The Signal, 1907-2-7, Page 5PEN AND SCISS & It 1 know youarld you knew nta. If bah of us could .Meru I line. And with an luneretght lilting Thu meaning of your heart rout ...in,. I'm since that we would differ Itis. And ola.p our hands to trioudlioesiy our Ilo,tghts would plea.anlly Know It I follow yuu old rots knew use. We have nut cotllted the melte of "plug" haus i0, Uodericb, but the are few enough to he noticeable, ani the following lament of a New On tsiriopa r noes find Binns rymltath; herr : There Nilo fa Lite u,wn of Nov I.fakwrd no law than It full half•dozel, silk hate tAllu t pINe1Ta, whetse opulrol size and silky sheen would give thfi .trug$rling Municipality An Appetaranrt (Pf pttperity. second only au buWnlmn ilea and asphalt pavement. It in it the inwreatr of the town that %itch an impression should 111 inside. Let the idea go forth that they who settit here are well-to-do, and what is now s flown would noun he incorporated an x city. What A mighty thing is trout and what more well fell in appear• ane+ than It silk hat. The man who ea" use A stswepille for a lid is certain- ly it N1Ve the mere Kit twist vnce line. It "ray At least Ile said [lust he ham not, �la tied his s0,rrppins horlongingm. fhat mor, xug)fratitr of lir capital. ist. With silk hat" walking alslnt of A Sunday ruorill a t i0iugg with file mon in glory, idmkeanl would take her Idace Among the established 'centers of the earth. Heneath the ordinary Cloristy she wink% to the t•uwtuonplrce of it cuuntr•y Gown." 1"'oar it -rt. This is the height of o8r deeert,. ; A little pity for life'. hurt.. A little nil, a little nun," A little .deep when work is done. A littlo,tlghtcoue puat.hment. Lass for our deeds than their intent ; A little position now and then, Ife auae we %n lout struggling men. A little light to Ahow our way. A little tuldaute when we stray; A little leve before we pare 'ro tel beneath the kirkyanl ars,... A little faith Ili day of choral,. When lets 6. tack and hero and strange A -solace when our nye, am wet With tears of suasion mold ruarol. Tee it its that we cannot clun. Unme".ured recompenae or blame, teecauu our any of life u iwsll . A little I- the gam of all. s •r The other Jay in w IAiblic lilw&ry all attafndant noticed it youngirl saiff- inl; "uspicionmlyy At list- I.L. When he Itsknl lilt• reason of her strange conduct, sill- will hire frankly, ' 1 mold at it INmA." "lie wail. "to st e if it .11iells of G11nte:c(P. it it down, then i know it's a 1Nn,k A mall has been read- iuK, mod that it's a good nue." . + Thi& prosaic, practical world would Into bit a drearlo- piece if it were. not fair the. p•ilpl0 who supply um with fun. These iteople rnmv IN- divided in two clause", the witty and the alimil winded, end, withunt lit all intending it, the latter ler pr,tbvhly more funny then the furuaef•. Just why proof~ o m and Preaches% should be connidered more likely to be absent-minded than other iN%lple it :night ,be hand u, explain, for they selally are About its wide-awake and practical as muet Imoplr. However tbAt mwy two thele ere more links Alsiutthe abuuaiodedne"s of }ttracherme s And protemsttrm than atloid Duch Iwpses un the part (Pf lie.sple in all other callings. The story is well known of the pro - tabour whets, wife left hint, one even- ing, to put the children Lit Iced, And un returning awrme hours later asked whether he had had any particular trouble with them. "No particular trouble•," he replied, "except with one 1)p win pnte•mted viltoroasla• About Mei n.disl•trlied." '•1Vh}, which (Pf the boy" wits It T" "he asked. Taking her to the nursery he pointed out one little lad sletping "rmndly, with marks of lessors still on his face. "1Vhv, Jere•- IniAll ! " she exclaiwnl. htit•rilled, "that's the Browns' Imiy freinl next door. No wonder he protested." This "tory is out a par with that of the preacher who suet him own little daughter at it church sociable, And, mmootbing her curls, asked, "And whose little girl ere you?." 'Y Another preacher. •a man of high tlAlce in the church, was travelling ur- wards home by rail. To his dismay 1►e discovered that the express hr, hall taken would not mtti at bis "talion, and it was late. in the eve"ini(. He told his flrelieament 0,o the conductor. mayinRR that hu would not mind for hiensle to if only he could stand it oirm- 1 Wwagt G1 allay the Roxiety of his wife. llre long the conducto• came to him and said, "lie ready when we IIMr yLoUr 11 go fill' nor have' mr- I tRngetf to stop the train for a tno- meut.' T11r clorgymmn thanked him ' heartily and Nnid• 6'1 will write the I memso uP Illy wife at, once, that you rosy not Ile ulu lung delayed on lily account." A brother clerg}•man was having I country calk, with him wife. They drove up to title form borne mboat if o'clock. "I will not get (Pitt," maid thio I wife, '•for they will Ile having supper•." I •'i will just gel to tilt• door then,' said r he, "end Anquin• hew they aur.." I 'When he reached the houtle, the I family were, am they had suppo"od, e Rittin down to "upper, and they in• t cited him to join them. Ile thanked i them and accepted the hivitattion, 4 enjoying their hot Ilse•uit And maple r Re while him pAlr wife waited at f the and of the It1ne for his returisf. t P ( Was it as preacher for R profemssw If who shook cont his wife'm nightrap in 1 church, thinking hr harl A iorkel- t handkerchief . Let ns how it was it I Iin)f7msm mately sheltolorto l in his pew. m irtssihly 0,t ens the mama Iran who was discovered by him family start- I ing for the railway station carrying a 1 ecssl•holl In4twati of hIR neatlyjtacked t valiw. a. Ahsentniindednesis may b• very it trying, fit time", um the relation" of I the wool-Rathering oil". but they Are really be"efartorm us the race• for how e many flood IatghN we Ret front wit- I, nPWnR or hearing of their dopdx--and m is .find laugh, everylemlyy knows, is i better than A Karel of medicine. c , , 1 4 Tbw American version of a well- known confession : ,-What have we t done that we mhuuld not have done. and whom havr+ we left undone that m we should hove dune? - 1 THE SIGNAL: Gl)DERIC11. ONTARIO EXPERIMENTS IN FRUIT -GROWING. THE MARKET$, For a nuwber of years, extenuiva Chicago and Liverpool Wheat Fu. Variety Limits with fruits have (sen carriald on At the Ontario Aforiculuu•ml tures Close Lower -Live stock Mew College and Lite various fruit ex peri. leets -The Latest Quotations. ment it itiuns l0, the Peuviuce, There Blonder E.eming trey t teat. have given a good idea of what IJviorpooi wheat futures ,listed t� day ,tie motile of lite beet varieties for the %it lower to unctaenigrd from Saturday, and sections where the tests have been corn futures %A Inwer. At Cklcsgo, May wheat closed 1k, lower made. The following list gives the names than eaturday. May cot, iia, higher, sad MAY onto %, higher, of a number of these, which Ale now WINNIPEG OPTIONS. offered for ext-uperative WhOug. One . of the objects mf thin co-operative Winnipeg. Futures eloaed today : treks 744,c told, May TTc, j4IJ. TT%ac. testing is to distribute these leading; THE VISIBLE SUPPLY. varieties more widely that they n my I he tested i0, every township of the ' Province. and that each grower may Veto 4.'ryl. prh aaiti whoa, ,,,, ".%I.*DD doth1111 3.14*. nnn Cnrn 7,.114,000 ' soled for hiuumif and grow inure bx• ........... 14:ftW,ub t44 ............ ll.w.("i 29,mimjon1 teuwlvely those which glue lite hiwt lounges tie week -hest lurcraeed 1:xktovi results on him farm. Over ti,llfl) six- oats da, roan increased bush to DiYktls, and oats desire awed : 114 4l0 bushels. IVI'llueutrty are Already engaged in this work and art• pinfltinygyQ because of LEADING WHEAT MARKETS. its practical and educational value. Naw t•Tk , May• Jul). *w " The co-operation of all who are In- 1 olio ::.:::.:::: o li o..... esu A4 set, WrenGm! In fruit -growing is invited. A T.=.. ....... so Any resident of the Province who I. ,..is . olio• :...:...... 7e*k 7R4 wisher W tale pari in this work filmy Mlnnce He•.. pis •••••••••••••••- et15a aoK Uulu[1 arlect any of the exposorin ents in the .............. I.... .... !lint, find the plant" for the matue will• TORONTO GRAIN MARKET. so furnished free 0,t filet. All that is firelmi rellufrt-d im that each applicant Wllst w-torat. ^pring, bush .... $0 70 to S.... III-, Ihat he will try u, follow the tvbest, t,~. hta.k•„,, OM w'lrmt. fen hush....... flll'rllnhud dileelion&. and will Ir NN.I o 73 e•?{ Wk rat, red, bush....,.. 0 M 0 73 the remulls each year On form-4wich Peaa, hush. .. , ........ 078 will Ile farnished tot- the purptl.e. Parley, hutb. o as ' Phe experiment selected hhuuld hr 140,. busts. ... Bu.kwheat. hea....... A 41%. O m indicated by giving its nu11 nN r 0,u the .. ltye. bate. ., 0 70 0 72 list. Kxprrimrnt \n. 1. Strawberries - .. LIVERPOOL GRAIN AND PRODUCE Splendid, F'tluntaiu, Hulty. and Par•1,1119111'P001.71011h,es . 4.---Wt-sarm: pot Ko. 2 red western winter, e, Id. Future. sues -PL plant, of each• ExIN•riment '3 May eau; Marne ON oil My ti 4'bd, July 8t 7d. No. 1Lw}{/lirru ie. - Cullibeit, Goldrit Queen. lilarllsrl-o; cora---sppoOtt Amrrlrau mixed new N stall; ♦merleau mixed, old, 4 Td. Pu: end Columbian- -8 piant” of est -h. torr. -Intel, March 4a .Ted. May 4s i smd. erf -Extra India toes, strong, Ala $d. Experiment No. :1. lilauk KaasplNr• Perk Prime me• western, arm, ass. ries Greglg. Kansan. Pali lei-, and Harp. -Short cut firm. roe. Older —fi plants of each. Filaerimrnt Baron Lon` ricer middles, light, arm, Bis ed; lost ,her No. 1, Hlackte•rries (Ad• , ly to tilrulil middles, bean, arm, bye; clear bellies Ready, rrls Kn ta- Ontario) A Ontario) '.sweet, Eldorado,duado. Kltta- NEW YORK DAIRY MARKET. tinfly. alld f4tlyfler--fi plants of eaell. New York, Yrb. 4. -Blither.—alesdy; 're- h:x{{letiwent No, :). Currant"-I'aY. Heli Croatm, Victoria, White ; relpts, STW street prleen : Extra errant. cry. s21ar to ear, Offltiel prices : t?esm- and (imw -Y plaulm of each. cry,. rommnn fn extra, tar b $2,: told, 1•ommnn to extra, 2+k' to erre: lets dairy, Exprrinleht No. 11. Black Curmot - 1'cmmon to onto. 90c to ale: relative led. lblmpun. I.er. Na plan. and Blackcommon so era2n• to Wor: state Belt common Vic 1 iA_-..•! iINntsnf eu•h• W of KA, 21111, to Jfic resistiveted : rommen �ntnu Experiment No. 7. (amrmelierritus-- to extra. ter to 2Ac; ter. torr feminism, to nnta. 1-.%e21 Ke to c; west- llowniug. 1`100r].trl. Het Jacket, and Oro Initiation rrnaniery, extra.. 24c to _at•; WhitedutitIf- -2 lant%ot each. Bret.. 21c to 22r. I:YIx1'lmlellt -'U. N. (1ra{{Nem-- I, For 'Southern Onto ['herrn Steady; rrrelpM, mal; state, fall eream. small and large• so".. lasry. 144yc; io) (,'onconl, Wilder, do. (let., bat, Minor to lose; gnod to prime, Nix.farit, Lindley Brighum• and Ver- 121ye to Ise: winter made. Avon R^ b,at, gentiles -1 vine n(�ach. I2,•; lin.. Inferior. Ifo to err; sitting, sic to oto. Rxperinlent No. it, hntltem--t For •Northern Ontario) Chatnlpion. Word- fZtne- Firm; rt dpta,• 14,016; state. 1•rua- sylvanla Pit, Winchell. Delaware, Lindley, and and nesrl,y, fan,y. m.•I„f ed, white, site; lin . `nnb•e, 2x • I” 211r; d"_ brown ■fid Mi -yet' I vine cf each. raised. ertra, _Me; firsts to extra firsts. "NL,, to 27,; western Eis ri:uent No. l0,. Apples (For "Southern Ontario)! s .'r1waG•. I:r.aA•rni Brute. T.%c; official naPriem are, 26ia„ c; ,seends 24, to 95c. "Lehl, 11c1mtAo.b, Blenheim. IthtNle is CATTLE MARKETS. hind Greening. anti ,Northern Spy i — Ila .'nun. -maw I.1,'T,'.1 Mnl."• it MT v trt-e of each. Experiment No. 11, Applem-AN'oI• cables Lo -,r — Cs111e ear Itep •NortbengOntarin)'rmnsparent,Duch• Higher at Buffalo. cow. Wemlthy, McIntooth. Scott's Win- Lendeu. Feb. 4.-Llrerprn,l and l,endon Wre and Hymltip 1'rRlr I �Iw• of rarh. 'Thi. whlta are arm at Ile to I2%,• per I2. drte•ssd wetllr; mtrlteratur beef Is Illinois, v div of the 1 rrlviart- into at 9%,- to 99ac per lb. north :and width Ttuty In- a pVroxi- rORONTO JUNCTION LIVE STOCK. Inau•l outdo- by n into running frau° l'ollingavt/od l Toronto Junction, Feb. 4.-Re- Ad, l all wpphcal H. L. applicatigstusn.ons ceipta of live rtock at the Union Ag one. Ju }{uta, Agricululral Cullrgr. Uu01ph' Stock Tarda were 142 car loads, com- f t h e 1^1oOpita,l'. ptosed of 32M cattle, 41 sheep. 9 hogs te and 10 calves. The receipts of cattle Farmers Should Get Together, were the largest for one day in the fundi(• Free 1'r•-.. history of the Junction Market. For fly 'Wring prement at convention" the best lots• or about one-third of farrueros rub shuulderm with farmers. the offerings, trade warn brisk. mad exchange ideas tint] compare nott•s, with the result i0, many canes Kxpertere Prices ranged at from $4..$o to $R4% the of marking better Iagriculturi.ts of bulk sdltag at io to KiyS per ret.; ex - pact limits mt $3.75 to $4.40 per east. them all. A% iron 71ta peneth iron'. Illustrators. nLo Illall hill neigfllmor. i.-heiN loads of bntebers' said at S4.0, There aur still many noun who MAY tin Keine: fwd At $4,1X1 to $4.40; fair to llrlieve I" this kind of thing medium. mixed. $,'1.90 to 44.12%; comams wen who would rather stay around to $nut at $3.Zi to $3.78: ,.,ass at $2..., 33.05; consent, at 11,30 to 62.30 color cost. home doing chotem or hugging the Fetaers and stwekea•s. %love on a winters day, than drive a few miles to settenda farmers' Iureting, Nat ninny feeders am bO1n` offemd as suet. althe by gnod rights hail of the cat - h111, they are not no plentiful ah for• us olren"t were little better than feeders, nerly, when "lNeik farming" and and should liar. own going bac2 to be Mobbed. Harry M"ruy was on ,be lorlkset scientific teaching erre in a manner for fteA►n, and tot two loads of steers laspiaetl. Nearly all that has passed Stir to 1076 lbs. caro, at s8.90 to 14,10 pAj rally. The old' it•o,ling against scien• `'wl- lific farming has Riven place tot gime of lOteb COWS• tppreeiNition and conformity. The. Ahent ■ down mitten sad eprtagere told at from iso to Iueceimful farmer nowadays in he who Calves. atentively heed" tilt- result of Modern A few carves mold at from $4 to i4ao knuwbdge. per ewt. It is related that a Irty once asked sheep ase l.aa.be. lis father to allow him tAl go tti mill ExPert ewer sold at $4. r,o to M per ,.sic; "t•h.Nd Lo "Gulj• fartuing, Tit Tit expert roma, sold ■t $8.76 M $4 per ret.; t�mw at $6.50 to R ret, father was mor of those self-made urn who) did not 1s•lievr in Imrok farm- per IWas H. P. Kennedy noes payltan $fats for ng, and he told his enn he did not. ic_ leets and $Kao for ager• •fie tau, Which Che hey asked him father it he did not fa an advance of 23c over his last week's snow R gleet dens milNrut farming, and .he old man maid he did or he world nut have made the suecew he did. Phe boy thrn Amkel his father if hi, mole did not know a Int aalwint farnl- ng. and again the old ootl admitted hat the uncle was ane of the (test i.rluern in the otmoary. '-Then"' hnid he bayy, "if what you know mind whet Incle k"nw•m wits written up and put nto a bNsik it would Ile pretty ."0,l j dufY for A farmer tit read, would it lot Thim i%what is meant by "honk arming," And what attendance At the nstilutses and farnierh' nieetinlfm lewd& 0. TO ENJOY A GOOD DiNNER low to Avoid Distress and Indigestion After Eating. Let us tell sun how you can enjoy it veal dinner. s, that the heartiest ural will net well on yumr stomach .nd cam%e no unpleasant and dimwg••e.e- ,hle after-effre:t.. We will show you how Ile regain he appetite• (if ymir childh,mml nrld he enjfryment fit blood, w, that it will a"tle Rh well as when nr,thet ,looked he dinner. There in "() haul work necessau•v to 0 thin; nu nerd of a rigid and aelf- enying diet list ; 0,o call for nasty fid diamtrnabie medicines. Simply eke a 1di-(P-11a lit,01Uaeh tablet before itch local And before going to hell, nd it will moss, strengthen the sto hatch hat before lung a heart)- nit -oil will ive yon gratification and comfort, rithout the least fear of distr,•nR and uffrring. The .trongent ptvsrf we call offer of fir faith in this advice, in the fact hat we give Asia allsnhltt, ungnalitlet uatrante" (applying ultwo 6(fc. brlxes f Nfi-o-n-al. thA4yyour money will be ,funded Ignition Mi•o-na cures. Mi -to -not iR not a mere digestive. Rive Im( only temporary relief, hilt A speci- e tot- all fti•ealwex of the stomarh, lrehgthening the digestive organs not nuakinlf a permanent cure. %Ve alscolntely agree that yool Loney will he, refunded should you 0,y a KIM, box of Mio-na stomach Cblets and not Ile satisfied with the exults. Ml-o-na is mold by druggixtm ' vervwhere, o• will Ise, sent by mail tis eevipt of price, elite. Write t(mlay for a free wimple Wk - Re, .and Air ggive Its your hyinptomm. nd one of tfle ilemf•known sutniach pecia'fats will give your caw him earls. and permonal attention withcoat harge. Rn oth'm Mi-o-na Company, luffalo, N.''. Children have meter nod of ttlalelm han of critics,-Jlufb•rt. 'The man I marry." said • ll% with a amp, '•moot Ise a hem'" "He. will e," remarked the calltluum bachelor. gootattew. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK. Men trval, Feb, 4.--09edal.)--Cables from urerpord and I.oselen >yn Canadian rattle" ware weaker, Sold prlees show a derllaw of Xr per IN. with oat" at 12e. Efforts of last wtek from Pnrtranit and At. John were X154 rattle. Receipts today were 14M rattle, 50 mlicl rows, 100 calves, We sheep sed 1•=be And 1103 hogs. 'lbs bat. then were out strong. and them was an artlre demand far gored rattle, bnt the rem Woa Rock were rather pleattful sad slow of salt. Prime beeves sold at fk: b B%r per Ib.; pretty good rattle. 4r to 6,. end too comm„n work. 21yc to Atke: =itch cows onld at $26 to 968 'sorb. Some of theses rows Are exrttedlnlly Iran 1n fig; a pair orf t•,nd cal,.% were •old far jlm, or 6, per Ih, but "ally trrod your` veal. would bang rte per It, Maps .Md at 4c to 4lye par Ib.; Iambs mt ar to eRkr. In -em- pathy with firmer mdvieem from PJnfelpeao wneres on e•anadlon baeoo atM on eA- ,onee In pries of IN tot 2a in Lvwdconol sad i.,odon, there wall a steadier frding to the local market. for live bogs to -AAs, and Mpprrl1rwe wlhwed no change, as eempared with I patd last WtdntiMy. Supplies worn fair, far which the demand floor parktrs was stied, and allies of melrRttd lots wrm made at $7 to $7,235 per 100 lbs., weilbed off cars, EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. EN.f Buffalo Fob, 4. -Cattle --Receipts, 42fa1 (ted: active: heavy 10c higher; other. steady; prime steers, $8.g% to $01a: Will ptrig. $6 to 1315; I"ttMtn, $4.5n to MBA: hMftrs 13.80 to $8.40: rows. $R to $4.015: bulls, la.11a to $4.75; st—ktn and fellers $a •ei $4.40; aM,k heifers, $2,80 to $8.28; fresh rows and aprfng•rs steady to $9 hlgh- or, $18 to $82. Vemis—Rorelill 12f1n head; at -tire and Ready. 64.21% to S9.aa. noolp---ft relpns, 1a,e0n head: artless8e to lee hlgbor; heavy, mixM ynrktr. as pig.. $7.a6 to R Ae: re"prs. je.40 to Seen; Raggsw. 64.f1A to $8.150. Ilk, p and Limbs-ltteelpt., 1.1,2re bled: arrive; sheep mtssagy; lernM 2n, In 260 Witter: Iambs $tL to 87.11x; yearlings. $A 25 t• $6.49; wotbers, $&.he to 116.78; twos, $6 ,,, to $5.26: sheep, mixed. $3 to 8,.28. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. Chleagn, Feb. 4.--Catuw - Ris,•rI tS, mh"t a(,frn: stead to strong; sttnr., i4 to $7; bdfm $2. T5 to $4.73; tows, 41•:.85 In m;' hells, Ila 40 tti•i4,ffi, Hogs- R.,Mpts, Ahnnt .U.01g%; market 1fM to tae higher: ebei,r linty mmlopefs. $7.10 to 17.12%; IIlb t tiat.htn, R M to 67.IA- light, m1tM $7 to 87.05: rhelct, light. Sf to R.M: paekln`. R to R.M%; rhotre pigs. W75 to R balk of arltm. R to 67./tt. Sleep .fid V=s.. -Receipt., stono (W: market sheet steady: Khet$, 66 to 1-Btfi A starlings, 67.80 to $7.55; Iambs, 6n to IK7a. Some Household Hints. , To remove the smell of nnfnnl•, burn .t Ismail piet•e of leather mi top of the kitchen mtcove. To clean milver, keep it circulating freely. To keel) inkstainm tiff the finger., write with w IwRtl pencil. To dimcOver if an egg is had, break the shell mind smell it. To cure children of biting their fln- ggeetr• mile, amputAte the little wleteheei bands at the wrist. The office that mwekm the maul ivn't nearly ml permintwnt, as the ceelitol on the NAme mission, - air �------T—_. -- Dairy Talk of Today If dairylueu would 0x110,60 all ufllk wa•u6111- lu the &au :tad air there woul,l Imo lem,t trouble front Immor Wilk. Stroug ►uulizht Lills l,arterla rapidly, awl when a call ham tint leen thoroughly cleaueil or n ,-reek is left with u littlt• edmein that will quickly mpoll exposure to the sunlight will to a great extent remedy the carelessness of the dairy - me n. Milking For Puttee. Every tow In the herd should return a f,rullt to her owner, but du they! If they do not they should The dlseurded and better ones substituted. ,Milklug Isn't no inuch pleasure to -any fanu- ers that they would Wilk for pastime, yet many are really doing so.. Went out I unprofitable cows if It takes thew ole herd. Breeding Jersey Heifers. Cn it A. Todd of Toleilo, O„ write' the Practical Farmer on this subject as follows: One mistake a good many farmere make Is lit breeding Jersey heifers too young. A much better way Is to let them get their growth, at least three years. Keep them In a separate lot If necessary after they are eighteen months old. If permitted to bring calves before they have their growth they snake small crows anti yield lens milk. The calves also ere mmaller, a% n rule. It Is not alwnys beat to be In too great a hurry to get ahead In the world. A space of six or nine months 14 not so long to watt, said It is infinite- ly better for the cow. Other things imr- Ing e•lual, a cow will sell for more at any kind of sale, public or private, if .he Is of good average mite. A Csnvfnefag Argument. loots of dairy farmers are halting by the waymide, wondering If they lead better build a Miss, mays linard'h Dairy- mau. One Will; is eertaht-they will newer know nuy more abort It where they a re. The OtMu ex11t-rlm0ut mtatieu put till- question to the folluwiug test: 'they fed one lot of cows a hez%y si- lage ration and another lot a heavy grain ratlon. The result wa In favor of the ensilage fel Wino. 1.. \�-. Lighty onym !n the National St is n\dli.li "('an we wake wore dollars bnthe corn grain toy way of thetin• o0lo, "talks to be enslloedearliest stake we usually cut the shock?" IIe then cites theof the Ohio experiment• whithnt the ensilage fed rows mabuffer for 13 cents a pound. whie the vows fed dry fodder bay and a heavy grain ration charged = cents a pootind. Keep Cteullm flown. It pays to be eleau about the dairy. Milk Pails, stralncrm. can., as well as separator and bottles, If used, should first be rinsed with enfd water, w•nshal with steam or boiling water with Ilse aid of a scrubbing brumb :out] plan%I In a clean, niry place to dry. 1N) not ai- Inw tiny milk to accumulate In seams or comers. In the cleaulug process I:se a cloth ns little as possible, for nnlesx frequently and thoroughly Rrsldel It IN sure to furnish n IoAgment for number lees bacterin. The Appeal Is To You f__ , � THE BoseiTni. FOR +r +r SICK CHILDREN � $ I, TiiUkau_tr, ittitmly 71b, 1!l i b w .. 1� r- 01 . .__ .. + f ATC114 THIS For it ('ares for hovers Slelt fJblld Fee what ran he Iron. for elus, foo, rh,l i ANI. 0 is the most Improved fence made SPACE in Ontario whose Parents dren. Them were ;ea like curve% last year I CAN., IAOi, of No. 9 Hard Steel Wire. NEXT WEEK. SOME - Cannot Afford to Pay toad hundreds in 41 ye.r.. _ THE PEERLESS LOCK - - - - Tending :I herd of lien ileo IItU•Illgrat cattle Is tar more plrnsr.ut than Iv the for Treatment. I lIll Ilerause of the contagious nature of the disease, the let of These poor THING WiLL BE DO- W riff *r of �c • care of n barn full of klekhlg, nervous I , ING. The Hneprtal for tilrk ('hildreo. Colles• The doors of et•ery hospital in Toronto are closed to the consumpfive, and n ,t• bminm. "'it' A'111 I -W Pool' rine:,-lancer. I. the wire in any WAY. It will cement up the cracks. street, Toronto, Appeal• to fathers mold A prt—nr•r. Nrwr wont" Niru l -n .., r•,um fit my• e - 1 } 1 f I. taotaem of Ontario for funds W malntals eblrr Ins rosoo tom and solo, nr- n reuitinn fit oar, in yonr - •)]telt forthese poor sufferers. . fill the pores of the wocol, mind .".lee a „ hard And serviceable the thouhand rick I I AR arxAR, vmRtnT Nana children that it Nig MLANS. eoVer•inge Floors are nec0mmaarily - r ■uta•m within its yo hmrN a Iselin., her,, a sones f.•Ilnw•In whom 1 nm coming. Sir 'rhomas Harlow K• r tit ]ding's phymia'ia1t, after a Vi%It M the I•'fe0 Sold only at walla every year. Danger i nlrnRr aITt If wT•.'•nr h[nt up ";"l1'1 nn 1,eh[m b, Mal do ,he fir r The HoepII&I 14 W O R S E L L S will harden Almost to acme mad y nota local inetltu. Cale. HARDWARE STORES lltarldm mcrlhbin Ont- K. gallon 0,t b%enoir'm l'hnlr Paint will cover non -but I'rovla. I ".. I von, err•..'; m,. , n, ho. I' ..• i -I for Slo► - . , Godench and Bayfield. coal. The etch "Ikollar �l' nit" I : fine for farm- �-• a►ilei from any %+ j / 1 piece in Ontario who rem't afford to - pay bas the earn* W O R S E Ie ?t, S -.�-11 'w'ArrT wmt raw pnnlegm as the child e sod is in mW sed treated •M SHA MAN, I.i+:_ a free_ a The' Ralpital had last year is Ile bad• g t gegtuu•at of ny;ulmrm 0,a% makiniq and -to Baa p*t•teats-3311 of thew were Lmmmmmmiiiiiiiii�� from 231 places outride of Tpt•onto. The —i mi cost to 1.37 cin. -• ---• - ----- -- --- — ---- — F� lx• tact per ' O No . Were iut{NUient to reach thr next town. 1 •'Well." of ho Nn optiuiiaic rer- ITIPI and t h e r • torr. It to.l•. a hut, blistering flat• and A rens her tvrde timing. •'bitty, I ~I. ..'tight G 1. we're holdin' nor own. anyhow:" erylludy'* Magm- were 138 . friend," called Lout one of the zinc. Nick lit. I men. "11otov far i% it go tilt, next t•1�rn Y' - -.. - - - - Lie ons a day in 1 "Uh, it matter of two tlniitea so, 1 rre•kou," ralied I"ack the I alicher. An- Au English journal pre"mcnwwun- der tchether the Ills Hoe. other lone; hour dr.iggel by, mind an- pr umciation .f s(Pmu of the ignorant stages is tilt is1a1. Riese - of toe, ralwhe•r avfls ellrmunte re d. "}low• far too tile ovxt to,vo.•' tilt. aa'tirW. For inwtmw•r•.the roolil PAY-, "'Art•y'olduly-'LwA." — Ila .'nun. -maw I.1,'T,'.1 Mnl."• it MT v tlwo Ilhked Ilion .•al •en•iv. ,.l 1. Hu the curate stay". ''HR tlINI m y hat t•wws t w I yaw. IrL ARRI xD." d a t i no the Hempling has treatorl 12,120 chndren. , )h, a gtwNl Iwo wile.," bun vow." And the less '" wilt A wewry half-hourlolnger of laaua•h-�wry".,"Jawge, 1 atwt• go to wtlnah About 9,800 of tM+mw were unable to pay ins, And thou n third r+tticher. and awdAll the Katwee ; mind do 't to r. Ht -y, hnwfar's the sod were treated for • Your money next town ?" Igen t(P hook at the flab." A the ..fit f+it. :vas the• a llemll:tRinl( an"• vicar wayR, -If owah $twacioue col- __-_—_� r:ei put gel laser. UnIV aaMnit own nosh"," ing lady our -Ah to die!" --selected. ..) ,len Mage ___--- I on the door •-- - - - -------- A f t h e 1^1oOpita,l'. te .! rlow worry. 1. Rvery- \ hody'-dolls j eery I.0 the 11 , Friend in Need to maR,'ING RAasiNit&or.. Somebody's rhlld. 1 , Your dollar may Ne a dery of hole to 'it aomwiooriyaeh,ld, The Hn-fnraf'pays out i divide,sb fit health &0,d haplmneas Lo pouf fs, isl; rid ihor.d' on . I . I erery d0!!ar filet i4 ---I . .4" ...'s' 1. :.y friends ofA little eltildren. if yon knew n(I l i SNiy child is vnur 11 neighhorh,Nal who I& � Dries Over Ni alit. ►ink or enpl.lMl or has club fe.[ Rent Lola• f.amen'. Wears Like Iron. name to ll.e llo.- r sin ^'.n " rT •Aexw THE PEERLESS IN .•I. Asir .11 pita(. I This Pout -111 Outwur is Fee what ran he Iron. for elus, foo, rh,l i ANI. 0 is the most Improved fence made T;'ro'm I<_r. W. J. Gages Chairman Executive Committee De voile Cattle. dren. Them were ;ea like curve% last year I CAN., IAOi, of No. 9 Hard Steel Wire. Any Other Floor Punt Made. A Pet calf will bt,eonne n gently caw, toad hundreds in 41 ye.r.. _ THE PEERLESS LOCK - - - - Tending :I herd of lien ileo IItU•Illgrat cattle Is tar more plrnsr.ut than Iv the 0,a VA-liga, N5 slortl-a, Be Moro 0l These who are seeking help. f •� F s Ilerause of the contagious nature of the disease, the let of These poor pfd;",;: Ir, A'holds fast and does not injure �c • care of n barn full of klekhlg, nervous erne.: kn,l,r..,I p;ca., nod ol..•M,',. I sort I neat, and,aw,,,. .7 t +) I The doors of et•ery hospital in Toronto are closed to the consumpfive, and n ,t• bminm. "'it' A'111 I -W Pool' rine:,-lancer. I. the wire in any WAY. It will cement up the cracks. Writes. Nearly all properly reared cat- Ue are easy to wanage. A prt—nr•r. Nrwr wont" Niru l -n .., r•,um fit my• e - 1 } 1 f I. .1 The doors of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consunlpticcs stand wide eblrr Ins rosoo tom and solo, nr- n reuitinn fit oar, in yonr - •)]telt forthese poor sufferers. . fill the pores of the wocol, mind .".lee a „ hard And serviceable All that is now needed to care for double the number of patients in resid- I I AR arxAR, vmRtnT Nana extension of the wbrk. A new water supply and sewage sysjem have been Nig MLANS. eoVer•inge Floors are nec0mmaarily - r �- yo hmrN a Iselin., her,, a sones f.•Ilnw•In whom 1 nm coming. Sir 'rhomas Harlow K• r tit ]ding's phymia'ia1t, after a Vi%It M the I•'fe0 Sold only at washed frelnently--thin Paint Danger i nlrnRr aITt If wT•.'•nr h[nt up ";"l1'1 nn 1,eh[m b, Mal do ,he fir r for sx hundred ied dollars. All classes and creeds help. W O R S E L L S will harden Almost to acme mad Farming. i Plea-• -sill r,.,r r.' nhom to .I. no" rtAortt-on,. f i,.ttp,m I :h,u'la.l)ariA- Cale. HARDWARE STORES lltarldm mcrlhbin Ont- K. gallon 0,t b%enoir'm l'hnlr Paint will cover j• I ".. I von, err•..'; m,. , n, ho. I' ..• i -I for Slo► - . , Godench and Bayfield. 3Pn winner fort.: clRatg. "Ikollar �l' nit" I : fine for farm- , Ch.klntn. Co; ..... -4 ,olio. .r,nrn d", r•• a,,1 kindnra Mal of son .<h.. n, fto nnr h,rrunn tR, brit lh Lakt ton,^, than tX4 - teff W O R S E Ie ?t, S with their h rills in•g " Ig the _ foie Right View. l pass tAfs way again." �ALl: A Imrtc fl,nr I:ril boreal 11 what. Rvl wratilcr, lifting, -training, ere 10•,1 mck=, lar g t gegtuu•at of ny;ulmrm 0,a% makiniq nitre. wuii ht uh�nt Len 0,.. HARDWARE STORES lilt fnatldl LVll f Rlleulaah Slll N Iling, dllbt\' Il ailrl'll .1l'1'e,v" Int- tyr11111g and Kid"" Tru lr. There is Prmiiir Enid cd 1DmfAlm 1x61 111111, Godench and Bayfield a fanner, out Markt mw•ay, who torr. It to.l•. a hut, blistering flat• and - -/ Nasi ,lo Lu. � r.t.l::in•; •lnnc♦ that line nu•n. Irm�in•, 1', n• n•:eh•r'+Inll re•mf. �.��� „ lie ,If, I :t rehire h^s makinR - _, ... --__ -. '�- ill-health a: the 0,^h f r. fie ! - ___- _-_._ - - --- dud headaell" ; often his back Inti wt Ixu11s lie rrntid hardly Rtand.Wtrn t11r urisir was highly colored and scalding. Rut lie thalg::t h - vets ti^'%- " working too hard." ear da: he cmugllt cold. Tti^ ;t,lavllell:blRllrn- ma:itim. Tttl,Mirl:!tam farmer felffre;J 7 a•c.tr;wt! h Rhe•tmatism until ell -Inc I -on I to friend who toll) Ilim alwwtt Sa-JY. They relieved the rxcniciating pain, *nit ell -rd 1n:11 in Circe months. MARRItAN. riser. "t had sufr.— • a'- 1-11 rent'll"A1v to, .ere• yeses w,th K ideev T,e,.e.,.: ,eald},neely walk sad was unable In Au, e l to As, farm lichen. I After tak.ng t:,e Gr•• fi w rel, t f -it in"", re. liere 1, 604 after taking haft a Ms was ails Ie don full liar's worl. , knnw nnr Iwa of nn-Jm ityM me $r'.tn n,+,.er'-h:11, Ana t•,iak Chet ere Ih, one -t rill mad- .' JAx.s Awnnr T. We will rebind vrnir money should these I Gentle Kidney 1'dis fail. ter. a large hex. At all druggists, or sent on receipt I of price. 60 The OgfNn C1kinkel CAI. LNt, •IRI$$,. Oat G A l_uxu:i --.r f.'f the woo Path. 'IRoyal Crown," Witch -Hazel Toilet Soap . Only 100. a eakw. (a 3 cakes for 2k. ., Am-ee,yt .nos ovwrsis --N_ 0 LA The _­_ ._ Signal i ANI. 0 OPEN LETTER. T;'ro'm I<_r. W. J. Gages Chairman Executive Committee National Sanitarium Association. I Th,. r.,,,esas •art._m this'rOROYTn, CAN., IAOi, •."'•. n.rtmr relfw M a a". . erne ► rwmi+-io rrowl- -a- DLAR FRIEND,— Out of the several hundred letters received. 1 reprint on ,,;;,,-1.;--.-- „�o, this sheet two that-ruggest the urgent need and the work of the Muskoka Free _ Hospital for Consumptives. - - - - 'fit: pity of it all is that no letter, or letters, can he written• telling the full 0,a VA-liga, N5 slortl-a, Be Moro 0l These who are seeking help. [:;:a_, '12P17 Tnr. A Ilerause of the contagious nature of the disease, the let of These poor pfd;",;: Ir, sufferers has become an increasingly sad and difficult one. To tell the plain c,lip, FI.n III;v I. I. h its 1%. truth, relatives and friends often shrink from caring for their afflicted ones erne.: kn,l,r..,I p;ca., nod ol..•M,',. I sort I neat, and,aw,,,. thmngh dread of this disease. i . l ion rusk- .. Il,.rm• )nit 1-1, .er%r.. In..a 1lwc ill t.0,,:. The doors of et•ery hospital in Toronto are closed to the consumpfive, and n ,t• bminm. "'it' A'111 I -W Pool' rine:,-lancer. I. this is generally the case elsewhere. n !1.,1.1 .,.,r: nor father. r,., e•,nhe, m+ home ironer than In Canada ---the most prosperous country in the world• -a country justly A prt—nr•r. Nrwr wont" Niru l -n .., r•,um fit my• pet/0,d of its Christian and benevolent institutions-- what shall he done dl,^:o r•. Ilnping yen will I ,h,. ,hnrPy'and ern, .1 The doors of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consunlpticcs stand wide eblrr Ins rosoo tom and solo, nr- n reuitinn fit oar, in yonr - •)]telt forthese poor sufferers. . .sam,atorlum, I over Aral, All that is now needed to care for double the number of patients in resid- --- once, is money. During the past year much has been done to prepare for the AR arxAR, vmRtnT Nana extension of the wbrk. A new water supply and sewage sysjem have been Nig MLANS. installed. Pore. A. U. IiANvA. f'rrrn- As soon as the work is fully known, all the money needed will iV forth - yo hmrN a Iselin., her,, a sones f.•Ilnw•In whom 1 nm coming. Sir 'rhomas Harlow K• r tit ]ding's phymia'ia1t, after a Vi%It M the I•'fe0 �1„i„n>d'.1'.. • rfit,1, it, ba, ,Hospitnl this summer, sent his cheque for five pounds, in appreciative rcogni- .fInarennw,nnorphan, s$.mrssmr of hmlre, Mthmn any ,neem. tion of the work. The 1lisses flow of Nlontreal this month send their cheque If wT•.'•nr h[nt up ";"l1'1 nn 1,eh[m b, Mal do ,he fir r for sx hundred ied dollars. All classes and creeds help. for Is ,r I know:I ?".11.1.4,11a rpffm,nit It I. to mann The widow's mite and the rich man's gifts, all Mme to encourage the tn-rol ennwhtisir"..in lean.- rnrnQ int Iiia I- A 31rccL.1 trusler% to carr on and cxf^fid this great national c arity, a Y K h Cale. $:lU,V00 fs needed. «'ill you share in the privilege of helping 1 • --- Yours sincerely, •• "I sh,711,60r, threr,ch illi, - . , enrh/ h,•f tone. In,, Fend . .� thing, th'"lnrr, fh,cl 1 ,so, d", r•• a,,1 kindnra Mal of son .<h.. n, fto nnr h,rrunn h,ot,g% Lotman eye It new. Let ase net defer It or a a Mwfset M, Iabe f weer not ' pass tAfs way again." ” The _­_ ._ Signal -__-.-_ _.-_ . - goes into more _.. ,-------- -_ _ homes in West Huron than any other newspaper. It is unequalled as an advertising medium. I I