The Signal, 1907-2-7, Page 2tt...*,... i .
( i Tuusewr, Fehruar 7, 1901
f b
4&T- - _____ --__-____-
abAbs a
60DiH)ICH. eNTAR10.
Telephone ,all No. i).
. Terme of aubecriolion :
f1 ipe per annum in rdranar.
Sixmaotita,aeo;three moutive, W.
nab, ribaw who fall to receive Tile SIUNALhey
Irrl by mail will confer a fat or b' au.
ZBeau y >
-:. ua.ming use of the fact .t re. early a QnW r.
p "abe-.
When se chs ore of mid- i. dee,lred. both the
old and the new addre.. ,hould be arisen.
aa..ruelns People,
I.e``ri and ot her .Im+1,Ir adreru,ruients. toe
per line for ar.l insertion and !e per Ilne for
o rch ab.eo uenl in,.eniml. Meawunwi by
. onpuroit.riw twche line,+ to an inch.
Nuntoo~ card. of,ix linty and under, So per
Ad% ortimetoee•nt. of Last. Found, xlretye•l, sit
naletion. Vacant, xnitiatirm. wanted. Ilul%.e -fo,
oor to Rent. Fartm, for Sale or ,o N%tit.
Arfirlw ter hale, eta.. not excg eodinresolve
Involve. Yic Insertion ;$l for newt mcenth.:elr
for each aeh.eeptient atouth. I.rrger adleni+e
maw. In propeortlon.
I 1Anuouncomeuts in onlbrary reading lye* len
cents leer line. No noUec Ie.. th.0 'G:•.
Auy spatial nMi,e. the ohjr.•t of . hi,•h W Lha
perunlary benefit of any irdh'iduul or aw,oei-
atiea. to M .on.Wered an odvorusemrnt and
to be charged aocorilllytl •.
I4we. far ,tied contract sedveMi•o-
Mout. will bC given on applfual ion.
Addres- all communicatlar. to
TNs litaNll.
(ta.erich. aril'
tiuo of the humigration fr4rw the Old {)lacy, which will Ise n fres yrut4" le-
Country this year. The reveae, will- I ore the Gmerllulen, sybtetll will heOUR OTTAWA LE'n'F,It
Ler the West 1% experiencing ulsy de- the """' N)strlll. lei Ruihrrfone -
Adulinistr+ition have giv"u Canxdu the
ter usually of Lite newcowerto Rout etlantple of the 1.{trr ty still Militia- EXPEOTED THAT StSSION WILL
choosing that part of the country ton bu•tory uorthods w 11 ieh a istiverrsful
prefrre11on to Ontario, where tit Ieaat and hsominesr Government adopts, a BE OVER IN APRIL.
___- -
aouet)ertly'le woodpile s never ver lar
away. •. • _ y Cuddle Donn.
Dull Timet Ill Parliament - Ra{coney
The l,airnie% cuddle duan at night
Mayor or Judd, of Lnadon, seems to he Committee Has dean Busy -Road
%\-1' muckle faucht an' din.
u stir! of litical RAdelifle-Ila 1; rI*l ••(Oil. ft- •au'+lee to Hudson's Bay Protected--1„M'p
W ) V. Yo waukrlfo rgenc.;
tioner of (critofnce-holdtlrs. When Iourfather''in." Irnmi/ration Expected ThleYgr
1=r heal r want 1 .peak. Kee Your Eye on Rodol 11e
Late WhitneyWhi(iuvntnmenL has avec- I P Y p
1 try to Isle r f 1„on
tial in sight whuut it ran,)ot dlrnlioa lent eye 1 hap fission up. rn'cry. Lemieux.
-_ _. __. _
offhand, M1yor Judd le. rout to run• •Yah. Oafrnle., cuddle Aare "'
duct ail Iif vest lgatiou. with the object "'eo Jamfe wi'the curly held - Ottawa, Feb. J.--- It hots bees,) a lid sit
Of getting rid of the official in it inure Ile a)e eloep+next the woo often in Caned t that Sit- Wilfrid
circumapect manner. ILnIF,, up an' cries. 'I want a pitee' 1Aut ier• will Imt file Ia.t French -Can -
The element .tart. thew a'.
R The election in West Middlesex for 1 ren an' fetch tlwm Via:u., drink,. iadi+iti 1'ruwier Zhu wuhl Irargalt- have
The Y ,lop a wee the %auto' t#Lkeu the statement tot, grantil.
Liao next varale,l laHou. G. W. Robb'
) Then draw the blankets up au' sir). Three w'x9 %time rxCUs" x few' years
elevation to tilt- Senate will take. plate ••Nor,, tv, e4lu. cuddle dtrw,:"
ago fur lhta +tnv ellen, when ler stood
11 11 \1'tdnrwlay, February J11U1. Thr Bort ere see udnute.gang, wee 11.1, head unit shoulders almrve Still o( his
Liberals o
ralf the riding leave noluilln, tl Cries out. free *namekth the clove•.-,
F Ati011alit V, ill palili(•m Ili :1141111L ; bill
ria their candidate Duncan C. Rine. a "\Ilther, rna k' Tani glo ower at ante
. Mr. Hurn is x He's kllllin' wl'Ids We*." Le)(!uy there Is a new aloe toe til" {xrlill
win of the e•:-Plentirr.
The nd.t•hier. In liar[ Tnm for trick+. teal h"ave•uu, rind 11e la Nnt•kh' W l,)rilug
Barrister orf Nttalhroy. The COlirrr%- ){n'd bother half lhn,lraoit, him way to tilt- very forefront tot line
#Ilia" candidate to George Stewart. a f Hut eye 1 limp thrin tip nod ery. Lilveral party its Nil' Wilfrid did hini-
Ntrathnly. "Oh. b i It1".,•urdle dune f.• wolf in yobs gone by.
_ -.
At IeRgth they htwr their father'. Ill . A Comia Man.
Andrew (: kruegie b donation ill all( g
Au' m he uear- also dour,
of Scottish University htudent% is raid 1 'rhe Ilion. itmlolphe Lvuaieux, list-
They turn thitir Laces to Lhr w.' young Peu,Uuaslrr-lirnrrill, tubo +a
to have had elle etTert which menue while.TAn pretend., p„nure.
pXrolde pHrphemta4l when (lit- gift with `Ilse r' the wc.uu Isco 1nAef' Iw m.k.. I • eu tar t tau ,ago was Inat it Ina' around,
too aimed. The xtndemts un+ himin .1. he pit.4 of hl --hewn. 1 +►rl lnu•ot hill, i. naw it Minister lit
V i g Ione r 10114,41 with, it fierce which rival -
their self-reliance #Laid ca reity fur "The AtOseivI Je>,tn, their 6ee1-, lint 1 trilled widi.:and, to tilt- cattle
le.' %n' LRg duan, i
OUDY,li1C71. THGRtlDAY. i'EK. ;. m,;•
,ht a eudALNI
work. need othunes tit the ad11lititst.a. olmw•rvers front t that press glittery, the
tion or the gift havegrown up. To Anau-t ^lure we. bet1 iwa 1, Mining loxes he till- 1 •omutons.
W. look alone wcv I^nrb., Careers err• often blighted when they
Hose Underpriced
let• forced to depend upon his nw'u n•• I Tali h,,. hi- Idem ruciW wee 10W, net L. solo brightest, last it Ls a sitfe Hems rk
hour:Ya is tent tilt, worbl, thing that .1,1. #Lith Ills melte mall" all"-. tel l'mlkt- ineanw'hlle thiel. Mr. IAe1111N11X
Thete is no use mincing matters in
gincI in lift-. I Ilift Icer Jaulie up the hal, is today the strongest luau ill ill the
ofhappen t, A Irrn
diwossing the. condition of the town's
,. Fielding land
- Ail'., 1 .Intik each rrl.,o. ' G,,t•ernosent next, litNr
tire department, #I% te(ralyd in the re-
- -
I wlrivrr till my bowel till- rel.. the Premier hiwsrlf. This Iwing liar
Tilt-\\'hitut-y liuvrnmhent pnrplMtr .y)h.lwlrnte,.,cuddb• violent case and leinetithering that All the
coot inspection by the wafrrw &titers
al,liah lite• re•gimtr•ntiun of nlan-
to x whiie 6e. is acquiring strength and
ufflci:ll. If AnyloOdy is responsible for
hot)(1 suffrage voters except in riltem. The 1.Ilr+lies cuddle dorm at nicht gaining influence• it call Ire morn that
the neglect lllxl pdAce,f tele• teW 11 alt
III' mirth tleat'i dear to nee:
This Ion :a rete sae stn Under the rl'r Ilr11K 111• IIN/y Ise 1lNrk"al Ilpwll ins
P• the
lire mercy of u fire, hr, should Ire made
dolor their skan't,r' Sir %V ilfrid's suce-rsmur.
regiwaat ion "festoon oxny gofer. were N'lll gnnlen dam their xk4•. ;ter. IAtwirux So es till I but grace
to feel that his neglect in little short
enahleof to rxeleime their franchise Vet will toilk-tor. uul cn11rtrsl of manner rind die.rac
or criminal. It nolo d Is are tonsible
Y 1
MAY He who at, at, mi.
who otherwib/• p•nnld have Imre de- which era .w, chxraet•ristie of the
tar the cafe of Lhe tctwnb flre-fl Klin
Interred, metal it would have beell worth AYe whl.per,though theirpow+lwbaukl. M'rrne.h rare. This rh:u•w ,if uuimner
apparatus, the council cannot move
bourne.., cuddle doon •" has endeared hills t, the mato of the
cuusidrring whether the rrglruatiun Alexander.ttderon. RvetoMce• lleµu'trirnt. w•hu AM nn
too quickly in placing some prtxon in
should nut ise extended to,tit town#&_that hi. wnrk dues not stiffer e
--- _ - - ffer by rou
r-haarge of it, with full resp,umiaiility
of x certain size, there being tu,,re uu•tb0a with that sof sir Willialle
for keeping it at all final% ready for
changes in the pupulittiuq Of the t . I lock.. He is the Canadian to Ire
immediateand r Rit,Ple use.
watched I t coming Ll tl 1 lit) -
towns lhnn in rand or tiull1 coo- What Is Going On in the Provincial right• induptricur,in(] ambitious.
There appears Ur err w alh'ibion of
wuniti,,r. Thr Lilerxl uiemlrer,l of Parliament.
authority among the town council.
the IAegirlatuee mhould snake a Stand Election in tgoll?
the fire brigade and the venter depart-
K Pa
The most interesting fr;ature if (lir According ter sir Rich:ad CAlt
against Sit-. Whitney',i JWrAnchising proceedings of Inc P o%incixl
So u o -with the usual result. . u mt•
le t
,right the.Keneral clection will Ire in
plliry. IA•gisluUue hest at•rk w:w tial- HI•sh K
--- the .nuuurr of likes. This in in dr -
lrurtant A department of the muni•
rl h by George 1'. Gr#Ihatit life fain
Th,• British Columbla Provincial s cordance with the statement itsial"
i ileal .service should have x recognized
new ca m-ity am le,uler of the OplNlmi• earlier in the wemsiun that there will
uli•ctiu't.4 tx,k un Satd'elay sued tilers. M1'. lir•a{Irhl -t forth
head, and if the present system does
place w the Op Ile'ilhrther Seasiuu comer tier legis- t
rraulted in a victor for Life Couservx• [)()"ilio" policy and elaborated satin•
Y latera to liar host inKw.
not allow of this them stem bhould I r
Liv" (lut•*-rnnent, lid by Premier Ate•- portions of it in n clever sfineerh• 'I'aic plemrnl ec•9sion will In- over in
The of flee hewn, to whose11n
Among the. ft-atllrv" of the ""ItIm's, April it r o Allow 1 \I'i
Heide,,\t N' distance we hnr11 I r tel t I r Ifrlel
Y wrlr. his pointed yuC@tiuri a% to what i
homes ilia(] whose ilusinessee an ever-
to attend chit clelonixl conference. No
know w•lutt tilt, light wiw about• best j filed beculue of the (lovernment's fa,• the. ecamiou 11:19 Im•ru dull Ault i
read fire dr utment is the only se-
3 lit
we b;tve one regret we cannot an• prouliseml measure of haw reform, the
K fratumlehs, in unule4l cuotl,ea with
;edvocatry of generous aid to education
curity against the devastation of fire,
nounie fiat- election of our fanner tluit of Ixrt geese, which waw the Op-
and of prvteclion of the public front position fair) IwuulNirdin , the Gov i
goring townsman John I). Swansea. •yt•ildcat"
will hark to the town council for ice-
mining co11rtimnies. He kl'11II1Nllt throughout. \\re/'ale 1) atu-
R ``
who wits the Literal candidate for pointed nut th•IL the lwlleral {warty' Were
mwliate and corrgetic ao ion in this
iawd that &twat ht msienl trill. Ire
Kamltxo m,. Mr. Nw'anso s opponent find Taken it very :advanetmi stand in
I rn' lel name vetenwous in this re..leeL.
Ness a mernber of the Government, we. questions of municipal ownership.
During its regitlse towns were given A Railway to Hudson's Bay.
that him H ht was a Itanl nor. }lit i9
R the right to wiltire s •-items of water- part of tis(• work is Mein
Iwatrn this, tine*-• dart, havingthe R ) The IlrUrr Ir
w,,rk", telephone aystrorS ,and street
done in connuiticr anti the rnilwvey
uron lel«xl in titi, e won't knowrailwa m. Under it Liberalstd Govern. ,•rrmmitMr h+am been purtiru11arly Ime.y.
Is interest In fruit•growieg decrram-
when to a nit +►yid we ex t to sect• I talent the people built a ri►ilWAV ins
P(m The Most interesting hill dt•nlx with
inK in this district? Boone prople
the heart tot Ontoario. 7'he Liberal railway to HutlMan lily.
hies et anion the winner..
who have leen observing the signs
party has i Irrpu Liteforty of the none IatN iew Otwl
In view of liar 6ult taint (ht- Munitib.►
reship of public utilities Ly the '
believe that it is. It is to he hoped
Government hum intimated a willing-
Her,- is a good illustration of the peOple."
that it is Met x tetuporat•y condition,
eae iltlway in fair
nlns to direction
fallacy til the doctrine that people Mr. Grxhanl'9 s{IIwc6 umde x most s,u11*- dia44a.ion thele will Ins x race fail-
andthat soon the tide will turn the
may Ise reiriched by waxing three- favorable iloprumsion, allyl helped Nle fi y Imrhv(en L11r I,nwininu rind
otJw,r wayAnd that Huron. and err
(elver. It it from a Montreal utxLerially tr establish him plwition ate tilt- Province. The- ob'e,•L if these
I the a•koowledged header of the Lib•
pecially this lake. chore district which
railva 4 i4 twofold to date the
Witness : , orals in the Holowt ' i
is especially adapted to the raising of
cargoes of iergrir and other Atlantic
We relurmlter a cartoon represent- A large nlnnll -r of fretitions lane within
within reach of the Atlantic
fruit, will again Ix• a lively centre of
io A denUat who had discovered much losing resented for the xlxrlition of
R R p lh:rati, and to open too the tnLercr,)iog
and to)
interest in thio indrr-try. Mr. \yarn•
It bli,mful wily of drawing teeth that section (MMI of the Municipal Act, country. There is un Nle way ter
ocil'r letter recrntl published in Ths
the patient when he saw the magniH• which places res xsibility "Pull Headston s Hay from whatever ditec-
cent to held ilia before his eyes municipllitie. fair ( mamages resulting
Signal is a reminder of some of the
t1' n au entiruloum aetet li of country
maid, "Doctor. could 011 field emfrom the non pair of highways, wliich• while it cull hardly Ili- ralle4l I
trophies which this di%trict ham won
tooth to he case first
measure of draw Ft This im tunrxplmeol, itsyet almost wholly nn- I
In the past with its mwgniHcent fruit,
with thin meth ll of taxation• we like the session is one to c0ns011dute and known and certainly i% unexploitd.
it rcr touch that we are control to ales) revile Liao many iu•L4 respecting joint
and Should Ire sin incentive to renewed
double or treble. The government stock send other nomlua ieel now ill ex. Possibilities of Unknown Labrador.
effortA and fresh interest for the
dials with its atm the monkey did with istence and lit include in the n"tv act Lubnulor and its hinterland
the Il lilkluatl'm long of none)•, fie it nal11(ler of clause(" designed all plc• held to ter as barren Held ,t wor•thirmm
It ae sometimes seal cls•
that the
threw ones illi tett the investing shifting on the deck and emtm ublir.
K KP n ,
wnmlr n n r otter evidence than
t n
anent of uncertainty in the fruit crop
till it tie ,ell
the 'text into the Ise" w
guns. The inilkman's conscience al- To Amend Registration Act. UuU'un which Alaska +►till the Yokson
prevents farmer•% from placing any
iaitted that water it was and tr Witter i rotihier Whitney Irate erltl, ldall:%%] n were ennalrm Hell .l ft -(V yk#&I•.+ ".R. 1.
it had but hill to amend the mant►(xxl suffrage Even now it we"mm to Ion• thonght of
dependence upon it and that In cleat-
re•turnt4l, we have me. such only As a region through which' •ail-
reawrn for MILLing one dollar to the react. The urrnmure re-
hence the orchard is n Ae
regarded led w
(I R
peals mm hotxl (1111?. ran IN• built farm liar \\'•tern
Suffrage n intra 'o
trenaury ,tn e 1 Pe' U n
the Dealt 111 NIC a r(se Of
Bide issue in the work o[ the form.
eXCe• t in cities. The Kill was intro• wheet fieldm tr an Atlantic port
unpr4dlwbin nu►nufiictrire. Tarr thd,ry P nearer than tiara" hitherto ntawl. lH
It cannot he denied that (herr is enure-
that the- alone atAya in the county dared by Lite Government Inst year in that A(smaibh' [hers is no doubt.
thin in this and et there i+ marine
R Yflail
IF r to, give notice to file country
is x wIit fallnry u w K
If ri di a well K i h «• t -e
n it would Imt aoended tr the ex- the ugh It hurt 1 .k 1 fur half of
Lbr e h nick in lel of e
rte the a hearth
tan the belief that if the ot•hwnl were
ev .. .rna a Bev approachable h •
it comtm twice ax unlcb. 1'he• prone}' tent etxtrfi. Thr (invernutent t►ke% sty y rid .sir y
attended to with the battle degree of
flee lotirid that it is col abitms without dangers greater than I
no doubt rtneains in the country. K y in I rlRe
intelligent care that is given to other
these of the wriest reaRam further
But taking the community as it whole, places where there is a considerable route is not exactly )nylon • But
it ham it floating p,pulxtion that the g,'
branches of rxrm wort it Wouid giro
certainly civet twice as much. preme•nt
- v - - nlelwnrr, which applies tr ritirm, (hent are Many chance" that the cnu I
handsome results, and that if proper
csouuty t,,a'ne and a few N►oeaiflad try around ,nld hack of Hudw,n's Hoa)
The little Provinces down by the 'oIxy supply (Height am well ria carr)
conditions of marketing were secured
placeb. is necemn ary. There are wev-
bea are lertcoming alarmed lit, to what eral lowum target- than count tow'n4 it. A nut gold discovery
Sinn. frFt el indust'l sight be.
S or two would reveal to excited thows-
will happen to them if their r•epesen• which are cut off by the sot ,ton it naw
corue A mat element in the
K parr•
ie. Pluu,e:::nnt in further cur-stands. ands what w few fishermen and hunt -
ple+rity of this district
Mr. lirahaut, Ica(* -t• of til" Oppxrsi Nh have Inng known -that. IhiS Bold
taile4l. After the last retlmu" it was wn.te is easily enough able to maintain
The Icadels in horticultural par•
tion• ion t. lie t olgxlrc4l to the
found that 0n the principle tit trate• utimndment. Ho think% the and mupprort thea who know bow.
suit, iso this brrxlil.y should, by Meana
fe`N tit
teenlation by {a lunation the M,ar'itiene act should Ion• broadened of n•- The presence of fntemt and' hig deer
Of }'x r m e r w lostitule 11eeetinge"'
, %trieted. Theproposal of the Uuvern- prowls that if vothing clow do em.
I to were not rnitUwl to the
throe h the u'emm• and in other ways
K {
Ment will not, he thinks. Kot rid of a With the C. P. H. talking of ron-
bore o
mnnler of meant)(•ts which they then Hing a line through i aloriulur• tilt-
which may mlggNNt themselves, en-
deavor t) Creat• a great revival of In.
clatot sof vuterm which it to aimeml to
had• And arronlingly the ninther was ,led with ; the will rt on the lists thought{ of it anadhul+ :toe turned to
teres( in thin Hon" index Uy, vet- that
, the anlnlry Iwynnrl the only "Height
reduced.' Theme- Provinces had not anyway. The registration net ii, ht
of Laud" in the world which i%
our people may resp the teeneHt of the
leen keeping up to Liao other I-,,,. lis utriuiun. Cheat{err than liar old lyes
providing for #I tevimton every ywnr, fol known by nn other name, and a rush
new market teat ion o{rening op in the
incem in tilt- increase of papulation• to the north ix +uitiripato.d.
more 'thorough and utore convenient,
1Vemt for Ontario, trail and that
+mal flee result in the reduction of because. ,t more universal oto is oh.
Y Large Immigration Expected.
Nurrth (nay utxinlain itA plorition asi a
their lepteteeutltion wa" inevitable tained.
Tarr humigrnlion Ul-pnrtnrt-nt is
leading frulL•Andncing county.
a•cotding to tilt- principle•, laid down The Three-fifths Vote.
t g forth extra effort" this year.
Ivy the Act of C'onfederntion. Now Au an4wer liv Prentier Whitney to fit yiaw of the Net that it great oar y
they desire ilia amendment of the Act a question by Grxhain jndicates harvemt4rm tunic than err in I It- '
me., that they natty i►lwayn have It rep- that Nle (iovelmulent will not wntend country now will Ise required far ft. -
a \ el 1
the t r• til vote ItM17 cm -p. . h►nv tl l rs,'tal oil r
hie Hfft 1lr ttovinirni r t I utile
m"11 !LL 11 it I • . Y { tf the p
ret a n t least o large R nn that
Tho tnvFF council ,hold([ not [amt
lox•xl optin'o law. Ale.. Gtahnm xakl%1 frons l.he Old ('einntry and this is the
which they hal up,ll entering e.onfed- if tilt- Government wove considering 1 1 g;inls
clams of x%r ale we. want. .\% re
lnitl someone its placed in a pimltioll
eratlon. Hep. bey little. I. x gets)(] pi in. elle question ofl nmknding the. h•e•Al •etticl'm, same very conplinikntal y
of resprnesihtiuy if, connection with
ciple. And it would hardly do to notion cl,aum•m hon removing the tillim.. things have lm4",aid ,aid lately of the
tilt, fine de{artneut•
violate it by such an Overt net as An fifths clans".. 1'h(• I'render mplied American" in tit.- Northwest. They
that he had been watching the- re. more staid to he making axrellent UA.
The Canadian PromisesAsa)(m iation is
8neeudnent of (ht- cunfedeentinn cattle. ,tilts of tau votigg it"
w recorded in the nadiAlls. The superintendent of Prec-
useeting in Toronto this week. Jurat
Inert t cat. Mae "cher Pmvirem have no news{nelie", And was sativefled that hy'terhin nlimetioum told the eortempen.
notice haw LhrkaMh N+agmin thaldin•c'
desire to humiliate the sinter polity. this condition had proved rucceanful dent of The Signal wnnr lime Ago flint
flan under the weight of intellect.
Incept by LIN Sera and efficient in the working out Of in memt c:westhev tat hollped to ritime
anehefcuty the net an it. now .lama. the ntornl rind n•ligio'or tont- of ale
---- --
might Inc• overve nfe by a tacit agree'• Ili Premiere to answer to ,t quem. communities and they land 1wen of
The net profltR of Auat•alia'. stale•
mint to snake no further reductinn in tion lay Mr. Premtrn• of Hrant• all tt liniu none service to the cause of right -
visioned railways for tilt- imAt lineal
the reptirs rntalion which they send tp whether it waw the intention of the -ties living. A very harlpt hun( igrA-
year were .50111,11111) puunds sterling.
Ottaw•n. Goernnent t,, intHxlnce at ndistrilal- than females ties- llniled Staten fee ex.
liovernm"ut owners li 1 Ili that roan-
---___-___ tion rn4taut+ thin art -fol(, R 111 : '-Thr perteY] thin yell(•.
0(mlernur-ant lease not yet rou4idere I
try to ryidehtly it sucae•@N.
The Atlantic Coot Provinces.
Alberta's Telephone system. ,. the quentifill of Ill" nxlistrilaltion cf
we/tm in the leegislatie ANsemhly,a Th" riepeopulAtiun r+f this Maritime
An objecUnh that ham beell made to
\t!lilr Mxnitahn i+ wrestling ith
K wProvincem nvlmgn+ tel have Irren
the tele hone o,ahleni. and OuUsri„ Text -book Collmiswon.
P 1 nrreatd : ill icn,t. this Is the
Clio new Provluciai 1 riilion leader
far the neat pert. simply grinning and The n•{meet of the te.xl-Immtk coni• nnwsinn gnthereal limn resent oar
i+ that lie 1vw4 come keen a uensee
lutaring, AIIMrla hes Isom giving ellimminn IIAN 10-11 sulxnittrrl to the servatfonm in Parliament. It lists
of belittler. Belt it in ,,illy tilt•
w111Z and ste.dily -extending ilia Pae- Honme. The cvuomimsion flnd,o that ;Iwayq fx•wn a wnnr." of w(erlder to
man who can wee ilia- bright aide of
vinciwl aywh•Ill. Thr Calgary At- On laxt-hooks umsell I
in schools of theNle who have viaitetl Ihr t
things whn would want the job that
Isrrtmn thus uutliue•A the (rH•srnt. riUlx- Ontario n n
wt• infrrinr iptn%
ny • cat (;(Ilya Province+ why the little" mai
tee" A
final: "The Uoveruntrnt. cif Alberta to (In4►a lflitmin
ham fallen In the lot of George I'.
thrmR• of and the d#Iughten, of tele people there have
ham decided upon it" Ihinl Inng dim. Cntnl Nt ►l R.: Ihry eowt tom 'ontrh In Rome weRtward in huge 91111111M."
such M. "
t►nce telephones hute sa3Rlrm which wl11 the r 11R and L<m, litnnY tr felon rk% a• Na lying ,tot theirowl d,mm sllfrvIrr
- -- ----
n fn em iA►co mine n Nt r \
L elft r. With m n • sir
h are Ilia sir 1. Thole nalnn ion ero lhtilet f 1 And u tn wtit'r Provinces;
iL is prollolw4l Ulat tbu Ihmdnilrn
the Ixrmple•Uon of thlL line, the (ion• ,tangly favor w sy.+tau tit fr•tmt text- of Nova !Ilndi,► and Now ifrunRA•ick,
Government emllark oaten ^ {mrlicy of
el""Iwnt will have ►milt "insist an books fill- the at-l(rola. In disr"ming thele ill land Aa rich anal list
wulneidixing bhlAMltlding: If there ion
yielding Am
ninny Fullest of telephone A@ the dell, methods of pHmlrlring text•Immks. the any In live- ormat "'cast.Mile After
#illy mntiey to Ile uawde in alipbuilding.
which h.w Im•en operating in Alberta contmissimi"r, wrens to favor It plan mile of tortitm••v three• is in the P't"t
for many- pen M. It Inlay lN, lwrintal of throwing ,rpN" to ""'P etit.ion iNlth
Ihomp eugage,l in It (]i not revr{ufre any
awaiting Ibe het0 maidin III, et he
nut, too• tient there ars muarh• not writing vendpnblishinR of the rushct, went insfrnd. If i, hale] that
witma(diem. If It is not w paying howl.
nearly Independent 4YMA-1114 in the aanl.t. This wlrold Iwl)(•at, thei think, the. Mnlitiutr Province„ tine nov fill
ties". Uwe rlahntry's 18oney should not
towns of Allirrta am the hell has ex- If the dooWtmrnt world t'txlntwin the eve of a tuerlicil Nation is ilia• gen•
RhanRell in Province. The tune i,
lir « uandrled n mit.
I p
renethe nnifflormity in the text-Imm,k. 'owed, PMI foCif" se 'If pm,puhation -which
rapidly appehing when the Ga
o• e,periotlly In public "Ch -l". slid fart will dis{mose of Ihr danger ,
- _
rritanuent itylefol ll will Ire t.I/R prnrnier authorize ilp• tnxokR only for is hinitell lark ,if ate,r1 hate reptlmwttllation which
Ontario tufty get, a larger p maple-,
system And taw Heli will take mm.4xttl Period. threaten, t1lerll Ihiw.
What's Talked Abort.
U uelph aloral[I.
Tile- chief topic tot cunveret►tiove if
Liao \Vest is Fi-twxe, &trial Was Thaw IF
(tap Fast.
Whitney's Excess.
'•Didn't know it war loaded" is the
Ontauriu Government's excuse for dire
carding its echool policy.
The Farmix's Wealth- producer.
Farrucr'. Advocate.
There tr it inline on every farm bot -
Aar fur the farmer than Lite i nines of
Cnlwlt. Aro yule working it ?
. The Great Problem.
liuelph Mercury.
Ubarily is atmoply is cuti»txnt At-
tempt lit bail out the Im,sl. \Vhrit the
world wants is ecunething that will
stopthe Irak.
Ask the Doctors About This.
llaluiltnn Spctatm.
It is la•rhaFoe juat its well that Fell-
ruary anti Harsh ..-huuld Ile ustxl for
INlrliwnlentxry purlrcwes. They're not
Ht for anything elect.
Ave.Sly Dig at Sandy.
boldos (Wpodon.
Scotsman title tot- the week end,
who has been apk-ed by Itis friopd tr
go t, the music h+dl) NA, rix, 111x,)
D'yv ter ken 1 never visit it music hall
ilia til' Nxtutday-for fear 1 bhould
Laugh in til' kirk in th' Naw•Iwelh ?
Looking Ahead.
Toronto a: lobe.
There is a hill before the American
Senate providing fur the reservation
of IIMI,IIpn.IMMI arrem of -oil and reveal
lands fur the IenkHt of the public.
This; is ilia example that Canada
.lwuld fnllow. If we do not hock the
mtahlr till nftrr liar stead it stolen the
next generation may complicate mut-
terse by clair/ling the etewd. .
A Question of Authorship.
klncarAltle lte%ic%.
Norman Solvertson. the author of
that History .or Bruce, has A passion
tilt• accuracy-. land it was therefore
seuuelhing of :I pleasure forTheHe-
view to discover nue inaccuracy in his
work. It is soul• is holall one at that,
toil([ one thal might easily occur. He
Ian w , ,
a It t ie,•". n( metra entitled •• /
ritt11 1 (tot
Own Ilruxd Lake," ,ano Attrihtttes its
authorship to the law Thotulue Mc-
1,lneen, of The Huron Signal. The
tension oronas contloonmd, however. by the
Isle \V. nannslyFie. the Ashfield
p wt, and w44 flrsi published by tilt -
ONCE more Valentines are
all the rage, and we are
ready for
FEB Fifth,
showing a very pretty Ione of
Postal Card Valentines, Sec-
tional Valentines, Hanging
Valentines, etc., ranging In
price from Sc. up to Sec. See
show window for same.
fieo. Porter, .
Court House Square,
Phone too. Goderich.
-- _-- -
1- ore ant .Ler w
to aril. .
-i l inn,
1 1,.aloneh
• Ia, tau
•r Honour
Ia in or Ili - - ,rry h.Y.
You ran once w gotiA viryrator tot - c month.
If yyme .tardy in Tire Centred T.iexntpley llrhnul.l
i.. ,re wnl -'. K.f. Torontx The fli-I school
u ('a Wal& %%'rile for p^rtiewlar..
W. H. am W. T J. JOHNaTON.
President Princ Ipa
'/ -r--,r-v..-Y •,r r1f--,r- w -4
54 sir
Op year
MI- 1fm,orll. fonocr)y of fllne' At,' i. rc
!i%Ingi61 Orel( pert memh reviver Ill.. CAI
my tl aR n.. 1i[.cry. Thi, c,lfln tl
able 'armor Ldy h+al only . ronnnore
.r•hreo ed eat ion. and bra few month,
withu. n.•petrrrl forlhontmenc.ltuwtiar.
'"I Ir a Few- yroc
,t xiverience Meas Soot
l will nrf,o lerlwt 11',.l.011 per namlh.
5e. Stenography is better than school
%% 11-1 we. Ktle done for other. we rna
do for yon. Enter any time. ltidlvldoml
tori, rn,•I I,n .
l %% nuc sur. Mahgonr. (
Business College
IAAlintorl with 17inlnn t
Hw.+11tem (:dlsRol 111
GEO. SPOTTON, - Principal.or
1?a CENTRAL to
Commercial school
sib,, sore ehurrrtial.:anti 1 rweti
=.1, while thetAarhlnpp k, dor% by .Nn
In-ttucton. ranthltiru, Young met,
"Weather who e#nsim Insist the bane
Mrs,eflab ;:,)InI yIriel Irnit.l Apt Fwl.rolrire
l+.oho.d..Tto hu -Ines- it'" are lit
-ean•h of our o w nelew 10 till rntpvl .i
isle po'•itlro ve Thr 1)(„1 Inr lit .-Iter
unr "Low•, M NOW. Iti,.ntifnl e.,.1.
)naive free.
IANPS to the FmII
A17KN1► THE FAMOi'.s
Fl Z
14 / "
nrid Is• pro .r perreaeal far hu -n.
-le. tan-. "nli••.
ye de.l only In Ilah,tried,
tlednew. Filur.tlnn. Iia.• aired .r►ry
younl1to man and wnnr.,, .hea)it hh.r.
("tor aehonl have now the l.rg,.t m11eAA.
eNNY in It- I'som". 1 nmmatnen Mrw.
Pertst„m -1I. nd .acre.- I. -real 1, Nn
I rollhlr for oto r Nr•d Aatr, I. pot reemn lay.
W. J. ELLIOTT, 41rincipal.
1 .r. Ynnxt and AlexAndar til.-.
IT 4 71 ,r ..
IwI «;
- = -
IW. Acheson &Son
ODDS ANL) ENDS have turned up during our Wes Stock-
/ takin-, in nearly every Department. These have to be
cleared before New GoodA arrive. To this end we have. laid
out and repriced the following :-
Drees Goode Litlleaa Damasks
A splendid Into fureoedy rlljk to A splendid lie of tine Liurie
$1.30 per yard, Damask by the vxtml. Also cloth"
Now =3o t0 50c.+tad napkins, slrn a slightly tun
Many useful len`Iht Mack and Ull"S at 1-3 off Regubr
colored, euitable fur akh{s, etc.• at
surprising realuction. Pries.
f ALE of l.ndies' and Men's Furm #&till Fur Coats, halos. !tear(". Health. cap..
Our in1111ense stock ooakes your choice easy. Several lhoumand dollar.'
worth up have Iuarktrl fill' little lit fallen 1 oventy to Hftv ler crone. under value,
+as the will carry not- over thin seamen. Inspection inviled.
W. Acheson & Son
__ ____ - -, - _ __
late TAlittylle.
n in The Huron - - - --
Nigtiale ewted int that pub-
lished a( Atylle. British American
`' ` Basir'1 Qss College
tu Ne •( -l'au,thou 1 thole 1' err h• N•a.11 Yaalgead
{rrxveeaooh- rl Md illi- s1d1W Jlta. urawtw
cuddy may flow• thke notice that huch Yat- Zlllll d
a hrllef its not well founded. There is ---- ---
another of the naulr, to wit, Ilev. Eater Ase Tilliiiie
D+ufiel F. McGillicuddy, paella of vet. - ---
Stepheti'm church, Worcester, Mits.., The oldest and stroniaeot
who ham returned home after A tune tit huminevem whool. -All facilities
tilt- would begun haat February, which are of the host. Moderates
included it jnnl•ney active. the border receive expert instruction and
I,( the Independent Sikkim. over theLe-Se.'ZK;A.
ttention and are
Nathulu Pass, through the IiAuhpupositions. Write fur
Valley, and at fourteen dal s' trip into of this live, up-to-
A Scion
twee Tariff. IT
WATSON, Pr,nupsl
Torouto Star.
The Maur I. -Ire tiueardlase refer. to taw
4 tionadien tariff.. scienllae. - -
When IS built Mart,%.) tear. Int -et-, Ime lit a dart.
.,tt•]aided ,trot.
And laY^ You out tulle hcl per.. with x well •
"'`"" '"" The First Day
.tR he oy mnle out your geta•krt.+ fu it
very rode,
Ibn will think, if Yon revel er, th.o hi- IuoAr
of work h crude.
%% hen I lee tariff vvi)(•H ,wr+tk- The first day of our win
t you itn &trete ter term will be an. old,
I I,Ilar You buy,
You tar nm,bett with much Inure neatre*... von Igo7 We will then re -
w 111 .orely not delay : open with undoubtedly the
Hol it you'reIrtri.mM. You will loud iva %irtuo+ lar est daaa to the history
tell, e
ICs a ,rirnllar tariff, ud It doe. 11. ,felt y well. of the school. I f you want
the education that prepares
viler nun'. fate is to be plain time. he l,erhap. for good positions, write for
rather %bell they role Idol be not .pork- our catalogue, costs nothing.
lowly .busted ;
lin• I,el wilt the bold hiahway loan and the
tar. any day. T H E
He prefere the scientific to liar ,,,are abawh•e
N a)'.
Clark's Ox Tongues chola little Ilrt-
Betlin Basiaess College
ter tit every way -- (note hasty--uore W.I. ELLEL • PfinClPal.
carefully rt•lecW. It's worth your I
whirr to insist on Clark's. fillit
rgoo ommm m
Hose Underpriced
We find we are overstocked in Wool and Cash-
mere Hose, which we intend to clear.
Abota6 12 dozen Rib \V,m.l
How. 0(AC of the size_ Reg-
alar 2o war ffic, to
7 down extra Har Wool Hill -
lied Home, good %-illlle it 35c
clew 5c
{Ik and 3Vc, to clear at .
L dozen v
ex Wo
y I'mte,l
Hoar. Size(" a tr 10 iucbe.-.
Pure wool.
.I clolirn wnmP.n•. lel I.1 I n
Black (',tahmete Hose.. (]
alar I
value. .. to clear I 2221c
irgulxr'air. to clear at..
3aduzen very fln Cashulere
Host-, milk spliced fent very line.
:,i aluzen women's ural milesrss'
I Its B 1 a c k anti Brown Pure
(i(ral value vet 7uc, toc r\'Mil
At r 1'
i)( 55c
HoNe. (ilxxi vAlue
ll 25c
t .I m , .
t n r
n x. to lent at
Lace Curtain Balrjlsyns
Cushion Tops I5c
New Prints anti New
Muslins passed into stock
week at.
i do _
ill f. ■ a
A Chance to Ma a Money
person ofteh, makes money
, by`hard wo - We offer
You a chance to nake money
without anv work. Saving ,It
areb making. Voli can certainly
save motley by Luyin from us
this month. We aro very anxious to red our
stock to the lowest notch before our spring c thing
arrives, therefore you call count on getting a big
cut on all our clothing. We can't give many psi s,
you will have to come and see the money-savi
opportunities for yourselves.
Overcoats Men's and Boys' Suits
A "Isar -tip or nun's high- Our mtx•k is trot heAvy ,mal
rlasa Overcoats: Hunt ila tvadtm ed. i;v(sey -,(fit
' $19.41111 and Vj).(M) Overcoatm, Will he wdol at s Rennins Ilan
►t.h Century Brand gain. It will July you wrll to
$11.95 buy your relit from ua NOW.
i:,.1u >;i ..... ]uta $8 75 Men's Heav Z. PAnts
(tvastru ttx..........r
$11011 Black Chev. $ .Jll JIIhL the k for the cold
intfherccm►tN Jll wrsthel. 9fivieItltBrit
A nnullrrt• L0 v1star at half price. 1{1.7;, and t-.110 f r .41.35
ilO •OI' W ,
l 1 ANT x Hier 1 tori ,a• Mark tvnl4tlMl emit ? if sn, folly it,
now and hgve 11uuney. Wit will mill Val w flue Id'te ,it-
Mark w(:wted @tilt, mlade to order, mad,. in the latent $16-00
%tyle.for......' ......................I........
OFT Ye1111! 010211 In P.ARLY.
The right place to buy Meet's Cloths* 441psraasLlikes.