The Signal, 1907-2-21, Page 2till
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I i I
T►Ivw,uAr, Felxurry.;L 1901
H Iter, and the work fit del11N•letie Neer. 431 Ihr IAwrd'- 1►my in furre In �(j �/ '��� (w" first pretweiled to flip Holub.
vauts find cel watchmen; 1411) 1'1•uviner. in Cailxda when Ihili ally J( HEOTTA Y1 A Lf . ChNrN d+n+e nut Nplwur to Ire uuv par•
I �A�y�' iso The oprratiuu by ally l'auxdi,ul etunvN in1u raises. : stet when• +Iny per' r\ -- — licular chxtiKr of priuci�ll 1 in the al:
.h/ 77i.Na electric ptrvet railat':ty rululwuy, rota vluluter any of tile pruvi•iunof' ""rl tulatiunN, When Mr. 'Inter ilk Idol
IICTAKIO: who" title Is inlerilrovincial w filter- this$ no -I. mild hueh offence i,o ah11 a A NEW .FACTOR IN CANADIA�i• Pt'r�ltet hfs;ulle111i11elkt., which las x
UUUANIt'� t►ational, ce% le. its volair pe
.i ene•e gviolation of any cell•^r,flt•t 413'Wilt.the POLIT1OG. • Ky1sa.l runny c. roll.6ted for twator-
„puBl.IoHgu Or MY THURSDAY IMRIc, Asn the lalyd'A [Illy. talk fall%' liar offfrlkd4.►' uuay I"• proreid''d ngiwlsl . g ncallow.
Julio•.: taken awrv, hr charuclrr-
Sir la•nch now regularly.) upvrirtetl : either uudrr list- prlvi.i.,ue of thin _' lilirked Ibelu alit ilia •• clerical errors Mr.
,y,jmA'kK R KUKKKTH4IN Ill-W4wk done-hy fill)- xertma i4 the act or 11udef Ihr Irrovi.ionm alt i4lfY yielding assay dx ills elle rauw thing.
T•Iepllonee'rUNo. 11. txihlie Perviee alt His %tiesly %v11ih, other net alt• I:ser Applicable Ilk the The Labor Party May Nsve Several ._-_.....-___
rclhlg therein under seri IrguOff the offence ,halgei• 1�presenMr. L in -the Flex. Mar- THE GREATER CANA4A
,T•rm. or wbsripaol+: ler direction tat anye��plrl•t+ueut alt tile• .-•Limitation of '/letiats. . `figment -Mr. Lemisus's Industrial
p�( W 1mr rnnuin in vinvrnc.,. govervillanit : 13, N4, action ill- pro,ee11alun 1'431' ,t • Disputes s{n RetoRnit i. the
Kt: ilonth.,Jllc;threeinooth,.'a'.•. In) Auv Ilnavldd hie not by Ilsle P
i,}} %v4,lafiull of that it,t -tall la• ..Asset.
Hub, Abet% sail'. fru sou rww ire Tar .ImN a /•ru►ro afU•r o li cltwe ilk the ofteruiwn Rights of the People at , trite- I --- _ . _
mgiiLrfi er as"11 mill s) romsr v hwor Pry rt-• Iltrlil'A'd w'illN.11t the leave alt lisp cat• ,
ewloulw y tae the roll at ell early ,r anti, . 4if the lA11,fim Day fn tilt- taking alt Heb; lorney-Kellet al for Iht• 1'luvinre ilk Some More Tariff Alterations. I POWER PRE8IDENT'g PROPHECY
seP„Iblr. Jvl All ope•ratiu111t ronilectel ''illi which the ofle•nrt- i. alleged las hnve 14 I
W1 •'.hrlyfeof rddrr". Imdm•imi.t"mhubr the• ileiaking alt iluaple huxor and ulaplc -- I OF CHEAPER POWER.
old u,d floe tl•w rddrem- ewtv,I.houAr All, ell. IwY•u ruuunfllel, Illol',Ift1.1' IIIc NY1111'1►-
myrup fu the rnuple glove I heals .If mixty da%) ft•u111 the tu..e•o( 4►hwn4 oer Ii%rncver.i•a4Nldvut.,
owl Any unuvoidablo- work on the —_-
Aevertlefewa tart••'. lI1P /'.0n giatooll oiIIle ullegmt offence. 1 ilia, Feb. 111. 'rhe cru're"which
1/Inl'N Pity to naive pnrpe ply in clown 1 k Mai. -Gen. F. V. dram of Buffalo
IA• 1.1111 other Ninular rd+•ero.-nen(., IIs• air Nutt-l-genev, .0r whew much prola•rty Commenceareot of A1Ct. file "":,N"' •Darty flk (ileal Britain h:tN
pertitle for alit iurrtion meta to Star line fur iia in ilutuhlent d.ltlger alt Ale.trwctiuu las. 'I'hlo art ishan miller Intl) 1`09,4' sou ...still.;u,I tau.ucc4.hh arllieved all the ' Speaks Eloquently of Canada's
pwh ,%eguenl Inmerlitin. Mra.un,l by r
• ontweimil r•.1N. tweh•e lilt'... d.ra ilw,IL l)1' nr6,011N injurye�' : the (ll. -1 flay ill' Ma14.h. nue tlNxlnau/I •+amt Kw11PI7d- eIIN•(i1111 -inflnam influenced
Hu%i,ameanlnofof% line. stud under. Vt parr Ix, Any woil wbiell the da4ci,1 l)1 111114• hundred rued .ever l:uui, ham un louhlell)' isollu4•uewl the Rapid Rise In Wealth, Populit{en
yap• I railway lu'utllilemioner-, fon' l.'clinch, u.iuds of ladma• unioni.lN ill Cmiada. and National Importance-Pubfle
Advertia,n.YitA of In.:, Found, Ktn4yed, Nit- Nfld l;Asvt•r11ulrut ,.fill ixl. e:Ilk ing N'llh
nation. V—.11t, Situation. Wanted. Hour•,for havi..K regard to the obje•1 or thi. ort. Thr Tonufta. News it, evidently hr. .Demand the Cheapest Possible
Nets lir to it.•..t, Ranco, for mule or to Knnl. ,olid with tisl1j4,bjetit elf prrventina uil• y the ren n.nrpalrlkl 4,f Thr Signal 111)'
Articka for rule, ria•., not t•%, Y lion chill ,life delay, (M-111 nevewmry Io ;N•I,..fl ''4•Illin,l diNh4tislleft• Idready with tis.• I Ihal al ve,• geutlml lo••le ilk Dow)r and Preservation of Falls.
Ilnw,'Sb wwh Inw,rt ton ; gl fur nl-1 molah..MIN '
c , Iw
for e.,•h.ub%aruenl wtalth. IA4reorravoHlAt las ruuueeliou t%alh Ihr hwlght U•afflc � vitw,•enunrnt o llulYln'. 1 ilkk. It 1111111 t!u•rt x11+ cure U. Imp w w 1.1 t -- ----
InentSinproix.rtion. •sof •toy rxfl%nv. The rots 4,f all Slays that --ill it4 aelulinistr:ttf„(, cef '•tondidale•s in tilt- fit -'at and That tilt-
ItAnuountx.ment.inordinary recidivist ten ,ti,lrlieatinns las the INru,l under thee recent ti- it Islets which hair u1-clirred "It is not alone in manutac-
oent.perllrw. No lotion Ir..1M.u'Lk•. 3411 ron,lgr the Whitney Goveruulent l"'lart•.. ea alai and lat-a' ,el,• mule to
Any SI%xlal nMlev.lhuo ilw'i of iorhich i- the IxS1,4g1•npll mhAll IK• IM11'11H b)• the 1 tures that cheap power will prove
ryeo%ullary lrneat of my i1.1N'h14m1 lir m.rx•1- applicant, and. If lkwrr than user, la tax, gout• torillp • UI the. application of +sod the !,user cun,ide-rirbly, mud indeed advantageous, but also In tthb
auon, to Ion pNl.ider.•d an rdcrni,rulent mn11 push prul..rtitanx rt-% the liewil 1 deles • the b1N.iIw, .)'.tem that :tliv olhel- (illi• a strong Lmla/r vote ill iy of euunterl nil Ing. possibly ilk )testing, and cer-
,u•cnrstfl 1 •.
to lin charted K a ctel,uul )' ilk 16e see %l 11141 lf+uurtll.
' cel in
' r ' • u ,I .11ra11 1
lkli11re. �I UI e f t./ offlrr ill 'r Y n
1� weir are curl held ataint r u eat. tL M not
1(rtem Mr"y a,lr� •ontrort wl%ertl.c 11 rruw set 1 h h 'rhe unfelt %vorkiu• ue•u of list r.I i Y In man, d m
Spent. w111 be ,dues on applicrtion. which Ilse• re+trnn,4 ret Im• relied ern -hall ,older ('44 list and•it iia ill thin wins 'I p alone ilk the creat citire, but in
Iw fully Set out, hhull be given tie the I Lal tt.eil' an• fu the IL•Id. Th,•)' hive
Addra w all miwuunks.ueo+ to K Lar villages nud on Ute farms. 1
dl•partulrnt of 1'milw•ay. ser r:uud.. In that Ibr Miui.hy•I. uudtt public di-• IN•; im by feernuna•sa Ld4n 4.heb. l'hih
%'ANA17TKK t i OUMITKUN• Sill other rt•. Mc(. lhr In•o.•whur sender plea,ur•, and haws limit the runfidence 1AIN31• riub represent+ its I,-asl _.11111• believe flip day is not ler distant
. Tilt NlmmAl. 1 yule-, which w ill Ise a •tI mv, f ielor in when praeticndly every house in
AI..terirb.1A11, tar Itnilwny' Art. II11hi. %linll, sal fur'ns eel Ihr mon• independent element llntnnn ,•effuse ZrM► mike of the
"roplirahle, apply. "ov t.1Y•tion. Ia1No• ,AsnldAtes sea•
amonKtilePleCtoeil." lheese in eylupuhy with uta "him will Niagara River will lie lighted by
OU[►YKICH. THURSDAY. 1'ktl YI. ttkr,. Substitution of Another Holiday for the IK• rel al all ele•t'titau,. :tldrruN,nir. eletvricity supplied by the power-,
_ Lord's Day: ilrovinriAl :fuel fl•dt•rxl.:uld sec (Itt:awn of the creat estarart it will he
THE OUNDAY OabERVANCE LAW.1• Except ill casele alt emergency, It I be -Kind Today 1+ 1N•Iter oruellized e•v1-11 111.411 \lout• rnnnnlq tilt, Sewing machines• the
shall not 1"• law•tul fur ,illy (.erstin to IN ldc nom dewlh. it will nut (w +i;f'pri,ieig l.0 It-•a►•of ehurna. the err -cream trePrers. the
_- _ require :tilt- eulipl 1yt-es pngngwl in :any Wall, rn't,l form) fiord, I,, --I,,-,r Ih^ltI op their the calikal elf c inada I%•11g rwpre• ventilafina tail.-. the hou-e pump.
Following is the text of lar view work desoilled in juar:rgr;4pll 11.1 elf .PC- n:tr arntel by 1.alNDr. Ih.• knife-clenner and sharpener,
Lord's Day Act which color% inlet tit,,, Y of thi. actor in the work totally 11,41 I.bdl-r Ihu.l�hu, a4ild Ir+'inlc• yls.f.lthy. Malay Ill'-fulK•r, n( P.,l Is ,1.1,111 hive the dish-wa,lome machine. the
fndlt.Ylrial pr,Nens lir in IYrnnertion car.•.•-. elrA.Iot I.mrx•. to chra•rrxrh 1,•• In I tit.- .:nue -tory LAID tell-111.It Ihry trill vie-thrs-wringer Stuff other pnrtm of
effect on the 1a 4,f March, NM7: t 1 { flip loan try, unit a h,..l ill other
withthe Il,ut%(ortnti4,n, to do 4311 flit• IDs u 1 wad b,v lAAwr c:ul,li.Lmtrs fit tar
Altw•ntel W July 1::. 1111M1. IAlnl'S May the usual walk 439"Isis next clectio.. rule.+ they pledge tht11'- donlebtie utenmitit lint yet invented.
Hie Ma mt ', Iv final with the ad- or,liorsy 4.alliIl , unlee.a hush I to liwee 1'bru M%d,l chew soul until tis. u.%9em ie:
"rlrr, I., %ati,ty lht•drw:soul.. tat I.aINNi:
vice, content of tar Senate and K I la fur roof at.rlk.. hat much tis,.Sight nit;ut at the
i -ch w4.d during the next Six days of
Hot/al of I;wuulunY of l'anwlx, eMactle Such work tw•eutyd4,rNi• 4.otl,eculive lrul kildll. Li%inK 6.wrt. na,l-ymnntby. The Labor Bill. pre. -eat time be n multitude alt !o-
ar follows • hour. without haler. — Meanwhile Mr. IA•tnieux'-• IaIuir bill vt-ntnre. ' Alien. eireene of Buffalo
L. Thi. .e•linil shall illi( apply .lo wI Ir• expected to s.cii,ry all,. -itu:a i to T•,ronto r;zulnle Club. ,
De"tisaa. any employee 4•ngAgel in the woe k Asf FROM OUR CONTEMF OF!rtHIES.. LAiuu ilk ill:illy eonslituenri.•.. •then• ! . , - -
Nny ilndlmoial IrINrNn in whirls flit Ileyer Wilke it lillN• ill Canada when
1. In thin all(• unlests Lhr cir..text 1 !
olherwimPrelplinYs, reKutlar dry'- lalrepr nrmuch t.ulpl„'`e•' Obetnnet` the l.l);ht. what are•kn,.%tu n. L,14rr Niaatleen 1nj.-lien Frns•i+ V. Irr.•PrIP of Kuf-
1:►1 "Thr IAltd'e Day” nleana the in tlot ,/f mule thou eight htaur+ dlua• yo.unlu st..0. WrIe t;dkPll al"al! arc 111111-11 A- now. Into, n ninn t., natinr.,l repuratfon in
xrrild elf time which iwgmm a; 1: Uta.., a ,and then• never waw, :t Bute "bell HI,• Unit -0 MINI—, n: nil author. MW -
1 In ju,tive to 11311,ai.i s t m:ltr.t w.uf• Parlialueut .h,.wedl We pl,tisol%- its
li rlock ion Saturday aftern4,4n1 and eI ta•}• enper•, and puhlte 4 f iirirl, nd-
Gaines and Performances Wiser Admu- %%-a.mull lonn,l t., dale that what that � e.igeFtlr-. Io •hal a wdutiun 311 rbc a;;e• 41oa: aced n Parr sttru,lnuce td the mrnl-
pild% at 1'S ii llmK:k oil the- jollowiug Sion Fee is Charged. 1'it:Sbnrg 11MI1al4wltler lake. fur a hon 4)111 ditTrrrn•'r I+rtwe•n vapiud :old i
afternlx,n : ,i. It .hall nut 1N• lawful tier any Isar- ,411 i% Islet x Pn►r limit ,ct Al.11111 the
flit •'A loon" ha- lhe..Iralllll which I: 4pr. 1'htcr ueve•r %a, a tine. sell d. r. nl tla• F:nep,re e'igb set T'•rattn
Sinn, tan the 1,01141'% flay. except its pl•ee- %Iaadow thrown un Iho• .alar urh be t utite•r hawed. when the intro• -1 .or I at iunnlN•nn the Ihher ,lav on tHr,.ul-
it hies in the criminal Axle• IMI %ivied in nn Provincial net lir law Now Prell'ier Whitnrv• - fila• tI at lit rt V. that i- las .a) Ulm
fel \elew•1" includes, why kind of ) I jell: \Ia,•ala )"•^Pr. lien. (ireene is
I 4
ale• r : ,r n' f It.,( r tlrn.o Iw• nth•
n re:4fe,'uf 1 4 U 431.1 dual 4 a l a 1 t 1 itself. I r.
vemaa•I or toxLA used fAr IYph%•rying pais• r b 1 t t f ti ti ) Wlul's m It for the Boys t �, p 4 l rK nr.••nl. ••v „t ill,• NiaeSi•r. ;•tau-�-rletLOU
public g:u'e alt• rwitcht fur gain. ser ror I S lutileil tat 11e pr ld••ul hai, •wen w+
men t-1,+ tar freight, b. water: 3lenin.41 Il,•ntid.
Ids "Railway" include- Meant rail- anv pr"te lir rew,rrd, or r4, IDe ptw-plat t-uaphntMel %and c"us;A staleYl.
weay. rlectr{r ruihvay, .lro,et,railw.%%. thereat. ser las pnlvidi•, ,•..gage las. of The %lhiuley Lima ntn(. whirl. IJdNIr 11NI- Ae.t a..I.I.A (11,41 Ilia. ,
and traillwxv : lop pre-rnl at am" IN•1-forulallei• or pill). rants int., ntHce witl4 anfl•..in11, of will IN• ly. dn• inn- n► Cbe r.tuk- tat the i tel=
1 Ifc meetir el.e ixl&ro than in 'e Sulterior inlegril%. i, tem ilia difficulty c:i IifAlbt.:ut-1 t Isla)' well 1.114.,.•+• flow
It-( 'match. Srw, t. 411 , 'g 1
Many rout+•h, hlxn•t, runlrnt exhibi- r►turc•h, ,at w•hirh ay fee in 4.hxt•geh :Uamr gelling it, pn--eb•clitan -land- gl,ewth set :w e% •n li%rlia• 1",paha INS-
I -
lir entrrtsivi nlrnt: dfr'Y TTj' ser iudilwrll: either fur cid- :u,l. fillet up to. The Lllr.'. dtrl'lolw I trnYcf in fist• Int. f the Ulird p4rtx t4) P
minion It, .011-h Ix•rf4v1111an'i. or incel- u1r43r f, tilt- appoint oselit of It 4•tan11110"• thedi,pule a par y which La- little -
Games fc;- the
Ifs ' F:mployrr" in4.ludP. crrry Isar• Ing. 431 t.1 cul)' ppla4cl• w ilhiu whirb the Nionrr w heew• b4i,i11r.. it trill Ihr to #t.• rrto; not Iw.•u 111 w ch p..iu. (tai n- .•ri T
Norm to whln.e o,Iprhordire, ti4,nr un)' slue i. prowk el, lir for•any Service rel lain w•brlhee 1 hl• Wipittley 1 itoelf in tloe•`fiistorel IN•twretl raplial Long Winter
u11►rr Iverson in by hi- employment owl.privilege thereat. uasIl.inr4., rn till- '1'ornlh, I:u1d Ia1Nrr. bas( now int it hat IrY•n
bound to contor o : j \\'hen ;city 1x•rf n in anee at w'hi,•h :71141 have• Vern II.IIIg tilt -it ( witiol1M mw;akemYl will not Ia• •,1•-IIY lulled to Month') 114 j,
Igo "1'nwvinchd Ael" ..Icunb lar :oil Itdminimi fee or rally other fee f. so tf gel illonry fol• the►►nw•Ives lint set .le•p, illi ')
Pharter ill :ally m11106tNality ser ally ` �
pilblic act elf Noisy Po"wince, whelhel- charged is provided in tiny Wilding for Ibt Asan.fer of li,•enm,.-. Tile Iktyst \\•hen the Mini,ttr elf :at"' i11Ll•le-
pa,h.A before ser Since l'unft•Ib•rutiou. pla4.P las which pi•rN'1% aw rolkvevld who past Mr. Whitney fse Stem Im•nf dnrcd hi, lmin,11141 1►fS1' rt-- Inve.• ,
. fur hill- by Ibr proprietors in Inman• 111".11 leasning.wlo.It then•i%in it fol• tigntion (fill into tile- l)., won. the
No Sales to be Made or Business or agt.l�sef sash periirwxnvelot-hy :ulj• The Ihl)s, lite st. t%its ;mm rd, In rt aw( owe .\11 till. 1^ ;t,allke•,. t)a•1-ulI-
Work Done on Lords Day rail• acting its their agent tat• under Educational Experiment at Gait. :acerelllte( l:al".1• lexd.4". \II It.11pl' line$• Pit. viinrh. '11 N.t Heir.
(heir cnnLrd, the charge forburl) con- - Smith. of N.11Glirlw. and \Il•. \ will+•.
It"hall notheiaw•fullail.,city,N•r- veyance ,hall iwede•emel ilia indir A tl.mihon Ttn,l••. mrf Miliwnineove. that Cllr 1110 XNtdle" AulborS. 'Pt•lrr
-tall tin tar Lord's 1/Nov. except NV line. ly,yltll•Id 111 selloff tW' wlllllll lac• nu•an- Tit-- (felt M•iNNd Inward hitb11r•1.141 A ,T..lalld f•Iv,.l' 111 tla• .Igllt , - 1. 1NN'. I (',"hill' •1. \ I,II las �t•w' 1•t11k.
vided herein or in city Provincial wet ung of Ihi- .rrtiotl, to rugagr an extra Ii•urher last* list.- Sinsee week. Inter when Mr. .114.. ill- Dolokry P.u•ty. ett•.. lalugil1w
tat* htw now of hereafter in fulre' to Excursions by Conveyances Where Fee Central .lhewl Io in,uurt lb.0,e pupil+ I left intt%du.•el hi. hill in the Senate
owls lir offer for Peck lir purchase aviy s Charged. %visit for Itvi)- r•a-on way not lw keep- {nvhibit alien, flint :111;n•iuInlenl t I ill prim.• hum :N: 111, tee .'J..
gland". chattel.. lir other pt.r.onal K ilia Stet. with the nolvaurt•oletll inside• 1 lo•ci,l, of •rollr•ilfnti,.n ilk raitwa•.' di,- %
ro an n or tiny te41i estate• lir to 1i, It .hall not 14• lawful fair Italy per, toy (heir re. wr•fi%e rlap,e%. 1Sae•h I
1 1 ' 7• wool.0n tilt. IA.rI'm Italy.
la exce K mats n'ta• I plate". and h,/nl interfeling in taw All- a hill Pl/pck 431 I loo ..
carry on lir tMn,a ct any bunineren of cidel b ,sic •'roc oriel act or Ilxw p'pil. of thin 41e•w•rfp6"I low ill receive it -e�ttlement of..uikw. or 11"•k.wt, in ('heckev1 . Ih.nlill'oe" Vt, .
hire ordlnsry calling, or in rrprine•lion )' .lip 11.0111 hi+ for her teacher rrintitin- I Valtatila. ilia- mill...k Isecatne 0mide d.
with much calling, ser for gain Ice d4,, lir now ser IN•1,•aiter in for•r, w run, run- ing inf.,rultatiolk it. to what .11bjert Ill- i 'I -h, McMulie•n ioill'i, lot ,•.0ill-Se tab11cex-
employ ally "the•r pprI'll In do, oil duel. lir runvty by'.any mals, elf con• alt• . le i. dell.-ieul. in. find theeMr.1, I ioml. Ln all Isolator 111+•11 will. INYci' ,tiles.
thItL day :Ili%' wilt k. businePre of• labor. veyxore 4111)• exrul„i4,11 on %fiirh 14w. tenrhor will iuStruct Ihr plllril in that 1 nor UI flip ;.rhlvipie alt int4•rnational
hrnges. wt conveye4l fur hire. Nord Nnl•jert. 7'ilew• dull muldent. %'ill In- ' lulitani,w and it sans finickly con• deo.
Works of Necessity and Mercy Not Pro- having fur its twit ripal lir only object h4oghl in a r,Nml M• themselves. 199......•.11' lir 141x'- .,t*ganiz,tlionn it, I Porte r
hlblted. Ihw carriage ilia that dfiy of %licit past- 11si+ i" P11nlewhal like• flat- plan lir in- many part. of fhi.,"111A %.
w•ngers for nuulheelle•nf lir p1eo.11te• divid11al in-lt•uroit n ado pled by Sel1he
'I. Notwith.trnding anything herr- t 1 I Hot the Llouhl•d..•. :1." 0-11-1 end here. Telephone No. zoo.
In conlNoiued. x11 wlronu may un tar ,sed p,insengern mi conveyed Shall nut w•hl.,ln. and will. we lN•ii/•it.. tat• wl1( "A.nM of flit I+Lllbe. in Mr. Ixmieux
I ) 1", dreuN•d to he lr•avellerm within the I I Court House Snaarc. - Godench.
iA,nl's Play del ally wnrk ,Vt ne•es-ity w.url by of a triad bill lune Ifeell c,.ndrtlrloi•d b, sommt
wt.finivig of this arl.
lir werey, find fur gienter certainty. — w•ctftaIts of the IAINn' pally. ' It pen-
1ut not "m as to rt -A rict Iho• ordinary Advertisements of Prohibited Perform- ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. vides for ro tse,ul alt y infiuil y a+ to till
meaning of the vxlrr•m4ion "work alt antes, etc., Wherever Taking Place. . _. ., I estaNe.N for stri v., saki lorlociutn and tilt — - -
ueemat • Sir Merry. it is helwhy de. %. It shall not he lawful fur any wt-- publira►ion of till, imard. leaving the --
Tugo�'rel. F'rir. INIh. -
1 Isr•d t Not it hhall Ise deenel ret in- .,,it tip advertbw in any manner %v lilt- 1'11114 minting elf till' +twnscd to the , TELEQ A9
Thr 1 xrl en emo bnilrliug% weir ilk• l
l'111dP Lhr following Clmtsmes alt Wtar1[ :-mwvl•t' all\' iwI'fcelYl/N lllr lir other vatlyd 4,n \\'wlneYalny haat Ivy i1 Na•t leerre• sef puhlir 4)piui1,11, tt fol teed+/ I- the ant ,Imp In"'.sod+ i. it iorl- 1.09 t Insilat
(a) Ao)' IIIMi lune 1')'• III' Clla(l)llltll'y thlll rl llllbllt el iPV 111s NI'f. 1 ) 1.111 plllyrl'. 111 1•:allwl• it -set l'IkI• 111' 1, n'k- (a'4el"1 ,e, .I.e ;4.1' ,11,r,.ml ,1 rNllw.) ell\ley.
RP of lever 1w•n hundrel aepr•seliWtive 1 Yunr,n ..nen,.,p,i"Iow lorin%Ix,n.mih.
work in connection with divine weir- It. Shall not Ips lawful fur nm• per. soul. ,Ind forbidh rmp nye•+ (o Kn 4,n r
then Irmo Aig,.ilul, w'1w plrw•Illel fi if) in .cud>' In The vv lml T •takfamp1•y N1-h,mrl.1
shopp t mom to advertise in Cateada In any nlrikc tau nrcseunt Lf 1Say di't, prior I nt:errxnl .t. ka.t. Tnnx/l , T , nnc•, •+hool
Ibl \York (In the rrlitf of mirknr+m nuwlwr .,f huggeNlions cull I,Ylneas b,' :/ n•ferrn•r ,.f the di- wn• las n I"u unal,A, wnteflw N.riuvlA
mannerwhatwerveriuey IN•rI'llroallile Ictakfna ,o tar dlions,,,,,I of Phe. 1 1
and suffering• including the wale ,of or any other (hon %•Ifich, ff n•rn lir Inured of cu•hillWi„a :old inv�stigatiun . W. N. am*w. T J. d ta`ro`t,
K K di4triet named• which they think teat
drtytr, medicines and surgical apple- done in Cltnsida, would let, it %iulrl i„n and pron'ide% t.,e A I,Intinantiun of Ihr level I. iincipa
Ix•rn ralthi•r nrglprdYl b) the Geevern-
aocrr by retNo{I ; 4,f them art, , I eelx•rati,.lis ,.f lar public atilt!) in _ - _
I .d' tis.• 1 rta,vinre. Thr d.• one-
(r) Receiving• transmitting or de- shin , liue.tiasso by ImIt11 parue•m (finding file
f: limn wast Iecei%rd by 1 ranirr \ 'hit-
livering trlegtxph lir telephone ❑Ills- Urrisiou or tar INn11'd. i r'-mr-,r-v-�--v' v�-v-
K. It %hall still Ix• bfwfol for nny per- tlty wind w•,vera41 Ilth.•r 11iui%ter,. and f
erires; F'it llrrnculw -loud Ibfm fa one e tar r
• wm else Phe• Lrinl'% Ihly las nhlwt %yetis el•rio11s c,al,ider+lailen elf thr�buKg/•s-
Jdl Starting tar maintaining fire,,. m.Dst siguilic,nU pr.0ci.io11s 4,f the bill WHICH
making repairs to furnaces and rt-• "r no” a"ly gill)• 1ille lir other mhuilar lion, ,nhnlirtcd wa. prserlWAd. It provides for ail ",.pen mhop," ,.pen ---.— .
els ilk rases of emer air and loin engine. e•itha' for gain $r in .licit it
pails K )'• K nlxmlrr ser . much plare%n. to. cli-1111'11 Child Lebor its Ontario. in lar widr%t Stywr, \u eugdcey+r I! :.Ym..t w,4.trfif w,pf.l- r. :..cur
any other work. when such fires. rw- I .Ir. Pr•"tun eluant 1 brown I Inadimilli'm an ens .Inyee hrrotuSN iia- Ib -1 . 1,11.1%•.. ,.I.n„U.P. 1. n.,-=11 -
• either wermi'lm Ili .Iltendlltice set pollli,• jilt up ill , ,I fol Olt.. ,,wm.r-ll. tl(r ill elm.” Im.4"I Nl
px' •S o work mtw a ntial t nn • nl- t 'I' 1 4 x 1 d o mlilen o e n r taut
n r 1m n 43 1 Y 1''
Z%try or indi trial rom•ess ct much n woi„hgr ser in fisc celwwrrfiticen 43f that Ibr H.0il«• tis+• Milton of .bill .will I . I hotel• I Nn n (me:1Ab1 p.r s,•. duuln,
I day and ilk n Uunlgbllui -1"•oris, ,btaeti„g allay wee nn strike h) o, :1Ne'1 ulrrrly Off u. h e•.%nxca fact,
rnotirnfoun nature Ihxt it cannot Iw• Hutt he hod gi,veil flip Sul,jt•-1 e11nrS1 the GMI .lull. hi. rul�do)'cr has The -"fit, eoe•llo,=-the %flat gnedl•.aw
stopped withrnit merioun injury to such Silk el( Foreign Newspaperseo bous"y.- Study, he urilel the ilallwrtanre 43f roan• I einpinyel some pe„,.n w IID i” nut n -f. u1e.: )
industry rte ft" pn"hurt tat• Ur tar plant 1). It %hall asset he luwfnl for not• per- mervoig Phe• wellare eef the mtfilt. Ivy elle I soianhrr of none"vi' "Will-+.•'Alcovet'
or I roperty unreel in much procrYt": win 11 bring tutu Canada( for mile tat• pl,rterli,/n of its children. Child bllmrl• The point theref"n• tee he c43n,idered Shall it I4• r .r1o4,i when• rnonum
Starting or nlnintaining Hlwn• dim)-i►4utiou, lir to Sell ordimlrihnll• Iv Iminliml in Uilta llm ht. wlid. had by Imtth r,tlrital and ltdor is thal if t
f K -••m,e NMriwal fullowal.
and ventilating, pumping eent and in• flu• Mini%ter .If lmlli •" him hill
tvilhfo 1':S11fid:1, tm the lairohre Ila), 1",•u-t+llimnn.y for-mwNlr)'woe melul 1 .'1."11 ItM•thelre.trollt.gcillnext tea
mleecting mines. %he•n tiny such work Nouy ftan•ign Itrw-l4yN r alt puhliruUo11 :m :ulr,n 1•t- wets nrre.Sa. 1'h,• 1 hrrnegh it will he :a r•rognilimn elf the
eefentild to the Ir te•lion -of rn..• 1 11 ra.t-football&; Now Sam neer new rata
1 I I claw"iftel as a newspaper. 1i41ernun•nt lsadk till \I1. P1r,l.n1', righlm of the third parte, the lightK asf 1. 1m. Simply -I, n - to .,.IN1 It foyour
ert , life lir health : Nu Nml inn and as 1 winttd a rnnnnitteY• Ihr iwupli• :at hn•ge. h" t•ulne do'vn (n A 'I"... 11•te11-M."o list. 111,..1 prsc.
(1 Any work without the doing of Penalty for infraction of the Act. KK I I ural lbi-in-e•olk,¢e to ekltmito. was
las 4, ileo the• .chole m:Utl r quad r,•• Iu1rd hu•tN fist wan iustanre it 6 n rerug.
which nn the i orarm Day electric 1 lir- Ill. Ally Joel w hel %itabfit":iny of K 14,;iemr It to be tht %rry lin,L
1 nilion off Uel. fart dual if far N•n alt. sof,
tent. light, h.wt. cold fill, waster lir Ilip pi,rviaiasnY"f Ihi, wl ,11nll to retch tort las ill/• Ilmxlsi..1 1
g I the N4,t1ha•1lit h:n•t. •ht. money wha.i•• F:nu•rAny tlmr. l).ncMnml ln-Inn.•.
(rah rannnt Ili- conlinuoumly hupplied offence 11-• lialrlt. sen Smulnnt'y con- A Mining Tait. with 1•, p11rchalie• ,40,41 Ihey have the lion.
for lawful ptlt*lNlnrn; virtimi. lel n fiste. Ilia Irsin'lhan one MINN. Mr. ( ,%•hr:ue Inmight h1 if right to have its. I'111,1ir ulilflip. lie• I • N1NiNAN MUNESS COUEGE
1'he conveying of tnwellera and (14,1141• nud not t-xreeding lofty dill• 1w K h I K { I { I 4.1MIb.l1,. wit If I llnton Bn,iar-
Ig K ulcnwnm Itacidin for.ul Arri•a •r rn, lasso to tar "•se,Ic frt*e- NY.livr ,.1 the
work incidentlll ther•l4, ; bat, l4)gt.l hec with the ro%t of pr.0,1Y a too, all- ladoilog 1Itnd, in Nonorwanize d right, of r.ulriUd olid I;tlm,l'. find thin I. a otlegrt
Phi The continumurc is) their dem. tiou.' t/•ritserirh. The nn•a,ule nista puts n I the priaeiple ", I -i c It prevail" nt is GEO. •SPOTTON, -
finat.ion elf train" and venmela fn h•nn- Employer's Liability for Unlawful Acts. tax o11 the 'e;ul,v prt,lit- of u,witing Otte sea at the moinent. Prrnciptl'
nit when the Umi's Islay begins, find �`-^-�-^rte- -^J--�
work Incidental then`GI: 11. h:v1•ry t.mpl,.y4•r who nuthorlrA., nd11rN, %'art wt- in no9'gauirw''I ,or Imperial Union.
� �`�
M. dhe•Im anything to Ice diene in olganized les►il"rit•,. Thi• tax will
111 Lending and unlatding rue•nih,an• viohltiun let any provision of this net not Lt inap.vS/Y1 1111 pr"HIS liploA111•I11s1. The "thrr dw. uolasnrl sitnl flaghr., - -- -----
dire, fit Internet loins. on or ,hall fur each lifil IN• liable, 43il A Iso Ke twit jtan .,Lthe Ilt*ta.,t.d. 11( Ilion pnu'loktd an it -a -14-111i, diocus•iotl ill"'Is -
Irom passenger Im.ats ser 1pxasengrr tax,aliml will Iw da•voU•fl las flit. r,•I+rt i,.na brt%rern 1'xn ad,t anal till. ! (►
NI IIIIIIAryedhig.s aeel.(huna.,tl, fta,l Holt- 111d PX- ,Intherlaftfl. H- Inoved la Irsoluti"n Graduates of the Popu ar
(Mina; eeeYling e11e hundlel dsellarr mend not fit the rnt.nnragant.hl elf the Smelting
ij1 Keeping railway trat-km clear of fund refining elf "WI'll" in this Prov• for it '• ill plrinel-ship union" be. 1.Y9s Than rwf•tr►y dtallxr+. In addition K ,
avow or ice, making reixairs in r•a%t.m tse nny selher Im•nnbty p vatarril"•d by ill,•1•. uveal the ,"veru 11;11% of the Elle- 11:.LLIO'1'1'
set rmergenry. air dufilg any 4)ther ►nseth4'r bill introduced by Ilan. \Ir. Idtc. •lis plan a4. las• rxplai..", ft
I fur lite none offenc 1.
work of a like incidental character C.N•hr:11e prlvidc- lips- flat- pavmtnl tat I world invnhr lhtm1-lwation .,f :a new
necelae#try to keep the lints and trfic•k. Liability of Corporation Permitting Un- heunfie•s. under 1-erlain f "uditil'Im ,.„ ilul"•roll pat*lfa11o•nt. in which /•4101 A aU� 4,
astral nn the [And'S Da • : lawful Acta: cart of tilt Fcru Aire %"`1111 Iw ret or-
) seMl+ll% fit• rowlmeodS a hen rill- ll1 fu I { l i I TORONTO ONT.
t 11'nrk before a mirhx•k in the I'S. 1•:ra•ry relrlKu'Noti,.p whichaulbnwr- (h11+n'io hon( tarn unlked in the Prelv- I Iiunntely trpre,ruted. It would con- e
tnroncxln and after a Ii clpek ilk the irrN, alinctn ill Permit- its eulploye'''" issu `. ITh ll it^eIf only )%ith ifnpprixl Noffairc. I partfly K, 1 pnlflno +% =1rn. Kr,;dicr
afternoon of yard crews in handling to rsr y lin Italy pArt of the hushes fol Ihrtan
rr•I• elf the- dibrusnioll the I 1kmkk,,;wsr, lei%,,•" I Icrl., i omnlrr
of nurh 1'"t- oornthnl in ,violation elf Loral Option Law. Prime- Mini"t4•r Safl that not nil1-h I plat Trnrh,.n•, shnru... nd Tr t-hrr-.
rare In railway yards: 1 1
Ila iw,adin unloculin find ee any elf the Ir vision+ of this w•t shall w N,-., „t Ned ,ilari • . Demand 1- fully
R. K• p 1 rat IlPlwsilinn leader i- preixu ing 1 nrlintnt.nt could exist unit.%m Ihww ' t' sl,rh m dr.
Q 1"• liable. tan slk1111uar)' eonvicibin Ix•• Iaerny Sim.- our .Anel$•
orating any ocean-t`oirfg vPsse•I which t.. nlhu k the rhn.e alt the Ira al .,ptiee11 , wt.rc fredum eel tl,lde within f isc I$u1- maoa darS ono »rem ;:wihk• lint 11 1.
otherw•i-c would Ive n..duly delmvid fora two •jNis;ice. of the (pence, fill• the la%• re"uh'ing it 11 -er-fifths; %rte to l I!' re. Mor. twer. Illy relttIlmvelietwepti one. /l"r.911rrllx ...rk I- w0l known.
4 , . 111' ,Y'.
after her %rhPdult.d time (of mailing. lir Hlwt otT, nrr las a lwnnit) nut ex,Tnl- bring a IrwItl talrti4,n hyla% into efTrct. 1'n11md,c and lisp blmnha ('ounit.% now 1:nvrnoe. ..I «I ,g M1
any,veP,PI whichhundred d H
otherwime would Ise Ing two dred Scrolty dollaw #tied Mr, firahruu pl."po.e•s that nunlicilwal• I were 4o intivaatr 1111,41 there wit no W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal.
in inlluinell daviver ol" being stip Asad, Novel Ism% than fifty dollars• find fair itieY nlav de•idt lir ,a nimple uvaplra % tlt"I frn•'It change. Mr. It. 1., Borden.
by lar clrxfing ta[ navigation :ml. Toad. Parti wsulna•gnrnt eeRrn, r to i1 iwn dty %ole wllrlhrr they -hall have IirenNtll I the 1"adtr of tar (►p1"'Ation. con• s or. %ons•• and Ak•x,uNlcr sl.
Ing of unloadPng befnr•PT nrleockinIhe not exfeedlog live llundled dollars I hellel% or nil. A image Somalia•,. .0f lnrtel in Ilifs %few;civil the r•wdulioil
morning tar miter N Iiclrm•k fn Iheserver- and not len Ihan oar hnndleld43nfirs. ptlititaIl, bnvt. I114•11 1•0-1-4-fvel doingI woe withdrawn, the di+, nYsiun hnving ---
none li
av grain. coal sir re carr•vhlg in addition tel nny taIliar'IN•n+dn•
ly p' fill. sew.,irin a -king feet- tilt- re(IP of setved it, purpose.
ves%el niter the fifteenth day of 'Set"
ncril"YI by Inv for tar s;nue uffe•nre.
Iho• Ihrrt. lltth, veeU• rinu.l•. I
I TarigCban�cs.
uni Thr,arise for milk, rher,r, find
Operation of Railways,
I:{. Ssething hm•n•in Shrill plrvaot tar
Mr. PergNinyn h,a% wilhdnl%n Ili, r
pill providing that rmud11h4trS fur' Mr. 1�ieldi11g'ha%•I/, , n,rd In 1 mr.
lits unhnmis. urn the unb,4lding elf end
• r
� per .hxhle. ort n,
ra •i fill i n"I Ind live
f ng1 f
'. 1. -
, d n nn five Ap al'h n
1 N I r I I r i .1 love wNom•
1 1
nnrniri("d taRjrt.s in aw n,hi1,% ,ohn1l i li,rnn•et :4 Llrge ulitolls•s set tariff
1 tat.. ,+. "
r ;D 1 r Ins t is. rn . f '1 , 1 ,
I h► 1 In r It.
I n
r 'o S el / ,1 ' r -., K 1
HI dl•'•LIrnU 1v f S hH nil n nm I.
N111111r1P, mrri%'Itlst al. .tity taunt al11sfnK
"rnKrr fiaMr tat nny A.aihre)• nuhjrrt
I the legi,lnticr soulhot*ily of an
dour in towns and vlll:agrr•. The 1,►wj IS Ih:11 row' fail -Al. inllm"ItA filters tir'it;
the I.nt•d'a I►my:
Int The olNmntisely of ntty lull or
i'nwv iltl•I. little* .111.1 t-all%',1%' Is Parr
hilefted by I'rlvinclal Antlltarily front
1 i -h rer.%e•e-i,a1, moa n t'nnxii
\till Irlvoll,1,sit 1.11•!Rllt. It l"•IIs e'1NI• IalIsl 1 ,1'1 III11.11:11111111• sell t•inA 1% m
sid"red that tar ,•hangs• wlnlh� IN• in
drwwbr14111" lir :►oy fPrry set• Insist.
•onvehirnt and Imnut9-A ry .so for at,
i the iritteh pn•fenmt 1•. There un•
sutle.w4.4 by rmmp•tent authority M
Im the IAad'P 6111
_. Nothinw Ite in %11nll pre-vesoi the
'160"ll%liph are ron1eu11Y1,
Prt'1 r.d rh,cilge% inlh•• w.Iv .If 111t.rUvig
tis.• denlx11ds 1f thn.nt-rt'k.•1 gat•denvr,
Ilia 7 he hiring rot I ori e•N .el• 1 -ferriage-
„l,,.Mtleen mm lar IAn,I'% 1►,4c, for p91,
w.ngrr traRtr, by ally r;tflwny clml-
----- -----•--'-
A -Little Hint.
I for nun,• pl,drrlitan 411111, 04 import"•
for small INrntle ffn• tar dxlf"1111►1'lIPP lot
the hirer or hip fnlnily tin Not/y imrpeer"
pony incorlorll;'d by r'• . wbjrrt to
tar lrginlfilic4' Nouthset*iry lot the 1'Norl9fi•
",%)I% li•ing i+ no g.NMI,' said n
tion. fnan list, United !+14114',. A ft•w
nitrl:dionslNtv.• slPel 1"•rn rund4' in tar
nut pTiohiMbsl in Phi%Act;
ni 1'mnnd11 of it% railway, whelp
noini in old ,-felt hem. '•it he•%er ht•Ilrrrll sgrirulthrN) ,rh.dules r.0 nom(, the ,
ewida b- - iter 0;
I 1 Any nnfivirid wnrk after a
cutch in not. of hl•rwimo, pro.
list. none•." Thr millionafor mcr•hant I virw', fit Itip Wr-fern nlelvilwr%. The
aiehwck hl the n lar
Il. v, in the ptrrist•atfon (it the trgular
nmib•d. ..That f, hw.ra1141• %-,.n IIiml It. i'vhnnge• nh• in lar dire, (toll elf lour ,
lohn, a% tilt. Indian SHIM Ihr f4'Ather Ing dour-. The 1tn•:It balk 111 lit..
IS i day nu/lning editiol elf sa Itslly
Provincial Lord's Day Acts Not Affected.
1"YI. An Indi,us ilwk ' frstther, I,unrndmtnis have• a %id••nlly lkrn ,
If. Nnthing her. -in -hall IN- con-
placed it 1111 n plunk ,trial ,Iepl een it All o""" "' I"'.pt ;1- f,4r "- ",Psibl,• Ihr
1;11 Thr cilrlrryin� IIID lll,ljrnt)'mI
%I poet In r, 1"Yll for 111 Stn q':1 t' mffMl
flight. 111 •ht. m.ol,altlg Iwo- itlowtel : Mplx•ae•IlrNlimtM IIIAalt. lee 1�1r• Ifnt'erll-
inAnil wnrk lovelI 4,flat th.•►etta;
"sell pr,.yi.i,.m .d ,411% .oto, law n - I 'mlefine• way tedthe,1 hrnp %Irf., meat lis Ilia nunennlP drhtgntion"I
(l•) The delivery lir milk fill- douN•Stic
lattng in an) wad f,. tit 1,1-4-%,lurr
I"0% iae• inllp fool, Nigh . Mkt viettled (flhtwa eineks the tariR
. ! L �
, , � t
t, . r
. I0 .
I :S i
! Yr.I'
,u 41F
- ------ '- - ---_ __. .. - ----- - ----
W. Acheson & Son k��
Advance Shipment of
itNew Spring
ress• Goods'
Just. a illoacked a scut le'.fly. ucu shipuieut of this Spring 18
Dh'esH.1`ovvltiea ° l•olles, Khantouas.
Glorias, Enll►roiden-fl
Crepes. Scuidt Weeds, and
many Bou Silk and. ),Vtool, lltix-
tut-es, in all th'o new bhailes.
New Prints
Ladies' and Men's Furs
Very newt -A, 411141 Itn•ttil•rt of
and Fur Coats•\
file Spring Patterson of PriutS.
The first portion elf Gen. Greone•'A
Muslitlre solid Pahl•'.• Wash GOMKIS
Iwullee ANSI rat listu lunatepe, tto
step Waw• ilk. . 1\•e ruulinut' our
. malt of (hld, nud keds through-
g;lll. life%. Vw/ to, SMI. Men,%
WoUll"at CoAth. C. now PIG..
nut the Store. Fuds mat'krd alt
sacrifice lite rm las cler►r.
Table Linens Special
Corset Sale �
Witain an(( Ihr l'ililei Match. i
tie or on tis.. either. AN to (creat 11ri-'
%\'I- havt.,n.nlp:! Idozen Cu1'SeIM
tet IPM very Iwe-t ItNlkeb - P. 1►•,
11111 %'alalia Ilf PIIr1• If itch 1 hl llla,k
Ce"111111m,", ;% La Grdre, sac.
, Tabling, rrgulmi 1114• ft) $I.:111Ifer
Itegillm.:III. $1 11) 311111 QQ((��
')'Not. tall lease Nov. lint Nlutarler self
111L;III IIu,clit'% sou leA1r :et
1't ltul+tr price'.
>t -ice
tilru oto• ♦1'iudu\\•s � ill. str'I ion u • "ebl•uar • Valu [ d It,tH
a 1 et ufu 1 ]<' )
W. Acheson & Son
1've and of the'Onlartn• 1F Nlagarp
I .-
hser le11 the north, dentined .n smx%n t•,
Power Co.. and as such hi: rernarks
In, the .-final its wealth anal plipuln-
in regard to the saeresaity and illiport-
final of a great nation. i think thm
anee of obtaining for tile people rd
attitude of I!N• L'nitrd States, wuard+
thin prov Itler 111 the ellealw•At p„lPrble
Callad" hoar, In the past, not i10Y!11
manuer No supply of plower from Nis- ,
u i.p. There waA a time '9911 Years ata
Rarn have authoritative weight..
,,lieu by the exprefse of proper tact
The first portion elf Gen. Greone•'A
we might have secured the Canadian
address waw devotrd to a IhouirhHI?I
market nlmesst, as completely notnur
dirrluiNinn of tie objects of the 1-:111-1-:111-nwu
market. As matterp stand now.
pire Club and the prnbahk future tel
Canada has no favor% to Stick of av-
ranadNo. and it. relation+ to Greut'
one, either nn (ilia aide t-9 the latbnn-
Witain an(( Ihr l'ililei Match. i
tie or on tis.. either. AN to (creat 11ri-'
International Relations.
taut, it hat been sand that British
"it beh•N+veA sol enulitrvillen,•• "aid
envorrigolty in Canaria exist+ only on
tont Noa it is int exercised. and, while I
that spi'akor. study tbasoe pr„hiems
-'I"^' '^ "'a"' et the irnal tfrL''1.
with some eare and decide what i+ to
tux tlt�ir rdLit,Nl” fuwar.l fl+eir ret.^h.
I iwtlim.,A tau 1.4re i ?i'. i,I
-- £
� �� — tl•te 1t��w
Embroiderv-11 Sale
.runt Ie),I;trf the `print; FI!ll,II 'i. ro••., t•elfa%v 1.:1 11,111111,111161'...rl.lures,
1-:1141mto r•leuM .ub414teltirl redowlilen, in Init.. fl -.%,01.1e16.1 -.Ir.- foo-
1-rng.P%t, lout there ale Falkli% end, alike, S,. you ...In rel w•ls•!t )tau want.
),,it ran %,sec tom-owv tan tile.- g-loolk ju,t allow w IN-' y.0u want 1111.111.
IJII Vn46 F:nlbi,.id"ry. I ,aid 10 tel r, % 1..1.. f: am J' Ih••yat•.1 Sip
,.:C.', At .4t I.ig nacelle i.e I ,• 111.1:. .
:t-1 Wa!-h-(,fNI, ile11111.4ntsal %./•I) I.,w plicu'.
makes beaul*11 I. Mbareel Wit,'...., without heal, e„ I , m ic-11,
A,k to ,e,• it at
•em�4 eatlomssa 4 e �e e me
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�)Uft4' P.� TIDO tend FRlEND.S
1%,• No.•e) viol f4wual inlnrilq:tioii. A1'e Aiw :ulding :t well
-•.ol'trd line of
t hot will be unryn:dled ,1111 de• tat the rid • . .it, with "lir tailoring
Ile will f:•ar•y nuthitlg but Ihr
BE.S 7'
11• I
%%*e will l.• Ieasily (a". hu -isle„ :S%'It'Rrf%%. I :Il.fl .%tap •:refill,, 1 '.
solicit your p:u,as",ckr.
��naaa f �m sop w ma
I THE REASON � 111• %•nu should huy your � i
l •lothiug anti ;�[cn's Nurni, 'li}{s ;tt thee store is because
we hate Exclusive 'Ngencieg r Shu Very beat goods in
our line thin can be hall. �1'e ould not be satisfied j
if we hadn't the 1►est. we
In Clothing _
Ila,' hC•i I 'v I r SrL
1 'JK c set u. Brno+1 i, arkhl.tfAeelg las w the pl,d i
set the hight•.1. tailor rntff fn l'Ici1rb•Ia. Th gr•egl volnnM of
Iru%ineSa lhty alta and Sha rinN, of peeplt. hr/ wear thrix
o-lahing f- tilt- 1"•nl. Ir,fil11nl/y tip live clap se( clothing
they turn total. 11 .
In Hats
The King" '1nglisht and %VevT.allmlCiaAlifinlHje
two nI tml 1xIwh ar hal, in Ih4' tradr• lrds -- r/RrlRtIM1 e
gl"w) to sac..., :sed ki-ell I.hcis rolot'• I •
We invite yon Its f•eertnIno. .,ra ■
Spring Stock
- — _`-.-- --—.._.-..._— - .._ - -
rhe right place to buy Men's Clothing IoM Itwolshmg%.
L��GONWAiiiinmdIN)aa llrtaa.t11 mei