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The Signal, 1907-1-17, Page 7
1 The Xaa-�*+,+*4' ,+4y**, Cleat rapacity, 1t js true, but he wa, prirtlesed to iiv file secreta of of,, defense with al,rnmis freedom, iI would not surpr, • fire to fled that till. at ranger has leurnnl everything then Is to know about rhe fort '• lila listen era were silent. file hiufles left their faces. '-1 few not ,,arms that he would betray ns•' - "No, no"' protexred lieverly. - "but he is in 1 po,ition to give the 02081 valuable infurwation to an enc. my. An officer has Just Informed me that Baldoa missed not a detail In rp Card to the ■rinnnent or the l(watinn of vital silo(* it, life couslruction for the fortrlvn " •'Aut he wouldn't be so 1)a4e as to use his knowledge Q) cur undoing:" railed Yptive mpriutiffiv. "We only ►new that he is not one of ns. It is not bt-yoxd reason that film al- leglance he to mnothor power-Daws- bergen, for Instance. Count Marlaux Im not at all In Rywpathy will, film, you are aware. Ile Is runvinced tint ltal- -1 4 \ J r i 1 iiiiiiiiii ea dr s rei Beldos stood at the "oldl,lt•. e da Is a man of consequence, possibly one of our bitterest enemies, and he bates him. For my own part. I may say that I like the man. I believe tie I* Ili be trusted, but if be be an agent of Volga or Gabriel, his opportunity has come. He is in a position to make ac- curate maps of the fort and of all our masked fOrtificatlons along the city walls." Beyond a doubt the ham() was worried. 1741 NLr 411STlrl•Nn.1 KINGSBRIDGE. \\'.d ne,dity..f ail. little. \1.m vlla eK llicr.n left m Fri- day ft I;elale'ich, tmnt white Nile will It -ave fa / 1 csi 4-11 ' ,1 t•w• (lays. for t a in / Ix t, ) Mimww Marj,Lt y Mellon and Ila Foley Ir(L On Monday ilia* T41rtint-1, it) I•fantita• ue their .tudil•N in the cad aetuy oho= Minor M,ai-lh» WN"Pil special New 1'ranl' ill hit -r honer h.•tv. Irtl ruing it g»in lie lAtildon if, 1eN11n11• het• dutiew there. LOTHIAN. '1'4- Fa (sA Y, .14111. I.,kh. \Pers. McLachlan, H11rk•4 F»Ilm,ealled altt feie•ndr hear -1n Monday. Ff.. Arnwrong. Ino-hal.h, malle a Pleasant call fen friend. bell- last week. Miss Katlic Finlayson, 1,ochalish, was the RRuee-t off Mi.m Sara Mclean on riun/1ay. \lis, I;retw McCallum scant » few daps the gel..t of \If.m Ada. Ma clienzie. Last week. I41N1 .Mackay •1 11 Miss Annie `a e- kt-nzie visiteni Kinlls.. friends oil Fri- day and Saturday. Thr enginr in Murttit-v's sniff, which. has Ilee•n under n• Icor for a month, unffarttan'ttrly her again when it had worked only len halm tinRatur- day.------- WEST WAWANOSH. TrKMnAY. Jan. I:dh, \\•Kam ala, The honer Of Edwin Jarvis, \\'rent Waw•mnlleah. was the sceneof at arra• pretty wedding on Chrixtilia 4 irav, when him second da11ghter. Eliza A., mate united in matrimonyto William It. Farrier, a prealperou" young far•nler Of the 11th cfance"ion of thin tmansibip. Miss Ltllie Jai -vim. mister Of ler bride. acted its brldelinnasd, and the glrxall w)re mm - misted by John Nhe•rifr, of Wingham. little %[ride Sheriff. niece of the 17)4 11 w•as A dainty- flowergirl, and lVemley Tiffin. cousin of the, bride, acted ,W ring-111•arer. The ceremony' wam pea formed by Brv. 1\'. A. Finlay. of Whitechurch. Thr happy couple left, on the following day on it honey ►soon trip, and On their return will re- mide (sn the, 12th concession. Mr. Farrier having purchaord Mr, Jarvik farm. _____ _ ST. AUUUSTINE. Moxi Y..hin. title. Miss \LIP Flhannahan, of Hullelt, is visiting her unrle. Will McIntosh. this week. Will Brophy has returned tto sand- wich to resume his mtudicia at the (-()I- lege there. The Foreeter4 of Ikmnyhr(s1k hedge intend having their (sy"ter supper on January 25th. The mernisai of Branch :4-1, C. M. H A., purp)oae giving an oyster mapper (sn Janie»4-p !11th at Thos. (.eddy's. Will li went to Handwich last week in take a coamle at Assumpption utillege. 4\•e wimh (star young friend ducceles. Vincent Walsh ham ileen quite ill for the Tari two weeks, but we mrd peanut-% to learn that he in now on the iced to tw,overy. George Brophy, mr., mOkl him year- old colt to Ise mic Marwood. It waw it good one and Mr. Brophy - eived a handoeome mune Of umney. Ax Item PIIINKY.N Y.a9wRn AWAY - it iR with dew•p regret we learn flit- wad new" of Mrs. Thom. Walla.•dm demi She was tone of the early Pioneers of Waw•anooli having settled here over, fifty yeaala AgO. After An illnemx of alsult r. year.mhr lsassel away] on Sadie• day, January 1261. at the ripe nal apse s, Of mnveuty-three yenfewfa er rnnl. so $trial twenty -throve 411"ys. Slip \vas highh• a lte•pmel by all who knew her. and the. rallatilrrm Have for aynlpsthp of the comnrlmity in their hist-ve•- inpot. The funeral is to take pl+1rN fie \\'in,(haut retuetery to -morrow f Tnr mem y )•__ A man umually eleariii his pxsn' judgment to land iu('k. News. of 5+!;66+1;16++;'kms*' ,++f CREWE. TrKrls.aY, Jan. lith. Wedding 1:11" a elm oro ritagiug. John Kuntz erected a new I%ittdwil fur Will Yp'tiveOak Monday. \ •se Tho -o. . 1't1 .. Blake, of Glmlrrirh, i4 to sewn.... (skl acquaintance. herr. Jars. It. Higgins is ill will) It Abld We ,,opo ill hear of her ree"v somal Thus. cnlllerl, mi... hall la ta1Nx1'Ia•e 1111 pridio)', for which he wished to thio ik the lx)yw kindly. We aur having Our share of fine wealhef fief - this w'inlrr. One of tint Ifike s phinullyd said fill fifty rata done. Dairy lith omithuut any appearance 111 fairest ill the 1;t-touttd. lir alio ploughrvl it ('41111114- of days in Ikwreslter. Thoo. F. Cain,•()( L11cknow, and Jin. Ah.on, 41f Belfast, well. in this neigh. INrr•h/sNl hmt Friday. in the interest tot flit- Madura.' elevator let fmcknow. They were having n very .ueCt."tul low (Of is 1101tlo11 Of this township, Navinf{ff( a arra• long list (sf Hawes to( new a1lNrehotde'a in additials to mlmle of the ()Ill ()feed who well- taking more Nhale", • l-- - . LAURIER. Tutim,v, .loan. ].',ill Nims Lilly MC eon mpent Sunday fit ller Imine... . lt,u•nry inlen(]N painting him 114111W tr41 next suuene. Jack McLennan, of Lurknow•, sps•tlt Sunday .ft Ills Italian- here. - 1►wllelal Oaiiiii. far fh•mltfoad, is visiting hi/vlds field ITho iars in our neightma'hlmNl. \Liss Does, lint -glass, wen ham .,writ A voupleof w'rekm at her bottle, tetls'ued to Toronto tou M.Indaay, ` \1 a Annie McKenzie. Krnzir, 11f I.aN:llnl.11, wits the guest Of her talent, Mal, Kel- nrlh Mclennan• eon Friday hast. Mims Sadie McIntyre find Mims Wit McKenzie, wh) hnvr Ia4n • in Chicagit the: pmt few muilli returned hump On SatIll-daY. I Miss Agne. Cil luploo11 and MIs. \Yitl- nie McPherson. INlili 411` ter 2nd t-frn- reshilln of 1141ron, wore glle•all, off Miss 1,1•xv Mclean ost !tunday. luitr l,t nuta)lwe- tot total. Yonnit Ia•Ople ,attendel the cowce•t given Fly Mrs. Edurlexl Itewkett, in Mellimald'a Hull.: Kintail, on Thul4alay and relmlrt•a gland filar. - LOCHALSH - WKnvrmnAY. Jan. little. tial. \im-Inlyte is Ini :L I1111title%M trip I. -Grand Itilpid,. • \lis. 'ravinr, of Kinr:atrliup, is the guest tof \li.m Annie Mi4ekenrie. Mr. :and Mrst. F. A. Mi -Kenzie, off l Kialilt Ste. Maria., alae ,all it vimil to re- latives and friends herr. . Tlx• bottle Of Mr. and Mrs. It. •►. Marl,ennare was Lrightened up If-.- till - advent nf.at baby hoy 41n `ialutrhay. Ijnite a stnf,ke will, 1 nisn4l at John K. Jlarleonadd's last week by flit- horn. in, Of his pump-hmarev and iimrunipm.. (Inc hum)- p or ltoli F. flew., eau rl-rcited tilt- app,intla.P14 of Ie,•flln•r 1.1 tilt- recently orgawzad Lflan•ier hnhncatinnal Society. A large white Owl attr4rte41 Ih1. ,11- lenlion fit some ,or tour sp11•ta,su•n. -1rnithologi.tN and uther4 yeste,lty. Of his capture we have not yet heard. Illi Mrl►f,nNld metal DonAld \ltic- Kt-11zie cAllt41 1-n f irta(Im in Blyth hast w•4rk. They wee Iaccnuglaniwl ify \I1'.. 1). Se 'w'art. who) im snaking an extended visit. ST. HELENS. Tl•Y.au.av, .Paan. Kith. IN-Jold Clark reU1•ned Irl Goderich Flatlsrtf,n' morning. \less A. Gordon. Of Ann Afloat. is visiting at Alae i nritin's. Rev. it. W. Craw insidl- ,4 sll.lt-t vomit in (:i er' . 1(] Ire the lir, t of the week. .fstd \ 1 Th nlfL w, of (ai/lrrirh, vimited at H. Bda utherfonl's over Sunday.- Angles Melhtnald and Chas. Tooke art- ratting wooll at Jam. Fotemtet's. .Iqa. Anderson, (if irhnn,a", im visit- ing him parents. Mr. ilia(] Mrs. Hugh Anderson. \\'r neeil a new p,lfcetratn tin the lower Meet, the lust onp having ••taktin to the bush.'• Mism F;liet"belh Downie), of Gnplpll, trial John, of Morriston, are visiting undo flit- parentaal roof. Colin Methmaald lists dispemmd Of his tonin lie Hobt. McGuire and has invest - Mi in :a fine tenon of slatche(I colt,. '1'hcy tell to that p erst-refanee will irain alnlndt anything• and cap don't limbf thief, if thewdnterisn't tIN,"b(srl, fhe Bethel Fox -Club MAY IIIiT oNti MONK F4rx. Gordon, McDonald and Elliott and ,Lem. \Lille• left ton f4millAn • last far Owen Velund, w'herr l.hev will at- tend Husinesa College. 'We wish then all eourcr%x. 'fhe animal meeting of file public IIbfi't board w m held on st .11 oda y night. All the old 411Hceoo weer re. Pierl el. Thr t teamin-er's r c fen r t showed it small balance on hand. HAYFIELD. Tl'KMn.aY, Jan. V). Mims M. Il.atw/ns is still very low. Mr. and Mrs. (Fick Peck. ()f idea- fot-th, spent it frw days in the village renewing acgnaintancem ,old doing hu"ineNm. A very slier msfid Itself was gavel lei the ttowu Itself here fan Friday evening of last work, lender the ausplceis of the Bice Cliff,. Stanley ili-anch Agricultural Sit. riety start (on Wednemoday and re- elected fall the old Ofldrerl. A very profitable year im reported. The m•w Methimlist rhut•ch will Pte• n seneol on 8nnday. the :711th fast. Ott ailonday tI tea -shirting will La: held, rnllnwed by it coni fn the town WI. A ollwller Of Orangemen front 1,. 0. I- No. 21 attended the x1s4•tal district mtwtingin \'arris(In Mundayevering. rhete WAR x1«11 a meeting of t if scarlet. Chapter. The town fathers met ()n Monday nn(] appointed oMcifelm far the Year. It. McMurray, wits i4ii appinntAd 'nn,table And 1:. Off-enxlade And .1. Irollts•k A tellLorm. (i irdon Johnston, Mis. \lay \Crlib and 1111s, M. FiAnd,l. of Clinton. vinic d tt IV. Atwfwml'w this week. \4l- sire a,rr•V tat Iemrn that Jatane" AtwOned is ant lnlptYrving very rapidly. H. Drehulau, of Holyr4ssl, was in ,,town thin wreak looking flit- a milli to nis•n up a Reneral beil,/ring 1111"ines". Ile 1. ft here last Aiiiii and OwN filet•@, im tic) plane hike 1311yflrld. it dc"n't do much faint) to grants Ian I op,lrseaa tunity tmlyou know what to, d(s wltb It. --New York 117tuw. . . THE till 9* , 44. 4, 4 4 Vii` 4-,k i ., 4 *'sill 0 U N NUANN i u u. 1I I A. NIS VTON. DENTIST, 1,1.1'K l�• NUw'. r At bnmuevrryduv'ru•r ,1 'Thur. Amy., Nuw'I-'I A)' for ext rmct il.Qlrr1 g I M,onst,u I !orlon, Im i ter t lwu IIlrq.. l 7r,wn uIN! brldK* uv.r► I cies \Imn11iuw p1.Ue. uun1.61raknblol. IN.li.- \'oueuu,dw.y.I.naef'onrworkpnlel I. -tier dust lie the dent.1 W111". Ilwrt fila#- lletlur fmrilllie. for du1nK I he ,nark, court, coin fol[able for also, lmdlent. 0 E. ' Al7l:l'S'1'IXI:. Ill-\l::\N MIN e'Ivgq.ioQ MtIL Ibaleriu ll...lrund Void. rhrek altar rod rive Miter 1lud Pestle) Muir:I/aul.h 4turk.... dNulll'i' Flood. aloop• piuK pr aniptl1' ullended to. NOTICE. 171E I,0I'A1, A(;FNI'Y he Uu uaanuuu for •Tile StQnal 1. At Ibu 1.41-, olale Ihxlk nod SUM -:n... % Slow. when' older'. will Ica n.ri,l.1 f,r.at*-rlpUnn-. ,kl. vert;+lea sstd ,i„b ,vurk, and 114• dpl. will Is, given for auwush paid aur 11,.• .lune. T1,1,.:I1la'..1.111. Lith. Vii EM IC --1 4-N. At the ,nnlolal meeting of ler f: ()lir.' Aid cif EIY,kine church the ulrwloli pr•-w•nlld \11ms C. Rutht-1 roll with it j,i inirr•• .1:41141 Acrfan111nuied by the 'fodftow'ing aul- dlems : UF.AltM14. lit I'll 1.10'olt11, -Wl. lilt- Ineile la•r, of tilt 1.lu11e.' :Ud of F:e+kine .•lifin-h, fluuQ:Lnnon, wi.b In cx Can,,, to you our mppre. eiullml of your culuae11 •r•i.r., w. 1,4 .idem durioK the four yuals .suer IN inAuaunal inn. We Ivel thus [he 11'. . of tilt .,li h.,, hwn,hs, in oo .moll dearer to year nnttnnQ e tr,rr(, if. l -. Iw1.41f. Your magqe 41.4 sthalutr wed ('hri.ti,Ln erwuple hnvy r I.ltd very i oleh W the p;ea.urr:u,d usefubMa. of the Aid. w•e w'n111d Ils--I,efore 1M,g you In sfe.rpt Ilit. .nl:dl Kill, mit u. n Irueut•1'..tius, bit. t. iiiluken of our ollpnrl.11,N1, al•e.lalllg pull a knppy,uld pr►tenml. New Year. r;iaulml in torIN 1 tf she Aid• Jt s.. Its. 1:. N1 am M NKvIs. Allies. I)AVI,NON. hungam/ou. Jan. x16. \lira itilthe•ford made a feeling re- ply. . it ' 1'. \I. Itutherl itY1 Ii plea,- MnIR inrpri.ed last \landau f•vniuK by receiving it large lead of oats from his Port Allm•rt fllrnd.. \\'F:nNItal/.v Y. Jin. lath. .1. O'Cellt�lur is ILI Illy'th 1 hi. W(ek nn bn.inesm. It. H. Kangas visited bis utsdher at Ailsa Craig 14.t week. illi* Itubc Awsl Sat- ulrlty sand sunup u11de• the parental IYolt. Mims Wilson h ei to .pe•ufl the winter with bre- +1a I. \l n•. 1(..1. Ce- tw- ftot41. • . .. n Ama i4-. Of Inert ing, ptefut:atlery til the holding 'or eo ulgel tie Mil'Vivps. i4 Ito ing ruttductl.d in the \i(Ithodifttl 4-111814.11. ' \In:. It. F. \IAnning. w•1 1 halm Im•rn stoute•w•hat indlam.wet off litis new, wea ry glad Ur *tali-, 4111 til /wav ft. rertovery. Irr. Ifive is now' p4.1111411.•bl1y I... .if 6-41 in his brov '111.4111.11,. ;Phis .len• ha4 1.4•[1 ,h"Il'i' ;hly rl-11nvated .,fail .hutdd make it Ih'.1-rill... m:wd f.n it drug stent-. Further ii11proy1.11u•ot, will loe made in the spring. `• Mr. 0a•hr:ule. Willi i, en;;al;t-d inch a U lillo tette bu.fse.r in \\'inghou. uuulr:t bnsilless trip herr Le.t %%vek. W. S1111111le IM Lite ugliest fur this di. trict &fall Iv(1l )1;1 pleLw41 ho nweive,ieny tol'ders in (he line of nn.111unl•uls, In -Mi. stonl•N, ear. IIs \' NI: •I' I I 1. r, '1 ' flank r\ r, M I:aT 41N r I .h a11►nsal marling tot ilia- Driving Park Alwxiatiou was held tin M,,nd:ay afLe•r- nam. 'Che Old oflfcea emi q•-AeuttA fall theensuillg year. A divinh•nfi of tone d411l;1l tm•r .lour w:as o1•dt-yl`st 141 he plaid till- ,h let-holdry,. Mrs. .S. Martell w4ta in the 4.41611)la, town this week. She w'in in +ttlrild- alwe On bel' .inter. Jars. 11"rei"n..41f IA4'1)1un. Wen i. at pre.l-nl A espies( in tfi1. he.,pirnl lbere and whit emlrr. went an opeiration feet I'uewlty 14.1. Tim,K aN Exeaa'IsKai. -Wilily• draw. ing Ixty 41st 'I'uoi I;a.t W. Kpronl.• heft him helm• witsi;ly the shed $ttfneh- ed to 'a waggon Warily himli•d will, hay. The 11n1w. Ihui,41 fill and rate ascend lite Hawk. rowing lack to flit - starting INN111. No, dauuage Ie.111t1•d. however, which is allinkst libirat!111.111.. A Pi ItY.14111T. A relmn•t ham ierm circillated t(s IIIc 01i than '1 It.dl11w. a I111ls b ufchr rs ha411 di..- '"Nest 1`411"er,hip. We Ira,•n 4111 ii authority that this r NIM- is Whi'lly withont fuund&tion mnl� that the bumi- nesm hithurio condi-ted bythewgentlemen will I4•elain uncle• their Management. , A Nii INf)11.,TIIY.-A new bamini under ter name Irl Agar R sprinde ham Iwen opened loll he Int- building ro,o11prFy emrupied by W. \1411t•.I,al•iN•r, attd ctinmistm in the cle•anill *1 toilintr ,r hatrtless. A g.sml humintws has Imes ]-tile during the• lN1.t wrek. The• firm , fire lulxinuM lie receive wtirk in flit- above litabove line fund Will. gnar,i w• saatip- rm-Lieln. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. MfINnAY. Jan. 14111. The tea-rut-pting, tel hl• hell by the I'ni-1n PleMhyteri,Lll 1.11111-1-11 has' Iwrn INostptoned until .hunuu'y 'Lith. Mrs. .1. Mvilliviain, frnnl Dalftlt,l, lens Iwrn visiting rel"tives in Lill - township daring 1 he 11441 Werk. Mi4y Sumle fleattie, ni the flae_vfield r-tful, entertained A nunlim•r Ilf fiends nn \\'ednexelay evelling of last w•le.k. .1114. McMill ll, of tier Illh 0oncem- +ion. ham li 141 Ihr (;Islprich Marine Hllmpital to undergo len opellttif,n. His nuany frinndm loops. Asia to lariat• A his tecovery� Tr..%-.%fto ANf1ENTvirraiNMENT. A tela-ttle•fing ;411(1 entertainment will he held in 1'nimi rhureh oil Fri. ]ay peening, Janeavy Zifh. Two will Ile mervel in fill- NO) ... I front 11 to N irhm•k• after which an excellent Pro. gram will ire held in the chinch, com- meaning ;ft 8 4,chs!k• The, Belcher Paoli lilmietirh, and Reiv. 1'. A. 4tetdwan• 11410eld, will contribute vfm-ml lelllatic, and \ 64A Kelton 1411'litt'n, l:lwlerieh. will revite. Address-im will IN, given by Hev. 1. A. AOde4,on, If. A., and Rev. \V. H. (iraham.li.A., rat 1:04Ie•irh ; Re'. J. L. ynudl, H. A., Aubm'n, land Itev. T. A. `ttemlinitn. Havfleld. Admission Ca. Eve,.%,, y welcome. A N.a•rn'V, 41F Gusr:n1e11 'I'ow•Nm1nr. -A native of this Itovn+hip in flit. per- son of I1411m•rt. \tiller, at cousin of J. 1lardiner. 41f 1hr.1-tw'nshlp. And of MI.. lira. filers, of Ormleirh, 1Na.mrd 1i at her ho in litonthern KanSAs )n Ih4e/111N•r '.rind last, at, the »ge Of rixly-nine• vrmtr,• throw rnori ,41111 twenty -right dltvm, after an Illnl.mx Of almnnt five vvevkm. The dere tsi wfu lateral in Ofslerivil lownshilr nn Aegusl Ckh, IKiT, and wam awaren4l 141 Eliza- lrth e1CINMICA,11 ton •Ianuary'a1th, lilts. Cao this union were IN,rit Pleven chit. trees, mcven dottzhteta rued rom- mons. 1'hr tw•11 first daughters dic1l in in- rancy. Tw•n daughtetrr were Inm•fird, )fee living near Ahilche, Kan.mm, and Che other in Mnlwane, Kanmam. Thp ramie• ►ta-tved t(s A 1`31'111 near Abilene fel Niels, :and lived there foortern veatrr after which they nmv'efl to wLsthern Kanmam. The dnrrw�yd inited with the Chrilatifen rhurrfh Ihirt.v-1i ye•alrl agn. All the ran(]ip wery rawest at the- ti111••,of him heath with the exception of tw'u mut, ;\A1.: til)1)E,RIC►i. UNTA II,I0 •r amts Wl-ek. Messrs. Jones and tihe•:fi,'I ll, LltantY, j,alinarry. lith. It)OT 4-y In111•hi11g 111,11i Istel hintm aver given antl Irco`iv1.,l. �� Your Doctota � �-� t.ricte + I PA �R�© '� Hud w4- trust t cane• fhneghl4 hear Iwrn taken that will b-311 us tel think sail- highly -1f Can cure your Cough or Cull. Mr h11414. A large 1minim•1' ,if lellil•, � e �� ,�} Ma.:•- Iq M n'A neap. rb,t h., r,- , 1Ver Carr •M.•111 at. Ihr e•al-11111g ale ell/g. ei r"'w1• ,4-r,, _",. ha t." a•4-. ., ,. •. lit, no question about that, but A "n...n17A.rh4.Y,nnlrn,..•." I 0 a4- .a u•..ra Irnaoar.. n.. fa•,,.. n.. .he alrse•nCe of Lite Lada (IcIp g:tl.. 1 1$6.95 ______ - �py; ,*,.yy ;�. yyy why go to all the troubl;• and ' To" rr lin M'll,.nlr Night. I Cnelr .law L••/•vlt, of HI111•ynlr, was WANTED m l.tr l MEN I".",'."" inconvenience of looking him up, '(Y-'= an.wxN.st 1 n11M ,aw ..A a Via rr"t•k1st1N'n rhaaYu'ter4 in Iw(•n11ntp If Hoorn". III• Wa f; ont• alr a l+u'ge frail- ..T.:'=.:•4- .,..I.. seems up.he. ..re. aster...rear.., honer, non „nroorrn'o•r.rl•rr,,m. &04.1...w.I1.A...tW,,.m.4.r. /.n.w1mr .4rr Iv, (11111' Ill III. h1Y It llf•1'. ,".,jig III illc I w'ho are in Ihl- 4'ah. of Wa"hinKlon. and then of havinghiapreficription II railer, itself 4144rry MEDICINAL CD., Lenton, Dnrallo, Cann,la prr.hihitiosi,l. :Ihlt•ing tile' lwpt Act ransprign, thr 1_ A b14111(e' of tfic lle•eaw•d, Jfatne•h \aif- filled, when you can step into any rid grntli-mall Was Nfzing loll 1114• ,i1 1 • le. of Ahill-ne, K,411Na., %%-fix al... Prl'., drug store In Canada and obtain cad Yrembyleriaul;,andrrtruu•ked: ••1 , WILL BUY vet. Tilt- funeral .Nt4'vfres wire, held a bottle of SHILOH'S CURD ilraight on ter Il.na,m•r,rlpe gnl•stilal. al tilt- hosle•, live Iuilen wroth YA.t 111' for a quartet. efiNU, ••Ni 11'1 doing NX tmlrh NM I'll Ilk('• N ANY :I►1 ,'WhyI 1 dwanP, 1 � the Rev. L. G. W.A.A.\\'o1N1f,tt 'Lilil W�Y two til flue dollars 1 Thr ill her replietl iia rant fare. wound• I I At 1. Leer price., while f le aunllty Druelllller al Ill a. lel., latest inter- utsntvva.uuulriufie,•\lultvvun c,•u11•• eery. when a twent -flVO cent ►cattle ofSHIL013willca.eyou ! 8a„(hcklyT I �e�dy"'to-wear Overcoat Q11ito n nut11hl-1- or fl'i.•1111, .Ind ;ielalivl-.atlptade4I till- f011eval. „ Y nut do is hundreds of j 11 _ _--'---- - thousands of Canadians have __ - AUUU11N, done for the past thirty-four I IN THE STORE I years: let SHILOH bieyour doc- MIIN(s1v, Jan. 111h �;1'.•:U tY AirlflNla. 1'-1xyKNn•141N, The for whenever a Cough or Cold I appears. ,I ' (' " O N E W E E K O N L Y. �-_ .ixtrcnfh :,fuxlal r-1na1•nii-111 41r ti - IIILOH will cure you, and all • 1 A()huyn I'11iton Snil.h.4111 %whnOl A-..4 -i- -druggists back up this statement c' Ati41s Wlll 6- held in Knox chorch, with a positive guarantee. • . j:►uburu. On Tne-4414t)'. J:uluat:v :"Itis The next time you have a ' I whelk till• following a'e• 1 x`weird to Im : Cough or Cold cure It with '; i;d 4-c `rular at $o to � 1 g. l�nt�' so left. AI I {{nese rt: ftrvr. \II•. .life nela n. 41f \oe-wlsmi: Itl•v. \14-. Fill -11, ,.f I'll""g- this so;,so I•'• ;;Lwin. They \Yi11 not he lwuked fdrfonr 1111illtitcat hath; Rev. J. c.lteit]. or Nile; Rev, I(;e41. N. Haae11, ,II lie"If-rich. find file SHILOH•. this prig. . N � 1 N 11 l t/4- / 1111• ,•,111' [ I,re•gnlion. ill Ihr fill. .. t •I114111. 'rhe pytogya11l Will IN- its fill. - I __. lows: Morning semNi11n Devotional - 111111111111111111111111111 V.0111exerl'fmlp ,i4le .Il•111 -IN'tll l'(If Ill w,•I. "The r,nlvc of " "The McLean R I Bros. -- , njtit this j.l1).r.; Allll lir tniM l .,llaYlltl./il,� f►. I':. .•The I SCALDED BY \11111141 ; t(uie•t. H -1,1r," its,•. 1,. f 'I Small: rep4/1'1.11f Not tN•1'Ilit rf111P11tNalld BOILING - art ailLlr., Funtishcr intrlslurlion :Pmt diseu.,f -11 -1f per., Inciting ynrnlionm, I{,•v. )1 r. \IrLrll- •�T. li)llill`r5, Hatters, tan ; cimni Session_ and 1)..fng rxrrrxel. Aflarmmal �in•.mialn.- Ul-a41tinn,4l exec• -fOULDN'T USE H A N D FOR A a I Court l louse Squi-tret Gel,derich. . rises, pli..ident : 14•jefort. ,It' nominating -MONTH. � coltfa11tltre and intl'•minefi/m of flit. president-elect : i-hildren,mulama nlrrt- ing. Rev. I;wl, N. 1Llzl.n: addre.x, Zam-Ijuk Then Applied avid Gave In "Tile Cousrcration of ole' S(m.nil Yaw•- stint Relief. _____ - "I's," 1{cy..1 . C. Its 0 : "The Teachers' t- \I r. Filch : mlmg Nervie U 411ii ( - - 1 11 i scrv'ice and eoUr,•tio11: 11p.•u parlia \n:urcidrnl in a '1'or11ultr b)ne• the talent. Rra. \L'. Jones: ••H11w I., slat.. re('d in Sahl"th Sehool \\'ore" 1:11 .Other day migli( b.nYhOl verv.rrioum 4.41u.w,uellfe. lxxl it loAt Iwrn for %aur I . 1'111 1, I D Millar PHONE Co. in the priwu y di-INlrtulent. \li+, I Huk. \l ix. \Ikrrh4 1:I44m. f,f II ('lite- `,/ .;N 1'l- • 1 liar 1 its) 1 with 1• 11 1 IMI '. xy v tl \ 11,4111111: w] .11. I n II It sl '/ 1 yl ill 1 latkit • i- 1 a cal ti b' 1 ailing 11 Irl in het ailing and terilininii fat form ler encs N Lib it over hot•, t o Ili-, ynelrlg ,w41ple, I;nlYiofl \•sling: fight lla11d. ,"I'lle hooding fat I•All ills" - . (dr i 11 Yllh.tl rig IIIY 1'11 -III N•1'&titoll Ill the t1a 111111[ IIIV 1x111/1.•• .f11' NAF•., 411.1parents., Itichaard Ande'.1-o: (t-, in prosxltinK Bible Ntudy in flit- houw" (over :all illy iinger.. Vista lila)• well immli the agotty 1 sidtPrt.d _in etti Second Annual .,f the tmvgdt-, Itev. Mr. lalnl-.: ••Thr Nrquence. I Wfem &Innl.t wild with Ill..'True Ain1 41f S ahhufh sch,N,1 • \\'ore," Wain. The hand bl•�:uuc .ivxllYn. ,alnl 11 ]few. Mr. Mcl.,ennaer : tollecli.N, and Im-geblister"(111•lnwlall ovot tIt..lodlx rlon.ing exervi4es. "taming 4"s-stiml smog And (it,exerrilr•.. Itrv, land Along flail 1111K•'1',. Ful• sort' it mouth I was Illll/hle I.. e.t. the 11,4x.1 t o Stock -taking Sale Mr. Hartley; +1,Ialn•... •:('hl- [.and n4- at all. 1 bird srv.•e-al kind+ n4- .:Fars thr(;40.ym.1.."Itv%.31I.McLennate; twasi• and.liniments. bat flat. wo,11141 Ni cat .ele•ctiorl.: -Ine'tl.nl draoae': Od. , apparently Ifo ho-tter. It ta'11. aaho-' ' 411'ros. "Life , Allp eal,',Ilea. ' Mr. Ke•tht!" tow) hevrl'e ftor (firm(!// prep+ll•a- Fib!h: wdto, Ury. Jar. \Irlenn;,l,, The Auburn national ch, ft. will a4.i.t. At !sdvi.wl li41nKttoh.a. AINAII this lluw I wa" to fly 4ton-link. 1 You mho I'd not miss the opport' ter 1n41r•ning .essiton. 11he A'41hnrie 111.ilit,r \Irlh4mli4t .l-1ptwd All 1poi preparations and ap- a lloir in Ibr afta'y11-141n and I tioni la loom1k rh111t• pfico %uta-Ihsk. I'lie very tint appli. catinn, I unity of getting some Of 111 the 1 t-pi,i lg. Tl-F:-Ikv Y.Ja1l. LAID. 1111111 Soothed Illy 11441141 41141 stivi IIWI too draw Out the fire land ixllauuaa•I 11 It.vII.N'.aa', \\ .' :118 tdp+I.wl 1,1 Im• ; illlll NM 1 kl•let 1111 fixing ZaIll-link the Bargains. ;,bb•U,annnnnIli,t Ihl. (-. 11. I{. I,jflit- hlislery gfmdulllly allied alp :.1141 :tlnln.there. 'roeeo11,tl11eti-1n ;;.fir_,,,li,aplapalvd. In :1 very .holt bale �' I.lyltl'e rad. tll.'.1•:fill w -:t411.':1 W 4. 1 111'8 \i'If 11111 a1 .11.11'1 ,11,-I 1 I 1III,If1.11•I \',' fanr4- 1st the Malian. :and in 1t .lml i I 'this is hat false in.l:anrr tot the tow, Barges S in Coats illlll• we• ,slarely will '•Ilpar till! .Ili11kc , t.l tvhn•h Z.Nln-link 1!111 Ica .0 advall illlll see the whiMl.• " I t:tKew111.!y +iplidl.•11. It is, (4111»11)' 14.1-:.- To aIl:.plw:er•am'es�,at• ict-nu•w;ell"'t-1 •Y for burns. .•atm. braise•., let•e oto Iwt,• abrx.fotts. hprainm and sliffilrl,s. - I ( Bargain In Skirts gtoing sf,ult- diflfrulta• 11141..1 1111.111.1114.4 ve.m.111a. lllvers. mottle., b!Illrll e•Ilring iet- this w'illt/•L'. •I'll(' 1'lle•r j e�'�" hl'.Ikl- 1111 !:ase \\'1'1'k ,(fed Ir ell• IIY•IYnt I1m11.Un. 1'111gW1111it. !1l'Rlp 81114!x. chit nlll 13amain.5 i Silk Waists W-1411141-. ;wlw, blackheads, pinlp!4 nndd ernrh1.r contipu. s thl-te is a art y ;�eO1d .tore,. .'hap /l. I band" and :dl .fill) l-1 ,IIIc.• .of Its hi-ing eoverod v"'. •.kill dl,e.n,.', a1111I inju'1e4.. VIIlrlod thickly again this wintry. - well the r Bargains int rappers ton .-bu t, in rase. of cold, it [.it tic('nil F:ItI'. 1111 Fri. 111Iv, n•Ii.,% • t I , b 411 + uu 1 t' 1 hLi es. 1 final P'rb •f K uu 1 1 IA \'.. 1 N / I. { 11 ! Car / 1 flit• l•et'll-' 'rinem . test :Ipph.•ll .4, :-t1 enfoe4mlotion it ears hcatYl il, Oar pillage is 141 Ill- given 1 lu•,IIn:11 i-nl. Bargains, in To cis and Napery -.Ill, I. IwIlridgia. rte. under 'hc ,nl.piw•m 1-f the Anhnrn .%it,iru;;:i,l, ,.11 %,fel-Fink al :NN•, Il lihl:my.'; The IrrUlre-r i. John Gmhlir box. toe 11 nc,a'he tohfaiurll from Illi I (II -k, tert:utxms "ratio" who hos Zancliuk 1.0.. 'I•tortonty1-, Bargains in 1± titan etI u,sni rl-ct-ipt Imld tllany- 411dif•111•l'm mlwll-1111111/41. Him off pri..c. I; INlxlw ell' 11t'_.:a 1. ll•.1 I111-111Ial. are. excellPlll aflll Ii . pronsist. Thal a11`''who attend will in 1 - illl Way IN• diaulrefsrinted. I A Penitent Thief. ANNIv y.ii nY. - I{rt•, 1•'. Mel., 1;ut-lph Mer; my : Aid- 1't-ap had tinlith. of H4 n.tll, Cal"'"If"• :41miyl.r- tr•I•eivrd :a letter frunl Ia le.idrul 41f wary M•1-virl.m in tai.• I'r.•.hytxrian '1'-11-011111, w•hnforfilerl-v livid 41n rnr- Millar's Scotch 1•hnlf-h here next `,I hIr 11 Il. 111torllill;� Fry .,1144.1. antl f1•..Ita ibr,.,.IllmOnil•It• andcvenneg. 'I'hr1.nO11.41 tore f..,,-,ncc,ing lion it f, galh1.t•rll that h,• w.1 n d in will Ir• held ,in Monday 4-i1'nieg And as Ihr. habit of payill� far his fxl.1 Whip- ism"l i" IN•in;; 'Phone progr:anl 1-1141Yld for a r�•, .1rn1 Of tier 1{-1v41 1'ity, s, IiI,• III,- SO. 1"•.•asion. (hie Knox, 1•Imroi Ito ,:ti', -ince his {Y•Ill,,vill t11 lll:af I.1ty 1a4gdl- base a lepunt,,, r daring he Ilam Iwo Ocerl,tken by A rel' Igunsv IIO' right. I i wo, r.uuurt Is diwap- zted. iv 4-11 np,,Ar•4u ly: ullfaw'• him 1141 I IIIL141. I/I MII'ep a.t Ilight- nlltll he Iecei%_ frel,ll F.v n M KIi N� e IITI'l'F:. '.A11. i'141Y /11f 'a4- • Th�\•r.( gl 4-x .. (nI' Il lfe`I'l11 1 K Ilet•nn F'xl•nu•r� Institute held it, rynm' hi,' Itorl• .d w•-1f,d sit tiurn•y, regulet• Inert ifig in the 111ange Hall f, -t"'Pt, %ard. - flile-11.a., Irrltl, edl� ,a% aftA•rn•sm +and evening 4,1' `s. Ispool :Ind dt-vrrilm•s his heing amts Wl-ek. Messrs. Jones and tihe•:fi,'I ,:I C',l from A .innl-r's ii in a truly "eve g.Nml P -1 -tical talks. ,tad Inlallt. In111•hi11g 111,11i Istel hintm aver given antl Irco`iv1.,l. \Ir. .lunev in fill. evening gas.- :m xrl-llr•nt. ,tildre.s len ' lstillIor %%""'-I' a'a. 1111101 appreviah•d. atrie PA �R�© '� Hud w4- trust t cane• fhneghl4 hear Iwrn taken that will b-311 us tel think sail- highly -1f C C UGH ARO F c Mr h11414. A large 1minim•1' ,if lellil•, � e �� ,�} Ma.:•- Iq M n'A neap. rb,t h., r,- , 1Ver Carr •M.•111 at. Ihr e•al-11111g ale ell/g. ei r"'w1• ,4-r,, _",. ha t." a•4-. ., ,. •. end come• di,aplwinl fee nt w'ns felt of A "n...n17A.rh4.Y,nnlrn,..•." I 0 a4- .a u•..ra Irnaoar.. n.. fa•,,.. n.. .he alrse•nCe of Lite Lada (IcIp g:tl.. 1 �• < L.. r•..r.nA Ler r..,ro,, fee 5 A.4- r A,n p,c n*..a y. rat. ilea. a ______ - ?aIiY WILL CII$I •'You* is Plural l" ' To" rr lin M'll,.nlr Night. I Cnelr .law L••/•vlt, of HI111•ynlr, was WANTED m l.tr l MEN I".",'."" '(st• alsnit hall a cenlnr•a' ,one til' ter '(Y-'= an.wxN.st 1 n11M ,aw ..A a Via rr"t•k1st1N'n rhaaYu'ter4 in Iw(•n11ntp If Hoorn". III• Wa f; ont• alr a l+u'ge frail- ..T.:'=.:•4- .,..I.. seems up.he. ..re. aster...rear.., honer, non „nroorrn'o•r.rl•rr,,m. &04.1...w.I1.A...tW,,.m.4.r. /.n.w1mr .4rr Iv, (11111' Ill III. h1Y It llf•1'. ,".,jig III illc .m,h .nA ..,sense, s, ,A a`.•A., r,..nT f,,sine Two. 1 rr11.1,Ir m4- Nr I. naa .mar .114 fa 11111IXI1'y. III' N'1W It lelell-l-1l', .1 ,'Ia.m {O1' ..1=11111,11 e r.p.rVnr. nw.l«I. w'rIM Mr Mrnr.1... aALU9 railer, itself 4144rry MEDICINAL CD., Lenton, Dnrallo, Cann,la prr.hihitiosi,l. :Ihlt•ing tile' lwpt Act ransprign, thr 1_ rid grntli-mall Was Nfzing loll 1114• ,i1 1 nation it, volivei.aoli„n with a lhplli,l I< cad Yrembyleriaul;,andrrtruu•ked: ••1 , TO THE PUBLIC 'olkm and Iht- tlapti.ts all-• prl•tly I ilraight on ter Il.na,m•r,rlpe gnl•stilal. 'lilt vollm " x l . II ('kin ;(I lel. 1 le•.by• K Thr prier of Ixvfenitlelh , I 4-n ngbnnt 111. ' efiNU, ••Ni 11'1 doing NX tmlrh NM I'll Ilk('• t I 1 n 1 1 1 F,tu fire I ha. ,hill. x4 Iwo. and ronwfriet j.aH pi (s Mme. ' th'f i�.,_,�l .111.11. t11, fare now '111,0'init rill fill Thr ill her replietl iia rant fare. wound• I I At 1. Leer price., while f le aunllty •d tone ,-Well.I'vetriedfndOslybest ,;.•,sl, if ....t nr•Is•q 16,(sI ever. 1�- l.t:.vN:+\1fi.tT�LaItBF:1'luuulh LII GII4 /Ilgll [III. 1•iL1I11Cl,llgn." .lir k),,, of ft....1r, I,rlfitry, ell"., And..I1II, I'llele Joe total ,11.. Intel(] 1111 ills ih;111LItIQ the. 11111d1f. 'far thole liltef'd • rirnd'x shoulder in A kindly wily lend p�.I noel airr, w'e .ulel•it A 1!n11ti1111Nme.,,f ate sum,'. said : "My dear n11411, 1 didn't qty •yon :' Imleid •Frau•."' McLEAN BROS., TrimnphantlYi'm ing: 11rn..' V, r sI. and S"I".1'e. G,.leti,I" 'Yons i. 111, I if!" 1 �, J, �/ 94"'1011,00000,004116"66"4666"" Girlhood and Scott'.(' Emulsion are linked together. The girl who takes Scott's Errlul- .sion has plenty of rich, red blood; she is plump, active and energetic. The reason is that at a period whena girl's digestion is weak, Seoff"i Emulsion provides her with powerful nourishment in easily digested fo'-m. it is a food that builds and keeps up a girl's strength. ALI. hIIUG(,11,TRt li ANT) $l nn Not a single applicant has ever been refused admission to the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives because of his or her poverty. Glen hundred and thirty-eight patients have been c• reel for since the Free )lf)spital seas opened in tgo2. Take a week's record : 6:1 patients in residence; 37 absolutely free, not paying a copper toward their maintenance; 15 paying 50 cents a day or less; b paying 04.00 a week; 4 paying 05.00; one paying $7.00. These figures tell' iaittly' of a large deficit on maintenance account each month. T corer this the trustees are depe dent Upon the contributions at ,olne to them from hiends in . I parts ot,C:anada. am hof since the clay, 101' (�Cl- '•'rg�lt'George Muller ha, so 1zrpt a -��F+.P'_�, . work of faith. been carried on. ArN1NI1T,4vfra0111 rime, NI Y,Iwa anam WISMAL Pea IOM11. Ili to WILL YOU HELP DIVIDE THIS LOAD WITH THE TRUSTEES 1 -- - . ___ __ - _. _. . Costribtttlons msy be sent to SiR WN. R• 1Rg111101"M� t., Chief Justice, Ospfoode Hall, Toronto, or W. J. days, , ---b4 Front Street, M., TOrOnto• _^ r- ApDllratlons for adlrlf lifer slid all Inf"finatlen lti'etn .1. S. ROBERTSON. SI!cretary Matt nal Sanitarium Assoclatlon. (Saturday Night Building), 2A Adelalde Street, W., Toronto, Canada.