The Signal, 1907-2-14, Page 4i
I 11
i TuLIMPAI, February 14, 1�oi TAE 9IGNAL : G011E iff" • ONTARIO ) _ '
' - - ---- - •- ---,-- - - --- -
1 k' I ' m • 11 til ' ARRESTED AT PORT HURON
;t-, N WI A 1.; lr bee iter, Ix .
Ionil r1NtllinK Ile purchtw•c1 fuI• mtair-
wvty ,out hallh; lhNt the JnekNero
lanuf.u•ttoriug Ort• Ir• uskad to uurud
Yam Charged With Tbdt troy Point
Already we have two large shipri»ents of Spritig lnlpo rtations, now offering
next ineetiug of thin cowulitleY to
. Clark t.igkt-keeper.
Goderich Industrial Exhi i
Prebrlit their cast•. The repurt wits
, tit Iter.
xn'trJ (lel.
Port Huroil, Mich., Feb. &--J. al.
KcharRer, ngrd thirty, it under torte„I
ruuuniltee re xa
,tilt, : •Your ro intitlre have inter-
he"" len 4clarge of the lareny elf "
i tion Gets Grant of $12-5.
yirwwl ltlrl6lo roi,llpx at ititd in the
into, what w 1 keret to Iw faction in ,.flit
fur cunt ,told other NIartliicler fl'Ulll d
bur(nrsn wxn in Kinculrlinr, Ont.
aYmlPlll. Thr hone haw all Iaaeu fill,,.-
14chxrlfrr came herr a week Ago anti
toughly coo-nne( and dried anti the sym•
regibleed at tree tit, lo•lafa• hotel n.
Rogers Manufacturing Co. Selling Patterns Whichlanv
tent bah III put in good shatre for
ordinary enleegency, Not your
Myron Dodds, welnher of the C. I'.
dMrelive Ageney of New York. IL'
Town Claims Are Part of Its Securityfor Loan Irmmtlittee
(It fltvil tittle it) ie.
told Pioptiell Waters he wan look_
how for Mlle •7lchaelfer." %Ylto wa,
iorlieb wide. and all at une price, Ie•. Thin Is tilt- ��
l•ri%,.. a Ilrolulred Ielx/let (rtlll It," tire
Lunt of the mill ends. , ' -
Improvements at "town t1a11 Public Library
warden and to make scome reconinien-
wanted for like-(vuy in Kincardine. He
Wants Appropriation of $750 Fire Protection
d:tlfuu Uo iurrrarr the eflleirney of the
aywtrlil, Thr i=1t ayaN aldoptwl.
remained at the hotel tonly one night
&tied• then took I.wlns Nidi MiNn Kate
I Engaging Committee's Attention. Irullowr:
Tile .1jeclal C41nIt111t t1'H ported AN
Acting ,,,, suggestion of
Forinatl. Tuenllay (light. he w)t,
itund in'in nnconwl•iouNwondill loll
ItEiji EM113FIt, we have moved little our New Store, just one (limit- flout the told bund on the corner.
the council yourcouunittee sucoeledLd
Huron +,venue and ,Vas rr111(Ived tlo
file regular nlrrling .d the Ut,wi, ...'h 1-t ""11;e thee, flit. rt lief heretiefun' I
[f, l,bttininK to hfluwe (jot Jure Ih Jar-
pulite Station. where it wa„ found a
clxluafl was held INNI 7hur,(la rt'rn- rreentwl fir tberulher t.. 1" rnpuu•d, ll,
IN n,. 11u. dear! 1. film r'si-terwl and i.
dint- at ,t monthly rental (o $S•�II
th+al IIP had Ixrn dulled. He drtlatrll
Ih had had roll dul of $Ill. hill the•
41, fol with )tit the metilhers ptrnePl. N„bAby 11.1•rrN'111"l. M these in "I by I
- . Dr. Dr. alacklm, howevei, with called .,mt I.1% ll, .IIpiN,rt it. 'resat lin%e%er elould 1"
which include„ rate• late. fur am long
ON rtillil'wd fill- 0111' porlxsse, anti leant'
INllice• ,-net Held till evidenve of her, Int%' -
e during the mt+rting. I uN1lnclvpu11 the relllo tI"lo "'ILK1. IUN.Wletlso ..-I
h:td Jxlrlinr and hi, wife rrluuvwl
tog bad tuunr,.
I'flipf Mat'x finind 11.1 terve ill Ilii
Tell till- -,,)Atflit ill(- 111unicil).11 ! -,l,I for ant -torts of t„11e. to Fend l'. Murree)-
hall F.abl, were re end a diel m,W in.uesl to Ili&" nil tM' I:Itll of
thee. We havoc also provided two
Il,lr for their ul,e. The
pocket addrebseid to ,-Doolds, drf..
OT(loon and oil wtrert
alareh, vari. Till. deed flag sun AuIY neral..
eeived fnnn F. B. Holmes find \Vol• hoer doubt hes.
t,f wlxod report
w'ItN +ull,plei.
Live," ANkiUg hili to loc;tic !i(•hartl, t,
,orad and 1 no priority orrr
Lre. The price quoted illy INtth wits' Ihedt"wl -to the town. ah'. Murury i,, holo
A ueotiun ll, i^creane the ma IR1ry to(
Oil 1'eaoyel'ing real Nwi.m.11Pns he I'll
$7 per ton for the t•rr; hart, foal. And etlor. Nd11111 tog11lt Unice, ut",o !er)'men, of
Ihr night ruunUtblp to tbp'�saloe
wiliest wailing Ielt•1, t., himself and
her exi.e.-a, ,thou) OW. Thr Iso ill N1iA
the council decided to Order five Wits to he worth &%we, Nmw• 110%evet. McNsn. I
amount as tN paid the day ..of faille
ht1111 111:1� IIs M'ab 11 (I ill' Illhtll' tlltl11 the
i ll emrh tenderer. I'roullf.xot, flu)'+ B 41INit..-tll,lr fur
wits 1'rfrrred to the Special coons utter,
Schad-fTrt wanted fol• INrceny. x1141 he
A letter hum the flown treasurer rolellit, finite iN.ued ,t % fit a1rai.,m Murnely
and the council adjourned at to
held di,guised himself tow n detective fur
Stated that money at the credit of the to ,et a lde the tax wle. They do not diselo.r I
lie.,.. .hat around. they does, that the Mie G
U c[fx:k.
several weeks., A 1'evolve•, hair tot
, sinking fund accnuut lit January Int inaNhd. I till not .eel hmwe%er. %fly the fe1Y'll
- -
flet/Ir11ft8 and :t fake lletel live tmtdKt•
depo�JsOi!twl with the Standard twain ('it.. .I.oesld euawltr fi.,u1y inirnuoet tilt- joint I
wrrr found life his lk•naln. lie will les•
$IU 3fil X. would be full talwl tel "lost I fear.• writ len 1l, Nle..1r, Proudfoot•
Y Ilwy. i Illicit N letter. " .• fly of which I en
WIIL back to Kincaidiue.
lip by detwntulea coaling due on -May ruga•. If Ni, ru, wi.Ae. to repudiate the
I The 1'UC11111n N'UIIl+UI was edNo,
11th of this year : Agricultural park. riatte lrut %tilt the tomes then I here In-
Sensible and Scientific Way to Cure
,un.•sted on x statutui)• charge.
$1,01111 ; electric light. $7, M10, fonuad then, th,it -be loe i not erlleet any
R 1 further Mhlif froom the flown, and it convince to'
This Disagreeable Disease.
A Slick Game.
' The ituditorts' Ntllenlput. III recelpla nor that that I. the islooklon the town .h.uld I
And expenditures for the month lel take. 1•n.,.Wly. however. If the tax.wlemhoutd
Nem everyone suBt-rr at one lint•
Kine: dint-. Frio. i. A nun, giving i
turn tout to b: i,,,rnikt air. %turuey mlatit plaint
January was as follows
or aw-titer with catarrh.
his n:uue a:.1. M. Schaeffer art ivrd
it mfunt (Into ill,- town, but 1 utalermiand that.;
RE. sill's. Mens.. 1'nw,dfwt, Ill C plain u&r to retest. The n„lutal wily to euip thiY din- here alkmut if uennlh acro. He put Ills
l'a.k from rlcc. 81, 16113.. _..... . li lt],tl bili..• hill, it ll,• quit. 064111.. aglet-able di-oasto i, by applyiew heal- let l.. %eigler's hutvl :told gave out thxl l -- ____ ...------------ ____ -_ - - --'-.-. . ---. . - - - -
Taxes. . .. %J.lo 1'urthel' aclinn in -this connection ing melicaliousditea•t to the d,eeased Its was a butcher nud,bil to work
Water r. til. .. .. .... a.tw1a,I Rules of Life. isonlrune w'honl )-flit kilt,%% to ix• y.,urlworld remold Ilndpl•etand. Here, for.
P'loetrir iti�Ill races.... .. ..: .yswo wt" left to the S,WIe cununlltaw its had ntxot. , in the lourk foletorv. Its there would lee
fid I. it.)'. 1. ....... -... s,esrau. lose•n dealing with the matter, namely, 111 no (offset %vxy can tbib Ili- dune as cur opening shortly. Ile was rather Do 114.11 work)., inferior. ilwrlIlur : cite you make head of tail
NIarket roe, .. . la,.- the \layor tend the town wulicitur. l:al ll)• AN by the else lel Hyunlrl, quirt. ,making few U iet ds. After Kiwis sweet. Vinegar in A jug is x Ask no impertinent gne•rliuur. I lof thin i" pattering lJti glibly •'I will
.11 ill.loof .Kmetery . . . 1631 brrxthwl lhntu Krrp your illscuurngt•nu•nta Il, your- ,!gain buy the xtxlwll. "\ leu Nrr
letere.l u.. locus .. .. 9"1 7:1 A In,Ult•t' Whish L'x111P 9t/ In e'Unne'+ Kh the ural l>tx•krt in= staying nruuud three err N xud pry- g(N,d thin but in txYgde it is x uuia• „elf, hiding them from the %ro,lld with nhawrrarl ' Yet f hie in Sl, Llushrt'N
tion with tilt- Itogers Maunfactuaing haler that comer with every oulflt. Ing filo lauurl he decided tit change his after.
s SU.131LI3 Co. is explained in the following letter lent several drops o[ Hvei41,ei in the ,k•cupation. The story las+ told lyse Never depat•t from the truth. it "hrerfnl exterior felt- vont' town saki- IN1luulct-, color &tit I a cudden. either.
rxt•stlutrI'm s hewn the town Noliritor• to life clerk- : illhider and then for ,1 flow minutes, that hr %PIIS •a private detective lie vourte„trb and file- til s e fin un 1 you. T hough Ili*- all is Bern, still will 1
1:Nlarie.. . ....... b Jit1110 P **To thin*- own Ne•it Its true : avid it agAin tiny it."
I'nnntla and advertklloog � 2k1,,J! M, 11, Jm1111,1lo11. 6wi., fl/ll l' t,l' flt'l' tl�llt•N it dN?)'. It•t fpr nor looking for A luno. Ill• Irf( IIIN 1Nliltll• itiryer IIIAnIIe ttnolhet• When it is poll- must follow, its the flight the day. thou hen lie tranklateil : ••1 will t-reo '!r'
t'u I'll, work. 41s.M low n I'lerk• you breathe color through it. In that. Ing place vvithuuf srti ling when sit -le to blanw vmIr•Nelf. K
' huity .••• ...' - 1: At (:xlrn.h, Ihot• I way tall the air that entero the manNl hr chum ell his /K cu atiun and Untold Touch eJlnoal with ,.flit• rank and Hlr. c»net tool lheu hr false tu+any uwu." I Ihr 41-11111 Vou at.• aluazed ? Yet
i;mn,* (laud, .... . . .. 1x7.•.1 Ito Rq{a•r• Mauufa,'till Intl t o. R P Look before vnu leap. rblof is nae your, irl's Ikmasttn nor atm
Hxfik inlem., .. 71.1; Il title. ---(N Yon are nu do iol Nw:tm th• ppahnAgrn, tile- I Iurtat of the lungs. IS up fit flip lighthoube pt Point CiAr'k, tilMak every day to sonivone vnu 1 • K Fl R•
w'wter work,,,Dual . I...... . 1.%tN Nlane•. e•owp"ny b.w m,.dra hili or.alc to the flllyd with Hyonfels healing mediva- where he told his bit,r'c 1l, 11114ti(•h lues% to, I %'join• supt•rrot•, ------ - --- I x Ax41, eillp•r. Though the drum is
w•aor work. maintenwnee .. .. 1•aY71 rlob't'n. of alltJ1e lancer, bt-bmainr to the , ti4.n, rt.aching the Swat reumttl ,lir McDonald, t ht- IigLthoubr•krw Ire. K o'ak .•tray day, if ll,sNible, to hl(lden, mall will 1 recover it.'
F:le,.trt, lythe mounteciame. 1710.11.1 Goderi'h ►:nKilm and Rleych- 1'l,.• .not all the 1 1 { Decidedly "Dern:"
Y.leetrle light capital it. C. Ntti e-tei rt-• rains•. drtwins.. trartiev and) cells (of f[ft- 1•Pnpiralnl'y n1•gann, dr• After N{)rnding a week the•r, he told ---- -
klectiol" AI.xI little, fork nsed fn the wauufaeture of marine atroy3ifng all VAll lull i l" and the inumles hr had Irick Of his man -- A phflnl.tKist w•:th talking alocalt
standard Loan Co.. depunits.. 11I+l.-3 rnerha... %,• elori'xe hervisith a (-.I,) of the `rtNnitin and hyalin thin ilritlterf and tot 11 r. \Icl>,Inald's silo t.. rorur wool so. 'Their Are mote Vlfiu 'rw1,111111 Just fancy. wegineld, leve fn�ut-
Pablie aeh'ol . At Xl eolm,{mrkdeitt-v .rioon rhe ohne, which wa. l( R K
1, t. ) words in the Friglish langussill hi ten my card cube.' ••Nevall nl,nd,
tl i.o.11wnrmu, . ., .,.... - ._ a1.74 I tm•t IIIs It- .lid tote colaF,guy uNl rheic nuu•uus unpwht•unr. and hire It teen ftonl ltred'm livery
llrbeninea anti e�allonn '81'aikl .uuruon..I h.t(a nnhedtalhm InaAc6111rYou A few days' use ol'H)-nnnri will show burn to drive to Kinl,til. At Ihitt I (snit, 'loll wt.. o,uly use a few' 11unlNnud d* -a11 tNly, 1'It lend you worse of ulilie.'
l'aab tseF'ehnlary . that the proia•rIy' hitch hr lento .old to the of them. The extra .,If" cote of nu ••Hot ah -thp name would lie differ•+ry ihr Ilnickl, it relie•crx All cxUlrrhnl placehebtxtrd-hrfind res nivel a4.rl. - 11"zt"•oplrwaw elf thenaY•uNty w9drh,lith I IR
lisp to us. Any roan roulrl „it down ent, you know." ••Ha Jove, so it
>]C,1i11.4S roh,• moraMl.dfol c town to.t•cuom Ihr lash. condi! o,uS, an(I yon will Sul hnyr that hi" roan wag in Ihxtrt•ich :ittel i;ot � with x dicti4.conry l►nd writs• iu last :would ! \\'hot r h oto (� ��
The details of Life Ikayunents on de- There i.. howerter.I noel nof;rewt nitre.- use it long het lr you Hod it IRAN a - the estate ll, drive [fine thelp. Ill hires K end yhave.
.11, of in.l.linr to"r y parllc.lwr oriels- Ife•tel it cllul tete aitd Iaiin r rule. near Ih town lie told the 1".y he Englibh a Nil that tit, one lel the .A1Ky !"
bentureb and coupon. air all lonowm : ..mild IN p}ntngaiwd Ire 1 , mons fro lone )` f
w- the set if mlrrrwl i.Ntgplc, ,told under rhe Th.• comp ere H,'uniri 4.utflt cnstN would walk. lis it would Jar. suspici4.u. a
-, ,._•------_---
NaaaN1'e'ArrL ,m fo�N. ,.ora,, , -,tonne. rhe to Is .will hate im take Int 781.111.1; extra IaIttlYn, if In•ehd,:oil to driVt- int., Lorca tend it Illi ill i -
e n C. . 111.7111.112 "1.11. R7r�a rn•.I cam Thal then ItltrM.r- are pmlrelett h' tri htgllhis man Amoy. Ht• )revaib•df'. p.R. W%lf lain Thar re,(wnl. NDA if it ahuuM ct•DL+.
xummey 1.04,1 - gr(1R_' Wo,fan Vmtn m- ,,,lrieut iT {60
UM)' Nill h,tce to In,,.f ulan thea• nl0rlr.l All druggiets NhnnW IK• fa64, to, suer• 411)011 11h(• lad W drft'e (lark• slatttif I ,
,'olI..7ale I.t.11lut(; 1;,L. b•is.g.""ee'l N u -olotillmn pn'r-Mlenl ll, the {ol\' yell N'Ith Hvfallei. for we will that he lut l flee eitten too take his
Fuente tore f..lofy 1!41.114 7Koll hMn. Tuln1 trilly. Nr11d it by 111,111 •nil receipt of pl'ive, motley. 7t7:, irrool unite• ills pillow nl Idm L
ron.olitiwtllol. of de61 .\ilt.�^, .M..xl ):, 1. l/n'li l!trV% 1
i.rtrh.inn of waterworks ( and every pae•kxge is bold Willi Ihr tilt- below• that. morning. .Iiefl,rr stu•t• are simply kidney disorders. The kiefroll
and Ae,tn, 1is111 Iw.l.l :ytl.eo A letter' (loll, Prnndfk)t, H:a3•a k di.liuct understanding that it cu.,ls ing un hi„ jlourney he IN.p,..ov •d ,I lur• filter tile. Mrh"l of,ell thlat shouldn't be
Blair, wdietteiN for the Hogerb Con" R . there. The blood rot h the kid-
fi1,lULlw RLxI&al nuthin 11nlrss It rurY.. \\1'nlr n, too- coat. gnoW lvlm nitd n I t•rsuul Laub Daises til g
lutnv, In finmw•e•r tee the town ,solicitor's ( day for n Symptom plank, which we (cap hrtul Jt'. McDonald. The Inky nays every three minutes. If the kidneys I
The r• tut wit., referr•eet to the fl- a 'r e , le weird Iii i I r Hrsf letter, Ixl u I that 11 w nl %'ill N1•nd you h•re, together with Uea- tens t) pay for the Irmo nml when do their work no impurity or cause of •
nwnre con tlitte•. • plant" in til.• bvluw did not curer lisp• on catarrh and how to run it. Ihow. ;it'ticlrN w•rtw roll lit. to 10 disorder can remain In the circulation r �
Thr sexton of the crmet•r,• reported thew• told {„alterns, and maid : When yell till in ;toll return to tow lh!• fo,rwnrti .I It rl:tncc .d file KTS t., longer than that tints. Therefore if yyet. •
seven adults intrrlrY) during 11e' The, Itryp•r. I'ommiany hot 1Nlde,ir• to eat- Vyroption. , blank join' cunrultiu l:lalerich. blood is out of order air kidneys have
month (of Janpary and oar lilt selected. pri%I- the iow a of any • oro that n I. eel K
> I'bw,ivian will gip.• your :,ase• til, I failed in !heir work. They are in need of M
Thin wan stout res the crineler•y earn- litlud to or that it wa. Nrtrndal sit uuld be, „,Nf r,l,w and Yllenlljon, fitld write ° Nlimukal i. ml. NI n•nKlhcninK or doctoring. I syr
rUittlP. , r,,- iia-.rn. etw fol the ketol. In the platy of (vee medicine will do all ,late, the finest thr iNdMnl. .,rad to the IkrU' rongany Ills you n Ic[tel• of xd%'ir.• tVlthnnL rdl:Il• r. THE NEW LEADER'S PLATFORM.
Ian the savor's reluest the teras- Ht R' m II hate g
fie i ) Lein Ihaah' Ilyoulei l'uwpcul%. nufTnl„ I and nest imitated blood medicine there .max- -
glwr'N nUllelllrnt for 1)IY'elllllrl' Wan all Ihr Innrbb)or)' lh:rt they inta•ud in nmun �x
farturv, Nnd it will no dons be- of - rmieh N. Y. botkesl lip and flip \Vl,nhip drew al• As Outlined by Georg! P. Graham m r 1
rNlmr n. IIs' Iaflenl•NII-pN1Y .bad. The ,al
IeIlllon ll, the fact that the KenYinK' Irma •lokl wenn( no color wh,ocler tolhe SOUTH HURON LIBERALS. I
the Legislature. I Dodd's
Ion Furniture 1'o,. had Iwid interest Rran•r. prq'Ir, lar•*u.t• the) eut.•rad h,town Dries Over
on the hack interest oto the lam to the Nanenu fit waw the Islay unit tlmt Lhey ttoukt \\'e stand fill-;& Ime-lic,ll and pro,- I Night.
not ...Nnmf.e.'nlrr the ."me elwa of nlxhinrry Iensive I(oI' r ooliv notal and for
rum ny, not having paid just :Iw sem.n 1"10, at Ihr
Ilkley. wen matinfwrtari oil Annual Meeting at Brucefield - Resolo- R Y 1 Y
fir rhe auunnu Itecxult• tine, whrrrfiN An extract it th.• Uwn's melieill tions of Confidence. the rutulr•• Kidneyresins Like iron.
the t)rg in Company had not tepid in- reply to this fs as ftillown : 1\'e stand floe the :dwdilie�u Of .leu• THE PEERLESS
lerert frutu the time• poll wits ties#• Hrlierefleld. Foch, 11. The annn al toilet lalka. at thell 1l -*Neta leu I h.: Pant will Outwear
1s the "tyr elf to lake vi N h V c mostlni r
nitl Ile w mA t k i Ic It auv run, ovcdfcme n
1 n Its l l 1 lade
uuwllit l, e .its• �AI .k• 'n to P
payment. r e f til 1 I .\mn ixtl n r
tc t e tittle of xcUlal fit 1l, nl. 'rh
h t K
1 .
'l 'limb" o a es , et. h.• w,
too" the, , nawU o f hill b( t mlA
1n tiler hlor
U ,r Punt r
I1.44111th'•,. ,. , Mad
For flit I it t l � r- Y
1 •o N (",institute ' Ip itiuua f if %r.
mallet• wear referral W !hr (insure r H eo u, r t, n held he flit• Ihr• 1 K - , r pills
r)'plan nN torr, IulAfa h Iwo ro%rn lb.• artirler I of No. Hard Steel Wirt..
toll ter. .old by till. ron,iriny to the Ik,rr v„Wa miuio,Il lxlrprses, was held Left texiuy, ul.•uts, hill Ilot roil aeul for wntel el
Thr,lasranuran(1 cnlleclflr tY a-Ipol If 11. m were Nloy doubt abe-ut -lst it AM xuti, uotwilhslxndiug the still rte« sLrNk. I THE PEERLESS LOCK ��
nloran, tl we,u 1.11N• renp,cwl by t he retire •nl-
Lheof last yexu''N Ulxes receive since time- mNA(• b' the- Rotrrr+ leo. to Induce the a ,epn•sentUive feud t-nthusfakt d do t of flit- owerhlfzlltfmn nod .,ra. holds fast and docs not injure
Lhe Ix,Vinp of the vp:lr. lie was-ubmin.ion is the by1Nw I.. it. pr,-nt form. gt►the•ing. A. Murtanl was Ie•rinctel lotions of the p Iwers (of rnch rnrlx'f+i It will ro weni loll t[fe rtNckN.
tiuthorizeYl to Continue the collection, It, order to indlore the tow., I's provide for ail I plc, nident. and .1. 1:, Stnnbury „pore. fiction an the Standard ()it find ulher I Q- the wire in any way.f
innnetli•dr ,Ntr"ne• M ySt.xa, N'Idrh wN-1104 fill the III of the Wooki. Acott
flit- work to Into dune with its little (fr- tl,eeril l otteotlon. it w.ol mprc.cnted lhai tar,•. It WAS decided to hull! x co,,,. conrpnone Who cur rodt-nyoring t)
-+ ,rake it hard, nod Netviceablr
L•tyy as lx)Nhible. ('.,Imciuur lia•kru u.a prol"•nr mileel, 1111•Y had pmn:hN.Irl. NINI I vrntion the ser•nnd wort in June fur I tike money nut of l'An,uLa• ��' rn%•rrin Fl(xeM xtti neY•eYw+nril
a.lyd if the collectln'n roll for 11110. N'i'i,il twantlo -.•r,'e *o N•etlritj,. www ln)ifght for I the nomination of a candidate. , Al)eolute and nnassaillable titles In I g )-
had berla returned. He find lleeu iu• PI •r4a "'NI w..w worti. more The addL A rehulutieml of confidence in Sit- the G(ove'-ntnel,t. I Sold only at washel frelpiently this Paint
non, 'herb you ,a> mn• to be u...Ae to the I I will hxnle•n ,dniont to cell ti
l''y Nw'e
formed that the collevI licit held plant M pmmili tt to IN, onatir ill arty event. Wilh•id IAIIity
fPr Ar papsed. whichF'rev wrh(kd•ImNrkn nP palet of 111(• -- 'j W O R S E L L S toll w;r1161111n(, Oil# -
not heen returned for the hast Ihr a .o N- to b,h1g lop the.rrnrity to the mgnired I tits, rxtn't•miled all n•oyal tt( the fart eplipureut tot the public anti nepmratp I {- r galleon fir
ears. Mr. /'&toll loll explained %slur before il.ea,ldnional amount of the loan till t there had Imwn nu mntefial schools• I HARDWARE: STORES St lit
Fllkrr 1 pint will cover
Y P i-NN.dw.tnved w e mm.m• of rmtr.r. ptt I Sill wp1 li t feet. S LYxtln.
that the ovation that. the rill had not t,•mt til.• It,wr. l"'. finen t.otins wlth at. ehAnKrm in the tfiriH in favor Of higher Chrop INluer for the hrtenii'ipalitiell i Goderich and Hayfield.
been returned was that noarringe. IliurhlofIheirplaita- theyrhaaw. elurl.41or plotretion. A rpm(dntien endinsing +a ill Ills-lsr.r{de. I
toilienl wit- emitnl .%wwrninrthat, hetins Econolnicel
went. had lawn rnoite lo, with r•(rrencP ,loons, mi. end in env the) timno. ihrir t-hwete of Lhr wlecfio,n fit }Ion. Jh. (irvlhaui an I management n twit a Ihr W O R S E L L S '
Ili the Krienolithir walk Anw•nminent elf haclnir Ihr loan how lhetown rcfued will be leader of the (lnlalio opponil ll w,lw )'rovincial hlisi m•nN, nut wilhMartdirltf ►-I tit .S.%1.►: -A burp• I I� ..
W. I'nmdfoot and H. C. Hays. The utrritenr." I "Iwo pas„el. Short tout Nlirring ad. the Iul"Yanry of the revenue. I'l.„„I entire,-cirl.l ah, r 1;.I I, HARDWARE- STORES
matter was lett with the clerk to get N•) actio,n wits derided nn by the de•nse•s were lnade by Then. FraNr•r• Al)o1e)lute cunfiol by ninnicipAlilie•m
;tit undertaking fmnl the KefltlPrllPtl turn/ il, the nlrnlhpres feeling that the the candidate at the hist elertiotn ; ,.f their town „ti-eptn• nitd every en. II
and repos[ At next me•, its ,t wits solicitor'.: letter rxpresset the town'* Ill .1frF;wrrs, ex•M. P.: 1). I'lrg41hart (',wlr•Agenlent to Ilio uw•nPrichip and Godes, h and Bayfield
undt•rstxwl they were willing to effect lNosition very well. Hen"all ; W. 1)..1letA- In of The ?lee,. OIWI.Itll lit their Own utilities. J
,t settlement The public lilmafy Ikearl sulncoitted forth Expositor, ,tied R.-Holmrs, ex. . ALanitio 11lrnl fit the (rablle Nchto ol -�
A depufront ont the G(wierirh the following ratininle of receipts Sud . J1. 1'., (Inge, symtem h,' a head experienced in and -
Industrial ExhihI' Imud mkel cited (xlr (lfifor 1IU: rn-
ntr want with th t hot SvsLrm.
for x grant of ow towards the hold urA'Lu•iw Jar. ofGrahamIs c Also an vocatedduties: the in I a -m -.a -_._mi
Ing of the fan „how this Yrds hAVE YOUR CHILDREN ANY Ill11t�1��
IN•sialmlil r Grant . r19m ciwnAe of the succession duties: A Hxpel 11
(:. Al. Elliott was hrwYl in Nu x111 1eM1 r'r#"eIont - 7)' SORES, RINGWORM OR roti /a<Iryuntr iocuuorfor the Ilniver,• Something Doing ��
PI rmnuy-t- int
of til! relJuewt. He kxid hp ap,o•aled hent of.iNt-ir •to jai ULCERS 'i+ it)• : development fir the iron orp Ir•
- o Know the Future,
I'w ,,.e( 1 ,.
not Only In the inlprrettw of the Kex•ir1 % fit . 1 n K ;3 wonlrcrn of l he 11lot ince ; the vnhiblinh•
lout of the citixe,pm of the: Upon. Lal.t - - mPllt of of neve indu„lrir„ ; the- pub- ill dna long ..1
e1'r"' Zam•Buk Will Sorel Cure. lirxfinu of mo,nthl n•
year the Klx•iet, had nY:eirpd n Rlsul r.%n ,1.. n rn:., 7 pen Lr Ahowing
. . y
of $11111 how the town and this yea, • ijetht •, awl the actifi) work ohne in all tninrP' Sturdy's Grocer »
the were Iluakin even %%rhe .lid hrxlil.{r �11 Her err x lite instances fir %,un' roti Ihr cxlrnsio,n fit the T. k N. O• y Read the Past,Y K greater rt. %y»ler race Huk's hr xlinRR lateens : Hed Ihe e t Geonforts. The name had Bern rhnngrd Nook- ,md wri.alic.,7- :Vito 'Phren chilthen in fine family in gian Hoy pent.front the '•({tl•at.Nufthweatern" to the smdrie-' ..:a
Burk'% Fella have been can•d of apri-
•'GOdet•feh Irl Exhibition" anti - _- Fverything frcAh ;Ind g"'ml ill -
�I itm Sin. skin disexw•s by %aanaBuk. I
the intention wv . Ui inake the• Aho% Mrm. Allnnie EIIif. . fir 'it. .lolln'm Ottawa Summer Carnival. 1907. GROCERIES,
lis much like Ihr• Tjor.,nt/t fair nr fits- "A, the nnndlPrs of the council are r
i aw+ur, the flown .,n erre till the \feat I\\'pllAnd ('uconh I, tutyr : ' 11♦ - : _ :,r'�_ F ( V E R V year the
mible, its Goelerirh wits Im•cnnlin n„ P K Active prepaintionr are undo way TEAS, COFFEES. F "I3I.L.1. P'I a Il O
K grant of $10,111111 fimit Mr. Carne• ie lkthy hail a kind (If radi on his heal]-- )'
indnatrial rent r. The ixonrd w,tn K fur a monater Sununu 1'al•nivul o,r �' ) Ai
n 1•e•el W x Nrod :ulnu+dly file Sulu of 'tulle a Int of small red etNrts and CANNED GOODS, etc. �"t,' '• :,111.7 ,
Notdrting lout earlier this year and K I Spl ort rand old tile•~ Iteunion in the _ r :
helped Io make the fair„ $1111117 for ncoainUenanrr. in jortiri 1u Pimples. 1 applied 7wam-Huk and wax , j, t I Il N ltd pllplllarlly.
Ere+/tet nuc' dfli htt'd with the re*+iit." ('ane dal capital next July. f Pout wanln tt ill reed. our
keep faith with the Rrnrtotts donor K The tinter arranged ore h•l,nl K(lun'- 1„.„r. at t'.111 1 This year has been ItU
et -ms than ever. K exception to the rule`,
Ihr• Iwreuel hereby trYluMt alt appy(,. Miro. (inning, of lunRfnrd \I ills, dav, .till)- 87th, to Monday, AugurL I _" T-- - 1
Tnulot t Hingham aI , r(xlkr a .1intion of li l fur ex yttwe"liurin save : "Zotin-Huk i„ a w'ondrifnl healrt ;,tai, Ixlth inclusive; Anti A ten l,u^ in I BELL w__,-.
favor fit the grant explaining t1�1t IRS... i K of IingWOrut. 1 tried eyerYthiug that { K'
while I.Ile (inve•lolnent rant lii.Yt %ear ►ring drafted which promises to, in- I •w._� "' - .-.mss.-,,, and hl-dav the leading
K 'Pilin nenfter wits referral to, the cnidd Ile thought of, but nothing wait STURDY & CO. I -�-
ens $IOA, the oord,aMe grant this yell,. clndr rcpry known kind of spurt (tool w ..w••
would Ile only $?111, owing tt1 the flp,u)rr rnmmillre. ml,le to con• ttntil %.alll•Bok castle. It I, 'illi:: Conservatories atld Col-
enlertfiinweut IK, un laud Inti l'
grant this c+u' In-ing A re nest fri n1 the Union ,if ('fico• is a title retne•dy Wfile. Ktron co,mmitt rs. •roof• The 5auare Phone i I °' I � r y'- s
Y gin prutxnti^^ ll, .tra. Will. Kroft, of Portland, K V I ' leges Oft. MIISIe' are its -
the Ali Jiinnicltaalitirs f(orthe{wyfoent pend cf the lending cilizenn fir Ihr
rhe value• l,f lli'17AeM ter agricultural writes : ,.%Ant•Bak Nr•en,n to take the 1 K _ _-__ I i'1 ;aI I ing ..f the meeinterrhhip fe r. the saner as cA "W, Are homy working stiff detail„, - � .., j, this excellent Piano.
11111-11c) .4 ruin the previous three Sin out of "ores, wound" find skin in- I K r I
last year, $1'l, wits filed, the council P
years, will r hertdo,tp the raiz WAS in I and it is gunlxntrrd that there Will �,�� i l--""'�. A few Of the latest to
deciolin not to In the Union thin lin'Ir„ ,Irl soon as rtpplied And -then it `1 �' "
a nutter Ntmitinn owing tit Ileinq A K P' not lie a doll rnonlA•nt, day nor night. � I i, --I-- .-
better -
t year. heraln them up in gtofuk tittle. That fat• the entire- tell day". Alread b1-'' _ %,%F- install, allli \1'}t(1 11SC
county fol. Then Imo ,•ear (herr Y Y Of-
"txtementfrom lheco,finl harlmpn my experience and i have I I' YOU REQUiRI' +f et- 1
%tan $hki recei%.rl fmm the H4.ltienl. )' trwtm• lawn,* Ape Rasing to Imend early no that, REI.i." I i,mos EX -
floral %aw-Huk in the hnluP for Home 1
,oral Six:IPI\' N'lIN'h w(onld not Ik• ttret Nho%vwl $.i1i.1111 lNdd fry rhe time." avhen t[fe carnival, lime cunleP, they i � J
available thin year, (owing Un tilt. 1•nnnty to the town list ye•xt flit will Ire nearly tri stay nil ht and • • . ANV . k•i.1'SIX FLY, are
K Kjo roil could Kjo inn (tlratinK c+ire ,ha to care for u,ril rs Harding Hall Colleg�, London.
ehn ixe which prevented tlpp two wvatet and light. h y guemts. a whom '
after cher where mn hers Avp %vritten
a)cietiei amolgxmating. and orcins rt, A regitesf fo,r consideration of ilia tot IrAnt 11M►,I11M1 ore exloeeaed. *,
the srparntion of tilt- two a.x•ictleN the i R in glowing tlrina ,•f how Zara -link R 1 Pl McNaught School f All Brantford.
in nrfr•r siuwlainw( scone tine fi o in Thr rttelnl rxe•rutive is tarlicu-
hna coribillined them Ingm phon•n. tethi nt
Agricultural Society owed the 11orU• falling oyer n rvo;ll shut• which was who rend these hlleP ahonld note then ! like unxioun bl flexr o,( roti fmm ll m logy I Loretto Convent, S ratfCl�.
cultural Societ • $41 file- nlpnnllrrnhl delivering relief to Kidd aft ('o.'s .titre every old Ottxwan (native or other-
P Zion-Huk is partlenhirh• adapted to ,
fPrs n•laiut-d horn prirww'in11cls IAN11 wens t'lon a- k fnnn K. john" , Ic bol wise I who fa now Away fnnn the old . • • The Moulton Ladies olle a also rises them
Y K delicate anti tender ekinn. It is free Tlnsmlthln o
elan. no nrlfemt ,,kiln, rhe claim pmt• flavin hoinr, wn that full in[ormAtiml And ,t
Mrlwmn ,objected Un the IN en put tr within ton drys of the fromnll mineral coloring matter and personal -Invitation to Attend roto hr g excluslvel ', two lal\ I larl(lti )(11) ,Used Ill this great
accident. 'I'ht- \Llyo,r thou from animal flit hying purely herhoh y 1
drwnge of name, Anel nn that nurouht Kht the It brain ruts, halon, hruiarn. uleeres, sent to hint of Lar. Names nU(1 nrl- SC -it of rni sisal lrartll l7lr, t
1+ald he was not in f:aror of the $:4111 matter of crud dvoolvi Is blocking Lha dirwsen fo,t•wAldel to It. Patching,
widewitikm with ehutra wait nose the chaplxe(1 pla(es, pczrnu, tgRwnritf'el re lSperptAry,Cit Hall, ofta%v,a,
grant. ntnn,legnofes• flit(] lege enlarged vPill", , y or General They are also used in Toronto Conservatory
(councillor 114•r•ketI, did not sew w•hv council should I(ktk info, however. a Il hp re i"ter'rf and promptly colo- ry +
A lY piles, scaling sor•Pn, rip•. Am All so nlbrll- Toronto College - Hamilton Conservatory ' Brant -
the town hhunld Ile Ill for Ih(• ply Mon TLP Toronto World ato munir•atw with.
to the (-list of a sl, e N elf it. erten rhemnxtlmm, mcintlen, t
show. Hr UennRMt rhe town was viy• RR fid at'bte-np fir .%11 the railways will Rive coot ratem, Repair's ford Conservator ' Toronto junction College
nrurnlRia, mod rlhild well on ire file y
Ing the `i(rciety x RINNI deet in pr(ovld. the town in that p)aprr alerted there thea pRerinR exception xl inducpmrnt4) +
Ing Uhe Ktouudn end loiildinpta roti wstuLl los leu rharyle floe 1t but 11,x1 cheat in rasion of cold enwes the tight• rnr nholidny jaunt which will nttiAet Guild Hall School of Music London England -
nntw roti aching. + 1
kLe•pinR them up. Ninet%•ninr• nem•ie- the town Would IN- exto(yet(YI to, boy IhOooa,uuln wLn do not. Colne %vithin Loretto Academy, Guel h '
) All drullKihtn roti Men -rt. sell fit r5fk•. Y/ P Whitby Ladies
tiro out of one hundred ownelnnil rA)'2,111111 copies(ot the paper at err the cLtani11 tion of old ottn,nana; C
Irlll Ire. for diwt'ilmlion. '1'hyw w,laj"'"'�• or ix)nt r1we+ t.1'(+m the %ram-»fik &toll the r41,,,:„idle! will ►IP Lad ill �1L1. OR 1 I TONE , College, and man other Schools and olle es.
ke et in repair their own gnnnlds ;end p • ('lo., rorontt, in,. price. 0 hoses Pent Rg Y g
MllltiinRn and did felt get any $41717 referred to the allerinl committee. 1.11 $2.bll, 7xorHuk in hi illy xntiar %- hr:lr form any who Aro iMrrealtd in �/
g,,tnta eith.•r. An np�llcnlinn fol n p;rAnt frnon ,flee I R 1 o,htainigK fuller infonnntiun with the -• i R. PI N tiE R hhC abo\'C 15 a record for an firm ((1 hC fOUd (1}.
fire find applied to a wound, rut o,r p
11e•ere, Mrl.en11 explained that. toy NaliOux KAnitxri11m Allwr)rialion tyAs wolw hnmediatph kills the Dema the' t of talking in the trip durinR if &toff are-thlnkinl, of purchasinf►, 1
all arnw ,•ellen, made Veal's aKn, the tilr-d. g their next auserenle•r voleatisin. . r r y:(u need have rltl
town And `i(N lilt) eller 111 divide „l, A nudio,n Lv Ihepuly Repvp Ell to which Kiril elan to inAAmmntio,n, hl«•ti . hesitation in bu In ► a 1eRI? L1. with so much suD-
Ixlinjonin/, elite. _ _ AU work guaranteed anal y h
Lilt- coat (If rOaintA•nancr elf the 10 OinnKe the enrolling night fee in titalltlal CVidCI1CC Of its
moll and buildings, A avp letterer Tlnn,aln,' 1Ntrk to F'rid.a Wit„ enrllel ---------- Mm tl\' attended i(1 r0pularlt '.
R gm, R y _ Glatarrh Cannot be Cured p fl • y
N un•a n pays the• to on tion Uhf Iwo wiII)e finsinctiem. if (,if are hesitating hecatibe elel have not the
R p r snaexss. with U11'.(I. ,(rw,if•nrru�e. an Ihry r*n in all parts of >' y
III been paying. dile Runner cjommiLtee recurO• nM r.seh the .colt Mfhw offsetn, and In oldrr
Deputy Reeve Elliott and B. (', tnrndlYl the Ioaynlrnf of flip following Au (oId F;nRlish thyme Aa. `Q nitro 11 stn, on1W take Inrrrnnl reht(•Aie•., cash, do 110t let this !stand 111 your way-. We will
.II'N Catarrh CnM IN taken Internally next tile tOwn.
Munnings moved for #I grant of $1(Mi, A.•ejountn: I{rill. i)nak, brick w•nrk al xn.w•rconalnnit ., ""Ifm•dnnprt: galadarn'Ilrenthebluodandmnrola.mefn..•t. make the terms tel suit Four convcni(,Ill
11 1. T. 1ie.14tborIfe and ili. Ill movpel renlelprY, OR; I lickiuron k. (hnrow, lSower
its"No ,m 9ltr.d.r k). -N n .tt"nttrt, hdl'- (WArrh run+ 1. not N gnark•'rll odicine.
halAnre elf account, nor JIM, I : 1 wrrr or. N rdne,leiay. orw n Inlet. I l ---
frrr a grant n( Ind 111 And flip 11Aryr And r ) - $IM .II s",irear nn 1 hal-ANY..N„hrthinr M.tlow, 1 wit- n ll"Iryvl by rote M Ihr tm•NI. pbMMan. _ -'-- -
g eliwt, I no'Mr, 0 : in the. round ry fol rear• nnA M a Mrulnr ,1w
C. A. ii+•id for x grant. of $I:il. After !E r P. V. 1'a01i0. en.•rtln Nn ►riANy. -ne.•nt• toy mirmw. .ret (Inn. It 1- wren
$I An ; Oadel'irh iwlmlx•r C(y, untnnl* P t)•) -ed of fhw hilst ,Me"
mnnlp diae41whiuh x 'Ater fir $1'Li was $IN.I[i : )'. •n• your iron hlry rrY,atrrrow. it, "ll rmmb(6M -fill IIs bent blond pnrlMeem, • Geo.
psswd by the emmcil. J. H. d.bliWnros' 1, >!'I. The trpnrt. wasTLix fa all riRhr so far xa it RrwN, hal "''lens A7rnlh ,•n the n. ..onto ro. T11r WsR.Pinder wThomson Son
A lerttpr fmm til! Wen snlicill to adnto n lot jof ilk in ihelle• '•grtppy" Ilners'twofw•t c e1hilwllrx, ofth two ilisnr,h•Ats IN
Thr uhlic Ion "corn• world like fo "'flat p^ain't,. -nrhwon erfrll M-nllwla'cR I
Its (Awlnwll int. wait r►a follow. P knlow wit"t ft nlpwna dna rnrilIt )lend fill rr.ln nnb,t• fr",.
Oa lire nosh Aa of Fellrimty. moss, Willi mended at. fnllnwm : That IlnOlpnn/ lir when yo,n ,grit to every tiny iu the Y, .t. nil►:NR.1' k rO. Pmn-. Twhrl.l 1). Phone ass.
tsoo"l oaivel ,!Wt
hb lot to floe town of uelle lonurchamlYt Mau H.Agens Bros. flit-, week. ,a ,04 14 trnslri.f.. prier 7.k•, GODERICH.
lake Halla ►aellly Pelt, for coantiptlion. I
I 1.8l - 'J
1 -
Early Spring Goods.
Already we have two large shipri»ents of Spritig lnlpo rtations, now offering
at BE'D-ROCK PRICES. We placed our orders verb early,, and can easily
tlndersl ll anyone who did not do the same. Just note a few of the lines we ;ter
particularly strong in : '
Prints. Kip ilecer new Printf in already, ,ie it.• Gin hams. 'Ill piuceh now GiughasI nt IlNl .•
se, and 1S1'tc a yard. find every ollr front. tit Ilk, 1'!Sr and Ilk'. ill loll
„r them Art coluiro, loOth light and deirk colors, the leading co,lor combinational nure fart culutr.
F'nglimh find other waken. '
ill, &, hill lYjc, I& wad Delaines. OVer :MI pieces Uelulueh, morlly
White Cottons. creaw ground" w'ifh biwt +tud bnlall
r 17u a yard. Onr English sprig -pattern deigns, free Il dressing and at-,)
tictkeh at loc and l:jc are uunurtaat•bed in value. Itiol (list, full pivuf widthn, from l5c fill. Thr%
Factory Cotton. 32 'nill ends „till left, III rill lite very ueweit thil)gh flit- dressing anti waist.,.
W _I -yard ends. :111 to :t7 IIKA like all-wiml. .
iorlieb wide. and all at une price, Ie•. Thin Is tilt- ��
Lunt of the mill ends. , ' -
DRESS JuNt about 3) pipers new Spring Twedn find venin t1til llx, holll alk•. 1'141111• and ter thrift
even if you till int want to huv nu early. I ora ends of tour bargain puha Ends, at About
half price -HEAL SNAPS, Tiik,SE.
D. & A. Corsets. Don't forget that theist- me file Itebt Corsets 411 the Wal kilt for ITS• prices asked.
ItEiji EM113FIt, we have moved little our New Store, just one (limit- flout the told bund on the corner.
The Square, Js Hs COLBORNE
- -�
it mfunt (Into ill,- town, but 1 utalermiand that.;
RE. sill's. Mens.. 1'nw,dfwt, Ill C plain u&r to retest. The n„lutal wily to euip thiY din- here alkmut if uennlh acro. He put Ills
l'a.k from rlcc. 81, 16113.. _..... . li lt],tl bili..• hill, it ll,• quit. 064111.. aglet-able di-oasto i, by applyiew heal- let l.. %eigler's hutvl :told gave out thxl l -- ____ ...------------ ____ -_ - - --'-.-. . ---. . - - - -
Taxes. . .. %J.lo 1'urthel' aclinn in -this connection ing melicaliousditea•t to the d,eeased Its was a butcher nud,bil to work
Water r. til. .. .. .... a.tw1a,I Rules of Life. isonlrune w'honl )-flit kilt,%% to ix• y.,urlworld remold Ilndpl•etand. Here, for.
P'loetrir iti�Ill races.... .. ..: .yswo wt" left to the S,WIe cununlltaw its had ntxot. , in the lourk foletorv. Its there would lee
fid I. it.)'. 1. ....... -... s,esrau. lose•n dealing with the matter, namely, 111 no (offset %vxy can tbib Ili- dune as cur opening shortly. Ile was rather Do 114.11 work)., inferior. ilwrlIlur : cite you make head of tail
NIarket roe, .. . la,.- the \layor tend the town wulicitur. l:al ll)• AN by the else lel Hyunlrl, quirt. ,making few U iet ds. After Kiwis sweet. Vinegar in A jug is x Ask no impertinent gne•rliuur. I lof thin i" pattering lJti glibly •'I will
.11 ill.loof .Kmetery . . . 1631 brrxthwl lhntu Krrp your illscuurngt•nu•nta Il, your- ,!gain buy the xtxlwll. "\ leu Nrr
letere.l u.. locus .. .. 9"1 7:1 A In,Ult•t' Whish L'x111P 9t/ In e'Unne'+ Kh the ural l>tx•krt in= staying nruuud three err N xud pry- g(N,d thin but in txYgde it is x uuia• „elf, hiding them from the %ro,lld with nhawrrarl ' Yet f hie in Sl, Llushrt'N
tion with tilt- Itogers Maunfactuaing haler that comer with every oulflt. Ing filo lauurl he decided tit change his after.
s SU.131LI3 Co. is explained in the following letter lent several drops o[ Hvei41,ei in the ,k•cupation. The story las+ told lyse Never depat•t from the truth. it "hrerfnl exterior felt- vont' town saki- IN1luulct-, color &tit I a cudden. either.
rxt•stlutrI'm s hewn the town Noliritor• to life clerk- : illhider and then for ,1 flow minutes, that hr %PIIS •a private detective lie vourte„trb and file- til s e fin un 1 you. T hough Ili*- all is Bern, still will 1
1:Nlarie.. . ....... b Jit1110 P **To thin*- own Ne•it Its true : avid it agAin tiny it."
I'nnntla and advertklloog � 2k1,,J! M, 11, Jm1111,1lo11. 6wi., fl/ll l' t,l' flt'l' tl�llt•N it dN?)'. It•t fpr nor looking for A luno. Ill• Irf( IIIN 1Nliltll• itiryer IIIAnIIe ttnolhet• When it is poll- must follow, its the flight the day. thou hen lie tranklateil : ••1 will t-reo '!r'
t'u I'll, work. 41s.M low n I'lerk• you breathe color through it. In that. Ing place vvithuuf srti ling when sit -le to blanw vmIr•Nelf. K
' huity .••• ...' - 1: At (:xlrn.h, Ihot• I way tall the air that entero the manNl hr chum ell his /K cu atiun and Untold Touch eJlnoal with ,.flit• rank and Hlr. c»net tool lheu hr false tu+any uwu." I Ihr 41-11111 Vou at.• aluazed ? Yet
i;mn,* (laud, .... . . .. 1x7.•.1 Ito Rq{a•r• Mauufa,'till Intl t o. R P Look before vnu leap. rblof is nae your, irl's Ikmasttn nor atm
Hxfik inlem., .. 71.1; Il title. ---(N Yon are nu do iol Nw:tm th• ppahnAgrn, tile- I Iurtat of the lungs. IS up fit flip lighthoube pt Point CiAr'k, tilMak every day to sonivone vnu 1 • K Fl R•
w'wter work,,,Dual . I...... . 1.%tN Nlane•. e•owp"ny b.w m,.dra hili or.alc to the flllyd with Hyonfels healing mediva- where he told his bit,r'c 1l, 11114ti(•h lues% to, I %'join• supt•rrot•, ------ - --- I x Ax41, eillp•r. Though the drum is
w•aor work. maintenwnee .. .. 1•aY71 rlob't'n. of alltJ1e lancer, bt-bmainr to the , ti4.n, rt.aching the Swat reumttl ,lir McDonald, t ht- IigLthoubr•krw Ire. K o'ak .•tray day, if ll,sNible, to hl(lden, mall will 1 recover it.'
F:le,.trt, lythe mounteciame. 1710.11.1 Goderi'h ►:nKilm and Rleych- 1'l,.• .not all the 1 1 { Decidedly "Dern:"
Y.leetrle light capital it. C. Ntti e-tei rt-• rains•. drtwins.. trartiev and) cells (of f[ft- 1•Pnpiralnl'y n1•gann, dr• After N{)rnding a week the•r, he told ---- -
klectiol" AI.xI little, fork nsed fn the wauufaeture of marine atroy3ifng all VAll lull i l" and the inumles hr had Irick Of his man -- A phflnl.tKist w•:th talking alocalt
standard Loan Co.. depunits.. 11I+l.-3 rnerha... %,• elori'xe hervisith a (-.I,) of the `rtNnitin and hyalin thin ilritlterf and tot 11 r. \Icl>,Inald's silo t.. rorur wool so. 'Their Are mote Vlfiu 'rw1,111111 Just fancy. wegineld, leve fn�ut-
Pablie aeh'ol . At Xl eolm,{mrkdeitt-v .rioon rhe ohne, which wa. l( R K
1, t. ) words in the Friglish langussill hi ten my card cube.' ••Nevall nl,nd,
tl i.o.11wnrmu, . ., .,.... - ._ a1.74 I tm•t IIIs It- .lid tote colaF,guy uNl rheic nuu•uus unpwht•unr. and hire It teen ftonl ltred'm livery
llrbeninea anti e�allonn '81'aikl .uuruon..I h.t(a nnhedtalhm InaAc6111rYou A few days' use ol'H)-nnnri will show burn to drive to Kinl,til. At Ihitt I (snit, 'loll wt.. o,uly use a few' 11unlNnud d* -a11 tNly, 1'It lend you worse of ulilie.'
l'aab tseF'ehnlary . that the proia•rIy' hitch hr lento .old to the of them. The extra .,If" cote of nu ••Hot ah -thp name would lie differ•+ry ihr Ilnickl, it relie•crx All cxUlrrhnl placehebtxtrd-hrfind res nivel a4.rl. - 11"zt"•oplrwaw elf thenaY•uNty w9drh,lith I IR
lisp to us. Any roan roulrl „it down ent, you know." ••Ha Jove, so it
>]C,1i11.4S roh,• moraMl.dfol c town to.t•cuom Ihr lash. condi! o,uS, an(I yon will Sul hnyr that hi" roan wag in Ihxtrt•ich :ittel i;ot � with x dicti4.conry l►nd writs• iu last :would ! \\'hot r h oto (� ��
The details of Life Ikayunents on de- There i.. howerter.I noel nof;rewt nitre.- use it long het lr you Hod it IRAN a - the estate ll, drive [fine thelp. Ill hires K end yhave.
.11, of in.l.linr to"r y parllc.lwr oriels- Ife•tel it cllul tete aitd Iaiin r rule. near Ih town lie told the 1".y he Englibh a Nil that tit, one lel the .A1Ky !"
bentureb and coupon. air all lonowm : ..mild IN p}ntngaiwd Ire 1 , mons fro lone )` f
w- the set if mlrrrwl i.Ntgplc, ,told under rhe Th.• comp ere H,'uniri 4.utflt cnstN would walk. lis it would Jar. suspici4.u. a
-, ,._•------_---
NaaaN1'e'ArrL ,m fo�N. ,.ora,, , -,tonne. rhe to Is .will hate im take Int 781.111.1; extra IaIttlYn, if In•ehd,:oil to driVt- int., Lorca tend it Illi ill i -
e n C. . 111.7111.112 "1.11. R7r�a rn•.I cam Thal then ItltrM.r- are pmlrelett h' tri htgllhis man Amoy. Ht• )revaib•df'. p.R. W%lf lain Thar re,(wnl. NDA if it ahuuM ct•DL+.
xummey 1.04,1 - gr(1R_' Wo,fan Vmtn m- ,,,lrieut iT {60
UM)' Nill h,tce to In,,.f ulan thea• nl0rlr.l All druggiets NhnnW IK• fa64, to, suer• 411)011 11h(• lad W drft'e (lark• slatttif I ,
,'olI..7ale I.t.11lut(; 1;,L. b•is.g.""ee'l N u -olotillmn pn'r-Mlenl ll, the {ol\' yell N'Ith Hvfallei. for we will that he lut l flee eitten too take his
Fuente tore f..lofy 1!41.114 7Koll hMn. Tuln1 trilly. Nr11d it by 111,111 •nil receipt of pl'ive, motley. 7t7:, irrool unite• ills pillow nl Idm L
ron.olitiwtllol. of de61 .\ilt.�^, .M..xl ):, 1. l/n'li l!trV% 1
i.rtrh.inn of waterworks ( and every pae•kxge is bold Willi Ihr tilt- below• that. morning. .Iiefl,rr stu•t• are simply kidney disorders. The kiefroll
and Ae,tn, 1is111 Iw.l.l :ytl.eo A letter' (loll, Prnndfk)t, H:a3•a k di.liuct understanding that it cu.,ls ing un hi„ jlourney he IN.p,..ov •d ,I lur• filter tile. Mrh"l of,ell thlat shouldn't be
Blair, wdietteiN for the Hogerb Con" R . there. The blood rot h the kid-
fi1,lULlw RLxI&al nuthin 11nlrss It rurY.. \\1'nlr n, too- coat. gnoW lvlm nitd n I t•rsuul Laub Daises til g
lutnv, In finmw•e•r tee the town ,solicitor's ( day for n Symptom plank, which we (cap hrtul Jt'. McDonald. The Inky nays every three minutes. If the kidneys I
The r• tut wit., referr•eet to the fl- a 'r e , le weird Iii i I r Hrsf letter, Ixl u I that 11 w nl %'ill N1•nd you h•re, together with Uea- tens t) pay for the Irmo nml when do their work no impurity or cause of •
nwnre con tlitte•. • plant" in til.• bvluw did not curer lisp• on catarrh and how to run it. Ihow. ;it'ticlrN w•rtw roll lit. to 10 disorder can remain In the circulation r �
Thr sexton of the crmet•r,• reported thew• told {„alterns, and maid : When yell till in ;toll return to tow lh!• fo,rwnrti .I It rl:tncc .d file KTS t., longer than that tints. Therefore if yyet. •
seven adults intrrlrY) during 11e' The, Itryp•r. I'ommiany hot 1Nlde,ir• to eat- Vyroption. , blank join' cunrultiu l:lalerich. blood is out of order air kidneys have
month (of Janpary and oar lilt selected. pri%I- the iow a of any • oro that n I. eel K
> I'bw,ivian will gip.• your :,ase• til, I failed in !heir work. They are in need of M
Thin wan stout res the crineler•y earn- litlud to or that it wa. Nrtrndal sit uuld be, „,Nf r,l,w and Yllenlljon, fitld write ° Nlimukal i. ml. NI n•nKlhcninK or doctoring. I syr
rUittlP. , r,,- iia-.rn. etw fol the ketol. In the platy of (vee medicine will do all ,late, the finest thr iNdMnl. .,rad to the IkrU' rongany Ills you n Ic[tel• of xd%'ir.• tVlthnnL rdl:Il• r. THE NEW LEADER'S PLATFORM.
Ian the savor's reluest the teras- Ht R' m II hate g
fie i ) Lein Ihaah' Ilyoulei l'uwpcul%. nufTnl„ I and nest imitated blood medicine there .max- -
glwr'N nUllelllrnt for 1)IY'elllllrl' Wan all Ihr Innrbb)or)' lh:rt they inta•ud in nmun �x
farturv, Nnd it will no dons be- of - rmieh N. Y. botkesl lip and flip \Vl,nhip drew al• As Outlined by Georg! P. Graham m r 1
rNlmr n. IIs' Iaflenl•NII-pN1Y .bad. The ,al
IeIlllon ll, the fact that the KenYinK' Irma •lokl wenn( no color wh,ocler tolhe SOUTH HURON LIBERALS. I
the Legislature. I Dodd's
Ion Furniture 1'o,. had Iwid interest Rran•r. prq'Ir, lar•*u.t• the) eut.•rad h,town Dries Over
on the hack interest oto the lam to the Nanenu fit waw the Islay unit tlmt Lhey ttoukt \\'e stand fill-;& Ime-lic,ll and pro,- I Night.
not ...Nnmf.e.'nlrr the ."me elwa of nlxhinrry Iensive I(oI' r ooliv notal and for
rum ny, not having paid just :Iw sem.n 1"10, at Ihr
Ilkley. wen matinfwrtari oil Annual Meeting at Brucefield - Resolo- R Y 1 Y
fir rhe auunnu Itecxult• tine, whrrrfiN An extract it th.• Uwn's melieill tions of Confidence. the rutulr•• Kidneyresins Like iron.
the t)rg in Company had not tepid in- reply to this fs as ftillown : 1\'e stand floe the :dwdilie�u Of .leu• THE PEERLESS
lerert frutu the time• poll wits ties#• Hrlierefleld. Foch, 11. The annn al toilet lalka. at thell 1l -*Neta leu I h.: Pant will Outwear
1s the "tyr elf to lake vi N h V c mostlni r
nitl Ile w mA t k i Ic It auv run, ovcdfcme n
1 n Its l l 1 lade
uuwllit l, e .its• �AI .k• 'n to P
payment. r e f til 1 I .\mn ixtl n r
tc t e tittle of xcUlal fit 1l, nl. 'rh
h t K
1 .
'l 'limb" o a es , et. h.• w,
too" the, , nawU o f hill b( t mlA
1n tiler hlor
U ,r Punt r
I1.44111th'•,. ,. , Mad
For flit I it t l � r- Y
1 •o N (",institute ' Ip itiuua f if %r.
mallet• wear referral W !hr (insure r H eo u, r t, n held he flit• Ihr• 1 K - , r pills
r)'plan nN torr, IulAfa h Iwo ro%rn lb.• artirler I of No. Hard Steel Wirt..
toll ter. .old by till. ron,iriny to the Ik,rr v„Wa miuio,Il lxlrprses, was held Left texiuy, ul.•uts, hill Ilot roil aeul for wntel el
Thr,lasranuran(1 cnlleclflr tY a-Ipol If 11. m were Nloy doubt abe-ut -lst it AM xuti, uotwilhslxndiug the still rte« sLrNk. I THE PEERLESS LOCK ��
nloran, tl we,u 1.11N• renp,cwl by t he retire •nl-
Lheof last yexu''N Ulxes receive since time- mNA(• b' the- Rotrrr+ leo. to Induce the a ,epn•sentUive feud t-nthusfakt d do t of flit- owerhlfzlltfmn nod .,ra. holds fast and docs not injure
Lhe Ix,Vinp of the vp:lr. lie was-ubmin.ion is the by1Nw I.. it. pr,-nt form. gt►the•ing. A. Murtanl was Ie•rinctel lotions of the p Iwers (of rnch rnrlx'f+i It will ro weni loll t[fe rtNckN.
tiuthorizeYl to Continue the collection, It, order to indlore the tow., I's provide for ail I plc, nident. and .1. 1:, Stnnbury „pore. fiction an the Standard ()it find ulher I Q- the wire in any way.f
innnetli•dr ,Ntr"ne• M ySt.xa, N'Idrh wN-1104 fill the III of the Wooki. Acott
flit- work to Into dune with its little (fr- tl,eeril l otteotlon. it w.ol mprc.cnted lhai tar,•. It WAS decided to hull! x co,,,. conrpnone Who cur rodt-nyoring t)
-+ ,rake it hard, nod Netviceablr
L•tyy as lx)Nhible. ('.,Imciuur lia•kru u.a prol"•nr mileel, 1111•Y had pmn:hN.Irl. NINI I vrntion the ser•nnd wort in June fur I tike money nut of l'An,uLa• ��' rn%•rrin Fl(xeM xtti neY•eYw+nril
a.lyd if the collectln'n roll for 11110. N'i'i,il twantlo -.•r,'e *o N•etlritj,. www ln)ifght for I the nomination of a candidate. , Al)eolute and nnassaillable titles In I g )-
had berla returned. He find lleeu iu• PI •r4a "'NI w..w worti. more The addL A rehulutieml of confidence in Sit- the G(ove'-ntnel,t. I Sold only at washel frelpiently this Paint
non, 'herb you ,a> mn• to be u...Ae to the I I will hxnle•n ,dniont to cell ti
l''y Nw'e
formed that the collevI licit held plant M pmmili tt to IN, onatir ill arty event. Wilh•id IAIIity
fPr Ar papsed. whichF'rev wrh(kd•ImNrkn nP palet of 111(• -- 'j W O R S E L L S toll w;r1161111n(, Oil# -
not heen returned for the hast Ihr a .o N- to b,h1g lop the.rrnrity to the mgnired I tits, rxtn't•miled all n•oyal tt( the fart eplipureut tot the public anti nepmratp I {- r galleon fir
ears. Mr. /'&toll loll explained %slur before il.ea,ldnional amount of the loan till t there had Imwn nu mntefial schools• I HARDWARE: STORES St lit
Fllkrr 1 pint will cover
Y P i-NN.dw.tnved w e mm.m• of rmtr.r. ptt I Sill wp1 li t feet. S LYxtln.
that the ovation that. the rill had not t,•mt til.• It,wr. l"'. finen t.otins wlth at. ehAnKrm in the tfiriH in favor Of higher Chrop INluer for the hrtenii'ipalitiell i Goderich and Hayfield.
been returned was that noarringe. IliurhlofIheirplaita- theyrhaaw. elurl.41or plotretion. A rpm(dntien endinsing +a ill Ills-lsr.r{de. I
toilienl wit- emitnl .%wwrninrthat, hetins Econolnicel
went. had lawn rnoite lo, with r•(rrencP ,loons, mi. end in env the) timno. ihrir t-hwete of Lhr wlecfio,n fit }Ion. Jh. (irvlhaui an I management n twit a Ihr W O R S E L L S '
Ili the Krienolithir walk Anw•nminent elf haclnir Ihr loan how lhetown rcfued will be leader of the (lnlalio opponil ll w,lw )'rovincial hlisi m•nN, nut wilhMartdirltf ►-I tit .S.%1.►: -A burp• I I� ..
W. I'nmdfoot and H. C. Hays. The utrritenr." I "Iwo pas„el. Short tout Nlirring ad. the Iul"Yanry of the revenue. I'l.„„I entire,-cirl.l ah, r 1;.I I, HARDWARE- STORES
matter was lett with the clerk to get N•) actio,n wits derided nn by the de•nse•s were lnade by Then. FraNr•r• Al)o1e)lute cunfiol by ninnicipAlilie•m
;tit undertaking fmnl the KefltlPrllPtl turn/ il, the nlrnlhpres feeling that the the candidate at the hist elertiotn ; ,.f their town „ti-eptn• nitd every en. II
and repos[ At next me•, its ,t wits solicitor'.: letter rxpresset the town'* Ill .1frF;wrrs, ex•M. P.: 1). I'lrg41hart (',wlr•Agenlent to Ilio uw•nPrichip and Godes, h and Bayfield
undt•rstxwl they were willing to effect lNosition very well. Hen"all ; W. 1)..1letA- In of The ?lee,. OIWI.Itll lit their Own utilities. J
,t settlement The public lilmafy Ikearl sulncoitted forth Expositor, ,tied R.-Holmrs, ex. . ALanitio 11lrnl fit the (rablle Nchto ol -�
A depufront ont the G(wierirh the following ratininle of receipts Sud . J1. 1'., (Inge, symtem h,' a head experienced in and -
Industrial ExhihI' Imud mkel cited (xlr (lfifor 1IU: rn-
ntr want with th t hot SvsLrm.
for x grant of ow towards the hold urA'Lu•iw Jar. ofGrahamIs c Also an vocatedduties: the in I a -m -.a -_._mi
Ing of the fan „how this Yrds hAVE YOUR CHILDREN ANY Ill11t�1��
IN•sialmlil r Grant . r19m ciwnAe of the succession duties: A Hxpel 11
(:. Al. Elliott was hrwYl in Nu x111 1eM1 r'r#"eIont - 7)' SORES, RINGWORM OR roti /a<Iryuntr iocuuorfor the Ilniver,• Something Doing ��
PI rmnuy-t- int
of til! relJuewt. He kxid hp ap,o•aled hent of.iNt-ir •to jai ULCERS 'i+ it)• : development fir the iron orp Ir•
- o Know the Future,
I'w ,,.e( 1 ,.
not Only In the inlprrettw of the Kex•ir1 % fit . 1 n K ;3 wonlrcrn of l he 11lot ince ; the vnhiblinh•
lout of the citixe,pm of the: Upon. Lal.t - - mPllt of of neve indu„lrir„ ; the- pub- ill dna long ..1
e1'r"' Zam•Buk Will Sorel Cure. lirxfinu of mo,nthl n•
year the Klx•iet, had nY:eirpd n Rlsul r.%n ,1.. n rn:., 7 pen Lr Ahowing
. . y
of $11111 how the town and this yea, • ijetht •, awl the actifi) work ohne in all tninrP' Sturdy's Grocer »
the were Iluakin even %%rhe .lid hrxlil.{r �11 Her err x lite instances fir %,un' roti Ihr cxlrnsio,n fit the T. k N. O• y Read the Past,Y K greater rt. %y»ler race Huk's hr xlinRR lateens : Hed Ihe e t Geonforts. The name had Bern rhnngrd Nook- ,md wri.alic.,7- :Vito 'Phren chilthen in fine family in gian Hoy pent.front the '•({tl•at.Nufthweatern" to the smdrie-' ..:a
Burk'% Fella have been can•d of apri-
•'GOdet•feh Irl Exhibition" anti - _- Fverything frcAh ;Ind g"'ml ill -
�I itm Sin. skin disexw•s by %aanaBuk. I
the intention wv . Ui inake the• Aho% Mrm. Allnnie EIIif. . fir 'it. .lolln'm Ottawa Summer Carnival. 1907. GROCERIES,
lis much like Ihr• Tjor.,nt/t fair nr fits- "A, the nnndlPrs of the council are r
i aw+ur, the flown .,n erre till the \feat I\\'pllAnd ('uconh I, tutyr : ' 11♦ - : _ :,r'�_ F ( V E R V year the
mible, its Goelerirh wits Im•cnnlin n„ P K Active prepaintionr are undo way TEAS, COFFEES. F "I3I.L.1. P'I a Il O
K grant of $10,111111 fimit Mr. Carne• ie lkthy hail a kind (If radi on his heal]-- )'
indnatrial rent r. The ixonrd w,tn K fur a monater Sununu 1'al•nivul o,r �' ) Ai
n 1•e•el W x Nrod :ulnu+dly file Sulu of 'tulle a Int of small red etNrts and CANNED GOODS, etc. �"t,' '• :,111.7 ,
Notdrting lout earlier this year and K I Spl ort rand old tile•~ Iteunion in the _ r :
helped Io make the fair„ $1111117 for ncoainUenanrr. in jortiri 1u Pimples. 1 applied 7wam-Huk and wax , j, t I Il N ltd pllplllarlly.
Ere+/tet nuc' dfli htt'd with the re*+iit." ('ane dal capital next July. f Pout wanln tt ill reed. our
keep faith with the Rrnrtotts donor K The tinter arranged ore h•l,nl K(lun'- 1„.„r. at t'.111 1 This year has been ItU
et -ms than ever. K exception to the rule`,
Ihr• Iwreuel hereby trYluMt alt appy(,. Miro. (inning, of lunRfnrd \I ills, dav, .till)- 87th, to Monday, AugurL I _" T-- - 1
Tnulot t Hingham aI , r(xlkr a .1intion of li l fur ex yttwe"liurin save : "Zotin-Huk i„ a w'ondrifnl healrt ;,tai, Ixlth inclusive; Anti A ten l,u^ in I BELL w__,-.
favor fit the grant explaining t1�1t IRS... i K of IingWOrut. 1 tried eyerYthiug that { K'
while I.Ile (inve•lolnent rant lii.Yt %ear ►ring drafted which promises to, in- I •w._� "' - .-.mss.-,,, and hl-dav the leading
K 'Pilin nenfter wits referral to, the cnidd Ile thought of, but nothing wait STURDY & CO. I -�-
ens $IOA, the oord,aMe grant this yell,. clndr rcpry known kind of spurt (tool w ..w••
would Ile only $?111, owing tt1 the flp,u)rr rnmmillre. ml,le to con• ttntil %.alll•Bok castle. It I, 'illi:: Conservatories atld Col-
enlertfiinweut IK, un laud Inti l'
grant this c+u' In-ing A re nest fri n1 the Union ,if ('fico• is a title retne•dy Wfile. Ktron co,mmitt rs. •roof• The 5auare Phone i I °' I � r y'- s
Y gin prutxnti^^ ll, .tra. Will. Kroft, of Portland, K V I ' leges Oft. MIISIe' are its -
the Ali Jiinnicltaalitirs f(orthe{wyfoent pend cf the lending cilizenn fir Ihr
rhe value• l,f lli'17AeM ter agricultural writes : ,.%Ant•Bak Nr•en,n to take the 1 K _ _-__ I i'1 ;aI I ing ..f the meeinterrhhip fe r. the saner as cA "W, Are homy working stiff detail„, - � .., j, this excellent Piano.
11111-11c) .4 ruin the previous three Sin out of "ores, wound" find skin in- I K r I
last year, $1'l, wits filed, the council P
years, will r hertdo,tp the raiz WAS in I and it is gunlxntrrd that there Will �,�� i l--""'�. A few Of the latest to
deciolin not to In the Union thin lin'Ir„ ,Irl soon as rtpplied And -then it `1 �' "
a nutter Ntmitinn owing tit Ileinq A K P' not lie a doll rnonlA•nt, day nor night. � I i, --I-- .-
better -
t year. heraln them up in gtofuk tittle. That fat• the entire- tell day". Alread b1-'' _ %,%F- install, allli \1'}t(1 11SC
county fol. Then Imo ,•ear (herr Y Y Of-
"txtementfrom lheco,finl harlmpn my experience and i have I I' YOU REQUiRI' +f et- 1
%tan $hki recei%.rl fmm the H4.ltienl. )' trwtm• lawn,* Ape Rasing to Imend early no that, REI.i." I i,mos EX -
floral %aw-Huk in the hnluP for Home 1
,oral Six:IPI\' N'lIN'h w(onld not Ik• ttret Nho%vwl $.i1i.1111 lNdd fry rhe time." avhen t[fe carnival, lime cunleP, they i � J
available thin year, (owing Un tilt. 1•nnnty to the town list ye•xt flit will Ire nearly tri stay nil ht and • • . ANV . k•i.1'SIX FLY, are
K Kjo roil could Kjo inn (tlratinK c+ire ,ha to care for u,ril rs Harding Hall Colleg�, London.
ehn ixe which prevented tlpp two wvatet and light. h y guemts. a whom '
after cher where mn hers Avp %vritten
a)cietiei amolgxmating. and orcins rt, A regitesf fo,r consideration of ilia tot IrAnt 11M►,I11M1 ore exloeeaed. *,
the srparntion of tilt- two a.x•ictleN the i R in glowing tlrina ,•f how Zara -link R 1 Pl McNaught School f All Brantford.
in nrfr•r siuwlainw( scone tine fi o in Thr rttelnl rxe•rutive is tarlicu-
hna coribillined them Ingm phon•n. tethi nt
Agricultural Society owed the 11orU• falling oyer n rvo;ll shut• which was who rend these hlleP ahonld note then ! like unxioun bl flexr o,( roti fmm ll m logy I Loretto Convent, S ratfCl�.
cultural Societ • $41 file- nlpnnllrrnhl delivering relief to Kidd aft ('o.'s .titre every old Ottxwan (native or other-
P Zion-Huk is partlenhirh• adapted to ,
fPrs n•laiut-d horn prirww'in11cls IAN11 wens t'lon a- k fnnn K. john" , Ic bol wise I who fa now Away fnnn the old . • • The Moulton Ladies olle a also rises them
Y K delicate anti tender ekinn. It is free Tlnsmlthln o
elan. no nrlfemt ,,kiln, rhe claim pmt• flavin hoinr, wn that full in[ormAtiml And ,t
Mrlwmn ,objected Un the IN en put tr within ton drys of the fromnll mineral coloring matter and personal -Invitation to Attend roto hr g excluslvel ', two lal\ I larl(lti )(11) ,Used Ill this great
accident. 'I'ht- \Llyo,r thou from animal flit hying purely herhoh y 1
drwnge of name, Anel nn that nurouht Kht the It brain ruts, halon, hruiarn. uleeres, sent to hint of Lar. Names nU(1 nrl- SC -it of rni sisal lrartll l7lr, t
1+ald he was not in f:aror of the $:4111 matter of crud dvoolvi Is blocking Lha dirwsen fo,t•wAldel to It. Patching,
widewitikm with ehutra wait nose the chaplxe(1 pla(es, pczrnu, tgRwnritf'el re lSperptAry,Cit Hall, ofta%v,a,
grant. ntnn,legnofes• flit(] lege enlarged vPill", , y or General They are also used in Toronto Conservatory
(councillor 114•r•ketI, did not sew w•hv council should I(ktk info, however. a Il hp re i"ter'rf and promptly colo- ry +
A lY piles, scaling sor•Pn, rip•. Am All so nlbrll- Toronto College - Hamilton Conservatory ' Brant -
the town hhunld Ile Ill for Ih(• ply Mon TLP Toronto World ato munir•atw with.
to the (-list of a sl, e N elf it. erten rhemnxtlmm, mcintlen, t
show. Hr UennRMt rhe town was viy• RR fid at'bte-np fir .%11 the railways will Rive coot ratem, Repair's ford Conservator ' Toronto junction College
nrurnlRia, mod rlhild well on ire file y
Ing the `i(rciety x RINNI deet in pr(ovld. the town in that p)aprr alerted there thea pRerinR exception xl inducpmrnt4) +
Ing Uhe Ktouudn end loiildinpta roti wstuLl los leu rharyle floe 1t but 11,x1 cheat in rasion of cold enwes the tight• rnr nholidny jaunt which will nttiAet Guild Hall School of Music London England -
nntw roti aching. + 1
kLe•pinR them up. Ninet%•ninr• nem•ie- the town Would IN- exto(yet(YI to, boy IhOooa,uuln wLn do not. Colne %vithin Loretto Academy, Guel h '
) All drullKihtn roti Men -rt. sell fit r5fk•. Y/ P Whitby Ladies
tiro out of one hundred ownelnnil rA)'2,111111 copies(ot the paper at err the cLtani11 tion of old ottn,nana; C
Irlll Ire. for diwt'ilmlion. '1'hyw w,laj"'"'�• or ix)nt r1we+ t.1'(+m the %ram-»fik &toll the r41,,,:„idle! will ►IP Lad ill �1L1. OR 1 I TONE , College, and man other Schools and olle es.
ke et in repair their own gnnnlds ;end p • ('lo., rorontt, in,. price. 0 hoses Pent Rg Y g
MllltiinRn and did felt get any $41717 referred to the allerinl committee. 1.11 $2.bll, 7xorHuk in hi illy xntiar %- hr:lr form any who Aro iMrrealtd in �/
g,,tnta eith.•r. An np�llcnlinn fol n p;rAnt frnon ,flee I R 1 o,htainigK fuller infonnntiun with the -• i R. PI N tiE R hhC abo\'C 15 a record for an firm ((1 hC fOUd (1}.
fire find applied to a wound, rut o,r p
11e•ere, Mrl.en11 explained that. toy NaliOux KAnitxri11m Allwr)rialion tyAs wolw hnmediatph kills the Dema the' t of talking in the trip durinR if &toff are-thlnkinl, of purchasinf►, 1
all arnw ,•ellen, made Veal's aKn, the tilr-d. g their next auserenle•r voleatisin. . r r y:(u need have rltl
town And `i(N lilt) eller 111 divide „l, A nudio,n Lv Ihepuly Repvp Ell to which Kiril elan to inAAmmntio,n, hl«•ti . hesitation in bu In ► a 1eRI? L1. with so much suD-
Ixlinjonin/, elite. _ _ AU work guaranteed anal y h
Lilt- coat (If rOaintA•nancr elf the 10 OinnKe the enrolling night fee in titalltlal CVidCI1CC Of its
moll and buildings, A avp letterer Tlnn,aln,' 1Ntrk to F'rid.a Wit„ enrllel ---------- Mm tl\' attended i(1 r0pularlt '.
R gm, R y _ Glatarrh Cannot be Cured p fl • y
N un•a n pays the• to on tion Uhf Iwo wiII)e finsinctiem. if (,if are hesitating hecatibe elel have not the
R p r snaexss. with U11'.(I. ,(rw,if•nrru�e. an Ihry r*n in all parts of >' y
III been paying. dile Runner cjommiLtee recurO• nM r.seh the .colt Mfhw offsetn, and In oldrr
Deputy Reeve Elliott and B. (', tnrndlYl the Ioaynlrnf of flip following Au (oId F;nRlish thyme Aa. `Q nitro 11 stn, on1W take Inrrrnnl reht(•Aie•., cash, do 110t let this !stand 111 your way-. We will
.II'N Catarrh CnM IN taken Internally next tile tOwn.
Munnings moved for #I grant of $1(Mi, A.•ejountn: I{rill. i)nak, brick w•nrk al xn.w•rconalnnit ., ""Ifm•dnnprt: galadarn'Ilrenthebluodandmnrola.mefn..•t. make the terms tel suit Four convcni(,Ill
11 1. T. 1ie.14tborIfe and ili. Ill movpel renlelprY, OR; I lickiuron k. (hnrow, lSower
its"No ,m 9ltr.d.r k). -N n .tt"nttrt, hdl'- (WArrh run+ 1. not N gnark•'rll odicine.
halAnre elf account, nor JIM, I : 1 wrrr or. N rdne,leiay. orw n Inlet. I l ---
frrr a grant n( Ind 111 And flip 11Aryr And r ) - $IM .II s",irear nn 1 hal-ANY..N„hrthinr M.tlow, 1 wit- n ll"Iryvl by rote M Ihr tm•NI. pbMMan. _ -'-- -
g eliwt, I no'Mr, 0 : in the. round ry fol rear• nnA M a Mrulnr ,1w
C. A. ii+•id for x grant. of $I:il. After !E r P. V. 1'a01i0. en.•rtln Nn ►riANy. -ne.•nt• toy mirmw. .ret (Inn. It 1- wren
$I An ; Oadel'irh iwlmlx•r C(y, untnnl* P t)•) -ed of fhw hilst ,Me"
mnnlp diae41whiuh x 'Ater fir $1'Li was $IN.I[i : )'. •n• your iron hlry rrY,atrrrow. it, "ll rmmb(6M -fill IIs bent blond pnrlMeem, • Geo.
psswd by the emmcil. J. H. d.bliWnros' 1, >!'I. The trpnrt. wasTLix fa all riRhr so far xa it RrwN, hal "''lens A7rnlh ,•n the n. ..onto ro. T11r WsR.Pinder wThomson Son
A lerttpr fmm til! Wen snlicill to adnto n lot jof ilk in ihelle• '•grtppy" Ilners'twofw•t c e1hilwllrx, ofth two ilisnr,h•Ats IN
Thr uhlic Ion "corn• world like fo "'flat p^ain't,. -nrhwon erfrll M-nllwla'cR I
Its (Awlnwll int. wait r►a follow. P knlow wit"t ft nlpwna dna rnrilIt )lend fill rr.ln nnb,t• fr",.
Oa lire nosh Aa of Fellrimty. moss, Willi mended at. fnllnwm : That IlnOlpnn/ lir when yo,n ,grit to every tiny iu the Y, .t. nil►:NR.1' k rO. Pmn-. Twhrl.l 1). Phone ass.
tsoo"l oaivel ,!Wt
hb lot to floe town of uelle lonurchamlYt Mau H.Agens Bros. flit-, week. ,a ,04 14 trnslri.f.. prier 7.k•, GODERICH.
lake Halla ►aellly Pelt, for coantiptlion. I
I 1.8l - 'J
1 -