The Signal, 1907-1-10, Page 4V 4 Jilt,A/DAY, Jauuaa•y loth, 1907
(I* est as tie attractnnattentiun
it fN
I Iw11reliones 114wort Ile IMIll11('.• tit
anti growing all the titter.
• .
flat ire. with dlNN.tivu. lw.ultt4 Thell.
One call be1Nl,•ely represm N cy nil•
smile when reading of the Uralble- t
.)Irs. ItuaNrll tinge, widow of the i
uallrier. and yet Iht'y :r'.• real. S1,
Oaten•,•. flN41h1 oil 11t11t•1' ill""`l- Jird
(1•rlm JI derp r'XPMlllsllllt%• fell- II
stewarthihip u( her hushand's ei nen
New Yorkers Run to Extremes in
nus forltme. The relatives have Iaw
Work and Play New Year's Eve
"jell i -m idel fill', and Nle has ever
"otrall�y wall( 111 lel' I1wo N11pp1i14
an Especial occasion of Hilarity
1'l•t t hr revving ,;f h,•1•.elf fi•onl tile fill
Urinking by Women common in
til•u of wlulrrighly 1-r nine,)• nlilli11 Is
the City, ano Becoming Mord and
it Pr„blein that give-, thin estiulmh
More So The Trautman incident
Intly imIch ('nnee•ru. Thus tilt- of
"lir",to liens of a NII-rallel p11cvemsil
Mrs. Russell Sage Has Her
fir... inst,4td of Im•itig Iht• menw,l 1
baanggig happiueh- to the Isent•fiviar
,�-__ I
i11L• it htill,'rt• (If .:w111PNN -if 1111P is I
by' xlell wit's w'Jtslte it to -haw thefts to
IAtlieye III#. ,p on.i. fir Ile• pocm.. Ti
,dune ltelY41.-. Ile forttln
NKN YIIxK. .111111rir)'. 1.
Il\'e III II Iin11V a 1'PN 1'. 'I'htiel4ail . t
The weather along this Isn't "I elle
I "Itim"lls will I"' '"All" to' 11 r lir t-bltif
• Atlionlie ('tiast ,lay INwll 411111mohall%'
4111e IN -dives, (.1111 1-1-114..4 "fill 101ivale Io.
Illild N.1 fate Ill" %vinte'. This is 11,•.
.4,11% roil' 1,1'sIe of. Il•ms will til%- p111'1M41e
,inillt.•el fill'. the experts wa V, I,y ,III•
I blit it)-- di-piossel of it Mol that 11 Ills
ehAnWiog of the' cnurae of the (3111f
lit- a bleN.itig ttr the cnm11uunity is
titwaw to N,vutr many wiles nearer
`,ling.•, and that it may n.)l have th
to the I lliI141 Star. than it originally
dc'""r"""'nq iofiuen-r that chitlil
held. rhi.. mnv actsomit. UMI•, fell- I Ile
x1\'1119 "fit"' 1111,, Will IM• :111 Illt res,
t,clrpmr•Iy rued wealhrr experiencrd
ing Ntwoy. .Ul of which glwe I
I 1 England.
plstve. a. '1'11.• Si311/l wisely NUtlr,
No tine will ('lanpllin if the chooste
"snip Bello ago 1 forget the ,volYl.4
will always Iwulniw sti mild in ,Ilio.• of
that looney do's 11411 I1-PeNiu ilY bri11
the more or less foolish ielif In tie"
cunlf""t u11d ""pll'11 , ('. 11.
••green Chrislmas anti fat churchval,l"
H,Ir,vxh of I3riM1 Iva•
*Irvorv. A Mild winter fm is g,NrN-n,d
New Yforlt.
L 1 tlnllaNlldm of Power fainaies.
. - _
snow thar l.i,lks Nur )rctty ill III, PAILN
:bed in Lhe Nubsl'h. black. (lis-
.tgrrealde Nl11lslr w'ht•n troildetl ley
c n inlles fret. -
Large and Interested Gatherings
e . • e
A remarkable trial re•t111ty ralive
tip its t he .}effe,•on !Markel l'stuM. A
fill-( for elle IrKll1.1 l' Ini•ellfl •+ 11
1-r f)(41 wnmarl ILL excellent Nowiil
till, We.l Ilnt,)n Mr11„•r. InNlitill
'to, siding, MrS. Tralltlll(lrl. the wife- (If
wit% (11.111 on Toemiav alt Kintail, • 11
a Fifth ay..m11r plly.iri"n. Ilad 1144.11
,Pile ,It Iwd 1141(6, fit.. mtt.•mncr lan
arrested ,its the charxe,if %Ivaling 781:1
,milli the aft.•t'11(morl and the evelllll
f.Y.el n until llillnet Htigan ill A doirk
mretillgot wes g000 d, and I11e1ch intere.
hallway. Hr a-wrtell that in Ntvl-
was Liken in t iie adore_,"
1•\'1•t- 1 • lie
ling up Ill• ucenu- nor lu 4 b
Tile 1 .' a flt.•s were N•. C. .eine 1 •
711 I I 1 i ,
,ret two wunfen, stud walked meve•al
er. of liright itself If. Janes, or Mail
blf"s with thrill. They t.Nik hifn
land. Mi— limy:'r of Toronto.
Inln 1t dOorway, whew ,life nr his new.
w•hfo V%A, ell tilt, p11l►Ir•alll, rale
found lady friend, ".•1uhrNlr41" life
1 Mmr:uue. .le v.
i„ Int in ,w 1 1's
1 PI
. ane! look the monry f1Y1111 IIIc Illald"
Slen't-k- "fill J1111.•% are Notts gfmefl
slwemkers and gave m dveN•N•N of ill
7'lie next stay Ile went fill ihe• hllt�
ter• -t and valla•. Pre•Nldrof i millw
fill- floor. matt In Ilia Search hr 1',lllle
;11111 S14•IY•IJII'y Itilllle w'ei'r},II Isaild dile
luar,4.s Mrs. Trautman. who. it was
look chArwe of the nleeting4 ill their
afU•rwar-i supposed. resembled the
sastsal rapnble snap er.
thief. Hogan gramped i yr wriltes "'lit
At tit,- nfl/•rn-klll yov-6111. 4.fler N few'
called a polif:emsto. On the arcual.
itittielti •tory Iemarkm fr,vei Pre -idem
tion of thio elan elm lady w•as taken tie
Select -
Young. Mr. Shearer Mief,ke tin "Select-
. the
the Tenderloin pmdice statin". ,old, in
img ;old Te-lirlR x I1µ111' Ileld." Jur.
spite of her evidelJ refipelllenl +11111
Shearer Kave it comparative "tateillent
her familiarity . with the names ,tit
nl' the pr,wluct Ili three good anti throw
n►any pmminrnt preel11le, she wuX
inGrioer Cows, mhuwfng Ihr greater
1 sc tot up, xnd we x•nt a part .)f ('l Host-
profit trials kowpiug cow's 4)r the IM•ltrr
nlaa ('',lir inIril. Itf•1' fl -troll.. well-
mi -title.. GOO( cow•h gl%v Jet.- w'al'k alit
notified, and gave lourim rnr tier
m1wh ng -we profit. .Mr. Shru,•r ltd•
apjtearance ill ,tairt. :fit the (Pial the
%InWI keeping fewer 1•°w'N and fesshow
) R"; annoyed at We rafltbling -tol%
them IM•tter. Calls whunld JN t.t tit it.
of the plaintiff• rut short Ills in('u-
111 what IN fel to etiwo tnrnirso costs.
here•nt rpenmrk- ,slid honorably flow•
,tilt IN- (IN[ w•Ithnllt taitiling ,file. Illllk.
ehargrll the illy
Thr milk should lie handler with great
Stich a tI11tIR 1'4111 htpp ell Any Itay in
1•AVV, 111 order UI 444.1111• lilt, lata( re-
Nev York, where thele Jur some
sts11N. Rvery farmer X11(113141 put in a
Ixdicemen nowt pnMNpssed of unts4nal
Supply of ice', We) aid in cowdiug the
Intelligence And w'hrre. lu lie Xmw,
milk while aerating it fit night.
. there art. many well-dressed women I
Milk pnglerly cowled and arr/tel twill
blackmailemxnd• I%Ldgrr-." Theresuh
Kive ms rrlvrewrd yield ill Aires• tit
of thin affair wns n goal le•tore by the
the factory, Ihere a variation of
police c m mietsioner 14) him insp t4•tom
Ida Ihr waw tnlm it quarter for a (Niue(
rod a catstion to their N•rgl•ants Io u.e
to our lrnlnld :bed over of Milk In each
better judgment in Nuch casts in 'the
ponied of chee4e. The w'stsld m1':111 it
dit(trence of *:At (n tone pat4rn s11prol)'•
I . • • •
ing Ifni,fmol IN1111111N of Milk in it mcaN"1.
The evening papw•Iw indulged in
Ibr in m fachrry making :101 toms of
Some flet at thio efilsode. One hr) a
cheese the Itis. lean neglecting proper
rwrtloln tit a hue•nP of anxiop" Ina.-
nlethols w41nld Il- nu Its. than $:.. .
band.- inquiring of tit.- dr.k sergeant
,MMI. The.- IlKufw4 wee IRken (form
I in it police XUltion if he had their.
an 4.111A caw• occlerrinw in tli,. 1'rOv.
miAsing wives in cumtlNly. Ione ,lis'
% saying: :She bass been gone two slaves;
If. .Joint--. 111 Nailluld. Wave a !Alk
ale ill swreh' ssIfttrrctstA4l ley this
i'ir il." AuureW the subje•fM
VieAnother wailed : "I fear the
Iouched tsreom. he Spoke 40( the i11jsry
worst ; nay' vi ire, hotel been away orer clone
to fruit 1114•M by the tiyllter Shell
night." Ttle autocrat of, clip desk,
Iwark loos• and n4'ommendei Scraping
cowling, replied to each query : ••Nti
tie-- slough lNu•k frlim the trews and
name like that here."
whitewamhng daring the month of
Jai mart', which would demlrl,v the
.. ' ' '
smle. In-1wakimc ,or .praying hr
Speaking lir cartoros, thea,- in
Saye the life himtor% -if rnnle• tit Our
mearrely all illlpo lrtant. incident 11f $ftti,(.
trollhlemnlie insect. all( told his
filet rtpodittin life, tragic of- ntherwisP,
h'a'rts tar plop er tinges during the
that IM Olt caries lrr4t by tilt- palwei1
growing evit.nn til spray to lilt- hc1, t
of a cprWisy fines. The (:;Il'l's/ incl-
"dyanlawe. Ile heip11•msld ,Beni Ili, -
dent file hill A rules feast lel tilt
allellenle tilt- 111.r.-MMity of grnwinx 11.
Pllllt'r�l/l�t lrf "pieylreAding,A Nil defail
1"ach Am petsslble ,if fit•rt•1•lass Irtlll
of tile etlifyingmlory wlaslo.A1. PhotAIN
with ds little atm possible- ,of interior
of the nlunkrve, wrrr shown, with
ft•uit.. Xhnw•ing that a high gwelily of
imaginary comment- by them. The
fruit grown in env N4•tistn will in.
' fat prnportionw of the renowned (-nor
cream• Ih.• yaltse oI Ihr entire fruit
wereahowti m rim favorite moles Anti
('till) in Ihat Aiscality and attract
in (still-" not lin favorite rosle,.
buyer", which will naturally tend to
. , in('11m-e
I)I•ire.. !Ill•. Ion -N mpx)ke of
WNW tr t114ille4- IIIPIhods employed
Tire light-hearted treatment nr
by the apple- grower„ of thin dist•il-t in
really srriola happenings- gives the
rt:arkeling their fruit .Ind SuggeNt.•d
true viewp oint of a xn•at and con. the
nl•Kaairatinn of I c,a) fruit.
xtanlly ine asing chasm 401 New
grolvers 1.1111. fnr the rnrissse of co.
Porkers. They nrint IN- Nnlns4l first
o N•I•Atinn in file ptsr('�,asfnW (of 4111).
off all. Probaldy it i. (flip to their
11 iem, such as loarrets, of ., And in Ihr
natural desire In get relief Ginn 4t-
di -11- .ring of Life crop.
Ntrenust11s busine•ns life ; fell- they
Mr. loner films Spoke's" '•The Grow -
work haldt•r and famle•r than ally inw
elf I'11hato•s. nsd Treatment fee,-
. other People.
Itlighl and Bol." lie pointed nut the
Thin tendenry to gayety IN ►htitrn fn
necemtity for keeping the f.1lingr 4-elV-
Inany nthn• %%-III-.. Tvn years ago), fnr '-1'.,l
with Horde rix 11lrxllire frons the
insffnre, New Year'S Pore was the
nliddl.• ,if .1111y mail If),- eml of
only time when merry-nlakinw, ,"ch
Angiist, in older In krep Ihr plants
414 we, know If l,.lw'. weals inlflllWel in by
pro IU4•tell\f11)III IIIc a1N)l'1•m of tl,l• rel•
people generally'. Now there is 11
which aliwht,, nn Illy kart-,$ and dr•
wri•k of t„voteiingml the Mardi Ilh,t4
mt'11yo fi114 Ihr plant fund then the
Festivat tit Coney Island, whl•n Nm
tilim.r•. spl7lyyllgt'iltlntt lN• P.e)tl.i,lel,hl
IIIAII • AN Ilffif a million prop)e have-
a cull- (nI the disease, hill in a pr•ve•n-
gone ti( lm evening it, Murrells•. Is
live 11r n. Orur'e mg"in-t lit. The
Ihmow confetli ell eine• anOther. W mky•
forsnda Ihas h.• gat%e wa4 Nix Imnlnd,
lark. and to vat, drink Sed IN• I"Prrift- I
for blutrinnv, Ove I"llnds of quirk•
Next colo!•. e114•tsnl, (light. A few'
Illllt•• aril fr(an e,ght n11rices to it
, yrare, agel ,ata, inf.t If ill l.el-4
I".161141 41f 1',11Y. grel-11, +leenlYllllg Lel
would go holm pally and Ir•nvc the
the- nninb er of long-. Fnm' spravings•
Street,$*',(I fill- rates- to IIlP wfnne'".
rntnmerwing the Nath r'..
Now It IN dilr.•1'ellt. It mpval4 11% If the
(spill ell every twee w'f4•k- Ooit It illt• ,.Joel
entity popoilslios is witfhNors cl rlwal•
of Augnmt. practically i11.ures, a ,.,,.It
- ing. whatever (Ile I,•-111( Illily lit..
for INItAt1N•,,.
' • • •
,rim 1:%1:xtxAi N1:SNr+x,
_ It is the Sanl.• 11n New YeAr'S Eve.
At flip evening 1114ming, atter n few
This year Ihr di.oifli;-,-able wrath.,.
n•maroo- fr.)ni the pn•Nident. Mr.
hold an effect own the Spirit, Of the.
SheAvur "leftist- ,ill •'1'rotlhahl• Fat•111•
people in file-ts, and Ihr rlmvd-
fru.' T's loake a surveN. ,If his lots,!
we" not Nm Imerwmole an Ilm11A11. Iii, I
ne.., Ill.. farfewr Inn4t Joel it tilfol„11R11
with liter w'eatla4' Illy din of this:
knfws'Ielxt- or it. Tim first Ihiwg w'nN
merry•mAke,e i- dreadful. Haws of
n g,m-1 m•h1Nl .41tscAtion. F'irrnn•t'4
ynotig Islets and %`1011sell, arm of 41.111,
Mlnlrl4l ser Io tum edoicatlfin a trletl•
danrP m1mig ,he middle of the. sfreep,
lsov' ,still Kirl- Aad take Jill intt.l. • t 111
minginfl. They 1h111w ('stnfetti if. v,ior
Nrhol twitter.. If file foppes't11nity of
fire, and linke von with Iicklev;ntid
S-eliving fin plurnlinn ill voullf were
Other Im-me•niing ihlnK.. I,itil,
h irna d foot dung ;fit(] big fog•h.,111,
hrgle•tel.Ihe pack of it w„Ill,, Ise telt
t hrotipphonL life. This L t iller "hnuld
a yarel long tont in vmir fate, Seats
Rive him boy a cnliYce at flip Agricsl•
for the r•Ntanrnnts tore engage) Inng
fnrnl OilleWe. or ills nn filte.rnntive pet
Ill Advance. NO that tilt- thew year ,Ila,
hiso Ilheetllt to milli •Mp eciAlly Allvv,.%.-
• lN' .liter el l,lyllllRl, At NI,IIII' Metal.
fill fitrlller. m.1 Ian tel Illi null the IN'.t
�d,ioces m,1IlinK ,rut rhalnp"glle ilea)
plass of working. At Gael )h new
Ne twilight it. lilt. ll St hums of the• old
Ihey w'nw ills, taking lin giro lit, (Ile
yens apprach. 'then the fun wilxe,
Macdonald hookmosalld tell,billKU11•al
warm field health- of a drank and
to cook, be•w Niki k,wphuns.•. lu older
melnKS mung, with or I"o,A ally,
to mak- rarminpt profitAthl(', the tar
mllit IIIIrth. Next Illy. 'sf enllr-P, ),air
liter sit lit r1lime tilt st1111dad of ills
the pwgwlmimi him wIlAt im vulxnt'iv
live SIOs.k pvn1wrty. he 4hntsld feel his
known its a '•grialeli. offset 1Ndeloln
St,N•k to lull• best. Idyll( l"Illp, lir Mhmild
pledgee file mule•.
grow and fe441 as nmch rough grain
. . . .
n- 1N 1111e. T.)r(''snonliA• in the feat.
ler tit hired Ini,nr it wnm well to get a
Drinking in pohlic pinrem is nnf n
W,o d Iran ami ,mi-.* hills well• It wait
sin in this f•lty. 1 have. sen flair or
diml•wlt t.) Wet 14wan ,If tate right
five girls. tsnnttrnded, take s•atwe in it
"fort, 1"it whei, nue 1.11 Id he got he
r4•wetaur itt, and call for (rink..
wm• Inv"Isande. 111' "ho lid It_ Maid
"Have yell any nice draft ale f' elle
w,it alit) trate, well, NI of he
would maty. Nwewtly '•1A't rue have
would may. 11 wam sent ecelnnrly. Idlt
motile. "I lir N.Li le herr." a1) of omid.
the reverwp. in Rive tole hirf4l IIIA" $II
11• to augninmip1mve to me -v 11 y,amm flail)
Nlr leftist f1- work with. He Shmdt
take w cocktail hPfllrl R metal. There.
save n glNm1 le'xtle, Met tl"1. lie ('.Illllt
iR a enn-iderable v Nsm of married
make the IN•4t time elf hie 1ilae. The
No Pner,tll he f- ' r r
Inlliewe, G g y t ilii 11 NN Ret
Pendency nou'+ulxyN w'xM In work with
- wimp mAy In- nlsPrve1, while. on A
three or (hall' lforN'a At1o1 LIMP IN 1'x.•1'
•tehnpttning"toier.taking IhIrwhiskey
machinery. Filo%'S Shnu14 lint ho. its
nt"Jilit I. It in not Mt be inferred that
rink mach of It 'hsrry IAr Ir%ve till
drinking in puhlk place. by wfon,en I.
tares#: S.N11e•l11flem the Orn who had
iodolKml hl universally, Inst it ill sl
left the rani, in early life found that.
he had nuuie N inimi"ke. In Gu•lnrip. St. George's S. S. ChristrAss Tree.
Hold tethrr pi-itidil m in flu• 111w'n. tilt I I"lltlwldy thew never• was it ulo e 0---•�•-•
Ines well- tit a div ami.: when Ihl•y r11joy'ald ('hriatrlriwe tree rnln•Iain-
hale pnbaoxIl their pri11/tr lhry wrrr ,•,tit
NI ,.ell.. in, conarctiou with tilt- Su11duy ' •
If aside ill LIv4)r of y11onKer Olen. Thr w hlxsl tit tit. IUeuge'. church than was Year S Greetin1big wail.., fu IVt• Inwn were. Often , held flu Friday: flight sot lust week. New
f earurd by working ill hours t11nt.boul'I ;'file atte'ndaner was very large And tilt
Il- KIVnI Iti .14-4.1,.- Nr. Slvu 11.1' al- I.chtw l room wax cilnvlell to) till. distwo.
IY oiM)ke ,If Ihr von 1'1.11 ie•llte.. 5111'11 if.
I• t�IV tPh- 1111-111', which a1,' ('oulili • in• The 5l-rtor, Rev. M. 'l'urub1111, tN•cu-
If ) piel the chair, and a g19011 plllgrAill
t" time e"' e I ""'• g MANY thanks ladies and gentlemen for
\• gi%'r11, lilt-• u11ndN•rs IM•iu all ful-
l. W. IL Hollertmor, ..1 The SiAli'll. ionm: lusrl•o11lental duet. 3lismes ) )
r, wile• Ihr ai•xt weprakel. Ile express" Ah1At Sltstdy and Beatrice W01":
him io,l al-clatilal 111 flip 1.11•Illrl',. cal) Now Year belle Ma.terN lie•rnaitt arat your liberal patronage during the past
Ir ielg, 4, It% imp"ist• leve. ,olid .)f ifs IWeals ,tfwnry, untl elect Ore. "Je•sus Bids
NII\':IIIla9rM Nllll/1PIPN11'lnlllllrm. Every I'm Shine," with triftngle Ill,d 1,411111- year, and now that we have got settled in
11 wall coni nut Iw.t fmowl, bill Ntlulr online: sung. "Mmple Limd," ley ten )
11 'Alli wrrr horn to titlter NId11•IY•N 111 IMIVs; revitation, "1,001• I'alyl.' Mls,$
life nsight he AIR truly hwur. ,.f ala+ Jessie Former; be "Wt.n'1, ' Yum l' our new place we will be in a better posi-
t' snit a. this+ whir;•.dually tlll•Ileel Illy
t-1 wNl. 'town 1-41 Ile suurli11lrh nlvil4l Come orrr lu Jly l uuerr ?' MisS fit
1t- 1 trice WV11s; feclintt11r1, Miles Nell'"I tion than ever to serve our interests and
e the farmer his dediy collilNtniollmllip liluuiltnn : smF, ••Bhrebell", by live Y )
1'f with statute and other filings fit th•'llfllle .girls in c(ulunr•, and ru('40re.
fel lllrl'N 11!1'. „N 111'W1Nt 1111• y'1I111tK •S rill• SmIg": rl•citlitioll. '•(•,, 11 t. will leave nothing undone to merit a contlnu
�. men W Ntay at home atilt make liur- ! [sats (lilt++." Joss Alma Slli dy : re•('itfa
4 on lite IN•Nt ('fol,nty 311 the wlfoll' p titin, „r 111 I'Imrm ,awl Jlfoalv." ance of the confidence so long placed in us.
\• 1'llllllt y' .Nil- IIII\'v TichlNlul•ue : Mltlg. ".11.111y „ ,
. .Nit-. Illilie• lotile N few remarks. Iti ll,uat limllf, 31 flim F:VN Il•cit: rl•cftri-
INntu,11or whirl he dilr4a41 lit Un' tine.3baNlt-r%YillirSl1111I%,alotshallot" We will have something special for you
I. Iachelor. of Kimtail, Who he thought � "
\. encore•: r-rilAtiou, '+Thr 3lelmlNm.
16114011141 Im•lld IIleir wAy.. Thele eel.• Moi.te•'.1.4m Felker. ret'itntion, Miss next week.
f) tis) malt)• tit' then(. Air. Illilie nlNu Ills os -Ile Foapr; sung, In' len little
1 fixprt•pMt41 lis !ilra.ure lit lilt- geNNl gifts; 1't,•Ilatimi. MILAN i•:diia 'fill;
_ andienfY.,%%hititgem•lally totalled 40111 ..7'll•,inple• I ,eaf." .allow toy14-t1 !Moya Remember the lace just one door from
K to Ihr 111stitel•e• mr4•tiug;, ill Kiwail• I.Ni.h w'f•fu•Ing m rnnpfe [ear and it (*.tie P
flte Ill. it file• IN•mt cenUws fur adfar liar ani, the 1'uio11 Jark: ill'
rI the old stand on the corner.
ole Irslittr ill lbt riding. s,t'tlu,rutul wwllty, by tla�' JlasterN
A recitmi11n ley I renal1.111 Young Hrrneyiiul Ill ,a. Heaney. ('nnr1111how
was lendel,41 in a 'IN If- Ihnt upN•11e1 It Jill Girl Save the King, i,li.•r which
the eypmu(IIWNewhowell• rut aw""" SalltaCIil11N fitl•g. filu•k.t,In1'i made
%f hisfNlwrrs nN x11 y a11 lecia• Thr his itplN•nnul('c and rti11uoenel4l the J.
leautfi was heartily uppreciuLt"I ly' if -ihillion of the gifts t„ Ilii child- THE SQUARE, GODERICH
lhThe last S11 ern• flYoul it Iwwullftll ('l1 iNuun. 1'144•.
The 11161 s le4'h bens ley 31 r. .lout•,, \'Ivl11r
The ,cell-, " Jlaple L+uul." is
%ch11 Nplike ori "•1'11, lld,uive lir -Nit- is,llllwelelU'X "gala Pattioli(' song. --0-_-
f ,nue." 1'nder nallloal condiuuns, veil 'file little girls w'110 gave Ihr Iflurlsell
Ur. Jonr.,•vewel.eliuil rolls 1140i inj011,tl sung w'e1Y• Irail e41 I-V Mrs. I1-welry I
ley' IIINevtw, het 111:111 111 III. Iglimallve
x1111 (III•y' IIMIk1Y) %'f•1'\ 11'1.1 Ly 111 tile,
I Iw11reliones 114wort Ile IMIll11('.• tit
1.11htuuvX of with der Ig rile
flat ire. with dlNN.tivu. lw.ultt4 Thell.
)N ins most NN+hes and sN'111w111K little
-hem l
\\'rl't' Illm•t'I. which "UIMIwLeI 1111 \'1.91•-
IN'If.. 0111. ,If tele 1 -'love' m,11K, ill• ten
i Talion ,said, 11IIIer•m of it 1.111.111%401,.114
wll•1. wall (1':1111141 h,% 3ti
Oaten•,•. flN41h1 oil 11t11t•1' ill""`l- Jird
Shrpbxrd iunl 1-r'l'ouz1'1 and A11fNm A�L,
. thus k.-epinx them NI a minim111°1•
fbitrifl Intinel Ihr Im,vs %%fist ,ani,
- When insert. were left in (heir• 11at-
•-N1,IPir I.Filid" nod "The• JfaPle IA -mf '
rrJl lmm•. 11., e% it re.11hed retail heir
Tiln.p n'h.) wolf prize. fell' al-gllarlly i
pri•.1 our, lull ..Illletiflms Jill Illset-1 %%'lie
111 1'11111ch atlelu all('e 111111 g.•fo('1'al pro.-
va11rit4l to .011ie other lu.iot w•ot 11/0111
tit•Ii•1,.V %%•1'.•: Filet. prize. 3lf-s IAa-
I lle 11"tlral elle•rlly which kept It ill
11.1.'1• NVAlm : heCt Iltel 111'1x1', JII.. Jl lllllle
MIIhjecl loll... For IllNhtsle•r. tile 10'11:ltn
Tallew t : 111111 prize. 311.. Evil 11,4-k.
I"frr 1064. (11111111 111 till' lit•Sel-ts a ('11111•
--. - __. ..- -
rad.), where it WAS (filing fl- hill -Ill.
What Caesar Might Have Said.
Jtnd wits tarried by the railways and
by' xlell wit's w'Jtslte it to -haw thefts to
0.111111.1 "Tal'- i3nllo• 11•.1. a TVXIV.
Ilrll' fl'le•nl)N ill ,,filet' Nartm of tilt
01'31.11' all's l•al a folailless ,for clasisi-
01111b 1t ib kb 01 %b 1b lli 01 Oil W filkII b\b lb Ww liiI Ib lb %61140
ood r
G o epi
Ci c es
WE have a tine line of all Jowls of grocer-
ies needed at this time ofyear.
11'1 I
V )4)ntly, and Ihr uatm•al rnruly slot cultalim,iuns in his Rpecchem. I 10 tU ow 1) arc a flaw Ui the lines we can 1F
I 119 Ilrnught slung at the sitar tiler Thi. ill Ill• any 0ulunel Bill" fir:
till rrhult w:as lilt- inere•amr of III, bug Sterrett. Ills- eminent Texas ('.)mmesi- = Slll)l)ly t ) you at lowe.tlt prices:-
te, I vnstating nurlllwl11 . fatter. r porter ('014)114-1 '!'fol'. t1'Serip. C.
31 .Iowa then s poke of the bi1110 a. tion elf the n-vuatination of Ju1iu. TheApiwal :� Raisins
na Llll •'s Police. �YIlcn ever•}'thing Iaesal : ( i-1111
els' fN•lel to. keep tilt- in4rcls illcheck "(aehar w'a„ walkin' dow'ti Ibe " Currants Fids
the bili . did it fur 4)4. 'Thrrr had sr1,4•I4 Jf Spain one day will- 1 Itratus. 0 3 t
he41 cul •h.th11ughiles.wess ill destroy- with stealthy irenel, smack- ti's IM•bind Is
f .".+, Peels Candyr.ilii 'I 11.4 which wrrr lhst11will In )be hill Noll plugged hie knit.• IN•tweeii To You a Extracts - r
useless; or harmful. bat which here font. elf-1'ltc• a1',. rill-. Then lae,iar Abuts =
1141E nail'. INrt allies. Mr. Junes emm,Irh•ly taken by suipriso. imi.e(l I oranges mpw,kt• of til.- habits lir Several different OW 11"Itt 1, nail in tones of rhtimler I 3 g Lemons iC
.:cid : L that you, Brutus % Yon
axrirlirm lir Iri111s which. toy their E HOSPITAL FOR = large atiS01'tmCBt at lOw'CSt prices, I Ilial
work in destroying mice and insects, til Ic d ,l; :" e l
performed invaluable service fnr the W_ dr SICK CHILDREN -4 iI)" C'U11510ere11, at t
farmers amt saver the country trusts i
devastation. lie put in a word fnr �
til robin and the old black• rlrow, " e'iNah of which, he• said w•e re w•e ll ,vurl n For it Carrs fur I:vOrr 51e1c Child I . _all tilecher•rips40r the corn they ate. oodd9s
are the only In Untnriu wh40mr Parents v
I ,) medicine that a,
111. ail%imt41 Ilse INI,N 11111 If 1 Ille'-0solitiot. Alford to Pa, M O R R I S N S GROCERY
hill's re,I., but GI protect thnrl. will cure Dia_ � 1F_
R Kidney Bright's
ig Like- fur Treatment. Li
It was',ul exce•elingly intert4dirl 3 E
ari I,t'fi Din_ ,. Hamilton Street
and inst.rurlivr ad,h'e-s and w•nm B _
followed ley lite audience with kern ease this tis Ar ff lir' S lir
attention, ease was in- 1 U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1
c urable until The HnePital fnr ,Irk t'hildren. college h..f. !1. !1. !r. !f. !1. !1. !1. h. !1. !'1. !1 h. !'N!n!1. h.�. ^Mill h q O
1 tl�n`,ritm tit loner'it latdit,4 11t(rn..111tere -htai wD°td'sKidoey Pills serer,, Tnronto, n,yesaln to 'fathen and ! 1 K \ muuidr. or Untanu for funds to maintain ('unit n.)t III- made Cor uhf.. The met-,- V cured lv Dodos i - �-- --
t:oemxlvn confess the f►eosaad Rick .
ing clolg41 with till- singing of the that without Dodd'[ children that It,
national anthem. kidney Pills they areaggrieve. within Joe
I'll*-Inntittdr held n)e•elfng,t rester- powerless against Dia- walla ever), year.
(JAY al. Ati ml4f• I.etes. Dodd's Kidney _ TIN Heapital is
. _ -- _ Pills are the frst medicine not a Ideal emstitu.
' that ever cured Diabetes. tion -but Provin.
CURRENT LITERATURE. Imitation, -box, name and tial., The nick I Parnell'st Bread
- -• Pill, aro advertised to do so, �" •r child from any
Axwrilmt ST014Y ell• Jl.11•le CIAllt:„ -- but the medwiva that dorJ pLrr in (1ntRrm K r,.J,J by rnarlrinnr. nn .we.r�
Ulimall lil•igws, r.1t'rrlin, lilts rverlltly cure I ".
. *ho can't afford to . hAnJ. 1-h it in weux.d:.ctur-
pitI imhel a milli y, '•Thr 1'aticake Disbet
I �1I I (1'y has oho w•me i..c. i, Irked i. p,riAclly
Preacher." lots, \,:Irk Cloie tile%•. A. y ' I I,nvtoges as the u ury swrre+undinas.
M,-Kibhilll, %vlloye previou. wrlli/lig.,OS - `' _- child living In Tor. Th.r rne,n. ,elms the. am" -
"1'hf• old Orchard" And • CotopentoW "na T. trot Nen endo And i, treated
I.V pr,etie (kink. /
tine t0 Signar-Men" are• kiwwn to tree.
many fir Our neiule•rs. Tilt- Nl-4-m. i4 The H 'tall had last }'ear in its bed+ I It O t. - „NNY, them
alit MtR illi
laid principally upon til. Canadian patients 31i of these were the lt.eekAnly kind
%hor,w i;t Lake Huron, which will from •11 pl■ a nutinde of Toronto. The
n1Ake it interesting lu tilt- people ,of is Dodd's Kidney Pill,. coat fs Try It.
Dodd Kidney Pills are 1.77 eta. I P . T D]s;A N
trim IIiiiiii . 11welllic lir the Chas tie fifty cents a box at all
env unfqur int well pi rete(yea. The druggists. ttient fir O e I YOUR POPULAR (MOCER, AGENT
purPors• tit• the tale is evidefllly t4) 1
show the dege•neralion tit chars¢ -!1'I da nil I •
that ACr.1ngBuliPS the traffic fn liquor•, t h e r e
lona many titlopr ,pit -lion. of 1•ylen --- _ -_ _ were 131
lisore interest. tae ilt4oe)1n•141, and Lh, Rick li.t-
1dr•ongPst Iwints lir rather fn Some fof ranee i�
Expectant ."I'd • in
lh,• views tsttrn4l by fhc prritch,•1y
hnlSelf fn his ennvermations with Ili, the Hoa*
parishioners; bir instano•r, Whets pits
������ � l
ts el to sevme the aid tit an .•viae 1'l- others Since - ( •
iIf K Re .nen. "Re' 1.1rTt'RR BROOKS. JUST on ' •�
IS! ie, hn1d hJWCial be•f•Vice•.. lir S.Iid : ARRIVaR.' •
"`tl n ops -ars to nil• that the melwing should take "En-Jn' during d e 14,v
the HcNln,al has trra4rl 13,12(1 children. ' o Know the Future,
sim t le it -aping should III- of lir, this trying time. The extra Aleut R..." tit thr.e were unable to pay
choireanronay in this axe of the a, rain, weight aml undue pre,- anti were treated fres I
Church, Held if pMnple would only w 1 marc 011 the delicate ans often Your money 99
ince and 11;Im:r. %'i• what they ars, tht'ri orR ran pnt gel Read thein the Ir•gul:n•, titY1ltlNt'y .rl'y1rP,R, there irritate and fnAame the kidneys. ) den hiwRes Past,
%ynul.l be less flvetl foil. s, IlelrlV .p eci;tl This'not only increases the tin' 11. 0l, the dear
lllecting.." Thr Story in At'lengilly ger of childbirth, hiltplar"the f 0 f t h e
11'11•. I)rl'I,ap.- toy) Iewgthy, hill it will �I lens pal's
dnubtlf.,, IMS wad with iWo-teml hr health of the baliy in jeisparsiT v t _;L- � - �j 1', {Z Y'e'ar the
merry. L
many 0141 friend- 4)f the author in (him 1 F. v e r .• R f r .x�. "1;11.1. P 1 a Il „
t!y Q 0 1
ctiunly• 17t�',1 LNIy'st1011.r 1 w Ki1111S In pllplllSirlt
31r1'1.r11v'S 1-4.11 .1 %x1-.lrY. - N c• \ 11, � 1 .
(nay be the
l'luri, m fir• .luwlary 11PN•nM the New � � Friend in This year has bCCll Il()
Year w ills toil astoni'thingly K'1MN1 11wmr ' � F'• Need to I , - _-- ----- - CXl'Cpholl 111 till' rlllr,
ber, diotingui4led, now usual, Iry the. -- Somebody's BELL
axKnNr. nN[IRrANr.
r1141n-rot %igomou4l�ur Of if.r iuii-lem. chill. t",
� 4i 31111) ill -(lily' the iC8(11111;
and Icy firt111s of IIIIN'kel rxrellenrr. Your dollar may he a trine 0t h011e to , bel; 11�:'•� uI1sCCYaturlCS an0 (l)l-
" Mary Hooker G. E.ddv : tilt- Story of3 Somet "iyS OOld. The ipn4pital pays out Iter I,lre and Ihr , .tel • e v'I i l% d 1'hristinn di Idelxln ell health , i. r
anti happiness to Rub p 1C�C1 ll{ MtISIC are lls-
Sciencp," 0rt•Irle its firmt.• in-taln,i•nt it) , s tering e•hildhrNNl on ,.•
a manner that pritctirmlly innur•ew, the every dollar that is C 1' t] ing f his excellent Piano.
id :,v friends of n few of the latest til
4wf•r-"M tit Ile• .-n•ial with the Amwi• pea A
I j, it, Ii:Ir - - .
rnn 11111111(', (al I Sch4)t•z IIAS it Mt•Ong idle rhildreti. _ .-�-i '_ -
article dewtihing his first me-tinx - If von know of 1 _ itiQ� Ilistall, and who rise
with Linrfoln. and lilt- fatooms Lin,olr- I kerps the Itiolners strop and an% child in vont 1/
R ' ; BELL' Pianos EX-
i10nKIA4 d-hitc ;It 12uir( V, lllinoi-, I „ rfgorrna-ne,tralizea Uric Acid neighborhood who
Eugene we",if wrilomWit h ir•re-istahl•� in the hlfxxl--relieve[ irritated) is Nick for eripplosl I CI.USiVEI.V, are
ilnnaN' n. Thr b ick in iter Tfo e . Madder (CTstitL%) -arts all a mild or has 1'lnh reel Harding Hall College, London.
)hlrtoll .f, IIt en ick Iakrt a One n1' ( nand the islrent'el t • McNaught School of Music Brantford.
tonic on al! the female organs. name t0 the }hxi- Tw•n n 1'n rem rAa►a
the at•iking Ihrnrnnrnn of the tiuir•R R �,�-
lile grpat .�pwinIl InvAni'm stf New pit(. IN PLAar[N I
York. 'I'llere is m"nf• Splen41iel fiction A "il11-Jn" pill at, bedtime takes See what rnn he dnnr fnr dal fent chip d..N• � Loretto Convent, Stratford.
!n the 1111lober, "Carl." Ili- Ada Mel- AwAT tilehR 'Its -n. There warn ?II like cases last year The
ver, lilt- sl11fy tit it Sw•eii-h pinned• n'1' rain in the hack and hundred. in 31 y'ear3. Moulton Ladies' College also uses them
child, is se title- of gtslte 11llrforwpllnldl• . relieve the dragging, hearing exclUtilYCll', tYrnl) hlallos being llst'd .In this great
and tom•hiug IN•Anly. fn "Thr Jlio down pains through the hipxl--- i tiCil, u{ flllltill'al ll':Irllllljr. �I
%%'list Kitt -w," I'erer•nol (iihlnal rt-- prevents C'nnstipation - is the j ';
latest it tragedy for Ills. vrl)is ,pith he'd protection Against Kidner -Ta They are also used in Toronto Conservatory •
Wrw,t pm,w-r mo -i ilp,i,11%. "Ile' Tmuhle (faring pre,;naney.College;+
mnitirg tl,' by l,il A. l elni(, is it 1',l.- Toronto Hamilton Conservatory; Brant-
I!O01111nAtlttg (•resell)• for P( -JV --h, "•Ilii• ford Conservator ' Toronto Junction College ;
Pot•HtnlrtY•," by )lex P( -JV --h, a fil4latl At all druggists, n1' direct on receipt - - y ,
western rile#• ithnnt a for I(_mi,, 1Al of price, Soc. a large 1,01. aRImRR AtTeR Guild Hall School of Music, London, England ;
f Nt-IYIr.•1• will) "did" st Knnmas town, a7 Please .1'n,, enntril,nrinn, to J. Rees Loretto Academy, Guelph Ladies'
I, nor ell the fonnient -let ire of tilt• T"g OLAIUN CNtMICAt CO. umrm iZo1N•rfson, l ltairmnn. ell to iMnelns Ihlvid• YI 1 Whitby
year. '•FINNl Tiff " Is%' Margaret wono"ol. "T. inn, sec.'Tmas ,tit lite Jl„pilml ret &all College, and many other Schools and Colleges.
1'an,rrnn, •'A 1'etpnrwl S:urfn 1'llun," I l7hiMron, I'nh.... Ar.eef, Toronto.
41111 -Of Mvra Kelly''o fl,1.L stsce-.--f 1I _--- - -. _-. .- _-_ -�_-. _._.___ Thr ilbu6r Iti :1 rCCOCO fur all)"firm l0 fir prult0 (if.
F:Na,•Si(fr tnle..• and "f )n III- Night J if oil are thinking of urc'hasin) ,
Trail.•' al- excititog foal -std -dish slol'y i �4 (1 Vllll I1CCC1 haVC flu
nr n(fvf•tltllrw o-Omplete the list fir Keep It In The House hesitation ill bli),ill it "BELL With 160 much sub-
- tillb-
,$Lotlf•", - . rnngh. and -lit- ,1-11,,p hie wrd•A,-. At eiglt stlntial evidence of Its popularity.
/ / !I• �`",r` w,er. m.1' be A .nese• •. .light lirklln[ ,n the Ih,a t,
Perhaps Me Meant It. 1' •.I n,.rntnx-A h..1:•,i,1 At ro• rr.1 ,ign.,laks if )'oil are hesitating* because you have not the
1'-- ft- fal,the11% a mrlf•,sel K��% cash, fly not let this Ftan(l 111 voter wa)•. We will
yrxnK Infin ; but the oiler oj\''y whin ��)) Sole's Preparation of
dining foul he wits IItIPxIM0,411V x"11.41 i ,. make the terms to suit voter convenience.
sips'll ill MI%- grit„•. And the loe"I III' I �I'll A � ('3
fol)O 4141 ants I+r deliver hlneelf foe the �1 � iar's Cough Balsam
••t) IA)lowed. , h)eNS lar• Glu, and fnr.xol.r Geo We Th mflim bond. ATIPn." Jamtry I,iplin' p1 ►•eRss Sn eeiM-.rnn• file ne,-h N.At. rhk eMmr AeA dna . 1-l.■Sonf Ms' -I inMrosellll■s n � Son('foLlM, t11/OAte Iw,wteh's1.. IArR,•r .nil N.1 1'l ,ret 1',..[n rera.A♦ In Ise wnr1A t'rA In rantAA �
tut ever fee Test.he,,,.'••'l, r. Oloo,"Am And tN►renresd by •A
N ,New mohmkr•ipMro, an. Still celllling Ill. . NAT,ONAl. DRUG A CHRINICAL co., Us"Ve teNeeN, owes.GODERICH.
Time enosgh fele ytnl yeGfill - - _ - -, I L
`�40=0�- .