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The Signal, 1907-2-28, Page 5
Tru, 91GNAL : GODE'RIC11, ONTARIO PEN AND SCISSORS. I MILITARY MATTERS. oe I Gd Land In tite'Nerth.• Dater of London Camp Announced, MALES UMBER ONE ROOF Reports have been received by the Depaltnlew of Latld+. Forests and bpriva a",,ouu0 h u by t.). Militia No. 33. - Mivaa reganfitig the wetk a( murvey', Ottawa. Feb, U The londtou 111111• ore+ an northern Ihitario during ,.the blueakie%atu tae, wkeAt : BID OiM1TAL INVESTMENT IN w'+whm' Yeb,wny 4,r t►ry Gawp will Iw held Julie i 101 15; pant seas. -II III , a:Lr ll , tnwuslupa in Wintah'e be..it ear bmkeu. the Niagara camp June 11 to' j► VALLFYFIELD COTTON MILLS. the Districts of %Igmlia and Nipissing -laowd There will leo out • onto oaol r ht LIn,. have been „utlilwd or susvu ed rtWo l,eeplo from de slow ) { Y Staht mals htallt to throbbiu'. dun this year, the cavalry and atrtil- Mesara. Peight and VaIF Nostraud who'.det.1mvirch in de do' lery going to Pelawawa. M Ovttay Which Embraces In the located Mite Lrwu,lur)• IineA Li eight Why. h,wdy, sli,teh Robin, London, Feb, 2j. -Loudon district Vicinity of {6,000;000 - Buildings townallipA its the IOrmer distriet, will have but tone military camp of in- while Surveyor Niven {la'rinrined a * stmetion thi.i year, instead of two, aw Are of Wonderful Massiveness, and similar task between the Miabanabic hila been the 1.1110 rot- several year. Suggest; the Mediaeval Fortral still Metaganii Rivors, Huth, PmitieP Souse tilue ago a rut ret-pondent tit!'A+It. With eight rural r1.gimentd, the bNtud tjttat Quip 75 to qn per cent. of hied h and London Field Hatteeiea, Power From St. Lisarrence River- the Isnd could be converted into. ex. 1ho NI}lnal adctxalyd Ilio orgauixa• P The Gault Institute. rellenf Ixnns. II), eahitt and Anbiu, tion of a Hill Club it Goderil!h, and the Fil-ht Hin"at-a and the Arury jJ mentioned A numher of the local cell.. Medical Corps of London mind Hat•nia, laid out by B. D..11011. of Li►Mwel ; hritiea who would 110 eligible by reatea", lit has been rlex•emsary for ,N13ue yeml•r., Reference was made in The Mont- Dargavel slid Lonw.i. Aurveyed b)• of their pncMOluletl. • 'rhe huligretiot, 4r%vf ax G1 the hinited hire of flit. train real Standard recently to the "bit of Surveyor Ifutcheu 1. (melph ; Reld siNl was not followed, but we ser that ing grouudit at Carling'a Heights, o) I'aaoaa re which had been get down ('arnegle, laid nut b%' Surveyor Fn - hold two c+1111 ts, but this 0 In Va1lsyAald" in Quebec Provisos, but over in Mihs,uri such 1111 urgauixation 1 year the Inn, ()ri11iFi, and h1 Lllege. Miff A1141 has bean Atart"d. "Hill Chah, No. 1, "f artillery ,old the Huhsats will gu lu a rooaDt visit to the great ocolton (ulJer. N'liete the tr'.rk N'da dnue by the Wuild," hnvi11g a few 'days ng(f Pete%•awa, which will utak, It iNrs• taoloriaa, by the same paper, which Meaaro. ('&valid nod \1'rtts"n. there Bible to nlitlta , ara ted there, discloses the won- articles of axntx •tion and heeu K' with only one c,►mp. are gra.{ pruspeet. fi-r the agrirulfalr• The caul) w derfu sativitiea which mark this gruufaxl a chrrler As a social orgnnixa. { ill inrludr the Twenty istA, as, n chit' and clay loam N.lil prr- tion. Tho heattlrlitarters is at F:xcelbiur Necund (Oxford Rifles). Twenty-sixth �� whose population ie stew over vailm. Nyder,, surveyed ley J. w. NpringN, and the membership is r1.• (Middlesex), Twevity•seventh (Lamle ten thousand Tyrrell. is heal7ly wwsded, slid i. Ntrlct el to "len who answer to thetarn). Tweutyeighth (Perth), Twenty- The comblued oottoll faotoriea at only a maditun one. thprefore, for name u( "Hill." Witt. J. Hryuu,. ninth (Waterluo), Thirtieth IAVelling- Valloyfleld represent an investment agricultural purpnses. The Town, bippe Irnited Htawu Hruator Htmc and ex- tau). Thirty-second (Hrueeh x n d of between $b 000,000 and $6,000,000. of Bradburn still Beck, laid nut Icy Cungtessntan UOlwhcld are on th0 ThirtythitdIHalron)Heginlentt. ,rhe They employ �t, two and three Mr. Fitzgerald, of Peterhirnug1). sir• tutu) stern tl '44m. j) ''h ---d hands. The major( til membership sill. '1'br ItA1c0n xt•0 ; K 1 will ire &IJuut .,, yy iu put timbered with spruce from 1 Pn•bidrnt. Hill Sisk ; vice•pre•ident. cet•d and teen. these are FreaehrOanadiana. There to 16 iriches in diameter. About fifty Hill Wear; ,wclrtary, Hill Hyder; it, at the same time, a large Old per ct•nt. of file two Areas ,would I., ttrus"rer, Hill Fhu k. AVho twill vel• New Order Regarding Service Rolls. 0ounlry elamertt, and a oordisi feel- suitable [4,r tmnledlata tPlth•mer •. It dertake the,ls-ga"izatiuu of thv G4aie• A militia l)rdcr whlrli will ,nage T, a sts amongst all classes. .., Atgi,lwoned that the Grand 9 •13111: rich ••Hills"., KI•iteral satioll"Wtion is Nu. :Ci, of II0)7. he buildings suggest a wonderful P11rlhe will palls through the Tmvo. SQ. This ovtl •r authorizes oflicwlro. in nuak- I ntAaeiveneea They are built of stone, bl4il' Of ('tette, which wait suse)-etl he ing up their service tolls for the &n• i and It would seem as though iD the Mr. Galbraith, of ftrnrehndge, anti it titnties of (ftlleinl ilei lx nwtl cans 1.s, t, 'ut ,Lily nulntwa. of I thalght td the builden, they were W ry itre I 1 y4, bs stout i+ rstimnted thnr 0., ,wt, rent. of it .•01111111011 enough• blit mrmsetiMrs they names 11;x11 lhrui, 130 lu the, follult- %aa any IIlediaaA4l.forb will Is• s11itable for the farmer. Four. ate nut well alit lieuicated. Herr is Ing: Cavalry, lit) rank and file tier I jean, nier still t)ttnt%'a% Townships were 011ie. however, which (,.lines from ••H. "'loadron ; Al•tillet-A. 150 rank and tilt- Dwarfs Everything Else. learned by O. L. R t'nde, of Alvin - 14. battery ; nlf•tntr 110 riuik and There is some H. ,(i, A.," the l/ld Uu%Mtry cones• i i Y• thing, perhaps, al- stun. t. Mt1wiA) Of leers 70 to Ws ix r pondent of The West nti"bier. who Hie {xv ctomp,ui-: army ,ervice corps, Moet intimidating ill Lite enormous (-ent. of fertile land. •rhe former is cautlot be mus{rex•tgl of drAwinK the 150 rank ,rod file ix•r cottmany ; drat)' ba1� which they present So the eye, revered with buAh J. J. Newman, Ioug INSw- ••R. N. G. A." writes: ill. nlrtlical e.trpe, l:fl) 1;tnk uud Her pen• read which dwarld, by comparison, Windxor, did the xork in the Towu- cuuntr huts rVeeivevl a shack. The unit. y owrytbing else In the fawn. The whips of MarMhon and Fherring, in \Vat OHlcr ling displayed sympkula Last ywu• only the a%/t11m ;lied a%lath- 1 1111:tl)& are all connected, and one call the district of NipiAming The Anil of striving to bring itself up t, date. lishment of rush 'visit emild Ile est.•roil alk for ed, it would be safe to there is "f fertile loan,, with spruce, A fete week, ago. it iweuest au ordel• rolled. &lilt us 111,131Y (f( th,we eell-oiled I leery, trader a single roof. The machin- poplar, deal tmr narnand balm of conferring morons alld decorations foncep it impo..ible at thllene lost wo- cry is tlatest which has been ap- he lGilead. J. H. Nmith !Hund fiweutman for servicom rendered in the Uriu evils 1alllt W ud utteramp• many units lied to the weaving of cotton, and nod Stimann Townships, in the great war and the Indinu m13tiuv. We atv eos• into U1,11111 greAtly under I'ths vameu& productat which come from clay belt to be of good agricultural al bking uu%v (tor furiher olden con- .Ur•ngth. New men roold ,,")t lie nub- I it. land, fairly well timbered and water• furring pen.ion• ..is the orphan, of Atillltetl for thlNw• will) could out lit- The o0ndWona are idea) )n. this re- ed. hetxxs of Wnierllsi lir "flier buttlet, p lid. a, psi• would Ia. i6.uetl to Ihose aped; that all the power in supplied long Ago ! Just the• ,)flier dtty the I ,in ly vvIkoAe na11lem were un ilio w,vire by elootricity, which is produced by THE MARKETS t�itnwartder tot Aldershot teceivrl u, r"Its. '1'b0 tYFFtlucvd Atlenglh .l( Iuauy all abundant water supply, derived -- dufprisefroul which doubtiww he haalj,,.lxRrilnnerltUtfsist 11in"n1cear � n too rho It fiver Th frOni an am of the Dt. Lawrence Liverpool end Chicago Wheat Futures baldlyY nawrlwl. N'oId waft brought Militia unlet No. 34 will now enable " the largestand lawer test in the the world@ Closed Higher -Live Stock Markets' him Lhmi n all take rng{tot• w"iol trukr I IrMrers tit bring full rola uu,iex to, 'Indeed, -The Latest Quotations. atUtchtcl had lakes p,aw1'Lion of the � I van England, the }home 4,t parade -ground. avid that n tot of Gawp thin year, and to draw pay for I the a -often industry, cannot show. >I. ,4;,;" 11'O."In.. rel.. s: R' R ,til which was out t he caw• bast tar, either in this matter of the 1''."I.." y Wen were duuydug elIle and other• )•� genera- I h4 1.rvitnu m�l)Lrdq. *I.di,.s-n fol �rl... Material all AINnrt. lie• shut out to I He•rvice rolls "b'"Ild lie ,x•nt in 'list 1 iron of power, or the obaracter of the the rs•ene. bot l.l)uld only extract the Ie.s than seven days IN•fore the cont- �iaohitfery, en advance so %'ollderhil Id b I6,:,. rue'vce•nit•llt "r Camp. At 1bit .44,. )Ln w'. .r ctnr.d ,.•' blya•r iurol•uuttiun that lht•p wire acting i I all is disclosed at. Valleyfield, town >;.I,Ird:,. : )1„ ..Ni. ,,r Inwer, a•.d udder order,. Finally, he U•atcrd It Is Capt. Maeviear Now. Power Serves Other Purposes. )lav oalA ,, •ch, theme husk (.l the WnrOta Now I This power not merely keeps four Winnipeg Options. the \Ver Otflce has just had a •'flitting" Lil•ut. W. W. Mt�vit-m. of the ::int I ,M file thousand looms goiag, with w'funii.e . -AA ;,,,u ton; t L m ,l t....la• into its handsome new qu:u a•1 s, Aa Krgiuu 4,l. has loses hansfrrrsl h,rO1 all the other machines. aiAendate(] F`'f' 7:,'a.,• hitt. )fay 7st• July Tis•-, 14.1. a pigectnhulu %vas being deikirtl. n Nu. d l urn easy IUlinUnl) Ui NO. i ,,r. n,tnr.•s, :C•', bid, May :.a1♦c, .11117 l'01ule+ln)• (i�rusew1b). The latter ares- nth the work of mnnutaotunng cur- b clerk dir(ntere.l nn Illnlrl' I""",", lean). will flow ix• under cnunnand (ff 'tains, rtleres tablecloth, and all whot.IliateI fin r1Nu1-making wt ►Idrt' Ila rt. Marvicar, the fnruer cities stn aorta of colored goods, but It lWhtA The Visible Supply. shirt. It Iva, ,tit order and it hiul to IN, I I 1 Y file town and the reAid4,nces of rho I'1.:,. �. 1.r,. Pr;'. LA es executed. nod the Ntutf wits dislNltchtvl il)uuu,tlulet Capt. Mr ragg,trt. haying C1tizeow %I 4,e.:' .... ...... 1'! L• ;. *or. a.. IN 1.q with promplit'vd«. Thr rumuultidrr N.4, xPlNiintrel yuwrlerm:uswr of the . u.14t 1111 I.'..":,.,.. -os, demanded to err• ihalnrder. Il wa% .Cilxl. One may see. tri a rur^nsrin:r• of - °., 11.t:._,rau }.(a,aeAal triumphantly rl,xl11crtl, and was "daPattmenta, the hist(.ry of ec,•r%thing I" ""= I-• 4,,; l ,%!l, -jt de,n-a •1 72i1nn FF FELL DOWN FLIGHT OF STEPS. we use in the way of rntt, 1.l Rands. -• d Jnr rant bubeol..md found Gs IN tinted- 1K,H! FeslinA from the bale of rtes matennl to the ' ho Osla lente'fRct. is & gINxI ruuttl) f,)1. the \Ver beautiful, delicate curtains „r the L•ad,nq Wheat Markets. U[flce•." Proved Zeta -Bak Best is Throe Different ozquisitely designed portier,re or %I... .r r . •4,t x - Emerges• tablecloths. Each pricer, requires "" %'" • i '• mill and 1 P. -t".,, One ,if the west valuable ix,inte Patience. The veal cnncrrn n.,1,t. u f'1." ,tl-It %etnl-Huk, the herlwl lwbu. in is as clean as a new yin. Tho rooms ,I I, I]. .. - Brown t. ht.,,,xJ,,g what be ow,, , the vil'iety ,it noes to which it run Ilc se's amply lighted, while the callings %lie) I„;.dis . 5.. '••,;, sUowins "r 1..• mal c•t Nre. upttliexl. are big , Find in the whole planning IN,i'pn ,1.i-, ,117 7a•. T I .4tm ill toe. Atiurlaage lnlo.t dlis, A. Livernois, .lf MI Sydenhatl, If the factories the lattat word IIA- Toronto Grain Markets. rita�k. and 1mNMa, wt gage w ra(r. Jehn.on. eye with plea.,ireall.re11,, St.. Toront,..nyd : •:I have'vaerl %:U'v- 'been spoken. t.1.■err. _ Hmwn U.Ik- m. weal John -nu 11,•ten., HUk for t:ohl% UII tilt• chest and found The company', too, does not stop A% i,r.l I ,spring, ,4,tsh ...So 71 to i.... RMwll . Ilrrlr hr.S fa prolna when ruhbetl well in it ave Almost in. 'with Paying.w Wiral. +nor, b"Ah .. o W; 0 M Fwe.cbemc lrc. now ptonu.inx. - R aQos icer wort done. It \1'hn:, r, full' bn•h ...... n i♦ et i�' Stant relief to the. tischlnes, and �rovides the employee with neat reel- V Lcar, 1.a fall. :..._-, 0 n 77 Hn,wO.,Io. da,n.• of poverty. murine.&. one tiny 1 sli 1 when ences, for which a morierate rent is 7 VI bol'Alm., haat.-da,•reasso. ppe'' 1'nns I.,1rh , ., 0 A (a tel I,Irltghty,hy . de,-ertding the Ntairs and frll t, the charged. These aria lighted by else- I'lr;r), bests .;.......:0M ::: He hes. none, he known. a; Iesal. (k,tt(f"1. Afy right azul wits terribly trieity. Each has a little bit of gar• tints. h^rh .. "'....., o 44 .... I An Ihi- rogtter tlwltb nlrpri,ea, diw:olorl,sl and swollen :and ha. ittne rlsn in front. and in the elunmer Ay per hush .. .. 0 0) •. S-:t1t4, bede•ed,qulte% enprthiae.. quite stilt. Am I still had :t supply cif p•lase ere &warded b)- the company, ••.• •.~ uenAlnly tr'- nl,rat htr,.+ing. %Aui•Buk I nlhhed norms on the bruised for that little plot whish shows in CATTLE MARKETS. rimula, 1 tnay ,ay, is s_wA.l,af. ' liltib and it waati rally hurprising 1 Ili am the beet tante t erring F,awier�trserle trM: Hos■ :ft. Hmwn my y to ,lulu suitesp blow ilii;,! lv it rrmnved the dirTolorn• company is also a farmer on Ikuwn my lender pitl clwlm.; lI'nodorful hl• fan.-y'a f1llrhtr tion, cmrd•tile AtitIn"s, land restored a I&rV scala farming four hundred le■wex of t•hirame. N'hall movie gad excu-r I.e frame-, the at•rll to IW' Colter- ful'111. dl"cr Af?e6 [Or the purpose. {:, rtm•ryr,l, F, b iJvr Nmwn'. w mess of high i,o.tt len. FF I P epos t{IIrA$y, Of giv- $,w, ,o1. d.lrl• are .fP:1dy ne 11" t- IL'iirh`j+♦ Hmwn'. w mall of low Inndnlot., that rini, I have ha,l twciwion to note Ing the people Pure milk at ;is cents 11,. %,tnl-H11k for rheumatism, AnJ i have A Vnart the year round. d1`,` .aI w;, lrht: refrIaVr.rtnr b„•f u You vein not n vim unista m.,. haus i"; 71 illed at 91. to Au.r per Ili. .UI depend. on a•tn�unht[n,x•r. (Dual it sepias * gtunif A Hopeful Feature. Toronto Junction Live Stock. flow it -link is ace un'if th , g(xxl hr- Perhaps ore of the most hopeful Toronto. rause it is cumpcxad lir the Hnewt her- P■ Junction. Feb. ,,.---Rc- tNal INtliuw• emetice%, and juices known teNtuzes of the INWad inte,reete which eeiPte of live block at. file i'ninu Stock I Dow" 4,a e t H nwtll Un• other evening to wedlcnl w!irnec, comixmndtd and will sway" �'. honorably associated 1'ardi, w -1.r,• Gri rarlruuls. rnmpOud of name bright s'onng iwuplr Ie1NUto1 the refits it in n n{wcialAnd ``xruliwr way, with the name of 'Gault Is the Gault 1406 rtHtic. H hogs, :r_ .lire{;' and, rebtrl, ion ...that NV.....I1 has proved a It has such high get'ul•killing lxrwer Institute, where the ehildren of the Iambs, rend •.'t ralves, greater• furze than 111411 in elevating that it is uitrriuAlterd as fol antiseptic. tirorkere receive an admirable odilea. Extiortera. the world." % t Id." T t u men ti tin ,t1. owl tion -the a beet K toe M ei' Its r 1. L t•rir..,l t healing vh• i Dais lm on for 1-x NC1P K l Ir Is yt• 1.f a M affirmative. ,•.nd were ol1'rrrstr1 by two it hill Isthn %uMyBnk isALINNII-- the able and popular general man- to i'•'a•• per ^w -+t, rhe tai w'i0e�'h t, hidieN. The negative sick w( pm .. utely uniype. it is a Pune run• flit "'r. affirms, otttalds the city of Mont- )" i., S; b11!lat :11 :::7:. In M.:q p• r owl TOR). This is a fine Atone build; m■serer.. ing that man w4,.. Ill.- gleet elevator revenue. itch. bl(xNl ikrim.en, ulcera, with amply lwygrnundr. There >na ver,: e1l,rn�wn+Mtn(( ulxgb tlni.n. r 1.I of ttmna"kind. Tllnt w:u+ all right, of chntnic wars, ringworm, ehildlru's pp coulwe- there is nu disputing Man's nuhen...•pot., els. It ,IIW) 4.111•. ruts, staff of etHe erst teachers d, a1,:.nd. .11,11 de,lerw 1,:,,1 •.. ^r: is tl'e . pre-eminetice- but (file carsilet help horns. brnimra, ch.tp[N•d hand., en- A nominal fee is charged, gad Is,rt clew In m., e•etanrh cOrd l .•arae. wondering what the de, -Won w nild acholarsbv it,•ea I'l h,tq:, r Inrgrd yri11m, pile,,, and nil dispensed 4,r Ps Are awarded. The teach• 1••rterg i•..^Ilse t••r hnt,tl_ er pnrfmnea .4,a' A:,.l.i to V. ,,.. %"I.lN, w," have Iw•en if the Iddiee had t%ke•n Ilse injitlYml conditions of the skin and nub- Yrtg is such ab td, fit for matriculation I..!ghf by IF.. I.er,ac;: T1,%,sMl Ita•f ('"m- other side of the que•ntion• scent tis.uee, All (11,11 In collegiate and other h er educe- par.' Petit burrllem', as.7., to or,; arv.l j gKimlA and hr,:,•hrr,'. AI io In ii.m; rrtrdl . it to mU,tes bell mitt !Wit-. ,I Ikrx, lir Ix)bt ,Tee Tioaal institutions. This is A work of yr;, ••'1' from the Uri-Buk Cf)., Tur onto. f..1- Almost inestimable benefit to file Egg $4 Xi, ' mm•,h .Used, xt's, to i•t; t.,wa, rice. ' Hix tkrxrm sent for i7I all. lieh-speaking residents, anti it I. II3 to it:a) pe•r "N!. A 1'unkee pupel' gets istf the follow- 'Er nue cent fur daint • trial ilex. pointed to with pride. as guarantee pitch news Ing in anticipation of latter• da y !a Als-of a n"xrt, miik'rs and Aprincnr > id I R p y g t0 the children of the ori who have at flit In .iM, ,, ix,etry : clime out fun England a modern ' 'Weal Alves. When PeAry )eve.. hyliph ud the \mth Pok•. Do You Earn It ? edu0ataon to lit them for that per- The ntwrket r•,1. ri•nl rdlvna was mina ■1 Arid rhe PAnnlne canal t• Ilnhhed. Ml'. ,N[itn-Who-WorkA•For-ft-.it•, manency of citizenship which pos- lis.", In V 1^r ,.Wt. i And Ill I. Negm queation t, Psuwfac•teallr nn. ) sib] w'ornt, do von earn it.? Jlxny a "ban enrns Y somite of their Porde Acrd it _ ATM Engll.h.pclling 1. rehrnve'l. More than he grim, and likewist• many dlffielrlt to experience for ilio fleet--^--'-----'�-- And we ave uulvar.al IrwrP' a InAn earns le.h than he rtm; Lhet1, few yearn of their residence+ in a new WLP FOR SICK KiDNXYS. And;.rlltlrlaneP0er% hmir•r. 1.r r`r/1111tr'i'. And there really are no II,W , of course. there i. the mail who earns There its ttO Tea=rnl in ibr world %•Ly 'yens And reel ,mk.0 only . ala• ot.• A Imo. just what he gets and sl) 1.uOre. These Company Provides Club Rooms. should suffer •.+ It Kidney Trouble, and And utefm11re"relawtkolulel•..r•iart, Atrlhl• Unredivinionmia the of There is another feature de i And Ix IAdellveral free. nerving you'wont suffer t yens take And the city p•v- tax" 1,,thaeitlavn., 4111--y•getterm. To what clauses do you of notice -;he club rooms provided by );M .11 men promptly pay all tloeit 11,1-1 lx•I„MK •' the oompany. Hare them are a 11h - And tho .team Irwin. aced ele,irlr rwr. will '1'hc soul who. wntrhem Utc (,Icn•k and wait for you, rary, billiard moms, baths. smoking Arid men gel home heforr. In o'rMt k at night. (lisa{/peat's o11 the Hist mlrteke of room,, and reading roomA, whiln Ai- imarinhty -,Iwr, rive V - is n tiMc•ser•er and lacks the lied to this club are bowl ' And .,:hool (hildmn really love their Ira,•h. h1R jfTPPn A. ens, "�iriI that makes the faithful ren• lawn tennis courts and parks lighted And thechurnc�,aurregnlarlyclowdM, p"vra•, Till- mon who tefuN•n to try electricity, in whirls fbe people Then life will Ile wr.wcetly poetic• "lake fan extra effort. W (luish mi task can sit in Rjie elanmer eveni.rtfw. That all troe1.17 run he wrllle° that ric-ass inome to his em rlo e r if i The relations betwtten the amploy. N Like this, y 1 Y e P Take Ills-Ju"stn unr pr", 've guarin. Right offthets.t. Hnisbed r:u•ly isnotone whrxN• heart'(or% and employes ara friendly, and lec thatitwillcure- ormm�(• re nntlr,l. V% thont Ihoteghl• is in hi» work. nril.hrr i. hie wind• lint the wnrkere am 1(yyal to these who. Sec. u large tux. . druggi1( r by m.til Without mrttr. his hands may Ire, lir i. eiu riinw lesm hare invested tJasdr money in ,leis of Without rhyme' than hr po,t{vid. f.i gets. He IN hl(si king the way the most notabin enteJpruerit in the t, of more e111cient men and "houid get Dominlnn. The Claflln Chemical Co , Ltd., Winds .Ont. out. Ile .lm Use working tramp. it, Pleasant Canadian Dialect "r' ` in destined to be an idler. -- - - He w&e,t ,taid old rlergvnlan, nut Yoo.can %rock onf the features of The Lan -him dialect sounds plea- s) well wised in the slang of the day the other two claxot•m at ytior leisure, santly. One nnttln hen► well RIl are A" even NOMP giant ptrru•heIN ate• and hill' the• Isoint b, thea the true Naber •- I dressed, as theyy PrOoseded to the An - he w•wA A trifle amazed sit the frivolous getivr workh with him hauls, him mind ' 6Bean 4,r Prosbytetlan, or MethodiAt a loehatvinr of some of f hr your cr stem- aril him heart to do the tank rini "1.,l 1 Churches, which mite ail close to the e.1111 •' gtl R milia -Indeed, lisle milks, the inst.i- ` a `r "`° lxtts of the flock at urn of tlis work• hiss,. It wits n wive Inas n hu solid 't4, I _ evening meetings. days of old, "Whath,N•ver your lien([ lute• the town by e, and club heves. _ 4 t a s s ; An elder hod ,(a"t cunclnded n tinilrth to do, do it with )*out- might." i°� a �� til , AelYen, and to rather I•,ng-winded Braver, and 16e It is A unive•awl and everlasting ,still- which individual distincition in given ,tst)r, taking ill) It Iorr• yAlrxander cipple of fair dealing to youi.elf and to by the oanal, which divides the two Iymn Meek, 1.w ueftd the. rotlgtr111 otherm. The nisu who mk{utpm him Utmk &actions. Lion to arise aim ming, announcing, am in rarer himself am well ns There le s, pleasant eating of the j him t•nl- F vel R timtal, the nunalN•r and title of hip ployrr. Ili, with yrwu• might what' ptrople Itvety. nnday ternoon in the wllea yon Stnllstthr Chlte.11l srlect.lon. "No. Lri, .Yt•t:r for Hollis y.lu Alto. fur If for "011ie teaoson, real or rhI bouse, where %hrisht ta&x are Pmntenac t r env hotel mynrll - 'LI." it Vary, )-n()it work will) lardy Riven by the prominsrtt people of the Fr the ac ", It 1.,r travel in her The domiuir is still puzzled a. Ito hands, with it privowcupied u.ind and a P1Roa' Pullmans ,,rSteamers, rent will the ca isa+ tit the laughter which on- sirk4,nerl heart, y,ni rhewL yourself. IN Mr. Louis gimps^", the general find. rued. it wise to flx,l one's self Y manager of tltr company. ;ill the Primal I Ir d s �A r taY//• a Qlsat intofoat in "Royal Crown" Catarrh Cannot be Cured Witch -Hazel suppose (to n going Widow) 1 The Dyment Estate. suppose ywt ver! p(ninR lar erect, w liter= with reach the ,net of he di \�. n, they cwa Ing monument to our hu"hand's ara ted o til° ,net of filo dbrnnr. ('fiwrrr 1. Toilet Soap R y a Mood or 1=11 11Urtl4mwl dI en,P rued In seder liAl't i1., Feb. i1t, -_ Mllrh npetnlat i"tl 1pWill w H cote If you o" toakc Internal n n"111 ., in hewn( 011 the "Ir"lta4 there da)•m ,ta Ito Widow -T4, big nu:m0t ' ' Nip. P4xrr Ndl'. Celwnh ( tiro 1. loken Internally And „1,,,,1 .61. how the will of the Irl Nathaniel l 1 all•. - CAt ,4,t. teen bI- tint It1,A,-k pedloe.. Dym-11, disposed iAldot .rod none. It w&4, only yesterday (fall's CAtarrh 1'Atn� 1. Iml w gnnrk nlPrlle•iM•. Ix I of ill♦ rslaat•, yulutgl :npPlicd inryrntrentn•rnirnre. that In turning ort title of him old 11 wam pn••.:rlbnt bvone of the is•,1 phvdclaa' at o:v"1,(RR). it if, cner&I ly IN lievtrl The finr,t Anel coats I found the Art flln u( lettolt l,1 IhN rounlry for vert* mM i. a re ,,ler iat. Por rpslod. h im cmn(os1•d „t rnn ).+rt Ionic," that of thim amount im mon. A. F. Ili•• heAl AOA) 111411 . I had given hive t) Itoal. known. ealubanal whh the two( blood pnrlarr, meld. if. P.. 'thefMalntt, t•rNFiyen $, • f acting dlme•tly no fh" mumu, ,mfm,,. Thr (RR),IRAI. Another son. S. h ymeell, $l. r , at frown h,e I,rras-t ors net ion or tits Iwo inirrodhmla Iw Myst rens r % dAi•mll,vend 11aK),ont)earl f t1 two R/ea-Neal Tetkt e•h,st ppewee isa.l •nth wnrMur(ul rt•mnlls In ,,or 1 R iris, - arch. Send (or to.tlmaniANfree. dw4gMets, MIs, Baker. 0f London. xe•v Mill pea, aGermain '106 P- - CHF:NKY t (•(1. ['torn, Toledo. o, and Mrs. Wiemer, Torrent(,.',. It ie IAn.,oi.In.1..t. I'm prN.t.y este "f h.bI, gold h 1 MIs, Flit ;Jr. Itt.oted that the widow. who whit. Mr. I "t.6 j,." Adf net 1letxtiP,e hn•a .h4wr 1'Ake H■11'. F'am11Y ('lllm for atn.tlpnl,Mn. ' (m wind end Idreg ext Go : Dyment'm nec•ond wife• rervivire >Al0(1,- hall (R111 and the n•"ideocr. It is Al-, IV - 0 not orl'me t, w'rr Men who sumtke the most money ttM fhst Mr, .Tob, a rnari who hod ! 0,er m1eAp l.wneM pear ko,5w how to 4,t "there le rowke It for I A or* l rot a her 4,w R gmdener far Mr. 1 "ent for ♦ peeLasl [b1. • 1111. them, many ?-%. reoelvem ttl k(11A), lit teal lc • 11111,1. IN! Iycll %-1'utilat fl., I .. - \ TllclLsotY, Feb ugly Jd, 1807 b - -- -- - eaeep one aA"Ofte. All rt r,rrt Pw■a ,nl�at e1.7: "I." per Iw'.: I tMt� it to ii:Ar •r net.; INwbr til y1�0, 1" i7 I.., net. "■" CLEARINO SALE 11 P. Krnnalr #"=a hog. Lv',• row . s.I i - "I higher, Orr 6a.:q Are 6eb•,•la., :, q,l ia.(c, for i I1Rhls. • Montreal Live StecJt. )lontreel V.I, g1._(ape(14l.)--',.ble led %I"w frufit f.lv.•Mft'l null lohd,Nl nu ('NJ,a- diAn ,.1114, were sireuger, ul.l prit,e, Thor OF al afi 44%an''^ „f e•<" W'r lh., w1Yh r..' 4,t Ill'... I;tp„rts last wR'k fruw '+�- J-11111, uhu Vit,6114,•1 Purllaud, were �A17 e.,; SHOES awl 11'o a ,•,.p, At rhe )lolntA'al etN•k yards; w4,■t and 1 . 4,w rises, Ile• ,'•port■ df live •lurk fur the I 1 t t } wMt rnelu,T Yrh. �I, we.r.• tQw rattle, tcsw 1 W1811 Ill IJ;tI'titl►t! Ui the BARGAIN ` r'1-1. aan Isinhol. ,vel le,a,r, 3i,) "1.rs, •■ fi'.ISt Wo lime spread for you, you avid the ,me,lissa n, ") (4,r Ineal ,•nuwu 4,,I• I non were al" l.An 1' it abeT toad a., .w, i • :,llollnl make haat('. N"101l LrtliHT� \I11U HAYS 1Jpi 4,4',;" uW An 1.a h•e,a. 9'hnnr w'4,, no mp,rl.tot challgo In M4. ," MIti„n of lit, ll'1 % t• Ir;lise(l. ()111' 'S tI.1•: \VIII I)0 UV81', dale asiorhm loo Atoll,- froui a ..1.A ,rJ,;n- 'I'll* C UIe•rmt: of butrh••rs was la ril^r. o' i' I- 9611%, I priers will V.'lllidh ;11111 �hUl'8 W1II return t0 thE! .lineal assured that The tr_k1u;; .T if,,. ulark,t will 1.• on,• ol/ the leadlne r•.•ilor• 1.eL:,Ill.11' pl'IC(R. rd the I'%' at Irk bnalnuati lit Ili.• very i.ar , ,.I.-. nl V1..•. ,Ulan the la.ntrn Ma M'11 I. I,„w l.►,t 'lilt . i;11I t() AI\'© US 71 -Call ahll I)C COII- In full ,%'lug. it .•1.o to have but nn:e l \ Ille•P(l tll;lt " wO del \Vliet \1'e BAY,i� „Re. -I ot."1 fhr rnn Imptlon of iNrr, .,- Th'. d,wrnd fmw' but, III r, w•u, 4,1..1, and an "-five trade w4,. don.•• Then was A7, row.• -1 • 114ad from cxportn n,. last ow ,"l MEN'S LONG BOOTS ; S "file IR laulnrw. dnnr oAt (lila a•,o11nt Im. MLN'S BOX CALF BALS at 16S ,,,,I a% large as a wt,•k ago, owing, I., ,lie • • . • • .. • • .... .......... filet utas rasa quality "f ate,•k for till. p," MEN'S 13OX CALF IJLUCHERS............ ...:............at 11.p I"M w"a wmn•wh01t ararre, but the)- I.ei.n, rd EN'S GOODYEAR WELT, $3.00 to I, Atnnd.•r of balls. for whteh 4'.1. I.•,• Jh. $3•So Shoes . .........at 7 So wNb pend. ikappflw. Or Ilowb'rs• ,At it.. weer WO M Hti S $7.75 to $3,00 Bal& ............. ..at 7 to ,.'t h, ........... 'nnsaluent4- urvet, wen- well nAlnt3I'�.l WJNIEN•S BUTTONED BOOTS.. .... I at I o0 ('halm 1M.•V.s sad no :.• 10 ..14,; tm,.t. ,,, WOMEN'S OXFORD TIES and SLIPPERS.. ..at I co to !%,: fair ,e, t„ 1*•c: ,.,valmon .I. , .... ..... Sir, +4,d io4rfor, _%< In :p. iwr il•"•j:hcr, MISSES' BUTTONED BOOTS - at o E5 w, y,• u., n,'l ,level.d'p, of) It tit,, h„N rini- CHILD'S BALS. and BUTTONED S'HOES.. ..at .coc and 6y - tile ('ALIC ud,•1(•Ire nn tvtunlay- fr..q � " the 1.•n,hnq farolg„ market,, w,•re rns!er. and Ifi .."A.• i,rataneew rental n.d.•ellde In dkl tints.•n;(in-harrrnny(innlnea,..,o ihr WM. shARmAw• I,1. At 11,19 market, It t'clag i'f[WL N. ,i frr.nt "'t 'I" by the trraltlner•,1 `nad d,•m,nul from dealers for ,suplxlem,anet prla., ruled -lead)" Intl P01`k"no ■tate at pntinnt value, illi h..e. Ih.r.• 1, no moneS dol Lr sleds In r% IN,n b14 ba,.sn: bow,errr. Also nrnve Iro,,, w":,. 4-1e h.•1..• In Mea At IIT 40 per 10) lb, - . -. _ -__. _ _ --- _- for elw•ta1 int., w,+wh.rl oR ear., and Ar TufilbsUnle Iecur•d. :Lod obitllarirb Few men wh(f mak,- foul, of thein- s7:_i for IowPr crab•,. There wag ,on, :tt't• hot %vtitteu b)- the recording selves can irtimill (runt AIvertia 'K )det.,1-1r fogolri for sh"p /asl 1010th%„hut owing I„ tl.• 1imlrr,l oRerin %tugs the fact. ,Inlet and _ >y Brei.• %a. I4, e,.tr, nn I1If1 r1vh.t 4,t 0t. slin.et 1, m 111 0t Ile, - ---- - - --------- .---------- 'rhe .Innlin- of the l.alr,, nRered w'as tnnl' le-Aloul. And .-Ale. won• made :.t, Joel,-" - .1.-I,- - ' ru,;;inl; fmw Ir: N, $10 rage,, `t•��� 4,. _'L _ East SuNalo Cattle Market. -��� _ 'r ,e. l.. F:4,At Ituffain Fi,h- ••e. (•arlht-It.•,r,p:. (i f. r `- `~ L f ;sea, luodt ariin- x11.1 'I(N• Maher: pri„'. ^,1.l - t• t4,_ .I.-1., b:..We In at: "I"I'lns. V. I„ a:. ; ' '�{S S.. - -�.:-".1._y.---- b1:'1•nin., Ai.::; to 4;,..-, iwir 1.c, s::.:4, t�, I 7 �1- .<•J�-•1 , ? a -;.In: ,,,w".. .r.: to Al.,11; -hiu1. ... ., t. > .r,/// ,,� tl„�IQ $4 T..; Nt,rk4,n :4,,d flw,b•r, � 4=_}-�M. .� I•tv.'k Is. -Its". C!.5A to ICI; fr1•dii Tawe :nal < '���? •' Y.% M1�' ,w'' 6fA iu:eri, steady , irk M i:S. ' " Y '7,f' -- - f 1Ywls It..vipf., ii-tw) hr•id: a^'1•. :,4,.l _ yjv�- - '~W :at• 14,war. "F 1.?. Il l:L:d,. ! ±'f Irg"may.+ C,r„s Itameell 1.s, 1t nu hcad, fato•l a1 ' t _ ' ' J. five. pt�r, 1:. In Zit 1116'r: nth,•,, .':.• !� Absolutely �'4'Y-'�� I, -w. r:. h.mr) mis,•1 and 3,t.• ,.,j,, jr.4t h. 't I d +��i'.� . '�'e FREE ` I AT. a'.: ids,. *17.1. t„ i,.3r:. sou;; li (,f:,11q 1 , ri�p 1. w ie; I"- slam, Looli r.. x.. %i - ` . fru; �.. .be•rp 'Ind Inwb.. R1.. rll.rat .1,4"1..4 h,.:al: �+i(lyo,' - . -Ute: eb.rp. s:wa4v: INmbg • t.• 1,.• I..4, "•mss Tl� r e •',*- $4.0.: . IIT:'101111-6„ tri r., s..c., %e,r11fig.. U; L, i • SEED a6 w's w i:'' 44 ',, , 'q, 4,1;c1••f is to A:,_.,. }Li:. ;o BUYERS New York Live Stoc4. 1 I ' If r ,,, , 11 w1.1• it � AV . err, sork, 1'.•l,. Bc.•I... Ita',.Ipte. e6y (prom I,.,ndtumrly ,A A6At a.'1., 1'hnh•.• h,e,y 4,br1.a wlra.ly: •'ih•1.s, i' I '11"stratrd / 4- `,4 r t.. w": bull. .I'wdv: c"Is. A. (11111 fu I•:. low. ( t{ / , eUle,ine t�;. �'T 1.r. .1,.•`.+ Vit, _:'..14, t.i:t"y: bnlb,, is MI 1y T (4,r 1!N,7. -{>lt it:'li; o il.i;, to Aa.:1G; est:', l , , f , rt, Io., w -velli ,how, it �' '• vn,1 h,— v,.0 un get calx• Ite,JIe,.'ipl- 17 J. \rat, ,.v vial ?• A6aoLUT6LT 1181 •'i1. ,1 r, toe• hl�h'v; Irl( 4,R baler :Are In - a CAAVLNO /IR of Iosnrysnl :,till n• ""' d -fors 4,p.•.-ai •,ors. ,uta•„", /II[EFIFUMD 1'0'_.1 wn•a11: m. w,•.tnr"A. t.•1. L. V. - '\ l Utai; .yt11••nr q "1311nfi 4,l vh, . " CUTLERY w'tt1 C'rlln. Ilcruyanl „4,d f.•,1 rA11•tr illi :j'' y' IrnA 1, "O" end ster- iai3 In il:o. 3+ •I., ep :11,11 Land.• It-' rya,.. H, 1: e.lns•p / Lag allover Yoaa4. Ki•'^''!' 1,.h... term. sbcbp, NU -10 lo•i17.. •, - We cnul.l Ort riewy of aeenis '_' , ..I ah.•.p it'- r1111r V..lo; law1-., to take h,•IJ of a prnr. llx,N like i, :.7 _ to i•: cull', V. to 161. i c _- th.., but we pref r to pve reed Chicago Live Stock. 11 one CataleN"e ■ad a•dde nee' 1 ulra4^. F.I. 4'yftl1. IGr,•irta 1 - 4ve. full infurmae'ori of Ilio and I.- •I. ket for IN•bt, ,14ad%: INJ.4,r., `vr-.,!, dobe' ti -11 Infv.ol "Hera. dA weoti s full I.- I.N. ;,.,4,q•; •.rrssmm. 14, 1.•}I „te,.Sw. %I to ! de tads reaarJing new ani standard >7: h1.1 /, r, i-.etS t•. A.ti, ..num f,.:.1'r to - vanetlearf %md,.ettmsanJ auibs. sl T5; hue I-, i:; to i1. so; ralrm. s3.:P) to N role at on". t:.:a,. _ Am- II..,A-II,.•ntp•A. :,".'aa). r.. 1.o 1.4 ;.neer; e- DARCH i MUNTER SEED CO. I`"'Y Ahlpping, $7 It", I„ $74,76_,: Horn LONLON, reANA/A lleltEs bA. -N•rm'. tits:, t., AT; ll,,.t rnlx,d. f4,:•e 1t.. __ 16971,,; ,bell.,. u4h1 A,L;m, t.4, ilt:t); py•k - ara ia.:n 1.n i7.WI: Mrs, 1„ to $ILSs; I.uIA •� vt .1 w.,(". 67 1. !17.45. ^ ramp, lte elpf.. '•;,(1110: *fee 1.h; ■hea•i( 1 'e ` at:.-, 10 M,:. lam h,t is to i7.W. � N NOT A SINGLE APPLICANT HAS EVER BEEN REFUSED ADMISSION TO THE MUSKOKA FREE HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES BECAUSE OF HIS OR HER POVERTY - � V ) �.a / J. �� I' Ips r ,f i o© '`tom 1 •1l,'' , , A\_ , 1 t w .r - r �►.� ` "'ij �/I IN THiS NUMBER A Articles on the ill Irr I. Open Air TrAatment 1! of Tuberculosis of t� the Lungs 51 I y1 Attractively illustrated. i . TORONTO. CAN. _ Nov., I" ;�• " Lor. ropy --I-,•,�_ Ci__ _ f 51.00 year I'+C%1111IIP Cnver Page (rrdn(-P(I in Sirr) new Monthly Magazine of The National Sanitar- ium Association. Pull site of page Inz7. FORWARD STEP IN THE INTERESTS OF Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives The National Sanitarium Assoctation of Canada has undcrtaken to publish a monthly maKazinc devoted to the Outdoor Treatment of Tubcr- culosiS, and the inculcation of HyRicnic Methods of i•ivinq for the people general. The s� first number was issued in November, 1906. All profits from this magazine -- from subscriptions and adverti,ing %will go to the maintenancc of patients at the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consump- tives. Any one contributing one dollar a year, or more, to the funds of the Hospital will become a suhscriher to CANADIAN OUT -DOOR LIFs for one year, No Father, No Mother, No Home-- An Orphan, without Home or Means Worse Than a Prisoner GAR►IRI.11 BRA(Py, 1irRLIN, ONT.: $nrlo%ed rlease DR. A. F. 11:%%%A, 1'rar11: i have a Patient here,a And dorinr'• certihrate and examination raper., hope Young fellow in whom i am greatly interested. He has %nn will aec"re me a PIACO in your Sanatorium. Voll will tuhPr, nlo,m He is A P(N)r young fellow-, an orphan, out ::Mice that my cerrum.rAnce• iv a hard one ; no father, no of home, .v'thnut any mean%. if we %Pill him up would you n, other. nn hnmr -wnr%e than a prisoner. Nobody %anis take h,m in and do the best you can for him? i know how "Pon a, count oI my disea%e. (loping yo11 will have "the , hariry And rnn%ider my po,itirnn, and give me a position ditf,ttilt it i% to A,commodate all who require treatment, on,-, in yrn11r Sanatorium, i ever rray. but this I, A speC1+I Case. IL Is w•Ays ancourRginR to have a letter from friends who klndlf,y contribute. For the eon anlence of those who have not time to write, the following bllink may be used: it SUBSCRIPTION BLANK. DO IT NOW" Is a business motto of • • • • , fgo, , , , this strenuous age that Drftr .Sri, • • • • � � � • • � � • • • � � � � applies with trcmendou� J lin fliaJ►ur In r•rlr'lnsfn& the sunt of....... , • , force when it is a good \ . t' • • • • • • .. ), as a conlielblifiors fro lilt Md III Iroa fro. act you should do. \ rl file A/C.S Fi _qAA FRi'h_ JJO.S`PJTAJ. FOR CONSCJII'TI1'All,..c."A child. ki.st !setnit thy sighing i1�� lips shall make thee glad. A •• ..•.....••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.. totdrkman helped bythee shall Address .................................... make flier Ostrong. - Coloy ioUtlON/ MAV On aaNT TO "Tlwtis %halt by Aerved thyself in [ION. ^III W, R nrUDiTH Rt.: chief Justk!e. Vies every Not. San. Aneelat{en, everyronds nate of service which thou - iernntq 6 W, d. GAEL, Rsb.. Chairman Execnt;ve Committee, Toronto. ' t "t A11!teittet'rlotlnes ret",vt'd will be arknowledgee In the Toronto"Globe"and "News tt }�� �{�� ,) M ytLd a11m"I"61"/ one dollar Or /nelY hecomes a Auhserlber to the Canadian outdoes Llfe DO 1T 1 V O W __ _ - release yeas, "i 1VAS SPF.CIAi.I,Y PLEASED WITH THF. ATTENTION PAin TO CONDUCT THF, INSTITUTION CARE- FULLY AND f•. CONOh11CALI.Y.'• nr. R. W. Rrnce-Smith, Government inspector Hospitals and Charities.