The Signal, 1907-2-21, Page 5NEW YORK LEITER
Mrs. Thaw's Bitter Story Arouse
the Sympathy of the People -Th
Swettenham Affair Deep -sealer
Dislike of Ureat BrltairllStil
Plainly Evident.
f �'! (New fork uorrokpondept of The nignai.,
New York -has its murder every day
If it be it tragedy of high life or a par
ocularly thrilling affair it will Ile Jul
uounced in the daily paporrr in boli
headlines, stud may cause an hour'
reusation. Sumeti nes it is chron
t,"' icled in a Halo inch of readint
i" wittier tucked away in a corner o
,, your daily paper, and ytju run acnin
"4i; it while looking for something else
.i:#". A Black Build affray or a bloody
'`' sequel to n Sicilian vendetta may gc
', U
tg almost unnoticed. One forgets a
ry' " murder boost, unless he he familial
i;f with the Ituattity where the tragedy
o curb. Lt other wurdr, a murder in
New York is it commonplace.
! �3�,
fi {, Noell the bhloting of 8taufutd
0l - While oil the Madibun hquare Hoo( by
' Y , Harry K. Thawlast bummer. This
� i' event furnished the city with a shock
r ' such ur it never had known before.
j Public rympaLily since the bbwttng
R umunvrt had probably been towam
i''& the dead main and him family. l)Irt-
h, ride of his own taut set Is was s•
I; terwuli by the puWie at large. 1
was an ambiteet of internatious
(ante, who haw lett many noble mouu-
`yea meats to his genius --- notably the
beautiful building where he mel, Isis
death, whose Lower, surmounted by the
golden figure of Dbna, graces Madison
fI� Square. The beautiful' tower con-
l� tained the. den where, it tr band, thin
.t�moral pervert entrapped young girls.
1:., a • e •
�lr"" At Lite lime the tragedy accumed it
P •..
" was looked upon tun the )tet Of nn
,f' irtesp utrrible young u/an, half -crazed
10 by cigarettes and wine, who had some
$', more or less Hancied grievance
Against an old admirer u[ nib wife,
Ixlrutiful Evelyn Nesbit Thaw.
R•' • .
QPublic feeling changed over -Dight
`, when the tertiurouy of the young w•de
i. was given at the trial recently. After
a fortnight's delay in choosing twelve
jurymen front the threw hundred
4` talcomeu, and after the preliminary
A, skirmishing and planning of a great
I!rgal (Tattle, the, trial was bunched.
The()rONecution plemoenteel its case ill
� tau hours and it waw without, particle.
Jar incident. But the mlury of the
wronged wife. who l(Id, wlt(o
Il re-
serve, of her downfall at the hands of
°` Whits. fairly infltumrd the pufilic
) trgninmt this "Ian, and the opinion is
a general that Thaw will rithrr go fuer
t oi- get a light Nrntence.
A pllinippwur of the fast life of the
t town a (ofte-n served up by the news-
papers. Somg bidelight is thrown
y on its gayety and vice every
day. Soluetimes+ there is a cier•-
t"r. fain glamor and it romance in it,
t • despite, the vulgarity Of it all.
Bill t for At;wrn•ight disgusting
evil in ib. Unto, unattractive shape
", this affair line no parallel. It shocks
M, the senses. Evelyn Nesbit was a
member of the Floradora company,
it and evidently went the rounds of the
I "Groat White Way" Broadway --
with the usual gay And careless colui-
panions of bar class. Ali inter-
mediary threw her in the way Of
White, this respected citizen, wart eat
and advancer) in venin. He. laid a
cold-blooded trap for her downfall,
and carried it to completion.
F• t r
ct The wits Gdd to for smallest detail
i° her story, to Prove a justiflcatiou for
l her husbanZI a act. White had at-.
ranged little social sties, with
Evelyn i 1tri-tics.
$ lym fir a g ietlt. Hr Hr„L m td
inlifriendship O e
n est sex!ure w the f th
� \girl's loather. With friendly carr he
aile•nlingly watched Over her welfare.
making sour that she should 1 w ho
with her mother early, thatahrebould
Ile well ativitad, and that she should
drink but one glass of chtunp ngne.
7 After a few such gatherlIngs hr in-
vited her to spend An evening with
friends in his private Apwirtments in
the Gower of the garden -a place as
much shut off Trout the test of the
i city as if it were in another country.
e 0( r flew open at the fill's app
f proach. After a few minutes elonver•
cation White infortne(} her that his
friends had disappxoirRed him. She
wanted to ggn home then. He Prowled
her to hxok through his haodsouse
et idiu, and at his solicitati-on ohe
lingered. They sat down bo a srtlall
table And halt the one gla.N of chaut-
1 pagtw. The wine was drugged. The
"r reel of -the experience was tit(- Na me
old sad story, as ofd as civilif a tun.
♦ to •
The story fell from the girl's lips
to a hushed court -nom. it wits a
desperate thing for a woulan Lu do,
t. but there was a human life tit' stake,
'i even though a profligate's.
• • r
',t The trial may take a different comp
plezion before this letter is printed,
i and the effect of the cross-examining
of this witness by Jerome cannot he
fotemeen, but at this writing it seems
Impossible that Thaw can Ire con-
trusts of the Lotus Club or the unkes it cures. Write us today for a
, Issloqueti of the Ubrmbor of Com- symplutu blrtfk. which we will seue
user'oe to visiting British celvbritiev. ftw, together with treatise un Cotard
But it has W fight its way antuug the and how to cure it. When you till is
iii&so s. There is no awl feellug of and return to tie the symptom- blank
kinship for the English. Americans our consulting physician • will give
look upon them willis no worm kindly your case, the lust cure and attention,
eyes t"n upon the French or the and write you a letter tit advice with
Getman* or any other race. This is out charge Boot hr Hyonsel Cons,
I qquite disisppu'Inting to an Anglo- paoy, Buffalo, N. V.
Zzon, who believer that his own per.
I ticubr strain in the American make. CURRENT LITERATURE. 1
I up is the leaven In the mixture of I •
races. Goodwill W Kugimidggt'Owe 8SNATOR HKVX*DOX AM) CHILL)
v, r
tlw iowiv, and the merest oReuee LAntoa. — Thu February slumber o1
hher charsa it to the national The Women's Hume CotupasiVn cue•
attitude of dislike. tains a comprehedtive description of
• e 4 Senator Heveridgtl'r bill in the United
At the time of the Venezuelan die- SGtte'N Senate t,/ Abolish child labor.
put*. when Grover Cleveland fleet 'I'!le Seuatur tells how he worked in it
openly annouucesl that the Monroe bogging camp at fourteen yearn of
doe•trtoe must Ile recognized, I he,a d age, beKinuilI+efore daybreak and
I I)I-. Abbott in Plymouth ppulpit deliver ending after dirk. and the lessorm he
a very earnest plea for a better feeling learned therq Nerved me the fouudalion
between the two branches of the for his presentfightsigainetthehurrorb
Anglo-Saxon rate. it was a Lim- of child labor. After d4metilsh ill the
perate ap[swl amid x chorus of anger. evil he Adde : "Hut that it not the
Among other things he said, he en- worst of it. The worst of it is that
deavor•ecl to analyze the causes that Pretty soon these children 'come to
lead to anti•Britirb sentiment, and age.' Whitt kind of citizens do they
asserted that the scbool•oks wet'e 'links? London Hooligans! That is
reapwnsible fat• it. Instead of inculca- the kind of citizens they make. Each
ting to the. young receptive mind of Fury (or girl of Nhia kind that develops
;jie country a feeling of kindliness to- Into it inen or woman knows that he
wand the Mother Country. they f "I' she iN inferior to his fellows—in-
taught it oAly of England's opprw- I ferior in body, mind and soul. They
sion of the American colonies. He not only feel it, they actually see it.
deplored the hThey feel that they have licca rubbed
and the absence of appreciation (of the in some way—nut roblied in money or
good institutions handed down to ug PI.1lppeesty, but robbed of life of health,
from England, I robled of intellect, robbed of spirit.
Arid in their undevelopoeal bruimN. in
' their weakened hearts, in their
But gout friends like Dr. Abbot are cramped and deformed souls the firm
but at small handful ewoug righty Of 'In 'Inextinguishable wrath begin
millions of People. The first impres- to burn. They go through life hating
slots of the school -taroks remains with society, hating ,everybody and ever
the child Until manhood- unless he rw thing. } For, while they d(o not know
c'Ives it colicggs education. This die much, they do know that it system of
like of the English is not ail pro• indust and it state of society bur
mounced among the college -bred. wufTw than murdered them. Them is
C', pl, yourmaterial for anarchy. We bear
Oro ollyu, .N. Y., Feb. 10, 19M. u gaxi uuny speeches about the don-
__-_____ 1 ger of anart-hi•ts coming to this coun-
C , try frour Europe. The truth is that
A Famous Missionary. child labor is creating some two hun-
B{• the death at Melbourne, Ault. dyed thousapd grown •ns. anarchist► of
baba, of Dr. John G. Paton, the native American Illotxl in this cuun-
world seen another of tbat heroic' try every year."
land o urismionaries. who. obeying
the Maatl 's cunnnd, •'Go we into
all the wo�fduu
and preach the gospel,"
Male the n IrteenLh century famous
as a [ar,le,
a t1f foreign missionary
effort. Two [the world's reatest
and most venni Lot Christian I .ader-K,
PMpcipoal Rainy and 1), PNturt. have
died xt MPhx/ur within a taw weeks
of each other. Dr, Paton had reached
hiseighty-C itd yea • and had finished
his great lifeworkGoing to the. New
Hebrides in 18M he itpdert4ouk what
humanlyy speaking sret!sed to le the
impossible task of Chrixtianizingpf the
aJivagr a n d degrAdIInhabit-
auw (of is,
islands.W the
J. G. Patau missionnd sur [
ports five Eoropean Inaoi,joarlea.
over one hundsrtl native teachers and
three hompltiols. Such facts• togrther
with Use coli e 1 r +
ht 1 w ut au 1 mor I Nt/d
rpirtUrxl elevation n( lhouaauu of
nalirr., which hive come d4put
tluuugh Ila. Riton's heniic rar4er,
1eN 1 1
i un rrfabn de tribute o r
Let fh su-
ccosful inannea io which he served hill,
day raid generation. Dr. Paton's up-
pleau•ance lend addreeset throughout
Canada half !x f al a durxnyexrs will
not .most lie forgotten. His buno wi
face• his glowing fervor, his felicities.
of spxsvh And his thrilling story cOus-
hined to deepen interest in tile great
cause he had at heart. Many can r•e-
nlemler the joy with which he told
That there were KIM Christians in
Lite New Hebrides slid $.IgM) church
mrmherg. His life and i)tlore have
been permanently embodied in his
autobiography. which ranks as a
rlrlssic, odited by his younger brother,
11r. Paton, of Glasgow, who died only
about tour weeks sago.
What Wingham Wants to Know.
The Mail and Empire last Satur-
de - had answers to two queries frotu
Wingham in its legal column .
W. (1., Wingbann.- Qu. --1 bought a
1 '1
cowoom the repreeenbu m of the
owner which turns(] out W tie entirely
incorrect, and paid him SIO. Can I
return the cow and comlwl him to re-
pay me for money ?
Ann. —You can rue fur damages.
The fact that the cow does not Vol•-
rempxond , with the representations
made may not Ire sufficient to entitle
you to demand cancellation of the
;ale, but it may Ire safflcient to ask
for damngre on the ground of title -
representation. You are entitled to
have the reprewriLAtions made good
and to recover front the defendant s
.turn of money equivalent to the de.
ficiency in the value of the animal.
Afra. A. C. W., Winghaul.- Qu.—A.
rented it hostler from H At ala per
month and bag continued in nccupa.
tion for three yeara. Ile paid his tent
every gist months. Whitt notice insist
lie given to put an end to the tenancy?
Ans.- A is either a monthly tenant
or no yearly trmml. The facts stated
are consistent with either tensile)-.
if A egreed to take the premier by
the year or front year to year, pitying
the rent monthly, then he Is a yearly
tenant. and is entitled to six nxontbd
notice terminating with mine year of
hi* tenancy. if, on the other hand,
nothing wag mid ah oat the Irngth fit
Littre hewas taking the preoIinew for,
And if it was said 'that he was In oc.
copy by the month. paying hi,4 rent
monthly, then he in only a monthly
tenant, and can only claim fine
month's noticr In Lerroinatr his tun•
ancy, and he oast put an enc) to hie
tenancy by giving one lnonth's noticr:
Due to the Use of Hyomei—Cures With.
• •
out Stomach Dosing.
The story And the lesson of this
affair ought to he toll from -every
Inquiry at the drug stores
pulpit in the land. .lust its a tram
a (if
chows that the mtlr o[ rrntedieN for
story of a battle, instead of canting ot
co, has decrramed very murh in
glamor over the (]reds of navnge men,
the Iant year. Soma Medicines which
shocks the sensibilities of all well-
die pie of refinement, so thi.
Are now pnrcha ted in half-dosen puts,
and nre rarely called for.
tale of ,f Neshit'w fall:throws tin
Alluring attrartivenroa on tho vice of
There is one notable exception to
a b e city. It shown the (only rade -
this decrease in sale, anti that is
H •ornri. This remedy is, in fact, re.
the Miter, cruel story of sin, and the
Inevitable wagon.
apunnihle for the decrease to snle Of
" ' in '
DrlrtA ,..�„ ,.,, As. ted � ��..
catarrh medicines, fur it has male $o
• • •
ii many cures of catamin troublen that
The Anglo-American enlents IP-
naturally there is murh legs demand
eeived a alight, sethitek front the timet-
for teunsfies tut that disrAne.
teshatnepinrodr, which furnished atopic
Psople who have been trying differ.
for Rewnpapt•r coni nl•ol. In fact, it
ant medicines feaqr catarrh during many
eaHrs indured to Iegin the use
eaatled "loch a hul)huh that the dig.
anter of theearthquake itactf sena NI-
yif owthe
most flnttfn. Americans e r r e
remedy woul costnothing uole"n
Proud of the energy shown by hent•
cored. to their surprise, they
Admiral Davis in succoring the ,fa-
found that Hyomei did what it claimed
malcans, and followed the progrr"N of
(if it did not It could not lie gold under
events with nyrnpathy And interest..
this guarantee) and they goon became
Their kindness w•as rhanged to anger
at -dent, advocatesof the title (if Hyotnei.
At the iraarible Govpr•nor's conduct.
There is no disngrerable stomach
The enhee(puent expplanation and the
(losing with Hyomeused i: it is ud by
apology closed the ineident, on, far as
being breathed through a neat pocket.
it was a cause for international ill-
inhaler. The romplptPnutflt otM h",
Will. Mut not lentdl corse unkind words
fine dollar, extra iH)ttlea, if needed,
land been @Wd against the English,
Afty cents.
• •
All drnggisto Rhoidd he able to sup.
yon with Hynmel, nr we will Apnd
it doesn'tr take much prnvocation to
it by mail fin rrrpipt of price, and
arouse anti-Englimh erntifnsot. The
"very package i" weld with the distinct
entente msy 4Ht a rvxlit.y at tke lave-,
understanding that it costs nothing
MICIXRV'it ytrH MAHoft.--In addi-
tion lu:tnumber of notalde articles,
including ofle un "What We Know
Abont. Mars," written by A scientist
without reconme ft) the technical
verloingo of science, the 41arch Afc•
Cluce'N is particularly strong in fic
tion. Three are eight good stories.
Willa Silwrt Cather, its it romantic
story, --Tile Natureatke," tells of the
cutweption and growth Of all arli.[ t
inspiration for his masterpiece. Gtac-
King. in 'The Clodhopper," gives us
a pathetic picture of it plantation
hand who fluds refuge after It btfirmy
life, in tile 'Wr stAnned Held toil of her
youth. '•Sh11p in Nice tor Celia," by
Mrs. WllNon Willed nw, is smothers of
her amusing Zenith uuurdies. Ite
Brach Lakcm ugagain to the huuo I.
t�'es . b
L 111 Irl I void farce a 1 r
f ►t r "Th 1 ,
nixing of Kans s." How Cl esti m
tram.ter strike atffe'ct4sl fie , (otilrm i.
dranlmIirally told in "Over Alona-
han:•," by (1tnt E. I.tughlin. "A
Sit 4 endesd Sentencer," by C. T. Revere,
I% for Mary of it COW-Imiy's dev,ition
that mune ft, the surface '1111V when
r u nit. who had once mv►et aim,
a ack,f him with uoinlerous intent.
A `�� rlighlhul young bossiness (o,all of
thirteen is "Jitnioie." the hero of .lohn
Uctirylse, r'a aI. "flow Jiloury
aladr ,r,". " In "The Love Stoi y of
N Cstcl." M. Gauer capitally satirizes a
New York type.
Appropri telt' enough where there's
tees thetr'r fddiee.
Lend s man\\moneyand he is gravy
ally n(r gratefill that he will come
around And borrow more.
----- - _ ----
Catarrh. CarlIt 17e Cured
with I sL .tPNL[CIONS, as they ran
not reach the sent of the dimpt.e. Catart•h 1.
a Wood or cotlstitntional dMeame and in order
to core ft Yon insert take Internal remedies.
Hall'. ('slarrh ('tire fm taken, internnih, errs
act_, dirwtly on the hloal amt inu,wtls .urfw•er.
Ifst - Va(arrh Cure In not a finack mrdfcmr.
It wam pre„cribed by me of I he bawl phrmiclan„
In Wi4 country for years and 1., a :regular pre•
sculpt ion. It -is comes
pomed of the lt torife
known, combinvdl with the best beset 11-IfieM.
acting directly on the mncon.. Aurfaeoet. The
perfect romblnation ofthe two trurredi,-nle V
what produce+ such wtmdarfnl rasults In cur
1ng entarrh. Send for tt+t i r n
1 t assts fret.
'N v
f. J. oR 1.. R. y R Cos.. Prom. Tol O.
Auld bl lhuts4a. Vrij Vc.
Peke Hall's am11Y lMllmTor conatipaUon.
,rzu t
YH9 MARKET$, 414
Liverpool and Chicage Whelt Futures
Cie" Higher—Live heck Markets
—The Latest Quotations.
M"nA"T R•P"I"s, r"I" la.
1ATerynld when# MtnjN tMsed fn day
earasnePd to %-I high" than. ftAtl r
Aar, and earn fntnret lid to ltd 'h!xhpr.
tit Chlcnro Mgr *hoot citified air '.I,:her
than fiatn►dan i1n, earn ttP hlab.e, and i
ItaT ♦.ata. w,• higbpr,
wlnnll"e .whAftt tjmU'mN-,(ho.ed to-ARvl
FPh. 7.:r bid, MIT 77�(, JeIT 7!1111. 1110110 fit.
o-Jl,'<r hid: NIRT Iron,• Jul►` A6t{r,
W T , s'I•lwi
.; trt41 ITM6 ... .T t �atr lit tilt
huCtr t`1.. Februal:y 21st, 190T !k
erM' 9Mn SLIS 11. - � I - - -- -- -- — -- _
e w• te.aa nr ra & I ., i j
� N.4o 4 jLt/' Ilredlum, rWltd with erwa %
at µis t. j4—. ,'„mn,04 l con w. l.. r
� �— 9 —. � • �
Wf b l to par., q to ti
sere, ILAV to t2 Ver can, t Ira cont.: ,•vs..
ulleY Cewo. - r.t I";W.TfAp, ,'yNr ' , t �o,al.,q,
A few corn t♦, ok- un:ke 0 cad Rata: " "•i' nr� � r,n,rn'r
sr4 agW at N6 to t,2.r'e each.
�NI Calves.
h" u, moor craters offered. range;I Sale
of W w ld per car 9 Shoes
rr.ea, .nit 1..a■t.,w.
Irntbs add At is t.. n ,,vr .wt.; ehw
at N 7M1 per riot. �'
If, P. Hoed' '"q L
ik "I'ttl , f`?, to p
IA'' per ew "nued' 1w b 7d >win as Mdng r ,.fir ra4l- Y � a 1'.3 ., %" „��iila pig" I'�,ti El ,�t,�l,I;;>',ES.
td•4G for 'it ,,WIT sad fats. ) fur d«a aM
MONTREAL LIVE t:TOCK- I OR the next fifteen days we are going to hold -a� grand CLEAR -
Montreal. g'er is f find rtyal en slits ,� FING SALE of Boots and Slices. This sale will consist principally
♦Ira. from fw rrpool amt 1. " a on a do. PAY
dlan cattle ww•p wester and noted •ale• .
alis' In pr1cM of %, Der 11, whit antra of BROKEN LINES and sizes; accumulated during the present, ,
at Il'. Exports or rattle rtoe 7ortlaW ,
sad rt. John. N. a.. last weak were 2US. seasons selling. There is a LIMIT to the. time of our ,sale, also to
1 . Mph of live stock at sbor most
.task Tarda. weer .",, m.n.t, for tk. the quantity of the CUT-PRICE goods.. You will have abetter choice
weak indo., Feb. le were osisal' cattle.
and the ening,to° i� ere' ag$ e.Ioee by coming early. We are sure that the BARGAINS quoted below
and flip o?estate lambs. bO were' 70(o ntUs.
Imo boa.. eo relrM. In nmparby with
weaker advlees Rel" ouroposa soareas will CONVINCE you that you should visit our store during this sale.
C'susdlan hoeve end a dectine In ice•
of two to four shillioee In 1Iv and
utle to two In I.oudoo and LIstets a+oopleA
with Increased wrinAle, of hate r• I .
—Y. a weaker spell �Mt dev, rA nr tow
market aM VA.•ee denlloM see per Val
posnds. At tI nduchkon there was it
good dettand I in peckers sat denlers
and settle -Ilea of selected lots were made
at $7110 per Ido yours s. weighed eg cars, j
son, arapt W od mans,�ders would not a,-
h01I wanted 417 no and I
la some iuetenres Y high ■e 1117.4d was
asked, cv,nim4luently prods. was wluw 1a
rattle an acts"' trade wait dons. then
belaotg a large attendsatr M 1♦utnlhetr, n4
suDpeea were nut lu elhsts f requlre
orient. the to the martet re
firm suA VT," moo."I no charm• A - .-
fentur. ions the drmaud from e ..
argil lain bend were bonght at •elect rau:
lot frons $410 1„46.Z. far shipment to
Hamebsster. Rutehera tongbi fee&, . ran ,
eiderful the fm,•t r:ut the t,ruteu ne.asc...
!s no` nn (Taff.berry sold at 4%,-
to are go -d of 0o, In 4ltr, fair at A%,
t , 4, rYH$mon at 3 to Ayr. ,,ul suferdnr
at 25ar tor, 2a6,' per pound.' Auppttee or
sheep and Ismbs were very Asmalln d
1MIrM were dr -t. nrep raid at 4i . to
4,j.. and Inrnt,s at ,}: to ff,y,• Irrr poumi.
ra sea went with n av+od den•,,, at prices
ranging frliln $a tm
o flu each.
s.0 froa.l., urn. lr. 4attte recplletoo
4401[ Dead; slow gal gtberallJJ i:w I..wrr:
Wass atevrs $5./6 to 16; ahlp Ho, i7 p,
Mt -Ili: ImtrbrIW`. $4.M to pt.2i;: hrlfprs. '
$A.IA) to $6; cows. $$ !o • labs sa'A
to $4.7t5: Nark belfere, R1 to ea, ita•[t_
fro and feeders. Vt to N.a;, rnwh coos
sat seclusion. Otago. St a tr..,
Voila. re,•elpts, 12DO head; ecti•I 0 a
stray: 114.26 tit 411,gtt
Ifwgn. rpaelpts. IN." 0 band; cols grt11•p
slid lir to Ice lwrr; befir •nM ndted
t7.a,• orkrn, 47 if to 4T.A,; p!F., $7. di
fa $7:1� roughs. $&Int to M.78; wtoo,^ 44,s;f
11. 46-M
27 airs Women's fine Dongola Kid
Rals. and Bluchers, all sizes.
Regular price A2.75, $3.00 and
$3.75- 011 sale at.. -
.�r `rtrA�w, /7In ,Nnc
57 pairs Women's Buttoned Boots,
all sizes from 3 to 7. Regular
price $t.•25, $1.5o, $2.0t) and $3.00.
On side at
-- 79ia- Q 1 (lA f
3o pairs Women's Oxford Ties,
sizes 3, 4 and 7. Regular
price $1.25, A1.5o and $2.00. On
sale- at........
$1.00 114BY111t1i
i-tbrep and lambs. rev'Ipte a(k(Ran head: 1
ebees low sod steady• Ismbs active and
I blower: lamb.. I5 to 47.x6: yearllnp.
V6.2; to jg3u: wetbt•re. $&.ar t, fr,*:
towel, $4.T1 to t6.M; sh,M. mixed. tg to
NOW Tork. Frh. Ia.--npe•eg, rocrlpta
Milli; primp nud ..W,.I heavy eamwem tic
o Nb• bwpr, other. dull at Lally at
Pr; bulla sl.•:ily: rlerrb $4 to $6.'Ll;
colts47"-.78 to $4.A0: cove, 2.111 to $4.I r,
N+1wria. T79 cattle u$,1 4fifilr quartet ,it
l'it era ' ♦"MI.- - -
rl !Ir.
tt u• A
a ■ •
hem. .
atC'Ifv rw•rl •'
Vt nndrrtnm• of w,wl-
i5 pairs Women's Strap Slippers,
all sizes and good styles. Regular
price $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75.' On
Sall at p
r;. 1"1. $•. Is.
ow ar t„ Inver dressed ma k• I: bars.
a, 4
rl w
I and rale: r c
1 w I r.
r 1 I
nl a
L': 9i u rp ala
Io 1 ,.
s ettn .
l i
t e '
�•: a dItIN•k,
Wheat 1.11 , . , , , , 'A, a'iV44 47. fm= tvai
Unrn .... ........ It to./Ngo D 1n7,,.o)
1 ' r e
.i I t: -Men's
�'1 Il Shoes,
., p foxed
ani:.. Ri.•rr.
fth,r.p mud Ism,M, iuer•Iptt, M114t;; soups.
1t, light altpplo, Irl st"IAT: Irin)" show,
Ihrring lar R: •a Wheat derromMd tIR'I,tl'r1
%vith kid. Sizes
Regular am 7.
1{ alltl 10.
will$ r•raUr't-linC ah $4 to s .•
!wl s. salla,
anti ."too dPr►Ps ms -1 9111,trr) h""bola,
few Iroxem, I Ge,n l l hod sero^e mast length
� p l , 1. j0.
Of% Sall.'
a • ,a
t uml T.:+r rn `
. � MI
T"rk ,., ,,,,,. M S a1(
i iI� Tp4
, ,..ret.,,, „
otr14, ,erten. Qct' A0
got.All Il ' ......,, f 6 ...
Ilags, rprPlpta.. 1 ITN: mtrt,•t wp■k:
■tate and 1'PnnsTl•Inl hrtgw $7.4i to RT.RO;
romnN,n ;e•estrrp+. ie to Mt.
" ' in '
DrlrtA ,..�„ ,.,, As. ted � ��..
Willi emus that have haille'l even the t
.asr�• _c"'
�»yC4o&t�Rf'- ar
Mi S "4.yF
1 . 2 0
,5 zki Et r:' i
IDID lel h s,
, 1 , r .. t
gy ^ ,.
ruIrago. re4. I4.-rattb. rr
Isar' stesde ecmlmou W rimMDF*. Zea, -
cure youor your money wiltlx refunded,
Will, owlet, ♦
jb to to jr,(.�.
- -
--•�4Sr:o.p^ hs.1
e aspera N
to jjTT; roar, j1:.Y. to $4.74; hwlr.n., •$2.ou,
to 46: 10" M to $4.40; calves. $22.76 to
$7.76; eroetPre and feeder., $2.7.1 to $4.uta
Hots, receipts. 62,001: for. tv. W Inw-er;
mixed awl butchers'. fi.eb to`$7. 11); U,,W,
MOD to $7,1* heavy, $s.ait to $7 o;
11111111 Of "WID. 46.95 to $'.06. '4h -p. r•-
"►1pts. 2e,0o(I; ateadr to lo• Inn+tr; sn,vg,
N t to led: Tea Asps., N.40 to 4M1 est; Iambs.
.. \
None• need suffer`
with Rheumatism.
it inakeR one think that perhaps
some people WANTED to nitre
Rhemrlatisni. Be•canae thee, wont
Sake Fla -Ju. Now, isn't it a fact
that there are a lot of people in
yourneigl!ixo6:t"lwhom) " -Jit
crooll,,kirly Barred tore ,j Rhsrrrel-
When Toil rem1 1l:-i'r Tellers; the
agony they miffered with Milacular
anti inflammatory,
Sciatica and l,tunlvugo; how thew
tried remedy after rl•mttly without
relief, and then found health in
\ !h-Jfl, you will won,lcr how• people
will go on having Rheumatism
when they can cute them elves at
FPI,la ifint; in. HrM
Wheat 1.11 , . , , , , 'A, a'iV44 47. fm= tvai
Unrn .... ........ It to./Ngo D 1n7,,.o)
living ! can realise what I ellffereol
' .1111 Rheemnu.o, bur five Year.. The dispose
(lots .... ... , . „ . 11,212ARg1 eM,TJA.,rao
tompletelv Inca,mcitnt-d m a"d left me In a
Ihrring lar R: •a Wheat derromMd tIR'I,tl'r1
wornont catmlit,on. After all l4e fairest, and I
, felt that I w,. erWru-worms, ( began the u.e n(
heshelP, rain Inrrresed 1,77f1,(egr I1ha'aele
no -111, W"a 1 . oti found rt,ief.` After usinga
anti ."too dPr►Ps ms -1 9111,trr) h""bola,
few Iroxem, I Ge,n l l hod sero^e mast length
•icor, and situs le•+. C nn tr Im had her"
t ok". It left me w'oNco,l A vc.ttg of the old
4for, July, .MPp�
ealnplaint 1 lettere 6u ya .r, la• the t melt.
ehleonrecord for Kbrusuoan," `
T"rk ,., ,,,,,. M S a1(
i iI� Tp4
'\!"}. naTsiiAr-•..
, ,..ret.,,, „
otr14, ,erten. Qct' A0
got.All Il ' ......,, f 6 ...
So confr:lent are wt of the pcene" of
pie -.fp, of it unfailing ruccevs in coping
" ' in '
DrlrtA ,..�„ ,.,, As. ted � ��..
Willi emus that have haille'l even the t
phyizicianl-, that we guarantee Ila -Ju wi
cure youor your money wiltlx refunded,
Will, owlet, ♦
jb to to jr,(.�.
Btly tl w'i1h 111.11 guarantee) Wc. a large
box. At all 41-Uggi-ts, or fmtil
1«r WikY „
wtent, a�i,sah . , ,,, a iM i if
Tilt QafWl CAtmlcgl Co., Ltd.. Windsor, Ont.
KMot, red, Imoli ,,.,., fi 19
Pons finals ..,,.,., n'7ra
nsA:Y 1"94 ......., n 64 ,t
�r,to. lwnn „ ..... n 41 a
1"ekwhe"I 'Ituok , , , , " n M
pre, hunk',,,,,,,,,,,,, 116 a 12
L1rerpe-1. Vol,, ior._-R'host, ors,l, eltana;
ire. 2 food soldefn winter M 2%4' ftrrn a.. I
oteedT• Marosh, M 4114d: lisv M ftld: nl,,
n. 2144. 0,Tu, spot. firm: Amwrlesn in 1,4
tvw. Ma14d• AineHris mixed. alit 4o r}!;
futnrro, Aft°: Marro 40 4+,},1; tIor. 40
Nitron. ('wmherinnd Int, gnl•I, A1. Ad.
Uro, prime wMlern In tiers•., ,!_,p,. (n.
a1: Amorleon rrfin•A Inppw h., ,,.1. 1}10
J11 talt a to 1Arudon, 1'aclac ('sup, states, `
CATTLE MAhKF,T8. s' f,riii
Cables ftetadr-C'hi"xo Lware ew
Mille a.d Begs.
L•tvtwlel, Fab. In, 1.Ivmrp.ral an4 Ian'.
/as Are n r t a
ea►Ige r ea ■t 1 w
dr I a 12
PW th„ ItrswA wMtat • r•AAgnat.x Is•i/
a quotid at PIN to ►!-,.r poor Ili.
Toronto Junction, Feb. I6.-.1jiseeipts
of live stock at the Union Mock 1 -Ands,
Toronto Junction, were 106 earloadm,
ototnposed of 9100 cattle, N sheep and
16 calves.
rflear I
tiusgg n•.14 o 13.2 to li rt ata :mid
atW4S t 111111.14
Mte W. 1Cxper I nIN an11
pN OwT I N 1
Pd74t0�p ttrtaltws' nettle a.ld frwm
lett/ aAar.- The Matt eG or -LOA 'e t
,1 � ). A04 Al
( FF11)6
For Baba's Bath
Yale must have a sal•, pure
eumlgh to Ori -1 tit,, akin, nn,l
as deliegtr os the petals Ufa rug•,
Such n ,.,,,p is
"Royal Crown"
Witch -Hazel
Toilet Soap
It iv I'M o.tMrt
)in one -• toilet
an(] medic"teal-_
(14 9V for the tet; of
a,nv ( fly for
a " AP. 1 fax 2A(•,
_ hs14ess t Robins
..•e'. ,a
39 pairs Women's 7'a,, and Choco-
Bal 's. , all sizes from ; w 7.
Regular price $2.00 and x:;.00.
On sale at
6, 1k ..
15o pairs Misses' Buttor.,ed Boots,
sizes Il, 12, 13, I and 2. Regu-
lar ,price $1.25 and $1.5o. On
Salt t[
f A f {
'? ase>+';�' 16 pairs Nlell S Lolls Boots, sizes, G, 7, Io and i l• lflt r" '
11 �,¢ � Regular price S2 5o. On sale at. .......:.... $1 .50 ; Pea'q` °
y, ii
,d ay 'Y 'ale "�-e: r:.,.r,...r'a. ,Fe� Nta,
.`I . s,t.stikf`.'li,r�:.; . Xf`A61 ;�.., .. gy "r tb.%,�... t o",•` A
fall,i �f� 9' 'a k ,r I, i Six' y .
Watch OU[
• Windows There are more
for WM, good things
g .;,.
a ., ,:t A GODERICH, ONTARIO � our store
_, . ..I,w, N q — ej
From Mr. W. J. Gage. Chairman Executive` -Committee
or National Sanitarium Association -
r• +.`n!i? i,
.'.uSllt+ ;s^.:
s,+Mi':'•:i'. 'Fs " `rt,r4 ,'
T" T•1lereaa etw•y eA ittN
♦ .; j .l' . �twk•..'?fit^:' '1`` ,jt~ �+ils ; t
�� ' TotelvT'o, CAN., 1907.
w,;,,, 1 Lit fa,p, hf a
,res r"spa"ns to their •p-
I AR i�Rt2VP,—Out of the several hundred letters received, i reprint on
Weis for "oea..ary .funds.
this shi t two that suggest the urgent need and -the work of the Muskoka Free
Hospital r Consumptives. •
The pi of it all is that no letter, or letters, can be, written, Melling the full
NO FATNra, $to YOTH4e; AO
story of thos .who are seeking help. L
"3011E, Most THAN A
Becan.c of the contagious nature of the ,disease, the lotaef these poor
sufferers has become an increasingly sad and difficult one. To' tell the plain
(IAArrelTo IIRA♦z/, 11,A1.1H,
tdNT.: 1".1111 and Memo find
Iruth, relatives aml friends often shrink from caring for theirea991eted ones
through dread of this disease.
InAt ,so pap, m llo`. yon
.Will .e.•nro, Imp Is lase In
' mar m,lnatnrinm.
The doors of evi?y hospital in Toronto are closed to the consumptive, and
1.11 will
nu Me n,y ctee'oln"A -P. IN
this is gentrall.0 the casi�,eltiewhere.
a oar's one:nn father. not
m, her, not Acme- wOAn
Ina• n Primmer. Nnhmly
in Canada - -the most...,prosperous country In the world -1 CteUntfy )Uttlt
. ".0, one not ft-raint. of m•
li.e,lz. IlnpfnR yon a'lh
proud of its Christian and benevolent institutions—what shall he done'?
tlir(I rnartty and ,•nn.
mldrr m Plan ion and.,MT$
The doors of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives stand wide
nlll atMo. tlou at once in rear
open for these poor sufferers.
canto s t ever Prior.
All that is now needed tp cake for double the number of patients in resid-
ence, is money. During the past year much has been done to prepare for the
Aa eepllas, unfloev, awn
extension of the work. A� new water supply and sewage system have been
nA. A- K. RANNA. i'g.��,w:
1 have 0Z.
As soon as the work is fully known, all the money needed will he forth -
s pa tinnt ot
v„Aag 611x. to whoa, I ant
coming. Sir Thomas Barlow, the icing's physician, after a to the Free
grent"'Ire : Iat:•TP„tPA. Hr tat+
T'wlint'- Hw 1. Il ptM
floe ital this summer, sent his cheque for five pound,, in apprtxiative recogni-
ya SMW.,nno l it an nrpMn, not
Flt mean L, hew. a t mor means.
tion of the work. The Misses Dow of Montreal thin month send their cheque
It ap.11s nim ns. h ,he '
take alts. In and red the "rat
for six hundred dollars. All classes and creeds help.
Inn rAn toll It I. t know
hn'v Allllrtlll Ir. I. fn trvgm•
The widow•', mite and the rich man's •rifts. All come tor.enccairage- the
ma,ltte to watwlnlrea”
,aunt, bot tbls M a
trustect, to carr V Ml atld jxtend this great national charity.
=30.000 is needed. Will you share in the privilege of belpnig � I ` �
' • AW, .,gym : o.�...., . , ,-,"l- -v._.-. Yours sincerely, 4r4yk(�• .,.
"/.$A,111,0.w Malwa
r.wrld $10caro. Ase
Ming. fhe"fo re, fAa,
do, or nor ,lindooffs
M•t ,4nxe In wap i
Ae•ts, . tet apse use tl
tet ore not .esus.,
flap/set ". Ins . ,sh.
Pao* this any eco