The Signal, 1907-1-31, Page 2l
I , .
, I
S 'rJAILM LIAls, )auuasy 3161, I
,VANATTIat l' R01,11i
Telephone Call No. SL
Tenni of Subscription, :
131M.ul Ateruwum In sac.utr• .
1 wuNth., AZ ; IhreN ,math., Wor.
iiub.dhrr«avhn fall lu t - 1,•.1%v Tut*. Sit; BA
teauh, I!Y by ruall will caa
ns", u tit, ter by ,
Assistant ,a u« of (leu feint NI early a dolt u
avhon n o.henao of nrLl m.. h Ar -endo Is
1 . It
and Ihu pew Nddraw ,hould be felt ,n. Rates: :
1, fat ;.'.A a I., r-Nnl6., aolvrM I tea,e.t., In
1%•t- liar L„ 11" in-e•rl Inti load If! err Ila. fu
!-1,"t A,.'Y41ew lnwrolon. Nwu•urld by
newn•il ,cafes, I %•rice Itnc- tel ria III,•),-
leur,new, tarda of six lines and under. Fa pia
Adverli..a.uvit. of Lm,t• 1-e'aud. lot lily, Nit
ualLr., a'w-anl, i/'on"'. n. at'anl cal. 1(ou.ty. fu
Nair or 1.. haul, Parra. tot `+all' ter 141 It. -Ill
Arthlr, for A,or, it.. not a N,otl ina rlKl.
nnr+, Lie, t+ h oar rtlun ; $1 for nr,t uawth..M.
fore+„-h.aib,.gwnttAA ih, Lrrarradverti,e
Oran, in prepnrtion.
IiAnnouncroperate, lu onlinar)re:ullnertyllo Lei
cent. per line. No nil it.'.ll'.. th.u, Y;%'..
Any -L tial n boi the ob)e rt cit whir, I. I ll
MIwue ilo' liali of any indivldual or e....•1
.U.I, to )r, "mi -ii ,.n solverli..ennunt as
w lr•ae
be, rlud a,vlunlirtal ,
flute. fair ills y and ennlroni .Nlt'ertiteo
agent. will be ailpp. for application.
Addre,. „ll esNNnuniratlal. to
a'.aNslat"I It t ItimmiTso\,
Tec tint"AI„,
11(.tatrlck. out
__. _ ----_- _-_- =-_._z•
(I4IhERICi1. THURSDAY, JAN. al. la;,
At flit- opening of that Provincial
IA•giblittutr Wilt week a calivuh of Lib.
Ural 111r#t[llffe was held land GWage 1'.
Giuliani, nN•mletty fur Iinh•kville. wn•i chosen a, leader of life
Opposition fur ills. prese11t Nl•A"ioal.
'rite othe> tit noinatd for the tender.
,hip in addition to Me-. lirnhani were
It. Harcoorf. A. G. \IcKNy anti T. I1.
Prl•Nlon, All i0ired in favor of Air.
Orahatn. Afterwards Jnr. Grahans
inside public the following .tttrmeut:
"After 'felt ron4oluttion wills (ht-
tormlirl's elf that OppX,%ilifiH. eased un-
derstanding their view- as well nx 1 lit.
%irws of elle LiIX•1111 party thioughoot
the Province. I have arceptWl the
Iouht•uhip till that explicit neede•rslaeed-
ing that Hrilhe' ilia• tuition nor the
%chole of the MleHiwim hate in July
way interfelw with the fnyalnrtion ter
that great LiblerNl ,tas'ty thl•oughout
the P111vince, its to the 1 ur»tiun of that
It-ade•Nhip. Per,utially )toil in Ltvur
of, at ,u, early dale, Leaning tokt•ther it
limiter) nnmh•r of reprl•a•ntatiii
from ill tilt• cnn"tituencleN in flit.
Province to deal with this questifill
and other- allecting the iolelvsis 4.f
the party and the Pi-ovinee•."1
Me-. Untham is at journalist by pale
fession, the pntbli,.her (If The HnN•k-
ville Itecotde•r. He Islas lover its flit-
Leglalature etince ISM amt little taken N
prvnliortst pati in its dl•lilirralirnts,
He- hits it tusk that will r%Ill fair Ihr
last thnt is ire hint in dirW'ting the
contest- ter his following in the. Hoo.e•,
and although Ilia "upp%x•lt.t•s Jur (tell,,`
paratiotely fru• in nuother hU {nay wc-
rt, isU a Iar�U influence in Ihirlifl'ing
the legi.lation intrXluced by tile
party in Power.
Tine question Of a pate wnnUnt leiult,r
its ire ulley"nte for floe Ini-eweel, and
thew in nu rt-nson why then. i.hould
lie any hiarry annul hcttrinw it.
Forestal" will .hapN• thenotei rs towards
the Reelecting) flf the riw6t fallen for the
place. Read a. iaa)n :til Ihr Liberal
patty throughout Ihr Province- is pro••
pared to take if most. slggl-exxive {Nasi•
tion there, will ceitainl: Ire no need to
s_ek a leader. He will Ire at the front.
I\p ring is coaling. TIse first ht"•d
infoLal lu ada'er i
trgt lremelnthtohuppN•alwl.
The Canadian AlnnuGu•tor•rs' As.. I
s aviation is ,again protarotillg ngainht :
the new tariff. Ilial 110110dy ha"•11114 to 1
IV listeuning• . - I
Western Ontario .Lound IN,k et, iia
iNurels. Roth {lir Preenier• and tilt- 1
leader of the OpI"h/ition in the 1Atgi.• 1
later, cant- from E'tatern a io, I
and the extienot Foot at that. 1
_ 1
Forgot to tensark last week tflrt the I
Irrent visit fit the t%filled States Ser- I
rttory 4.f .State to Ottfoa'n, 11111% Ian tile.
resit Of it Ilii undeYltanding Ifo.- I
LwreM the. Cnilel Stittes and l'nnmla. I
-- o
Faille in fieeling. Tho• 11nmicipol I
rlt-cliona hate I104•11 forgattt•n by that i
fickle p opulrltr, who now 1vdn40• to eat t
their nields until (bey get it reply to a
the insistent quem, ••1" ('Orr -Harris t
Being t.l 10106% t
The Provinrial Guvet•nmt-nl flit. all. I
nuuncrd its intention In t'epcal in pati a
I t11N ache"d htlbrly Iegihhation of past ,i
yenr. The Govelmnent grunt to rural I
scho",ia will he int•r•ast-d and Ihr Inn is t
of disU•ibnlion will its• rhaligel. Ilio•
new regulation, hl have in View (he
Unrouragemt•nt of fit,, payolent nF
satins I" above IRNMI. .. - 1
I'erhRpN, it would der miter g.%ill if I
lir. Hrsot Would vollikr)••his ct[ort.N all I
home for the rollivaolion 4.r it mol•1• I
Hr' lad I
ugh Cly feeling e n i n g IX•twatl•n her
Uountry send Cotluul,1. We can readily I
Agree wish nll that nice- thing. lit, s,l}-s '
Nl.tol its. hot list- heave it liug'tring 1
affiliates that ave• 1114, not nppreciatwp as I
we . ria
h rill la• toy "Ina'. of 110. Kopf% p
feIliw-visonh•vio rn. ,.
,- ..__ f
While he ('anRIM we are- dkp owed In I
'look ties" thou Uuvernmeeet mrnrtl.hip f
111 rwilwnys 111 ,t ns.w if1044•111iar N
Iden. otleer cUuultfc- have pal. the dOr. s
114111• int practice to .11.41 aM rxt•nt t
(flat Jatt.idf• /'( the \olt11 Ao le icnn f
gontincnt that greater part Of Lha• (nil- i
w'ay mileagr of that Ili is under I
Govrrunotnt ownet'ship. 'I'ht- magni. a
little of railw,l l' oprl.l if/nh ran t ltie t.4.n )
nUnf douhUrr.a hits non -11 do w ith t
the r`1U/'lans.t- of Govenunents to tike t
t-hatgelof theme. ii
The death of Hon. A. G. Blair Islas L
reaiR'rliotrteatin Ihr inchlt-nls con. 11
o to-tA"1 with Rid following hits r•Nigna. g
tion from 111• Ihrnlinfon tnilwxy con)- ,
Intention. The1v. Rn two epintxlen of, r
lu Inti C :aldllhnlal Ls lu llldllt.t-
1, 'allocates :Illd tl!'IIPl:llnll'l•1'ri IV ar�llt•
I •
- - -- - .-- - " ---'-- __..__. - - ---
IlAcent eaaoNlian 111.011.). for whltih Ills I The Ingleside. , ,
.- ----- ------ ----
floe Ute t1YlYt:un of Mlining properties:
• downtt n.l y ade
public would liki to Ket illi+ tate . \filen cook"
i0wardnrh%. I/ale fa tilt- Blair ee"IKnw I fa1lC) ruhr. that u,itl,•.'dr'
Provincial Legislature /Main is Session-
1 tele t
intestate setings; oot ding the
,'Nuiw IMaa ; aulrritiicip; the• flet tireut-
' � Son
-Was Acheson
Linn and the olht-r is the Oauey falai• , *And aithln Ulo,;l ,u,,,t Ilia,
Llr 1111 J,exm nuW« of Ikwln.
Government's Bill of Fut.
raw that Railway Will # ,vnielpel
Himrl : ale.• nliuvN Hatt'; that
ih,. 1.4111 of 1 eye lell:h, its ..f do11011,1
dent. 'if the Neory lot th••.1• two affairr
Toronto. .),Ill. 15. --The OnW-io Leg-
.41"...1N.•:. ; ll'. ,Ice rempecting tilt
Sale Furs
lhight, r lit." the Itaht..i L 1111, '
I Is eve':althoritlatively written fOr [be (Ma.1' Nle.ou• lou Ler-on I' ..... I.,
r e, for writer Will lilt al
{ )• all ln.r ilt'u, IIN, all n.• hope flue '"
islatuly wet yesterday luld the npWch
Crura Elle thrvene anal delivered by Hill
H 111111' that LIeU (rllltnt•I±PVeI'!1W', Ills
Temi.k,uleing k lortheen Ontario
fttilavay acid the aulunlecr hand grant
hole over
whole country lalliing over ilia a\ Nit 11.41 lip. of hint; 011°'
alloolder. -.- _-___.... Them I, Nut a !,h rat Lor
"ItIr. Speaker find littltlgyl of the
A Surplus.
Mn late- (Nle I- Ili, turwi IIu m.
Llglsha,vfe Aasenitil% :--It a Ills Ill.
it of fin
al[utdr Int gyral.-plwilsuly Efi 111•
�� ,
The Provincial Gove-rommot k Kia•- Thu,rl, not a vomrNb: tong
gavial p1enN,Mw to 11gah1 1110det all
forage Vote that, the revenues of the
sgrnnrr of a g.NXI crop. \carr hail
tell, IX•f•11 it linel1 willier, al'llll
{leg 11:+1,111111 to%o % tilt- e1•t•lioal 1,f a 11411 Ifo,'. r1%tly ridw/r lhruaah.
IwplwlseutnLive,s (If the` Impolite iit toile'-
Povi11ix. 111'0 lar fai lei ext -e s for Elle
FLirs are not getting any cheaper as the years roll -by.
- II)as.,a I a• i• 111•'er ,i lie`)Q1of LInII•
will lint[' ill tiles oily or IAto)'
h,tlnent xeNr111hIW1.
alNlilnatrs, and Iwlre than anllll:ient to
nN•rI the ProvilNiiNl ea ndittlly due--
Stock -taking and -atver ' 'large over -purchase creates our
rs p
dull.. nlld \t'lll Ilulkr NII all lllLfl 1'11 alt of II41l L.I.r, .lute II, )V11du1' naluc,
i K
IIIas1Y, 11'11 Iwahie that /1111'
thooks are title to Allllighly Goal fur it
'"O Iht- )'eilr• . •
determination to make Ja1llGlry our sacrifice month for Fur
I. nu'ur a.ul/a lit luau
/ (Nil for I1Ve y4i L lwitfd" ills Initial.
' flet t
bountiful harvatet. !'tee prwlwrily
"I'lne IlillliC 11C."Iltlltls will IIr laid
111.1•» ler flit- i• Xvirlative 1.4.1111141 east
- ,ons all van led I to r,
trlla Ml•r. It lei ollder.tulill afloat that
which hall la-vo enjoyed by idle- farm•
I flrfolr N-4111 fur Valor consideration Irl
rily lot lilndon will leivl• N free site flit- N„ll and ane)• acllNler GN.:
eels fall- At Il looln•1' or vea1N ilil l INY•11 {
fur 11111'ls
Illi' em,liext Illnll►!•tlt, Nllll If1N Pathtl•
Cur Lite coming year will JR-
JJa(ns Alit l'ae•Inin IAlllh Cmits, Mir, everi1• liana')' curl. vat 11 livele globes.
anip'nied are., a; Paid cualu %'All.
the institute eyed will foliate make N 1114i• Awryre dust Maine
emitiulNvl atiother %rale. while like
Liau UMUr ,i'i o#td
K 1 '
lstivfiltat d
►nhwittWl fog' 'oar u1,r)V43 Ili ill)
} 1 l
mitts Iinwl with fer11N•rs' satin, plaio ter qufltAd, Nnd
Vitality warlant4N1, regtlRrlRto•1111Rm1 il•Y6.t1Y, ateacb 25 2$
, K runt LnarJnrls lilt c,1%t of lilt- builH= f In
luta Nod tuna•,
mar -,.
v by alar
at duet..'
The Railway Board.
inK. \1't -»tern Ilntuiu uwdical wen Yes, ben .h �ho .
r \"lino when.haJow.A„wnwlod and'•
lro l goof
rW, Ile xlfulYl KKllexl• round L,lh 1'or
-- ----- -
3U Men's \\' Jaid hlxek ('alt /bxLa with astrachau collals,
Jund 4ithe1l have urged Ifle• ettlblkh- Vanei•erula. l ills Ingle.i.h.
arul 1actlon and thu#tkfulnUs» and Jaw
iudioat:,•uN ter future
regular =:W111 and «13.1111, it each .............
111"lit of the ii,lstitlle,l% tilt addle ifln to And we next rmid Litt toA•
tilt- recent ,t11nunl f,.ritivnl 4.f the do 011• tluoflgll
11en's Black Dog cehlts, Nu. I quality, 1'eguhu• Sjl.ou fat ,5•VV
• that raot itirN for M,t-die'd w•utl iia thin trl'nw noNt•r ter tilt •'!•! : o•ir .
I-%%'I!l IL Itwit,Ir.
TM Interproviltatl Coafertnce'
flow the (;rand of Newfoundland Was
landi0"' and Adil.sels black aud'glvy astrachnit cloth auntlet blitth,
r g
part of the Province.
TIP• n,t1111gN U( lila Intel
Lceat to Confederation.
lu dozen, Ivgular 7.'w :a pair•, tot .... ...........'................... 35c
---_-_ _
('untrl--t, at OIlaw,t, in Ot,(,,Iw-r Iowa, ,
wel'P Jlttelllllvl I lite Prime \Iinialrr i
7,•'1'Vllln, Joel. loth. -. ,,It wits Ina'
Ladies' Coats
A splivial muting of Ili,• town ruin. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES.
alld tiro lot hie cullwlgur», 1'ht. de- I
lila n ho
I' 1}' which failed to seize toll
('ll will IN, ill•hl LVIIII II'11.\\" (I''1 lila\') _ -__ _
IIhN'1':I 11f ills• 1,.1101• \1111, I
:11yrfooll.y til el/•1•Iln• Ihrnfldel•Alloo,
�I VIM• buties he,aa'ily listed (*lilt 11 foalN. good /tyle held YupeI fear ,(�w/�'
r•v4.ninK' $nue !
have la•.tsfln to IwltrvU, rr.11ll in lou
"cid II• 'All -4 lour oO bo• nlihlJlkrls tel' lila
I/nttlTiOLI., e'1•gular il'AO *,ad $13.iml, at Pilch ...................
11r%srs. YounKfi Tndfotd have flit-
L..mhm Adwrrli./•r.
,Imeodneent to the Militate North
l!'/u.rrl•ativfe palt%." wtid 114.11. A. IL
cont•.Ir•t 11f nlAkin the neceln.ra•
Auu•tira .101. by which tilt- unwwil or
Alurow. it fol•Mwr #tfefall,er Air Ihf• (:alai-
alleration,a ire flit- Ireodw•R at that The new It-nder of•th1. Ontar�o Op•
rornl•1' .4"the Soltnllw Haiti lfallllltnll polatitims I% At neisk pa 14•1•Ilou 1. 11',a lie
the tlllllltll pia\'lilt-alt I1' 1111` tiatllllllloll
Pel of Netwfoundhtlld, f4valin , o
1'l fat 11 tilt-
Wand ll'Ith
I.o INllln xll-N'lel,l N'11'N NI•nfl,a blNlllr(r, 4111111Ie NIZl. 111 "eYeral wt+lghts,
»Inert whiell for.• to I.• .Xeu liwl h • lite journali%ts flit( Of tilt. Ileo.•
1 }
(iove•1.111111•IIL ell Illi• Pralvtalre \rill lee
inrel•aaevl. by ,d"aloe jtrN111,INN1, A tope
Ivft-r•ilve 111 clinfe"leaa•
lion %ii fauula Inst 'light histfoew that
clearing at '.!a per cent. discount.
the Sterlin • Bank. A lamnIA-am fill !t lil•nh:uo, Pie•aIoo. ClarlU, Auld.
Pef140•. lin\{'111.1', IAe\y a'. •1' Sellltil
.cit all' Ibr
1 I•rvNv't.dilegoe let tier cull•
'%"."'" "I'll' air St. Silnore'r Anglican
New Butterick Patterns are in stock, hoc and i5C each, none higher.
i. 1.1 lie Not. lei. Niki a illi• •t• votlllt IN x111)
I (
hating 11111If• in Ildd Ition til othe•1' ,dill Il wo-fi IId Is, appr•rin blv 11.No'et'.
(e l'e•fl'.e• \Ydl IN. I,INI li•lull• \'illi.
'k -Is. Huts. Ail'. INImi le delserllaVd
I11,1a- 111 191
W. Acheson & Son
chfongt•s.• . The Breath of Fanelli. ,
Good lurk lel IhU "upnr#tlo•ut. fur •
t. Fell- Y.-,. m
h, lit#• wvitttiuu ler. tile Gfivueu•
#tariff of f,11Hul:a, crttain lot beer Min•.
i -I#• . attr11dcl tat Ottawas, With ivier-
;tit ,to1i•,-ufvdPi-.ttiotl
I.oternwrur of r h•• Witted had by the
di•rl1•w• then exiling 1wels forrt•tl
Illay.'1: ♦•�
f•xls.ndwllelrphuus. cnnueeitnir+ili'•11 iia 1'.. ,oun lues f:uaat rfluees avilb
elll'Y tar a il'. all iMNll rxt•nh'
P'1p uht of the
IX'und.n'N , .d ALuliudNl. 1'hr clUim,
L/,' canal• to Ottawa. to N%k nnr ran•
the ronntr} di -6'i• I, surrounding ,u11ily I Il�o •.,,. Tan Attic
•ieh ! if ail dy kns.W tb. M wa, any -us.h
flf til,• I'lo\ nice• ter 41111;61 i's Iia it, hin•
.1l,deioe. I lar nt-g1,t.iration. weir
pia r,4.n
bode Ibe M-11 Tole• Ihoat- Cu. per
ean#tol nulke the drsirv•d rt,n#tec,il/tlh, as Governor• NtVtettellh.uu of J,an.lira
tl•1'L.II:I \\'.I< pI YNSWI 11,1, a11lIII• Iii /IIII II}
ion (;uarrulueul. Int Uuuslrrs lu'ttiug
brolrle -IT 1.•x,111 -c still tiflulioion 4!ab-
left( %e,, dJ 111,11 grant Loin ndditionnl
'----'- - .--..-
it, .•xis( e. I'#bills,v be is at-clai#tel
n'6y lion fligneeize nn iudepelvnls.nt n%that uu,xt'.grrwioit, in Chrislei•
that that I.auldall.•, t'( Mnoit•.ha lie
W311.aN1 fair year to rhe Island, ,and the
Murine said that r' •. • .
fate! Ihoot day Ila I \\'Iva, and Skresfel-r, Flknks k Co..'
looLtnli haat t-werwl
romlNuly: IlunK:unnal, Kintail need dew.
1•xlcutitYl uorlbw:ud hu liudsuu flay
if 1111 NI111•IIIwlicie• 1•:4sl rl'll IN,Illld:tl'}' V(
delegnflw of Nrll'foundl:md left Ill-
marl very Norruaa1111. l'hev told �r
on .L new atria -of b Oeu'we Chester, is a ehanstin
p'n,%IwruV, and it would r„rl 14xnxdnlwixturv• ,at roulruce and (airy talc.
1 The Voice of Env
Past Alla•rt i n -1 get 111 ties#• with tile. Y•
Ellett I'1'oa ltwe II.N lilw.u'd litltlf It
`lackell ai;- Dow'ell It Ills• Crshinet d'•'
N 1111 n1111Y1 pN•1' 1•t•11I. Il11 ale Ills\l' (heal It �- --
----- - -------
Vese flf lies. wia-id, ,T'N1,o!o palter.
N1aile» Ib,• Chnrcldll River, loud these
11(1441 to intake the additional grant
Woltld 111 lick) Ir r,Inftvlcruliou hlad,I
these flatten coee4ltrllulatwl.
._..--. I'b#• :it- titan hOloolN.wn,.t
I.N,k Ilk(• l*:lIthe fel 111/111• it LI.r 11,•11'
1,f the solid YIYI.1` IIII/II Llai' 1:11111'1' 111'•
llc,t :a Irit.•r to Ihnt s.IT%ct lu Ilio d tele-
);slew :ll II ilii ax a•l,teld n1 r,la1• brintr
He 1-ostaverl•lue that action .d that Ib-it-
1, (IINt1•II Hllpllllh Il:lx IIII 1'111111.'141 it w!1 {IPI'. 111 lilt Sla•II4%ty. Al any
INlll"lle- into H-ithaill May. ;anti thole
tlle•Ill 11.11•!. Ian 011,11i'N• A I.-h-grtlll
Ihll (ill\'l•rllllll'lIC 111 the telll X11':ll}' 1
st'Uleate11 arrival :U with Ihr tihlte. !
motion in Lilt! Kwpilt• 1'1116 or Tar- rate Ile}' lot -will to vit•w a h al.u1„
for g•ugraphiU+as luul ,Leila ,' nxs'a,s thU 1
1. ruin,• to Ili#• del#• •ales xL Hnliblx,
lint i1'
liter that,-., and ut••el Ihata
mllU to, 1•Illhll'M' (inve•oV1• SN'elf J•tl- hale 1•unu11n11Gti,. 11rbit. :tali li_iou,x
IM•Ilf•rl till..
seo..firitler of flit- T.•rrllory of Ial•t-•
a'oltll 1)'11,,(
o:Is •11'.0.•1}• gu..l byes: eld Ihu,
Lh/•1,IIlN,1'11llllt a' NJI- II1,1. Hill. 1I
ooh," of (',atMlllJa 111111 N.•W Ite1111tnNIN1 I •
III I11111.1'N l+l• Ir In!l'x%
IlJflll'N Section lowitell« LIN• 1 IIIIW]
l'il,l Vf Illi• illi l•lsltd
t,a,teto isoond,try 1o( ,,I;snit4.h-, lltlll-
Witold elialde file lh,loilaon III contf."I 1
Stales tailors :11 J:finflira. .1. ('.INtell Gee! Here's an Order.
Liguuu, Eo On1so.n. slot ituwN6•al tin flit-
- - -
till' North Atlantic t]Nheriete.
40,MIe V41.1asx MKn nuldt• Nlnur slight rep•
' Illidsoo111N
do Saint
utlliuM Litt hiul,rlf as tb1• nu.xl I'hrl,ilN•t1alN.ofllr►Mtuul.ul IlNeknn
la brtnloy,
l llovl
Ira+IlieIll'I.,.pInnnldtepoAliww,w)-inX faun
).,Illllto$'/l.11r#,.•r solm 11 lie 1'.dl way
"1uy:11" 11'ili,hrr in Iht- h:11q,tr••; in fol alr:ul'e'. He uul,l last rla•rer. I'r-
rle•r .,r A 41W'e,imi i, e \
Iatf-Intl shoo -t h
\nurY,nl...'AlmaL"..l"I..%la• m.mile.
layoffs In Tom- *cwrrl
_ -
Slt1'LIrRR'a. in 11 K IutY. N flit• Full.
fnrf. Ihere i, not lunch of hills .•xcf /e wnnrt-rol ,Pad s-o,ar•Ngt'; 1.10111'•
1 bs.ad44d, k-io'iued ,e n d Ie
ten Farm Laborers Wanted.'
,tod) Tl'loarl. lily Yr hod.(
,:nrranl .t. 1:,1,t. Tnmalet The nnr.{ .e•L,Nd
roar\'. the Chri.,tian Scif•ncr "rat' 1
his during Ili,• hat G•av quit o 11.
Nnd I.rl
late C.onrd'L Writo (.A' 111rtirld.,r-.
ntrndih' inrlea hats in iutf Iv»t nail 1 1
Rained:: phool.•, rl'-
t.14 -t11"
}'l"11'.. Wlll•11 IE 11x., (-little- LAI Ili' 1'4.11• IIIIIIIYI: Ihpl xll:tl ll•. 1.11'{fill :11/11 h1,11-
lll•L1e•1• :Il'C.,111111.NIN11.)n nut» beetle
11, 611 W, T J. JOHNSTON.
i'll• 11rut 1.1h.vitw,
Nlaa'1'r. 111-11. 1'A1dy'N Ivlalluciv N'llh A
4/ 4
li ti
1'vol#YI .11.11. plrl•tty lie:ll'Ilet
}' eve•rybolly In fest: expetrien1YYl IIIIL avllhNlL
IIeYI r.11' IIII. 1111 •IY•N%ling nlllUli•t' 4.(
Qllllllb\'• nH' ltlr 11e"LlW
I -- - -'-
JI rel•-• INllln
l'' I I ' 1 J I. II 1' .nal • ruler ase it late.
ntot.�. $least ilio Minliklrl'N intend
Ptla•flJlilll, NI'e t:lll•n till 111 flliN 111 -tell• •
.Alba.1 1, n\11. ,1»tl W. IIVL
allnllr \all 11 III#• a111H• III ,tr•:lx IIf \''Ira'.
I N Il, W, \1,14.11,/1\
popular hyt Clot :t -1t•III:ag.lw11r. Ile
Illllht east to or:ttlV right, physis -411Y
lu Inti C :aldllhnlal Ls lu llldllt.t-
1, 'allocates :Illd tl!'IIPl:llnll'l•1'ri IV ar�llt•
It is not ]ilely that flit- Evirpiru ('huh
hai,lild:inti lucutall} lit.
alllmll K• t s,
N'ill l•ndnral• Ili, exhibition of bad
The Silver Lioiag.
T. tit N. O Ratla►ay Loan.
tRlale, Int the incident will I"•rh:IpN
"\�fal will W plea,#•'1 lo, know Illat.
lend lu rnhnnt-t- 1i', Hopki11N' repmlt-
1'ounuUnd o. to the l'anadian \Veal-
ih,. 1.4111 of 1 eye lell:h, its ..f do11011,1
:Ie fillet IvalelUt of that Calladiall. %Vo -
• ern srltlrl• for 4-onrawe and alp• late* -lot.
M11111-clAt'd b)• it- :act of IA,r w»sini)
fir has be"•n pNNhiug thmu;;h Llai '.rv-
for IIr'. t.uuydeU n ..f that 'll•,wi.kuul-
- -- -• --
1.1'0tSt wlllta•1' in it 111141'1 Va•,of a e/-Iltory.
Illg \ X1,1'1!11.1'11 111 AI IU 1{all a'il. \a -:Ili
Ilan. A. G. Miele, fornoveI% Mini,ter
Jlltl lic refuse" to.h:u•• the dt•prf•ii%fflll
nueceshfnll)' N:'AtWI a ('annein at pia•
Of ItItIwN%% and l'an:dr or ('ann1111,
Of the th'•ronllnt-tf•1. In til'. :Ihnoxt.
ailhuulaley'Uxli•nae lbe Lbuu 1IyIt
(if ,HlvertiXin,(.
Bird snddl uh nl 1' Iwdrrirlo11' \, H.'
daily .,nnwr,hl ht- Hnds !flat Ilia fall :st,
Ilial 111111}' 711111 (IIr' »1.11":1 t.IIIJII (111:1•
on M'n itia% In -t. AI r. H10lit• N•ns oar of
sgrnnrr of a g.NXI crop. \carr hail
tell, IX•f•11 it linel1 willier, al'llll
Revision t)r the Statutes. IIf
Ills- waling 1111.11 aa'Iso111 Sir wilfrid
IIf x11/Ifo\', IL IY pM,11111'/l nal, (hal IINX 1111,
"Aftea• that vluseof the• tail %l•,Nioll ,If
I.'ll lI let' wilt 111. oral ;oft ted 111111 opo"
("•till f111111N'lvl Il}• X I111111�X•1' liar%ext,
LII:• I.rgl+latul'I', 1'ly Gtevl'i'llll tali, Ito n'.-
Ili» 1rrr1•.%14.11 t.l pNlav a•1' at IillNia it in
Ilrrr'a to the h41IV settler of that'
c.nllauI, with pnv:44lenf, UPI antt•d a
Ih Mi. For xt-ye•n %•en's hr ht -M the
\V#wl, and Inn)•. his Iliwbs.xL lint"•" Ire
Ivalixatd ill list• witulnn flf floc ; Ihr
4411111111.,in11. f-masisting of e•rtlill
nlru,ilt- of the judiciary. III,- ,1•ur
1."tfolio of Minislrr of Itailwnvt Jmd
de-wrv,." it :111.
111.1•» ler flit- i• Xvirlative 1.4.1111141 east
(':m:d, :anti hhuwWl ra•m:11'kabls. tlbil•
Calladita Literary Market
40th rs, for the. cen."l0i,tioll of tat
-lame•. of that Po.v1 I 1
ily ill hi, f"Ildncllit this itopowtant,
. lo'nd•.n Adevrls, 1. .
111.. Ant NII 1.11
glwntlya.opplelovill•Ir% colo1111Nt•i"tl
_. -. -_-
DrIess-talent. H1., 11•slgllltl11,11 1i
Con:ed 1,lrls fell• toilet, i -e Ifo Nat-InY1
la",. iN%llwl exterodhig, the IN,WrIV ,
1,--r-,, �-'Y ,v aI �--r-
tht- Govt-t11uie.nt on un•ount of bio die.
with newbY•t nr drfi':irnt nppletri;0 io11
'it flit riiiliulissionets. Sob -t,
railway oprratiml. A I-eport, of till•
wait flf title tHNtld since its ,I>rration
approval of Ihr TlYu woIlLinU11t:al Ittil•
of omiv.• L:dent. At Iva»t fill.- ('awl•
rlian author lilt% 1111 complaint. \
pnogrosh hail L,•cn ur.ulr h}• u1.•nl, jilt'.
4.WinKto that gra•al vuln()u ..f work
X540 Per Year
laay pr'yrct. III% appointellelt IV Ihr
('11ticd Sllat•h uewslsyn•r rill+ illlrn-
that milt- toilet thnroughnU-» will,
r,liltvae cm oolission, too which lar did
tion to tilt- fact that in (':111114:1, with
which it iia i--ing doer shot 1.4 -vision
•'1 tun Ifptrbad to IN' nb10 G' inrilt•ol tun
lhnt, on( er lite provi.inns of the Ort
w.%Xl walk fUl' :l 1'11111 hll'NLl vel' NIIVtI
p }
111111,111111 g 1 4
i. illi 11x11•, i+lk lel ,NYgllgi.
r,4111H1t flat 1laseple-it'd 4 i. -r that, H.tXL
�• ".'S"01. funu'•rb' of Inerv"1e.
It leaA 1: 11, per ItnNtt 11 ("an. the l'Ni
Little.. his nnexpe#•lel IY�ign,llion fallen
Inosi- than :ti,INNI colli.•" of Itlpll In11-
year. (lrrtlin far lite o1nog.." Irroun•
1111•IIIIIYI a'dl. IHI\\'1•\'1'I', IN•,n111111ttUd
arty .cif Ila l'u., l Nlrary'. Th L• r-,1111, 1
Ilial 111111}' 711111 (IIr' »1.11":1 t.IIIJII (111:1•
cilli•',. IhN:tl,r lyase lNrll rll•1.11-
10Urd. ease avatlrage e1f One atop}- for
}'1111 il( ail e':lrl •- a 11,1\' N% In„Ihlat dill•-
•,rill• )•.4. till'. I.+IrII�- "fly .. t%'lunaliM
"•Ir.d '..lei 11+11., .nit 111,1 (1',t- nN.,IM
�. LhwlNa,
(rut% c4.nnw lWl therewith. imnn di•
rce y 11111 Iwrane". 1'bi% iia x p10s.nt,lfl•
ing the plow lot 40•,sleln. (
"I LN tImNI"/rl'AjtIM(flRl.
a\ ,w r row y r.' l'x,.•rhm,1, sfI"- werll
Urly p1aY•1"lin;; IIsi last gruer+l rlcr-
anal et":4.r1. Alan)' (':al:ulia11» , tit
ANew judicial District.
' will 1,Rvite at on.r la;.;ul poor eaNlnth.
.inn, are fru•"fl in Ihr Public Mind.
that 1'nilwl States to IN Meurer their
"Oaving to the ,Ie•atil' incrs.ast- i
Steleogra'�hy better than school
Kwelltly 110. IS10sit• had indicated x
filen ki 4 Inst it is not impN,s»ill.- to
Il11d a MlNrket holm.
r1puln4ioo in nnrthrrn Ont.11 io it 114s
IvAle• to Ivtorn to pnhlic life nil n Lilt-
lit All theyw-larr
Ileave teethe i» write hN Well tt% ]t:tl eft
1lronlf• tee.• a"vat*). . in lila inll rat"tit lot
tlse plvper ad11011i,hYrt ion I
weh:laed.nw f-,r,sin,r- wt- .... ..
dN feel you. Ynier.,n) ane. Inde, 0,..n
trial loneollier or Pal lianlent; NIL his
of jnsuc".
create till lHrlliliollal judirbd Ilia•
\Vri; f•or •.' I
alrthly tubi"• Jelin allow logical closet
The Careful Scot.
_-._ __ _-
M".111val SIsr.
The Railway Board.
Ilse le•rnn of the pr•.e•nt liti minion
Scotland Call welt pNoillt with pride
to the flgurr.
-In 11Vrnrd,tite,. a ill) that legiNlatiim
� 'Business CoC
P,u•lianll•nt will taut ex /ire from lapse
1 1
of that ulirntiun of rail.
lvA%R in she luted of the heather. At
HF last ia•s»ion the• Itaflway Ana 1lutni-
It little fur nearly till"• Vete" vote, hot
tilt- recent ,t11nunl f,.ritivnl 4.f the do 011• tluoflgll
B.m1Yl hal., INten eoc"litutAl. At-
it Islas IN"•11 ill
1.a$t1,!,o'sl s;Ul l'linlorl
a,1 -INC., 1 nae:lml
Ilroki t11r runowri tnniii;&till prig-
axil Engine Uti%(-r% Ilnd Ftrenfe•tll+ few
Friendly So-it•ty,
exi.felace milt' n
nlonlhs, Lite 1h 11.1 has lilrem y
GEO. SPOTTON, - Principal.
lo.tivatfll'" Eur getting luny with re-
worth and prYlicliunN of n di»%elution
twill in i;l,lxgnw'• colo»idered
that rhairin:in cmlleal atteittinn 14, the qac"tion%
and dispN"led 1't Many
cnmiug ai ithin it-. jorifali,- ; {,
i �A�'"� �� '�
ind nn a 1 N'n1 to tl •
I� u atle(•'f()r. nt
1i that the' railWays in So;oUJuld blot till
a NI 1 H••' 1
- 4
n. It h.l all%o ptnVt-n al a•flk'is.1
- - -.---
unel• ter less indelinit, date "in the
a , u
1111 I al. ,ill' a llell looloill
titst-class p lNwruggef•a. a hundred nod
agency fill- 1'nfm('i al; that rte•t•Ic raI:-
Iii 1'itteh specified toy this I,Pgl.11lt ••
near futufr." A statement which't•t1e
Ion nlaliun' thfnd•fll%r pNN•en Ke't'1.
anti fur ndjnstin� ,li.uutrs INet1YPC 1,
ill/lit'. OttNWll COI'le"IN lindane 1'l•pN lr(N
fifty -111114• milli -I tau" of ,nine Yl.•
Ami Ili,itA4.11
la bur Nnd to ,
I p itll 111 rese lett (if %tro-t e,
N..IIArblg lei sonde- tit IL :Ministerial
Illill,o 1 tll.l% of Illel-
chondito•. With nip till. peeowell It L
railway oprratiml. A I-eport, of till•
wait flf title tHNtld since its ,I>rration
aucuri bast week awns to the rlit•ct
lot rn Ile :uHl /
1 p property. ant a single
Will IIr 1:11(1 liefulf. Yom.
hut, there would lit t/() genl•rlal eler-
lire was hast. Thies is errlaitaly is wolf-
1"wit kept steldil) hl %irw Isv all) \lin•
t-ightf.• "t lruat'
dve fill recoill.
Cheap Electric Power,
hr pn4.lXtbililies its seen lot this dill-
i mess n
Duty of Ontario Liberals.
•'1 tun Ifptrbad to IN' nb10 G' inrilt•ol tun
lhnt, on( er lite provi.inns of the Ort
Alto- front the• capiLil etre all in line,
11i"I!ipt,K Fri.- I'll-...
(it bt-It foe osion, Vel'y ,ati.factory Pr119•'
rith this stiltcnnt-nf. Thereis life ratio.
The Lila•ral party def fallen "i" ran
et -4m hits 1we to cit ole. ire Lite din•^tion lot
VII rest. it pl'PlllatiHY' dw
istl lit it'll. #trial it
look Imwk oppose ,t long. historic pectoral
or honorable. hervire 1'1•llderwt "lu
ptocurisegcheap ate":Eric power fur
nu1ist'illipOrtalit, 1in livehil'eatioo
Motion cit littgr ill rill• nphuildinK of
e4olool Iter".
. (flit tilt- lilefolN•1" would iN• rx.
1,114J.I rul lien Prnvins.e.. ,Old rhe
Extension of the T. A N. O. Railway.
renp•!y ollw'illielk t., p
Kia'1• II, elle
rl11at4.rdrow eff-cl» 4.f its Irl•.,cot,di_
"Tender. h,t%P IN en lafll.-d for the
un+t} of their w•,xion+ll nLuwanrt' lof
riplint- \V 111 N%NIt11Yll\' IN' to Ihr f111 LILY
p1161ic advautaigs. of that 111lrvinVit.
'ixtell"illll let Ito, Tenlibliamin A
Northern Oeitrt•io ltiiilwNy to a lilting,
12,1il111 fair Iw'owurl• helvtions and owl
A poorly in uPllositiuM liar its dation
of jn11rtion with (ht;(hand Trunk
he risk or it Mew ris.f•tiom ti4.n1(' of
mid Maks 0f go1N1 ,ii i•r.I•nsflit) wlually
P,LI'ilic IRAilwnv, anti the I1Y:eiplN fur
hein know that with tele lapse• of the
ort,Ilit to tilt- pnhlic wei a'itll
ININs4•II94.1• and. freight trafHe shrnr n
nrw•nt Ihlrli(met tl
I1,.,%.• of it pairs l' in p owls. ,end while
A1'Ke inerease over the prveerlins
g yen.
It ulpe}Mlelle, that 1AIRtl•/d p,u'ty Howls N lenei of
f their %11,111• tit fit,."I i' Will,
c6Aracter ,Ind file.,•,. it Mining Tax. ---- __
brulatl}' eva.w. If flit- 111einhe •. lave
will ?lilt IN• Ilse Rhlity 101 slit• IP I rt'
'-That gr•11t {Nellie ,it tele lipin •rel Ile-
{her Will 1", no Ali .,fill
Itoet the Gtithfulne%s of the rank $toll
11"' ins in the "114flt district is 11i.rulli-
iianile it
ion for+l Inn;( while y#•t,
til,- in ,loin their duty to.Y
K I,.N"1 cite-
ie•nR t6+at •
(IterIlrn1. land loose evident.. land flit,
fitture is fall of i"obirie I"ah Ito,-
I' Ifls.
-. _ _
will tY•sUn•e the (/natty
ra'cnUlRlh' tn,NnV.-r,
rllve,tfa• tel Mulling p oopt•rlies and tilt.
A wiitrt let 'rile 1i ieT.-rs to the
as --- - -
1,f• 1)1'.h1 ,he I'nlvirl,-r, Thr rights Or -
Ito.. I'l-{wince in the.,e dell ilr' have.
I:nrnn•nt seaside Int Armand I.IVergn.-,
1"wit kept steldil) hl %irw Isv all) \lin•
It•uri Iblirsoan'. TolhoWf-l- in lite
p'e-1 dr'"Slit 1'onq%uly', Ltd.. of Klee,
itao•rs, and acrorvtieag;% n H,1Yasute Pn1.
(oust• 'If lb11nalons, thou Sir Wilfrid
Handled Ninety Mer•CenL of Canadian
aiding for shot I; \ Ilial I of milling I
.Rut,,in��• het.I ver done lanyltting for
prolove-lifts will 1"• 'Olonitlrrl Io yntl
Int eonsideratio.o. 1 think it %%Pit to
lin l-(i�i,lilui•eit« of hilt- I hiing of Qal4.•
Sarnia, .lard. DI. - The l moiniom Stilt
IrRav to }'Our nllenlioo Ihr fart. Ihilt, a
el' East, hilt] 1.1•e11n1'ks 111111 till•
r\g1.111•a• 11f iAtnil"ll. One.. a\ Ilirll wn„
t•rldt"ll"al its he.,ta' ailed 11•f•kle"" itiveht.
'I'Volit•1''N constilns.t,ts i
urgnnimtol the-,-*- %vniN ago, will 1.• di.-
mrnl, and "PIT'llatiurl is ahrowd, and,
rf•rlainly de.erve 40'/nelhing fell- ton•
vooliorled 1,n 1"matt% In. It i+
lovd. l
jt i" to I"• holivl. will IIN kept, in ,
ributinK to rhe INditirnl his. of Ino•I-1ent,
le#un441 f11an .1. W. falter. that p/11tF1•
t} LIII• wl,l"I o Our lN•uplit
Nollinion the wil-4111 and constdi+-
meet"ted man that 11,14
thnl tilt. algaw'Nr. eoHlpriset
of 4. .k 11"n.l.ld, of (Tinton: the'
Public Saitaop Act Amendments.
public %et all.
r•n11Y1 in its history. It iia, 1"•111,411%
1'n#t:ulfa�l Sall L'onll"Inl-. Lid., of I
ail -ijilo lent, of fiat w•., ion to
fhr n1111i • •1
1 "1 ail
\\ nuh.ln, raid Lilo• hittpbr Snlr: l'onl- 1 r .cit hale gtvl•n gen-
co11vt-ni"nt Ione ro o, have.that Sir \1'it..1 pan:, i,ld., Cif S"rnbf. of Which In1N•r real lmasisfactiol . The exp"ttirnce of �y
rid lotnri••I Rw•nln to hale.• rat 1 M
i't off
is fntonce Iwa 11 fl. 'Th. -rt- IN no th-vive
rotnpnnl Mr. l';Il-t,is Al prft.fdent,
Thr flgenry not only »old Ihl•."It•
f ' pas1. Ye"r ell wfeencat I4. that
%'4.f king of lh••,#rat Ibr 't.1lyoa•o t.l•,.I.,i l
Y ill%•#•Mt11,11 IIY WII/'1, til.• hllrvh''1 flf
r/vs.rnnlK it votiorl \ ,an Is. Ir"Nt-nefl I
,,11) all tI1M,a• r11t1l pal11lien. INH. new, pal(•.
will•#td111r111, lel I.• d.,if•nlita„; N on•,1"-
IIIAt #•ml"Ovinw Ihrn: will fl hold iia••
r lightrn.-.l, It i, n Kiglaulic lask, '
cid Ihry for fnr n,h'aa' wit"
h hrtnginr i
s.lRlxl"1 null 40dd 111.- "lilt nauh• hl' Ihr
.'aKillopw [mot)".1. Salt 1'0,111:111 o
I y f
fuer vista. 'fhr 1- e,•;.
al fl.,ft iWino •tfllf-ot
11,11 it is toll 1n,cx. Tilt. p ainte s.aatl) 'N
Set fill with. Ill- N:ll•ni.t. flat I,,Ooo114•1• �(
i1 114-W dt•elinw pith til'• II-w-tiotl off '
otoomllrr Ihr p.lrn,ifo.". It JR no I
NI{ ('o., I,fd.. of Kit : steel lave"1,
0111 ['1111111ht 1'111111 IIIIIIR I',Illl,lally,
price• 1,f h•xf-tN..k,.. ,Ind 4.xp.•s.t", i
(bit ing th't p11•srnt s'.„par. I.. ublke N
told Kuat%s In way ... J- Ihr mind of flat.-
leull"•1 for ten'•►"'s. I
Ltd.. of G'Nlrrich, nod tilt- Ilnblrta
%Iali"rat-1o1, ,erl-nngrnlfmt %ith wii•l'•
.l nit#•n ia•Vert`•
n that quiet lil"ni)• in Arth.0-i •
p'e-1 dr'"Slit 1'onq%uly', Ltd.. of Klee,
entre to Ihitt'vely iulpnrlNnl. 111,11.11-1.
Mitt whe•la• "runt of .ht- hal
(, plllu•hl.
U:u'N of hi" life• a,cu• sIli, t. 'that 1111111
atm' int.
I'll" I>.Nnhlit,n Sall. AKt•n'y hNR
Prison Lileor Problem.
\lop ?lini"ff r" Itnel• fol'
:ho gel" I"•lt\'s.s.n the. fdunR�(h•shnflw I
INrn nenrk4.t ing over uinl•Ic {leer leant•
of rhe -alt nHu11 ir#-patiIns in
,rnna• lisle
p : I {114.11 eoo.i4lrf imr lhr gne"ti4.h of
f public lit,- 11110 s1, Io tilt .end of
hr foiniow. himo-Ver Jong nnoi weary
a.hich, to, 1. rx ,Int 0-I. will h•rrnf er 1"•
,pati -nn 11 11 a illi a a new t.• ,lsllillinK
ill pXl".ibtlity of it. firing
. heal t1RAIII,ilot w.mpll In• tivgrnet..
,lisp",Neflofhyt�lrin,lfafdnal'1ml ,"alit.
(IwingtoIlie! gnmll)• inl"st"'1wArobst
put into ;
rognpoiliti-on, With I 1.
L ill ,6•nhnnt. Io ITfIW't tlNll 1111•'4'Y•• I
N'% (If 44orlNr Not, ae.titw to fill 41t,
for pr,dnict10") 11 i+not nnti''ll•llel that
suh,�,• ,of Ih•.otill A impeoltiolm....... I
rRnnof 1"• de..dl a'ilh luaRlily.
lot by I:mrrnnn n11 hlcmR, bolt by the.
Lhr dlNRolntlrnl ()/ Ihs. ngt•nel' will rat•
4 Sono•
I Girt" tl'ith rr6lliOtl
e11Ur:d Irogtf..% of flat- roulltrl' and 'price.
,,,It in aur) tualatrial r"1af11un in
to a'lll I»• Lad
l:rforr Foil.
u• I"Iilo,ial1t or the gloat unliiars I
Setae Other Measures.
Itla•a,' which I.ftWi-Itl poliCy tine Per
\Vhisky is 11 gr1•,41 In11rIc,4ut if ).till
•'Ie Oll,
hal/11en Ito Ito ii ilelr down Mille
will las. I"'Gert \.,n IrLlt•
r_ . , _.
ing to eolonisJlti'm rends ; � lorldi#tit
went. and :t IhorouKylV c1,nvillei
acid aIle ptrseHtltiou I Ibr loan wilt,
WA. s, pNlh+nt :tit inHuetnre it, her THE PEERLESS
! r11n•rr is given. Willi Alen
white vontrilulW in this eeuull/er a is the most Improved fence made
brilliant an"lysis of Roosevelt ,Ind his of No. 9 Hard Steel Wire.
/•xreUr. The r:tmpaign Of letlillisdes-
crilewl in the- curl scloolx 11,olinis- -rHF PHFRLESS LOCK
'•e•llvvs. and d"Alllxtn: I• isi Nles Occur.
ring'ft the time of Linaol )'ls #t4.unilm- holds fast and does not injure
tion :are related with t11itch spirit ,/roI the war in an/ way.
humor. The Brftoo i% un11a1u111}-
ft' -his, o"igill,ll and strong. Lowivnrr
Parr}- ill""I"n)to the Depth og,
f 'Thin"
nails flf free exriUng rat's. lwtwern awn Sold only at
,.•ran "teit)neeh. in whit -11 1114. 11.•1'"h•nl W p R S E L L S
'If .n eeewin44•r plavii it lip1-v
"Thr Courting of 1'enov." ba' i1Clree HARDWARE STORES
H. nitron. i. it doligh(ful 1's.n#t.a•I- Godench and Bayfield.
,:anha Dutch 1111nnc•. ''I'w-.t Ab•n
and shot Dr.Ort." by hrotdcrick
Whftel•r. daises i1N•R N tl-f•nirndnll» -11,34• Folt -.1,1A. A I.uar dear (I'll
'ala that hook place 111 the N'Nld waste" '•n"sl nu.n•, t,,,Jgla al.oul lin It -
4 f Ibr 1injNae. "T6•• Det•Itre ter
- ikcrotille" is a suWirr bt,ory, full of
the bnovant humor null -pmt ter the
. .
I �
i'-11•nnn " _�1_�t mi
PHONE NO. zit A.
e $1.00 CORSETS FOR 78c
Is polls, in that lot, tcwuber Ni'/A•s ort It, :%. all luade• t, 40.11
cit our 110160. SlIMt :Ind uadium length, naomt. have hose
supports. ('blur- WWLe and Dralp. Olsxi() c•value �8at $1.101 Q C
-tIrat•.... .. ••.......
pair& Girelle, (or1N,IN; ,IVA•% IS to 21, White- used Ilrnb.
SiI regulate a ,. c
L / I 11,1
x I ;%I. 50c
x114 Cortins for 37'.c le
1{Y.:III(:nrtainh ••;I..70I
$1.09 .. .. 73 :UNI •• •! IMI
.. ..
111 1
4..111 : t ,
1.211 '•tjl.(NI :.IMI 3.."',
,A) dOz. 11'llll'• Altd collared 1X11 :111 01,11i'm Tom good Vieille
(lite Hxndker iii Iegn10u' 'cit L'' It•, :IJC nod XW, fine..... 16e.
e•itch, to clear cit M•for ...... 26c Sante ,a1r mtmplrs, %()feet• .tamp -
:It Hhtek:Ov(r.4kirlr, at juhl till Us work. olhel-R lithoge-aii
half prR4We 4-11•''1' -tot- are asotivenir% of Wincei-
theme. Klx,ef1� \yahu. at $:).Oil. I„
near at . .... .. s1.00 laftw. Ilaoliltun. Toronto. Waited-
t• Anne, w1Yk oc
•onlc. stock and other plasm%.
Always bar>;aing at
�--��Iti� ��rt(!_t m="
Nearly Three Months of I
Cold Weather Yet.
G% r^ice
Fes: , R'�
'� .i�
K'r Orr IV""Nwart- of 1111'fou"- Ihnt, l"1010111411flit, /'inter is not
1111101 morn than ))"If over. yoo exp"•rt n% Io give yon 11 Pretty cloae
Prier on rot ,wercom or.flit. If yin knew how clow• It prim we stilt
pre.pnre.d tt,'•fflote you, you aa•,iuld defgl in til -flay, land pick tilt ,soli
others sc•rr11m ahlnt a. ••INargains.' `Vat don't •lute the wool] ••Iml--
gninN." TheV Ore generally more lakes than •,Iwr•Kain%.•' (,,Nxl goiNls
at an rxtn•nle•ly Inv prifw Ore flip ()fill' IwIrgxins are have to o1T.-r, and
INn""'.." t.hint( i1.L nul%N1v's brrsinURN how lilUf• w'r t.harge Von fnr ria.
OVIMCOA'1 or.1' IT.'Thnl's A hn,dneh. tl'nn.Nctfon l"•twevil }-t,(1 /11/1
fix. Even Ihf• loest rlolhing wt- have in stock
The Celebrated 20th Century Brand
Will lie sold its you cit prires that Will hnlprllle %ou.
l'ia'r do'ren fit black r:u•howr' x1,1 ": rcofldmi on 'At(' satot'day for
Sc a pair.
The right plan In buy N.rn'c Clothing and Forniatrings.
sIm� =mM� � -