The Signal, 1906-12-27, Page 31!$.i L E AN s3
'IIIP `i(;N,1I. 4;111)1eIt I it ' I \TRIO\
'fetvs of the Sistriet.
Lbs. 11. Kt,rr, forn18rlyof \VIughana,
ha, pur•hlund a grocery husiuess in
1:. Me(iaviu, leather of the school
on the 11th c •esslun of Hay, has to
sigutd and will teach next year near
tae aforlh. 1'1
T. 0. Scott's implement • whi1 and
Ih,rwlartre marble works at Kincar-
dine were 1 estroyed by Her ou the
night of the 15th inst. • .
1111 the 1Ith inst. Mr. and Mrs. A.
'thiel, of 'Zurich, celebrates) the twris-
t y-Hftha11nivelsary of their wedding,
with lhq assist •e of stout forty
The Iif•11eN41s Peat repot a that there
wet. IV applicants for the posit'
id teacher In H. M. No. 5, Gley. .Ahal-
co1u1 Fraser got the appointment. at
a salary of $1;:11.
Ro e.t Newell, of Chlw•IhnrsL, has
sold his IlItiscre farm, one of the lest
(arms in the township of Turkel.-
. smith, to \\rill4am 1)in11in, of fliblk•r•t,
the price lwinef upwards Of $701011.
I'br trusters' of the l;rrditon public
school leave decides) to add it high
seined department to the NCles1 after
New rear's. This will make it I11•(•l•s•
sail W engage a fourth teacher.
Dr. Hhtckall has been revisiting
Ilensall. Hr hats recently travelled
over n great Vitt inn of '. esters 1 • tii-
ada and has dw idyl to locate at I'rin••,•
:\1heit, where he %.•i11 run a big hotel.
airs. Sampson has disposed of the
store at Fordyce to Mrs. l'hapman, a
rr.idl•nt of E.ast \\'saanomh. airs,
1 Intputnn also succeeds arra.
son in in the 'management of the Ik,st-
The death ncrurnd an Thin -whey,
1WeeniI'•r 13t1. of Sarah J. John.,
slourlihter of Richard Johns. F 11ii.w-ill(•,
at the *gr of forty-eight years. The
•Ieleas('1 hiul not been in g.s.1 health
tor many years.. ,
John \1'estlakr; who trcrntly sold
his hotel property at Farquhar. has
pereh,(seel the farm of \\'illi Rivers.
on tile' 381 ('ufees.iun of 1',dirrm•.
contains The farmnGun bin 1 . •I
tree s and 11'Ns
parchasr(1 for $5,1aa1.
Jas. Ashdown, who wag let.ntly
elected mayor of \Vinnifwg by a very
Loge majority, at one time resided
near JleImrnO. what would N'inni-
p•g,and the west (Io wit t the men
I Huron ?
1{ru.sels school board ham engaged
Ila• services of .lies Helen Fort of
Essex, nm snceiMtalt• to Mies. Fessenden,
11. A.. +1.1) will take a position 1111 Ihr
I i, 1114I'll•11 Collegiate Institute stiff tit
Nen' Year's. Miss Finl'a 'salary will
I.• /al,
John 1I. Schnell. of the 11th coneys -
.ion of Hay. has e(dd him Int -acre farm
to Chris. Haugh. who recently re-
turned from the Weed. The eurek ase
price is *Iran. Mr. Schnell gives p01..
lizrma, Salt Rheims. Pugele., rte w remedy
beat. mote .prickly than Mira t.)waeat.
Mia rebores iatlammalioa, *oodles pa.. rouses
.e% truce to corer law ma/lacn, and repairs flit
Am to healthy ...towhee's.
/. it -.0. .7 t /kn•ero.rf . n.V, To,.-tn,
.e ••/f u e .'-.rr. Jet •arra• J. T.r..Mt,
/;...,4s.. tor! . "/ highly recommend yew. M,.i
k,..r:.•rI ..: soon •
Mee Tablen sad Blood Tonic help to a min
thorough cur,. At drlsaa,as oe from The
t•.mdl.' Co. o1 Canada, Landed. HsmiYoa-
Te'• nen. long on g oma
IRAK Mass sac..
A Surprise to Bisalts
Every hog of Mooney's Perfection
•^am Sodas you open - you Will
r '. a new delight in these dainty
t nits,
‘'been Inn want to surprise yourself.
e your appetite a treat with
Mooney's at
Perfection Cream Sodas
'I'I:I{I{fTORI':--Between all
stations nS '
m (lairds; sten to De-
trod .
f and I
i r
){ iron Mich. Hub
Lilo. r, BINrk itrlck,'e NinR,lrn Foils
and Suspension Bridge, N. Y.
At Single Fare
Gond going Dec. al m1 and
.1,111. fat, returning. until .Lal.
:n4(, 11517"
At Fare and one-third
(deed going Ilex. 21(11.. ^11111.
:Itt11,:11.t And Jan. tat. returning
until tan. :int, 111117.
I. ar ticket., And fall Information r•nll nn
Town Agent.
hon,. _r,lI.. m. to a p. m.
Depot Ticket Agent.
I. wL 1Mnnld Diet Het 1'n. , Agent.
sassnext MLarl., when he will
likely Iw11oy4 with his family to Zur-
ich to r rid...
On Si11uloy, Itilh dist., the Huai
Nue fhb ( aide to Alm. Ferdinand
Hadd:ttz. ut ('l-ltllba,ok, w1111 hod
been iu failing health for 11 • time.
O ser Was the (sense of death. 311s.
11411111111Z wits I10111 sixty -right years
ago in lierulany and roue to Canada
with her husband in 11472. lien hus-
band and three wen survive.
IihW 'N Maude M4Naughlolu was ple-
{v( I((isd by the congregation and elluir
of tit. I'anl'a ehurch, 1' IanUlu, . w'Illt
awe airnl hindwuue gifts, ac • pan
by an address expressing np Iet•ial'
of 114.1• he•1'%'lees 111 a Iiieliihe' /.f the
choir and tendering eying' Mutations
upon her appraehing 111441 age.,
The wife of .lai•ob EIsley, near Bell -
miller, lout a ni(•I„w escape fro14
lasing killed • day recently. She
%yam engages! 10 milking rows, when
Iwo of the cows Ik•gt11n kicking and
Mrs. Elsley was tranlplevl on and
badly hi tined. Fort tel.s• her lois
hand Was near by and came to her
101444,•, bit had she leen there alone
she would in all probability have been
trampled to death.
Dr. Buchanan Leaves Zurich.
11r. laud 5114. Buchanan :11141 their
daughter 1'1:1'1 left Zurich bast week
fir ,heir new home in 1'm -onto, Ult.
Bu4hlulae poetised his profession 1
ualdIi'inr tat %lu•ic11 for about thirty -
years and 1.4(18,. with the respect
:0t41 ('sterni of ,11 doom's.
A Narrow Escape.
lin the 1:It11 list., Ns .141114(1. Nichol,
411h lin,, 5lorris, Arts bruit ng al 22-
calibte. ri11e in the hoose, it discharged
pt0nuatm0ly. anal the butiet, atter
grazing the /•Ile res• of his five-year-old
daughter, penetrated her side and
came out at the hack. striking Mrs.
N11.1111t'N 1 d,Ntur %.u. twat (WI
in ,a hurry and the wotntd Was dessed.
The little gill is getting along well
:11411 will prulklbly be 1a11 right.
Double Wedding in McKillop.
1n inlemesting event bol place 1
\Vednesday, December 111th, nt fl
manes• in McKillop, when the He
air. Carswell united in marriage two
eau Iles Andrew 1'. 1{endet•won, of
.IeKillop, and Miss Tillie Shannon;
and Jahn E. Dalley, son of Peter
1)..Iey. of Si•afot'th. end alis Elia.
Sh:ulnun. The 65ides are 1144l1 daugh-
ters of the late \Y. J. Shannon, of the
5th • ,vision of McKillop.
New Posh:Ace for Kincardine.
The K.inraniine deputation to Ot-
tawa, to interview the Government 1(1
euuneclion with the new postottice eu
11uut town, meas roweiv441 by Hun. S.
F'isIIil. acting alinister of Public
%Yorks, who implemsed the fust that
the pr. 'se• n as made bad year
during the late 311.. llland's ,lir:upancy
14 the seat fur North thaw... It is
confidently expected that an appn,pri-
tion for the building will beinelndesl
ieu the supplementary est ili rtes,
The Late Mrs. James Anderson.
The dralh.45 (11rital in F:.t.t \\raw:a-
nosh. near Ifeigrtoe. on Wednesday.
the 12th inst.. nt 51 is, Kuphemi:a An-
lersla relict of the hll,.J:tines Antler.
Kam, as the age, 111 mixty.s1•ven years,
Her busitentl died seven yea's :1gu.
The deceased was born in the town•
ship (.1 Darlington, Itutham county.
Tyro sons :and one daughter snrv'ive--
Peter Anderson. 4.f Brand It,tpids.
alirh.:James and Miss Marini, at
1 alts. Anderson nAS ill oath• a
few days. all atbu•k of pneunuo11i:a be-
ing 11,' cause of her death.
Death of Mrs. Barrows, Walton.
The death of MIs. S..1. Harrow., of
Walton, IN•:•nrr-d on Thurwlay. tine
13th inst., in her sl•veily-sreond•y,•:II •
Aires. Has rows n4(s learn in Yorkshire,
England. her maiden mime' Iwing
Sarah Ik•nlh•y. \\'hen a .1.11.1 she
route 111 this ruunlry, and in IMS$ .h,•
%y4( Married to Si111wr11 J. Bar1'1rn's,
who died .hent two yi•:h. ago. They
lived for len years in the township of
1'slorne and then lull to MlcKillop•
where they resider for twenty -11118
years. 'rl,eu they r,gnmlsl t.. IIIe
vicinity of watterni. Three mon. and
two daughters wtSre born to them and
all 1.111158.
Schools for Model Students.
Thr foIIii s Ing who 11 ere sltalents, :tt
Clinton Model Seined during the term
just ,'ll wird In1('4' secured welded%:
Miss L. ,lnaev, Lower N'iughnm $
•' Burns. t 'arriek Ira)
" Cowan, Grand Bend......., 41111
1'auuplN•I1.lhulork (51
" 51.smarm.. Pembroke
•• I{.,hh• alarkhanl .. 455)
•• •seritugeour.121' \\' . 1%1
" Stewart, fort F'atIlk
\la•, 11..1 11...jour. (lover Stint h125
•• M. El,.'rhnrlt. Rainy IjicerVal
•• Eraser. No..1. litre 4:11
•, Fewest. No. 17. 1sltHeld 3.11
" Fowler, No. 1, 31eliMelt..., 4511
Gra:sick, No. 7, Union Winn
• Keynolds, I{airy Hiv.r 4:11
" Ince. No. 11. Elmo 1:11
Gardner, No,• 1::, Howe. .. 150
Spring Stock Show.
\ 1.11ga and rnlhusi:aaie Melting
WA. held at Clinton on 1'mesLly. Lr.
remind. IMIli, to Inin•aet !nimbusesin
n41necli w'ilh the spring sI., k
how. U wens decidasl to hold the
.how on the first 'Thursday in April
anal to give $5151 in prizes. The fol-
lowing offerers were eli•etel: Presi•
.14111, .1:uue1 Snell ; vice-president, (i.
Rome; secretary. 1)r. Show : issi.•
(ant stretar•y and tl,bl.11r•r. .lames
Faic. Ilire.lors '1'. McMillan, 111,1-
leit; •l. (. III, (halerirh township:
.1. lanes. Stanley: .1. McFarlane,
~tanti'}• : (ern. Dale and A. Eleoma
'I'r.rkersmit h: John SI r Lia r m i 41.
Ian -know ; .1; .at Evans, McKillop
Andrew Young, ('olnwhe ; 1'etrl'
Mroti. 1h•u..4111. M1cLe,u1, Gale-
rirh: !tarry Smith, Exeter; IL (tri-
llion, 1). ('antelon, .has. \Veil', .lames
Fond. 1V. \Vhe,atlel•, Clinton.
Inquest at Clinton..
death n
:1n inquest. into the rdf the
infant child te
1 of Minnie Perdue n
smiths, of the IAayHeid road, (.ab..
ieh township, Was held in the tow
hall At Clinton, on Tuesday of I:nmt
week. by Dr. Thompson, meaner, and
jury. The child wits born Novenl
ie.' 11th and dill nn the U{th, and
wean tnlriel 1111 the premixes, will t a
d.N;tnl's IPItiHcale. t'ertlin rumors
gate rine to a suspicion that the
child's death was not due to
natural rouses ; hence the inquest.
A number of witnesses were ex-
x-anmine . and the jur • rendered the
fallowing setdirt : "That the infant
came to itn death by rause or causes
unknown ; that (here was no evidenre
to indicate that the de.dh wits due 10
any lot natural remove."
Old McKillop Residents Dead.
Two of the old resident. .1 a1rKi1.
lop township have recently pasewl
away. 3lrn. O'Sullivan. widow of the
I*t.e .lohn O'Sullivan. rot Many years
clerk of the township, diel on the.
Ilth fnp1., at the age el sixty-seven
years. She leases two sons and ono
daughter. On Monday, 17th ins!., the
death of Mire. W.u, Galbraith occur-
red. The tleceastd was eighty•flur
venter of :age. %Vhcn rhe 1 her hus-
k/end Heat 4 • ul AlcKillop 1 ht• phare
wee a disuse wildertwes and Stratford
was their neatest rnilw,ly eta( dun.
They had to convey 1111 their Hour and
other ue•esstu•ies Ly oxen in Indian
Hie, their only guide (wing ,the
blazer on the teles. and they had to
curry their guns to fight, the wild
beasts. Alr. (inlbruiLh.. dieed threes
years ago, mad f • 84111)4 survive.
Cure Catarrh by. Brsathinr Hyomei,
Sold Under Guarantee,
The only scientific 1 c un
s(•usa way to treat catarrh of the nose
and throat is by a local application that
will kill the catarrhal gerror.
Ordinary stoulnch rlosidg it worse
than useless, 'faking uledieioe into
the stomach to cure catarrh of the
head can have no g1NN1 effect, and
often loaials to serious derangement of
the digemt eve organs.
Hy 141011hing IIyuulei three or four
limes daily through the neat pocket
inhaler that. 41 s (wit1 cloy MUM,
its uledil•il(d, heoliug air pellett•nt•s
lo the Ions( remote pouts of the nose.
throat, nod lungs. se:ar(•hes out. and
Iii11s a11, catarrhal germs, and woth,s
awl heals any irritation in the 11n1cons
Our faith in thew lerfut 11181 11 of
Hyoutei no a rine for catarrh is shoevu
by the guarantee given with every
Hy •1 outfit that Ilse uluney Will he
tefmldeal liners the trratulent gives
811161'40 ion.
The et n:plate• Ilyn11141 outfit cost,.
brut $1,151, extra bottles, if needed, 511
reals. N'e . da not want any " m
• unless Hy •i gives re•
list :fid elite, and we absolutely agree
that mune}• will be refunded unless
the remedy gives *11{sfaelion.
A11 drug lists should be :aIle to 11111 -
ply you with Hys441Yi or sees will wend
it by marl on reveipt of price, and
every pl1kttge is add with the die -
tinct understanding that it emits noth-
ing unless it cures. SVi ite us today
for ,a sympt blank, which we will
lend you free, together with treatise
on catarrh and how t) cure it.
%Vlwn you till in and return to ns the
symptom blank, our committing phy-
sician will give your case the Met 1,fi•e
1 attention. and write you 11 •114(:•5
of /11l'ie1• 11111 1 elltt•g1. 11 nth',
IIs ' C lions. Buffalo, N. Y.
The Exaggerated 1.
"Out" -More MndI.h to Follow 00e'.
ow■ India Ideal Requirement, 1n
la.l rd re..I.g.
The new coiffures afford to every
woman the opportunity to make herself
attractive it she will. The word
"coiffures" Is used advisedly, for fash
ion no longer demands that women of
all types and degrees of loveliness
and even those of no apparent loveli-
ness at all shall slavishly follow one
mode, h'hether It Is becoming or not.
That sort of •'fanblonableness" ens Po
flagrantly overdone lu the case of the
exaggerateil pompadour that nowadays
the really modish woman le distinguish-
ed less by her close ndherenee to the
fnehlon of the moment than by her In-
genious adaptation of 1t to her own In•
dlddtlal requlrementi.
In only one essential detail is Moe.
la Mode at all arbitrary. and that Is In
the matter of waving the hair. It In
not good form to lie mo palpably tuar-
eelel as to suggest involuntary
thoughts of the curling Iron to every
beholder. but one simply must display
a wealth of softly waving locks this
season or submit to be considered
hopelessly out of date. All the new
millinery neem. to have been modeled
for youthful faces and luxuriant tress-
es, and the outlook would be distinct-
ly dreary fbr the wmman who cannot
lay claim to eltlk•r asset were it not
pkrnsihle to nmmnute n virtue, even
though one have it not.
Fortunately, however, n becoming ar-
rangement of the hair will go a long
way toward investing the face with
youthfulness and charm, If not with
actual beanty.
The moderately high coiffure will
prevail during the coining winter with
outdoor toilets, while the fashion of
wearing the hair low on the ne. k will
be papular for evening and Indoor
dream among the younger women. The
low coiffure, though eharting, Is not
at any sensor of the year adapted for
the street, but with the winter i•ostume
It Is simply unthinkable. In fact. no
matter how well the hair Is carer! for,
constant contact with It will inevitably
result In gren.y looking spot on the
collar of gown or eons, while n fur col-
lar or bon will quickly nnnnnle e
mangy appenrenee ,hit 111, to any the
least, unlovely. Morencer, It Is virtual-
ly Impossible to keep the modern hat
securely In place when the hair Is
dressed low, while there In Invariably
it hiatus between the hat trimmings
and the coil of hair that Is not only In-
artistic, hut dbntreesingly untidy.
In the high coiffure the hair Is waved
softly and gathered Into a lona* roil nn
the crown of the head, the front ar-
rangement being managed with a slew
talanllag, bWQoolaltlama for lite
tree. A youthful effect 11 produced by
the simple addition of a smart ribbon
bow placed a little on one side Just
where the cell turd the front hair meet.
Large tortoise shell plus are used tor
fastening the coil, aud the loose lot:ks
are secured with Iuelslble wire pins.
False curls are no louger worn by wo-
men of taste. Occasionally a Jeweled
burette is used for keepluy lu place the
stray nape locks.
Side combs are quite out of date, but
one really handsome high comb of
Spanish or empire deslgu Is often worn
at the back partly as u support and
partly as a Mulsh to the coil. Without
some such addition the high coiffure
looks rather Incomplete and la apt to
slip out of place. When woru with a
low coiffure the comb la placed imme-
diately above the coil or braid. Usual-
ly, however, the comb Is omitted when
the hair la dressed low. With the lat-
ter style of dairdreasing the front hair
may either be parted Madonna -wise or
on the aide, after the faablou of L'Al-
glon, or It may be waved back loosely
from the face without porting.
The dainty Parisian headdress Illus-
trated 1s designed for opera or theater
wear. It Is a wreath of sweet peas In
white and lovely pole (tuts of pink and
lavender. These blossoms are mounted
on a bandeau of black velvet that Ma
perfectly about the high coil of hair.
At one aide la placed a long, graceful
marabou algret. .111Y \'AI(NtakL.
The Glinel d and t'nglyd/ed Fratt.
• Wta/er Praa/ag.
In reference to the grapes hen
shown, which were grown In Litctldeld
comity, Conn., the grower was very
(•ireful to make plain that be doe% not
ordinarily believe In girdling grapes. It
causes the fruit to grow much beyond
Its natural else, but the quality Is nev-
Tames 'Av, Devemler _'7th, 11006
I'dreonable at this Season, but the Results
are Unplerant
Eating more than Is necesssary is like
choking a fire by putting on too much
fuel. The food is not only undigested and
useless, but a menace,to health. Depres-
sion, drowsiness, headache, nausea, flatu-
lence, and indigestion, are some of the
consequence§. A /Mean after dinner is the
best help to the overburdened stomach.
All sufferers from dyspepsia find Bileans
indispensable. They enable you to eat
what you like, when tau like, and how
you like. Unequalled asa family medicine.
Lady who had Dyspepsia for • Year.
Mrs. Charles Merrett, 3:. Cornwall Stria -o, 'Toronto, Ont:, sacs : " 1 was a
sufferer from acute dyspepsia for 12 months before using Mitran.. Pains in
Ow Oleg( and 111 the region of the heart, mut a )(moat toe of (ultimo in the
stomach, usually after meals, were some of the symptoms. Such sudden and
severe alai k- of Iain in the region of the heart made me think 1 had heart
111.e:.s•, hal u,y'1.rinrid there wail not Min.! %%rung with that organ. and
the whole trouble lay in the food not digesting properly. 1 trier! doctors'
u4siieiuee and various re rapes advised by friends and by druggists, Ind
nothing wxn•e11 able to carr me of those ter, ible pales and the distr.-ea after
ix.l until 1 be en using Weans. A ver few gave me such relief that I kept
o4 using until 1 had no more trouble wit nay heat t or dont a. h. I was reormi-
mruded ba try Ihleans by patties who had used then, as a [.mill" metlicine for
a long time, and now I would strongly recouu:lend them to any sufferer front
4 14;411nm or elide.] symptoms. 'There is 0..ahiug to equal • Means as au
.11 toned'ine for 'young and old. "
ttl'enne are altogether dieeren( and superior to the onlinnry etonlaeh end lir. r
e 1I toes. They are merely rngola••le in r•11 Ion alai Are a .?ream earn for heart
:,1,m,.noleer, and all the a frect• of indigeat ion. Th.' nl.o enrernn+,not I ion. pile•, female
adnr••nts And Irreeutaritl•.. anemia, rheunut1.4., dehiiltr. I haat lawwnItle., 4•:01 all
.4 file rc- and 4 Ism, lent art -low from defective Nile 4("w and as bol ad len.. Of n I drag.
gl... 4(i 1ne M Mu, or (.0.t fr., from t e Mean ('n, Tor .tee, for price. a It .,r. tor 4 4 .n.
0 •_0 " .s
er Improved and la usually Injured, rays
New England Homestead. In the same
paper Professor Gulley writes of the
hest time to trim grape tines, as fol-
The best time to trim grapes Is early
whiter. Lays can then be selected that
are mIId and the ground dry. It cnn
be done at nny time before the clues
start lu the spring. If trimmed nfter
the sap starts they may rum or bleed
bndly. Do not, however, omlt the trim-
ming If the work has been left en Tate,
as the surplus wood left on the vino
would do far more damage than the
bleeding from one year's trimming.
When done In enely winter the vine
should be
cit teleh
from the trellis let-
ting It tall to the ground or as near It
as It will. This la to prevent the break -
Ing of the slue or trellis by .,nose when
It settles. If It should happen to be
deep or drift It also protects the tins
from extreme cold.
In places where there la danger from
cold, a few brush laid over the vines
when trimming add much to their sofe-
ty. Lo not ole for this pnrpo.e any-
thing like strew or manure that may
attract mice. Very early In the spring
before work Is hurrying th1• 1 11PR •au
be taken up and again tied to the
trellis. As to general cure, cultivation
and fertilizing, whit will grow corn
will grow grapes.
winter F••dlnt.
I have very little t•holce between Life
Shorthorn, the Hereford and the An -
gun. All are good. The Shorthorn
takes n little more corn than the other
two end will not winter on rough treat-
ment well. Myenttle n
t e
tl ire bought an
near home a.ether
f>Mi o no time fe
B Rthem acclimated.
I have never had to go over sixty
miles for them any tlme. When the
cattle arrive nt the form, 'sometimes by
rail, sometimes' by land, they are turn-
ed on the pastors until the grass Is
gone and frosts become frequent, which
Is generally between Nov, 1 and 15,
when the cattle ars brought to and
ported tip for the winter feeding. Thn
plan heretofore has been to .elect the
largest and fattest aReere fir the winter
feeding. -Icon. E. .1. Ilumplu'ey. !West
Virginia, In American Agriculturist.
The Cough Drop
sf That Cures
4Ee Dema.- n h r three -r mooed
d . ked as the red aed yellow bee
The Difference M
A11 depends on. the tuition you receive in a college
whether you will make a success of business life. If your
teacher allows you to depend on other students and
look in the hack of the hook for answers, your course
will he a failure. There are no answers given in OUR
hooks -we a teach you to stand alone. You need no sup-
port, so that when you start life in earnest
you have that confidence in yourself so
essential to a business man. We have the
reputation of giving a thorough and effi-
cient training in both our Business and
Shorthand departments.
Booklet free.
School term : Sept. till June,
inclusive. Students may enter at any time.
Forest City Business College
I. W. WESTE(VELT, Y. M. C. A. Bldg.. LONDON.
44%6 101.101411.14. 60000.81/18.08 1111111Iiika 000135 111.11%,
25 5
That Cough
t4(108h ordinary remedies have not reached.
will quickly yield to
It aures those heeler., deep-went..I rnngha-lskes sway
the soreness -hear t:.1.. roost -strengthen'. the lung..
None the less effeettve beroo•.e it i . pleasant 10 lab-!.
Just try one bottle and see how quickly you Tet rid
of that coerh. At your druggist.. :se. bottle.
Fanning Mill, Punip and General
• Rater Supply
Fanning Mill Department pump and Water Supply
1 bt 1 4,1pIuved wast I l.•ru,ing and I
(:ruin l leaning tho'Idne• w111 clean nny end 1'1,1^11.11111 m g1y Of 51'mxleie 1'110440 fit
1 t'rry kind of ,red, or gralu known Inthe tl.. .UA•k or boo..• o,'tI, or eislerh..
of'r,tn 1 f vim( 1n'nlp'1r.lrlPane0(1sane ne 41.11rt1 "t I'u'K,`'nrfMy of \ 1't�'fl nr purr ding row
them n• ort Hennin • for 1111111, 1 enc b4 -het ur ieteila/ (roam fort neer+ or drilled or ding will.
I s err effete• for hind or power use.
per os. w it and er re Thr. 4. halo boo 1111.
They' will .r4armtl timothy weed halo 14117 I , y work fit( flan will
kind of groin 11 tom, be 1n, owl eIron It w bile 11'inq., nn: very st rnug, w1•II uuI a Ind 1vu, In•
rlcaninK Uhr roti. w'. thm't bloulug 44ny of Ihr A,n'k1,1 by w m rued rhiidh•I. Thr .1 rusk'
.Irf Rtvn)•. l`t lel only.h•ce. bat w•rr.•nssed. (•well -bus glye• borer flow of ulster. Nnn0fa,
when rhv.nlnK t114.111, It 1+ sold to fdenll Ili,- 1 tared In our nod tun way .1 y Ie. 1..e ,billed or
Iib • r;uc -dl
y, „ 1 1 8411 0
Mix. etc.. R 1. for lei
1 .. et trot to elm 1 eel m'.
1 h Nh- ,Herd
A uutiean Clipper .
r 4(1,
1I fide
Sink Pumps.
t d Ihr M•.t mA••hlnr. �•
ma ,..ed,
,.,, . urrd
for cleaning1 t T e
rat w h III.1
wild ind+, un•.tn''A .rr••1, wild 1. Irned 1 tang
•Altar• nrr
ffnx h d 01 ;et noxlnll• I,uJn ,Incl N'•d• 't't linty Monied fir drawing a,o•r front
f sell ,ring. or creek. •t11nlr I nl n 111-Lno-r
1..'trrat hnndn'd feel if ueet .•.rye (non 11,,
Hove when. the pn4gltng nlnl'binu 1. howled.
I'ht• W11110ulr 11ni•bbI• d.res 1101 Isropy mien
'poi,. .11111 call Ike �Lm'td In 111,11.e.-ta1111 or
yawl. Not only •1.m.. t111 IiIa•hlir 41 -liver
581,1 fron, the omatt Ilke the ordinary pli4p,
bill by Ing a .11de the eattr.e ,f the enter
1. eha.t g. tI and .III to nny Whet Warr n,init ell
I lhm(lri1 l{e•s 4o td umMrgrnt,Nt M nv•'t bend.
This tui• Irl,,,,,- van b ;dived direetty o4 er well
If dodh•d. It 1. well 5InMn1 for hind 11.e, hot
I he Prier of flee. neeh fin •nmplete whit If) '•,n Its• at t,u•hel h. lou Ir. h ran 11. worked
Men .1, . e. 1. T 184' e:I. W e: I,1tl.1..\ It'.11111 reed, . Icy w ung •t of c h i ld ern 41"1 has In rg, cal tuned t w',
ntfd.ln ndIl Int gunrm11llld, HYDRAULIC RAMS. -' }laving Awl
All)" n•rMll -rioting his own order w111 Ire eo'Klderllrle rx t"'li..e' 4h pin.-4tiR thi. kind of
Allowed one dollar Of prier of marline. (1'hrn 1 e tea k we hot 1' no 111.11R111m In guaranteeing
°nipping mnchlnc mention snake of finning eh,' job wt• will undcHAkr fat we will Muller-
mitt yon wood '1411,• fitted into, if INrreible, IAke no)oh where wI 1Mnk 1he nNtdh Inns amt
also width of .low hdde. fa%vwn n, mnrre.mfully °issuer A rAml. Thr
414.,111) of .t remit. Ir.ted Anil les elm taken fav
Sieves and Screens for any Mill. M rhmrm• for, Any ))a'r.1m engdoylnr o• to pit
in Ihrir wnl•k fly,
mymtent (wn bu op rttikd'
Any gnnot IU' .e -Ire of nlcnnlred or Clark
'4(4 •o,Mly All st,N•k for job.
tom ,,I,,."..idiotwit RN khat. of 4.141• il. N\1'HON n1')1T1':Mt, MWI'tt(IN I'l'Mrt(,
tier.. gnnnllly of ...cowl tot•'I hall Ines ip rte. "Hot and cold water.ystem. for dwelling
for sole. 1online'. t.k,•t, fir ink. altnR h•m.Is, (tinter+nl.ply'),.,Imn for stables and
nod IAyI'/g leo{Ass. All ri��atnlauris- fhpragh moll y'nnt. w,tkb A11 ner.o,ty Idprs, hydrnnf.., IAsk.
n'trlkd to. M'. 1 oiler. rnrthllly (.,c. hulk bn,dn. ,rte., mt the au.,( Improved
mttondrwl 1 n, lrMn.
. t• r.s nn o
I'0ln nny Kral. 11111. 1114) 1e• in,
To set c rSp•n.e 10 the Is' truer of Miring n
whsle Gunning toll. 11.1. m,u'hfut• 1• 111444• to
ng In 111e stole nI 1.11110-1 nny ordinary/ Lu.
ung 1(1141, nod will betil tilled In with no •.I IA
charge. without lifuring the mill °raise' vane.
in' It 'or the 11.•• of It. men .1111.4.., mrd gIAra°
I4.e1 to mark A. rnptr.rnt••.I or no soh.
1t ran he token utaof mill to nny time Monet
gn4ek1V and a. gamily a. m three emillaneI
.leve. The 00e IDAehln, eon Im wool In mune
1,1411 one 111111 If ,.rtrs.Ar)•.
in the old seam!near corner of Nelson and Victoria Streets, -- GODERICH.
Fruit .
We have opened out a fresh
114 ek of
NtITS. el('.
Older pair supply for Christina
Pill I , We guarantee satisfaction.
Have you seen
the Premiums
w'1' ars offering with six lanes
of Pleasure Soap for 27 cents ?
A hands r piece of glom-
-ware or chinaware Al 1140- •
LATELY FREE with each
11tli4 wets worth.
PleasSoap is..Good Soap too.
The Grocers.
Funeral Director's
and Embalmers
Order. arlully atlenoed to .4 all
been e.l
aka err day
Buy a
01.1 you will have the best.
Well-made1'111•.1• a,,•
the .11111it des
Comfortable I11,:,1 44aak,.
Reliable 51.•I:,l uglili,i
Cot term Issst
Handsome ;,, (•;,,,;,,f„.
\\, L toll line of Illy.
.111,•.1 which
!•.III .Ind see them.
Wm. Knox,
Irie. H,unilton
New'galr sltrel
Y and flack
The finest turnouts in
town are supplied at
these well-known stables.
Carriages for every re-
quirement a n ll goo (1
horses furnished at reas •
enable rates of h i re.
Careful drivers furnished
when restuired.
A11 calls promptly attended 1.1.
Walker & Aegustine.
'Phone 5t least Street Livery.
Livery, Mack
'Bus Stables
-- K T C. A T-
/leeks *11(1 brie
*bre drft•rt'p in
charge of/ the
Balser, which will
meet all train s
and stennllsoats
1.011'H )tTltk,T I'M INK. 115T