HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-1-31, Page 414k
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,ekxja a,iw ^ �.0 'fy�f: �` • ^al *' _ _ _ 'z�.4i+v-..'.,t ,,, i' � ,,14 �1!'�+: .� 1 i r y M1
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Mr+ •,x'^%f.T a.k-k,tlM,'a. Ji <�& t Elkr$a3G 1 - �. $. h:. ,. ,. s`kw.ohR7- �t I #�;
4; TllVasUAT, Jat►umty 311-, 1907 THE iii FNA L , GOV � ICH f) r �', :mak.. �e ,r � �`' c � +�i „,q
• • lJk AklO
_ - __ .. NT �'�
_ - ._ .. -- ----------' ------ - __-_ - - --- --r
htrume,rf Ir•fug1, clynulitt4al Nits xsknl they ha11 mlrrul flnixht-d their upplell•
"";r to lejxal. - tiarhip, had gained skill unit Iw►rtled
TSE COUNTY MUNC I L : 'flit• 114x1..• reroge.cultyuittl•a Ir. toyexprrienre. they lett the plofrari,rn ,
e ca11faor1aled flint the )titt' "; le Ko11- xnJ their slervices were het 4d. the
I(Iwm, Is, removed to Otillia A•y'lum, Provinec. Uodev Ihr new .chelese,
Ifristg all II1111L aubje•rt fur Co11flnelnesct while it i" Plot elf (4411 that all will rr-
C c in the h.;I-. 111 refuge, :tad that H. 11min, it is ralrtmisc Iifed. a un,eh burger
Proceedings a t First Ses- Filther. M.I'.1'.. ba' N -Illy{ to wY•urr her I)lota„'1i11r1 will citify the p1r1-
mdmimAiuo Its Mml) las la,wlI lie; that in P•Imu11t th/4n formerly. (' i
+, s i o n e; f New 1� ody ' •
re(rrrucrCo the p 11I"Iaiuun ut,11. fel,
dune, halYi-ears ..t l liubdn, in ra apt.
• 1 Ile new I4arla u( IA•RIrlatun+& lout;,',#
county Kranta,which nl,ade thin,11Pl the
INuis fff •
at thiK store, and AOw they affect your
ellee las fhr afaiutenfalice o1'
KUI11Ieat11 ill 11141 h11UM' 114 Ir'f1I e,
II:• row
salu•ies, rhaimete ail scram
IlnNhatieln allll ''-1111` I/f IYilll[IIIllllll,
hill heels 1111{11
Home and Pocket • •
Warden J. T. Currie I resides Over the Council for
p llfl Ngtwellll•IIL entered Ilfltr
I ttt•pe•r) the nw•ner of the faro in
lel lllk•1',trloo ill on-him11X
flet• wfml• y14tm. ,total hill[ prixluce) Ili- I
- i
'�'" -
1907 Stal-nding Committees for the Year Ap.
1 Ilehl tan rind (lite Cnll11 t' Ihit( (old.,111111
I,!r$ISIlw la,aid ill lite
t'H fell[ Ir•ytlh `.
I )asrl11g the nvPI
•fust nota tin+ foilowipg and the great reductions lnado ill Lite prices. They aro
pointed I love to Secure a Portion of Provin-
IIaid affmolly
1!1111'1'41°"111W "t the .,lilt nlr.. itllliiii•
pre -4-111 y1.411•
or hix new' M'hiw)i I1,IIINow rrUnld
odil pieces that thero is not imueh of, and wo want to clear them out at sonlo pricu.
wm. Mold that the (vmnt). stlliritur lee
(h• erw lids hast hr hats„ y of barn,
cial Goo:i Roads Appropriation Council Uis-
letill11'Wd l,0 Mr' (hill arrangement faire
advfa,-athig new' , vha d Imiases f"t•
Dress Materials New Sprint Goods i
approves of Recent Schooi I eschars' Salary
fm•lia' 1'lll'1'i- ntll, lllwl IIINL iL bw 111•
e111Jw1 in Lhe•►"id,tl•1'1•tlgelllellt flat 411
w„Ilr (11111•, +aa Ile \t"- flail hale• lull
(111•ly IfliiilIt be .-,far praclwet of the
3 :N -%alai capia lit all•wulll twetldr. .418wh4'i1 ill lila fulklwinR liar"; I
Le islation.
1114 event tar the wile (id. t prlll,rrty its
ferfnulilin of ctilloo Jidated sh. $okll rt-]•-
wide, 1wg11b11' [el'll'e $L:ilit rUI•......'............some New I'1•ints. pr•ie row "s ilnder it•, Kr, Illi' acted
( f
('lint n, owl urging In the• rNlll Illlnalrm
the Ilhtisr due• to the amid \11•X. 160411-
ff m
11 11 .
Mr. Robb 1kVp w1111e iulelt•stiu r ,
K 1,
on* flan t o w. g
, - y ` Yet 1
i nada, :i l0 1: V#t1t1a in rnch, utix.l 1
51 Inches Hlk•, sv 1'HAMBHAYS las all the new rul11riugr,
AN Plfentllmed in last wet Vp MIirnit e. mose1N1Wl I lint will refeveler • In the
win 1.1141 lips- dlulghter lie lucid 11wPa. tit
facts as the the unr vol solidiate l Ne'h."/1'
Mtilitlgs. widr, Ilk an lire, yule• e
hull'.. ter tilt+ Int fur........... •,kid cloth, fart clllfaf•a.
J. T. Clarrle. 1{eevv of Ease \\ "\\" iwal4nr ad. It. F:Ilia11 ,laid Wm. Flamer,
Wash. wall chosen Weirdest aft the caiash• lbs• Krev.•N .If (IIs different luunicilNlli•
the euuscty 11( Hur.0 . that the r,r11nty
tlwstsorel. tn. I•Wllle-1W) to attend rat tfilel
exjwt loot 11t n11w• owing tried ill l)I(-
taro, Ihr 4rrl-erlilhited so himd at
""""""' IiINUHAMN Now bl,wk Null whit.- check&, I
11 pair]- all-w'"d ltatmk*t we►ve. arty a fur, new uav mnJ white rheckm, new li ht labial anti ;a
Ly fit the affecting aft the lieu rnunril ties have Iktww• la ntske hu,ail Iwp.4ira.
, r 41ecl ion .rf Ihr Mr•11rtUrr in his halide
Guelph, fgwuoil NovlYulier lith• 11Mµ,
.{ in.-brm w•ntr, $1.10• ror .... ............../7bc white checks, urw Cardinal meld white check, all 1
hart week. Mr. Curric limit• 1be ,will not exDef•ding Will• 1111 ,illy county
i tlN as 441 6mo iulunle-, fiscal ase the
then 4 11.ImlM+d of fila_ .el-tiolim. hu(
a mhofrt ends allnvl"•I :heck twerds, iN inches lit.............. ..:.....14 e
of nMre before Judge Holt ,old ultra ht idge io I IM'Ir throat ict. land that when
t-vWft far faysclrsclm rent lwullj 111411p111IV
rule" Aogoml LI"l. IIMIo, of flr1• "r.--
t iJ.-, NIA/lit 3 valds ill rfu h, your chnicr......60c t1 R A CORflirrill - Ar sill vice" MMu flit las
noniving robaced txliu11N flim Ilia mt.tldufginneeu11ntNra.-hlGe\rclYlify
Honor addresr4N1 the council Iait.Hv, w +l[1 ,u enunlX Ih•4L he ptrM•uts t.. the
ulxdr, hr. take Ihp ,oust rRrrUvr
nN•"nS tar proucpt rollrrtionm ail hr,•
!tuns. wort t+,kru up mt lhi.
w hlx41 im erre .•x•ru-icf•, the olrlinmr}
yl yn;d- 11 inch black 1 Writ cold, NII w,mst, $1:111• white n',J drab, t) A A Mlw tit* bawl. Ask
thanking the meenbwra fait- the l,.n"r rllgifeeer Iwifeg colupet : Ilint sill br4([•
11111111:11 fle rrl•lnt.y wdivitell' 114• father•
schiNll hubjewtN, schoi I galrlrfliug,
"'RuL.f til ., Cur 7t1e. J11st fhr 11tl* end Irft. fur Ihral. r
conferred flit hills need explehl•ing lilt, gY- nerdlllit plains Illi( IN• joist he 1.1.1-111'
wise. •rhe r port was xdffpuad,
IllantIA traltlsl,g field l[ofolemtic Xervi".
hope that NII wrnlld work tuRether our metal Imiva•d nod Iighte11t-ct up. mud
the that Intervat" lir lite Comity. that htee•I Joists lie IIM•41 fill alt It•atil bred-
''1 y.
l•M 114 111X1111111 \\'1Md : flilt f.11r nil fleld
Execruve Committee Repat.. ,
Thr alit.. 411 ,•ladle r,rnlll.
Music le:eive& coed.idt•rNldr attescUast
*lid the ml'hWil IX prnvlJrd Willi it g(m"1
N allot. Thele IN 1111 dou let'44 nl til* et-
"k"� •i,• ��
s Cmamrltels.
`� nldlfr IN+ It•fl'f11e ft lute runmidernliun,
u1rnJe fh,• u*nnl :nota of $:Mi
Mrirory air Iht- Mch."d. blob, attalr all.
• 'fl�lt I t
K. Mc1.Pxn, H..\I'i11Pr1, .16hn IA ekiP• Ihr estltinrrr t.. at�rnd UI Ihr MNttel
ail the Nutiunml Samit e -hi n Ahelu •
flat• lluestiuh tit rxfwn•w IX 1111*. aft
1, (
Peter irm4mt and \I. 1'. Mel,enit slur *(Mae, les cl„n•rnirtil, 44,111 that
action ; the n.ual gr;iot 11f K"JI to
first uup,lr•txnrr. \\'hru the "'alio-.
The Square, Goderich.
were ap[klinled a strikingcowtuittee all -oltill bridgev IN• left uvrr till
the Nick Children's Hsi-pital: the u.11al
mectinns otlitt-1 to fee In the..."clid.
l0 ttelw'L at allJlnl1lC /'1111111111e•PN fUl' till• 11114.1' the spl'Ing fre'llerl�M: witl4
gl7lilt fit $15 all 1•,14.0 p-11flit• flllrll•11 ill
ated school title (If file t•1)Ilal It11111X W',1-
year and 1'. McMillan. Cantelun .Zerellve to Thollega• Heselphill'm
"I" mostly Ca. Ki-mnt tf $•JI (1141 the
that thane• meclions would lily Ihr,
mad tor. Milne were ip ceintrod n coin- rViluer, I'd. Wilosifer bridge Plated-
Huron Cowr:.1 Fhtirm Amaw,ciatioo and
wane rate :w they had dour prra'iollm
Initler Los revive• the bylaws governing ing ryastitrt, that flit• rogiurer anti
"I to wu•h off lite Agricultural :&fill
to union mud that Sir Wlas. M;Ullnu• •
�- - - -- ''
the prcoceelulgs nt the comity rerun- 31r. Fraserexninine Ili•• bridgenn,l Ie• 11"clfev-Itural Sf irtivs he thee'1111rtt• :1ct tavud41 provide Ihr lkllnncr (els Ihr cnuUnuatlon work is well dune. I
cil, the change Irving nectemlitxted by titlet act the Jame session : that Lhe dual- x gCofut aif $'�i In rnch Fill like" lvisti• three yo•ank. las nald41iale- Ile film) While in In illy athero it IN not whim• ' r T
the change in the run"tituti11n air fhr ter off life Purl Allwit hridgp, witlrrd.• title : It Roth' "r $3•i las Ihr 7'rarhooni, rnYtel N11.1 ruloldelpiy eynippPl) Ihp<fa.•tm,y. The fifth -Claw pupil- 11, ' w•/ �OC�R`��
Lhr,rhmtl Hy'h w u. I off'11N17 making tent-nrf• to which ,t drleg,diml wailed N lilutes; the a+11x0 irriont of $11) far schlmol huasw•. The Wahl c,N,t tier lthr, Vile• sttmuloX for it politic mi h,Nd le - I ;,! i
R rt )ill worn al[ I tel a 11 the oo Ihr 1 oonlultttr. Iw dealt N Illi by flowers ill f he t .)$a t Ht111NP S,lunrr , wets tla,liflll, of N hit h Ula Hvr 04w f iunr I Pxxwhlat ion, In w hoods dol g I \. , OR I
"earatwg c fn,,,tiinitta aap[Nefnur{ fur the Ihr whole council : with reference to 11 ) anthill nn Ihr ,41,111 4atifaPl aft Ihr [mild $131. The Ir4ldnre Wis. pail by' ah nl I,Ir,a,'.m hrrkrf et tutee a xti ri
y Ihr reolurat a( Mr. Dyff asking fora 1 riwnlrl i Aid ANMN'INllnll; uo ,trtinn SII' \\'111. �INedu11N111 stud Guvrruwrut
.VXS(•ItTIVE: - Lorkip IHrul+w•Ia). silh•walk on Hllevale laidge, the cool- "II fhr Il pplirxl isles of the Kdveo"n yl•Antm. There fate right vital., omel to)' ('fist- I,l "td.'" prrm'o lity wll is
Cmntelon IClinuml, 31c31ilhil (Heal. wittW le•farrted that the effect wullld AtYoy f. i4- a graurt, a. lite Army len- c"ovev the ehildlesc t" #trill from "ode to rate• noble chsnactt,r ie him AN UARY i
lett). Dr. Woods IB,ayfield), Nnd Mid• bw fl•nm "of to "NI, affect rectiolfil "- reeriving the-11pIN.rt "f lNotoiniain fold sch,N,l. The m lvantagea of coosuli4ln• I ("'I„1"' I '
dletoh (G/deri.-h townships. r deci that the fimit bridge Iw put ill if Provioviall (t.r\•i•e-IIIfirot-. Ihnilgil flip tion x41+ 111wnY : (SINclops. 1•x11 Ise twitter Thele 111' went)-nin- arterial hllnls I A ,l[6,;;I , is
SIHa'IAL COMMITTKV. Hmilip IN est Ihr (�eact alfa still exre.l $X441; in Iv- Afruy land rite svultuttlev of Ihr calm- ma•nnged. lei Isms Ilumlilk l.. !rnch I which hoer I rlrie.� rnnrtil11in •5,11311 I ..>......; . _n., ?'�.-'t
Wawanarh), &)bier ' llixeter), Mut- good ft- Lhw %Vliimkey bridge at (.rand (-it in Iheir work• : rw fhr IN•tili1111 (roar Ib,• urw-uhjf•ct. e4l, Iw w',Ifl,ryed. IV-dolots. whirl •fact N11+47.:e11, II till
ggrove (Tureshe ryl, Hunter IAmhllrkL. Hand, thee roseonuorndei th)It the Ill Graced Retool :old IhP',lition-.rf llarli- high scblNd work alit e.lieci,tllyrthat I Dither M-•tio11X re likely i have I v ou would hanfly thick that gra
McIJdalYuid IKtanle ). vier 11f Ihr rngiuut IN• tntrn and fhr and Shr:uPI' M11st Geiger and I vnlu-t I•el,difeg to agtieultule (`,►u Iw Jane, Itbtxrit•a Iwtut4• t rend of (a 17. A .-stirs pun hx,Nrl !blur month were
Ft NANI'K. Ur. fIrwhl fWingbAill)• lll'illgr twflllill :lrwmltl him [MI-Milde. flint Igor grient f"1• I..Ck °lac Ill 411.411111 Bend, "nil IIIIIIe 1'e'glli,el' "Itellllnl"e w•Cfltetl. I library Ihr llw•fol N I Iwasia le Imm)kN, Metter than thee.. INrught in anv other
Harris 1 Wroxeter). Hmwkin" 11'm- fhr u,trliun of Messrs. Guvrnlfwk fund \\'Ir/xet•Y- and Hrnwlll. that applira- Hat Ionic.." ru1:41 " h.")[ wN•linnm nn• will prove it valmehl.• m1mv of educa• month. At (air stare• they- urs the nn-
lrorne). McKny(Tuckeravilith),Stothel'" OI -ant fur $,1111) fur earning n Coastal Ir ticklish Ise Inid tree•!• till 1hrJune•loveling willing to Italy" highe step of s/hunl tion W a INrgr , nil wt, faf yo(IIIK if11rnlly high y11nlily 41st sow cnrriest !
(AahHeldl• dealt with by the whole rouocil; that. if flat Ihxf Unr t-1 -I pngasuw a iia atf all taz:dion than Lht.v are m.w doing, Ixr/plt- Ik)th in find o aft w•h(xl[• 'every mouth ill the year.
RUc4'AT14f:.. M. 1•. MetAwn Giem- will, rt'frrrnee It. the Inaction of [oast grasses, fur this lull-INIM• and .bl1e these "cthl"ds r•m11fo( IN• e•NI"bliahwt , I here k too Iwfter way u rreAte fa
forth), i)r. Milne. IHlyth1. lith••an•r. MrMals. \Irl)imrnfiJ and 1'anlrlon fur ,0f while: that IhP .Ipplicntiou nt Jahn end hur.-a•smtolly runaluf*l•.I• Hut ihr Ithir•st fur useful know] g han fly a'
(Howick). John Grant IGtey). Keller• $IO "' Kipyevi bridge, feu grant Iw Knox, tm•okh•y ,It the j,lii. riot. set, Nd= results would oltrlw-than INmifwnwd,, I wi+r 11Ne car x Nuifrlblr li ..wry. -1 Everythin& Fresh
man ISre ben)• ditiuhal grant of "a. ranking fl total fur�lh;s increa"I ac•hirld rxpelldilule. ; Notwilh-tanstin ,
p made: !hurt, with rrlrrrme Wt, fhr . g t p lurnL
R11An AND Hnrlalt;,--LnmontlHxyl• mile ion of John /Middleton find T. Nic• Kr,uit orf $711. ill lira of fool, light sped It would (dace aahxt im practienliv u1cl11ulg-•X and Ilse ins {{k ciente f lar j;
R illerl ISre• Ihr°), Fetors 11:1wy). 3141bu1,,a04king Ihnl til. Rapwm brulgr wuh•r. In• grnntwl : Ir applic.di110 of glrul.l w h,"al, a cnntinu,vian•cj„ra n( lays lit• l, -:aches- r( \list 1! ,. Everything Pure
I:nvenlock INIcKillop), It. _thio_ IN• hail( 1104 a l'ollet bridge, sold Ihr tb.• "flievIN orf :Bird Regimens f"rgimest acheiol. "test high M•hrkl[ within Pm -v did \rouble avfark du fig hoot I ,
(Grderich). sc:niun ai( J,aX. McUiar11gid and Mosel, ei I"ionteersr tlwt the °•nal gralll nt r•Nch of every chilli in Ihr ,"r,win('t • ' Edu:atio.► Commi s Roepoet. I EVCrythinj� Wholesome
Cl1lrNTv Thur ::.eTV. R. !tIc1A•wn Mrhxy. with reft.renrrtof the Cowls '':%"' Ifer nuul (m• made, lite grlestl. lent to 'N'itboot l•:aa•ing 11,0411• It popil r11as1o1 ; 'Thr .Incati11n 1•alllllllltu' IrY'INIr• , •.•-•l
IG(d -rich I, Geiger (Hrtemall), Jnm. 'fay- r:nu• In'iJge on ihr town liar lwlwuo exceed $Iaal. The regionI rocas ad.rpted. pro"•red fro , flip A. It ('.'a i..nl:arrir- ;
for ICnitxrrngl, Jam. H#tinaUrek Illmr• lur.uh•al no dole td. isceiuK spat to the i
y 11ay °fed he Me), scud ghr bridge fns Ropb's R utxtion ill the• .\lgrico�lnrNl ('ullrgp;' tllt•f•ting of till Tru"ttr1: A"r/x•iatitnf Choice Teas. Coffees, Cocoas, etc., are
ick], lire. Tx brlMunili \ pants &pat• „( 1►ut.uia: t .It the \\':uJ1 a Nn,f sfeaulty with us.
known ,e fhr Mc.1411nn bridgt-nn fhr tot. 1'feivrt-hy. Law. wWli{(�,un air
Nott At.IxAiurN.-\1'h11lecoutl('il• Lllnrlon frtaul, fhr nestle!- Iw lrfrrnr[ U, 1{obb, publicMcbfI in-lartor fur tritcher's-l:unliou. 111.1.-1m'INting lhe'rlrrkenrnnnr u•thr1A•
WAHI)NN'N CIIMMITTxtg. --- lA-ekie ISnat Huron, rr og-ti4 v4-itnlK all ilia ri•itiraal xYr.Nl of yekuh Ifs" -1 tl.irte•,•,1 Kiebat11rvunla•- I,
Iku•k to fhr .:nnu'41 : that Ihr motion 1 { li;lf of for r tlur41 In uniescd Ihr-1•hlnll • ;, 1. I
(Rrlrlrlsl. Irnlont (Hay), It. Mc1A•an of Ihr. 31401.- •mad KIrbI. 3Ir•IA•NI/, re M•11xds Ill [III• Pleal)PClmate hire "riff to eighlw•n ye:n aft' sagrl ugdel til'' iltw w. tilts Iooril l of ihr wJnri1M so
I(ildrri/•h). ltrdK. McKay (rocker• Myth bridge, Ikvleft to 11.(• 4nsUv,.- endeavorntgtoexpillito Ihr Ilew• fait.- watclaol .•yrs of par•ot• scrod awa .
"mithl. 1), Cantel11n Whilterlrl• tic N.-hlmds Aet anti itA undr -loin f,rnu the trnl )tlatiunr 11( m•bol lib.. baso, -roe Nd teachers Iwiog graded ill
Ho -pv ov Rr-vI'ur,. - M. 1'. Ne- u,ns-for Ihr engineer the do rvbltt lir K l
think* hecrswar'y : that tilt- tootiun of hrin.-iplf s ,onll to get infrn'uuotion mt 'fhr Iatr nl' tuxnrinl+ mynilr•d In nrtin.' it"".." it • . N Ith fhr usXrasotenl of the UINr N rnsln41lf r. xhvays a cuslu41lrr. i
iA•xn ISrwfntibl. J. M4JdIHon I(:Ixle• tirat hand "s I,. how the'A*t could INI titin theme w•hexrls would Im• uou•if le Nm "''.-lion Huey Ix• gra41ed ill x -con[ -
J. Niddlhptnp lend Il. l'antrinrv' til"t kart• 1th thryuNlinf*xtiun land exfrer� ) d 1
le•rt INtepheeoi'. GriKel IHrnewll). AVU• gr.tvrllwl IN• orf in lilt• hfinda of InIM, fhr a in Plum w INrirronf Ibe tr�u htt�N�" d411Nge�MhlmstXr fur sit. town air lean' aft' til.• txvtf*brr, ascd alis! Lhe I
I -ill• 11 1 mosoche- of Turner's brill r Ia• 1 I K
he• rd. ect:lerl• ••flit- Act. I'ecei ed "{:most of till• 1Si te.►rhel,+ ill Ibe ins Iw•lur- oaf• twos of lilt- it lslnt-td. (ran thisi
FF ' K Sturd 's Grocer
Ceauty Auditor. Midd11•t11n to lu4vr fhr nppnasultir- ustaninl/ ` m I r rruvnl. :utst ill p"nu11 nor al lh,• cud of the ye:u•, "even held. '•n -ly I"• trrlm•siWl Io aupfkn•t the � V
Appliralion- for fhr fNacilin11 „f raYrlbrl if n.wmsu'y: glint fhr ten- '! I I1 lilii.n.ill cite LrgiaL'dulw. that J: H. I J y
1 r.-urhmoa" Sandy. L+w•Iufl"h. fur p"r'IiatnS ds rbtllw• wits Illw, nnd11r,ked. firstwinsS ct.rti"enle•. Sixty -Iwo w.,.. .,atelia. of Hrharelsau re \V. J. Vff(-
rnmty afditolw war• trrl•ivwl (roto rel evil w,ak for Kiugabri.IKt• briJlg,, especially ill Ih,rw• place• -where a ",11• nods. :►od fifty --ix third.. 114 Iht. 1
\\'. S. 3141 Krlrhrr, \\'n•xrtrt : A. G. he a 4• r(trl, al 111.73 er rnhir assv Ir 11"1, 1141 nearly e -s 1m1. to the ri ht•-ei ght ivachers ill file ,rola •fall, of lraforlh. Iw npfkrintW) on the .The Saiwre, GOU.c--RICH.
Smillie, Tuckerstedth ; W. I{. Itld rent- f. f palet, 1 I K t. INtaud nC rainntc r> anomer- • that tl • i
n14n4n,ln U. I. 1 I
rxcat, ing mrhuble : that the tend,-. n n a 1•I n/ � wing p,ud. W-114.,Is. lhas•t•-rive held w•ro11d- ,u k
M. Gack. irh : r. lhh Heave 1' Inch : Thr twat rutin ,line of the Art well• tift••three thirds. ,id..[ K 1 •,
11f 31 r. 'ptoulr, '1'u"wldrr, Iv nr• ..f fhr urs ail lalluwife Iuuuunls bw maid tot. diKrr-
M. Hlmck, yturriS : M. Hca., %urirh : .-rphYl fn mnrretr work fate' NNlhi I'd. Ixi-r fhr mlalns of fhr leashes mist It+u here w•vt•n hell[ flim-, 1\Yr td.. • lit 1 ollegiati• Inmtilulr-, less the feta -- _ ai
F. S, ne; N'. ie, A -brietal : in N. N The 4n11velWI "len rnunly r lool'Ts: Glide• - ��� r,r'
1'elrwrnr: N. Holacrm, l'Gnuen. Thr Inidgr+lt tR . 4lwr rnhir y:url and ash• to i11yn•m'r Iht- .-h"rae•frr air Ihr pale rorvtYf ht•e•onff. slat (blrr 1 141.. lith $an. f, 1 hnlfafe $.iLL4 xl.d lira• d:;
t4mncil nifned into eottimit ►air r.acravmti ; that tier tender "f til• w•hna'I iWrmolotxLttare. TwY•nty a.( tilt. no -at -,ebZ) td. •I' ,. ' Lich 1141.1 v4: that fhr rllat! of ea
?t 44X W run- 114111 our ail ' 1 ' .: t.#,
i sides the appoinuneret of .-minty Ilrn,.nvnlhk 'limier. Rthrl. IN•'ar. 1'ndw tot. bradinK of "h/1nNIir.Y. >'' r.rxprail•uewairl S.•wI ,3r:ery s('uI1P aid,• Inatitutrinr,urrNrN' owl
uidiuitw,withMr. NrlNntulid in ihr crllUdror.-"octe work fns III-reale,i.anntTaznli"n."�Ir.ltat{Ihw4iJ: 'AH IhiWy•lwo W'e•ar II•,t.,l Illihar. rl►row K A RE YOU SATISFIED WITH YOUR
.-hair. :mal list- ..fa11I1Pil adupllrl the 111'stgr at. $1 err rd. lir yarl, exrNva• I't•nit.aloont t-n4141trle- naw Irrrrgo i,. were Islet I\\ll 111fant. Ili air(., .•'10,441". 11.11 1NIItiIN traffic Ihill ctallet• M• Iald to- I Y
con11nitlerMrconunrnJatirnl mild x11- IinR 111f•Iod.I: !lint le% t4•nstrr of .4, that Ihr r+ue(ul Irl11c+tliehr of Ion• In rnrnl arhek,l- Ibere wt, +aw••nly_Igeller WithIlti17. 4,ilea 111n11Nt 41110: ` a 7 :;
xduuxl Peter l'nntt•Irnl, l'linlosc, and 1 I wren m lr le•,u las 1s an. snrrunr , f UI t tilt 1 1. J. M. Har CLOTHES.
Ilill k I'..,, \liltclel1 nr !ht. so kY•- futi,tt- rilixl•nX iN sell iol Nrrt llf. if out III I
xtruelorr atf Itlurvnlr 1•d. , IIX; feel, it- n1.ml ill, mn•ta lt, July, ill fact. irtnaft-" ,Ind las 41rI w•h,"d- -ix I nrwa IDV appointed trustee rnr flit- lien-
�V. S. M.-Krtcbrr, \Vloxetrr. K'• 1
ePor1• ,$Ati�1nd'Ki;aslbli'„idg'•,:A ut.$N10.• that wt. sue nut living, S/, nnle:h far uulra and Ibirtrnnr rrulr Thr I(111thl,dlrgimu+ luatitutr, Ht.v. 1'.11.1 g,g;
• I
CMsty Ewlryweer'r R g alga bridge, -►-{ Iw•t, n41c4ehe•N ail far Ufa wrlhu-t atf',Ule work 41n11r 1.!• fhr Irnrhrr. wns,linn11, Gn•ClinUen. .1. A. 3lbrluPl Hrr'
Thrcrnmty en ineermaid in him td.•• $:56. IN• mere •teal. fault that I rd. Iw flrlPlrl• K err rou4sfarinly. .rot-idrl4,ig IL•r' Wir.ilimoo affect Frank Jordan fr„•I IF NOT °
K 1 Krnrr:N4nnm. If this I"• r,utt�N1, (:emb•t41'h : lhxi 1 hr canal emnlx ftrr , 7 I
p art : •'A 11uewloer elf lite- iton brlJgt•S taken to hlece till• nrteMwn y ,In414 it i- Arne• flint 141x&- ioll"'W41 far the limited rxpk•riwnw r nlauy. :utl[ in i, f
1'f1 1 1' h- wo - k Is•
raluire Imitating allot view fl,N11rf metal ei oet! "old the ma rktd ciieajoev •lit p111'lm,Nl• nr edoicalllatll Nlrolillal IN+ wt, ruvkvr,auji,h thele etw office last 1►„' ort 11111x!1 111 IN It l xtl'n41e11 1 ^ ,
pg mal-rlaimed tell( Ito; nr rd. ("I• Ilei- v,•car: Ihal with referetllr IAl S
t. j.�tri!.td.. I wuukl tr4Nmnnrnd that slPPl till fhr aerate etsxre .-uwplrnYl: til r wln,olirAd Ihxf n rfitelrxyrr in M mnurll 1" rielllw' i Ihr. \\ 14x1 vinitin11 ]hut for rzwulinx- thl'n mnkr eta ye Ir Ifiib•r. 1 our flit! a,tdrr im hard tat r
loistn Ile used in"temd laf wo,xl. 'Che wheel- It fet-w briJgr is heinR erectly wrhr"d w•ciiun should nut lm• Iunlr (eg Tom's t 4 K 4 �I
NidRe kn11wn nil ad.( lino rend+• Ise rbauget back front I,
Whinke•y- brit in fhr of-AITA Holeve Ir the ovrrst ed. of f•+N'ely' laxWl thnI11111C 111 :a hu•gr wt,• yoot• mee'lod we n�• "1111• of. %Vs. will give you perfectly- 4
i the townmhip of Stephen s honld Iw rd.. Nil r"nerele work, 1141 lh+nt i( hr cannot a 1. :\nd palter vai-le child I�aasld rd.• Isc*l"4•tnt• �T 114 s n•I".rt-h11wpei 1',11$''1 to Ktvlield, !111 Act inn Ix• taken, I
ail I hP lwuf re wnm ch+ulgW 1 ail Lhe Iwnit I demignel, fault leve Ili l log garenetll h•
bfuih, lint ,ts LhIX bridfgr is bat ill.• 'fx;lw.ntlly iuslNr•t ]ht. work ha cels nil far a [xlSaifdr,mn wlu.-mth•r, rxfN•u"1•- of h'Nd Irla•N•m in \\'rsf „f rd. nrM•r,ultiouX (Come the di,driel I
seemed by the'pre•mrnt bylaw I would rligmge A motet be ihoopect it. ,as gt I its III- ne•ighlxrr, m M•h4N.l• with llnrno I".t pear• as •171t.W . 1:; „N Ili+u \'Ill V, , nm ,our t rr41tt it :that the 4
ask Lbe tnuurit t41 direct w•hnt section With tr•h[rct to Ihr. 1{Nps(ne Ir1.i41gP, arohul t4t.ndtite(e 4+- jai -I nil boirly en.' +alplin-r IiNot 11.117 the plwvi,rrl- wens•' igr"nt las fhr \\'inghnw high w hied Lei %i
to twke. l would nr11nunwut lhnt fhr l'+scheme hlidgr ,°111 the 11('3111• IIIl1Y1 LI (Mal tenl7hrl' ail .f11P IUI \'In 11111 le;,ll r111n1I *•r nt INIp/41h MII• _II11Je all fhr vtllll• Ia1riM 41- tel !lite (OI. FRANK H a MARTIN.
x4nne xrtinn Ile taken Chir year Ir•gnnl• bol LriJge tbe• cunnril dw i41w1 to Ipnvr a bas gr roti ednnrr, provided Ihr "c, II'll.YI N', in 1 t Il, i,dia ; in Iglu, pl.giulr IhatiUdrs, which ,ulanmw t4r
ing fhr "o,lZlae-"(r„cture of the new these autter•m to Ihr engineer mild Px- port orf inieh-hall(hwx float prpom n- :r.:►vel• n d %'ills .4.114(. 1'llece weir
IrriJtm nt Ilfivflrld. A uscnlwr it eruli\r rononitleP to fwjaat oaf the July heavily fhr txte[uoyt.r"" tree• thirty- a nru anal stnit.ty-fh-,.'$.bill x41 mlllrately ad. ran Ise deter. l"It.",; ^; ,•;1=: THE TAILOR.
ntlxll hriJRra inxy relpdre tPhuilding brier, used the other leconu,u•ndatiunx heeUlan. Thr i .hlrin .it r4o, lL4ng Wa.mt. tt-ni-he.., twelve holding tint-! Ioined. Thr Cosc11rlitfeet-oulpliasleriW
I, this ex11uing mun11uer, bat 1 think it In (Ile rrlx„•t as Riven ale,we were tj11• rate of mchol l ixatiun for w ePl• class vet•lifl,•at1 , fnrty-hind. u•(•nulls ! Lhe in -[setons on their full mild inter.
t wouhl Ise well tie awnit fhr Nprieig +ail{rpla tiir 1'lovin/x, orlk and ror�it , fully +►nal 4zly-right 1 i,rfm mad aur n UY,,, 4•ating lwpnrlx. In cunucJ the rr[xlrt
freshet Irfon• ielUng runtrauaM " `1"11.1 by ltr+str. 11. 1 , Mc1Aan Ix• wrhesl in !ht. fat r. runs nsc/elided making b th leayflrld
f 'V, pterwnt x a_r'r vrrtlfll•,Ifv� Twelve Ile idem +Plot \'urnx rxxwinxtinn ceuttrs.
Good Roads MevanprA Israel 1• .-kir Ih"t nu arUon In• txkt.n in it waukllN• n Ix11J mini ry Ihal. a•o11id I ItiNm lelf•ro il,unHve vearm io their • - -
Irferenrl• t" I'"rt Allrtt hr4ffRt•,ua tilt• ,dtengrt it. Fwluxlisatio "( btsxtinn , rr+rstl lxacilian. D•ightyrighl !line Keep Dover the Expenxs
Mov.l M MI mate. M. 1'. CIAan fotitter will dealt with by Ihr roulteil 1% eff1•rttd by tlipcbnlw• N it'll DYae�tm vearo or I"N and Ilft'•t]z oar y1 :u air' �� �����4>•� sy
and H'tiIIP ih"I ,1 "frcinl r11ulntitler. „f least vear. Carried. that the tthnficijrNl rnuncl of the+ bv". Gcorge Ii+ainl, of n. 1. Sl:ueley \InrWl Ly \IPsxrs. Shrar•ruhd linin- I• pi
. k, !lint not ,u•canl,t of Ihr unn11nl �` w_•
F appointed for the pnrlkrlw•IW Inativrtwl 11nv.1 by Na pal-. tAuuunl nnJ (ie•i• t"wnship'shxll levy'nnJ calls ft, r e had rrnnplrte fart." ( , "' " "r con• t .
ail englire into alit lw•ertkill the IN•At ger flint Evill Ar 1'u. 11t Mitchell Ie the rnblir !x hosol sur asters l inrrcamed rxlx•ndi(lur in the county I ,eI
a nlethocis in their aid sclPnt tfa Iw 1 II td. tinstnus M•rcirr ist !ht- 11e Nrh4mrl.
j K locidg tilr stw of !ht- tiullrr in for nod taw°ship thN sum of $Bal Nt b•NN ,or Sixty-six changed lenc-herx dscring the• "Nle Ibe yearly t,xlkrnJitnlr Ire coo- 1 0 ow the Fu Raid. 4(
adapted by thin Glllntl) (O P11HIrIP the bridge», Cul ther11nsuo1 innnf the tee•w ewer% p/6lir ".-Mall unrl ,ail sold' Int I pallt yeses and thirtf-en t.wirr. If 1.111•,11 Hfl1'J to absolute necessities. Carird. , e, ?•t
.-aunty to partirlialtle nfeNet fulv"nt,t• bridge's 41141 flint Ibey take down the N111n of v3NI where,anasmiNt:oft •urhe trlstee Iamuris c11nmi"ted of mix coeur -- - --
;:pn)pi in the ed Ih io eroo road" laid hridgrm alt their awn c6st,'is"d i4 enRaged, help") by the act le if ruini- rex itt041.4vu1 nf'tlml t. flirts wonht ant I At it sc1i11ionghwb I suynel at Ch]-' " »
wppnrprixtiun, I„ml that thrrmmnigtrr Ihat fhr runlrutnr phtrr lhP timM•r m„m wahuirr." 'I'n shallY Il1r' Ills 1 nearly 4.41 nrtny lWt/ brM rhIspRMI rnR l irn of the Rnr-tm hranRht prirx � r l4
{ 1d. PPl1povacel Yal to h-otlMell, with that 4•ns,•fully fail Ihr road elide• when alone w"rkN islet ,\h•. Koldr gav digulwa of •Par year a. naw. Thr. tnmpe clur rw•' pigm'liith them to liable. Thr xnitnwlx ! Read the Past$ ;
' rounh Nnliriurr if they Je•m it hu]via• with it. l':uried. fwa w•clionnin LIr•y, wn1• adtllrnRl, Ixnte law the wininullll sminry -'are rihtxmr in mrh•r Yo avoid nay I \ },
t whir and Of i l(' b) fhr tpusccil Irfotr• Irovirt 1 affected the inipectornt.•, r"fafnrion with father gieeNtr. \ ' 4
nnP p"r•1ion w,ts "aw•a Rn• nearly tin'
P '� fhr clo04r of !ht. arsxlhnl. (larrir4l, Calnty Property. twice NN much nx the rather. y -et Ihr Imo tilt- 'ofes have Irpn already 11111, _ _ _ -- - V E R Y •Car the •;ti
The clxuulitiet• brought. in n draft Thr count• ptrgm•tty rorenscittel• re- :_
rntt. of erhN41 txxnlia was nr•:u•ly f lit- li-heal int rolunuls,
bylaw Nnd rWummend.l IPnvirlR Ihr p orted pxnsclining tle jail an'l rlrklinl. '� ; : I ('� .e'q- i, ,'BELL Piano I
wuue in Iarth, and I W and n hal( ufilb, 31 r. Tom rrpnrle) nlrelinR fhr g
l "little with the- rb•rk with he. every'thiiig sglimLo•ta,t•Y, the. bt-xtitig hPwlid, mold lint 1 r"',siderrl N high tromlee4 mrel ritefayetrt d11ring tier,
( strletions t" rhlntpl•le it Ind tt•Mnxnrit ,111 that. coastal (r deoi* Waal Lhe ell ` jN d 1 11 s In popularity. ;
arlun•1 raft•, wile • aft Ix4n w Itr"d+ ill 'Xo;hemd re•-M4ntt . in fhr f•\'rnhlR anal
i w copy u, rnch nu•mlwt• of !ht. rnnnly tier hn11w• rawfnrlxble :: there was r•, .
4xwnicil and mhnirilxtl 1-oupcilm in Ilie rnr inm,ite in the 'nil [ad. ills.fnity, Ihr inrjmrlortite facial les high ,IX niece fit theme muting" u• 11liotiviotufe Ministry' 11!11 1,I •Phis year has been no .r
I mill» nn fhr dnlLar fast the s+ttue p11r- rlrhgnlu anal minis° I erluipinrnt anal �� '� CXl'Cpt1011 111 the rule
crNlnty for tlkYr t.o11Mida rasion, un11 two for vngrunry :Irl uhe far nxaxult : I,t,r,• nrcowuumbalion wrl iw uswYl. !'he' ' a' - BELL_ �- a
that LhP all ill it\'IN\V Ir suhmilt4N1 tat Ihr ,•o11nnitllr Irruuuurnderl that 1t On the Mail erL of ouabain, wlblrl•h I i"CITASell ANw•s"men(. 1 Ihr t,pW#I. \.-'� •---- atld ill-dgy the leading
Lhr ronsiderati"n of this. 1•t1110mill "t large irosc gulf• IkV Inst i I pbnp of n ylr. i{,rlrh lid : ' It im nhjrf*trd that, 1 • v,•hnnl xt• II '. , „,, „ix."i»Si$
illi r, ]ht. Jrcrl•n-r in t I •' ='8'= �^=Lw
ole June Mesnion. 'Cbl" N'fa" leJopla, scull rhe th//l lex/ r to ane 771t�� fhr I ,-. a.u--mv. " llfltier\':Itljrll'S alld COI- 'i
R rnrds sit the jail, mnihahlP far dr]11ing Ihim w•hpl is %Metall• too rural w•/-tifr„m teodtince Nnd ihr fart that: hr hepar-• r \,
Cam Roads wad 8rid td.. atp 'clat"'Im field iirbail Mrflox. .a ,r � e (� llf l,illstl' are US- i
through with ,-"+11 Nnd wfa"I, It xflit• in that drnm not x;rely Ur url/Nn rd. nil 1, '{ ' g
Thr 1•rlllnt' PI141IIpP1' \\'lir IIekWI fn nNe gifts• bring flat Ihr o rte al the hm'hc"lls I elects wlv that fill my tnwn +lierlW] by fhr new law added o Ihr
I pt p' it •gas I ij . Ing this excellent Piano. r,
n+Iktrt un U►e In idRP ofn for Ixnmdggy" lotYw•ast lilies, ; that flit- 1Y•Rikry of. ,old bags mchssdn t+ur naw pari„K t4 inn cuuwrl by fhr ant 1 '.. x`.
k Hal" LrtwYrn West Waw•nnrih milli Ash• f relief* higher waba•ia" than those Hx.l cholives , ,j . " "' " A few Of the latest to
( Hr•e w+lM in glad on1Pr : t rot n non[' Ivy law tar rural srclinns 'Cwr111y_ A' Iwnuliful f•rur•ranotest me It �' - i ,�.-� � , install a
t , r y le the thus; 1 nhri•,. inrt. known n" of fhr urivn of Grabrrich ot•Jrted by hnn"e w,e rrprfWl nt ('!suite lurir; `r A t nal who use , .1
oamid'h bridge : on fhr bridge on for lift- rnunril orf 'I1MNi wits Iritlg calf• fl Ir Nectinn" leftist it nnininluscl mnlNry K "BELL" Pianos EX-
IMlllll<iMI'M Ik•twlwn Ifrey ,11141 Stan• plead ; that the estginert. land lent yet 11NNS, easel! la ,u'chitprtnrN6' if oo have Backache yor have _ . ..,. , ,a ,�.:.,•,_
$.;fat, thirty-nine n( $1:111, sr\Pnte1•n K fii,Ual,
Iry, known Ns 1'1m•hra11r's brill e ; on 1 p 1 'if $Nal atrial t,htwe of Lit], fault thptw a141enrutae, its "ulmst"11lial mtrortltr' y tt CLUSI VELY are s
K ram rlrled'that lasts and 14 "'riflealbrn $ Kl�ney Ihaease. If 1w ne tact t
Ihr b1'idgt- on OW IA,ndoftt rand nsgltlt WPrt. "vs. n-*i"Innt Uarher", eatch Ir• its ('nna'1•nienca• anal completene,N Nvr ckache it will devet into
forlhrndIllec to fhr tPostl1Isl nA1taN exrt.11llf. I'nor Ipar:heral are rnI-I thin w(rne-Hrilthti Dir iRI' sealing Hall Coble e^ London.
11f Hrn.-rIlrlJ known aM Iht. \lo•, lillan 14,11.x"1 by Lilt. rnunril-"/ 11Na1 but tlntt .-rising $:mal. 'I" ,• n41vnn.-r in wtlnrit.a g t ,,,,
brridRr, with Ili'• view n( Iulvi"N !ht. thio would Ir d"m• riRhl away lid in IiN1, "vpr Ilaal art•roged $W --'Al ler 1'Inyrd, for grin, ipal Riving his whole a Diabe(ea. Thera is na l"`t CI1j$t] ht School of Musi
►„idge' railnlilt /1- Irllnty 111'IrlRr; all for N',rt'k llrx•WYied with Ina mi Il as !Farber. .\t Iramt IdPvefl s( hlNrl "rd.- itself- to rntlf1f1,1'+Ilnll Wn('k. 1''In,t• I sae rel 'ng and doctes ins r ui4i . g c, Brantford. :a i
fhr IlridgP ofn flu SMuble liar, SlNnlry'. wva►hrr W'ofnld N•rnlit ; fhr r moil• tlnnh were fxoylnR from $ 3i hr $7v far w'haxd ho11p" N, Nn. Ifl, Arhflrld : N•a , back. re the kidneys Then" Loretto Convert♦` Stratford.
apse GPo. Ih•wnr's; air fhr bell[ nn "nnunl al"We Iht. nrinimnt„. AI- 10, Gfxler•ich, Nn. 7, Nfanlrv, anti Nil. is only on kid° medicine but 4, h J;t
Rgrr tw• reconunrnd. ,1 Nt arul wit 11w ata a, J ,wl \\'Nwnnu-h sold 3(11rria, wt.re it .-erne IIu cheyeve tivle- hhC Moulton Ladies' C011e a also loses them 111'$
the bondaryline Iwtwern 1'oltxrrnr Ihr joJR1•a' Ll\ldaty and fe mak• (hough infnvnrothighrrwJnriPNfor ry g
mad 1\'est W,lwanoacl. known so" the ing of a change in Jt date I dl's office le'nChera Mr. Hnbh twat" rat in favor lai trfasoirrJ. Tht-re n1Y Mtill annu ncbnal+ �.
Mel lige bridge! • ffn the bridge• nn tier r• ardfn x ImNrk rax]+ d ,writhe the method taken to .erule lht•nl, hilt which mvi-1 Im inlpmYest Nnd poo. CXCitIsivCly, t00%Tllt%- I hallos beltlhg used ,ill this great gni
lalPlnolary line Irtwet-n Hollrlt and I K K . R ht. said,, 'If aur 1'Nrliamrnt xhnuld Ir- I "idea with nu"furn desks t" st1•t.t the %� 1' seat of musical ll'ar11111hg. l I
desk : teNpel•Iill the I ter or 1 "lira 1 r nirenlrn r o R Dodd
(itderich township. known Its ihr \1ngiXlrxu' Iluullwr rklnR fm the rn) Ihr xPt•itlm 6l, r,!td hl without YI 1• t for new rd. ulNtiun04, r, 1'
)tw[x«„e hridRr, with n view ail h+lv n I Irttln it hnce ,C fflr nigh it. natal Thr IighNnK anal w1•ntibttion of the
i R tlal• air the cout•I t nl fair rri•tif4n ft I They are also used in Toronto Conservato I si
the NNntP r•boiit am a mint% M•id e ; I stand befntY thin ennntry like pliable "''14."11• sur lint 1,m,ktd letter by the t S�
R, [krlicl• snarl rasp» t1 t fhr rrlurxL Ir , , td.#tchpim as their im rrGnfv 41ettuands, o Torento College ;Hamilton Conservatory ' Bl'atlt- y l
aso fhr IArndon saki hejk;j a mel& I hot grnscllrl : t ro41irrlittre• „ r- lin PIIRt•inl'm I rogremss, ivhi), when ht ix %� ford COnsel'VatO Tor l� ':
14rntth of HenMMl) : ffn fhr nppCorac hrN' [xrint.rl far Iia- , n-thrn land br nu4�r td.nlhJ himself in !ht. rhnl¢b .It deur. Many art fhr loxrlu•rn do lint utlder• d V ry r Onto unction ft011ege ; 1
on each Nide elf Hlyth ,bridge at the ] ce•rtain IYpnit' with regard t" ih,. Island, instead of following chrintimn'm "land the ',lost element'ary'prinripfm
Ixilwx- cnxac4n need nowt fill the „ov- -` aeatinR ate the gone, villnly example hf giving f"t•avatd till I e Gui d Hall School of Music, ondon, England w
g. orf vpntilxtlon nt• I,Palhltr and LhPlr-
pmtrctinn to ihr npppr"u ht.s; anal rn,',,,uMv drrh d title, \till ihr "... nl Ira tetu•hfrl weld nsdinR, arakly I tar•'tn-te fhr fart :'nal allow fhr calif Loretto Academy, Guelph ; Whitb Ladies
the bridge in \\'ingl,ntll oh .Pomfe rhinr mensal hack tine] IN"rlltee• flip Iain hin nit'tat nrf•11sc11d'tt11 in the elitism ropmu. 1 y
] x41"'" " w s fn•trn'v joss citadel not l"' K R I It I..n nlrx I11 f., Pills College and many other Schools and Colleges. ,h,,�
steep! over the north t„nnrh 1141 the stlxk .d lir Wei hlNllr.," "1' K K find that in XDnur f
done Nn the rn11llly {rd. Meet• (•flair K se•h«dal the pupils are Irl 11ireo1 to
Maitland river; nnwerGin lhP nrumtht r,,.
felittre onnlrtmlw( Iltat'thr pnrb• Un the got.stb/n or LhN Nlsstitil'n of Nw.• / �•h• t-lotol 1 hC shove is a record for arty (iron to be proud UL '
d►n1a1p• Ui 'r. Halnlphill'a Infill Nt'Nhlr r t lM• lesoerhiina of sealing rrniuty mlxirl -chfndm Mr. Ibrhh*•lhl 1 Ilrt. Ilex° ,et nam.
darn most plot their hincht.N in the 1''1
e g,r an ter Nnd teleheorr lar tach dxhl- ..wit i•hnlrx, ihr nfxltrr to ronw ftp "Thu ahsutdlt) 114 Ihr ctnhdy m4dri I Make this a I a & you are thinking of urcharin oaf need have no `1
1 ,aRP and R art. at the .hlnP mprtinR• I Ir( rd. ]ht. .iunr htrelin and glint, ac•lux,l .%.Will i" nt rn1Y+ Nrrn it we' ""Ins d.4"illi and Int.nfNr•dnmly R14.11,, ?PY ' ► p f;r
Mlaved ley Mrexrx. Grovenla•k find Inden air lire' whale "rtrru(xch. Thi" Ikm't Ire con,ftelled to .top q'ork and q. "f. hC 'tatiOn In i1u 111 g a "f3E ISL" N'Itlt Sol I1111Ch bUb-
l' 'rk Inn& and Iinb"•t•t fcf.ertn IN• n war• In it rely the saner svastrm to i* rnntrnry to Lhr td. 11nUonX nttfl R^" y LL
Grant that ei Runt of $SIaI ter m,u1P �r feta iraw•ith Rhenmatlov, Miller this S i'`I
nolmitt4r to nttund air the ingrror•, . Jlx to1w, a hat world to til o r" nr R a winter free of tin. StArIt n»w to lake `tion 1 evidence of Its 1 UlAftl '. �.
flee ulrninR toad. Irlw(Y•n Lhr town• i Nhould not In• [rrsclitu•d in any srhlNd P fx p
mpntx. fans. 1114lit-+,1 rnunril if nflrt• own vrarx'
Mhilac of McKillop anal firer. MI/•ttl Nrtrlifan.
I Moved by Messrs. K, Mcf,enn still tftiintscg luwiirnl odnalents wets• ill. P if •oil are hesitating because yoll have not the 1
r. �g' rMa41 and hriJitP c"nnuiltP''• Itnilie that Iht. nutter of plaacinR Inwr41 (e► prmr11ar an the •hnnran Thu' mcrYwr in Ihr mm�l.n•r atf Px- cash
S"1 Movert Iry McNNna. Mrniarnfid nal'fg lamination r -wi-em bilM been a gent ' , (10 (lt let Ibis stand in your way. We will �!
Ciantrlon That the cold send td I rtipsor lair on xnmma torr prnng ilrMn dirinr' ar Ih-f" yrifrs, tht.n, C
IM hnnw ,old aPl fans walk- Mwding after !lite a14rrenllrl shii„ im••killing I .mvt.nlemr tit Ihmentot °nil x b11r(r i make the to s to suit )'111141 C011venienl'e.
111 eY„Plmittpe• r(nlNider Ihr wrnk a by thereto Ito left uvrr mull the Jmlof and ruling, rnlfinK thrhl.In\ her Ihrpe , INtvinR in t.x[rnp"•nil'tell toll son encnnr• '
thR tlnmiripNli11r" of 11-41 Nn Nt4m1"y urrf•tin ('mord. vem1.m' ,Mcrae training, I" fore giving ' 1 I j'( 1 1`
R• nfrnt t.r IhP m +ilM , Ihr are Int
o am fhr h Molls •v *Pat of til Villa`. ,rd. them rnmplrle l[4 IanINM qs rhartrrfX : t e entranpp rx:hnina rot. :lett fe lily
d ass, pp ; t
If, Kip n ah Lhr nppnrlw h u the rlwity Mews K Rdu1(r• Haw tnuly wo11141 I'mrr• In r•r„IrhlL I orf this inalereto"It i -wtr'te or the• „„#'
sla, lrrid Ilse• value of th work Ir t(:. W,mlir•x. 11661, „f (imletich, And if,.v- IheMP de411i-w•nti drrtnn': The "v.fl'rn elltranre In IM 11 mid :11 Weil. manes-•-litij,� hPNlr flip Kidneyfe; easel.- to Geo w T
' Slut to IYNad and hridR rannmiltte. door. 11f ('limon, "Jilts"srd the rnon'ii wns wn"te(ul In the. rxlrenne, 7'11„ fill• in Isrk an l 1imM. Sac a bis. jMo ep • • hoMs0n �n
The CesnMttae's R Inn Lhr .-on/htion ..f the itl,bin wm ntrn who attemdtd these m,xlrl Nt hlNstr I Thr!• rilinR/• Nnd , went..- sae 011,»1 herk'if "Ro__hg" faits, At Ihof>Rbts ed. i
fwfrtHy, ,,t, n., 1116» 1- "f which Mae fn- limuaUy taught but Ihr•&.�y�lear" Nnr) sc'hadr rYrive,l grnhl,N f•tr eanl.hl11a. M mail. e, GODERICH. ;i
m •Ile road awl M fie Taimmtttoe m "mum aft the hoJlle! of Iefnsr, find the thin loft that proles reit n. Thr", when tifm work IMNI year. ili tit.any schools itis oath. Chemical Ce , ttd., wtedaer, Ont
1 f .a,
e 1^. ,mF i „(+ tr ; r m,g� ,+ h .,� 'L "l �w',,'a a ll[.+.p r 1 ; ; y,• . s, :&'41;4 i } +,' ,, ''r a.'J.x f x I9 ,,;;r,w , i , J.". p'• r�
?I il, ,b ERrta4 t., y 11,;., : f a„r ..#as a 3 ��
y;a ,. -'� kala.`, r t �,', x' ',I, .. i;:'� y,4 i..,l.',tk� ;ftp@ ,u ,
:' r :a. j., +F p Ae• s.... e.... .a` :T'G'' 'TG'= i a..:rvr. , ,. ,�.
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l!° , .,... f" a.,,,.y... :• 9, a ... n ,:e:. , a.- 9. , b.<: . i. , x :P'i t .. .
Ip. , II!a �. , x,. . �,i� l,�; r ,,, , • w' w"" ,,"°IE i'u; 'y .,.,` sf:. . ;. !�" +
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