The Signal, 1906-12-27, Page 2• sew e. .
2 ruv, vAv, December .'7th 1:416
lluh F.R l<'ll,
Telephone tall Nu. M.
:Totals elf lebeription
$1; n per a anent 1n ankenre.
i x lir, 6l*•. ; throe u,otll hs, >.-te•
Sutea•rlber. who fall to r cit.. T14K 4I4:..tI
regularly by snail wtil confer a fat or by at•.
attending us of the feet at as early a date or
whoa N .'banet• of address i. drsim:, both the
d and the new addles: should be giceu.
advertising RatesLegal
per line •for first nd Pin.erti n and 1 e pals lint: fur
each ants egueel tn.ertiun. 'Measured by •
• o.i terell seek% twelve lines loan inch.
Business cards of six Mutes and under. Si ler
Advert isenent. of 1.o.:. Found, Strayed. Sit
tuition. Vacant. 8.1 trition. wanted. {louse. ha
Sale or to Rent, Farms fur Sale or to Rent,
Articles for Salo. ele.. not exceeding t'ight
lines. $b each invert ion : $I for fle.l month. •'44
for each .nh.egw•nt Month. Lurifer 441%0111W
Went. in proportion.
cent. ;yr l4,... No n/4,. Intttt as baa rending type pen
Anaspecial nutlet•. the ohlc.4 of w'hirh i. Ihe
pecuniary benefit of any iodic ideal or 4wiel
anion. to Ir, h4nsiaerrd n all rrl l-.nnenl :Ind
to he charged at„orliuglt.
ILatt, for dl -ploy lied emilrart ail,4•rli.r-
mrnt. will her/it en on ahplicat 1011.
A.1.10.0. all 10n11nunlratien4 40
rAN.\[TER & Ietit►:ItTrro,
Tits aux u.
OOIIKlticli. TiiL'I4.$IL% IIK,'. fah. lulu,
Allis -Chalmers -Bullock Co. the SuC-
iessful Tenderers Town Will Be
' Able to Supply Power -Resolution
Cot Sympathy with Councillor
Clark Who May Vote on Com-
mission Bylaw.
The tegulal• meeting of the town
council was held on Friday eve g.
with the Mayor and Councillors (had -
Diorite. Y g,'111air and Elliull prt•s-
ent. A g the "audience' were
Hedwrt Mclean and (i. M. Elliott,
who were there pre• able to get in
hue for next year's business :at the
At a previous meeting /$5 l was n'•
petted as the curt of the entertain-
ment of the British l.owlers who
visited town Last August. It was
f 1 that $12 .1 Id lie added to Chia
,ullnuttt, :11141 the minute. Were
:uurndt4l ac•rmrltngly.
A largely -signet petit' asked for
the placing of additional ele4'tric lights
on the Moron road -:t. the G. T. H. ,and at . n4' ' near Thomas
Itnwsl's residence and George ILatrs'
residence. The matler ems referred
to the Pllgine•e'I• for a relent :ta b5 cost,
Pte. .
Grandithic Walk for Huron Road.
The t4•Nilettt8 44 Toronto street and
the Harm rime' were in ga1141 11111
With at petition for a gt•antditIic d.ide-
walk.' 1f the resident.* of other streets
would get in their petitions during
the wiute•1 the construction of the
walks colla! Is• a :need early in
the• year, insG'ul of being di•Iayet
until the s •r it nearly neer. The
peril' is fit a walk on the mut h•
west side 111 Toronto street atoll the
!ligroin road. f • Elgin avenue 4•1 the
G. T. IL crossing, to he five fart wide.
Thr clerk staled that the petition WWI
Nuftle_iently signed, and the work will
be c •need as early as pxssihte in
the spring.
A e ' moon f • Drs. Ent -
mermen & Tnrnhnll reported the con-
fit' of .inse•ph .L:dine, Kea)s
street, and mated drat it would be of
grit benefit to hien if he could hr
placed in an institution suitable for
the ('41(5• and treatment of cases loch
As his. Drs. E swan A Tucnhull
;demi bmil tell it Clain] flit' tut Ie:wt 1t
portion of their ncconnt for attend-
ance and nedieine in this case. The
matter 44•:48 referred to the 414(41al
1'h.• rr•rmminrmdal1on ref Collector
'Campbell for the adjustment of .1. W.
Brolerick's Mx arc„nnl w114 approved
by the romP•ih
A 1114Winn mai passed) for the pit••
;went of Mr. l'autplwll's railway fare
to two meetings of the Aswt•iattiutl of
Ontario )turlitip:alitie'S.
An application on Iwhtlf of the wid-
ow of the Late .I', D. 1)1'onnell, for the
remission 11f income tax. was granted.
Wants to Deliver Coal Here.
A e ' •ration from ('apt . N.
111 ('n ' •k, of 1►etroit. Micll.,,shuel
that he. 101.1 n et 14111101• of Loon tons ra-
pacity, whc11 he exp eel. ttt m.4' in the
river coal trade during the c inn(
,ween. He s]g.(.+tel that he eight
extend the trip to Oalerieh if invrDrat de
terns could lie made tar the deliver) -
of coal for IIP town powerhouse and
tether consumer's in torn. Engineer
Kelly 44•,15 inal.t•nct.d to m'nd a reply
giving information rl•11,ieat141 by the
A ccnn:mniCario from the 11.o)rl
of lisle in regard to a request for as
renewal of the. town's advertisement
in Ernest He aton's Commercial Mundy
book of Canada for IINn was lefet•t•el
to the Hll,ne' v rte•.
Who May 1 Vote on Commission Bylaw.
A crnnmu 'atimora f • SolicitIeIe
Uirkin on in regard to the it,udillra-
titxla necessary tor voting .tt the hy.
law appointing water a•umnai1siuners
strttl'l, in ,•fT,'cl, that all nip, hare
the ordinary Municipal qualifications
:nay vote on chi. bylaw. That is. all
who Are entitled to vide for mayor
And sotme111,,,,, may ante 011 the by-
law to create a water and dight c -
The water and light Cilmnlittee re-
ported that tenders had lawn naked
for n new are dyn , to tepIue the
old one which was burned out, and
recommended d that the llltl'I RAC 1•f a
p t
7:rkil,w•attt generator he 'mule at on.e.
The finance con nnlitle4• r ern 111•
mended that If, IV. 'Thomson 144 Maid
$7 for rent awing by Joseph ,Moline,
.iardine (wing Inn ill to make it psis.
sills to have him 'dared in the h
.d refuge. The payment of a ntnnlM•r
ofaccountsalma WW1 rev ommended.
The public work% committee recom-
mended that another car of tide be
p:trhrotol for the \Vateriast street
sewer and that the work lie cutinuel
AA long as pt•,n tiral,le ; that the G. 11'.
11. iw notified to repair the Hoots of the
railway bridge and Ilex 1 her along
the sides to retain the snow for Nleigh-
in andthe t o lou Ire
g that a4 p r hes
boarded so that the Nnov will be te-
Isined ; that, the clerk inspect the
,va4hont at the cheek and make n tee•
otnmendation ev to tetath : than the
old material from the \\ atr,lrx► *trod.
sewer lee odd by the Mayor.
These repeat.., wept all adopted.
Sympathy Wittsl Councillor Clark.
'rhe fullowittg r•.Illu(it m was µasset' :
Morel by l' 'illus klliolt, w•c•
mule(' by l'uunrillo Mair, That this
•41 has learned with deep regret
of the prolonged and painted illness 01
its esteemed member. 11r. Clark. that
it het ells ex Iresse•a its +inret•t• '111
polity with flint and his hunil, in
their hour of trial, and trusts in they
providence of (Iran h1. 111a)' weal lie te-
rattre1 tit his wonted health. That
this council :IIsi• pace- on t.s'unl it+
sense of the loss it ha. su.l,►ines' by
the e'lltl reeel ,tlisell,'l' from Its meet
logs, doling November 11r.i pea -ember,
tit ' W11111 ' ex tenaite`sn..wlelge• of
civic aliens; and wiwsr kindly, coo.,
1'ilitor\' Wanner Ilalye e4rl' Made hint
41 moat valuable mn•11111e of this 1*ard.
INHI it, c ice and in open c
cit. Thal a (o 1v ut chi. Plotkin be
sent by t be clerk to Dr. Clark.'
11)•1:Inv. No. 31. to 11x the proportion
of the e)tt mf Crntenl walk construe•'
lino In Ile 11lid by the mmnieip.lit)' :
No. 27. 11 4111414111 e.,tstahles: and
No. •*t. apps lin t ing at street inspaletlr,
were passel. These bylaws w'ee
sinydy 15) confirm) resolutions passed
by 114' c 'il during the year.
Another bylaw, 111:t11Ntlllt auditors
for 11817, who will 1.4' required to make
:a monthly audit, was 'kissed after
discussion. \\•. R. !Robertson
and II. W. 1fa11 aur re -appointed as
,uhlittoe at the s • salary 1•s before,
MIO each.
New Electric Dynamo.
1' accordance Willi t hra,'cuululrmd,►-
limn of the water and light c 'flee,
the question of a 1,14 electric dynamo
for street lighting purposes etas taken
up, and the council he:u,l in sieves -
Mon the representative•+ of the l'ana-
dian \Vest inghonse1` •„ the limens:ut
(icn,'t•atl Electric Co, and the Alli+•
Chalmers-HidLtck ('u, The council
adjimrnd without conning to a eleci-
5i011, which Witt dl'fet•r41 (s. the folluw-
i4g day.
Court of Revision.
After the adjournlurnt of the coun-
cil the court lir revision met anal dealt
with several cases, George 'J..1nst011
Wits 14110440,1 a relate of • half "the
business tax charged against hint, as
be It:td disposed of his blacksmith
business in May. It WAS 11e'1d181 UI
ev.' p;e business tax to Jasper Nichol-
-on in propstl(ion to the time le has
been 1u business.
Dynamo Purchased.
(.Is Nalurd,ly tale!'n'1.111 the lender
of the Allis-('hahne•rs•I1.iilock Co., of
N1011411%1. for a 7.i kiltw:ut generator,
at 11C1,571. w•,1. a114'eptl'.4.
The stew machine will supply power
for one hundred ale lamps, double the•
.apu•ily of the old machine: This
will allow of the extension of the
street lighting system ,t+may Ile 1•4111•
si.leled aelviable. The Louie which
are a part of the new outfit are of the
improved type which will burn for
several days with int attention. The
ii,eats may thus be kept bur ' g uu
special lwea5ions. as when the trains
are lade. instead of having do be shut
off ploua4.114 at (night ns at pees -
e'11 t,
Power for Manufacturing. •
Anutbet• very Mitsui-M:t (patios. is
that Ili,• new machine is capable of
supplying forty tie forty-llte hoe se -
power during the dray, when the lights
are not on, and 1 he representatives of
the manufacturers advised the council
to gn into the supplying of power for
111. facto! mg purposes its a M•la'•e•
d iolditina81 revenue fur the town.
11 would Is' a great (tnveniett(0 Lo
woleerns using 11 .cumin Mantillt of
p oWet' to have it Nippliel in this way,
'The romped of urn wilt pr411alely take
M. ploj,'ct into ...rebuts ,nn+idet•attion.
r.. the Etli, ur of The Steri!.
Nut. would you kindly permit 1110
111 1I-' :a small 5111111' ill ymnr lulu dole
paper for' the insertion of a slued
article in:r• {creno to the bylaws now
before t he people
(i1Nlt•rieli. its 44'1• all k1111\\•, le ''al
(he ewe of very 81lbsh1nli:ll industrial
pr,q{ It is time 1111 the people to
1 ise 111 the ix•..asten and secure mil .1 he
g i1114 manufacturing pn•tp4witions'
W hirl ran Is• 11:111 nnd,'r proper condi-
thins. Sit %led grugrnphielly ,as 4•C:ire
mit 1111• Lake, We r t. cart• hope' to
ser -tire a large agricultural trade; c0n-
N4p1.•r1Uy we :14'.• c IM•IIed to t19te•h
0111 ,nal 111111 it 111:111 1.4 fun• the 1111
1l4, ulnen g•MMIS 91111'11 11111' \'.1 t'1, 111!1 ill -
41i tit ries ,,will prltlut•t• and thereby
ntili1a• our splendid Walter 111ute• to the
dilfl•Ient points in our t,Mlnlrv. %Vt.
me the largest. tuna -ti on Lake Huron,
and why should we nut. IN4r e a
west , 41 l:1 Iurlru4M11iM in the
'ear Whim) 7'he only way at:
can •10 Mia is 111 hart' rtil4'ays, fac-
tories, mills. etc., (.4a14i0 1ml here and
1 feel that the neo l4'• of the mmol are
.nit in regard. fn this matter and are
le:colined to encourage all g•Nai
111anmfeetnl•iug proposition.,
Eyes)• 11144 factory erected here will
ince:a/a• the total iI4Nel'sinemt ,r elle
lawn and tht•t-rhy reduce the taxe..
This year the rate is lower and our
worthy assessor says that next yen•
he 111pN•N it will la: bower Mill. At tht
N e time read testate ill the town is
increasing in value.
''',Ike, for inst,u•ce, two wunicip,li-
lies.• Fit•st. the city of Ntr:uford.
Ihm•i:g the past Six to eight r)1./41, the
Iwotlt there have granted loons to
V10111118 1141umLlrl wring (1 III •erns alg•
gr1ating about $:MNI.INNI and IIII 11f
Il,e,n have proved very wtcreuef]I.
N'hat is the. re.ndt? Tbp •itv has shown
dieing ,that 1' • an increase in
growth 4.1 neatly :1,1441 4xlple, prnM-
w•rity abounds its nearly every pine of
business , \' S 111 1 of when
nsine yawl Wily h tl 1 1t not
ti n
pia . l.idet• he enormous nsin Int f
4 Ic t L
w:•R laid out carry th . The
other town is \\'alkerton, the inanity
ensu Id Iloa:. 1 undet•Mhind that
there the tax tate is 27 mills on the
dollar, that Iropet•ty is de•1•r:taing in
1e 14' town 's atstandstill, tha til t I t o
and will tl•nxlili so until the pNo14114'
4'i+' up form their lethargy 144'1 stwure
N e time sago a prominent Kinkel
here in town said to me, "1 Nhotdel like
(11 s,•' 1118 town 1111111 1.11 6E111111 prl44wi•
t' halfnt-nlillion dfi11Nt., ptit iding
thealw i 4,.ss'•nr,sl..• NOW n ren11lrk 5)f
•..n ,.41 sound dnatncia lat kind fl to g 1
man should have A • weight,
ltegarling the bylaws the people
will Ovule on on .Intnutr•y 7th :
1s1 The 11. ge,e Manufacturing
1'ongany. 1t will he n Mplrndid 41.-
1 1 i. o e nes 'They give e
u, inion t the town. t 1 th
1 ) K
4.fry ie'st of tec(1rit4. ,1s repotted in
the published 1.31.444, and hl one year
w ill 1111X1.11/11' 111111111141 181111114. 14t work.
That 'np41n4 that they will have
to im4xa•t nearly eight y new men And
by the .end of the second year will
have in Their employ two 1 feel
men, bridging in one hundred e
diming that time These men will he
skilled mechanics.
2nd The f ilnl4' factoryai11 give
Ole town npl.ndid Necut•ity and the In-
vreltlNe there will mean the hl ingiog to
town of fifty new men. all well )aid.
:fed -The (:nderich Carriage (loin -
pan) also will give the town gilt-
edged security and will stash with
twenty-five to thirty hands, all of
. "ii1: Sl(GNAL: 1;(11)F?I;I('11 ONTAltll'9
Board of Tr: de Ai dresscs Citizens of (iodcrich in
Reference to the Industrial Bylaws..
To he 1:1. tors of eco er0 h . \
The 1t sod of Trade- herewith me.-
ie• soe' reds whiting to the
b laves It IN' 1..10.1 1111 fat (11,' 7111 .4
t,ll*1.a1')' In•\t, as Seawall% %Ila, ill Inn•
estimation .t the 1t1:1111. the by Ian.
sip ould,recrive the heart support of
the r•1.(•t the,
TIIE Mae EMS NI''G. ('U. nl'I.AW.
'The passing u( chi. bylaw will bring
n ne•w a11d large industry to our town.
'1'he ('autp.uq• will e:e•t upon it.
1 Is large new• structural iron anti
utiles shops, 4ts if intend* to go largely
'illithe moist! 111'1 6m11 .If Ira•. ml.11'rs,
SIVA: 11 shovels, snow plows, railway
Cat's, donkey 1.11!111tes, 10111.11x1 -IB IXt•w.
And all kinds of railway appliances,
and it bits wcuawl 1111 , mpw1011 1148111 i
11E19%4 I)* a,tj..inh,4f it. works 1 tion
4.1111'11 to meet u«'nrw lesiblings i/ the i
bylaw i5 pass141.
The grunting of the loan of $:I71,0111
to the ('..Isgt:uny will not rest the
tows unr cent, as 114' 1'ompany wt11
1w114ey the 1.1111 in yearly instalments,
with interest at Olt per Beet., just what
Ole town is rellel 1111111 111 pay ; And
till git4. to the town a Holt tangy:
Neal all 11f the• I1r41•nt pLutt of Ute
(bidet•ie1i Engine \Yorks and alae) upon
all the Lind,. plant and buildings
which they prop. se to acquire. install
and erect• and also nista its pate't4 ;
so that the IOWA will I e amply
see Inred .
The passing of the bylaw 11:11:11**
additional employment w • town
for at least 1(1U mechanics. mostly
skilled men. It means lite bringing
to our town 11f 1110li: taxpayers, who
will help pay • taxes and in this
way reduce 1111' present rat 0 of taxa-
tion, (414 Nearly all of these skilled
Haulm Mrs will he ,Intl•fled men, who
will have tawiIies renuirimg to
Ise housed. fel and clothed.
Ti e lingersM Inuftcturingl'ompany
i5 :a .Illt,t:alltt,tl 1• •ern. :15 is r1•1-
de11cel by the following telegrams Ie-
cei%el by the Canadian Hunk of Com-
m. -tee herr ft two of the lerttling
Hanks in KansaCity :
••Kansas City. Kann,. Deo, 11th, 190p.
"Canadian Bank of Ce r (•,
•'ti.Mlerirh, Ont.
••Nolhiug but favorable 1.•pairts on
patents. Rogers 51fg- Cimitt.uly 11r -
bowing to tit ulufeet ore here : patent
Iwi,g uses! ou street cant. this
ell y. and six or seven di1T.•rrnt railway
systems. S. a ..( opt. best business
turn behind the l'oulr panv urtkt•, us
think it n paying investment."
I.igd.1 State (lank of Kansas City,
C. 4. Potty, Cashier.
"Kansas Pity, Kau., Dec. 11th. 191.N,.
"Canadians Rank of (' rye.
"1ilell•lie•It, Ont.
•'l'onsider .1.'10'. Deilz. 'trustworthy
and straightforward, 114' has consid-
erable pryx•rty. Rogers Company
44soc•iates stand well here."
1)4;(11.1 C.1.. Brokaw,
':►shirt, Nat' a1 Bank 1' re,
he Kensington fninitnre factory
L.4•n running in our town since
1, and since 18:11 it has been 01We-
1 1 (midi ly by the present
owner. Mr. F. G. H 11111, of battik/t1.
The town is new :Wkel for at
1 of $21,3111 hep.iyable. with inter-
estut the rate of 1'. per cent., in
my equal annual instalnenLs1, in
8idt•r(tiun of which the Ctm,luly
s to crest ,uldltlens to iia) ple14-
pl:int No 1414 to double it. a:opacity
employ one h•mdrel hands.
This fau•tory has the whole ..1 (':In -
tor a market : every man, wfan41n
child thea the .las, of goods it
Wilkey, and Arrautgentents have re-
cently been mule avid. a Hon in the
West who could take the whole of the
factory's present output if the Com-
pany weir ill it pMwitinll to let them
ttunlall, of Landon, whew• high e ttn-
rebel Mantling' is well known, and
who gin etj: hit pet *mol loud in addition
to A 111,+1 •tg:ag.• o] all ll)e p,) I8' t7
of the Kensington Furniture Co.
111 Assisting this well -Oda 'dished
l'unganty to extend ill. plant and its
bussu♦ss, the (1144(1 i. not w:'Ling:tu
exp.•rrlpeut hitt- _.1± considering a
Nt ,11ght terra :se 1)11)181.411 ion, 41
w�tich IIs element of risk is prat. -
1 loftily soberly eli,in:Ur 1. The teass-
ing of the bylaw will Iw saintlier stays
in the indust int advam4Pmlrlt ut
This C emptily 41x141 l81'. to erect a
bu•ge factory and .to equip it with 11e
best lunchiurry obtainable for the
, 11Uul1tfa0l tow tit CtI' i IAgl•s. 11 will
Make. ii, addiliun 111, r1P•riaage4. a rIA.C•
i d line of delivery weig.ins and 'bussis ;
only one 1iletOly ill l'alli1dal to now•
mnuufael.ming these lime's.
will uulke a .s wt'4al hi.1 for the
Western (rule, and will both rtil4'14)'
and water routes a 4 n i 1 a 1 l e it
should be able In 0 pe•t(' with other
firms to great advantage.
I The l' patty Is to IM' mule ups of
Itt'AI men Who desire to ser 1.nnlhet•
live tnau8cry started in our (1.4a11. •
It will bring to torn twenty -give or
(bitty skill(' workmen to shut with,
44 !Web 4.111 mean a soma! weekly pay-
roll. If the bylaw passes the C
patty will c owe building ,1s wN11)
its the weather permit, and have the
flaetury in operation by 114.Xt s •r.
The site and plait When completed
w'11n cost Ihe ('1)l,tINtlly $,SI,IN41011' .440:'.
The l' pony' will have Isnot fide side
scrawl" sttl('k alunuuliog to $:S).1NNl Iw-
1ute starting the factory :111d will have
100,11110 of Iona fide sulsr•1t1Nd stock
by the time 11e fa -tory i; re ttly to
Iletin work. 'l'he loan fi the town
will l.e repaid in tweb' y 184(11)1 41unual
instalments, with inte'Il' 4, :lull the
town will be sword by lits( mortgage
un tit • 4 Lott and Nile. The ,1.4111 t'.iii
th4'reltre ut t cwt the town nuc 11et1-
\'OTE FOR Pl101iltEy.
1•11 t
fun's it.
The loam is 'wing Imide to Mr. F. (Y.
N. .
The passing of th'se' bylaws wilt
bring great and obvious advantages
to our town It will bring 1a large In-
crease of population, reducing- mater-
ially the taxation of the individual
ratepayer. It will. greatly iucease
the 1P4strtnuili••s of employment for
• tradesmen at grind 44:1ge•,s, and IIle
lultlitiour to 1 114* weekly wage 1.i11 tot
of the town will Is. a st' his to
business of 1111 kinins,
The iiverests of the town h tee IN4'n
carefully .afegmrudel by the town
00 •II In the ft g.1 die ,bylaws,
Ss 11157' 1N• acro 41101 x re,lding of .the
(ylawt as 'published in (1e deal
11 the people. 11f (1.Nlrrich desire the
estatblisl •nt of these ppleudi,i indus-
tries in hiss town, they t Orme out
1111 (decibel 1.4y (.laniary 7th, awl 4411
their voles : and as a I t.•g.• •i• of
u 1 I,b i 4 r e'
apt IM :u•e 41 N• s noun 1 nl lu ul
I g
those for mrsyur, terve. deputy reeve,
c •ill tot and Crater eulnmis.ioner•s.
in addition to tout (bylaws, it will beIugNls$ible for ,III of Ihr ,it
to Iw
twilled unless the voters lake a 44.1 -
somal Mb :test in the matter mid 0 •
mot a 1,1)•. 'rhos.: who desire 1.1 vole
*build not wait until the Last ute111,'nt
and thus risk lowing their vete.
Freeholders Islay Ville mu the bylaws
hl every wart in which they are
The bylaws Inenl inn141 ,lNrve have
all reet•irel the enlors.ation of the
I3'Nu,l of Triulr sifter careful-eolsiler-
at , a11d the 13./011144k8 the summit4
of all t11e voters in passing thea, and
thus helping in the Merely and sub-
stantial /ul%au(,,•Iurut which our letli
is ml:akinK.
Signed in behalf of the 11':ua..(Teal..
t'..1. N A I R N.
syi will leaser to Ise Irt•nughlin and
In all of these facto rieM the em-
ployees will he highs)- paid. A greatly
proportion will Iw mart iel meet. eotl-
sopa:rttly thrice wages will all be spent
in town.
These 10:411.; will nut (Ilse the town a
dollar, as clack , 11f then' Will ire CV -
paid with interest in twenty equal an-
nual instalments, \Viththese three
nolo.tries added to the Owe, already -
rammed, Logelber with thusly we have
now in town. just think how the
wage bill of our 1.14411 Will 1110 .4We.
the thousands of (Whets that 44111 lie
t'ile111Nt491 Parley 1111/111 h, 1Ile new
houses to 11e •built, and the great in -
C e,lsl• in 11111• Iwlpu1at . \V4' Nlltall
8411511 get ocr the hill ,un1 strut Cit y•
Now let every '11118inesen m11n and
prop'rty•o4ttier put hi+ .I pier to
flee wheel on .L'Inn:44y 71.11 Nod .•4181118.
the 41r01simg of these bylaws and our
old town will it,. ahem by logo and
hounds. •
• will 1•e a Nklli('t Wml•k plat in.
ML .tel," John 1t. Denny, .4.4.01111.4.4.011111.11ero
try J. A. I),Ihon : 'I'llat we, the Catho-
lics of the n,.ri.h of litmit.rirh, du her•-
hydcrhate our gratitude to, and aul-
mirn(1tin 111, the people and past Out
e4' sus of Francs, who tut over
to(1,tem renturia•s a Amid the Chris-
tine; Leith with such lb• and
gt'e.0 INtrl'illres of blood and treaknre
as to have earned the title 11 the newt
Christ iii n toIi.. t.
:Roved Iiy Jas, .1. '►ole, seconded
by ,las. A. Mi•Intewh : That we sego, t
for mune years goal tate evident trend
..1 the Mareeasive (i.,ver 'ntt of
i''tattce Inas It•'n toward arising re-
ligion out of the nation. The crinis of
thin a: merit was reached in the last
fres days when the 4'.tthtlir churches
were seized by the Govt.' !intent and
Mlanlrfllll)' desecullel, the cardinals,
archbishops, bishops Heid ether clergy
of the church were driven from their
h'IIIII•s with brutal violence, a I even
the Venerable Supreme Pontiff Pius
X., the dhoti -imps head of the
church. hes 'wen grn8sdy insulfel and
c dominated birth by the French Gov-
ernment and the individual nte•mleiN
Ithereof. Not content with closing the
elementary Christian ril•IIipo!N, that.
ver lllll
ant 1d t• ollega sewhen: young m144) we; e
edneated for the priesthtsol.
Hoed by 1), P. NI. I'art1,4, MPcnnJrd
by I', T. Dean : Th:tt, while lair indig.
notion is chiefly directed against Ihe
Gove mt of France auad not
against 1 1
the people a8 t W u5,• •1
l a I l a w4'
,' i'1
,Inn t 1e and 4lte No , genet • , M
I II 11111 1
K1 R
I y
blameless, on nrrnnnt of their a Inch
and 1ndilTer•nc• • than their hos-
tility to religion. And 111 emphasize
fair disapprobation of the attitude of
both Gorr ad and ps•ople we here-
by `[ledge nut•seh•rt not to buy any
goods of French nuur1tfacture 41111 i
the wrongs 1('0ently inflicted upon the
church, hi. racily, (.•erg)' and laity by
the nhawel't, robbery of churches,
se ' Arlen, Rebook, ecclesiastical resi-
deP.res and chore', property generally
there, 1N• fully redressed) and restored
in at manner 8alisf,u'ttrt•y to the angina
head of the chulrh,
Mowed by %Valiant Voting, SPC 1141
11)• ,los.'ph (irifltn : 7'ht these result'.
Dona he rotlltn11111014191 to the prin•
final journal. of Canada rind the
4'nifei Shoes for mild ication, and if,
a peresins m•h either 4 rat4 nes the chairman
and the Ne•retary of This meeting may
deem refiner.
Resolutions Passed by St. Peter's Con-
gregation. on Christmas Day.
Acting along Ihr Iinet. of is wide-
spretel potent in the Imuran
Canada' and the
n is r 1]r•h in 1•An
Path I I
1 ill
N meetings . (neer held I I
United hors m t
•4 1 '1 e 1 ''.bel in ince
he chmn•hl e f. all I h p A11
diocese of Farndon on Christmas Day
after the celebration of high mass, 111
take action with reference to the
seizure and ,eiecrtlinn of the
chinches in France. At 1Ile 1,1,41ing
at St, Peter's C111Isrh, (,.tdrrich. Judge
Doyle was chosen (hairanan and
,lames A. Alclntlwh, Npr•rctau•)•.
The eha4'I11A11, in his 11p mint re-
marks, a g tither thing'. t • 1141
the meeting that the go eat Roman
Employ, when she was mistress of the
woad, was sit con•incel 111:14 she hail
Nile', :dot efle4•-],Illy in wiping out
Christianity for all time that to :SKI
she eroded 'ntin the 1.0111re
of te Irs
a 7► Nt. Peter's in Itomer
to e: vnoate• 11a exterinima1.ihu.
"That •nl," he wild, •',.till
fnndM there, hot the words ell •Is1-
1r111ing till. extermination of Chris-
1iamb y have been cannel, and the
wool. 'Christ Lives, Christ Reigns,
('Isl (' 1111.1'x, 111\'1' been stitst11-
tnht•1e1," and eti, he 44 id, it 445)11 111 be in
France. Long Ater Era nee hail dis-
appeared oat,►notion fron the ma 1 of
the World, and her territory had been
distributed among other E i,t'pP*•t
wationa, Christ Lmil y would floiri •Ii 111
that IPrtll114. 1• t ,th W
1- fi w'. N ndin the
blasphemous tenant of her bafilb•1 (io•-
e•rnnlint of today Oval I hey "hut driven
Cht int from .1 he *clots, and they
voudd • ,hive Ilial out of the
The following 1e erlulhuts 44.19•
carried 1114Nnhioneel)•
Rural School Teachers' Salaries.
Inmdon Adtrrti-aye.
The minimum 811141y clans'. is fhe•igg of goad intention.. The
average of leachers 411ie1104 in the
rnr/l 418tt ict8 has Iwrn talo low,
though many school Sections in this
portion eif the Prorinre have not been
open to reproach. The Government
decided to raise the standard of te,lch•
Pr9' gthalitc1ti11m* and Ihr standard of
reerutnu•rntion at the Name time.
Whether the must `prudent method I
was adopted to .alis the level of ardor.
les is open to duubL in view of a
you's c cI-ienee of the new regmha-
liolls. Protests have c from
$I1u.1 sections which have hewn ill
the habit of pM,7414g:III1411141(1' salaries.
and have not ler' ,ITected by the new
Illl•UNIIIY•. H,ale4n)'rre a1141 sch0Nl1
t4':/teed 1,•semt the clruieut'of et ter-
eiun in the Ar•1, and feel that power
which properly belongs to them has
been bodged in the• hands of the in-
eht4•1111w and the Minister of KJora-
t . 'I'hr Government a) Id be able
to get around the Ailtleully by in-
creasing the ed1)lc4tiomll grant under
e lit ions \tkWh witi bring about the
de•sire4l remit \a ill t giving offense.
It is 1144 it party question, and the Ad•
'sIl. ' 's halals *Imola be upheld
in any Ieasl11able attempt to 11np1(Itr
Ihrs114111r of the teaching profession,
\\ 0 are not i14411 18141 to couture the
(tit%ei uncut for the features of the
present Aet which have caused wa
mulch Uouhlc, as 11054' tierce con-
eeiveti .ti Weal 11101 iter., They
hair been an exp..' latent. not alter•
getl.l•r .nrresstia. It art add now 1114111
Io. Is• the part 0f vital to devise
souls other means of retching the
44111)P end. ------' --
Are You in Line 4
withave just '*ern (laving a lung talk'
1, Marcia about girls and marriage.
She 14 now 27, an age at whirl) the
era of old maeidruisw w'a1 at
period well begun, but whilch mow is
regarded as quite girlish. The fats.•
ionable age for warring.• is, ase you
know, from'. to 3: for w •n: from
:S► to f:1' for men, 7'rut h.
by teal npplic,atloo.. n. 1110'.,hoot reach M.
,sensed Int ion of the ear. Then, i4 01114 one
way to eon. tleaf,lt•.w. 41111 11141 I. by 101444* •
tio,ll remedies. 1Wlfoes 1• retired to 411 in
Named a aid Moo of the mucous lining of 1 he
eurtnrhlnn lobe. 44'1,,, t hi. lube is inflamed
)111 tun r al rarrbnng' .onnd or inflict feet
hearing. and when It 1. est Indy ellse . deaf-
1111.41.1he'.•*ads. and emir... the Inflammation
eau Ie taken out and 1111. tub• re'tund to its
normal condition, heating will he destroyed
/Urete.•r : nine 1.14w•. nal 01 ten 411 eau+.(' by
'81tr111. w'hN'II ir nothing hilt an intamt't roil•
d Ilion of the I14en1.. ,u rfarrs.
\1 .• will gins 4Me ll undnd Ih.lhn (or any
earn of d,,14,,'.. k•a1•e41 by :.onrrlt thus eon.
no4 It rami I.,, Hall's Catarrh Cure. Sent
for pt rlietilsr.. fur.
F. J. I'RE N ►:\' k len., Tulelu, o,
Sold ht drnggi.ts, 711•
Take Hall'. Validly Pills for enmtiptlaen.
i. the first step Inwnnl, 1514l Ions on ying' front
wow 1., Arlon per , in ,witw:ay -etc lee.
Vim run 1N+• ;peal o(a•rttar in six month.
if you .Indy In The Centrad Telegraphy Srlmol,t
t lierntnl d. )',t.l Toronto. The !Inert reline'
in Canaria. 14 rite for t••rli.tilar',
W. N. 101*W. T J. JOHNSTON,
I'n•.idcnt. Principe
The First Day
The first dayof our win-
ter term will Jan. and,
t907. We will then re-
open with undoubtedly the
largest class in the history
of this school. If you want
the education that prepares
for good posit:ons, write for
our catalogue costs nothing.
Berlin Business College
11. D. hill, • PrinLipal.
British American
Business College
\. 4t 1 A.,li,.g. r.111,:"
441 -11111'...t- Toxons.,
Oldest. Strongest. Best.
Winter Term
hour Inn. I;,• 11417. hauler 11n)'
time. Kx'ehitint. re•sndl1 guaran-
teed. Catalogue and Iesmtts in
business \t 1'0 ins free.-'
T. M. WATSON. Principal
W. Acheon & Son
Take it good ktok at these i)ecember inducement•:, Ihr ll
k!�lyl 'anywhere you like and see if you can match the \ aifiL-
cururchases have been extraordinarily large -and we shat
rt big print. t, -
• � ricin with you. b
Coat Bargains
a 31ru's Vt 1114114. Coats, heavily lulled told rplentlial) ``r )
id! Mi XI's, regular value $,15.1N), at emelt .4)`5
(Hack Calf Coate. with Astrachan Collar: soft, Oars%,
even skins; regulu• 1g12.00, at each ... .. ..... .... .
Wive' Ant rarhnn 1.amlh and !twit/wan Lanai Coats,
Malin lined, perfect skins and warl'auled In ever e.- ?
titular; spacial priers $'27.l81, NI.INI anti.:t. ' ' ' y �' $32.50
Alaska Sable) S4•nrfs of fittest select skies; SIMI*.to
00.00, reduced to $7.01 to $25.00
12 olio Salle Sours and Boas. our 1114.110yunlil y . $
minced d t o
• Irish Satin i)anlasks, purest fine Linen "fabling, ;Intl
Naplens, a nlagniticunt showing at a straight discount tit
20 per cent. off regular pric:.
Our own direct importation --
Men'. It.,,. Linen Hemstitch at per duxt•u, $I,:xl,
$2.0), >$UNl and lJll
Ladies' Pure linen. plain and fancy, at per dozen,$12.00
*LOU to - ......., llll
Kid Gloves
Non's Kid Gloves, tans and g)•)•5, lined with heavy
double wane, silk. all Hives, at per pair , •,,,, .. , .
LADIES' KID (GLOVES, es very Intge aunt slut( 1•
range, tr ' Perrirs, Heynier and W IWI' u)alie7,, al 1•a
pith. 7:a•, 11LINI, $LC'.t. Ni1.31. s':,1111 41114... ..
1NSP l..(-"I"i ON INVITE P.
W. Acheson & Son
Winter Term Opens January Zoe.
lien e•1 Meer ea 141 clef kr Rh MOS sede by the
(11,1 of the 1. t 141 .111. 110.11 101,1110.1.
firm. wr h...' 1111041 llftee.. of Ihr 410-1
lion-. \V1. 1.111 nn one. •l -e n•ady 1,.
•ant. 44'1• hate 41.0 bad le call. (0,
1.11-.1111,..enlarge teacher.. 1411 ex stud-
ot. of oilier bnsines. rrJlegem or short •
Jlnnd se -tied. sure enrolled hale enuring
the 11.1 two Venn. We believe we have
the best Commercial School in C .
\\'e Ihurolghly •.d 4.1) our ,t11dcnt-.
.44'rite today for t ,tilaatle.
W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal.
tor. Yong.. and .\le Vander `•I•.
N later Erni Opens Jan. 2nd.
114- .e1.e44 i- .11ni..e ro
Il In Ile of
the lending1' h1 :1 !4�
m m r r r l 1 heals In
.\unrleN• unr U1ad mat 4's nrr in Ar
nolte1 a. I(1'in.'.- Policgs' tcarh•n.
The 11111,1 recent app11,-nt 1011 w't received
for ,t teacher tattled (4-II111.u4 per 411
non. 44'1' IN•Iiev4' 44' ore running
of the most .rogrr.slte and so to -tale
business training schools in the Pm•
I Ince. The demand upon u. for rare
help 1s seaerel time., the supply. Write
for free catalogue.
Business College
, .4 tahal' 1 ,t11h 4Ingham t nlh•Irr1
This Is the newt muni,,,, Mooing),
and s10.•e++f11l Inst al nfinl qf 11. kind
In elnta ria F:xrrllrnt -tar of tearhrev •
ono -welled rgnlpment: largo attend
K nee: art oat aurin... school. 41nring
Novrmot•r we had TWENTY TIME>t
as many calls fun, loading rnnrrrns fat'
I10KK10:I'NIn4. 11TYNllultAl'iIKItsi
and T► .rAitt.41'11KR8 as we had
grKd nate. 10 motel.
Enter any inane.
1elleld aI Illeh,ne Ion.
thee han<I.ntne 1 HIttSTMAM •'ATA.
IA(il'E sent free on st•MMation to
GEO. SPOTTON, - Principal.
WE have placed in stock one of the
finest lines of skates ever exhibited
in (ioderich. We have the celebrated
featherweight "AUTOMOBILE" brand,
with aluminum tops. These skates are
fully guaranteed neither to break nor
bend, and also to be of the very finest
steel, and if they are not what we say
we will be pleased to give you another
pair without extra charge. We also have
the "CYCLE" brand, known the world
over for their strength and durability.
Both these brands arc made by The Can-
ada Cycle and Motor Co.. and can be
supplied inlanysize,eitherladiesorge its.
Skates sharpened and bicycles stored
and repaired.
Electric wiring or fittings furnished
and put in at lowest prices.
lwri• YULE
WeThu nk
for the very liberal patronage awarded
during the past year, and trust that our
dealings together have been of a satisfactory
character. Our aim in the future as in the
past will be to give everyone a square deal. Wv
are looking forward to a year of prosperity
for the town.
We hope that all our patrons and the public
generally will have a Happy and
Prosperous Year.
1 WalterC.Pridham
The Right Place to buy Men's Clothing and Furnishings