HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-1-17, Page 3I
THE AL: Go 1) 11 t'll• ONT-1IR10
. Taos"u\y, jouluary 17411, IJOi 3
c,alue lel Canada with her Hl --t haus- I _ -- Xews �f the Sistriet, ��� '������� GROCERIES
laud, William Hnlw'tl, fn list- year �� - {
mile h roar ied dllulh.of Mr. Hrawu
she ells nuu•riwl to \\'illi,uu :1'Ixe4tleu. I FOR
The latt i- dia•d,flt Strulhroy Alht „(ter �,e1
I'llrl'r will IW x11 (11'allge llAllllrnatl'Ia• 111n••a, toll[ Yt) tl Alll tilt, himilit or tide living ill Oralige villtl (I'1- twelve yovtr•+ WALTER C. PR I D H AM' S
lieu fit Lnrknow one tbu 12th (of Jolly lmuther that she fell N lite). to fever Mrs. Trothru eanse to Uliutnn JANUARY
tills year•• and dfwl on tht-:Av1 inNL, l4•AvinK her took up her al,utle with bre urphew.
luulutlad and Hve childrru to hasher MI. titovruwnr. The lefoldo. welt
'[I it+ Hrtice Old 1{Ioy" too 'fflrflllli/ 61ken Lu 1(rautfflrd fur iulrrulrut. _ r
will run thele „nnuul exeutsiun tti the their great Inas. CLEAN
home county. July ro lfl K. I 11,..1. K. M. taken, of rite f leas Lueknow Fall Show. - WEEP SALE
AIfAA Nolte, Uereruux JOAN INeol wn- I het•n ,["idea lit lxku charge of the The lunnull htatitor} uueting fl(•lll'' You would hardly Ihiuk taut
�rl(uget to touch in Talon school Na, 1, Musk.,kp F'rer Ilospilul at Uravrol- Kinhtortilla
or f{r:ulrh AKricuhur,tl Ktx•iety erica pinrh,lvwl thfx tuunth lKl•n•
AlvKillo r, this year•, fit a eultar of hur•xt as acting chief phvllft•f,ut. He wens hath at Luo -know flit Thurhd:Iy. ---• -�
loelter than those Io Nlght ill Ally ollwl.
i1p01. 1 y will nluluwe hixdutftts at liravenhut•Yt 'rhe n,uur wens rluuigrfl In the Lin -k- --�. - _ '�_. �-`_ �
Joseph Cattlling, Porter Dougla•I filed un February lilt. now• A riculwr:tl M4N•frf v, „fid '1'ueh- I mouth. AI our littlest thrj:aate the ton
1 dily,uul \Vcduexday.lbc l.t and"nd 44 FOR TWO DAYS evil-luly mill ).entity that ate cauicd
\\m. Uvlcell r have tione res t• (Ill M11udaa evI•uiug this hon Ill h, S MORE
K 1 N'ul. HlvNlkN diel at hfs home fn IlvUdwr, were xedecled:a,dat4-,fnrthis every ulnnll`,in Ihr cur.
{s.1 ill Houma.
4- rflunuls►iflnrn, (fir year'efair'. The lfllowiu oflicerNNud
Knuth Il11ron, Blyth uftur +1 .hurt illness, The dr- K
ense) with six, •-leu ears of age and ',it evtflro, were elfctel be ,u clalaia-
Xavier Diviatdiolr, of (naiad Ht•nd,) Everything Fresh
1 IvAxn a rexiticut uOHI 'Lie (fie ua'rr lieu : Nool, president. 1'. il. McKrn•
one. of the pioue•rN of the dfstN.v- thirty-two years. ) aft-, Al. P.. president, J. liryau; vice•
died on e the lot of Jgnurry, xgwl w+v- presitliont, 11. Coirig,ul l '2nd vire-prey-, Everything Pure
tilrut).-w•yen years. [leaf J. A. 1And Vald, fu�reKh1y pas- 11 ell 11\al. it'flhun: direelur.. Angus 111$k1' ^find IIKB Ill 11111 la a. ulll101111Illty (11 ft(OlVill'-
cli of Hhtke+a;11 \tale([ IwhbyLrt•fun AleKny„1. McDiarenid. WIn. [Mintel•. 1111' X11+11 i t •llltlllll;,, '1111 ENCr}",fain).( Wholesome
A handstm a new• N(•htwl building , hntrhrx, died :u Litter t'11rrwut. \hall- n • I 1' lll'llliittll��, ;t[ ;l fl':IC11O11 alt'
was opened at CrYditm itt that. rwgin• I. AMtclutytr•, W. AlclluilLui, ('. '1'ay-
iluulin, un Monday, 1{[6 inxr. Thr Iw- ,Ilea' 1'Pdl Y;lllll'. A gre;II iiiailf ll:tt'l• bl'l'll 111:1111'
niug flf this trrui. It its n uualrrn, Int. G. ti. 1{UIN•1. INI' 1, W. W. . Tilb
Initial" were inferred In hayfield eenle Choice Teas. Coffees. Coccas, etc., are a
anun11a1ioussttuclnrw. tery. NeedFai h' A o Mtiilh; diet N1ul:itii'•' to llal►ily, 11'1(11 1111' IIh Illulll'\' s;lvlll� 1/111'('11:•11 ti 1114'\' ll;ltt'
Hiss Annie K. Dorrington, a former h'air� AxxIN'IitUllll. Jahn ; ta-e ruri'r ; specialty with us.
til' Miss
it, flee Exeter public w•hool, J. Y. Mnilpv. shall fill- flue ).sues wit+ Neclwtuy. J. Alurchihflu; Uvvltiarer, Illade it ,1111 11„1'(`. Ili(. \\';flat (u II'Pat Full lilt' h;ttilt'
wale Or it, t 011 Ihr r Inst" to J. H. a Ineullu•r ref• the firm of CheRne)' k 'rhLftw'rpnct'• :Ulla Ill;d(t' full 1k•(•I good. t i%t+ 11!4 (111' 11111 ►(11'1111111 \
Uc 111"sc •, of RNA liver. Alberta. hlrrrde Mrnfurth, bas purrh,twel n Sudden Death at Seafotth. -- -
hald"l business at A•vliner. Elgin 1\'Itlllll (all` I11'Xf t1\'(I d:It (,11111' l'Xlll'('flll� 1,t', Ir,ll
Mien. Thus. Mnwa], of the 1"t cunreN- allot)., null takes INrssus.iuu fit it this A sudden de;tth covem-rel At lira- n purr. N rtaxtflluer. always a custoluel
"ion of Huron township• diel ou .inn- work. ,talllti itlltl 1'Ull \1'111 'al's 111 P'lll.
nary Hlh in her tithe -fifth year. The fort flit Tursday of loiM week. n ,
de•rabe t wax a daughter of Mr.. 111x1• MIN" Myrtle L. Wootlivy, of Men- Jaule•N Wil,1n, apparently in Ilia If
Kill., Purple Go-ve forill, wit. ularriwl on \vwlnexd:ty of olhual hll laid gone to tilt- htllblc I �t t t1'll'l 1 111 1:114 N'Pt'li'i la u'1'R,
last week to John (1'Hrirn, of hlulnip- to uttrnd III hi, hur"r..Nnd w,uh faun l 1 1 1 Sturdy',
Miss Maud Me`,utlel hate Off. tivid, Maum4.t'
., forerly Hrocefield, three by hi. damerr n hitting on ;I
Clinton, sus utarriwl un the 3rvl in -t,, Aar. O'Brien tak+w his bride to Ili" Iwx with his heul hanging fm-wnrd - - -
at the Church of the Rwlool ('at. home fn the West. . held quire dead. Ile lead IN -ell Hutoje'.1 • The Square,
tl weak A N•lN fur .utile tittle-. Air. We have a good stock of Pleas Shirts
1 bridge
lit Sidney Jack Clinton.of Lt+lh A Chad, well-knman \\'inghl-w \V i1-111 was, al"ant S(.V#.nty yea(+, til'
loritfgu. furwerly u( ni• I"q'. Ch,u•14-A L. Kerr. now of 'Iran• -
Thr death of Aim. John AfelAlall of age and lull IN•4-n ,t re-iclent of ti.•,.
l'ark. r'A.nuu•rf4-dNL'1'uronl4.a(•Nrw nnr' nuvllin,+•l til LI,1 ,trek-p:rer•. ,
Tiocki lh, at the e,u•h' age of tells- Nr:4r'r to Alf", Florence ?\lackie. forth for ,dxrul till rh• u
ywv+ Ila a
ty-eine wear., hu" rit11" Iuruell sad- d,ulAilter of tier late. Jaunex Mae( r, le:tvt•" it widow arid ten d:ulKhtrr,,
. ' Tn "alto. AM's. Roy S. -colt Iuld Ali.., Wilson. , J BROPHEY �1 SON
live Ill the e(weeks Ag 111 Which she The '!'urker.u�uh Hranelt Agiicul. \\ ort h S L 00, S 1 . 2J 1111(1 11 . iU for �� 9c J. lived. A few weeks ui;n Alt. null AMw. John Mh."•INrltnn ha+ nnv'hissed feral Society flits, in no-c"Itlance with
Mc1 -Jim,, lost two i•hadren, 4.,,,(I Ihr Tilos, Abrahain's farul at. Ilr�grolvt- for the Ilew• Net. fool the Sonfort h
strxinotxl_rnding them during their f61,111N1, need Ur: Abraham h,a put. Agricultural til"•fety. The annnalI 'I'lle.% r.• ningfthl..t ll1� .u•• ri tlih.og"11-. I One t.eAll
A -41 tl the old Farrow fAlYil and Che tobeeting wits held hht wt•rk at,d the
- Atrl dxrm tam lhr 1st vonceh"full of thitrN tit the 11017 fair note nxw) fur Funeral Directors
Motri",JNIxilr..flet 16M,:31N/. • TbnlwLlylult-l`Friday.Ml•ptl•mbrr H4h
Eve: yonz o Ltufn DOW1qn 1'hr Iwluain" tit AIiNN H. .116naun, uud D11th. AL. IhI"trrirk was rlecU''1 Now for two great big days and Embalmers
deprewed-wu10 Im.d«hr., ind,y.aws• _ill Will) diel 8t the• titin or. Jilunat v 'Sad, preswent and 1'. R. llity" se vretaa'.--
aoo, Lwls, tumour, scrofula or other re.ul4. of wvIv btvrugbt to \CfnghNW flet• tole•,'- ttwurnt•rt•. �
impure blood- call find peal). relief m Miers mint. That• deeraNel wit. for ,t latest) \ I rm- ...en r• �t ,T.••tvt na..rm Orden .,fully .helms to ■1 sit
Flood Tel 1"•r of )..•Ars at IWriderlt (of \Vin hank lkath of Well-knot►n Clinton Man.
K hour., night or it.,
It draws out the poi.r+n from th.• blood and and l'nhoAx, p1•fpt• to going to the MIR, Tht• death of .1. H. Ittivalu111, til' ('lin-
bees up Orion" liver. k+derys slid bowels,
Pure, slat, pe her 4.e rhKh ho file a Natio iesl
rvtun of curative [verbs which sR m • n�wl
sonle Len years agl,
At the lIain Ntjust. raison„ r•
` g
tun, 114111-1wd' unrxtwctwlh• fu titin•'
day r •ening, Ikh fast. A fief[• ).care
agn \err. Ruwb:lll
years hvi aurirvl on x jt -Wil 111I,f11,•,,,
total f ill it
• '
Walter C. Prildham
f;l)ul► HORMFS
t' ,\ 1{ R t :\ (( F: M
1' H A F T O N M.
-- -- -- ----
m/romr on the syQem. Pour, $I ,.book --b f«
the just. lisf Fist•-
rx wrienrel it
IIf fr.m1 h4-
II1lr11lln g(111ag \\•rat tl Arlt• l [Ile NUIII-
$5. At drug-Aorn-or from The (1,cra Co.
,.ace Kydd, l-ldyxt 11Allg11[rl' u( J1/1114.-
than Kidd, Exeter N Iwrn
tull'ai\'slat w�ich Holy p:u•-
Halle• recove1 41. On sood,iv olol
is predicted, but there is nothing old-fashioned
flier, While %It's. (i0i%, 1A W II remota I
Co. If.. leave, it wife ;and Iwo ,.at..
d Canada ILmitrd, Hamikoa-Torino,
eclat, nu, tile
bride of Komori fled cn, of Ctwtliton
Rust. Thr prlwnenly wits p erforoneII
fag. so day of his defdh, e, And r-
ratty xuRrrel Hnuthl•r• stroke, ,mJ lel
,Valla her allllt. MI's, 1;'Illing. willg•
- - •
hiss Annie, Ili le- tilt, wife of Joseph
1'fprhtnd, of \iAK,u•I►•nn-the••istke•,
tlrneeely elf Welland. The nupthtl
knot Ivan tied by Rev. W. .1, West.
All•. and Afro. t npe•Ialul will ivaide Ott
blKara-nn•the-Irlke, whet,+ kir. Cope-
give voter care the fA•At care Held At-
t+nlian, ,and write you n Irtl.rr of fid•
vice without rhargr. Thr R.T. [footle
ilyfnlei Company, Ill N. 1•.
J h D
Jay Rev. Rev. F4 A. hear,
thelvenfttg hr Iuahsel Hwa)' avithtinl
In,ther, only intluwlinte relatives And
Buy a
Toler Gowans, A fora #-I-teacher Nordrara
r having Iwruyrt(d ronhctnurur"+. Thr - M LAUGHLIN
thew• month,+' , S. N. . UslA/ruh tel
Pe, - A accepted a . I
Mu:1w",ts I.tn•u in l'Ifntuu $red w'a, - _-` I C
only thitty•sevrn tt
yeArs of Age. F'.1. Where Pointers Are Scarce.
taast MARK Rtcrarcnts,
b}Ins" for assisting the Colruun
factory, fir I fork iniptvrvenie•nt ,off
a nKAgeru IN its little
1•l (if tit. Mar•yn pall(lir ol'll(Iol. Call
years hvi aurirvl on x jt -Wil 111I,f11,•,,,
total f ill it
Tile 111114. Pectiteoti:l, , N1•w+. I.
f;l)ul► HORMFS
t' ,\ 1{ R t :\ (( F: M
1' H A F T O N M.
Far ii, Let- full infnrn,Rlion Ball on
completing the three moot IA' tern hr
was give . +'n
fu•count of fll•hruhh. Ile ells the
nulnv ,year,: u f unoo..0 d fionriali.c
I � { � • ` I IiY }3RU�
k -
II1lr11lln g(111ag \\•rat tl Arlt• l [Ile NUIII-
rtA•HI Ill:lllftj(YI' F11' tale Ik•It T/•IYphan•
data\• totallt•1' [II11111.111v1 I.\' �'-AII'1eL+, h
able to cony jewel and money from 1
Place to place withou calling attention 1
is predicted, but there is nothing old-fashioned
flier, While %It's. (i0i%, 1A W II remota I
Co. If.. leave, it wife ;and Iwo ,.at..
strsliendell pull ivallnll• I.A. flat. No
to the fact by displayi baud bugs or
,Valla her allllt. MI's, 1;'Illing. willg•
Mlr. H111111NIII bel till. \ tillnja ll
g voil leas ll plat there is Il t I. -ft �,
hiss Annie, Ili le- tilt, wife of Joseph
1'fprhtnd, of \iAK,u•I►•nn-the••istke•,
tlrneeely elf Welland. The nupthtl
knot Ivan tied by Rev. W. .1, West.
All•. and Afro. t npe•Ialul will ivaide Ott
blKara-nn•the-Irlke, whet,+ kir. Cope-
give voter care the fA•At care Held At-
t+nlian, ,and write you n Irtl.rr of fid•
vice without rhargr. Thr R.T. [footle
ilyfnlei Company, Ill N. 1•.
J h D
bran. -
dNnghtrt of I;ra1.Kl- tiw'ntt,r 1f l'liu•
thrit big penal instifnifln a .iugL•
In,ther, only intluwlinte relatives And
A uuu h reijorettrl trident f 1'17t•1-
ton. And x sister of Thos. at h:;1.
[pan who caul bandit• f yrs•. 'I'lu•rl• i. leo[ ;
t '
bt,Nok coned ntiny lin the ?tale IIL, its
tiwnrts, of Gt"lrrieh. AI r. 1{n::lob:,lr
a printer in the ,Ileo., rA•nitrnn+or.
the floor before the est Of January and t0 d0 SO
' y
the lwl•w/u or AIro. Jfuurx ;fail.
WNx n brother tit Alc,..\ alleles^ PurU•,.
If:wkrrs aur lhrtr• in pu•nly. \lot.'
„era by ,.leis ingni'ry from his mother :
1n' what did the dorrhfr rrinn say
will make prices unheard of before in Goderich.
Tile 4h"•t•ANw1 WAR loot it in tit•,,land
of Givilericb.
t 1:ln t.wenlV Illi tII1•tr. 111.1 native:[ err
..•_. _.
Iy tN the rnatif•I' wf41 votlt' t-,)1,.
.Ixty-fo111• ywn'xag.., [Nit had ]it-( I in.
on ole Wav, SeVVI'Al rnliVl 11:tfk•
1sSn 1 a
nr Tige."
l'Anada for Rixty year+. Mi hah2 "hr
Huron's Oldest Postmaster.
alight 11,• urN•r:uwl. will: awn t1 ,pal c.
Ilrtroit Nnd on their rntnrn will rrxidt-'
n tiwlflrlh•
wits uaxrrievl to her now Iw ft
The titvlfurfh Kxl.Wilor ha\', : \I 1'.
Ena11Kt1 lawyers are [livre to t.ako-
tultlnrt :old they settled in 1: y
ti. IIf. k•,lu.Ihr vrUgYul p./stiu•Ltrr of
rate of un /•11r1rf1-fl11r h/nonot of I. -Kill
township• removing to Cranbrtx,k'.'x
Mi•+tor111, VAll fairly 4+6111 all" honor
bu,ines.. llovtor'x: hrokrr and other
Iaiirtea Is,yx!" socersv Mngnr.inl•,
while they last.
yeark alga,.
tit ineving tweet ill w'al'king hartee".
"1•tal!111'IIII y respoo'etabl.." rl(1%1•Ilh ;are
m the
On Sail Canonry :Illi, 3I1•..
far 'f longer Iser•I.xl than :u,v flhpr
oat. 1,wkiug. lln"mo". often. farmers•
' '
_ -
snonnel cioti. fir Tuck eo llf tit. INa.rd
(1 ,"folNNti•t' ill tilt roollly fit' 11111.4.11.
Ille'ive.flif•. 4411,111 rpl'r"rlllalfa'px for ,1�-
�VI1lS t0 iW
tihe wilt It native of *..= atltl
AWAY fit bl-r 114.1114• Ian till- eighth
`Ir. 1'lickwl/, I. not,• fu his fol -serum
must every sit 14.1; 1f i11-
u1 Tit `ITItF:F:1' 11{fNF: FIFTY
rolleessiflq. at the All of forty -right
'rote, all postnn.ler At 4eafortfl And he
w-tivity Are clunuarl there.
year.. 'ars. ('lolly had IN - I, N
i' stilt fill-Ih•sf at his untce fn tilt-
Hilt there i+ not nue print's. t'luvp•
- l
We bridge dstance
*-veil- soffetvr fri-in rhenniatimn,
11 "'Ill lilt' 1,1"t :It [light. 'rile•
land I'IY•.N,
with our rtioof, ciLm e-pr
for IIIAny )•rArn, total tilt- Illllliedntte•
vans of her death Wass 4111 Attack
dl Ira flr fa IAI,t'ltnlAll•1' in A t1WU like'
Mrarth hre,J:atonriumscoca err, wnsihl•
God and the Scientist.
dust -proof paeitttgei Hal-
.,f pneumonia. Beside, her hu+INand.
fund the•}' have lung 1141111,. ,III Ale.
Ilfrk rel has '11-111 the w•ial r.•uaark•
••I have Iw4-n n INa:tlli,t for fifty.
L -J
fid of lU VaX=yVer
she ler.ve. N Lunily ff two Nuns anll
till'1'Y IIAIIgIIII!1'x.1
obey 'ell. H.• b,1.v naw "4•rvwl 1111414-1.
Poor y,•:u"," "aid lhe.ri.•Illi,t. "Whc.n
bralg}lt to that Duero
a .Mullaney ard, at rhe residence of
4.'r ),Ionic(. c(. A e • 1
live ref. m wrtors, three i f
wham tie dead anf� lh.• fa11r111 solver.
I w'ilY fl Il.lq I IN•IIYI't•II [III I.IIi'llly Ill
1:1xl, I pray -41 no hits. ' li,iviuK A
Lhl• Ir1Yde'N father, Hada. 1 YNI•wreii
,III noatt 1. [ala• \van. app,,jolell wall'„
vision I•lr hill] it Iverson, Ix•tore• Illy
dart Farms and stroll
Ethel, AIINN Iw1iorl I rai,on wits tinitt,
in Alfred A. Ilxrkne•cx,
hair \\'. '. IIuIa•IRnd, Ia•hn diel n fl -w•
r)'1•.. AV I we'#-%%, older I 1'1 aleIlltllYl
nultrinluny to
dant ag r, av,1. 1'rstonnslpr-(:l-ner.,l.
that Ihrir ala, no ,;INI. 1 di,mi'4
towrts are put on the same
or Hatily. Alla. -4.1-lot In War
.,feel he w,t ".yarn ill i,v Ila.- Vale 1'/•,4-r
hilil 1'1"In Ila.. Ilhhrl'"4•. I Ill
p�{'.� With �t�� {�,�
��ith the big Gtr
IA•rfornied by Itev. A. ('. Titlin ill the
1111111„4-y. f Torkrl,llllt.h. will) "it"
ooh• in what 1 roulJ .Ir•, 1t- h
llrNrnt•r 4.(N r IIIIIttIN•t' of
i I'1( eaner,ts.
thin lo-aillrlg olawi.tritie in (lie•,r loart"
feel, I lalkiA ,11"1111 N:1(orf• ,Intl 1,•,11 -
M00111C1f'S Perfeetfon
After vi.It111K tilt- a flew week" 111 Ott-
sarin. AI r. And \le.. Ilxrknr"" will
m Uo"Ir d:4., \\'e• flier ";ne it i lilt-
w'ihh of Mr. 1lirkwfi'. m:uty friends
"If..rie rd, Ihrxmih• ,till fightinK�
Cream Sodas
make th••ir haler alt HnnfT. Thr hridrhi,
that he nutp "• IunK slatted fa cfln-
torr. l-ridenlly rate dlinc t1 Gunself
tt11Kh1 "rhtNd for venue time :U linen,
in the di •harge 1f hi.,Ataties fn
the old day.. I did nit interrupt hien. 1
Ile pada! .n I b 7� fir-n,ft
Huron Township Elections.
lh(• ontlonlve h e."
Fllodly hp 111111'..1 t., ale And said
polasea frd), m.p. dei.a _
W. It. McDonald w•a, elected rept•.•
_ -
"Hill naw i1 „•enl, t,, fn,• th4-il- is
ud wd, you in dad rind can-
lit Halon township Lal week by it
nu;hing tout (anal " %owlif-atl Maga-
4&ew rel -art" wixre you but
majority of (V aver H. Holserl.w.n.
A7 aLl ONOC[Ra
.[flee, Mclioninlll 1'4 411•'111Iy reeve Nllfl
tllt. Hre•kt•n•
Dp Not Wait Unto Winter or Dlt-
r4.nnrillurx Art. aha
_l ease Will Alec a Chronic-.
Usattall Vtfa�.nldlrt leseltet.
ridge. 1. N. Wilkinson,' V. M., and I
Fraser. 'I'h.•
In these days, schen the delessmakers
Alex. II"•Nlaplion bylaw
Milli I"•lplr in (;,Nit -i(.Il are lot-gin-
sternly refuse to allow the luxury of 1 1
Wis. rsrried. flit, vote toeing .i'4.' 1 fill•
ting to c111gh Had hack v%ll Ihr tall
and 1117 again.t.
.yulploul- 1f 411siour"M Ir and olyeu•
dress dockets, women aro only too of -
A Painful Accident.
Tit.. ion •r i, coilleil fn
ten driven to carrying all their Talu-
� sUIr
mornhlK. and [bey n . oat rlrrp
tables in a small wrist or hand bag. I
\ pAfnr11C accident liarqu•n"1 :Il 1
avell ,t-1 night -11 al -4 --lot aea,lot i di,ag
-These. little bags may easily be snatch -
All. Innem" io Stanley township, fill- I
AN.. tickleng And drapl,il • at the
ed from them at any moment, or they
Illy reeroliv His ,1h flarllld weal ,
11,1i'k of thetflli/+1t as's I.I. lit 1f 4.11.
U OU S pulling the windmill into gp,u eh,.,, r,urh. IA•farl• the de.eAx4- oerlul4•" may be lost or dropped in a crowd.
1 Int•lnic•Ihry "buutd nw• Ilya lei And ..As a substitute for one of these bars ------- ---- - --
V I S 1 T w f i,ttie in- iii illi• f•trt ,uul hit'! a fair sized pocket which can he worn
one of Ili. NIniA hlokrn fn two pLtrps; get, ringdrle In•l-donl flour li •it- cA•
I"•xllh•N b"einK hfdr Yd hi. tltiunb ,o„I tu•rind u•1nb1,.,,, under the dress skirt IN a most neces•
buying ,dl the .kin pullwl toff 1"Ill, If Y. No neglect to flex, ral:urh a ip•n racy and valuable article. Uray
l hun,lt,, it Ile -1 r arms•. flu. the rhnncr. fuer Ill Bich a pocket 1s specially be
California, MCXico, Weddedat London. it will Ix•clne• .1 th•u,l). rr"Itrrl Id Iflolhiay tames, when It map be advise\ hal 1 era marries 1 took dare alt deep- eAle•.I that it will 1"Itifer you I I Syru
Florida. Or tI1C happy . K' 1 winfer and ulav Iferolne rhlunic nn I
`lata' \tell I' x Ilac ,It tilt• E111111Y••1.
"SunnySouth? revenue Mell-odwt pnrYAmNge, Inndo t, nluue", incurahl••.
The lit 't list. of Hymn. trill J
when \1'nitl-r M. Forrest ,cud Miss,lit d >• I � I
('111-i.fioM 1{1111), both of Mnt•rfs, were show A decided inllnucwneaat in f
slii000e ttnell ill. it
and wife as Re,.lit
I. H, I"-nofth. and r it "hart little tlll-te lfel Red
1\'xlllvin, x farnicr parlor tit 'Ihr 1"' tai' fall thaw• til1.11, and yon slat 11 uGum
ftrl• from call 0 Li ,old roti hi And
wrnligruuplr. Air. and Al1Ys. Fot,l-hl K o,
Ate- ytiu xnxioo.tn ewrnlll• flee will ,wide in Mflrrt. ctilds will wet, leather yon during the
.-Id Wenther field snow and winter.
114.111 the winter in Ihr ' I roll Kincardine Elections. Thr complete Ilyoolri 1-111(11 costs L
of Fruit and Flowers"? Thr nnmivirull 4-lrctions in Kin•vlr• hot $1.111, t-xt•a loath•., if nlw•deol, '01 For Coughs and Colds.
\Vinter tonvixt lirkrts art- a„ dine re.illtel in the retolr•ol of W. G. "t"A's. \Vie do not wAnt anvorle',
wale d,lfly. lied if /n are roll. Teolple• Its ni•tyor for n "4•1:11111 aerial, money fatless Ilyonlei give" rvlio f and
N'no. Ilunle•r,a reeve and (:eor r ctirY•. and wt- xbr1h11• .- „ale -----
tr liphtting It trill see that, your ea 11• K aleft, -
tickets ate imite1 via the (irnud \Verism. , Thoon:1. Inglis. lose1II muni).y will Iw refoindwl utiles+, the-
'I'Iunk. A1oe11. William Allen, ,1. If. Jol n•mwly given wttishtclimn. I
;fad A. C. P.tlter•s1n as cnunrilloro Ali druggisl.v.hnuld tar allle to stip- � I •ws,nee�ai011�o♦�w�w
sort ,,•,i (till h.t,l• the IN•rl.
Well -made These' are.
the qualities
Comfortable I LI„tt rlixke
Reliable M -Liatlghlin
I I (.letters Iw"t
in Canada.
I We have n full line of the
louse r"gnlfar At),Ita from which
L40 Ne•lt•rt.
Calland red file them.
Wm. Knox,
4'or. Hamilton GODERICH
Nrwgar sttYwt".
Livery and Hack
Thu finest turnouts in
town are supplied at
these well-known sutbles.
Carriages for every re-
quirement and good
horses furnished at -rea.s-
onable fates of iI 1 re.
Careful drivers furnished
when required.
.111 call" Irnnuptly attended 11.
Walker & Augustine.
Phone St. Fast street Livery.
b}Ins" for assisting the Colruun
factory, fir I fork iniptvrvenie•nt ,off
hh)oil aeth 11 oulei 4.r to will send
It Icy mail on eweript or price. nod
c uu or heat Wim anything on the market on
the same fuel.
' ®t�
f;l)ul► HORMFS
t' ,\ 1{ R t :\ (( F: M
1' H A F T O N M.
Far ii, Let- full infnrn,Rlion Ball on
for gntnting N fixed as-eN.ulent to the
t;. T. It. wife alt cal rigid.
Blvtty took
:;very package is sold with tilt, distinct
understanding that It costs nfthin K;`
unlrAn it curer. Write us ta1Ny for n
ifyinploin binl,k, which wt+wit,"evil
• ` ••
I � { � • ` I IiY }3RU�
k -
,/Meat lmarr-".:Fl,l.nl. ro!rp.o,.
Av riding
A pretty avedtiing lank place tirt
\Nednewbty, .Inn11r-ry 2nd, at the
hmne of All•. ,ha(l Afroll JA -4. Alt+hi.iln.
fere. tl,�;•ihe•r with a ttrnlise•, nn e:4.•
tArrlt #Intl how to core it. When yon
fill fn and reltnu to ms the "ylnptti,,,
able to cony jewel and money from 1
Place to place withou calling attention 1
is predicted, but there is nothing old-fashioned
Livery, Back
Phelan Tlrkct .\trent.
1{Inevale, wheat their eldr.t. danght•r•,
hbtnk, nen• consulting pM•rician will
to the fact by displayi baud bugs or
about those
J. h, Nelbn.dd. I/Htrlr•/ I'll+•. Alred.
hiss Annie, Ili le- tilt, wife of Joseph
1'fprhtnd, of \iAK,u•I►•nn-the••istke•,
tlrneeely elf Welland. The nupthtl
knot Ivan tied by Rev. W. .1, West.
All•. and Afro. t npe•Ialul will ivaide Ott
blKara-nn•the-Irlke, whet,+ kir. Cope-
give voter care the fA•At care Held At-
t+nlian, ,and write you n Irtl.rr of fid•
vice without rhargr. Thr R.T. [footle
ilyfnlei Company, Ill N. 1•.
J h D
small dressing cases.
Illustrated is one of tb a underskirt I
porkers, nrranFed to bmf n securely
and mounted on straps of trona wil
bill . with a narrow wnlnth red to he
^ O
O and Heaters. Everyone guaranteed to bake
k ,
A N 1)
Bus Stables
In,ther, only intluwlinte relatives And
land owns,t it Ile fl- f111.
Seaforth Nuptials.
A nn taIonionfat event of con.ide•rntdo,
nr. fly of hast week, All the haute of
ne.-Innt of In t wee t M t the on ne of
. o nnya eat•
follonvN dolt, 7 ig", was it nui„1ncv.
If Iwt theory must linve Is -en that
fill things were created to Int, dr•
w1 tit lelxl, 14 his pr•ll-*- a"s in.
dicatel. .Iohnny'A folks wf•m nnxitioln
fnstentvl with It but•kfe r not the
whist. The pocket might be ]tide in
rhamols leather tie In strong 11 Inc of
any kind, with our, or two Inter r dl
visions to hold notes or salver, per or
c uu or heat Wim anything on the market on
the same fuel.
f;l)ul► HORMFS
t' ,\ 1{ R t :\ (( F: M
1' H A F T O N M.
Hollert Willi,-, that contracting parties
t1 Ise rid of TiKe, and 14 hl.l I.h(y• de•
towels, . I
I"•fng AliaR Addie 1{Athwell, dntighter
ride( tit work ur"ro tilt' hld'.r nlye•-
1,.tole• bate John it„n (if lt, and Frank
� I,. \\villin, fourth atm tit adder, Willi".
Unna with Iticm
"Johnny," staid his father nnr dAy•
Penta Esther Ranges
--k A :, F: R-
••I'll ggive yon five dollars if you'll gel
An Irl+h lead nn the rvtsl. side ar1yl
In,ther, only intluwlinte relatives And
chi of that dog."
oll;iKwL recently to s4.l•k ln•„,learnt„c
t rtiuntr••y dixp,•n.nrJ, On hair letnrn I
I wish to clear every Penn Esther Range on
and ill iv
were ,err"rat. Thr. hridr waw given
.Til Irri
were 1:r
Johnny K,axrN,l Ott the not ont,Tigo t.Ivnl-
Inwwl haf.l Nt IhunKht of '1'igr, ,Ind
home from the Qr«t In•atnlent he wits
the floor before the est Of January and t0 d0 SO
' y
„red cell•
Ible driverof In
a1w•aI he' ❑near, \van. Itntbwil 4.r
'xtanley, „red the ImurinK4-
said hp w•oidd think it liver.
„era by ,.leis ingni'ry from his mother :
1n' what did the dorrhfr rrinn say
will make prices unheard of before in Goderich.
hnrge 1t- Ile,•
thew•", which will
w„4. Iwrforned Ity Rev. A. K. Hirk o.
Thr next day ntdinnar hr tuftal- the
laronfc annn11rlrellient : "I'll, 1 gat rid
Iy tN the rnatif•I' wf41 votlt' t-,)1,.
this sale is to more full introduce these sten-
Y p
"..•.•t all froth s
\err. and AfrYe: Willie Irr, fl, a trip tie
nr Tige."
,'ale slid Ihprl- \vas .,rale raffia
rtillrtanrl- io it."
did ranges. Everyone guaranteed.
I ,t r .til 11+1 at x
Ilrtroit Nnd on their rntnrn will rrxidt-'
n tiwlflrlh•
\Nell, 1 certainly nn delighted 11
hfail l," 'said Ihr father. Hrt''s
••pleura• !f l-xclxinud the 11d wlnlron, I
Remember the place Davis' Old Stand,
Almost Ninety Years Old.
aur money ; yml've efrrnrd it. How
with an 1•told•yowso tiir.'•fv,Ii.. may•:
1"•, yr: 11 k„pt-• na•nq hon ,him h:ye-
near the Bank of Commerce. Come and et one
\ 1A, t':\ 1.1 .4 4'rrF mei) 'ri r
Mrs. Tro,then died an Thorrtlny. :trod
yyon rtet rill of ►hl- nuiwtnr e"
Ttssllt d hirer tti ttrll liintpk in" for two
Iaiirtea Is,yx!" socersv Mngnr.inl•,
while they last.
I'ItOAflyrf:v FROM H(yrxi.�
at the• hlrl/r 1f her
vellowllttll+l,"„mwered.1/lnlny. -Lip•
Ihnutaoltitecrn"tin,l'lir+tarl' Mhe war
fhrlades, ff ('linton'x trai•
dell hnyiflR Meeiv Ixrrn In A flit, Ifni.
_ -
h:yrn the 11111 -if -Al fn 1t- nn " "'I
n,nh-e intoe nmsir.il ole fogy 411",n'1'Phalle
t t
55 we R. Pinder 1,phove, 55.i
tihe wilt It native of *..= atltl
right tin when
weal"swla of a etawitull.
e•ntIrf,Iv elilninme hoi.,o lAy. - New1
York kin►ex• l
L�� s��r��. -
u1 Tit `ITItF:F:1' 11{fNF: FIFTY