HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-1-24, Page 5I U THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONTARIO LOCAL OPTION VOTE. TELEPHONE TO THE NORTH. , , Under Northern Skies. By VwWr I.v uri.lon. Proposal for Line to Knitted and Dua- t utter northern sale. lite usaple lea, e. RESULTS OF RECENT VOTING g&anou. Hustle nonly nes the northern air on In other dune„ 1'%t, wl.hod that with you THROUGHOUT THE PROVINCE. The usmt ter of telophutle commullicit- 1 were there tion fin- lveldeuts along the lake shoreN'hete over Hurou'6 rippling. laughlug watt, - toad north of Goderich. mind also fur Ulealu. s golden path way a. the sun-- tile. Bylaws (;&Tried in Forty -three Mun{e{- t he village of Dungannon, is one that Where In tiuderich Flown we played at, 11at polities and Eighty-three Licenses has Ibsen tea+ivinr attention for looms thele froua the progressive tarurars children t oder northern skit,. Will a Cut Off Three-fifths Re- and buainers turn of the district. A quirement Defeats Bylaw In Many Places. line from GtKterich to Port Albert and Kintail would he ,t great convenience Far I rvam ; yet mem'ry•, bscrketanl turning, Cherio.hem the any. that teasel tie bit ( to the people in that see -tion, and it in Lver from the northland, nailing maplva - — time that the village of Dungaull('611 to me. At the recent municipal elections. in with its thriving trade And other int- I Mid, nougfug Lilies and seen-, and .t range Ontario (-contest& on local option by. portant interests, should have Lite r."e.. laws Wok place in 109 municipalities. telephone M a flit aid to quick unit fussy hoer this one memory I prise in right placer the voting cowl oh conalnutlieatiou with other wintp. ut(kedetich Town. and da)• wi,en rte neer the question of repeal. In seven of Met- per .t, of b•lsinese whtc� unto children thew, plaren lucal option war nes- 1e1Iulrrr it long drive, of twelve W l'Itdsrnunhern.kisa. taineel ; the clue defeat was in 8tee1- twenty miler could lie oatteudtd W -- - ------ ton. over the telephone if the propo#eel Royal Templars of T4mperance. (if the 101 new couterle,'1'he Pioneer title w:pie cvmst•uc,red ; and in many i Rhe temperance organ) report# the re• wx s it, would Is• a great convenience. The annual meeting of the Hunts District Conseil. ice. Trioprr.eltre turns from ninety-eight. In forty• throe municipalities tilt. bylaws II&ve he IntelrelLs of town find country I in this matter err unututl, and the of was held in 8eaforth on Tuesday, Jan Isbell v treled, And eighty-three I cenaen pe11Ple of ooderich would welcolrle' unry 8th. The attendance was sonall will Is• cut oft. In forty -thee muni- the establishment of lite par)p,,w,l and the reports showed it percepptit I 'rip&lilies majoritieee were pulled fm' cotlonruuiedton mid tell assistance ,e)- falling (K in uleulller•ship &till iii in the bylaws, but the three•Mfths vote business +end freer intercourse goner• lerest Lhtewghuut the county, uwinF was no;, t"whad. In twelve muol• ldiy, +nluu)e2 rntiiefy tie the I asset fi[actiou ripalities majorities were recorded M. G. Cameron, M. 1'. 1'., who has felt by runny tet theold urentllere at the against the bylaws. Ileeu interesting biularlt lel the taatter, h,errafte of insurance rater ulwle b) The a!Kra aW majority lolled for has retx•ived the- following letter front K the Dominion ('council earlyy (flat year It Ioc,s1 option )ylaws was 10,8110. The for district tu&tlsegm of the Bell 'Petr• I iscontrnettel +ta a ustificflifah fa j x KgregKtr Majority seg&inrt bylaw" hone Com n • in rrlrtenrr to the P Company the inerease of rates, which in the +...... was only 411. project : ctise (f the older mrmller•s bears quite 80at+is Carried, ;rhe Ben "robopMnN� ctx of l; cola, Ltd., Lends+ Agency, au. e. L 111111. heavily, that the rates heretofrnv were w) far inadet u+tte ter W threaten tilt 1 1'hr followingit a lief (f the )laces Sf. G. Cat hest. HAT"t-ter, uoder{ch, e)nlario• 100derich solvency of the order. Hnd while N Ilk which kwa option bylaws have been ca#Tied . DEAN eta,- Replying W your, of ties tun in.(., the; ,Patter of ,tri TnIs tolle tsetwoo„ change coos made lel 19011 a further me vaee was ordered last ve.ara which Votes. Majority. J Y• and klatril, with a Irrxnch W Dun-' better it is whivh has IIx! W the dis• Bannon, nese approved haat year on condition ' For. Aga). Fill'Aght. 1 that pules. could be ,•sensed lueally. Unfor. �„Atitlfacliun. The rites are now lip to P Arran.......... 372 198 176 ttenstal thl. part or use arrangrnwet tell the Government standard and may Asphodel ..... 219 1410 110 ' }1ruc............ x13.1 1111 1.11 .. through slid we went unable logo on with the work. I have forwAniell your letter to Iwad therefore iw cousicipted as permanent and much rs to rte+utw- solvency. Thr 01inguacuusy.. 4811 8118 172 • . "lace •.king what .top•• Irate Inaere triton to place the wort In hand for thip mooring, and ine•mbers of the District Uuuncil dis• Crxruahe..... _, .-AN 218 311will s )vise )ou n. rout A. 1 roarice their reply. cussed the situation, And decide'I that Dumfries N.... x12 lift) 15'2 •. 1'oulvTruly, J. t< KrohMf'' e• renewed efforts would lei, in+ade W re- Dymond 1)ymoud...:.... Ott 'J1 11i 116t.. Massager. vive interest in the order and to carry Fullart(►h.......::ki 172 174.. It is hoped that arlangrouents nay on the work tot- ,the pr•resecuriun of the GarafrK.111 221i Mill W Nx& Its made no that early in the coming rause (f tamp ermncp throughout the Gosfleld N ...... :tl:i 173 1 HI hummer the project. rnny Iwrompleted. county. '1't& that end the Grand Cuun- Guulbourn...... :iu:; 212 141. l . '1'o wetorethis end tills, intere,sttd in cil wfil he,xaked tie send till r• l organize Gwillimbeuy �V.:Si; lib 191) Harley.... 'y la IB the movement should give their co- to w'o'k in such tarts of the county as iuxy tie was ... , •Hensall ... . 1411 7'2 1M . u(woration in keeping the matter to I the front send impressing the company advised, and fi connhittee aplo)inted to endeavor W arrange for Huntingdon (HI 416 )49 :1117 1 , with the advimbility of making the fit least three Lenyorr:ence rallies at Huntley........ 2PAi 112 171 .. I proptaarl connection. centralpoints in the- county during Huron....... ... ..W 197 3W rhe coming summer. The following In513 x" i ill ........ Gl12 :041 - - officers were elected for the current Jocelynn.. . at 15 46 NOVEL CURE FOR COLDS. Year: Dir. Cemm.. James;Mitchell, Leeds & LAns. F. Goderich; vier('oun., 31 T John (H) ... ✓1'2 :DUB :08 11c"n A Ridout Healing Medication dust is Breathed, Bailie, Clinton; chaplain. T. C. Naftel, Goderich ; s e c r P t a r y. 31 roo. F. W. (H).......... %% tt 11 11yy el avers ...... 529 .13 '.418 Giving Quick Relief. It Watts, Clinton; treouurer, Frank Bu• cha San. Winghflm ; herald, 1.1 o d ►farllsno 177 44 1IN perms jtert wa ridiculcous to put Ands. Wingham; i ...... :)larch 143 Sm medicine into the stomach to clotrA guard, J. E. Nil• e'en. ("lerirh; ........ .57 Mersen ......... (Wt 310 327 •Midland... 477 '24.; cold In the head ter lungs, as it dues W gu out in the rain if we want tie keep P sentinel, F. G. Neelin, Hexforth : repr•eaw•ntltive to (i r a n d IAUOCII, .... 2:44 lfouo.. •...... i79 110 Cal dr. Mrs. F. Wtllin : xILr.I•nNlr, James Mitchell. (:liutcoti =Nepean N47 391 198 fir (Act that man le right in y F1tlpP w+u. I1Clectx1 the flit- ........ Niwgara IRS. • .. 177 '�i8 3t Goderich tough and hawk and satellite '►y place next smell meeting 1n January, 1909. .. NlAsourt W..... 415 AU '112 I for days and weeks after they trevtt ,t cold with the usual stomach deysIng. Norwich Y... Si Y13 118 Onondaga•...., lb2 NI Mi .. shown how vielurleten are the refill Y enugh find cold curve. ABOUT YOUR HEADACHE 1 •Orillia ......... 5w,)m ::lot "Port l'+u•hng No At 2't. .. The right %way to cam a cold(in . Pn)unL titA > head or a cough and irritation in the You Must Agree in This: - .... - ... Portland..... . t:a Joel � Hyuwe!'r medicated air. Pitt HYotn1hrostand lungs, f, by lotbreathingbe,w few That headache dors not nece.9mrily Raleigh (HI..... 581 4(M iia Richniond...... a clf s the neat (o rriWtn there iN ,enything wrong with 101 14; Gilt heO�eO •tit inhadrops at co unitrket inhaler that comes with )oor head I Ti bring all, you must Sit 153 "' 8herhreo)ke r.. 1117 Su 4Ff and breathe this healing sir for m few itirfo afew timeyv I,S oft G) stilee other Stromlo for the trouble. In the ache in the, forehead 8t. Joseph..... 147 iii 52 and fnlnhxliHW relief will tn. noted. The nie dication gra•+ right to and dews it reeare if ytiu picas it'e That Stanley ...... :m 118 170 TrcumweLh the spot where the disrnae germs are is neur,algiv hrwtache. 14 it on Sent. .... 174 9W 11M1 •Tet-swwu•r...... Ian FU Ul IlKatexl and renders, them harmless in the future. side. of tlhe• howl (til 1'h+rt is what Y the doct4w#scall"inegriul."Buttethese •Tor•centAI JcI.,Ith Ism #M xv, Lnl At the same time the soothing and foruts urian trout Lurk of tone in the tern....... ,tiL 178 1 71 Walsingh&rlr N. 2'll wt 119 •Waterford healing effects of Hyumri on tilt- irr•i• tn" mucous membrane give ay"Cell. Ili yuut• headache general &Till acconhlA4lried by sickness tet• foul . ... leg om 7(I • V'raton .... ... -2'7 I t% w • quick relief, and the cough or cold is Gr•oken . g lip breath or ronstiptatinn :e Thiat kind (f headache in due. tie liver and sloulach al incheetet.... IiIN K4 116 Acowplete }lyohiri oufNt, ecniaisL disorder. Nine eaderheet in ten arise front thepe Ilyias►e Defeated, Ing of & 1.)ttle clf 1yomei, the inhaler can Thele ore two Thr following is a list of place. in mind a medicine dre,pper. cra(tm but $1, while extra lootlea of Hymnei, methexlN of trent ue►)t. one is to Lake headache powder'*, 'this in like truing Which d option bylaws free, been if needed, can ler obtained fur only ;;Ilc, to escape Iselin by taking chl(rofunu. : defeated ' Votes, Maiurity All druggists should lir Able Lot supply yo h wiLli Hyoonei, or five will 1'he Other• I. to correct the• organs which Ivy their derangement are c;uta- Perr. Agst. For . Agst. Adelaide. • 27% :W 11 Ailsa Craig Wt 70 M send it i1v #nail oto receipt of )rice, Ing mind seely )stckage. is sold wiftl the heoeticial the trouble. Thett ill the Bilean wxy'r BllrxnA r•utw headache by their operation digestive .. •Albion. ..... 4411 ;+,Nlf )(e,2 .. Alliston........ 121 distinct un�tboiN}in that it costs nothing unless it curvet. Write tee W- "yNteno, oto the the liver fund the blond. Cor• IoM 35 Augusta....... nl3 " lab day for ryrultWm blank, which wt. rect loSt these properly fend you will hive headache. e •' Reston • • • • ..... LIN 74 lb Blenheim will send you free, together with treat iter oto catarrh and how to cum mon• firs. r. j(' It. k41Prk, clf :1t& Hlrfi•itln 1,•lNCr, ......, i28 444 :{A iL •Brantforddfortl t1R When you fill in 'tied return to ter TemniW, my.: ..f suffered acutely .... )111 10 Brantford.. .... it fl MIB Ill the a)•ny)wm bbtnk, our consulting physician will ive 1 Y K your case the best from headmrhe•. The attack" drrP mnpst violent and made lite mill i could Hurford......... G12 :16'2 lot ... C etledon.... BIM cat and attention, and nettle you N hwtdl. do anything. The hr,ularhe ... 4w) 1:3 • letter •Collingw(od..... 7955 6411 Yr>ll ... of fl4lvicr without charge. Booth's Hyclmri Comfany, Buffalo, wall wall accompanied by digestive trouble. hrsertl)urn, and constilleation. find it Dorchester...... fi(a) 344 15M Draper......... 97 ►iN 8 N. V. -----J seemed as u I were 1(oinyJ( from had to worse. Until f ,., F:astreor ...... 216 liti 4 ... }':Imo .-__ Brown v, DulmaRe. tried Hileana i was unable W get anything which gave not` ..... ......1110 4411 9N "Flubm .......... 78 Iii - Brfot•i Justice MAbol( at Oagoodr relief. Blleann, however, rusted like magic. The • null „nlv cured the head. 1';r&IUOmL ...... AIR � ll,( Hall last week, in the (Aw of Brown r. ache, blit Also r•elieverl ler of the in. Fsea..... ......W7 •Laos 1417 ihdlnnge, R. L. Dickinson, Godarich, digestion, heartburn, flit(] conmtipa. Finch.........., at 17 it :or Fitzroy 2K5 24.1 8) ,•f defendant, appealed fmin report the Mastro-in•oOrdinar4dated 7th tion. Thev w,e filnH)lutelyy nnrelualled. No Gamily ........... Gower N......... 2'70 10.1 78 111"cember, 11891, F. E. eh(uld ler witi,out a box r)f Hileanto Grey............. 411 Yet; 121 .. oxlginfe. K. C., for plaintiff, contr•t. ']'he defend- un the shelf." Bilrmn" aria purely bel -Id their Guelph.......... 211) •2KF Ill Hilton.. .... M4 ill ii " ., tiff •Krmptville oc Ant sold se stk of goods it.) the plain• and received front the plaintiff is.rtlI�f)%.tittle And ni't• film) free. from nilee1a111. They ate a cure f;it• ail dlffes- ...... 1141 MI :7) $1.101 on stmuunt thereof. :9u1).e. Live And live[• disorders. a onslipaton, Kincardine ..... XII 252 IIK4 quently the plaintift brought this me- pile,, debility. Anertiln, blood itlgnu•i- King....... 621 :AN 74 ton to lie rrlraertl front his ormtrmct, ties• colds find rhillst, rhe,,malism. •Kingsville ...... 17t1 144 :t1 anti for return (of $1.11011 paid, but wind spittoons, fetualr, nihnettl" and •Leamingum .... An 29A I failed Leeds A ions. H..3A1 '214 I+K feet, W obtain judgment W that ef- but obGdn irregularitrp• sallow complexions (tiler - IA)bo. ........:lit 27% a" to judgment referring the Maxtor tie take accuuntle. Tile to bile in lilt, hloodt. dizzineps. etc. All drukgists sell at :dk• it box, oi. may •Markdale........ in 13.; 42 defendant thereupon gNye notice of lie obLTun0d Post free from the Hilean •Meseford ........ 278 1.101 17 his intention, flood pta,reeded to sell Co., Toronto, on receipt of price, Oakland ......... IM* lip; :iii tilt' geoolN in rt•xl1YA, his vendoet's lieu M lo)xws for =.:.:.'I. •Oakville ......... •Jiil 1.L1 M , , flit- Oxfonl.......... :iiY 294 MnfeWr unpaid purl-hpow money. The tack the - - -- - i? Pakenham...... Not VA 214 parties nca)unlx between the And found the damages tee gin...... 1411 I .. tip which •Port 1:I:DEM the plaintiff comp entitled, ea- gu Lan m Language Describes the Harris' 'Richmond ...... 54 4M 111 •.. timating thrui at I14M17.K.s, -end dirc3ed in no tither language• nrenrdlnlr fn •Flt. Mary's...... 4. 41 4:414 11 defend,el)t to Pat, the •ostn of the the Londons Telegraph, is there word •t4teeltou (H)...,. 174 :.'Ori S Inlf..rence. Filun this finding defend- expressing the ideas and "Anriahnnn 8unnfdxle....... 181 '247 14 .. ( Alit low appealed lite severnl grounds. which are aroused wt the around of the •T'hepaalon....... 93 112 2, I Appeal Tilbelry W.. Allowed and report feet &aide, simple yet heart -touching word. '"home." a... =11 IMS 38 ,end •Tiverton......., 50 "a I:i1,togetherwithdefrndant'Aront&ofde• judgment fur defendmilt fur $''x17.• A Frenchmen once trannlat- 's "Lead, ..., 1► rel Cardinal Newman hymn. Torls)lton....... 71 5:4 IS fence, including the rtwt. of reference, Kindly Light," anal in his hands the "Tottenham ... . 70 IMI H► find of till. aplw••tl lee lie Jolliet I)•v tilt. beautiful line, "The night is dark, and Tuekrremith.... •Lal 191 16 ­ plaintiff with n sixty days, and on i am tar from home," became "La Uxbridge.. ..... x811 27M 104 ... this hying done the defrndntnt in W de• suit ant Pmmbre• at jt, suite loin de mon Wallace ........:437 ALI 74 ., liver Walsinghnm't.. 211 'L:f jPert(ftheagreenreut lnmeassleelt of Ill" Ronda. the Nub• foyer•" the translator having been 42 now in the low. obliged M uPe for home the French a Wentmrat.h..... 317 1'.2'2 7.; sPsstinn of the defendant. In default word which detiMbes the greenroom Whitby E...... :470 tet 118 of payment rte mforeutid, fiction die• of a theatre. Westminster. . 6k; allot :41 mi"stnl with cents. The Italian and Spanish "eaaa•" •Woodbridge Ki tial , 81 _ ---. __--__ the German "haus"-their "brim" is Metere ,harked • fire ineurloratel towns or villages. To Replace the Monarch. P too general to have any particular e value -and the Russian "dome all in placers narked (H) the vote was Totonlo,.iannary 17. -The Northern ,•' refer to a building of some kind tie upon repealing bylaw. NAVIRAtion ComppuAtn•v h,tre purchnpnd other• and have none of the memories � ------ - -- the wew•kel �itimtiricler@tAKA.ImioigintheneiRt "txnmer 1'1 1now: to re dace the and associations that cluster round t the British e BRFGHT'S DISEASE AGAIN. ateanier M(narch. the rlce, ce, precious word. 2 h,Nol Another Case of the Most Advanced w•,. of 16150,1441. The TadotuAe,which owner) principally ht• J. 1Valdir 21,518 Miles of Railroad. r it Stage of Kidney Disease Yields to lend A. A. Wright, was Guilt in laic; Canads'it railway mileage is 21,618, p an increase of 917 over the year be- Dodd's Kidney Pills. by She Mt. Hrydir". (Iont., Jan. 21.1,. the ltertrntn 1;n ins Corn wtm, R 1 ie ,t atrel Ineent, re,fietrrs2X0 gross fore, accords to the Railwave and r Canals. annualgreport. There were 21.• Wits, (Special.) -Mr. Robert Heald, ,t well- 43 f"Plst.nrnl A. ia, ) feet longnnd fort fastens. She has Veen ,,sell tta w P :Ilia Milan of railroad in operation and a known ressident of this phare, dares not hulk freight and grafi-enrrier onsets 4,M5 miles of aiding. During the yews a irPsitatP to WAY he Stwen his life to oplorr Iitkoa. on all of the railroads in Canada there " Ikofd'A Kidney 1';11x. ..K I. i 11I _ - .- _- were Mtn persona killed, of whom la TIIu8YUA1, J,,uuary 24th, 1907 a SECOND TO NONE. wapargeng 'f here was a kern aPoaal for Peoporterm Deputy Minister of Education Csl l/ en kern cost lhr ons"Iest And bra lulu "r q bvlrhrr.' were I..ughl top for extort n u heun O" Canadian Papers. Planes. Pri"e„ rsugrrl from sestae ,., • . ' the holt 14-111ng at C, 12S, t" e•'1.'�'1 p•" Invictus A high tribute was pay W the news- hulls at ta.7S In IL.:., With an , 1.1 , r Shoes � , a paper prself of ('Anwetn t)y lir. A. H. manly Mill #nlu: as hh;b As N 4++ I^'r U. Colquhoun, Deputy Minister tit eco' F'ducation, in Ilia address before the ouew.::. _ _ 9 There w:P•a a,NM drleAlld fir Prime-,I•la, --' Daughters of the Empire at the Cana• try' loitchrrli r•Atrle, of WHO) own• w.•r. dian Institute in Toronto recently. ' Pew' "n male Print. pl. ke,i ims P,hw a Mr. Colquhoun's feub)Pet wan 'The i4.°' to i+ Irl' none I. o•nrr.' rotor ..•la UME people have trouble at 14,'Zl to p;4.,41; nllxr•II I•u„IM ..M At R:I-Inn Press of the British Empire," and he us t4. c.; mash, ud,ed bend■ ..Id at Rl.fi' With their feet. �l1Ch' nand that he considered the Canadian ," Vt.7". Per ,wt.: ,nw. ter is ; t., i•I.vr, press, for sincerity, earnestness. and ,snners at it:J.. to s j.,. per .at. lieopl0 havf) t r O Il b I e unselfishness, to be easily in the Brat 4/lrb ('owe. 0 with their %hoes. When r rank in the Empire The Canadian ll-rlrf. Af mnkeri an4 romerd a1wb,; press was frank, in its ex rasion of era. ij. not tori•. l ft.( a•ii "f $7j.i. the INVICTUS SHOE goes oil, opinion, but intelligent in its n Irl_ quauli. Prices rouged frau irS le IS.'S. D' ,,eat ('Stere. %ho a troltbles go of: I hat's the I ions, and the Fileaker knew no Piston• filarket arm. a. r4-,-ew. %, , Iwo try where public opinion was sit tie. Pri-s ransed front it 1) to eT per .-a I. imiversal Rtl/ry fit all N'lll) Wfar rurataly refiertte(] in it& pericedif•als. sheep and Liabilities. thl!111. INf� 't�*T Canadian pappeere were, perhapF. Ion Trade In eAv.•I, an.l Intel,. nen. hrl.k at. PIC + 1. S U H o E.S brilliantly w9tten then those of Bng- $4 71, to t; per ,wt. for exrort ,•a.•. C0111UIlle COMh'ultl' Wllll (11'AL(TY, land, but they were, nearer to the lite I■mhs, let... lel t7 tier owl. 1 of the rleople. ileus. va-;o unil elegance, as do no It. V Kenn-,% SrrN,r,. hor pr1•.... I•,,,.•r other %IIOE �, Tho twat of prtiduehon was Una of fa.4k1 f"r ,el,•, I, u.nA tn.zt) r.,r I:ch,. aro The purchase Of the greatest difficulties of A Canadian fats' OIIH tall' Will rove these claims newspaper. High import duties had EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. I p t,� The paid on inks, prrsw,p, and type,- 1•:apr nutlsk,, .tan 21 -, "tel ttil-Il,t. ;old make you a permanent setting machines. through tliPre wan nn 4�"u hod: "rth•,•: lel" N. t-.• hl.h.. .0"'. e1 -M. V1�tr 1" NI.11,: .hll,`11a,. t:. justification of Push n duty. na such I)atellera. N.:a. 1., s; :..; c•Ifrr• machinery was not manufactured in t•- 2a: ,a,w•., 6:1 Io a4.:A1: hull., sa ,., .,,,,. Canada. Moreover, the Canadian prem ar,N•k4-T* nn.I fe.••Ier.. Vt l,. 14.:1:.; .1--k INVICTUS had W compete with hundreds tit 11PIfer., R_.:+I to $;I; tn•.h rnwr anal spring- ll era, 12 to SI ler loud ine-.4% site t„ Vb,_- t i \'r't ):11 [-.lel. United States periodicals. visit - lterrlpl+ w., prod; ewers also l f The great charseterifetir of then -colon• ateedy, i1. in to '1ll..v). FU,< w,)V1E N, is,. and especially of the Canadian ttlasw-.tt-eipt". 1u,:n, grad: ,,,j,•,. lie. FOR MEN. preap, wan its free dinruspion ,of Tore. t" 2:1r Maher; ht•nr). stale) to $e.ot; ndxld, �Jp V0 �t/� MLC. i,t f;; yorker.. t7; sloe. 17.23; rourn•. t�•'F.00, $4.50, A�5.Q0 pPPial matters; Foch freedom should 4,41.1 fr. psi.tY,; .Ina., 14..wA) to e'1.ns. Fye encouraged, and it would be found Sh-lb And LAmble _ReMlIts, 21,4aet be,Id; tbat the newspapers of Canada would •'•rlv.•; All—P .wady; latuba and yearllnrs be the most valuable and efficient hatter: Inlnh. F' Ie $a; yearilnl:., 1a.Sn e agents for the cause of I to Itt.to wrf)arhe, . ix a, i.;t,. ewes' SHARMAN. rl,perial Feel- 14.Ta t" 1•,. ;; ahrep, mised, i t" i1.2S, iL enation. NEW YORK LIVE STOCK. in Australia the population was Now Y"rk, Jan "1. -Beer- tte,.a.11.tA chiefly in the cities, thus rodaein P g 4L'N1; fi, rt.. Vic blither nn light enpply; wealthy and powerful ri newspapers. IAdls an,i IN,I,.cll:a ,..w. arm; nu• lieu, Allo The tone of the great Australian dull. 91la1 n, a•. .I.•ndy. .I -I lg .1"w; ah"ur all See was very similar to that of the 11'411: filters. 4#.4: n, $41 W,; uua., 13.:3; 1,, English ones; the .mhlema were it"al Eli re h, 14.x. 1 t'alvee Ilrartala, 1J.ai reels ftnedy t • ��= English problems lranepiwntPd-not .rN• Inw•.•r: nuuyaM ralrPa p,Psdr; wrAl new. ones, at, in Canada. They were 1 1- flow to a a'inde lower: v--al.,'i1 y) ,,, rather heavy papers; not so readable tA,73: ',h"l,r. t1n: 4-1111,. $4 to 1.;: o,:ara, r - sit those of CAnadn. )Anal rplvoo. hh.CA) 1n 14. ;; fell ,slue. The Purest Paint Of the lLKllh A riPAn t4.-;: eees,enn. $5: dr•s:e4 ,'IT-- Pb -ally: ( papers little Hey dr'Lls,•,1 %,•:al., s,• to 14, Pre Ib,; fancy was known in America, nor did they d,,.. t4.1y to 1 ; ,h ulry' dr. vi I. t" Wears Longest exert murk influence outside the Pel- 1a'•' reel•: though they were often well writ- Me•"'l' and Inns;•• -Ito r11A., 9:1.W: alae#;) %;ow hof .110,13: 1anil . ,C Ad, ; st•v.•rAl THE ten &net ably runductPd. ,nr. nuaold:.11"p. $3.:A1 t. i;..^s a; rsP•.AA. The press of great Britain the withers, $.ilea: ren.. 1'J 1. I.1; Inmbe, 17 A In /p: roll. 1.; t" 11{. pecker ronaulered to be the ablest in MartinspasenourAA��ethe world• as it wag the oldest. Of rte 1 "asItedelpls. If Nlw: til,- r; state Point cent vearP n'certain amount of Ameri- bit.. iT.1u I" t,.:'0; plits. 1;._;. Pan disregard of accuracy has been CHICAGO LIVE STOC introduced, and some American vin VIK,agn. Jai'. 2I. -C.tlle.-It.-i Pt 91-,11 COn; b" .it. if lel i e,, b t -1 .' tDrrw t'+i S t 8 M o r e fence Pit tone. Luf, on tho u'htile, the Ar.a4y: comwmn t" Prllfu• .t•,•r„ 1 ,,, English press wait likely to remain 17.:R,: new„, lr_.7; to 14.7.: l+eff,.k. t a. dignified, nble. and respectable. It was f” 1:,; bon.. t2.7S to ti.:n: ,ahes, ti. ; I 4 Wort h M O r e one tit the greetest influences which t" as; sto,•k.•r. Pont feeders, #2.73 to 14,a England wag exertin u n„ane-=uer,•IIA., soaml elan: Ins• fo t3,• R poo the world. nl.hrr: prime shl"lne holes, 1w.A1 to t,L#r.; ,ri' Ll r.0 h•hrre' wNAfl M, tat. . In tA,e21�; It's �0 A Woman or the pay. pn..k,,,r. fat:,;, I sto,l; hi:•., !<a b,-s•1.yU: 0 Per Cent. Pure Lnik ..f allies. IeL6i to At,. M. Lady Follrar. President (,' the Va- ph..•p land Lamlm-lteveip,s, et. -t 23A e): tional Council tit women of Canada, Strong in 1(k• higher: m"p, RT to 01.37: is. the widow tit file Hon. Bir James y'•"rilrga. t4.ey) to te.so; lambs, i3.7S to David Edgar. K.C.M.G., P.0. late t7.7s. _ ---That's WHY Speaker of the House of Commons of Shea Jury Disagrees. Canada. She lisp held the offices of I President and Vice -President of the Cllieegte, Jai). Zt-The jury iq the SOLD Ar -- women's Canadian Historical 9oeiety, conspiracy trial of CorneliaA P. Shea, has been Vice -President of the United Prepi(ient of the International Brother - Empire Loyalist Society, And was for bond of Teamsters, repterb•d a ,11;:_ ten mean Sec rm4er of tlhe Infanta' lel. the juementrors yesterday. 1CGPn disrhara- ORSELLS Home and Igfirmlry of Toronto. Lady ed, the jurnrp atorNl selen ter acryuit• Edgar half contributed from time to till and five for conviction. time articles on historie•sel subjects to HAR WARE AND STOVE STORE no "in and journals. Her first Mints Cup Comes West. RE bwk, "Ten Years of Upper Canada is _ Mnntreal, Jan 22.--.ThP 6rntira Peace and War," won the praise of font.) Thistle.+ defeated �inntreai Goderich - - - - Bayfield the late Mr. Gladstone as the beet R'anplrrrr cf•Ntar.lwy by 9 to 9 in ,hs. ; book he had seer read on Cana4fa. Her 4) H. 't. htiPkey mntPh, thug lifting nest production, "The Lite of Gen- the cup. I M2 — AMEMMMMMmma =A eral Brock,” appeared in the "Makers of Canada Series," In 1905, and has -_ been favorably reviewed in the Eng- - - - --- Ifah and Canadian press. Lady Edgar is now engaged in writing the lite of James Edgar, Secretary to the Cheva- NOT A SiNGLE APPLICANT HAS EVER BEEN REFUSED ADMISSiON TO THE MUSKOKA lier de St. George, which a being com- piled by permisaitin of King Edw d FREE HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES BECAUSE OF HiS OR RER POVERTY from letters and manuscripts in �e -- _ -- — $oyallibraries. ii� FORWARD STEP For Shut In Hens. � �� In regions where the hens a int(- - 1 /S � G , C O �- winter quarters About November and ��� �l I N THE= INTERESTS O F seldom get out till the snow melts in / t.,3 April green cut bone in advisable to 1 -' take the place of inAerte, grebe. etc., ,� � 0, `'�Q� Muskoka Free Hospital for that tit• hens find when foraging due I ' ��*�` O e Y „'=� ins the-sualmGr mmtbs. , 4-.L-- b, Y THE MARKETS. I {r V 'F I Consumptives lelverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures lo%cd Higher -Live Stock Mar- ', kets-The LAtiet Quotations. Moudny Eceoinc, inn. 21. I.IvrYpntel when, fulun•" Oop,•d to_dAv I.rl klghre't$nn snturdny, and ruru futures 4,d to sad hllh,r. At 1'h 1, :a`a \Ino cohost clow -.1 *.r hlA:lr: than Nntunksy. )illy met.. ItIc higher. :end \IAY ant. nse,hlgher. WINNIPEG OPTIONS. Winnipeg___ Ir.•A elnaP,l 3-terdaY Jan. 7S,• bbl, ala 7aa,,,, Jelly 77%,•, LEADING W EAT MARKETS. May. Jnlr Sew York .................... plat, K;1% f)rtrolt .... ........ I _% ...... 91 7n I,, .it. IA.nlx ............ ......... .. Tars 731, MlhmeAp,dls .. lntlurh . slpie &)% TORONTO GRAIN MARKET. Grain- r, Whent. spring. bnpb....t0X�i111 t1g In M '11,111:11. 900". befall.,.,, Olt3 I 0 M w'h., t. fall, Ioleh...... O 72 0 73 Nlwnt r -A. ),"all....,,. 41 ;2 73 I 1•rn., small. . o no l4Arlry. hush. .......... 0:;4 O I flat., baph. . 0 fel o . tin,•►whr:t, bush.•..•..•.. O S. Ityr, hush. ............. 0 70 O ;_a LIVERPOOL GRAIN AND PRODUCE Lfrerp-1, .fan. ,2i_-Whewt -Spat arm: No. 2 red wesh•rn winter ap Fntnre, espy; March W 4%d. May ei 3,) ,1, July it. lftd. Crorn-pilot arm: ,smerlcan mtte,l, ne,i, N Sit; dn, M4. 4n aurid. Futuna gnle,. Jon. 4s 2%,I. NfAmh 4s 11yi� d. Rsiin--1,ong clenr mloldle., light, ,Intel, alp; Ions t•IPnr mhh11PP, henry, qulPI. 31. 11d; ,leer hellles gnlet, s7s; ohnuldl,. quare, quiet, 4ix 41. Turpentfue--Nrsfro, strong, 32%• NEW YORK DAIRY MARKET. Now York, inn. 7I.-Entter -Ftrm: To- ,Plpts. 42110. mr-t &pArra : Extra vre:m- ery, mak- t,t :I, ev- f o letal prl, % : rn•:11. ry, c"m,non to Petra. 21e. to :1W; hPlW ro,mmnn to extra, Ilk• to 29e; state AAIn-, nmm"n to firers, IOP to 27c; r11i",'ste•,1, nmmnn tea Pxtre. 1M to Zte; wrateru fn,•. toy, rawnman to fist:• 17%r to :vrlkr; went - Th Imk A,lon cream ry', extrap. -le; firsts, 1t. to "-2t. 1 ChPns•-'Firm: ren•Ipts, 1914: fef"to. fee ' renin, %mall and Inrce, es.ppt, 1`:1117, 141j ; 1 o., fk•t., heat• 1at�-- to 14e1 do,. good to Amr, 12tS: to lar; rbv,. winter made, Arm. or. haat, 12,; do., Ireferlor, lit: to 12e; kim. 2, to 11,. ►•)ria-F1a,der: r—Isla, a4.fol: state, tuna• rtrents and arerht, fatter, afioro.l,whltl Per t„ Site; do., rhea, e. T1s fn t:2r; d"., mit- M and lemwn rxtne. 2Re to RIC: wPptere I role. 2a,; orfldal prose, ants, 2tk•; sec. ads, 2"N•. � 1 I t:�1 � 'I IN THIS NUMBER Articles on the Open Air Treatment of Tuberculosis of the Lungs Attractively illustrated. /�#', (, TORONTO. CAN. Nov.. I Me Inc. ropy Facsimile Cover rage (reduced in size) nrw Monthly Magazine of The National Sanitar- ium ASevviation. Fall %ire of page Ing;. The National Sanitarium Association of Canada has undertaken to publish a monthly magazine devoted to the Outdoor Treatment of Tuber- culosis, and the inculcation of Hygienic Methods of Living for the people generally. The first number was issued in November, i 906. All profits from this magazine - from subscriptions and advertising -will go to the maintenance of patients at the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consump- tives. Any one contributing one dollar a year, or more, to the funds of the Hospital will became a subscriber to CANADIAN OUT•DooR Llre for one year. No Father, No Mother, No Home-- An Orphan, without Nome or Neons Worse Than a Prisoner GARFIELI, RRAr-F1', RRRIAN', ONT.: F,ncloted please DR. to E. HANNA, amPFIRgr I have r patient heft, a Rod doctor's certificate \nit examination papers. Ilopr Yeung fellow in w�iom I am greatly interested. He hal you will secure tne- place in your Sanatorium. You will tuberculosis. He is r tenor young fellow, an SIThan, out notiee That my circumsisices i% a hard one ; no father, no Of home, without any meam. If we +cot him tap would you mother. no homy - cortex then a pprianner. Nobody want• take him in and da the heal coo can for him? 1 know how mr on at-count of my diaoax. Iloping you,will have the difficult it iv In accommodate all who require lreallnrnt, charity and con.idrr my po%ilion, and give me a position 9 at once in lour Sanalnriunl, 1 ever pray. but this is a special case. it Is always #110111 AglnR to have a letter from Mends who kind)ff crentrlbute. Foythe NOW" convenience of =who have not time to welte, the fatInwing ob nit may be useQ : -"DO s j>O IT 1\ O W t t SUBSCRIPTION BLANK. I LJ Is a husiness motto of ........................Igo.... this strenuous age float Dear Sir, applies with tremendous / have pkayute to enclosinaq the .ruru of.............. , .. , It force wfien it is a good act you should do. (s ......... )i of a contfabrrhnn to the mniMenanri nj the AWSAOAA FRF'B`'>df(pS'P/TAI. FOR C'U.1'SC.I/!'T/f'1::�. "A rh ld'e kis, %or on illy sigh ng Irapa ,hall make thre glad. Alame........... a ............................... '.t tick non helped ht• Ihee ,hall Addreis..... make thee .1m,og. t CONTRIBUT10N0 MAY at GENT TO "ohms ,hw7t b- armed ff-evell' in ever,' sonar of %Prrire w�hi, h rhou y p ynlr Rn nest wap in the hast „ were panPengers, IM employes And CATTLE MARKETS. I NON. SIR W. R. ItrnrJITi1 Int„ rhl,f .In,tlre, Vtce-President Nat. San. Asseelatlen, rendered." 1n4c of tMile. Cill, n( Toledo, 9116 persons who were neither. The Toronto, or w. J. GA69, i,!Si , Chairman Executive Committee, Toronto. stagen of Hright's dimuou. anti there laloet•(Vanty. 1 D was no hope for me," Mr. Hind l "' injured numbersed 1.365. 2119 peopsen- Cables Are F.a•ler•-irbire 111Rher .--- {1 states. "i then mnuucnced using Frank ,. ('fancy ma of F. That he Im ter Ifeaa and ('wlI.:.LnrAllSnhscrlptlnnararelvPdWill nrprknrwlyd rAmtheTnrrn{"'Globe"wed"News.. DO IT NOW g Mnbwµa rte,•r of tJo. arm "f F'. J, t:heney R ger&, RAO smployeA and 4.40 perPona Anyone subscribing one dollar or inore bernmr. a 4,bscriber to the Canadian Ovtdoor Llfs Ik,dd'A Kidney Pllla and no other I flitng hu.ineap it, the M, of Tolude, whn were neither. On Jnlv 1. ION. Ludo", nAn. 'A tATerpetei And t,nn,lnn for one year. remedy. 1 uoi d in all about twenty (-aunty :Intl State afofvskl. "ted:,K&t meld nn., electric railways had a ozpital of 8&1,- rsbleet Are h4gher at IH,kr to 12!}r per Ih., I T---- lwsrs, when shy ha'e r nonotmeletl will baby Ike .sum Of cern h"mlrerl d"I,Arm for .1 A,d v9MRAI: rrlrlgntrslor holt a gnc,rd I "i WAS SPECIALLY PLEAS::D WITH TNF. ATTENTION PAID TO COIIDUCT Tlai ill iTl1'07109 CARR- eanh wed Ivory;wart of catarrh Ihat ears not bit R6T•OfM1_ The greet Garnirrga for the tit its In ex4r for It, , of he trouble well. t hove Ilse no 4et(rn rnn.l M use come or I1nn, Catarrh (•I4X year were 110"I's'Tff, IC10OWe rali FULLY AND F,CONONICALLY. -Dr. R. W. ilruce-Stnith, Govllernment inspector 1:espit .11 and Charitit)s. of the trouble •nose." FRANK J. ('HiCNF:\'. wave killer) 47 TORONTO JUNCTION LIVR STOCK. ik)d(]'s KidneyPills edaayn torr Haven to before. me nb.rAbsA In m MrM'd•w per, pn*wn,rx,, till. wnh d% of IB� t empinytw And ilpltlslE. The lnjnr• Ttirnntti lunrGon. lane 21 (trrri)Itn m Bright'a'tit,Ram Any ,Ahe•r torts of I..Wl r A. We to , A. - 1 of live atnPit M the Union Stack Yar& •til♦ kilns A. W. t) ora r lour ad numbered 1,18.' wort- 0,1 1 -1 J Re. t y fseiute la espy for flim• N.. fhlMlc.- 11011111 HKII'mC'alarrh ( lire lm taken infernally, and at•Is dheolly rat the hlrnxl and menu. purfao"a A march before day to dreas one's The severest atrain ten politeness M "i the.ylem. ROM for te"timontak, bets. dinner, And a light runner W prepare to down and rent gracefully. F J. a KNiOrY, a CU.. TMMn. o. I R Iltelp K y rkskl by an deng+rl.t.. ;y-. 1 nor w snippet, all. the best cuukn,-- (IhicRRo Newco Take Halla FamOy PIO. flow I-dipeam Alexander. car In A, rOf"P~, til 1 rattle. 13 hogs.. 290 sheep and _ _ - __ _-- .— tilyw The good. t of hu rattle g=,, The Signal goes into more homes in West Huron than Illy was not gexxl, the balk tieing nn►ly t halt tat. Trade was brisk and boll or warlll all Spam add beton &ooh. any other newspaper. It is unequalled as an advertising medium. - -- - -- -- .,a. \.... v ')1 -,r ---ter..-- - - .