The Signal, 1907-1-10, Page 6L
.Q TiltI.atA\', ja'll:ay ]()fit, Ing; 11, III 1; ,%I(I1i�1,: (;f)1)F,t?IC.FF•
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I w' - - , wa Ola
lla Inlet "rI1C tl 1,0 lo•
♦� 1,I':1111. '1 [
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41W' ' . t!: ti::'. c:'� '"'•i'„fir: I of the wort lulrrertlulf lit the iltth
\"" :ieC�A
,,ii,'' j!+1 ••� ';l: {t.}� �#`t�y•.,•{ !'1,(W... '1;Y ; I ...- . I.- W •.b'
�:4Lr. ,;i'•."•':•;� .;-,;.'t;;;t;;'tZ •A;, a)•• '- X �;;v:t%.k,, ! conuvly was proved by the fact, fhoI
I 'jci+::i:•:L1iLiv`i.:t:. .35;..'.. .... r•...•s4.r;'.. .1.•.1�.t•tL1ii:%'iii:::+f. Iwu wager youlig women were hIddet
�`ts� r r..`�- illy �:a{ behluJ u 1 euvy curtulu in n corner
�' `:' ° I the soul. the lhl11c•tr Tctivr and
''Y' �? fa"; "' a GEORGE BARR �N;". the Couutess }hlguitar were there to eu
t Beverly
O li'.,v' : 'i joy Beverly's first hour of autburlly,
�'' .. `':f•:} `lire :,. M�GUTMON, • %i'� kind she ,vas aware of their pr lieuee.
r' ;.ti•C<'<` "i Aai.r.f-G.wWd,- g`.1,,,: "11ave tbpy told you flout you ure to
1,:3 I- a:.•: i.•.; ::.•:. "..I':,. ••
,;;:,+ (+ %,y:.' act aS way crpec•iul guattl and escort?"
4a, j .'+ ,91: O r to: 'i:;, K :,'. , she uskeit, Willi a queer Butter In her
.�r. ;. Gra usi t :•. WrrWL . •;:•', :;-•,%
I ` - •, am .:"U-::& + they broad Imhuulderr3w•uxllnot 3the rawer
_ .:. .,.
::.:.o.,.'14•• ;;: ;rel:;.: ,". .:f.; as toe rugged gout hunter rhe had
t:.1,w • :: �''
•?�:,; � ":''; i::1':':.:.1,.:.•:{
'�.r:• ..:X:'..;l),dji. i;Y;r; y: {;'(•::'t ti•. ;,►: •'• ,i ., .:.. known at first.
1;, 'i i. •,it; ,!.t.,>:ri: y. t, i':i y,:f: :•1,.'v'±.: :t:: ,tom.';'
'r• •r. �h.
:.::.:?%i •..,:.a •.p '• .:i"i. 'i i, '., :' • .. y + I "No, your hlghneax," he said easily.
R •���t�i1 ��iil �.�iilrii s�' 1 hove come for instructions. It
.4 eal Comfort
- 1'11.1!"l'FR +""" """
YIi• ''^ ''' u:110,10..'110,10..'. lie drt'w' It 1 pl(e;wex Inc to know that I am to have
fruit nit Im•gan to read it with the n pintr of honor and trust such its
to know •oil allvays have I r was a drove -y day, And. 1'•`- "light hil.-rest of 0114' %%be has nntici- till'$."
IflFids, BuldON tens out n p:11eJ the clic t. Vint not for Inupr was "General Marhtuz bas'told fill- that
Hirst's �Qlll ,-omntuuirutive fra wit of mind: he retualu uputheliv. The first few( a vacancy exists, and I have sele•tel
lh-verly telt forth her IN•st et- linem brought a lar:: ,or understanding you to BII It. Tile cowpreutation will
Exterminator f nus during Ilse fon-noun. but after to his eyes: thea he laughed the easy be uttendrd to by flit- proper persons,
tIl,•-tr7RlfQtdunrheoa had been d{"Ios(A lau;;h of one who has cast car.;pnd atoll your doubts will be explained to
of iu the shade at the roadside she was (viutlleuce to the winds. '1'hls la what you by one of the of&vrs. This after -
be the house. Tried and ,•„nt.•ut to give tilt the Struggle and sur- - -
be read: soon. I believe, you are to accompuuy
tested for over thirty years n•uder In ills Poutning importunities She Is not the prinopa". \1'e have'b(•en oto un my visit to the fortress, which I
and admitted to lie the of tits coAl-ll nm It howled alums;. Npo. dup,•d. lAlsl night I Warn,d the truth• all, to luspoet-"
lazed p o.a.-.•fully, ,•a11scioux to lite last %c it Ulm Calhoun, nn Amerir+ou goal, ••Cory well• our hI hroms." be re-
un'ereign remedy for all that Ire was a Most ongroclous creature to I, a Iltre"t at, uta• eaetle. It,•[u.. a w go y 8
ilt h.•r lilt- Mibi"i"s. It mist- A • a trap "Pectfllll\' said. lie eros thinking of
r u writ nem thea
Toothache,6rdfsts,Nrt.eies and worse worthy f a tit t unit ata> m,dn .k•:ill+. t2ucsti-u h1•r bold. Rims ('ulhoun, ail American girl, at -
it -
• . uN Was o alt It
:�.ac. at 811 „f IN•uefactinu. 13.111 w 1 not i ly before rummiuhyr yonr"eff. though hr cullet( her "your hi
aid Lame Back. g pftluese."
lie:cally dtsagre•abl#0, lie wa+ uorr,ls(` There (,:title the natural Impulse to "\lit}• i be permitted to ask for IV -
dealers. :111.1 nilhappj• 1"s•huee he could not help
Make a dash fur the uut"IJu world, struetlous that can come only frog
( it. Was hr not leaving him friends t1,
Tt)• �frst s Lltlle Liver tig4lhng hW',cuy through It necessary. your highness?"
t%aude• alun(• lit the wi;drruesr while Larking hack w•er the ground, It,- Won- sCertulnly;' she re tftvl. Him man -
PHI& They remove pimples Ili, drifted weakly into the roulfiorts (icrcvl hon• lie could have loco deceived tier was more deferential than she hold
from the face. They cure and pleasures of :kit eiltiable xrrvh•e? at .111 by the uu,.onveutional :American, ever known 1t to be, but he threw it
sallow skin. Ask' your Ills .heart nus out la full sympu toy lit the clear light of rrtrtspec•tiou he bomb, Into her flue composure with his
dealerorsend u.,25c. direct. •.illi flit- prem, -n1, tont of uB'air,. and now saw how- impossible it leas for next renlnrk. Iie addreasel her in the
he could not deny that a selllsh wolit't• llt•r to Ila%"t• been flit- princess. Every Graustark language:
A handsome souvenir water wa.t re+Iiouslble for ifs -,•tion, Ile had ;,,.t, rliery word, every look-, should -Is It your desire that I shall toutin-
color'sketch free. the all too hunia t eagerness td serveha, a told hind the truth. Every flaw up to address you In Engtbah?"
THx F F. DALLE,• CO.. L,miW
beauty; the Mall find fire of south ' in Ler alasque adiug tow• presehtel It- Beverly's faer turned u bit red, and
MAondtli • Ont. ,VO tlerr strong 111 this wayward IIObly- j ,pelf to Milli, unit ]it- w•a" compelled to tier eyeswavered. By a wonderful ef-
mail of lilt' hills. I laugh at his Own simplicity. Caution• fort she retained her self contr(A, stain -
Lying hack, ht thi` seat, he _pensively I a; ler all, was the horgest component mering ever so faintly when rbe said
., totted the, face Of the sleeping girl ,part of hlx makeup. The cruf+Bless, of lit English:
1,v ose dark brown head WAS p{llolvd I the hunted w"as deeply motel In his '•I wimh ynu would Ppeak Engli4b,"
ago nst the Turner rnshlons of the heiug. Ili' saw it very serious side to unwittingly giving answer to his ques-
• • • • ,coac nrr hat bad INvu rrmocrvl for f the adyeatutr. Strelrhlug hiwselt upon tion. •'1 shall insist upon that. Your
• ,s • r( I;
ke of cunlfurt. The dark Lashes the cot In the corner of the roues• Ile Euellsh is tot good to to spoilel."
ell 11k • a soft curtain over her eyes. gave It' umelf over to plotting. plan- Then be made n hold test, ills first
„ obaeur{ the merry gray that had ping, thinking. , having failed. lie spoke\onc•e more in
"Going 1 Qu` ist everr0m his apprehensions. tier In thi• midst Of hls'tboughts a anti• the native tongue• this time softly uni
breathing was deep unit regular and den light burst t» upon hum. Ilia ryes earnestly.
peaceful. no- little gloved hand rest- I gleatned with a new fire. his- heart • ".\a you wish, your highness, bat i
tax ante tNl.iltal nim• the thing for a eLcarelraxl• In'lier lap, the other upon len rel with new animation, his blood think It Lr a lost ridiculous practice,"
u•nn•atvmtinenttl •jonnley, with 1,h+ t V 1
her breast ear the delivate thrcuL
very nicest Invrplr. A C.P.R. Tout•{S• r.'u worn again. Lclaplalyi to his fest, he. said. and ills heart lost nun! of 1tx
SI#4-lx•r No lm•ifI•clly c,l11ntinrm cuulfor; Thr heart o Boldos was troubled. hr ran to tilt• window to. reread the courage. Beverly looked at hltu Inmost
and ecllouly it a r ell to evert' 'nip picture, h Inuk-ed upon wits ell.
{ { 6v from 4'W Franz.Tlxn hs settled pathetically. she knew that behindtravellet, Ir•au•ing, upliflt g: lie rose from the ba,.k and laughed with a fervor that the curtain two young women deli s
lit lowly Statehe had found wer eh-
' w
Notyuite wt- IuxnrimhS am a {atlas,. lowelearel the bra hi 4'C n thousand vogue jnying her dlmcouufiturr. NomeW n
curl but Ibnt'F no h:u• to rondnrt, nud him to the positio of admirer In se wlsgirlm;;s. told parr that they were N1,h Itlfilug r
the berth ince is rut just in hull ,•ref to a prlomms, r II or assunked. lie ••$Ile Is Iliea Calhoun. nu Auter{eall, mirth with dainty Ince bordered hau
found hinlxelf agaiit wouderiug If she
Always clean amd roturot•tt1,l(•, will• going to nae :t guest sit the custle;" not k'er•hiefs.
were really lelh-e, fill with that f.•ar t
lighted :old venlilascd, swoosh inn in Iriv_heart be wax a �riug I:reul'ah UI( print-•. hitt %I,.
S Calboam. Ouce "That will do, air." she managed to
fling. Inure III,- tueuaory of the clear gray say Bristly. "ft's very nice of you. but
lelrry, the lord anti alas er yf Ibis ex eyl•s Liu it
Tourist etas leave 'I'ur,lnlo for IL( 1 d into life. .\ ah. he Waw after this (pay y+nlrhomagelit English,
quisih• cr•:atur•, #ucyim relit all' fhe Floe went uu, taking .
Northwest xnJ 1'. rust every day. h,er :1ilpep in the roach 4'u the rued 6 t long chance on
Ask I(o•xl 1':uuuli:rn Pacific .►gent fur of vile Whose 1 spa• 11 Blasi from d auhmk. Azlin he recalled the him remark. It must hove been coul-
tiirticuhn•", and uwke r•s#vvations #vl at birth. olimeutary, she reasoued. An for Ral-
l' fervent throbs hie l;uilty, heat held l
early when travelling.The unit- which had INvm surrepfl• p dos, the faintest
felt na he hi(ikeJ upon tills lois (,iris• sign of u smile touched
tlouxly 'pasepil to Ilion in fiat nnk lay tura`, at one thin.• flit- supposed weed treasure his lips, and hIN o l t were twinkling Six JOS KIDD. Agent. Goderieh, , rumpled and [lir of:eu Upside is coat p b 1' y g as
a write of another mail. Now she was Iliss he helt'hly head quickly. Franx was
pNN•ket, where• is hal dropped. t fhe ('alhoun, nud her gray eyes, tier en- right; she did not know a word of the
C. B. FOSTER, D. P. A., Toronto. nwnteut it list$ came into hl" Is see- truneiug smile, her looutimus vivnriiy, Graustark language.
__ _ -- sion, supposing that the weesagr ata• vyero not for one inan alone. It was "I have entered the service for Piz
tniued information ,which, had lova r: marvelous d•hal it change this sadden mouths, sour hirhnPms." be said in F.n¢•
gotten by F'rauz :rod was by no wea realization w-ruucht In the view ullead
I' " of a n tlurr to dennnd Immediate n1,• of him. 'rhe whole situation se•: ied to ^
WINTER tention. find rpsd It at nnre \1K trnnxfnrni -it into winothins wore
sumpirinns mould hacp lop11 routlrui'e!.sirablr than ev. r IK -fore. Ibis foes �� ,
Nod it Iv barely pNlsmlblp tl+af he tyuulJ•,;bred, film spirits L•nptal higber unit f I - V
have refusal to enter the city. higher w•il:i the buoyndej of frcah re- lI s.
SUITS I.ntr In the afl.•rua.n flit- walls 1 p - I
Ifcf, Ills coufld( in him- crept
EJelw-eiss were siglMed. For the first I t'` r.
Lard: IIIfO rXIFt.•tl,`e, •\old all IN•(•UIl}C l ax,4 t•� 1
time he I"okcd•upoil the dist:utt house. co
the fair deceiver, the slim girl 1,r'
E• r nw for
AND topla of the prinvipal city of (;rnilstark• brare y �
1'p In the clouds, oil the snubntit of the iet i,i, n wile had s: him, f
into a.1+M w:as 1Hrt a priucrts; .
OVERCOATS illnuulaln peak Overinnking the rpt}, l I' I�
something told him Ulut Nile bad net �'^ I / ',
Stood the famed nuonswry of St. Cal-
r�ti�n. NlrerLlu;; a ]ho• drawn him Into fits present position ! l '"-1 `,
p gradual In- ,(,All any desire to h,juro him or with t]fi
Correct Materials cline were the hoinesof citizens, -we %N
�,{ t
.fie slightest reuse of mnal{ee. To her it 71
Latest Styles 11.14. only Icy f otpaths and donkey had Lien a merry jest. It pleasant cum- -y
}r roads. }termly was awake nud (•1,:s•
ilnprt• y \ \
. Underneath sill he Witt- the gotxl-
Perfect Fit Tient to ranch the jouiruey's end. Ile tu,"s ,of her active in taklug him frutu w I
had proved a inolit disappointing conn• the old life and putting him Into his - ' I ', \
Best Satisfaction punioa, polite; but with n battling lm- prew•ut ponitlou Of trust. Ile had \ 1
difrrrv•ilre that IrrU:UPd her eosidprn- Iwiped ter, and slip was ready to jtelp /
Lowest Prices bh-. ']'tier#• w -as n xrl expression or de- hink to the liitlit of her low•or. Ilia
flanev in lits art's, clean cut fare, the position in Edelw•elsa was clearly
Unik of A soldier adiiati ing to met n enough dethied. 'rhe more he thought � ~'
I3U N L O P lrcowprfld fisc of It the more Juxtitluble 11, Neeued as ` J� ' �,..W.0- •i
I da hope he'll not nlwnys set this t iew•ed from ber point of observation. ;
AV alis wis corm rininlnC iu her t. . Nil it f
THE TAILOR I llo,v long she hoped to keep him in the t.
thoughts. "Ile wan so charndngly ins- dark he could not tell. The outcome "four Ili!;hnrss, I Jcrtr r/v lino(, spla
IWEST ST. - GODERiCfi'I pudrnt out in the 11111-.4,",p deliclonsly Would be ette'taiuiag. Her efforts to and cavesdrrippers here."
1:1111,1111. Now he is like a r him. YetJve dr,•elve, it she kept tht-m up, would by lith. "You hacr honored me, and 1
Will think I nm tach n flop 31, fie da tn't nlnn"ing. Altogether br wom ready.
Itce lip to the reputation i've given with the leisure and Jay of youth, to .-ave my heart as well as toy arm to
' ;m'" nwalt developilnputa find to enjoy the Your cauap."
P N 0 N E 15 QR 24 Here ire the gates," he said, half to Beverly, breatMug easier, wax prop-
comely from n point -4't view which
hltnmelf. *'What is there In store for Prly Impre sed by this promise of fenl-
She could not tit once suspect.
„.•I,.,, .•• r a. w'I•,r hue beyond thate walls?^ Ills subtle effort to draw Iladdan ty. She was looking with pride upon
tel.,,, e.,N .1,,,,,l. (ord , or k) (.rn•rt mod ) illi, f wish ynu wnnldn't hp sn die- list,, n discuNsion ef� flip irincePm Writ the figure of her stalwart protege.
THF: nKxr At Uor k �q nol re- anal^' Shp crisp In despair. "It seems tier household resulte+l unstattsfActorily. "I.114pe, you have destroyed that hor-
Jnsl like of funerll•" The yOu_ rid black Ioteb," Ao Wold.
^ guard w•as annoyingly un-'
A 1110u"nud np do;zles, your high• t.•spousiye. lilt hall Mx Pe•tet Inst•ue- ' "it inn anile to keep company with
C 0 A L to
he inurinured, with n Nuddim tiols and could not Ile Inveighed into other devoted but deserted friends." he
. 410'tnesx of speech and rummer. betraying him -elf. Badva went to said, n tinge of bitterneaM 111 him vatic,
----- - "Ifenceforth I "11:111 Ile a most lunl;llile "peep ,lint night with hts.nlind con- "Pile uiliforul Is vastly Incoming:'
A L L KINDS O F GO A L j1eiter to plense you." famed Ly do»bpm. Ills talk with Had- "he went oil, renlizing helplessly that
A L WAYS O N H A N D •I'merly and the NIthful Aunt hnnny d:uh hail left him ,little undeeided as "hp wits providing Intense amusement
__were driven 10 the rustle, where the to flit, ,.bine rd old F'rnnz's warnim;. for lite unne`n anditor".
fir to I..:.l ..".i¢hcd .... n,"-I:u9(rt •r:dr•., former 1•nde farewell In her new knight Elther Franz it -is, utimtaken or Iladdan "it shame" the rags In which you
when! Voll go '.',Idyl /b-..�for a loo. • Ibtbtil file following morn{ug• when lip tens q_ mnAt "kliffnl dissembler. it found me."
WM. LEE. was it' npprear lo•foraher for peroral "trurk him sus utlerly'heyon"I the prole "f shall never forget them, Baldos,"
fn'tructintbt. Col,lhrl (lninnox eseortvl or renwnh that the entire enietio .-ward Phr "till], with a strange earnestness In
nrl•r- Irft at 1'. ( 1 .11% • IInM"Nn• xlole Illm to the bnrrat- v n her v
"N,1, •idol M.nuvc, pr-nn,tic ,.t•rnd rd at'. k f the'gnarl, eters Phlndd here b,ru�(•nllxtet in lh,•sdl,eune o1cP.
I••• was to share n room with your to deelve him. When steep c.1rne he "3117 f preaune t0 Inquire after the
Iloddon. A corponrol In the service. was' emntenling himaelr with tike health of your gnod Aunt Nanny and,
7, ,,,file wild, unhrined gentleman from thourht that nurrninq doubtless would although i did not see him, your Uncle
f tilt- hill+ camp wltliunt a ward, i,a.v" give him clrnrpr Insight to the •nun- R:1m?" hp nsk(d, with n face as shalght
LJ- s:,id Jetrr}•. wlto hall wntiib#,l the nil tion. and sducere n" that of a judge. Bev
SYNOPSIS Of. Ir'rnrh. lle and Yetiye stoop lit lite itilll he And ileverly Calhonl were ,orly Pw•allow•pd suQdpuly and cheeked
r „endow• oyerlorkfng the groun,h -from Ignorant Of .fie trine condltion" That .qt. a laugh with monk diBirully.
Caiiadia.i Northwest i Ile prioress' houlloir. lleverly hall just lathed Ihe111sr11"e•, to the new rprrnlf. "%uut fanny is never Ill. %OIae day
rnt,im l and Ahrovvherself non a narnn Ilanglnsx alone knew that Had -
tit f i Phnit tell you inure of Uncle Nato. it
11(ltlll'Stleall IlCy;UlattOnS. itnn wine n trusted ng1•ni of lite "eerrt will interest you."
1 .• h,•., herr," slur snid Phorfly. seryin•, with Inmtrurtiont- to shallow "Another question, If it please your
.1,1,. r •" „",,,I r.,•d -,•• „on -r IA ll n"" j Ila• iu•tcconpr dry std ni• ht. That
i�,old•In'NA.nt"h,,,v,,.k-lrtN•n'NII",1.1 AIIN•t1n, "Ilan lung do yon, with ill yet { highness. ]n1,
L you expect to return to
".e• gin" :.t nut •.creel. rale Is h -nu•, there win♦ it isR'tlPry aurrrrtlndltl, the
tt,N,tcvinv,.r.e � rlerrrnrss, extre•t to hrwxlw•Ink him Amrrlcn P(wn't"
l,"r+lots nh-is u..• SIS,• hrn,l ..r ,. Inc„ f•hnraMer of Raidwm, the cont hunter, (sail,•, many,sont i f. renr� "f Nim, h, the lisp I-ellef that ,ran are flip grin- Thin was the unexpected. but mile -let
rstont olo'w"1u..rtcr.,lionnf mirror., 11"a,• c.w.?" asked Yetlre, amused, hut'nox Irnngloss did not ,l»pstfoll for nn hl- It with ndmirable row
err l"... mfnnt, aid to spite of the instrucrlona composure.
Fid rt- anal \„•nuulr,olonlly m1, Ute la•nl 1'rn+. P ••tit depm•wl" upon the time. w'll(,n
,.old-tliref-rthcdi.lrirl it, wblrh the 1,11.1 i• nrelyed At the Outset he was using
.1 IINII., I1� a n great, cool for loving tool ill ills skill to nnrntPhtt. Prince Lnutan resumes the throne hl
Tlw hm,r.n•Inlrr I. rr,pnl ,i to I.•rf ...... til„• Winkel tit all.,, "air( Fieverll very Aawalo•rgeo," she Pahl.
rlondtllm- rnnan l: til""' with "'Nler lots" of arid" wilts not t1ltnn'101I lJ to ih(,eas-
I'lloo lowing rinn.. hnh•II n1, a1dN wilt Inpr Mtp¢e.
p "In a And that dry nay never comp,
Ile till noon. Illn "creole IndifTerenep t0
rnlll xltlou of iii • lar l Ili ..... � fir f r ihme truth
will Ile he will know the 1110 ort ."Ire of the vtalt n•a" rn"ll"t- said he, such mocking regret. 111 4big
ya,t„ lrnth caul will Irl Imwlla9 like n mad• seise that Phe looked upon him watt
121 If th1• fnthcr,"r nlnthrt. if Ili" f.11"•r I.dry final for hi" fnetfonl•" (d to deceive the friendly hilt waUcitfill new•iFr Interest.
nsedI I.c .nl ,.
" M 1 1 n. icN(.• n•�i. ,•. lliddn / t
1,r 1 1 .l n. [cps el efirehl J
t n"GI 1 In the
"Plot an N(M
not "Why. I spall • b
Winn tint ftrrp 1 t (II 1,-e
r ,� , ry 'end. c you ..•
Jn 1,h til lin (rfthr INn •• tic aaL f0
f A n rlti Ior ui. n• "lose fil.t;ng nnlform of�the rnynl guard,
ipdmrnem- ". to n•.Id"n,w asst M• w.ti.n„1 Larry ennsnlln¢h•. '•'1'hp Rtlanla it tilt B'4' to America!" air cried.
cy sn"h IN•.wrr M.pdi.W nIt U"• Oshcr '"• otdirers hay(, their Inttruitlon" fn keep ' taller than most of his fellows, hand The eyes or Bnides hall been furtive
earner by far than any, he. win" the 1 dralvn to the (-arta In more thou once
1:11 If Ihr.#•Iller h"•, hl• Ilrnnnn"nl rr-idrn,,, burn 111 the dark At IOIg an ptrn.dhlr." � I y
tepnn f,%rll r.g Isn't renal by Ili," b, Ibc I i, In most noticeable ligure lit and About the during ill(, last few tulnlites. An oc
fly of hl, hoone.IrnA. the I,"Inl"in.•nt. N. t„ •,\1'rll, I'm fired and and nud'111111•
r•.ddrtrcr I.• a U -11n1 by m.idrm•,• no.", 11-y and everything epee that Isn't com. ' harrlcki. Iladdan coached him in flit!coxlonol movement or the tom; orleiitnt
Ihe•nM1.nd. par lble. Let"n talk about tube war," wry he was to apprnlorh the priivws, I:inaingt ntfroctel ills attention. It
tri.t. 0"-'nnUn•In,slim,-hnloldIN Klein, Pnld ltpverly, the Pnn"hlnp In tier fare Boldos liatening with exagger"teol 111- Ilnw"nel upon hlnt tint ,be little lay
l0 Ili. ofIntl.ltion 1,•o 1. 1 ?,,I pot LuNt, xl tentneaa And with deep regard for d(,- wins Ming overhennl, whether by . lex
t/:Aa1,rAMlntcntbtnt-"ppiy%t potent. IlomrnMNh- r1•Ilp"el by the dark 1
... w. coli.'. I cbond of dl"nppointn,ell t. tell. or eonspirntorm he knew not, Ite-sent-
1M•ploty et 1,h" Mld.a•r otlis" Inb•rtn° itIlldna wait unlined that duty w•nnld it(,cM1y ens In the small and{ence meat Nprdn9 ftp 1D fila btrnst find gave
N. H. t'ts-nthnrtst d pnh111•xpt(rn of chi, ml nlnm 4'R the mail' ser
verti.x•m..rt will not t.• I.,,,u f,.r 11e a,nlgnel in limn fit the uxrrning. ption hall when birth to a daring fbnt win" nog
n oecfne.
_-- --
i10 11, ent thro,rh the fnrmnittiea whi. h Im vias umher,l Into her presence. The I nine as 'it WAN ronfnunding. R'Ifill
I,Mnund him in ihr Prr.IPp f„r Pix sennnls and ludic4 in waifln¢ disnp J long, n01NP1PSN strides be rrnrherl aha
NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS month", listening Indifferently to ill(, to gm n1, "i, n d from her. Nip mate l dnot 'before Aererly could lufertoosp,
- I words that foretnrd the fitP of a to 9rrrt him, and the knelt in aLism her , Nip half started from her chair, her
Copy of change of running ad.ertise- trnitnr. It was not until hls now ant• 11111111• Yor n lnnolent her Inn ole was eyes wide with dlamay, bar lips parted.
mends must he left At [his nfriee by l Inrn, end p Would The k#rul r,M off ills new hat M" hand wait ahead
Monday noon to ensure insertion Mnf anent (•anti, into Ilia 9111tH lied looked Into hen with :1 ii I enittal0. lied It aside Rtkatlex"lr.
in issue of same week. peaNPNaiOn .bat be remembered the , r(v.tness that s(xmtd to ra�►Omen stood ezvoscd
. --- . peaetrpte Ger Tiro_ star 16k it
)N,rARF O '
______ __
to clew -'r
snufes flying eg nil their a raz,
lacca. 'Their tricks were figulnst flit'
cIWwt mil. and t
fru handss
The GRA BY LL�ta
haudker•hlefm droppm•d from a most I - -
I+l;suittcuitt altltude. One of them dumb- itp TmmyTough, arta. aA tough they J:y, ' -
ed an luiperloux glance fit the Isild ills- AL GRANBY RUBBFRS ��'
coverer, find Ile Lilew he ,cur looking ill a dliferent way,
upon the reul princess of Grauaturk. The re tough ani( ooa. iln too ilAa 0 A
Ile J d not lone Jibs comlwrure. With- y , g g
%mor he turned to the Anlerlcan 11 But toughlorinot.lin a,GRANBY Ina,. `t
girl. %f , f •l
"Your highness," he saA•leurly, ('out- I � Ir (.� � iP P N
•ly. "I fear we have allies uud eaves- �```•• 7 _- _
droppers ms
here. Is your court ade up t
of -I hhould say, they are doubtless a ---r ~/�
pair of curious ladles In waiting. Shfill I
I login my service, your highness. by
'cacortiug them to yonder door?" P -
CIIAI'1Elt \111. fhb
1rYER1.Y gasped. The eountmo
stured blankly at the pew ,
I g ard. Yetive flushed do Ay,
tit tier lip in hopeless chagrin I'
and dropped her eyes. A pretty turn.
ilhlevl, the play had taken! Not u word
wide uttered fora full hal[uf peu
forth f nor
did Use guilty witnesses ventnturere fSome le look almost club foote& because of The
from weir retreat. Raid. stood tail ugly rubbers they wear. GRANBY RUBBERS alurays have
and Impassive, bolding the curtain at ne3t,clea� cut appearaneZ.arldi6�� WEAR LIKE IRON.
aside, At ]star the shadow of a shills
cre t into the face of the priuct- if but
o' •
her tuner were full of deep hatuility
_-_ __- -_ ___
whelk she spoke.
• 1' scion to retire your
"\1't- craw( p f rel )
- __ -
The "(•'$let ,of p1.•1.111•ttwl \'(1111,11 k fn A illi -fill lllilkg alNillt the telephoote
highness." she raid, gad there eros vis-
young(•'$ thus null arI•, uu,l tart i+ tIlp wv+}• qua cnn lie over it withu.0
c .unger than you lank. Now York 1N.iog sero hniv You are hluxhing.
tuuua appeal lit her eyes. "1 pray for.
Tines, New York P wos.
givemess for this indiscretion nud Im-
plore you to he lenient Willi Ivo alis-
arable creatures who love you so well
that they forget their dignity."
"1 am amazed and shucked," Was all ,
that R.v 'sly could any. "YOU 1113)- go,
return°�,o ma wIthln uu hour. IThe
what you have to say."
eved, humbly, the ruler of!
(7raugtark• anti hgr cousin passed Ile- '
the uprais#lil arm of the new IClubbing
irJ. Ile opened o Jalr uu the oppo-
site side of the roumn,:uld they went
out, to nil appearance tt»rroughly crest-
fallen. The steady fell res of the
guard did not relax for w ractiou of
9 second, but lila heart wp,l humping
"C'ome here, Baldw," Com adAl
Beverly, a hit pole, but rfroverin her
wits ti(th admirable promptness. ..71"
® �
Is a matter wbicb I shall dispose o
prh•abely. It is to go no fut`ther, you,
The Signal I 00
are to ,understand."
"rest, )-,life b{ghness•"
.,fhe Signal and Montreal Weekly Herald I o0
"You ilia)• go now. ('Olonel QulunOx
will explain everything." she said bur-
1 1 Signal, NVI,-ckk I Icra d and Toronto
ly; ,!*,Ito -,!*,Ito -was eager to lie rid of him.
'Weekly Globe 30
e tued away She otwer•el a
faint but p•'cullar Smile at the carrier
The Signal. X\',,,- 1, I Ierald and Toronto
of blot mouth.
('orae here, air"' she exclaimed hot-
Daily Globe . - 4 50
_ lie patl•n,f, pall, face as sonlller am
The Sigllci find Montreal Family Herald and
a t owl's. do yon mean by
hinglling like that'.", Shedemaudel. lie
Week Star I
vanxht we Berve nolle fit her voice, but
I -'.%-,-r%- .ski scriber it, Famillo' Herald
g,tve It the propos interpretation.
anal I `ek1C Sta""' ill receive the pre-
your highurss?" he said
In de•pi ointllrisr. "T,ln mart lw mus-
riot «'ar.'
mium 1 tire, IIA Tu "of
p t Tug
Vain sure that 1 could not have
'fhe Si�•nal, Wrt•kl% I lerad ;trill Weekly Sun
laughed In tb1• preat•uce of It princess,"
"l1, have been
(f Orolltol
must a -a shadow,
then." she retractedI so ",what star-
The W ekk. titin iq It it ter that '41"lltl In' I
1 75
Ilei Ile his rejoinder. '•\e well. then.
h\' cvery fa er.
You are dismissed. •
As be was about to open ilia door
i Ilk- Signal, X\•::ld%- I ler: LI and Farmer's
through which he had entered the ronin
Advocate I, 30
swung wills and Count Ifarlanx
strode in. Baldest pausal irresolutely
`�l`erl`COnlllle1141 otlf fa.`a tit• vtlhaCflhe tit,
nud then prnveelel oq his w•ay with-
"rhe Farnier's,Xdv c,Itte at I ionle .%ln - .
nut paying the Slightest Uttention to the
commander of (lie .army. Ilarlanx
\ . • ine, the hr�t agriculturt journal in
came to an amazed stop,` nd his tate
\ A erica. The above o c lflcltlde.
flushed with resentment.
a reln� of The .W\ucate's (ristma.
sir!" he exclaimed harshly.
\unl}tcr for 1,,r,/�
"Don't you know enough to salute me,
The Signal, \\•cekl�' Iferald and Toronto
laights inrnli instantly, . ills Jeyes
atraighteuing like n Bnsh. IIIc eyes
Weekly Mail and Empire I o
y p %
-met those of wt' iron Count and did not
Stib.scrib;•rs to The \\•eel. \' Mall and i:I11-\\\•
waver, although his face went white
with passion.
ire „ ill rC;eive the prelnlllnl Picture \
"Awl who are you, air?." he asked in ,
offered by that paper. \
cold. Pt•tly tines. The count almost
-fhe Signals \t'eekly Herald and Toronto \
"Your superior officer! That should Ire
Daily •World .. 3 25
enough for your" be halt hissed, with
deadly heveln
The Signal, Weekly I Jerald :Intl Toronto Dail
i. y
"Oh, then I mer no reason wby i
Star.. 2 30
ahould not mature you, air," said Raldos,
with ouc of him rare xmilen. lie salut-
The Signal, Weekl\ IleralJ n, I Toronto
ed 1-1, tuperor officer n "bade tow elan-
Daily Mews 2 35
orntely And turnttq awn,•. ifarlanx's
eyes glistened.
Thr til;;null, \\-t't1dy I ier:dd and London Daily
Stop! Ilavp i tad yon could per,
1 Advertiser 2 35
air? i have h hit of advice IA"-
"Ify command to pro comes[ from
i'he tiitittal, \\'rrkl\ Ileralt) anal London
ynur superior, air." said Battles, with
Weekly Advertiser 16o
Irritating binndrims.
"ile patient, general." "led Beverly,
The Sig,n.11 NVk,c 1, Herald :old London Daily
pis deep distress. "Ile does not know
Free Press, \lorning edition . . 3 50
any I will stand Sponsor for
Irrw. - And I3nlo(n went away with a
1'.vellin yr edition 2 90
light step, Ills blood tinging. Ills devil
may -care heart satisfied. I'llp look in
(he Si�tt.,1, \\ c rl:1t I lefald and London
her eyes wax very "attaining. A" he
Weekly Free Press , i 85
left the castle he sald nloud to him-
self with An envy dixlegarld,of the cion
The Signal, IsVeekl\' I leralkl ;inti Presbyter' 2 2
. y 5
The Signa!, Weekly' I leralanti Westminster 2 25
it seems that I am to be aWio.
elated with the devil as well as with
The Si l %%* l f lcrald
j, A ) Presbyterian
angels. Itea-ens! June In a glorious
aril Westminster 25
"Now, you prol; you'd ire nice to
The Signal, Weekly 1 Ierald anti Farming
him, (;envral Mnrlanx," cried Beverly
World I(Toronto) I 30
the (natant italdos was nut of the
Mom. wife" new "f thin sort of thing,
The Signal, Wcrkiv i lerald and Montreal
you know, And, b oxides, you didn't ad.
Daily Witness
dress him very politely for an utter
. 3 50
The Si n;ll, X\'celd,. I fvrakl ;Intl Montreal
"Tbe Ipso;ent dng!" snarliA Afaranx,
Weekly Witness 185
bin nelf control returning "lowly. ,,IT*
"hall Ile taught well nud thoroughly,
I he .Sl�11a1, \\,•ekl)' I lcraltl and World Wide 2.20
never fear, Ills" f-tilhoun. There In •
way to train such recruits ax he, and
1111• Sign,,(, \\ ck-kl)' Herald ;lull Toronto
they never forget what they have
Saturday Night 2 65
"Oh, please dou't Ile harsh with
him;" "he Mendel. The "Mlle of the
iron il'O»nt Wan not nt all reassuring.
No'rii.-The Signa! will he stint Irce for the bal-
know he wy lip sorry [or what he
has done, find yon" -
ante cif I9o0 to all neiv suhscribers. The following
"1 nm liultp sure he will ba sorry,"
papers also are of1`ared free of charge for the balance
said hp, Willi a most agreeahlp line ID
Nuhmlasion to her Appeal.
(,f this )ear to Ill`\V 5lth':CilherN: Toronto i)aiiyy Star,
" t
In rfiu w not"I
Dail Nef,vs Daily %Vorld, Weekly Globe Weekk
y r t
r. dfor'ane
nskel quickly. "1 wIII Npmi for him,
,Nfail ruin 1?nl ire,•Farmer's Acklocate and I-andiin r
p i,
genPral." She ens at the door. Ilnpn-
tient to he will' tyle hnnl"hel rulpritt.
dMiNNNOlM ormwWono.•s
"\Iy I11141"P"" with Mr. Lorry ('Ito
wait-" 110 11P9au, Willi a smile -leant to
he luviting, but
which did not impress
her at All pleasantly. -
.('ontinnal of. I,c.r I.Ig,•.I
and get full benefit of the above offers
awWW w `--
fiend all subscrititions to -