The Signal, 1907-2-28, Page 1-_-.-...-..,._ �_____�
to do a Dagger business this
year than you did in 1906.
Te help you in carrying out
your intention you cannot have
anythtaR snore effective than
a good space in
The Signal is the best advertising
medium in Huron county.
"4 I
r a I ''
------____. •- J --_- - -- - --- - . - - -r-••---._ __ _ _ --
- - - -- - -- - --- -- ---
isiXTiETH YIc.H_Nu.311 GOUERI�H, ON I'Altit ►, I' NADA : FEBRUARY a�+8, 1. li `�` ' t'ANArrxlt a LWH� t'HTM)' P�.ua.slfs -
I J will rwa held ou 'Thursday and Friday, ment. The- dece,umed watt a faithful •alba, 11110 Parili,11% ,.f that C.inadian NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -Feb. 28th.
----Financial ----- _ LOCAL TOPICS. 1Mosarch Volt lint$ =ltd. Pgperes have InlnulN+r u(Ilie-1lothudist Ihurcis anal Ilxnufuctnrrn;A..k-idtiun'in oppusi
-- -
- hereu 1ttr•pxnd tar Janitor I1., nil nior 11., for ifitr••n y••wt•a binKht in the We.I• IIrHI to a III II to --w Iwtare Ute Houle• of •
liefore you select your Periodical•
for 1907 Rad the list of
On f age 6.
John H. Clarke March Wth.
Junior Ill.. SoniutJll., and.luniurll'.
feld 11,•thirllwt Sainday sellout ,aid
l',)11utaotls r%41tortatK that ;ill contracts
io!ing3alan McLe•ul l►n+.' .._ .. �a7
John H. Clarke, the well-known lin-
clft,h,mi. '1'ercllPl'p ,h:ruld notify this
avaa xlwxt's :w A. tier Worker in con•
with Ihr lincrrnuu•nt Ito rxrriad out
A Vamou. School- Alliota tlr MrLechL,u,_
lertainerand lecturer. will lw in Undo-
public rchtrd inspeoltur, its once, of ilia•
nection with all the church s.r•it-tit-s.
under lilt eight -hour -,lay prr,viaiva.
Brick for'Sale A 'Wetllanfer. Hlyth . 1
rich again un 'I'll splay, Alan•h Inch,
Dulullew of papt•rN requirtwl fur each
Hospital Finances.
lito. Thumwnu. of tier Otdrriclr Iwun-
('IeariiuMwteof Shoes It aa. Shrrltlrp...., i
Aud Will nPee+u in Knox Thur h under
I'he following .tuditard stiaeliniaul of
Iwr l'u., +uldr,•.st-d the council iia re.
gaol to the' ne-W roadway ret uired
The Tailurand Furni+her Yrroik 11. llmertlu.
lw"ple- of White I'IdUrwca,r . Hod`sn,
the Ansrvirrsuf the Ladiri Aid Snciety.
Change at the Knotting Factory.
the rtreiptr and exir•ndilun•re iia r„u-
!/y tilt• (-o a,wiu% from ihto harlm,r
ll''u^ ...I A
Him Subject will pr b ably Iw ••'1111 And
Fm In L11IIdoN.",
it was bolx'd that .1. 1•:. Lowltt was
til remain \illhi lel• Gooloric l Kniltitlg
nortioll \1'Itil the Alexandra (lenrral
;telt[ Xtri11e HOSI)RA huts IN•rll Ivrr•Iwarl
111111, xlltl a rulnuol ter w','l1ttl IIpIWInttYl
(o ro•operaal t• Neill III" to
.... .......
ltWdY fur Sitting Trader J, IL 1 ollferre.... 1
NMeN Jacket --W A. M,Kin
Fancy Dress Carnival.
Cos.. foul, owing lis Nrranfelncnt, iia
front Tr•:u,urt-r 1'. A. N,ainl. Thr
11 council ,in
t'11dravoliu,l:' Io t,ratt• r route for
.. .......... .
Alr,afutely Frey! to'Sa„l Huyen, -tMrcb t
l{k•narnllwe tier fancy drepr c+►rowul
cunnretion with tie. Ilnuti bm•hrN iia
Arnprior leaving
aub•ntrut hfouww $li.a", un tier uraw•
ouch :v /1 ,11. "
Hunter, La.daa .
tat fhr rink lunenrlrrw 1 F'ridry) evrlt•
Knitting Co. at Kau"
rel far it wave found stc.-rap try tial ht,
urer'w hand, .trial a' lixbilfl)•, in l ht-
ahalN! of it note ill tile- hack, of >fl,ill.
Ir, 1uu Shritr Youu.cH S. F;. Hick „ a
inK. Primes will Ile Kiveu fast- tier be,t
bbuuld Never his connection trials., and