmars„ five Ieet was! S loll l • Illil O tlilAL( `tir l(IU I:iI:H'1' \IIIICI: iIA1'K
known that thin di"m"s is rampauL to rient knowledge of music +tt least to Ilt.w seven yeut,+ Iti6 er than it w;w! fn.m P.ruaud nwl Kl, JaMt. N.N., %--m IVIV1t . MSSed. otic -SALE Will be over, Sale
St. Ediuunds. Lindsay, and wt- are wl- enjoy hearing Rood music, and by the sixty. )'ours x,ti. I :Sill" critic :Intl r1,,• aWpcestw fro• Fehru- 1 r
rams uteetns luusical t1dellt tllight in .__ an' fl..I. v hand wept, 7taa; ,•Mtge, It-'-' PrICN8 \V1 \'a111S 1 ally IOCS W1 reLUClI t0 Llle
fvtwexf through harts of Eastnur. A 1, a+l,•r1., amt (",fit :,f, Jolla, N W. incl vauir
news a wr rho r ofWn ne tecta its many 1. r -v he discovered told devil" and mal stleep. regular prices.
W 1 Pt' I g 6 ped which olho ,ovine would rein fit THE MARKETS. At I.hr ]I...tn•nl Flock \'art-• went rats n
duty tar the sake of brine; quirt. No 1
nue wants to publish a thin like this hidtiru for life. Out- chureltba abl rote week
the n.ripl. ' r..• ,b . for Ili.• , )O IIUL }ill to til\'V its a Call Ally LO CUII
1 g lnlines would Iva greatly loeuetitted, Liverpool and Chicago'Wheat Futures wart was le ut . * 1 : roue nit •-stain •.J , t
ftoul lbs at tale three
But wi at•N chit, null a higher 1nu"ie,tl last• would s/aml i Close Lower -Live Stock Markets all't t e ociate, sr. hiss sad :w ealw--, \'lI1C(1d lllar; ' WU ( (1 \V}lilt, Wt, SA.
vincrti that the rims our silence Inas g . and Ibr OQeedloss O.r Iwwl ,'ocar•n+Malon bt- '
consent, and the title for plain likalk- all, l'IIIIivIUPd.-v(tith Iulvxutage to ala'• -The Latest Quotations. ,,I.,y wvv,• INN, .vol.•, tet, hoar red ala
..alwx A fcatum nr trade w'a. it., .1n,xc MEN'S LONG BOOTS ....... ... . . .... at 41 50
iug bots begun. luturmatiuu hu, leen Vanda,' Ittenuat. LIar111 I. •
1 lielivrt• that, Money s pent in hiring; r r,.Strnc t-1 la• carter b.r ladle, :u11 r.
given its Lyn prominent lrsidrnt of I IJrerirtnt we -,u fntureN rlaa,st 11.+tny ,„y,,,a ad.tta.,.i ,+,. M. -N'S BOX CALF BALS... ........:at 1 6
1w1 Ili.. a% .7marrtvl , ...... • ...... • ......... 5
the upper townshi m, which tlerowh a a competent teAcher fur this w•urk in one4doir;t•d b) %d b -%,•r ttlx„ hatnrday', :Irld w11”, ase pa)d a witok arc'. 'nal, ti's+ ,,,,, MEN'S BOX CALF IILUCHERS........"" .. ......... ..at 1 90
lightuun the way that the whole out• nrllt.uls would lit. Well else It The+ ('0111 f,11n1.. t,,,t of ,,d higher. I .Ito• to tobacco. m"44jor, but 1. Ill.- r ---,,l ,
thin has iwrn handled, and which Ifrantfotd M•huol toward, lit cit-' an At ('lovayn. vins .vlo.,., . i. -.,i -,r I • ,-r i rise W values kit Kratern dinars. ImtMrra. MEN'S GOODYEAR WELT, ;3.00 to $3.5o Shoea. .1.... -..at z 5o
calls, if true, fat• ue6st Aefvetrt (A'n ore exAmple, Appointed A young musician, ' LAr.0 nlnntaT. Nal .urn !,c luaer, and table a lrkrw' .Ince this tiny we#,ok rr..w WOMEN S • •
gg liar oats 1 Ike tarter. I•rv.wionl and I.oedm IN, -rise have al.., u•15 to ;300 BaIS...............:........ ........ .at z to
lllmm the haul boards of health. who is well known 'in lioderich, b,I WOMEN'S BUTTONED BOOTS ........................... at t oo
1'•,teh singing in the achnds thele: and Winnipeg Options. irru .r a imam .u,vrragllq; natafe, .,ml
There has pratfcnlly ,llet•t very Iftl11. K .( I tMs Its r,anded to hwr.4m, the demand WOMEN'S OXFORD TIES and SLIPPERS ................ at I oo
quarantine. Children fro In after lwnyearr time• whehthir,Kenile- w'tlwliciez wheal rot,,..,, .Ios, 1 IOdoov : ; from rzi,.nima f.r ,wail In the wear•
1 Feb i4,.,, hid, ala, -, :,-•. .Tal. 7,;-..-, OAlta
humseh have attended school, sell "call n•slgncd, 1,A Kar url wl Gr trulalm fitrurm.:tot„' bad. `,I ,,. I whWr Lost IL f Neededit tblioa h to ate ern, MISSES' BUTTONED ROOTS at o 85
di?,., .hay .Cir i &tion, tri It tal4vl w I1ttM,(r Ye, -al r,i.,rl
stricken with this hwtlheooue disease aLnhlghern:llAry. The tYot•kdumrK'u; I fits w CHILD'S IiALS. and BUTTONED SHOES....... at So( and 65t
It% own rechltulrudation. The Visible Supply. 14*xmta say ;,r•rr 1`1-4y 1.1 spit, to
p Kea, 1..7. yan•x:,;,rt. day: in tart. rhec ,h.wed a tt.0
hxvx kept un with their work, an ,Ily,ulu
Its 1 hr Old Country much rl11-rr :al • to boar df din 2 ".,lt ,R tit.- mcbm f"'1r:er.
have (term house, whelwe ofhatloewn Iwh.vt ........... JJ.".JJN•p 1r'x:!N
CenU,tU i1, raid to the teaching of sin;;-' rlrrmpno" „m-hlq xiA- trs-L• M tLla ^'- W M S 1 ■ .a l t lA N s
Iowa gone• into public frlarr" 6f rvpry 1. r.rn ............. 11,1A;.e41' tr.,Jlw I rfNrt waw ,.wne•wbal ,,,dean r1,&. x rn•rl ! t 1 ►Jl
iug than 1n this euunh•y. acid it is ,a it, . t••,e/.l Olin }J,4:,1 (411
kind. Ate tet•,e things blue? If Lhe)' • •. weer, I,Ix Iwr. nr tttru wllo .0 Iur lrrl.,l 1 I
ptfYilegf• of which we in Unlaru• uurinc atle•w.rk N•hexf n.•rrna,rl t.a71- rnMaar .t tlrar•yss.. .emu au n
air•. er i soil I lie
nd t III CINI health lob) hnrbrlr• ,vrll 1.1. " '
unlrer is un Ihu round the hetta•r tut• "huulti not .. the rhfldre,,, I rn..,,1 6::I:,-111 I.u,la- „ and
bent. tar ow -Prost team rbenl laew
g 1 deprive' 11 I ( rte, and Pals derr•naM :. t% a41 Iwl.,ort,. oo,i ad -tJ tr door lata
Ibr Peninsula alld for this towel. Be.
cauM• the diw arm. is of a mild lyAe is
1111 1't•IIMIII tot• indifference. for it (lily
hlgm• ,,,floe of t it 111 lientIA IIIPII I/
Gutteri.-b trill m:tkr K move Krell„ have
thin twill. -t- bi'mi Ill Imifure Illi• at•hl All
Leading Wheat Markets.
\I 1,. Jill.
of a an As r. tml well ., w
ra mivst 1, r m•lra/Aa
1 tharket I.ernA VNI ,l
Illicit aVeoplauea try tire.,. ,ihn4— Decree .Old
M .a.r t, :,!,yr; .^,rb.,t, l).e to :,r; fall, 14ye
of ,elected Il>t- w+m mode at {7.41 to e; :n
101 Ilia.,
tint)' it hAr been 1t. 1,.)k afte•1' tills
-_-----_------_.. -_. -
- - - ------
develop iut,t a ty11e of the utwL Yu',I'
A Fitlp.n nr T[iF. CIIII,nnY.],
Nrw Ttwl ....... ....
11'.-1'.11 ...............
... •
w 4 „IWlaall. .;,,, I. Je and inrrr1nr
"!yr In a5u' per Ib, frAtnrr n[
\'rYl'1' tl• t/l rex,,,- rhl' )Ir• IIIliCe
)' 1
Are the mhrrb damp:" said ihr
Irut clw during lwr cull
Trq.,ln .........n.....
ynn.rl y relief. it, Ir,lees the digewtivr Liverpool Gran and Produce.
tar ihr as mr. •.n.t•Irrohir or•.wi nx s'.b
`.4, 1J fn ihr ,Hark. -f, ......
Ik.• trade w2, the reruw.,l
out of n mon roots lever
h •VU.
fu,lm old man at Lhe otrl.
wether. Amway, whrrefltv)ple KIe
U,wlrrp b, )tall h _nd•
Pit. Is.aIL ...'......
slren¢th In the
,,air row lo.a., un.I 1,rw•,v .how an ..d_
r,-aswiecl into hint and you nl:iy tr•.t
ehamlwrulAid. whit wanted to
1m,Y-Itr it, Ill s tlewll Iwut enough.
binneaprJla ...........
Officer Dentis.
of Morphine and Otheen
vas,• Sir 1S' iwr.lul I... Mier' IA -t WfI
ns,utrd shirt it cannot IA• rru,6ued
, IAe obliging; -hilt we can sprinkle 'etas
A« far hack August, tin-
Dulu:h ........... ....
Toronto Grain
:", 7W.-
„fdd&Y. TL. demand, iw . -,ser, r"a lat,`il_
es Pmt realer- wa- I,w lye
,tilt of inn.
fill- Yon if cal like."
a a
told. there was %malh"Ix 611 the }rt--
s ma
It hAs tleti•n►ne ,tuitJi cmnlomar)• file
when Ill.•1',wmi ise:ltcu, the sRnueocil i,. CATTLE MARKETS.
Ill .,i 1 f1.L:, sora l,eirrrr fY.:.1 I.,
daily nrwsparm11'a an well an other pub-
pn•pi ted u,dlgrmt it.
:u.r Prow ea
6--,. :.I ihr h rands.- .f h"•,. end. a,
IirAti,ttln ILw111Q wl(le ctICUTA[Innr in
Il Alio IIA w,l-e,j 1111.1'1• Ilige,tly,•. IT t'tAlea tMpN1 1 nrlupn„r• 0-r nUlr
souther. jq..1. s:4
Yoals Ve"Witt.,- 1 ,r1 Lewd; -
insula, Anl that oil the last days tit
Th Onl W C 5' h D-
wa.•,I .,erne "a f', ., i
MIM rdir
alirl,ar- w.•re tnirly 1Berge, It was la L• all
Nehruxtry It •bould heepldenuc(alla Sir
e y ay to ure omac I I ...
wheat. geoae, bntou.... 4. IN a lel
cit- ds, hafore :, '-Irrra„re was mete. K,I'
ct•uaurr upon ihr part n( thusr who low
order is Soren therein the
by 'w'heut, fall. hnNl...... .l fi 7"•
of ,elected Il>t- w+m mode at {7.41 to e; :n
101 Ilia.,
tint)' it hAr been 1t. 1,.)k afte•1' tills
Diirative Orflaas. wheal rw1. h,ts.S....... fi 7_ ,1 73
I.•r wrl_bnl ,-fr w;rs I';iw.•
I I," nn .;nturdr Ir.m I. ,nt 1111 nml I:,
Ill,l(tPl'. If we have vllll AO\'tlllt)g
read. k".1, . .... ........ h i% •.
sell• anM•r to lona holt Ila/ wnrh :,•i
that in x11 error ,vr will gladly correct
Thr „Idinnry a win tablet hard hart.), I.,an. .......... .:;. ....
.•, t. w'a .nI .III liiciu•r
it, blll It K'r gel Ila)' dlnlals that. are
feat. I., l all . ... ..... 10 1 J
rlllllyd III•A'N .f tlllnl,'llr (hall Nll Ile 11.1' "'•
1,••r-•, I/wlaa 1. tA.,• .,xlttntl.".1 s.•an-I.y' .•/
put& bluff a'r will k)Ilgw this thing up
Itye In11th. ........ ,:o ....
exit-,•. eombilpsl. While it gh`em Arm-
Ali and Inmh.. ,.d the ..ria .f r• c:rl: I
and allow exactiv hues matter st,ultl•'
ynn.rl y relief. it, Ir,lees the digewtivr Liverpool Gran and Produce.
tar ihr as mr. •.n.t•Irrohir or•.wi nx s'.b
`.4, 1J fn ihr ,Hark. -f, ......
.- -
ilrer I Nnr--n L \\l,rst t •r.nt r;
.}",11.111 weaker than ever. tint lisp tall). l`-' .. -`+t"'
and 1.1 ..,. ,u"I,
nre ,A,- to I7,- pe•- ft- ht¢hrr ;.t /,._r 111:1-.,
SO. •' -1 viotr,Tlt wint •r, A- _k,t i'ntnre.
Irl. leftist lar, continued with Iln•reaMd wready; M.,r. h C... r..e, W.- ., :•".t,: illy 6.4
.1-1 I.n.lw ,),•, t. f:•..• ,. - I., r 11,. A
drterninetl a Opt. Art Meing -tale by
frr,luc•mcv. :.".4
Ind•• van. ,4A. in •-.,i,r.. I.rt a. )h
-- -
Thr or-Iy wav t. pernenmentlY I•llre ,'open .Se.•, .road): A,nerhan rely l
.. "F, r
quality .f Ilio .,tile van. .el, .;•.11mn
pr!rrr n)I.,I W., 'p R..an IF; I•. i,; ,- '.
Position of the Trade Regarding; Salt
st6mar•h Irontl.•s in by htrelidet lr•ning 4...,yd. A,nerbwh I0. ,l. .Id, •. :I
Officer Dentis.
of Morphine and Otheen
the chirestive organ. with It Mi-o•nA t"""' inn: ulama I+ lir1, ally I.
I East t;uffalce Cattle M,r, rl
realizing as they do the demoralizing
11-f Fxfrn Instill net. 811.. 1
htoflmch tablet tx,,l-n IN•fal,• lural-. 114„In M-11,1-. I
Vas, Itnrfa "t.' \I lr•'h I ,
The I'rl.ru11ry number 1,f 1'hr• Cot I.%-1
.q.lar.•, .hilt
Ito thio way ihr r•ni-A -parrs 11 ,• land.-I•n,e, .,-,:,••n I, it, ,
NNt M•r1d. .,Irnty proms
di:u1 Druggist hlul the foNfitvil,/
is interpose, :
,tolll:frll fo: tilt• float alit ili,'it " tits' Jots; Amerir.n mill.. 1, i. (pall., till;:, w
i 1,-- tppinc, i• r . a•. , ..,. .
• {, , hNh•ra. .t:,:rl 1•, .;; .,r&., ;; 1
article which of public
Mvrrtl-,Il •11 gastric juilem so thus.
" aa; R:. St I rest : so. k„- :all•
It hAs tleti•n►ne ,tuitJi cmnlomar)• file
when Ill.•1',wmi ise:ltcu, the sRnueocil i,. CATTLE MARKETS.
Ill .,i 1 f1.L:, sora l,eirrrr fY.:.1 I.,
daily nrwsparm11'a an well an other pub-
pn•pi ted u,dlgrmt it.
s rr_,.1 ,.- MMI auric&• '! : Ir;l,1. In ::
IirAti,ttln ILw111Q wl(le ctICUTA[Innr in
Il Alio IIA w,l-e,j 1111.1'1• Ilige,tly,•. IT t'tAlea tMpN1 1 nrlupn„r• 0-r nUlr
souther. jq..1. s:4
Yoals Ve"Witt.,- 1 ,r1 Lewd; -
dwrll 111")11 the colonIfitY of the evil
w11,,,d1lw 1,.1.,•11 ..fl,I- cal,i•Ig. ,o x- I., 4 and Ifuas Ili/ her at n he..., .,
.... ,•m:
_:.• 1- _.vP1.:1. h, in 1
created b\• the sale of such '•Mbit-
fill, with Ile- Cool, hilt then p, Sol .-, I.ir I, elan 1. 1. I.1v,,;..•. . , I.••n;
floor. Ib•.-,_ ., .
c'.. II !., j, Pmt,
f(l1'tll lllg" drll "as enerllllr, IlMrpfltnr,
I den . I.Ir nn• .",,dr 'a, 11 . - ,w
trio relwf w.Nd, not ;n• wained I
... Al rh.•r. 1,.a r). ..l,rl slid y.ra. , .
rt- i7.A--. / I,. f7 --1; ,
etc. and at t e Sea no limp lheil dadi-
Nii- -1111 folise ll 111,1 l- :11'.• ,T i Ili, d,•.,ard n.il'.I:' . ,1 ..r Ia,
1.4, r.-4- -
7:.: al
ball AlmoAt inval•iabiy place the h.ulie
.1-.nt.al .1. 10,. I.,'. .• .. ,
only. ill a Owns. Ioel 0 I.•.-.. - .nI 11. n' .. • '-
1. eft. .,..Lot 7J 1. P' - :ale
aherp and Lamb. t0-,•Ipr.. 1:.... .
om lhednlggisifmm plotold 6ldy
(nr Ibr pall„(• 71• cr,t 1r, •. - .n.i -a Toronto Junction L.,r Si,,
artivo; Al,••ryI *•eM.ly Luulr t . ,
ihr pnrvrcor of thin Artf19e• Auld. but
but "IS 'Iw ,uta Jill-, . ,L,r,-r ' ..IIt!"liwto
hlg1mv; land., V. I.- S i:., y.•aru,•.. -
alsoa ihr instigator of the purchase.
•►. als,o111t,eiy :1gre'. t Ion• ,, rtuek a , . t nl.., r',, • n:rdA
ii(;Wt; wetner., > : r•, to p;: ro>., y,.::
. Nu Iiouhr much of this erronennw
neon, will ho efunded •Ito ' •, cartel . - mp,. 1'L.O 1
to Rt.::,; Nh,•-•1,, lit, w 1. ltd m S-, ::1.
+uggevtion KI:IrII ham led L(l A greet
litiv 1 :/x'. Ihrx .fl : ....nit nt. 111,';, .1 . I I'! (t--17., 161 AW, I I its.
New YOfk Live Sf,rK.
drat of nlisronre Ilion in the minds of
Lt. :old ant 1"• ,.II LIi. •.l „I.n t.. I,..- . t I ,nrFe,
Vel► 1'nro, t„nit 1 I•+v n . a
the general pclhlie is actuated by a dc•
salt,. Sli-o-ala i” -.i.i LY ,Irl. _ i-, : StuVarmems■.
4:118: s'A,ml ,. ehnb c rote, - . I .
.its ter 1,:1y something htarlling, and*aa
- :. 1 . (Attie ...W t
e%4-1% 'K'h.•1'p, col' will IA' ('Cul !.. 1..1:1 ,in ` iIa-. r :•, in t. i.: yrs
err": d.w ,,•, II,' , n• „,
ani: 41..0. „ •.1 -.` .. 1
.roblerotle IIN♦ In Ile Ili,• "Ile:ape-glwl,"
r ..wl Ia,• Uulk yM qy a 5:•10 to E: - :T.: bWL.. 1
rerplp( of pl'Irr, :i1,.
{I' b, - l 7 -
lbs unfintunxte druggist is made to
SoaI N 7.t to SJ R,, and ofh• ,rr tw. c11nIPP At
i,te ler :1)' for" f:r,• ,:111,11..' I, wk f
t. Sl n.. I •. I ,,. ' , I
a„tllur the "Isle.”
t'll(urlttn#ltllY ihr 1)id•11C has [lei
. .
nRr, :ofd oho ,-,i% - n- i. nur ,cn,I,inn.-. NsteLOrs
II,ra ro+Ln. - r.si,,. n-•rl 11 ..II
tb• and A .Iva-ep.
yet realized the fact that all the
and tin.- ole. tit,• L•,t-A Now I -to ,I,wh f7iryce 1,1,kcd :.t. .•I .•urhr,.; .old at
, y era R-•r.ipi a. I:YN ,,.A1w .r, -,-lo r.,
pharmacy lame tot ihr prnfrClt4 r.f
special lot,- will gl .• yool ca- Ilio.. a s:.; japet f•%.M. ii.sa ht $4,76;
lip 1102.1- of fair 1. I.I.Allun. s , In j4 b.
.• I"." '...rny.trd oat! f.vl .al,,,. ,..,,
tt. l 7:1. la •<,
the le tit) u 11 the htateltP.
Ip'op Ip
I. l And Ar-.n,tl n11.•6litltl with.
4 I mnrl0n r,sei Int J:. :I i rt "r ►I.Ir.:I
tint chmrR, finot le A 31 lona C-ninp'Iny,
n.. w.erorn-. vert-, -
trop • ado; roll.. rf n. Sl.n
M")k%, not taffy tot Canad,i, bolt elme-
MA , il,'.•., t.. j1,.•.'.,
ButfNlo, .N. 1'•- Filly sale fly JAa. NIII :I }•e, erre
fief:• n7d dal .1,w. 1G•el pto. :.7:. h. ,•I:
w}tell, ha -tic peen placed t11ere At Lhe
. and AI KIteM. 1
so 't-wxl_
r1, 'YI, .IIRNt,•1 m rVoml: MmhN Ir,Mdy ,n
inoltl atlon of harmacists, ,tied that
kill. I ,.ter••--•-
- . -- ---_.,_.--. . :Je11L.. run. w -en
8.70.: a.S. ep, fi in X; NMI, ^,.1: IambM,
the very lawn which all now in lin.
iw s, 11.I M tlOcs •,: y.
it F Tii ip P14
isterel and which, in A measure at
!triol; whr•I. rungs, t; ,'it) to
least, hAVP proved ho helpful, have ,
artuAlly been trashed by them, and .mprisoned in Box Car With Two
through their per•sistetit endeavors,
Fighting' -Stallions.
very often against strong rapfllr tion,
lite:+lhro), F, -Ii. :N.- -After an haul, -
have not only been brought 1 to tx•
imprisonnin-nt in :t tin)% car with I%%, -
istence, but enforerd against, ofieull-
sGtllions eugaged in a death stnlggle,
ere, through the efforts of Pharma-
F',wl @»i,lev clfml,al down from a
I,Awe regarding the dispensing anti
freight' train ,it Strothroy tonight
broken in nerve and covered frons
sale of medicines, regulnting the sale
he+ul to (tate with emintle"v hrui,e,.
of poisons arid km/king to the preven•
fine hurl e, lay dcwd in the car, t Ili,
tion of till- sale of nuxious drugs for
other in dvingand Pai.lry refu,es t„
inlmnt-Al pus sops leave all ben the
temult.if legislation devilopil by pharm-
Paisley hearted mit this afterno„I,
aributical governing h(Wips. and auto-
frnlll lidel-tore wifil two valliaLi,
mltted toy LhPln to the vitrlollm I.eaio-
heavy draught maillon A, whir•11 u'
latures as safeguarding the public at
ineeled,rl f,lrtilt- 1SutLllo Market. 'I I,,-
Tel not nal♦ i. thio Lhe c,we, but
pair w'c-Ie tether,"! at upp,)site end, of
tier car and P,dsley nln,ull;ed hint„•Ir.
drterninetl a Opt. Art Meing -tale by
A lie Lt.- ]tank in the anrner.
druggists in (a"MIA, ihr Unite,l
As the freight vain p"lled 6111 .If
,roars, England And elsewhere b)
Lrmdmi. %[,,,rely after dunk. PaiA--y
have bilhl passed which will effectually
shut the Ilton• and .at dawn for the inn
restrict. the "ale of cocaine And other
lit liutTAllo. One of tits ch,u'grs Ile-
drnith of A ••habit-fortnirrg" character,
carni• restive, itself aft,•r• tugging for n
realizing as they do the demoralizing
few ruinutes slipped hi..-hall,gl ILII:l
effects of the use of these drugs.
sxvmgrly Altacko"i file other hon.•.
There will Always, alt course,
B••h,n• Paiwley could interfere•. fiddle
amongst any Ismly of inen, Ile found x
horM•s were 11",.0. Then runtmen•til
few who for the sake of gain pmsti-
n IkIt,l, ,hat ,"felt aulfl the train
tette themselves and their vocation by
tilr•w• into Sirntht".y.
Inciting without. restraint anything, no
The horses hit. and k;, -k --(l :end
matter how harmful its list- may Ix,,
fought all ,over I.lie car. it wit, 10.ch
but we know that pharmacists sats
dark aid Paisley cohld ere• nothing.
whole at-*- very desirous that strict
Twice he rrirrl t, Open the drum nada
laws should tine passed, and that at its
illmp oat, hilt l"eth tholes, he failed
early a date am possible, restricting
, g,ai,i and ngmin be wept knocked
the sale of tile. Atrove-mentioned
dnw•n and kicked.
articles an uluch as possible, and, if
Then one of the I m•.es dropped
the public would only he as aide-
dead, killeii h) it terrible kick.
Awake to the general welfare ill these
Thr surviving horst•. injured and
nlntter, As'pMrmacfets Are andluave
frightened, pluug,•M aro,md,t4e enr
provo,cl th mselvem to he by their stn-
+and if, tvas not till IrIWI- • trot imt.
self(ih rudenvorm, the evil named
that he wa.% safe.
world very mown be, reinedievd•
I'll-, car Was cot .ill .It Sti:it.M•oy
Phls Iva ao case In which the press
should tint. oily give credit to the
ranks (of pharmacy bot should also 11
join hands with them in a work Ito de-
afl,thlP and 10nd f.heir aid in bringing n -I'll t - -= -
fnto hied- legislation of the nature Fs / %1r` L if ti
nrotlosc,l. T cV ,1 lyslf.' i r : r'
..._. - r
Bathing a Baby.
Uanv fathers stand aloof from the
romnitm domestic dutir,. not lx.varem--
thev ,u'e busy or hecausp they nre• not
willing, lout Iw•caltme of ignorance.
How usany men Pre there who
would not gltully drop their husines”
at any ohne need stay home and Rive
the hiahy his hath, it they only knew
brow 'r
yet, in reality it is nnlch simpler
than it +eetnn. Fill the bathtlib full of
any Roost.] water•, first cnl•0fnlly, remov-
fng till germs. Port your elbow in
0CV;1Ai0nAlly` bI see if It is the right
temperature. if i,•e forruts ou your
elhnw you spay know the water 1s ton
,old. If them are hlirletr then It is
flwl warm. He ►u«lernte in Sell things.
Take the baby firmly' by l,nth feet And
mleake him lornoe hsim his flannel
tormirings, until you begin No rep
safety pins ahPSe4. Then remove the
safety pins with gas nfTgfer.4, and fin -
roil until the IIAby textiles into night.
Now having put on your rmblier
roAt, put one hand firmly under the
hahy'm cllemt mnd the other on his back,
and laonrh him oil the hull waters.
When he ham kicked ,all the waWr
(lilt of the hatletub. knew As before.
Tic, careful, while yon rue manipulal-
inR{t the twah' tc) k/ep the face down.
Otherwis-. )'not would not lie able to
put water anywhere elan hilt In his
mouth. - Tons Nashon in the Murch
New !'south Wall-, nlihvIL-v ),Avg
made large roductions in pamsenget
fares and freight rates.
,c11 . .:._.. 4' f
cu LFf
TO or_r30 171UYr'R!;
Our 1907 CatalrRne will t• " t
( )on how to get, Atisolutall free, ,
1 • a licautif.l (`.caving Set of
l rllulr,d iLunlles And
Sterling Silver Nerals,
,a,,,,i enclosed in #1 handsome So
p' plush arld silk lined
CAal. The eldside be-
ing covered with leatherette.
Our handsrlmo ('Atalctgue And
Guide Rook is rich;y illastratrd and
is free to etiltryone who asks for it
and contains details oif osier .%two dal offers,
etc., alio igivea full detiAils of new mn(I • lydard
varieties pf Seed., Plant. ;,nd Pullin.
writs to -day.
LOfMCJUIV, Ca fields.
No Father, No Mother, No Home- -
Worse Than it Prisoner
GAayIaLD Ra Ar.et-, RF.at.l Y, ll%I : Enclosed riles-
ilesaefind doctor's certificate and examinAlion papers. Here
Yet' will secure me a place in your Sanatorium. ''nu will
nettre that my cirrumstance% n IS hard one ; no father, no
mother, no home we"r than a rin",irr. Nobody wants
me on Account of my disease. Hoping yen will have the
c tmrlty And cnimder my position, and give one a position
At once In your Sanatorium, i ever pray.
An Orphan, without Home or Means
Ds. A. F. RANNA, rretn: i have a patient here,A
young fellow in whom I am greatly interested. He has
tuherculo• i%. He in a poor young frllow•, an orphan, out
of home, without ally means. If wee nrnt himup wenld you
tfifle him in and do the heo )oil can for him? i know how
difficult it it to ad commudate all who require treatment.
but thin is A special case.
It 1,1 alwsyi antlouraatna to have a letter Rom friends who kindly contribute. Por the --- - -
convenlence of the$* who have not time to write, the following blank may be tiled : cc 91
I hrrnr Qleaswrr in erro-losiej► itis drift of .. ..............
• • • • • .. , , • •(,S......... ), as a eonlribtehon to the tveaitflrnamere
rj the 111U•S'KOKA FRF_K 110SPITAL FOR C0N5G;11PT11'FN.
Addrr is ....................................
4'1094TalaUT10NS MAY at atNT TO
HON: Si:t W. 1. III-REPITN Kt., fllicf .blithe, Vico-Pre,ldent Nat. Safi. Assaelatlon,
TOrentr, eP W. J. GALL, Esq., Chairman Executive Committee. Toronto.
is a business motto of
this strenuous, age that
applies. with tremendous
force when it i% a good
act you should do.
"A child'.It,%..et rn thy sighing
lops shall make thee glAd.
"If At, it men helped by Ihee .hall
make•. Cher strong.
"Theo -halt be tterved it,, "if ,n
r,err sense of•servit0 which thou
tenderest. '
f,„'All 11.1,<M prl,ns rPrrived will be sells, ledged In the Toronto"GIObA"And ••New's " tot DO IT NOW t)
Ahyose au4:4d ,Ins one dollar or more... "w s a susscrlber to the Canadian Outdoor Life
. for one year.
FULLY 4 fl D, ECONOMICALLY." Dr. R. W. Rruca- ritith, Ootrernment Inspector HotpJta r; and Charities.