The Signal, 1907-2-7, Page 7TH& SIGNAL: GODERICH. ONTARIO
- -- - -
which ordinary remedies have not reachedw '
will quickly -ielli to
Newt s of
the' Dis
hr.l, the throat-rtrenathens the lungs.
/None the leas rfy, Ure benuede it is pMsant tetakr.
TuwruAY, Feb.:,tit
MONDAY, Feb, 4th.
Tttga11,aY. Feb. 5th.
Rev. ,J. L� lftllall preached in Park.
Last Thumda,y evening A. Jervis
1 Mile A. Mackenzie visited ft•iendr
hilt last Sablaitle.
treated a ,,miner of friends to an
its I/alll•iel• this week.
MIN McDougall to visiting her bibter,
oyster supper.
We are glad W we J,anwa, McDonald
MM MelbuuW, at present.
Rev. J. Greene, tat Clinton, forluey
ably to fear around again.
M. A. Howwan and W. T. Riddell ate
pastor here, peached an excellent'
Mind Lizzie Heuderwin, Lucknow, It
bury buying horses at present. .
bermes Sunday evening.
Lite guest of Bessie Mrseby.
Mrs. William Olen visited Old ac-
Miss Radie Cantelon, who ham. been
John i\lurrisou, out, eut•t•priring
quaintarr es in the village last week.
quite ill with pleurisy, i% recovering as
bt.uck uhau, disppuumed of two head (of
Reinert Medd purloseb building a
a ickly Aa can he expected.
cattle on Thurwday.
new house next Nuntuier. Concrete ih
H. T. Walter, who lost at valuable
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mackay and
the material he intends teeing.
horeea dhort time age)• lots replaced it
Boll, (:. H., port Elgin, tare visiting
!-oder Lawlor and Mrs. t,awlor, of
I'y purchaminti one front Ezra Pickard.
Mrs. Mackenzie thin week.
the Northwest„ are .rnding the
Mrs. Frea1 Dratpaer and young sun,
winter at the residence of the [urrner's
of Ayhnrr, who have been visiting
the fonuer's parent. here for the pant
J. Williston spout the early part of
rix weeks, leave fast- their home (Io
MONI)AY, Fob. fth.
Iar6 week at Iwmdestoro, discharging
Hulbert Drennan, who wax Ili -
the (iutien of township auditor for
F. C. Mlforl, of St. Aunt-, Quc„
di%palmed fault week, is, we tow glad to
HuVett township.
opeut the latter part of this avrrk
stale, improving.
Jsmrm Johnston and Walter A. Wit -in
tour village on business in connection
Charles McGregor, ivho ih attend -
11011 visited Jerre Iasi Sattenlay at h,
with the poultry station, of which we
Ing the f ooderich Collegiate-, spent is
F. Mumvi s, in their official capacity w
luny have me W orhay next week.
couple of daym at hits haute last week.
township auditurm of W"t,Vawa-
On Saturoletv morning Trewartha
bliss Annie McKenzie• ta' Lwathian.
Be.(*. dolivered their thoroughbred
and Alis., Ifr(ra Mt-Kpuzie were gurntb
Mr. Hartley, pt•incilial of the Blyth
Durham bull, -*Tile Pride -if Holmes•
of lite Alisnen Mvint%m oto Saturday.
school• preached in the
villi," to Charles Heid, at Clinton,
Iluuuan Davey, who ham hee•n vioil-
. rexrhyterinn church last Rahbath
who Nhf ql d him t i Tortlnte. He•
wtipped 11
ing frieuds and relatives the asst two
morning and at Smith's Hill in the
wales at a little less than
waeks, returned to hi:: holale lad Brant -
2,i010 pounds. An they believe in Ieav-
foal On Satirda
Jorge number of sstwlOgs are
if nothing but the Ilevt b'er(1, they
have him by a
A nondoer of our oun u le at -
J K P'' P
being bceught to the mill herr at the
in suporie)r
save repplaced
yoling thoruughbrod bull two yetu•m
teladel an o. iter bop r At fort At -
present tittle. There in nothing like
old, aired by Jas. Snell'd imp, tell been.
li`l't un Tuendxy nig t »ud ngatrt a
taking advantage tit the sleighing
which cake, ower $MIX). lin hes iINienIs
very pleasant time.
while it Ifol".
side he Its. live crosser of imported
Wt*are glad to state that Mitt,
Mrs. Willanl IN (,it Lite sick list at
Annie McLennan, will, has suffered
presents tet alight hopes are enter-
Lrrt \Vednendmy the Deleating
moulrwhat from wissilitis the pxasl
twined of liter recovery. Her daugh-
Society lack[ their regular meeting in
week, in alae to Ise out #again.
ter, Mn. Polfcck, of Flint. Michigno.
the Hall with the largest attendance
anti her her sun, ,Charles, of Hauliltt„L
yet. The subject for delyate was -
Arrived here last week.
erlvld, that thepresent licenhe
The railnvd work is progmneing
bysten is better for Ontario thanTUENDAY-,
Fell. 516.
very well at preaeut. Thr ratio are
laid to
et the Maitap ri year an u
d lar c
local option." The captains were
(: r r
A hew fast. the
Ilarry 1'mang spent rhms(1ay in
Brnuti •• •
II a.
nun►her of men are', e n •r(
m I v ! tet. elle
r11 c / 1• r
X n aMruh»tive
and Will 1'et fur the negative.
Iia quite is
grippe is q rte• prey+tient in til
bridgethere. Thry lex teat it will lee
Meets. Draper, J. H. Iwlwery and G.
about two months hilefore the bridge
Holland acted am judges stud leave the
Jahn novel :old sem, Albert, called
will he completed. -
decision 111 favor of the affirmative.
oil [fiends here Not week.
A HANK FOR At: RIJ �.-The Nter-
The next meeting. which will be, held
Mrb. Miller rtllertainM & few friendm
lin Bank opened out mn end its the
Pc Y
l,n Wodneada%, February 13th. will
ire devoted to iugorfant .arm tOpicA.
very, pleabxntly on Monday 4-arniug.
village thiol week. For Lhae��prespnL the
bank fl' Toeeo!mys.
Our genial trim[, Mike Diue•4-o, rn-
will oleo on Thurs-.
days and and bras til,
. - . _
the hay ptwrmke 1)n ey,
C. Y. H. gets in running `(leder it
els in
Mime GrAce O'Cal-roll ham netornerl to
will be open eVllery day.
MIfNUAV. Fell. 4th,
Tormto after spending x couple of
Tele ics fRov. - Our village loutcher.
Miss Mthel Vansetone. of Goderirh,
ave -Ah ienewing old aaluaiut•ancem,
Geon-ge Younghlut, had rather it novt•1
btr11t a few dAys with her frieual, MIw
Air. and MR -14. F%1111111141 B�:keft and
experence last week. He wont hack
I,,va McConnell.
Misr K dna returnwl to Detroit after
to Mr. •3lxrlt's rand t, Prix 'Obis
Misty Delia t\ ilsun, who hits Iwe•n
sI rnding mix weeks tet tlhe Old holne
herr. i
mummer ler anal after cleaning the
Fellow to ler,
very' ill, im, y�a are planned tin hear,
' e w o Johill
l h eldin f Jt lar O'Neil)
K L cel :tit(]
now off started vett the whcn�,
slowly e•e:ovfing.
11) and bo -hold, it was only about four`
The F`oretel xnnlml oyster b1) per,
Miss Martha Slmlr[t is to take phor4-
inches thirk. HY pn•wnt appearancoa
the ice crop Will Jar A failtlre thin year.
\which Axa hold in the hall her ,ante•
alty'21116, wab quite A WICCella.
tomorrow morning in St. I"me it'$
clue h. Troll onrtirulxrs 11rxt week.
To Rvm %ix AwrrHKg TERN. -At
A load of vbung people froul here
inti4 v. and Keu. Helene
\,Lite last meeting of the quarterly
S,fHciel Lard of Auburn circuits Math-
rpaesit n very plerwanf carolsp( at the
spent n Jew davit at the Ga mer'm h,oup
in Blyth. They were accotnp►nied by
fat church, held un February 4th,
hums+ of Mr. and Mrs. It Mc Whin-
ney last Friday evening.
Mer. Mwdliublm an fair Am Dungannon,
Ar board uu,tnienoudy area-
where she expects to visit herr mother
Olattion inviting Rev. A. K. Jonerl to
funeral of the late \\'m. Me-
for a short time.
cutl'Linur his ptultorate' for another
Bride, who diel fn INhpaerning, Mich.,
___- -
terry. Kra. Mr. Junes Accepted .the
pAlame'[ through here eon Monday, Jnn-
uxry 2Mth, going to Kingshridgr erste•
invl tion, auhject, of course, W the
rulink of conference.
eery. Mr. llrhride was an old #tell]
ITYMn.av, Fel..lilt.
A G ►D Lia -rustic. -The lettere last
highly respected rwrklent of Arhfleld
for many yearn He leaves n family
Mrs. Miller vinite] in G.mIF•ricll ,,%,.I
Friday evening in thr Temperance
Hall in id Iif the ppublic library alts
of eight to most �y bins.
AI INa Mllzal wlh 1{IlLbtrl'f(lrl visited Ili
well pat nixed. Mr. Clark, the lee-
- --
Goderich Iatet week.
Curer, a kr ' n the subject, •'The
Holt. McGuire tonal- a Iru,ko.-, .rip
Itone, Thi tic and Sb»mtvck," • and
AhINDAT, Feb. Jth.
to Wingham oto Tuesday.
gave peer f the lest lecturae that
iwvr, cave n lues in the village.
lo6u Myew lean Iiren hauling out
\large numlxv around ht -re are aL
Weeno oubt if hp should return
Whoa[, forty WON of twx.ed lieu den•-
Present laid up with colds.
is crowded hostile would await him.
Ing the past week. We underslatld
Jas. Hyde ,and a,n, Cesell. %ihit•d lit
_ _ _ -__ __
the price he grit for it was fill a ten•
Glarnim the fore lout of the week.
delivered at Lucknow.
.lab. Thomas, who hits loee•u visiting
We regret to announce that Mrs.
bin uncle, Will. Thonow, returned
Veal AT Feb.Ifeb. its.
fah k e n I e,a i arm -t v
Ito aril tt n Ili x ret
rn u
home i t rola •.
Jack Beadle x grAwwidower
low state of health.
be It l
Mrs. J. R. \\ularler how lern•Irid up
last week.
Samuel Sherwood :and 11r. Riverm
avith 0--orisy, )Plat Wt at'e• pleased to
Albert Johnson i blsy hauling tum-
w'rtr brrrttkinR in x leu -year-old colt
Irnrn Sole is ieroaering.
her to Luckrow.
last week. Tho animal went along
Jim Anderson. tof 1'lonias. Man.,
Miss Heti% Mo Allis i', of Goderich,
Ohl• brad an well aul if it had been in
visit.d him parenta, sir. :end Mrm.
le home on w vimit with rt- parents.
h:arnrmn n much lunger time.
Hugh A ndrrwal, over Sunday.
We Are pleamed Lei . Mrs. Jos.
Tr V14DAY. Felr.:,Lli.
.--- -- .
Flynn able to Ire out dri ng again.
Lottie Pierce i, visiting friends near
Mr. and Mrs. J. Fe I 111 i.thck-
now, are visiting nt John,l;rwiiis atJohn
Glazier, of MAfe•king, was It
P loseent.
a'isitrl• here last week.
�- NOW. -At lrottlerverydnyc%te1d7Tur.
da).. New temmtyfor Cxtne•ting tucth Itionumr
Harney Brophy has Iters very hick
Tune parks and him sister Elizabeth•
foruu.l.•11or than `ms. (*m% it settle brldge: work.
with Obi cold into wt-. are fkxeled to, p
'Of Dlingatlttur, were visiting friends
etc. Aluudnum, plat- ltlnmbrnmkctble..
N. H. -1'ou run alwny- hoer r,nv work least, 1)
mel' him around agai0.
here la%t week. �
better dax• in rbc dun11tl orH,�r o.o,r tune.
"Greenock" Jefferson ham hired
WIIIiane ikrgie, of Sheppar•dton,
mold it Iwautifu) colt of the draught
boner facilities Jul dolnm the work. boon coo,
(unable for the nulenl.
'again for another term with 1\'m•
Burkett, timber dealer.
t%lxe tel Will Crosier, Of CWwr.
His pwrishloneM at \Vingham pre-
�' 1 l
Ytx. !d. Oibrxan who ha ono to
Scaforth Ln live, spent a few alnys
1� in Urs noble for Thr sibmitl is Sot the. pp -1
Hell. ltlx,m moil NIAt Mriury Nlnn, when•
rented flea•. Father Lrurende•au with, a
Iieanliful Colter Inxt week.
aUlong her relatia'e•% lite I,eftrre (env-
onlen. will ewvival for snlr ripttblls• iwh
vert WiDef nod lob work, .lite n•tripts will e.•
Jnr amounts ►lar Ills,
The boys are talkie of et&trLin A
y g boys! g
Hurrah, Get lei
inJonathan Shackleto). uft'r tend-
gtymb ,metol .1111e.
/ wvl)Nemlt.ay, Feh.Hth.
rifle club
gather Aryl make it a *uccee.,
ng a few dxym with his norther, who
IM vo v low nal prement, has returned
Mrs. H. Morriss. of In* 4,1 Aida the
ggears. (of Mrs. '1'. M. ('tree• on I fond..
Warn. iwddy delivered n Note horse
t'► his home in gown.
to John Menzie, of WbnItham. He re-
Toni paid his semi
cef vel A handsome aunt for it.
sit to (Mirpector
Sore srhoual
o on TueblLa. of thin
Of this
Quite a noaullrr of the young folkm
wer kto
attended the ball at liplgrave last.
SATI-firsLY. Fat). 2nd.
Mn. Fill. Fisher. of Marlow, was the
Tuet-day nightand report a good time.
Wil Baldwin fel busy itteaking in
guest of Mrs. H. It. lung as couple of
Mims Mary Trov, of Whithchureh,
x your hoinp.
days Inst week.
speOt a c(Alplr of gays last week with
RIchat And MINm Aale Gardiner
Gladyn MCIA•am 'returned home /al
her grandiuotlter. Mee. •Joseph Flynn,
were the guestm of MrN. J'Luteb Lane
Saturday bust Atla's A mhol•t Vieiit With
owes- events; last week.
friends ih Fa11)le•Si.
Daniel Phalen, Of Ml house. is
liber for lin new hoose. He
Nit-. Briggto..of Michigan, visited his
The family of A. Dishe•, who for
sae ltrchalwrl the brick from \Vni.
In:ul) frirn and relatives in this
vicinity last e•k.
the pout month have [well itidispHJi•d,
un the way to recovery.
A large number of Lite nlpmhers of
Quito a nam r tof the Mort• 1)i the
N, F. 'WhyAud, after a two wrrks'
Methoconve fee church at-
i,Anex 1{ifle A . •iation wen• iq l.nrk-
vimit lar friends in Waterloo, Berlin
ternnylitook the
leodoxl the cnnvrntion held aL
""w Saturda Af rnnou-
&tied Ehninl returnwl h�meoil Monday
Aulturu on Tuesday, Jannary ':311th.
Minor Lieuelta Ca ningh,un called on
I'LNt• ,
a few of herr frit -raids Ili the eastern
The quarterly service in the Methos
___-_ -
p»1)•t of her alrhool tion On Samar-
dirt church on Sunday bet, was spuu•ar
Sm, Inst.
IV attended on Arermuit of the Ili
MONDAT. Fall. Ith.
Mr. till( Mex Ackert Stein. a�
clement weather.
Albert MrKrller returned home- baht
Donnybrooks visitedhe fOriner's
nunhm service was held in the
wtwek After visiting friends in Michi•
hrothtr. Andrew St.ei11, 'o( IAiree, om
Preehyteriate church on Sunday last.
gap fur the poet mouth.
Friday last.
Rev. t{. W. (' raw. of St. Fielt•n. 1as-
A young Iran recently oot ft,rrtl
The weather• king has arcs vett'
'i4te1 At the pryxtrattol•y utervire the
England, who it pugxgpd tp work for
genem�s the pool we•t am wt- hope
day previous.
Henry Densmore, in ,to ex-wrldiet' of
Iia will. continue,, bla tot- so a Lille.
EARLY CI.umlNO la FnRI e. --The
the [south African was'.
Thr. farmers are han It III,, It
early closing scheme mentioned last
We are pleased to know that
Charles Redmond is ahle tri be out
again after being laid up with a severe
cold for blame week%.
tit it R uronT. The following in
the report of S. S. No. fl, Maxt WAuva-
Monh. for the month of January, based
on weekly examinatimot anti general
pmflciency : V. - John Buchamut.
Jam. McClinton Iahment). IV.
Tommy Rodgers iMI Mrlwrty, i l
Mcl,arly, Russell Woods. Alva Me -
Dowell, Frank Mciwrty. lel. --
Maggie Farrow, May Mox,k, Janette
Tanney, Leslie Hoehanan, Rlclafon
HoMlson, May Tunney, Magitie Ton-
ney. i1. --Colin l'Ampbpll, Lilly Hila -
hitt, Stanley Snell. Part IL --Violet
Buchanan, Florenre Pickett. ChArlotte
Tanney. Willie Ilfhhitt, Roy Farrow.
M. 1. ('LARK, Tracher.
Winghanl !store Destroyed.
Winplltam. F'rb, :k -The Hanna
store wam entirely drxtrnyad by fires
Insist night.. About. 12 o'clock flame'
wen- noticed in the upper• story of
thr building, and. a fierce mtorm raging
Art the Lime. they Noon envrinTied the
enfirp structure. Thp firemen ke rf
the fire within bunds, tin%# of
adjoining baildingn Iaina inud to
ran extent.. The total Inojm
s alorull
rid lowle With hlaurance $!1,11111. ►'Arl
of the coutpula were heaved.
wood and lugs before the storm again wee lc has met with the approval l,f Silt
breaks in its fiery. our merchantet, need Am it result all the
4('ll(ol. RRMHT. Report of •- ;•l, blsiress places of our village note
No. 10, Abhfleld, betrhed on pr'odrien close at R p, n). eaeri evening, except
attendance and drmranor. San, ' ThomasSaturlay. Tho• wishing to do rhop-
IV. -1dA Sherwood. 501 ; Ewart.iam ping wile bare to get in early in Ilia
lemon, 3PI. Jmnicer IV. -- Wilfrid tin% and not tempt tally of our lousi-
Far!•loh, :lhMt : Viola Baker, 2ll : Rae �s t"ell to violate the early clomiog
Jamieson, 22K Senior ill. - May r le. _
Vaild, 0141: Vina Sherwood, 572; KIPPEN.
Irene Sotelf r, 511 ; Eddy Dwyer.
410. Junior 111. -Allah Nelpon, l:►i; TVRauAV, Fph.3lh.
Charlie Suirltwr, M. Senior i1.- do 11�n. RF.1'e1RT.-Tate following is
Rachel Alton, :*l'1 r Johnnyheott, 7Jr2; the. Jarfuaty report of S. H. No. If,
Wilfrid i e-ennan, 11X1 : Charlie Sher Sttnl. Jr. stamps in order of teapot :
wood, 11111 : Leslie- Alton, alt{ Junior V. Nor! *n .lonem. Eleanor Hood,
If. -Hallie ('air(], 117 ; Firddir Johns- Fdwin Cir "I.I1. Senior iV. -Rpna
ton, .%7: Hernetto O'l.mtsblin. 26, McBrath, trsv Fisher, Aggle Getu-
Senior Part ll. -Tonin s- Little, 137: melt. Junit IV. Herlert Joups,
Lizzie 1►rennan. 117: Jimmie Little., ods, McHienth stiff .Lunen Gemmell,
AI. Junior D'mrtll. Wilft-00 t,lugh• wpual, John Ke . Senior III. -Sarah
lin. M : Kintner nr Farr•ish, A.S. Clam i. Itwthwell, Hann Dintadale. Junior
-- Mav Stein, 78. Those, who at- Ill. Lola Rath 11, Arthur Jones.
Landed every day during themunlh Spnior If. Frank ;emniell. Herbert
am Wilfrid bramnan and l.eealie Alton. Kehl, Allan Ftrheit. Junfor if.- -
iw 1. ('t'NNINOIIAtt. Trewher. Anna Hood. Ida Hath\ve•11. Part iL--
- - - - Alex. McMortrip. W;Wlie McBpath.
Hog Cholera at Ulinton. Part I. - (ilAdste)ne• Mcl oh y, Nelson
Horxl, Annm Fisher. The (rent. spellers
Clinton, Feb. . --Hng choler& was in the nrmthly s calling matehes we're:
discovered palet week in the drove of Fifth, Eleanor Hexed : senior fourth,
John Elliott, who rceiden near the Murray Fisher: Junior fourth, (Ma
town. lie lost, fifty Wore he dis• McHrath ; senior third, Hannah Dins
covered aehat was wrongg and when data: senior seHnmd, \Mallei Mr-
Insfeertoi Prrinr, of If sithanl al-• Ficxth : Junior moron[, Anna if t
live(] lee killeol thirty-five Mote. earred part, Wattle Mc Heath,
+4*44***�`'i,*W Dear Mother
+• �-IYourIrtkDoerareaconMaM ratautric, Fall and Were weather. i'herr well
catch cold. Da you kw'w about shilah'.
• (oarumpl�w� Cele, the Lung'Fitew, and
I,.hat a hat .lone i« to many T It o told
t ,Y,! .7t� *, yy 7ty try y*p *y,*,+Lel ' t•' be the only reiubk remedy for all
7 P V 9 Y V V V 'V V�tl� iue►•et of the lar pa,slow. a. 61i.lren.
SALTFORD. It a .6-1 aely h.rmleet and l _",It to
MoNliI take- It. Quaranteed to ewe a your money
ver., Ilreb. JOIN. a r•'nuned. The pm.e n 25r. per bwlk,
l Humoli O► .t N Kw' CONTH.L(-1'. -('oil-'and ,III dmieft en medKlne tell ..,t
I tractor ve h has xtill winµ• righty w I S fi I L O H
eiKhLy-flue hor,.es dielributei :u wry -',
feral btablpm in file vlllmp(e. Thr ,tel•
I IIn,iJd xt•e It well a'l-lrt• the• tvttt Thet eemedy rhnul.J Ir ,n ever hu,lwhoki.
they have, lead from Lite heavy N,•1 L y
Din the ra'drmid during the pant .om
later. There is A rumor here Ohre they .
are to le "removed Noille tittle shortly that Mr. livid ha, Accepted, nobjeel 1,
to Ire placid ml work on horur lira the adios of like .tabooing Co11etoittev
eiutract which Mr pigotthas taken (if till- conferee -e, .
Dan one- of (fie. new lines now building', -.. _
its New Ontario. j - LEEBURN.
OV THP. RoAo ro Jim e)y F.Hl.
,Jobeph McGraw. (6l' malt who incl MoNn.%1, FA.. fill.
with n serious occident whirr nt work F.altiir:hh' I%.:rrruTr. .\ FAntnrr,'
e)n tilt- railroad near the, steam shovel. Institute wan formed hell. 4.11 \Vel-
is. we understand. Tory much twtle•., nrwlay night of bent week with ;I talent•
nod is now in :L (air way to recovery. I I,1•awhillof sixteen. Ilam % Morris. .1.
He received his injuries by a piece (of I •• Of Lo%otl. wax rho,poi plel.ident :
fre)rrn earth (alliug on hiul, Auld fol• it 1'a" Chishulul. vier prusillrnl. and
Liner it WAN tlfought till' Iebwt might' Hoy l,inktater, seeleliuv .11111 tens.
Ix• bl•riuus, but wt- AIr hillFFay to state'; rear. A committer• wa, aplxlintrd.
that the prohatbilitieb ,trpthathas will 't'hp m,mveli w5pi.1d weekly uuelilags
h.on 1.• in a position to tr•turn tu_I16I", "t�he hall during Ole Wlllt•l' Illout h*
work with Uunh•nctor I'iguLl, who Re- I tit disc ss" the b•ht wayx 11( 1400 Oling
goo 'd, hie ah one of hiN Iniht and pwsot I Agricultural in all ,,,-111 1)11t• Illlal at.
Ielaidde workmen. ---. __-.
HHAnY Fou a 111r: 1'l- r. .11)14-1161i MAYFIELD. .
Guldthorp•, Lh1• Ititnlirr king of ~alt -I ly'Fsu.ty. Fel'. .'ell).
ftoil. hits txkeu .uh.oilage of the good H. Ilarnuv and W. T%%. Fet-u e'er
.Ieighlog .( thi• p.t,l few wends to i in f- 114 11 on And
bring to his wail, 1)•:u• the oldtenoery y
ill the• village, Ia large 1141111104-1- ,at lags • S. Moote Inns received the. soul r.ot
from the old Reserve pngwrty aria for supplying eighteen cords of wood
lienludive, to he x:tw'n asp iota it Jo •l 111 the public helelool.
44d .,lou ab h ofng open,. Thr int• I 1{. M, Jlprt#ty soul 11. 1', I:allrAilh
nxr. hilt- of logs. noullx l ing uuuly I Attended the county L. 11. 1. Inerting
h dt+•41s, is uolmtl% of .,-rood growth at F aleter Ila Tut-wbay.
tilulwr• consisting priucilutlh• of teak, I The dance given by Mi+hes N. F'ergu-
chArry, birch, heinlouk. pines And baud•, L. Falconer nnri W. livid in the
wtxxla. Many of the f.lrnu•rm i1) ,rho I lower hall on Wods ..,day o-velling was
neighboring tow•nxhiph have nls,e I fnirly well attended. All present
bt.mght their Ings fur rustllio sawing
la_ft Sued to a njov th1•nlw•hre.
ud .11-. V (dtL r1, 1 r! lxIr mill n1 as ,
Cul Rose to Sharon, e'-
utl{ br t haus 111
I 41
•av W. y.
work on Andrew 1 tom 'n G w•.
At IK farm [I
C011111".111:4. ulwration, stout the end -of tipld, held a %.I.,..%.aoece%,roI ovster '
April next. %%'r lazy rxl*m-t lively stillpel' +Laid blx•ial ill UIPIoWo hall 1)n
tiurem Whrlt the mill shirt. tuhniug. Tuemelay e•rrising last. Unite At Log(•
for our J1e into, pusher:lld isonp of nu11ulwrof Foreotprie :total Iltpir I.atlip.
flat- kind of fellow's that nearer ,allow wire Present.
rah , lei K Ing grow beneath their feel. Se'llrol. ItaromT. Thp follow'. •
K ls
___ the' relent of 1layflrld public srh,ol
DUNLOP, for the Inonlli or Jit .% INastrl (.il
&tt•lydiulve, del oemoor and general
Moxmso Y, Frh, 406.1 11nviuf it Ovy: V. Mamie McDougall,
\Tillie• Alaam. furnlprly of Hrmv- htA•e•y ('alruw,al, Clara Galluill. IV.
livid, but Below of Saskatoon, wit,)Is Fond Kiug. 1111da King. tlerbl• Stun
duasvt (in x visit tip relatives in thim geon. Senior III. Winoit• McNeil,
county, visitA41 Lt -re Saturday of last Florence Marlin, J,iorie ('nrric. .lun-
week. iter 11. Rvelvia Poil,m•k, Maggio• Mo.-
A lanlwr tut (lilt young people were Leased. Andir Sto gees. Senior 11.
in Goxlrril•h aitridlnK the Workilr,r•s 1,11114411 King, Hxrvev t'urip, Ireu'
supper, Mimx Fanuv (lucid amsisting in Rohs, T- I . 1411OWN13,F.. Teacher.
the uulsical part of the program with A Yol•Nre WOMAN l m -1.1:u AWAY.
he• vINdin., \Ve :tic h,n't•y t, c6neuiCh' auothrl
Harry (icor;. a "t'll-known Resident death in -the yilltgc this week• this
ref Porter's Hill. vimited byre lin Wed- ti:ue in (h,• pekes of \piss Mary title-- �
11lwdai of last work. 'in his younger hclnIt. who had leen ill since• last
dayN .Nr. %pill- Worked bete for lite November. The d,-veased, who Avan
help Jam S MCIA•AII, fill-ORTIV Of Ge11e•- '1111y thirt-%-two ve-arn of age-, was kind
reel township• w'ho tel on••. time took iuid nminble in her ulanurr, wan a
11 a A lot of.rind bore at the *,little end Fhnl•'ll worker and wax &twnyx
o� our hung, now a p.trt of (ler. Fail- mien in the Sabbath school. wbere mile
Ilrr]'s farm. taught it class. The evneral services
nJ1•wcll, who has hero for were von lol•tel by 1{l' v. T. A. Stead-
JamesIplarly year) it resident in Manitolet. AfteInd in the new moilMetharos,t friends
hits color to bl•ttle in Goderich aglnn • After I which A large• nunller of fines to I
1. and rl•I&fives follnwel .ler renrunN to
lei, relatives, haying pin-ha+ed it if,,, Jim, field veloptery.
holl,e on Moe -t htr,•t, where hr will Qt•e'e•FaxFrt. Pr:HIroRMANCe. The
Coke up tesideove shortly with lit- ulrl(xlranla Out on the. World,"
three ditughtet,, hi* will- having diel-)
1 ,e.r
stout- lium ago in ALanilobn. \%%-,.%%-,.I i •rt%I by triuily church choir in
underlitaud lee hits rented Ili, farlis the Lown hall Iles Friday evening last•
herr to his mono. Wil- it detid.•tl sucrrNs toll in rempaecf
to thisAtterliulle And the 411):1lity of
Tim I%,.4iR(-rott'x \•1,41T.-Inmpa•rtnr the performmnev. The parts were
Tum gave our school a vi%it on Friday taken in it learinrr that did credit tm
aft•t-non of hobo week. Till- t--w-her lof the pwrfos nlel,. Thp alteration And
111: r hot-(- w..
S. S r oauu h I Its hs 116 to nue
Ode• •
t I loco was of fill- l
h N. v .
the school . It. ' um 1 aa'r n
%! al- fr fa
T t 1 t In •tad
K Pi'' w• well forth,• rh,o'nrU•r of
his mcha'1'ill the• nitn'niog. Trostees file Plesy. 'The Armstrong orchestra
Williamx And Tolein asset the inspector ,•rnderfd' choice nnmic loetw'e•tt the
10 lee what WKS reliuired Iry.the 114-Wacts. Thp following is lisp cast of
regulations. A case• will lee Moolde feet` cltiiractenr : Sea r:apttin. G. (:n•rn-
till- Ixxlk.,Of the lihl•mry ,urn the' spates. .tilde : MI,. .11,1414,11'. irje ctel Stitt( -, ,1.
'rite chart which was Pnl't•ha.ed seine Sf,rnrer: Irish me•rvient. T. H. lit -own -
years ago need which cimsel an larlig- Ire -.elrnhtm lalorrr. H. Itailey :
nation meeting 'If the eat•pa'yers, the T)tege of Nor-. Alden. AAt•r taFord
innpe•ctor said would Ix• quite uscf.d King: their41•ulght•r, \Jim,' l:velyn
anel .,....,he h.Ard minor it,-%%por,•h,tw• pollfx•k .-
Capt. Alder's elulght,'..
its the, way of duals. .lames Link- \lis% N. 1'astlr: tallith s Ivmnt, Aliss
later will make rhe cabinet lit imcr. � F. Pollock : %ek,•i'rlwelr, writ(,, Ali"
-_- -- -- I F. Pl,ll",•k ': Mt,. AldesD', ptl)t•ge 1.1.11
NILE. I yearn IAO', V: k Parker. tlirird,utgh-
MoNlr.ty• Felt. 401. !ter Ivo %.' 1 11te1, Mi-, Alice- Tiplwtt.
Sr lelxo. Ht:po R'r. Following i. the•' -- --'-
report of VIII• polelie sch''ol for .fail., -' --
nary : V. rLtss 1,:••,nard Metivi ain. p �j
:GI(, W. /•trim- Mabt•I Wilso". Malin AURSOr
Gertrude Kirkpatrick, til: F:rnp.t Alr- �
Ilwain, 473 : GeorKe Ityao. 4A2 : ViolaIF.-
The Cough Drop
Young. -Wt; lenne• Kirkpatit•k.': 2;That CUTCH
Roy, Kerr. Senior Id. Reginald
Glen,.MA. Junior111.-VietowVoul)g,Drmawl the three-,nrmed
1011: Worthy Hvan. P17: 1►iive M,••d an the red and yellow bell
Yee. AH) : Harola \ vVwitio, :til. I1.
Anis Frnesl filen. Inn ; Vera Tif)In. _ _ _ _- _
1i:1; Viola M,•Whinor%-:;•sl: I,luvil WANTED atLIAsl.r. .one
Y(1111% :q3. I',lrl, I I. �Lovv Uon•ry. i MEN
el' r..rr 1sr.utr
ki_' : ntinn 1{van. a74:'\ALuRnelilel Ihr.nah..f. ra1.M M.I-r .sd rime. t.
.Art,- r,:, ,:�.•-.. -kill, .p .M- ,area
filen, ,'e;14. I-'% N NI k l: R.%'I, 'reitcht,l. s Irvin,•e+. h'/A.e-. And .s risissw.... pa.'," m.
I lrlhmwn. wn.11 .Arnlhln. mm, err r M ml.ey
TI'KmhA a,. Js, 516. ess . m,m,h .nd s„ -n.-- a. 11 Is d., Nt.dy -m.,n..
\I r. F'el •n r, or lino it-. iisilrltta Iris nim � , ^ , .soil's ml-. Ir. ,n, .ma y,n.r .ora Il.
(, I r h .rr'rnr. ",•.,IM Nell, IM i.rt,rvl.r..
let-, A11•m. A. 1'. Shrppm•rl, this 14, . SALUR NFOICINAI Co.. loan., OW., is, r..erA
1'6ola11am I-AliolI, Far.. of Nilp, whit ha, I '
leen ill for some• Lime. is. we regret, to ( - _-. _
wily, still very low -
Epeworth IA•wghe service next Tiers TO THE PUBLIC
lav vening will consist of ,t literary
progi•mu Risen ly the nu•nileers. All
are welcome. 'I'll. prlcc of l.rf,•ntti.-na... ighmo lh.'
firllblt F'rnpin' has. ,implmse it natrh lar
1. 11. Pentbtild, of Te Nwator. Vivi• t'wo. send a 11snowntly bawl pli" • .r,
Led at Nile this week. Mr. Pe•otllnd d'irwn. Ne arc now .%plvi11g ell est•.
me tower prier,• Nhtlo 1 r ,,nmlGy i, ,o-
hits sold (pill him linker11
% bustneex In taf1Nmf it not setter, ihmn e,t•r. M•
that town aan•1 will shortly retlt•n to l.'F:A !11' AI KAT MAHK"T" hnndlr. nil
Ilia bares) at Nile.. I ktemim,a uu•nl tNlll try, OIC•, owl, while
Ile#tukiatt[ Ihn pohlie• for their Ilse 1
At the regular ine'tiug of the quar. twinti.h,•, Nr. N A ruouon.11'4, of
Lrrly offlrial •Iomrd of Nile virtu on the -41,w.
Monday (of thin wtw•k. Rev. .1. C. itri
was unanimously invited to•m•ain for f "'I", I i..i . 'e .... d u
Sq t:alorI, l'. h
i third year. Wr Are g1A(1 to ,ay I salte��d/
Don't neglect your cough.
Statistics show that In New York City
alone over 200 people die every week from
And most of these consumptives might
be living now if they had not neglected the
warning cough.
You know how quickly Scotf'as
F. m U lir ffo n enables you to throw off , a
1 ,
cough or cold.
All DRUGGISTS, their. AND $1.00.
9I1*0*Homombo"4646464"46"464" .
r 1
i', Tl IJAWL)tY, February iN, 1907
Men's Underwear .
Ali the best makes, including
U1►E1AVEAH prices have advanced -and are now
away up : but fortunately for us and our
customer-, we hougbt heavily last year, and are fairy'
well sle.tcked in all the leading lines. ,ni 3 prices ac
which we have marked our underwear stock will fueatt
Bargains for Present Buyers
:t.i there/►ill be no increase in the price of
our present stock.
McLean Bros.
Art Tailors, Furnisher.,
Clothiers, Hatters,
Ctmirt House Square, (oe,llerich.
25 � That Cough
which ordinary remedies have not reachedw '
will quickly -ielli to
cures Ih,ar he.ev, det,R Icd mesh► -takes aw.y1hesnrene
hr.l, the throat-rtrenathens the lungs.
/None the leas rfy, Ure benuede it is pMsant tetakr.
lust try our Intl le anA see how quleYfy ym get rid u
ofthatcough. Al your drugglats. xSc. bottle, r6V'
When Children Cough
,•ivr Ci,- that ,d 1 r,`!! !lir r^roe :} t'. At n -eye f,. - t•, rife
Friar's Cough Balsam
It stop, collghs-break, tel. Cc,hI.r.end I,ratkinflamatim,
tln9 in threat and bronchial tallies. Absolutely pore and
:afe fot children. _.'w a Imatle. At drtiggi,;. or frc tet
A - I 0 -�, rP 111iseraNeH 'Ile
Dull An.e?
headaches -back aches -low spiritsed-hats
Otte miKht of food -don't sleep well -all Lived out to
'^ t- i the morning -nn heart for Wasik?
will fauaKe you well
11 Your kidneys are affected -either through ever•
work, exposure or disease. It is the Kidneys that
are making you feel so wretched. Gin Pills cure sick
kidne make well and strong -give
Ton on all
our o i
id time e one and vitality. y tilt h
1 oc. T Cheer UZI on
�I !' take Gin Pilo. sec. a box -6 for fi,So. aknt on
I receipt of price if your dealer does not handle them.
MAFEKINII. INanied by the following address:
MONDAY, Felt, ILh. I IWAR,It a, with feclines.� of .intron•
Richard Julenhton (took hie mother wormt that was ha-yC lwroed of your Irtendeel
down las Kippt-n IN1Nt week to visit hut• oinou%al (loan over midst, Times liko Stop pm. -
int sole to M,11 -al 1o'ih the place wealth
loll Wlllnaln• I friend• little h, our „ml.een' and aRedlnn and
the lo-, which .e u.talil it. theirrlepmrturr
Owing lo' the quart'rly wervicem at fmnl us. Your life And Influence Ili the chore).
Hope• all w•rviree ill make's 1•htllrh And a*numnily when yyonn hili
re ved hmvr
w'el't Withdrawal eel Sunday Ills(.el w,tym lxrn -1 rotor. d,r•i,ied and ht•lpel 1, tour
f:,illdnrn, A,ml ('hri-lied example worthy
!•I('llnol. I{M:Ir eNT.-Nrhr.11 tepxrt't of 'f imitation, and Nf• t1rui4 hancre many
M, S. hovel• huts Ire., .. fur the Master by the
No. 11. Ahhffeld, for 3noustry : bright -kilning elf your light. %%e feel the time.
V. --Intal nlarkm:11 Latla•n F'itxplrr•- t, oplturune 11) c:press illsow aethlua uiorr
I'ld. VA ; ll-. Ti-pleaven, 14:1, I%'- threat Nord, our uppne iaUnn of 'our corneal.
tot[ :Mei - Bert lfiyrr%, shi : 11. (;Iron, helpful inllnrnrc and Ilfc. will rnu labiallywoelrt flat- writing forinfollo and lot et mal a, a
2•i0 : C. Slothe•n, 'ail ; Loeila Blake, ,.wall ,nknn, tool ill, - ,s d,al.w. of sitar n• -,N rI
21 I : M. Sm
iudel• . 2111 - 1' S*undrt•a, end atreit•tionw
. heartiest o
r you 11IAy too yu will
lea;; 'Will Alton. INI: •F'. F'itr. rrxkl, dhytM•fervr.dprarermofyaormnsy
f+ friends, An Ill. eanuiuulty. paying for your
IM : Will Twanllrv, .,H. Ill. memoir •iter!--. sad wh•n your pilarimagulon -still
- total :X3 -- Will,.%hell, 21r2 ; 'G, Iht. rend„1 1,1 y yap r/emlve tI'e re..rd of the
�1n110d1'1•h. Ia-1 • fall hso 1.
II;1•pert Hall, it'. lit' „ 1)u 1I 1 nlpleceaalf of Intake cMlrch awl colo
junior Walter GIs•nn.-flle.lolurMun.
I Motile Tw:nnlpv, Mary Glnxiet•, �jttla rir'rnttits.
Total (dell, .1. Stuthe•s, %i% Glazier. legs. T. AvmcAm,k.
MdithJnlmsloo. Part i1. Will Fitz- --- --.--
gerald. Iola Glazipr, Lilly .%Itoo. Inti• If it mire chest Land in jail Irvfove
I.- John "114111. loVIrAth,t '1'warrdey, hr leeome. x 11 illionare he is reasim-
14•te• 011iziea•. (il tlym Rivers. Thceae , ably safe.
nou•krd were. atbbl•nt fur last, I, of ex-
i1)nfluatinnn. f Sir Hilwin Lutddeer wait once the
i"llient. of an equivocal tout un-
FAItM:\vKI,I, PHF:ar_s;TAT1uN. - Mint- !,-let. He was introduerfd to the fatties
Agkie Kilpatrick left tai Feiday nnorn-' of thee present King of f'ortu al, x1141
azinI( fur Brown 1$ty, -Mich. Ou the I the morlar•h, who find a genuine lots,
lit e•vrninK pn'evivulsW her 1. ref Dawe, was llpasel tr treed the fanr-
depmrtore A nnlalher of the congrega- I amt Are '•I an► glutto Ire vrnq"
Lion of Blake's Church gatheswl'al hpl- I hr bait, receiving him with rnit-
hoole and pre"cmtel net - with a lvrit- 101-tchlrl hands. "1 sent eat fond o
Ing portfolio :and toilet bet, af:cunl ( In•nmtn!"
Ideal Fencing--=--------
i have a carload of ideal Fencing which i
bought in M. W. Howell's stock, which i will sell at
last year's prices for
Cash Only
Fencing hag advanced from four to six dollars
a hundred rods, according to style of fence. Those
who purpose doing fencing will be money in pocket by
purchasing at once.
Wo carry a full line of 5belf and Ileavy llard-
ware. Plumbing, Ideating, Eavestroughing and 'Fin-
slnithing given special attention and all work fully
ri narlI n teed.
`,ender l: tt'nne. Ill.
a ti .