The Signal, 1907-2-14, Page 8iM
. .
1. , � �
f�pakS lRt&aF!S't M6171it F. Idltt' to ° a,, -:.. ,, ,v< , d }} �a{{, t �? ,t s�
,,.. ,. ,-,. �,•rrr... ;,.., . ,. , .m,.,."„ a. lfi".�,� ,c,u Npa� +` .I,'at •t; •"w`:T ` °. a#L '' sr w:' 1, •f ,rt { xij- t�,
+' 8 'Ft-:, iAt, 'JI :.les .a.•.tm a„If t,:'BT:rxw ,e p.,+ .T,I •: `'rr�` J.... s r >, t. 6r;S; ,. ?tl f ,. iilJ , v+l3,n 1 „v'1...'i'Ifi
.i,,,latiYtl °,•t t}•�.tilh,a, rt ,: �1 1 me °'c'i@f •••� I 'tt,..xs•,ak, ll•'w k $k t 1 i ; . tl, 1 , 1•
a. g Tuurwtr, l►gbreap iti ItOT THE SIGNAL: GODERICII, ONTARIO a . t.
i. - -_ --- � ----- ---- .------- -
Ml lS TYS'S RfCKTAL. pnioted A• the license tY1mn►iwiunerr fissile on Britannia ron,l. Axa result of having
I to .pond the Yrwtar part of hip 1 uue uwehind n*r.
t {-
ax µ41:.l
for a est Huron for IW17, in w clw.xttNim tktlltwl by KN.. 1)l. nJ•uwlgkt aw c.
born toned,
l "t 1 " 5
Strength and Yout�11
AIM«a ud late the CaY/iaa Ctaservw-
folio �L
The local circle of the l%rn,ulhul out ands the mtraln, nuA tiiiihe ww
Order of Hotue Circles will most in with re Ida t r .t Mr hfA freeze Al. i.,. runt.
the e_ `_ tla Mw,dwy )amt Edward ntrolttml the
boll the 18th February. 11111
Lk:, Safe Combination
I.if, hp. t-ownrntign o,-tnpNm ,"{ I ne•uilA•nd than t1r Iw nobly horn.
their On of a of Wm11N•n'la!
ap,prlllllllellt IA lM Iq•1t
y�+m-�r.a --A
At gt'wd
:71• follow) teeonut of w us•
All II•enlhera are requested In tie pre*- macer ,a ale t hethrnn collle,atale
1(t- I, m1), however. takulr ehvro orf Nu, work
Be%. ,I. II. u-trrhout, It. A. If. I1., of ad with the military service he most
\l become ry
tion pastes tri Shea M Kir• IdHae
eat ra thyro aro lu Ike Int lllwlinllN. h, the yltw•nt y,ra•euptnt of TAe prl
Istat Saturday Robt. Clark MR.— to M1114ldow
In 0 years the Assets Of The Sovereign Bank of #
Tye. ftq Ottawa will
utonilux noes H. ., ird hi. u.bu 1
,.Irmo of Its%. \\'. 1[. Graham'. term in tJsoriti•s.
in Il,el
Josie MIt. Ohterhout has � gltl/t1 the law allrrws a Bel-
w th touch interest by the
hest x tqm of bunch, which were cut' et rengthof ey.-Most.
Canada have increased to over 25 millions and exceed
who have noted with
Use eucoers she has been
ting ice in the hwrlmr. The team I ____
broke through the ire And one of the - _• , t ' '
1__ r
the liabilities to the public b over 5 millions. Deposits
'' A opWW d gradeation piano recital
Animals was drown«d and the other I
died shortly Alter hying gut out (if the tit MIXED MARRIAGES. !
have increased t0 Over 15 millions.
ltadev iota esus dose of til« Canadian
wetter. .-
I hos-
r, ''i
Your account—lar or small—is invited ` ' i '' "
• Dotaservatory ut Muria Lfmitrd, was
The following donations to the RNs In Which Lstality of Unions
� t`�
�n last evening in St.. Pptrick's
tall M Miss l iw Tyr, daugh[rr of
pitAl are xI knewledged : Mrs. Carrie,
rollelf natNand urwnµe+ ; kfrlul. Rrraelt, With Foreigners end English -Speak-
.� 1.00 opens an account in our Savings Dept.
Mr. Nm• Tyr, tit Ualerich, 11.t., br-
fore distinguished which
g,i worth of nnilk ticketp ; A Friend, Ing. Girls Is Questioned.
blankets; A Friend, onuiger
32 Interest paid 4 time a year.
a audience
pafr of only ton often do girls in F.nglt•h•
gee.texf her with Iho wp pisses rhe
well deserved. M r. H. PuddRIOull r.
And a roll or butter J. P:IKin Tum,' streaking countries in their ilfngrsncw
IIAir of blatikets ; Nos. 1 . \\'ates a
contract marrian with ners
a Sovereign Bank of Canada.
of whom she was a pupil, has Allrady
luangle. wt
with whom they have fallen in Irlre,
, himself famous am it inw,ter of
Thr Ro ers Manufsriurin Cu. have
R K and live to find that in the eves of
his rofah•too, and the manner
v •'r.l
which Nies Tye rendered r not
inhtalled It new electl•ie generator their hupharod'm countryrxpa the pp
laiat•,1 for II hll n the
ANDREW PORTER, Mang er. - - . - GodearichBranch
P "igram reflecto a great deal of I
N ,/
end wt tch R If here, "far All, not blt N'1{,a n All.
wurkRo. They have addwl a ares blot- it would M w o}iTrult wort a lengthy
- - - - -- — - -
rredit nit him for the way in which he
has r.waed flat- tl, reach watch n high
slate of excellence. Although the I
ter gear ,utter slid milling o„a.•hitie task to arta the uldir And Artirular-
"rent end the uncus-
And other new machiuel- i. to follow, g P h
y 1,v til, ignorant
,,f Tuhrikeynto. fe herr the danger
nine nuwlwn were all classical selrc•
a of
mJ. king patterns
•Rnr ri
waking pxtlern. fur dinkry engines thl-ep nuxl-rl msrriager, gays w roe-
these mixed
Uon., yet were they such that could
and KugelA patent journal-Ixoxex.
hs racily understood by the #audience
in and her grent trchni1111'
b thin thet•nfoetr have st mvFdtsrPSN.
till \Vednesday erf List week own M i pne
If :tnv of hula' Hur+ea :u, run down, 111 ill INtd conditiunl�
war evident thmughoat_ She
rink. of (Jodrrirh rurlimrs wrul down •I 1 should like h, point nut the sal-
4; i. fou u' iIhrl ,,rel -work, ,,ver-tetdiu Roo I*I,, lou uue%
R, R N
played with x leash that, whit« dolt-
to Kr,Jorth fur a h ipndl% game, And lent facts to be ascertain p l before
in the .tab),, U Y a package of
utte, waw Cull and rtronq and div-
xlthtingh hurling hap Iron a Brad gush mixed marriages can �, .t All
s{N,rt In (ialr.rirh for %earn the Gode- rwaannahly sate And flrat I mn% e•y
played mush {Nnvrn of expreahion.
while her own Iwauty added nmch to
rich p1nvl•rw did not d1) w Iredly. "lid that generally all fnreignerx who
t I Ib. package 2.'%, or •i for IiLtNI.l
her charm.. All the `oircams were et-
one of the rinks. Akilgwd by C. A. marry English `arts in England can
callently given, but eerhaph tilt- Hurst
lluml.•r, actually wan out, with w only do an legally he the laws of
h'un l'cughs, Itoll„e•.uea, Roo Head' ,nnditinn., ns•
wan ,*The Nightingale" and the RhAp-
iie"le of It l" I1. The titoderich their ,country when harp prat
layer. wet,- Fr,•a Devi-. C If. Huu,• rnmptaed with all the requirements of
"Mie NonKtSruin/•, Nu. 1't,, by Licit.
Mise Tye hxr iorl•n heard in Uiir es
l ,e r. Th„x. JN,kwrll All/J l'. A. Hlltn hM', their own country an the malar t-•1 at-•
I • It,. parka;, .a , lit .1 for $1.lM l,i
w 11 in Mendel.sohn'. '['"prlccin
And 1. I . 1/xnrry, A. 1'urler, \\'. intending marriage. And the whirl 111
This i+ wonarr 1111% 1r PIP 1At,yl and +old 41111% b%
f�W � 'r •'P�,
n W
r 1 r ill
SALEOF b. rt• � .F.. .'.r ,ii.,.SI ul •;aail:.�,.
,. i , Now is the time to secure genuine t !S t
bargains in all kinds of �L I -i
We have decided to clear out all linea of' " '•''''Ili
Heavy Rudbers, Overshoes, Felt and
Felt -lined Boots, Shots and Slippers,
at greatly reduced prices.
The new goods for spring and summer are coming ill
and we must have the space the winter goods occupy.
This is a sale you should not wise as every- „
h Cling in this class of Footwear must go. "i
Downinz & M acVicar
e IAnp and J. StrniUw. theses uiramenta are (1) that thov
Brilliant" Up. u e obs h but only >eV
added to the lxur Is ebP had alrviul. I ------- should publish to their mantra the I
S E. HICK CENTRAL DRUG STORE --- ----- - — - ---
received in both. CHURCH NOTES. !•.lx� nonose lit •ash intending mamAge n.< , ,
Therxom fete on.grauteunsistel Rot: required by law. and (21 that. they (;1)1)1?Itl( If, ON'T. I
e It
Msudelssohn. Capriccio llr:•liotut,
Op. :3': ; Srhullert,Litrtt, Hark. Hark,
the LArk ; Beethoven, Andante in F ;
Mrndel••ohn. Rondo Copriccio.n, Up.
At the investing tit' she W. M. S. 1)f should nbtain the consent of their
Victoria rtl•pet Mlrth,Ntist ,•hurch Inst parents to the marriage if they are
week Mrs. .1. It. MilhAit wail ulAde n under a certain age --which vanes
liar urenll,er. The rurirty hAy leen in I from 21 b �,
In Aura ria. After the intending
f I>•ttw�s�awttt•�ttw�la,r>•ottwt'�wsttita�lt♦
_- - _- -
Sovereign fdoment : I It in a grand,•, (hint to Ir nobly re
It t : Chopin, Prelude, Nu. 17 ; ('hopin,
Gnpromptu, Upp a1, No. 1 ;Liszt, The
rvictrnee only ling l- ywu•xnnd nli°, wdy
h1)+ throw lift HIeu11N,,.h bridegroom or bride is 24, years of A r.
no acasent is necessary. 10
I.if, hp. t-ownrntign o,-tnpNm ,"{ I ne•uilA•nd than t1r Iw nobly horn.
Nightingale: an,h-Li.zt lk•di•est
Ali invilatinn ha, I,r•en e%tew6d to. it the man is in any way still vonnrrt•
Ih.0 when we _pie dawn t .
'fo+oma hie i r'1•Ihllnlll111'4111�t
cation I.Lyt, Bhl IxdIC nllM,
/ I"'
Nn, 1
Be%. ,I. II. u-trrhout, It. A. If. I1., of ad with the military service he most
\l become ry
worths Vu rooves•. tu:t ll, In the rlln''Irat
I I' g'
uo,• When wage.•p thy( n.wrr. I nif.rr, it hese„ In Ute biggest
So marked has been her muccrra
i uxetrr, to 11 , adnt of have the consent of the military ate
\-i,tuli„ short Methodi,:tchun•hatth,
W It. I:nistr; I which Ali ellber;;rucy great, enough
that MIAs T s her hien appointed to
succeed: Maw Poore Rat the Conservit• l
,.Irmo of Its%. \\'. 1[. Graham'. term in tJsoriti•s.
in Il,el
Josie MIt. Ohterhout has � gltl/t1 the law allrrws a Bel-
- - will r"il tout.
r•tottrtwr Perletveea. I 'I'r:u4-11
, the latter havingto re•i n,
nrxl. accept-
the in%iWtinu• I Oa+ to marry a foreigner abroad ac-
. -I
1 Teach : is there Any connecoilg
711, Ilfr 1•nrd npnm 'lank
nwwg to ill•health. I
cording, to the laws •c! that foreign
of a r11{rend+ Ix•Iw,wtl Iho :Mill I and the
\ext Suua+n i, tui. iun;lr) day in I country, but the marriage will not by
tilt- honesty of the mrn who make nut %r(,-r•t•,hle kingd"In ?
Vicerix hU,x3 Mleth,xlist church. valid fn B•lgfam if he ae under 21 and
til prdlcre•a, lord then• shnnld Ire Hriµht I'npil : Yen. muni ; thri,: w
Ia l H•.U•,k ACa nx7TFk rHA. dA..
PARTIKA wiring house as instal
Ilog ELRt'T1tIf' YIXTI'It" should
glut our Illu.trmted eanlekue .Ind peke
” We x11• .Aowlna o>.espt IonAl ynlup+
{n .
nn,l conrb"n H"„ Inn,.•,.
Iowa, order, receive mpecial alltta if'
'PMN to In *a"@ sbvd
FARMERS' INSTITUTE.. net. Alflvrt Btuwn, %rf Irmdou, will ' has not obtained the consent of hos severe puui%hgit-ut fors man who de hash. Il,r{w•r s 1\ eekly-. L,a. OstaAw
potach fn flip morning, 'Ind Ret•.' parents. if between the &gee of 2I And Illnrarely fal•ide% a ptdlcr". or cer• ( -
T. E. E. Shah,. ll. 1R. 6( Ttt!t)tlto, ' 25 he most make a "te•pertful and tificate of hrmlhic. it in (fail, I tate I
Series of Supplanentary Meetings to axruciate tech,•tary of Mlimsionh, in the trrrm•1 rsgoe•t" ter his parents' ad- bnedrrp, however, to say that t!Irlr I — -
Commenee Tomorrow at Londestaoro'. I• ""I'lg. Rev. Mr. Shure will preach vial, and if the parents object they tranax -final. hays born rcuirrknhly
at %ion in the- aftern41ori• may apply to a ecurt 1)f justice and
Supplementitn meetings under the fh free frown auy f: iriperluc with IMI-
Anr nese 1)( the \Vert Huron nderer.' Th,• following program ivas given "late efr grounds frrr refusal, and
/Fareon 1'ut-Rd-t • evening at the unlsical such refusal mar be upheld. it the tree•- IIulstMn•lYiesien nPgiaer. _
Fistitnte will he held as follows : eve,li,ig ,,,,,ler the ,utapicrh of St. arm or daughter L 26 years of age no I COURT HOUSE ""�" �
Friday', v. Feary l.i -Ii -11 hues , Gr orgr's A. Y. P. :\.: Instl•uu,eutal, l consent is regnired. Union In the Erst. I PHONE NO
SatutdAy, Februxrr IH-Hnitnesrille' Miys Alnl.t (i41ldlhur v,Nal wdrw, Tn nenmark an ►aon.ccntraeiio f hurch Work. n Church of England I O efsff
Mondry, Februou i++---Brnutille•, pe. I p° I SQUARE.
y Ih'. Mlacklin ; %itilin dart, Misses a marriage, wher thaw or abrrx journal, published in the Mxritimp
Tuesday. Frhruarc IN- G(Nlerich, !law�.s=."�'� �m
Wdneudav, February ,711 Nile, Mall -I thatv:and 1'sulin Snyder; vocal tequirep the parental ocoaant when I'mvinrem, urge" the moat; -ii of A nPw 0/RLC IAW ;L.ts
y lsul,. MGN. 1'amms: vocal srdn, Mc, under the of 26, and a widower Sysiod or Pceleaiastiral Province. run- GODLR/CH.
Thursday. Frbnuuy 'll -St. Helen"' nutut,ilwnd: inrtrunlrnial Burt, the moa# not eaofract •second marriage a' tine of the Maritimp 1'rorinrpo olid 11
The of Sio t bpeakc. anti 1)l will be. \V, k•'. N:aatrl. Hewnry. The ai-croua{x rtirls within three months of the death of NPw[mndleond. The prnpoonl aA inter- J
if .%hi a lmmul -. ami J.K cl McCallum, were Mto'm Dili gh. Ali., Hattie ,hie wife, eating As showing the trend lir fophng
-Th pe ai•. Mr. KyHerd'b humr vaulty, Mrs. He•ney and Mr. Sather- By the iaw of France no man may ill the Provinces dnwn by thl- men m -
Fee &aid Wni (w: He DarnSummer land. contrasts marriageFebruary Corset Special
Feed and Wintry Olin• ; " "Ihr11pe1 under the see of ward s uuinn rather then A ,livisinn I
Stitches; " ••Ace 1 Raish the :niton Next Sunday will lir miriionary day without the consent of his panuUl of their lore et-. it is In line slob tI„•
Profitable Horse:" And -Small Fnialm in North htrrrt Methodist church. From that age until he in st1 he will proposal to have but one Mantim,•
and Carr of Grape Vines, Prxrla ,and Rev. T. R. E. Shore, It. I1., of Tango• he required, a" in Belgium• to perfnrn, civil Prminrp, which is now• heiug
Plum Trona." Mr. Mr(%allultl'A sub- to, reeenth• al,{xoiutel w.nociate ItPerr- the "sell- respertueux." and his art agitated by the younger men of that t• ��^
jecce +arc: "line impnrtnncrotSe•lerl. Guy 41f mimhuni., {a ill plwnrh in the differ- the Belgian in that hr h1)+ part of ('enwdA. And there i+ oleo lir• err GOBBETor ��C
Tug Grxod fR+eel Grain ;" -Plovers - morning And Rev. Alfred Hrvrwn, of L, Irrfnrm tt three time• over At little aigniflrsncr in the fart that o I i,
Their Place in Rotittion, Cultivralion, \+kin htre•t Methodist eburrh, IA,n• monthly intervals. And it fa not imt,l eloper union is growing bet{%P,•nt th, t. 1 ;. , ,
Saving. etc. ;" "The Problem of Kep ,- don, will preach in the evening. The a month hoax elapsed from the third churches in Canada and Newfound
n ,. land.
inR Ontario lh/ x and Girls on tit c4111ectiunh and offerings will Iw in t omni request that he will be sill wed
y to contract A yAhd ,parr; ---- E HAVE a big Corsets special for Saturday of next week. One
Farm;" -The Draught Horse nn the aid of mis.innh. The erg,tn, whish ala,. 1 em g p y
R must not mA►n• without the ,-I s•ut The g,mxd may die voting, hut, jud
Farm." has 1wen timber repair, will In• rrxclp ilhl( r,1),,, filo Ayer, a plrlall Ix,y, �; hundred and twentyairs of regular c Corsets, bought enough
There will lie two meetings at eu•h stir its and [for agrvicey+ will for hold in of that Cnntinentsl monatrnsit;; , the all p g 75 g g
g' family enunril. In an earem of a nw,t in- very, your yoing. under prices to let us sell them at S5c a pair. They are brand
Platz, in the ,afternoon at2ririgak Aud the unditnri11ni upaGtirti- 1'he pxntur,
g { y Kra•, G- N, HAre•n: will wltr f renchman marrvirg A fnreiarn-r __ _ _ new goods, just out of the cases this week, and made by one of the best,
m the e% ening lit 7•:pl. A s oeciwll fn• IU'v. Ml r' abroad the usual nohfirannna not•%
each f t e evening
will IN, furoiond le Ilrriwn'r work in Askin street chun'h• be p1)+t«I at the mafrip of the vnm- if not the best, corset makers in Canada. Just this IO dozen lot to sell,
each or the erPningg tnertingm. Ana die L radon, next Sunday. mlmp in which he last had ht% abode I and when it is gone, no more the same for this money. They will be in
members of the `V,,men's Institutes Rev. \V.• 1), Mage•, pastor of the In Germany consent of the Whet tWEST
ata invited to attend at the evening Clinton Biaptixt church, r1)rtnerly in ,s required until the Ann Ix 2M and th, " �� � the window Friday, but come in and see for yourself just how good
meetings and nrsiet in making them charge (if the RAptint congregation in 4hughter 24 Years of age. said if .•ithpr �' they are. -
rtrcoew ul. Gtxlrrich, recently' receiv Al. vet•f as w1) orphan the roteent lit the IPgwl
--- - --- prehaing call to the pastorate of TAt•i- gnardimn aA needed The publiretwii r l� I 1:511 piafn Vorbets wade ftonr good yuwlity, sateen finished whirr jeau. Y wide
BELL CO. WILL BUILD Aute and Bart %conA Baptde ati churches• lir' nit intender) marriage of a prranll ,�J hidpslselr and well steeled throughout, trimmed with cotton lace and titin baht•
After utahlre consideration, ha de- Abroad must be made in the plAre - �; rrriii I iblNm, gcud 11000 supporters attached. uue of the new spring nxndels, perfect
rlfntd the invitation. This is not the whore he Isar dwelt in Germany tit„V flttitiand shape retaining. Ytiu could y 7uc for them, and n1)t ( w
Telephone Litz from Godfxieh to Dun- flint coil Mr. !11 et-, has heal place , _ K Pe R• pe• c;'-. 55e
ag wl-pks before the mariAgr And it mnmr �g I ung a rent eat rpnch. l'timmeociog Sreniay 1 J') pain to aril wt fur lowir
galaon and Klntad. Kning t1) ('linen, but be lion declined also he made by advertiom-nt in tha ""��
them till, although they offered wd•
in r recent issue we made note of • domieale of n f,"ignor. though n, tin+
some correspondence 1retNeen M. O, vantages over Is present circum- rase A drelaration from fnreirn local ' ,
1>n stance". It fes needless a %av that Mr. The Last Call The Cottons
Cameron, M. P. P., and the district Mi enthnnties that nn impediment exist° t
aKee'+pe, le in Climton xm pleased p' til M 1 t
manager of the Bell Telephone Cn. rt-- is Accepted as An nitprnnticP Ane 4 F
Ann grntiflec by his fidelity to them. Wit a ant eS
gading the mlooeAl for the condnhc- person {eixhm 1,. marry A pprond Limn •
tion of u telephone lint connecting The a{,etisl rcvitnl xervicPp whish roust Alaow. that s le I settlement ha+ ,pp I , anti Lawns
herr hevn held fn North street Methu• ggaa 1 OSI[f\'Cl the last (all for Mantles 11113 sea-
Ihrngrnnoo and Kintail with the been made on the children, if any. 1)l � i-' S�
Ooderich exchange, and we Are that church during the past month the firpt ntartiago. \ a"— I soil. Stocks arc down to less than a dozen Of
R 'rhe English white cot -
leased to have the assurance that the w'erp brought e n o•hrar P'rid#ay seven• By italtwn law w1) Italian who mar g
Catmpany has now determined to build ing. Tile enretings were held ave ry rice a foreigner aMnad in rum ltanrr this Winter's garments. Never has Mantle selling
t p tons and fine la\ens we are
the proposed line. The anno,,11 evening exrrpting SatltrdAy And were with the lawn of the foreign rounlry .I > - been as good as the season we are just Winding selling today are exca -
ment is made in the following letter w charge of the. {oaab,r of the rhnlrh, is legally mxrriPA, but here again it tip. Now we are Ola, to Sell each and ever P
received by Mr. Cameron from the Net. Geo. N. Ilwu•n, Ret•. H. Nott, is conditional rm his also comph-,ng I P going y
district superintendent of the Colo. Rev. H. Clement, R,v. \V. H. Graham, with the requirements of the Italian r I I,rarment on the racks this month, for we pose- tional tannic, better by far
(matorlir ♦•ictut•iA stress church. and law. is marry without parental inn. You WILL I lively \will not Put ane away. Prices have keen than We will, have When
pang ' Nev. A. F Jones, actor of Auburn Pont. a man moat ezesdd JS and a
Mr. M. U. Caniernn. M. 1'. 1'., Methodist eitrnit, rhly axxiatel Mr. woman 21 years of age, and thpv must made low enough to clear them all Out oil Satur- once thev are Sold, it
Parliament Buildings, City., Ilaze•n tht•nnghout the pnigrexs of the publiph the usual notices of the mar. :� da\'. fest or talus was not considered a mt(1lItC
Diltmt Stn,-- In further reference to meetings. Form it epirituAl Point of ri e in the commune in Ita1 where w•ollld he tot tour own ad-
ynur recent cnnferrnce with osir Mr. y•
Ashley regarding the proposal to form vires the meetings have been meccas- the Italian pwrty was last domieilevd f Irl making them ; • we limply wont carry the
A club (or IaxAl company tA, construct a fol. There hap INrn N deepening 1)f In the NethprlAnAs persons ondet NEED I r tallta�►C to anticipate yOUi
i'1) ) the work lir race in mon ponds in garments over. if there is one in the lot tour
telephone line ftr,tn G,xderich to Ilan• R y 21 must not marry without the con•
p the ,nngreg,ttion. A nunihrr of very Pont of the aunts and between 21 1 size volt call buy it Saturday for less money than needs a little and lay ill a
gunnon and Kintxil, we sre pleatreal to promising conver•uirns have been the And 2,i they must perform the ort„ � �s,.m you titer bought a good mantle for before. PP .
inform yon that the general niwrxtger, result of th, meetings also. sll It now, for - cotton
after obtaining^report oilthimmaltamr, K r►app,tupux to whish i have rptprrPd
!-- fhpr 211 %para 111 age npithpr rnnppnt rices are advancing stead-
, that the Compu,y.have de- a.New Spring SUI( VCIy P g
rider) to build the line ourselves. The PERSONAL MENTION. nor Arta rp"pertuonx ip reg,tirod in 6 Capes and 8 Mantles at $I.98 l
Ppain fnr civil marriage rnnAent is rp• I, d i. Int gold rCSrllt values Can-
decieion amto the rontr of thf ling, of. - - t 30011 IIOW. Thtl \tllltel' la n only aw P
aired until the man fp 2't and the y pea, fawn• dark firer and fwney
flcen a iw n nd1, plc., will lit uulde. tan. M,L'nentnn ba-umre to Ihtroit, q I l
i” w-nman 25; in Rwedpn And Nnrwav flow flearl ott'r afid oil plaid. 'ihPae capes are not tlhi. eea.will < not he duplicated before
hoer. We are wafting you now xn Mn *lid Mi«• Ilones aro vimitiaR in Tor 3 3 ''r oNls, hat nip good Al-lldhle. elPt•yicpahlp •It. '
nate. rnnpeni Ir not nim"PeAry after 21. hot R R r.
that yon will ant, Ltkc any rurlbrr may also ill'ed a light 1 KNi'metitis. regular ricom were from 87 In another season's crop k on
arti1)n ewanla the orgxnirxtinn of • Mn,. (enteron and MI^A \tel.eun orb ,imitinor w idmrPrp must not roo-marry until air r p ;'
to Toronto. months afar the death of their wirp., f fAln : N only I+uliea cloth jackets, erpr{' r 1 the market. We are sel-
Irxal run,panv. \\ r are• advised that !Ili.• born Plialpn ,- m reeding the Werk wiih t )tereoat for 311rin�, Wear. nate thin season's gtwids, f length. mostly
1 and w roan *enures w women wndrr
the poles riot IN• sl-cnlrrl on tlaground hipnd. in litraUtml dirk twrrtls, they gold at front fld to tf111, lin
a ,r
pmmisp of mprrfpgp php is held to hp `i � r' and are the text Rona" we have. We made• y'' �' 1. 1I ?"" 4pV*.')
at a re/aacnahle flgsin•, and the Wont Mr„ager and N,A. firA,c 3r.,gor have I I 1 •f ,•' _ .
Ntrlictum department will arnutge for n•tunred from roroobr• in PCs wt a % a 0311 f1K y011 111) 1� up err minds not to carry one of them
their tirrhahl• r,aily. \till un kiI(dl • I'nucd titnt", aan.,,l I'hllton, of Toronto, In Rnatilan 1•w- the marriage. If bet pe!n Y g Fine English Cotton at Loc a
p j y whim in ao.. a on TrexdA twrpn w mak Rnxsian and a }pmalr , or the cA over. pct SAGtrtlw morning �� •(kQ t y
advise the stir. Ititen•.lel'' y With the latest styles at a f v77(8 ad
Yrolr+ truly. t hfor11 } m1) f t i- SAPI r pr.luw, {n the utml foreigner.
txl p n uburoh or
mmust top lebrator! in P R�uppiharn poi ri very low price. IOM ton rwu take your choice of the lot for.. .
y Better Quality at tx;e a yard
rat h brach of the r4o ern OR rank. - gy p, k'• Mantles at 25C °'
W. T. )*.`AWS, Mut 1 Aur.e, 1 mcg,I+•nT w few r.k. {Imiiln Y One a little finer still at Ise
11jtit. Sup). frlrud.fnse.foruldunngthe wex•A. that the children wall lx hrmight up When wt- frank •tock 1)r found wrr
Toronto, Fe 4 .i. far. end %fr.. I nid-til. of loved". Role J ,
t I.uh,lr et r. ao4 til-. Jan. t , I+rima, 111 the Rnean-Greek faith while in CALL AND GEr hod to niwntlrs Ira+ rivet. 'obey wrr odd + Extra fine Cambric at t7c
\Vr are in lerript ,t , (Hari a. N. Grpaep the law to an nnfriwndly to yet -t :
T,ewia, Al. P.. 1)f is i inuilioi of the „I- ilon•nr. %In.tirer Wanted toIk.nn r� t" ,mix Nnd f.wn+ that have necummnlatPd
inn, nn Mosd.) nficrIt ,Wt -111, %11,, A6,e mired marring" that I would adripA OUR PRICES. „i 3 Y ! I,rr the luul two, or three yeas, Now
Company's intention t-ommstrn,t the crmlgir. anv vnnng wnrraan ernamplaflne w'r Ntr Ont gRoing to keel, t.hptn novo p �1'.
Nlxkrirb-Kin4til-I)ungnutioulinenext ll rant tcnddon. lir Itrgila. snot... -n, In martiAge wtth w Gmk to mwkp hem ,, Anothra nrwxou. With n little making
wehrm. oldAkirs Axy lir ,-o La went looking Np * tn,,,p It nelnrslirpd F.n liehman' j i it j Otto Special Lawn
--fes --- old flfundr.t ;4 11' I ,if toyer the tonna of them wmild mnkw rapi-
LVCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Mixm M. H. F•Itimt )err m, r(wturdny our Tor 1:t-, • . : Lal r.Nata for school children. Saturday
mdo tn.mad-taw w„ k, sed will take to th, This, brieQy antes up the prelimin- nan•ninR esti thn,w them on the Iwo win at I2t
—__ nnninrry ol,enollm arips which the (nntinantal nationo table for otic choice or the ten, just. ... 1C
�owlpthetiolelnl%A%f ukt furnihire reap J. N. \I..lrrrn Ufr tA1A soak fee ►Mttrl Aaaldprafl before Mr nixins a mixed y j - 25c
r Harhor..fter-pendiolt few w, -with his ng
hol-toned, pie nre. (mmod, matarw.ew•. re m•rnA P Therp AM fn wriditinn im- t :r9r Our sPWW 441 -inch lityea Own
,vwl-d corn, era. a,d .Roca, tlma At Aml+,rlsnn ^t.tpr, Now. J/1). a Ur{fin• eon g 1 REG. B ACK One Black Coat $@ ' Y
Ing. eM'llm -r Sit. h tm the huadq,larler- for all }II•.am Iwnnr nota /ahel .\chroon 114, 0 1 portant c(rllpideratinna "ffrrtng th- tP� q ,.•. at 13Sc is certainly remarkable
that.ortof work. m,mndntrn work or ,-o to 'romnto anti At. ra-marnage of divorced pprponf•, wf - I I I only fine b k broadcloth rise,,Jr,1 l i,, valve• We thought we had
tsnAwl elm tt-oriel^"rhn.vhoar ror,n•rt, 1 d dnwpro and widnwa. and thprp urn k
P THE TAILOR. .. ., ''i
ate did col ,mint use tnunM► of hero. Y nireh• trimmed with pink Pnihroidery, j bought enough to do all season.
mallow m'-t,dfn.npldledfor ism am islootlne•, I many minor points which would need) ( xy uTwrlrxne st le. lir _
' thlm yemr hot r , "more to may the reol ,fent+ Jstule.nn 11PiA lox, r, lydny for fro 1 4t-', 1 P y jtlllwr gl'h.lill Caarar,
- t IanA. +.ulna from et. .t0nn. He wwm urketrrl Attention. 0, olyle is very Anitablr for an elderly hady. ' � but a ling in a ek
were couch dellrhtOA. t',w r,cst r„ufto, In
t tilt rate it is cel
photography so Te kAllaws. hr Xe. Kidd. 1'. P. It, srenf. on the s. S. I e wt, be told Out
Nxo- Saturday yon can Italy iLYor ..... w
time. When 'we are we came
Mnrbut for
" a.he.mRoydofnr A-hwotAns ,Vent
Ham ditrl lit tie dnntill. eN . %1,1111e. - -- -- ----- I Fawn Opera Cloak $2o ',„SE. t not repeat It at this pr}ce.
fogy. but for every mbar day of 11)^ year 115 lit x few day. fu r1) -o tblm w k, , I.IUI,g
tpoee !r' f &• xxsx.
freed aeavthinirhetior In the war utrioahnr. 1Nn. Ilrrn', pwre,d.. Nr. gad Mr,.. Ire•-oM' e. del, LL•s,`S
mt1willk,r,Roa lit fm lip In nobby• rhos oi.Corib-1w•t. 1 onlc Inttg town npetA rinak, toll
plrmpel,. at nnwnn ,le polos. ln.fnrh firiP India linen lir
p�t Ito, J. tr. enA Nr. rlllrrr, of `o•Irnls, bore .,.r IPngth, silk lined, (lir cnllAr. w handsome
,AWsrar r FAllott line moll out his mall l,s.n •pendfne ora ;--t lt,.k to town. The •t .i �B,, ,J's nt•turnt that in worth linen lawn, suitable. for
rout. of hr. Aod tot-. Y nimerm,m, Ht. lax%M•m Z' :, l `. R �Zo Nhl nn•, childrcu's dresses,
ba�/esr, F. R. tdt►ItueN being the four- ,most. Mr. ,g1,rr a rn•uporatitr from an I yon can boy it for only .. 0 waists, etc., regubir 299..
e1sw,�g. AnAranra•rPr. A Fur -Lined Coat '"'' "oaf extra Aftl, tial wt I
Elactridati Wstd installed a new a has. Rtmmnnd-. 0t Toronto. ws. in town WiTH HYPOPHOSPHITES �� wr %NI.srv.......122C
rill- week re r1)•-Pstlnz fMl.11 "t sS 1
switAboad for W H *an Manut, . t w. Not a t n„ I 1 only hhle fur -lined mutt, ouGtidP 1)f it (cul y
fM well Y•own -Mmol d Ilk mauwfwrUlrruw, ¢ „
11►ritts Co. during the week, hwrlle M •lielrrl0htad II q• and while hers the Irca. Innis wt, thin+ i exlrx 11ioalily navvy htrywdrloth, lining a .' +
Cal. Young has anlal the Tutors! alt• ,,roe! "Uselwe of olA friend. and wt -quaint n,•apoo orf file year. � grey And while .oluirtel, hi h fur roller, , +a .m
tags on I:rset offset to liaatoe,l . T. M. ( llboll, of Toronto, hs. ("Itrt Itm x, , length, A Coat that in wart S4tl to $i.i, •,rt-:^ a rens,
bore g nlxndilrg('tokls and Itglr7, lip the .vrl.•ni, lheteht' pts• I .,
Yt+1ks for the sem Rof 11,7t10. ��{Aper, Iaw nod da,ighur, Ituy. W. Venting to fonther attack. d.Argr Mottles soon at i , ^,' if iCa worth a rent. Katurrlwy you caro New Buntings 4414i t, #
R braMm. fhb ween. r. 1'am
rhP xntnlAl rxcunlirlo (rt I Irly' it tor...........
1 Hark twkbg is o K t. J. 1�
ateaner Gtryhentmd til tlaa4nMt will 1 work at tavola A•r1Trg the tatter's P� . --, " tl¢r j
Ira Jong dash this
rover, tag ing it'` ' �t j a I Black Fur -Lined Coat $25 .Inst A few new auitiogges
June doth N' O. F4w gess rlu4r• Asp nen the posit ion lir y rivened up this week, the ad-
s BLACK CHERRY COUGH BALSAM ft-. ranee l.,q of our A
MI •s,setaliot wt, IM r' + •lox( one to Ai'll. Ilrxxl slily Mack ' i st pr{ng
Pat -
On Tilt Pvenf the I1`a to I,st,• mlrleN• unher'�.t't a ly`•,l I parer phPll, exollwr lit f1hM whk,' lassos Ates axis ptork, nubby plat•
('duh ve the t„xioed of two etv► et- — sF rt, �> to a4�ro ad � 1 I ; and white for lining, N coat that Irioke I "" 1-, ttrnt n
J ;gnaw ceder fthelr sat»florae at romr t n,awra uarantPerl Cuu h l'nrr. 2bc x r i ntif i w Tl std will give aplPndid awtisrwctirm. R1eys, I'll and white.
(lddslNow� Balt. r f R K i for aPparwtp tklrta or hill ma-
Ygatw wvd. trx "I ylsie i yi ? 't n Ia''; j •' A�ntth at lew•t iii to iM1. 1/at trot wt tom(v, r yard. Ln
M. (pookbatR A rn : T. R. Ut1riM. , LAP !�; « .t lote� t c k" � r' 1 ` ` " baso, gelling lishtrdty for ......., ....... - e �[ po 50r, 11
rlanagalio,ta. Tb.w. ('hot ^d1.saes►oss .t 6N iiltUt,lxtt tori• C. DUNLOP 'r k `I $2 �Lln lwl.ifiand ..... 1•
tiaaasler lsr4r re keaR
�a B K t ttlf(91PT, �trultxt(H. •i; fol, l
4f aPl%t, +
. ..
r,4!. VN'1'
J .rt- ;:. 01: (