The Signal, 1907-2-7, Page 1YOU INTEND
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OANADA : FEBRUARY 7, 1907 NANATTSR t'noullf4TS . IPosus�gKa
- - -_ _ .
LOCAL TOPICS. "OW clot Irrmurtaiucd and the nugis- 1St. Peter's Separate School. Haldane, w1 liw'Ixeodiu9 tie drrlin NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- Feb 7th
a�-:aqs-x-<: _ :.:_::._ . -. ;._ trate disruisrwi tlx cost•. W. Yrund• I TT
1'h(- f III 1
The Robin's Return.
fait, K. C., acted fur the prosecution
and M. G. C.unreun, K. (1„ ter the dl,-
u ,w lug 1h t u• .tAud.fig fel•
January .tet the Iteparale hnhcol ; I t'.
K .rats u 1 r ifs In uronh,. lite
hAlIPY thought of giving seutc unfled
- - .
' 1,r
clalAlm Uveas lf0 per cent. of total. Wil.
exprewion of tit it attec•tiol ,w•,vu.nd
tlonoiew Floor Posiat-woogmon's Hardmale
The flat robin of the re»hslu waft
seen tldav (February 7th) on A. J.
Leemberlus Doyle.
lie Uuvk•. Russ l Fox. Over lel yet
rent., Willie Phelan, Marjorie KJ Y.
U, 1441110 of hi•• lotin•r pupils. Ilia
Honor Jud�r I)uylc tAkiugAu active
Steen ..;.................... s
Watch Thin • � •
space Neat Wesk_Wey,ahar,
Couper')- promirrs amilton sheet•
On .lundav uo,raling, Al Sl. Poster's
Elli* Dodi. Vrrslniaa 1 o d" Maty
Part ife the Matter, anal the result it
a -an
Aro weto tike this urn indication
chutrh. Rev, Fathcr McRse r-
liurlr L,tu .,t Martin. Over `'I per
y t
In•rhe•utaUun to hil•h w 111 Iw, made lay
Mnrleal iSveuhls-tet tj b
aras'w A. Y. R A_ 1
that spring is At hand'? The w'elcouee
fornle•d the u,•u•rin r of Mrs, I. Doyle
cpnt.. RedP•rt lh,an, Ethel Foley.
1 liut in T-orouto next Saturday after.
Eye.ieeht -H. C. Dullb
vinitor was teen by a member of per.
W Christopher Lawlx•rtum. Mr. l,,uu-
lwrr(10 jeer cent.. tierald Kidd. Ernest
noun. A number of hit [nruo•r pupils
Ytwit takh,g reals -tl'm. Aoheroot'Sas.. .
The Godeich hop til tl is
t glving
uutved lu G,mlerich U)wnahip
a9e•, !f velyn Moyle, Over 5o pet•
have ooutrilatled 1,ttv,, a generous
Tenders wanted- -F+edUsinums.OUaws . 1
Case Was Dismissed.
frum Kingsbridge x ft -%v worths, age
cent., Napuleon Untvulle, Joseph Hur-
peewee and Jud,t.• 11•,yle and U. Mc-
A Chance to Make Maty -Welts O, prld-
A carr in which Mrs. Robert Miller,
and Mrs. Doyle cater here• male time
/elfOfrom lairn (avec•, 11 r. stied •,Mrs.
muton. late pupils were, owing l0
sicknesb, Absent, theref.we their
Donald Is-av" lohmrrow for Toreyntn
to call on )1 r. Ilnldxur and tenor with
\alenti„er--Gee. Peter
street, was the defendant wits
diapered of by Police Muller
I.uul,ertlas It -It for a tri to Berlin.
. , P
unntrm tin not xryptysrut. Iil. (•bras
Over 1(0
him this token tet' their regard. A
•..••'.,. •.•.".....
How Underpricat-w. A. McKim ............ :t
Humber un Moeda M111. Miller w'aw
y' wall,
lslronlo. and ether lariats, find` on
their Ieturel will lake up their
per cent., ('fuu'lie Kidd, Nellie
Phelan. Earl Kelly, Telrtnce Kidd.
�uxlauu,e Irstitnunial will acconl alev
1 1
1 Ie lift, the: work of getting it up tate
a^ted 1). Millar (•o . .... ........... ....., t
Aunounavuent--J. W. [reek
charger! with drfrtnwU)ry libel by
dente on the former Porter farm, Ba %
Over 75Mr cent., Geos ine 'Jardine,
Ing c title b • J. Fowler. It is bound fu
........ 1
Ideal Fonoinr--Cha,, ( Lee
menus of anonymous lettere circulated
in emu and vicinity, bait the charge
Held coat!, which lit. LruulwrUlm has
Ida Dean, Agnes Doyle. 0%vr 70 Iter
cloth find kin the Isael it x design cull-
................. 7
New Goode Herein 19enty-Hodj eDw Bas, A
a;hitectw, Owen rlound, Ont.
poicharrd. ,.
Farmers' Institut Melton"'.
The Wert. Huron Fat -1114 lnrtitutr
tree holding rupppleuu•uiary meetingaAs
follitwr : At Brown'" Hall. sondes-
cent., Jose It Griffin. Thomas hurley',
Melville Martin, Over Rel per rent.,
rthm HArgitt. Over •,t) lice, cent.,
iIliaw Lacey, Frank Phelan, John
S tterv, Willie Finn. Irene Mxrtiu,
"feting of the county arms end wtxvuth
of Illaple leaves done in yen #tied Ink,
while inside is it splendid Itrn and ink
sketch of the house on Essex street in
which .1 r. Hald+we lived while in
(iexlrt'ich. Tbelrtwk rwltainr letters
Iiou.eforsalu-Mr, w•m, McCaughan _,.•, I
Cow for 8040 -Rouse to!tent- J. T. Newell . I
Auction Sale of Horse,, --Toa. (Its 7, ... , l
Anoouuceletent - avorsell'. Cheap Hard.
w"1O" • - i
House for Sale-<'Iwrronee F'nnulnR{on":.....
Situations oaaefnt
ng lady Por tlw d4gooda traria
Apply w Up1IL AK Cu. u
esu+i, Friday. Felw•uar•v 15th; %Yif-
John R Clark's Addr
from lklostof those who uoutribuled
JwleMaaLwhlool ,_VlctoraoperaHoule8
asses. towards the q
_ __ run r Hall. liulmrrvillr, Satwxlxv, purer, and, fit might hr --
-- - Fehruary 18th ; Foresters' Hall], Wit' lobe H. Clark, the frnluur lecturer, expected, nil speak ill the highest terms relive, part in politics, he war keenly
CiODERICM MARKETS. Ph4mbia`. 0t0 wills, MondNv, Frbruury loth; Tells- odd two gospel temperance of their• former• mrater. Thr title intereftUrt in public xHrin and su
SOf= __ -- peramset Half, Goderich, Turwlav, lneetln IAYt Santin)-, one in the pwage is handso rely illuminated ;tnd ported the Liherml party. He. WAP u
--�- - ---- - -- - TecwDAT, Fehrtury :. JAMES ROBINSON. PLUMBER. February lith : (h•xnge Hall, Nile, Temper ace Hall ill the aftrn,00n and reads tw follows : '•'1'ewlimnuial of Af RL'ext lo)•er of horses end had r title
AROY ,ADAUR - Sanitary Kngeneer, Ura Fitter, Hot Witter lite ether in North fttnrt Methodist far Lion U) John Haldane, Ewl., wally stable of Iboroughhteda end his
. Yale wheat, per bu.h, Dew... .. «r al to Is r 1r end Station Fitter, Etc. Wtdllesdm\'. Fellrolif y 'alts ; Me•
Tesattn or I'tAKo Spring wheat, per burs. Item'... 7 m w u os t a,e open risecontrac►., johltime a wpeciolty. chanic,i Kell, Sr. Hel••nh, Thalrodav, church in the evening. Large much• p-earb granuoar school teowher at ho1•sem wen noel)' u[ the !seeding CanA-
kye, per buaki ..... a M to o Li dI workhold ref neatly and h, a L.CL, tel ,Donner. February llst. There will Ix; faith encu! attended hath meeting,,. Mr. Goderich, Out., by A fru. of his stn• dian turf rveOts. Mr, Dvment waft
SttsdlelA Bask of Montreal Block. Huokwne.t per b u b e si to r tt I hold reteroltoe.. •. prwtotw pluu,ber. Clark ft not what many would call #tn derstv." The first a ill the Ixruk twice married, his fleet wife dy in sir
Osta, per bush., new .......... - u 311- o N Kindly leve order. at leddenese, curter Light- xftrrocw)n and evening meet Ings ,IL peg [
Paan, per r hu ........... 0 75 to 0 75 houw must Elms Su.. Gtyderlch, tent. rsch place, the Gtriou amuurnein at orator. Ten vrarr un the stage prior realm fir follows; ytura n n,
Jon Barley, per Hush e u u n t\ g to his conversion made him eluleutially 1Vip, the etudeote of our dear old - athaniel-alswoi sons -Will ng And
11ut1� _ gernecyh L o'chxk and lbs letter at 7::ill, fin elocutionist and Ulie, combiliril peed 1Yed him. The,
)m per ten ........... 2 w to Im pl Krunitn,tr !echo! tea=:hut, 11 r. HAI- surviving spmx and daughters are
Hour, t►unlly, per cwt- ! n to + For Mile Death of W. McDonald.
E. SALE, L D.S., D.U.$. Floor. patent, persue ....... ! el to ort with his couplets wxatery of dialect, drier, desirous of preventing a-terbi- mimeo Uvment, of Barrie; A. F�
V Bron. per stn .. to ro to is w The denth occut-ml ventenlny morn. makes him use eutertxining speaker. luunixl to hie In theshadwe of A pulse, Uyrnrnt, N. P.. Toronto; Mrs. T. H.
MCLamn'sMock Meson., per ton _. ........... I ID (01 to sn Ill f1OW FOR8ALE.� DCF.TOCALVE in )f Willimnt McD,tumid. whoa [rw The nub eco watwi. of Ixyth of him Owl- Item)y Agree to pay the ruin asset)- Baker'rnd Mr•r. W, p;, Wismer, Lut -
II)r. Turubell'a rid ■land.I Hay, per uxr .. 11 on te 11 In U March 7th, ywnr. old. Able house to R + )
wood, per cord s m to a oro ,,wit. one .wry, fire room., within era• min- wue•km ago was taken with :u flu of dresmen war goal And his nrrai9nwent ec:rihed aflet• out• names nwltrc•clively. doe. .M r. L meat err for t
- Nutter, per Ib r zY to 0 Me tet«' Will o/ the factorie.. Apply w J. T. hicco I he stud wax taken to Life hospi- of 1 he present. license sa•mtrnl wet clear He has Y many
o'hemis. r Ib r 13 te n I.\ pause~ bis ninety-third year., conuercLed with Goderich in a
li�l ((u+w trpseh, tine dos .........:. o M te u set NEtvELL !t CAI. r. Mcih.nxlJ kind ]well A resi- and untrluivtx:►I. Thr we•ling next yes)-, end though still mentally And business cape Icy, the firm of N. t A.
-- ---- • I =cf o su to n Ss - dent of Guelterich fur u,any years pawt, Sunday at 4:15 ill the Temperance Hall h •ricall active, we cannot ,ex t, U )-lent carrying on A lumber busi-
�OR SALE. PON) COLI. RAIZ,• lot Y pec y
11R1i. p;MMla{ctON ek TURNBULL. ('•rue ordlny to good. psre«t. ! rn w 1 Ill and L•avrr two young dauKhlers, Kxlr will Ix• uddlwlsrd by 1{rv, W. H. however fonds was ma hope; f(y have nests hen•. At the time of his death
Cattle export, per cwt.. , a .v, to . y, wwr lisp. dry eerier. we whore or ue,uy(iwo ,end Ellx. ' 'Ili* wife• trcdrerrscd him (it'xhxm. The rnusi •'I exr1Y'Iwew will hie long with us. ' }yr. has always hr, wire a director the
of the A. T. Yrrxttw)w. N. I). Hao�tgtt.,ll re weight, pal rwt�... N p, te n Ml limy. Hruoe 1'en nwglw, hauA>' to loved uo tort~ .1 1 GUdrrirl7
N', tl. Tt-rxrt•u_ M.P. laprlr,g IwmD+ .... 1 tet w .; h, t.,rso perventaese tet new wettable tug elee•telc Is'
Lrtr volutri, The funeral takes lir in cbxrgr of Mrs. �;.•P. Paulin anti seen x model wail and his influence Elevator (',oil pally. t►/ew, R•mlh' street. 'I'►ou,e IRG Haim,Shoop, per cwt ., !tel w 0 del rowel such a wild hetero Nanh 1wt. A Ply place this afternoon .from the Oddfel• If# choir u[ inti}• v(rcxlimtA,. This chair has been A materiel (rear in mould- __
Ih. gbrmerton'. re.fdenon. 14L Ihtvid'. treet, Ham, per Ib ... o Ill to ala Ito ALY.X. \v}:ATHKKHZAIe.l:ape Chin ill., lows' Well. of which under he was it is hard fit ractfee and An inteteet n ill for good, the ebwr•seter of tnanX a LETTERS FROM SUBSCRIBERS.
Victoria il•ooD r .
Oppowlta• f date "erecthoom.b. 'pyrone !vel . W ►h a is to o Is ruenllwr, to the station, the ten,aims program it ex R K•
Led, per Ib ................. IS to IS
Dr. ext Mentor ., one 121 merest, Tallow, R expected. nt.udent. titArerly a dry lwsued in
Next show'■.fpro, 'phone Irl. per l► .... _., a M to n tr FOH SALE. -A auoUTWU-YEAR- Iwing taker U, ftiplry fur interment. sclu/ul in which he did not inculcate Watehio
Hide■, r cwt .se. a so to t" old .horthom bull of chelec br•nndin :.sed Nr. McDonald was Amsociatted with Meeting of Regimental Officers.
9 Gederieh's Pro
"treep per ........... ........ 66 to ss!erre.tered;.Iso,taood.pringoolt. J.A.XtiL. sotr,e high moral principle. Mao) A "Find enclosed [mere,
I)R. A. H. MACKLI, M. B. Cbbker,m . _...... vel to a Mr. Bruce in the Hshin burinrs" her. The annual weetin o/ lite officers couleur will ,,,member Chat the Mr'at $ for your vAl-
PHY"ICIAN ANI) "CkGNON Gee.e. lee to It, Wl'UH. 1►usgannat.Ont. ffi-3t R li uAble paper for 1'Nq. i sets b'
xpeeia! attention to Kyr. Ear. Nowe end Turkeys - 1 13 w 17 -- sir Childress will 1"• taken lu Ripley of Use 33n1 Huron Hrgin,rnt was held ,,park of Ambition was kindled in bis Y a few of
Throe[. (tills a end replde,rle•e, old Hme,kof Mon 'Outmile markets or passe Su �j OR SALE.•• -A GUUD (UNCORD to live with their grandwuther, Mrs. at Clinton on Thursday of Iw,t week. btwlst by the inwpiling words of hie Y°Ota Ixtl• eriitiunal yen Iter roonchingwit
ee.l oppo.dre Pa•toterc, N rM .t.. Godeneh. r .prine road w•lten with high cheek ,,,, M, -Kenzie. Tha a who attended from Uoderich for now enterprises for the slid towu.
Teleplrone No, I*' - --- - -- -- "wt, low wlfmlw, .haft and tight pole. P. L. g,xx1 master. Hix hear( gete+e out W i ant IAB to Pee 'that the
IVALTON. we.t.treet. The Goderich Industrial. urn+ Lt -Col. Young. Capt. Unmdry. sir 'lays,' ar he lova+t bn call "sir rte- pellyPle of
-- -- NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS _ Capt. Vxrcoe +end Lirutt. lyunlnp, crotch. He tNken ,a grrwtrr Intel in !coded las are waltzing that something
LOM - A uipetfng N the luanl of dilrctore Sturdy And Parbous. The regular his students than most, purent.m take tet the kind is necersxr to urriDbin
e - Notice to nredtM of the (neat Northwestern Exhibition butsinrss of the annual meetin b• wits in their children. the high ttxudlllg wb�ch your Wer,
-- - - Copy of change of running advertise- _ _- was held o1 Tul,sdNt , when it was de- has always had. f well Almo M
IAMERON A RILLUKAN, }iAH- merits must be left at this office b - hanmxcted. including lite rereiviog of "Let un try to reciprocate in Pontine your Chrintmar ""tuber wrte�ta a that
8111711" taetariea, mc. (INaee, y Y THE SURROGATE COURT OF ritierl to rbgnge• the mune to The the Hnfimeal ntxten,rnt Iu,ol the try hli ht tie ler, while be is still with ter, trdit
Monde noon to ensure insertion K R
tltw�t, t�ye� 1'JemtMryaee,Goderleh. y (:Werich Industrial Exhibition." The l0 6(derich and to the editors.,,--(. J,
Ont. M. Q CVI K. ('. J. L. K11, in issue of same week. THIP. COUNTY OF HUHUN. hurts of the rommlitUrll of IxYt year the very 911,x( vegmrd which he hairKalamazoo, Mich.
following wen+ ,tppuirttre :w x root• :rod the appointment of connllitteec alwaym shown for tee. Robinson,Rbi
LORAN. _ _ _ - - - • - - -_ _- IN TRS MATTSR OF TAY. BiTATF. CIF mit tee N) rrvillr the prize list : C. :�. for this year. The re { An Enthusiastic W
JORN E "1'LLIVAN, LATE, of THK putts indkxtrd " liwl(aurin Allen, Chicago, IIL.1117b; estereser.
PROUDFOOT, HAYS a BLAIR. To Kant TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIKLII, IN THP: I Lluat the re anent le in good shape. J. 1, Weds, Stralfonl,
Reid. W. T. Marney, the mwiden ,
barrlwten, .dleltan, notar4eepeblle pie _ _ _ COuv'rY for uruee.x. FAiimvit, top: Dr. Clark. find A: McKinnon. A R R pt•. $ei; N. .. e agniell look forward a th,eneem
It wits decided La milk that a w heel h[ Gouinlock, dl. U., WArww, N. }'„ The Si nal and I/xtking over the Dpws
ton ht the MariU ere l'roert, etc. UfSce, eve dG - _: - -- - -- `- , - - t P:ASEU- mubx•ri prion ewumiUee was nplxtintr.l gg
npumm. nest deer('. A. Kmlm'.geoeery-. Pri IOH HENT. -A I)WPLLIN(r ON instruction Ire held to Goderich this $10: John L. Whiting, K. C., King. of old Huron and notingthe changes
•ate fusee to tend u k of intere+r. Y Kea " rtreCI. Notice Is hereby pursuant to It. t;, u. as follows : J. T. Goldthm-pe, .1. Sxllt� year, in order that A numtx•r of the mton, $10 ; Frank Bisset, Coruw•all, tent lake R
��t,t $n: plrtre in A few short year•,..
W. PROL'I)y'O(Yi'. K. C. IL C. APs. U. i I A dwelling durntshed or nMl, near hake front: Its'• cbupo;r 1m, Serum w, IW ,Ill rbtwn. rld, A. McKinnon and G. M. Elliott. l.egimentAl officers may q,u,lifv with- -'red. W. Johnhum. Sault Slip. Marie, We are hxvin a Mather 7r+vere wi
+vat, enlenoes, hnvin claim. armiomt lisp eAwtc .d rhe . i it ,vie, tirl'idCll W Inrr1'Aw Lill• prize iI(( filer
Fnit tlAi.r..-Two new dwelllag• on Angelr,wm Juhn E. Puni+wn. who died tin or ishout few Uses, 1 out being under the necemrity of $,i ; Dixie Watac,n, Re inn, $5: W. O. hers somethin unusual, we have
Aa of Noceauber, reit,, an,
rrqu„ete on or lime nOd n,akl, the fate bigger ah`I !�); John K
U. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, trMt: one dwtulog on t'totaro .creel ; wJ.e spending meveral weeks at lAmdon or i'An Every, Seattle. Walsh.. alx)ut Lhuel• feet of meow on the level.
uJL building too on KIM!,, as,.nue. K..wx street. he ^re the 9th day of Prhn,wry. INS. to a-nd better in evrry respect. In (oriner • oronu). Cul. Young is to make the A. Doyle, Worthlt)gtore, $10 ; Wm, Kleig the feet started let November the
l t
rltlldtto nix. ( uDllr, ever er, 1 edar.tmt and fine .trent. by t prepaid or del icer to !Ice.,.. 1'werero„ stuff
ate. to !ciao. t.. Go ^order N•mftton "" Years the Ag" ,,,kill tiucirty and a plication thmu
\l'A"Tsn. -A few fund-hrA hm, M mora. L IIM,xe u. (ateAer,rh. tmtwrlo, wtlb•fwn for I Kit lite proper!• (:1•xhAlu, M. D., Brussels, 111;
"PIS t. An row's Ntaoetw. (yoderlrh, oat- I Mharinr 7+alliran. ,xlndni«tnlris of 'he - . the Horticultural liexirf y h:►ve Ixwu
$ Arthur bits coot>iwed ever ftiore. The ther-
oewar the lake, to rent for the mum ,rwwon. tete ulthe-^Adesrru . ttteirnamc.-, Mddree"m7, united, but this year the two societies `• tet im '. mud if the tequr*t in H. Ord, Ilamilton, SiU; Harry F:. Jahn- snout r re Le 49 de wrm Ilelow
-- ---` Intl 1'Ut'N(: 4 BOBLItTW)N. end de"crl loos and n G41 wteternrnr of gr(
�1('KiNSON tb GARROi t BAR- pl parts are nc yarafid and the exhibition will grunted the in..bout the wall pmol, stone, Toronto, $lO: cl+tml. Smellie, zero this n►orning, iter then that is
WSTxlta, mttorreyw rdtdtors, ell, -- coke. of claim nn4 eke nature, n( the { nets cxpmwenre xixtut the lata( Mxit h Hensxll, $1 : C. C. urabb, ('hicx9tt, nut w Irad as uyyy in the East. ibiw
+�erle>s. N lend at lowest K. serwrit nf:.ny, held by thorn, dul - certified. iw under Lhr control o[ the Agricole nasi continue for icor or flue wrecks. i
L. I)Ia'KI1(tlON. ARI.MI OARRO YKl ��� iOT nate. 1 $Ill . B. L. i ovle, (loderich, $10; ), is a loertutiful country and in the near
t t;t-R _ __ _ MedlrrUserad noli,w trawl i err Ihe wam tun~ Slxictyatlms-' McDonald,• Uuderic�y Slo; Albert future will he
dwte the ■ald edminyft he de Wim proceed tea Benntlter McPhee. the Rardef art the
NGIi9E FOR SALE. -- A NINE- disrrl .entitrtwtrettlnrArrnsrd amonRthe House of RefuXe Committee. See+phatd, (:rder•ick'S5 ; Will. J, R, Dowtinion of (canaria "-
Ina111lanoe, rrrorrrad tr•rne dweltlag. harluK a stood tmartln eneltleA thelreto, nwrfng reRnnl cely to A pleasant event Lank pLu•r in St. Holmes, SIu.•' leaven, Hit Let- Lake, 'Alberta � �
` " thedole,. of whichrhe.h.11 t et, are IN y I s The bo,,w of refuge committee of ,
- _ w,tluibo. DO Keays reset. atone fouodMuon leered the, _nth M� of January. err,, the county council meet At the Waver- 1 eter'm church, Gnderich. on Tuesday
and summer kNrken, trable. R 111 be ,wild Death of Mrs. McGaw. They Lille The Si
CAMXW)N t KII,U)RAN, morning, Frhruxry:itb, At N:illoclock. [naL
YOUNG t ROBERTSON. KRAL ^a"o^"sly. 1'or (art U panieslWl on a Herres, ('linu,n, Friday Immo ; ^Enclose( oil will Hnd $l for wi)
MRS. \a rCAI'U AN, le N'lllaa ore.. xJt tlolfeiter" our Admini.tratrlx. the (tc111. n being the performance set Aflrr :Im illneer exWndiu over the
ifilare and lerart►nes Agent,,. hest w- T�,ta prrnent, Men,,rm. Middleton, Currie, g
3( Tiger and 1Vilh rt. In the Nhwuce the myelic crrrnmmy which united past two yearn, during the last seven Pic.
ro ription to the 9txd nkl .4ignA1, iyi•
tate for male or to let. Pro pertico handled sn -' think it the most bright Signal.
and cheery
any part of the town and e"enty-. Fire and i,\OR SALE. -A NEW RED BRICK �� of Mr. 51rLrAn, Mr. NiddlttottHpn•• two in one. The prineipals in tilt• toonthm of which she had beeF rose-
tte Ineen,nce, money to tome ell. r 'event were Mich:arl lf:•reni er, of Does- flood to her room, Mro. S. A. McGaw I'xtwr that rnmez iuU, aur houw• Thr
It emery Rowe. bout In .prang tet Ititit )-err ---"'.`-- - �---- --- sided. The s-onunittre vieiGwl the K fall' »I
RJGHN W. ('RAiGIE, LIF F„ FiRE "nveitient to ttwm. +(ituated on Brock R F. Mri,FA` (iOUERICH, 'IS hoome end found ninety-two inmate•. R"nnnn.,tnd Nism Knte )IcPh.•+•, d,ua9h- Passed away uu 4aturiny morning )' I live it a waren welcome. f
accident I^warwnre. set for lewd) ver l mcs,rulap. mad rice apply to CLA w• ter tit H. Mcl her, of U,tvn. There was ]Apt. The funerAl took lace or Mini. think the ('hristuram Ile[tub:r was well
was KN(' ; 1.6NNING'f0�. Hca k .tryst !rode im the market to buy the inspector tcRm ewlw,werrl to cull- P
mutual and .teak mompwnfew. In mnc* h, ;old ;11 r. Tor- a fair attendance• of interenU•d %pee- day xfterrlatn to Maitland cemetery I)1•rPenU•d,"--Mrs, ,1, 11. (iwr, Lang,
Ione, iolated on betty plan. end at low -t rota•. �h• Im ploy all ueceewAr)• help reform. The bride wax attended b fr�w the Tamil Sank.
cull Violated
comer Was retreat and "Quare, - CATTLE. SHEEP AND HOGS, rmnce wax instructed lu ace that Y Y residence, SL Vincent _
or eddreta J. W. l'RAIOIItt OoMneh. (hut. TOR SALE.-- -FARM 1411 ACRER, IN enough comm nor alw•nys kept ,at the aimm A. lipnniger and Use gtswnu by stleeL Rev. Jxt. A. And'er•Iwrn, pastor ANNOUNCEMENTS.
[Lys ,hope It tetvnwhlp of A.hfleM, county of Huron, at the klahatt market prictw A 1 filen w, that the inmA4•m of the houml, F•' M:wlry, of S1rALfaA. Iw,rh near of Knox church, conducted tit(- *er-
ee Now nl hS el, lab .hnrc rThoe. known d relntiven of the groom. •••O Give Me vo•t•m mild the I I
MrKi1.LOY MUTIIAI. FIRE 1N- she Jrwmlah"nlllva,s farm. There iwr good - way have n fturncicnt supply oC milk. a Pa I- eenrrra erre Sheriff -
dwelling. three tans., nererfallhtpr well. rest. a-' 'city He"rl" wan man• eery .we -P Reynold Dr. Niche sal, W. i Mud- NVomellm' teat mtoc•k•taakin
S t' It A N (' P: U O. Farm and I«nlated I. rose of Ibe be+t Gr,o, in Irntarto, and 1• dIICtion BiIN Uwing to IArk hf wind In t•hn the '{ v 0. I I, R q sale Nf
i,e __ ___ by .limen McDnn,ld. Tele In•idp locket G"tt. K. U., U. A. Nairn, F. F. iwo- rUtvtm and ranges will continue this
town (xoprraf !neuro!!. Valnw of propsrt� In- guo,1 rw,dltloI for .prang work. hw.• ,In ween. - __._ _ _- windmill, the ktwlwr r omplained of
■urwd ep te an. In10 over 1p,nn, h rcrl (a;t pl„wed. Kntlro (wrD, i. nndrrdrwlned,a,ml scarcity of wearer• but the matter wit very t•harluing in n travelling snit of n•nep and Dr. J. L. Ttu•nbull. The dr- 1°"nob' threat bargains.
•Ad,lme ;,Joo. J. n �lcr.e0. .: T. Fr".er, wall Tet• "eld nn ea.T lrrnta 1'otaewlnn r«n kin Ill. Uvrr till Orzt meeting fel• coo. d"vr•colond broadcloth, with n pretty crassest is survived hY thret• brorhenr [)r. Punter, o[ Stratfbtd, specialist in
pay. . Wa Jas. (easels. 6. cele, Mr. thew- had Match 1.1, I/R Fer forther pwnleular.. K tieslue to match. and the bridestuaid mild two simtern : Aiex. .Iflle,r, of Ed- a 'e, ear. nor,• and thr)At, will Ix, at
ney.J.,,'alt, Jaw. Y.r•n..J.O.Orie,e,J.Hemne wppp71 toNICNAKLCRAi', ueMeirrt or m sideration. Matterto if. connection ))
wale. director. ; T. Y Hay., t4eaforth. smrrrtwry F. t �tAS. Uuelph. whir x t. O"i the melt of grey' with menton : Gru e a HoLef Had fold Monday, Felinla 11.
tna�srrrilo. ten, nares, directortoIsm - - -- _-- _- _�It___ with the Itrhfothon Gw1fh' mer anal! tg K. \tiller, of lame• rY
J R', law, H hrl"'Ille, anent or West FARM FOR SALE.-- QN 3rd CON- closrd lip "alishactoril). while hnt. On Lhe cotcluxion of the jaw ; William Millers, of Hrxndon : front I1 a. m. to 4:31# p• In,
ifaron. b'Mttiy holder+ con y aww•,mrnrtta.w church cetelm mies, elle young couple .Mien flattir Miller. of Gtxlerieh, and Remember the mumiral evenin9' at.
Da t+a'd , set et- ('*theme town«hep, rswntmile f h'g Jessie Madaehlan Coming. Aust their inuueelixtr frirndP rep,lil•ed MIMP I,nuisa .filler. of Wiliniptre••qq St. Uvorge'm Sunday .chool next Mon-
od get their ted" rxp'"e' at Mr, c'thing Zhu wcrrw, 1 cork, from burn t mile trop, to the residence (of the bride's Mrs. MM:Aw [vam born irl (eleveiand day evening, February lith, at tie
('I�tay ori ele•n [Mar.' Pmyaeo CIM hhKI rkunb, a miles learn .lnhurn Ikrr tHlr,•, � .Ii+m Jetlmy .Lachu•hlm:, the fxruuus
Uod mllow tmm t.P.N. swtiw,, It mile. from hon' Scottish prunx denten, who will hr fatht•r, when• n - emnptemum break• and Lhr fxrnily are frnmer noel! -known u'cla:k, under the nuepicen of the A.
i ntltehe res m nomrelease from o. Inion. There wiILIth
I!.wheard in this town oil the I'lth of faht awaited them. After s rend- tr•midentsof(itederich. She wAm rear• 1'. P. A.Excellent. inurirAl progratu.
a, the prondswr" lenMen+. one In,rwt wfthi
-_ Pani Lloanaaa - _ J � «tables, anderneath. the other ;Inxm in UCTION SALE February, AL Victori+a O sera House, Ing moms time ill pleastnt conve•mr fired thin
1 the tart )- limice tilt. Y one hese a Ago,
jt -ti with
(}Ave Adtniwiun Il c. Everybody come I
-"- 'et'alr:" •tortehou.ewnh •www! tern n•Uunmto ser teeth ,uhlitinnnl honurm I the 6xppa conrll, being that f.iule engn9cd with the WAt.t. PAPER Sr\hK--Ratio mold
"r,w•e.andr carne kitchen, woodmbed and- CARLOAT)OFHoft9RSANDCULT" and Added rn•./f9l,. \tire.IArin(hlAn "rod throe relatives taking tllril' de- Ogihfeminthetnfllfng humfnens here. R
�1IfALTER E. KELLY, driving ,shed, Hydraulic iorc[ntr water wt bmrn nut 1)oxrk Atu1 atallonrry cosiness to
W OUDKIt1C'H, ONT. and kitchen good sring water. M acre. fall at Farr, Hotel,GedeHrh, on wxmmel(rtr ,tm the prima donna farthe pmrturu for 1{ivpr^clxlr, whet)- Mr. In'tC;,,hc wrist with her husband UI H, W. Thomson, ver will hstve
Watchmaker. Jeweller and Oplicfan. wheat. LIP,noren M Ionic els.. .tate of cultiva. TV&SI)AY. FENRVARY ITI'H. animal concert. given by he Garlie llrnniger's parentm reside. The many Winnipeg, and hincer Mr. McGaw x clear-
Immeer of Marriage IAten.o•. lie,. Pm fruit tree. beginning to beer, and commpneingat 1 welork. SIxlety in Ltrufot, in May lett. Thim friro(Ix of ills- bride and groom fn ueUrinrd a few' yeti. #t o to revive Ing wnll jyclue mole until the let of
.wna,1 foie, 'tl erre. of gen bush, order, ;good woundyounKlgeldh,K,: conrrrtfield far ilm lxtrsln" and fnwu and dimtrirt wins theta a full the milling hunine.P in !)ewlerich)ahe March. 4iny grade of wall paper at
W. LANE, ISSUER OF MARRi- kemla k, bnw.woM, elm, mnple. Pew"wseion wool vnund yn^rK mwtew : I h'at- half• tt•ice. Now is vuul' rhstnce 4.
inn Itrglreis at evil,, let m. to .uu taw par t goodKray mole., :rem)-- old : r•onrms,rr Ute brut of the Rrfliwh 'rer•t•, meamex• of happinesm in their wedded had Iw,en a ir.idrnt of li)tvn. Mite wan 1
AUK lioerh.e.. Oodorlch. (int. rknro, Few further information apppply en the I 7 good (-t that Ixwlu decorated you have
_ simmi.rm or wddresw JOHN HA�LII)Al', pal •tK general pnrlw.e hnrc' : - a9r. and rn t•ITurt im mculr tach year to life. lifty•three yexrx and seven nlnnthm of t Y
eche h. oat. • prowl young read orwn, : make thin convert tit(- moria! coral of a r. A fxwil of Pix childn+n are tr talking about a,) long. Koro k
Auctloneellnq I Pair matched road horwsm. t a,wi .1 year- : Public School Board K Y
1 and gstwrat auctioneer, haw mmovet from
Hwmiltan stroet to new OM on smith Street.
whole he will he found wt all times• when not
cryrying inter. Termm rimeoruble real urrry ef-
etrt. oaed te rive you maUafwction. Phone unable.
haeurmeer, 1011 Ramllten sheet, podeArh.
' P.O. box las. All wwlew will receive «q•cial
µµhteetbn. I will buy tour entire mta•k of
NlleeholA good. for caws. and urea se•II you �
Zh,rnitalre. mxiere■ . mining•, etc.,
p, Call mad we what we ew•n A^ for I'M. In
r��lalrrva lin. OKI)itGF; BECKETT, C'uriomity
sib, Goderich.
1(- .•
tilt, !,ancon . e.Amou. Thu rnnc•rrL tact.
yeat was it tremendous sucroses and
BAN 1�
. 111AM.Ialn
To wcccnendate the Farmers
we have have opened Branches
in the villages of
VARl� A and
We Solicit the Patrons" of Lite
opened by dopomit of $1.10
lnt*t"t ata', rnmpnured-
ed quarterly.
if l lk l:I; H BRANCH
A- G. GAMRi X, Manager.
`` florin for.wle, adaplere for ml Note forming
or at -1 n". Pa aero, cleared. In aero" good orch-
mrd.1.1a-rr,t gewl limber. Anil w rood black
e9ay lewln, !hoot frame houw•, franca barn and
ataable., rood driving .hcd. Lotw N and 11.
ronccminn 1. Goderich lawnship. Applyy to
1'HOUPlYN T, HA l'tl k BLAIR or to CHAS.
J. WAL1LIS. Clinton. ystt
1L' tb, Lake Rwnrr WeM, Colborne, oPw,W.
stir of vel Ar, w. more rw le«, rmrelly waded
down. The mal I. aSood•clay lea m. Thele 1.
w anal frame toryand k half hou.o with
kitcb•n. ales, anolher dwelling nawr the raid,
There I. a barn. N x W, with .hedaunt .tablf ng,
21 N vel. w•ith,wu,nwdinnm hay loft ^face: wl.o
e+bolla,,Inxlas,: tour well.,
two at tbg barn and one at each house ; a good
l,eaMurr orc.7'.
of about own •err,•. beery.
think Iw to xtw,llent.toteof ropwrtlrut__y nformsertoHCLi. rf,b t"corI."101. TH1 RI�N�, Kewy�
wt reef. Oalerfch• 'JYIf
In the old Gnrm,. property. (kite on Ibe
miner of F;Igtn avanue anti Market .deet, Mud
Ilie noher on Market -truer. Water wervIce en
pron=: mewer RMng Eight avenue. Thene
lot,, arc "Ituated In lbe lawn'. ene"t ro.ldeut lel
vection; within two minutes' walk of the
Prism. For 1a rtieulwr. apply to J. 1'.
HlthWN, (;ode eh.
11 it AnKte+m+w wtnx:f, 1; henry hnume on
\wpler "Irxw,l, 11 mtewy hobme an Napter ntmot,
men'. I Alhelic church, If .tory honme on Kirin
avenue, I story honme on Kawy. Street, 1 .tory
house en Victoria street• t "tory brick homer lit
Salfferd, n baromin, brick fent in (olbarne.
next Henmiller, a splendld tnve■.tment, fru a
mon wRh «mall ppltwl. Farm, for male In nnll••
rppaart. of Huron county. 1'OCNU A We IJRT-
el;1 Uaderkh out
on Orion, Perewt. Goderich, immed-
iarMlyy east Id the( entral"Heol. There ale w
number of fruit tewwm en the lot surd rhe p
erty 1% Conveniently lorsited ; would m e a
. 14nd1A balMfng Mt. Appy t" MRA. , A.
put LLIN, IM sud.Ost.
P flu t-nlaau 71RaCne form in Write Wswarwm�
,»noewtnn • lot V. with 175 were,, In a g
%hate of cultivation. well Mnrctl, well watered,
!Ktrod nerhant, Targgee bank harp. Now houw.
4bwreMHon, hlwr tie", mhop arra menus at rornor
of farm. movement M.rht ni end rhuroh, ai
milam hewn l . l R, mlatlon wt Auburn. Terme
Posey. W. A. A tfW)on Lurk now, a4•TIm
BALL --3werreels Weal Wawanoish. own
tnllew herd A uht� ; ttMl a clay !ewes. •hoW, 140
a7ee 'Ind" rel ttvarlon a pl1 en M MnSs
tlmlwr A w"Il and two x now of water, a
"ave from. dwr7n+yf, a Req Men, %h&and
�t,ng ;1 Apply in f Ul NO Sk RUBiRT-
1 pentJ ' 77earw old, nulwt and kind :
1 dn,ft• gelding. Y year old : -
1(- .•
tilt, !,ancon . e.Amou. Thu rnnc•rrL tact.
yeat was it tremendous sucroses and
The mg,ibir monthly meet ing of the
C u.
viva : iVilli+un. of \Vinnilx•g ; ('h+u�lew,
of Toronto : flurry. of the C. P. R. Anulber nto:A o/ gnx:etdee froze( To
I croft filly. laJ yeat.: old :
anew blanket.: nke
the nese was load in ion t7ai,(em of
1 P
public meharl Iwmrl wa* held on Moe•
rte me•rin stAR; Mism Mattie, who ^'rlto has jnmt arrive(t at the Goderich
a mea ofsingkhmrnc...
Minn MAt•ltcllah'm rendition of nrnne
Ila evenin
Y K: pte"ent. A. 1). .fnc�•nn
i* attending schtttyl ill Toronto, and Rwin Store. The cracking cheap
Term«:-Amonth� creclit mr ftoniahing Pop,
proved )uha cwt,,.. A diHUS. fir
(lei igqhtfulold'lixelicsmg.. .limen Mar.
in tit! chair, ;tied Memse-m. Arhentm,
Miss, Grare and Mader Allen, fit sale will ernnmence S7aturday morn•
THD". Ul �t1rHl'.
Iachlxn is accompanied thin year to
r )'
Crpley. Hodgrns, Platt. avid Snnndpr•n.
house. The family tire wide) known ulq, February dkh, rot A o'clock. This
y y
tone- well•kuuwn heol.limh ar•ti' end
the program given will Ise n delight to
all Inver" of S.•ol.tish Stotts
The secretary's stAtemcht fur Jannary
showed payment" of SI0!2,111 ;Ind bin
"twlemrut of receipt"
Anti floral tokens of sympathy came "tock ix n cracker. All to be cleared
front polities' n" widely merearttad as out if possible in ten bays. Also it,
%%*intoipeg stork
__ __
Public Notice
unci.•. on
and e•xpendi-
in the Went tend y1. John, all up•to•clrtp stock of hoots and
mall, at Kidd & ('o.'*,
Hosoitat Notes.
tunes fur the p,wt yefRr wean as follow" :
N. R., ill the Emit. Thr employees of mhoes. All at cracking MR bargain...
the Western Canada Flour Mills Co.. A word to tiler wise in sufficient. J.
_` _ -_ --
The Godeich hop til tl is
t glving
From (.Ltulunts, ' ..... $ h
of which .i r. Mc(ixw is mann ,er, at- W. I3Rh11ESICN.
nlnple. evidence that it was n much
County grant ... I�.tiin
tended the funw'wl in ;t InedYP to the TAIIIwr k Son, mwnufwcturing opptu -
n11111iwr of Al"rut eight)•, while ianm and
ntwdrel Institution. them Nein uo
egimlativr grant. Ills),
Old material sold...... L(qi
inem. eZoight specialiatm, of Tor-
Irpraof the Rc,ard of Trude and otherm onto, will t"• at Uunloprl drug
than nine xttie in the in•
Muoivil"al grant._...... .i.itti6t)
with whom Ms. McGaw watt )uw)ci- (malt -irh, un Monday. Tuesdwy
11 "Tender
rtitution wrr�. Sonll, of theme
have left, hat
Atrrl in a bits' tray were premie ii'tylncsd7ty, Frlx•uary- 11th. ?Lyth
to the urderwlgnal, and "ndn,wnl
for Public Hnilding, Owen :sound. e)nL - will
since Other'" alar coming
in And those• who have loon in
Total.... ...K
. $",W2 50
hent among the Ims-Ke uuuslier who lith, And if there in anything what.
be removed so this"Mce ant" Mammy. i•ebru
arY 'JJ�s,, Ilan, 1nCl,,.i,'ely, (el f Ile enn•lrIlM tali of
of hrmt[yiGul Nrcommndatioyt hay„
I over wrung with aur
gathered to )Nv their IAxt. tribute ser y eyrmight it
t'rVlx!l;L Lil Llle deial'trd weld t(1 nlhlt y
M011ti Iw to our interest
ptiblh• bnilAing, craven "owtA, trot.
F'twn« and nierlentt)m,s con Iw ."rn and
found term let the ho"pltml very
I*neflciAl. Was Ane !!)-len"ed to Iearn
Tcarher" ...... .. Si,)tiill, ill
Other eulployeen.... 1rdt41
to connote
their sympathy- with the murrowilig therm. They nlrxolutely ghrrantre All
torn,«ol tender oMwinrA n1 thiw-te lend roan,
and at I.he nfeco of Ms «lr+. For*tor Mad !'lark,
that Mfsn (iriflilhs, fhl, noatt•on. who
• .. ..
iitationrl'y, nen v etc... RIX)
reluticrm. their weak find only rrconnnon4
91Ama•s when firremmary.
a;hitectw, Owen rlound, Ont.
was seriousl% ill with influenzal, is able
Painting ,. .. i,1i',
The Late N. Dyment. ___.___--_-_,e tendering are nntlflrvl that leaden
,,lit ,tot he considered unlrxe made on the
to Iw ml hef towel ,Igxin. Thr Inlluwing
contril"10011w 7th• gratefully ncknow-I•
. , ...
fuel . .. H17.1;
NnLlt,uliel Ilpnlrnt, the well-known "Algernon is very intAte"lin9," mid
printed mopplled, and .isined with their
a,iu.l dlonrtlum'.
aged : F. F. A%WI i t(-. lialf-gal
... .. _.. .. .. I1u'15
ddiLiocr and aHerwtiono.... :#011.53
file nbw•kh11rkrr•'*
lnnlix•rieemn. died on Mondwy more Il daughter. ,,What
FAch tender nnl.t toe accmm need by an
ueeMed r tee mr ,t chartered hank. mMr tlozrn
oymtel:9: the R g ►n
Unnble•r., half•dimen
last fit h;. home at ILturie, Agc11 '1(m'" talk other's" inquired he.
'levant •four Two weeks father. Why, hem ever
ppnayy.bee Lo the enter ,t the Honorstble the
Mlni.ter of Publle N'orkx, ewtn•1 to ern tw• r
glwtse", halt -dozen fxna; Mex. .Ic-
Rent of Tero coact+ Hwll..... •,J+ 0.01
' 1
1 tinting ant Advertising..... 1re{„i1
ve.u•n. ,tgu nil well
ix,"ted in Shwken atrwn unhttiCyns."
he! Ixrexwr seaounly ill rnt'fhg Ur the 1'• q
ant- fin p. c.i of the ammml of the benAer,
wblcn ,,111 by frrt•Into If the tarty tendrHnqq
Kim, x lama ; MM. Ca rsomi. 11tmckage
hreakfamt Root, package n leaRe flour,
formation set ,a clot of Mo"I on the wunlwn," "aid the Hnwiieie,
"termly. "don't oil
h(-xrt, and thin finally resulted ht sin Y Ire him make
ic•Ilneto relwr Into M contract when called
upon to do wo, or If he foil to mmpletn the work
lox toilet isimp ; ;Nr. .lilliare. $1 a
a".Ill. ..... .. _., 7.ec3
Sundry oneself
deal.h. Mr. 1►ymelt twain loan in Ex- a1w1rL of yMll• igliht-alice. There Ain't
Ae raceme far. If the tender Ire not a^.ecpteA
h'eiend, two ro;let• tou.rls and Ride-
nertwnts..... LL
1,U•s, Ib•\on"hirr, Englandtsln i evemr Inn *tech Plax•k ell the market."-Thl-
Jw e•heq art will Iw tru,nteA•
The Departments doew not, bind it.41` to
IcoeptIhelanoot,orany tender.
Hy enter
lxrard mcarf ; Mrs. Morrinon, $ei.
G. C. 1, Board.
-- --- liet•'15,
Total. . . tS",NIr1..,I1 1111("
The principal reported ZL, Ixr n #tied
if�it, And cattle to Canada with Be is.
parents when three yearn of p, -' -
younger day* w( -re "Ixrnt un iia
'►epownirnl of Nihlle Work. Itcginte
The ataturory meeting set the Col.
Institute IwtwuYl wnm held !apt
?.411 girls on till+ t-ollm if, January used father's
an Average atteld,lt ve of R1 rent.
Hr. hat
farm fn Ikeverley township Tl 1,.t T, Feb, lith--All,thm wtla of a ra,
Wentworth rnu t When mixteen - land of
n hpr,m 1 Farr'. bee Goderich.
Ottawa, J.nn.ry 31, leer.
New"pw r. will not he twid tot the. adver.
night. it was moved I��y Mr. (,ole
►rFxprtetl 1 two of the seven
poolllm (if the CPntt'al ac htrol had plate start«I
yeutm o[ age he left the txrm end m.nel,'g a► 1 o'rtock •heel,• �HGL UI'NDR1.
in boniness for hionmelf. Murtunrer.
b"ement 1f they inmort it without authority
Seconded Ivy Dr. T7tylor, that
Mr. Jordan
btackhcwardis strut rerolnnll,nded that atxrt.
Hfn -__-
iPo worthy of With - -
the T)wpw set.
lee rhalrlman, ('Tried.
Moved by Ur. Taylor, wrond(d by R.
slate t"ni ds mhnnld tw• plmct-1 in the fll:st
other nxm,a, As they ,,err bene•
noir. rite BORN.
few dhtlAll hr e,alil(rd hr twilight x
t a' I LAW odr,fch.. 4,1".j
C. Hmye, that .frtplPo. Hnyn, ('ollAvrn(-.
Holt w d McKenzie he, the rt
qq pro11e Y
ficial to the (-yrs. The re -port wfi" !tact
laid rn1 thn table. The following ac. carper
tiro• resp, which n11, ��
reek to mfll I:. Rlwtrlehru n.
1Wwpd, the+ by 'noting
g g u btrmnlr9m Fn•d.,„k nn kMnn. bled ,see Ma Imy,
which hills I February el h.
send th;tt MenAr". Heyn•
Olden, Taylor And Ihrylr In. the "apply
counts were passed: Temperance HAII
trustee", rent, Sfo.31): (. A. Nairtr,
plwctrl among the
weafthle'"t fit Onta►•Ids lumlennen, LAiu HT.- At 11.ln.y fle...h. Toronto �l, )li
t:%,. elwwon 1-i, to Mr. Mts,
NOTICE TO �RCH11'E(TS, cfficlo
U1SS10NM }Yt�yR \ W 1) 'PARCp1ENTAl,
ter, the rhwirmm� to bas es•
a mvent)pr of looth crnnmittl ".
ell pIt".S7.flti; Planing Mill Co., re• tion
M, SB.IL': Grtl. Porter.
first Ist•ge contret was in connect and Oeorg„
with the construction of the COX -AI iewmh. nn. nn.tanuar
gl ir aah, I.
AND J('bTI('R fit 1LD1 om' OWAWA,
Carried. The rngnlar ohne for• meet-
atattione y. Great,
I. F.
Western Railway, to which he 11fn and Mn. M', fy, l'ot, "daurhter.
was fixed the same ram heretofore.
the first Tk in
-70); Rwten• rlrwning Tew• 1413
yarnrice Hall, fit
1 $ (-
plies the entire millout of him inillm Ci1X,- In (r<wieNeh yew"hlp, nn Jauu.ry 7• w.
Lynden. In 1!e7i1 he went to }it►nic the wife of Herlmwf t'"x.. do ngM rr.
THP; time fa reoelving ammpeUUre d�1�t(tw Ott
Mr the i
encs month
the comet house wt •{ o'clock. It
Testimonial of Affection. end
if ban tinther lands In Vem I DIED.
P pet►
prnyeee� new oe mrtmental mm
iti.tkm Hol Inky ,Pat/krww. l" h"mhy txt.e11rb11
wM decided to (MY J. Y+11" 7.i pet-
The lien of aff4vUon last.ween former by
near Hillstale. Thin wAn folluwrd MtUAW.--hl (ielerteb. nn Knitte•d.$, P'"bm
Prom April IJ to July 1. Door.
NY Order
cent. of his aeronnt for wiring the
Colleginle institute for the eflertric
pupils of w s•hool Reid the teacher of Munketka,
putrhmara of liroitA in Algnmw wMi I ;,y jnd. Allan, I,oln+•M wlfn of tl. A.
and until him lane illnems he M,<1ww, Al yran mild 7 month,,
PRltlr. G):L1NAm• light,end
n number of oneself Arenuntw
their younger day* urn seldom wan
m1ronK(-r f.hNll err! the bonds lrptwerll
en RRed in Inn,fecring. He wA* Mar;txthuALf.-tie taoderteh tnw,mMp eon
• wnuwry 'Ath. Miles Hannah MacI)eegmll.
N"w. will
1. U IIOI F,e ld for thin aArM
to"rnemr. f they Inarrt It without •nthonty,pr~nt.were
mer' ordered paid, The menlrtw
Mrs -4m, Jordan. McKee•
Pont(- of the r,trry pupil* of the old
(ialprfch Grammar fit:hewtl its irnln
the head set wvrrnl hlmber rntn• .gad :n year•,.
Hiro and wen almo intpresterl in vier. Irltl'MMryN I), rm 11.1 Jwttnwry-. at 1;11x,
ter• Li's rirwtw ate,
Volhorne, Ilaya and Dr. Taylor.
first principal. the veoeralde John cwtiterns.
other Hnwnriwl send indo%trimel r'"idenno. Polonetcom •re�"neo, Twatt�q���tea
Although he took o}t is H.
l Jird; M( "'J"��r'to
nn formerly z Get.