HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-12-27, Page 7w.
°I►+ *'i`+++*+`*++ ++404. i'st'i •ii`` * 'i`+********,4** 44* *+'i`**`ii' " 4,
The News of the District.. *'''
20+464+46406 W464545 +4645464545 45 '45*46+ 5oV" 4$W5454644 4'4'544444 45.444464 646444646%
7f. 'ON'.-Atbome every Ary exempt Thur..
day.. New Irusedyfur eatrw:lIna Ir4II4I 4
tonal, better t haat gas. l'slays and bridge work.
me. Aluudnum plea Inon bn•akablr 1.
N. B. -You ran ninny. 1114+. your work much
blur duns 144 low dental unlr,• won• tiuw.
hotter facilities for doing the work, Intro euul-
furtabin for the ',asthma.
(1 h. Al1Olr1TINI:. DI'N(iAN-
lJ NUN ChopWng MILL Lawlor In dour nod
lewd. Throe Naar mid Viso Star and Monts'
!lour: JMni.h Stock aril Poultry Food. Chop-
hoµpiny promptly attmalud to.
in Dungannon for 7110 Signal 1.6 at lhu Pu•d-
om.w Houk and Stationery Nauru, and Mts.
1111.1 .0101 *111 reecho older+ for subscription.,
advnrtl.lni and job work. and 1. authorised to
44hu rocelobt ler amounts paid fur thea .awe.
NV K1,N Ilium v. Dec. ltlth.
el. J. Benninger sprout the• holiday
in lioderich.
Mr. and Mrs. T. ('leak spent Child -
Mao at Auburn.
Mitis 1sa Nivous has n•tlu•nexl to her
hone in Goderich.
Miss Ida Metter Il has returner(
to her home at Tavistock.
Mr. 441141 Mrs. 1t. E. Manning were
in Clinton oscr ('hristuuui.
Haehelors 101 at Dungannon, Il c.
:fist, 11111k ill cents a couple. Adv't.
Fred itohinsrou and 1. 'ly are
spending a few days with friends in
Mr. and Mrs. 11. 1t. long are spend-
ing the .4'heist mxs holidays with
friends at lienwiller.
CuxlsT)d►s VINITU144. - A g
thorn who came to spend l'hriatmns
in Dung were Milton and Ellis
Mtothen, font Toronto ; 1'. E. Why -
aril, from M'aterlo o ; Miss 11. Z. 31.
Whysnl. frail Elmira W. G. ('ntw•fuld,
frau Torotto ; D. 11. and Itolwrt
Rumen, en, from Cobalt ; 1). (i. 'fickle
and family, from Norwich.
1'11 KI$Ta.(4' ENTKItTAINMYNTM. 11te
Sunday Nelson! of St. Paul's chur•h
held their ('ht•istuuw tree entertain-
ment in Elliott's hell on Thursday
evening hist. The evening was 11
enjoyed by those present Un
Saturday evening the Sunday school
of Erskine church had their Christ-
mas tree and it good program wit%
rend/-rwl The annual entertain-
ment of the Methodist SunJ,.y echos)!
took place last night. A program of
recitations, solos, choruses. dialogues
and tableaux was given. the children
taking their different parts in a .win -
Der that was very • litable l4) these
who ort them: The proceeds o
b frau( h f
the evening amounted to over PO.
Moxn.ty, Dec. lith.
14lw-logs are begining to crane in, at
the New mill.
Frank Munro is , house at present
from Winnipeg.
Miss ('ora 11••II Ferguson. wh 1 is
teaching in the County of Grey, is
house for he. holidays.
Mr. Georg.- Howitt het a satnabl e
ho11w last, week. Another got loose in
the.stahle and kicked it and broke its
Elwin 3tnnro, who has leen in
Stratford during the summer, has re-
turned to the parental roof to •11x•1.1
John .1. Wilson has returned home
from Menforth, and is spending his,
Christnes visiting friends in this
Reeve Bailie df West AVnwanosh
was in the villein. last week. on Nisi -
nese in connection with the annual
financial statement.
School closed lust Friday both teach -
eta iade good-bye,tothe village. Mise
Sclater was the recipient of a gold
chain from her pupils.
Their are Nome of the eitizens who
are going a little unseteatly. is the re.
'mired stiMulult procured here. or is
it imported? The frequent•y of the
occurrence is suspicions.
Janes Itaithby hen IMeen off work
for a week. owing to an injury in the
leg. When he got hurt he paid little
Attention W it and the result is that
he has been laid up entin•ly.
Mrs. (Rev.) Hartley wale recently
made the recipient or an address and
a scum of money from it inlwrsi and
It adherents . f St. Mark's church. in re-
cognition of her [setvices me organist
during a time of emergency. The pi e-
sentation wan mule At it gathering et
the home of Mr. and Mrs..1. W. Meld.
WKnxKstray. Dee. .lith.
Wedding twills are ringing.
Victor Curran is h for his
Christmas holidays from 4 h G. l'. 1.
Tony Pierre in spending the
Christmas holidny4 at •1 treawnter.
Mee. George McGlren end daughter.
Mary, are visiting relatives in this
Mrs. I'. McGlynn hunks, hale and
hearty after her trip to Ohio and
D ettit.
Jetties Sounder, and 6111, of Mnfe-
king, called on friends at. Crews last
Will Courtier., our former radioed
teacher. is spending at few days with
friends herr.
Mime panty Culbert is hone • after
finishing her sasses•' in the Goderich
Mede( School.
Allsrt Shackle -ton is pe
s nding
his ('htWines t•acnt1011 ander the
parent.( roof.
Janes Nicholson and 1 'h•, of
Auburn. have moved to the farm
formers.' (.spied by Benjamin
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Herr(, of :blfe-
king, spent n very !! Iwua►nt evening 4)i
the borne of the fitter's pimento' on
('hrfstmna Eve.
Mr. and Mrs..1. H. McKey, of Gish. -
rich, are spending th4.14. Christmas
holidays with Mrs. McKauy'N mother,
Mrs. Wm. Pitney.
Me. and Mea. Wm. Duplin nre hnv-
Ing A family reunion. Hower!, of
• ononto University, and Carl, who is
I ruing telegraphy. are house from
Tl ntt+ ,d Orville and Orton from
�• ( - ---
MovnAr, Dec. 21th.
r Is visiting et Port
Mrs. 1.. H. 'niton, of Stratford,
with her childre , is visiting telstivea
Mise Ellen Greer, of 4t. George, who
haul iec, visiting hens for scante time,
n+tnrned hoose a few day.. ago.
Peter Thurlow, of .hdietle, Mich..
who c,ttne over to the bettered of his
mother, reteimerl home Inst week.
Nemo/lay in the III"her of inven-
tion, Mit the children don't always
turn out well. New folk Titles.
TCRi)II.'.Y, Ih•c. 25th.
l 1Oxo1RAT(7 AT11)Na. - Augustine
Whit.ty ;Culvert h • Inst Friday ft
Stratford, after 1• ppleting his studies
at the Central 1h,sIuc.ia College,
Streit/cord. Ile received with leu-
ors his flawt•claess dip! in IM40k•
keeping, shorthand and eouuu.+n:ial
rourN). His many friends extend to
hint their t hearty c.mgratule-
'tions on his success. /
Tt' isxn.t', Dee. 25th.
Miss Beth Mandy visited Mur Sara
McLean on ThutwlHy.
James Henderson, Kinloss rolled 11n
his uncle, A. McLean on Friday.
51is4 Ikonelda 31cLetld, Luckuuw,
called at the limit office Monday.
Mts. J .McKay. ('al t, is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. K. McKenzie.
Miss Cassie McIntosh, Harling Hall,
London, is spending her vec*lion at
h .
A her from here took in Miss
Cunningham's school Examination On
MONDAY, Dee. 21t11.
John Young. of Loyal, is home front
Ass cation ;College ..4)t 54 uidwich
for the holiday semen'.
Sone of the scholars of this section
were up at the Christina• t Fee at No. 5
school. in l.eeburn, on Friday after -
School broke 4)p for the holidays on
Friday last. The teacher will spend
the holidays in Goderich with her par-
ents, :111'. and Mrs. Dunlop.
Mrs. Allen. M1•s. K. H. 31acDon;iId
and Mts. Thew. Videlul of Goderich. are
awity for Christmas and New Year
holidays seeing relatives and friends
in Detroit. Pontiac and other points
in Michigan.
.141111e, Yining:it.. engineer, is hoose
from this season's sailing 1,n the stent
Canadian taken. With his violin rte
will he it welcome quest 4)t the social
gatherings of the young People of this
township and Ashfield, as in the past,
during tate winter time.
•M,N,AY, Dec. 21t1i.
1.e•t us all vote for the right ellen at
the township h t A wick [
Monday next(elerions from
. We neer) theta.
A her of our young people Ale
still suffering -re the effects of the
nlunips. lA a holes• to hear of a speedy
John ('lark delivered to McIenn
Br/s.. of (Juderich, on Saturday last.
his line pure -had cow. "Heil ROW."
for a tine figure. She tipped the
scales at 1.5111 Ilia.
The Christmas tree and entertain-
ment 4)t Smith's Hill on Friday night
of Inst week was quite a success. The
proceeds !est to something in
the neighborhood of lam. .
Wrnerssn.sy, Ifs-. 201 h.
I)K.IT111or MRs. NMI. WI( AY. -IIt1
('Ii•ietmas• g Mrs. Nec
Neil Mi
formerly of Geodetic!), pimslerl away at
the residence of J. N. McKenzie
whew she had been living for the past
twenty, year,., since the death of her
Itio,btnd. The funeral takes play'. on
Thursday to Nnitlaud e•rmett•ry.
Rev. A. Miller runducting the ser-
vices. Mts. 31cKiy wits ra native of
Cape Breton. being a Miss McRae.
About twenty-four years ngu she was
married, she and het. husband living
in (ilxlet•ich until his (leath. She WriA
seventy-six years of age. and is sur-
vived by ri MI 01/11011. John McK,y.
lighthouse-keepx•t• itt n fit urging' Illy
point, and a stepdaughter, Miss
Annie McKay. in religion she was a
Pushy imus -_-`--
MekenaY, Dec.2lth.
Werlding bells ,are ringing.
Jack McLennan and George M*c-
(ir•gor spent S lay 4)t their respec-
tive hones.
Miss Minnie Mehemi, who hats been
in Detroit for smile time, return's!
1 • last Saturday.
An•hie 3Inclntyre left for Ml.
1 o 1 ,
7 !minas n lh 11sl tv last Lam attend
the funeral of his brother.
Mise Sadie McIntyre, who has s
*wily in ('hieabeen.
gu the pest three
ahs, 111 e•xp eeter) hence this week.
Ralph Bueglass is suffering trona
intagnuntory• rhe tisud. N e hope
W see the little fellow hopping around
Mist" Jean Johnston and Charlet;
McGregor, . who are attending the
Goderich Collegiate, returned home
on Finley.
&x1 McLennan, te,uficr 4)t Dash -
wad, and Will McGregor, teacher at
St. Helens, are vending the %itcxtion
at their homes here.
WKIINNAn.Y, Dec. 211th.
'.V. Maeilel, of Goderich, wan the
guest of Mr. and 31t's, P. Msedel on
.1. Durst and .1. Flick took In the
Ch,•t tmaa entertaintnents held at
1).iidlw«MI and Zurich.
Mr. end Mrs. Ohier left on Chris '•
moos morning to spend it few days at
Sehringville. We wish then) ,t happy
Mrs. Brownlee, (laughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Good, from (loderich, rind Miss
tiara Genal. fmrn London, ere vend-
ing the ('•hrintruaa season 4)t the
parented horse.
I'rotracted-nlectingn will be held in
the Evnngelit*l church heginning on
the 2nd of January. Hes. Geo. O.
I lam,n. from Berlin, will he present for
•01111' time. All are welcome to at-
tend these meetings.
An excellent Christman dinner wan
ten by Mr. and Mrs. )/fiwanz.
Among those who were present were
Mr. and Mrs. HAW, from Creditors,
Wm. Sch attz, from Manitoba, Miss
Milani. from Toned o. Mr. and Mrs.
%Vn1. Dime, Mr. and Mrs...1. Schwartz,
Rev. .1. S. Dennu ,rod hie sister.
After the palatable dinner had been
properly attended t,,, the guests en-
joyed is very pleasant Afternoon.
The Chri44tritrn entertnintnent of the
Evangelical church was A grand suc-
cess. The rendition of the excellent
program sons eppt•eciitod by all and
rivalled 'lily that has been given in
(',hot 4)e for some Use. The penitents
whirls were dietrilnttrl were very
nu111erm144. Mem. 1'. Mnislel had the
priyilrge to be present at this enter
tainlnenl•. This wan indeed a gn•et
treat for her, as she is oot_able Wal.
tend. church regularly on account of i C. N. R. PLANS.
her affliction. _
BENMILLER. Lines to be Built in Ontario Stratford
sad St. Joseph Electric Railway Scheme.
WKIIsi 4)(y. Dec. Bl, 1 Ottawa, Dee. :ri. - A..otlling to
John !toddle, of 5l(Iprton, is h maps Httsl with the (iovcrt sat. the
for (Miistmao holidays. Can snail Northern Railway Com -
Cameron Mohring. of Mt.osejnw, pit11V ismtr111pIAIt• the cuustrucliun of
Assn., is home for his holidays.the following lines in Ontario in wi-
th-mu l Stt•aughan and Chester Oke, 1 (Mimi to the proposed rniiw11)•N fruul
of 'Toronto, are, house for a few days. Toronto to Ottawa'. and M+sours(:
S. Yrlliuld and G,'1elland 111.4 visit- l 4 • Frani T41o11t.4 b1 and111141111111111. Ihlult-
in44 their patents, Rev. ad Nn+. 1'eI- ford. NVoodstoek. LteitIol, l'h,U.hiull,
land. WVindstu•and Detroit.
H. H. Long and wife • of Dunes Brantford to Pott ovt1..
I I)
Ancaster to Galt, 1Vaterloo, llcrli,,
are visiting friends and 1tc•Ilusinlanewr 11,4.1 G.xderf1L.
in the villages Brantford to %Valet•ll40, Ik•rliu.
W. Mohring and bride. of Calgary, Mount F.re•it 111141 Owen Sound.
Alta.• arrived huu.e Iasi Friday night Owen Sound to l'illingw,o*I, 114)11 afur a► few monlJul' vlsil. 1 junction in the 4 151)44bip of Pickering
Epworth League sleeting, next with t he main line (Wit of '1'nlotL11.
Kincist•diue 111 It,u•rie, Chilli's and
Washag11, felon which IAUer place
there will he ria eaten • to the
l'hureday evrniug will be the nlouthle
conl.eeration 111 e e t i F. Everybody
Quite a uumlwr of our young people (it'°' -i i•
took lir the Christmas tree at the Pembroke oke to I e terlorei rind (.,-
Evangelical church on \Londa)• and 140uI•K• •
spent xenjoyable and profltup,pe At•11priur to a Iroiut on the St.
rtrnin44.11 irtwreneein Leeds township, east of
Howe behind.
t30DERICM TOWNSHIP. Then, will al.) be a Jute tI•
Ilawkesloor•y b1 a 401111 u/ june't'
MI/NDAY, Dec. y „4th. with the train flue iu Bastard town -
George Jenkins, of I.loydminster, .,n•hi•
o sloth of Itidew ski.
Sask., son of H. Jenkins of the 111th 1'
concession. was marri,-4 1111 \Vodlnes- Electric Radial Railways.
day of bast week to Miss Ferris. An extensive scheme of electric r1 i1•
FARM Sell.1).-t.% ikar has scold way building- is ruutestipIHttrl by the
his )11-nen• farm on the 15th cancer- Stratford k St. Josephs Radial ltail-
sion to Arthur Huck. for somewhere in w4))• l'onquuy, which is applying to
the. neighbor hood l)1 S1.3111. \V4. have 1',rlin111rnt for ,t chm-ter lea build pas -
not he.ud what my. Beacom intends sruger and freight lines fr Stoat-
t.)du, font 111 Avunts)11. thence• 411 Downie,
Must. Rill.n.-We. understand that Fullerton, Itusat•Ilibtle. Farquhar•, Es-
Eph. Butt, of the baseline, has sold et,,, Ilrnsdll, Zurich and St. Joseph,
his sawmill to t\'. H. Lobb and DHve thence southerly to Ornnd Bend in
Burris, of the Maitland. These 4110 the township of Stephen. or from E:x-
enterprisinK and r pet ent young et.-rwesterly tlrton4414 the' most con.
men. The mill will 11(1 set, up un the• vrnient places to S1..104ep11, 4.1111 (tont
farm of Mr. 1.obh
MAI/Seidl 1h to (ielm41 114.1141• thence to
llUlrt IN P.%NAMA.-Nils( was m-
etered recently of the death 4)t Pan- _-- -
*ma of David Patton, at 1)11)' 111110 JUDGE JOHNSTON HONORED.
terve of liodet•ich township. It will --
he remembered that Mr. Patton was Testimonial to Former Goderich Law -
eon •Merl to London.from Goutrirh,
on the ground of temporary mental ger by District Court Judges.-
abert•nt' After his rerove'•y and S1x11ntry. Urc. 2). --Th.- district
mf jildges of 0111414o tart here a few
weeks ago and • pleted their organ- That there is at startling difference
iralt11)11 its nu rissN'ia.i 111 110. known between lie temper of the present
as the Ontario District 4udg.•- :All- generation and that of the youth
dation. A committee 458M 41 MN wiled whose pining ideas shot lop, •ricrlq,littg
Lu tor laic roles tool regulations nto
t 11 re u1aU n the rnr 4r o
event. Some of his family live et M K K frit.1 hint, 1 f Mt.,. , has recently Moly
3 t the over •4)L of the ass1N•i,tion• to road SHnforl Had AlPtlnn, has lrcently
Atte. Ile was a 4.,)4444, of W. J. 1'a rep ort at the next meeting. to be held been p1,00l by al little Nevelt-year-old
11111, 11f G. Nlerich township. and 1•,444 at at Math Ste. Marie 111 Angled. A K11'1 w•11,4 tVHM 1111 Nrlo4I,.lt• MIx•Ili1111 her
onetime anuan of consideralrlc Per- htrgg num lar• Ir hits -looting suhjerts way (111(ug11 .a leaeding le•N.roll.
Ronal influence. %Sere discussed. A e.rolulitttr• way '•Always MI/1.A the truth," she Maid.
- --- -aritneinted. coupi.s•4 of Judges Mr- "41x1 ole)• your parrots."
BAYFIELD. - /'Al i11, O'Cunuut and 51c('lnry, tot "Ile gentle and quiet. Neter slant .
formulate in a tangible nuuuler 'I lie the 'limit and 41 t 4111(1 •ellen(/ ,►-Isar
appplrl>i ' of the 111.1401 Lit' Of the the house."
efficient and successful service rend- 1 a••AI the_ 1a -bre crit sluwl- : not in a
creel ,hv the secretary. his 11 1)114)1 gtee44l-t• 11uln•ner• like a pig."
Judge .11oli(Istnn of Sault Ste. .Mans•, a Suddenly -rhe 1i11le girl shut the
during the 1st few years. This r - hook with a portentous bang and en-
mities. (net b t N etitie'd:y at SAolt flounced with fir .spa and decision :
Ste. Marie 4111 presented .11111441' John- I "I'm not 44nfn44 to let any 11111 third
slot, for Mrs. 11114411,1 with a'scant i- reader Irmo. 0t• like that."- St. Paid
NI silver len s•1 •ire 1n Is•lialf of the -Pioneer Press.
district court jail w of 4lntau•io. The
prese tat' was a • asnies( 115 an The Only Way.
address. reciting wit oth1er things the
high a teen( in Wide 1.1.. poo • is Agent Ilow• can 1 manage 111 mw•urr
held by. his brother jut es, ,illi( 11111- - y • 11(1,-ntien for a few 1111111111 1., to
rindin44 as follows : ' A it 11.,41111 1 r the suldiv-1 of an investment in ' -
vom• aIle mid persistent efforts our Ing stuck
situ% nM 111.41 rill jndg.•s 4,x44 111rr1 Victiul Iw1101m ahead)• int•re•Mterl in
e•mt1blishsrl Had 1111r Posit ill $ runs•• six mining rn1114M11)iesi Y011 1110•4
(men(ly improved in the '••tins tion 1.1 do it at all, unless you can make .1
111111 the I1u111inion and Ilnt11.11 Gov- noise 1 i k i• res dividend. -- rhieago
et • •4)a x1111 of the general pi lir. Tribune. Y
In tendering to you 1114. feeling if in-
erre 44ratit•.e• for thence services a Hie•. Pet Name. -
would ask of you to accept for Mr. "Nine that we're engaged." sills' the
Johnston this small prrse•nt (1f n silver 31 y
pea set•v1,4'. We trust that fur 111:1115' nit Kit!. ••I don'. 4,3011
eir to .slim slimier Vcllington.' h,-kui1. Ihr re 9.1 ) ,.tester
years to c • it may M•1'7V 111. /I mem. nal u•. ib kn. • that, jou hate
elan, 1e ' _ling you of your )leastnl. _.
intercom -se in the pit/it 41111 nM 4111 "N ,) (1" trpti1'd weitinglon
fugur�y'r'I iuianitlrnmpy ren f'vlhs44 nwrnti 1I.mei. "the l.•Ilow4�nt ('allege
sold 4.144 ur11t reply. assuringthe 14.114 4111 et .pia. stare.
' Il 'wind, t{lhul Is•d44er.
tr•1('ase, though the interum
frit -tube. he (vent t, Panetta
he had been before, and where
financial interests. His death
red about tw, aha ago, lb
1,r was r'r y ere'y', 11
w t l sox ulvn nil I I r l
e had
V l4)•
Dear Mother
Your knia one. are • constant rani w
Fail and Wolter weather. rher will
catch cold. Do you know about Jh,toh'.
Coneumptwn Cure. the Luny Tome. and
»hat it ir. dose for so many) It it stud
to be the only reliable renteiy for •11
dresses a the air passages ,n children.
It ss absolutely harmless and pleasant to
take. It u guaranteed to cure or your money
u returned. The price a 25.. per bottle,
and all dealers n medicine sell 1'1
This remedy should IV .n every household.
Iterall4-e seclusion of the ludic'. rend-
ing mom to cut out of magazines any•
thins/ (hat clay $li-ike• their (Retry.
A1111ong the Magazines hilus elefitued
are 7'he Iaulilei 11 • Juurnnl,
Harper 's Riess,- 411141 'J'bu Girls' Own
l'upwr. In a recant number of the
last-inentiont+sl paper, . besides other
defacement, two colored 111,(1(•• ease
removed. The board 11.4. nu willing to
Is•lirve that• more than a very taw of
the reading public would lie guilty of
such petty meanness; but they ,ler.
determined In put aslop tosnrh prat. -
tires 4(11,1 an\•1111(' drlrrtrl in defacing
H magazine will be (belied the east• of
the library and render herself liable Lo
p1r4)s•CU1111. -
Twain became a Critic.
:► successful young dist w•:1,
praising the :ceitice! powers of - M1.1•k
f w4ti u.
'•1 once hal) the' honour of rea,in44 4*
tale 41 mine to 51,. Clemens," he snit!,
••,dud, thanks to his criticism. the talc
WKS greatly improved. overt. Originally it
Witt. 400 high-flown; he brought .it
down to truth and fade it homelier
and truer.
Nur ilstane. (lie lulu ron(lu(1r1
With [herr worsts:
• 1Ltls•1's lovely eyes dropped fou•
a111sw.•t•, a faint flush tinted her cheek
Hurl she give hive both her 144.1111•, and
4li re, in the old orchard, in the shade
of the heavy -fruited Dees, be drew her
to his breast, and, raising her long
ringlets to his lips, kissed them rev-
•'31r. Clemens, at his ending, blew n
cloud of smoke thoughtfully intro the
air, and, no h,• watched the "nutlike dis-
solve. Ise drawled :
'1Vluatdo 'vim think. now. 1•
espy, of a young man %hu' 5.1,1114 Ko
nibbling At 14 girl's hark ;lair when she
had her face with her? Indianapolis
Star. _
As the Twig is Bent. -
MIoso.sv, I►e e. '24th.
A. ltulwrl I5ouglas, eye spe(•ialMt, is
doing up 1 h town withglasses.
1k',t Trrhlerork, of iwrutIon, is visit-
ing,.t Gemge Erw•in's this week.
Joe Archie, and Miss F. Nott spent
('hris(Ina4 with relatf4e•s on the
1.Ioulun r,bld near Clinton.
Mr.. H. Little and family lift on
Monday for Forest H , where they•
will spend l'hristtuas with the forier's
31 e. std Mrs. H. I/+.meow. 111 the
4'o11tnen menial Hotel, left 1)n Monday to
spend ('hri.stlnnc with fiends fh
The district meeting of the Stanley
branch of the Orange Otrler for vier --
lion of 'officers will be 114.141 on Tues-
day, J. cry lith, at Varna.
Trinity church Guild will hold a
social in the town hall on Friday, 214th
Inst. Admission, les• amt Lie. A
Komi Program WilJ he 44uderetl.
Alex. Fergusol, John 1i1i1ry and
(%111111in Jolt11 Ferguson erriyell Sat -
111 414V morning ft the lakes, where
they have ietas sailing all .
The Christ tree in connection
with the Pr.•shytei inn Sunday Nrhls,l
WAY a gran I succeess, if numbers count
j11110(1.1. o I lust keen nppnu.ltun of
for anything. The town hail was
their magnificent present And of his
crowded to the dlM,i r11nlinned perle•51'rn(e.ii their inter -
Trinity chinch Sunday s^hoot held
a social Noll Christmas tree in Il1t• _-�"-
(.) 111441 11811.011 Frilly evening and ,t °
very enjoyable 1' • Wax spent. All Library Mutters.
the leavings; and pupils received cares- l'he regular meeting of the public
e•nts. literary 1441:1111 was held on Saturday
116.\T11 11F 11. Euw.vt11s. 'Iiie,e I:lst. -((wing to791e('.111 (411411) (it•rtPhir-
i)44N,.rd IMealr•I11I1• nw•4y 1,11 M,ttllnlav facia{.[: disconlin11e:1 puhlic:ui(1n, The•
„tint, the lily 01 11. E.Iwanl.. ('A1111171114 ler is 111 11111141 11 111 1.11 1111
father of 1•'. A. Edw',nfo', men -limit. the list o/ magazines: Tao Arc11un444
I):cea.rd wan seventy-nine years of fr1411 (ieorg.• Porter, n111011111 Mit 111
5.... for IN, 1 ri
e sols, rquiet,I ole unobtrusive 4.k and 4)l c.
x44(' and s t very ml U r i e l account Dont 11f >d•iM
111*1), He wag genial in•his manner
and of sterling character and will lie
greatly missed. The I•emalns left at
six (o'clock Mondiy •nin44 foe
13nlcelield stlt.ion, whence they were
taken to Slrathroy for interment.
ilrt,xrl. HKIMIRT.--The following is
the 11144411, of Layfield public •4.14(401
for the th of December. (based on
attendance, demes • and general
proficiency :
.--Harr Cameron, (:leave Erwin•
IV. --Fond King, Hilda King, l'litfrnrl
Pollak. Senior 111, Winnie McNeil,
John McNeil, Laura (7i11Tie. Junior
11I.- Evelyn Pollock, Maggie Met.eod,
.lathes 'Vluualey. Sdni,r II.-Manlie
1'atreono', Lillian King, Irene Ras,.
No. on roll, :i7 ; aeproge, :Cl. T. H.
BRowNt.pslt, Principal.
JUNIOR 1101141,lN, „d+4
Senior 1I.-- Russel Era in. Harold
Brendon. Amin Woods. Middle 1I.
Annie Elliott, Flo• i?lhvntds. Kath•
leen Elliot!. 1 II. Dorothy
Fowlic, Agnes MclknHld, Annie Mc-
Neil. Senior Part IL Albert I.eit4•14.
Kenny Currie, Isabel Woods. Middle
('art ll. --Kat* Little. Bessie Elliott,
Wilfrid Th . J d'art IL -Aix-
Brandon. Lorne Wameley. Part L=
Alvin Townsend. Lillian ('oiling,
Frank King. F. M. MT.tlrntp', As-
Hensall Man Charged with Bigamy.
Milwaukee, Dec. 25th. Hervey
Bailers, ,es Cnniulian, of Heiman. Out.,
who is chat gist with bigamy .m infor-
mation laid by Mia. Lottie P*lachow,
of this city, blames the wnnisin for his
trouble. When Batters was nt•raigned
alleged wife No. 1, who was expected
here fot',the trial. did not * gear.
"Minx I'*techow knew all about 4)y
former marriage," deplored linnets on
the inlaid. "She threatened to kill
Inc if 14141 notmarry her. 1 toll her
my ;dot 7. inrh(11n44 the facts 11f my
previous man•iage. 1 tried to *void
her, hut her charms I'ewildered me."
The prosecution riniuss that Hinters
deserted his wife in Cannot* two years
ago. Miss P*tsehow, who bus miner
he case wits begun x44.111'411 A IM)yarn•
tion, nllegex that Bailers emitted 111'1
in 1h.• usual . The rase tsn.
cont hilted until December 211.
Perhaps you may have sloth ell (hat
rich )'datives tumidly live to n rile• old
age. - Chime News,
'P114. 11.1.1) fail
cultivation (41 111
ruwfully remarks 1
will doubtless con
et' still clings In the
memo.. "nod," sew -
to Irish Writer•, '•;11•
-11111, In 'grow it
pang after it has eiulm rl Itis deal 11 I.y
Mhu•vrt' -14'11111011rw .
The Great Questi
Country 1'ilrs n !Love un ever
cntlsiderctt the great g4)i' (1, of life.
t I It le
II /
f Peon o were 14. Mai• -N
!Satre 11
the Y h ten
111 4)l
1 1 has
ordered paid. The � book committee asked ale yet. sr. .
wan empowered to purchase a full set. _
of plenty's books. The Wit mimes re- Clark's Lunch Tongue.
[sort for rm a rota t showed receipts
1•11,m c•,tnlm,'flne1, car, of S.1.11I, And 1111 Rend)• when you want i1 and to laxly
1M1411e 01 1,215 books nerd ' Knxinl•s. aur gest( "nail wirl'. Try it, slid 1, -
On the librarian's rev 'nd,t.ion couvinc(rl,
it (V,t44 41ecfll4rl Ln n•nt. i 14)1 4)t. -
the n,shefHee told 111x(1 to 41,'g,!1';17‘, ,I Ever) trust should know hi,i-ditty.
supplement to the catalogue. On him ,Thrn hr rats nro44nire it in "4"t(1
teg11eo't Mr. Doles sahry 5mM raised 1 d(1dgr. NeW York 'I'iue..
to *4141 1h. TI . • interested in Kneat-dim. Reporter : Captain John
the formation of a► Y. M. C. A. having Thorhurn and wife, of North Dakota.
requester) the use of the room IM•Inw arrived herr last week and will 4)1.1141
the rending resell. Ihr request 55415 M • liar visiting (l•ieu•IM in Kinc:u.
granted 1111 (11111111 114/1 111114 a► I1'11s,11- dins•, Iurn11 and Ashfield.- The cap-
able rent be will and that nothing In. fain ham retained Ih of rhe• gigue
done that (sight di4tih the trailers rind indepen41,n•'e• Hutt characterizes(
in Ihr• roots ,elsmtl . Thr attention (1f 1 • in his )•oun44et• darn. His leer.,
the hoard was directed; to n most y 44 1111.11, .1)11' prngte-s,lve
reprehrn.sible• Iirnetire• which Lam game t ftrIuvIm in N/11 111) 1)4k(1ta told the tap..oft for None time end which M11.1115 111 1,4111 film 111111 1.1111)It,rind of M ,.lei►ullMlat
lend to 1liell•ese rather 11,411) ehnlini411. on Lake Puboitnln, far s , yerul.
The mauler referred to is the habil 111 Old fiends give ('nptein end Mrs.
s who take advantage of the c - TI.rbti.•n ti bear( y welcome,
A Boston schoolboy was tall,
weak and sickly.
His arms were soft and flabby.
He didn't have a strong muscle in his
entire body.
The physician who had attended
the family for thirty years prescribed
Scott's Emulsion.
Toy feel that boy's arm you
would think he was apprenticed to a
ALL DRUGGISTS' 50c. AND 51.00.
N 1) in doing so, would also take this opportun-
ity of thanking our customers for their patron-
age during the year just closing. 1936 has
been the hest in the history of our business.
We have endeavored to study the needs and
varied tastes of our people, and feel that we
have succeeded in a large measure in doing so.
It is ourpurpose that during 1907 the PALACE:
CLOTH I NG Si'(, R E will have our unstinted
attention and our customers, one -and all, will
have at their command the finest stock of men's
wear in this section, from which to make their
Gifts for the New Year
We still have a good assortment of exquisite
Gift Gpods in Men's and Boy's needs.
- A call at our stare will suggest
many lines suit-
able and useful, and all at reasonable prices., .
McLean Bros.
:\rt Tailor(:,
Court 1 louse Square, Goderich.
Just a Suggestion
Something in Nickles
Plated Goods
A pair of hockey skates
Carving sets at 90c to $5.00
Silver-plated ware
Plated 12 dwt. knives, Rogers 1847
Spoons of an endless variety
E. P. Paulin
HARDWARE, Plumbing and Heating
Store 57.
House 177.
niches may Imre wings, hot don't
sit down and wait for another man's
riches L, Ily pelt. war. 1•'Ilicigu
Ur. Il. N. !%'Auto 111 Veriniatt hal Is
pat kilt 1111 nal• 111.1.11141/11 who, nit hough
til YI•
h IV ,l 91
fres 1111 Ion/11 Nel'1 •
K seemed
to 1e• in a d,r'lin'., NO 111111' a lung 4.1/11•
M1114/11 ill,' 1114' 11111-1 01. ,.nil 111 hitt
"Medi( hie 11)15 modify '10111' symp-
toms, heal regrilu• exercise will bring
yn11 permanent relief. Ynu don't tek'•
exrrclsr a gh." "IJn't bike exec
rise enough'" ext I, ' 1 the patient.
•Why. 4411)441 heavens, I've 1449-11 .1`Ait•-
11u111 411 the 4. 'lt.'e 1.11 co11ec1.io1: of
our pastor's Malary for twelve years." 1
The Limit.
11 Will. H plain lying contest, but the
prize was to go to the whet told.
he t briefly and casually.
' 1 None in 4)11 a suburban train thin
fling," said the prise -winner. nor "and,
hastily t 1y flung up 414 car window
--. Smart Set.
WANTEDaxrASAw. °..
h .•.rI 1...1.1.
Y.444•a.41 roue e..eee 4.4 tyrom a4.
w 14... rye. �M9Y�errs 41114 y w vieuou: