HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-12-27, Page 5,m,if,•0',F.4.117rV.."7oPrfrr7FIES.YMMIrrs'l ,91,11r 'rllM; NI(:NAIe 11N.r. m io A SUCCESS 1N CHATHAM G000 RESULTS FROM WORK OF WATER COMMISSIONERS. A Report That Will be of Interest to Ooderich People, Who Are About to Vote on a Bylaw to Appo.nt a Similar Commission. Chatham, Ike. Si. The annual re- port of the water cotnulieslonera just published Showa Meet the watePwol)lr department is in to very flourish] k condi(' . butt yrar, when the Ise handed over $5,101I to the city tall present, it was 11 ght that the limit for success haul been reached. This year. however. the reports show that the sucoess of this department has been equally no great as that of taut year, and while the a t W be handed over will not he wo large the comntimlion have added mem• than the difference to their capital ace ount in the way of improvements to their plant, extension of ins, and other unexpected and hitherto unneces- sary elfpenditures for maintenance, etc. 'rhe Wenner 4'ofi •rs have now $4,IMm) in the bank. Beakless this they have ng the year $1,iIM) fornewboilers. iilelsed 11/)MI) for extra stock stow cal hand. $5,37') as an ex- tra at t for ('4,111 (seer tIli• mount paid kart year, caused by the sudden rise in the price, $2.Ims 511 for,'xtA'n- aionN to')laine. and $71 fur flee water to. public fountains. making a total. with the dank ►aalahce, $1:4,8111.:10, Probt to the City. The Iauount which the ray pays for waterworks debentures each year is $1+4,13).:1{, which leaven a profit to the ply of $t,21t.Z1 This hats leen ac- complished in s rite of the fact that the bold was forcer to nay *1.311, extra for real over hast year and other expenditures in the way of ext aor dietary repaint to the system which brought the of thew 'metre - seen expenses to $'2J19.1S over last year. Thies a t, added to the profits made. makes $5.270.11, which the commissioners would have cleared had the col,dit' hero the same as tart veer. With this amount to their credit they would again he elle to Rive the city $54e,111. the Name a n1. as )haat paid last year. 'Chis in con-' Nlder'el an except' 1 showing. The Chatham,. ate•works system ,luau always leen ' profitable invent• stent to the city, t enrage) as it has been by a c ' salon of capable business mel. They have, sine(' the system was first installed in DOC, con- tributed in rash to the city funds the *411m of $17,01111. The contract for the building and machinery was first signed for $1$,•IMn, and the next year 431.111) Was added. 'Since that t1111e about lig steer hats 1been sullied in the way of improvements. In IRK a large sedi,nentetiun basin was added. at N cost of 4111111). At present the ratepayers are considering the Julvien. bility of adding another rnnsiderable summit i1) improvements to the; ee- antrtan t M It. present res paucity is ;crowing not Ix meet enough to wt thr r 1 g g demands of the city. How the Water is Obtained. GRAIN TRADE OF 1906 Falling -off in Amount Handled by Can- adian Water Routes. . Tomtits), Dec. 21. --The omelet state- ment lo( the lake grain shiputenta from Fort William laud Port Ai thur for the trust year hunt the opt. • g of nevigaton, April 17, to the close. Ike - centime. 12, lees just 110eu headed out ley Frank E. Birdie, I)oullnion grain inspcter. The statistics container) i1) lis report are decidedly itluutivatter as to the need of wrote important changes in trans hortation facilities. Despite the feet that the export movement of the crop in the West set i1) unuch earlier this year taw last and (11)11. the t1Gn1 crop WAN very murk huger. the 'striking fart is Nhuw•n in Mr. Gibbs' report 111111 tutu) Septem- Iwt• let to the chow of navigatitm only 11,497,711 bushels+ of wheat were Call, ried to l'amuliau twirls by Canadian vessels, aN c pared with 17,780,518 hnmlielN for the 14(1144'erio 1 host year, it decrease of 3,271)017 busliel1. Dur- ing the a period 2,748.1711 bushels of wheat were carried this year to foreign ports by Canadian vessels, as c tared with 1,:111:1,761 bushels last year, an ur'a )cae of 1,3114,411 bushels. In other words, over 21l iter cent. lees wheat was carried to Uanaalian porta by l'anulian vowels this fall than lust, while to. the United States purls there Wile an increase of about 1110 per cent. Foreign vessels carried 1,914.373 bushels of wheel from Part Arthur and First \Villiaul this tall, nes c - pared with 1I,27)7,)*42 bushel* hist Gill. elle figures of the toad fall wheat trade show a decat'*ut+ of 1,1107,1:12 ha heta in the ttuIount calmed by l:anndien vessels and of 3,343,306 in the amount carrier by foreign v1s44ls a total dwer•asr of 5,2,ill,tr91 ',uaheds, Figures Are Disappointing. The statistics of the fall trade, es- pecially as respects wheat. and Loire. geud to the atm )unt carried t1 tan- *eliam ports by t'.iwidi*n ve,.ela etre drwappuinliug. The transportation rod of the trade is evidently not keep- ing puce with the grain -producing P1141. The congest' of traffic this tall at the receiving Canad{an hake ;sista evidently diverted a large part of the (nide to 1'oitet1 Rote+ ports. l7 lit' of host year, instate." id showing en ro im vement. 844th 10 he still worse w, far its the wheat trade, at any rat•. is concerned. lacrease in Other Grains. There wars, however, an increase in the mite nuut of oats, barley and flex carried to Cauiulianarta as compared with last year. Tie figures are am follows : The weler is obtained frim) the Themes River and after it is forced through two filters it is went to the water patrons through the city toxins. Tb¢ seelime'ntat• la.tu he used in rase* ef•fire. The water is first tllt- tertd and 1 peel into this Karin. where it stands and settles. In the event of a lire thio water i. I peed directly into the without geeing through the fllte'r•rs again, thus qiv• ing an almost unlimile 1 supply of water ill a pressers.deu1:utdec1 is the underwriters. The rates chargrii fat waiter hive been greatly reduced since the inst l - bed of the system. They are now $5 net per year for one faucet. 43 per year for baths and closets, :and if a metre is nest 2 kr. per thoels:uul gaol Ions. At these pricers Climbs unitreats. pro - sided with the purest water obtain- able. At, every test tatade by the I'r)- vinci.tl authorities the•w*lrr trent the l'hethanl glint has INen pronounced absolutely free from all unhealthy germs. The Superintendent's Report. The following is a m y of the annual report presented by Superin- tendent E. if. Jonas : During the year jest passel 1'9) pay• Ing house services have been inmtelleal, flats Barley h'lA x • lith 11(13 .','2444.71444 '9(1,4411 . '(07.:148 9(1,14i u7,1011 (111,711 Total ... ..... 2.813.211 T "isgood tea" Always exactly the same quality Tann AY; Daoeatbel 274, 1006 Those who have used it for 'years are the ones who give it the name of " good tea." ' '1'. N, g$TABIIOOKS, sr. JOHN, N. •. WINNIriS. TORONTO. i WCaa,m)TO4 eT . 41. THE GALLOWS DID IT. Caused Wreck of Steamer Monarch on SAFEGUARD OF CANADA Shipments for Whole Year. The romp:uallee statement for the whole of the season of it:trig:tiem, April 17 to 1)ccrudwr 12. is a en- eouraging in nearly every respect. During the year 27.19'24,4'91 bushels of wheat were carried to Canadian port* by 1lI4Il*Il ve 'wets, acs a pared) with 911,LK1.341 list year. The n • )mer of bushels carried to toleigo ports was t 953.1alfl, as pard with Veto,. ::411 last year. The bet of ',italic's by Canadian ports ':Itmwll •l o l 41 a carried t Of al • barley, ('ants/llNtl vessels (11'11.:Ad i I,:,Itl , awl epic, 7511: flax. 944,19Lt. Foreign vessels 4•a►rcie•el I'1.:*)71Mct bushels of grain to foreign ports. 9s cumpNrecl with 11.- 1e14.1111 lest year. The total N t of wheat shipped in both Canadian a 1 foreign ve'sw•I* ducting the year shows an increase of :I,3:41,4114 bushels over ILeli. In other grains• the bnere:a+e w•:a4 5.:(111.7711 bushels. Wheat to foreign ports in- crea►s4 el 1,71').41(1 bushels: other grain decteaaa 117.551) bushels. and the extension to amain. totals sip to 1911 fret. The total cost 4)f three extensions was $529,)17 One hundred and "tie meters were Installed and pint in service during 111011, making a total of 71(4 meters • In use. Total n her of Ilr•e hy- drents, 1147. Thele are I,91) 1 ' m.•rviees in nes' and the total length of the mein. is 1:34,1101 feet. Repairs to a damngwl pipe on Thiol street cramming cost 4911.114. and the repairs to the p ping we11 est $140.39. The standpipe *1 the works was thoroughly cleaned, sentinel and painted at ,t cost of *241&(2. It, was also found necessary to provide two new b)Ilcrs of 11111 horsepower each, and carrying with safety 125 is IN to the selwwte,inch. 'chew were in- I Frew weak and u1y nitre tel wl. stalled ata total rout of 5(h,' Rt. I doctored with se4rr►1 physicians, but, message the members et both Hooses gyre) ('(crit was given on the old it woo no ase. i gr'W worse all the N Parliament separated until Feb. IL boilers, twat•Ing the t d the new tont, till 1 Iwgau to despair of my life. ! Isle Royale. I)etroit, Dee. 21, -George Ulun*leu). - -- whc) was a paaxellgel• 011 the Canadian hteamuer Monarch, which was wrecked near Isle Royale, told the following story in 1)uluth on Natasha)•. When we reached Purl Arthur un the fatal son contlI I t trip ( apt. Robertson t le nor. that he feared some disorder' He. told me the story of a gallows being Mrot on t11*' vessel at Marui:1. nu Which ike El . was to Iw hanged at Fort \Villiam. The gltRnws woes ditcwl o1) Imuutl without his knowlwlge, he having refused to caatTy it. Someone smuggled it Omani. and after the captain discoverd the deception he. wean quite worried. He had is sailor's superstition and nothing could shako his Iwhef that 140111P catastrophe wile arrow( to Gall upon his vessel. He was somewhat relieved wl;en liort Arthur was re►4hwl end the gallows put eat but, the old feeling did not entirely leave 1 • The wreck occurred the night we cleared Port Artl► Ir, NOVA SCOTIA SHIP BURNS. 'Passengers and Crew Had Clese Call But Were Safely Landed. Port Dufferin, N. S., Dee. 24, .The steamer Strathcona, ovtned hy the Halifax and Canso Steamship Co., took fire while entering Port Dufferin Saturday night, and becsrtte a total loss, with her cargo. ShP had 38 rgMse also did thers on eoelln all escaped, a). cap- tain and crew', though it WOW a very rouse call. --- saves 860.000 to Employes. Knoxville. Tenn., Ike. 26.-H. ' K. McHarg, who recently sold his Vir- ginia & Southwestern Railroad to the Southern, handsomely remembered all his officials and employes Monday. He ran a Santa (Taus special over the entire length of the road. "Santa the rnnd actor . To every Claus" R" lelll 1 g com- emploce who had been in the COIN - pony's service for one year. "Santa Claus" gave one month's salary as a Christmas present. Other tokens were. presented to other employes. Tn the head officials of the road Mr. McHarg presented one year's sal- ary each. The gifts to subordinate employes alone aggregate over $50, 000. Receipts by Ports. The statement of shit 'nts 11) lake ,The frost September 1 to Devemlrer 12 by l ameba e) veal. \\'8411 t An 14.11.1445 Flax Owen 4• 1.... 1k01,1:L.J1 411,1111.43 Midland ..... . 1,:e17,:111. all Tiffin 1Ie1,IMM1.IM1 ...._, .. these( Harlan•:f,litl.724.1') 1 ..IIingwamt, torL lll.9) Point l'.Iw*ill 1.171,5311.1S0.1111 1(,1 S01rll 4314.117,4:/, Me•9 f4 )ill .....,. , • . (ioberiel, r4Ki,491.(I Thorold 154.(47.50 k4 . Port Stanley12,', 91'on IMI Montreal 'J ..... Totals ,14,41/7.711.5(1 1 ,7,Yd1,31 ()rots Ifarley 1 1 ili.9i 1.11 117,101.:1.2 11:o.1tti.1ei 1$l,IMMI.IM{ 17,:078 LI) •9{,:(12.T2 30.737.44 141.9314.'21 IP ►,:i a 1.:1.2 :35;4,'141.2 21r1,1Mel. In Owen Sound Nidi+imp... Depot Halsor ('oIIingW.sml .. Point Edwit t flirt )3t anley . . 4 1'otile....2,'L18.703.19 379.a18.n)4 ('anadian vessels ('aorrir4 919,91({ biethels of wheat to Port Huron, *41*4.!i') bushel+ to 11104410. and '23'4,1 )1 bushels t1. Erie. Foreign vessels ranted 11,9.((.512 hnthels of wheat to Buffalo, 1111.:,2. to Erie, and 71.3)7 t+ Chicago. CURED HiS DIABETES. Mt. Marlf's Ferry, York Co., N. 1). Dee. 21th. --IS s'ciml.l That Dodd' s Kidney Pills will cure diabetes ham been preyed once. 111111' by Mr. Thus. Herr. bon. of this place, who writes : -"1 suffered with ecvere pains *lent, the rely' of the kielne3M. When 1 lay down it 4•sa torture W get up again. Population That Will Make In- vasion Too Dangerous. ••� um•am • 1 Writer In Times Alleges Britain Plays Feeble and Undignified Part in Negotiations With the United States -Basis of Their Diplomatic Relations Not Real Friendship But Mutual Respect. London, Dec. 26.--(C'. A. P.)- "Tariff reform," in The Times, re- ferring to the Newfoundland fisheries dispute, maks "why should we always allay no feeble and undignified 41 ort u, all our negotiations with the Uni- te) States? The answer is very simple. if not very satisfying. we ('unnot. without grave ri.-k, piny an)• other part." The writer points out there can b no permanent improvement. Our diplomatic relations with the United 'Stales have no real friend- ship. but are based on mutual re- spect. Till the balance, et power oil the Canadian and Ana•rienu frontier' has been- made srnaew lilt more even, trade rivalry will raise questions be- tween us in every part of the F¢1'lobe. 'thew, 1.1111 11P n0 *utisfaroory P011lti0ll 10 these questions. and no possibility 01 avoiding friction that 1111}' lead to a disastrous war unless we can se - mire for Canute n population and an industrial strength which would slake nn invasion to.. dangerous. a matter to be thought lightly of by any pow- er. Foreigners In Canada. Mgr. ('omit Peter \'ay. n well-known Hungarian prelate, addressing the Hungarian Geographical Society on Hungarian settlement in Canada, said the agrieultural settlers retain their Hungarian character in the first generation. but their children a1e'.41- . 1 n arias 1..h than HI ready more Rngl R and feel themselves Canadian eitizene. Aylmer Maude. who helped to or- ganize the emigration of 1)nukhobora to Canada, writing The Times re Peter Vetigin'$ viuit to Russia, amyl; Verigin is an able politician and quite aware that, in negotiation with the Canadian Government. it would be a strong card if he can show he has an invitation to return to Russia on terms which the Canadian Govern- ment refuse. via., on terms of semi - independence for the Doukhobor community. It will, however. be a case of pure bluff for the Doukhobor'. are far too well off in Canada to wish to leave it, and are well aware that any promises Premier Stolypin may make them are quite? likely to be dis- regarded by his succeloors, Further on, Maude rays: "whatever conces- eione he obtains from G¢¢vernmenta tend to maintain hie ,presfi`e among his followers, and, on the other hand, his control over them tends to make the Canadian Government considerate of his 'demands.' " An Englishman." writing in The Standard from Manitoba. says he has met Englishmen endeavoring to con- ceal their nationality ip order to im- prove their chances of obtaining em- ployment. Sixteen Drowned. Kingston, Ja., Dec. 26.-.1 sailboat with 25 persons on board was over- turned Monday morning near Monte- go Hay. Sixteen of the passenger* were drowned. A heavy norther dur- ing ns nu ing the past two daysh serious damage in the banana dis- tricts. espetcially on the plains. The wind is still blowing strongly, but no further damage is expected. A Christmas Record. Fort William. Dec. 26. -For the first time in the history of the port. a steamer entered the herlser on Christ nuts Day'. The Worsts yesterday morn ing was towed without difficulty hy the tug \\•nyland frdm Port Arthur. to }'ort William. Traffic Through Soe Canal. Detroit, Dec. 26. -The annual report of traffic through the Soo rattail just issued show's that the total tonnage for the season WAR 51,751,080 tone, the heaviest in its history. There. were 14,523 lock/Rem. Snow In Montreal. Montreal. Dec. 28.-.t snowstorm of 2rowlt' severity raged over Montreal inel district yesterday. In fact, it was the worst storm for a long time, and stony of the trains were delayed. Prorogued. London, Dec. King's mes- sage proroguing Parliament was read in the House of Lords yesterday af- ternoon before the members of both Houses. it was a colorless recitation. After the reading of the Ring's 22. -The ens r diets and nettings n1. S'2.1:44, I:i' ti)0e.shor(1 after this 1 began to minae The pump hones mai the dwelling • blood, and I knew that 1 wiles in the KT' p of that terrible dim•n1ee dia- betes. A friend)esuaded one to try i odd's Kidney l )lbs. After the use of box I WOO ttttt Cit Isix4Rof Myhre Kidney Pill cured 'Dime completely _ An Ancient Family. Twot inttotan argument n1. as t, whichcLean and wa1, got was of the older family. McLean would not allow lint his opponent's Wilily had *ny right to rank in an- tiquity with his own. A \Ve.t.ern ex- change recently; the conversation which ensued : Campbell ha41 more Biblical lore than het antagonist and ,eked hitn it the .lin McLean lived Ile - fore the flosl. "Molal ! What, flood?" said Mciwitn. "The 1)1sm1 that you kilo* drowned all the ,world lett. Noah and his 601111v and his Amite.," said Campbell. "Kohl you and your flood," odid Mclean ; "m)• clan was beton. the flood." "1 have not, t•eul in my 14114.'," ohoerved Cnlnpls'11, "1)f the name of McLean going into Noali m Ark." "Noah's Ark 1 retorted Mrl.ean in centenlpt, -Who ever heard of a Mclean that had not a boat of his own !" were wired for incandescent lighting eta cost of 4:7,311. Melly other minor rewrite were made to pipes and house services. The tote) amount of coal consumed dewing the year was 1,655.95 tons, costing $6,175.25. ('1ml in ruck. 132 toren, worth 4401.3). During the yea. 411.82 tons of coal were eons 'd in the electric light department, costing $1,11{1,:12. When thew and other sundry credits )tee subtracted the total cost of coal for the wwteo•workn department *mounts to 41,613.1i{. The total cunt of petting down ex- tensions, etcaulrnulted to 411,078.34. Total COnt of nuaintrnnncc of plant $I,57:5.:44. Total cost of operating. $1.2,11.2.11. The total amount of water pumped in 11119 was 2111,03,012 imperial gal- lons. The capacity of each of the filters at riel taillnn , making a Peelh. works amounts to 418,11e7 t f Ki311;1gal• Iona as the capacity of both filters. For five months in the yearthe works pump more than the 41p:tritY of the fluters, thins showing that more fl111r4 w Ill have to be ivatallwl. Friend) : That villain in yolll' new play is a ulasete't pre e. \Vhcle did yon get the character? Dramatist : f imagined :a elan w+s- s4aserl of w11 the varieties of wicked )II•gs which 111y wife awe ils•s to me when abe gets angry. -Tit-Hits. Willing to Help Along. The erunky old Iochelnt• wan it•rit- nhle. Calling the Inndlndy, he said : "Mrs. Hnshley, who ire it t11at keeps singing. 'I Would Not Live Alway'? "That is the lady in the swan ,across the hall. sir," answered the landlady. "Well," continued the e. n. b„ "kindly give her my c pllmente, and tell her if she keeps that up leech" longer she 1911 rent assured) she w'on't. -Chicago News. When a man who drinks nays he he never in his life toek too , means he 4.48* -aha only one pt'esent whir" didn't Notice it. --New York 1'IesN. What Is Socialism? A debuting +society in Moulayunk offered last week a prize of Si for the belt definition of mochelism. Among the definitions sul'utitt^el were the following : "Socialists meanie that no nen has a right to starve to death where mil- lions are suffering f1•nul indigestion." "flOdaNsm is other pe441110'4 atonev ." "Socialism is the melfiNhness tenelrr- ne*th trying{ to annihilate the eselfteh- ne'tm on top." "Sovietism is the revolution of the rt"mnch." •S1e•i*liem is envy legitimatised." The following definition is the that gained the $ri prim : "Socialism is a c,)mhinwtlon of of (min snd theories tending to 'establish legally among all nh*nklod the ghro,it par sad Straw_ 'set tensible equality of weal( 4.1tt*t, per tem misery." - Philwlelphta 8ulktln, use mites _ Ptraw, handle. tnn....13 0n 111 on *trate, Innes, ton 1 144) s riling 1n If sakes a in man crazy to F rate* nae 1n. (1111.41a I•n� •d a (soy nnitan mer meal leen Imrt 10 potatoes, per Mg e0 711 is M 13 Ire. -New York Pr••'ne. J4 &nalaa- taint- .,.--.-1 n 2 21 BATTLESHIP A SMUGGLER. New Year S 1 S Itrws� A . mAKI: up your mind to buy practical gifts for your relatives and friends. It will not cost a trifle more to buy a useful and attrac- tive gift than a useless article. • Let us tell you what our Mammoth stock has for you: Gifts for Men Aden's black and tan . kid slippers at 75c, $1.Oo and $1.25 Men's -track and tan ronlco slip- pers,at $1.5o, $1.75 and $2.00. Men's fancy' colored kid slippers at $1.25 and $1.50: Men's patent colt shoes at $4.50 and $5.00. .. m•L ,r. F^i 4; sc> . tr ••i,ao.. Men's overshoes, felt shoes and slippers, also numerous other useful gifts. Gifts for Women s1.-rsr� Women's red, black, blue and brown felt slippers, fur trimmed, at $1. Women's felt and velvet slippers in tartan~ and fancy colors at $1.25. Women's felt and felt -lined bats. and congress at $i.15 and $1.25. Women's spats,leggings and overshoes are also practical and useful gifts. Gifts for the Boys and Girls There is nothing the young people appreciate more than a pair of skating shoes. We ajlso have a choice assortment of Misses' and Children's fancy slippers. __MPSI-IARMAN : .•nbadge, 11.1 414445,,... 44 -:*1_,, m 441 nnloo. per bag o 71 n PM Pauli es- Tur4rya. Are,Ie0, 11144•.144 to sot 14 t I:r.•+•, per Ib 0 o n 12 11"s%, per 11' . 0 117 014 140r1u_ .11119.111•. 111 11 11 n 12 s, ring dnek-. 114 n 11 or 14 Dalry Prodroo' nal ter ala - roll* on 73 to 50 :10 Ree•. iortetly new 1114. dawn .. .. 0 .-.n 0 53 NEW YORK DAIRY MARKET. 3• w 4 ark. 14e". _.4 - Butter *+troll)•, ORO changed: (rrrlpl'. 444:1. Choi..., - 40u04.1, littera aged; ..+•nip,., :1170. 1:100 1- g111.4; reeelpt", -151: .Fn••, I'r),n ',grinds and 9,arb,, fanry. 4441t"''. 1 w 1111. 3w• to 4.1.•; dn.. -.bol. r, :411• 10 .lie: 1n., rotted, 0101:- :44, to Mir; w-r*t.•,et Heat 4. .se: offl.•tl prier, ri.a ..', u., is, :•,.• to 27'site . U. S. Customs Officers Search "Ohio" and Take P ion. New York, Dee. 26. -Customs offi- cials in charge of Spectral Agent ('lay - ton are guarding the United States battleship Ohio, in drydock at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, and every one leaving the ship in closely watched for smuggled goods. The big war- ship, in from the far east, was found to have aboard costly ornaments from China and Japan, together with fine silks, cigars and wines of rare vin- tage. it was declared that the kit and bunk of every one of the 734 men and the 75 marine,, were searched; also the cabins and effects of the 24 offi- cers. The agents went far enough to discover the biggest lot of struggled goods that over came over on a Gov- ernment ship, so far as the public has been informed. THE MARKETS. Llvetpee! Wheat Futures Close High- er, Chicago Lower -Live Stock- -The Laisst Quotations. CATTLE MARKETS. ^txkj"I (•aura a4ead.'-)l0844 tae Lower s1.. Lartr1.). :7RONTO LIVE STOCK. . Toronto, Dec. 20. The receipts were large again, upwards of 1e14) ponds, counting Wednesday and Thursday. There have been more (-tittle thnn were required. This caused tre'le to be bad, with prices much lower all round. 4aWMn1W (:ventage Dec 22. Llvrrpo 1 tritest end torn fumes 60..41 1401 t l4har than "rides.. At Chicago, )lay wSett ('Loeser %c 10801 titan Friday, limy eon. kit lower, met 0647 0111 %e lower. WINNIPEG OPTIONS. At the Winnipeg option market to -day 1he (ollowi,g were the cloning quotations : )err, 73i444 add, shy 74Sic hid, July 771he hid. TORONTO GRAIN MARKET. Ural■_ W brat 4pring. bon)....50 4x) (0 Io 00 \\ bent, 5's'.r, ba.b...., 0 67 \ytoat, roll, dol*l. 1) 72 '113 0 7:; 0 ne 054 0:d 035 040 u en •••• 1176 •••• \yh,'nt, red, bu,h 1',,., bosh. Itarlcy, bosh. 1)411, bo'h., new !lock. heat. boob Itis hush. '.41..- Alslke rioter, faney....44 3n to N1. 144) An, No. 1 A (u) a 211 125 5w) 4 54) 4 no 7 24 7 :.) A 51) fi 1.1 132' 1 m1 126 1 111 do, No. 2' 4o. Nn. 3 RM rinrer, new Ilea einem. MA•e'Im44)hr, No, 1 Timothy NO. 2 $13 1(1 to $111 01 11 en tem Exporter., '1•b.•rr were non+•. rIeel:.tlue a few biltd, which sold n1 gat.:++ t. 444 per yet. Butchers. Trade In hoteliers' canto wan Plow, no.. ,est 4, lek'lnl, Felling at 54 1,, 51.25. with few 11,1.1 rattle n1 $4.44) and 111.311 bat the rattle bringing the latter torte..'were mighty scarce, Good lands sold n* 443 75 to 54 per•wet.; n>Fdlnnl, $.1.1,0 to •4414.; came $5.25 to 41441: rows, 52.30 to $:1.25; enn1)ees na at 10 $1,75 per "wt. Feeder. loud Stackers. Few M)er114 nod not conn, %noted. 0110 Ione of gond abort -keeps, 1101) 11,.. each. sold s1. $1.25 per cwt.; ftredh,s steers, *44.24 to 113.7.5 per cwt.; .to ker, roomed from $2.30 lo $3 per ewt., with one lot n( $:I.10 per cwt. Mlleh row.. Trade fair n1. n 111110 realer gnotutton$. I'rleen ranged front s+:35 to gat each. Vent calves. , year .awlsee sold nt nl t the same pNIRS, rnngtux at 147440 to 50.50 per cwt. Sheep and Laraha. Sheep sold at about sten0y pNrr%, fine tame,. were .caller, .Alias+ r4 about 1)3,0(1 to 13.00 per cert. Export sheep we're quoted at $1,75 per .•wt. /loss. Receipt* were light. with mire. nes• changed, n1 $0,15 for %clerk and 43.90 far Itghtm and rat.. EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. Fast nufalo Dec. 22-c•aUle-Ile'rlpte. 2130 head; market quirt; {.rices-nuehaug'ml, t'e.l.--Ito•1'lpt5, ;cal 11100; MON ' end 11) 1•• et, $1.25 ,o 55.75. 11011.-Itreelpta, 11'.10 hend: fairly settee; I:s• lower; heavy, mixed, ynrkera and pass, 514.31 10 411.44); rougnn, 55.7') 10 ►:,.10; stage, 54.2'1 Sheep nue (.ambo 11.'0ip01, 13,0411 head; doll; sheep steady; Iambs -:'r lower; Iambi 4444 to 57.25; yearling*. 1111 to 111025tt• erelberS, $1.:5 lc 5.4.74); ewe., $4.75 to 115; sire), 0)11441, $3 to 55; e'annda Iambs. 57 to 57.1* 4111•111111111111111111 elallMINIM*sr+ tet • 1 Clearing Sale 1 Stoves OF and 'i 1 1 Ranges] at Greatly Reduced Prices, to male room for Spring Goods. Spot Cash Prices 'HEATERS -Self -feeders : b a No. ' 5 Radiant Home, No. 5 Radiant Hoole, .with oven,'x'`' No.. 35 Art Garland, with oven, ideal' jewel,- with even, No. 26 t,, rows Brilliant, with oven, No: 14 Empire Garland, 'with oven, No. 14 Empire Garland, Buck's Prize, with oven Royal Mali, with hot-air pipe attachment, 28 00 23 00 1 Nat. 13 Wonder Oak 12 00 10 00 ff) 1.,e ..,.:r; .. RAN E G S I1 Penn Esther Range, 6 holes, rest r- voir,and high shelf, • 38 00 32 00 '1 Bright Light Range, 4 holes and reservoir, • i7 00 32 00 1 Empress Range, 6 holes, rese• rvoir - and high shelf, ▪ 42 00 1 Perfect idea, 6 holes and rese▪ rvoir, i Perfect Idea, 6 holes and high shelf, .39 00 t Select Range, 4 holes, high shelf and reservoirs . . .40 00 1 Walker's Steel R:yige, 6 hotes,,high shelf and thermometer`, 1 Art -Champion, h i g h shelf and reservoir, .38 13p .;{>5 1 Cook's Friend, with reservoir, ▪ .25 00 2.s 1 Banner Jewel, 4 holes and reservoir, ' .32 00 s7 i Yukon Triple rlple I Icater, fit. wi(((de +�pt5 00o 15 WAS *IOW $43 00 $37 46 00 40 46 oq 4o 46 00 40' 39 00 37 00 34 00 25 00 34 32 29 22 00 00 00 00 00 I 00 00 00 41 00 36 00 36 00 35 00 35 00 4b 'no 37 00 Sit 00 30 00 1 1 NEW YORK LIVE STOCK. it is a regular furnace and will heat VOW' tale house. • Ni,s f(rk, Dec. 22,--Ree•es- Receipts, 225; nothing doing; feeling dull and week. The aboverices are Export.. tam ('sale, 211 sheep sad 71w p for stoves in quarters of beef. have to re -order we cannot supplyat the c•alvea- Iterelpta, 2:0; very alar d -dug; i1 about steady: enminue to fair eta 4, To to 50.21; hansom salves, $3; eoaran southern eater., 43 44h.rp and Lamb*-Rerclpt a, Rpt; Cheep extremely 0011; 81018101111101,IIi,tansies not wooled; '1)44111- would WI sl ant .tend.; ,11 1)y Me fp and written,. $5.25 to 55.541; medium TV 111. 54; common 111.1 monism Iambs 1).1 n1. to M.:n). 11.,. -Receipt%• 103,300; ssmlnally lower on Buffalo sdvlrr.. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. Chicago. Dee. 22,--Cattle_getlmated yule relpt., mar Wooly; beeves, 54 to 55d70; ewers and helfere, 5110 to $11.10; 'teeters and feeders, 52.40 to H.(0; T . 51.4 to $4.51; westerns, 5,3,110 to 53.en; motel. $5.11 to $7.73. + Hots Estimates r4reset*, 111,M0; 6e law• $rv44n: 444 71 1 ho2 e1 1$ t 1.r,; ani .1t4F, SInhe3e$11r24415; ..420144;) g '10 seM.$4l.4l8 to Pi 10: bolls of salsa/10:to $4.11), Sheep and Lamle- g,nmaiet recrtpte, 1711116; steady; Meep, 13.73 to s+3.110; %moo, 51.75 to 51.111. BRITISH CATTLE MARKET. L1mM1*, no, 22.--t•anadian '4tl* 1n !M REtlei markets .re gnntr0 n1 to to ivy* per IL) 1•etrtgerrsr lett, slit per .b. 1 1 1 We carry a full line of Shelf and •ilk ; if we ve prices. Hay.i • HARDWARE Your PLUMBING, HEATING and TINSMITHING given ,))salad attention. 1 All Mork hilly guaranteed.' CHAS. C. LEE 1 Store 'Phone 22. House 'Phone 112. GM= Ole