HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-1-17, Page 6I IF
11 4 . I I
I III . 'I'll 1-: Sl(; N,% 1, : (-'0I)I,:R ICII, ()Nil'.% I? h lo �
I Tnumpl),ky, jaiiu% y 17th, pl()-, . I - — -- —.-
- --
-- - - - —
your bigim"p, it certainly Is lit- r Picowl oil Ills (app. Ilaklos stood at - --
.. - �. �. : .
##" Oplows .*z. : . '. 1-::....-.,-:-.*-' I "'.: ,,, . y
-.T.. ."P. ... . 3KIIIII11"!? -- -
... .,. :: `.. ". , - . - � , _�4*RNPI,'qW#W?!�� t 4/
., �'�' * - " �*;��:.,;l!'.� -;i:,`,.-��- -`T,)-..-,..,. ..v..."...
I , , I ........,..:..:......... l*.,: -:j �.,.--�::. -..--.,i,.,:,.::, : I ter4i"Atilla." Jill t:1111 AS he (pIt 1011('k lilt b
.. i .. ... . .. lite window lit tail jillitude Of alert fit, r A I I, Ir ,
, . i � i.-: .; 0 ... i .. ...
* .
I . . '.*. - , - - X .zl % .:, . . . �. .. ..... . position lieside If.oldim. I mriiij. I lit- to,, I'll. 11,vel-ly
. *
I . . ....'. I I..... ,..,::..! . r arm awdY I /iearN Me ' / ,
. '!-. - *. . ..-.�,- . ::-X.; -.!1Q,?�- drew her arm awdY -
,.--.�.��,.*-'.,'-;.`-;.`.-�- -� ......, :. -: :: . . "
* . � . .;�:j:.: .> . r� Pommav on our btreell.kT,I11
Ij ,
.. - -. �. *::;;: -.1 ,`-7,.%C.V7 -
. 1: �.. :;::.�::: .. .4.�..✓.. -mainder of Ills, r1de Ito caught blili- ,Ila,jjIo,II,-jjIIy nu,] took a step toward
I � . . . . I Irk .�., '11 t . . .1. -... 4 - .�.� .. . . .Z W, - A::I�V . P.* --,.,f- ,, . . '. * , �. "... �-,I...... - refli-4--livl-ly t,,p voidow. 'I'll#- gnard Now by tier e5V.G !` S��V1 st-If time offer li,op liazim. RAN13Y RUBBERS can't -N bat. -
, ::,::� - , " I
. .1 I .-�'- NT tit t4p back of I-r jwowl little lipful. . eye* that Slit- wa% frightened: but. It In thein I tramp and tramp about'-- I
1 posge.,141 of Jill ; litlost Ills heart beat violently. bit face was
.., . : GEORGE BARB .�-4:-�i7. . uneoute,3111thle, I , I *�, �
!. . 1�,.**�, d,:s1re to twit -h the ivift brafvu hair. the picture of military dtonitiess. i .. TAey'i--. ea5y wear, .!,.-- - ' .
, - �everl ". � " .,:;."l:,: to -,-�-
I ,. - . . '. MUTC&ON, .. ... 'You cau't.ro.-I that ex.-Alpolt young •,,%%*but nre you doing there?" snarled L -
11 ..'. .
" ... ' ' * ' I : ) , ,
. I .. .1 .. iltalbsor of -G=mM&A- ,�.;. * ituail mu, If laug, --. i iy doar," said (Ili- - the coulit. an& �Pri,t wear out I :
11 •
1, I . . �'.:.,:�-*.*., cruntess, rsst-ulllo- - look In Ills dark 111.1,161 your hightiess call$*, asked Dal- I --k�� .
'�.' - ' , - ,�, - , I ,- . .., , — � -
.. ., �.'.'. �, It 4 ..'.. ��.;
.. . m Clopposisist. Md. low :t!V'-;.1 '. eyP'4- 'rise "an" t1l"ll,-11t "I"' 'see" :If- � do ,,,,It, .
: I 50L %'; filetut.- Beverly N%Ith Its probabilitiom 1� --
..... .. .. .;:r-.-...
�111,\ -
G rdUSIdr'k ;"--`-"" . Slip tibi uAt cAll, fellow!' Id I ,, -- I - 1%
4 1 1 1\ : arAd Md (Amodw . ... I .. ,' to 1". srsnb�
.1 , . .. ... . . for twenty-four b. -Lit -4 fill(] luore. -
11 .. ... -1: I � . I .... � I setinatt, III, lilt deadly menace In I I -- - . �
X - I t ... .... .I- '. ", -!: I .. I t'nunt Marian% welcomed 111A %1!lforf "lisps rt to ILI#,% lit lint( an hour. You , -
\\ I"' 11 .1-1. . ". . .... V , , ... . I 11 1.
I I .: :- I . ,; Is: I ;1 I ".1. .-. .. Willa it arioeloumls.�* that awoko woll still have something to learn. I see." 1��
I .. •"':'r,:" ,... .. : ... � * -*'�. I I I - -
I . ,�. . - . . � .... I I I ,erl%- iva
- - , der in lite min,14 of his opliff. Ili
.* — � - * ,qw -Niowww'sits -WANOW AA1M0W1o.�11NqWW I Lie% - s alarmed by this.threlit to .
11 �� # �'-� marked preferviiess, tot- lite Anierivaik his tours. She Saw what was lit store -
i A I I . . 11
* I did. baron Dangloss, but' yqu berilb lilt, iwrm It I u- . -..c:iiA. .14,1111Y, girl did not escape attention. 'Soule o'. � for Buldog, for the kullov quite as well —
Is I iau,t harp t4bine willi the lying% of an ..Atid %%hal? imerjet-te.1 Ileverly. the Wider youn-, bfileillra' Indulged In , as Alarlanx that the guard had dellb-
w ho coul.1 not wiliV and all looked i
eagle. It Is torally not nose than lilt" soirreplitious griumerm, . irately Intervened in her behalf.
111111"* bit'P I gave tiff- .letter to Colo- "The .104criplion Wit our frielld Ital With more or less compassion upon tit,- I -Ile cannot come in half an hour!" .
11 and Pains. :-I 4juhl :iox." 1lie haron smilistA lily,%- dos pvrfpi-il�! , , , Npl-Y fared beauty froill over the sea. I site cried quickly. "I have something I
1 lerlollsly. Not volunteervil no Solution.
"You 41mil meall 11':" ex,1411111441 - L, se. I happy
survoi,yetI.Balloo strudily and for him to do, Couut Nlarlanx. Besides. I
� Ifirst's Pain Fxterrrunatbr Ti rt,. "'I'livii lit- I-iny IN, 3my oil#- of tile coldly, dorp diial-provallill him sinister stared
! Ile truth i�, lit- was entering lilt- vaq- tilres. You ha%,. In, litiollp'I't" eyes. Ile had not forgotten the eu. think I did call." Both men I i, z-,5 two palm
quickly relic� , - lame baths, if,. dolws as lilt- insesseuger left them, L tier. . I A pair o/'GRANBY RMER5 will wear as lon,
strained shoulders, sprained but lie wild much too fault It( effect to "Let low 11.11 you what, nil- grand counter of tile day befoni. "ll pars are excellent," said lifar-
t "I a" the favorite in on afford." be Y . -&ivu well all the time.
. Ilike'st mwlelairy solyn. I ha%e the of- oe o, y rubbers and they look %
ankles, bad knrrs, braises, spoil ro� Wood mituntion, by explallatiolls. ficial 1140tice. I-Ift Ieft 11. lit lily silpsk. il blandly. Alan he told you of tit, hin' stiffly- I W
I cuts and burns. I t wear ;I long two jull" to Ills iraft-i; In 'rill- runaway Aou (it life g.*ao-I dula. is lesson lit munners If,- PiijOY041 last "I fancy Baldos' must be even belief'.
I ill,- Tower. "Soinething tins just )fail- ell Mid ChrNtobal. Ile Is twenty-iteven bigbt?" Ili, was lending Ills guestm to• for he heard file," Said Beverly, herself GRANDY RUBBERS WEAR LIKE IRON"
4 Hirst's Pain I , p ...... I shut t Impels me to ask a few yearA lit ago-. srst-siks Eugligh 11iieutly, ward the quarters. Hahlos and Iladdau once more. The shadow of a smile % :.
-ulni BaJdos, the new beillidpit 1'i 1131 Moll our MN 11 Idjurill ge. followitur. Tile new guard could not crossed ale rapist of the guard.
l.;Ijg ish bell) hearing the sarcusti,- remark. "He is impertinent, insolent, your --- - --- - -
gua - rd." I. '."(.(if It S.4 -111A 11131 lit' :110-114101 fiat ; I .
Exterminator. � ""es"I first ask what 11;14 happen. I "Yon didn't have him loeateu-.` cried highness. You will report to nip tomos-
1 v college villh I'diwo loanian and some
, X - In Colonel Quill -
40 years the I-4-1 reliable family � - . )IIIII r,olnI was al a IoP% for tit@, of olir Own youme sten wills fire still in I Beverly, Stopping Short. . raw, Fill, at 9 O'clock
I ailing of the general smile that I-'Aigland. Six w-s-ks aro he di -appear. . ,.No. but I iui;fzins� It would have nox'8 quarters. Now, go!" commanded
. intrAicinc. 2�,(,. at all dealers". 1. t around, ,ed from hill futher*.4 hostile. .sit the been preferable. I talked %,lilt him for the count.
. Try Mird's Unit liver Puts -natural "I IA quite persionail and of tin 4 -on. � same tine It dozun wild and Netiturous half .in bour." said the general, laugh. *11'ait a minute. Baldon. We are to.
. tonic and effective. Askvourdealer Iselin ive. What Ito you know of hits? relainer.-i left lilt- grand duchy. The,. low pignitleaully. Ing out too. 11*111 you open that win -
i 'llandsiorne Parnell's Broad
I .r send its Z5c. direct. 31y I, riosity is orousist. Now. he P:ll'fy wjt.S Silt'It Ill N'Jejula a week later. When the party stopped at The thrink. dow for top*.," Baldoo gladly took it all
; Souvenir Water-Culor sketch free. quiet, ererly. You, are its eagler to and the youlig duke 100141IT annotuircIl Ing fountain iu'tlie center of the fort a command and threw open the long F. . N,, is.. toed
! ... , Ili, 110010% litilted lJp;Ir IVY.- HIS Net! was 1, 'be have him a gratv-
F. F. DALLEY CO, L-PPIted. kno ,4 he rest of us that he was off 11) thto,va-t is) bell) . French window. F it Sill h- IV., ,,, h-
", a,"
Hamilton. ons. .111 V1.111. 1 lit hialmesA, I may as well friend I'lantan lit the light for bill as impassive as marble. Ills eyes -set ful glance as she stepped through, and I [last a Putty. palatable,
,.oufe%s tha lilt, mail is :I puzzle to me. lbroup. 4.(Ill:jr nu (its. theory that Bill- straight berme film, [lilt figure erect be could scarcely conceal the gleam of .h"Isr .1i..t A.
d:N1 is thilsaino Chrixtobal we have and soldierly. .%it op-englonal pareas- joy that Shot Into his own eyes. The th.t I. P-.4.,ly itso
- - . I I'll ..
I " ,-, , , - , . - . . I , only to, I) visit- if reagmi for his proo, tie remark by the Iran Count. meant durk scowl on the count's face made our P-', i. I.t.11"ll il.
, 1 1) / j 1' fvrring ill(- wiliN in tile coulf,ortiA of for , r his cars, inado no Impression upon absolutely no impression upon him. ire ,� l f
I , �` , �1 Is our cities. In Itip first lohwe, lip knows the drodly couilsomire of thp now guar? closed the window and followed ten It Is th. Sainne, FS,100 Me
. . i there ion larg,• reward for his upper. who had hail Ills lex*.)Il. Alis! . pacess, behind the couple. the Infe,f., Ki.d.
1� \ 11 � i j I hension anti lit- feam our loolice. In the houll wait tion,st-lous of a vague ferhilz -Your guard Is a viceless treasure,"
; ; . I that title hall Perved BalJos :its Ill turn snid the count grim y. IP . rr L)I!;A Zi
-- -- k � I �il � 1)1141 pkit.e. lit- .b.eVo lint ,-;ter to direct F, YOUR POPULAR OROCER. AUENT
- - ; I .. I , life at
of -PrInev 1) tnu . 14 foliss when she pill him luto this loomition. "That's what you said about the can-
� I The Most Important I � 11 . I (9) 111111,44 -If. 'Hot uJISSell 10TI1111:111 lit file The count provided u lialit Inuctleon dilestick," said she sweetly. - - I
I , I -r wet -kA. In his quarters after the ladles hail Rhe vra.� disturbed by Ills threat to
Household Item Is I , I � , hills find doulod"ot wall lost G
, , bat lilt- true reason for his flight Is Roue over lilt- fortress. Beverly Val- reprimand I'al(loq. For Some time her
,( "I �� i 1113fle plain lit till- store that was print- noun, with all of it woman's Indiffer- mind )fail been struggling with what
o A A. ., . , , , I �', ,/ . ed ,revently lit Paris and Berliu news. eness, to tbiugs material. could Lint but othe count lint] said about "thp IPS801J."
I I � ' A I I , 1,� , , � ., I papers. Act-orilitur to them. Christobal pep how
poorly equipped the fort was It grew upon, her that her friend had
I I .1 " I �i , rel.0hill nlirain�t his father's right to as compared is) the ones .-It,- Ivid seen been bullied anti humiliated, perhaps
I I � . , nited Stnt". Sit-- and the In the presence of spectators. Resmit-
I I - 11 I i, �' , itchill it wife for him. The grunt) link* lifs 1 be 1 *
I I I I .., , , I 11:141 chosen a Liable anti wealthy countess visited tile irwory, tile tit- itient fired her curiosity Into actioll.
I 1, � I allot the sitil had .-elf0e.1, a Iwautiful penal and the repair rhap% before While lite general was explaining oite
11 - 0 #1 girl from ill(- lower wnlkoo of fit--. Fa- hinchron., reserving file pi�aqurp, or of ill,. llpw gill, c;j"isgen to till- count
The Signal's
� t - A I I iber and Ann quarreled and neitber the clubhouse, tiff- offietim' quarters PAorlle,sprly wal$ftl deliberately over to
. , - . I woad give sill incl.. Christolgil would and f.hp parade ground until
afterward, wbe're )InItIo4 was .standing. Haddan*.4
. (POTTKO IN CANADA) 11 - - . "nut inarry his rather*x choice. find tile? Count Alirlaox'-4 battle wa4 Ill the knowI441gP Of Iillgjfiftll Woog eXpsst,�,Jinigly
�. I souther -t comer of ter hwlo�ure. near 111111ted. and lip could lin4lersotal ", ,
.• e 4 , gnind duk'. would lint sanction his �
not only suppliescolor anti flavor " , A•
A., 'V thin gale!,. Sp%.-ral of the offlt-4.4 lunch. li'lleoffiser:ilii�le,iii%-e"atinn. Stan(
. gra I v,jes- 1" All #1 : - I I I I Ir plebelau." I- I
to solups, satices asid * - .. pxchinited prou .I with hi:n atid lite young Indies. fit;: I squarely lit front at Baldox, %I- Clubbing L is t
' , � %larlanx was assiduous lit his jollell- failed 10111 in low toilets.
lit a �• - , I : y ,u,,(,."'p"' 'Ble"'!rl)" .:Iy: on .%
but a quarter teaspoonful -- . ". . , " .. e dioll-sn't luilk IlLe lilt- mart of mail -it go. "Ili - I
clip of )lot water makes a brae- CL .-- � -- I, #1 I wt )Illd he bullied Into warr.yIng tion In Reverly Calhoun. so runs, "What did I,p mean when lie said lip
itig clip to the ittv'alid or - - 144, (I It of re Us, it fjObity In � do is W. tiff' I I . . Any Xly If If.• didn't want to." . lit fart. that the colint"s tensed her hail given you a losoton?" the demand -
convalescent. . * % afterward abort hpr conquest of till- 1: Ills PY" alenint4l,niterrily.
. ,. I I lit- Ktrikes nip as the Port who Old will well worn blostirt. Be% erly c'
: Artuour's Extract of Beef is 11" 1-01111's here n N'3931 tried, lint he rer- wil . uld ijarry tiny to' he set his beart "Ile rapaut in alarru your highness."
For 1907
' I", thought him extremely -.fly anti peolti- .. 11
More economical than others Iv- t:ili,IY does not art lilic true. He admits u)"Po 11:1 *Ing." added the prinpps-. with . Ild"l Ile give you a talking to?"
I . that lip I; loping hunted, but takes no mental, nitich preferring him fit lite . ••
cause it goelf four titres its for. tatilit'l - giallve at 5liss Calhoun. Ile coaelled lite in orithics." 40@C- �. �
� .. . '. character of the bar -b. Implacable mar- . ..you are evading tile question. sir
, *
Write for free ' Booklet "Culinary
out- lilt.) Isis couillblence. For that he 11 --i`!:L1.III11: " ... ff I 641 11411'erly definutlY. tinct. .
Wrinkles" which -frits how to use vannot bebbimed." I M rt n -ejit nil with his uarrative. A%:1% he Inlo-1111 -"III nasty to you? Tell
Alavi I . * , . At regular iliterral..4 Oios, Fa the we: I wnat to know." . The Sign.11 . .
. ;," - ymi :illy reasion to ail-pret --xl 11 ;, I , 1rt,.4 01, exciti-ment. Id' -W 1' "t\'0-111,
Armour's Solid In'll-f Extract. Th" 1;f,,ir,,,n , - le ma p I Ptraight. martial form of 114i . . . . . . $1 00
I - I -r of a - I- I and Montreal Weekly Herald - I oo
To lend I t 11 It r. Christo- tile window near which she sat. lip ,,,list endure. A civilian or an equal I
. ARMOUR LIMITED - Toronto who It,- 1,"' .-.,kt"l Lorry. ".a '-,I "Well lie Paid things that a soldier '11 I L' ."I'' '11,t
CANOPIAN VACTOPY -77 .MONY STPErT CAST .Nly 111',triietionx were to refrain 11 I.. .,,vV�c;",o op daughit wall patrolling fit#- narrow, lim"m
N I fr4pul 01111-Stioujill: him." �4-0111plaillell Z1114. 151.lr4i.�,".", . the
the night , might have run him through for it. your , F lar til .1'r 11; t 1, \yvckly .I it-rald and Toronto
'. ;. -- litillglogs, with a pathetir took at the los-oro lipr lover I •-it. I know nothing .whirli frnutml ten house. Toward tiff- highroplit,st." A tIllsh to" to his cheekti. *
- close of the rather trying lim-iteot Weekly Globe . . . . .
I original plotters. -Still, I have ulaflo ,If tile I-Irt-111111itul -cs attpuding tile lit File 0"d Ills lips quivered else? so sljglltl�. I 30
, thfit
was P.
linesligatiosts along other litlo-,+. I- I rime, hill it is lily 1 islerstauding almolit mial-lon to * control the In'* But Iteverly valar anti undierstb .11. lif'.1' The si-o'111.11, \V -:t -k -I%- I Ivr;dd and Toronto
%nd who I% hp''" cried Beverly- I, lit pulso to rash nitt nud compel him to heart was ,ea.
loolobal I% unt susl (,tell. It Is loo.A. . in her 11.11 . "I "
I ... - IS I , rt -l:* x that Inil". !Ila. machine -like •'*That Fettlelo IV' she said rigidly. Daily Globe , . . . . . 4 50
. I 'Ak for. Ftri'lle. She hungered for a few aflu-
UVJ Wt is eager I jjlbl� that he 1, I;;uorn even now of
1 &ou't ku-isr," story., ,hl- di-appoinl. it- girl's fale." "You are not to report to him at 9 '("IAC s,<11.11 anki Montreal Family Herald and
. I I Ing answer. "We- nrc crlufronted IVY n "Well"by lilt. anti$, we rove a ,XNI_ Mrs of the Old little frepoloin with him. tomorrow.-- I
, I I I)oIll,tiesm K lot of heroes about us: exela, The Iron Count was shoning tier Weekly Star . . . . . .
i CLOTHS? queser set Of eiro-uniMatwetil. . inled Nosiv- rare nntitlup bronzen lie had vol. -111"t he will have me shot, your I 50
yon all know that Young Prim -e Dqn- I nrr.r ' I I , higlinesim." paid he gladly, is'.ver%- stilist,-riber lo The li'anillv I lerald
I I tal, I.. flying from lho Avirath of his limit Dut. after all," ventured I Count- ipetf.(i in lite somb. ,rho him-henti was -Ile will do rinthing of the kind. Ton . . � .
�h I .1111 4;111,riel over. find the catulto-ols find 11tro3ed nff and %%%,ekly Star %%ill reil tile pre-
#. brother, (our laineutell frit .--;s Italfout. "llahlox may lie ,,tie of art, Illy guard." And her eyes were . I
... towsird the I-n-finn, with tile young ,I
I Is- Is muppfrsseil to Ito- In our 111114 with ttlf'W' Illen." K --aming dangerously. Then she re � J.,
. - .
I! li 11 half stsirvoil toady I,( follower.-. It *,4;rXVd braiiells. Aunt yvonuc. .,Il*t officers. leaving llvAprly nione, with (lie . mitin, picture, ,,.% 'ri, I, ,it, liv,tr.
lilillpil the arquil, the members of I'lle siglial, x1o'cot.11. I lerald :Intl Weekly Sun
.:i�- -7 KpI'111% 111110n..9JI01P tll;lt be 4-011141 113VIS X-MV'St litlYthing not distrest iniz." 11-1 host. Servants e:;tiip lit to clear the 11. Mill had lovell Watching her rasions� .
�� I n-m-hed (our uortborn lonundarieVi with r Iletive. "Ile roust loor- one o; them." tables, but file count harshly ordered ly. "Colint Marlaax," she said, Willi Cl'oroWo) - . . .
Makes Th. -m out oar outpossim vittvithura glimpseof -I Suggest A sill-edY way or lit-tv them to wait until lite guests bull de- entrant -big ,Iillll)leq, "will you report The "IlVeekk SlIll is ;I papir 111.11 �1111kl Ilk' 1 75
' .
I 11 , . hiju at Solup tIlIjL-. Tit(, trouhh-.1.4 that rdning the matter.*' I-ald ' %n Ili -Il ' parted. to 'Ile at 9 tomorrow friorning?" read by c*%ery f-trilier.
sroll rall "et boill his fare 1A unknOwn to most of till, I "Let its t4oid fill- Haldos and a%k hilt '"A "post thing I have seen:' -1 bave :tit appointment." he sold . .
- M - � *;-'1tI'1`pIr,i;bb.I.ling .*I rare old candle-
anwng lite nfber4. I hale lopeu golua point 11131111; who lit? 10. I think It'll; FIo%vIY, bill with understanding. The Signal, %Veckllo- I lerald and Farmer's
Silitetl nnd Overcoat- on till- pre"itniption that ItahlotS Is I, oil to him to ellenr away the Illystpry. �. sikk at arill's Ieflg-lll nild looking lit It "I'lit Yon Ivill break It. I am sure," Advocate . . - - 2 30
reality 1'rhwe liantan. lint last idght "No'" cried Beverly, start I ug it) her lie " the ,n-ri,t could the rissirrited votifidently. "I want to ' '
-I, it, lite 41tefit 90-1v fit.. i.-ii4.r rel-eived a serpre VVIswk.** feet. , * . tura. I'll"�-Irl,yi,."�l"!,).",,.:,Ir,o plodfNIIJ114t lie. give you a Irssou in -in lawn tennits." %Ve recoinniend :1tir real to) s*tihscribe to
, ,
I of ('.lit allft Inaterial, "Y"'.` vaine front %eral eager liptit. "It seculs-to till, tile Only wily." said 14pw 1 pillows. The ,..Illnt*.4 'eyes (01' .Later oil. %%,ties) The victoria was well The Il'itrnier'si%dvocate and 1101/110 Nfag-
. "fly wen who ,are 'wrAchitig tit,, Lorry. lowed I P gra,hil curves of her til-tifton away from the fort, loigniar took tier 'lzine, file hest agrictillimil jotirmil ill
I at tit(. I Dawsherveit frontier (-time lit last -Hut I prouilsetl him that no ques. forearm vita ail Progerners thirst was .,,u 11 .
I I-aniou to tank for holding In pill)- '
I i flight and reloortell that liantan half . lie friendly discourse with a nrember The ;Ibtlove offer Includes
tionAt Phould lie n -ked," Paid SeverIv sunriving. America.
i F " I bevu sevii fly mountAncers ittv later almost tearfully, but quite resolutel*y' ot.. I prize more dearly thnn .lily 'of the wilarol, whoever lie might be. ;t Cat t' of The Adlo-ocate's Christill;js
West Street thau StuAlay, Ilin-e dayot ,ago. 'IllrNe Audn't 1. Ypt -your bighuess?" her pis�we I my collection." lie ,.,aid. "it 14 fillokether contrary lip custom
I mountahipprs upri- in syin'pathy with "Alas, Yes!" Solid the princess. will, ;i "It Caine from tome. it has it history 81111"- lint Beverly put her band over Number for ioos
Clothina Emporium him nn4*rvruVuA to tell mliIii1wr he pathetie ensile of resignation. but Willi wbl,-h I %hall I t to 10-11 you w)"Its day the Irritival III)% nud sullIcIf like a 'I'l I e S I "I I 1: I I X\'Cekly I I eralil and Toronto
6 went. We ,)Ili -�\v% at % tIly"Ity fit the cluill) of her hand. anti v - k -,N t almo-t Invalmsibili. guilty shit(]. i
' y know that Ito . in "b'"' nil Weekly Mail and Empire . . .
I thrill . . - -- I A (;I noble ;tit offered me a "Now. fl()ti:t xeuld." she pleaded, and 1 70
the tiotithern part of Grim4tar k`\ -,-,..., n I
mail fortutis, if I w uld part with I thin countess could go no further. .
I Is L A ,I:iy4 sl •n. Our now guard speaks "' CHAPTED Xlv. 6 wouldn't 11 It', '.. LI Stibs,.:rlh,�rs it, 'I'llk, Wcckl\ Niall ::,lel 1:111-
. lalignag, blit he tills flower 1, " a* lt.%T •
same afternoon Balillost. ' %lid you wouldn't Tile folinwing morning Coualt Mar- vire will receive thc pik-111111111 Illi,1111's.,
I to loop that Of Dowslit-rgen. I , o I'lisgiffilly Ignorant of life Stir "I w"% gav'"i, It f. "'to "11"loll- I:ini reported at 9 o'clock with much
) * ,;,,�`L, � �.If I �--(Iyi .. I - 'ply `�px better grace iluut he had pecle(I I offered by th;tt paper.
I 11 list -if 14 not xurprialing. (,)I-, of nil It,- bad 'vreskt-A lit certain I . ir. your b1zliness, he said, "' 't' flus . .
" T .
11. 'PHONE 15 OR 24 11 biligot, he would jivoid him mother ' elest, Mile Out for the first t 1,11, glif(erhig. •11'he gin I I I p himself vixfonlile of exercliting. What 'I'he Signal, XVL,ekly I ientid ;,:ill Toronto
, ' "" ,; .. .... .
%%al'.1i ... I— , . W-1 forunle. 11:1111all In part ElIgII41 by :1., �j 111"I'll,pr, of file castle. gIj;jrd. He whell I I -nn I ... r, "" 11 IV it ft, a rfworn- 0114. taught him of tennis on the roy.11 .
Ww'..'. t"„ --I -0 ).,-) ( . ; . ..... I ) [rill and wholly so by cultivation. In nil- Haddiin were detniled by Colonel losenso fur gre.'er ....... tit Ijarou*oo cniirl- in the presence of ' to amuseol Daily World .' . •. . is 325
1 11K 141`.- I (,,I is.., 1� :, sort! t1lillf bl" eVilhilitly 111111114 A mjtP in tills 4 , .1 t Its privatp import to FoIll." a I .
. I'lablossi." . ...... ns -in pct• 011,11-1ve Al -as 8-4 iiothing to what lit. The Signal, \Vvekly I leraltland Toronto Daily
.1 ( lboull unfit otherwise. ordered. "0b. 14111 It Ill.-ky you kept I ,*' Rhe It-artitul of'stratf-gy n4 It can be pro,!. .
I Ili- Star . . . . . . . . 2 30
Ilivit It., realty Isn't l,r;ti(.p I)nn- 1. .1 it thought hintselUwIlAer than crivil. Then -bo turnpIl her Yes way tictittl by it wbirrisi.-al girl. Almost top -
tan?" ,-rhsl Ileverly, ;is though n cher- ,',,,d( ... In knowing, that their char;. -o (Illif-MY, for b1A gaze Neenj6d gre Ile fore Ile. klt#-w It %he had won eleml, The Sl,qrnal, Wicckly
C OAL - --- * I lvrollkl and Toronto
I ;shed Ideal liqd been shattpri4l. I was not till, rilit-emot lie was very 11111, 11 endeavoring to pit -roc through the III *e tion .for Hollins, that being the stake .
.Y � . - - . "Not it wt- fire to believe .tiff., tApit mistaken. I I(! etijoyegli life. trick, that fu4crtinn covering tier neck nud shou Daily News . . . . . . 2 35
. for life firissit Net of P11191". To his
r I \ ALL K i N D S OF COAL, fr"I'll lilt' All"th- I Iferp 1-4 nnother rom• was loping plot, if oil his fellow guards. ders. Outside the window the Steady s, ,,re,iit, the count was gRrne. ne took The Si��Ilal, Wk,clik- I letald and London Daily
ALWAYS ON H A N D I"'"t"'ll- b"we"r- ' I'here I., nit you, man Mot eiiinyt tut I walt &tit unthing- trninp of the tall guard Vent oil mo_ 'it, wager, Lnowlax that he In his . '
" *I I r . - kn.w. (*,,still Milfont, anti p -Amps nil when compared I the plenmure Brildoi Iluto"011slY. - - I ornnee ,could not 'win from life Advertiser . . . . . . 2 35
. I , jr,it"All I ,Nil "volls"I .... 11'. 11k,i (,,i-, is( You, fill, that inaller, it pretender to was derivIng frol " piluntinu. -The rprompense Of a sweet smile, a I'll It yomig expert In petticoats. Then 'I'lle Si Ila
whew )..if g. -I J'.,W It.. list- �, 1"', I'll- throw, -if Astphalit. the tuffrilive The royal vi( -t rill as drivell to the tender blush I , ind the unguarilitid F.IA it ered in wngur the bratfs candle- g I,- XVeckl\, I leralcl .Md London
rinvp ry in,- the puppossl4l prin, thanks of a pretty wouian.
i � I WMIV LEE. ' V - F dvriv, He is detteribe,j as (ortrp,pt. convPyP` 'rhe "u- --ti,-1 , -oin-,t tier bracelet. She consid- Weekly Adveriiser . . . . I 00
, 4 P"I.- ,.1.t,"). � " i youus:. anod looking, :I PA-holar nod the vemot and the Coijute,ox I ginar to the d11e%II,-k Is youm, 'Mism CnIlloull-if jou -, " ,
I "I'll'' � �,,;I,,, .",.: -o- p. . OW fit nininent mill then Ili it spirit 'I'llc si"lla -ald and London Daily
4.. ........ , " , ., 0 I -I I two I
I .Mll; k. . 114 ( thili- o ;I paujwr." hotne Of 4,4oult .!lifitriflux. Tile will repay Ili(! for illy %nerilivin by ac- ., 1, Weekk Ile,
I i " Itilliloost n mere pretender!" criell gnarls frolle brnvely tolishim live f4oli- ""Ming It without re-ervat lou." of enflull -Ili rl.'�I)1441 Ilw prolw,-Itinn Free Press, Mornifig edition .
----,- - t �-•t,'1
- - -1 r.,-\,,rly h, 4II%trpA4. .Npipr :.1 page. rf�plpnoleitt in brilliant ow full- Slowly Beverly Calhoun met the can- After sill, ie ;-o,4-jv,I it,(. .,nnollemi(.k. . . 3 50
, , ": 1 "At tiny rate, lip is wit wlint he pro. folmitt. Bahlotti m:11% mildly R, trild-1 Mpstlq-k down lillon lite table, her eyes Halt :11, hot] hil ail orderly was rill 1:\-ciiiiig editioti . . . 2 90
:ii, , 1 'Hil-st to hic," said the baron, with a and puzzled by I v lontaRp P-1 the m•0 -ting his with meady dbil Ing to file, for ,tv;lh Instructions 19 r,- .III It, I-:
. _
`4 _ 4 it _ I IV . I turn tit once w I .Misg f,altioun,j, cal, sl.g I I; I 1, \VCek-IV I lerald alid London
I wi,uits stivile. Young Atnerlento girl. It struck lilt Ili ,.. Wlint R rare old Jester you are, '
SYNOPSIS OF I -111,111 You think he may Ise Prince preposterous tent the ent,,re fill, tali I Count MarbilIX," sit@; olaill without R diestick. It Is record that they l, Weekly Fre I tis
4 Northwest
17,11,0 ...... anklil Lorry, d4ply loiter- Or Volelim-pli,st could too In the gainp I ouville. "if I thought yon were In esir- were "love" sets, bleb goes to wave
Canadian Nor P.41441; that Boverly took- nn lances. The Signal, WeekIN, Herald anal Presbyterian 2 25 ,
deceho hini. , np.%t I Should Fivrefifn with NuOiter. '
� . I ,,r so,,, bienn"t to think so, ullbouirb "%%'It,, In tile princess' rompa It loll?" . ay I oluxtre,ot that Ale Join Ihp t-wint- Count Mnrlanx, Vu 9 and perspir- rhe Signa% Wcekf%- I lerald .UIj(I Westminster
r Homestcad Regplations. Another ... nviplicatinn bas arisen. '.%t,,.,r It,, fiviii1red ,it Haddan ns the.f left the eat. ? We inuoilt hurry nlong. ynu know. Ing, his Joints dixinny and his brnin . 2 25
,- It Ple"44' Your 11191111",o. I nin in nn c,n-%tlp groviinfill if, nit I have prowl d lo,ldny ti-mlist ('011 Tile Si
%.s?.i:"" 1'.11"I.-n-il ,:-l-!-,. .,( Domim .... 184, , confused, rode away a noon will, .411;tl, WVCkIx I I mil(l, Presbyterian
* . Ill "The CounitNiol Dairnifir. ( . Baron Danglooss. Beverly, title happy
1,11 ..W."it"I'a".0ii-ki, A III %0 t ;,[ugly talurled stat'. ,If mitill'" nil- -oti-Ift to her with tit c pritivel-14 al :1 O'l-lot.h." Tile
=" .%z.o., k'�,,. " 11"';:1""': liniflpil the lonron. pit-tolIX Ills h:lil,l highness. Stir 1% Itte wife, of %1I . n"I'si hire of dKipin,1111111pilt 1.1 -led
11. JV1 low S ...AI 2ok VIVO I.....1, I. r 1, In her complete vi,,tory, enjo a nal, and Westminster . . . . .
, An- el "I I ' 3 25
poll Ili, .P% I. -isms ,,I ... 0. IIII- ., ,I ...... I 'K 11 111.4 brow. gulsh." olln a W 4 . was
71 f �, , It Of PrOfOluld sweetness anti t 'I'lle Siizllal, Weekly IILT,'IJ(I and Farming
I ainily. to.w.) I .... I...V%io IN ,,.af, ,If nk -, to Ill.. MIT I fient. Ti nionnia.-Y or rgo
I! . ,
� -"I " mnop`� "1 h, 7,11, I'lenli that ntiother myqterl- "I have open her Itelinre," said Brolf op. c in In 1114 relief. "nil lit, Iloilo
e I tl."1,.t4Pw.J.I..r1,.I 'col"11.1iff" 1�� I �w really fnr her walk with the to ees Is
. . .
or 1'.... - 1w.d., lls�t� - low* entill- to life?" asked a Atrilluto onill I I . T -mother tiny, but ' They were strnil World (Toronto) . . . . . 1 30
F 1. ,",lit, At tllp\4,.,.,, out% lorhic, 0, of 111% fare. I Ing leisurely abol the
t . .,"I . . "I till'-di'titel ill vilAul, If.. IVA 6 totack p �if for not hemutiful grounds, Rare In the Phad of
I -, licr eye% sparkling with interest Irbe (,ojllltpq% liagniar to !P4 It 'IIM- for another w ;I n. , I' I I c Si
, f .11unte. I Yetivf � Ahe It" from the beat or the jtlly an gilill, lVeckly I lcral(l ;,fill Montreal
I Tim honw-initit-r I- mqitlt�j lt#%,j,w.vf,l"I1 t�hl. I in fit,, rvvoq4jtIolt+. colt tit first to meet tho, p#-ol'of till' ?few', .'It grieves 111 to lifive you burry when Baran Dangloss apromill Paily Witness' . . . . . 3 50
h condition. I'll. 11,11-,l I IwIv. it PI'r one .4 "Earlir this liforning a (11M.)JIfell crime P"fird, but he 11-:14 So piltietilloll,stly I Iway. Nly nflern ut is to lye if dull Your rectal 11:9110ess." he began.
. I he foli'm i ,.a 1,,,I,.: .
. .1 If , At
I. --t -Ix iswnth-' f,WrtP.,. ,,,.,I, A,j,j I to file, from the (,r.-iilfl I)tiko Alichael ,if al-liviolvit that hereniarnste wai, restored. I crop unloss yoii prrn I me to watch the w *I'll Signal, Wcokly I lerald anal ,-oltivaliot- sit tb,- ImPl Is- sorb ),-.r for 1lo,L*' Uipp Tborlwrjr. a dm, ay Ill western ;ih his fierce smile, ,,trial I beg & mo- Montreal
yaml�. ll In it .. .
J , ,� Slit, even went so far no to wlilqp,-r I nnls Mr. lie 9.1,11 . Melit's audieneer Wee
2i if tit,- fol err roe nintIP-r, ititim filth,, 1-1.. I Flarf,pe. lufornibur, me jillit the ,Ilike*, Itererly's par flint he (Jill not tenirmIP-r ; -.1 thought yon ,I -K, -V -r@ riterpolled only kly Witness . . . . . 1 85
I'loolusou,til ,if it... of 11
,,..Ill... Ilk" a f.11.1 I-lestot ",)it had fietl from home and is I het fnvo Awl pri,bubly wnilld tint r,,,, "it has to do with Balding. 1,11 take I
It'" % I, it'll'i of I IP. I.On -I.T.-I"I f in the game of war," a e Said polut- n
tiinv I. -"t tl"' I'. I p oath. a -lid Beverly with conviction. ic Signal, \Veckly I leralil an(I World Wide 2.20
qlllrenwnt� I. r W, -v- twi.,i I 1,11'"ill to have come to tile far rnxt, llrnly,P VetIvP Los -10 of the enve-ulnip ,sily. ,
J� I I' , "T". will' Your guard. Yesterday hp
Y � + I--'-,,, 1-1111169 %Hl, 11-c f-tim-t ,or , P1 1111Y In 44-rinfitfirk." forest. Th" princt"s 4wild fintly refil%.,.,l � "I'totand In arenissir awss It nil visited the fortress. lie w 'I'llt sigill-ti, Weekly I leral(l and Toronto
. roolit: I .., ;re:it Spilottr, I " a te
1.11 If t I's, A'. M. 1. rm,c o1vialined Anguish i 11) olf-complilly them tin the visit to ill,. 1, 11 I o n west to an am-
. ", I I ),-r Is . it than I do of n cannon will, If it ].-I I
� I 11pnon farn.1,M lawl .... ..... I I.% blr:7'i:.1 17111"M171".11 never I'All-4 twist It hails, on brre'g* fortress lors-huossis Of Rn Mrs. Struck by 4 onlinijorl on next I.jo, I aturday Night I . . . 2 65
1 Ilyof hl� I'mil...I..'.1. Ili., r".1.1it'.11"'III. oso�. IW' hn 11 to tile Irrilleps thirf 11"nit by such on arm &-I vourq." find
"-�Idinnpp may for nall.fird IVY re.1.11triftv it A louddrn ImOnl9p. Beverly cillf4l noll.,' I,* not only laid his Ayes, hilt Ills hand, --- --, --
. *" .. We are the Nes, T." - fleA to the tilde of the rellicip. I
" I he -aid III lid. . - - ---- . - - fill runtowity Tiny. I I Bread
11 I - ,
.. C
i A, �
'i I .. I
I- ej. ii...'..'.0".. I
A"'- o".. ,%,
31'et., r,,.r.l
U ,\
ol'... smis
I (I , —71t t"Ll I"
SIX "ontriff'., lint WrA., wt if Inir �Ils IV ill* alty, it issileftiot." said Count Hosilront ( '111111401141, Yon lorhaved very nicel I upoll her I -are nrni. She ittarIM" oft if ����
to the Iii'millikAnt."I -11 lit .... list, A Ir To"' � something had sting her, nold a colif . 0
1 -I-, it al 110 on with the story, Itinron I)pw I redly in exprAing the duplicity of
tr ^%,ao Inweitionio,stin,l), ft" tw,,P,,. shiver raced over her ivarru flesh. Hill 0 Send a litibscriptions to
1 %lo. ItIn'll print the princ,. -It to elks 9 ' Moil rolling vointnen." File *aid. eyell for the moment ,held her spell.
iii,piniyorlin, Iffid4it-rofthli Ilit,-rier. lww,k " I - is
4--9k'm---ba-ippy to lial pbosquillpff yalir loolind Ito was droll Ing the hand I-) . . .
I : %'. n. J',.*,sthnrbIprI 1,111 -fir- I floo ,if fhl• 'Wt. I "A (Irs,-riplion of lite yming in r* ' MS&Wm." he *Aid steadily. ANATTER & ROBERTSON,
i ve"llien". '11, will not lit- laid for Rn :; "it nit
interiAllf To" to know That him lips Intien a shadow darkened the I 0. I I I
I I 114111pit the orror of it Inrae re'll, I .
I --- -- I- - --'-• - I 'r".""'I'llortntitinn that may lead to big their pens . M in tie is I"relirl, window. And it Patter rattled THE SIGNAL,
Killed The illifinsil flat aill tit*- low. %I fall return home for rmonci . Italian, Rod"- ' Or that fs,TMUM. ' ilfu's in waiting If . t- warningly. §1111go ,-Ib I GODERICH, ONT.
. - Count Marlan't looked up Instantly. - \1