HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-1-3, Page 8a L • i t - B Tustitsray, faallsry 3111, INT 'fell': SIGNAL: (:(11WI'l1'll 11 '1 A 1011 _ NEWS OF DISTRICT. 1 « !! Stands for Safety and Stability ---- "'MTA" ANNUAL JANUARY SALE TrKtin..,. Jart. I.t. as well as for Sovereign. \\'r nor. .atm to IwlNll't ilia it{III•tlN • I)( Mrs. John O Hellly. Sir. arid \Ir•s• liwl. Collinson alwut The Safety and Stability of The Sovereg.l Bank are amply proven fund«, lit hunganu(m, by these figures: -Over 25 IltillhVRs of assets accumulated in COMMENCES SATURDAY, JANUARY 5th \1'1- Are worry Iat relxrrt iter c' 'I' 4 tiuu"Ll illness, of Mtb. Buckler. years.--- Nitls 1),u•a Burglas, of Ten -ride. Assets exceed liabilities to the public by over 5 millions. I The January Sale Is an annual event here. On the 31st of the month love take stock and called on If here oil SaturYLry. (Min Mrlhlnald, of 94.11 "is. North a balance our books for the year. Stocks all over the store must be crowded down to the lowest Dakota, called oil friends lien, last The Sovereign Bank of C +nada. i notch before that date, We have plans for the coming year that make the material reduc- " k' tion of present stocks imperative, and in order to get them down where we want them we pur- Jnrk Ycl)Imxld +old Ile•. Siulpsnn slwnt Nrw' Year's Ifight%ith rIwood. Interest id 4 times a year on Savings Deposits. $1.00 opens pose making our January sale for 1907 the most attractive we have ever held. Here is the list tie t.nilrier. pa y we start it off with on Saturday, the 5th day of January, 1907. Watch the papers every week Mis► ('Lark, teacher al S. S. No. a is an account y apeoding hervacation at Is T hillier in for further money saying new-.; of the great Sale. It will pay )'oil. alt. Helens. Nr. And Mrs. Jas, holey rilterlaufwl their friends, ve' plrasuuly New The sellsleMs (lf 1'. S. S. No. 17 haveWORLD Illgag,rl Hiss Huby Hubinsl)n, Of 1, WIDE ARTICLES. •- ""- ,V rat's night. JIisa g„11nnL fur the ruillil)g 14-1-111. A Weekly Reprint of Artules and Car - One Quarter off All Fur Prices 31i" Sallie Grimn and volurill. lirimn, of Detnlit. Nev holidaying lit live art- pleased to reloort (hilt Miss has lwl toots From Leading journals. "World \\Vide•' is of inter- January Sale r ,. off" the price of ever% 5traighl the fonner's howl)• herr. Ncvep%N 1Layine I:Irvi11 it Ixltlou a outrvet 1-X quarter J AIISNFI(11icIAYM1II:IN trUnn sl aflel. ,as Iraeh+•r fon• the cent• ill Int• 111'4-111• (o,, so-hilod. Iter innil,' (1'11.11/1s est *fill chrN oru•ss its a high-class { K r null mic ra.tllllljs }sl hue in stick is the: fur de ailment's attraction for j p K N!nding t1.r helll(1+I1'tlN'Itll iII•,'tllNt•1, lailblic wish her rye•,•)- soceeNN. ,N'Ir/•tl/• ; if. w'dI em11 x1IY' f:l%'llr:lldy I linen 1;:t1 -},►sins for Jan- the Janultry sale. We have geed furs in stock, S ra. \V. Allin, at 1'autlachie'. love Are sorry it) state flint G-11941' •1'11". Ton'Nn11U' Col -.I ll.. live all• with fill nK lit svc(1r:41 Iiulem IIK prier. Fnr the amau profit of -me teary. 1 sere are two or none other find a place here. Every article must I►ra•nnxn, or., is not,iugiruviny% us h ien(1N w4alld pleased W see that John 1)n.tow IN a a•altllid-ite fill' file t.1wil.hip 1•,11111- -4 a -half it brie N ew dn,tr Abringery eek three of them. Tiley are be sold this month. For reasons that it is not r►pldly Ha him teeny wish. (.it. lilt 1-•h/uloid IN. OertNl, as Iso - is ,t fll':a ye"I. the best ar•ti1.1••N that ap- well worth the coming necessary to state here we want them all out of \f it f Tortoni,, iuld \liss KtNxl, wound, Hifi mail one what Nill (Near Bong; ring the weii in the leadi • ft • the 44.1\• before live enter ~tock. That is the Mr. a ol, to »llrnd fu the t(rw/ishi 1-s busineNN as Annie Mcllurchy, of li,Nlerirh, silent I Rrilisb. Anlpriern ""lin, f-weig l pub• eonw•iettiltush• as to Ills uN•n Affairs. IieutinnK, Ir( r(lu1-s.• it n r sole+ In Ilio reason YOII fall buy one dollars worth of furs for rowelling Sc Sunday tho gue•sl. or Miss Jennie Me- I I 6Sc Damask 45C Murch Ills friends in this p:n't of Ihr town thinking rlrnlrnt in each ruuuutiuity• - here during anuary. We have some very Nhi t sholtl.1 .1-r' that x hig vote is thtlsl• w•ho want to know %that Ihr J` I,iocat r•rNsh luwrlliug. g Nxl Mr. Hold 1t. K. S/•1•onl Owpll, of G( ht- ,•01441 tip fur hill). t IInIY bleachwl t;lbh• Ibuuask, NII 1, rich, cxlkKl on 6irnds hear Lou their w'oai.1 Ihinkes ,tie Ihir kink; blit llallds011le' pieces Ill clock, ill sable, nllllk, ere%' -eight:titin width, will welter pnry linen. in1p11-1ied by our h.l•N'IINTII LY..aat•tt. -Thr h:pworll, tla•sl• well Hold it an full or rarernlr,•_ well, xlolrialfor.Ianllitrr 5c way W Lunrier, whet-ethis siK•ut the s•tvrN direct, extra bray% squirrel, stoles martens i h10 sable, Islbella filo. League tnpll• •next rnesday evenusir tttnillent At1 of wisdoflo. It is world- %rel ht ,old Iltir , ualily. Neill s+ saner, Iwr )neve ........ holidays. K 1 Thr following n yldents of the l:, l'. will IN•, "L,•Nwnls from the ",•yen wide in its inl/•,Y•sts and bila no :ax.' Illi«1-h ,old a•e:u• soil. Refill- and li1C Cheaper furs: , 1110 matter N'haL tl1eY were \\Voids houi the. l'ross," I:tkru toy to grind. The nnnunl NulNtcripli'1O in- Illi• Ikil line and gill, vnlur ill \Volt call btiv ally or' all ,if them at 75C -tJll LFiI' 22 -inch 61aSS L Nre holm fur fileI holidays : ,'hila' I will(- Ht•lhe•ingtoil....At the nnerting clud(•N I!M ($ Caricaaalred, ,t illatst rnt4-l- That, s N•1•ial for .Ion- ' Mr(:ngnr, FlurrncrStelroau ,told Jeal 1-r the IA's ue Tl)rsahay evenin the sniffin review of Ihr Inst year. I dollar dllrtlll• Jaltllar\'. Johntltun. \ fullowilrg i,Qires %were• el44twl 1- 1-r- lanaple ropy leer of chal.lrn U1- line a-uy sale, lx•r yard 45C TU Veiling, 1 OC Miss 114-Carrail. of illi ghtnll. dish•• plat). thnw• N'ho hate recentiv II.- addrr.N. Thr Nllnn:al ,ulwrripti(ll) 60c Damask 39C 20 Per Cent. off Fur Jackets I IN visiting friends it In •If I -Kin- Illnvwl: loot virw•p1Y•.idrnt. NiN• F. price is $1.:111, and the Ixlblisbrr. an• _" inch lime , lualn, linen 1 Iasi tail Hold Kingsbridge. \'r hills she (iyav : 3rd vice - +resident, A. I•. Stir John tMu all \ Smin of Montreal, toN1•Ilinl, plain rr•nue. red I P• K Itcacy nnldcnvluNl table Ilam' ?O p%'i- cefll. off the },1-Ik'e of :1{I fur alll{ felt- b•,rd,•t. for .Inatuary los ileal rujoc n plrusmont hulida'• INIYI. ask. gn,Nl %%irhh. line yualily• ..Ili• p,•1- tar.1 Maa,r•. Jilt.. att.1 JHs, 1 un: of r r = -- -- tine Thar will Irle:aoh ynirkly Illleal jackets, 12 or l5 garn1C11(s 51111 Ill sell. All Klondvl.e, what file viols, their s ayii' FIGHT IS ON. N O T I C E 141141 rtaml :Illy alroNrnt of hald are .i\ lisp, lip -to -date and qualities that can be p„rrnb+ here. exlxa•t In leave• text i •ar wrar, pule lion -11. Iwguiar I11h•, week on their return Irip. They h ce TO I special fin• .tannary ( relied inn. l llr fruarantee },►t1e5 with each when it Wrappers SO^ It party last Mlidny Lu »IKtut 1 l ao'ou'hid.Yf bwtin•,16`?.1 Joel- yard _7 le; till` store. hell January is Over „'C walll If lends, whir h w:as ilmeh enjoywl b ( W A T E R TAKERS I i Rant K atilt the wIll- so•r . The «u. - Napkins Scthem all uut,and while the sale is on you Can Flu\ IANC lir rh4-tll to 1N• xldd 1N•rol'e \*e4lt9VTAY10I. '). Strollers, K:au. I re.z,-alor• we enter NtAN•k, n•guhtr SIAM Ther will Ix• n n144•ting navier the1'urrtlt• ` 11111u1- limes :who I,/blr uupkni ane Or all Ofthem for one-fifth less than the. ,aid $1.31), Niu•N:G xl)de.1 atnly, Auspices of the \Vest Hunm Farnesols'H11. Fur IL•evr \\oll. lshi.• All wafer rates are now due, iakcrs goto1111.1 weiftht. li...reg'-ular prices. 10 better chance to get a }snood clearing fur January institute in ,'uuugs hall next Tnc.. ltgr'1•Aylur, h'ni luun,-illnrs ,'. •plying roc t o7 during the month of / uabt\'N x•,'L11 Ge 50c dva, nn 14ftern(NmNrssinn rnuuueneiil Ifur coat at a saVltlg Is likel\' to come this \way ihls nal.•, your choles at G tichwk and nn resoling Nessior+ gdN•II, else.January will be allowed to per cent. d1s:uui:y .: b•. ,:a''!, 5- , Arthur Sluov, . N. A. Tory season. We ha\'e 36 .1 nch commencing fit 7:04 An interesting count. All persons In arrears, for iqi* 1-n raw iN tole Tared, and a lar /lit. ht-Vo11i11. P R 1 1 K' \l, P(lr It44•cr• Jas M,,must pay at once or waterwdl be turned Plain Electric Seal Coats,Wrapperettes, 1Oc tendanclt is hoiNKl fur. Spot Curtain French Seal Coats with Ohio and Alaska Sable Collars. hxn, 1(elavan, Te•Il +old J,•.I.li11h, id, IM i( h:rnatt. liar l'onneil o!1-. Plain Astrachan Coats, :vl-iilrh \Vraplx•n•tte, in flier 1 ..l. K 'n.on, Goo, lie•:/ttl, /iro, 11uslin 17c Astrachan Coats with Uhio Sable Collars, neat iatle'nif stilt,able file 1'hxs. Dalton and Will Mcli,Yny' W. L. Horton l I)nuglas, .Inhn\Avad.-ew. wnn, Huh(. :\t•ul' +l'uin Spool loft Friday niorning fur "641111 !tet'• s 1, ng \\Voll. lif 1,•1 I'm lain flus• Fur -fined Coats inb4ck, fawn, brow or nary. 444 -flue wgolar I milli Marie. Hkole lit-avinK that Inky., $of Collector. lin. Ifne (Inalif%, aY•;nlro -IiN•, Cw' sIlo'hsh at)d ll -Ill-dale r'irtllen[5, sargnrs, nguLu I:xe and 1W, hintuilxn Ficinitytrnd(1nsl then a it SOV n'rrlwly ucchuuHliunt - -----. - bo JAn11:uyS11r roan a p t+` clr,arin¢ fur .Ixnuary' 10c 'r •CKI:1iS11ltervr Holies 1, 7c larewell se. ier and dance in Mr1Anl- h„i,.• sale• tat Iwo y:ud. .... ald'aHall un Wednesday evening. The For cm ncilltnJI ph Atkinson, boys will lir rntich nnisswl, 1x11.0644.1. Alex, lhwhal1 -beet Crich•till, girls, they will IN• back in the eorg,1)Ir.\\\Coal ce. ,• s ott rs tllt tt•• Fancy Collars 25c spring. TIH iFHltItrcvr- .lolui Mo«• E<♦1f1=•• , 'Mrs. Albert Bw'kptt invitixl +t fewfaav • biceloillail• Co llciuor:N -A few furs, linens, wrapperettes and handkerchiefsIs 11»n,. Ilia•friends Friday evening to meet Mi. e.I 11. 51u1John it• her')INl, ! • ,1-r :Oi ranry stock 01-.antt 1tro. h:dnmd liwkett, of 1/rh•,,it, All x. Kelly, HMcMichael I wela. ast oif" that ale left of luc •damn ed b water. ial, lints, cl,.+uil)g then and to heal• MtYI. li/•ckr(t sing. 1111• uultunt. }gy iN A /nnrrrL sin 1-r of 1-x,uisitr Guice 1'SIIOItNh:. -t• Heevr-- Jo oh• out ronimpncing "lit - R 1 ....amt ix known on filo stage uN Amor itaw'kinN, It,rI:andiner. h r AQ ,:I l Utlla,' thr011 •h :1 slight accident to oil r steam plant, 14tu •ie, the Scottish Nightingale." Cmitirillnrs I:.valrew, \Veil. AI 1` • "he will Kite ,t concert in Kintlil oil kin,un. Fied. F114-ringhon. John Voir. I callsil g all overflow of. water, a few furs, linen cloths and F=ancy Collars 50c Tviesd.4y rvrninK,.1a11u:11•y lith. Those ~..lite. Ro11t{rY• napkins,napkins, wYappereltes :Ind handkerchiefs erre sightly damaged N hu have :4l) opIK/rUulity 6110111.1 111.1 Il1,YTH. -For Ill -eve Ili, W. .I bw water. No", we want these to be out of our ,stili at once ailed TLC iimil cler rance of :Illi•, laic fail to cuuw and heal lair. \,illi•, John Pottier. Von•Cnnneillor. app r Will. I.ihm•Inn, Will. Jackson. L,i\ tit ltll 011 Saturday, the first day Of Our January Sale ,will put them on And Itl ft r , the I/Nlanre that ST. HELENS. tom, Hill, It. Mr0tiontilm J. C. 11••f- is left atter the holiday rush, the tables at the rear of the store, marked at prices that will stall eh11ice ,if fill- lot rmnwene- TI'KNu.ty. ran. 1st. hsnt, N. B. Gerry. J. H. l' tr.l N'. I , r r iuK Knlurdny, each 911111d ­ again. 11. 1.. Hlithe•f(lIYI is houa• CLINTON. - Fot' flavor -J. It. \ + ii1CI11 before lllj,hl. There Is tlothlnj, the I11atICr with any Of again. II NiNN L(lvie McCrostie. (lf 'Toronto, I► wens home rover Christlilas. of . \Ve wish (life attd all a very hnppy l'• KIM prltsperini i New Yrmor. .1' (:nr.1un Mrlltmald, of Jamestown. it was house for a few dnys Christmas 1• week. Herman ° Philips, tit Owen Sound (; Business (College, was huuw for the lit holidays. K Hobs. Ifr,Noks. of Winghnut, silent land•ay at the house of his grand- lit Mother. Mrs. •bines Mining(-. it,lbt. McGuire, bncrc fill. Kidd h' AIY1-a., i.istowel, is on the l/Nokout fur 1. a learn fnr the ••Neater wagon." 13 Mr. and 111•x. Iowhra)3• field family, of Ilannah, Nnrth Ihak(ltl, Are titlil- " ing at the home of Henry Hurn. Miss Lilv ,and Donald Clark, hiss Chrissy Hiller and Gregor Stuart are ci home ihxn Goderich for the holidays. John McDonotld, after a vary Nur- t ressful setKon tinppiuK minks, els., e has starred working it. the trill again, la Misa,•s 11xrg,aret std Haley ('Lik h and Vias•% Aliula :4,101 Eliz,alwtll Bath. e er•fonl were home from their n-•lwc- v tivef".1lools for the vacation. c 1liNs Annie Clark left mi Thursday t nil her return to the \Vest. Afl4-r stwnding a few months its her hnluc hen . \Ve understand she has ,a Nch,Nrl at ShItholl. love hope• she may ,1-r att••nded with lips- 11saal silceess. Th, pulpit lof Palin rhurrh was , occupied Sunday tnatt•ninK by Hem y r, Martin. of Knox Colbge, Rev. Nr. Craw having the xnnicrraary servives nL (,lu gside, aftel.nixm and rvtening. In thef-vening Mr. Martin gave n very t interesting ,Miress on his uliant(ln work in the West dalring 6N+t snnllIAT. HAYFIELD. " n Tt Itsn.rv, 36ar.1 s1. Master Cleave h:rwin is visiting at %pronati', near Nenforth. Thos. Sandel'N,nl is hone from lila- \\'est on a visit to his parents, Thr, social under the mispiver, of Trinity clnrtch Child %1-n% a derided snrrrxK. A g,aNl snplwr %vas given• niter which a splendid 111Yrgrafil was renderell, Hev, ,VIII. Ilintle (m-rtt- pbd the rhair. Tux Nom. INATIONA. -- The nowima- tiotra tatatim tiff very g11ietly. All the old town father* were nested hl• tie ulAnlatiom: Reeve --Dr. N, Wofxls: ,ounrillors- C. Parker, N. Dbxar, Jn•. Thomson, D. I.1•itcll ; school t.ruslers -J. W. Tippett. Jar. Fowlie.T. Fili.•It (Seco a King. The last unused n•pldreN It. IM•hrnnnn, who has removed frons town. A KM:IU,11'l 111Nhr:Mr:,\N(lN. - One evening Inst Werk the vi1L'a a w•a. i tartled•to hear' Ihat Nome ill-dislxi eil pel.slm had broken :a nnenloer lir N'in- duw pnnrs in the Ko•hnnl house. For - innately the light fall (if sn(lw shot night lwfnt•e rmahletl flu• tN,lir(1 toh•ncr t he cnlpt•it. will) Nw. c apt or it And after eonaideralrle parley wlntitted the prime. This 11eing the flirt offrtlre he was let off oti nla%ing danuagrs. NILE. \rvivx clu.\v, .IAu. '2nd. He%..1. 1'. Heid spans, Chlixtell as at his holue at Painmounl. Uri,. Wright, of Cleveland, to visif • ing her mother, Mrs. '&Whinney. A nurnher froin hMy attended the Concert at Dungannon on Chrixtlnas night. lyehoel opens again la1 Th11nNlay of this week iffier Ifne 1'hristnlaa holi- days. Minx Grnl• will econtlnrre fit chairge nt Nile fur tile ramrinK , ewe. INrrcr, Ilarris,nt \lo'iltsr. Itet•vo. I!. Cantclon tnerlAulatiun'. For n ucdl.aY .1, A. Enid, N'. ,1. PAZ - y, John Blickenden, \V. G. "myth, \,'In. Grahnnn, \V. S. It. Holmen. A. Coorper, John Harland. It. ,Viltw•. ,1. Gibbing., It. A. In Ill. Taylor. IIFN'SAI,I,. For It.•rvr Ow,•n eigrr. rhino. Illadson. For 1'mencil- I-% Alavid Nicol. J. W. Ortwein, F. IIINIlAe supe. SFAFOHTH, lbnor-' 1LRnNlrrirk rcllaniation). For Reeve M. J. 11c - pan, I.eo. lfunlie. Jathn Stewart. F, CourneillorN- D. J. M( 1'xllunl. eo. Witrlie. Alex. \Vint,•. 3,. C. sY•ig, I.en, Turilbgll, Won. Ke"Ittke, floor G'Kw•fe, John Stewart, Thos. lepheus, John Cluff. The statement was made b7 Ex -Coup Ilor Robert Thompson on Monday night hat tinder the terms of the former loan he Kensington Furniture Co. agreed to mploy 75 hands. A reference to the by w will show that Mr. Thompson n wrong : the Company was bound to em - 1, -y only 3o hands, and it actually does mploy about 15• Under the bylaw to be oted on next Monday it agrees to in - ease its staff to too. and it will live up 0 its agreemer%t. Vote for the bylaw. _ advt. talr If I a, to. Pity of Toirdo, 1 N. LnrK. county. Forank M. I hoof •y make,, ,Nalh it I hi- i. .enlor Nrt u••1- of.hr Olin of F. .1, I'hcney a ,l ling hll,lne.. in the city of Tulalo, , nn y and stns afarvai,l. And that +wid Ann Ill INU' .11..nul of lir• hnndrnl vbdlar. foe u•h And r%'ery ism- of r;uarrh that rann111 be frost by the u.c of Ilan'. r'atarrh stili•. Flt.\K J. CHENEY. NA•oin Io labile nae and mile •rilNvl In my Iw.rm•r, IhiN lith day of Iler-contwr. A. 11, IRs tw•ab A, %t'. GLEASoN, Vm try PtAdir• HAn'.I atarrh Iran• I. Inken intenralb, and •t. dhel-Ily on the hdxsl and natN•o,l..nrfacr•. f rbc.>.tenl, Iw•nd (lir tr.omonhll. fm-, Y J. 410A VA, It CO., Tulr,lo, it. .114 by all druaal.l., 7:.•. Tall• Hall'. Fsndly Poll. for constlpal onto, r HOLIDAY FOOTWEAR jN making your holiday purchases place great stress on buying your footwear here I1' W Y ILL I A YOU TO UO SO. Such a resolution %till insure you against blt\'- ing floor shoes and shoe disappointments of every kind. Our' line of SI.II'I'I:RS is the finest assort- ment you can find am -where, as well is the most reasonahlle. + • Dat11e fashIon hat, also dictated solve bcaulfnl nev shapes in on ante women's fine shoes. We pride ourselloes especially mi QUEEN QUALITY WALK -OVER FOIL %\It 1'IrR WOMEN MEN Downing & MacVicar '11I.x a • -x • I them save that they are \eater -marked, -that on the furs'showing • • • on the lining only. We will sell them cheap enough to make it Black Lace 12.11; \worth your while to come for them; you can depend on that, and they hill wear ust as well as ever the • would. if you 12i y'tnlN faulty black lac •, reg - J II ular max. And :I:x-. clearing them ,%;lilt a hari;aln clime Carl,. ■ out commencing Saturday. at tet your choice Iwr yanl 1 •]!oc O =sJ tA - Il FIs • is January Mantle Prices. (F 1 Remnants Decidedly money -saving prices on the balance of $4.00 Silk for J y anuar we stocks for Januar.\. ,,fever is Now a Mantle 2.`75 business as e have had this season. :pow the end is Waist January Remnant near and we want to wind it up with racks that are absolutely hare- of mantles. We will, too. if rices Ladies fine Silk prices will be just prices Waists, made from about half ra },►td:u. %till do it, and we are sure they will. Nof a great ;ery remnant in fll.tny left but still enough to give you a }good mantle good quality (will til • store will be for it very little money. Don't delay your coming. silk, will not cut, measured up and pili I fere is what we will sell. nicely_ -trimmed with on til rcnulant table Mantles at $4.90 lace, medallions and I1Cxt S its ay and s-, Latlivs T%rrcd and balack B•ver.l:a kite, every g,u•uo•nt new this shlrrill} , black and marked a about jwst No anon, many dillg 11111, st,•IoN, ,911 nl•w And ileo to-dnt(1. ','hese arc half the .ori telae Ihr Lent we haveT,•ft of ol)r Mnntlra ftuat wild at $T. -Al. 111+4-311 mond colors, regular $4.oti jai *low. Not line that we lied in stork sit thew• price's rerwivcd. Vont• choirr of theca call roululenein next "atiled„ y for January Sale price. Do n t mess K the remnoint able; air .... ... ......... .......... . each ..... .............. - $2.75 7 Capes at $2. 0 on it you •will lid P 5 kTl it a b'tr},r:11 i only LrulirN' ('fill Kala•., plaids still black cloths. Just elm IhinK for driving or rnugh weather. Regular p1 ices were $,i . 0 There will be to $K. Fur.ranunry sale, yutnch • oice............... . Remnants of Dress Goodsti Children's Reefers, $1 Black Dress Goods 75c Remnants of Table Linen About '21111 yards high grade Remnants of Silk 11 only chi:drer.b ReefcrK, blain, navy And fancy LwccdN. mostly hinck dtra•1 lls, liolein weave Remnants of Flannelette small niz(1s, rrgulat $'2 too 1.1111, clearing tot Jnnual \' ' (U and fancy cloths, ruitalde for Remnants 1-f Wrapperclte sale ,41 cash elle Nkirta and (illi co "tunles. reKu- Remnants of Laces I lar. $1 to sl.:io, Isollu• 54- Remnants of Gmbroider,r•, 1, any n:drI J + .......... 7 Dress Goods for January W e :u4- going to make January a big month in Dress 'Trimmings lc Embroideries the Dress roods Department. St\0qks must be cro%%tl- wl yan1N ibY•N.. trimmings. (Kids ed down as \weii as t Is possible to fret them before the and (111418 thataue Iett o(diBer. slit p,atlerns, w1- want U1- for January mi nth is ovIf you want a skirt, a waist, ora dress clear theiln ,an line and y(lal we will makl worth our while tel bel It here tAke your• cholro at lwr j' y . 1c Cl+l.rites are money -saving. this month. yfinl.................., W'e must clean up our Fancy Black \ Colored Suitinks 35, Dress Trimmings Sc embroidery stock before Dress (foods 25c Iain yards ulnred dreaK Nniting,, \lx 1111, DO) yntda in this Int, last new ones billed to arrive its) yards taut,-)- black of lust the hind fill• rhi111rvn•N ell N of linea that a(dd 1-w high ist February get here g/Nail, just. lhlt thing fm I wear, mgt a .der and I11k, for Ax fl 11111 tn/ilk, clear, R shir or wais l e• a n N Jamlxry NAI per yard ing at tN•r and......... Ji These will he just as ttl l , I K 1 r .... 35C Y And (111c, for Januar, r] ►lllld g11811t1' :Is If yClll .ills IN•r •ard...... L `• paid full price for them,'I *eed Suitit%s, 68c 'weed Suitings 39c r>t. ins w(1 :t t 441 nui K ' Embroidery at 7c As1,;aYltl fit 11rl• twppd Natuing+• lin t11txbb' Handkerchiefs 1:11 y:nrlN rnnlbric mit+lin em all view find lip-to-thate lett- for Air'ts or full d4mttrines. tprnN and r•g(KKI *t terns rand. c(lIon. htY,id(1t•i4-Nnnd inKn•tions. Ins( -,,lot 2 for 25c moll of llnps that s(lhl At ilii regl)bu :ilk .IndfhN•, f(l1 IrguLu 1 and '1.21-. Jahn Ian11Ary Nall, r yn,Yl 39c xrl w41r ur choict-, CA Uo fix•, rlrnring fnr .tan• 7c 1" lx•r ynn1.... ..... _ (, Valley inerceriled Kimono hand- nayNee,at per y(a,l. Plain Black kerchiefs,aasurted croic. and tteruft, also Ialnin linen Embroiderles at 10c,' Cloth, $1. lb Black Dress floods SOc not kerchiefs, with Ince edge, I:al yard• cambric and tine mus- Plain bink Venetian cloth fnr _lire yards black drtv,+ (NNIS. re,gnlar ]IM and 'roc, clefoXneK lin emhtY,idrtirs Knot i6fier K ((or January sale Int. 25c lndil•,i N111tN, :1-1 inchrN wide, litany diff(1n lit linell {n plain I ion", 1r•gtih4r l:w And '2flr (Intl Hae finish And rich de•lo bbkrk. and (alley weaves, 4 to f►t fnr.-............... hies, for JAnuAry sale toif-wilxr $1.511, for ouno y inches wide, regillnl• -6, In your ehoe ive ls•r yard' sal' M l•Anl....... . $1.10 *I. for jawlary Norlr of )'nrll' choice Iwr yat'll Corsets 39c Art liens 13c :AI p,IloK ('ty owns m b• lvr1 11w,wwl'Mblarcr- ............ Aft to i:. yard arlc•v Art Sateen%,qual rtect f l l itis ilatf Hlbr1, ,iuitahle for hYspo ri•N, Cur -A pMrlt of Hr1ir6fg rtxulortald'' j taf•s, etc.,reghlar:fiM and 'Lir, r,P[a!L rl(1Aling mot (],, onr JAn11Ar♦ t4wteprir.. yttr rhoire lire pair. 399fM i CM.Y... It