The Signal, 1907-2-28, Page 4r
P wm• the Saviour of
his lite In the fight .with the great
foork and are much nteafrr In appt-a I
4 Tnt'aa1.AY, 1e1-ru;%y _'ti, 190i
and gnnitHcx-
boos of trathrral, ImvvnsP the prmurr
can have lifttle hope
— --- ItHE
WE'NAL : (1U1)H:1t1CH. t)hrT.11{II)
I — —
,toys are actually do Arr«ed
matey of our
brightest Intrllrclt, ctfmr Horn this
Pon. 21M1 miles Over loll and xttnw. and reaches from the bust line to the li.r,. i
through the untrndden forrptp,
ND, and the water, whirl, _
should be expelled in the
-' - ---- - . °. -'-' ----_ =-�
Owen Sound Organizing a Company � Hew Little Indian Boy saved Hb F..
to fsstablish a Plant. "
form of urine, flows back w ,
and hxlga•s in the cells 0
S■I-Ilmer Night.
meatp, rarilrsar Plein., and
beadwork of the
the flesh and puffs out the
,loved by IV. Henderson, 11in•lia,
tl h!' P. S.
year from their re-
I �1,
filar Who Was Crushed.-
journalism arid weer$• olnngs
he xhutird law. F'riruds tvhn knew
("hief Ipane, of the M)naehide tribe,
and fillet Julius,
or lace Insertion outlining the print cps I
plugs up the drain. .
Restore the Kidneys to 14wort _
that portion of the Act that eximes
the salaries of tnspectmw
him ,o, " IN,y ,It Go Irrirh My' Ile
should have
of the Tanana trite,
accompanied Roderick to the Gover.
Soind om Aecta111%, i•h a A recast despatch frau Dawsoll
'''I"rrt "f " 11,retiWiK ,eros"` he'l'l I
them fat• }ukoil Territory,
1 How the Servants In Smart FULLY
nor. and lett in the big w.
which followed the mm,-kinghof wthO
pipe of
Ironlfu; to nines( any tyl,P of weld
ThP scope of Ili
the diwo",i.,,,,uflhryuay-i says: �
1'41 itis Ment IN•rell in S . (presenteorge*v
peace. it ill likely, opp rile
Peels are British
Meeting ay o Resol ti Township Passes
Series of Resoluuoos and Asks Co-
tion of cold attleage. .tnx,ti,r tlmok• 1 Willi arm broken, injured $hokal.
I'"hillul tit the mt $•tins wru filo le.uling dere, and seaT►Ad Dead, Roderick. a
''Oh1O''.A nl''u of the tu%v'1 will)
tablishments Are Gowned.
-- -
poll, and ]tax-'
son is their nearest net, that they
will be p
oidrfelloxera rnnslderahon,
operation of Other sections 11
Orr es• 1 member of the Peel River Indiana,
I'1etully int,rl,alleNl In the rrl.J,li.h- called
rrlataNl in
and th0 ven it, treat-
Approaching the Government ill
n14 I. or x Cold htorng,• p1,ellt. oil a1cU¢g C}overnor J.ittigul"
, • tl h
ment ill needed. Theworkofathe Jr.-meatt
I . Irlluld, M. 1'., gave tis, ad- 10 of or morning to ask for aid. Thr .11readJ - we have t\vo larks shipments of Shrin-D I niportation,ii, no!t'' t)tI'rl'lllhr
the Matter, .11e•pal in which be vxpl,tinr,l the n - ,:! old man,4ad leen in a fistlt with a
t•tken by lhe'1►nnliuitin Govennnelt( bear, and was injured. Princess Styles Newast For Waitresses. ;it BJ`D-R(�i`�K 111ZICFS. We Placed Otlr s,rder`; ver\' carl\' anti fall easll\
I file matter tit giviuy;;wst,htticl• to I For in the Arotic wilderness be. � They Have an Individuality Lacking tindcr�cll ,111\ ,,lie \\ ho did lila do the same. Jlls► note. It fete tit. the line! N'C arc
Repll•aelitatticeil retail she hch,md htn•h thdtish•ipti slid al,,, she 1'c:vhon I t'ond the Rockies, Roderick tan fats I Even In the Coquettish Apron of M
unions tit the lowanalhip of ]'Ill-11he -, v, why Owell S,aaltl shutild IN+ one ori• little boy, several month$ o, met I r partti tdarl\' '.lrollf; 111 :
ahllelk- t u, establish a gold Ntor,lgo j a giant grizzly. Thu father ad Ills Lady's Own Maid. Prints. li i,irrrh' nrw' I lint. ill ulrrudy, at i, .
Hultsn eonnty, rI. ill ioemo,lio iii{•u w.urhuusr. �It. 'IVIti-ill rxl,lailled I rifle, and gave fight to the mammoth I \t71!il'P18PR' fll,l'UII1 moll« rlurP.. • Gitighams. Illpi„•r.nrwGinfthxmvluchtkihe•
No. ll. Turnikrry. esu Tuewlxy, 1'$ b- p tit•, logo- and ILI.• a yield. mild every law b fitau, at Ilk-, i'21c turd 1St•. sl) 4411
ill, lat'y 11►th, to decide Maim a kanifot111 Dull Ihr- 17ovev,,nie•ut ,,.,,I tiutdl• ,a I brute The animal was wounded, and 10f 1h,•en I'..,t eol•a's, In -Ili light and dark color,. Ihr leading eolur cla11d,iwltion.. hillr fast culolt.
lot go "'It )f, $1111,111111 flat Ili. r.,t,{bliai.- Roderiok went up to him. The anims, j stele ttrn the nl,O't-olt thlnt; In correct ti Lughalh null other finekr..
and too in Irillat ll) the Ste IAI Art luent „f N•old hfurmge I.Lu.t. tit alkali- 1 dr,•Rh for house aeri imt+, and at, nli,,
end Il) action
ulr x drllnth phut ,- atlas, made a tinge for lib• man, White Cottons. , Delaines. t►rrr :M► piece't, I►rlaint-P, nioatlyy
uuite,l acliun ill rrquralling Ihr Gov- able lwinlN +toll it trual IhoughL 11tit1 :{ struck him with his poglarhil stem$, trralses who l-eep Ibrlr estuhlimf Hent$ '''e. ik•, III(•, IY!r, If«• uu'1 ,•tri,,,, y;ruuudt, wish shut an Innall
rellwe•rlt to repwill :'Vetain )tlr'N'tioll- line tit Nuch phaNs hhould Iwo exlvndt•d and furiously endeavored to snuff np t.. date will dunhtlt'r,N have their nt,Lrs tit 11k• end 1_j;e xn•7C It t ravala•Ous veli hod.
Pillai fl'atllres xcruw she cuntinruL hone Kali, to out the life 'of the Indian. , l Npriy p:,(flay deslKn.r,fires(1'1111411h"'I"IKalld,/10%0-
\\'sari .-Mcost tit Ihr hle•aurrly were Th” old man's little son, who had serving malas don the "mart looking hilar rah1, fall phut ttidthm, until I:N' "p. Th, -
Thr ua,tiug N'1ah hUictl) "l)n•lulr- Another Shipment "f SprinK Goods, hr vett' uewrst things tnrthpalwal ,44141 tvulRlh,
lisan nod iulruN ly r:uurht. It w.r, ,,,luipped with sold hluragr and Ihr attlod by, $foto up dose to the raging drems n,•ceasoritNt tar Pverydn}- wear. h1ens Ii,NNIa. frill[,.. I „k I: Lexll-wtot.l.
decided to aa•nd x delrKatiun ll) Willi w'!' O'• at" hmvlaed is tavoral,le bear, and sneaking back awaited hits Theme Ktyllsh prlu,.ePq pnttrrns have lh-1:nur,, un4 11re,t LiuellR. Linea Lawtis awl
upun the Got•ertnurnt ah h,".,i It. ,it. itis the . ht+ehlishmeut of r el)ld htnr- rhance. When the time came the lit- all Individuality that eye,, the IIltt,litis. �O IISs
vangr"trnts ren Ile 111441,• ill state our a'''' Ovale hues.,,• here. Thr Glav'e111• tie fellow-. with lion heart and nerve Coquet
un•nt gic.•h mid ll) for oxr,ut of thirty of steel• drew a steady head. It was tfsh parlor 10r 1adll,R' ninl{le' aprons DRESS Jnpt 141Na11 'a1 p1.NN•t, o'rW Sprig Tweellh Iaut phaiu t'Iallos, flow idle, Pula• And hr-• them
ohjrcltonol• the kalrtillk•t'h of Ihr deur• folio 4'.•nl. of tile v Lilt of the plant, loav- a trying time. To the boy it team A lack, for. In addition to lolling nervier- seen if you flu nut wu.ii to bis!' ,o a:u•Iv. Pious lar Hve nidal elf our b,u'gaifi f trema F.rwl., at
gxUun U, im• rhohrn by the Ivetr ulyrts ,tole ill i,,shalulunls of Li lk•r rent. m0pt deeprrsfP test nt whether or not Y At the fl/tflre almost Ilka , GOODS ll-unt halt prier REAL SNAPS, TIIF. F.
a( w•h.Nd Nw•tilanh ill the• di�rrrnt d)wil „till the u�xlauer vxarudl,d oter he should save his father and prrhapR I able, the
batvnmhipol till„ugh11ul the I'rovin'''' D. sC A. COfSCtS. lhsl't fl)lt rt that those ;lar the Ileal ('or,l,lt, in the watkrl fin the prjtea aglttd
liJl't'er.lml ib
ted. a vires U, r„_ +1 Ierm of three years. 1'hr object also himawlf. There wax no times t[1
elm ruUou ial t,,.lieilr/l. W14A t11 give 44 n,9U111•• til pl(tIreu10o meditate. Whit') the head was drawn I ft EIIt 1?M It left, we have moved ial) our New Store, .just tine ,filo, fell,,, 11:.• ,ild hl:u,d -nt the courler.
Jx,-. Powell, '1'unllkrry tow•nNhi .. t.. flaw pr,klurr, will) h esu ,{ h:u,i the little in hesitated not Him
Was called ll) (he• $hair and ,I. �• thil g to lnoterl, a, it eve.. wI uulcii steady irrrefinger boot ,.ver the tri ( •
A41 I
Hooper, of TarnlWr•ry. wits rhlt-li its atli” A J ,old regulated In she vNry. lies. "Ver
was a aharp crack and i
weivt u'y. 'rho• ohJe,•with to lh, Act ins drmxnd of Old ('outiirj' uurkrl N. the grisly fell bark. The big animal I The Square, �. Hill,
were then pttNredlIJ with. Mr. I-elfortl dwelt on Illp value and droppe(1 in his trnrkp. � . C Goderieh.
!Lloyed i,y \V. Wiode mm, IIlilt a itctiellts of sold ,tor„e ll) f:n'tirrls Then the younger rushed to the
UnnlNhip, olrrondeNl by lt. (alkiw,u, of uttd IttlNluc, 41ralrlw.:uul shutvr.l heal aide n( ilia father. He drew file bleed
Turn tiesIy, that we ask fur.the a -e wall IIIt '•alhvblohn,ent laf 1IRN kind Claud Ing man aside and Ktaunrhed It,s �s
Olt I Lu Ne•eur,Nl be•r,. lie e,tinited the wounds. and rushing t) the hrrs/k sot „ ��
di that lmn'biit of [hit new Art that cost of a builditig milli plant would IN. water and bathed rile injurwi nun. -
alirecLh thief x euulpulw,ry ulininunn •�1 1 _
salary Shall lie Raid to teachers. ah"', "i,il11l and su9g„trd :►, rt snit- With all the loripg kusdnepa that the I - -- --�+�± __ _
Partied. ,nolo huildiuK the x /pie• a+urhou,e filial heat can know did the little St. Patrick's Day a Public Holiday. Holy father he %a, the li.., 1 Ill tit .m L Wiley, t he b ,c the[ (riled nothiu '
Mored by 1{uhf. Muir, ot1'urulmNr", north of for C'. P. It. del".t. little Hghter stand b!• fila injured father I Irxrlh. '•
'' ..%%'fly (fool yo.l write• laud thank
«rcondtKt by \Vol, McGill, Torol"•ir 'uildin9 could Ile• w•ruraNl fur t1t7,IM1t Then when the man could arise• the I Iufulll,l N,{I ,1!"Iay �I�td. ,,,
' 'll,•'N had a tine iuflo••u, .
that we ask fur tilt- rxiNill of (flat per and h, wuld sly that the• (irry tl lad led him to the trills. There the f \ we•,•k nK - 11r. Peter Itv.m of •1'l)• I,im % u,L.•,l 11 r. lly,ln.
lir",.• L.I:w l'... would carry the f / I'rollto wits oo m visit ll) ,1lunaveal, a. Ltntirt "' r.•uuu'ktvl 11 r. It•. u, .,,11, M' it h. I'll 41'. .u.-Iw thou that. I'll
lion r the Act (Intl Kttvh int,lertor Indiana made a rude splint and xPt j, rharao-ter•iAlit, j,k ubuity. "I1 • 1 •�rnph biro Ihr tttaukh of for Irish.
G, cx¢tNd certiHcaG,N of Lrau beta loin 1Ka9r. Thr Frkait Co. would hake the broken arm, anA Irnm file learn,( err a nuitla•t of c'.ln•...• hr .•:tiled esu Iris ohl
/f s
$1,1111, ,u)J the L:panrr of the xuunnit of the trerp and otherwise they pre- ! (sired. Hun.. J.unl•.i IIt.:Yhxur•.' not, ''`Plrn•liti thing he's duti,• in :u@ucn.'.'. nuNl of :ulnda thiN eery day. Hrr•,
t-ngaged ll) trash fur le•alN than the i ,,1K the G)trrnnirut ll) 1. , o nits 11. I al tnNe, u,t' nut nn41 hat".."
tuinimtnu. Carried. w'uuld Iwt'r ll) Ile• rxiee•t). Hr rolls- pared their rrudr moxtiLtines. llJi luetlh•1' r11:es+e•r tit' rhe put. Aftt•r :1 y
uuteNl that it w'11u141 c,rtt $I,Ia11 Ik•r R'eeks,' wear}' wrrka, crept b}' Hud j I $ , hearty haudbliaki• ,111.1 a chill ,tlNnl, l'ttri• k's 14%.." Wis.-IN Lto her11 Nr. M,:Yh+ulr wa%
Moved by P. S, \1rKwc•n. Tarn• ,tnnum to run the door and that tit*, /� And Ihrn III r. K',e
Iterry, Neeondet by .1. 1. \\ vlte. Turn- I h Roderick grow t , N ukl lour, and 1h.litir., 01 the p,t,t a, ! n Wrest -1 to ..1!' (hnrryigt to lilt. ,tile uRlcr. Nil.
tnc(tnll, world IW nlm,ut $ii,1M111, hu Ilett time the little hrpytwax wsal,edamong s- / t''ruiyu'e,f wish thaw• )f the pr•rK,int• I�u1t I - (iot'rrannrnt t-na.•,nsr/ir St, liy.or hod urglrrtrd to tl•11 '•the
that p that 'We ask for thetspecilo` f' �thr talk Uutt,Nl to King Elw,n'i. l.,h•ir , L►.uc in Ihir peva lot ;;rneelfNuplrs Jinlluie” float tit. ell little that lwrtiafi of the Act that t,lpr(iHcs it would lot- not only x wife but prutll- hill people. He it was who had killed would la• lahxrrtrd :IN :1 su'iet Inbljr 1►av this vr:lt 1'.,II, on a Sow
that rural echex,la alh7a11 provide aculra, able invchr uu•ot. a nrg,d the nr- thr great tear and had brought the I Ing
t eh•r."), a sliest t hill h.0 sin til,• I f Lly,
it *,it y fur inn,,$• li:ur,u U'•n in orale r $lawn back ill triumph. The skin Ot '` ?11nf illit%. :anti th:u illi l:•,vel nue rut tit• .
mrxaurrP, tape, uiensur+ltion set, KeNI' to he wui> in xppl inx- for the (:uv' the h e _ 111 •r,, hunk,, fiwt.triew, st)re. ,end' -'
metrical solids, lila-AVY, concrete walks, ug grizzly wax hung by the I places of trade woidd be eroded un41,•,. I Th'. Signal di+ys fille lot- pritiling.
trachelx' private rlNrnla. and rtilxrKP'Ineut (trot,' family taint, Arid there ! wrvrtp iN•uxltirN, and 411 uunrtrss:u'v Itu,ini,sp M:w A\'hill Jy you wxut :
meat of sch'Nd gruundal by one-half t,��I'll Ill"Att(t11 w•nh di%eushral at eju,,le squaws. and bucks and�wean told
+14.11: Carrie. Irn9lh by ihele,r plpe,nt laud ii ulna ! (, tallow suspendeil for the ria%. ' \ di.•allt -I Castle tit elle vire if
tales of the bravery of the little man. I Onc of the most dao er- ! PI 1 )'►•u
nrLdly decided that n con xis\' Ile• P "It will go hat11 with wan,•. IIlr lore in uve,l tit an ,eti,ihtAnt.
Mlatr,l by Rohl. Muir. Turnlen•y, p The other day Old Roderick came FF
, and miwlsivcfornas of Shane," sxi.l Mr. Ilan, ••oil: th.u`,! Bu,inr•s IIlxti V/•r) wn'ry. I tit, all
seconded by it. Gilkison, 'I'urnlerry, u"a"11ir.Nl, to Ile• e+tlled f hr ower with the mad tale to the (}ovarnor that - lncy Uisext%e is
i3ouud Putti Stor+cyte Cmi,piuly, with It broken and injureirl as he in he no 1 I the taw•, and they mia.-t 40,ev.” tit,- work lotyself.
that we Tusk fur the repeal of that mete• alpitnl oll,a k of Zitt►,(111 ill I Glory I.•," crnNl Me:shmie•, ••hilt A1,141ratit Ah ! that ivonld just stilt
tion of the Act tbxtaaniWlrcutinty $.,;I Shales. longer can work and earn his war, I Itis" is x day W"Ith livill, I)r, mil lilt-. fUu.trated ltit..
council$ to levy a rate, for rural school Thr "Itm•k li,t, well'
'it once prrlslre,f like the energetic, able-bodied men n(R
par mWs. Carriad. Wuxi a e.'r I&. sable Lie of Itis was Rub- ilia tribe. And, to add more to hip ' v sires APnOY.0 -- -- ---
Moved by 1'. S. McEwen, Tuns- "'rihrtl for Wu tiletloheof Ihr"laetinK• porrow his litfl -- - ,
berry. seconded by H)bt• Sharpttt,
Turuherry, that wexxk fur thenuxrutl-
W -add it nut hr a sit Ihisofail.
P wm• the Saviour of
his lite In the fight .with the great
foork and are much nteafrr In appt-a I
to Be Asked to Allow Horse : fi. (Jili"xl)ie. chief engiu/s•t•, his c'm)binatiol) i, flat14pl ill 'Iill ' .
Siranit•r J, If 1'llupmrr--.1. via-, nit arnnulrh '
hunt of that portion of the Art that
regulxtrN the h'aittinK
GWel'ieh ll) beganizn i"riht 1r(tkal• bear. ilk dead, The little fellow took an<p than tbnNc fonnrrly n.trl with I
i i
party :' :\ cold srorrt r hint w'u,►fd gag and died in hie mil- I bibs. TIIPy ore finite as
for which Uodd's Kidney
and gnnitHcx-
boos of trathrral, ImvvnsP the prmurr
can have lifttle hope
practical, ttxr• I
aiddernew home at the head of Ihr ; tar ill,- priner.e eRl,cf, brought alwnt
aid the 611ainrt,s of the lawn very clan- Blarkattone River, in the milds of the
The I1o,rltl of Tnul, in
are the only certain
cure. In Dropsy the Kid-
of IN•cuul.
ing teachers althuilgh
I,tkr tilt• nuvt4 r til''
RrNkiPp. The old eame to Darr_
! f �' Intrtalucing a lung pallet thin
,toys are actually do Arr«ed
matey of our
brightest Intrllrclt, ctfmr Horn this
-- ---'
Pon. 21M1 miles Over loll and xttnw. and reaches from the bust line to the li.r,. i
through the untrndden forrptp,
ND, and the water, whirl, _
should be expelled in the
class, thus it diseriminxti'", in created
in favor of the rich against the x•.
Young Vick and Old Nick.
the Peels w•h a►rited last week with
the first
iota of the skirt, trovers just u. Innch I
1 of the gown as the
form of urine, flows back w ,
and hxlga•s in the cells 0
( nnie,d.
S■I-Ilmer Night.
meatp, rarilrsar Plein., and
beadwork of the
ofd little hub aprons .
did' 1
the flesh and puffs out the
,loved by IV. Henderson, 11in•lia,
tl h!' P. S.
• lief„,,• Vietur L+tut•iston pf (ihalhalll
Ovral inrn
year from their re-
\[side of sheer lawn with I
skin. Remove the filth s I
McEwen, res. lylt n-
berry, that we ask for the IpiWa1 of
journalism arid weer$• olnngs
he xhutird law. F'riruds tvhn knew
("hief Ipane, of the M)naehide tribe,
and fillet Julius,
or lace Insertion outlining the print cps I
plugs up the drain. .
Restore the Kidneys to 14wort _
that portion of the Act that eximes
the salaries of tnspectmw
him ,o, " IN,y ,It Go Irrirh My' Ile
should have
of the Tanana trite,
accompanied Roderick to the Gover.
anels, these n imus tire
I pretty in] 1 w'
health. There is only cane ` 3 't/
ig Kidney Medicine
the power oftheir dismissal fall,,, the
county council. (',tnie4l.
a•a.uhuutxl in lit; fo ofe•s.
milli). 11114 cite a StaPy an ev Bence of
his imrNt,l slim, ..f the;udic'xl uliud."
nor. and lett in the big w.
which followed the mm,-kinghof wthO
pipe of
Ironlfu; to nines( any tyl,P of weld
ThP scope of Ili
"s+:., -...--.-t
I i
Moved by J. furter, Turnlmirry,
1'41 itis Ment IN•rell in S . (presenteorge*v
peace. it ill likely, opp rile
Peels are British
and flulehe(1 P1111P[ with nstftrhl¢g
secmule•d In• D. Wallace. Turglerry
Gla,, we ask flit- the umrndtneia of
the Act by giving the trustees of file
Sunday srhuof. when or plrNd•ut
new'"ptalN•r mail wits it I of right or
nine. 1l)r rexehrr' h ti
poll, and ]tax-'
son is their nearest net, that they
will be p
oidrfelloxera rnnslderahon,
emhmidPry or have a1Rlul; to ruStch the i
trinuntug us(%1 un the of the ar I
I �
Dries O r ° r Night.
Province n feu• teplpaentation
rrlataNl in
and th0 ven it, treat-
. At either end, to botA theher
unvnship fair., blit thio dim- ihr old 7.mke li irotl. to 1'eprt St,allf•y, (7n inku
''Iiitulnxtiun is nmv dare• lawny w ilh, I''rnnp•allr'krllinK oht to a new u11r. of F;rir, was Im•lots the S,fl4te counnil,xP - - 1 ARVC7i. I
mud lbs I `-r-
It. tingnivr R"nr'•'.fdr
,in till,
Advisory Council Eduattiun.
great the story (if '•Athan and
hyr and Ihr
ment ill needed. Theworkofathe Jr.-meatt
pan- ,
PIN iii pines• aellen the
Wears Like Iron.
_ of
Ca over.
Moved by P. S. 'line,,,
1 I.ilnal fall." laying
special mtlY,em on file pout played Icy
dians in putting n Ppent the
broken arm mile in ibelf
ohref. ry or are •
"/Taps „r of or the I
Thu Pamr will Outwear
Is the most improved fence
berry, seconded 6y K Williston, Tan•.)-
the Eyil On,•
"And." "he ,•)"eluded, '-don't
of credit to sons (if the wild.
eretl wi
Dlnln mater!al O Iib nIflIP of lace
ifile (of la- villiI011
pass neer file shoulders,
No. q Hard Steel Wire. Any Other floor Paint Made.
Berry, that the sertrtnry publish the
in of this
think the serpent w•xs veer wickerl'r'•
In the
anti Ire-ntity yollr eirry
in tricky,
ntrnedt yeti Reef havo. """ you %onlew•hrn: wi.h.'
thing for w Inrlakfapt. lar supper dish." (Mr,tsiomlliv
cnm in the
block and are planed Securely In place
meeting xn ask for
correspondence with a view to co-
nlls"inkc shunts of ,lyes, ane
w•a, consplctio,raly silent• The
beneath the rtbhotl ties In tilt- back. __
I holds fast and docs not
operation fn,ln townships, ,r•hool
trusters of indicidutl ratepayers
tr"f•her Lorded to Vick.
"1hm't yols think the Ner•lent
Don't Use Any'RemedyThat Keeps Its
There 1s another new and pretty
"tyle of apron for perrrltl, mnids. it
_ the.wire in any way. If "till 'vellent uP Itis• 1.1.4cks
willing to mill tie in securing our civil
very wicked P" she u•pratrd.
Formula a Secret.
le callwl file \' pattern beN• .upe the
fill rile fN,rr•N of the tvrk"1. and
rights. Carried.
J.►s. PovoX1,1.. J. F. Hak,ras,
•'1 don't know•," rejoiue(I Ihr lad.
coolly. "I'd like to hear his side of
People w•h10 ate troubled frith : lulu-
ach weaknrsi, col,,not alibied I„
tipper part (lint unmwer% In the colo
fxt,hlon)ed huh la mnAr In 1fiP shape 0f
I �� lunke a hart mud Nt-,vicr«ills
m,•rinK. f'hm,nxr. urcrsxxrilt
I Sold only ."o"""" "ll"14
Chairman. - Se•crehlly,
�Vi¢ghruu I'. (►. \\'rosette 1'. (L
the I�tary first."
,env Ivutrll unlrNs they know what it
a \ of bene} rmhrQtdrrr, In— nr
pheer Inwn
at filNf Ibis Paint
1 � I W O R S E L L ' "ill banh•n itI.o)%I o, .tone ,and
N. B. - i rnrnenlh rt-yurat that
Steamer A
Mi-o-na i.% nut !a mere digrstivl• giv-
trltuned with a pretty
filmy Insertion. Thin V starts with
S ,lands NPrnhhinK. (hie gallon )f
HARDWARE STORES S.•noln', 1•'IaNk• i'4inf will cover
every rural Schad ill the county of
Huron will
The unrferinrntioht-d nanste•rs aumi
only h•nil fo'aiy relief, twin a
"{'reiNe for all dit,ondrr the digrP.
straps or bretellPS tit the Pbonlders that
Goderieh .-',,l -lit it.. fret. Y r.Na".
and BayfielA.
Jake up this tneamtin en9t nem have INN•p xppnintrd to till,
with the abject in view of amending mtrnntel„ of the ('anatli•tn Lake•
tier nrg+u)s. xrld N -I effect. ,t Ilea Kinn-
ent wills fur stunisch
)tiro at the teniae. The lots are kept
In place by the embroidery bretelles
►4 W O R S E L L S '
. and
new School Act, by electing deft-. YMrnti NavignIion ('o.'s fleet fur the
Kates in each anti every rural of
Ypnr (pinNici+til will tell yin( that
that are faetetled Into) the Ielt line at
c .�.ti.l.- .t l•,N, , ;. „ "
hcblk,l he•1tvm
section in the ,county for the Purpose
tit interviewing the Gm'ernuicut•
ktranser Turret Cunit Peter III—
nothinK Ih Ilius' thin » rnmbimui in
of chenjiealiv pull• himplhth subga.
file bock.
With these amort aprons tb- rrC. I
fair. N'riq h' .l„ Ica 1,
iutcre. 111amter; 1'. J, McKrailry, chief
Kindly give spate in ! out t uhwsns engiuver. '
lar, to knit , ly inllxununtiun .d the
stomach and bo,wels•:
°111111011 dark frock with all0I collas
f,odtn' h :o Bayfield
this Irfmirt this w'rek.
Yours res elfllly,
Steamer. Turret chier - II1,ilrnlnl .Ali..
ehr.. nmsler:.II, E. 111.11 (lad!',
eer•ilnu r/x,tlmte,
to 14 ienglhen the Atte"N''h nervem :
wNlium b ,:alNmate.
I ��� -'-'-��-� -- �/
J. r'. Horir1t11. eligineer.
.__. __F7_
I'll ll•f
Slwu...... T
P II /tl•IIt I'N 11 Lt-%
the iml.oi(lar, acid,. that are plw,rnl
TNS FAIRS ASSOCIATION. - - "' "' "O.In- ._. i","""` ""'.."'S . Nlhl n11X Valli lr'N,
Still. ll"utt•r: It. if. 1«pts, chief rn. whish win r•stor.• vigor in the div-_ 'y,
ti}e 01-9,111-4 ,laid tone• the whale W-11 -
-- Stea,,lrr A. E. Ales f:. 1.. Stephen, 10,,, ai)'alien.
G11+vertAWnt 'n"'I'l
sur! ....'t".. ,1,.1,1 .%' )I .
to Be Asked to Allow Horse : fi. (Jili"xl)ie. chief engiu/s•t•, his c'm)binatiol) i, flat14pl ill 'Iill ' .
Siranit•r J, If 1'llupmrr--.1. via-, nit arnnulrh '
Black, .,tillris. and it . 111,
Speeding Contest. master: It. Chmhtirlm. ellief e11gtnPCe ,411.0%' rails ro strrn9r.hrn the ,Il r.. -. , ;�
T11r,annualn)oa•ting of the (►nhlttiu H. M. Prlhltt tY. H. stn• five Nvst.•,a„ndrnrt-7til r(t/arthof,l„el- •- `• \
Asnioclalion (tf Nail,. and Exhibitions deism)"• 11t:wter: \V�l. liver”, chief -n- ach (lis(tt•dt-rs Lhat the
e 1.1•Illed) I. -old
was held at Tmohto last week. Ne:►t•• Rinepr. under x ffina•,tntre to refund Ile- L �
1 :31Mt delegates weft•' Ill attendance. '"A'al"t'I• "If'tliNll Hero Archie, Inetp•. 1111Iesa It Clore", G •
The ,iclntyrl.- If
AND �j r�� T� i
Itiain gne"liun colder diNcuhmiott uluNlJ•r: N'. H. 1►tirh.atll )-nil .utter Flom inciigrmtian, di%- '
Wits in chirfrngitiaer. tress
tYgxtd to holnertu:ing. '1,be arter.eating. mlk'ckm bpr,.1• Ibe !
general feeling of tile. delegalen was -----_____ ____ !'y'1•%. htvldaches, plaint, its the hark ,laid 1
hldt', a llia"isittnll• ld,dit mx.
"peed C10n-mit,
to lever• of mit
' \111. 1t" I:II
liork ( Notes of Journalism. nr,,, see , I 'I
xfxl there is a I+trk of deHnik•ulaN ill 1 l Irhmueoln, lar any of file 10r love
Canada Coffcc and Spicc Co.
11 kalaticros g ,cn+pt'un% (tf st10nta,h U•ottl,les. Regio' / i ,
g j(IRHolill . M (( Monteith,
1111 r. to lien ltrrnlrl 1111, erllaegrd the noo. fir II1i-a-Ina stminerh lat.le•ts lit I �
(tf the fall "haws. Hun. bur. IIlimleith, ill p:lgrt, to seven tulumnN.►1
•then Arne• it, awl filly ;
the Minister of Agricnitenp, in nnsw,•r "It''"- SI,I41 in :dl.crut homes,
9'h,• Welland '1'elegir►ph
I I'heu gn home an41 h;v
tci a direct qurYtioneN to the uumllin l
is rt0w• Wrife tiday flit• x forgo• sample lo. k. f
K i."nrd
utd you will
,t, a setili O,t'kh. The Trh• 'eKo'.:old,rlRo�ive us your-yollpfnnl., tj/. �Ir
of ihr rratrittic, clnuno to the new Kl;,ph i., n lit e pop, r,•►risl b k.wepin9 ttp
Act hlsid, '1'him is Ihegreat Imnle•ol sail n1", of till• It,�,t-Ln10trudlnnt"'`' ' I
vo¢tentiun, what •"peedinK ineane. is end in the $enol)• down by the miN'1'ie llNth n\'III 9,\,• \out east• his wire- '� I -
i 11 %fit? IIs►M f; 11,\1'1'1".
The Govertilnent ha" fill intention 10f c.ul:d, lid, and sert,on'41 attention
witliont / ,
prev0ntiug NlWrdinR. We da dehir•, Che Itiplry, I;xpt1•y, les% been rank• chmrlre. I3td1111'h %lirrl"1 C mitanny,11
The Sauarc Phone or
however, tit, r o awa% wit h,iaof_,,iotutl ill nntewurtby int mol'"IllellLm. iuchld• 13nIGdo, \. 1'.
horse ricin�Itt. \Vl, desire to xllolimh Ing a nrw pre•or,uu� a h,uldwnue nrw -- - -- - �4
frons the fife track -4 flit- dlrrh 11f LvIW. We
__ !
anirrltl, that air• pleased tai pr,•
n,x,dm Al -RIPS U, hold it h'getlo5• : wt- these evl, encrh or prosperity. and Appreciates British Freedom. - r'l/;
itx Gr drive -la h Bio 1 irN
n '1'lllt,
, ..
IK met• el)
lull• lomi 11 Ivha lrlt-relN " III tIIIIId t,1lr•e •a•%«. (pant 1'llllallly ilc•;1!1', III. I'.. _ i, /'
the mrchilly alxf .LII pall ill+• anlllxtl "'If'Nenfol'th N,tt'R, Whit fl flits been sh,alld gal x 141119 May tat ,rlllove tilt
11' 1 l l I (\ 1-.41L� I1� 1�
where he IWIuuKs. \�'/ desire h. give' Puhlishee! for two 101• three year" by, tmprept,inn in snlnr In}•ali,t minds
fair "freed n chance and allow ")lullr'v 'tl'hleforrl BI•ns.. Ila, IN.,.,, ,it;, to Jit. that al Irish flume Ruler
\ %V , ,
assist neer%-
bays and not pr,,feNsinunI" nn oplm/f• I \ e'tl, 111110 i" x nrlv,I,aler Im►u of h:a'il Iw a hatri. of Br'iti,h conn/•c-
Lenity to "h(w what the• doll' w.u),• (ton
can ,xferieuer. h„ring he•e•n ran. anti the Ifriti,h ILo1r: '•tt'hnt I - ,•i;trcat;R eraay.
The Asn” iatinn �rlAntwl adepuGl. (uw,lyd for n t.iute with The Detroit tell Americans when I'll, IhrNp I,. •I and rttRn will lir worn. and for a M,nA•
Lion to ItulNt�he .Mininter: of Nrlt'N. - de Hilt like y)ti/' money
r I
to mak for -sinking, yam• dress a plain white Mow Of sheer linen
an autrnd- The Oxk Ltkt- News, frivolitiet, do Hol Inure"1
to IIl ill puhlimhwl at late, ,11x1 or lawn with I,PmAtltrill, I,ttdS III tit,
munL t0 the Art alp will ld•rwit Iorxl U4k lake, Dbnl., bt A. P., Yutio Four IilN,rty 1 do not alp nrctutr.' Thr
fair din/•torN G) hold t•aceN 111'AIWWI- I'Vepntlt• iolsued ,. K• first titin 1 was rv,•r glad to (orreet for maids tbis Pennon.
ing sprNlist •'histo sl,$
• • e
111 ,ml�hing I
ricnl British Hag urns wheel ill
the• The raps wore with thPPr n conA
c�nteetS if they ro desire, but. Aub- unmld•i." giving n review ,if flat- Y mtrmrl•r p
jeNa to Nisch regulalionR HN will pre• hiai0ry of i)xk I Ile.• nn41 Ili; lem'li1)g sold -ed n ('nu:ulirla l"nt after leavili9 Should ho bnwp nue hand etnbroldete41
vt-nl lr1Y)fPNmlOnll, t-io, K (1,wi
oliainK the 1'hl• 1%NII, N9n, N rrNhl t10 Arll, lie+1• 1'hPt1• im ,ell all' for freethH„ In match. Mede Ilke those used by the
l pffolp.
tr,ukN and Willi t-fT,c• the town its ivell ns to flit. loss tender under+t British 11 IK ilei"",%ibtr t10 Hod wnitresAe•s or ehaiwAil-maide, th�,IP lit. lively Inhibit x11 gninbliuK, imNd•w•II- who, it, n flit (hml.•,irh In
in moil,} -making An,t-rir►," tip
I 11
,y, +a glto3- pores of lingerie for ttk head are
ing an� betting. r I Walt- lot Ihr Sha afller. IIlr. YnunK it, -- � dlptIngnlsherl flaw tlr0ne donned by
11: If (tilt well in
l'delit,(wan. who will 1111%
in Ie11
Sulterinlendrnt of Fairs is 1311111,
his Journxlistie Mr. Oantm's Floor Luck. other AervnntA by flit, narrow
g,n•t- ,Ind wr l,xpcel d, hear of hiN ribbon
x rtrunle of -yhe c11iinge, nt,ilb• in ihr further slivet•e.. A hill to inrorimn,Itr the• St. ,Ina, all rosettes. ('$softy emhroldPivd rnllars
Act, District fairs vrevicush' hall 1 and hr1Rm
tali In n0ft lawn or linen (•ren-
,ulvrvnGtgr in getting lalge•r grants plete thin custtime.
1 AI"tut a %es, ago'remote hlnfu11t4v 1 , buil til it a toaptn!�{i. 1�Lirl•�•phlv,m
INight p,uhw•d loft- ne•ty 6:IndN,
1 `' I I : \ I� I' l I l\ l'.
unvnship fair., blit thio dim- ihr old 7.mke li irotl. to 1'eprt St,allf•y, (7n inku
''Iiitulnxtiun is nmv dare• lawny w ilh, I''rnnp•allr'krllinK oht to a new u11r. of F;rir, was Im•lots the S,fl4te counnil,xP - - 1 ARVC7i. I
mud lbs I `-r-
It. tingnivr R"nr'•'.fdr
W. Rp� � R
Kraal, ell- I"nNld ufxrn Lhr F n`�heppard lopingI hl(lthe vrPr•k .nit vi",'1 1xn+dN al llftAwx hunt An Illustration. l
,rrti4w111 of mono•y st"•nt bt' the fairs I,., I
I t eonRirlPrN) favor. \1'inrl(tn ('hnn•hill. the novelist, dP• 1
for agrietilt trial purposes. Mr. (towns, lihns li!, by .1„srph T. Clark. AN ably.. Anoth••t' bili to!1%ide mrrnfa file scrilit At It dinner tit New York
expected filet oils rc%nil of ihr rhnn •P %tiiteNl ht unr of oar .•xrhsng.%, ihr Strtfold , din '
iI \1'QI k rtl:l Palllcrtl :Illtl
St. Joseph ibafinl ,16111. die'h"d 'e
new III+IIIaKrlllrtll Illt.r "IIINIIP •
would Ile th,t name of till weaker g good'" wn! Con,p,laty, no m% ern realism nn41 res-
mocieties wotlld die out and those It. and 4mlur41ny Ni I it, ill it by it- fill,. rnmt Srfalfoid
nlwTt eurlllNlitkr Inlvt(nlra
prolllrtly attended it,
1I) St lsilneh«I
ulxtnisg would INl dtrengthenrd. mil in t'amula. 1n� ..f our Ip,idel•9 nam 1h1l,1V out, on tilt- II ning cleNlape.
Ur. `Y. Id. ('htrk, plr•nident of the I Cull) get it fret. Rxnlple ropy by wending the
......ilii$ 91nR11)II thht Ml'. ((tic
ended. ••1 will taller
ill all earls of
plopo,NNi tlr•hvll the
Grderich Inds"trial Exhibition anti (, x lmTM'a cm1r1 Lr, ihr pubtimhrpN, Yui cixl in ellara ter ArN� phould le under awtN• .asst+." ng mass a n1 x girl -
A. Reid were the `►delaidr Fittest \\'t-mt.'1'otrinfu.
I. tAL\'ll.
teprewe,lltotivt-e o/ runlml 0f file PrOvinrr. Thyme ore "1'hr ytung mien. x rrnnanlitiPl,
the local fair at title westing. --- -- two of N. M. f%mnlin'n
---A--- - :
p J
tel rel%, "aid imi-mirinwlril to Iii. gtr•I : •Darling•
- -a-----_ 1'nkP thirt9n nlltvlyr by ihr t,nnrolh . - tt shall In,
Iny life', one porpol,r to I
Chrk'a Ox Torrytuey handle. The mmgichtn'm wife ill nor who "I'lo11nd Toll with v%vly'mwforf., maid
"Parlun lite, llttldtlln", 1 think I d'm'mn t cafe• if her hii0oftild
"Thr first 1 have top mtlliripall•
we R Pinder
anti Ire-ntity yollr eirry
in tricky,
ntrnedt yeti Reef havo. """ you %onlew•hrn: wi.h.'
thing for w Inrlakfapt. lar supper dish." (Mr,tsiomlliv
"\'try Ilkrl : I „ I -oil will find a luno
Oldeur Clark'. fiolu !'0111' deale r. often." K theta very who world ratht-r lNuv his dt-btw thorn she.'etL.ti.(tr/l.n't►�kllhow
Ile It,'( d to death hill of
Phone fSS. I
by proud
You, Nn/l NII ,rn $ 1 a N'Wk. tM).' 1
relnethrra. „ J L
i it I.'
r --
I \ ho =--�ommo�ommun��mmi
lie, Future,,
Mead the Past"
'`i"""__ t' •z`'ry`�t�. E' 1: R 1' scar the
w ',,A )'5 r,-- .; „1 t' R E L I. P i a n e,
fr :1 I 11 'i
in to ulari
I :_� _ _ 1 p t�
I� r . year has been no
_ F1t:iL ,_-;3 cs• tion tt, the rule,
_ _.. - , and t -day the •leading
I • •- ' Conser 1t(lrtrti :Itl(l COl-
I �-- leges of 'tisk, are its-
ient Piano.
• .,I r ;1 felt of
this cit 'tif e latest to
-•—, „'S install, and . Ihii use
"131 -AA." an s E:X-
Pia I
Harding Hall College, London. I
McNaught School Of Music, Brantford.
Loretto Convent, Stratford.
The Moultop Ladies' College :(1st► uses them
'exCItdS'Vel\, tivell" I'ii'll s being used in this great
scat of niusical learning.
They are also used in Toronto Conservator '
Toronto College; Hamilton Conservator y '
ford Conservatory ; Toronto Junction Colllege ;
Guild Hal School of Mu7,ic, London, England ;
Loretto Academy, Guelph ; Whitby Ladies'
COJlege, and marry other Schools and Colleges.
The alXwe is it record forany fire, Ill be proud ot.
If you are thinking of rurchasin�,, Y011 need have nu
hesitation in btn'ing a "RI?E.1. \lith So much Sub-
stantial c\idencc of its I-iortllarih'- •
If_ oft are hesitating bec.rllsr you ha\'c not the
cash, CIO not let this stand i.n y'utir %wty. We will
make the terms ill suit \'tlllr (on\'cniellce.
Geo. W. Thomson • � Son