The Signal, 1907-2-28, Page 7s
, '
4. The News of the District. Your Doctor
Cul cum your. C:uvp;il .:r Coll,
t t' * ,*` no question a'K,ut that, but
46+6 46-+ !9"" w1; go to all the tt,,uhl,..It„1
incom•rnience lit la,k ing him t I',
ST. AUGUSTINE. PORT ALBERT. DUNLOP. Ientation of the Smith's hill cmigr•- and then of having hisprescriPt..1
Igaetion IVAN pn•seut, lend a ple,ahant tilled, whenyou can step int I biny
1 Utssu.\Y, F'eb, 2Dth• MONDAY, Feb. 25th. I MUNDAY, Feb. '25th. I rveuing wish .pent with n program of drug sore an Can ata and „blain
Milos O'Uunnur, of Morris, is visiting Alm. Wileon Oalds it visiting her I Several of uur young pruple wore rap wuric, spwt-c sed and rvcitatiuus, a bottle of SHIL a CU1�I:
her uncles, and aunt at Donnybrook. sister-in-law, Mrs. Jar. Scott, let the near 8hepiw4 dton at Alex. Bogie s I _ -_ - - for $ quArler.
Thor. Donovan slid Otis McOnire, prweat tiwe. 1,Arty' Tuebday itiKht of lust week. i Why Pay two W five dollars
took a huniuess trip lit Wingh sm last Mies 101 Ix•I nod John Quaid visited OCir lural viulitli•tr Alex. McNtivin and! UUNUANNUN. when a twenty-five cont.
week. I their sinter, Mrs. Adam Mhaefer, in Miss Fainly Quaid aLesi•ted in the (I, A. NEWTON. DENTIST. L UcK bottle of SHILOH will etre you
Rauselm IAddy in eng»Rged at prey Wingharn, last weak. music for the dancing. lT. xnM'.--AthtxnoeterydayctowptTluus. as quickly l'
ent.With his uncle, Tho4. Loddy, cut. Jore h O'Counor was in our ori h- A social gathering and dunce ryas dey^- Viewnmuy(o'. ,rtfsotinsleethlrkxunn. Why not do as hundrLdm of
I P Is
to, bel ter t hsn „c. t'rown and brim ;e wurii.
ung wood. lorhmxl last week buying cattle. T held :at Chas. McNeil's un MonduY et+. wlulunlwu v�+ltwtnoo-b.. it, let. thousands of Canadians have
Some vouuK talk from Chir %feint( I in the ,lace o rt laOd clock. night u( last week. Harry Tew•sley, i L' a.- You esu stogy- ha%n> our work much I (k•ne for the past. thirty -fair
attended the u rtes supper lyra y' I R g who is down frulu the great West oil I betwr done In the dcutml oAiue-amps Aline. years: let SHILOH be your (1o,• -
y Pl g 1T I Thuruton Mustard, our Avelino' :a Vidit to Colborne, took gluts n part rIttu0i lar Ins the for fining
rho work, Inure cum for whenever a Cough or Cold
the Aubuim Rifle Club, teacher, left Alai Friday to visit in Clin- ill the dancing, with all the ent•rgy of : T I apkiears.
John Leddr ,and Richard Tholulxion tun and expects to return today (Mon- youth. lie giver guile an Interorlutgg I OTICF.-THE LOCAL AGENCY ( 8I11LOH will cure you, and ull
have taken tae contra^t of cutting the day). account of the cornu y he ha a dee del to uuos,anuon furl he signal lost the t'u.l druggists back up this statement
Iralaucc of the timber which Albert We understand Thomas Gauley has to'iv.• ill. rh�.: will 1wlrWei wlr{Inc ^„hec�iptinn.,wi 1 with a positive gturantee.
Johnson purchased from G. Greaves. mold him ten -acre fat•m to Barry ---- vertlehlg and job work, and rfm•elpts will be I The next time you havu a
Ott Monday, February _kh, Geo. Hawkins for a nod rum nt money, I given for uuwuute paid for the itieu e. j Ccu h or Cold cure At with
Smith dirpoxed of him sock and itnIe• 'rhe former expects COLBORNE. 7•
p pncttt to tvridr in uur ul'CKWHBAT FLOL•ti, THE Ali-
mentst publicauction. w. Utiug vfllagr. TI.h,cal'.Fes,,ruien 1�auLl'2Y.LYepuMtl't{cls,sill.Ys\t.'lst'Ni ey�`
brought gaud prirch. 1'htxt, Gundry --- —” - "• J. Al user, All Blyth, called mi friends '17NB'N, uuaiaaunuu. SgHLOH
wielded the hanuuer. Mr. Smith has CREWE Ilel'c•
WY.UNYmIo.\Y, Feb. Avis.
Not).grit farwr with [!rias 'chump- �- 31. Whwanz made a laminins tri , to Climb. Elliott is, let 1r•eae•nt in Tal•- raw _
w,n, MON-DAY, g. 25th. Stratford this week. 1 unto un business. 1 +-,.--........ f..--.. r �---.....
--- --. -. Robert
ug hells ane ringing.'•a�"'a7ii'L.!.tb''�r11Cir.+IlE sit
AUBURN. ROliert Mcl'Onnell is sick with la i \(ro. Alerner, of Gcmlerich, spent sev- J. \\'nikoul'h brother visited him
grippe at present. enol days with fricndn here-. during the present week. - —
"'vesu.►Y. Feb. 2Kth• \Vt- lees Pleated o learn that ,Mrs 1'. Alareirl and Arthur Fibber have \Ins. Wiltuu, lit' Luckuwty, is wjsil•! offer of the vrincipoal,hip of th,• (}t -ay.
Juhu Jackson had taken x poeition Al. a are Plea, nr., id learn
that , s delive•1•ecl aonoe lit' their fat rattle. fug her sister, Mrs. Smiley. enhwamL p"blic schist,), Of which he
in the Sterling Bunk here, health. On Tuesday evening a itunlher lit A hleighhxad f r u lit Dungannon wit" abni.f ant last fall.
James Nixon spent the former part Mrs. J. Cantwell and her son, David, our young people look in the mawiml League attended Nile LeAgue un 'fates- 51iiu+'Jlalnie Yuill, of tic• 5th rc+tl-
of this week fu the village. of She 1 al•duai, s y Riven b ale bond of Temperance at day night. ceesiun. rrt"rued hotels this week
{ p spent HatuldA • wit6 � � K
Ali- Sclater, a former teacher of He•nmil er. N. Cooper aid m short visit to his fi•uui viniling relatives and acgu:aill-
uur village school, is %isitili at ,Iib- relatives herr, tnuct-m ue:u \Vin h'
R g 1 Mr. kind Airs. Abram Culhetrt enter- Ou Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Pfef. home near Norwich hast ncek-. He Ram.
e•nt in this rection. trained a few Of their friends and far', of the New York conference. wits accompanied by (-ell. flora. Alias Maleel Alexander haat, gone to
William Jackson has sec:m4x1 x ueighbotti last week, twcupicd the pulpit of the Evangelical Will CI••tw•futd was bottle last Fri- � V•aucouvel•, 13. C,, to juin hot- brother.
siNA»tion in til« hank at Alouktun and M1,+. Wall. James, of Kin1Ou h, and church :sed preached an Plim{nent ver- day ,rtteneling till:• funeral of his She is ki riser of John, William and
left here lust week. fC noon. gtandmuther, Lilt- tate Mrs. Wilson. Jxmeh Alexander nasi fifth loan%
Afro. Will. Graham. of [.un on, are friends in f las township who :u'e doer.
Till- Rifle ('flit) had an oyster sup- here waiting On their another, Mm. Al. HENMILLER. Geo. Horn, nut• local freight -carrier, to ere her da• t
els a
Is -it Tuesday. ev . '
1 i1 and r
Fe Y rat
K Im'
Higgins, +'
1'r O tl( Im very low purchased I ,\ at 1 has lir -b
RK resent. Lural a Hoc .e, ,'
team of ho• s
p 1r
an enjoyable
1 a
evening. Orn r
•,• Alim. Alf 1 ,
K al 1 c
MONDAY. Il n who
11 . U Feb.Z0. , h h,o 1
AY. Fr ,r.,t few M• Roberton. R 11 we
t. I(+ b +tau u u
Mumu• li P f Aubu
u skin r e u U 1 n.
I I s f WlW' Y
Mier Ch lot tun tier '-
Charlotto t sister. Irtwlor lie' so o R t r u r.
retul•neel Irnving this nei9�lxn•hod for Luck- t u tun;(, f the G. C. L, rpnrn6 This La•sup id t(i replaecr Chu relent t Js. Johnston.
home last week from the Soo, where Sunday At hill hinne. Mr. Horn reeentl • add. See the flurun roast. It -fl, last week.for Tun,u•
now. John MrnarV and'lbny Pierce )
Asha rp ent the past summer. are the chief lumbnrinen here and. one Mrs. Percy Walter is iridinpoied, freight, move uuw. 4,. Mime Mc\aughon falls recently
William Hill• of theSnd concession lit their log, measured I;Ifeet in circum- h:aviug mn Attleek of la gt•ippxe. BITTEN r)Y .\ Das.- The Crvliton I•'rricwl bur diplOuix lea n trmioetl
corres ndent of at Exet4'r III lit Chicago. and will lea%e in a
O! West to Mr. Ree, had dleave d of fur nca'• King round her . He is
ret «very Pa' pallet i ht few months Cot• Lethbridge, Alta.
sir fat•m U --- --
t Mr.
IG•id a"d leaves for home mronod here. He is uu respecter I week l,•Co)•(kd a udhkieh�ruLurc which
the Northtve•d h . tr. aro
L sur 1 .111-s.
h.a nov , \ ' \H nr C
KINTAIL. I to .II,m (:' • •'newel w•cr
y U P .lawir A %1I it
f pwrwms. Fe 1 u, of to Brantford last week to attend the
Joan Atha x a cot, of Mxninlsl. Tu mmoly. Fell. :Nth. Kpwort.h League service next. Thurs- 'hid Placa•, tvlru is te•achitig fir Citdi- funur,al uC their niece, Ali-- Thompson.
lifter upending a anlplu of months day evetiiu will Ila- ueunthl cunntvra- I tun. \\'r hope tier injury will nut tie {
visitiD in this neighborhood. left for henry Mor afe, o[ Lfrthiau, is in K Y w rious. The corre. iudent bays.: A The drreaased lull vieiteml kit. bet- uncle's
g R lbs village for a few d.ayr. tion weelinK. very mast nex'ident Imifell Alihs Grviu Place soverx'summers and wit% much
his lame last Friday, expectingle to oro A nimiber of tilt- your • ,ell, dr at.
( esteemed by those wit.. 1,4 c.nie aac-
iu MnuitOlw in time Gin Ihr rle•ction%. Rev. A. Miller called on tome term• 1, 1 � while rrtnrninK [rvnu hchuol on Aloo•
bets of his Hawk along the bhrn un teudlal .Bethel the 1st day rveuing I+t,t. P. apprw•s ,,,,it quaintc+d with her. lhhe wad ill anti n
George Young10tut want down to Tuemday. SauAay evening• some buy- find a Jug hitrhrd lu n few days,
'1'or•onto last Saturday' with a carload Jack McDonald land Min- Flora AVNs Lvdm Wxllet•s, Alf Go(lerich I sleigh and while Passing the teachers ENTH;ft-FA Olitrl'. On Fridley eve -
Of cants. WV e e from
err e. o n ser epeut as few days Last week with tow,mhi r, m nt is few• days with her the dug sprung all. theta, biting A ate. niug lit Last week seer entertaintis•nl
the shipping dour term Alm own rix• piendd in Kinlusn. cousin,:. \ala rs: tree gawk ill Alis, (ail %iw'v Wena lend was
given by the Snndley as haul of the
iurtead of ire having lu go to A1iss Jane Stnau • coliset ueutl she ha, not facets able to ; Union PrtedbcLcrian cluu,'h. +Hca.
Igyth. Jack Dingwall and Alr. McGill, of p,hxw Alu•nded x 1 >'
James Gibson moved to, the village Illylh, are visitore at the residence of quilting I,_ -e given by Mr.,x. 1). Uinta leach 141. x Camille of days. ' Jas. A. Anderson gave an address oil
Durran McKay this week. on Thuridav aReroexro last. OntTVAii%. After a prolonged ill- *thst schools at Point Aux Trt-ushles,
IasL Tuesday. James Johnston in- Orbs Mlw, \Vitw,u, r lief lit' the lute iQ'rP• During, the evening two of the
tends moving in its m few days, be it Sinaun Style,, *he) falls spent several " "-- - --- d R.
the advent -of the railway lir is it weeks under the paretital sof, re- HOLMESVILLE. [)Avid G. W'ilsun, passed away uu scholars. Mitis Nellie Heudermoll aqd
turned o the )Seo Wtdnewlay. Wednesday of past week. The dc.' Miss F.V a WilMou, were premeuted
lather that s f tiring from lila• l -c at TrKAD.\Y, Fab, 'rt' ith. ce,asaxl wiaa: porn in' Drvoitmhire, Fang• with dip,loutas for repeating the
active duties lit life they feel nor• at Gnu. AlcGlenu, of Purl Arthur, Mism hathleen Mwann .-petit a few hand• in l>(:t5, removing to Canada Sh ortrr Caatechism. A collection was
horn« ansongst the ameociat•s of the cattle house rveruLly tU the ixedaide of days of last wr-k visiting friemla in I while gain• young. \Iter her uaxr_ taken up in mid elf the xhu4Hn at Point
Post than in retiring to one of uta• him daughter. Marv, who is very ill at Clinton. rixgr she lemWrtl sat Ingersoll, Port Asx Ttambles,
owns:' - _ the trsidrntr. of Aft. Moran. Mism Family Pnx to,r attended the Burwell and Wfughanr, and .it til'. ' ----- -
Dr. McGregor, of Dakota• who bas fuurral of her aunt, Mrs. Jets. flohnes, Iasi mentiunad Ill -tee her hwslatid .
tarn taking a cuurxr in rueedicine in dies After A1r. N'ilnun'. death,
of W'hitex:hw,;h, un S+atunlay.
Tvmoet)%Y. Feb. 35th ChicAgo recently-• spent it couple Of thirty-five years ago, she removed to 1 S.%Tenn %Y. FPh. lith.
11ihm Chriesy Miller id bottle froze Y A barge nuttnber from this vicinity R CUl'.Nt n. Jlxl••T1st:,- Uouncil met:ac.
days lit the residence of him mother, have been attending the revival nseet- t�'a i +unuon, where bile rngxgtd in the
Guderich. Mee. Jahn Mc(:n•gor' ingot in Clinton c:►rrirlf uo by the millinery busiuees, whites she contin. cording o adjoorurneut. Manders
Mrs. Alex. Dut-itin is very low at - -- Alisres 11n1i, Orta until al -Ont twelve years ago, all prrment Relive'ie in the chnir.
time of writing. LANES. She leaves to mourn her lobs one The Ininutem of bast meeting were
Last 1' leladay evrniiiK Miss Lizzie daughter. Mrs. B. J. Crmwfordrof this+ tend ;lard coufb•,ued, Un usutioll of
lira. David Todd, jr., visited in MONDAY, Fell.'lAiLh. I:nuld (ntertaitied At nomher of herr dacr,xnd one sun. Wait. Wilson, all Murrey and Andrrx,n. Traasurec'm
Wingham on Sunday. A uu1orber of people f" this vicinity friend.. A vera enjoy al+tr evening is , 11 e,
N. Y., who wag holm: flat. ►r•rsu't, ahowinK a Irataore on blind of
Quite a nutltlwr from here attendexl all• suHcring from haul colds and ha r,•IotLed. the funeral, lo•-ide.) three lir thers, i777(7i.lki, was received stud filed. Iii•
the wale at Gain. Smith's uu Monday RriP{x'• i John II4•rry. Lditnr, of Thr Mexico In' K R
Y Sch,x)l was clowsl Tnesdav a[trr. law No 1 w•am alnendi'd by chant in
afternoon. J,nerph Smellzer, Otis- Keniml rtnithV• noon locniable N'. W. Tre•w•arltua o at -1 delx•ndent : James, Wrry, of t'bicmVn, a-sexSOCA, Sul:at•%- from Ill. i1) n 71Wti on
.%Ikmb91zalx•Lh 11i{Ierprftoa `ixt ardav went, Ur Galt on x business tail On Le rat the ftmerml of him wicle, John I need W alter !lorry, of In grrmoll. The inution or Ihailic sand M ll-VILv. Thr.
I&A for an extended visit with friet,6 Thut•aalav of last week.. Dean, librarian, of Clition, 111 funeral un Friday blot WAS largely lit• aaditur-' report• after Im-ing finally
i11 Toronto. s Mrs. John Hogan, jr., sun very ill 1'ItYKE�T.\T1uxs.- tendert. Cllr bet. "ces living corldueled audited, was fidopted. aril rat«tion of
Robert Ale0i ire avid Donald Mc• during the F,xet week. \Ve hope to Lst \Veduesel+'Y I by uur lesulentminialerh, Rev. Mesas. Anderson and Thompson. A. Ander-
hear so(ro of her recovery. even 1ug the eongr gat.oll of the Robinson, Rutherford and Hirkm. mon wam empowered to buy 'i-•00) feet
IkroaW delivered fi finely -matched Hnlmesville Melhfxlist church Pre- of ianlnr:u;ii•in. plank tot- township
tratu in Paisley On Saturday. Thr Independent Order of Forester•t► ,. 1 Thr, murro%vinK frionda have the syut-
iutrud Navin an ' at home" in the "`>ntd Mr.:tied Alas. \V, 1 ick,ud with pathy of the community at large. parpc,ses, on ,notion of Thorn exon #and
We are pleased tip learn that MIs. R A pttrae of $25 in gold. Mr. Pickard I
Abe Durnin, who recently underwent hall un Friday evening. Every prep• hes Ise•, choir leather fault Mrs. Pick- �SCH(xot, KEI'esNT.—Following is the Aledd. rhe following iLecoiltits were
an operation in W'Inghnut, in progress_ Oration is being made G, give those mrd liar hewn organist Cor x number of standing Of the tmlpils lit Dunga I, Ammued . A. McGregor, printing e
ing very favorably. present the lest evening's enjoyment veers. .....On Fridley evening the Public school for the month of Febru• h eritutws, $I.50; John Iluw•It•-, repair-
Uf the season. ,try. N:a111eAs are in older of ine•rit : ing culvert, :irk•. ; 1). F:. Munro, ex.
Air. and Karo. Donald nrnei h cr( Ellesente (older Ai ..1. Ru Friends 4 ,Senior Ile I t _ pwnrttr I"PA d of health, *27i .1. 1).
Fart \Yillinm, visited in Orr neighbor. On \\'eeluesday evening lit tart week prearnrcrl Air. and :1C1,a. ,1, ltusn with » 1� ' went •- Senior V. titttyliP, drain rnntt•urt,
hood last week. Mr. Cameron was a nutnher of peespte of this neighbor- uitd lonp, couch. Air. Holes sand liuw,►i•d ('iedr; .lanie t3otliei.u. Junior''. 7175: D,
formerly a resident o[ theme ports hooxl spent a very pleasant evening at family intend leaving toil Allerta V, -Beulah \Valkous, Alai .lures tipruul, malverl, :dk•.: Jas. .Inhuston,
and his many friends were plea -sed the house of John Mullin. Dancing moat the middle of March. They Fthel Came. Alma Itubinsoll Charles' as:clior^ Ii7 : AV. A. wilsou• auditor,
wad the principal feature of the even- will he vet much missed it .the con, Folvier. Senior IV.-rithel Glenn, I Co"ncil adjourned to meet \lurch
o ser him again, looking be hole said I M )'
hearty. inK s proceedings. lunnity. Vern Durnin- Glndys Mcln•,ul, MAIM: Nth at 141 o'clock. on motion of Ander•-
-- -- -- - Treleaven. Hart Wiggins, Alan icer., eon nod Medd. W. S. Mt•Cfttlarih' '
DEATH oY 1 ETra CAMPISELI.. - Ali- Robert Farrish. of Bra ndou, Mani- , Clerk. •• r
other Of our old ,ionet•rlepried awayWall, returnell bottle ort Mon -lay of UARLOW. Roy' Aledd, ('last Sproul, Point.) 11c- .------
qmorning,I in thee mou c last week. Bos is looking well. The r \»ply Melville Glenn, i our fent. I No. NAval ^.ontribution Toda .
on Monday io' K \\'tiurttc+u.\Y, Feb. Lyth. land, IrroeOltVer, Lorne 1'oun{g. Iii. y '
Peter Cam iwlt. Alt. ('am bell hied climate se e n i to have agreed with , falu'ual +tat.
P p EASTER Cutfc rrt'I'. - The choir u[—Cierngr Cattle, ('ora Allyn. -tl, tixndm, I t
been ailing for bomr time back and him during his eight }ears' stay in the Sluith'a Hill chars h is Preparing for sa Alnrthaa Begley, (; Luencc• Smiley', 1 ML }Ifour's slutoUlrnl final it
gradually rank till death came to hill \Vest• amcett o be given either slit Good Verna McNally, Lawrence SwlileY• i tt Mr. Ile unfair to c%pert rt the that it o
release. The funeral Look place oti Fri.lay .Ala• Fainter Monday. The pro• H. K. pelvo, Pt .sal. f
VVrdnrnel,e to Greenhill Lemeterv. LOCHALSH, i to contribute to the tlo&inteta,tnce of I
Mr. Campbell was well-known find _ o anew of g`1 tarwudAs the purchase• luniur Koom: . ulnar 11 i. --?1 MY" it'
'rill, envy while they have. no, voice in L
highly respected lend the soAmowing L I ,an t+rstparetl toill[orders for cenlhStile aur11 It good (Inject 411 for tile
Ile heart Iv I,+arch, and gr+► S FinahhtAlaairP Ituward Iver., . its cnnit•ul is a p urfcci Iy tea.O,,;,I
S nl r 11. - Rdey I view o take of a vexed f uPstiUD, aawl I
family have the sympathy of ale rota• on .bat nalar. Size, from m Inches o 11 Leet ruppor[crl. F'nrther ticularo All' Bradford• Lima Smith, (:et•trnde Be I
lu diautrtcr. I mitt also prepared to take fwa R- I Ought to, quiet duune noisy px•rnmm on p
reunify h thole loan. H r h aJ ,ree'- for hondinsc either arch or flat floor Lilt- entertainment will x given LIu•r. ley, Wary 3leCo irt, A�arvin Durnin• loth -idea of the veiter who have i
mxcbexl the goal ulrl age of righty bridge-, any width u t o:nfoa stein : cement I Arthur Hu tcb, Edith bSLuthe". •tun• I es•u L
AIUMI•rA% NE.tsr,r.,;.-Sa•hoolNu.a
H%'e, fla remtnt threshing flnnr.. wave tsnk. for IL--Hnwarl Anderwnn, Linnflrlrl Idrnuauding that t�!Annda shnuGl pati
ecurcut sidew'alkn, and round , r quaro shim. inclosed owing to the prevalence of - tri bnle or kf4•p her advice ort lou f i i,a I c
FARMEm+' Iss• rwTV. MISLrllsli. - racy-. All w-nrk ituarantecA. I have, a, hand nnum rs send ua.xslea. .i. 1�:. Holrertaoit, Anderson. Clayton Saand•t, Fred Fr* p'
The Farmers' Institute meetingg held voi cedar t.. mostly t urned, for lawn finer.. f I R , mailers Lo hcr-clr. it ,%ill b• rely I
her; onTburmiletvlost wits voted h all a Lfiu teaaeher. Look the me"Iete some H-4zedri'ata•aA'I• Iv{•rs. )(av Mt"tht-7•s• difficult to persnade the eolo,ic. to t
An kind^ of to it(f, a slater y. which
, wll1lie 'al•t i'.--SeutL 11cNmIIY- I
of att,fo Rthe ,tone well watctvd, which f- won weeks ago, olid when er t•rox,vrred so - wend inane% to Lnndn" to be - ,i•nl. by'
Uncross lit way. ea ter-
oltearuc 1 a Th
AeG. H. Robinson).
y rent for the Aon. )work o furnlslted on nary of thewstl,+'ll tb:d• the. i Hxtcdd Sproul, Vic- � 1
pupils lChi lupx•tislGesyrrnns•"tori nlperi:al t
anon meeting waw fairlyes well attended ,,It W. S M romont work on aDp11a,1Lton. or Ett-ingtesn. a\lex. \ndorston. Hazel
'CHIT, m.\\UY, hochsl.h. Jl-Jt nchnnl 1•ernxincd claimed. Nearly every defence. Thst colonial (luvrrnuico:, I.
and them akrrn, Messrs. Shaw and Aug" -tint•, Olive Glenn, Ji,nnnie•
Fe family in the vicinity has lo•ru wily putty generally 10elieve that the% \
jests gave gor,l ad farm r . soh- Tt'emu.\l', Feb. 28th. JDrl,Io,. ivy. Carr, Edith Andet•.on.
affected by one or other of lhP prey+a- can sjwnd all the money tlteh• people o
jecur of interest to farmers. n The Thus. Sand is out again after a lent complaints. In addition a gI*cAt ,',glut- t.--!•,dgar Car•, 1111th Fowler, emit now s 1;11Y• flet• Ito maria
evenin ineetmg % n. est i nail • severe attack of the tt,li11Frank Glenn• Franklin Thom +mon, t I d of L•,• ; ,-
well attended. [short .and istrurrtAny p"' mxoy {xoplr have find the 11-11, Anti Edith Siands, f and tluat they clan sound ill, plfti• a. Al
K The guu,autine card hab been re- Lhe sickle committee have haul', it bumy Clans A.-- Lew Elliott, effectively &s Ute Gma,1"uu 11t in 1, m- t
addresses by Menel,a. 1'nnng, liaili woval ftoni John F'inlaysuu's house. tiuir. George Glenn, Alfred Rollinson, don.
Annie, Shaw And R. W. Craw ,and CORA B. HontAtTs. Assistnut. ''
s short impr,m ,tn progiiuo, (-(insist- Roderick Camer,u, who has been J(rrrlvos.-Jonathan Miller has got - -_ 'there Away essily come x tint#•, laf f
natiering frons a more foot tut• it few Uwrrw, when tile fair runtrihufiuns t
I Ot -utas by {Pt. B. W. ('raw ,old ill his solve supply rat ire lit the of the rulunies lu tui
weeks, is recovering slowly. hotel. Cunnin GODEKICH TOWNSHIP.
\ ill McGrigor and ma a,ngfln of ghuln'n clerk furnished 1!�'ri,ll defence
choruses by the )toys, sell weir( Lo make Two of the largest elms in the town- Chet supply. ..... Martin Connell, te-ho W131NE«UAY. Feb. _'7th. Will im' so lat•ge th»t the% can lit,
up n very enjoyable and prolltxble `hip fill victims tU the woodman's axe waw injured some weeks ago by m tree I HeV. Jae. id:unilton held It ne •,•i, longer Iw confined o local prepus,r-
1 ) tions. There will in twat dray' Is.
evening's entertainment. last week, on the farms of John K. falling on him, is improvingg nicelly in n)erting o, Twenday evening at'thr ,enn"Kh for all the dcfendiuK the call %
__ - - . McDonald and Apex. MacLennan. the hospital at Goderich. C. h, tit bottle of Chris. .iohnson. BmYfleld
15AYFIELO. Quite :a large number of logs have race hint out soon...... Win. Connell road. -- -- A
hero hauled o buil C'amptwil's. so ham Rut thea logs Ont of the 10,sh b•sek Allwrt A. l'us stud bride visited relx• ------ -- - c
WEDNEsn.%Y. Fel,. 271h. that there will Ire wrote wee %' m,twing of Young's se•hool-hbume ,Ind e•xpo•ct- live- in the• lownshd brad n the t rehi, t
T. J. Marks has returned after a ahead when Neil is the mill in to ttrt clotting with hit' )ortlhle saw• (liltR PATERSO� S .,
couple of munthn vihit. place. Ave,L tlking their urpurhn'e for the
mill alonL the Ist of March
R. MCM11rrsy %vas At Gravul iR-1341 "'little 411941• 4Paabou is in sight, A 57� COUGH DROP E
LUCKNOW. week or two will prolsdrly awe it in Alpert Stm•d%, of %Vashingtnn, (M.e^ M w stn r .. a Is.# a. rare
on Tuesday, looking xftA•1• the Hmhing full owing ... , li. M. 1•ottng %vas `S'• in visiting llfm parents. Alt-. ,andi,^•rs^ .a1d rel..a:r#...ewr..,,n.a
llt'Cnfaem. A .rd br a,v&or. w.ue•Ir=71,1
TL-KADAY, Fell. Xth• »way for aweek .attending the meet• MIm. Gao. W'. SUudy. of flu• 7th sfie nu I r1a11a... It• pr.w am
Mrs. Currie, of Vicot•ia, B. C'., sang Jack Clarke'm leaut'fnl grr honnd ff eoueeetilaa, mautn'not"it'ne:eife'a+eer"IY in sot Lhe Wcst Hlu,ro Farutrrs in•
two enloa in the MethaxlimL chutes died las Monday of ft d(oae of pillion. auurtr, of which he is prrmidant...... Charlet; Holland lin- received an Y $ S Y WILL C II It I<
here on Sunday evening. .1. to. MLrdo:h elk Co. have coni. Mrs. Apdrew Johnston is home front
// - - . - --
John Fraser pneraChcd tnoruing nal plPteJ the innt►Ilatiun u[ HttinKr for Muni tarn, w'hete 41tc visite',1 fat• x -"" ----" -- -- ---' -------
evening in the Pre«hbyterian cbmi h their new Ante. north..... Will. (;fell leaves in it few . �� -
ova Hund x in the, absence of Rev. The Thompprfat livery has been lend dAvs with him bride for Nanton, AI-
Jehn Mel eil. to Messrs. Hittite find McConnell, pals. Iwrta, after• npendi ig the wititer visit- '
A mleighload of young People mp ent seecsion to Ie given April bat. ing his lather and friend, in this
m. very ptrmsant evening at. the houne Several ropertied have rha"gwl vicinity. \Ve wish him good mtll'Cedm
of Mr. and Mm C.C'fok, Iaikemhore hands within the lsl, few alga m, iu the fut"t•c......Cattle-buye,1•s me
ttrllti, (}Oderich township. nn Wesine-- Y th"0119h the district and me offeringMost people know that if they have
1 Thomas F. Finite)-. John Irwin find a
day of this week. fames Osty have all mold their rest• preLLy ga rl prices. Rohl, McLefin been sick they need Scott'.i' Emul-
Fxnlg t Thom. Itobertmiro s export FARsrwns' 1NMTITI;TF: 111si t'ixa. denies at good
KN' prices. cattle lit.') venni, find ,mother tanner sfon to brim back health and strength.
The im-ptings of the Vat•mer in• 'I'Itlsl.k.\%'EN'm M11.1 ---The lelokn"Iv reltimed at HIyth huyer'm offer of 11, g g
Ntitute were fairly well attended. firm• mill has limn in the hands „f ,.,enter lest butchers' stuck....Joh n
In the, afternoon the following Ills Tlelehven family since ,ioneeow Rolwrtwut's sale Of mt4,ek was well at- But the strongest point about SCOtt/.f'
addrettses were given : Al a j o r clays. Lst rummer the mdtl wlen tended and prices %Cera' good IA.- r
Mheppwed, '•Fertility and MoWnre Of Lhonatghly overhauled, new mill race, (;ell. Varcoe is n"P of theme who itmVV Emulsfofl is that you dont have to be
the Toil Ur. Maid, ' BAeading of new water wheel and new i nachlnPry been lid tipwith that xcumgelit grippc a1Ck t0 get results from it.
Horsem;' R. B. MciAven, ••General installed. and everything required o ••...Harry Tew.lev and HII h Home
Warming." In that evening very in • prslue.• a Hite and nniform gristle of Are each getting toKether a carload of
Letemtfog addrewms were again given Hour put in. A thonnrghly ppractical holies to take with Is,em on their re- '
byy the name gentle t e•n : )r. Igen
foreauan has been PnK:egtxl. Tee- turn to Yorklon, nark. '1'hry ex f It il:eeps Up the Athlete's strength, puts fat
"Freefing of Horses :" R. it. Mcl.enn, IPiavcII Brom. pe irf, everything now P"''
1, flow to Improve the Hone ;'• Major f" Y g C. leave Party next north' ...Till• On thin people, makes a fretful baby happy,
p ) running oncothly. Favorable twp(,rG C. P. H. has a ang levelling up the +
Sheppard, •'historic 1111-4 on Niagmra aw rw!r•ived Orin curloolero, and till' fine/ thrtrogh the Iownshi re ant- brings Color to a pale girls cheeks, and re -
River." Between the addre•mw•m the inctrawill cumtoni tints to a h«Aa•v m 1 1 P
ori o the, prying of a firm and rail-,
following pmgnuu %vx+given : Report spring u,ulr, likely to justify their q'(t« ht•fAgc ever the Maitland ,at, vents coughs, colds and consumption.
of Women'te Institute. Mlsm M. Caunl'' ft)mmilrbt In ptvviding the needed ins. Auburn is nlout half completed and
bell : recitation, Alimse i',. (.*leave, : roverrrentr. i
vocal duet., Allan F. Pollock ,and It. P _- tr n few wl•tkm til'' Thor ction Food in concentrated form for sick and I
---- wain will Is, in 1'ohxltne ...... 1
)Utley ; brio, AllieBrownlee.
lehy The Arn ; LEEBURN. Mrmlwrm elf his Smith's Hill congre. well, young and old, rich and poor.
reading, T. Ii. Hrownlw,. The Arm• gation recently Preew•nted their
strong or hestrm fatntiehed choice MONDAY. Feb. 2RII. tor. Kea•. ,1, L. Small, with a load of
mulate daring the evening. Premident Ali4s Linklateir it in Mlratford visit- „els. ,tel A token of their n reciatinn And it contains no drugs and no alcohol.
fiaunders, of Exeter, (xrtapied the ing rrtstiren and friend* tnete. of hire which WAN fit •til • PP
Tit L"(61mY, February 28, 1807 - T.
( i> »�
Your New Spring Suit is 11 I
awaiting (your inspection
'rile noweat Orect the lett of 111411 and
the iugetsiou► lown have been able tat
product. Ihe'alt-bt uaO(le1 it, slvie,:t
ties fref Ht and au exc#-ollingly usx'es •
:ire pri a- is what weehave lievis able. Ito
hec111e fill- you this Spring.
Ev -rything for Men and Boys
Clothiers ART 'TAILORS -- Furnishers
('ourt ]louse -Square,
I.Gray's Syrup
Red Spruce Gin
For Coughs and" Colds.
O 6
it ,how. thea the throat i.. s ,itive an.l Ienachul lubeA �, 11
sea¢. U.'%e than west .,d ,tmug oath f /�
Solc's Pref ilration of ~. ,
Friar's Cough Balsam
7t 1"1% irritetinn and^nttthen. the L. 1.
`• 1. r'
a•'-ett,o.menf Ihn„t and 1,18,; a#iii net enlv.'nre. Minh., II •/
amt •I•' protects .y)u spin -t eatc7,ing •a:.xher cold,
., cent.. A bottle. At -it Alit.- i.t+, >L
NATIONSI OnUr: A CoflrrCaL M., _ LONDON, Ont.
Rheumatism Cured
trouble. stop the unit- :i'i�
front poisoning the bloat and
Jho Volt know vlly ,On are
there will be no Rheumntiam.
suffering lyith Rhetinlatisni?
Because your kidneys are trick.
They are too weak- to filter uric
acid from the blood. This acid
cure aheematism beaseae they none tee
is poisoning your systern, and
kideeyes. They replace diseased with a;pr.
sus, healthy tissue-a"arthee theetaaa►-
intiaming every nCPCC In
e^ntnli,e uric •cid-and inwre the bless
body. •Those excruciating pains
being pure end rich.
Try GIN PILI -4 en sur peasitiee=einswe
in hands, shoulders, back, knees
that Iheyaaest cure yea air mosey terse I .
and feet—are the rt'sult of kidney
yes. A bo: -rt for A t all deateer er fgewa
BOL[ DRUG Co., wINN1►x0, Maw.
------ -- — ---- - - --------A------
ihie•s nerd itself ran do, find something
over fur the Central fol•ress---notably
- --
Paris; and it is interesting to note
that for the mccon1modaLtiou this
navy. So long ns the colonies
roily ammibt the military urn, they sari
ittelneuse number of [rooks upwards of
n•ols&hly best, devot . !heir eRlartr o
miles of shelves are re.
-tilt And Lrniniug' a forest lit
- •
But when the time conies for
Mrs. Malaprop Again.
olonial contribmion ter the navy, (
hat "itim Iw dune conjanetion with
Lew I)nrkrtuier rrrentlyy appeared
he ibiiLith .tlfmirxlty'
In f,othionable mo:feIy in\vashgto",
\\'lieu that ting coniem, however. it' I
-&till a leadel. of the met whose artalsing
oust ails-) fisher in the tiny of colonial I
'artirlpaliurt in the
anal in-Opiatlis are pardoned because of
her great wealth and wide charity,
(government of
he Empire. int nel'rlrY
wits .touch impresbed by Ali.. (kick
"Adder'" dignified
Avenge the sex to fill lisp
ll fill at
mind distinguishtd
best its London, ,;oloninl repreaienta- I
ives 11111A
"(►h, r think you are just the fun-
el„ms with it t1+ SLIP foil'
humvelves that that money is -
IIIrAsI Illall, .Ill• gUI'glecl, "poll iotm-
'11 1.10 ”
mellded on l,llAtlems principlt•m ,ttld
. "I you look Cao different off
halt the ower o
+4 t t lime the mn 1. r
mol F
An make %y,a nll(t i' Ptrlpb,%rat I
lilt mntnP fair
il." poliI hulls w, wy deal
tu,&r1nur." polite tebpontied the
reg;u,l to rolouild
pinion. HI'l1 Ain Ann,.- Ix• glow to AC -
. rain-
buael king,
ell. Ili'.: ellel-tive' partnership in tIla-
u%erino4.111, Alf the Mnlpil'st ; 10,11 she
lImu'iti%r'ly tlt'%er %VUlild bwvv
known you. cuutuued the socteLy
not Ile touch r nicker i getting ,& •'filet-°
1 q R ti
same to accept cash •eontriI'll thills
filet-11111"llgetleallY, but then of
you know 1'vr never seen You
cents lbs colonies. for the defebc#•
iwfory in the lsu•llAge of private life."
h,• Empire.. -___ _ - — I
Fut• ,til 1ou&I newa teal The Signal.
The World's Greatest Library.
t - -__-'—
TbeIibl-alAofIh,• ititi.
I fa 111-PU",,'
WANTED "=L""="'
it's pe1W 1'nhl:alfl. Im•tweetl three•
V .rr rtmWa•
Mma/hnet t'esa.e eNts .a. Caa..g. In
1111 (1x11' 11111/01/11 \nli1a11e., Im \%'Ithc,llt
xcrptio" Cha• lin
Yal.r:d n our /ends, &acting ea .ho. etw..
eelran.her...1•,Id.•. J .11eae.eli, n 1`1 y 41.
a•IAa/lna.m.11. I.Itl.l'll,I. r femnl..ine
i•,I in
K the a%orld,
only (Ilse whirls nppnwche- It 111
fe twin lh" Hi b rat ilar
li Natito
fro •goals .I. w11s, s'1.M a d... at..A,- mp1..
_''. .end •1114". n,ar n's ly Ales gnu• est fn•
►w,. vn .treer,w n Md. w ria. tar r.rticul.n.
Ills InlA.,
. - _K -__._.
adLO,y MEDICINAL lend,., ontene, egaMe
.deal Fencing.
i have a carload of ideal Fencing which 11
bought in M- W. Howell's stock, which i will Stu at
last year's prices for
--Cash Only
Fencing has advanced from four to six dollars
a hundred rods, according to style of fence. Those
who purpose doing fencing will be money in pocket by
purchasing at once.
We carry n full line of shelf, and IIeavr llard-
%vare. C'lllutbin;�, lleltting, I':avestroughing and 'Cin-
snlithibr giveli special attbutioll and all work nilly
r I r "' trtmm►({
chair in him "meal ptealexant madnot•. 11imN L. Ilortinn has reGlrnfai from in an acid— presented o sin ata " ALL DRUGGISTS: 60c. AND $1.00.
%trat.for•d afar a pleamant •vimit of gathering held in the I"Ooons►nt nit
him Ii
L Imj ,
Air castles Most iie well ventilatotL manor+ weeks. church at Aulalrn. A large reprew 4 L -A-0 A80���►8�
House. tea.