The Signal, 1907-2-7, Page 3f ow ?atlia'i igemdy o oc THE SIGNAL_ Cl1Uleatlt'llt ONTARIO TRUMDAv, Irebfuary 7�e, 1907 3 "�-"' -- _. -_- ____ I _ _ --- (e T O CONSUMPTIVE OW �� a __ii____ tke �ISti'lCt. _____ daught•rr, one of whuut tewchen in dent u[ C , Ohi dent tit Cl Ohl", and rine tall". is IY,"i �� ,, , r . - A case of t"wll ",x bas devedup•d Did Not Long Survive Her Father. Mi++s Katherine &. I CY 1x • D. M r A I Thr undern,isenrol having been re. +-� J r ■ I � `A R Co. tueutr and hie j"Oke. Ito bed $l11mi lu at Trow4idrrr, io tis i aunty. rurunee, E. McKenzie did civil, long rurvic" yhe death of her falhrc, uA. n11 n✓ f _' G''l' Z�.IIiC�� k . - *turret lu health by rimplr wean* after sulTrring for arveral yrxnv with a Dr. lilnckull. Ixt" of Hnnrmll, has JI,II11 Sh,tnnuci, John Cardiff and the late DuuAld McKenzie, wh(we in _ �J rev. ,•1'o IunK affection, and that dlYerl hotel buafue+o al 'ittLhe anal,. llurgn,v'• aw the license cum• boughtNew New teruteut tstk hice two w" -it* m P io KfncIfr tit cemrlery.ole I'br long tem of up grading, and, seeond, to show dfinelose C•meampli•a, I. auxiou« to ucake known d aCboels are t, Ix, .,vitt the tour- wiasiuuen far l art Hurvin Cur 1007, co `` I Ing -must" at Lrndhury, \'alto" acid The businPen men of %u rich ore Y. ug jjnurosy fvw IA,a Augelrs, l'al., cum• hhmd the 'the at lcWgan rs1Aa•Imeat station ha. to his fvlluw sufferery the l O �_TA KI N O lues"* of cure. To those who deals,- ST Winthrop, ing to Induce F. Kulbllriech to ninve Misr Flonrnce tiuch,rtaas of Dross- I Ilia lob)ning +will from Hay township with natural shoxk du• Ili bar father's hudden ilhlea*, which i�tt,eer- begun n ver,* iusls,rtant Ilue of work and oue which deserve* wide atteu(lou. it, he will ebeer(tnlly send (free of charge) it copy of the prescription owls, hAa gun" I.i'1'ororit, to MLLrr a o_ talo the villa r of %with. I K on training on a lint W. Ale:. Iwm hie, minuted it, hi* death, "-lived fou mhtob I fur a wwokruad constitution to h- � . lu the toll of L,O{ It purchased twenty grade Shorthorn crows. None of the an uhrtl, which they will find x *urs eller far Ga•eflm�tlsa, ANYma Giar� atw• NOW COMPLETED won u( Ute, hockk, of In the Blyth, dirt! stand, and rho diad jurat vino w k Intal" contain large ehl"a and itll lhnx,' xud lou K 1161ailles. receut fie or at sasksto,Nt Dr. at Port Arthur un the XrO. I2*d after her return 0 her hunle on the a percentage cit Ito hupoea all mufferenv will try bin Huhner, dentist. late of t)Iintou, lilt., aged twenty-nine ye»rs, lost his uffice furnishings and Instris. The remain* were lomught to Blyth itth can•ebbiof. Kincardine, aline Me. Kenzie wAs in her twenty-fifth vests. at Shorthorn blood, yet they bare enough to glve the evenness slid uniformity Rrmrdy, n* it in imvAluable. ,1,11, w. desiring the for interment. the bite u( her death. sought In a foundation herd. The first pn•hcription. which will coast them nal king, and Inlay prove is 7 Oscar W. Rinker, of Gurrxrd 61reet, TunoW, was convicted of tAkin E elrrOlrac Rule Down g � Y Dr. A. C. Siachur's Death. year's report of this grade herd says: '•lu rnalutalu]n a g grade dairy herd blrasing, will plrahr Address LACE CURTAINS het. FDN,II/ !tout Thomas Mc(anin, of Wiughaw, I,ee,lo,dle� iadeetisa eaeaps- mall ruse sentrntxxl W fiftw,n months Th•1 death of Ur. A. U. Sinclair, which rx;cwrrd on Jwil•►rv�iod at lit this Institution two chief ends are souglmt-first and foremost, A.NIISOI(. ifNtl�a, N.Y l�llf hest InlllOrlatl011 �Ttlthllrit;!111 tom, k•eh swores. o;+ofsls er ell. raeulh o f lit the Central Pnc�on. bloed Gmd —, the bony" of his brother-in-law, 1). B. to show ob• jectively bow tilt- common daft *t k ,of tecta - ---�- --— - (� � �- - _ - - ow ?atlia'i igemdy o oc Chats. Cesar, of IA"►dbury, who loud McDonald, thlllorne, Out., removed +i y m of this state can be Improved ns to tirlallls Irrn eti thlti week alld will be *cath' lar sale ��� � It Jrewa oat the poi.oa from% the blood sad the ndefnt•tune to hive Ilia hand taken off, wiw inside the recipient of A ratan who for mon p y yearb was a roes- invent figure In Bru(•e county. Dr, quantity and quality of, milk produce oil Saturday. Having laced our order for Curtains I+ it _--_'-`- UemeepbmeA Ilea, to dart', sad Ilowele. Film put" of over. $'Ja) by hin neighlm"•a and AC- Sinclair practived medicine at K1near• lion by a rational and coutlinued sys- ill the early spring, we had the choice of all the best II non oak palatable meow rhe a,edlcael eiitrls of "*air` herb. whck oAt o •ase! yualntAnceb. 1l, war x kind) act. y dine and afterwards not. Port Elgin and then tem of up grading, and, seeond, to show designs and thtis secured our sti ck hefort• the big I I i ..mea a d,e "am. P^u,il a -boom --b lm Gledhill Bns., of Kimo:atdine, who out the in went to Winnipeg for *ulna year,. He returned to Bruce And re• the effect of careful feeding and man agement upon average, couuuou or , i ad\'anres which have since taken *tare. I rices from 1 x'jP to Pi¢hty-four ,•et,,.. tib" had wIlIcIl horn in treble' hedth role vwiie nnuthm hundreds of Ar Jess a«e. _w in= Thr t3%aaits' G. CWS Hmmikm-T..r.. Lon.Noughthave theirs stock n lin- Wn, have ch,red their buxlne•ew in the Ixttps• 11,,tinatl these until he went to Btit• fah l nlwnhia One even luferlor dulry animals. While the j oc pl'C p;fi,e Upwards. LeADtvo e..a„ies„(tyg,,,�„,�,aA,,, 0 plxrx, and »w confining their Attention to (.heir Kincmt•dine trade. awn, Findlay Sinclair. of \Vinci e Sinclaworecral r. of Wiactrnnipeg, hut,. nu stocking o[ [arms with pure brant dairy nuitnulx Is desirable and strongly ad. LACES and ALLOVER LACES vefvtinnry inapx•r- for wall in Usbornr township lastweek *trongnrmiu.nxmetl \Vtil. Jobb, who the recently returned front the West At the BrrcrBeld license nn Wool- aurvivr* Ur. Sinclair wm*I Active Liberal and on vlsed, It Is generally recognized that fnmy,aing x mnnhrr o[ "beep infertad with ncith. The di+,ee►se im a lord one and the wits x guest of the hotel, the nff+fir might have leen i nuch luore . nradmy of last week FAIwunl IA•v)•, of (%linton. wt%- united Ili rnnrrfage to severitl rale carionm won the nunuiues, of join ,tarty the great mass of lugorovementamong We have also added to stock this week all ell- follows: alllk, C^�p itoundR; butter,K sass ~It atatstcau. Mfrs Matilda \Vn ser, furwerl of R Y lu PArlfvrurutAryy contents, but ho with not. elactad. The in- dairy cattle must come from Inte11l- gent up grading. lit selectlug the foun• direly new range of Nottill rhanl,.and Calais L.,aces %. _ nlxht as. 4y \Vioghauc. They will reside At (,tin- ton. remainx were tet red iu-Kiticmirdine cemetery. Dr. Sinclair w1. dation stuck for a grade dairy herd at- and Insertions in all the new and latest novelties; 1)ntry Farmer, I% Genie _ _- -__ C. lie•ncom,, of the 10111 concession M In Ila seventy-eighth yeas•. teutioli ,,,am given first to The health the ran re Is by far the largest we ever had. js troll I. a ,-i,r• ,- Tile llairvman nrF", the (:ncrnl- ment to -adopt ti - ; uggenttnn of Dr. ��� � of Gtxl. W. ,tit hip, hxe pulright)1 farm J. W. Hill his f*res of righty A Row at Wingbam acid general physical characteristics of sencb Individual se•leoed. just to haled our New Spring Prints. antis fy nn animal if allowed to dry out _--_'-`- xcrr« at tiumu,rrhill. 1hr purchww price war it, the urighlxirhntxl of The Ihree Finlay bendier, of Wing- ham indertmok to start honer -clean- ing National '•For breeding purposes the herd In divided Into four ' groups or Our -flew spring ► r jalw4s are arriving alnn,�t Or [Ar. 423 pounds of but non t1;a,i,INs. M'a' Juu,e” At the Hotel in Wing- ham one evening meently. but tilt, of fi,e aulmals Part. ohir u[ (hese of these groups is to lie bred hall\' Ito\f and you are allt:tys jUCC of Sl'l'Ilt�r the - ,*nate lands and relorept them. In f Pn J.flEY &SON Cuwning. of Egluund- villa, hxa fill nrideft in lull },lovien. the landlord, Mr. Hanson. objected to *ucll it Thrfight coutiuuously to Jersey bulls acid the female progeny terV latest novelties. gran, and 'vbo had Imre for nuiny years x highly x'jP to Pi¢hty-four ,•et,,.. tib" had wIlIcIl horn in treble' hedth role vwiie nnuthm hundreds How•rnw tieing pun• white still these over one hundred thew the procedure. ffnnity cul- luinatPd in the three brother”' Attack- bred In the rause ]tile, another group to tatt-rmrd leaf- dent of t stri mount. and owing to her gre,it Age her rt-• I g orris LeADtvo 9 Mi I 1 Store of lir the plant. A whit" az drx it it raid, O is n "sore A GocoatnPuent Ing x (nrci,rr by the name of King Rout near Tenemwater, and hml it not Iweu for the timely * ,u•riv-tll cit x hig thee. he bred coutluuously to Holstein balls null the female progeny lu the name third group Is to 1st loved In Directors vefvtinnry inapx•r- for wall in Usbornr township lastweek *trongnrmiu.nxmetl \Vtil. Jobb, who the recently returned front the West the settle way to Guernsey hulls and a r SScot�h mbalmers fnmy,aing x mnnhrr o[ "beep infertad with ncith. The di+,ee►se im a lord one and the wits x guest of the hotel, the nff+fir might have leen i nuch luore fourth to Shorthorn hulls." The average results of file herd are ') i li 'Phone Si). Dairymen, \That can n man anal very contagious, and every of serious than it wax. ioblir strop fent inter- ns follows: alllk, C^�p itoundR; butter,K late Archibald Vicktmon and a o{strr t•f do •Dickson, atteneed to at all flirt it being made to "event its I vened in -ice King and Lhr pomld*; cost o[ teed. 813.07: testae _ nlxht as. 4y spreAd• now wits stopped. I R of stopped. Magi*Lente alt,l'torl products, $oX).Gi. and profit of over -_ 1)ntry Farmer, I% Genie Two old teaidents of St phen town- fined each of the three brothery atxl feed, $W.58. prominent lips• death leaves lint one mnrvior"r, mi siatrr, Friesian. -- -- y silt paseteI awahest was -k -Mn, sent one rat thein Lo the Goderich jail The poorest cow gave In the year --- -�-- - - --- ----- Catherine Treitz, of Crediton, aged eighty-five yew" and ten months, and Hrm y lA%wport. of the 7th cone"siun. file-" month. The affair created cru• I.M5 hidernble excite,uetnt In Wingbani. pomods Death of Mrs. James Scat, Harpurhey. of pounds of milk, forty-eight of butter anti was kept at a lose i0•e'9- h troll I. a ,-i,r• ,- Tile llairvman nrF", the (:ncrnl- ment to -adopt ti - ; uggenttnn of Dr. LFeeding the Milk Maker body. 'It Is a well known fact that flip A11hd mixty-right years and right nwutlw. Another of the worthy The most profitable cow gave L%113 antis fy nn animal if allowed to dry out )I fiu�ot the wnuuu,. .ludimn Clark, the forestry expert. to Did It ever occur to you that there The intervent amok pl cp .It Kill- pioneer (qunde settlers of this county, in the prra.nr rad Or [Ar. 423 pounds of but iond municipalities nny money thnt might hP required In purrhn.0 ch linin, cemetery un Sutu•dmv, Jkh lilt., rat 1 i Mc Of Mr•. Jmm,e* Sentf. of HArpuche%. Ion de ported this life. Mr... 4cntt consumed i Iptu, a net profit over feed r of ICA. 1 will be as ruuch difference 'Ili rah- ,*nate lands and relorept them. In f Pn ester who died um the Thun,dxI , previous previous »t the a of died on Sundnc. Jwnuxry L7th, At the ),capita the Ingle u[ 1Ilesp facts, penruuce of nn animal fed u o well ho developed or fifteen years the fluster would h,• nhl" to refund the loan with inter I. 63 gran, and 'vbo had Imre for nuiny years x highly x'jP to Pi¢hty-four ,•et,,.. tib" had wIlIcIl horn in treble' hedth role vwiie nnuthm hundreds are different In no way from of other Instance% grains o[ corn and one fed upon upon shriveled kernels as there In dif• - in f:ermany, where chi+ *nolle• h a 3 been the do -rived tatt-rmrd leaf- dent of t stri mount. and owing to her gre,it Age her rt-• I g orris where rec. have been kept, haw few, very Terence in appenrnnce In the two klnda rarrfpd out, revenue fmui same of the rnuniripal forest i• Hrrvey McBrien tort with n lead ac- cnyery west not exPeeted. fire 'few. oomidrn name ,vita hutlella Dickn farmers and breeders of pure brmil of corn? "ufiicient to mart the local taxes and cidenl rat the Doherty ongan fxclury', on. she wpm x naticu of Rntlinnshiw, C11tt1P think that If pays to tent, mays ":nod Fmmd at All Thea. Every leave a small briny% for each rate- Clintun, tine day last Werk while run- Scolland. and w so, n danghtgr of the 1(onrd's Dairymen, \That can n man breeder should have a corn• payer. Ding the shaper. His left hand was r&light in the knives and not A result late Archibald Vicktmon and a o{strr t•f do •Dickson, that will 1my better? plete underetaoding of bis buslnexs and the Individual needs The Unfortunate Middle Class. be lust two fingers and tray low- the four. Mur, the lAte James who, rat :ions. time, ons (trip of the IradinR mud lest- A Flop tlelstoola. The subject of the illustration, from of each aulmal. so that there will be no time fu the year A jolly wax once called to At. A quirt wedding w,ts relebrmite(1 on known resident% rat the cu"nty. Of » IClmhnll'e uuer Imrge and fnnsily. 1)ntry Farmer, I% Genie when the cow may ,let have an silicon, frivol dance of qn:u x nick child fu,t'•shahhy genteel' Ger of n certain city. R'e%lnewlay, Januar ]*•int, rat the home prominent lips• death leaves lint one mnrvior"r, mi siatrr, Friesian. lothllde, 48,099. a registered TInlsteln- hy good, rich, juicy foods hest suitcrl for milk productloD. ••Mads in," wild the dox•tur to the of Mr. mind . rv. \Val. Telfer, Glvy township, their daughter•. Miss Mrs. ChW)olnr, of Manitoba. With other nneinitery of her fait fl d the OAi1M1 \V. W. e'heuey of Clark farms, Manlius, N. Y. Abe nluthw, ]feithlus test a cocci. into you should seal Phis child the country for several weeks —��, Isahells, being united to ins, Fanp,n- large "unit- of frirnstm, the Jecrxwsl The dairy cow is the hardest worked each ammrter" - harlon, of Morris town hi I Its came to Il1 i $ I. V. snore m of 1 ill And mettlrd at , Nr. McNab performed the rer in(my, ltoxh oro, McKillop, on the old Dick. Mrs. John Higgin, Clinton, died on "eon houorstomid, whither the father• Friday,'Sith ult., frnll, the effects Of solid line brother had preerde,l than, An attack of typvI id fever. The de- the yawl• iwf•n•e nod -prepared for them ck-A d wait n olanghta•r of Anthony x hOlne. When she na•ried her lents tAir . of Hu11rto. And arms in the anslAnnd they ,settled down nn the thirt) •sixth yyoar of her age. Besides tArns rhme bY.'which is now owned and her huslrud. the leaves a (sillily of 'x•cupiod by. A son. ,loseph Scott. right children. Mrs. Scott continued to reside thew Ali" Lily Roberts, daughter of Mrh. until A few yews logo, when she: and It. S. Itohertm,'8oAforth, was married her hnshnnd retited from fanning And un \Ve•(bne•ndxy of hunt week to Wm, erected for themselves a comfortable q house in Iixr to h animal known. She must bare the "I min worry to says" responded the very !rest feed to prodttce a urge flow woun.in. "that we Are Dot rich enough of milk and nourish her overworkeol tit it,- that." body. 'It Is a well known fact that flip "Then," suggested the phypicinn, same amount of green forage that will "have her sent I,y tin• Flesh -Air Fund." antis fy nn animal if allowed to dry out )I fiu�ot the wnuuu,. acid fed with all equivalent Amount of. .,we 1.)(ol.e n,nrgllitillit d water will not satisfy Its hunger. Tile moisture Contained In sueduleat, juicy feeds has therefore a great digestive value to the remaining -4+ Hart n[ the feed, h: ,. \!any mixtures have been given, such n% loran, beet roots, mashes and soaked ..-'-•'""" • nut rets. son of Ornrgr. Slultbets, i r (y, where one had \.. � �,•nl;wtc hUr,•In. •• •• also of t3ewforlb. Rev. ::\I r. Berry since resided. fir. Scot i. died x ypAr casts ciArtsttas lir wet feeds o[ various kinds, ant nous pirrforured the ceremony mit the borne Ago last September. They had it has heels tested In four different years of Illese ling ever equaled in foul value of the hride'* mother. Tice young fxwfly of nine childtvn, eight of acid has Increased her test each MVP. green feed stored up in tin air tight r �j ronple will continue to rehide in Sea- whop n Are still living. These rare Ise- At the age of four years and seven receptacle, where it is preserved. not In forth. lellx. Lizzip and M". ,lwmem Grieve. mouths she m d tl — rat nonce; Mr*. .lohn \\'ikon, McKil a o seventeen pounds 1p case of the silo, writes C. R. sie- On Wednesday of last week the loop: Mrs. ,1, G. Wilmm. SintAlutit three-nlnths ounces or butter In a week. lick of Kimball's Dairy Farmer. Silage funeral took plAcro At Hensnll Of Miss Sask. ; Arrhilasld D.. Jaures and At the age of five years and nine c•,nttlllls just enough lactic nrld to He1Pn McAllister, whose death eo- J,neph, all living tear Senfur'th. months her record was 21.88 pounds of stimulate digestion, wbUs the natural cored rat St. Jnme h's hospital, Lnn- Mrs. Scott wits endowed with A atrong butter, and when seven years and on- unfermented foods do not. dun. The deauaPd wA* the third nlind, great-rnergy and force of month old she made 22.138 pounds of Calf Meals. daughter of the late John McAllister, chxr,a;ter, but wall kind And consider- butter. of HenpAll. And for• mmnmv year% was a note in nn eminent d Calf meals or milk aubetllutre rice member of the choir of t)Armel church Plpee! will wast to manufactured In large varleties, uud And nn Active worker fn other dr ,art. the fullest lienee of the term a gond study the loitvldaal cow. there ie abundant evfdetice that they mentor o[ the church work. I And once oolong livewhose. memory And i ace before me In this room men who arc extensively employed. n c•ircunt• -- _-_ ____ innocence will long live with those whoIm Mrs. Townsend, of ClinWn, mrlict• rat knew her heat Of all tho+r who have grown gray In the bustneg%, "len stance which renders it opportune to Canadian Northern Ontario Of 'Ile Inte Klijah Townsend, of Hut. exon" to Canada on the }must with Mrs. who may lar considered well off -rich-- give n ,warning to cattle breeders loth lett, died un Sunday,:esth tilt., itftel• a Scott nnly four, w, far its is known, vvho do not owe anybody a dollar and 'In respect to the quality and the price, RAILWAY long illness. The deceased utas ,t are pow living. These xrr Mrs. (,bis- have plenty to take care of them. They for In many cases the latter In out of _ daughter of the late Valentine Fisher, hnl;n, AhYndy nwritionwl ; Mrs, A. do not do much now. They have cense all prop,ortlon to thele true value a{ kX4 IM tTof Colborne. She leaven five wons- \Nilson, of Silver Creek ; Itnhert Gov. ed to work•. Cows have made them S H 0 R / L I N E will'--, of 4tnulhmr. Robert at. enlnck, So•aforth, and (}ro a IIAh- the warket rates for feeding atuRn, IAmdemloro, Walter, Valentine most kirk. McKilluo, George well off. But those men have 1'ovn amt no cel[ meals, however well pre- 9Erwl-LH ?.listen, Of (Tinton -And two, unuar _ good dairymen. They have leen silt- pared, call be worth st1, I e of the ZAM-BUK SAVES A FAMOUS ODD - a rigid dmiughters. Airs. 'Townsend wits! -- dents o[ the dairy cow and have learn- prices gdoted. While I rongly ful- Toronto, Muskoka in her fifty-w,venth year. The re. NOVEL CURE FOR COLDS. ed the dairy business from start if, press 'limit stock owners the mpces- FELLOW'S FINGER mains wen• interred in the Londes- finish. They have learned that Were Is city of exerctadngcaution and pru- ned l,oni cemetery. Heeling Medication that is Breathed, nn Individuality (n the dairy cow, just deuce hl the porcbase of milk sfbstl• The person who permits oiler tlra ter any Parry Sound How Burned. Giving Quick Relief. as there Is In men, In dogs or In trotting totes, 1 do not unreservedly condeutu Pot.oned wound. or more. or &bice it,, or ulcer. Won. K. Scott, of Bast Wswanoah, it seems jest Aa ridiculous to tut horses, just as much difference hl the or advise Ihelr nonuse. oil the cost• without a at trying Sam -auk. w,uld have WINTER SERVICE i Individual nhlllty of dairy cows not there tray there are several ver Ratinfac- good caiva for regret atter readint such a LARRY SOUND PASSENGER Irmet ills fine large brick trwidence by medicine foto the aWmx(•Il to Cure x T ] file early Tuewim morning of Ixal cold in the head or lungs, as it does to le In tlx, nhillty of men, and that 1st fury yreparatlmtA on the market, yro- ws,atlonal incident u to what follow,: Vnui tiilrll. NII Y where ninnydniry farmers fall -In IN r. wane o'. tel want", h. U.t'.It. A:o. t'.. P. a. Toronto .. .......Leave ItJea.n+, week. All the house furninhinK* and Pin out in the "tin ff we want to keep vided their prices are reanonable. w,p, . u,i and t I,rtA• rhe 1•,err Sound I ..... . .Arrive 0.lmp.m. writing a pnrel were deatroyPll and drum ahndchtg the IndlNduAl caw. TT'e do yh,'rdr line of We A■ Hzeell"t Calf Fetid. "awl widely kno%vn men In h tri 11 A .itdy cr- rra,rrulloc%u este. ,uul este Stott had to make n litefAct that funny people right in business with the herd and pay atten- Ll case, however. the market price t,lentitie,1 "s'lhl"toin".I.11,.r•11 t&,wh,• Parry w,m............ ................ tAslve 11,10) ..In. Inuit v rxi'. fn their night vlothea. Thp (foderich cough And hawk and snuffle tion to the cows rnllectively and not In- rm•rif—n . Imervitiatd mini" notion in Toraao ... _.....- Arrire tees p.m• R R nod gwsllty ofocalf meals are dimpro- Peter �l., "' """' Ile .aid: - lit January of cit lh• of the fire is unknown. for days mind weeks After they trent, a dividually. It seems to me that It la portiouate the following w•111 be found 1i"t �enr t roc l .t• middle nnw,r o• my left WAileA00 LOOAL cold with the usual atoonxch dotting, every dairymen's duty to study carts Imam ro,en•h mil +.hxml4miwn, "et bo. The rtml'TIIMN NU HarIOCk POstoffice. allows Ion valueless Ate the "nlinmi,. all excellent calf foots, which, when w ,and oro. esti *err tminfgl that I ronld not nes lvsak.go . ..... Lcm%'c n t.. a.m. Y cow In lite herd. Every heal f n till+ u,e s -Hole h ,rad, wh,rh Toronto ..... ..Arrive 14wp,n,, tion"* tions ago It wait lnlhnal.td cough unit cold cures. - used with a small allowance of pure I nm one. tton.nnod ulleebflihn'ICa alit (lectern state ling some, good cows and mnmP linseed cake, line so far given the hest of Tomntomndfof wo111011111.1w."emterhl. No,tr+nhn No that there wait x likelihood rat looting The right wity to (-tire A cold in the 9 rare. 1'ne wo•nnI Rat 11• hence, tont doe der Torontn ... Leeve.-,3omin. tile poslof ice at liarlock, rax Malt• head or it cough And irritntiott in the poor ones, and In man nr the hells results lu m;; experience: TLIm tiny lhrdnTar %li-ind dwane Iiiiismn r tdnt lcay w'ashago. .. . . •Arriven.U,p.m. n,mitot.er Argent wished Lit give itoil), thMatt and Inn s ie by breathingntthe profit derived from good e0w•A t% laformatimo, ticket,,, els.. I fly Ticket office R Ile hrppnrod by mixing two parts. Icy do with thin Anitrr i., looks it. nor. it c., a never ton Kind and Toronto Ala.. )Iain 5170. and all Ow ing W that illn,"w of him wife. The Hyontetb nnedicmited Air. Put A few Inst in supporting the poor ones. -C•• n, weight, of oatmeal, two I. rneal.' Thi. w#4 not %cry p!ea.ent news parts of corn• and At +h,%r l cine Ili* Agana,. pAtmus of the office will IA, plrmisd dmpsof Hynmei in til" "PAI p,cket Everett at R'lacotvin Dairymen's Con- Agn•oz from he wound w know that air. Argent ham re -con• inhaler that enuip% with every outfit rentlon, meal and one part of pure ground flax- was tembleand Ute swellintamr inn.,mnution meed, till of which should be flues nalendcd right rap he aril. I went to see an, -- Filleted t•he utnttrr, and wilt remain is and Irwnthe this hpmiling mfr for"few — 9 mherdoctorand w•,l.nn,ler Intq treal,nent for pxstuofist•r, it position he ham filled times and imrnedinLp relief will he Haaduas atlas*. ground. Than filed should cost just mamotw•m•k. lir liven toll til that All hoemiLl �� f • ,first mirrentxldc. noted. The nnedicittion ! v h about half tha rl t ed f do for ale wm% l,.0 cat open Ik • whole finger - ---- II DO YOU WISH TO II VISIT California, Mexico, Florida, or the "Sunny South'? Are yon mnxiomto ewailx• the cold wr1►ther And .now .and rpPrad the winter in the ••Lind of Fnnit and Flowers Winter tourist tickets ntv nn main daily and if yon arc ron. Ieinpbtling A trip nee that your ticket« Ate routed via thin Gt-and Tt link. For i bkpt, and fon Informal tom call tm F. F. LAWRENCE, Town Agent. '"Nee hmin-a.J, a.m, ton r ni J. STRAITON, 46 fbpd Ticket Agent. J. n. A/rt)onnM Mdrie, s. ovi. Agent, 'foientn. Loan Proposal at Lucknow, A public meeting was held in tilt. I,rleknlw town hall on Tuesday even. ing of Inst week to consider x request frons P i n til 1, "*know Furniture ('o. for A Iran of $4,11110 for teen years, without inter•Pst. And n fixed itsmeti%o,ent. Tile ulnney, If granted, ix to loom uxed in ex. lenrllog the Company', factory. A mil n U n lir ueao tin the stn tact) to Huh - ,Ili,, u R ,Ili,, to tlip Iwtimpayel't mi bybtw Approv- ing of the hmtn wast cAr-riod nntni• mously. Death of Stanlev Pioneer. On Monday. lmnnmry :Nt.h. dentis rlmimrill nn early settler of St+►nlpy town"hi,, in the person of Mrs. John- Aton, re let of the Inte win. John- "lon. DrytmlAle. 71.e deceased limit washes the age of mixty-right years, And lied been in rmx,r health far Mouse tiolo. Nil. leaves A gmwn•np family of six ; Mrs. Kyle And Mrs, Drysolmile. of Michigan ; airs. Pollock, of Drymdnle. And Jevuirnm, Thornton nd John fit home. Death of Old Clinton Resident. On Friday morning hotel O. S. f)rhen, tine of the, oldemt rrmidents of Clinton, r{q•%Reed away in him eighty-sixth year. rIP .it. in the (Antler)" btoo do w for A limat many yRwr" and later in the romml,enion ueinesn. For several yrutms he Arced in the emiparity of noun- rillor. HP wait A lonmlinent mpin- Fer of the Mamonir order rind w,s hurled with Maannic honOre on Sun. dfiy. He locations a family tool 1f m im I t to the spot when- the dice file germ% are located And renders them harmless in the future. At the mametime the soothing And healing effects of Hyomri on the ini- tnte,d 1 anent e mel lb i rang Kive quick relief, And the cangic lir cohl is broken ;,p coniplate Hynmri O"Ifit, ronsist- ing of A bottle of ilvomei, the inhaler And a medicine dlopper, rests but $1, While extra Isltl.lem of 11youlpi, if nee(led, can le obtained for out 500. All druggists should he All to supply jou with Hyonlei, or we, will wend it `ole mail oil rect,- - Of price, mind every park,tge is mold with the dialinet undemwtauding that it enats nothing unities it rows. Writo on to- day for A mynlptont blank, whhrh we will mend yon fire, tngetherrwith treatipr on ratnr•h and how to erre it. \Vhen you Hit in and return tit its the aymptono hletnk, our consulting physician will give your case the treat care mind Attention, and write van a letter of advice withnrt rhar•gie Bor,th'm Hvomet company, Buffalo: When ThArkerxy 'vac In Aineriea he most rat dinner on one. occasion be. side A very clever And cAndid woman, who at tire, conclumion of Lite dinner amid ter him : "Mr. Thni•keray, 1 was told I Rhould not, like you ; mind i don't." "Well, mmi•Am," %Aid Thackermy genially. "i don't owes." An a moult of this nrf"Al franknep% they llpexm• gond friends At ontr, And retnalned go ever after. For removing the allage from the *it, I have found n common Mur tineas mil nure fork n meet convenient tool, write, J. I'. Pletcher In the National Stocknlnr and Farmer. The larger flip tar's• anti tho e *loner together the flop% are far faster the work may he nceomplisherl. it Is Important, however, float the s,tr• face Of file slinge be left nm nearly level an possible Anti the amount rrmnvo'l f time mil to time s1 m• -I a simply 1 pk ram lir 1 off the top to n depth of two or thres Inches each day. It In Ilerier hest to thrust the fork down Intn the mllmse fill, or slit Inches as though It were ;nes. nmrr you were pitching. Simply take Orr the top layer In as careful a man. ncr ns ponsible, not inneening rap nlnr,, fhnr, Is taken out. in this way Chore will be considerably less waste either by molting or fressing. With Few Eaee stions. Milton Lxrknye says that while or n dowmtown 1, tr•Ain one innrning re. cantly he chnn•ed M overhear pm"•. Homos of an interesting conversation b•tw•eeit two vnionor winners occupy. Ing adjoining *atm. • "1 see by the paper," n)oerrvoal one Of the young women, "thfit Mr. Hlnnk, the ox•togernilt•ian, im dead. What on earth in An ortogenmirimin, anyhow ?" i don't know, I'm stere," wain the re- ply. ••Imt there's One thing rprtAln they're a sickly lost Of pornple. Yens never hear set Orap "meson hes Im dying." -February i,ilspinvou'a. a p Ce c targ lir some %rad arrm " lh" Mair, which he wild hmd hetome calf meals. It should be prepared for nt.elerd thr,noshu,e moat polm,"dna. I went Use by boiling with water and allow• ew'ar tm think w,,cn 1 „mild hmr • lite orwrt. i-1, nn I met a R a,d who, h arinx t he&tall., Ing to sinnd for twelve hours. Begin- Iab1, "Try %e•, iwit heRne yon 114,c It taken ning with one-gnnrler pound r brad of... I dl's ems, t l'al lie'I file woand nod Appp to t lir rouse of the balm. and r,At n R11t I • a fill to per r r tsar for ca ,• a c x,•: , 3 ] ran no , t mnrni , 1 Itth OI1 Ileo D lh�• wmmd Im• R ran to ' milk being the proper hod of the calf bleed, wherre., l,efore it ha 1 e y di ebance•d pas. That wA" % R *>� arta, s., 1 went nn with for til,, first m,ieith, the nllow•nnce rally Ihn Zn•n link. It ec ed 1n,ltnl bei and draw soon be llsrreaneal to one-hnlfpound 11,"u,rrn"+,Cnmplsleiynwar. Alt Isidro a few 1 my. 1 em ild do Aw:11• with Ih • Ainsc In hieh still more per clay ns lite (-air bec-ompR 1 lied carred the han 1, mn-I In A few week+' limn h -re w . ,, l n +, atrere h. older. Tlsta rnt]mt 1 v , d t e west nA b he t In toe rn fiat n I alien. n To dm, my 11 tomer 1. A. mound sae IA•I1, snpplemputed by our -half lmtund to (site whereas, hold I Out usrd 7A ,, link, r mhoeld pl:norl oC parr Itnsral cake m n bend have been a anger t• M. t lit over hi In 1 ,Inner, fele. and when 1 think M the trlatnor i:cr tlnyr-•TT'. It, (filbert 1n American,01. Of yam link 1 am Amas w "d at Iles mndeefel CURIvatoor. I `erg. 1Mreximricneemh".dth•ktmher•malr. _. _ . erg, w i do not mind you aUIIo• tM faeu." Practical Forestry. What Zaat.>Ifmik Ctt►es Tile f anvlinlu Dairyman i; r"a„iu,- For all 1m i.oned woind., chr"le .(wem, 3 p IllCer. And at—.0,"•a, 7Am lliek Is a-Tw Z"11i strongly nrl►,n the Oiitareo Govern- site IAIAA herauw• of Its high Antl.rptlr power", ment flip need .it a fnrettiry pnliey for 11 pmt have A wo .MI lir ,ere which lit" d,Md Cil^ older Pi,tlll'gp%. 1l, mmi'p' "RprPnf all ointment an'I"a,ve..ItMarA.rfnr 7An,llek. 3 YAM link Al.o enrn. erten a. Itch. aratp trips thrnctpptth encrutdArAble seminns of sore., rinsw,mn., bMtehm rn the fame ant' Haatinttp. Neirthumbeirland and NOr• ►".Iy. r11 ll,"" ptAee-1 s-I,t "( •"s. pd"m end folk ('on"flea. in each of which dAirr- rnlarRed ,eln . A. an ombrocatimn n rn ria I. ,an,A, fees and «•Iat Ice, a nA rnhM•r1 m es. t be Ing is the mail agr.eUltural peirsuit, fi'a't relieve* t he l fight ne"e of lie to a",•eer rood.. revealed Via fart, that hundMdA and A 11 .tmre. And dr""s'"I" .ell sonc"n,. a Ion h'rlulrood. of acres of land, lit Only for "r tont free from the ries-0ek Co., Toronto. 6 box,. for fd.,mn wand Into. harp stand now a r,l till 11p Asad nna cent clamp ant timl,ar and hrusN and now este prAM1 FREE UA, name and dat4 of Ihi. tically r+spppn. in? ant OftNr ratter and Ai cry .emple tit,• ..it he calmed Meeh of this )Aad is !•ntll of high yom, %nndv knolls, est whfrh prmirtiealh• all vegetation 11AA hren dpmlr( it h •• tile - Aero bleat of sni,)mser alwl Its est /nnil%- kn \\".Odes fdOw t►,,. Acrd fmm iite" hill,, arvl in peme mace make . nearhy rnrtAg alranat 'impaccnablit. in ether expert the timber halm hpen ra- Mali,; mare-pal frnom that inv. swamp lands. i Balm (hal btwith the res"alt, that. ntroatnA asp shy- 1 , inx ep &nitlwa _htlee *nide of farmers suflsf GUNDItY BROS. Livery, Hack A N D 'Bus Stables I - GOOD 1101isEN CARR IAGRS PHA STON8 —RTC., AT— REANONABLX •w Well -:a ppo i u t Its, Harks and reli- able driverx in Chmorgr of the Bum", which will meet all train a amt ateam ho ata 4I,1, ('ALUs ATTKNURD 7" 1'HOMI'1LY FROM HOTHIAS AND PRIVATE HOVSKS GUNDRY BROS. itWICTtt STHKET PROW PC Fl, -I1