The Signal, 1907-1-10, Page 5THE SIGNAL: GODERICH. ONTARIO _ TutNmnAY, j,.,luary iCth, 1907 PEN AND SCISSORS. I GODERICH TAKES THE SECOND. ♦ -- iii THE MARKETS. . ' ' ® -� -_-.- The Hanc Team Wins a Fut Galr►s �'� f ` � ' s by rt to 4• Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures • A'an liar AA,,, Close Higher -Live Clue Stock Markets InV1Ctl1S Shoe S If you're any lark to do. The second gator in (Lxlerich in -The Latest Quotations. Let we whl.per, friend, to )uuf,u it. group ll, Intermediate 1). If. A., wax I _ - MuuJay F:rtiahig, Jru. 7. r __ played flu Friday flight before it Largs Idrerlmiul whe,l. luturw cioged today If you've &fly t hhq to any. %,• to +ht• higher than flu Saturday, Curu True rod naetesl, w lir ua crowd, the 601110 teazel wiuniti lruuu g )' Y. K ossa utl,cba uaerl le +,r hthoer. S.y it. Reaforth by is score of 11 to 4. The At Chicago, MAY wheal closet %c higher 11 You'rH allYlhto:, toi lo\ e, half -Lime scute wax 7 to 1. The ice than nn rah, stay, and July !,,• filghrr A. a brem4n, Prow abu, r, JIsY and July ,fort each sac higher, slid Love it. was not At Ile hart, Mmt Watl coll. 1/sy and JIlly uata eaob yllc, higher. widerahly Gaster than in the gamr WINNIPEG OPTIONS. It "04) it, anything to give. with Clinton on Now Yearn. For - Thai Winsf nouther'.JO)maylh'e• the fiuri4n te,lm, all )lu'ext utml lx'g-Futurss closed yesterday Give it. I ) K Jan. 72c told, May 74yfic, July 75thc. he considrrfug the. anuilnnt of TORONTO GRAIN MARKET. If . Iuu hone\\ creed you doubt, practice they have had, Belcher Tho the whole wurld hoot and.hout. ;and McLean nl,tking wrine great cre at- Iwubt IL individual ruahem, and McIver flood Whe■1, spring, bush, -flow to its IU I f you know what trirt•h to light. McDonald keeping the Reafurth oat. 1vb.at, guti■e, butt'•••• v1st atl7 llulding ofht, , through then ht, P K K Whtat, fall, bosh,,,,,, V 7Y U 73 LIgghl I. keeper Duey stopping hot nhuls wilesI. red, bush....... a 78 .... from lung range. Un the defence. Yea■ bush ............ u 110 If You're any debt to Jay. Cmopbell played x gtxxd game, check- IMriey. bush. .......... o 34 U•35 ne,t )oil 'fait her night nor day• ing weil sod helping liar forw•ardo (41A *nab.• ucw......, 01101 .... 1 ss, N materially ly his rnmliea. Al ,int. nY'. beeat bush, ..... o r,.5 .... lx syr. bash.' ............. U Iv V 72 9 P Bird McLvan III" ,y do fort game• hat•- LIVERPOOL GRAIN AND PRODUCE fog plenty of Wright &lid using it to Llrtirpool, Jeff. 7. -Wheat --Spat tlnu; Now thnL m•howl week it eviuimrur, advantaage, although nut roughly: In gel 2 rid wlaeens winter, 8.. kvtures ing sitAbn after the holidays• we Kw►1• 1 ephirto" McIver payed Ilia .Mlle_ Marcy as sod- Ms,• its seal, Jul)' may expect to heal' the usuml dialogue usu,d stargauue, xud mhuwed that he - - - fm rti11 fluoou the brat ell-kee err in COro-6pot steady; American myself, sew, awfollo motherland wool somewhat K Ila 1 b J%d; A.merlsu galled. old, 4s 444. F'u sir follows : that U. H. A. Crooks, of UlinUoln• tutee steady; Jan. 4s I%d, Marsh so U%d. Fond Mother-- Willie, of must pot officiated very maliafactorily, and Liver y p pool. jag). 7.--Liam►-96ort cut AWAY your books. Toxo much hari was always itu rrtial in film rulings. salad,, ago ed. study jour good file little turn. 'lite first half rLaarta•d off tit a Gamt hates -_e tmlrerland cut Quiet. =a 6d; 1Villiatil-1 do so love up books, clip. 00derich taking the puck to the a -id-. svttaxe' rhortg. 47s old. nuxuun#&. \lay 1 not tltudy a little fileaforth goal, and after w,rlr tripping NEW YORK DAIRY MARKET. longer: #&till rlamhing for which Alrlver WAS New York, Jea07.-nutter- Steady, re - F. Guderich of the first. Fur Mills. "A. street prim : Extra cream F. M. -�Yhy de you wish Ln study i K so mucbT the next few wluutem the hums tram cry. 331, oalclalprices: Cd, c,' •, (.lom. had it tett r moo w extra, 0r; to 3e held, e•numHm t„ W.-Bex:nner 1 like to plespr Ins, pretty ouch their own wx)•. extra. 2•e,,,r a, 3pr: ata& dairy, rwumu nt„ tracher by having my leswms plepar- and by good aho o ing inside the aeon first•. 2Ic to 2&•; recovered, common r„ ed and--. 4 to t. Then tiewfurlh Kut boxy and extra, tic to 24r•; western fa rtory, common • litter- wimet flint work to Stoddart to ansa, lac to L k; western lmltali,,n M. K.-IA•ar aro. Y , %V. -And think of the lon timethat Ixut 1lclvrr by Ia /ort mho's piton the `�1p0j• ants 23c to 24c. g midi. This Prided the scoria , chaos@ -sc■aQy: ot large, a, t,, state, hill bio rinpwsi withnnt ill)• having re- K 4t Gu' nm reeam, anti sed large, 6rptrmber, htic•y, cieved any instroctiun whatever--twn fie'xforth waw concerted fn thin half. 14%,; Oct.. teat, lays, m lit weeks and 1 wax not Nought it lesson. hitt before,the be.11 rang Go derich had prime, 12%c to 1$c; whiter ns■dex evrroFe F. M. -Then do you love your Ixx)ks filled up it score cot i`tit 1: There were beet 12e; faterior• lir to 13r; ski ua tunny penalties in thin halt. but most to Iic. 11 sir 1 your leacher so much :' I Fegas-PaaY; receipt., KR9: stair, {+►nn W. -parr much, another. I a reiciette of theta were for- minor offences. glvsafa sod nearby. PP ty, wldte, the rndrxvoiro of my teacher to ameixt In the aprund half Uuderirh let rip Me;: da. cbol,r �7r ti -i 2Nr,; radnoo_ 11111411,we. and RraGorth was allowed mutes flee• warenw , 27r; wate:rt\ feat,.. 25,; oQl,jal pace, F. M, Tout are a good Mm. You duub and emw"uently wits little to do mss• Mr; errands, =lc to 24r. way study for another hour, innlrh' ttuore scoring than in the first CATTLE MARKETS. hAlf. The houue teann's defroce were kept Immo for n while, but tfie gt :) userra,wl and 1.ea.der (•shies Hlborar work of Mrlyrr in goal pnovetl ta4x) nmch fur the I-fraforth forward line.-�leaae Receipts• flun't lel your trouble. make you sigh• London. Jan 7 Idvrrpmi and InuAnn They're to disperse. [,coin added ru.hra by ljrlc) )and 11c• Y• p&rac. cables aro higher at lir to lar I•r:r I1,., Lean adcorl two more to ihr home \'flu will pace IXher., by anJ by, dr'asrM w@1ght; rt•Mgen for beef 1s quoted trxui w score and then Rraforth got st file to poke per Ib. Arid maybe tbeyll be wore. two after five men had bitten penalized, TORONTO JUNCTION LIVE STOCK. three Goderich find two Reafurth, for. Toronto Junction, Jan. 7. tripping. One of the RrflGerth put- RerNpfs of llv.• stork nt the Union, Stock Inst August it wax repirtetl thwt word line, when Mcllonflld wax going Tarts were 7u varloa.l., rouila,sed of few Juan Frrtandez Island IRed than tat n tremendous bprtd, trit)ped him cattle, u4 sheep and :1 sal, Crusor's Inland) had monk into the and ua fl contatxpue11ce Rcutchi<ie had to Bzperten. rrcenti as the result of An earthquake. .p tire with a cut knee• taking oft x he bulk sold at $4.0110 t^ $5; export bm:s The report was at tint credited even • Renforth man to even uf p. Goderich 1x.73 to $4.25 per ewt. scored two noore am fl ,vault of fast Hwtehers. where. bol wnur time ago warships Chole Wiled Iota. which were searo-c, work Il\' Mc'IrPI' Nlld ►Ielrher, and weer meat nut by the Government of refit at $4.15 to I.. Rs; fair to will, ism, $4.10 then R%%,Jim h got the hart, UNL die/flee 0.75 rows $ miswl with ,nos, ('hili to awrrtxin the truth of aha oast- K 1 ru is.AS tel•, and the island And ith inhabitantm time• ons call rl. In lhim half the to gaols; rows, $ls, to $4 M; .'susses u were found uninjured. Knme w• A s exceptionally rough, $1.23 to s2. though all those penalized were pat 1e11eh caws• off for ininor uffeneem. About a doer,, Isllker■ amid sprlagen �+ The teanna : (loxlerich Goal. It, sold at $35 to lot each. McIver : point, J. MriAlmn : cower, .1. Ye■4 calves. Showmen pretty little old lady with ('am hell; rover. If. Belcher; centre, A few calves aoll at s4 to $6.:.o per cwt. �) sheep and lea=bg. at rofluion of curls, a most tie- A. McLean; left wing, I). Mcfhonald : Et P Rt'sY pore aMep (rworl s.Ntl at N•:a) to K: coloring lxonnet and is dlrae)- little right wing. A. McIver. m. and oma,u W.W • 84 per cwt.; gown. Rhe «toad at the lace counter Rexfurth -(:nal• 1Vepteott *.point, mina, su to so.efi per cwt, of it large drygoods store. ••LPhat Roberta: cover. Hfoadfoot: (.)vet•, trail", Mr Kenzie : centre, 'i Munn) : left ew bot. were "Een•,1 t..day, only a few M)rt ria Darr do you wish, madams win 1). Munro; ri ht wiri lou brought In by former., and these mer waked the attendant. 1 wotrcrly K• K K• last- ■ r Ay" market at an adrard•r of 3Sr per know." she replied : "junt something dart- rwr. over Ina-, week's pelma. Folr,•t■ nr•• that 1 can now to make it chaperone Ite•feree -J. Crooks, Clinton. quoted fir If. 1'. Kennedy at $11.6:., and for the front of for dress." - lights A sa 40; sows, $4.51) to $5.50; stage. 1Vhrn (utnmmg out of the store. she $'I to $4 r cwt. remarknl to a friend: "Yr.-lnam• Mariners OpurtinR Danger. MO REAL LIVE STOCK. ing one of the pmrtnel•wl In it very tine 1^errs, Round North !star : The :at- Montreal\ Jan. 7.- (Sporlal.i -Cable ad- nrATl : my husband im quite varrinwteld tempt to navig#&te the Great lskem in 'lees on enr,....Canadian .•i,tt*e from LIv'erpr.A with him. Intrad• the whole family it, Live winter season im do omed to meet sea 1AN,, at wen armee. at 11 y,, nee* nrrben at 1 but I:Ioisgtrw r■Dh•a wen a fine one. livery dernier of that with oohing but failure stud dimsster. weaker, and E. cent lower than a weer. family is founderexl on a rock'." haver since• winter• met fn thele have ago, at llc to tf� Exports leu week from It was the rime little chole who was been wreckm and dismaters, ittienlled Nt. John were r7old cattle, :•2) abeep, sad Present when Monte people were di.- with lmw of life floor limb and teat from Portland 14cattle. 1290 'hole)'. tie P PW P K tol"m were Ito) cattle. :,u mlkrh cows, Luno ru,wio the R nimlt-Americwp mer. suffering. Owing to flip prevalence K i)a f alier{e and taco tis IWO bengal tau raters. She plot in her word. -•I have nu time of allow stnrmm and the miming lit greal The market for bop eor)unues vary for these Rpa niards," olbr said. -You m,tMres of stunt And rote ono brim the airline. owing to the small supplies comm„ cannot Irliere anything they may. wxtrrw r#&used by the interim- (-old. it i. foorwaid, and prices red a Pwtner ad Wh ,the 11 n • 'Parlez vuus Fruit- nal possible to navigate through' list• vanes. 'rile demand des keen faro park y' 3 K ere and males of selected lots were mod" raip,' And they don't mean a word of row channels anal thele is danger, of at io.00 per im *tae weighed ort ears, b„t the roolldlam of stonooerm Being frown @ren at thl. agure Ila., found It Iml,ox up and fn that way vetwe•la rue apt to ethic In en thefr te,yalremmonls. and tie• Ira roti off the proper roulette, so that prfmpt� is afro calres will go still hlffher. t-]atolcadvt,ra on vanadlan baron were the Iowa in money 11111 IIa'Pm unkeen it ars am rioted an advance of as to 41, A girl whmicmdd droll itic erownny. shiter folly to Attempt winter navign• romyared with a week And had rotoplirA drrnrslic rr•oNiuray, ago. IAit pSckere lir I Went to.kale nt the rink. tion. The wreck. of the strainer Gol• they will nave to Ito ria to d Matter -to be vpfe with the loss of feet of five of the I on ■ per with the present cast of how■. And. w. quick as a wink. crew through frost hitew im another hot- The Intchetw were out strung, and, as Nin ant doo wn to -tads amlronums. rible. example of the folly of Irving to good cattle were mbar scarce. prime beeves sod at 4%c to ,.)j, per Ib.; p,•rtty I turn wfoter into wlnitnet'. Onlimlrily good, 'IVe to 441,, and the common "tock 49 the 5th of 1)rreinlxir is the Intent chafe. ?%e to s%c. Mtleh cowl, sold at from IIA" xt which it fm safe to run vessels And it to $Su each. Ciaar, her and straw red "Whv Are von late for breakfast• is only o rrasionally that vemselrt nos), c,fly" sold at 2%e to 974,, and Tms oTeals miry" amked Aohhy's father, Aa the Italy .ton tit a Ixlrr cleats without aorto sin at k Per lb. s3@ep sold at 4c to 41Sr, an4 K Ismhs at 6%e to 6e per Ib. slid r uietly into his chain Rgivet and tfnnerexmlry risk, it would EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. '•�rll, Mol) ace." explained Bobby.- better of the Marine Department Cart R"Rafo. Jan. 7,-(`attle-sir elpts. "When you CAllexd nip I was having; ,t would limit the ditto ill n,avigfltiun till 4201) bead: acarol and steady to strong; mighty funny dream, and 1jjflat slept any, the tlrmt of Ikarrmloer find tit Ihat prime stern, s5.A5 to $e; mapping. $5 to a few minutes longer to ftnimiu it." dais till lights should Ix• extinguished $6; butches, $41101 to $3.40; staffer; $9.:i,1 mind Inloym taken up. It would lar fair, to $.. IS: roma, $3 to $4.75; Inn■, $I.5o Ili FDC ler to shol•terl the SPamm within the $41 -fir). atnrke a and feeders. $2.75 to $415; stock bialf-M $2.50 to $3.25; mflch coam point of safely rather than try tit run and springers, 82 to $T higher; springers vewne•Is At is tune when there i+ such steady, $20 to $aa. Forty years ago, when Martin lady great d,utger as has developed this NEW YORK LIVE STOCK. at railt'oader, was nutrriel, he pr•emented )•ear. him wlte, says it Pittsburg with ---- - NOW York, Jan. 7.--Beeves-necelpts, g P+ f p•r, esu r s/eaa, act ,n. . ilei a Nfty-dollar hill, the wages he had HYOMEI CURES CATARRH. eousidered; witigna rat r mod and ows earned for a ruotith a work. llo1 rt,. fit e-dy:-medtvm Slow to 15r lower; bulls Cady mated the hill until the other ---- arm; strwn, 114.00 to $6.25; stockers, sl.s5; day, when it was gleanoxen. $4 -OD; bulla. $3.25 to $4.1io; cum., ill part MICosts Nothing Unless it Gives RNief-- $1.50 to $4.33. Fitporta to -morrow, low meat for a Unulwtnne for her lit- Sold Under Guarantee. motto and 2111u) quarters of beet. hand, who Bird recently ealies-Ra rlt to 1286; Tcal■ steady 1. a in many fnmtaances. Ityomei Ions dberlr higher; womerne and Iamrard stork cured vale rrh when the patient has $3.50 to W. ren calves, $4.5o to $4.75; 4 -tuHerd friun ehildhood. Qnite a fpm '".tern*, 84 to 8,7,- totally le in ()o derirh who have )"it tin_ Itbeep and lambs- nd•cipts, 77x1; where 1 P ifulmt, t steady; dginhe for to 15, blither; ComllnentinR ulxm file prexlu•tion of ,able for vents to get a grxxl night',, ••e+p• $x.50 to $5.1o; "Ila, $2.50 to $'x.25: "the Honoie ilrIce Hush" in Kinrar• odrep on account of the dix,tgreenble• lambw. $7.5O in $8.511; eufls, S4 to $A. dine, The Review mayor : "Visa Marion tickling and dr.)pping tit (he back of 11"lls-RetMpta. KW; steady at $6.Do Mcllionald, who plwyed Kate (Carnegie, the throat have ob:a'ned quick Ie- to $T,10; via. $7.10 17.10. im a KineArdine girl. She wits ixorn in lief from it few tie tUnents with CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. the hoiele on the corner of Russell and Hvumei, and the continued use• ham Most", Jas. 7.,(*atllr--r-ItiONt"l rr. Victoria mtrecta and is a daughter of t Inde o complete ,and lasting cane, rvdPd. 2111.001n: steady to 10- higher; beeves• for ia1P I). A. Mr1>unflld, who had w 1'hrue is no sloutnrh dosingwhr„ $5,20$4.10 to $7.20; cows and ficircrs, attic) to ldar1arnith shopopposite the• town one owes H timet. Himply bi, the it- Toa .8mtx3.7 , $ M;fee&J, i2.$a to $4.M; Pix yy 1 'iltaarrl, $9, T5 to ga. sn; ■leek. 7a In hAlla quarter-century ago, Mr. And Medicated laming through Life pocket. flog•• F.wt(mated roem"o, N%orl; r to Mr... Donald are slow dead. They inlude•s that male" with every outfit. 10lower; mixc4 and butchers'. Wood,haaty, went front here to North Dookobi. and all ciAsorrh of germs will Ill- killed $01-M to M.4T4,; rough, heavy, $6.15 to Marion is the wife of Mr. Colvin, one and the mucous tneiribrone will Ix• to $a ; tm id. 10 to $1-.135 t pigs.".4 /3.30 to IA. 1o; bndt of wail.,. At on to $ refso of the managers of the company, And heielp'1• sbe•ep and TAmla-�F.stlmwted rerMpfe, is a clever artremor with a fine tit site A complete Hyoulei outfit rom6,(1 tm hilt An0sheep, ; loo lower; $•1.76 to $5.70; pt•emance. Her fAther was well known $1. mofHcient for at jefu t two weeks' limbs• $41 -an to $7.75. n Tiverton ton). He wag the first .tr•ntownt. oinking if nae tit the nest Master of Bruce Lridge, A. F. k A..%f." pr000ulical rlethods of coring eawl•rh. Whale Meet For Feed. If the outfit doeto not rinnplete it run•• Victoria. Jan. 8.-Repreeentatires of extol Imittlem of Hyonnei, if nel•th•tl, the Unys. Rhokai, a Japanese enm• j r an be IiuuRRht for 50 cents. protean- pany of Nagasaki, are here to enn- How's buninesal" I "id. to ■ botcher I nict her that there is no risk in buying tract for A supply of 6,11MI.tins month - while out ter a ml roll In the sl reit. Hyonaef. It ruffle nothing unma leit jy of whale meat, which, it is said, C.1 . will be used for triad. Heretofore, ing,"Iw.nrld, •'Well, arimethfle.. s It'tough, tool ley (.finis AllAll druggists should Ile flhlr to woo11 p- whale flesh halt been converted into mei or we will send I manage to make Both end+ meal. l)ly you with Hyot by mail on receipt of price• and fertilizer. I spoke to an author, a cheerful ynnng slap, every package in Mdd with t Il• distinct. Thousands of Cattle Dying. whome life wtemed exceedingly hrlghl, understanding that it costs nothing R'innf Jan. 8.-Rr arta from --How goe4ltr• I &,kat, and he promptly re Malcolm it cures. Write. Its tordmv fora t�R p m plied, symptunn blank, which we will send Alberta state rattle. are perishing by "Oh. everything -emd+tnlar art lie.' you free, together with tlentiw• r,n thousands through raid weather Andf coatAcrh 01111 how to etre it. When their inability to secure fn,d, And looking galla well." to w barker 1 cold. You fill In and ",turn to tis I he mvulp. many ranchers will be almost com- whom I sat. brAde In a civ. tom hlnnk, our consulting physician pleteiy ruined. I "llon'l, take any,dock In my health.' he re will give your• carom the Rest careand plied : sltlention. And write ys nnl a letter of State of 0hin. ( ilr of l'oledn, l I'm feeling Away below lar." Advice without rhml•ge. M T. Bilotti'. l.ut.aruut)'. (- MY taller I mot in aprominent mirect • Hyomri Olinplany, Huffalo. N. V. F'nnk R. I henmy make* nolo h Ilya hr i• " pond tnrirnlng I sold• "you look rule.' --- - .wnirfr 1art.ner of the Grin of F. .1, 1 hrnr\ R "why ahouldn'I, 1, prey," he replied with a CO., Ado` Ml -Inc.. in th, eit of Tole'lo A Red -Hot Destiny. c",inly an r7 Slate ifer'smld. most I�$It .aid enn, senile, w•111 IaY Lho. wnur of nH hnndrrd dollar. for " When everrone m ease in %lilt r A very small i>Ptmft girl load n ! Ow h and seers, (.war, of r olwrrh I hot rxnnM M• coral by the low• of Roll a CAt."l, 1'on•. "Ah. Aorto(., goal morning!Now Kar#&1, deal of trouble to#&king her doll pp•. II wAh Y 1 h'R4NK aIt straight. fMll1• would slide over Sworn Irl forlorn um mad sal morrib faill o my 1^11 r midewaym and tunlblp derOp moo often I•iwarocc. Ihi- eth dA)' o/ here ulcer. A. h. Imml' 1 aakat wlLh 't •mile nn the.id" that the little mother wA#& oat of often'+ A W. 014.A40N. '716, No gMnr &Iona In Ihr "me old wall. NMAry Public. Enjoying had lrallh.- he "plied. pat(rtlr•e with her Chinos danghter'n 14^11'. ( Moo ill 1'n" I, taken Inte•nmil), most dianhedipnre. At last mhn paid : acts doretl) in ill,- blast and nttamm, .nrf,,-e. 1 aalA to the man who mak" wntonlobllo•. "Uhl doll q ! yon Mof ihr .fmlem. Men for temtltmmiwlm firer. TP jtlNt as wicked F' J. CHENK , t CO.. Toledo, s6 " It Imn't ealtw proper to frown." Am you call Fos Yon'II have to goo to Sold by all itrotldmt.. 7.1c. "1 know It's d&ad wrong," he replied with a the lxulp1mre, and you wnn'1 hurn I Take Halla Vousilly t'lllm for rvmMllation. ptn1. tarot ; you'll live Always. au' JMltf The fact 4, frit &11 broken down." sizzle an' sisslr." Get your Jot) printing at The Nignal, l Frederick Bolton, is Lockport hl a n. w a s htruek on the arm by a �,J,� Plyinnutn Ruck r6oerer, nod uegieoted the+ f. w fund. Blood poh4oft t / Met in and he died with- in it -sok The air 1#& 1 ! hill of dine"" germs an d poisonous wiltrone.+, and no op, us ,re, nocut. do rolderack is este if neglectod. Ju#&t thunk! A box \of LM it m -gut have aavtld Bniton'ti life! Z ani Buk's Kerte-k11hn f power ha-, been I)rut ad to ba Krautor than that of o, u�iI; car b lin acid ! Just Imagin e much power! Yet Zaiu-Buk is pale sus! all)phe I ton wound or cure it tirat kills, go -ins and preveatrl bloo I poison 1p sl)PP-ration and-featering. Then its healing powers+ crime into op•tratlon ant It bnllrta up newho-ilthytiallue. Whether un cue+ and wuuuds or on ul r cera or diseased mores. such sa o: t lln I- etc., just as effuctivu. Healing, soothing and antiseptic tell fn cue. ZAM-BUK CU.REc BLOOD POISON Frrn u1, %flu IA,k is still just an eflertite. %div ,,a' .111191"16, .,f Iluut.\allr, (0111 1. say.: -."1 hal a .^aldol atilt which "clot tilt wra,L! war gild hewn In *well vert badly. The Iain from ftaNe lerrlh• &till whin I went to flue d",tvr he stud o was lima, Imas.rla. Fill It, irwriths i was vert fall with It. 1 tt'Ird all &„eta ^f r'na'dlrm, but (.null low get raw•, to smv uotluut of ruin. (hie dry in the hnu-.• .4 to Wend %am lst.k roes nr•umuieudeml to a (., 01, my (rarud'� "eonuloendatiotl I Applied ..nue Zan'.Puk Ihrt woos ani hf, Ian it vies more In plrah sr .'r than h 6.cauae 1 ml mu,'1, faith ill it. To ur) Item• %ulprist• too hoot I awakened next I,,... gJtily arn.i wooe tout'h better.I Uuv ,yN,u`oLtx lord a .upp liD t Zooms uk .rod ,fmtinuc,l will the treatment rrgularh. lu Ulre weeks ti.e arm w&. ,put.• %-It..AlA I hate never felt ant' Ila(..• ill Iain from it elm r. it is lir,w arxtie mo nth(.. mauls it wits corr•,l, •o that it i• r\ ulr tit the (.urs is Istreitaneut. • ince floor.► los n.\ f tr r il,l'.1 bun sand sur ).i,: sero. This wnlwd at., turm,i to Llraal Ian •ry i. %ala I;ilk mils wppltd &fill io hill cast alfa rotnplrt, �' rnn•.,i'• WHAT ZAM-13UK CU4EF. Z -or rink I. a rurr for c, rcn.a, -alp .ors. I•rh, ringworm. -*.Joe.. ul, ere alma.•,.(.•., colo . W. f• err FREE B G X Nag or .,n wound-. cid•. burn.. card ... brio-. K.•nrl Ir• .runt, sill nano• chwp,wd �Ianrf.. A• an cnehn mum it relieve• ti.rl't of Ill- / tie- nn rhe.t dor to sold. mild 4 *n". Hu•un,&'I. 1. P•U•er ln'.a riallrn. el.•. U*iUtiuwblr tn,m wll dr'u'=K�.r. nt .Yu•. & l,r"^.do, and fr� Iral Im.x I .... ,r•fi %.flu. auk t ,, lb:ootu, (lit 1 rice. G ta,ac. ,+yilg�l III wailal y u. 2 Mi f ht have been saved by • __'mac. The pen may M• mightier than like ; l:xlw•i recce IllaV be is good te•arhrr, oyorol, but t h,•-w•o'rl swallower i but many a ow• Dul ho is rich in link" more looney thou th.• poet.- experience can't raise live dollars to \ew• York Tione•s. Imavehis life. -,.New York Times. Gray's Cures Coughs Syrup GRAY'S, Rs SYRUPthat one Da. G.1'. CAMTAFI.L. (:aANn P.'r mate a man. unmarried and Walidoeit well. It's no "cure-all." but VALLEY. 0.1.:-1 hoer x patient,"it"ilulc,afhicled viI)IIloingtronble, 'I a (;URE for all throat and lung trouhles, of Red (;RAY'S SIRUP Olt RED SPRUCIr Irec(udd sat, as he baa arautgv-le koka Free Ilmrila/frr C'onsump. ( 1'JD stops the irritating tickle - fakes Spruce away tine moreness-anotias and heals the throat --and CURES COUGHS to stay make room fn: him )it Ilnr Sander cured. iumT 1 Think he might ienprn\'n have to do In gain admission for Kone the less cifective because it is G1 1 '.. pleasant to lake. vtL!".li ^_-rct:. bottle. It cannot be toy (•'earl l' r; -!r.', tar ri, stars a !q L+;ynrd An,y galf.lcatiun nr CV„r l'.:.:, e:*I" , iIt"f •.' •• t it he., .t F. toe Hospital lorCorsu.r,p :t. w.t.r ..• I, I;t�tel:lplaart Locust vol'used udmissiun, t),vaw v („' , 'lore, p,•r!r:'l,, than :1': I,:!lir .'17 ::P in lanada tilt: WIOW UVR "FREE y �SP�T�l. FOR. CNISW"IMP11WES is dependent upon the contributions of the Canadian Public for its fraintenance. AF etatil ADMINISTRATION aCIL11ING-Ml's KOKA FRpn MUsrITAL F01t CONAI Nrimrs Private rhilanthropy has erected the buildings, providing accommodaiion to -.lay for 7S patients, and which the trustees are prepared to extend, if citcumstances warrant it, to too beds. These hefts are for those iwany part of Canada, -without means, who are suffering from this terrible diseiase in the incipient stage.- ) There is no large endowment, as in some public instittf-• tions, the interest of which will go a long way to pay the running expenses. The monthly bills, covering cost of administration, salaries of. medical lficn, nursing, clerical and domestic staff, besides tile he..ivy expenditure for maintengncelif each patient, are depend- ent Par p yinent almost entirely tin the contributions that come to. the treasurer from, Lind fricnds•throughout the Dominion. Could Not ray-Iias Young Destitute. Wife wad Child. t, ntarlN, iCINMOtNf, ONT.: - i Da. G.1'. CAMTAFI.L. (:aANn P.'r mate a man. unmarried and VALLEY. 0.1.:-1 hoer x patient,"it"ilulc,afhicled viI)IIloingtronble, 'I tears of age, with tulN'nvMl,i* I whom we wiah'o seal to the 6hr%- F1iis cin umatancen are JIM such that i Irec(udd sat, as he baa arautgv-le koka Free Ilmrila/frr C'onsump. andchit to %upport. tenfold yo,, livf.. I'Iraar let a know• what we make room fn: him )it Ilnr Sander iumT 1 Think he might ienprn\'n have to do In gain admission for Let me Lnotdwhat you modld ads 1 ,. him. Where Will Your [Money l" More Good? Contributions may be fent to SIR WA. R. MEREDITH, RL Chief Justice, Osgoode Hall, Toronrn, or W..1. GAGE, Esq.. b4 Front Street, W., Toronto. ApppllrAtlons for admission and any other tnformatlen from .f. S. ROP.ERTSON. "ecretar National Sanitarom Associatjon, (Saturday Eight BuildlnirL 2ti Adelaide Street 'W., Toronto, Canada. 4 For( WOMEN $3.50 Q t IME people have trouble with their feet. Such ,Koine halve t r o it 1)1 e w with theirt;hoes. Nvheu the INVICTIUS 8110E goes 011, shoe trouhles go flit'. Tlfat's the universal ,;tory of all who wear thele. INVICTUS -S It O E S C01111,fitlo CoftIFolrc with Ilt-ALITY, C•nx( ::Illi elegance, DIN do no (ithel' shoes. 1'be pill -;huge -Of ()lie pair will prove theso claims :tlld 'plane vo ll a 1) e r 111 ;t 11 a Il t INVICTUS ('I'STII 1IER FOR MEN, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 - WM. SHARMAN. L r The Purest Paint Wears Longest THE... Martinaleasenour Paint C o s t s M o r e Worth More It's 100 Per Cent. Pure - -That's WHY SOLD AT - WORSELLS9 HARDWARE- AND STOVE STORE Ooacrich - - - - Bayfield • Affair IT MAKES OLD THINGS NEW k\%\% 3t\ktt'W � I1' ALSO keepz them new. There will lie nn old, dull looking furni- tnrc nrtlingy woodwork in homes where this ,wnndrr-worker is itself. No refin"Itim; or irvarni.hing neces- sary. I,ix1yid �•,nrer is nor a varnish, but a &If ve food and cleaner that irnihk up the ririginal finish and make. it brighter than ever. It instantly re.tr,res the brilliant new- ness and linisl.of 11isms, Furniture, Picture Frone-, interior Woolfwnrk, Hard%vn„d Floors and -ill pblished,var- nished lir enamrird airfares. Removes scratrhr:,'atains, dirt and dullneks. A chili) can apply it, Nnthing but a pine of chee.0 cloth is needeJ and there i, it,, drying to wait for. NEW SIZE PACKAGES 4 -OUNCE BOTTLE - 25C 12.OUNCE BOTTLE - SOC ;THE SALE OF STOVES STILL CONTINUES. Do not mist this Op- portunih• of gettjrig x good ha rga i n. . A Full Line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware Alwayi on Hand. IN PLUMBINO, HEATING AND_ tat I TINISMITHI�G�pt attelltioll. ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED. CHAS, C.LEE PHONES Story, u. Hous, nz. (511 SKATE i Wis have placed in stock one of the finest lines of skates ever exhibited in (ioderich. We have the celebrated featherweight t AU•1'OMOBILE" brand, with aluminum tops. These skates are fully guaranteed neither to break nor bend, and also to be of the very finest steel, and if they are not what we say we will be pleased to give you another pair without extra charge. We also have the "CYCLE" brand, known the world over for their strength and durability. [loth these brands are made by The Can- ada Cycle and Motor Co., and can Ix: supplied in any size,eitherladiesorgents. Skates sharpened and bicycles stored and repaired. , Electric wiring or fittings furnished and put in at lowest prices. ...� YULE' Wn6 KiNUSTON ST. NEAR THE SQUARE. I