The Signal, 1907-2-21, Page 6F4�,_
r7: 5 w ovj•r*,-�-��c-.sI.tri Y^ 1�yW" f, ,., 1 ,t t�
. ,+*f",i,"Inai ttr .rE" ,'?trC\' M,.,:.n .effI « "Y"'r"TTWa " °",t,'dCT "l did' `
t$ TuuaauAV, February _I, 100 't 1' THF SIGNAL: GODERU11, ONTARIO -- _ - _ _ _ __ - ---•--
�. _�_ —
but no objectlons were cal ed. Thi+
tb t til laed of 2\oA
nlflcmure nt this flus open In ted 1 P an called trollies- of arlors, around a newcomer rom e .
Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, LaGrlppe, friendship also gave him n wP fame nl
could net be cheaply held, instant ae- whom surpi,•ion renterM, had been i I ti 1 is stretching her floe young boll with a
—«.- , —_---- ---- - __ _._
• • • .. `�• ,. <Itr Doerrs after the ntD• met rnr life or. CHAPTER Kxl.
Minister oaks
r::. i"�' '� `i:•lt i'y�' .y+.f 4 lj�NF_:' rival. It WYY quite dart w'beu the rs I HF nest morning Aunt bony
'_ . `;'-
�,;1'. •+ 'vt1.1 :A: `ih.:!11 7 iY ti -r. r ` t- Y ..1', " * ; �,�? x j• ebrt sent b C'olonrl Vuinuox drew up had a hard time of It Her
i; ;i::•:• _I. i �i y
to Mothers tt �rA +:I,: rt the castle gutelt with tett visitor. mbtresa was petulant; there
>..:e.:. .r: r
-3>:••, r,: •• M �.T The duke and his early had becu rub- was leo sou ehlue In the bright
f ever) OfEli* %R M- \f. Iwd ItJ Ilrlgands In the IKuad daylight AuFllat dal as It appealed to Ixr. To-` • c vyy`r•' and uta oint not more Ihau eve tulles ward dawn,after abs had eouoted
TeW Ola qof O er su er 1st lV r i f , M I from Edelweiss! And thus the myste+' many wllllons of black sheep jumping
kp of Other 3�11eteea. r::: .+.w _
,: •c, ii•� �'f: { - of the signet firer was ezplslufa. t'ouut backward over a tea's, she bad fallen
N :. ,! .:; Angh,w l'Gnmob& tl--; 1larlanx did not Yooti forget the fringes- asleep. Aunt Fanny obeyed her usual
The folknving letter has been gent . '' '•K -V s
��''i' t::,' RR t. • i lhaut look he received from Beverly InatrucUous on this IuckleN morning:
to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd. for pub- -' ,- '4 !w:' " o-~'`"' i Calhoun when for du►P'A mis[orwu.•a It was Beverly's rule to be celled te-
r P ti': •. ,•?:;•:.:
Gcation. �....Y :t 6raustark •: +•rl �'� jfN:, I weer aunouu/ ed. Shtlmcle•ss ns it luny ery morning at T o'clock. But how
; ;.;.. r +: ;:r;•': ow all Gu a/
M. T A. glorum. LlmlteA -!tear stn: wieN• r i �..:.,.. Alan, mile rejoiced exceedingly over the was Iter altendknt to know that the
ted lel ewe Pan 1&Y wile Ivka b of • d.11= I•:. -:•. t•Y •:: • •,'• !:.;:+:: :i.:":'!' 'i::, .'.;;':.^'':v,••: I
eongtltutl•wG rhos bad two attarke et 1►.@ I :i•.t'.r7.:R?1:?,.~•,: ,; •?O`.o:�`;';:+'t',':•.:r ��.•:::•'.•:'.7;':.`ri �.';;(;v:''ti:-;�`.';�:i•ai:•J�,;�3•.t' SMA Of lbs Mbtxn. grtlee[nI young creature, who had kirk•
aAye.►olh lit wlrh•h have b..n.(,/wtu7 mrr.x4d '• ;,,.:d ' 4 ;;`. .�!'`::•� t r tr '! „'` t �lizrus anuuuncrd to the princPes r'd the counterpane to the foot of the
SLthe Use tdhlcAlno. we ha e.w,hbethInthe I ..`�:.J.': ?•a•`s'••-•••.'. ', :'. J .i�iw ".:y._
elkJenct• e,f rear relaedle+ Inst ns & binllr w �' bed and had mauled Ila pillow out of
trge ao ,Kaa. rorloaiosnppas, uutaa .ratoe. •+ +�+ �i � �� • ;nud her frhmds that be was not an All she eye, had Slept for leu_then thief
b erever nm down, r.+toring to healthy anion I rot•.."I.`u or nnt..le urncu n, lu.• f:r-a endttl.urJ from the Asphdnian govern. l L 7
fAe newt! std tangs &rid u • ryaelar for all arab � i' m(lnt. Instead he was but little lest' minutes? 'low was she jo,koow that
tar d'artm rout s. andska and O&eforall on I,IIAi`l'Cn At i M soothing and ramosin. the distresAed the flushed face and frown were born
than a fugitive from the wrath of
finale 1 erier. Youlsminrerelr, Rev. J. J. Ili UJIFRE Is no time In hp Inst" I princess while the soldiers td e:rou in the course of a night of distressing
u11.61 rAvenue, Toronto. I Volga and the crown adberents. Ear-
exrlAlrilpd t'elult \larlaux• stark ranSa,'►e,1 like mamlil hills. Thr c lexities? 8be knew only that the
PSYCHINE,PronouncedSi-keen, I rrt ripe In the Volga be had been ■nmmon- p :r^Ask I'o1mhM ItrazP to rr{w eight passed, and the vert day 'vas far tsl IwforP Volga and informed shut his Slexping beauty who 1ny before her
is a scientific preparation, having Ito mP let the ea.tcrn ;;ole „11 its way to simsel before file scouts waelhe fairest creature lu all the unl-
absenrr, tura few mouths at (Past
wonderfid tonic properties acting willi a detail of picked trnoprrs a hen- seems in with titflngs. No trace of the verse. For come minutes Aunt Fanny
from. the principality was desirable.
directly upon the Stomach, Blood I Are.l of them. 1 will inert him thprp In mysterious sigualcrs had born found. stood off and admired the rich youthful
R i Thr rinb•rm of the half dozen fimS I"t privilege was allowed him of at• -
and weak organs of tilt body, half nn hour." }[p gnrw nrbpr mho ,, IrcUnl} the country whlPb hr desired to glory of the sleeper, prophetically re -
quickly restoring them to strong I impprativel commands, and In the, twill, ; were discocere•el, but fbeir builders hictant to disturb her happiness. Then
klin o an r p the e.wpful Atmos- ' visit dining that plie ail ho molly
and healthy It is especially R � J P were goof. Thr search took !n miles sac obeyed the impulse of duly and
5 pe Y chose I:raustark. Iia was known to
adapted for people who are run ph w trulsforined Into the Ulrbu- i „f {erritory, but it wens unavailing. spoke the summpning words.
lent, exciting rush of netirity. The sighate fnenQly feelings for fast staff,
Not rteu amtnlgglPr was found. The "1i'tta-whet time is 1t?" demanded
down from any cause, especially sit
tae��kk look because of �
ugly rW ley gear. GRAM RUBBERS advv
so ail 9,clw cut al Pwance, arA lbey TEAR LU N.
Pneumonia, Consumption and all tion was demanded. Tho city w'&m till hAelwptss. N Brox plan p s a 1 .
stomach or organic troubles. It hRall"wed lit UIP , spacious sulilude of splendid but discontented yawn.
K ed with the ronlmotion no alarm: lh@ the Iu11s. ftidrrs from til.• imle of Position to Yetice and the pri mile- Seben, 1[Iss Bev'ly. 11'ht' time de
has no substitute. army wu brou ht to its fpct with a Istrr. lip asked for protertiou, bu de yo' s'pose lilt le? Hit's d' re lah time,
g {%.mss to 1M luluth fame in with taw ho• C
jerk that startled even the most am- 'lined to reveal any of the plans t n o• co'se Aid yo' all have a nic* sloe
j re{s,rt !het all was quiet in the throat- maturing iu his home couufrJ. Tb
bltlona. ene`el distriet. Dawshergrn was lying honey?' slid Aunt Fanny went bliss -
reluctance to become a traitor, etpn
The first thing that Go-Cerfil \larlanit ,lilt,• ,Pitt, I lit with tar readiness of a fully about the business of the hour.
idid was to Instruct Qulnnox to set a I gkulkulg dog. though he was not 1D SJmprthJ w1111 "I didn't alrepe a wink. confound It. Parnell'• Bread
his sovereign, w respected b
c the
vigilant watch over Raldns. ili. war I s g F as lam' Imurni ; on her
rubbing her eyes
'I'llrre was alrsnlutply no solution 10 Burry enc •Y„ has &rant
ant to bin arrestM. but It wnv ander- I the n.ystery cnmist-Iwl with file Ares PrincPSs. Ile announced his will an turning; on her back to glare up at ;t will b+ve e., rltwr.
n(lss to lake tip arms Against Mawr- the w sir atlove the couch.
(PRONOUNCED sir K9`N) stood that the surveillallc• should ie on 1be moprivat sides. Raldns war 1 J Has & nuuy, .t a...
b`rarn, but would In no way nntagn ..any
t cn c into de room, tonins tell that is pe.Yhadr its
Is for sale at all dealers, at 60c and Lorry nud Dau furnished
itis reply wag
flip report concerning the signal Alex I The duke admitted that the feeling y0•,^ lest• ed Aunt Fanny, with Ca Df- •own.
$1.00 per bottle, or write direct to filo g mII11,.IP, lint it furnished fog! for re
and told in plain words that General tlet•Iinn and at tar some time no little 11n .1xphain's upper electro was ex- fir freesia Our name i. bheaeA ""
Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 \larbDx hal ordered • guard placed trnmply bittw toward Graastark. Ti1P "Pose here, ow, Aunt Fenny, I'm not r,r.yI-#.
n•hef to the troubled Insiders.
King St. W., Toronto. ever him for til• time Ming, pending I old time war spirit had not deist dnw'n. i lln; to Stan any lecture from you It Is the earn• PHoe ee
-It Itt my Irlief, Air. Lorry, that the
There is no other remedy "just the result of an Invpstlgatlon. R•Idn@ I Axphnin despised her progressive this morning. 'hen a fellow hasn't the Intortor Klnd.
flees were built by brigands end nqt
as Good's as PSYCH iNE. had eonfldpntl expected to be thrown "Pighlwr. slept a"-- P. T Dh:AN
7 pe by your military fops. 1 have itteeD
Its. 1RtMt'm KidnPY fills are a surf and Into a dungeon for his affront. ile 'lid these Area in Ilia north, near Axphain, "I may an well inform your highness "%%'ha's a Ierturfn anybody, Ali d ink YOUK POPULAR GROCER, AIIENT
not know that Grenfall Lorry Stoswl I ;,,.,1 they were invariably meant to es- that the reaenl liolds another and n to know? All'm jr tellin'• yo' what
aperrmm lit core fnr Pheumatimm, Bright's firm in his conviction that Raldns was deelwr grudge Against Graustark." he yo' wits a -dein' when t came Into de
Disease, Pain in the hark and all forms I foolish cuuutninirutiun between cepa• .
of Kidney Trouble. 2fx: per box, at all. no spy and was supported by othpSs in rates! ^•{nada of robblors, all loelonging said In the audience chamber. w•herc rew.u,. To, xr;lm a -sleep p'MtJ dog
were atembled mase of the nobles of gone tight, to -mine tell yo'. In yo' gain'
high authority.
k(arianx was bottling lib wrath and
to Ate band. My friends and I on
the state, late on the night of his lir-
out fo' yo' walk Info' le eek ', honpy?
a Western , enad. the r.. iht,a rr..
__ ,_ _ ____ ___.
— _____ ----
holding back lib revenge for a distinct
mon• than one Mramion narrowly es-
Capitol disaster by prying into the of-
rileell. '*She insists that you are har-
'Canine If yo' is, yo' all 'll Iwe blesgal
and advanced upon her without rp ars
a frb-ndly but an imliowtant oar. Tim
said YMlcr after a pause. •'R"r do not "Po' ill' bonny," was all II,P com-
purpose. Apart from the existence of I
fairs of these Pigualer.. i thke it that
Irboring and even eibielding the• pretend-
to climb out'n dot bald tnaghtt Itnick-
know i•'ralpric, and we are act har- pIxernt Dear Said in r,,ph. to ithout ah
live%&. le:ler- rens, ole. the ,groPnunitiea Of
Thel,r a" ,lie., p..Pl- in the .&at who ere
Intprened In .earnlna hn. th.'r mend• wile
Mr• .nor -•1 1•• W-t-rn ,',,.e -la es" genln@
n.. sAn sir. •n... t•. .n •. was, {t'ir.n"I
w•e.lern 14.0► •M Ilk• Ther. sir. al«
a strong, healthy prejudice• in the
guard's favor, what the old general be-,
lleved and wast lis could prove were
Ne wag
the squads ante 1•een u(w`rating In the
mllllnl :1ltd Were brought together last
III •III by means of the Grein. Douhnrlta
fir to our throne, I•riure Frt•.le•ric. It
is known that he is In Graustark•. and,
mnrmcer, it IA A•@lTlM1 plat hC I3 In
diret•t touch w•fth uruL"
llkp. Yo' baf lm ready, Alias Bev'
Itecerly splamhal the water with n-
reaalRlAhle ferocity for a fPw'minut-
j J
lr{In to Pn n A diveenilon that had1.
seiner ,•penitoo .%A w+c a:P. fismish y.wr
that mber won sorely troubled. She Aid
Signal sens
the' bore ewer biig project of their
nM failal Ler until tills morning.
to Ir. true• br Axphnin, your highness. with a shake of her Bead. "Ix• r;nMul,
Inose sleep over anything."
"'E's er pow'ful good )ookin' pas-
Dal3`ly News .
redereanlo•.u.t, oll.twtal•I.Infnrnytle^
crafty enough, however, to tate adcan-
however. to.
lean sort net fnot."
]-olive and her companions hxrk(sl at
h 1 eft(lr
trO IIran to tour full rel.eens of •'alluallow
dein In her types.
which npinlWd tilt vengeful plans of
ninuntailla In .fun#- and mince halt AVIA "Wha' news, \lira 1'.ev,ly:"
t•w&tvrnlnm til• r«t ■nA are at • I •« In Ino
Mr " i.rin# II In 1:k. .kit sore IMre an tage of a condition unknown to lieu• '1'flnt night the city,r4 for n rn{/- ole• another with glances Of compre .\lint anny, s e announer•1 I
I .rnr In In. eon wan M.e fri.nd. m the Prly Calhoun. the lnnorPnt cause of all etition of tho finis, but the ntonntninls heresion. Ile Spoke in EnClish now f,rr looking darkly through her window
w«t win, would ..Icon. frau, their old
non • Present thea fr.,Dd. wnh a ewe lel his bitterness toward Baldos. the IMnPflt of Iteverly Calhomil, tln• i11- Intl) tits mountains above.
'If yell
the signal. As hP hsstmed from the ceunrU u.•m block inset QuSk till damn. n'nrdrun
The a•-1-Il,h tligu.l has aLana<•1 'n n•a,'he,l til.` eahth, talc In the evening terestod srsn•tator, who felt her heart than brush ll have
n any easter lubbing 'he« .ant. ,,r e.,nfna a ,lYhhins rhambPr his eyes swept the crowd of from Ganl,Mk that an Axpliainian leo- Trap Suddenly and swiftly into eioleut than this 1'11 tn's some nnP PIsP do&n ng.n,..t won ,n- it..a w Fr -r e•r..a" IM e, 11 11 it that's a1L You're a regular old
.K wtnning. the nld<st and i«dine n.wrwwr
M MK, per t . women 1n t P grant In .
,, ,,
I uuul an4 Inn M1dlnwrrm R-na14 n•anl,
fnenrn•rnon. ^
ttald Beverly. "I'ut it on my dressing
The Sljrtlal, 11'eckl\' 1 lerald raid Toronto
a Western , enad. the r.. iht,a rr..
From Among them he picked A-verly
1:QrM ribs the nett QnJ. 'I'hP visit was
"Nothing rnnW [wr nlnrn ridlculaus ••
table. I'll attend to u."
"Wha's lrerome o' de Merriman 'at wo'
Daily World ,
Pr.r. da u, ..I'll''.. ,n ,ell 1„n 1 lit^'•'
ted w•.nA.roil growth .•i the city "f WIPrelsea,
and advanced upon her without rp ars
a frb-ndly but an imliowtant oar. Tim
said YMlcr after a pause. •'R"r do not "Po' ill' bonny," was all II,P com-
lilt in de fust place? Ah sin' seen him
The titl"nil, 11 eckll' I Icrald ail d Toronto Daily
til• eendnlona e■trun l In that ear, the eu•
root.. the enanen for antpi.y.nent. the root lit
fere time and consequence. Respite her
nnbleemao vtns no other than the young
know i•'ralpric, and we are act har- pIxernt Dear Said in r,,ph. to ithout ah
live%&. le:ler- rens, ole. the ,groPnunitiea Of
animntion he was keen enough i.i are
1tnkP of >lizmx, inUninte friend M the
boring loin.” owing her meths*,+ in the bust.
P Y ohl-
s nn't know. 11 r
"I'm are I d p
seiner ,•penitoo .%A w+c a:P. fismish y.wr
that mber won sorely troubled. She Aid
tiufvrtunntp Prince I.orenz who met
"I am only saying what Is believed ••11i ssO 1:,•%Prey threaleninglr,
bly asleseep. That clam+ lir people never
he Sigtial, %Vicekl\- I Ier:IIII and Toronto
wit^ full Inr••nnalt"n "n the «n.e onNectle In
nCard to wtb.r ,lel« and rising towns of til•
not shrink from him, as he bad half
,,is death at the bond of Prince t:n-
to Ir. true• br Axphnin, your highness. with a shake of her Bead. "Ix• r;nMul,
Inose sleep over anything."
"'E's er pow'ful good )ookin' pas-
Dal3`ly News .
Tl.. ltanlinto Pr« Prw prints ere•ry Aar
expPrtM, but met him with bold dim-
bri(`I and w'aA ihr leader of the party
It is m {wrrtM that be you In the that's all. i(atP coo begot till, news'.,"
son." suggested Aunt Fanny. Rererly'A
'. �
trO IIran to tour full rel.eens of •'alluallow
dein In her types.
which npinlWd tilt vengeful plans of
ninuntailla In .fun#- and mince halt AVIA "Wha' news, \lira 1'.ev,ly:"
rJM briahtenal.
, , rgraat• .ver a e`iuenn of "foam... OPV--
w■Ine.." and Y.Yarr tool., r.••unna nr 'ward
"This In the work of our champion."
J p
Princesm 1'ol; a. nim arrivni In MO-
a {position of trust in your army." • Wc're going; ha,•k to N:1+hifn'tuu•"
"Oh. An you think so:'" she said, quite
The Signal $1 00
&ab ,meow'• aA.e"I"Manls. rcery r•aldent Pf
Feat h 1 n reT
K% can"" "hot 1• rOnle.nDla 1 s
by A•Id In toned that did not rps•h earn
other then her own. ' [ ro opal«i It
we•iss \ram awaited with dere anxiety.
"Would you know Prince F'rMrrie it "Thank do iA%%d: 11'holl?"
"I rhitent
Indifferently. 'What are you dofug
The �lbru:d :Intl Monte I Weekly Herald I 00
ItK In red w.rt would find It of in^ great«[
ad.anu@e to ..utZle, for ted I'm- Pew
rnr % ab•xe nn.e r•r the r tamulat.
p p
you must remombpr. Are you eatliflM
fol' It was Slln(N`nted that ills news
wofd4 Ile of the most im /Orinnt ('Isar-
JaU were t0 air,• atm?" yU1Ctty aPl�ed don't know. i'\'t jll+t this
I,or mndes 11 Illy inind. i think t\'I' II start
tT• P
with that pati"
The Sigiial, XVcvk-1v 1 •rant :toll Toronto
rias hl.we.e•r wan the &otupn, n01[loss before
now that you have been deceived is
••f`hnve net seen atm store hr was a -let's met, this 1S the •:til o[ .0+-rvt.
'?akin' eve de faloneh--jell n.dis
y j
:stn. -
rhe ,9Ybn+lir sen-. •.t the r•••Mrl.-n sl&
0 rn S
Itecrrly Calhoun mat on the halcon7
'pry small boy and then but for A roe• isn't it's 1CPI1 Funk and mer if you
"Well, IPacc It alone. Ron't disturb
Weeks Globe . 130
edrenla-A nn an(off a page Y••U ■n ,-
.r, urine the signal and the lyes
"i hare Implicit confidence In him. i
with file prirecess long lifter midni::llt.
ment -on the day when by newt Ili@ don't, stupid: The 140110 Aly
my things, Aunt Fanny. How many
times must i ten
•l,hl' ` rll.l1, ��'t'ekl\' 1 Ilrlll .►all Toronto
sion si,ecial nitre.
�,rtuni`i :
suppose you hart orderexl big arrest T'
'!kite mkt' was ala rk tT1U1 lite Clolld@ O[
Illotheer wpm driven through the streets g"Inrm•,: Where Ilns illp tulle gnDr,
.11 %
urdery ern At 1-. (. hF,i•;':.„r,• aim,•
robe asked, with Quirt scorn.
nn approa,'hiva storm. 'rhe air was
on their way to exile." agvWay? Kell, we'll start morale time
"l:nal L:nr4:” was all that Aunt
Daily Globe . . q 50
---- - -
"NP is under survelllsnep, at my mea-
herby with forellaling silence. Twle•e
wW b I ti tw`t,Aern the` I Its I, lilt tile- 12th."
Fanny (%old may.
"Don't forget ahrntt Mo, tithe tables."
gee tion. For your sake, and yours p ace a new man n lr ca.
from their AsrkrnM corner near the ••e►f dim moor, Uis'irt'ly7" I he SI�rllal :u,d Montreal Family erald and
•Ione. I am ITIn him a chance. I fs gn•rd, suit there i.A a myrtrry attached
i g pillar they anw hallos as he parts! "Ni-. 4`ptenllm•r. i want you to Weekly Star . .
your protege. You are rosponslblP far Stradily past ills cantle on patrol, with to him. 11'mdd fou iniad lewpl'mg at look fill a time table for me today. We -
bis conduct. to accuse him wen14 he him and telling n-. if be is what Fred- E.1er1' suhticriher to The l'amik-- ler ld
lladdait lit his side. Dreaulily the nmtst S.•e al.rut the trains.•' .
to place•syou In an rmharnsslug pool- Pric might lir ill ills manhood:" Lorry
west(lherm In the cool balPony Iswpked •'1lP!'s nn'y nor 1rAcin' hrah daily, on' all ll Weekly Star %% Ill foist\Y' til ` (lre-
put file question, and every one pros•
tion. There h a Alrkharp rumor In down u n 1h,, snmlw`r irk and It■ hit a'" at G in dP mo'nin'. One train et r 1
court circles that you hATR more than Neither drew a drip LrPath of interest. 111111 I11 ltlChlre, l ll� t f War.—
7 o(rasiminl gurnlSulnn. NMthrr wan In a day: .\iu' fiat senn'IuusY'
\lizrox readil consented, and Ral-
• memJy kind and friendly Interest In tile nlno.l to talk, As they rose at last 7 •'1'm sure, Aunt annoy, it 1s their 1'hc Signal, Weekly 1'lcrald and Weeks SU
the rascal. it I believed that )figs cal- dos, intercepspecting i ole sin rounds, was led l+ y
to an to their rooms enmrthin: whizzed bnsivt•sa, not ours." sited Beverly se- 1 or011to
houn. I frer my heart could not be kind Tho d tk` duke,
Into id outer car. and ( ) •
Ihnntah the air end dropped with a 'freely.
to him, but i know 1t is not true. You Bar duke, ancoulpaldaF by Lorty and The Weekly Still is a h;iher that should he
have a loftier love to glee. he Is a %light thud In tar renter of the balcony. Rnrou Dangl(xa, entered tar ratan. •'1"rips Qty !nought Ire rennin' a .
The two Jong women Started bark In They wen gone from the asSrmbl.i'de rxruhAlon roan' 'Lout Septembeh, ' Miss read h1' e1'et'1' fal't11Cr.
clerer scoundrel, and Uipre is no tell- Alarm A faint light from Itsoverly's Ile`v'ly," Plw,•ulated Aunt Fanny con- ,
Ing Dow mach harm he has already window Altrrnl Armas the Stene floor. but a few minutes, returning with The Si real, �� eckly Herald :uUl Farmer's
done o much rk. Ills even more in remilps M uncertainty ole their faces. solincly. Awy gen'ly has 'em In Sep- j,
to e o GrhM and r "Tton't touch ft. Beverly!•' rrl.rl the ••it is impo%sibiv. your highness, for temMll." Advocate ;
"Ishad to me. it princess as the girl started forward -You old goose," cried Beverly In
*1111117 lie tiaparubM fear him to escape. me td Pay whether ler not It Is F: M- �� C rCConitlleud ollf rCadl'I's It) sllhscrlhC to
with u eager exclamation. But Rev, epic," said the duke frankly. "lie IA spite lit herself.
'Ir saws Mfr. teaO t11P vcogra ncP of the �1 he 1'artTl l'r's:1111'oCatC real Home ala r-
ars.y I as pertaltttog him to mmain In erly had been thinking of the very at)- wont 1 Imnaine thr pretender might 'Aril' yo' babin' !t good time,
yesehnice, ostrosibly at least. Ilia jcct that now Quivered before her In Iw at his figs, but It would be hoary? :►'Elul', the hest, a�rriCtllttlrll �ullruRl Ili
houn of duty hare- twr•n changed, how• the dell light aattr•J. atareeaicp and folly for me •tri speculate. I do Hot "No, I nm not"
"Fe' do Inn' sakes. Ah wouldn' America. The above offer iuCludes
ever. Hen reforth he is in the night jaunty ss It was the night when She know fed man." f Thl
guard, from midnight till dawn. I am saw it for the first time. Reverly aquren4l the Countess Dag- a pinioned hit fo' a minnit Hit's de a Cohn' 0 1(11'0.:tee s L hristmas
tellingA long, slim red feather twhbed In mar's arm ronvulsiccly. gfiy(•St pla,-e Ab mos' eves Raw -=rcpt Number for Itlp). •
you tills, Miss tat Ili p because Wreodi'tou nh' Lex'ton an' 1'ickshu'g"
PI ew' �s eredln
C.I t m
! want you to know that In spite of all and fro os if Saluting her with soffit r J hurrah!" she b p sir r I Toronto
tar Indignity 1 have snfferM you nrr g "Well. ynu don't know everything." rhe �1 tial NVeekll' i ieral(i :Ill!
Adelity. Its 1tseP was an orange, tote Ile/. Da mor lookout lit her iu a�ton f+ 1 -
morr to file than any other Ming in the which it had Metz stuck by the hand ' Ishment. She could not fathom the said neverly crossly. "I wish ynu'd Weekly Mail and Empire , .
world, more to me even than my loyal that toSsrd it frnm below. Reverly I whittlsinal American. take that reed feather out of my lint Suhscrihers it)
ty to Graustark. Do me this honor and grasped it with more ecstasy than win "They have leen keeping an [mooed rIxht away." 1 he �� cekl\' �l all still i:n,-
jllstice to remember this. i hare sof- dnm and then rushed to the- Stone rail I sant watch over the home of I'rcderir's "Shall All (row hit away, Jliss hire \I'll) reccive the hre111ium picture
fered mueb for you. ' am a rough, Bev ly?'
ing, Ypthe looking on in amrzement. cousin. Its, is 1n frutrry her when the offCrcll h1' that hailer.
' 1 til "Well no You needn't do that."
hardened soldier, and you Lave min-
Dlhgently She searched the ground be.
time Is pm{ntlous, tolun,perei e
dnk-r. • 'hP Is the most be`a"-
ttald Beverly. "I'ut it on my dressing
The Sljrtlal, 11'eckl\' 1 lerald raid Toronto
^ `^/
'PHONE 15 OR 2�
ennstrue,l, my devotion. Forgive the
harsh words my passion may leave In-
low for the man who had sent the red
mpsSagp, but he was nowhere in might,
Then camp the Pudden reslizatton that
tiful girl In Axphaln, and the family
is one of the wrnithirst. her parnnts
table. I'll attend to u."
"Wha's lrerome o' de Merriman 'at wo'
Daily World ,
spired. Farewell! 1 most off to undo
bitterly oppose the match. They were
lilt in de fust place? Ah sin' seen him
The titl"nil, 11 eckll' I Icrald ail d Toronto Daily
W h.m.r I C, 'ct-e.t
the AamngP we all lay at the door M
Ihr man Jnu and t am mta•tlua,"
she watt revealing a most unmaidenlr
rel a
a rnpSs, to him am well not fn the
to here boson serretlp maRicd moms
fat two-Abrre days."
Star .
When yna want (,.ad y",,l.) ( .sect wad)
THg BF:>•'f . t Ila, k M q n w rr
Ile wes too wIM to glee her fin
PrincrSs, for rhe Aid nM dmlht that hr
months ago, and there is n nimor to
P Y ohl-
s nn't know. 11 r
"I'm are I d p
rhanep to reply. A moment Inter he
teas watching from the shadows top,
tile, eff"t that Ihry did sneered In
bly asleseep. That clam+ lir people never
he Sigtial, %Vicekl\- I Ier:IIII and Toronto
was mntintM and off for the eastern
antes, there to dirmt the, movements of
Inw. Rhe withdrew from ilio rail in
confusion and need to her bedcllamh(•r,
pending the viailnucr of her people."
"You mean that they rally be ' lar
Inose sleep over anything."
"'E's er pow'ful good )ookin' pas-
Dal3`ly News .
t'nlnnel RrAzes nrvl )nm scnutm. ltevrrlJ
fniinw'ni by her curious companion.,
riesl?' nskal, canting a quirk
son." suggested Aunt Fanny. Rererly'A
The Signal, Wck—kly I-Ier,dd and London Daily
flew at once to Yetice With her plea for
'There were explanations -none of
glance at Beverly. ..
rJM briahtenal.
Baldns. She wits confronted by a
"It is not Improbable, your highnesm.
"Oh. An you think so:'" she said, quite
rather sniper fared secerMgn. Thr
Ile is known to Ile n daring young frl
Indifferently. 'What are you dofug
The �I�Ilal, 11•Cekl\ I lC'ral(l still London
in lit the hmlr was not rnmforting
� Z
low, and he hits never failed fn n siege
with that pati"
Weeks Advertiser
to ties prinrrms and her minimterP,
aas fist too heart of woman. l:r{mrt
'?akin' eve de faloneh--jell n.dis
y j
SrA❑ ('ant .-Pigh,d on 11w I....iko ,.,I..,,
whsre'rou get t.,,>t tb-. far w lea,
")bu don'UbelMve he is a ropy?" 'fled
i �_I , ('I
has 1t that hr in tar mom! InclnrfM1M
"Well, IPacc It alone. Ron't disturb
The Si nal, Weekly I Ier:Ild :Ind London Dail y
Beverly, %topping ,Inst inmide the doer,
{11 , I I - i • r
Lotharin that ever donned love's lir-
my things, Aunt Fanny. How many
times must i ten
Free Press, �iOr11111}nr edition
presuming nrlflshlJ that Itnldnw AIQno
I mor." Beveriv Was conM'ions nt
urdery ern At 1-. (. hF,i•;':.„r,• aim,•
was the cause for wnrrr. She remote(ld
I j I;
tiff glnncps in her direction, and n
"l:nal L:nr4:” was all that Aunt
I-A-elllll,.r edltioll .
ea.talde Seuwre. pron.nrt.-uuendt.l I...
I to 14`11 Yetive of the conflict in the
Int I "i
d' t1' " N
faint pink stale Into her temples. "Over
fucitive, are lucky 1n neither
Fanny (%old may.
"Don't forget ahrntt Mo, tithe tables."
i'ItC til},rllal, �� C'l'kl) 1 Il'ralll Illi) London
"Desi mr, RPrrrl?, 1 Am not think-yi
' jl
Ince nor war," went on the fiat's, ' Ponr
said ReceTly as she sallied forth for
Weekly Free Press
Ina of him. We've AtsenmmM.hlm jnint.
I Tantan, who 1% hiding from Gabriel, is
her ,walk in Me park.
ly and mecrrnllr nnA rrerJ other war.
^ .` -_ I
betrothed to the daughter o[ the errs•
lD tar afternoon she went driving
The Sigtlal, Weekly I ICI'ald ,rid Presbyterian
nn4 he ham IpPen settled for tar temp
rot prime minister of Dawebeirgen, the,
I Mantiful In)anda. 1 have Peen her.
with Princess Yetfve and the young
Dnke of Afizros, upon wbnme Innocent
The Signa!, ��eCkl1' I lerald and Westminster
Canadian Northwest)
bMng. Yon fire the only onto who js
thinking of him. my Apar child. 1Ce
__'- -
I She fs gloriolm, your highness."
"i, Yetice,
amt sufilciently troubled head she, wag
heaping mrcret because
The SIl,ual, 11'(skit' 11Cr:fill, Presbyterian
Homestead Regulations.
Aare w-cichtirr things to nnney aP."
••firoMneres, how Joel talk! Iia isn't
too, have meso her," said
I more grarrly than mho thought. •17ljo
abuse of the
news lie brought. Later count )far-
and Westminster
knnnJini Oh, forai•r rnr, 1'rtirr, for
report of their Mtrnthal Is trnr, then:•"
"liim tier,
lana appeared lit the castle for him first
Immon In poker. 1'e On
The �i�r11:11, . 11�cek11' 1 ier,dtl and Farming
An ,,,ell till I.a,. of Ine%n......
I ant th" PilllP.t, Addle alprl"t gnome
I madden morthrow pmvrnIM
ed inn gnrP of
himself that Beverly listed
.etwTb.Atwn+Inl.w,:,aek:tl,lno-nnund An.rl.,,
In the kingdom: And yon nM so iron-
nuptials which wf-ro to have taken
him to the
(1 ortttllo�
Px,-e .tingm.nd ll, nes r,-r,•,rl. n".t I. I..nm.
N.�e@ kit) wan l . ih. "f w
heal. Rot Ao yml know that sir IA ileo
I p1Ara tow month ha4 not t:ahrlrl re•-
turned. Her father, the RukP �lalz,
polo[ of Arn{rrratbo. At the Aame time
she was caRrr to barn anw
The Signal, `V'cckll' 1 lerald :all Montreal
r ,f' " it
p, i'l I„ Un'
Ing wab•hPA? TbP rus rt bim. So
}. --v
l.of l
of nuc-gnnncr wruon ne int. wn r., u.Yr
or h•.-,
did i at fiat; I'll eAmit It. But 1
i wisely meceptM this lneritabM and Ile.
stewwl with Bald(ls. The roan Ca threat
Daily Witness
it ; mn.t l"ma`1 """nnlb let Utr l • -1
hnd,lAlccforlhrdhdrle:l In will, 1, the land 1.
,Isn't Dew, Have- yon road the note
I r
i Raise to nut them."
I came prime minister to Gabriel. lol:in-
'I da, it is mAid, remains true to him and
still hung over her head, •MIM by its
tk1iCUlMta @haAow of mexcy. She knew
i '
I The Signal, Weekly i lerald and Montreal
.kv,a`, .
Tl.ehmne.fes.lprl• Irn1 to twntwm U■
••are dear. ids amt as 1 Px ted.
„ •,..e .
send% mMeagra to him as Ile wandrra
him well ennilah by this time to feel
Weekly Witness
ern,an. rutmerlyd owtth u.hlct ,me. at)
TMto has known from the tprglDntOR.
through ted mnuntAftim."
rnnrinrM that RAIAaa wm11A have to
rt411 Atflm of ilio ll d to e� fole •pit 1�.)I, N .1
iia knew when be caught Dagmar and
"�'t tours u, Arrotrly!"
! Beverly's mind 1nstAntly reirerted to
account for him temrerity sooner or
I he Signal, Wcckk I lerald and World Wide
III If the 6dhrrtnr mother, It Iso kill-
III#, Spying bribized that abominable
whish struck speaker nr listener aA log•
the ronfrssiens of Raldns. IIP. hull ad-
mitted the sending and rer wing of
liter. It was like tho eat and the help.
Ings mount.
I Ill' signal, Week1Y 1-lerald and Toronto
..•etdr. aTwed
poo a f.
lbs hmIhe-
(luMAln. But don't worry mr any IenR
�. rr him.
ecal and them were gigxlps which
mresA ey thronRh Frans, Try an she
I•nr lie (rls'rtsrta'.I
Saturday Night
Ih %W I tv
bl the t lchtuy of toe• Igna ••nrcn.t hx u.e w
awmmem. ae fe m 1APlsP nlwy 1m,-wlffi..t
About please, Walt herr. with
mo unfit wP have rr its from the
complefcly simplified the Alln@tlen.
Beverly thrust the slim red frother
would, mho mold not drive the ihehfght
M' .veto p•r..wl n -king wnh file f.,lher o,
trOMP. M stall not sleep until i knew
I Into hrr hater and struck an attitude
from ber mind that ha was Rsntan,
1111 it the-literhasIlls ` muteent n••nle-w-v
wpm far%.Ir1R )wr.el oane.l lir hhn In the t helm
what those fires meant. Forget Bolds
I for
that walls have ort IiaMos wild with
I end Dow. (lame the digtragaing.fe•r that
I hIA forint meMegM were woidf of
� �� '
S . '
lire Mr bane+tew.h the npntmn.emv w. leo
an hour or tete for my gakP."
11nJ If ae could have. arts 11. Tlu next
lour fro i I A T
I 11 'ii•
I 50
2 30
I 70
3 25
2 30
2 35
2 35
I 6o
3 50
2 90
I 85
2 25
2 26
3 25
I 30
2 65
lderwx'tneir be -It." h re.idt•1msi opera I "Toil dear old rineemS: I'm an awful m o an A. P atldilmce IAPt- - �cri .it sllbscrl tions to
t is rstd =d' r ' p , day, ween to appear fl nt ilia part. the ,,d lmUl late In the night but she, was h
l rtehes,klI filen' trntr, aare'Dongh 1'11 [tYrgPt Nm for- fr@!]ter a tip defiantly item lel. r VA`NATTER &ROBERTSON,
, sithe co lin' i-forw rof I ever for your sake. it won't be bard band of her saidee hot though women- � eccuplM with LPr own ihtwgbfs that THE SIGNAL,
ae the f'(wnwll.loew•r M Inminlnrl lots w &t
.# tntowa of left ant to ■per roll, patent, either. no's Just a mere guard. Peeh! } IshS knew of but Ilttle that transpired. e .
j gn y {+I nereenelae ltspelled her to ignetro • • a
��:, w. W. f'ORY• i1WA so armee." RS idea webas d I Of o t Sleepthing sha tnig gore. she conks -
I11.! litwassf ser the kllnl-tPrear Ili^ 1%Lxhx. pa�Pd bK ~ w wq• test go to sleep that slgtt. GODERICH, ONT.
N.N-t'nwutaewtreed pnhtirwflon of this rid t1'hPrnn{xln, rwPnfomM M Mrs As- I to messIL - in , ,
ti vwtiommst wtu twt ai I.+hl for nigh and W Countess Haltea� ata � ,oft etl�aet also Alla do �—T
i r i rj 1 t4 r1 r .,, fi 8 ,:I ^
1 A d 1
i r, ,., a t �t r
li ��iM" I ,.° . ,. F ., i .tk,r Ah', t .t i a"•,
i k
''•k 9 . {i, et
I � �
d l..
s � h
1" � Z J'
l a d f, l t-4.
1 R
« .e
M� f s ri
A �a r' S w i^ ' r r e
p tI
�� t I
a /
' x {�
1! r I r 3
x;r' d t 4PW r •tar•,
,. .. .,.r ., •, r%'.. .. t,:•( Is -s.. �. • A.,. , .,s . ... . , ,. *, •x r' .self , p �A... � rave.• iexam �,1".}� :T.
I t 1 y, x I . y ¢_' . r. . t > .a4mf^" � ztJrlrt �w Safo ill x t 1 .a'�i' .t l kEc .E r E2 , ,'. I Y
1 a d v' f �tF •, e, $ • r. . �It a rk" s:t4 a wan
'esaE B i,�4t"rte 'wI1lF.1.le ai l� k' rte. "A z;j. k& 1r.� m,.; d _ �• :} '11
.. .