The Signal, 1907-1-10, Page 2I
, .. .
1 9 TilLMODAy, Jilllu+►ry 1odi, IWO �'HM: t�1C�1A1.: G011N:RiCH. IINTARI(1 .a 11
--T-- —' __-'_._______._-----------"--- ---- -- — ---i'-...
..—.— _ "' - —_--• Mayall' Gedaw'Icfi in attempting tel l,tkr I hfo1-,e- ,)I- %--one- Pall Is-• \'M,l' IY 1111, %11 NII II11x1 IIIW't 111Q asf »Thal rW!t ion NO. --'---- --- _ -
aNay the buuurs fl,nu '1'(,runtfa ilia- til"'- NEWS OF DISTRICT.,,.(,(,loN,l•nr,,t,m,gelllln,im•tastrxtelrly I
-sionar -- u1NUN rhes!! wet Is- Ilrhli 1•'1111 N
�.I ` IiIMNL Ntt: liev' lulu 11 (1111 say ,f.1 glut ni hl, rrN hleinK prew•nl, lhP fulluwinK Is-►•1W.
Acheson & Son
)' )'' '( tSAYFIELO. nlnlbm tell• curries uunnhuuurly:
' OUI/klul'l1.OVLtlt111, 1'tuluabF}• ex-l'ounrillor Litithwasale cr•ti441vKf11g I(Blrentm, fralelp un »noes• - M,ry1.ti by (k -o. Re:til, mecundel lay
• ;1IOpm th1,ulKhldixz ml,, are. 11611,gl y' l Tl'Y.ADAY. Jun. %lh. 11'611..\Ilii. and umuliulu"mly Ix•m4-h Wl.
.PtJBIJBHBD J+YRRY THUlo�cDDIAl iNwnYy Urs 1111 dWn't run 616141 hx-p:e flYlcril..h,p111 .. drnFi••11e-41 ,•li•nu..Ill ' Nr. 111111 VrN. IfilllP :tilt[ f.,llily t11:tt ,we- N» a .•r,•riuu Ju s,den11dy
I ,
a Rbury iu Ihr 1wNurr•rt'tl„• of Wnrtll (Wil if. t6w wtea.•1'a dvrk rlwut tiuud,wiu'U/Ntoricb. 111-411 List xxainat Ihr St-hiN/l Art pltMNel JANUARY
\•.tXATTkIt 1• Ibllt►:ItT,aV - final U•:uiop with c:dllwl t,larruW Lu 1fL•.
E -A Iu1d Risible hit this locality dfariln ViNN Ilenti lep R(Bhin4n11, asf tirafo1 tl, alt Ur• InMt plemsi .11 air tilt leaad Hiofase.
Tukphonll'RII \'o.•J,1,K 1'lllxge 1•a11NMy wln11In1, to l;.•, Ili” la Visiting frh`111IN-111 tile'If this week, We think (halt tiff- mane. iv very ulefnir
T"Nw1Isly night, but we fell it cowing Ilrecimis fang t....11 It.„1 tile- flying ,1611111•» l'xwes,al how I. -It fur flay libel. xnd unjust itind .pro}• that Nit- gluey'
,Term. of aubeenpnon '. 00i. ti(,Olhrr Jill 1.1 mprvlet- 1111 N..I r \111x. Nr rli l rson loom
I.-, war- fl !hely. t
NlMllt 1111 (!Ifni Mlllldtl \'1•Vl'lllll)I. I I Ilk- lakpn tit (lave its Art re IPa11v1, CLEARING
w) Ines„% 1 IiN1•u111fo1'Iw 1111 Il14.Nr clagaged
7JLIn 11111 Nunum In w%an%.•. --.._. ----- - - ttitgll%vl ti IwhalY of 11111 utPPl ing,
in it. 111141 dNu r». I+w, (1111 IIr wail• ale f-ngngel in leu'hing. g
1111: nw.le h,, :Ven; lhe%•e•uundM.'LI,'• '1'fie turewn the- (,lecture tnnldel K'. I
1 An,lUrN Vn.Ie.%N,
Nulmrrllwrw Whip tan let ,.,vicu Tnr. set, s'.e 1. /•a rt (1111 rrllew•N tltr river 111 1114. t1/wn1 Thr choir til' '1's.i,#'1 }• rh"1,•It fall. At.%�. ltasuY.ItTN11N
1010116fly by notes will (,Infer M W%ur 1. fare fes- uN u,l :MMI :t1' was evidently the when 11'. .allies. Juan fLikew it, x1141 lite Iln-y Kerlin u 1 if 161)•, whirl) they I
qunintina us of the fart y1 r, early N dale u. I K 1 1 -(!,/sl.
poalbk. vvfdrht final•wt they cionld final. ,#11111 slr.Lnl.r (ravrs-.1,N•k in Ihe,alolary l0trnd lio Inwsent lio the publir alNlul "t' ill% Ill' the yJ'Icci ll attention of hQll%cholders to the
N'hlu, ,,
eh•RNa•ofvAdre+•I.dr imi.6ntollhe — Ileal ii....'thea. V••Mw•I.Ilt. \V1;nUKl) A'r 111•T,rit. -rise fulltlw-
d and Ihe'(:aweddrCM.huu:d tit'ah,u, I There it n this first (Bf tet•I:f .res int. int,( is rill,,, The 11h•th litxndad : "A 111agnitlCt.'llt llispl:ll� a)f flue �hahle i.111C11s1 (,ltltl)tit ,N'apkins,
1111.,IIxrklin wN.;t »11'1111x.•11 Nud we de•vwi,nl in ibis w•lvicr that fury I)INrtul r ,IIItt:1l�ls. 1'hc titxldey f
very plwlly weddin¢ talk phacp oil 1)OVlics etc. \\'e are clearin,r at t les: than regular prices.1
la,k 141111 in. liter be fiw,k» umkume at write!.• Hod N,e►N have not utnllr di»trim tit' L. U. L. 11(•141 1611(11 +leuulnl t / +, J lS 111411' prlcC. ,
a lwtiNrla Ra/N: 1). its nrwlNy. )Ix- ter Dl' all ll• ni t
' the ratio tib rued water we (,lief- him. rnut,xh ..f. "he r,ua•Irr,duaasmt ww- ,lu•esing in \'aruu ails '1'ue-wlny even• p. its., tit file hone- io( Urfairl and 911,1, r
L•``al and otbcr ,Imdur Ydcerl, ewrnl� 1111 I _ sha w that ,IiK nfudul u( Irathrf that In fife flllhl\1'1114 Is l 1drtlill Iltit Of the I11R11\' attral'ilVl'
W.r Ila,• for ALl r-Injuni Nod re- r Ih.r f r --- - I g, .!noels')' %t 11. 'l'llp fnlluwint, 11tH• ,• l -
ry K telef•II)', when their sWund dao h-
a.I1'1. .a1M 'lee in,l•nt„n. Slao.nrvl b • a (;latest Ir 11111111 in tell• NIM1i..Si1111 Ile ovialk Willi him. A'1 MI•III ,If ss Ing. N•rl'1• P1w'let bill' lila•, }'e:l l' : Iltm• _
1 y ter, .Isi;, Wit- t1111t1x, 111 Ute holy IN,o Is huusehuld line, offered 3tv•thls SaIC:
uutNle•fv lull cipiks are holulvl %%ith trim Pilaster. John 1'01hN•k: 4161riet
• ti -in -.Near•. tNolr'r Rle, sni4-1 bale)'• ,.f il, four re.t 1111111 --,Ila. - N:Iliutt, asf I ..l011101ly hl I,ieasr •e E. 51'all e, of Tow'elm, Tuwellill• SheefingN lead White ")Hous. F'IxnneleltP IllanketN
Ih,dnc•. 11:.1111. tit .{s 1(611,. and nuerr• t13 IN•r lbr All
'Ili ig• drpwy ,, li,vv, (:el. Ilevlu i4.; 41(.11•(''( IA•n Ul ilter. The hrade entered the large %itn•, at,17w, $1.01•a11ul iill.Y•.i. Setiltrh xnd 1S111Atdial title Wool FYI.
('(Buuul,wu Nur Vuruf-y; wed \\'(11(,1111 1111 Ilaies 'is Nell rufaugh ler far nM it c6a Ilxin, Itrv. \\'. lli"Je-; diah'ir' r•.1 1 le Va 1 lilxnkult.
Aare Voir/oeNl, M Len:. Wal , ltd If(m t, "t,- Kiwis. bell it i» m:tel',4•ly right rot• I ion till' Nrnl 4 her fllhrr In the-
11a•ion-vacant, Mu a,n im„ %t'anrcdor . RoCA•Nf.r l'a,ly)Iwll-ia lift- other• two. K 1 ,tilt tfiaf our 1x61 iuK !•rcrwtHry, It. l:. li;dbraitfe: %11',1(114 (,b tiff- wedding ulNtrh pinvevl Ladies and Mens Fur Coats
�Iirbr tfor R'rlo. el'...
lFascists. fat parr(ding .ilrlti ---- 1111161 wN^•1•irr w weld Is- wrinlg Crw,# dies!rice 11,aImuJY•r, .lobo lipid : Ie'(•' by 11ise' !aril)( Begley,tuul lou e- •
( andidate 11u,lrlerr need allot Is- lel ,il ) h ! tis Ir1i,vrably un41el lini.1. A titres•. 1:. F. lir,wn+bed.•, k her lM-11'r Brobovn Wo,llfinf. and Black Calf ('(&sales. No I Nkinv xnd
1^ale,, _�• rnrh u,w•liiou : �i for 6111.1 mw,u,.:1,• '1'hcrf- will I place under lite !serif of PVPt•glrruH Iwat lining +aid ynlltrd. all rize•w, JvJucWl fur Jauwa' wile
1111 ••rl.,utre•q.rntrNunth. Irrtrrudve•Ifi.a• iN)rtal,e•1%'Ire Willi all N64'IUfp IIWPN• res•NIIlotIs„1'tn,•rIill%lot Va Varna %Iain- y
di.cnur,IKwl. `illluf- ion( had to lie• It -it tr'inined Willi Mulling. The bride las elects ......... .......................... . ......
Iul•as. b.pmtr.rtia.• falV 161 Ibis- can nU'c, Anil 11„61 Nal ked /M. e-%'ru fall(. !here N'ill tdwl IN• R $25.00
1 .lit Ise, 11”, Nitanunnery 1'.dlnat)tr tell HC hunN•, r♦nd hP wH» lhf- yuanK(wt fnf- nothing t.. rNlxhli»h it. The 111"t Illl-elin far 11tH Warlot 1'11.1 rtrr. the w,rlw It 1),';tutiful dress- of rlw:un silk• Irldle'f Astrachan Losinh ColatIo 111 dlfTere•llt fell flit' perfect I dalltily tr•Uuwel with r111Has11 wit[ alb. ¢ I'P t rkh ,
1111 al, lar I'll it nal(1111 Ir., il..f z:■'• •g and tit Iwltolifol lustre, wurkmauship metal gaudily wnrlY11r
Any-I.rrbJ nllel of an indit of N bfor lis u.l, 1111th a the bunch xnd otos ,#(,t in Ule- IaNIl1114%ter ni Nu%' nor p(,inr i. temulel• wnuN evl•ninll, ' IN/n. w•elti'ing ,t IN•; illifnl bridal v:ril led. IY•,hwed to clean ” 1 1
p,•unblry Lenpat r any Individual air it Red fle-l.l until uominntiu" d,y: Fnder Iles y ,t I,#nn w. 11111ch infest-4led in ,rru,g • • • r $ S, k let.... .
•Bell. to Ir nm.fdrrnl a.l all rlrlbWalelll PINI NMG.1 4-as11 t'1•IIir11lY •N die rtxl I llrl'1' UI:II I IIK lilt,\\'K (�L.t (SIN ]'\t'/1 ,Illllt lt.-.�•• /'11IIgIlt \Vet tl 1111 11('111.4 elf \V tl ler I'I iIINIIt. tiNhll•, ,I11I1k, 111x1'1 ell• NP,11. 1ta11, ,I111�i%, J31 MI»• �iCNI'!N Pfl•, l\'r '
\VI• Ili I. »e orry 111 ant....m.I• IIW bi4ellirll Telf- verrlllmay WAS IN•rforlo d Ir\• Rev. Ing Hl flame 21 lei X) we- felt. 411me•asnll 111• t'l1•,,1
tYts•rh,n'Irrdarlolay n�I)'• 1'1 W'lllohf nlles IIr 1N,11WIa \rl'}' rlwdlt• r ,roll rot little stlas lilt re"11111e•1',II11111. t„ 1 t tl•ionl Iwgul,u• pricer.
RsI /6111 In, elf
Nnd ,loll r:N'1 e4lr Crl l*c .11, 11% Uf Jtlll •1111:111 I le- k, l•I.1rmt well as( 14 :\1141 .I• ,)11. I&st%lall' (Br the 1144111 NdMI lJ1111PN' 7'tyi•WI allll lienver (SII/(h (�Ufat; nIMNt '�.) l�OatN, 111 g(NNl
nt•N'illl.r111(11enoneppllwtiun, x111111111(11• The �ar 141 1114\ i,#yNM,ed lilN,n this 11116111}•. I've L'. air 'lit' front IY.Hd. ch111Y•it. Myth. After 111r hall)•
1lx tiail tlf l die \Then thee ,((Bower happy "dip"'
xnd til high-rhlmm material, tailor leuule, Ill, w'rlw
Ad lreN all rommunicatica%to Ili. l'bu k fav(. a Int IN•I err. 16+1Uk p,u,InlHNlrr dipN, his swore-. t.- nvwavem N -bile in 1A.11,lon tipee a,kil %%:a, seixevl ronple .hod r1•ceived c(Bngratrll+tr(,ns froon $f, Irl $CI, lit rnrh......
• with MrteCe Ilf•Ighl m d1.e,Iw•. N ho•II al•- frinn leu• gtermt., md•vrhly in nunllwr. 1 ..
%'.\x.arTklt k It(BUF:1tTa11N. you. minl•r /•Irrli4-te day. their NrU,.n the.,wulr ptt:u„•r. Ir. im very gratify ,ndt(d in him s[tath. Ili, Ie(,Iaii" over" till wet dawn to this weddin • dinner. Inspection Invited.
Tur. .41(;%,.%cl' if, loitering 1 1 1 lariat ht frnni litrnd.afa on s,t,"rlav '1'h,� difa,nu 11416161 wits deraslYlt vl Willi --
_c,,,,erh!h,lhu. 1 ti .hr IaN•14-r HI fife brad ti( inK tit read in Ihr news n N•rs tit' u K
__ nrighlNn•ing ,skiInn ,,,ifi,r tit ,1111'
_.__ _-� 16Plndl .flows Ihr4.1l.4-lur.dunut :total Wer,• buried in Ifavllrld ,rnwtrry rcivgrt•on laulghm told red, while :old
GODICHU'll. THURSDAY. JA%. let. syr, forget i& ,lum eve -n when he i, trial. !Mesta! w•rvicl., but Ilii, cuun11'y luof ion Motrday. The fnueral la,m•em.itln bla.a• b61141in The laride'4 W. nu right las wake a pudlt ,If $•1141.%11 s-:1 tine of Ihr Inuxr,•r ever ,ern hese. ,vs-, nuules'Ku4 laud 11,411\. In(iueml� e & Son
---- —_ . iN,rRri y son Ihe shelf. Iawt year find pile it (B" tau• sprndil4w lareumvl w'+tm tr:enty•uiur yours of "ere n 41istatecr weld : ..Wi \Ian. Iind
THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS(. eotenlrr, vthilr v. ,elan} of fl'ILftt 'IK•'• If.•forl lite fun --fat rill.4 Weer 111111.61 l'NslRve,:\110. !wt[ \ars. John.•
" ----- 1 workers %%Piv ridiruh-110y undr•11Naid. f iti.l,el^I hl• I1vn.lin4 ,$If \Ir». It. Ili Gln. Jnht1 l'hulrhill. \lisw l'1Yinnn. -- - - -� --
- Love Universal. lisp 14-111116- WNut flop w•rvive-Ihe•y slN•nt ill dnn,'ini; until Ihr »mall ------ ------
7Lerleelast (,( Glolrrich h+n I. »P •n- 41..111, of lfen.,Ill, we•1w, Nailing at the Alis.e.,Ih„sy tial Lily -IIa11dN. .lnult•N
let ud1,m-b.o! wu,rtolna o.n,.• u..w b:nn•n do not w'aut a murpdu% cnrnevl b) in' cenrrlcr%' tate f.n int run u;. and \ars. Rluith. \IiNlye \h►udr 11..INlrn1• houJN of tiff- luorning. '1'br yunnK
HL do /•Irct .let»mph Fllilat :em ,Ifavu('• Justice. - Hod,IIr. F:atltnta", of l'linllnl : l:wn'l;e r(,u lIP will nulkp their illegal ill `tlelo- �TO CONSUMPTIVES•
u r;
and IIP N'11I pl,•mhi,• 11%'1111 the UIWn's t _____ _
71.v%LN,e •m uroMl 11111 l'''Cr' The Naiad o►1(0041 English. - ST. HELENS. find \Irs. Colvin fund fitily, Peter ffa1Y1." The ' !,f•Ni
ululeiriluil affair. fur tdli4 \•eau•. Wv .%Ir••mail..u-.pIlnd.Willll.ruNnlnuld.N., 3 �._- goes! buciuK Io Nn rr-
Trv4io.%v, .false.uith. I,Ilesil,eelrie and Ni" Amir, Willie :Ihilllt4lt(1hcnitIf by-inydenlranes,ufter
have no quarrel with ,Il r. 811(1111[ tend Ibld morn•arc frinrld O'ilhprc,, \tYnnieNa fore I'rw 1111. null NII,. Ileury W.NaL :ui- I:Ind Prank tiwith ,If tlrnsselN : Ilatve Shipyards tlusy. Multeling fast. IIr-(Tal y/•Rrh will) a be%-
h(B1N• that Ili% oprilloallry elf this ia,rl- Per elal.led rArth Ir, Is-. In ,were! brumai'd 3111('h like. Iwc11 sxl•t Almrlit IIIc e•,ar• Visit Ing freas, I. I11 'I hl, lit. lllit\'. i ,IIr/i•w, Irl Aollinn i Wnrd ,end Mr, la•fl,ut, Ji111. J. -- Tilt- hh1ll Vtll,les (B(11•I1• III IIg Nfrrclio 1, 111141 thatt dr sid
lion will Io c1Y11itnblr !dike- do 11int. nnNcr.: Ir.4 g C11/als tlf """` 111 vogue 1•Itvibill, Parer ,till' �Jllh. \\',offers, If- great hakes h•tvr tentless. runslrne- dim -.I-• C••"opliss, iN allximl. U+ nlNke ,I`t
,II•MN Ina \\',•I.h ..f L"rg:up, ri,it4.d I
In nnNicdie+isn't I"m,.I,.J.,a-uh. +11114-11x ('d 11:141hJ11w find A(,p•, if- :aa1 her fliend.,i'I.r•m4y 1(111111, duriuK the- Itivillml :end 111'. Mo ole, Dave Mil- titles sur delivery this pear wventy'tery1• knnN'n hies%�?,`
11x• 4uKrtwi^i the•
Wit ,Ind l0 !file 111N'fa. \\ 1• IM•IIPVp the Ti»I fee oral mew Nda11un ai(,ben • ILL". Wit/. nal Vies Ada \lawn• iof vesmel,, finely -five halk ftrighle•r, and nines, 'If": utr. so who dc»i'...%al info l....NI)' blas, tho.e• heart.ofour, f 1 1.ofid:lt•N. (nUl• rife ;that 11111 rlf-rluls hart• uludc a mislakr p6rawv, fol,. (Brlitlxry c(Bn%vr-a llol,• ItrnmiHrr : Vi.. 11walicr 1'11%6111, "( lulaw•,lI e•1 4t1•:unrr•. I ibtarn is. he will rhrlllly bend ifrrr of
w'ben Io,! is W,rn in sad.' 111 Lite rl i,iri•u1 iiocul l'evl in Ilii•, 1e-- A IllsndN•r frnln let• • Icl..k in I he I .
In 1(,jl•cting Mr. Blair in favor of Vis.'n. find ,lIlfalrrlll% gut -Kin „( the• vesw•Ir will IN• built ,It Ih•tmit chargel a ropy. 1 the p,mrription
11..I•ir.;:u.• Nadtr til..,, 111111 rhnnll).uA, gnrJ ha» INru, xnd 'i., Is- ria Wl. Thr 11-1-4-11 c(,ncrrt in Win,j .tall ain !'urs-- hvm Ila• town. The bt•idi� N erre• Niue }-xtrls. (roe 4-f Ibeul, the hi 1 ' nwvl which t
lillitltl bol the elle Iiofr ala• .npr u,(' flight. p Nud x , u !. 1111114-,# hi•y w 1 Hod :t Muni- rw'f-
NNer1 1'..'r, lite clu-.ul.le.,c I..." .,,,,I „u•. F:nKliwh•NlwnkulK publir (,n Ihi4.adr fa( g slut wen, nav%• 6111,•, with-Ahite feel i alter dollar ,te,llllet fast Ihr (til• I:Mw�illlN. Asl Glfafrk. dr•s•
Cliff -
and hate ilia unchallengWl right to Thr wormi-v%rylo%ri%. (tun the AflMnfic. it u.n,t x c(Bntr,Ned, its 3fe-, iF K. Uillet•,ul,l L•.. \\'. F. Uiunuerl Willi whir w'iu told rib-
! IP least II) :uNl ('ll.r, 1111111 lice, clstileuvl let rJNllt Nllll NII UIr41f. R d )telex palsrlks.
1111&ke mistakes am (often a4 flak,)* ta'atlt I Illa11l Tbrl• Iilia l 111„•. %1.1 %' lax' ill I las• 1,. 4i1111.1 sillve• for ,Inv• (itlnloll'INv11 New \'1.11•,. %: till ffll•INies IN,n. A. Very 1•t 11,1}•able evening was Is- Ihr 1:11'gebt %idt.-It, s-•1 stexnn•t 111 I Hr (III M•n tel) sufrr_ will tis
Nr l:,Mlwlrh. I v he -
Air. Hlair iw 111111'11 the mfot, 1161,l. AIr,:Indrr 4.,; 1,. tfiinK hkl• N pt aipN r ,t:unl:nal (,f Nlww h. the world, w'nv 1:116111 Mv1 al N'tvuulntte• Hr'nely, x14 it iN (oyes uxble. Those
did Mod (BnIN Nlkew Intel) (If Ille two. - r----- - - - I'br l laine-.t and neu.r ” itl61m rule., ,IIf- ,II•te,gtiwl Itwrheffnrlf - .
t4-nt• )':uilslhiNnftes'InN„)• 1'he vxlue/,(tile /4ririnK Ihr pn•wriptifo which will
i Air ItN/uflrn di.14-go •dell : .,Fill in the• to Lie-kiiasw fold imenllss In 1,•: 'Fi till %-- --r_ `�- - -r •,, 111- --,r-�y w•VvIlty-glue• ves,rl, i, approxiwately; puha the•lu nuthiug, and J lay prove x
and this very gfaality, which should FROM OUR CONTEMPORANIES. ,lIxltrrot elastic” (,r word, delilberitte divo,mnl&kiugduring Ihr %villiv, 1• IWeuly willinu 411111'11.. blraMiug• Will please Ndeirp
I NVP xr/1111flellde, hill! h, the rate. . '- - � �loreferell -e iN in 111:to1v r:Vs-•.- gi%pl: 1„ ,IIlm,wd ,I1a1•Q:IIw1 ,1:111-,I111'f (' rk �. THE EDUCATION S
I,nyel", is fon 1•ion,ide•1-xble extel)t re. Hard to Understand. qur.Biaiu:Jrl•• rolhNI61i81iel,#N lot flog" Nod' ,IIinul Ilalh: rf1.r,1 r,•rnrn4.•I as ) tiuhscl•i1N• fur'1'lae Siguail, Ref-. EDWARD A. WILSON, BfOatIY�, N.Y.
allnnsifak' for him dd(eal. Anuth•'e, nlq•p ?tclvur, (:Int Ml:nlq• their seven!! w•h."._Iv (Bn \Vlslnr4.l:a which cnnld, • :, -N (along holy of -_
\1'h)' it ,hou141 IN• clinlin,tl In re--w•Il 11,11 it the ,IMlken larignflge is Ina 1. „f 1:L1 w. elk.
thing which r(,nUibntel las the 111+61,(' what U•rwN ntlNt 'Is- uwvl In' de -N- � K••ntle-nuln b. P111'n R gINMI h%'mg
the railtv'ny lirkrt that hAN Inwfa Lilian ('bark. Chrise Milfi•r, lire 1 Is Ihe o N•r nor. ����
Pod wn4 hi- Ixtr,.rsM in ,getting in Ihr im'tIght ,It the- na w'ket prim i', ,file of '•rihr ILe wrtlen rumlNlsitiemp ,t( (lip Y . t,,n Pr f �—o��,��
( ,!%edge• teuln :e It i4 treat- that Ili•• Iles `tlunrt ao,l W. J. llmilfi rrrlrnwl In %Ai'll S'1'1•I)E.%r I. in,lfnctwl' <
HPId :hili nppwt,eut bald nix weeks da• Ih(Bw• IhinKN lhrt alas. (Bnrwnit N 11:1'1' Iilideril•h fit,- first of rhe week, las f.. J PHONE NO. T�,
al Ar't of hull. Halt ,lair. 1111111' retire, IYNI+I Ihteel"r filed it railvie- hkwvef IIf s t f(B1.11111 (B( Isolation." 4."a lf•s fond• t hies owl' deesk : vo iseilitenU}. 1. 20 Y Y A. M e K I M C+ODERI
1161,11 told Ihr 4-1111)],}',,111611 by nlxuy n( .",lI.• their mt tido•, tit tee• 1.. 1'. L }•
fill,,# nrlirr Iwlticil&sItion in I11n11ici Nd (•Nn nllderrt.tod. -_ n•1&sIckward.Ili.In,ly. (e•lymlt
1 quallitied sle,lasgrapher+. hide In R .1011, Crivvf(,rl. til' C.,elk..S,,k.. i• a 11(,6161 in Ila. SS -
xtTniry Willi ('II/• rrsilit of two %v ret elf .Where Mr. Foy Shines. great extent she }
Y gro,4 ign4-r,uu•,. fir rrueN'i11g 0141 a4-y".tin1:"u e•, fn and CLINTON (I
\ esplrndid service to list- low,#. ,Ind if w,.lkrlfnn 7TIc-vol•,., Ihr hi;; masa of IIPe,ple in s,•gxni to ,t•nnnd Ihr t ill"ge. .Jahn ha, INrn ,
him unw•Itlmh laftew haves nut rewivld It i» -:lid that Ilion. .1..1. "'oy in- ""howl -411111Y ' falls[ Ihe• plilwiplem xnd in Ib" WI•mt fol' w,llle• velf1. 161 IN• "till i
114.11.)le 1,t ruts NM1111111. (ply ls fe-w• slN•.(tI vv' •II of the ion arty f.7(isiillrss Co11Qge '� Clearing Sale ,Life- Uuark of tgglrnbntifon which the) tend. In 11.•1(11• loon the I:utrrnuN.e,r, I 1 } 1
and that lie will prldes.hly quit looli• wen glut e.1 t11r ma,N al any live r»- after !I hang ilhu•„ de•alh e.11114. t..
PrefveI it ies41ue in large nleahtenl do ,"}• do nulkr x ev"'ttrn"Infl.fawl)t asf lit" [(,lief fof •,IIr., Ilrnry Ilene 011 i t��s.'�. �l�lfi nik� ha,n :fir. alU•gr1Isr'. ,I1r. "'tiy iv lent :1 11111(11%'irv%'M61n thl}e 1 e-stion for tilt• ,Ilundsly 1114-1-1011\it
I!¢Ilnlrt all(,(," fund ••oneiderm ion, hnfning field a &shining light, but 111•• fes I t.• Jl rl. •114-e If.• 6a.1
Iwnelk fof Ihr wbl'c, by 61111,111» of 61111 IwPll Hllin • 1 illi,'rlirtlt (Pal•ImNI l%ler hI r r
which halve safe legilim:el4. connection a m:til alt K•NNd rouunon %rune-, aal41 is 1 1 1. fair umviat, • or,I year "iii k», 616111) cel- �• clearin>, inventor\' or slock-
allot Inrever sh,Ndin fair laity til•n1"" 1'rxUasll in I Ilr1•e•lll Iseriodif- IN. Atilt drop»)• ;&fail KrxdnNlty %vrnk.•"--r until I ltd fMllillrs. :\ 1 leachers, Rud
ticjth nulnic'iNal NR:term at I.R. r` of rifle few who lint,• Ihe• If""prity fu the paid ,-:Jeff--. The- Ilulrrial t.Nlk 141x,•.• `llnnl0asn». fool- giI footle s. (akllljr sale Is still till. The sante price
- Great Mea Not All Dead. rn.hi"", It,t4nu111prnlNrrlOnn nub- asn\V1v1111'Nlat �ol:Jvf.11 . lruulr.1 \`:rile f,n'raGs[,r;,tc, i Clllt'119 %%'c tltlli 'Olt Of last week (H'ith
Thisrouncil elected I(m,k% like a gINMI Seascce Iteforme'. "lit 1he's so-licl••N in a rnndilioli it- Liwki oiv. The burrottillg f.el11'1 le- S
I'll nu allerfti0n far elinin Men hn%e Ihr 41-4-10 .vIn 1 ) i J muse added) Is Vet Ill order.
one. Tllrt! xlv Pnuugh PXIN•1'If•IIPe1 The- 'I"It"I'lfl Wtn'ld muu111, liver 1 g 1 F'I ruby of tiff- cool• ? GEO. SPOTTON, - Principal. it
Ihe• de-ra.1l•aw in the ,xliblr of the who have NtSM41 .1•S,11111nN11or1% 1•II- 11,11111ty 111 their Lunt• of Ila•lea%inagent.
Moro in i b) keep it stf•Nd\', :wt[ the IR01ing .years of ReNda•Inic training �%._A .-_A s-���,��,�4 t
new no•nw1 intnNlu/ r new idr,IN lend Ir"d0fag uo•iv of Ihr world tlwel R4 vrly e.(te-n »ulInlit tu'ticlr4 for pnbli4',e• - - I Remn a n is
file 11.11'.11 "'ash Ih(B,4. tela, weer in WESTFIELD. -
new 1111•ThIN1M and keep !hinges Plasm the public evc rnrh• yNNNm fel •.1. It T'nlo wh'Ile have to Is- Nnhfacinl l0 - -- ---- - ---
% 1.61fawidrr:fide- dlrclforinK INd(BIe (wing HI• \1.-NPAv..t:w. ;tit. TELEGR/IPNY
getting into M Inn. \1'ithsurh n coon. +ask,, whuni liavr we, to cut,lp,n•' with )owed tip Kit into lypli•. Strange Irl may. \11»•11 1 .,11114.0 -II :")t[ »i»fee s n•nt ,1 I•' Gi.l -I.-I, Inw:Inl. ..itml.("'T
1 it the low 11'4 aRairoo Rhuleld Le it, safe Ihcke•nN,�C,u'h•h•. renn)'wm. Ilfsrarh. I b:fa.afran.• , t BN,' n� 1
IOp.1-readergf.I In nts ,.rlu•r1 h ;t r4. %Y.1JI}', LLL Werk t\'Iterrl'1e/1114 Illi .a•rNonwiten1NilN'a re- er. 1>.lrtlllllafl_\ \1
will. 8 ofae-. Iningfe•Iln%l. lou.kin, 11,61' 1 y \on ran IN„ours G.Nm1 ViIN•1 fear h, .I% nu't.111. • l \\ 'lilt Vott ill know
final vao. m ifidn of 11111 inrxln•riencP celpy•rl Niles w to arm%l4 all u,1 as n Lncknoa'. If acoa -lvly as, 'rite Cent nal Telow Nph)•of.-Ii mll.l
will. Nnd :1 Mill faf ,1thely. Nlalo Neu' pwn.lel Icrles• t4- bis nnrnr. If t u• .1'mw•rs Ifel a Calnplleli (xnd-. F:11.a; ' - about our Hundreds Of
final tlf Ihr prc,idl"K' living and I:11"niug in 111141:' The I I:u„•rn,nl.Ll;,,,t.Tnrmxn. •rbc Lu,•.t ..riff»,! Remnants
literal )• efforts fa( even the INlal,-Rted Ilirkingloottaslll r•tlerll tilt ( (” i., I en l'anadn. wTile fur tmtrti,war..
I1fHC1.1'. \\•ol'h1 Ils,ln 1. (IMI 114•%%irallNllr. If fol '• W. N. 6-1 T J. JOMN6TON, at a11V 11141 price ill !'leaf-. iZcI1111:111ts
tyre art• offer's '"'perfect, it is raw tit t his week,
RfrI Vi nt the weprealt .mt 11:1 lie)' Iwlirvf• Jhat tile,xttelll tesn(11•%11,'fell• i J'"•141,6111. Pri,N'ie" of dress goods. faints
Tau• bcla r 10If tile, lit 61nnni.,il,n Nri••Nn, H,o1n•ree- 111rrnmwt field Ilan. nr•f4l individnill. len• -till Bllm', loll 14.1•• \\•'1111•( 1' -Rik conll11eal1,,1 it. an alp• , it p r flaillivIeltes,
\\'inmtlon SpM alcl•f ('hll('''I)ill•r;,(.,1 pr.•IRisv w'ilh Da%ill lia(,„a•v ter I - r'Ihl ` I
t61 lake c•hm'xr.d fife w•nlcr auJ 1(x111 fw•1 Thr ' tl'
drPNrtlnrtils hues 14-i'll c,uriel by R
Public Activity Prolongs Life.
1% L ' wan, rnlllin,N1•
lion... of (his kind ,err pnlrti",illy m).
\Vednewlu. Leal.
life IIINj•11I1y. 111141 \\'Ith tN'1, .11,•11
Aloalr".d Willlr•..
flltelliglldr. '11141 writers Inn dfo11Isl
-41'1111411 ,lioerIWI fees Tburaid4 ' hist, �
torn 61.1 ,IIrmml". .I"rne-y and lady ire
T6(B.e rngngwl 011 public nliniJll am
1.'s"'d erl'iNIIIV Px1111Y11 their ideal"
with foirve final coulplrtesleres if
31u4 .%larV Clark Will 111411'111.1 till -'
}'lung Nes[ rising 4enerali„11 ,If thin
control flat- tww' nleth/Nl (,f Ilion( R
,nu4-u94 flit• l"llue,t-licrd alt u1e"
a1111N'IIIK 116111 IIINn\' 611.1, t'II IIM 11(Bf Ilryl l-
%'ilia Nlegallue, hof their nttf-nlplN t”
wvltiasn fill- nuuther x •;u.
thin Intent -11 4 flit' 111111liciil:ll sivorill.
d(B Belt. »11411-tril life, hilt rather lend to
111.C."Illdi,ll five Ntinl(. expf4.„loll 1.11
It,•V, A. I':. JoVe- mi-w•llel :1.1 excel. '
»holdd limp Ila. Iro,t ptlo,iN•11h of Nut--
Ina don r, y1Rn%,,,, f the• F.-,tlperl IIr
at ier r'elllt ill little have,! %x11i, 1, di 1.
1 I
w•1'r.",. Irl! Tll,• IIf 111p I
resx. Vr. Alnl racy h,Iv hod NI'\'1.1!11
(�,r11f1411.1'I 111full elf 111
y rso rail
toll am hash ,,, nrld now ,u)orher. Sir
)IIIf11e1. Inkspelled :Intl Ilnat1111P11111;
4.. alf11Nllln (if wmilb, sit .1. 11,IIIIlxtni-
I1'. I
Kirag.1onr.” 1111 �1.i1111N1111. 111• Imo J11's
Hnlnhel ,1 4111.11.4 elf ,el•tllonS est) till- fifer- I
years' exin•IienW of (him %Turk, nn(1
\\'illi;lsu How ted. fuse pnNNlvl nota) alt
li(,nN !11e uslmlly ur:nvn tint ton (min-
ullm nn the• ,Iliount.
Mr. Darty is a Inarticnl ensu of roes"•
,he ti w 61x11 (Bf ninety tivr. 'IIIc old
fillAegre. the , in -r npglare•ntly ,lilt
tel trrrnifa+ur
\114. :\ndrlmnl. ..f I'iunm•. Mani-
Nicr kueawfidge nlonx the knees which
brig,alr in indeed a Ijiiflly diminish•
inK Imnd. Ihr Ilan.
the leg"Oy.
1lnppily ritere fur bright and shin•
tuba. i4 evpwt-tlxl IP tlln' I(Nlil%. In \'i4il I
will IM IlNeflll Ill ,loch n iowition. \1'r
liil Maul N'illi:tilt
Pilaff-, all the 11 Kr• ..f lily obe, Rod
ing.•xcrptiain• to this lar gl•raprnl rule.
her aml 111tNr and "'all. ,Ifrm. W111. ,Ih'.
iI11w1•II feud \\1•slr. ltnckhio114r. Jlr.
ArP� sorry IIIRI ,I1 r. Jlnrtin \t'tlm IMI
KIVCn A PIR,'(• 1.11 UIP r111111e1jN,1(,fl.
}ell' (:hat'l4.n '1'IIPIN-r , -UIP it P ,
t)'fr" R ""1111as1"if-Atl(BIl ro111"N to Iile
INlllmild dt•,k (!•roll ,.nne -ate41
AndeYN,11 will a,•1•/IIIIINIry}' 111.1'.
him ePl'ticfa tfo tiir lawn in INIm, yMtra
f•fgtlf v•HYp, I1111(,Ilx I ver)^' hlNt
rehlafnin • n
a t dintinfauimh himtnrb
(itize•ot Wh4-, INs111P. b.•ing n Thinker
Nf14N J,wrllllille %Voimlcock leave•, fllr 1
T'1"ltit,' tnnlnrrux,her
were Nflrll it. stt11np441 Intl! Jim !1 Intel)
(1,11 grNlp. 1'1111 \\'Illl:llll'4 ai`ll%'It1YN
and ,Iltw•rver, M4 liven con..t•iNa tiuus
Nllasllgla 111 bl kl• el'Ith 111.
INti'etits fin riilx ,
Itrovel thesis ,fell!!• little togas, ,I,Imm
of rnlnNgr lint] indeprndence final N"xl,
(4Ir/•r1-d R vvIy v%iip range. Io,1•t( in
pn.lilirN and 6usinr,, and hes t
i1t11l1m 1'11111•
pl„itilm: rind ,r"net0le)eR ilei fordfunry
(:rrtrude- Hibbit int,•nd4 gasifier with(
Kee (' ,11'11r111II, 111141111•esn nolle Is-' fa Nlt,rP 4'1111.4 h•'r, RA Mite 1144 w•Cu rel a Mltlolt.i,lll ill
Hm mhllllhl 11,1\"f• been rrroxnizcd, in our mo -t and f lip IN•st nut tlf life by dr the city. _ -
in R roulrihutiOl 1'•1 '
eestu,#Rtlon, when Ihr nP1NNlunlly (or.
coore-ed. tout Me rieclolM )„I%1• s1•e,, lit
%rnn)K film titlents to tier mervire ,If hies
fl•Il,lw •Illf•11 !loll 111% x„1111(1' )•. Life 74
) w til 1 4 at Dore
IIr(}' final terse.&fill lltiflll4 te(•1)rlld':Ip
dq Rkrim.
'rlioetp4 S IIIb, for It1a1VPr,, Saomk:et-
to Ju alt hal wise.
lived it IVA4 least, n 111ftt[ fever, but
Th •ele)(4ly, if the,• in tine, for 1410me
rhea'nit, 1, trlll'wlllg fttpllel%ITI IN 111 tiff-
Ilelght-n-hWN1 est pll•+ent. Illm '
- -
wm4 ,tr•nnioum, rates,old well
r•ouleIWI atilt. Ili N IIN IIIc will NI N',l v's
fidklllg 11111 tvorse w'i'lting exi4ta In
rripm14 111.11• tlt'1• plfv4el to ,Pf• tlllrl
l hl• 11\ 1.1 R' (ai g,'NIIf. N!..i,l,lll,•1• h}•
IM• hofa(Bred nn Ime of 1 ie who mode
Lhr 11111111 st•hasoly. 1f the iangunge
in its
Iln,kfnx mo well loud to know is in
wity (if IrNlll In the longer.. 31fK. (fie•, 1171»
It I"Jiml1.k. fell' ('11madat 111 fnritine it rise-
pllrit} N N prrrlllll• thing. a"d If
Ian 411N•Yllag wl v\'1.1I in I III• West,
received Ihr endorsati(Bn of tilt. r,.,
It Will Not Do.
,111(1It\' to 111 1' 1'I IIICtw', intelligent
%viiiien,• fess iM wforth &striving
,Ii1,, \\'P»lP}' F':11'1'(,N' :1 ell) 111N. W. I
.I. Mask, nitrndel Ihe• W(4I.1inx (Bf'
yuired proloortion •,f (fie rlertorn, and:
fast- . then maser tenUnn elitist ler
till it lleplivie, 1:.1--11.11 Aevoistiong, ,U
we 1`xlwrt (11 Nf•e fhlm Io•cinn4. one (,(
Naid do the "laid%, stall iter %,b Iaugunge
Yhf•Iburm•. , inn N,•w YrAr's ony. ob the t/MIt'M induhUir».
vrrt0ng in Hast likrl\',so
Belitignie Ihe evils flint. naswdiNxrnue
thomc wit(, 611111 ”' asnK the
yl•1111R. /Jnr in n
HI•nr} Arn14,sa(Bnx. ,116161(61 of the
Ill rpgNrl 111•tlle follies' two Il Nlll Jay.
11111' lmolll il•., ']'lo Ix%If1l".1 every elitist
nlilll , iwrhalW,
inighl, like Al1n1M1111 Line) loo -collie
grannie, ,dntl attendrll flit- tvi•dd0ng.
,letn)g ill Ihe•
lawn, the res"It is at tittle of writing
in Ihr aINN•ncf• (Bf n j"stiflNltle exenm•
,t " asf di.•li(," in ism el limen
1.111u11'It\' ,if Kr,"1111»111t111.
- -
tie Kit las the INIIIN ,laid gal th lingh
the berm for hinting h.dlasl.
filing- afterit %-(,fail, of mrliuhim ale•
NIIN• Ulllt (IIP /'hx'Uasry411r1' (,cep,IlN)
is Would n(,
do"btincrw/ar the vast' -and le4sen the
lalN•r ']'lint
gh•l'L t lie ,evl.r"KII iN•1•Non , n
achieve goods honi•sf, every -fill}• Fall
,IIfoNl)%V. Join. 7Lh.
Hiro, Kchre•I".
it it deride! s-'1 I II 1
IIf p o1111Ca1 w,w•kpf,. It
wealth 1
limit Indy After 1•:n1•fnl I.rxining in Ihp
- of 3li0ligan, is vieitJng
r I` I
I mens rind txldrnents Of all kinds
inttact j;o \\•e must. have a Clean stock
for spring,
14 N In n' fee Contnd pl„%1 tilt elTrrf IVa• IMI(' ,,, rasr. I/INMtie 'JoIngoM of }•!nail. '1'11tlt•asligh In (,p 4 of 11•. I u
fait• rile yrnr, let ail g4-Wl VII i0 Its settle tnl'tiun Ihrr+ i. little h(BpN. The h,lining Ill formal "till Written rnu! 1(B"i- . Ill. Schve':1112, 0f ,Iianit0l)a. Issue
r(Bti-f w•ho "'fallen In b:rt•ter lei%frim. tion in an urgent leased in (Bill, a nc,/- been ti4iting hi, 1,twlltm lips.(.. Fannin M%
dnw•n t4- Wolk with Ilia. delernlinn)i„n "III%# -(.1.111.1 lit, w„lm rendily find effer. i I*1, ”, Nyntrm. :\t lilt, while- tiles• I,. "'lick, ft"'n floc Nurthwe.Mt. gave ll, Pump and General
In make tilt year 11417 the IMst we- fill ti%ery order Ihe plasp"rwd .V,lr'n n, !Meme ;ter diHlrnit Mubjeet» to leach, hi, people (til figreraldr ,url/1ine. winter Ttrm Or."s ,lap. Zai.
in the history of one. lown. filmlerie•Il ,at pfrm•nt, While 1hec4-,l1lltel.4i„ry,werdl Iwrftlmes Infan)• of Ihuw• %via,$:r duty it "'. N.•gl.1 im'%4ill engaged in [;lying.' Water Supply.
0m fon flip up griOv. Karp it fining in 1(B wo to Ilia. recalls N'as"1.1 mr•de• Ili(. in las inslr11rt the children in ,shear hricks alt let• 1'. F�'i. nlatiun in Goti• CENTAAI pP
walk fof till. #n at".,. nil Ihr ell%ier. Nuhje'ls Arc toy etas mf -:1114 free fail,,, rich. \
thKright direction. The we,lknrN4 I,( Ill!• pI1,immail lip., the pn•vwiling innhilit% tlo , witk ,Ind I
_ an int aleNdOte denial .if inl,•rrmt ,,,all write gimbal Frign,it. 1 ,IIr+. I,:ncsasu l.nt•;l incl her "11411)• I Fanning Mill De Partmctat p p/
ifit elligehi•e fan (hel.1111 "file. eleclaslN
4.r, h,n,l 1'lint,fn. dufih hpl'luiNUnae • I t'nmQ and !later Supply
EDITORIAL NOTES. M4 o441•M',tl UI xWNI gaivrfnnu•ut. A ,r,vmm. iTRATFOIID. ONT. .
Manse (or the Teacher. L. fiIYNM, N »!talent. fob 1 Nul'Ih- Top IAle.l let 1JM%*,,1 S,,,l 1'hmllint MIM,
'I'IIv Innen whI, lin» (las know'lldge as( l•�•,' .. la%,I n „ (:1ilsn 1 Irw,linM 1`1,u•Idm• will rl,,,n n.) mead i Thr n-n:.l .n illy of %%-,.N1cu Pu
\Vertvrll College. NalM•t•vlllr” 1'}t,. (-Jeff- I hl. .,..,1161(11.1141 to .m our of eery kind of vld. ,,race" a to Ihr man. ' ,Ism k ter hnn.r we- IuIN. for
1)ut• nunlllrt i4'Sf. puhlil• ntfllr, loud 610 inte•rehT. an III, Tnnnno Sloe-. g {Te or rldcrn,.
1 be- ,
, I mdin 1'
ell fare 6111 1• ,
h bltit-n.14 herr, 1(11%'..1. S. I laeuln K Inn r 'In l ri�Mwd. In afn,•wn•r whb the.lN4d "fan) fmnhlN mill
4.asllt r,l i4 fn,•rd ht INr„ 'Pfi4. Onlnl•io fiio-ernlnrnt it, f. �lit, Ainerirn. fnr Irrarl Naas-. nap In dr. oferaaldpvlMi;r.tmu'll). Vi..I•Irnre ,Nrirlynf Aer tine
nip a Often. entertained n Nurd,'n( Ifio111 the mt a mend ,1. lift. I 7,, , NboRr"n.inm I,!Nde11i 111,11111fN,lll y hmu l'nILK well.
I front
\\'illimin iA the wiN/k thinx(hamywly, v,Riticald -til notal nmyMlp mea}' (hl. hturp rd a,( lN,le "n r, WIlAr tniw the 14 en,., 1'616111/61! ter.- ll terlll innic Iden ,.I for non#rt nor Niit-IN•I n n'm dnllld so, w • s
c.allexe. tow ,% t"..
Icer Np III 011ie lot, w'.• n,•plrl'll 14:11 udm61c 616141 ore, I IIr churn. for hMINI or to"w” ter•.
K tel
- _- _....__. IN,IfUI•nl 4111.1(,#fp4 ash n ruUNtf1.U1•nry, mtA t,.1Hl•d asf NencI1P1',r' m)Intie4. tltld - � fx N Uw,'her oRwrwl em•r nn The), %rill .,gmuntc tlmnlh
Ile• ml,) nasi kh,lw IhnN'11 flaslfl .Iastr•m; LITH%to nitrotet laten Las Ihr prtlo/rmafnry, \\'P elm sntl)' la fienr that, ,I1. 1)1111.1 option. We belle%e we- are 11616161{nes one kite y ,rvd f+nn vly I �1O ('bwn.pinn 1161 y wnrkl11f; deNu w
It i,Nlka nm a(lirAletlih Well. +t liltlr d f Irn,ln II 11...y Ise off, ."I ,f,,", it N IIIb , Ion I„low Mr,! %CIT .l roller. I.,II nlmlo Rnd rnr rel
Ile nal)' In uttrtly i (n4-r11,lt of the n•• and keep thrbt t.ltet r.' 1)1111 1161111 n• nt,.1 flsuily "el. Marl IUr Willi n❑ nllx(k 'f the mn,t pmefrr.he Mud oPa o-0nla 11lrilnln4 the erahl. Nilhmll blow wor'kwl Ir w�nr 1 M,
Iris H, kir. Ki ndrt,l "O ntalriu” unike t mel rwifoll to( lot g1'+IrIN•. AlM(B,Ill's. Willblln Ihrr»t \kine,» frulnlnM .1vold. In Ihr 1'ro- ,:al aun%. It not one h K tiny of Ihr Nall ,lYp y , o and "I"dtrll• The .tock
"off" #01' lirim•iPlem aii tiff- pnl'l ipa a'Itich (N' vin11.a, Tho drmwnd 611461, n. for ,x111,! when ,41,,61161 hp y,iru•, bNl.,•nv0, wvv1+'ton Rive+Iwtyr now,If N'Ntpr• Nunafac-
i(B1 r v / the (o
t is N I e % r• Ir•M• r fel 4 I
I t[(,1 ' alt. 1 1 bpm 0 l as It". Nv' I
ttklas If1lt m 1 t r• 61161 e
I rot •,nes 1 hr ism alt, Kx lit otic '.
Ito r',• • Is -w n, Ile• r k II. I r• 1 a t m l d ht n
!, I I f 1%4 I u- (1 t m nip he• 1 1 l) 1, a n,•rli
hr 11u1P 1 1 it to r Its-
a•r%'crnl INIII n N',
K 1 Ilett. 1 •. tem.' Ivd�
Ile n , k•, t
1 q" 3 fair
PI) ole of .r r del
Iry 1 Inv • Ila! t
1 1 1 , P. Q, re- low. to )Y
( nNkr n i'hasG','. ,Ind 111 making K UIN t. elxtl red 1',11 mf-fim,) ne•U(B,) \Vis 1161161• to I/eael• off 111.1• %well brut- fur lice i1\Inhn:ne. . • t, plc., 4.gnnl In the blah-prlr„l ,R ,%clan. /or h,md or lmiNc. r.
N'hru they mer• it. 1 Y A11.rrb•«n 1'IggM•r S,vd 1'Icwnrr• Sinless and Sank Pum
—. -- slut chaifrr hr. 616141 (,the-. Ilkehfw, (Iruvidellte twlrhr'' %%nth n 41w'rll'n , ('1') It 1. one of the 1M 1 timetable. nliannfn'I11”, Ps•
K ELLIOT II•;� McLACHLAN, rnr rlrnnhllr Vint ..lid 1mth, nu'.b%nl -mrd, 14.11,1 The Iona drN„ hl
114- nr•gft iv(.Ihr w'rll•4.4-nadf•rrvl %re-- slut HM n r(,nx,+•gxtiasn nlnintai"s fa The rrvi%nl meeting. in the F:van. M Pnnw,b•K nachbM•. ,arc
'1'IIPII nlolut M fnfi• pL,}', \\'e INId dirt iof tilt• 11141 ,11.11%' n let I•winMgt• fnr the- noilniNl"r. 111 thin gefival rhlll,'fi fart• ire art Ir%N 141. 111.1161- 1'4114114%1 front, any
nrnf al. grain ,(,141 ,e!11. i `Im•rbtll) .aLll.lyd for r11,or•Ing N'Ntrr loon
j (fill. intelligent I K I y Rr4h1 th.,v las)• am, it, NON, ,1,rimc a Inx!k,.It unird of a 411.1 ancn
11111111 fun Inml yrnr. - electoral. It Neill, Ilrll Inn. Naey the el11lrloyna•nt (Bb Belief rip,l own ent. The we•tingn nal• well lltteleled. To.n%'C exIoen„• to lhr farmer of im,in a I,Pvem hnndn,l fret If n1.Y•,w.r 1 (Till toil.
- - - 614 leacherm %vunld In, favilitafe-d. c(Bn%ide,•Ing Ill(. unGtvfal•ablr N•pathet• - - whole f%nning 111111, them uotrhim• I- Iliad, ato p-""" Nhcre I'" pnnlldn¢ I r , hine L. lo,.Itil.
hm11ace" the 41flo of wino•! an)• nnlimtry fan- lM 1111111i,,l,lt InIN'hill,• elm•. nal ,Nral,y 6111"1116
Tilt! preacher xnd an x slrMt• lilpx'm Underpaid Public Servants. While n Inrtl r,rin11ie1161%. (4111141 not fame the INId c,•rydiii(,n (Bf fit-- Toads. --- eli11Ln1I,s1,RrldN'Illlit Ilin,l In NIt6 nnmtn •IMN",1114r.rn Iw Ihu„
pay as hi (h R »,11:11'y a4 R city' it ell"hl Itev'. i:No. 1). 11,1111111, It. I)., Hrtlin, i4 rho % I in hour. •noble ter
jah oil tin, all I Ight• sell tight. Tormnln Smurd"'I N';Mht. Ki nn•, N flh,Int In}}urintr the mill or,liv tis tbnir )''tall. %all 0111)' Iia•. the. mm•hlne al -liver
nvpi.1elhp tem.b.t• Willi no t'q"i%* nm,iMllnK fill• l/us,01r. TIIP InertingM i • Ina 11 fm then.CalllGown.leve.,,11611 nwral,. wnu•rfmwthe ml,Viuttake thuoldlnnr loan!
7'fir P,u tall +emir, car I .till bt i4 ,)lip 11•I1t alt the rm-111 Irf a 1dP,L,e111 411141 IM•1• vv'l11 r(BI1t 111111' ((,I' it (e%^. vv IY•k N, Tale Ir„1 to work Is- refo ewrnlrll .11 nn rill. M true b tnmir a. Y 1 1.
\\'tlell till• l,tw, A1111 till- x111»(N'I Illh• i cif fell' IN -,t INoeml%. Milli 11 IM III:11111K1x1 1"NIII'lll 11111111', A gINMI 111111!14•. 1'111111• ✓�� ■ St D� 11 ,'41114• Inkell"Ill ,If 111111 al .411) (lll.rallfl Mt y N( lift!' ILII e0nn,e rel Ihe, w•ale•r
y Ir tha rl .IM Mol to any other rcg111r0d
(Ate, the law dere »h't win b)' x INlge by 4-nngn'te,l1 men. I'hr•,r in wast• f4-,txhly fnrni,hel. with n gnldctl, a, qnh-kl • Rml w. on.Ily N. a Ihn,! conlbtlN,1 throaMh rdpr» IR id andnrytronlNl 6111 o%erhnM.
An.11v4't '1'116 Nrlh"el. AIT. :11 Ihr I h•%r. T�N• ~ mwr•htnr ra,; hP 11_1 In rotor• Thi, mw'h o, cwn M! nds,w dine
-----' than mw mill If ,.n1•+�Ir), If de.lrcd. 11 I. Noll wdaptal for ."er
majori(y. u,N 1 t,bvl pa11lai11.m pot, unto the• wasuhl not rvlfah4. n very hrnty In• ---
. - INMIIIm•1•v ire lof Ihi.4.•nunuy that, an• vpaUnent in the raillit.ry: while it hies )re- el dater, RN n fie The first dity rf our win "b,� Int," Idthr, nlnchbm fvmlplefe %llh lif .''an IN• atilt, htvI tOlmr.vrr. 1e. ,an hu wl
1 f --%e- 1. T% kl.A t. INt,1,,41(4, drlas en•.d, by NmtN•n or, hlMron amt ham M Kk,xl
1. T. will have fo hal%1 parr (hat 11. an%thing N,4. ..f ter IwlasnginRt(B twlchel' with Nfachx basila 6161111$1141 n r..fMlw,mldlln•ls[rmilir.1iwh I�rfllil)I01.. ter term willbe Jan. 2nd, ,our .ndlln1141 �,wINN•lf).
fa,. i'he ,lmil IN l Rnwranterml, MYDAAUL/C RAMS. Ifaven
macetitle •Thr Por4l, 'w.lro•” let hies lol.err• 1 is x Ihhlg reale in till• ccnn11y t%(,uld lit•,1 N well lhpx(,nnn,fBeirc, hen hai111e anuld In• rah e907 We w;11, then re- %fly ern ,4•ndtn hl. o n nnl,•r ,,-ill be call.i.blt-rxlmrle,,y, I0 41x11• qq hest[
1&s1r1YY1I II a. nit,dle %with awe, pen wiih uRdoubttAly the i a1Mwi o 4161(16111 prhr• of m4chlnc. A1111„ %%'•ak we hu,e all, hc.11nthnl Inst Ihe. kI1Ml of
rnCC till•,If llyiot• - It tit vin I Wlr'IIPI' N'1LI1 $1.1441 a )'Pal t• 111 Illi d•111'f 011, 11 amt mo•hs[ rpnllp. nnl, i,r l . 'At all hint Im,nlian maks- n( tu,aill an)•,fob "e will NndnrakC bl ifnwrwnteelnlr
in Iueddlel N•ilh alt (,or'4 1N•r•11. The IN•- the cal lar�gqrrest class an the hlatory , mill yIn' wan! rhbls- filled nal u, if 14...lblc, Inks no job where wit Ihlnichrr esu well undm
tr"pe tar•tllrl' driving 1114 17\'dues Tile p ,Ir• • \Vlltl ltd In, ,III 1•VNIIIIrII• 111 t IIN 1'1to Ig O(tlttl school. If)011 Waal limo N'Mlh of In4Ma• lnrnn,bh• m.II,,, .mfllll • n he'YlNdlt lest' INN
Gederich ought l6 1� able lFi 1111«b 1 ,all s-) vert" Ir'lda itKlf las g(.nernti(Bn. Tfint i.. pn,Irid"'1 hr the education that re ) i rrR1r ,% ram. Thal
� dalp thnwxh Ili(. »nowdrlft4 with R brie( cngal%pr(•4.nlent4, Strad it rn11nast In wf�m th4. rixht Mot asf nuIn : An.1 if the for duc anions p pares 1% .ch) of nlrcxoldlpsu,l and h•%rMlnkon ft"
thiryKn in till! l'UIIn1Y I;IIIInI it will! ife IIINn la,x 111141111' nip "Pitt 11( )des 1.111,trl• votlwf•fe"d IIIRt'It telchel' englixel fail' ,1 Pllg,lKe•illr'lt w'1•t'1• 1'1•Kxrll•11 a4 1I I e for
w'd of and Sefsllll for �7 MVI• In a 1M1'Nr flat any ,et,or l eniptnyilrN 11, to pelt
g positions, wene for In
t heir Nnrk, If l �e .y4trmn In! Mm'ndpd .
IrsitOTiiedm. thpbut-wtaplovlltnlfhn•edmvolfi,lRi11 )'4.:u•alt•tw(Btfturxrt•ci.ran%•fMre(.rfnl Innne•nf.thl.tnlmtef•,was111d14' 1m(,f111 catalogue, I 1n)•,lnanlhynrmispnl� IIranlaMOrl�k VPp.nlgdvah.ra•kf0ri0b.
willIlia dry -»111!1 in all. gbu'ial hrn'th, i61f111rn(,e will"" asn Inn• 1111(11161 fl for asn In %pb rl lM• fight soft 0f 61)461. Mol 1a�4!, npplicd with all ktnd. 6111 pqN! at• `•1'PRuy SV'AThNN, vl'Ro
AIIIo) give lkrkell limi drnddlhe la• l Jim)threw, Men ,ism 1.n Ihr KIttRM hnmintos the' c4-mnl,IFiitq• 'I'lic fila• f, f,Nl Ilur c4-11i-,INlnd,'nt lhihk.r I h,rt-------------- Ilnp.. .plan01I'If +,.
MMI hnnd lanlf im•htdp. err, tool nrvl nrM wnlr, :) y 1'1-11114
AIAe to Kive-ahlaldr nwdsfxnre fn tl►e amt they fear n4.flher Ihr ane• (B( mnu abort fast chflr+,chef tai hell, Nnlf (hl. KAraxnfifon In•1NnUn,•Ift shail,ll ,lip 7 (1 F 6111%11•. nnnlrnrl tnk.n hK rnnlnR. nelb, honmc,. %vxlrrm, ) t.!m•fw dwaninR
"or the fury (If tiff- Nl61rnl. Int make clnnrwctl•r ,if Ihe• tral•hf`r in h}' far tiff- the w•ay hr Makin n w N•r• ,I ' aaA Iwy1nM IaP••. 111 cm nlre%. hrtnah nrn& va11t. a5rn:111 n« .�� NIpm.Arr.tahM. anA
cuUnril'w ulnlrrtaklnKa, 1 lead plm 1)• rcldird i.e. .qwll 61,11111, osbi som Bolo•. dark all ", Mr.Ynn11N, 114 l t. twnk,
_ =1", n gNlinttl) jaiurn, Yale Fat Nnd nn14t itellnnhln,s (,11 nn•nt an bnift[ing rrorc 111111,11 m•hl"dgu(,ti�nl i 1 xrant ft,,. &���� BdS19CSS �OIh�C alt0m11,1 lo• l4no. tKoI'ed
. \\'p h4- N! Ilip ho rr'esminn will not t I mm�r a ra "relpim1,"al th;rl flip parrirr uJ1 ,shl< rhnrutr,' %,/ Ili(. childe•il: evveynenres fast ,a tollhrr.-\V'/14.1N111,li ml EU
1 1 M' ,if the• fa1x114 hns.WP right I/f s►nrial I 1 rNlef (hl. N}mf4.w prgmeevl hr one I Ihr q N• I. WLERe PrItlClrlal, ARM �T
wlw,Ntd aha in e•llxfing A punches' x4 nny (Yowl, that hC CRI( "rite yeRft .C'IMllet. fill. i 11114ICNr•hl•f \%'Ir11J,1 Ixkl' 1 t)1'. (l(,xl,dNNfll. tit the ,Ifi111,11•t Allo, I P ARMSTRONG BROS.
ill the old stand, of
corner of Nelson and Victoria Streeta,
r.. _.. --4 .,... .. - - - , . . •, , ,'.!1.1111