The Signal, 1907-2-7, Page 6k.
a , TNcgebAV, February 7, 1907
"Am of a purely personal unture," mile "Pene1 flip campaign will, n Irold sit- disappointment, it must lop Pont, - I. Mrnellee regnirP4, ,a A highly Artificial
I- said. lark. "You -Jou believe mp to Ile the Somehow a ppnrk of hope was lteing oar, null enrly breeding one of the
"Yes. your highne"p." She did not pr{ncesm. sur- enough, don't you?" forever extlngul"h,d by this strnlgbt• steps ne•esaary to the intensification
bks th^ 'ray in which he said ';your Rut vlilh all her tiratery sin was not forward denial. It- was not to be the of the milking habit. if the helfer Ile
highness." It sounded go If he meant :IhIP to look him lar thn fare. prince she hall seen In dreams. "Ynu not hrpd early, -6e Is likely to acquire
il- "flow can you doubt It, your high- Are not like any one elite," she saki. flip habit of using the liberal though
*'flow I5 v� 24 ifow did ,rou know that 111'ms? Would I be. serving "That Is why we thought o[ You go-- not fattening foot] she should hate for
you were R you lar the
to see him talar'%' present en ,nrit if f believer ■s -a"'- to purpnie of Innkiug flesh. Thin, If a
1 J Sou In l0 1;
t%t rehnnw c rr. lit p t "NNP have waited for thin opportunity :illy one eine'•" "As one of those unhappy rreatures l,atilt, Is quite fatal to the usefulness
tVt" ynu Palo (:nil Yar'd.) (.Ireet.and� sln.e last week. Franz, was In the Pas. "Itntotu•'s 'earning Ilan lot obaken they call prince"? Thank fortilne, your
711%: Ntrat ar Unrk agnAre highness, I am not yet reduced to Aurh ^f the hrifor Inlpuded for dilm lug.
Ile grrrnnda last '1'hund■y.^ roar faith It mr?"
e;sal boater"! YOU don't mean it!" "it has sireugthrnel It. Nothing I etralts. My px!le will come only when , Feeding, nnAun�emr sir, hrecding, or..
ler„ your highnrpr. lie e,rrlel a '',old afire• the fact" In the case. I you Pond non away." should lip diectp:l In its prevention
tnespnge to nuc from Itnvonr. That is lube not. Since TVP left GRnlook, been I Thpy wore silent for a long t!m-. r!thout, however. Phlrthng or s!unting
_ in douhl ns to flip Identity of Illy bene- I Neither was -thinking of the hour or the nnimnl. it is :nllegpd, 'Citi Soule
11 ' rn,•tregs." I the fart that her Absence In flip coal ln I show or truth, that early breeding lie -
A L -L K I N 0 S n F COAL * "It Scotus to file that you nrr hent- i ll] not be unnoticed. ?sight had lend., frolu tine size of the co 1%. when
6 ALWAYS O N H A N D Ing Around the bush. i'll conn, pirai ht f.illcn heavily upon the earth. The
A _ __- •, . g uuturel nod also tint It Is likely to
J ' fn file i t 1i ( two faithful chat 1 i
I ron . nrr nn" hnr, )n„ r ,earerm, reapeet illi hare nu adcerRe Influenvl upon Ponstl•
IlAll ileal MRhrd on rhe, market. •cyto., - •1 known that i Am not the. 1'ritl,ess o[ int r: itD "•oedrr to ihelr snots. Ilford
where fou get ,non Ihr. for n tare t:rnustnrk?" arnr off and waited. Pnldos rind Per- I Intion. Am Ilan Igen Intimated, there Is
Ma LG�s11 "tYhnt," he exclnhnrd, firnwing bn,•k erly wPrr Alone In their own little probably Scone hath in loth of these
In well nsaumeI horror. "(tri you menti world. objections to early brrcolllg, lint the
Unlen Ir/r sir I', t 'Ili:t;`• IfinlNam rltmr ��. 'World we lite, lm Is one to which we
aid", pro, ,tie Rtroud,bt to, 1' are ,rut, jesting? 1 beg of roll, do "1 think I liked ♦mu better when you nnint m)• tin
not jest. It In very Pprinnr with nrr.' wnrP the roll fra!her Anel that horrid I lr;. a for an) thing we get
�� '�' i, ` His ninnrl wam so genuine flint .site,""
he was I•pnt,h of black," slip said m,,s{nRly. tint IA IM 01-111 ln,'hlr;.
ronpletely deceive,) I "And was a frre hrnrteA vtgalond.'• iCBrly sir odleC.
�7 1 "1 nn, n•,t Jroling," she hnlf lvhlc- he erldrd, something Imploring in his it Is prohni, that Chu iutensifica.
to - pend, turning very cold. "lirtl-e you voirr. tion or nn) gvinfity- In the breeding of
�_ thought nil Mong flint 1 nm the "An Intl domestic nnimnl; iR not nttnlned wlth-
SYNOPSIS OF ?I 1 Dr!n- ,pendent pnuerr)v If yon „lit n "AcrlOce of Romething Plse.
J rrR-; tint I nm t:rrnfAll T,nrrc'- wIfPY' plea"r. RIs," nip ;old eererrlr.
^r "You told me that 3,011 were file prin- ' "Do you want mil to an itgrk to the Rninotinles the sarrlfire Is one flint ran
Canadian North est a rens.•• i hlllr? ihnrethPpatch and fllefrether, well ile movie, nod Rnmetimes It one
Homestead Regulation "��` "met P n,%Pr said that T wits -wed find my friends ark•__ I tint wr snail] prefer not to mAke. Irut
_ - any onr'R wife." I "XO! IMn't mnggrgt such a thing- In nor e'enf wr annul pay Ihp cost of
An �• Orrn ❑IIb,IMn.I M 11., sit Ihnnlulo 'there was ;1 pitpou" nppenl 1n her i YrK• I aIle brit,,nit rho protest engerdy t the gnnllfy NIP.- demire to exAlt. '1'hsf
IsmfalnM■nit-1,o.SB,kolrhtwanRnd Ath1•r1R, voiee, .and he war lint minw• in notice it, I find endod It in ennfnsion. I enrly I,rrp(lirg doom reduce ship And
e ere wlryrRnun let not re,rr, od...... t• IN• hnmr' end rejoice. Then his henrt smote hila. I "Alam, ran mean gams day ban• weals IR Altogether probable,, bat fhpsr
Rtr•n�on by nnv fata-n N'hn 1, rhe .,de I.ew11 .tf w
/sen{ I' or nnv nukMmTr a I -,•sir. of ngr, rn Urr "Rut what In to,lrrromp of mil If J.nru ' (aliment in not unlikely?" nrr gUnllflps that nM not particularly
osteo,. of urn-gaAMnr.txlMn of t�I urn., mar ore not the princean?'• hr Asked after ' "Vou don't export to he r--emfinl In the dairy cmc. And the
or Ir+•. gunrrl mil
K„I,rp nowt Ig• made fwtr,l o,,,: of the InrAl N ,,I,- n lonz Mlle, "( can nn longer serer Your lift', kin yell?" early heeling In attended with ,nnsr
hnd alga• for lh, Ai.trlrt In Nnlll•II th„ In IMI t, I Not i0 asset. the 1'rIII,Ma M Cleat.- queues much more lmlwtrtint In the
.1 1. poo. 'I his in my sir In tile rustle
Th<hmn..,trn,lerl. rm, oireii to ' here 1s ()-hat Uol•„ne say.." - rlPilrytniu than nay ronsiArrnfion of
t,•rtnrn, the guard." start, t renfrem. -,(y Alm it mvirh high-
enndOleo- ,•mn,n tr,1 [h,r-„uh und,( me of why l:Atone And the Others waited far "You are to gn nn Rrr ing me i menu er, if find lots mP chnn"P till rrow-n 1
rhe inllowing ohm„ I mire Illye it Is poiladhle, tole, that Civil.
lit Ar h•B.r .it month romblem- upon Rn4 me In the hills." roll are to retain tour place In fhesery- world "rip i would pollat for fife. The mfilutiou ma) stirrer to It extent
VnitfeRtlon of the IwnA ht p„ch rear to,- Cho,• "Son unite mp!" 111-P," she hintened fn mar. "i shall rrown i would sone In wrought of from early breeding, lint this, torn, is
yeRn. A have seen Prinz often," he Pon. � keep I
t'h 11 the farhrrinr mnthrr, l/rho furies ills. D m,r ,mmise to yon." flaw small Int(, the thenar 1 would kneel before Is star of the Ihlnita that moat Ire In part
•.•Bard, is the hrn,u+tender n.ld„o n n R fan„ f"Rrd r•amily. "Ile It nn rxrrll(mt null humble nhr was hpghrniug to f.•el! ■heist, the Prr ,seer i RrnUd follow Is endured nna In pert r•nm J
the fintArry of nn, lar,n ••ntrred fns the re, mrRPPnger.'• 1 rotations b
jgtfroment. R. it. rr.ldenrc mer u„• .art+flpl i it dill "Of -rem on entertaining kites 1n the RlPndrr liand ofn vromin. 1 Ili(' better rico-aDd Rr'enfrr nttpn;lnn
I, -n,h Par,nn re.hling Nath the farhew of "So it would Rprm. wn must keep ' nil. fills prPttr derepflnn of herr, flown ronlA lien and illy In the aerylrp of my
ill If the.ntfler In• hl, .I A lookout far him. iJr Is the go -ole- i In him heart. underneath flip gallant ol. own choosing, hilt i am Only the ham- �_
iN•rnmnent r e wire tween for yon all. i oleo'• ~_ ---�- - -
nop"n7o /him h0mland d,'h t.v hltn In the milt testae, what TiRr lir opinion of her? bIP Cost hunrrr,'ShnsP hopes Piro, phon-
�e.r r•I ina Mlne.trnrl, rhe ngntrpment- 1ka to "Dhl yAu Ipnrn to sky 't nn all' In hvnnething n As mtilizing her errs florce. tnmm, whoop Idrn1A are ronrelred in Inn f ! '
R fA l tnd, Is• .nfhm,d bt r,.klrnrn ult(wt An"'rk•ra?” he, linked. iter hen rt gn to Ir, .anti 11110 cleated them in kept, hnr. finle,P." l
I'll month.'notire in Nrlting-ho.tld M.Clyem A great Trop. 'There wall Pomethintr flip fears of mortirlPAt{on. "Tint was ;.rmntlful." mnrmnml
w ,he fInte It."1r p Ibf.n„l,n, Lind+ At mil enhtlp In the queer that she was "tllPr r'slhmm," he, maid, him uninner Recrrlr. looking rip, fnRrtn;ted for the
rn1RwR M Inrpnum, rt. .tl,ply fpr eRrrtr. I vitality relloved'111'"i• 1 1 s
vv. vv. on1tY, "wlftlr, "i halo felt from the mom -sit
Defnny of ff." Mlnl.trr of the Intor{nr, "No%er mind about that, Pit. }•nn firmt that %mI are not fhP i`rin,rItt of "Oh, that i had the rnnragp to pnllRt," IN .
N.N. I'nalfMw'Iml trohllratbm of rhl, rid won't tell me, what you Reld In your •
ertlmmomt will nut lie iwld for rrnnMnrk. i knPvf 11 nn inks After 1 he oriel], hpwA{nR Ins oars mere, Kis
. note to itA,onp.'• entaref Bdelwotn. Frogs caro ,,,, a felt the Mnrer to his vnirp. halt ttemu SOD -
-- ---- —.---- - -
to the proteetion of the cow from con-
� ��'. <
�•�. Ia
nab at Ganl,rok, but 1 did nit Mad I
1 leus with somethingmore than loyalty,
Quick an a flash Ralph raised hi" gon.
It will out du to encourage the milk-
and with unerring aim, fired at tho
f tj`~�nn-�. ;�ii�'1�.1i'. %. •' Y• �.
:r ?ii':,jli•:::':•:i� `. ;,`;i.tii a
until l was a nmwher of the guard."
' -und drew her haul] away from o pla,•e
law the caw to find her uuly rheltet
behind it at tremendous speed, wor-t
against the winter blasts on the south
•q: ~�'�. T �(� },
t "f�<ilJJlf
01 x.:•..•;{?.e� �. �,�
-•.�,-... 'A
1"oar have koo,vo It en IonR?" n
or Instant Jeopardy. It was Gee that
of their leader broke the necks of nil
five hirds. The thing happened -o
•;� :.e' f :••i:1,;:.$• rS••i}.1.:%S'{tti.'�i
.. �'``',
r , ., �A r.,
" ` f:
cried Joyously. '.tad you have trust,-
she was pinytnC with, she realized with
I as s scrub rustler would be can well 1w+
endured and ludetd must be endured
i .
If it profitable dairy cow Is sought for
lieved it had not Ralph Arent htlnself
Heifers should therefore Ile bred, wo
t•,: :.•.••.
me? You hate nut tutted me for (t,
a start of cons,lousnrsa. Sweet as the
two years old. Thr maternal function,
Kurile tlelf-made turn giro file ill,
of which milking Is but n branch, in
thusencouraged early and made it
characteristic of the animal throughout
"Ever try uu autouuubile, Judge?'
.K'. c
eelvin oar?"
[ y
stroll had grown to be she saw that II
Judge, ••but I've ffI"d it lilt tit Iteoplc
who have."-Youk'elb Klalestuafi.
til•. �,.
for hunting Ptoros, but here is one
dnvb," slid the first old aschcmhnaster,
from The Hanover Yost that all good
`s,-,.' x'•
"1 hates never raased to regard yo,;
must bs
The "tory is told of Mr. Ralph lfrunl
other old pedagogue, "and it's a rail.
"Sitting on a log near a bay out
Weat several years ago, he chanced
uecu.luuy."-i'llilndelphint Public Led•
On nnttne a,e flaw Gal coming Along ill
!::..3 , j.`'
V�T �' _
as my suverclRn," hr Ruld eofll),
"It it getting frightfully late," ehc
Li r .-
"But lust a tvou:rnt n�u )on spoke n;
sharply eiclalmert. "They'll wonder
The Signal, Weekly Hr ral(1 anti London Daily
r~ t'
:: A~a°` i1 �"�<a" j
;,-,. ;
n1P ns n Ms► 1
y .tun•rieau t,'1,” she sail
it I've y, y
[one to. \1'h it's actual)
Weekly Free Press
'.;, :';+i
2 25
1'hc Signal, Weekly f fcral(I salt Wc-stminster
a R :.-.;-,, ,.
and Westmin;:ter . .1 .
3 �5
�' :.� rat
u stat
G:y'i(.: `,^.�
i}!_..',' OW"OL MOL Is flsaL `rt'•i
"I have used that term but o'-
"It bar been dark for half an Dour,
The Signal, Woeklt' Iferal(I -,'fill Mon treal
3 50
Weekly Witne'as .
The Signal, 1Veckly Iferald anti World W,'de
gay as logs . . I �.'
while, I have said „
your hl^barns' n
, your hl [
TtlueAe," bald he,, Arawln him
2 65
-?<':'�::::i:': !'vi:.iii'i'i;i;•�:•::",•t::v:':•:,'•,�'!
a::•it:?c: +.,:,rca S:::.....rr:;!- _ .
thousand times. Knowing flint sic
R 7
s''If IID with sudden rigidness that dis
t't:•?-.,,:. S•a.:::•::.•,v.
... 1��.;..-,.:..,, ":'OI". ": `tit:'.-..
'('4a?•:v•:i''t`i": •• ''ivf'l.:T;:,•"
;.t••,•.,...i/.r/.J:.i., •.�.;
were )(IPr teal{IOUn. 1 eOUld not hat,,
tressed her. "Are you going t0 return
L�[:. t,• l:. •,(�,,n:,,
e ; ... :':4.•,J-:'•.•.:'•;1 r.x;;{.• • :` .•:,.. yr.
meant either."
"I fans i have nn right to criflrls•.•
to Iia castle.
I " eA. They'll IIArP Out ■ searching
you," she humbly adnlln,rl. "After sill,
I party prpity soon If I don't appear."
I.+Shfn were -prin�:tng Irto rxlble!nee
1 enullOt ••
It (toes not surprise file flint you were
I You bare twell good to me today,"
In all (m,rls of flit. park Beverly saw "%yell, Ill. ;;ace you one lar return. 11
not deceived. ()Illy nn Incl-Pcile could
be sold thoughtfully. "1 shall try to
the Kohlum' whidowIII the monastery
rou are im-rftY'tl,' slueete. lltldos, you
have been foole(I all flip" weeks. };T-�
merit the kindness. Let rue-,-
All travellers, and the et.-
NrAway, still her ryes fastened oil It will hand that u„tv user to un•. It
Pry one said that you were no fool. It
"Oh, please don't talk to that humble
As It for bustennop fn this erlslµ of Iter
►1,:,11 go nn further, I xwear b/ you, If,
stems ridiculous that it should have
p RAJ! It's ridiculous! 1'd rather have
gaged in outdoor work, Should
lire th{A. m,,lienf of slit irise, this nlo- am you cow•, it does not Jeopardize
gone to this length. doesn't It :•t
Y Impertinent. I declare oar Absolutely
always have a bottle of
ment when she felt him laying haudA
Grnubtnrk. .Now, ,air, prove your toy-
"Not at all your highn"s. I am
' Upon my honor I would. Don't you re.
Hirst Pain
upon the heart she had not suspe,tt,cl
I of treason. Twilight was them;
ally and yuur honesty.•'
Ile hesitated for a long thop; then
i►meinber flow you talked when you
: wore the red feathers
have the habit, 1 are," pits
Well. I liked
the still had set, and night via ,k rush-
from nn hiller Iwg'rcet he drew forth a
fag up to lend unfair afl'.:ullage to the hit of paper.
"I hare several months yet to mrrve
ilaldoa IAnghed eaRlly, happily. Air
fort -P4 Against which Ise) were Rlrug
"1 don't see w I,y it has not 14 -en
as a member ,if the guard. L•eshles. I
beast was not very bumble, though his
at hand. It is the most
gUng The or,G.•hirat ill the ,antic ,ens destr:-yrd." lie r.,, Ill regretful]). • %Vhat
am tinder orerm to regard you no the
•oleo and manure were.
;xlwtrful lininlcnt manufac
Idaying something Soft +nnd tender--
u negl,,,ctful fall 1 have bleu!"
princess. general \InrlRnx has given
"nM it the color of Insolence, you
tared Slid gives instant relief
all, so far uwny!
"lou alight have said It had been dr-
me secerP instructions ill that respect."
in cases threat �Icures
"I (or,: -•t that i ;till a slarr, your "troyed," slip built, happ)' ba•ause he
"You are willing to play the game to
I n good dent ;�ontlpr than blur."
t altt,
aa+ S�FaiaS. It also Cures
highurs,." he "old ,It L(+t. And his voles had not said it.
ilin her "Ilnt that would Ill" lw•en n kir.
the end?" she demanded, mare grad
i ahs drelared.
' "Before yon call the bpnrorm, Misr
Strains, khtiv fudw. NtaralFla
ell ihrough :und through. She
turned (uirkl • nod to her utter dim-
1 )
hood it, your higlin•,.c, and return {t
God than aIle should have been.
••Assured) J, yrs. it la the only safe,
i your highness, i wish to rptrert some -
and all kindred troubles. 25c.
may found his face nod eves still clove to Inp. It Must la• deslrnred."
guard I have. To alter my lPlief a.,-
wing I said awhile a he said veer
," seriously.
at all
lo hers, glowing In the darkuPsn,
Is too dnrk to nand It herr," With-
Ilrly would expose tile to -to"--
'icy MIN's 11101 LIVtf �
� ..•fhOsr neva Ocrr there." she whir-
out a word Ile handrd the paper to her
D fN'
nod the bearers,
•.•Po what. Boldus?..
"i Ahould think you would," she re
I aponded. utter) mlainterpretl❑
for indigestion and d%slrepalk.
p rat helplessly- "they are looking at
called chair to whom
"To ridicule, for one lhtug. And to the
y g his 1n -
: teut.
Ask ur dealer or send tats
hr gnP ❑1"trlctlous that brought Ler
m,Pellly Ig•ucruth one of the
i park lamps.
Sonorous Inercles of l'ouut Nis lnu:
"You asked me to tell roti what for
direct. A handsome
I than Gal Bernell .... hr
Cried softly. "Yell do not url,kh flip;
She nfuer'vard recalled the guilty fin-
ResidpIl, ft would dr rice mr of tfir
privilege I mentioned a moment • r
me"snge to navone contained and d
tsotrvrmir card
Tag F. F. DALLEY CO., k rotted
I you do out rebuke me. Gtxl, 1DC1'C Is n0
i Tulse whieo frrced her to sit oar the
lir right to kiss your hand. to be )-oar
refused. Subsequently
q y the spot
b1n message to me Irl] into
Mankato" alt
telltale note while the turn were carry-
stave and to do homage to the only
us n moat
thorough understanding.
"You you must not talk like, (halt."
lug her along in the. driveway. R'hen
It Ras quite sale she slyly opened the
sovereign I can recogn:ze. Surely, ynu
It 1s only
Just and right that you should know
she cried. Dulling herself together suit
Illlssive. Ili% hand closed over hers
will not subject me to exile from if,,
what I said to him."
denly. •'1 caunut permit it, liuldos.
You forget who yn tire, sic"
and tilt• "nip, nod he hent close once
only joys that life holds for n,,. You
have sought to dereice nip, and 1 lint,
'•1 trust
I You. Raldoe," the pretested
_. ____ - -- _ _ •
The Full Flavor
"Ah, TOA, your hiyliness," he said I-
fore hr stood erect. 'I forget that I
-Nfy only fear Is that the test will
tried to deceive yo,. Foch baa fouo,l
the other out, An we Are quits. Nis)- vi,terday,
I simply.
•'Teat 1s why i tell this to you. Yes
I your highness, the castle
Of the Beef
was a pllriweled traitor. Now I am
n;ake it Impossible for Inc to klig your
not now combine forces In the verb
received their month's pay. You mrr
gniltr of leze maj'rty." Beverly felt
°^Kiln•" said Ile 1n a strained
She Joked up In surprise.
laudable effort to de,eire the vrorld`
I not know how well we are paid, so i
her"Mf grow hot with confusion.
"R"hat am i to do with you?" she
•Then It it really something disloy-
If the world doesn't know that r,
know, why, the comedy map I e longi
i will Pay that It is 10 Carries to Parb.
The, entelope which 1 to
wird In (.erplPxity, her heart orating
••I IuItP called it n tent. your high-
drawn out And the climax be made th.
gave Rprone
contained my wages for the past six
"You swear ,roll are hon-
tiers, he rncirondrd Pnigmnticnll'
more amusiashamefully. R"
Iweeks. They need It for more than I
$ '
est, Au,l yet you won't tell me the
Now. dormt Ilk,•
"1R'e]1,we'll ser," mile sold And forth -truth.
afraid there- was • tni'll r'
do. Tbere was elso a short note of
stand flint!
turner her e,res to the old lugoox-
your old limy P. 1n Ibnt rennet:,"
Rood cheer those poor a
nm as straicht nR n nlmrod, null 1
Capt pilw•r. A qui,•k Gash crossed herknow
Cha Bald. "Yrs, I Am willing In Po❑
mine afiA tbp am;uraoce khat one dayS"nu
a hat one
,roar di/nitp IA G•rriblp orndeh
brow; her eyes blinked hn le"ply. The
tfnne the rnmedy. It seems tfie safrei
our luck may change ■nd starvation
1 ten, be foolish, but 1 do brLe''c you
noir was written ill the Grnustnrk tau-
wait in protect ,ecu--es,erlally from
l'P au,cerded D
( y plenty. And, still
Intend n0 harm to Grailstarl:.- You
General \Inrinnx. No one Illnrt pre
more, I told him that I knew you to br
rporrrs rw cao.eal
cannclt IRs a traitor."
"YA rear) it later, IlnldoI. 'chi: is
know, BRI -1n4; It would be nbsolutel?
Misr Calhoun and that you were m
I J y
is what you Ret in Armour's
will some da {r
y girl, m)• life to re-
plane for file to be reodin: note,, dou•t
pitiful. I am glad, oh, sn glad, III::
angst Of inspiration. That was ell,
Soli,] Extract which means Uut
pay you for those, words, rake high
yon know-; really, 1t isn't. I.11 i[
You Dave known xll the thus. it r-
Your hlghnppIl."
You also Ret the natural strength
ties-," said. Ilor hand wait restfuz
back to you tomorrow," pie ill
Ifeves my mind null my ennaclencp tr(-
}} "Thank you, Baldnp, for telling mo."
of the Beef. Tint's why it goes
nn the sicJe of the rhAir. SontMDhug
haste to an)'Yes,^
I able ,Aid softly. "You hare made me
four times as far as most nthrr
waren touched It, still tile,, it was firs-
eel resistlessly. ilot, passionate 111.4
An Inscrutable smile calne over his
hr bald grclt!r. A lanes I.nnwi,
You were not \I l.orry'r
ashamed of mytplt."
"On the contrary, i fear that I have
Extracts and Fluid Beefs, mann-
burned thPmseltes into the white ftu-
"I'mrolWA information Is
w1fP." Ile had divined her tlmng!1I. t
been Pu Indulging In inn k heroics. Truth
l Armo by adding wit and water.
Armour's Solid Extract
germ.of h and A glut' went Into every fiiocr
of her Ixsly.
corrr' 1
sm now rnntinred.' ip sr.W ,aowI.
and she Ansllwl hotly. -you are Rtill a
And egotism, like a salad, require a
of Red
iiia" ]car n1I sir lie
"fray, your h{glinas, glan,e over it
princess, DOwpter. A loa,r Coat hunf-r
certain amount of drespia g '
is the true essence of Prime I:er(
could wy.
gent]• released the hand and threw tit /
not%, Clint I may destroy it at once," he
ran nil :rink upon the rich Amrr(rnl.
you are Asldns and not a
fairy prince, i think
"C„,, nary l,'rtnkler" tell. what Mel
IIIP .dila re"(dlltely,
"I nm all �'
uont maty In die." he,
"Tile light i"11'1 gaol)."
girl as a pnrr•reign whom he must woe
ship from far below."
you may Instruet
the men 10 tarry me hark, being with.
rryarc ,. u. -n tar .r,i i,n.. re „K
arae rete. t eo,nrm Ily, M,, led
chs Innghra far the first time ein,r I
"Il seem" rxcMlrnt."
"rib. I'm not so rich as oil that'^ rhe
Ont lin n1AgIC to ilPetry RDICh COUId
me Ina
fee °t 1e �"<�� as
they entered tie pork.
".Ind 1 never saw such n miserable
rrfed [think it )s time for
RDIR. Goodness,
wh-' Moi
win's fist?"
"I doo't know how to frost you." she
sernwl As illi". Ile muct liner w•ritfell it
e general rips ring up of mystPr:e�
Are you I'rfaro I/antan.
waldn ton fort of the sedan chair
eaaarwaw ..soon. „ .sear •sane rat.,
said in n hell-lrsR Gutter. •'You know•
ml hnrseba,k, nod at fill] gallop."
It I+
YrlOrr Prr'!
Pyle or that other clue-ChrimtobRl some
and dirprtly behind the tall guard stood
a "rine Psr Ilan many trials Ili Ilfr•,'
gmllp vale hi�hue.<"
"1 rp;,llp r:nul•,t heed I:,p
brw]y? e'mnr, be fair with mp "
a small ( I D
Rrnu , of 1pA 1". Hp and Pno-
. the least of which it w011131l-
stilly. You
know lir luulawriting. Ilrad i[ in ulr,
"It "(en's that all I:flelwrtrm lank•
rely, eritmssel In pa• h Mier, had not
(;sated firer Approach. How
"Rnld1,.." "Ile Paid after a lona
I'll frust you to read It carefully."
upon of as a prince In disgtdsp. Yon
long they
had D-rn silent n 1pctaton the Ilttle
pansr Symethin: ter-, di-agrecAble
"Thi. is Pmitarrossing. your highness.
oat 1
found me in the hillx"-- I
�O You found me. 1 hates
/ Of
P,ri,p °•,lir 11 P lutrud,ro knew. That
:tall )fist rnit.". Into her brain. "Itacr
ober, of rourge, if ynu command.
herr is what Itnrone Pars:
not far.
gotten, Illy."
startled, abashed eyes of the girl fa
�nvi horn fnr;;eftlu� nlf lhiA tirtp that
"i was a rAgahond aria a fnglt
the ebalr were- net long in distinguish
flipPrin,rmr brute is the Crile of
e;rruf;Ill IAIRy}•.
heap fr^-h ltrnnr i,an sir 1s Ant rhe
ltrinrprm. but rhe ."mprban nisi. Y.r px-
,ordinglt ,arrfol flint Ahe dorm not l,wi
My frfendit Are huntel ■s I nm tt-p
lure no home. Why erery
snit the he s stop rs. A pare to front
of the others ■Cast the gaunt, shadowy
hnr users le(r nrr mind for nn
ym, Into Am ndml:s!nnm. Thp
ane Iho-,ld
form of Count Marlanx.
infant. Pram the Iw,Uum of Illy heart
nro tri, ky. II.Itp Ilttle in pat to her :and
Ilia et me of brio it rine•• I 'an .1
RphlnA him were the Princess To-
I enngrnlulatr him. II1%. wife is all
r9,ar,t ,our Ionj:u. w,ll. We are nil well
undprs;and. Frei -3 rnimpr to the tiilla I
tire, the Old prime minister and Baron
eugel Ils well a prinof
and are halting for the best. -,!s
nM • prince Thorp IN n prise upon
D l
' li"ell, in Ihr ,ndp larmy
live tonsils, it
- _-__
head, and there Is a reward for the
u n o �
glhte prnitrr to hr nn loyal t0 nnoth,,r
to J t
l'IL`►1`TI:n St"Ili.
cephlre of overy man who was with
Iso sir. aoo�rl----u.l
_ -
mann wife':" xhe Asked, and Ihrn nhr
G1'I:RhT ,ens s1.rrrhlecr
me, 1n the pass. \Ip ramp Is Paul RsI-
• _______J-_
Makes Them
lrrnthled. h" alar XIIpiMWIl In know•
"Of course, your Dighllr•sIl'"
doi, l•fiJ" Calhoun. There 1r no mys-
, rr 1n that.
Ivor .as the w ire of o;renran I.orrii, And
%aid Iiuldom, deep np•dngy in I
J if )Oar were to mPatiml i
It in
You Call bOUI
yet he had boldly sllnwn hip lore for
h;s voice, "natoue is wocrully
A Pertain Pity, you w•oluld qui(•k:y
find that the narnp of nald"s is I
T1 --
ey should no r arpratly Bred to
mis;nformal. Ile Is honest in iia Ion
Suited anll Overcoat-
"It depends Altogether on the Oliver er
lief. Avid YouPhould not ani -Judge his
unknown to the People who are soarrh
lag for
foa■mpnpr N11h1"R t:arly.
Inan'A wife," he SAO, and mile hooked
mnii%Pn, hot• lie could have ]Mil go
him. No, tour highnpss; I rer
correcpnnlrot writes Ani{ng W1117r
ell, In the latest
up gnl,klr. 1t Tier too dark to gee
blind ns ft. confound you with thlit
gret excl•edingly that I meat deatrnc
In our Judgment. heifers Intended far
his fncp, but Pom.•thin tool her to !
frisky American girl but i beg your
the absurd Impi-P"s{on that i nm of
tire. (L•1!ry should Iwo first fired. The
tit cia and inaterial,
proms the paint no farther. prep down :
Mardon. Phe is to Its your guest. A
royal blood. Perhaps I am spoilt "K A
:!oI1er::i oll{IlinIl ou the sulr e•1, and we
In her hpnrt Phe plat" beginning- fn re.
Ihnuland panlnng, your highness.
pretty mmanre. but It cannot by help
bpliele It is correct, says Wincrinifn
At the
lniee in the Idle•( flint he had funud I
chs hnd been struck dumb by file
M' I wad Rnldoo the goat hunter: I
1'oruuv, is flint heifers Intended for
her Out. if tie Piill I1Plle'ed her to lin ,
wordlug of the note, but his appnreltlr
am now BAIdnR the guard. Do you
i!,,, ,hlit;c should Ise tire,] at. A4 to
West Street
r(•al princess, then he was but the
nubJet of mnrct'sation Irani
sme-re apology for his friend set her I
c, rep
that i Ti-ollid be serving as n
Graustark gunrd if i were any
Ino lar with their first ratites at about
At had
In fir ,hanged. A
sedation into play nuc more.
Whirr he was speak•InR her wltm were•
one- of
the men you mention°"
two,rP:IM Old. The milking function,
Clothtag EmQorium
"Inn mar `nor ine"pago ft. ItAtollo
forming themselves for conflict. %the
Revarly Ifstenpd In wonder And stun, I'"t'led
ft. the extent which gavel dairy
"Am of a purely personal unture," mile "Pene1 flip campaign will, n Irold sit- disappointment, it must lop Pont, - I. Mrnellee regnirP4, ,a A highly Artificial
I- said. lark. "You -Jou believe mp to Ile the Somehow a ppnrk of hope was lteing oar, null enrly breeding one of the
"Yes. your highne"p." She did not pr{ncesm. sur- enough, don't you?" forever extlngul"h,d by this strnlgbt• steps ne•esaary to the intensification
bks th^ 'ray in which he said ';your Rut vlilh all her tiratery sin was not forward denial. It- was not to be the of the milking habit. if the helfer Ile
highness." It sounded go If he meant :IhIP to look him lar thn fare. prince she hall seen In dreams. "Ynu not hrpd early, -6e Is likely to acquire
il- "flow can you doubt It, your high- Are not like any one elite," she saki. flip habit of using the liberal though
*'flow I5 v� 24 ifow did ,rou know that 111'ms? Would I be. serving "That Is why we thought o[ You go-- not fattening foot] she should hate for
you were R you lar the
to see him talar'%' present en ,nrit if f believer ■s -a"'- to purpnie of Innkiug flesh. Thin, If a
1 J Sou In l0 1;
t%t rehnnw c rr. lit p t "NNP have waited for thin opportunity :illy one eine'•" "As one of those unhappy rreatures l,atilt, Is quite fatal to the usefulness
tVt" ynu Palo (:nil Yar'd.) (.Ireet.and� sln.e last week. Franz, was In the Pas. "Itntotu•'s 'earning Ilan lot obaken they call prince"? Thank fortilne, your
711%: Ntrat ar Unrk agnAre highness, I am not yet reduced to Aurh ^f the hrifor Inlpuded for dilm lug.
Ile grrrnnda last '1'hund■y.^ roar faith It mr?"
e;sal boater"! YOU don't mean it!" "it has sireugthrnel It. Nothing I etralts. My px!le will come only when , Feeding, nnAun�emr sir, hrecding, or..
ler„ your highnrpr. lie e,rrlel a '',old afire• the fact" In the case. I you Pond non away." should lip diectp:l In its prevention
tnespnge to nuc from Itnvonr. That is lube not. Since TVP left GRnlook, been I Thpy wore silent for a long t!m-. r!thout, however. Phlrthng or s!unting
_ in douhl ns to flip Identity of Illy bene- I Neither was -thinking of the hour or the nnimnl. it is :nllegpd, 'Citi Soule
11 ' rn,•tregs." I the fart that her Absence In flip coal ln I show or truth, that early breeding lie -
A L -L K I N 0 S n F COAL * "It Scotus to file that you nrr hent- i ll] not be unnoticed. ?sight had lend., frolu tine size of the co 1%. when
6 ALWAYS O N H A N D Ing Around the bush. i'll conn, pirai ht f.illcn heavily upon the earth. The
A _ __- •, . g uuturel nod also tint It Is likely to
J ' fn file i t 1i ( two faithful chat 1 i
I ron . nrr nn" hnr, )n„ r ,earerm, reapeet illi hare nu adcerRe Influenvl upon Ponstl•
IlAll ileal MRhrd on rhe, market. •cyto., - •1 known that i Am not the. 1'ritl,ess o[ int r: itD "•oedrr to ihelr snots. Ilford
where fou get ,non Ihr. for n tare t:rnustnrk?" arnr off and waited. Pnldos rind Per- I Intion. Am Ilan Igen Intimated, there Is
Ma LG�s11 "tYhnt," he exclnhnrd, firnwing bn,•k erly wPrr Alone In their own little probably Scone hath in loth of these
In well nsaumeI horror. "(tri you menti world. objections to early brrcolllg, lint the
Unlen Ir/r sir I', t 'Ili:t;`• IfinlNam rltmr ��. 'World we lite, lm Is one to which we
aid", pro, ,tie Rtroud,bt to, 1' are ,rut, jesting? 1 beg of roll, do "1 think I liked ♦mu better when you nnint m)• tin
not jest. It In very Pprinnr with nrr.' wnrP the roll fra!her Anel that horrid I lr;. a for an) thing we get
�� '�' i, ` His ninnrl wam so genuine flint .site,""
he was I•pnt,h of black," slip said m,,s{nRly. tint IA IM 01-111 ln,'hlr;.
ronpletely deceive,) I "And was a frre hrnrteA vtgalond.'• iCBrly sir odleC.
�7 1 "1 nn, n•,t Jroling," she hnlf lvhlc- he erldrd, something Imploring in his it Is prohni, that Chu iutensifica.
to - pend, turning very cold. "lirtl-e you voirr. tion or nn) gvinfity- In the breeding of
�_ thought nil Mong flint 1 nm the "An Intl domestic nnimnl; iR not nttnlned wlth-
SYNOPSIS OF ?I 1 Dr!n- ,pendent pnuerr)v If yon „lit n "AcrlOce of Romething Plse.
J rrR-; tint I nm t:rrnfAll T,nrrc'- wIfPY' plea"r. RIs," nip ;old eererrlr.
^r "You told me that 3,011 were file prin- ' "Do you want mil to an itgrk to the Rninotinles the sarrlfire Is one flint ran
Canadian North est a rens.•• i hlllr? ihnrethPpatch and fllefrether, well ile movie, nod Rnmetimes It one
Homestead Regulation "��` "met P n,%Pr said that T wits -wed find my friends ark•__ I tint wr snail] prefer not to mAke. Irut
_ - any onr'R wife." I "XO! IMn't mnggrgt such a thing- In nor e'enf wr annul pay Ihp cost of
An �• Orrn ❑IIb,IMn.I M 11., sit Ihnnlulo 'there was ;1 pitpou" nppenl 1n her i YrK• I aIle brit,,nit rho protest engerdy t the gnnllfy NIP.- demire to exAlt. '1'hsf
IsmfalnM■nit-1,o.SB,kolrhtwanRnd Ath1•r1R, voiee, .and he war lint minw• in notice it, I find endod It in ennfnsion. I enrly I,rrp(lirg doom reduce ship And
e ere wlryrRnun let not re,rr, od...... t• IN• hnmr' end rejoice. Then his henrt smote hila. I "Alam, ran mean gams day ban• weals IR Altogether probable,, bat fhpsr
Rtr•n�on by nnv fata-n N'hn 1, rhe .,de I.ew11 .tf w
/sen{ I' or nnv nukMmTr a I -,•sir. of ngr, rn Urr "Rut what In to,lrrromp of mil If J.nru ' (aliment in not unlikely?" nrr gUnllflps that nM not particularly
osteo,. of urn-gaAMnr.txlMn of t�I urn., mar ore not the princean?'• hr Asked after ' "Vou don't export to he r--emfinl In the dairy cmc. And the
or Ir+•. gunrrl mil
K„I,rp nowt Ig• made fwtr,l o,,,: of the InrAl N ,,I,- n lonz Mlle, "( can nn longer serer Your lift', kin yell?" early heeling In attended with ,nnsr
hnd alga• for lh, Ai.trlrt In Nnlll•II th„ In IMI t, I Not i0 asset. the 1'rIII,Ma M Cleat.- queues much more lmlwtrtint In the
.1 1. poo. 'I his in my sir In tile rustle
Th<hmn..,trn,lerl. rm, oireii to ' here 1s ()-hat Uol•„ne say.." - rlPilrytniu than nay ronsiArrnfion of
t,•rtnrn, the guard." start, t renfrem. -,(y Alm it mvirh high-
enndOleo- ,•mn,n tr,1 [h,r-„uh und,( me of why l:Atone And the Others waited far "You are to gn nn Rrr ing me i menu er, if find lots mP chnn"P till rrow-n 1
rhe inllowing ohm„ I mire Illye it Is poiladhle, tole, that Civil.
lit Ar h•B.r .it month romblem- upon Rn4 me In the hills." roll are to retain tour place In fhesery- world "rip i would pollat for fife. The mfilutiou ma) stirrer to It extent
VnitfeRtlon of the IwnA ht p„ch rear to,- Cho,• "Son unite mp!" 111-P," she hintened fn mar. "i shall rrown i would sone In wrought of from early breeding, lint this, torn, is
yeRn. A have seen Prinz often," he Pon. � keep I
t'h 11 the farhrrinr mnthrr, l/rho furies ills. D m,r ,mmise to yon." flaw small Int(, the thenar 1 would kneel before Is star of the Ihlnita that moat Ire In part
•.•Bard, is the hrn,u+tender n.ld„o n n R fan„ f"Rrd r•amily. "Ile It nn rxrrll(mt null humble nhr was hpghrniug to f.•el! ■heist, the Prr ,seer i RrnUd follow Is endured nna In pert r•nm J
the fintArry of nn, lar,n ••ntrred fns the re, mrRPPnger.'• 1 rotations b
jgtfroment. R. it. rr.ldenrc mer u„• .art+flpl i it dill "Of -rem on entertaining kites 1n the RlPndrr liand ofn vromin. 1 Ili(' better rico-aDd Rr'enfrr nttpn;lnn
I, -n,h Par,nn re.hling Nath the farhew of "So it would Rprm. wn must keep ' nil. fills prPttr derepflnn of herr, flown ronlA lien and illy In the aerylrp of my
ill If the.ntfler In• hl, .I A lookout far him. iJr Is the go -ole- i In him heart. underneath flip gallant ol. own choosing, hilt i am Only the ham- �_
iN•rnmnent r e wire tween for yon all. i oleo'• ~_ ---�- - -
nop"n7o /him h0mland d,'h t.v hltn In the milt testae, what TiRr lir opinion of her? bIP Cost hunrrr,'ShnsP hopes Piro, phon-
�e.r r•I ina Mlne.trnrl, rhe ngntrpment- 1ka to "Dhl yAu Ipnrn to sky 't nn all' In hvnnething n As mtilizing her errs florce. tnmm, whoop Idrn1A are ronrelred in Inn f ! '
R fA l tnd, Is• .nfhm,d bt r,.klrnrn ult(wt An"'rk•ra?” he, linked. iter hen rt gn to Ir, .anti 11110 cleated them in kept, hnr. finle,P." l
I'll month.'notire in Nrlting-ho.tld M.Clyem A great Trop. 'There wall Pomethintr flip fears of mortirlPAt{on. "Tint was ;.rmntlful." mnrmnml
w ,he fInte It."1r p Ibf.n„l,n, Lind+ At mil enhtlp In the queer that she was "tllPr r'slhmm," he, maid, him uninner Recrrlr. looking rip, fnRrtn;ted for the
rn1RwR M Inrpnum, rt. .tl,ply fpr eRrrtr. I vitality relloved'111'"i• 1 1 s
vv. vv. on1tY, "wlftlr, "i halo felt from the mom -sit
Defnny of ff." Mlnl.trr of the Intor{nr, "No%er mind about that, Pit. }•nn firmt that %mI are not fhP i`rin,rItt of "Oh, that i had the rnnragp to pnllRt," IN .
N.N. I'nalfMw'Iml trohllratbm of rhl, rid won't tell me, what you Reld In your •
ertlmmomt will nut lie iwld for rrnnMnrk. i knPvf 11 nn inks After 1 he oriel], hpwA{nR Ins oars mere, Kis
. note to itA,onp.'• entaref Bdelwotn. Frogs caro ,,,, a felt the Mnrer to his vnirp. halt ttemu SOD -
-- ---- —.---- - -
to the proteetion of the cow from con-
--- — ----
_ p„.-,„• a,—, "p mr„er another
m•quences of some litho weakness lar
They were coming straight for hien
this respect.
Quick an a flash Ralph raised hi" gon.
It will out du to encourage the milk-
and with unerring aim, fired at tho
tug faculty by every iroseltile meatus.
foremost bird. The teal getting the
early breeding Included, and then al.
Iw•neflt of the full charge droplmol
lend, and the other five roming up
law the caw to find her uuly rheltet
behind it at tremendous speed, wor-t
against the winter blasts on the south
unable to swerve or dodge, and the
side of a wire fence or In the vlelnity
terrific impact against like dead batt,
of a straw stack, but If care, shelter
of their leader broke the necks of nil
and af(eution to the comfort of the
five hirds. The thing happened -o
cow are given, that should be given,
quickly that Ralph couldn't credit it
the fact flint she Is not quite so It rd Y
till lie new the mix (teal] birds in ,A
I as s scrub rustler would be can well 1w+
heap lAwal sportsmen declare that
the in aniyare, and to frier,
endured and ludetd must be endured
nay that they wrald never have I_
If it profitable dairy cow Is sought for
lieved it had not Ralph Arent htlnself
Heifers should therefore Ile bred, wo
vouched Cur that truth of the store."
think, no as to c•oule in fresh at about
— ------
two years old. Thr maternal function,
Kurile tlelf-made turn giro file ill,
of which milking Is but n branch, in
prttesion thalt they have cheated thrill.
thusencouraged early and made it
characteristic of the animal throughout
"Ever try uu autouuubile, Judge?'
her life.
said n friend. No," replied lir
Judge, ••but I've ffI"d it lilt tit Iteoplc
What Killed the Ducks.
who have."-Youk'elb Klalestuafi.
This a not just the time of the year
"rhe rain lar knowledge, flown '
for hunting Ptoros, but here is one
dnvb," slid the first old aschcmhnaster,
from The Hanover Yost that all good
••i,. tilt, swift and t(o easy. It's a
sportsmen will real with pleasure.
rpguleir railroad."' "Yes," agreed Ilie
The "tory is told of Mr. Ralph lfrunl
other old pedagogue, "and it's a rail.
"Sitting on a log near a bay out
Load with fewer silkitche" than are
Weat several years ago, he chanced
uecu.luuy."-i'llilndelphint Public Led•
On nnttne a,e flaw Gal coming Along ill
2 35
The Signal, Weekly 1 lcra Ilf :Intl London Daily
Pa rnell's
INaM by mathinary, rnab!es
that modern b --,f. et.
have auparior and nor,.
.hotaa.— bread, -11h.
o„t any of the trouble and
,orry bak,na day -
her her moths,.
And It Casts less Then is lake.
P. T D2:L;AN
The Signal's
Clubbing List
For 1907
The Signal . $I 00
The Signal anti Montreal Weekly Herald .
I oo
he signal, XVeekk 1 icrald and Toronto
Weekly Glo:e .
Tile SiL11:11, 11'ee{ kI Icrald and Toronto
Daily Glo'c4
The Signal ane] Montreal Family Herald and
Weekly Star ..
•"I'hc �1•'amily
Every tiuh,rriher to Herald
;Intl \�' . . Star will rel rite the pre-
pictuic. •iA 'ug of War...
The Signal, Week]%- Herald anti Weekly Sun
(Toronto) . . .
. The Weekly Sun i:: a parer that Miould hr
1 75
read by every iarnle-.
'1'h.• Signal, Weeklt• ] ierAt.1 anti Farmer's
2 30
We recoininen(1 our readers to tiubscrihe to
The Farnlcr'sAd vacate anti 11oitle .Nf ag-
azinr, the beNt agricultural journal in
America. The above offer incfu(Ie'.
a copy of •f'hc .Advocate's Christina~
Number for ic10f,•
-i'he Signal, kVeckl%- 11tral(I aml Toronto
Weekly Mail and Empire • •
Subscrihers to The 14'eck1t' flail anti I?n1-
rire will receive the premium picture
offered bt• that palter.
The Signal, Weekly Herald .Intl Toronto
Daily World .
3 �5
'I'hc SiIgnal, Weekly I fcfal(1 and Toronto Daily
Star . .
2 30
The Signal, Weekly Her -Ad an(1 Toronto
Daily News . •
2 35
The Signal, Weekly 1 lcra Ilf :Intl London Daily
2 35
The Signa], Weekly Herald and London
Weekly Advert'is er _
The Signal, Weekly Hr ral(1 anti London Daily
Free Press, Morning c(]iti qn . •
I,ve Ilin.g edition , .
2 it.
The Signal, Week(,: f ieral(1 .-inti London
Weekly Free Press
The Signal, Weeklt- Iferal(1 anll P1'esbyterian
2 25
1'hc Signal, Weekly f fcral(I salt Wc-stminster
2 25
The Signal, Wcck',v Herald, Presbyterian
and Westmin;:ter . .1 .
3 �5
The. Signal, Weebav -ar
I feral(I an(I
World ('roron to)
The Signal, Weekk- i feralO and Me ntreal
Daily Witness
The Signal, Woeklt' Iferal(I -,'fill Mon treal
3 50
Weekly Witne'as .
The Signal, 1Veckly Iferald anti World W,'de
'I'lle Signal, Wtwkl% Herald anti •,Toroniao
Saturday Night
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