HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-1-3, Page 2z
its. . _
2 Ilihu*WetT, 1 uufory *,*rd, 191 i
Illtillic Li Hal Aff.tlrs fellthe g-NNl set till
� h ��
newnwnrr anally me eke,
"TherhanrPof Nnrk, thegift of trn-t.
Dr. MneLli11 IN x C.IlldidAte WIltlll
toDYHI('H. ONTM(lo,
The higi al list* plea otire fu ror)lalterld
PUBL18HNI) EVERY THUR8VAY ing ill she elw'tora. Ile is; is clew
cfeuet las O(lderleb. tali he, liar Iwel
lung e1(lugh with sew W rel;ogneu• the
Telel•bossl�B No. Si.
(Act ll)rat one go( the crying ltrwlr tel
;Terms of isubrcriyabn :
lisp Luw•ts it It loettet' water rupPly. II
�t.w per annum tit aavano•.
lately lar flint 1,1110 council twill Iain leave
; three tuestilh,t:
{x Illont.h., bare ., ye
riubWrita+1 who fail to naY+art•'111* SIGNAL
Ur M, c"iltlesl of lilt' 'A'Al*tl•111 "'-XI
re,gul»ply to Mall. will lcndor o f a+'lir by, sr•
year. but in ally came Ili-. Mat•klili wit
quinine Ines use of the fact At a. early a data' ale
poaelble, be a glint man at lite IDou1rd.
%lT ill a -►:le,ge of Coldn--.1. dr.lro.t, 1a.lh the
d an I tk•' uvw aAdroa..hould tae elKeu.
The other cliedidntes Ilea- ronucil
Ade,ertls{nis Mat":
aur aa- Charlvo� A. Heid. It. C. 11uu
1:1-.d .let., .1twisr ad+rrt, n,t,.t, pe Ilitems and Chill -led It. 1111111lief. all
p.•;Iv,,, rotor nr.t I.allot I.- per ii,n it r
lnout in-rtetHl. MrwtjeDsl h) a u.•n good .; silt that aIle elerhr+►„ have
e -J. .utrwr
• otial.n•Il r•alr. (W.I%r llu.w tn.0 mel'' do o , N.Munit )' tel' eh.N)sltl x eery
11udas-rams a(,1x liuesi and aLuda. �b eirr 1 { K
year.Lverilwitereit. of 1..+.:. r'oaud, *tlw)'t 1, lilt-
l's'++mising council /or 11M17.
Nal In11w %•spall I .`til Uat IUII- tt'aAl/d. I lnwrm' file
rL.lr or to H.•nt. Fanw, cur "ale or to Hrut, - - -
Ankle. for tale. Perm, not extrKdlnrrirLt a-'
hila., yap Y,rh Inwr,enn : $1 tilt arms, mouth, .11k
for each.Hb.equest month. IAresrr&4% ort1w-
menta In prolrutlon.
Annoan.r•Inrut. u, onllnary rending trims, ton
Anemg the byllncx that Ihr eltw1nim
rte ,t. lNLr liar. \o nolmr w,. thwu Zit.
AnT.lm,'e.l ,,,-lit-. thsob.,'t •,f wia,'h I+ till'
of Utwlrl'letl :1IYt fa-kei t4, vote ll,.ln
P•x'LWlrry hrnral of any iudi%lA nal lir .i.""'It
atlos, las M oomidrmt *n sildv rlir•In'•nl and
%lolnha )' Irl fine (ti paster lite intlali-
I , Iw• raal'red wrnrdiarly.
vilull water ,old light pl:ult illcharge
Rale for diteptay .'Al conttnrt ,al„'rli e-
hent• will be ri+sit on applt.wt tun.
ear a l•colllllll,.h al fit 1111'(-(• IIIPIIIIN•1*•
Addre-m all eommunhntllN,- to
two of who'll Are to be chtxwti by the
v.%N.\lTF:IC R Roll'If1'�o\.
le,..l.• exI .rr-saT for flint office and
i I
Tun. Slo.'Ar..
till• third is Io be flat- M: rm..
The t-Ie't1ti11 of elle I lila lac lw•Iletle•I'Y
fltke• place next lluutlay, ilnng with
the rbrtion .if tilt- other nl11tsicipal
•---- -
repreerr)txtive-, ,.fail sell wnni.•iloal
.•lectins bavr the right (u rote iu their
election. '1'lle sfar(,Pshful c:11lrlid+att• lY•-
. The ctintrrt for the mayoralty is In-
miring Ihr higher cute• trill ImIJ of•
lwrrn (I. F. Blair and Rev. 3(wwp,,
Hct for two rears used the ,tlhrr felt-
Elliott.and The Signal slnleaa•rwell)•
unr ye:le" The "4,11uui,son'•e. sleeted
rec'lllllment1Y Mr. Illalr ill tilt- rlY•tmoi
file (file- %.ear w-I11,11f re -014.4 -tell .,it the
-in preference to Mr. Elliott. Both
end ..0 his term, lir bi, suew•awrr• bold
Are excellent gentlemen in their per-
i6h'v for two y, -ars, need Ihenwf".
A mal ca(Incily, :Ind thost• who lilt.
/sir cofa1111ifesiont-r will IN• elrried enrh
tpfaJwl the nomination nitv.ting ofl
year for trail of two %4-Als.
Monday evening Jo nut let'd to la•
Mollie elf Cllr objw•liona urged
fillet that 1N.th lit them Ito• strong
Against flat- ptew•nt .),tem of ulanag.
piatfirlri speakers . tout eu tilt- traunac-
ing the w•raler and light plant "ler :
tion of pra/'tical business atfairst the
I. I:►ck of time on the part bf cutin-
Advstntrege, is enorenouNly on the aide
cillone las give the 11-g11i.ite attention
pf Mr. Biair. In the council peelings
t) the,nnnBageoitent of this important
!►fa-. BlAir in stlert and 11PAdy, showing
part of Ihr hrwn'4 biwine"N land to the
float he hn% his mind (;If the lowil'a
""Iving of flip ps-11,11ena, which (rola
husine"of find in giving his thletKl.t• t"
lime to time arise in ennnPc•f ills there.
lht• wdution of its ptY)blemot. 3Ir.*Vt-
with : its, file- inshuu•e, the goe,rion of
liott,Cott the other band, shows. it Ilse.
,► clean water supply. I
las take his opiniunn on n ani-
L The freilns-nt chanw•s in the ,,I,,,.Ir.(aition
cipid nl:Uters at Wrested lilt Don't dor-
All placing it sister need inexpe-rit-uced
Ing fill- ,last year tut+ contrileited
••hairmau ^test I"•rhaps a new cinslnit
47(fke1,)Ante1•t•h- little to the gufdancr of
lee in r-hargo' of also. plant alieuml
- the town'x affairs, A few Luo -e ,citta
--ver)' year.
in flip council .holdd remove the Jifll
3. Thr ratepetyrr,s have not the
clotty which he now' halm in handling
"I'I"'rlukefly 'if chi"weng leen fif
Irr'aeticlll gllestion.,: fIfMClat lllraellt le
'I"'c"ll fftllevr file Itis vele Ills,.11'ta111
k not the estate for \la%or. Hr caumnt
I. At pns+Pnt the phut is still 1-1111 An
Lupe to guide the council until ler hills
1 1111Ybws% t11Y1lmMltioll. It IIA. 6.r
se -If in ikl,lr tel grA-p the del111111 elf I"1,1-
ye to lwrn A matter elf disclis,iun
ut-tis and anointin dispe-sing ,Ir them
with fndP,rrndent judgment. (luring
whether the genrrod ratepayer Ivan
the pa,t yrar Mr. Illmir was ensily ale
helpefag to l"+y for the wale Asset light
tenderest the cinnril Uy airlur of his.
11`'41 iq hi, felluw•citizen lir flip near]
ability mid energy, xnll the electollo
who .was,lnying w"ter find light raleme
should Macre tan hemi Illi' whatever In
%Tal. I•Y IT:IM 111 (if 1N1 high rates "I'll
eieratting him tip the Mayor's cheer fn
11'fbntfng, low4nl Ihr general rerrnue
I'l-pre glee t(f :111 ippnnent who i,%'Of
.it Ili,• Iw u. .
in lei. apprrnticeship :et til,- runul•i1.
S.lie largest in (AYrlr set A
r(lIlllnixail Al Air :
Mr. Ellinit still harp" m1 the('. 1'.
I. It. will %ecnry gweat,er contin11ity
R. ngihtliun of wmae yr,u- Age sail
iia the ueanagement of Lit(, water field
rea 4m for hin pra•fertneut. Thin 1,
lightdrpltt•tun•utio. Onecwnrnimsioner
getting las 1.• lift) 4,141 Do .till %. Thr C.
will ill„'fly. lit' 1L release ,If ILL leftist one
P. H. promi`wl Hftw•n or nines- yr^len
age) to ennr f" (:(wlerich, And when it
ton, 1itaem till for that
got graod land ready it did helve. And
l'”"ikon• will la• ore
Mr. EllioU had nn wore Ln do with it
cave - is rest
likely to haae.,xxinl ynaliflirntiunr fur
than had the late Julnro Caesar.
Wheat Mr. Elliott slid wits to *tamp
'{ Cl'anµli laical will offer tbt-ulM•haro
the tnwll`III,," in alt yl N`ACY (If lailitltN•m
flit' it comaiii*Doitlnership who weetil 1
fur the- railway, and i/ nnvthing 1"
he.itte to Accept n nomination fur
roguing 14, him for this it i. frlalt the
the council.
C. 1'. It.
I. l'(011111kissi4,ner. It ill tlave lilt
oppn4nfaily Lf) Ixwll,,/e-,m•eealieto in
Niter i4 ,.Mr. Elliott anv nnnY• fur•
the mmnagploent of Ue pltt, and
tunatr in him rt-/rrence to the hrealf-
will b" nun* readily able 1l deal with
water. Ile navel flint if he is electocl
the pn(hlenls of rokednf.ling it iu the
the Hest thing he will du will Ike to go,
last pNDoehle uennne•.
W 4111111w•" ,,till tell the Giovertnuent
3. having effort, time tip devote Gy
AlN/llt tiff- depinralllefit tiff, go( the (:Mile_
11ii, special work, they will Ile letter
rich hreakw'ater. If ht• ahoul41 mnke
.,tile it; extend• de%elop eased perfect
such ,t trip he would only IN• Udd flint
Ihr water and light plant And syste,,la
the (b)Tevnllrnt hadn1rundy itdwe•-
thin n ronslkeittee of the cuslncil bay.
tiwrl for tenders (fit- the votupletiun of
fug many other (.lHcinl dutir% to) lit.
the work and that it would he earri,cd
tend lo.
')%It at tht• I•AI'111•1t convenient Nrna,ml.
6. The ncr(funtn of the culnnlixetion
if snv p•1-aon frons (;ciderich were
will in, kept M'pDoI'at/t f1onO thln.r ..f
nerlell In serge till• Goret-nnaent fee
Ihr ct-me it. with the result that Ihr
oprdier actl(ltl, An while al•IItn1111t Mt
"itiz"lIN will Im• able Ili determinewith
flat- ways of lnditiciao, %voidd
'aretiralrly Pitch year joist what the
imagine shut Mr. 111fair would fill the
pLtnl in coasteng eared whether it i, pay,
Hit til "'Ilett greater advantage than
ing or not.
Mr. Eili ,n.
Another indirect advantage is that,
' -- --
tilt burden of eltlelldiltK 11) till- w,,trw
Teis tennrn
ther :j
hre son wit). Mr.
,tree] light departments IN,ing tllken
Faliolt ohoidd not he ele•ted. A year
"w•ny fr(mj the council, it will 1.'
aft" the ratrpa%er,t of (:f Kiea-ich re-
-•Axiet- Lo get fill-,, t" take positions one
6•I11.11 eigltinsl I.wsirm its ,exl•usplitled
the council, .Is under prewnt rondi•
by William ('anlplw•il, Intl evid(.nlly
tions funny Often Will)\would make
this too energetic grntletelan hfr.
4-14111 I.4,11n611411rl cannot -till to give
not yet barred Lis Iw1Ye.11. If Mr.
the nere"- dry time•.
Elliott ea elected MNri,,• it will la•
An objection en mule that under tile,
simply" picnic far Mr. C-111104.11. will,
ron11fai.,io11 syhleell the rnlepq•era
will rule the newt lmrth in Iht- ri11n it
heave not .o Jitret n r"all-,1 4,f lilt.
Akeet in the writer nn -1 light eorlmlis_
11'ate"lift light d-11"altile,,t, ,til they
cion. To Avoid 1 hi. result• it will IK•
Hailer w hrn thry are Itlnlllig,d Is, ^ smooll•
necr!gDory 111 04-vt India Mr. IIIni1f n11 I
riflfler lit the volllell. It it, dii""IR tel
Mayor and Mr. Meirtike rnnm
A, tin-
wt- I)MV 11111ch there. ea- in the* nhjec-
Aioner. J. C. Martial will I.• 11(flwnly'h
ti4,11, ser whetbea- it Isms Any glw,d
tool ; under hill) there will IN• nit,
folindathm at all. ile ,Illy e•".1• 1111'
favoritism : all file, not he is concer,,o•d
I'lurnge to cnn11ni.sioll umnag -11eol.
the bosinese of the (nivel will lie cam.
I'llnnld•'ff• bPIII•yl•, IK` glt-1•rl a trial
dieted solely ill "t1w illtl•rrAta of the.
And o
d if el Win to work ane impn,ve,nero;
barn. Mr. Ifltir and 11r. Matron mast
,ever exiling ronditims, the town c,ul
ler elected if the, IAtep,n'o•rs w•11nt Al,
return to tit,- pre..•nt -y,tell Ifman-
lt f Itim-il :1111] re11111614hres„,
119"lllent. 1
-- - i I
The Nd%,eelt.lg.•- llkel) to IN, gained
Messrs. ('h11k and (:"Idthuri.r nn•
try tiff- climbli,hlurnt of a rotimintrion
the costly trw1j1IN•rY of Inst 1'eai. client.
nn, one iitlle0r"e
tel that we advise the
tit will) "rl' ,I•rklllg Ir-clw•Iion AN
ralrpnyer. ant"trnex0londny forth,
eMlnr Ulors. Ther will Im linefill In
bylaw, asset f"rgP(fillg At the anryle-
ke-eping track of the Wwre'le bnhireena
tinle to yore for two gfw.l 111pn as cliffs•
find helping the nPw• memllers it,
"catch on."
The tiignnl Ixnt year adviAo•et for i
rlertion of It. If. B.•ckelI "A It Irmin
Three Indunlllnl hyliews aM ICo IN,
rillelr. twit, being It rnnlpm•litiwrly n,.m
voted on next M„ndny (fn, to lend
ratan and not, widely known, for 11.111 n
SijiiiIael to the ltogrra Manof.trtnring
few votes "holt. ahmild be no
Co„ (flip to 11.11.1 111'), 110/ W the Ken-
dnlllt about lei* election thin time.
Aingtrn 11"1lrniltlre r"., And the thiel
I)e in a gnesl looniness fnAn who will
to lend •13,1001 are the nnderich Cfer-
i•arry bunineYa wellanda into his work
nage CO.
In the council. lir has no axe to
The itn,(Prs .yxnnfac}.uring Co. has
grind. Mt f1 willing ((f Rive his, ever. I
lakes over theold M1tsf. sttrrft Pngine
wisps for a lime in the dirretb,n et I
works and prerniAra In ul^kw a lite
•1'I I F;
cfencero of it, employing one Mlndrood
i two 111111111141 Ily lileefl.l .d the.rcuu'I
hands Uy the pilot (of for fl1Y.L year slid
SICNAI, : 4,(111FI:I(•ll l iN'I A 1110 I
- i
ill til it upm'trocutd aa- to uur v►r ca I -�..� -- ��_•
111 the Ir)allrt'. , 11
The parriltg of the bylkaw wi,I not
affect. our busiuew Iglu:lotlsly. and
year. It lyse pltrnlm R"vertlli( d:r ae ale heartily its accord with time -
uousufaclure of railway n,wci,•ltir% Movement flow under way to luduee Int. L,t ,a l- I.In K1A(fna-
ula11tlfactllrery to I.K'ale lit lra.icliel,, -1. U, t -U, /� McKim
pplvval. Your!lir whb•1, cheer i. salol Cu Iw fa Lu'gr We have vielutt d eawfi ly into the � �Li� , I, W• L 1. looney hack if
deeu14uet, ^list milleide of tilt, Ilive r it I' v"u %%alit it.
proposition laid hrfore the pN/ple Uy (,`
a �) „ .
Alwa•Yo ,4 large• genrrsl leun,ly' and the Roger* Mfg. Co.✓aud have rvaehati
rriinie ensile to I.• done hrlu which in the cuncl11rfon Lhat it %vuuid lie Its the
itakelf given the pn.perly a ca -talo Iff"t intele*tr of the 14)x11 to pas- tilt • .
In-law fell. tl)e Il.a,l tit Illi, t utttp,at,)'. G L E A R I N SAL E
valor and in a M•curity if, Ito• town. '1'hry ark confluencing buaua•.s in
%%'e be-lieve, however, that Lilt, grnlle- lift amtirely lira' lisle Mid in a 111103 cur /'�
! melt iutere.teel in the project have which there in a glkxl ula'ciug. 1
the IN -Co. n,u,ultrraof Nnevrax in tUri► Owing tit the great ,levelnpwent las I
K railtvAyu in the lk.miui„h, there las. at w'
lal•gl1 r,ic.ataki(lg ail that if ,he 1111toesf, it I"!gr d/.11al ala the tyre. BEFORE STOCK—TAKING .
ba.. earriv. the works fen Exna leu rel txltirx which will be w:uwlu•uu,u b).
still iwejluae oneof lite b11•gest and mse-t Ihr It tile
UtK. aril. 1\ r uudrlwla11d
that the liugrws Mlg. l'u. idirnd to r
hulat.ultial induxlt•irs In the town, cugage ill the matwlacturr lef IN)f!err
a, liplon il,K a large nwrilwr of skilled 7'hl* will Ile a upw inJuxuy ler the
town easel' uur which is very lila n.rllant, NCE' a year we take'sto,.: . (hal Iti, Illake all 111Vetl[or%' O} a%'CC1't}1111 r 111 the
wnekulrfa at gorwl wog.••. Y')' I O , �.
fur the rei,sion that lite% numiuellrr Ye-
ll *hould Ise In,rne in wind that Ilii. store. ��•e desire to clear out all Ol}ll all(1 small lots, especial ' Of N'llltCr 1
1,111rv,- a Image nufarller „I sklbe•d %vo.k. p }
I.n.th..,itinn, as wrll tea the other two liter), and that the bflleinr.0 w1U bra �yjl�� g ds, because we do'l't %%'ant alt Carr%' them elver lir Illakl' an I1�{rtntry there.
to IN• culwl leu, invulyr. no c,lsi to the ruutiuuous tate, Kivtllg efa1111"ll 1:c.t -U- We -hada very successful season's business, but there are'necessarily many
town for interest. a, till. V "eelsany to uur citizrlta all tilt- ).-aa- yle11uJ 1
We think lilt• luwu .Imuld rte r arra Uddll1e111S ell N'hlCh \1'e Can afford and are willing Ill *IVP/ sera%' all the
pays init•a-r-t 4,n the loan at 41,m•t• { 1 t+
and elefefarAgr ,alis btl.i ile that will profits yeti even part of the principal jt-, pay lent., at which rate clip loan -•un Inrr- ,1n»•ide euplovuA•ut tar w•ua-klueu ' +' r to Make a Cll':{fln It %\'all a ' US.
14)%V nnrtuq•, The lowo i. miulnly al'• during lilt- wiliket moulhN'. We find :It'd you, talo If you will.
%a11eing the• tipmey, to lilt- rep"id in there is a dearth tel' work illkeWuly 1
branches of isldu-lry during the
anima nl,la1111letit"• whaler Infeasible. .Intl /•uu,t'clurluh•
The Kenwingion hurnilure tram. n large uumiker of uur cite'/A•rtl $'4 7:a- 1v.w1 IiLu,k, 1. $3.25 a I Ilex htetury t'aru to clear. A1160he Int of Tauu�, Ill rwi.,
►.tan '3.35 per IU...... . 46c
prep - iriuo h:ax fwalmY•a which .bou!d air unnblr las pnlrure eupl4,Y' 1441 •• 400 S ►ores i 11 Clittn11, bull J. Plalurle, l:ullen, r1c., up to iGi .
,•,lic.•ixlly cmnmenet It In the IAl". u)rfat sharing t.iht Buie. We are "If K Pse' Y foe.........., I
3.:111 ••. 4.50 rp!atlr,'L fur............_ 6c ..+... � .
theopinion th t out- citixe is'should 8111) ., •• 4.95 Tawe Cited Htlnds worth ak- ,
paye'a, The 0,enpuaw�• i4 "n e.tah- aupliort Iall oLthe hylaw'i to lK• Luted 1.16 fill• ..... . .............. .. 26e'\
lished concern, (111111g" .MMI II!I,IIIr`s; upon tin Jauwuy 7th. We think the 1.33 l•uwfortel. Jackets and Coats
indeed. it i" the incrl•:tae gJe,,iffiit fur benefits las Ise ,lerivwl from the leu- I.:dl ....... 1.26 ,
cuslrageut03ut tel these industries "lb' ....... . 1.80 Is only lot- %.•ry faewr`t lout; Overcoats
its g xsls that limas Iwl t alis- rw,nr,1 3.7.1 2.20 (ire�'Colitx. nothing ltewe• will
will (m very guru, and there will Iw• lies own for next s spin aw.1 11
fur ,a bN►n to a4nid in J I.. g, the no a ldilileu") txxaliuu which will s,r 4. iSllul• ilea r) l'uwG.rlrrs with I g R )leu . �I': 111) Black If+•xye r
%sane at IIII0 and $11.9) las clear
ra,larity of the Lat-t+pry still plant. 1'. uC any bulYle•rl to the rottelmayer,. Thr paries quality rUkinr cover- OvrrctwtLa Cur •8.50
!:. R11u1Yeall. elf I: m,ilen. 'ho/ own, eltcrl•:1-r ill ,Nq,tllaticrn cleusesl lien( ing... ............... 3.76 at 87.60 M4•16i
u aro the rletAfall- leu of flew i ,dna (L:Ill (.title its Above)..... 5.70 4 only same sit eleA a- Ihr other 81{•IItI Black 1iParrr ucrr-
the Ga -ti.rv. I, x aur:.•„rte Can I sub• f ! R F' •• b.90 only IsrlteI- w•en•;:a13.101, las -hew coittx for .............. .. 800 j
rtes will cowlw:usme tut• nay udditiuu 7.N)
stanlifel busill • man 1%hleNe 'cow"oal to tilt- traxe,. The experiehre oC littler "t ........... ............ $9.00 Men'. ttl'l.:dl Franey T%, • A
lixhilety is :a xKlneity t , the was in town, laud cilia•,, ele ecially the cit)' i only. Childs and lila rust,, Ove1-cl.nth......... . .. 60
of Toronto, is flint ifaceeaow• in, ”' Lula- Millinery value u to K i111.11t) Ta-Lwd Overcoats. 7.60 1
addition u) ale• unla•tg,►g/• up"n 1 1 p �:I,tk1, to char lit
able) give.:t latter trete of taxari ltl• 16nit :111 f. -It ila', wlellh 7:.•. Th,hr sire sll•ict! i
the w'bulr pLuu, her : and SIr. •falls Lkn'v Exulmc Woatas Cie., 51,1111, $1.'Li $1.55), tee cleae!at title 111 only girlN rued niiNat•, Cases, .98e %veil•wade Meek., , I • !foil,
J. A. Ituwball, lbs In.tesager o the* l.iuliled• price ....... .... 26e ase' 9 111111 xtlN'ki weetuem shun this se•Aalm'r tclide, 91,11 twill I
f:..•liry, Ilia• elrne4 til • entilc+' .n- Fatah W. lArrv, titian• ver)- I.ew• extr.t specini Contx, valise once up tfe $1•.111 lining• velvetculleu•i. up•lu-d"W
Manager. (
sidrner• of Ili•• ,m•Aplr .d I:,Nlvrirh 1y K "• JIr•ms IbUle in triuuneel felt, gtY•IN• fur.... .. .. ....... 11.48 pleb, bot out they gr), ,-their (itiderirh, J.ul, Ile, !l- ' rte . At lesx 011411 hal! rice. .%II hour has come."
hex nncrrw- in Ih:at cupYcit y, wt- e'1.11+ A _ _ __ price. ' A['!) mi"w•. ,11tl1 w•nosrn'n l'tialtl
willinrry gINNI- of -every kind iuKr:tymidbl rkxlithiNtfeawmv
by hist lively inlerrat in the- genera WHAT MUNI IAL faul.tl.•wdd,wf•can't afTncJ las $7,51)Takirt ratrtptrwtC/lxts
(o r•1esa lit half price. la dialer for . •8.00
allyuncruwmL of the lotto. The en- EXPERTS SAY. stone fel.1 g.NKlm nexLw•asir,,
\ ( u'unl. chlIll'A 'hili Briar .kin I
larguotent of eltnling en 111,twie4 i4 n -_--` 110VIO 0iffitroalw micas 25 to :J)
.fifer policy Lhrul the e•slablish111-it liesate of OPfn n ia,Favor of a (route at jnrt half pro ..'
Carpets pt .... . ... and ✓<.... to clew r
aCt101Glats for.... $L 60 tel,...... 12.75
r)l•w unr-, Anil thi•re shle11ia] Iii - em Cosine iIs A11 ave hare. to etenr. Ike yd`. 3.:01 L75
he•itAney in regard le. the Ken,inK-. 14-vetenrioet tworuloriuet., 1••-'-' " ....r\;..
1.75In only Boy'm Hw•fers or Pea1 reply In nn inyslia-y nla'1'hr tilg. it I %'little xl Ilk•ler 30c 5.I11c2.50 JAcaetm, very heavy, with Dolores,
inn 1''nrnilurr (t(f. byLll: Deal, heerlitur"f'luc a:11W iall Jlw11- g'i
in 3.00 Il:u,�n erred 8s,. ,i1 to air- ,,.•;%l
The Goolerich Carlfa 1• aril. i, a nen ci qsl iurnrJ IMuulre,,ll wt-, c,: lea )'ds hemp l':11pet :Jit• fer 17c '4�
K lr' l:a• fn► 12} to aa- clearing at ii,9b A 3.00
emirern atilt its pr,"lw cls itse avc.ird- 'l l IV gslelitiuke ,t, Ul9 e4A-ahilily I loop '• •. I:&- for 10 : an rlu
of ,lw leg• your tv'I. lima I d -y-. Dress Skirts t ( ('1 sec -cut prices on the
ingly unity InJeflnitp.' The town tens a ,Iti' at conlmirx'..Kf tat rots \lalling. two paltrnu I x: cher and IN•Ller Orern,atn.
.a craw ... ....... ........ 121 E%cry Skirt in -1,wk i- m,%% -n, ,
resuncil h:w pri%idwl u+ belly ns 1"r"- diHlcuh /lir to aa--w.•r. ah it is vel �' for
*ihle. in the frr11lting lir the bYlaty, largely la Witter ..f upfniun. "lid chi, (;likely Lfnoirnul Sleeve Mats. Y the slatlKhter tabl•N.
i- fussed a al the o 11►li fe ydm Mluare gleet patters) Uig librek skirt. went X:!.ort I,,, $1.2 Remnants
against Arty 1.), to the t•nro, Wild if I 1 l ty (Ihr lei' 1' ; due at *I.,5, for x1.26 rR 1111 skirts Ialnek, tr•l far 22 5
file pn,jw•t surrwcls ill sill .add nue who ser ill hr cou11cil or in the l •fa.• .. b.
assemblies). - :1.000 • 3.95 ARerf off erviram wt- have
Below las the tow li'm grt,%ving list of • Tbe• ext a 'cure of JiBereut rytlmief• N' indow Sh 3 deb 04eo1 ..4.50 w big- lot of Rpmnnma. T,tblr•
lice i,,du-trip`. Lowell men ;art- taro- palitie- tel it eiatter much its the. i- ( ..'A) •• •• 5,00 loves And "Int .f Mill end* and I
cariaNe. hill)) bt•e'sil-e like pepsin. l .N1 ..illy Ife.t glOality oiled lin.•n 8.!111 pmt silk underxkirts %%111 lexf'hermt .IN•ondN, Toweling,
i.hing the capital for this undertaking 1 1 u ml lir (fn IN•mt hart-hCol n a iu r F sari*, rte., etc.
rlrua•ul elttera wt- bu•gs-ly iu,u it, :1.. I I l K not cul. a only..tea,•h ...i3.fl,y
And it Yhnnld not Iwauy less atrongly ).leu silt ►radia, undrr,t.uld. Ho%%- (Ydl:-m fritogel, vw4,rt11 tka A rd 11t•_,11n lolls, u,orw•n -kir'*.. 1.60 R IlNulx I eased 5 inches will,
on this account. ludw"1, I ter, n,, the who . the me omileranve ?Z14'1 fur .......... .. 50c L.lar " Nale1-11 •' 1.00 ....... Tjfind IOe . i
sslpplrtr,] ever, 1 i
lhi, .huuld b • ilia atl&d gnaraotee : of opilnun see -1114 u In- ill favor lit a Ki •. I 60 l' 'Il r 'n lel a 1 I '
cifa1111f•,fi11. Final I"•cAllse the colo- ' Wool LM• each for -14 -tyl.• -Lit 40 hl n I Ian eel. Yuittr the
for Ihr I so -al men have their -take fn asri.siuncrb have- tial uur liking to 11.tk very Lhe g fur votatgatrrs who
the lire n, 'as sell ns their inlrrwt in laltrr, inhle.nl of ; unJliplicif) u( :o , IIs Lies lie �V,NJ. ,N•r'or. Sc A tut lit Tulura 'Coil,. II -..NI,, :air nxW in their mIPPp, tba•y
the pmflrnblr iuwP`rfalrnt "! IhPir own fhingm Its the rfenurf) ax h:ne : lha•n, I 2'l law Ivdnnd tiLrtluud Flu„ Turkish Fez elf'.• up t,l _'.• cannot til w• them tiff. Regular
noney. til ctio-ider in the undertaking prof"ably Kt- p161i - ix mute exacting(I to Oca•, pernz ... Sc f,w_ IOC pries• 7:a-.•. f 488
which they are as.uming. In cbiKwrin xu/l:ab]e tea fa w run i, 1%
1ifagle deleartsise t : and .a ., 1.•••.ot,c
Now that Lit(.town is proteec1 t 'e ell rllltiy.rs are ilium t relay 1111.1..---.---.----------_ -
ltK along the lin^+ of fndll4tri.0 df.- Chow' who lure lit rnnuul." `��l` haul' the j�Tl101}\ allot prlleti a5 above. I hl'% are votirs it %-I`ll %%'alit thein, at
relopmenl, the -ft. !heel• bylaw, offer' The• 1%Iiteroln"1.. :also. l J. ulsinion
K -.NI upleoritulilie•Y feet- pnegn•.s in Col Mr. Light ball•h"nnrxr)' •11•1aryid money saving to %•oat. Von can Slways hank on blur %sines at
the I faiofl of 041.nduan 11nni •ilidine \ •
this rer,lect, and thin at' lbs ntinifalallil aIle NayY : • 1 I of expense and risk to the inserts. ( "Of t-fe11a-w• huuliri,stliliea Jia r, 1a"11 McKim's Busy Stc reo
Voter 4huulJ be (lilt eamly nn Mon. what soils tons- way nut "nit a Luther
da), sea cher will la• n large nuullr•r stn well. Pe1,N,,utly, u111"b tilt place
of 1lnllotn las la• Landlwl and rhe parr- is nwall, 1 41111 in f.,we11• of ai coo mi--
leinn. els lacing iuJelN•ndetlt elf % lir)%__---.� i1
tion oRtce. will hehn.y all day. patronage, atilt la -mg luno• likes it) h,
- - - attend to the tingle bsl.ineses in his " ! - _
John W.Cmigeewae nominated fill. 1`01 WILLIAM Ile, Mln.e:L
TI .•• -signal, 4indeiwh, un' T 1 1I \ 11 "I s l . I. % \1m -4
the conn( it. hest no he is a kelenlls•r of (:gxTI.I..MIc!( :--111 rt- r y to your len•• t
ilia• p11lrlir w•h,Nd t,l.ud bw i. ilea Do lir of file YI-t. fn -1 t I ,rt; that Hiner�'I'10TT {1
l the year Iran, the 1n.'1• r11"ll "r oar II that sim le home remedies
rnndiJnlr. .lobo %%', Nhnnld wake up I 1 p
nix wind t.. get into tbr• flghf for Ihr I ""f'' works Ill""' • a%•• h,""'»•'•" "ark-%�G� • have failed to help, are al-
ing under at roke11fli"sitin. indrp•ndrsl
council a vear lienee• of rouncil. rtect4•.1 by the peopls-, Ihr$ONTO, ONT. Ways cured by our
111agu1 la ing f.x-olflrio nleulher uC,•; ` p.l.. L•I hn•inr4-
No ,l \, \a I Ileal W,1 in fliesb-lende
wm,Jr1' MI'. 611►et: , nflYtd 1111-e,/1"'„im.i(lrl,,,mlllpt4,lhrprlsrY I BLACK CNCRRY COUGH BALSAM
. ►,IlAraihm,-the linA eccr>
\L. Ithtir might hale ,len opplrtunisy tiler it has purred trty *xtilfaelury. n of meal Nonuo' -h.mad herr.
lure I In hiniottabeuontinati„oimeet- 1 think %oil will titd-that whelf• illlrs, Iii-i.mi thei.tr,•••t. "ttrnd-
p Y strallxlinn fef planta wfll IK• lakingin it hi-tw% colt11r"•rl l 1.UN.- \fl, Mr. Ithtir world have earl,• r•, ,r-• ,,lid •n.•,r„ I..,•rrt,kkmg plate, nod 4,thrn big wtirkm in rnwae'.rform gr,utual. 1,olpa pomitlW.« IT IS THE GUARANTEED COUGH CURE.
abort wu►•k of Ihr nr•verrfaJ gs-utle• tion with Ihr paten"inns ur 1Ywilin•, J, LLIOTT, Principal. Z5C a BOttle.nfl111'. at:t1•ne•nts siboot tiff.,)urea,,,;,,. uou`I� going un, a commimYiofl f4 pts•t'.,r. %,,.:,• AI -I Ale r:.ud.I
elf ro„l avithout authority, till• 91"41111- ferib a to A cofllenitte• of emnril. tH
cot:rbe, 1 think that after the plant i”
lithic w•niks itnaessluent, :and other established it va•inldIse rune joist n4 well — -s H. C. DUNLOP, CHEMIST
matters, if he lutd h,ad arlinnee. Air. El by a tnkeslnitte of r(f.tkecil,, beat, Its I said
lion'- "c(furalr,-' will 11 es -i. k;••t him hefore, where it r.,,ufleslbe' individlull British leriean BEDTORD BLOCK, - - - - GODERICH.
into truulrle. attention of the rnlnmitt.re fir largo-
- - - - additions (.r in,t"ilalions. it in n o BusinessCollege
A stxtemenl is IwrisR circuited dual donlit, in our experience. f lint ,f row N. N. • A. Dnndlo , Rr andif Ihr watPl' anal Ilght ,11.1111 i, pincYrl slisaiory is Ihr hridy, M -A. ll:+t,., ' o - - - - - ---
in charge of al cominiA,ion the cilizenx . Yours truly, r � .1
A. McNAI'own ail I Oldest. Str�dntsest. Best.
!1kill lose cpprt-nl elf it t-nlir.Ic. Phis Trr1t'n ('h rk, i MEN'S
If- n mils^pprehpnminn. 'I'hl• cuunni,- - - Winter Term
siflnerm wilt be lre•1,.msihlr it, the Why Christmas Elections 9 i h•okel 1,111. '2. 111117. Fester lir%,
ia, pat jest pas Ihr town rOutely lllw mualUonl hcarnd. i +teen.. Excellr(ft rand l gun n- CHESTERFIELD
is, Pxi rpt llwl Ihr ueNJt• oFelr(Uon A Irttitrst i I"•inn naiMrl in %:u'iiu. ttrod. l'ntxingue and IeN,ona n
is alnna•whnt dilTerent. las iog1ard las parts (if the 1 n,vineengninst the Ay,.• bosinuss wiitnll fire.
tells of holding flfsleicip,ll elections in T. M. WATSON. Principal
flnxncinl limn.Ige•ment, the commixsion .Ihr ('ilii"thin, ..-asim. The Tonriatir I `
will lie in mneh flip s:lme,wl*ititila net Rtltr voir•es Toronto opiueon. and The _ _- V F RcOA
the' psl111if' a1•hlNd INIRI.11 i. in rl•aard Ileacten lilts repaltedly given t•xprt•s• - IO
ti school fund-.
Sion to it widespread feeling en this I ►J
city against the pram ice.
- Why not fellow the parlinillentnty i Witter T.rm Op:aS.lal. Zad. ~
The Now Yeller. , prractiee in holding a .f.ssim, "(tile. Ihr, I _
The clerk ,trityl: INrfre ter flit "hl 0111f,h antitlal arrotints have forest pri111eYd, stn I CENTRAL We haven't had very much cold weather yet, but
t ... rrr. . that they may in, intelligently di,- s
A lid clip nail year ,IipeNNl away, rpnswl :' If the elf.ctionm were lirld in I Il'.' halal nt� Io COn1C. if you haven't b(lll 'ht %'t1llr VVer-
T-I IN• In.t In tl.r rr.,..I.,f phantolA yl...r. February And t he Im"An (if tilt nnlnt- i', s
lei lit fur th'• rr•:It- clotted on the a..;. -.111
Cos don't delay any longer. just now we are giving
A nritlnn,l•-JDmnctfmk- dnf ("' Y STNATFORD. ONT.(ff6F g
All „nip►N•d in thelrehN.A, of Roy- I/rct•mller, a uwnah would lw• allowed • tipCCl l Values I11 j�'lell's
fns• the ,rhlting tit Ihr e-e,Nn 1, and if -
Then .„Ift and der ILedoor:'worse •ill } 'Ili„ •rli..H v,•. ognia.•d 1n 1-• mu• of
citY•ldabon Hwang 111e• r,l lequlyr►l IN•- clip lending 1'nnl here I a I `,holil. lot
(.'aloe l hr yn,maar-t child ill Time. (Con• ihev were (-,filed kel.m In cDo.4t America. nor Rradnale4 nrr in dr- Baa Cheviot and
%Cecil n ray link ImN and w merry Iworh, mond n. lin-In+. t'oll'•Ir'• tearbrn., Beaver Overcoats
thltie rolPtl. Rr.le'ic tiCotl” a.Ul/l hr "he mo.t recent'.ppliratlm, we mrriied
Anda rnirr like lN•Ilm Arhtlnr• ,JArerl flat .•X,It.ndil nrr•. (ot•Ihl• eutinlh for n trnehrr nlfrrrvl 11, 1.r1.u, rN•r an- ta11l1Ted I the 1111'tit 1111 (1111ShCll w"I(h Opt t
1'hanenginR fronds and rinlr• 4,f .ta„UArt' "u that Ihry p'n111d call.Int n"len. t1'c LrNrer we stn• rnnnl
nor + good t (,Il I.1 I1
of lite "Comt rosrrrvh%r and n to -dale (
one of ler uf%r lex wn"e•1, nn A wri,ll pp " linin ►S Illi salla r"flttlll r %'elect collars, no found the r, wa+ plenty for Idnt to do, y K I bn.1n,lm training hnol. In the 1',o- linings, @@ , }r
The mlreicand Ihr weak w, -m herr, grantA or flew undertakings .ting %ince. Thr demand urines sec for ofAro rC lllar T i 2. file .. $9.95
And b-dh held oat their ha,sf. to him authorized. Thlx plan would lwTltfil help'. several times the .,Lppiy. w'rile g f • • . • . . . • • • . . . . . . . .
And M+•r pine greet lnr-dear. of "'Cora` intelligent voting and free flip fmc rotalgror.
The MaAlRest imeeker New Vpar. Ilhristlntake Meana fi•l,rn.Ibe areiur„l,y ELLIOTT 3 McLACHLAIN, OW FOR AN EXTRA
which IINIIiallyArc lir ea p swig a hrnit lel 1 rinclpAl- �a ' of 7 rousers
"1'np sins hrinR q. lrtlrr days.” they 4aid ; nlllltecipnl ela•1•linn cunipnign. a i
"Thr old >-par w1. n rhral." 'Che Aliggeltioal is line 1 hat lite I"g-
wMrA 1 thank „,%, mrnn N -ben ilia year.„ -a+ i*IAatlr "'ighr w.•n take into f'm)aiat-r• ----i This is the s anon when extra Trousers are
d d'
len ,
Pneh fntr do doled years Inrrt,
ation. he Motedlohn the Innniripal
eleelfonk :Ire 114-141 early in Decelulw”
To lie.pnrnad s, sir„nd,a fret I
sand in Monter"I in 3Iar•ch. And the
'I bring yno Ib'• t.r-i a year -n11 Urines.
ays(rlllA work will. The ratepaysirst
I have nor At IhPlov sere-nrr their
newnwnrr anally me eke,
"TherhanrPof Nnrk, thegift of trn-t.
I tion re111.1Y•J on falnety gatherhlgo and'
And the bread of lore to break.
art- frPt.i. to give their I.hulaKltn If,
If lint m, s,1/M yon111wka"
nnnfici ill I lie-tionx. Then another 1
P 1
Thr n"I's"t IhlnesA 3on' rnn L.T
cnnside•raliorl the Cbri.tnuu M•Ason
]a ia•clnninK mot'*. mad mole nor of ex-
In she lap of Ton o►me
lrievngance hl nil via..oll Cof Ihr cities. '
rho brata Nrw liar ham bl„ntbt till. day :
Willa .tech a feeling pn•va.
It h,hM•(twnity.
Inst hoot' imich Ihooght in giwen ell
Whkh the n' IM• are Quick in.rr.
f"'o"oryly ill 11111nirilWd n(fgir.? INC
MAITaeet It 141uRdor.
were Ihr Merlion held After tilt. hill.
- - .
for the Chri-rlfaA1 exUYlvagnnc• erre
n•eeive d leaso(f.4
of eeonnnly would
deeper into the settled of the Aver.
rn the VA,lor of The Wassal.
ag1P ratrpayrr, leadin�t hills to Arrotin• !
U1CAR fart,- An th.•Ir hAm hassles it
este publife Mala ltntre dearly. Ii
mis.rppehen-ion lila the part of Arlin•
I —_ ---- -
If Mil' eil izells ,11Nmt our t -..II iom will)
MAYA x w'onf"re : I Bare not W110 d"T"
1•ferellre to the llr"pi'med 6,1111- as. the
th,t thitfkf,lg Nn 1,111;( ala I Call, ,w'rinit.
itogrrs Mfg. (:n., ace llreire to place
art. in do the talking.-ChteAgo \ewe•
demand. it's too s n to buy a suit, perhaps the coat
and vest are all 10.l
. f some time to come. Pants it
is, andvou can't beat o values at $_.00, $2.50, $3,00
and up to $S. SoA spe ial line tel clear $I.2�
at........ •
1\ The RiZht Place to buy Men's Clothingand Fnrnlshings.