HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-3-7, Page 1YOU INTEND
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The Signal is the hest advertising
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_ F seo'e i 1l �tiar
Tl „1 ' ■
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Before you select your Penodlcals
for Igo7 read the list of
t On Page 0.
-_- _ - -LOCAL TOPICS. I hate feu the plNLform nwstly all bilis I U, lLeod, after which MI•, Strang ane- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Mar. 7th.
Financial Yor bale ll. charnpion" of till- liquup unflit' who welect bounds questiuna which weru in
.. — havl- nJoJot•Arr(I duriur; bilis bubo- -two the queatlondnawrr• J. L'aNL Jwdxt, Jog
'� or there dec;trim, lin sI- A olust con- icing prement, WAN ive', an op ,.. Naw blrcctory- Bell Telcphooc ( b.. .. J
vIncingnpe:akerand,Mhih•heladriviul( tunity Lu bf)VAL, uutl cutuplainad of dP@riali.tComing-ELupireCoUesoufUpthal-
hunls the, hard fltctneettd ,lrtailr of tilt• the meleting flight (wing On the wtutr nnolour. Toronto.......... .. 1
wreck and ruin oeuavonrtl by the flight am choir practice. The Klee club Homos tot sattlen- L. it. R ............... 3
liquor traffic, thele, 1. ;tit undercurrent then gave it nuutim•r, :after which A. TaUend to Your order suits for Mon-mr
of wit and huulor that Joniventai any- N. Myers, B. A., as critic, commented Lena the... ...... ... 7
thing likd dulldeh. rousing over the Ion the VA11oua lsunehers. After wing. Fire! Fire!- R 11a1etvad .... ........... i
me -hug. Thio tilt•rling lo -lot Sunday i11g (drift Save the King tilt- meeting ('ctrl hacrince kale of IfarAn+ t'Iw,.C'.LAO 7
at 1:1:5 if) the TrullNmxuco fiall will IN• disper.ed. fhe New mantic. D. Mill.u•Ga....... "
addreaw4t by Miw. Bryan, of Lucklsutt. Affect wanfell-Box (r•1. Toronto.... ,+
aim. Bryson is president of la-urN Huron Presbytery. ,:Aster Term Hrilleh Anieriteu Bu.lac.A .
county W. C. T. 1 . rind is coubidt•,•ed 7'lle i114•.hn'tery of Huron met in Collaffe ..................... .
line of the teat ol"kered on til,• plat. Williot church, (Tinton, Tuerdmy Spring Dmss Fabrics -W. Acbason and goo . _
fowl totlay. She will alba Address it iuornin)!, with Rev, W. Alartiif. style Load. Its FoHuwerm a IJvoly Ubs.o-
Fnblte Meeting its the TetO}wrance. Kxetei. as in derator, :old a Gar M- Walter C. Pridham...._ .................. I
lail on Monday evening. trndance of tniuiatt•1N itud eldeero Joel--- -ourspritufsuH- Dunlola the Tailor........ n
one. Annual re(N)rtm were. premetttell : store Nuws-J. H. Uolborrio, ..
Rifle Match. lin Saltlwa ll hchoula, by Rev. Mr. New Millinery AV. A. M, KIa. .. ... •
'[',-acted tepr~ntiug Collktrue gild Dmvid%ou, Varna; on YnunK People N IA,ce and F.mliroidery sale-- Hodarens Pros. s
Goderich tew•nshi )s kited a rifle Match Societies. Rev. Mr. Un ubart, Ki FFern; Pricy List lluroll County stock Exbitution..
over the Culirurnelrange un Irburmola-'', 011 Chumh Life ;tied Xrk, bvpfiev. sprinotTerin-l'linten H,u,mam(ollese...... 1
laid. the liticlerich township team win- Mr, Sm.wers, Brucefleld ; feu Finance Bolt lent -Thi. Ulnce .......... I
niug with a margin of Yl point,. Tile unit Statistics, by Rev. Mr, 8114w, Eg- ' Oak Bound" Yainto. etc C. J. Recipe.......
to iserr (Haid for it supper at the King iuondville. Coufrrrnce Wrr cutnittre. 4'olonidt Ticket. -G. T. R.. ., a
F:dwau-Il hutiel its Iheevening. After ported that at the next nlreting of spring Huubwlearins-sturdy&Co.. :. {
rujoy'inK this excellent rprea it u Potful- Preshyterp Rev. Mr. Larkin, Seaforth. Raincoats and Tie -Reg. Black ..... ... .. g
losersof a(trechem carte given, (:apt. would teada paper on "The Atone- Anotion Sale ofHonc.--Theil.Gundry ....... I'
Chas. Itobcrt -oft of t he Collnorne learn inent,' Rrv. F. McL. Smith, Hensall. Millinery Announernnt--Midd Cameron. , 1
Jon -biding. Another match will be would follow on went. phsst• of the Get Your I.ws Mowers Sherwood -Oliver '
,hot tOdILV at the. Government range subjet•t, and others would ter prepared H. Pennington _ _ .1. s
in Goderich. The scoays 1:4,1, Thina• to dispur.b then w
)3apetw. Rev. Mt'. General Servant 'enood-corm. It. B Bsalk.
day were : Shaw. Xglnoudville, was appointed the all . ......... ........... I
IgIIIIEW'R Tow Nestle. - IBI 1401041:. Propift•trl•C's reprebentetive un the As- �'� ---
J. Newcombe, Jr. 67 w'. Chi.holm tin membly'm ahosue midrioll committee : ,active, and bet- untiring eRorta it)
C. Provide,Is; Frank Nwegle tit Het•. Mr. Martin fin(] Mr. McKay. ',lake her work sucreasful are Ozone.
G. laitl,watto .7 W. Watson - ml elder, or Kipllen, were• appointed plary. The Ladies' Aid showed their
R. Hondo. an. W. Nyfn••nJ. M i'n-st Lt•t' r
W. 'Whits M C.MoNoil :.t )) y' replrmrntatives on the NIA
and affection in the torn,
c. Newwn 04 c. Itntlertwn Sync comtuitt'e on bills and over- off A beautiful wreath. Her. true
J. Nowousl6e, or. Fir G. Ill -etc 57 Loren. The following alnuliaritanerw
It. Lamprey SI l•. )PIVNIanu. M k Chribtian piety and faith its her 8ay.
J. Johnston rJ J.l'hl.bolm So were appointed to the A,teetubly to I* inner were wonderful, and her ho of
J. Bl-❑ 13 J. Kra, :sit held fn Montreal in June : Rev. hope
Jirssra. t3hx�t', Anderson and Fletcher
heaven was indeed rule. The tuorml
;w! bol ,took Plawe trout the residence of her
mold elderdi from Brnertlnld• Blyth and brother William. on Monday after -
Curling. McKido[). M -c. Mr. Anderson WAS 1)(30", Rev, We D, MAgee, of Lhe Batt -
Yestrrday Afternoon and evening ap}a)inted on the Aseenlbly'm commit- list church, officiating. Rev. J. (:.
the rink lookt%l somewhat am it did trn on hills and overtut•ie. Itev. Dir. Field. of Nile, and Rev. A. L. Jones, of
in the dayh when curling w• us it live Smmll reportal lint the congregation auburn, mafiistr(i in the service at the
Nl"tri Its Guderich, a tiono,piel having of Blyth had by a vet's large tuajority house. inleruent was made in tilt.
Owen arranged with Clinton and Sr•m- i•o►td to in/tairt bin own natDe in their fantih plot in Ball'.' cemeter
forth. In the afita•ntN,n one Spxfol•lh call but that be prlsferlral that Another "11-beArerm were the four brotherss
and one Clinton rink playt•(1 aifainbt tlso,lerator bhould his appointed to is- ,trod deceascrl's two nephews. .John J.
l;(derich rinks• awhile two other Godo. site the matter. and Accordingly bier. ares (Tritest Rulwltnon. Tho funeral
rich ['lllkb We•1'r 111LtAw1 xg.alllxL•rACh X11'. I.erk lC, f.ttndt'slat'o, was spp(tm led, wood largely attended by her many ac-
ether. In the evening the Ill;%,v was W. It. McLeAn was lit.'rnNd to quaintanct%e, whoa kindieha to the
between two Somforth rinks And two Preach the (;(wt%•). the moderator lirl.raved ones in much Appreciated, am
(ioile.rich rinks, while two other Goode- leading the twrvice of lictit ding And well its the kindness, of the i1Auy
rich rink" pmired oft as its the Potter. Kivilig hiou the right hand of fellow- friends in Gtdericb.
norm. The stlor•rd were ma follows • bhip. The next meeting of the Pre"- __
AFTERNIK)N. h .1cry will take place on the second ANNOUNCEMENTS.
eKArnatir. nousaP. n: Tuewlay in May its Willis church,
Vcbuurall. ,•kip I'; )a.. Shaw, skip 9 Clinton Not hdvin d'
CLIxro4. aopcnrcn. . K Psposed of env ruillinery
1 ublic School BOard. hu linraNt I purpooe continuing tt, and
tV. Jnck.on..klp 1: 1 ..t. Ilumlrer, skip fl /lhairnu+n McLean and Merwre. Cott. have added everything up -=date tut•
OaPARII'/f. Gl1D/RICH. H,Nlgen., Platt And Saunderm were Thanking
And mummer of 19071f
A. Porta,. ,Lip Iv . tt. Wsliar. skip 13 the mrud,etw t rerrnt at the Itleseting nking the Indies of Godef•iCIL;a
FSVFNIN,I, of the public school lioanl on Alondsy, vtctuitp foe• their aper sin patronaage
.F.Ay I"I ll. tNrnYlurr'• . Do#- Ur•amurer'N mtateneent showel the during the t1, Seasons, ns, I auk A con-
Mrltogall, .kip I • tt. Irallmov..+k1p 3 following payments mule for Febru• tifinance of t le.'A11ids, MISA CAMEFUIN.
m. ilari. -kip'' A. Poilrr..•kip 7 ary . TellIpPlance Hall, rent, W-60 ; Anentertainment andaddreeswill be
(M)IIEn, of. IODli it. , C. A. `airs. i upplipm. $7.1ii ; Planing given in the Temperance Hall an Meru•
r'. H. Hembea,kip It C. Reid, skin I Mill Co., $`►.a G. tarter, stationery day evening, connomerecdna at S n cloik,
$:i0.&1 -.J. F. Battu, moving meats, >1Rq ; under the auspiree of the W. C. T. U.
Goderich Engine Co. Wins Again. Inky hell for Frbnlarv, 111411 -16. The \Ira, Bryan, preeid nt of Brute county
In tilt- Divisional Court at Osgootle principal re•.ported 'LK.S Iloyes and '.Sol W, C. T. IT., will aclRoerm the useeting.
HAII thim week the case of the Gone. KiriAr oil the fill), And au Average at- An Interesting and profitable tirne I,
rich Engine & Bit -yelp Co, v. Menzie tendance of IMP Idose and 218 girls. & it«htred. Admi..iou Ink:. Everylaldy
carne rep on appeal by defendant from per cent. lie SAM : 'VMoi require weltlorue.
the judgment of Justice Britton in x1,0111, $A worth of supplementary Dunt forget th#t-,Du
favor of phlintifie fur the recovery of reading. it refight Ire well to have d tch social" to
1115,17P,21)and cocoon in an actiou for the two ladders which mi ht lie huts in ler held under tide aua of t If c
R ltac(;il,evrAy Mise. Is/ it, the
price of orf rugine and Boiler, and for the bird. They nho tN• of Nuc A hate ment. of K 91 ChutO�
work find IrLIN)r clone aid material liaUnr that tha•y 17041141 ds• easily Irl , 0f Friday. Ax ch stiffen the even.
ve .
rurni,hed in the, fitting lip of defend. handled_ its cause of tire." The grin- at H of ri Adrarch n, incl"' in reg
ant'. stoani varlet OrianA. The Court, eipnl was muthorim-d t0 tie ate the flebbnlentfi, l.i cis, g
agmen with the judgment, of Judge mupplennent:uy reading of soled, and There will F)r
Britton, cxrcp1, tea to lir position of Nrxen. Saunfh•rN sod Cntt. were ;Ip u "ands LAblo xt which homemadds
the boiler on the lioni. as to which POin(eol is cornmiLtee to obtain inform• the will Ile offerer( for este,
further evidence in to tat Laken befete ation find report on a Bre system - - . -
Judge Matiee at the court huuac•, for the schools. A cim. it ar from the John R. Clarke March 14th.
I'oronto, on Marth [''.5th• Ponle•ss the puhlic schoul board of St. Mary's (;Alt Reformer : "At, a lecturer Mr.
luarties agree to accept rhe report of Peaked co-operation, by a,opuintivient Clarke htatndm alone. Ilia illuettationm
an expert and agree upl0n bonne (ler. of a delegation to join with them in wprP Inimitable, heing full of that
mit car Ate expert. Plaint Wit are to lie awaiting on the (Soveruulent, to en- n it int and original drollery dear• to
ILL Itlootty Lo enforee their judgment deavoring to ffr(!Por' a "hare flu the LVI heart of any man or woman who
ror the +unount, found by Judge Brit. 1ro110(1oe(l 9(lditional Hnitncial Assist- appreciates reciates the fuel and
ton• and costh oil) to ud went, less Anee to public- mollut(11,. The cirinlar 1 N Patboh in -
j K 1 t.xtrilably, mixed up in human nature.
ftfMN), which is hl lip paid into court In ways : "iL in felt that. Am this assist• The lecturer held him Its, audienrv•
abide by tine tT mull of the enquiry tea 11nef. is over and Alxive, forn)pr grants cntl•anced for fully two
hnun and it,
ro the Itobition of life boder. Colson of it) rural nrhrvols, and stem Lhe mopport of iN little to 1u(y that the mission o/ arch
tile, appeal And of the enquiry and elllcationsal inxtitutions in towns and
Pi 1 it man is of the highemt and mobt
rurther din•etions reserved. W. N. cities is much more hutdensin a than elevating type. Ga)toniann will win11
Tilley tile. defendant. W. Proudfoot, in rural rlintricto, urinate school• might
the able lecturerrae
rY K. C., for plaintiffs. p14PIW V 1:110111 A 41101.1-04 in this (lie- aIW;LvN rt.mdy to elcou a hoed
t•ihution." The Gotlerich foliated Ili," rn tp- town:
Presentation to J. E. Lewitt. ride%I not to "end It doleorn(ion but John H. Clarke will give his enter-
(luring the ten years in which ,1. E. t) write lilt, St. Dfnr•v's INNti•d px• tisining fiddreps, "To, And Fro in Lon-
Lewittwmm managerforthe Goderirb )ressint; g
sympathy oil the nrstion. dans" in Knox Church, Godetdch,on
Knitting Cu, the Iel,yfionh lwt were, The following Accounted were pxmre d : ThulTRlay evening, March 14th.
hulsnit and tilt. factory employe•,,, E. 1'. T a411in, 102.10; J. J. AI(:Mwpn. --.__- ---- _ ---
were mlwaym pleasiwt and kin41iv. and 41 -1 -Al ; ('. C. Lee. $*).(of. ,lItssrs. Mc. Clark's Fork and Beans
I. mark of the Appreciation of the staff Leal still Saunder" wut•e, Appointed to
wits toindered to the retiring nran,agpr reprexent .Ihp lw)nrd'at Lhe Provincial are fine. Tit• them plain or with rbiti
too Thursday Lamt, prior to his de ntr• Amerxintion ot•
f Trumrm in Too -onto on 0r tomato figure. CN:. and ilk, tine.
Cure to lake up his new work fill .Aro'- 1pril 2nd. I'11e printilnl Ahked that - - --- .
triol•. The following willI.i•,,s wilts hi- salary •I.1. inerranr,l from $Moo to AUCTION SALES.
^end by Mist; ,listed Ville, while Alias $1.01)(1• but no action wam taken.
Lizzie MrDonuld, tilt INebnlf of the -'- - - I !tATrenay. 'Vtarrh loth. - Aurum, wee ret
'11111uvel•14, pnv,rrltd All'. IA•Witt Willi OFIITUARY, honeA, hareels, wsame., eleiRhA. ,'atten,
,) hiut(Inemu Kull la kMxnd gold pluck- f ea 11 ' whit-. slit hon-. T.
fnrnfuin• at Fair', hotel, Galerieh. T.
ititl McColl. G1'NORY. e,fclioncnr.
tiodei%h Fehnr.ory 2mtb. tmr. The u1o"t sincere syilpalhv of nil is NIO41-Ar. U-mh 1116. Aaettnn ,nln of farm
I)NAN Mn. LzIrrrr : tl'e, file nulplm•a%N, of sltrrk And im ,Irnlonts bol IM tis, coucc.nfon !,
lie tialertcb Knotting t'onq+aly, bo'i'l, tit with file fltltiily of ,NJ". anti Ales. SLew-
•cpelt • nnr n•gret al your .uddcn And art A. McCnli in the dg(auh last Mein. ('olborur, hm�I it mile seat of Geeburn, nom
mexp,•ntcd drgarturn. the do I,,( bewrtlly rticc,ing nt.1 ,-clock tfiwlt,, t1. A. ('Him
dny of their rlde•st d;ulgbtrr, Mins HoLM,pr(Mr1•,tur.11,11 rs•(It'NpItY,Auctlon-
kpplatatnyourklndne..it: this Ra -I, all hough ('hl•lal iiia ti1Cwe#te•t, x(Icr nn illness eV1r•
rr w•Uon, sOmcUues may have termed
)lherw•iw,., Weare ,eery that iia happy ties ext•nding over the- pit"L year. The Tra,mpay. Mmrrb .loth. tm;tion ale or
.hat have linonel eniplo3't•r And enipioervw aro t•nting lad t• %a•am et the Inavf rt[, draft. honed and crit.• CyOMpeM Y M Ur. Howmn
o br severed. 111' 1hf, token we explwso over nn,l r. H. i;IAAan,At ,hu tt'if-on farm• east of
encvreIrood-i,he.for your tilt emauties,•, v111[)I10-%' clintacter and lit the funeral Anhnrn. T.nUNDRY,wacnonrer.
fSigneAI J. Prey., Pot +. mervire tea WiAneednv afteavts)n Rev. tt-rrr,ryAnsa. Nash t3lh. Auction scala et
M,1 D NAPA. 11. W. Wright laid eliphatsis Ila the force stork, etc., prnr,e,ty n( Jeleph. Tired. -
Idrzrh M, Do.,
nrnr the
tt.slimouy of her life and sought Ul 1,tardtol'. T HUNIrRY, suctlonser.
Ali-. Lewitt feelingly expressed hits n.tiae fill- thoughts of the sorrowing
bxnkx fFAuetn Mnrrh l.d h. .tart ion oalu of far",or the kindly nrnLimpnt• !z• friends who gathered to Pot their muck ani ornplPment,, properly of Albert
presided towanl4 hind. He left -tm mvulpathy tcifh Life berenvetl to the Ik"4.,-onve-hnee. ('olbon,e. T. (wNDItY,
tlOPodAv irt11•uing, accOnrj)anie,ll by his, auctioneer.
rontellspiatou of Lhe victor-', skie hart
um �Vilttrd, fur Arnprior to enter fIATT'A"AV. March IAth. .burden sail. Of ss
i1xin the management of tilt• knitting ,u•hit•ved 'and t.hp I,leww•th!es..4 of flet' ,tor(• I'Ann, pro ,eel)' of O«t. A, 1:. Tion, low, at
state Ili which she had I"r•n removed, C-lborne heir. malerirk, rmnnopneiug ■t I :ar
fxrfAOry there, in which he has Pill in• Mimed AIc('oll we, n ule,nllxn' ret the o'r1rk..har1,. Tltl)!(.GLNDR\. aietluneer.
inirml. .ter. Lewitt, hit% i -mo x11 mit- Baptlmt ellue ll, tilt' pastor of that enn• TI•►me.1T. Ntwrrh 1111h.-6(nrins anrtio"
tA)wn is ince n and his reuun'+tl from rpKAU conducting the services, "Ale of faun dusk .till ImpMmants ttroppeetty of
Cowo i" sincerely regretted. Eopeeial- lit, .tame, Horton. Colborne. T. Gl'\i►R\', au(.
prQl•IN•are•rN were China, Videnn,
ly in the work of Ihr Baptist arngre. tlmleer.
lfation, with which lit- was very re• H mod S, li.(lown. If. Sturdy Wild w'KDdr-e,%. 5L0nh Jr, h. Clesrine -ale ret
)(t•n. And Bcrl (w)rnell• (Arm stock, hu Irmrnta, eh•., pro r1y of t�
t1iW14 identified, hr, will Ipr ((really p Jon 1'
Robertson. Ih,m 41y. ancll, sfer. m. ion ft. A,hfielJ. 1'.
nnlnNn%1. (i I'!v'1>}t Y..urlJonarr.
l3 C. I. Literary. The do -nth ocpnrrel Last SalPorilay :it rnCh-imi. Jlatchslst.-Anrtlma,Aleaffine• •
the Gr,l.,r•ich h(mopitnl•of 91ies Jfar• -I,o•k and implrusenlr,.prnl,eyt y d lot's. M.
The regular meeting of lies. f.itet;u y t{,� trot Rottertnon, dAughter of hl- Inte S,")i., "t lot D, ,aoc�,Mml 11, Hulle►t, ,one n tie
"Mivl)' of the Gnderich Calle i:Lt! Jolun and ,liar xtet. HoIN•rlw1�{, Past o/ Auhurn. On.incni„w at 1 u'clo k
Collegiate R f (..bol• "harp. of,
til'XIMN. muctirm•er.
institute wam heed in the Ammennbly, borne township. Since the death of FhPoI%T. Mar -to 2h,d. Anetfon sole of farm
Hall 0f the nehtlol lmnt'rhin-wlny even• bet- mother, twelve veers Ago, tie. mtn•k and Implements• itrnpr,rty of !Nmuel
ing. Although the program wan very rented had livf4l witli her hr0lhcr, SICI1wa1”, n"ynaln "road, ticAriteh ttswu,bt1
s,amOes-out hof(ionlerirh. 'rHor.(il,NI)ft .
short, yet what there wit.. of it wan of Will.C. "bhp wAAA native I.
of Orknpy, nurthmeer. •
the At visriety. After it few well- Sr!otland, And cause will, her pxretrtn TO Fatoty, Mar•h_►Rh. Alit flat, farm
H n sot, words f n,
n1 tr.
t Itis
t o (ata In when m s•
kin as vn f tc k bon 1
111 i S m Pmcnl" +r
gill. t d o A•o
h W w
K K •t I Y,A n.
1 Hill
font. Mimplr. Hamilton And Clark gave, had Ig%m nflHctvd h•ir mine time )Nst at ha c�, e,ou. � tvi•.f tt'ww'"ticsh..•"merm,clnR
1 at I Ma,k h.rp. rNti.-. (:t N. 10H ', new
t11 exrclleut inntruu,entLl duet• which ,&feel it. was de-Ifled finally to have- an tim,ewr.
%%-,ill followed by it de,l,lmmntion on olwrmt.ion performed. Shp was ttkrls - ` -
,-I'ht• Future of ('anallit," delivered by t0 the. (:o"trrich hospital hist billel to BORN.
Ha111110 Bran in' his Rrnndilovine ret, receive Ire11e,flt, and nn attack of plieu- 1% M140N. I , ficwlclielh on X11,0 y, NAR K
numut.r. Thr next ,itself ,"-I. boss n d,-• uflonim fnllmving lrsulteni in hertleath. :sed. tO,: 1. tried 51r,. .1,a,. w ilsete. North
hall' l,etweon rival factions of Air She loore her mufTerin e, w. ,Inst, a -(n,.
R III Christ• l'AMPHELL At IMynt•IA, red Fo•brunry loll.
Vonnneirial form. 'I'lle subject foil List fortitude Auci died in the full InMr.;uxlMmI'rict,C.rwpbell,s..m.
delsat . wait, "It•molveri. filth the, army n%mureuce of A glorious hereaft�er• DIED.
ham done ,non! for Euglami than kin" Sill- Ir survivfd hY tout bnilhprn,
tree navy." Finnic FlsatAerand Cheater Thormas„lohn and `VIII. C., of ('fel• G.11, -I. h,'bhromri "^New fork,n, W_Qel
n1011"I , ►'ahrn,r :,til, limiters. * '
Elliott mu'11onH ed the 141-111 Y. while Irtrnp, and .lune,w, of Pott Allwlrt, Ibo,dd, wHP of f'haie, Utxlen. Aged 31
Richanl � almle and Chsrles R,llpert and was in 1wr lifty xixth year, yeau. "I"11111 wmnth..
mon upheld tile, navy. 'the ju(1Kt'- Au Auh11I'll col•n•x(Nmdrnt, writes: Itl)INILUT4frN In f1merich. on tlatnelay,
were G. F. hlxir, J. L Kil• Tht de,I•rnneol wan nn arlitr church tit rnlese.Man Is*"1, Man[wret RoomlTtson•
lorsn And (). A Rols•rtatm, w}1rr worker, having been ;t nlemhe,r of the *IW.M sewrn attA M wteiAtlw
MrH.t ItDY. At the rcllsd Irn of her elm, C. J.
&fte,r rareful vonsiderathm gsve thrix ilm(NtsL church of the liwsr line, Hill- Ncil"rr1Y, Neksm lei ' nm wednssrfo
ertTlirt its favor td- Lhr army. Tllp lett, hnr uwnv strath. Aa a nlrnthef of Fetroary ?ah, 8easn n., whiow of J, d.
4olllmal Tose tend Icy Miles Auge(rls tlw 1.,1111 slid sed was MrHa1a1Y.lateM�a'In,rha",p eNITenawAteq
(NarticuTatly &act%laterof It. w, McKun+dl,Uodderh:b.
AN 1 wolgh( brick for nab. ADp1Y to
A. WLTVI&"FER, torch. tt
Liquor Case Appealood.
- o int The ease against Ira Bia•, a llensall
------- -_ _. _ ------ ___ InoLel•kreper, fur selling liquor to it
HOUSE TO RE'N'T.- -FURNISHED ehunkels man, which wasdidmiseed I,y
I-' ,Io y huuse to twee for summer. !sit. Police MAgistr'Aty H-11TN•r, 6a1fi IN•PIl
noted st lake trout. Furniture in fir,L chafe appexktl by the illnpertnl'. »clitig un-
rOndltion. Peo„wwi"» .Art I": Tcn at At der inttrlctiulss from the Attorney' -
NAL Godepirirl�r tanlculan to "AI' 3H31,'/sl()• y
Genelsl. And the carr will IN• hesLud b
L\U}( KENT.- A })WELLING ON Hub }luno, Judge, Uoylc a me li from
r KeA��s street. Lttulurruw. A necuud t•h+u•Ke NKxinnt
AdtuaIlnffIfurni.halornot).clearlalcefront- the mantis defendant r.ture upeu,llon-
modern conveufoson ", day but was aadjotrue,l for it week.
Von NA(.a.-Two new dwellings, an Anglowa
.fleet : ore dwelling oil Mewed street; Also "TO and Fro in London."
building lots rm Elgin avenue, lo;wx ,street,
('alar..uva•tand Pine alreet. The auluuu(lrue•nt of the fi•lufn of
WA4Tx1).-.A few furui.bdd ban" or room. John It. Clarke, the lecture voter -
nater tale bike, to lent.for the surmner seA.sin. tainer, to t iederich on the title of
1064 1UC•NU k itOURRT8t N. March halt t•llen iecAvell with plear-
--- - Ire by :unity who have heard hits, on
Public Notice former• tweasiun%, mild he will d(tubl-
less have a large and interested
�•'iOTICE. - iT IS REQUESTED Audience. Mr. Clarke is turtling under
till account, owing to tests late Jobn the• mud )icer tit' the Louhra' Aid 11ociety
It Ire pajd A .I,,•. to (he undervignall. who 1
-- --- - will on,l nua the bu.iaos• At ilio old .taud Of Kln'x church 1111,1 illy address will
jus I OOOERICH MARKETS. Kinfo:,"t Arimit. WILLIAM YL'LF- Le iven in that a hureh. The subject
:d _ -. P It will lie nue of his I,uhL, "To and Fn) in
=-= - -=- --- N Tills HIGH COURT OF JUS- Landon," which ham heLn spoken of as
TxcAsuAr, March T.
ROY ADAMS � :1(•10: -_- "the best, thing On les,• JoI+►th)ru1.”
Taloc num or PIANO Fall wheat, per bowh: new . o.1 Rt to ti a ti
Hosing wheat, per bulb. now .. a no to I,#% Thr s linl.%,,ton rev in 2:), rotN ; rhildteo.
Rye, per bush 0 4s to P 4.5 iN THE MATTER Oi PART O1 Lor 3 11 to cruL%.
8ttaib in 14ak of Monlnal Block. Hnekishcat, per LniA n 0 to a 1.I IlY T HSIUX IS 1JoUT CK tVH HE
per be.h., now' ...... - n tat w O .r; (,F R fHi: SAID LUT EXCEPT THE
--------- ------- (tit NuRTHL.IHTLTRLY TWENTY ACR17s) A 5ati;lactory Report.
t'rs+. per bu•.h 0711 to r) 77 ANI► IAt1' ONE HUNDRED AND ON
Lentils Harley. per bush .......... ,. 0 4i k n 41 The, r•ee rn't')f Ihr Pt+)t iuri:d ina1N•c•
1 - . W ewenh ....
..: WITH IN THE MAITLA. CUNCF.b G)e at high rchM/1r shit collegiate in.
----�--- - ,g,� {wr tnu 18 W fo Ids M NIUN OF THF. T07VN8HIP Ui- OODP. K R
Pleur, totally per cwt .......... Se to - Yl
1 E. SALE, LD.S., D.D.e, Vlaur, patent, per cwt .......... Y off w ' to. RICH, iN THE COUNTY OF HURON etitutes, Mr. Wetherell, upon his I,• -
Niven. per ton I8 M W Is W CeUt oflictitl visit to l;rdet11:1, ('0l -
McLean', llbrk Hhort,. ler ton ................. 8) 00 to SIO 01, Notlw I. h,:nb
Uh. Tunnbnll'd ulA s(fiuoL1 I y given that John Gibson. M Ir{liat• Ilsslitut) is » ver-'• f¢vorablr.
}fey,p+ r len . .. 10 On to 11 cte the lown.of U,darlrh, in the count of Huron, ono. Tile cum silent 11 "I, till• dish M
-- — - -- - tVond. par conA ................. s Mn w a re t
-- IfutlAw. nor Ili .. .. m G to n't! cnrp,euter: 1]iewheth Gib.un. of the lama line and nl'her inytortlnt featutrd of
,'howl-•, perIb . . •....... 0 1:, b n IS plana, spionto; tk,mual T. Gilson, of the
Medical •- -- lows of 11u Anprne• in the I'm nice of the Institut(, we -k t., "excellent." and
_ __ lXsa, (re,Ih, per dor ............ o sD W II 711 Nasknlchewan. 3uomao. and ('ludas H. Gib the t'nnl•Illding sentence it.: "i mill
1'mile, m ... ... 0 31 to 0.54 mon, of the %ill
(�RS. L''MDfI;IiSOY df TURNBUI.L rauh,mdln'ylosood, per cwt. 3 rel m t W ase of w„brroh, In the Province Qlad to repot, that thin Nt•htNrl it in a
D ('atUr ex r cwt. 1 50 to 5 111 I of British Columbia. rancher, have mute nn j'
( �(^ Dn npplb•aleu to the Ii1gA Cuter of Jaslscu fur "':Liths condition told t. luert•ina( well
A. T. iC mwaAI,ON. N D. Help, lh'e weight, Jour cwt .. n In w g lel I Oman to for crrtl(Icntn M title to the „hove- the purpose of ita existence. Ate.
W'. S. TctustlJ.. Ii. Ile snrtuq Limb.. _. . 1 .Ali W 3 310 P
Seem. Ramihon Poorest. 'Ffionc 1(Q. Ahoti,• ... 'I ..) to 1 yr wewtiuned pnx••r(e, under "The rlubUnK
, precut othyr NpnW11Ce of the t•tgoart 'will Ind
Dr. Emisareon'e rooldrner. Ht. Drlrhf . ren,•►. I Hain, par Ib ........ .. a I,, to 0•lo Titles, Act.,.. sed ionto pi ducad evldeuoe
. ,;. I I wben•hv they :vises W he the owner thereof aNPt'retxtrd Icy bile, Strung's fut•lnrr
OpPcotdte Olelorla street church. phots• I IMann, per Ib ............ ... a IS to 0's In frons toneut-+m commuo free from all H. pupils: "I cull rlenac(1 t) an that the
for. Turnbull', re.idence, Nelson -tree'. Lard. per IL ............... IS to 1.5 N N 1 Y
,•tm+braneee eT. G s tnoi10 on mule b1 lir
Next 81aw', scute. 'pbowo t:'1. Tallow, per M ................ n IK to n W work of this rx-PI•ulclpsl in flee elxnN-
- - _---- I HWo-, per mat ... 0 S, to ' :n a aiiunlrl T. Gilrwnn io nue TMmar t'.
i ;;r„ 1 u HnrAY un In. nndi,iA,•d ,bun, to the awed ru'nIl divplayN tdi bile enthuaiastu of
hes `n loos ........ .I.
R A. 11. MACK 1.1 \, ?I. B. , i hickun, ..... ......: .... In to lis I prenii.e., loud lm .11arrh. Irl. IO mmuro ow youth Caluhinel with the a oletiveneer
1) PRYISICIAN AND HURUkI►N 'turkeys .11 1110 I{ mndJuttm rt therein mentiarNvl : wherefore which only yearn u[ experience Con
Special oWatloo to 1:Ye. F.o, Nu.e Ind ICrlrt•dde m.rkel.lon moo. -I Any wher per..nn hwYinR Ise pretending to hw%e
Throat. ONae and ndidaice, oki lt,mlur 31e". 'Any title W, or inlere.l in. Hili, raid land or any N111r1 ly." .
reel, opposite i'c,rtoSae. Kest , Oadench. - Part tlwvoof f%re,pdre,l on „r before tt odoer
Ttrlepineee No. Ift. day, the Iwent)-,t•rcnlb da,' of Manch. now' Hospital Notes.
Beal Estate for Bale. 'lea ru,cing. In Ale. ,twenient M hill or their
--- - -- Moo. ,•crndrd by athdnt it, at my chamber fn The fuflnwlDK donut Ions tq the hlss-
LO`dti 0j7SES FOR SALE. - YOJTR f)'u'•t'de Hall. in 1:,l, city of lineation. Aid w pilot have been gratefully received :
.,•r,t a r,µ% on )tv+er•. 1'roudfconit II aK A. N• .Myer, $b: WAler SAult%, $,i:
—----Y-�: cb,drr at Ave. Apply to REV. R. :iUT1'. yy
Wtrcheiee oef 3{./L Wafrat thvt: "J"10" O"''41wn of Gmbticl, A` Mrs, J. B. Whil.-Iv, $:r: Mrs. tiriggb.
IAMERON k KILL,0"N. BAR• sollcitor. for the ..od John (Aih a, Elivit eth F:xrtrr, $2: AI r. (Ili•l1htU, a )air tit
RIgTERS, iddionter, , nolwriod. Me. Ilflkw, nit)e.mr, HAmnel T. Gibbon •,kid l'h:,rle. it. Obis- 1
aioUtenAt-tileud dMrfro!!i84urre.Godrrieb, tOR SALL•'.- 4OUTH HALT' LOT •,on.wrldin default,evury ouch chance willbe blankets; 31". Doty, or»ngry end
Ont. m. O. CAXXRON, K. C. J. I. Kit- I 14 eoncewion 1•!, \veld Wav►ao,h. Farm barred and the title of the -ald John Gibson, blanket : the Alexandra ('fill), invalid's
LORAN. contr.in+ 110sere.% H conveniently located and I F:lirnleth Gibson' i;avucl '1'. "mon and Abair, invalid's 1tihlo and 11ed-teat.
,e;Y suitable (ter ffndenff or ferninff purls -es. Charlo. H Gihan will I.•,ome alwllute AIA
There Nage.d dweWng on the prempall -12; inAeftwsiblr of law and fn ,qufCr. -u-Lit mJ1 1'hr C►lexalldt:► ('lilt) is Cure 0rt'd of
YROUDFOOT• HAYS k NLAIR• Ihr, re and a uoverfailinde well, ever to themsorvauun•uientiotmdin tl"+Tah,cr-
parrt't(or� Ao►klief•,, nulwnw pnWnr Joel •- which M erected a first-class windmill. Entiro I Linn of the said Art and the ted unorRn!,e on the rhlldfeR of tilt r:ahQ pod bond the
•orcin tbellmuiz o l'nsst, eta UNce•,•.•t rtCe fwnn 4 enArr glw rs. I u,w,n„fon cen ba bad on_tbe chore e(rM+sa 1A banuel 'I'. t)ib•on, mnncy they raim,• in In their owls
itAlo fro rr��sext door 1 A. �'Yfni'r jLroeery. Pd wn.h IM h, IW. . Far further information WI its tot.* Sind day of February naG. erolravors.
vwtefnadrntebrat at kwoA nth•. Ofiw(ez. „I,VIy le ]IARTIN U'LUl'UHLIN, Lucknow. JEU.H.11nLMHTE�t D.
W.PROVI)V)OT.K.4'. It -('.HAYS. G.F al At IGfetweolTfUe>: IteinomlNrtheruuu3uagea;tle,Ahuch
)I.AII;. ' 216L anti =one.
HOUSE FOR SALE. -- A NINE- _ The Daoghter,; of the Empire wish
M. O. JOHNSTON. BA iHISTK[t, roomed fame Awe111rrR. hs�tns s p,xml _ Auction sales--- cordially to thank the Pilots and Sen.
"letter. ndasy Vic, onmmkootnner•-stuatron• on Ke1yr greet. stnue foundation
MI anti summer kit, gaNl stable. Wt I be maid - -'-- tut•u. for the hw•kr • niatclt On Tutr.,day
etc. Men •y to L,an. t ea. cooler HalnilWn )vwN1AM For further rtlralAr. w y
and H4 A,.. rew'- Street— G,tdenrh, tmt. Z• M apply to �li(,T10N SALE night• i ii heing c:rxtwi to hand over
_ _ ___ - %[it`i. li-•N• McCAUUHAX. ITS WtIton ave.. to the blw nal. They also with to
DICKINIgON ok GARROW HA It• Toronto.I gIf thank the bind for so kindly' lending
HiH71Mon Aelcrrtte)'A. o est rids el'
t r., *,' OR `SALE:.- -A NEW RFD BRiC HORSES. their services. � •
GoderarA. Mere3' lo Iced at lowest rntr,. 1:, `)
D. a I1 story honer, balk ds .prior of Itr,t vrq
t%N,venient to Nquace. Slrtlsted on Break A,. (;(N(11,E and DOt'i1l.E The Rogers Manufacturitt{r� Co.
Fbr 11" f1 ulwr. an,1 pr apply to C'LAIL r The fa story of the Rogatfi Manufaac-
It+�Cr: PKKNINUTn\,'ejtnek street. or U. HARNESS,
InBu ono c laoans, etc. F. CAREY Ilfilcc Kink of Commerce Build- luring C!o• on Eabt ntxtwt is quickly
-- ------------ ins. Ood"Is. Irn WAGONS, hecosuing a bury hive of hidustry.
'VOUNG4 8l- ROBERTSON, REAL x SLEIGHS, The Company in turning out A large
F).tate and insuranne Affect,~ Itral P. I' ARM FOR SALK.-ON lied. (.!ON- amount of work and inqu(riem arc
late for - lie or to Int Prope•yflr, hnnNaA 111 ce.,Nt1 of ('nlborno tewo.hip, eevtaiuivR r•I1TTl�R.tS,
Any part of the union .,,it
oesemly. Fire and 1124 ecru..,11,o.",
1 mik from +drool. I sib hem Coining its thickly fret• planta• of good
church.:, m0„' from Auburn Poot Office. 2f business. The ('0wpany Item made
Ifs innurware, ascots to loan etc. BUGGIES.
_ _ Idles from ('.P.R station, 1 miles frau I,nn. castings of two very hu•Ke cylinders;
Aerb)ronah• N mlleh from I inion. There sin
iOHN W. CRAT(�iE, LIFE. Ft ROi3F.5, for ltuuiue engines, the two tori bin
L ,I the pnmbr,e mmoth.., one metro with
• wad arcidsvtin.nrenre. .4Mnt reale in
Mlonc rlAblor andernwth. the ether .l;ttgt In BLANKETS anti nvrP' flue tons. One of throve in :Flt
mutual sed tock ,,,,,,,I,-. .,nrnnro In boll I(rnd repair; a good atone boom with a goon! _ inches ' in diameter I,v :gin inc-bra
limes eeboleA on tart Id.n. "red nt lowe.t rote-. hrrnwr. And. frame kitchen, woodshed and HOt%SF:iIOi,D Fl RHI• Ntmke Ifni les., n her 1>
('All at codicil, corner w,s.t `street "ml S.laarc, drl%inR .hell. Hydraulic forrins water at tern t :la inch.,% in
nr alAtwr J. N', l'};AIGIE, U,Nlodcfi, Uu(• And kitchen. Rood,p{rcrint; water. I5 weru, full I. TURE, diameter I,v W inches stroke. Throe
rate -hone b whcat.10)acne.InBell A.1 „ stete.of rlativa Ire the largest corliudel•b ewer vast in
,fou. Ian fruit trees, boxinnins W Maar, and Ar
�fcKILLOP MUTUAL. FIRE IN. .visit fruit. 2!} arra. of wrol bush, cedar. this part of the c0nufry and itte for
11 HURANC'k ('0,--1•arm and Isolated hemlock. MwweaL cum. maple. 1'or,.c"iml FARH'S (TOTE(., GODER Wit, the Dotty Engine Works. The Rogers
Lawn prol,ert insured. Value of propertl 1o. run he off, en at omr, term. w ,ail the pur people have, Nino tnmrlc a caat.i nq of a
eared up to Ia4 Ilion over O&OM.OU0. 11. chaser. For fu'iber information. a`{tp ly on the eN 1
Aud dimcton:--J. R McLean, . Frnwcr, prmnlsew or addns•. J0ljN HALL AY. Gell. very ig drom for one of the liargeht
rifer Jao. ('onvelb'. U. 1a1e.• Mr. ('hw- etich, one. SATURDAY, MARCH 17H, 1!)(li, dtwlge•m hnilt. 'clefs is [ter the IMmiu-
ney. . Wwtt. JM. K,•ai... J. (i. (lrleve, J. l fel...- ion Dteage Cnuilminy. 'rhey also
wales direct oft; l'. V. Hay-• Senturles.•s„ retary L�ARM FOR SALE. -A CHOKE c'onmanciuR at l:7i ecla:k r.m.1 have orders its for ftn•Ly tuns of rase•
troamaer ; In�pq�f0", newre„t director to bac.. 1' farm for bole. Adapted fret mf%ell farming I r
J." R'. Yoea. Rvtrnervllle. agent for H'a t ter(e lmo, ar ,ctw rlrArne, lu,arrr. , TROMA8 GUNDRY• ings for tile- A. R. R illiAloh \ achinery
rotst lack Auclnonerr. Company of Pirointo. They hA%p the
Huron. 1ollcY•bdAer can xY A•w++mint. aM,Mrrre. rood timber. nal a RocNl black
And get their jardh rereipl� at Mr. ,',ata', els)' Mann. Gond frwa+e loony, frame barn and _-__ ___ - drawings nearly completo-ol for their
('Hnton or ,at McLean Iko>`.' ['sl.ee Clothing sta�tle-. Rood driving .hed. Lot., 33 and 3/,
toes (joderirk! - conrn.nleu 1, utderlch township. Appl fn AUCTION SALE light locour)rivt.0+, have x11 cider for
b lam_ age L_icens�s i
� 1 (UDk:ltIcH. ,)NT.
Wafehmsker, .Irweller And Optirlal.
I- wr of Marriage. I4cen,w.
. AUX license•. oellerich, Ono-
AucUo—n-e ring --J-
--- -- ------ _�
ascot general auctiono".Imo,-•muttit fins
Hnmlllon Street to new ofDar m, :toulb So n:ee,
when, I)e witlL,,bhee found at -11 time. „hru ted
�• cry inR.ales-lFmurew.,innlrle ;ted ,very "I
.A used to Rive you otttirfactlon. 'l: hunt• ..n.
anctieoecr,!IIN ilAndlt nn sheet, s ioderwis
11.0. box Ixs. All ,Ale- will .%•cine "l,(riml
wttenlimt. I win buy your rntir, .toc•k of
household ROM, for cash, slid will .all You
ettivem, furnilam. ,Attnsw,., "fill.. etc..
cheap. Cull And .er what we condo for yon its
tbom lipe. GEORGE BECKY,rr. curiosity
YhOp. (ioderich.
Sir.''Ao Orris - TetteNm
AV77WRIYXD CAPITAI. . liL01)(rfsn
Tu accommfxlate the Fnrmerm
we have opened Branches in the
villages of
We solicit the Patronage of the
opened by deposit of $I.M
interest at .3 % rompou nd-
ed quarterly.
A. G. GAMBLE. Manager.
1'1W1'DF(x)T, HAVII k HLAIR or to ('l1Ah. ev their Intent jou ,val•hoxe. fret• Its) cars
J. w`AIXIH. Cllntml,- Utt FARM NT'H'K AND LNUILF,MY.NTS. fur the Tntr,uto Stn•et.ltailwny Cum -
Mr. W. A. Chi -holm will .ell by public nor
L' I.I. Lake Range %Ve,t ( oll,orne, conr1smilspt.
M M screw, room or le.., mo.(ly eterded
Mn. The aml 1. =clay loom. There fn
a good train, .dots-sod-a•bnlf hon- with
kitchen. ml -another dwellingnear lite sed.
then: is s lare.:14 x W.L with ,.hid and atwbllnR.
::1 x a', with eotnn•odion. hay loft Abovc : sl,.i
m.hed on Ute sent and. In x W; four wells
1 boo .t till, barn and ono at each house; a Rmsl
INmdtior orcM,nt of about two acre.. 1:very.
filing I. in an rxcellent .tate of rer. For
Uoarth•ukar, apply ml farm or w H('GFI THUIt
lw', part lots, 17 And 11. LAke 14ed Wast,
Cn,b,rrne. m• to GE(.)RGE THURLOW, Keay.
%free(, Goderlrh. ?J -t(
VOR SALE, Ij STORY 110118(+;
nn: Anglestra street, It -tory onions, on
. spice .fn•c4listory hen.(' on Nw1,1cr ntlLwt.
nrnr ('Atboli,• church. 14 story hots,; oil FJgiu
avellub, 1 -lotto house on Keay% Mn"+t, I mtory
hon-. en t'tetorla "tr•ecl. I story brick hou- kin
8ellfotd," barRahn, brick vnnl in Colb"rnm.
ncAr Winnillcr. a splendid investnwni for .
man with small emsAW. Farne,for Isle in a')
t,a�uy•tl of Huron county. YUt %(I k ItonER'l
Hf 1N Oulefiok Unt
1/�� lot nil hrnro street, ooderieh, imnlcA-
iatM ra+l of the CentrM school There Am c
nuulber of fruit tieON"n the lot and the pprop.
cry 1% conveniently loratal ; would make a
leaiid building Id. Apply to MRs. M. A.
5�UI.LIN, Belfnst-Ont.
fie.t-elm" 4(yMcm farm in wort Wawanr•h,
c It'reelen 6.101 n, with 173 or" In w geed
.late of rulllvation, well fenocdt wAl wnteled,
g'qd "rcltned, �arge bank barn. coal house.
)'osl 4","* blwukamito, Abp anA atam At corner
of tarn. one n
eabntt school arA rhun•k. M
mlln. NrN11 t'. P. IL diteltion st Aupnrn. ' v is
twsy. W. A. HARRISON. i,nOkoow, Ai3m
N,%;,iZ--M,wre.l W(„1 Waw"n"Oh.twn
ee low fns) Aub1m; null Aits/v loeara, .bout LNi
Mar" linter ('nlUvrtim Atl(1 71 to (n .acted
jointer. A well and two •pringe of water, n
new ft snip dwelling, w s,"NI barn, rtabin nisi
Arlvin shell. Apply to I OUNU k. RORERT•
RUN l�alorteb
lion atl lot lis,-"4%"Jo„ t1, ('olbernc. half a
anile most of Lreuburn, 4n
MONDAT, JIAfor If n. 11.11.
ruinmencion at 1 r'rla# tarp: 1 heA%y
dmnxht mare• h, foal to Jim -per: 1 henry
dratRht gelding colt, rishfR 3 yc"" old, from
Hoval Tokc•n: 2lies,-y AralRhf fill,v Colt+, rl+
M 2 rano, old: I Kn,1,l drivinlr heroic, n scar,
old ; I pure• .mit horthon, b'dL 1 rear old t 1
row, :f y -r- old, due to ralra Hct} lot; 2 Co....
1 yeah old, duo to,wh-e 1-t M Na : 1 1")Iled
Angus row, n year" Old. Ane to CAJre "I, of
Jene ; 1 farrow cow; I ,tool, rising :t • ,•a•,
old . 1 A(rcro, rising 2 yea oM : 1 heifer, n :tic
3 yran old: I hcifer. rising 2 yen" coil; 3
eah'r, ristuR 1 3'cnr (lid; '! ppiss :: w•ARonA ; t
wagon Ids,% : I ret hrnv)• PollI.1ng11.. 1 .,•, light
--1-11.: t Portiaml ,,"Iter; I bop hrlrg3.
trend A. new' ; I read wp,)t,in ! 1 hay rat-.. I
wand nick t l fanning tit I and b,yfgar; I srt
F/nrhltr. d,np.bennl IJtlrne•y all Ware dic4les:
1 Molisen•-Harrik �)t. pallier; I %la-sey Harris
hinder; I Ma,.cy-1 arrf, avower. No. 7: I holy
'. baler ; 1 Noxon ,eed,drill: I Doering ill.- h"r
'. row; 1 V•1 Imlt borrow-; I Rmnir plea' : I
Flenuy plow, No. !L with n'ller cenitrr; I
sharp bay rake: I s a harv,n"er: I land roller:
'I scuMer; I inindotonc; 1 Kesel, big sugar
kettle: I wheell,.rrnw' : t yrarvl lax : I pts
reek ; 2 to Angle hnrne-; J set donble Mfr,
hrss end colltn; bonen l,lsn tm, wilt 'I
n,v,k�•Okon, chain fork,, sbotel., and other
ant 1c os.
E%etythMg inu,l I* sold, Ai Mi. Chisholm Is
R1rinorAn farndnif
TRNNN: Aioun• of $lit and "notpr, rival,;
over that Amount. O m"ntle' credit•,artll Iw
`fern on fit rni-lliner approved john It &% .t
dt.,vlmt o .3 per (-out. allooeel for c t on
crelflt Au,e,ud".
The sale will tie held under peer in caltf ,of
� Md westher.
Prupriclor. Dunlop I'. U. ,tartirmeor.
F MATER 1'1:}ta1
I Ilio British American Rinino,s (-ollegr.
Tmm�to"r,, t he Olde•,t and (test hnaf nva .chmrl
lei l'.a.-- begin„ o n April 'End. tiur east%
1nRuO explains our superior work. %Veylo
Par It.
T. M. WATSON, Principal.
During January and February, the Clintim Businem ('ollege haft
twent - ►e r.
fl nim � am mnn
� calls for S 0
Y .ern a hen
to kin
R)' N K e
rkke• 1 College
}(n( pan, n lit Tra(•hen, ,Ln Wp had grAduatee t0 send.
Attendanee in always smallest during April, May And .lune, cm,-
mequently each 4tudent guts npoasr individunl alltentlon. Thi,, to the
IN•mt terls of the year for the ntldent.
Learn of the Pourer,,, of over gradimtem toy writing for A hRndtN3rne
catalogue of the
The 1'Iwackwanl"m• " runty "feel AtihOme with tit an rarh mtud,•nt.
in instructed At him own desk by a painstaking, sympathetic tA•ache'.
Graduates guaranteed miLnatlonn. Enter any time.
4ASlbtod wltJt winomm Hnninow (bllegal •
Gro. HPOTI(ON, Principal.
-A-- -. ter'% J% -w .+-r•,,��,e-V- ter..- Jw���
[)#troy And will rnttkr ranting" fur pat•,
of the under this week, and among
hair• promising inquiries they have A
reyu".t for tiguree on it drdiKe fill• the
Dominion i)rodgc Company, of Ot-
tmwA, the cu•IL of which will run in the
Ilelglll„t•l;o(Nl of $fi.3,f TIMI.
Temperance Meetings.
Phe, nddtesbof Rev. 11. (lement ret tilt -
gospel temNvrince meeting Inst Snn-
diLvwill not,oun lmeforgotten ivy those
Willi were fortunate enough to he•nr
little. Mr. Clement in Is NJ"'ixlist in
this line, a pOont%•r in the tempelunre
reform movement, and has met in lie -
copy of change of running advertise.
ments must be left at this office by
Monday noon to ensure insertion
in issue of same week.
_ Lost or Found
LONT. A \VIhK T,F;AI'll 1';!t IIKLT
-- with largo gunmetal hn••kle. Fludor IT-
wafdedon b%aving,mule.1 TIIIS OFFICE:.
Situations Vacant
forRenital honsewort. No waxhinit.
A taMR:+. H. H. IJKCKO;T7'. cooler No;
IIID .I .till Combrin food.
_ t_uat_ions 'Wanted ___
PUPY'M T Atrencf. -The under -tie ,ci
hwA Mru Appnhn agent eN' liMrrich fur Ihr
pnrp.%+Of sernri rm Plnyn,rut.In this tieln-
Ity for uow•1y arr el innufRrAnls train The
1'It : KlnRd om do virR positions on farms
or n.
-t 1,
1, a�r,'nn .
Any desldug •w h elp will plr-er, mals.
mdfratlou .tal.Ing Mfretnnnt.. to W. R.
i11F.RT4W. I.nAclbt Government Xfn-
ployment Affrnt. Unice Ambit Telephone 1:x
clr"nsre, The rulnwm. Grade i' . 'I'hcml, IK% -
r i
A oA
hot EN.J
:1 -
Y"n "s na daelbt cmarn,pinlinif
lldil fill- ,p,in I in clew of the
ndven•�nR 1,111.•- .rf bri, k• And lonstwi
wise men aI. ..... king EARLY (•I)N
Lf Con.,111
.1. LF;W14 T}IOM,\yl-• C.1•;.
Ambitrcl, IA,nd"n. Ont•
Hi. roarK .. dMfi;n, bond attention In
rlfent• will nnrop�er, fAv.rnhly with
A"Y Pro,, IonI,ufn. He will wait an you
tN' on-it,tinn. ft” M chAep•. '