The Signal, 1907-2-28, Page 8, 1, $ 'I'IlCa811A •, February L18, 1907 _ __'t v '1'111: S1(;NAL,:' (,-l)llM:R!('H l►N'l'ARII► GODER[CH IS OUT. made utoney to ux --- I act tittle tel it 1'i, I tote the Isecetit of the euuuuuuity, NEWS OF DSTRICT• RANDOLPH MacDONALD, swim Wins Second Came in Hockey I evendollaIh !hie contributionever�hxck, toKE: - President. Seluc-heals. change. LAURIER, Goderich played the returu KAme I wtfnvtmu,kY. Iprh.'litl. with the llutc�unrn at Berlin in the THE EARL'S PRIZE Ken. J1c(ita et- II I(.% A. ALLAN, Vice- President. THE doolo -fivala on Friday night last, the , It'tr. u) l,Luun+arca • Hrrhn teaw wincing miter a hart UCharl , R I overe�gn Bank of struggle b)• a rutt•e of 14 to 8. Unlike, Winnipeg Takes It With "The Rs• Cburlrn 13..yd Pimint it rue{dt• .d days I flit+ gau1P dere the Sailors play.Yi tit•rN lease of Allan Danvers." in. Godi•rich Let week. d&ar h.rcke • and a + t t1 1 1' is T • %I D. M. STEWART, Gedl Manner o Canada; CLEARING SALE OF S 1 u to ret tlfLtng \\hen ill E "elle g ,rained" Club ' , rix - tlunlN ova rho Ku.• c of Head Office, Toronto. WINTER FOOTWEAR luinutes hlul the utchulrn working brought ills Excellency's mats ul and Jliw Slary l C 1111ld over ne at., L their hardest to keep list- -or" even u dramatic c nR ,otitinn to a s It•udid Uiss yhtJKr Ilclknu-Id, tr:u her mt ' i D hapltal �ubaciTbal tie The Hailt'ts went down pt•e- el"Pax on the Brat Batllyda night in Glover Valley, film -lit bundav at het' - . - -- - y ,►,Qoo,uou INOW pared to five fhr Berliners the g,une February before a crowded and en• lu,we, � •Ilpltal bully Paid ,� OQQ,000 . OR ulu( �( its till 11'lle' (u �t'Cllt'r t-1 II of their lives, and their suplwritys thusia;tie audience at the Russell ger returned honor bartrit•li III \iisn Kate. yle(ir• Reserve I�UII(l r n I 1 hllltl: tit were nut disapp„ell t4 by their Ro.lal I Theatre, Ottawa, with a rarely finish- after ^trending ,a week with Irienda i,' .lJ.()/0 11 Iver o Ueit) play tuck '•Huet' 11 - ted and•uniformly excellent present&- xud tc•,xt"I's ill Kinloss mud Luck- Arsets ovel' . _',j,QQQ��QQ Vti(INTL R FOOTWE�IR. Iver down to pixy hie old position, tion of their ori4fi�nal drama: "The uuty• but the Berliners would out stand fur' Release of Allan Lenylrp," there was We ,Ile Nurry to blxt.+ that \IiNs GENERAL BANKING. we IIaYe decided- to 01Pa1' (tilt all '141108 Of it at all, ho Ile furuterthou 1-r nisei) SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. P F s unanimity of Judgment that the Annie Burglaw, is it,. present lufd lop to play six m laidsl(ls last (tl would teal trophy was unquestionably• thein, with tilt nam"ps, bat w'1- hell, ter hays Interest Credited Quarterly. Heavy Rubbers, Overshoes, Felt and -gree to ilia and aL last aio. ajth tie. Thu po ular verdict was borne out her,ue•a1Rnt lie bison again. withu, play K. Mctotmelti, x juniorANDREW PORTER, Manager, Fel(Ained Boots, Shoes and Slippers, with x gexal I4•JnnlJ.tion, tett 6ulndl by the iter announcement that the --__ - Goderich Branch. had the ) amateur dr matipta from the \\'est game started when he KINGSBRIDOE. had been awarded the trophy be the at �rrN.illY 1'l'•IIUCP/I prices. droppeet out uu the ground of a judge&, and that the \V15nNf:hU.►Y, I•'rb. •';ill. •wt- �tlta�saw - - -- --- •� s rained ankle. Berlin had two ,if &at w tt Spm- J. J. lama b 1 I �m�` ��t&Ittmw��m� their heht dOCtAirs-it was ufterwardh phony Orchestra hut, Ap was genet-• r I tilt Sunday at Iwu,kNl. Till' liew. goodu for l:pl ill;; &fill summer are COIn' In lefirged thmt they were6otwe tiexKuro-- ally exPeMed. carried n(t the trophy yL-A . Ni161"nnd Mi.s Hattipattend1-d r, a Yourself'Pi in music the funt•r,d of the l+tte Joseph Noble, Doi Vo ij � h a� illul \we 11111;( 1111\'t' the sl►;ll'e ills WIIItPI' ri0U(Is OCCIIpY le rimae t he ithey wen and they gay- The lay it an their opinion that Mcllunmhl was P prepenteod by the Winni- Addie el:uLin, who ens IN•cn hutrcr• - - --- ae well as he would ever be. For a Deg company woe, written,especial!' - - - �"' 1'118 l5 it salla iY►11 rll(,Illd 1101 1111+4 illi eYl!1'y- !or the competition by Major D"inP, ing%fl'ooll ;til +Utut•k of Ileuralgi;l, in if you Ju, and are in need of ;any uC n tune it not gat as though the game who organiser( the rompam'. amillted table to u);lair. tllln„ 111 illi~ l'IHrR fl}'- rtu,tlwl'af n1Ust go. would gotgo on, but .after piotretiuR the tool , \\'N: l'a\ til'PI'1.\' YUl'. vignruuely and Referee \\'hite11 b by Jt4r. Erthgt Beaufort, who played IOtltTr.un:- Thu death of Mrs. John RAZORS-Bokrl'o and eallw•\h,gnetic. 111.1 tying that he could do nothing. lira,• the title role 111 'a manner which 13ucklrc, an old and highly n•b{a•ctr'i I REPAIRING. At film as an amateur who Ivsidor t of Kin hriA Tt.�%UH t;'1'RA I'�4 at ic, a\t, ,',Wit,, tt k', i and $l.esI fin rgreeJ to drop a man, tuui tilt. K* K''. ucc-t m at RAZ 1\G lilt! :d • gime Proceeded, would In Profosnional ranks reach the fawn rvsiJeucr h.•Ir uu ahe .trtrt- LIES-.-01-teat range, ftvnu Vx- to sf low. ®j=' • Goderich took pilebession of the ' stardom,' and by lllr. \"ikon Blue, noun of T'urxlmy, F. -Ii. lilrh. 'rile de- I SIIAVING SOAPS- Williaul± anti ('ulgale'., its r;tkeh, I 1-\f Tn.g ac Vicar Pock and had the• home G+aru'adefencr an ex -Toronto newspaper man, who censvJ had hrf•u :,filing fur borer Inc• fillA\ IXI: �U,11'at--four'lr 11"e urrkrb, lu Mick.. nosy for a few I1I111Utes, and after stagged tho production It wan by all land death wait not Ilnrxl Ortrol. Tile I odds lisp ptrongeat n( nnc prwltented funrtal,which wan IN1grl utirudrd, I tiHAVINIi \11'(;ti-aL1`1111112.x•tu:Jh'rich. west sitle of 4/111711'0. GOD]":Itlt'I1. the merlin b pixy scurf 1 list- first during the com etitinn. ill dna of took du 1-r lu hit. dux• ti's targets' attended. d. goal. Berlin n.x,n evened i un a P 1" 1 p SUAVIN . ' ildfolis Elc. good rush by IVataun. but *0udrricll drunatiP intention- ac,i ermtpelling T'hur•xday wurniugr¢-. \fir.•, Buckley I i _ got another a minute later,. T'fie force The mmipany cap admirably I,-,--- lu ,nn111•r, Ilel• los%xhuslwnd, S. r:. HICK CENTRAL DRUG STORE I teaws were etenly, uuttched and adapted to the Inrge requirements of three suns &fid thtrr Jxuglatrrs, who neither had the advantage during the the Play• their whole presentation be- place the syun{11th). of the vinic cuut- 0"DI. Ith'll, ON'I'. - --- - --. finest few minutes. Goderich gut three, ing marked by fine dramatic teehni- tuunity in their• R"..t I.. I litif-piNae of nonliwaliefi n cxlttiil: air for I.egisLeture lbs•LY. is to he a (trot�Nnlua- mory ilefore the half ended and Her• qua, by amoothgenn and virility of gym- �mm �mmmmmmim® the next Prut'incial elrcliull. it i, ex- lion of tilt- Cml;iuet. lion. .1. J. F,1y, _ _ - -- .- —me>•� lin four, waking the %cure cit half action, and by caretnl attention to do- ____- - liected (flat x Prului'irut "Wod-Ur 1-f flit- Attornrv-lienerul, is to retire', +(1x1 time oto 4 in favor of the bonne lexiu. tail It was more like a professional PERSONAL MENTION. ----- -- - the Op{aositiun will la. prex•at lot lei- lion. W. ,1. H,ulnx. naw 1'rovincixl During the first fifteen minuleh of performance of metropolitan rank -'- - ors hub liven Iedtmd t.1 a twirure. when h" live fits•.!, tic h;tht:y weak -t cess& the ct'uvt-etiuu, �,, 1, iiia,, will succeed him. J. P. the second halfOoder•ichhad the Her• P y amateur". \fie" tvvliil".Y rller.Pfllmntfunl, ww- in lawn on Pulitirnlly, Toronto is a whitell 1-11041 boil 'kwiti,Hl with fhr* Ira le. 1 thane wley.ina b f 1 The T•,a,,a11" News ,ubiihhr. a bt. , I'iie' n. M. P. R. of Guelph. will lin e, to on the defensive h most of the Dam Crawley. Mr.. Resufort, and tt nit.n :;yanolal kir au I'ridaY a, hip ru I tiepulchre. ?Ir. GrahAml should not fall into the ft' the elTrct feet at the .vii .•f r l r f h '!I "nice f lit• Cabinet ala Provincial tiler. Iatt after that the hurtle Leant Mr. R. c Ckttse showed themaolves to lInw l f'lty' Echoes mere West Middlesex. "little semi•. It rho• Ltls•rals ferl that Prebe•nt srbbiun of tilt. I'rnvlu, :,,1 .'"" rl:u•%'. Rut the gaine well in hand, find es- to popsrrp dramatic And histrionic Mr- l'uualA.. ,,r Tanmtu. 1. the sunt of Jh. liruhxnt t-xun..t afford to lead abilit of rare excellence. At the roll- .N'r-. ullhert,on. 11NI. ri.,.t 1rct. "UNthrov Air -- w'ithout goalie reilluneratioi, w'liv II,It - !ax•ially effete Wiggins was ruled ofT 7 _____ five minutes for doing tractical' • elusion of the pia the audienor, Ik:n H:de,urirrdhomefn.n Turaito Tu,4 It. 1{-141foey,'lfhank.,lilt fam.. and I-Ais• tilt- looery R,I41-anteeing hien ��aa�e/���� 41111111 R 1 ) Y- a.1)•, uN u,g to ill" iaoe.• of hi, fail,"+• ,.ash Ixok uutoriety, wart fill exhihi- adequ:tlr cuutPell"mtoit frrm their o t��m nothing mune than pn,tectinJt hiwarlf cheered egein and again. And gays Ur. fh-A&n and 11r. NIwt-,e wwnded the tion in list- riding 1`o• s(W ne days, !alt uta a ranks the game wan never in doubt. Uur- 1� enthusiastic curtain call art Major dent.jI -n % c no ion in'lonontu,h4 r.rk. Ing this half the score was tied ill r' Doctrine And the collabnrateurs. t'hnrl.r M; 1.4tn, of Moatrc,.I isle 1"x11 w, fill- ns be;trl froun escaped IN,ing times, but in fisc last few minutes The second half lit the evening wap "c`''all^R'1- a•'1- du "t aha old hums h.•,1-, hugged. �)/ i''1-:. Baldness Berlin drrw away and wan rather taken lip by a Curly adequate render- Mn, S- J. Nlalliun. of Ntr.t(,'nl t., t.itlna at The weakness shown Irv, ,,Mr. \Visit- ' POLITICAL NOTES. I . 1-1,^ hamt, of .tor. nerd Mr+. J. J. \foure, 6.a.t nPy in )'irldin r to the (•Ixuor of bun- - ' raeilp. The tlnml seta- was 14 tog. ung of the military drama "Armpend alnro. ti --- the !Kan," by the McGill Ilnivorsity nrry onh4••srekt-t+t and jn dre;t uinatin Tho " f1A vial dPe•laratiou in Wret �� - N"" >n Hevetnl of the f Torre ehonveti sur. .tar.. will Logan. of Ilnrrwlo, i� 'sending n 1 1-c yhd,H.•sr•F gi, e s U. C. Hoes, ILiherall & I - L. THIN HAI R Prizing reversal of form. AfcUi,nxl(I I)ratnati" flub of Montreal. Except r,In,reot Neck- Nnh hoe and ,et-, ]lt.. Ales. huedse•dn -of Liberal otldeials wif hunt ncejority of lair. q;+; w = ` a 1! 1 played ringsatvund M. Cochtanennd it far the meritorious pPrfortgAncP of Kukbrlde. reason or excilhe• Iendcd to defe.tl hi• T ^ wain IlPldnm that the littler tiiJ very Mra. Stephen Learnt- k, the rompanv - Ni•^ Jennie yNll•..t 1:xrn 1-..p ul 1-w, her c^tr(lidatr. The Pronincial t.eria-oat fry of Mxni- �, a r 1,.� i' ` 1J i S 1� O LO R E D HAIR, effective work. On the othrt hand, was hard!} in the name claps with �l (i�Nai: h lhegfle•.1 of herri,tel•m-law..Ut , 1-o or h es ls•rn tiisulcoYl, and new a lac their Winni The Good Roads Movement. - ti.v,s a ill Ime held Ott )larch 7th. e . tlaoi t ETC., C.1- ETC. $rinkrrt, who plterd x little their pPR competitors, Jti.s Ihi•y I-i.h.•r M" ecrnrnrd home after a i walne in Goderich, diel the most eHec. In mn far as the dramatic part of ''i.lt Oris ••.,odor at- wel-L. Nath .un -..lieu• faux itoosall 01-rier• Sidon. ('fin.. N, Hynlan hnlang:.in IrPPn' ' tive work for the home tl'ILM And the Pnm{tetition was concerned the ton, l'lintun. Tile go.sl n1.,ds udlyeutent has been n•, f "n- Ch by. the Lian 11 a ;f -.nodal, dy ,l f •aw��aa• nct'[ecd most n[ the goals. Watson entries were all of a vary ereoditablo hAoflc I:nnr or town. IrR :•l,",d•a, (u1- taken tilt by file !limon council, so it toll. rhe toy,•.rlw Kau {rending ie that Alto did (xAworkfortheUuicNmell. nranuofd.NArrehrimeild.taki.rRaluivar r"" with 1-h.• tow'u.hip cutwicih t,1 .its, , gg desire, of excellpnor and most otthem on the G. T. It. yfeDonald, Wiggins and Carr -Harris would not n,erl. to fear eomparisonn MI.. CamI-. . f F1'dtcen. 9nn. r.t»bli.h :(!,- u1- reject 11'... hylaw•. NAIir•,II l "onyctulion of Kot llu on Liber. n e `• played the (lest game for the Sailors. with tunny of the profealuonal touring m -w. It" n•tuclo"I r1wr1 " ,ht or ..•verso (...Hifi.•. in this h"cliorn nl•r s.1 Nulirtior iY I Prof. Dor en A end Com ! n�! call checking well and getting in sour rom "!les. With the exception of the "''"k" at Turonta that one dullm. will do at- elle h a.. "I" ,rill Is• held i 1 the tow a h;tll at l pp ?fb.o• d re. 12..ttc, who h",. I en rl.ItloR to Iht4s in wgnlr (carts ,it the 1 rryinre•. lit 10.,,•1"int Tu7� dry lo. %% ylarc6 illi HE WILL BE ATIBf:DFORD HOUSE. 1 good comMnfitiun work. A. McLean Quo Symphony .'ymphnny Mncert the mUPI- T.1-, ,atndarlrKthe pa -t wont( xrriv.4t hugne This fart shu'iltl not he h.at Ni ;hl uL cin"111"Ilvir•„ lit 1:?pl n'c!,1ek, fur [hr was handicapped by being fore,ed to ran evpntp were considerably below 't.tturdi,ytiveniug. I GODERICH. ON FRIDt:ir, MARCH 8th Play the wing when hr has xhkiraym tho level exporter) of a national min• Mb. E-!. F:IIMrI came ham.• rtan, Tnrouto True•, the have exet.11t-ttt rooms now, played centre in other gasurs, and Int- Petition. In view of the on aatuntft? r'cni.,qq t.. »ileac I,'. mother. Inst they ale Capable of imPro -e vent ___ I "1-h R tilt I;1140!c e. I'dwi, ; ..I.:- . ,t t Tat !•t:::" It t v:1 i general sec- N,:, Thu., L11j.1tt, ,l ho t..1te,,d ,torr teed. y Ile aI 11 ay\' aoml l.,kIV 1-'r; ,...-, I ""I'.0„ti l.,. ,fit .'\-r.rltM i , \ did not do such effective work ah he rope n( the week's fPrfnrtrt�(l1knces, ii, and exn t-:asil licit iq ahln„t Joel-- —` �s� T141ii: lend st1'rfe Lif.c ,,r ,,, .1• . '.1,rw., lir ,,.., 1•111 -c -'it r' otherwise would. a Jayeopau :►rid ylc was announced ba, hip ExrelI t1- that NI r%. Frank Smith ha. returneA in,... Toar. fret Condit it'll. R e nnust it'll in tilt- 7 )'um a•1- nil rip{.•.r.u1u•. 1'I .i.: f.•wn., u i ,lenilrun+l Itr.-J• %inn. Iter daagta"r. Jli.. t;rmv sulith, to eastern sections get Alne•N.l of Ihergo,sl % I- E C T R I C I TY I .Au.od Ihrongh •he le- of h•ur made woe,-a.m,. Th,m1 d. owe -ver y, the defence played an emus the trophies would be again OOmpeted still in the h.p.pttal th.•re. but i.setitnsalunR their fine honk. Mn Ili.• .4111 off fent Iwr"nwenxt. Hnq,wt •bYir hockey, breaking uP many dangerous for from limp to time in the future. A slimly. old county of Huron. ♦1xrn� nal PKU elite - file be.M. Iwrn fad ,n ...; kis new I. t "K".".N eSb "S'"bs iso, H"p, I PATENT ll.1IIt Ionil ("I ! ••f:, l,ttant.4t .11 aver the N,or et. ru"hen and olearing wail. written deciwion covering the erouteat A"^y in i._.I wilt I.•mrn with telrrri u1- rhe Don't Take it, Mr.. Graham. The (came : by pointe will he handed nett by the aueltw�oi'k 1i.Ni'�K,r'I, of e:nh. wbic r acurlefl I P 111TiE-4 wiriva hon..•„ or in•ilal. l ­1''t,,. , ut heir, , . ,•,ally era y "uJ whiiu h fir. ta'.«n in Goderich---(coal• McIver ; int, J. ud ea. J" •u h"d frrquunH ,i. ling RLEf'Tlth' vIxTI Hli.•1 honk! e%ch.,,,;.•. 1 g y Ih41 ICiucanlulc Crim to?.- 1 1. dere as the K e -I of her nt.,•e. Mr. t . A i A:, I aur illm.irwu4t 1 "t.darl" .t]A Atka I Private Apartmrat. S,e.'ur.d at Hotel. ` r<' A. Mc court• Crrr-HArria ; tuvl•r, ---- Nairn. Jlr. - to »ljeude4l the f outer"1 at The pt u{xgsilion lu yu!r x N,I:u t 1-n It. r I A. McLeitn otintre, Wiggins: left, A sAr) STORY. !%alt a1talurda)• G. P. Grrrb,lrn, leader (;f list- Upposi• t„ 11'c""-'hawingexceynnlarlveld", ^i wing. K. McDonald; right wing, D. 1!lc• ___--___ Mr.axdMr.. w•m. sih.,tri,•k. wboha,e I -,A tion. should nut Ila .•nit-rbtineYl f 1-r a i i y , Donald. re'slent- of .1,.h A•td. emir l,w,gannnn, will READING LAMPS f -` y'1-` ,' i IT -Year Courtship and Journey Across ill"v'° to town next month, wring i.,ught a minute by Ihr Lilm•t•+11 parfc. It is to j' ii;s 1 1-'v: REMEMBER Berlin -Goal. KntgPa ; point, I(unc- ,t N.rlling 111 Kl. 11», id'. wadi. 'w'V ,, drrnland IM 11nI1fNl 111»t I( II ,•non 1-Y 11p It Wl;l Ire I 1 0 1 ;