HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-12-27, Page 1Now 11 the trine to RENEW T�, SIGNAL for neat year, so As cot to ruins any colleco of TM Mahal Wtekly ntrald which is given free with paid -Ie -advance subecnpuom for Ige7. c --. - - -- IfIrTT-NI.YTY TZAR -Na Jt -A . rh"cial _�=- = _ ��-=.. .. - - -. _ :--_.- ---'tom call- elpic for cwt.......... s :,U to :1 .1 l)pp•*Ita vleWlr st root rAnreh, 'pbone Isit H-timiNve 'welrbt, pet nwt .. it Ie to e u Ur. Ternbell'. retold -rare, Nehon torrent, '4 •are lramtl. ..... .. ......0 4 ,a to .\ n yyrr .. . haw.. toIAeN. -phone ICs. HllrrIt per ret ...... 1 :1 Ire to a .i1 Hen., per 11, 0 M W o 1, �H. A. N. MA('KLIN, M. B Hoeotl.perlb 0Dto 0Bi L lard. per In la W 1: PMV141l'IAN ANI) MI"HG L1 )N •rrllow,perlas r. - W rttentios to Ky., east, Nose fad Hfda, pier cwt OM is sty Tbrmt. IMkr end t•r.ldrsrw, old )Mnk of ]rem N�yy0rr ice ....... N 10 to J .Y Tel• • PurtefNrY,, N er.t .t., U/dench. Chief. .. 4.1 1ti C '111 ,�a. lib ....... .. . Ia W tea -- TU-si.. ........ ,' . N est 11 �� fiiuiside nrrttA. rn targe .L, IAMMMON A IiALLllHAN, HIR- - Yor Sale MISTeltH "letwtiuotartas, ate. Oleos. H SALE. - A (: ."Ian SL. thtrd 4m &wa wluww.eAedW k. l-1 U OOD ('U7'1'F;H. (.no. M. G. CAMKHON, K. ('. J. I. IL early new, In coed condition, Nlll be LoltA \, •sldat A low prl.c by J TA IT. Ualerlch. _ YHOUDFOOT. HAYS A BLAiR. RNfi114TERED HHOHTHORN CAT - trll•ltom n•tartwpubHo par . TIA: FOIL RAI.K-Thry yewrliti bull.. 1 red b Jett TM y rex u;s: tin w t e n.r� I . brrtlN(•f� 1 owe •'...". eltY oor Dort thio lf/ce r )', I 1 -.rt • wand M ADrrdren Item fx'u ,aumn, ns[t dwx ('. �. halro'w ppwr�q. )•rl 1 nr1 irn�ld fired rile nutAfi to lw,m1 at It waant rate• wf interr•L ((7¢�war Rall aalrae. elerwn , t Il old, tent w'. PROU UFOOT, K_ C. IL C. IIIA TI(, m. V I H' Ho,ul Mk. -le t3ipttt. Awns. �(,t by 1In•rAarn em aminrted,, l ow« eaf Irelfoo m, all fLAllt ' 1•rar"• ery ratm.on-Me. A1.ply NI'.1HHA N*( O. JUHNNTUN, BARHlMTN,R, IIItOIr.. Murlm toi, Krait Cn.. IIciL 1;•. ot. stenciller, notary ``oMl,; corrnmt.atoner. \OR SALT. -A GOOD CONI'URD stn Meoe) to k,m N. f rn1ro, Dennis? Hamlllult -aid Ht..k awlrow a Htra•ete, Graderirb. OI,L prime tune wm,-, with high Trek fort __ .cwt, Mw Ir b•el., ,nrft AW4 light lele. 1'. i.. DICKINSON A OARROW, RAR NALTUM. We-t.troet. ItISTnite, arl)erseylti wdktem.. ole., /�1WO HCGGIM•ft.� ONF (•t•TTFH (loderteA. Moos bred rt lowest prem. F 1 >{ AND r lir 3111 so'. o wAIiUN, a@ wassy L UIl'KINW)N. ( Altl.i7l UAHItO w, LLB• pmmllawed fl•wn SI. N'. Harwell fur -w F. rACwµ Apply at CHAS. C. LP.EN hrnlwser• *lure, of insaralbm Loalm etc. - - _ - -- ---- -- _ _ 10 Beat _ YDVN() a RUBBRTHON, REAL I-�1-O RFNT.-FouR BRIGHT, HPA- i3don AoA !let. ro prilem . Neal a► 1 I'tOt'•• ronin-Atrre Yr. Mart -h'« tkte fox tel• Or to let. )'ro Ir?tlre hatdl-d is Rrocery a7 Pett d LLe takes and rnunty. Fere and "I•uro• wltIs entrance oK Hwmilnrr Atreet. Hnfi life (s�notae, owey to imn •u.. - w6t# tar Mw)@r. dollar, Qestiot. drre.mnkrr. IIRht bou,Okrepfug. Key with NF. Visit IOHN W. C'RAIGIE, LIP FIHF. It PH_----_-- ---21 If. e kiwi wrcldenl trl*mm�aa•. Ati art for"lin` lOR HENT. --A DWELLiNG ON twutuwl and Attack rotayartle•s. ln*nr weir in ell Geerayyes minter. IIRe• .limit d me best plan. Md at beset rater. A dwefllnR fnanished or not,. near lake had: ('all al Offle4', corner Neta Stmt and Squwiw, midern,ret, en{rnoe.. Ix mAdrrw J. N'. CRAWIR, Uod•ricb, Oni Baia �u.y.-'ren new darllings hl Anifk-eft role -0one :ll trees ; r ere dwelling on IYclrwt street : sdm1 building 'lot. en i,1K+n wl en ae. I,-., •tree,. �(cKILLOi' MUTUAL FIRE, IN• Caviar., met and Pini• -1 mot. 11tr11 w U It A N C F r • O. -Farm ward i.nMted W roN rru. -A frw Lund -h -A ben.sr air ra,m, Iowa, pmperllI In*tired. value of two rf In. near the lake, to foInt for tare suuunrr .Irwn. to"rel ftp [17wn. nm over (B,flttitw. 'W". , vatf YOUNG t ItOlIERTSION. •aid direrrlerw:-J. R 1NclD . ppare•rr ; T. F'm-er, - •a,r ; Jw. (bnrally. U. Irwin, Mr. Clan.- --- -- --- 0ty, 7. wi t. Ja,. F aram� J. rl. Grbte, J, fM,ln,. Beal Xstate for pale. wrl-. dlnrtorw ; T. Y, ilsylt, tie&foKh,,rrrefal7- �-- _ -- - _ crew -neer ; inlwt.ur., nomoraot dlre•tor W ll-.. L� O iZ HALL - - FIVE A (' R L H, J. N", Yeo, Holme•.vflle, marmot for \Cr.t i nest. -d by the Mtn Peter 11ant. mile from Humu. 1b11Cy-holflem can rwy w! ,,Mn,. i And get their dram rooeltNwd rt Yr. Camft ', ,"Ietgla ; rmn.r dwelling, JA kS st KS, tlblian. or at Mrlaul fins,,' 1'nlae•e ( lofhing tnrwf e, I..n land*. APyly W JAMF:•t lIrNK.v, afore G-derleb• esalf(ocd 1'. O., executor. IN 11 -- _-_ ��("VARM FOR SALLA. -PA HT OF LOT -- I' 1.11Akw Itange West ( ollmrne, eon•dmr. -Marria`'e 1400"" dowof 77re./N1 fs"w ve car MayJnoom ly .",t ed 1 •ALTF'H lL KELL]', a "an, RA In stain-;ndhhnit non•. w'il'l kilrMm, also Nn$afhrr dwelling ue:v tilt. rad. (:OUKItt('H ll -\T. Then, 1. a Irrn, :W s N•- wet h .heat rind-tablins, W.1'aamwk0-. Jeweller send Opt It'lit n. YA t n), with emnh•Idlon. Iwyleft ithe%e ;ail.) I.•ncr of Marriage LI-rn,e-. A .land em the m.ntl. end, la [ N,; four well., own wr file ban, .rill nnr ver erw•h Inatome I A mewl WLANK INSUFit OF .1iARRi-1 baseriniron•harel of wlmut Iwo Actem. Klery it AOR IIe nm& (Mderlch. OaL thio` i- an excellent %tate of reIudr. For .Arlrnakar. npply an retail or to 11FOH T/it'll. __ - ____ {A)1\', awrr let. la acid 1(, I.nke Hot Wool, !'-Ilnrne, or to(WORCIF; Till -10.41W. Keay. Auctlieneerltn4 -fmrl. God"Inh. tS.tt ylkt-- ---- _ \Olt NAhF:.-T\VO ('HUi('F; IAJ1T4 114 IAS GUNDRY. LiVF WI`OCK 11 w 1 auctioneer, line removed fmm in flu; nM Onrrrw pfwpwrtt. fine nn the Hamilton Htrwrt W new olllne. on Mautb tltn+ei entn-r of Katrin N crone and Market .t ra•1, at"1 where he welt bar fnmd at all times when nM the otb*ron Market stns. Miler serrke m ,o,,A, w.,I Term. rrwworrhb Aad .,'wry e(- pirmi-Iw ; sewer along F;IRIu arenne. Thaw• -rt film to •lve yon ,rl lmmisch'n. tenor ak Inc. ore Nt hated bt the Ieta'n'. flndn re.idenl bl t.rltnn ; wl(bin tw'o minute.' walk of Ibr IFO}((iE HF(TKF1'r, (iF:NF;IIAL l4rrm, FAt Itsm"If An sepply to J. F'. H�ta r w N, Graderlelf. - Atwtlon-nr, Ise Hamilton Atrr-f, linderich. P.O.Iss[ IM', All wlrw will receive srtlrlal jrtOR SALT. -- 1>• STORY HO1•HF. kltA•utlou. I will finY our "tire Atm.k of nn' Analllwrn .trent, la, .Wry h$amm� int bon -.hold gnat- fnr am-�, and w'lll well you Napier minr•t. 14 story home on Napier mtreet. 'tote-, furniture. osortn•mmal wp rine m. ern., nmr Catholic ehurrh, )i .tarty hour Im KIRin I., ('*n anti Aee what we cin Ao tier roil In al'enne. I -fora- hem -e art Ke iym ml nrr. I ,cony Ihr+ line (IFOROE HKUKKTT. (uri amity half -r oil Vio"r(n -tree., 1 •miry brick hmlr• fn ennp. Urlrrirn, I,Aftfonl, a KArarain, brick Told in 4*011urne. __. _ -__ nenr "rmnfller. N mplendfd Incrstincnl fm n --' - -- -'-- --" men w{Ih mmall rapical. Farrow fnr sale In env lwrt M Haran county. YOUNG t ROHERT. IN IN, r►ndi•rich, Otie. T H F •M'1OR HALF. -THF HOI'SF AND ` 1 Ia on Hran• street, Ualeo'feh, loun1NI. 11(' �:BrLING BA `K lately rA.t of the Centra) m•hDok There am a ' num rof fruit Ir.en tin Ilio Mt awi the rot - I Cray f• ronv►nlently Ia•ated : wl/rlld ns*�a a 1 topl.odld building let. Alrydr to MRS. M. A. I OF CANADA MI'L A N, lielfaA, Ood. 1 linen or►rer. Too"") L\Oft HA1,1: OR 'l -O RENT. -A I t(1710a1r.Cp ctrtrkl. A,s.r11rl JrL' air-t-rinml /'fern form fu1M•Cmt Vi awah*sh. ' h. mnrr.don S, lot T% with 1;3 fierro, In N gavel I isete M Cultltat ion, well feared, well wuICMI, galnoarnl ar-lamd, Inrge batik btrn, atlRxl hnnmr, a 1NOt)Ri'ORATIM) RY HPFk'IALACI` llcmtomt,o.bMckwnith-hopad.torr art sterner I OFiNIM1N1(1NPA1tL1AMKNT of form. 'nm•enlenttowhatlmnd rhumb, N 1 mile- frmli l'. 1'. K.-tsetlon of Aahurn, T,•rm- TO ltK('KIyK i)RI'v 1iTg c:wy. M•. A. HAICRISON, Lurknow•v, mann I N E RC'ELLEWe *ARM F O R( To accom(Niste the PHrmPrs AAI,K-Bb arm"In We"1 tt•Awan-sh.Iwo a le. fr(Nn Auh3rn ; -oll a river beta. almnt 140 c we hove have opened Branchra Roor�er.a Under l-1 tlrfiUa, ,,ad :+, to 10 mert+- in the villlgpe, of l[ntber. it wc11 nod two Pring,. of water, a , new fmm; AweIIInR, n artNltf Irrn, table acrd ,i DUNGANNON, tp�N p/ lard. Apylyto Ul'YU t ItUNKI(T !111\ tl -'I frh VAI�NA anll BAYFIELD. Q'e sealiait the Patronage of tbow FARKRR. "AGM, NOT'M vilso-or%Tv:n. , iWC(X BANK ACCOVN'P ^peened lay depnrit of I><l•('e int*rest• PA 3",' PumpotFed: ed quarl'awarl •. "'/"ERiC H HHANCK A. n. n istN"t. E. Mmmage, n t c it I al 11 n Ili n ,T b 9 I Before you •elect your Periodicals for tgo7 read the list of SIGNAL CLUBBING OFFERS On Page fib. 1T WILL PAY YOU, - - - - - __ - --- -- - - ---- GODERICH, ONI'AR10, CANADA : I)MU1IER 2i, 1906 vANATTKR t RUBZRTt)UN. Pvsusaaas Iaward wbicb well IM n11NIly {M wind h)' IIIN come of f1.o uuluieilrlilr iu the .rout of the a.w'. (� 1d the elwturto bdu4 bl"iuwl tlu•rotu) eft.' one u-wlb from 16w Mr -t yubNcmfiofa jr Ili 8isual, tako date of whiaak flat euhlkntiou wr 76u r..,lr). the I:Nh dx• of D,•cenb.•r. VAAi, wn ]'LAW Nu. 'hi, UI 1tWa that flat• tot.•- of the r .•atom of ll-. mold usuu cipwlilyy will be n►r•u thorw-s , n the J.)' au Ur sl take Left. awl 0.,l- ,1..n•ila 11n•el. THB CORI.ORATION OF' THF: TOWN OF' Y. O. JOaAyTJN, OODrtilulf. rlerk. A HYLAW TO GRANT AiD BY WAY OF' LOAN TO Till: HOUKils MANUFAC- \ TITHING COMPANY. UMITKD. 2. - '•• ..f .e e.t . N'llNw6km the Itlarer. Manufucl urinal lour Iwnlk. I,iuuLed. pmlm.e pureh,..in ole Iand,, (ZYLA\V N Yl, war. ...A.•binely {lent mud works of the Onlertt.h T Enlfbu•.... HJ,ycle Couq.uO•, Lindttd. fur the - -- eun. of �1,so U." .red inr{{I ,viuK.fail exfenth,w A BYLAW TO PLACE: THK WATKIL the .wk. workw, acid adef Ing W the ,will as t WORICK AND KLFYTIUC LIUHT SYri and to hirer)• by rel Additional expenditure TF:MH OF THF: TOWN OF Wl►F-HIGH thuMal of ml Iw,",t 10`40rn. said earryicirlrt un thcrea.mg,e•nerol foundry award nuu•hine LOI!, t'NIIF;It T'HK CONT'lr)LOFA('( mmie- nr-.,for the I"Anufr,l lam, of milwla) .asocial. SION ANI► To lilt )VIItK FOIL THE /iftsaid esperi,.11) of the Itesferx pieces,, oyem F:LFa'TIUN OF l'(li1MlltatllUNFaIS. end jouna.I Ilex. dly t savanna, .ld Iubriettaiaig Irrk-n fur milrolul=, fur which {wta•nl. nn• ' --- held Ivy the •wad t'oueyIwxns', ,old employing un Woxue wN II 1, et Ialkst to ashore the water the mold work, not 1(•s,o than one hnndnvl work. raid trhrmk- �toht systau. of like Iowlruf .INlakli%M b•lore fill- t.xpb action of thu nail Gualerielo nock, te.;violl l of a'/run1111 .ion, yrrr of the makium II filo 11xua hereinafter under the aulbolit (d Tlr Mul'icl ml \\:nee meat leaned And nut le- than Iwo hunalerl \fork. Act find a Hunieilwl VJmht .fail n r 'r , ail r b,fo • W n the rx r i nafon n Her V f Ili- m year 1 Act aline aaNlwillw•Ilt. las awtai i .old to yrwr lben•from red in evech nlYerrllnR >'tnr I'm, iA.• fair tha•ekclkm of ,ueh cauud-.ionen. during Ihr.'w'n•n,Y of the• .vtiel tw o. Now Tllio 1wrolo; 111 - u.uIIlcalwl cauucil of Attic WIlaln:AA file meld / umiwuy la:.. m. the nu7nrnt ion of Ihr town of (;.Acricb enact. u(.ted the inurlleilmiI rourocll of ,b• town of A. !oleo,%, :- 4 raderieh Il, aid Ib•In In their dd enterprise L Fnmo find after Ifre final y.„dug, or Ilei. , by gram it. W Ilam. le Irwn of jQq••.le. to lee byl..w. ","I umtl the wine a. duly relAwkd. the 1 reiwid wit intere-t sit four:oda h.lf Iver rill'[, wrlel work -mild electric light .y,lanu. of IAB in !went r r , y o 1 fad nunurl Iw.l total PA or po lei +Jd tuwu rd Uldelirb „bol IA• In.u. .... and , eitwl feud inter,•.', w ilia the fund {wyurnl to null rollevl by fhnr ocarina.-iuuor., enc . er'l. e.r ,hall b• ry ulal an .umo n( f" the e•huait -1.n 11 lw• Iha• brad of Ibc rouo-al fur the t rnlnl.�.,1u. to Io• Ined talk the ,rid town fn re. tion- b•ln�[ ,nd 11.. r.'n.elning Ino of whom ., spent of the dello-ol un•. to Ise i-ned 1.y ,el ue s1.Nll b•,- mase" 6) Ilse ,Melon of Ibr muniet- I 'f obi, 1*6am,', ,ouch Nnnun/l liniment, to le Imelity ail tilt. Illllc. mud is the team nncr hemin- I IImde int thaw• swnn. thee as 1ht• Annual ye)- Nner lean Idol, itself ulroi the cleetion fat lk-h 1 silent. Minn the ,osid delientun•. M to le i•.utd eviuml,,.ionen nil the• power. ri hts. m illi I ,11.116-atom-rmenddl•.,,nd by exetoWiule /mm It" -"'"I luuu"Dktw will, -Iv miKhl. -leder Ibr a muAlrltwl to XaIiun fur. iellld of ten )event, ,not Ares. ha,I, trees e[emlmerl rr 1, Yd by I A1u N'ue.F AA at bo. Imrn further Rmed liceeti1n111oflhtramol lUN'n, nine tlee'�cen.of I lint'ht. wid Cotutwity .hAll ,evun• [he due n• the mNkf n,rpureatbn allium IIto'-fr, le\serra Iwywent of Ili. -,rid lent nod eve draw, ae•rfosrul• Ili.• nult...ilU• to prov ide uwney n•quln•d III a ache• fat Ihr .Aid Ieroi. find condition. by ex. ,,,.po,I of.urh wMk.l..bell Arid rsuty Ir oxer u n II11 mel . d IYII\'era le ,I s sl the wid town(Arst ottlrl 1.y file said Boise' -.-.Parti and 11.- � monirage upon mel alae land. of Ihr mld /Tun.- oM(r1m xlquintarl by fIN•u., and '1.c cuuneil : twnarinlhe.nid town RINI all the hnakllng,•, therm-efulth during Iha - 111sellao., of Ibe rnh•hirvltry and phmt now lhenon far hemufler-lxmenl of e•onuni,.I.H,-r. sewn 1111,1• Ile ' to be erw•lal or ,Ixowd Ihenon Burietrt for t.ur- 11uthorit III n --Peet of -u-b work. except .. rroeIr of the ,eild leen. tort bt :e isenitill co u,.. :dun�.,.�. . u.,. ell). •1111' m - 1 n oil mel- farumrU)11 .lull take pM-i•.for the numin,a K• -hall tontalu a eUUatNt.t to inure the tlnII cif the ntlVulmn• of Ib• sealant of run.mlm ek1 bn,14inR•, nlArhlnery uwt pliant to Giller.( luurn rnlufraal to to. cicelud. al [he Wwu the."id lo.11 lea the nuwunt of .Ilei. law,. fu hull. In the f'N'se far t;olrN,•h, u . -31,1 Iia) of mutheomo u.ies-4,411 he nppro "I of h) the INr-l-tul.•t,1MN, at 7::1n oiaa•k iu the etrnl ng,. Wan. Nnd h) puli"le. ronlaanluR -hat 1. 111-1 euawlll) In each .IN,•ee'dvog scar al like known see the more KNme c1.ul-c. land to kee , the ,Niue lime Nnd I.I.,e • n- Ihw l.eaciunutiun fur wmc inn In•'ln•d during the Bur•n•nry ea� Ihr May-[ of Ihemaid Inwn.. alvi lasts. mall which moll mortmain• •tae 11 .la, :L At IIN. sold on,ainK the 1,,o, dull- ,hall r..rlt-be 0 orteNNlu oil llw Iwrt of the ad he fit all n•-pl-t. !1.0 mann•'. Ibe which pin; 1'an{wily not to so n llflat Nm takU allwd. 1aik art Ihl- uonduwtlun fw' ]hoo. far 111.. „fad warted by Ihr ..lot rwtl•nt, ,I_%here In the Um 1-, n1 -d In (;tw a Ill -huukl le l'1..'. -.Icy Dominion of (,on...In. th, .sure .11n11 til• helal .al Ilse fnnn• thug aid Aatl'rllmrtr.A. it l• cxlRdi,ut to grand that pblr-mall t1' lilt- ,.1nle• oMWr• aft to eJa• IIf NII mild A{A-oh)-1 W lhr maid,ondil a.m., ellrlon (far �Ia)or of tier .akl town• and cls,• Axo WIIYNr Ar air under thereto it will In• fail"el.rt War """ be onhllucre.l h. the.11., mmr.,,.rT to i-.ne aleHurn fan. of ehw, t$awu of notoo(I in all n•.le+rl.. Nnd Ilse Ii.,nl,t.m.. of U-Aa•t k•h f.x the- -nail of tit.,.nn4), n- hemin- I Ile(•$auwlminte,, 3(011wil-al Art. Iwo,,elaving N r a:;. d,d lrbarh i. Ihr mnu'lnt of Ihr to mol'o- ail electiol• .hall b• np14o-able. Ar iutl•41r1 lutke'-ated bylhr-6)9awl. the Iheretu:u.A stmern the• woes ,eel lbs, tilt• IInm11r1. of -he Auld delientntr. to tee.repli/ed elation of rho soil ,01" ail-.Imr1- .16511 have 10lb- wfd Purim ..aid to 1110lher. IIo effeet estates, .&rot ams, it Ilse elw•lur. nppmle tx- vivo mr An it i• dt..ir.0de rn i.-uc the of thi. byte.. "ad descfat un.. el war tall-' Nal to 1-N. k- t he I. At 11... nail elec 1 fin 11-1,1 under chi. b) Ire' pri,e•i1wloflhr.alddt•IIf mIN)lnbleby)carl) the -mtnni.-omwer whs, l..w n,, -it'd ah- •nm.rluriouIh# n' rind ofYvremy)Iwr-. Iw-film hil,lsr-I nuot1wr of„ras.d-(sell v Ie,I fon. far. In rise r"rlrn.'y off the ""tl deleolven, wed ra.' Ibe Ila-- r.r,-nidal fair talk• 1.s, -s-stud. yBnrly.unl. Willa of -nab "I-11ve HI'le""I. aIle"'r, Ide1'1ecl4-ell bo,,im). or Ibr cllv9im. favor Ihr nesn'g,de .1..I-1II.I Wq..6le in e.eh ha ll b• by nr-lau.Nlion, IIW "Quoui-.ioseer her. year rise pri1--gwl RINI lnten•-1 in m,trr•t of ins Ihw, l4r1re.t N..aarlelll ...I the best n•Ii.,, .id Acbt -l.all te• w, u,nrl) .. Im..j I,ie,.rel to Amm•.a.-•nl mel .1,N 111,w1I1y 111` Il. unlre for t wo Ibr "I'll) d ma {{fbaro m th I rarh td Ihr ail her )'rm' nnA until hl -.ail". r Is— ben el reed ailA stir•o If KHRAfthr.nla IN'rt1Al. Nnd Uric are w Irwldar7rNnferl.01.1Iht•n•uwin- A s:. \\'/IKNkllwlw total wnnunuI (o•gnirad 6y farm rl-nu,i-.1okwe .h.1t rwular.w• fn or11-e fair the Ibn.olidmol Slnnf-imd A,•t Iwrt Io k octal )rear xwi iI LOCAL TOPICS. I"I""-"'ree1)Idio flint H. H. Ala �r thews, of Nile, who adds that h , I lather wits x rubecrilwa. to Thr Sign, d To Support the Bylaws. Isinceblowearlies,lel•olleclion, pi-ohlthl i- 1•nnn the tittle it waw first Infected, an p A ofr(Kie9 ti the Itelem of 'n ole wince his father'o dtefith Mr. Alatthcw and of nti\ citizrnm iulrlemtwl in lake f has taken it henself. A(r. AlxtfheW putwaing of the induhlriAl bylaw4 lea era l"ule.t-rilrld agrain this morning fur I'll yotel co11 on January 701 will lee held Fti9uwl ,u of The \Vewkly Globe, til ,it the town hall toulorruw' (Fridayp taco lu4-'. hecxnoot get xlung with evening. Al K a/'cicek, fur lake• purpNNe out. cof organizing, A large attendance is requested. A Happy Occasion. W:11 Remain Mere. One of the ploxeant events elf the lChrirtruussen)uln for the pmprjeton We ore very.pbaaswl indeed ibis of The Nign+d waw x plrsentatior week to la abet• tip annoence th,lt J, � "utile to them by the InCmtNrrs of th( E. LPN'itt "Illi flintily role lea Ielonln rift'Nttaff (lit SatordAy afternoon. An ad renjde'ets of the town final th,t(, Mr. ' dress (which mfollehty forbids ue to Lewitt will otill cotllieue lea Ire mule- I n)bli.lu was read lay Nr. Walter ager co( thtl OlNlrripe Knitting ('o, �afteI and each mainline of the firm The annouueenient fat �Ir. Jwawitt'm wato pre"rnte( with one of NAllows, intended removal froel Wen it short. finemt views, haudfelnurly fl'amet. lime wag-) was the occasion of nu Recall The recipietts, who) were take I e coni- regret and Ihr many friends of the I pletely Ivy ourprise. attempted in a family fine glad to know now that We ew words to express their rippplPlia- fire nut to lose thein As residents. � tion of the kindly thought[Idness Christmas Window Dis la s.� Iwiaich )roulpted the action, and ale p Y of the Diligence And energy of the staff The Chrishnem displx. b. the : in the work elf turning out '•the twist melrhntllh of (:eNlrrich added greatly , and hrighte•mt Impair in Huron culmty." to the beigr1rhttirme of ill(. mwawlrII and w•PI•P x cmIlt to their tafefr and enter•' Saying Good-bye. priN(•. Wail, Seim ul au'n whirr• stone . Harry Irwin left fon Cliris(mAs 1'•'•' t r i p n (• r.twl leu yec�' AthYu•tivr win• morning fair Springfield. Naas.. where+ dtiw'.. In title wlt.: fa diloinutive he lilts n position ie A large depart• hcoumo•, i4 pN•rfw•t reprlaluelion of ri relent store. Hefor• hit, departure he nn.lrrn residence, lij(hlwl L) rh•(lric- was presented with a house cont by it- I'he other window wmfe dw•or. i rhe staff of H•mlgens HmR. ;.torr, of rated in la "tmsonable yard lallieful dP• which •he has been •t valuwl metnlver sign. Ate w•e have alreaedy nlrntiuued, ' for tilt. pl:tet twat years. Mr. Irwin's till• I'Pstanrxnlle were gaily decorated, hostile is in (Tinton and INefole comingg ,41111 Noulp of Ihegnm•er)• 6i,ok P windows here he waste connected with the ii2 ova Ir ver}• uttractivt-. (', (`, l,w:s genal }(rox.' CtinGut eablishment. window'n Iced very clever imitations of \L•. Irwin h a4 Always (leen a very cul itutourdlilot and x sttuuoer con- papular young fallow and fon Chrimi- .lreacted fof tnri,t114 .In,tll artj,""' of lit IS Fvc a flow cof [list ompNanions in• mi -ted animell by -p. fu rot to I rlra)It for N,lot debt Read hit rremi /M horeilbtner grow dlN1 I GODERICH MARKETS. Sim _ ROT ADAMS -- - - A. TerRxuai•, Ilecroullrr _ lh. The min I TltafaRa Or t'lI CY h .r e s k t linin Idem • dull one ao pm •t week alt 'fie iak:a l.( dellen aid Ila. W aekl Is Rant of Mostroal Mak. e'+,Ilee i a weakening, of pri,Ns. Nu shipments of loan Arte hero Wade,ewarls,o toil- price b►Ingdow, - _ _. .all whmt, Ivrr climb, new...... e) T, 1. if n n Hpring wheal 61uh, 1/eIItllstr� Ire now.... a IP, to u e Hsesper buwhi r--•�-- = . u 41 w u t Hue wheat. per be" •......"" N tJ m u �1 E. BALL, LD.H., D.U.S. 1 Wt,. per ha -la., new .......... if v W e a Pee`. {ler berth • Moran'. IYunal ..... .......... U ;J W 0 ; Zoe l pier bu+4 .... ... . .._ u 43 tL u t Ierr. Tunbdl'to old nand1 II n`n"'Oi'U1al)s, per ten . •••••••••• Wet to tin0 Flour. runs Iy. prrewi - ":4 -_ ...,....., to 1 d Finn', patent, pe•r cwt ....... ! el- to , s u, Yed>ltxl , Mn n, I". Iw).................... 1Y l'010 L'iu ahortN, ter Lail or (lrnun,ho/rhecarr of GaIcH,•b rnn,•1• x. h 1.'ris 1. rhe mnniNarl nlilh'n ,.,.. yl tit to sl ll- Hr po .......,... 11'pypd, t ton . ............. ... .•. 1't air to I. U In r•tiotvilig him me lowripl. jilt, yertPl•. I► RS, FMMKRHON k TURNBULL. RutleL�eO� s,nto nn ............ l' Let to a - A. T. Kase uctram, M. t). , la(ws;.�� Pt ................ 11 W n I. Fjrar,,, hemoi, Ire ens - \C. H, Tvwxat l.i- M, e._ ............ as ., lu to Y INso, . 1. I.._ .... call- elpic for cwt.......... s :,U to :1 .1 l)pp•*Ita vleWlr st root rAnreh, 'pbone Isit H-timiNve 'welrbt, pet nwt .. it Ie to e u Ur. Ternbell'. retold -rare, Nehon torrent, '4 •are lramtl. ..... .. ......0 4 ,a to .\ n yyrr .. . haw.. toIAeN. -phone ICs. HllrrIt per ret ...... 1 :1 Ire to a .i1 Hen., per 11, 0 M W o 1, �H. A. N. MA('KLIN, M. B Hoeotl.perlb 0Dto 0Bi L lard. per In la W 1: PMV141l'IAN ANI) MI"HG L1 )N •rrllow,perlas r. - W rttentios to Ky., east, Nose fad Hfda, pier cwt OM is sty Tbrmt. IMkr end t•r.ldrsrw, old )Mnk of ]rem N�yy0rr ice ....... N 10 to J .Y Tel• • PurtefNrY,, N er.t .t., U/dench. Chief. .. 4.1 1ti C '111 ,�a. lib ....... .. . Ia W tea -- TU-si.. ........ ,' . N est 11 �� fiiuiside nrrttA. rn targe .L, IAMMMON A IiALLllHAN, HIR- - Yor Sale MISTeltH "letwtiuotartas, ate. Oleos. H SALE. - A (: ."Ian SL. thtrd 4m &wa wluww.eAedW k. l-1 U OOD ('U7'1'F;H. (.no. M. G. CAMKHON, K. ('. J. I. IL early new, In coed condition, Nlll be LoltA \, •sldat A low prl.c by J TA IT. Ualerlch. _ YHOUDFOOT. HAYS A BLAiR. RNfi114TERED HHOHTHORN CAT - trll•ltom n•tartwpubHo par . TIA: FOIL RAI.K-Thry yewrliti bull.. 1 red b Jett TM y rex u;s: tin w t e n.r� I . brrtlN(•f� 1 owe •'...". eltY oor Dort thio lf/ce r )', I 1 -.rt • wand M ADrrdren Item fx'u ,aumn, ns[t dwx ('. �. halro'w ppwr�q. )•rl 1 nr1 irn�ld fired rile nutAfi to lw,m1 at It waant rate• wf interr•L ((7¢�war Rall aalrae. elerwn , t Il old, tent w'. PROU UFOOT, K_ C. IL C. IIIA TI(, m. V I H' Ho,ul Mk. -le t3ipttt. Awns. �(,t by 1In•rAarn em aminrted,, l ow« eaf Irelfoo m, all fLAllt ' 1•rar"• ery ratm.on-Me. A1.ply NI'.1HHA N*( O. JUHNNTUN, BARHlMTN,R, IIItOIr.. Murlm toi, Krait Cn.. IIciL 1;•. ot. stenciller, notary ``oMl,; corrnmt.atoner. \OR SALT. -A GOOD CONI'URD stn Meoe) to k,m N. f rn1ro, Dennis? Hamlllult -aid Ht..k awlrow a Htra•ete, Graderirb. OI,L prime tune wm,-, with high Trek fort __ .cwt, Mw Ir b•el., ,nrft AW4 light lele. 1'. i.. DICKINSON A OARROW, RAR NALTUM. We-t.troet. ItISTnite, arl)erseylti wdktem.. ole., /�1WO HCGGIM•ft.� ONF (•t•TTFH (loderteA. Moos bred rt lowest prem. F 1 >{ AND r lir 3111 so'. o wAIiUN, a@ wassy L UIl'KINW)N. ( Altl.i7l UAHItO w, LLB• pmmllawed fl•wn SI. N'. Harwell fur -w F. rACwµ Apply at CHAS. C. LP.EN hrnlwser• *lure, of insaralbm Loalm etc. - - _ - -- ---- -- _ _ 10 Beat _ YDVN() a RUBBRTHON, REAL I-�1-O RFNT.-FouR BRIGHT, HPA- i3don AoA !let. ro prilem . Neal a► 1 I'tOt'•• ronin-Atrre Yr. Mart -h'« tkte fox tel• Or to let. )'ro Ir?tlre hatdl-d is Rrocery a7 Pett d LLe takes and rnunty. Fere and "I•uro• wltIs entrance oK Hwmilnrr Atreet. Hnfi life (s�notae, owey to imn •u.. - w6t# tar Mw)@r. dollar, Qestiot. drre.mnkrr. IIRht bou,Okrepfug. Key with NF. Visit IOHN W. C'RAIGIE, LIP FIHF. It PH_----_-- ---21 If. e kiwi wrcldenl trl*mm�aa•. Ati art for"lin` lOR HENT. --A DWELLiNG ON twutuwl and Attack rotayartle•s. ln*nr weir in ell Geerayyes minter. IIRe• .limit d me best plan. Md at beset rater. A dwefllnR fnanished or not,. near lake had: ('all al Offle4', corner Neta Stmt and Squwiw, midern,ret, en{rnoe.. Ix mAdrrw J. N'. CRAWIR, Uod•ricb, Oni Baia �u.y.-'ren new darllings hl Anifk-eft role -0one :ll trees ; r ere dwelling on IYclrwt street : sdm1 building 'lot. en i,1K+n wl en ae. I,-., •tree,. �(cKILLOi' MUTUAL FIRE, IN• Caviar., met and Pini• -1 mot. 11tr11 w U It A N C F r • O. -Farm ward i.nMted W roN rru. -A frw Lund -h -A ben.sr air ra,m, Iowa, pmperllI In*tired. value of two rf In. near the lake, to foInt for tare suuunrr .Irwn. to"rel ftp [17wn. nm over (B,flttitw. 'W". , vatf YOUNG t ItOlIERTSION. •aid direrrlerw:-J. R 1NclD . ppare•rr ; T. F'm-er, - •a,r ; Jw. (bnrally. U. Irwin, Mr. Clan.- --- -- --- 0ty, 7. wi t. Ja,. F aram� J. rl. Grbte, J, fM,ln,. Beal Xstate for pale. wrl-. dlnrtorw ; T. Y, ilsylt, tie&foKh,,rrrefal7- �-- _ -- - _ crew -neer ; inlwt.ur., nomoraot dlre•tor W ll-.. L� O iZ HALL - - FIVE A (' R L H, J. N", Yeo, Holme•.vflle, marmot for \Cr.t i nest. -d by the Mtn Peter 11ant. mile from Humu. 1b11Cy-holflem can rwy w! ,,Mn,. i And get their dram rooeltNwd rt Yr. Camft ', ,"Ietgla ; rmn.r dwelling, JA kS st KS, tlblian. or at Mrlaul fins,,' 1'nlae•e ( lofhing tnrwf e, I..n land*. APyly W JAMF:•t lIrNK.v, afore G-derleb• esalf(ocd 1'. O., executor. IN 11 -- _-_ ��("VARM FOR SALLA. -PA HT OF LOT -- I' 1.11Akw Itange West ( ollmrne, eon•dmr. -Marria`'e 1400"" dowof 77re./N1 fs"w ve car MayJnoom ly .",t ed 1 •ALTF'H lL KELL]', a "an, RA In stain-;ndhhnit non•. w'il'l kilrMm, also Nn$afhrr dwelling ue:v tilt. rad. (:OUKItt('H ll -\T. Then, 1. a Irrn, :W s N•- wet h .heat rind-tablins, W.1'aamwk0-. Jeweller send Opt It'lit n. YA t n), with emnh•Idlon. Iwyleft ithe%e ;ail.) I.•ncr of Marriage LI-rn,e-. A .land em the m.ntl. end, la [ N,; four well., own wr file ban, .rill nnr ver erw•h Inatome I A mewl WLANK INSUFit OF .1iARRi-1 baseriniron•harel of wlmut Iwo Actem. Klery it AOR IIe nm& (Mderlch. OaL thio` i- an excellent %tate of reIudr. For .Arlrnakar. npply an retail or to 11FOH T/it'll. __ - ____ {A)1\', awrr let. la acid 1(, I.nke Hot Wool, !'-Ilnrne, or to(WORCIF; Till -10.41W. Keay. Auctlieneerltn4 -fmrl. God"Inh. tS.tt ylkt-- ---- _ \Olt NAhF:.-T\VO ('HUi('F; IAJ1T4 114 IAS GUNDRY. LiVF WI`OCK 11 w 1 auctioneer, line removed fmm in flu; nM Onrrrw pfwpwrtt. fine nn the Hamilton Htrwrt W new olllne. on Mautb tltn+ei entn-r of Katrin N crone and Market .t ra•1, at"1 where he welt bar fnmd at all times when nM the otb*ron Market stns. Miler serrke m ,o,,A, w.,I Term. rrwworrhb Aad .,'wry e(- pirmi-Iw ; sewer along F;IRIu arenne. Thaw• -rt film to •lve yon ,rl lmmisch'n. tenor ak Inc. ore Nt hated bt the Ieta'n'. flndn re.idenl bl t.rltnn ; wl(bin tw'o minute.' walk of Ibr IFO}((iE HF(TKF1'r, (iF:NF;IIAL l4rrm, FAt Itsm"If An sepply to J. F'. H�ta r w N, Graderlelf. - Atwtlon-nr, Ise Hamilton Atrr-f, linderich. P.O.Iss[ IM', All wlrw will receive srtlrlal jrtOR SALT. -- 1>• STORY HO1•HF. kltA•utlou. I will finY our "tire Atm.k of nn' Analllwrn .trent, la, .Wry h$amm� int bon -.hold gnat- fnr am-�, and w'lll well you Napier minr•t. 14 story home on Napier mtreet. 'tote-, furniture. osortn•mmal wp rine m. ern., nmr Catholic ehurrh, )i .tarty hour Im KIRin I., ('*n anti Aee what we cin Ao tier roil In al'enne. I -fora- hem -e art Ke iym ml nrr. I ,cony Ihr+ line (IFOROE HKUKKTT. (uri amity half -r oil Vio"r(n -tree., 1 •miry brick hmlr• fn ennp. Urlrrirn, I,Aftfonl, a KArarain, brick Told in 4*011urne. __. _ -__ nenr "rmnfller. N mplendfd Incrstincnl fm n --' - -- -'-- --" men w{Ih mmall rapical. Farrow fnr sale In env lwrt M Haran county. YOUNG t ROHERT. IN IN, r►ndi•rich, Otie. T H F •M'1OR HALF. -THF HOI'SF AND ` 1 Ia on Hran• street, Ualeo'feh, loun1NI. 11(' �:BrLING BA `K lately rA.t of the Centra) m•hDok There am a ' num rof fruit Ir.en tin Ilio Mt awi the rot - I Cray f• ronv►nlently Ia•ated : wl/rlld ns*�a a 1 topl.odld building let. Alrydr to MRS. M. A. I OF CANADA MI'L A N, lielfaA, Ood. 1 linen or►rer. Too"") L\Oft HA1,1: OR 'l -O RENT. -A I t(1710a1r.Cp ctrtrkl. A,s.r11rl JrL' air-t-rinml /'fern form fu1M•Cmt Vi awah*sh. ' h. mnrr.don S, lot T% with 1;3 fierro, In N gavel I isete M Cultltat ion, well feared, well wuICMI, galnoarnl ar-lamd, Inrge batik btrn, atlRxl hnnmr, a 1NOt)Ri'ORATIM) RY HPFk'IALACI` llcmtomt,o.bMckwnith-hopad.torr art sterner I OFiNIM1N1(1NPA1tL1AMKNT of form. 'nm•enlenttowhatlmnd rhumb, N 1 mile- frmli l'. 1'. K.-tsetlon of Aahurn, T,•rm- TO ltK('KIyK i)RI'v 1iTg c:wy. M•. A. HAICRISON, Lurknow•v, mann I N E RC'ELLEWe *ARM F O R( To accom(Niste the PHrmPrs AAI,K-Bb arm"In We"1 tt•Awan-sh.Iwo a le. fr(Nn Auh3rn ; -oll a river beta. almnt 140 c we hove have opened Branchra Roor�er.a Under l-1 tlrfiUa, ,,ad :+, to 10 mert+- in the villlgpe, of l[ntber. it wc11 nod two Pring,. of water, a , new fmm; AweIIInR, n artNltf Irrn, table acrd ,i DUNGANNON, tp�N p/ lard. Apylyto Ul'YU t ItUNKI(T !111\ tl -'I frh VAI�NA anll BAYFIELD. Q'e sealiait the Patronage of tbow FARKRR. "AGM, NOT'M vilso-or%Tv:n. , iWC(X BANK ACCOVN'P ^peened lay depnrit of I><l•('e int*rest• PA 3",' PumpotFed: ed quarl'awarl •. "'/"ERiC H HHANCK A. n. n istN"t. E. Mmmage, n t c it I al 11 n Ili n ,T b 9 I Before you •elect your Periodicals for tgo7 read the list of SIGNAL CLUBBING OFFERS On Page fib. 1T WILL PAY YOU, - - - - - __ - --- -- - - ---- GODERICH, ONI'AR10, CANADA : I)MU1IER 2i, 1906 vANATTKR t RUBZRTt)UN. Pvsusaaas Iaward wbicb well IM n11NIly {M wind h)' IIIN come of f1.o uuluieilrlilr iu the .rout of the a.w'. (� 1d the elwturto bdu4 bl"iuwl tlu•rotu) eft.' one u-wlb from 16w Mr -t yubNcmfiofa jr Ili 8isual, tako date of whiaak flat euhlkntiou wr 76u r..,lr). the I:Nh dx• of D,•cenb.•r. VAAi, wn ]'LAW Nu. 'hi, UI 1tWa that flat• tot.•- of the r .•atom of ll-. mold usuu cipwlilyy will be n►r•u thorw-s , n the J.)' au Ur sl take Left. awl 0.,l- ,1..n•ila 11n•el. THB CORI.ORATION OF' THF: TOWN OF' Y. O. JOaAyTJN, OODrtilulf. rlerk. A HYLAW TO GRANT AiD BY WAY OF' LOAN TO Till: HOUKils MANUFAC- \ TITHING COMPANY. UMITKD. 2. - '•• ..f .e e.t . N'llNw6km the Itlarer. Manufucl urinal lour Iwnlk. I,iuuLed. pmlm.e pureh,..in ole Iand,, (ZYLA\V N Yl, war. ...A.•binely {lent mud works of the Onlertt.h T Enlfbu•.... HJ,ycle Couq.uO•, Lindttd. fur the - -- eun. of �1,so U." .red inr{{I ,viuK.fail exfenth,w A BYLAW TO PLACE: THK WATKIL the .wk. workw, acid adef Ing W the ,will as t WORICK AND KLFYTIUC LIUHT SYri and to hirer)• by rel Additional expenditure TF:MH OF THF: TOWN OF Wl►F-HIGH thuMal of ml Iw,",t 10`40rn. said earryicirlrt un thcrea.mg,e•nerol foundry award nuu•hine LOI!, t'NIIF;It T'HK CONT'lr)LOFA('( mmie- nr-.,for the I"Anufr,l lam, of milwla) .asocial. SION ANI► To lilt )VIItK FOIL THE /iftsaid esperi,.11) of the Itesferx pieces,, oyem F:LFa'TIUN OF l'(li1MlltatllUNFaIS. end jouna.I Ilex. dly t savanna, .ld Iubriettaiaig Irrk-n fur milrolul=, fur which {wta•nl. nn• ' --- held Ivy the •wad t'oueyIwxns', ,old employing un Woxue wN II 1, et Ialkst to ashore the water the mold work, not 1(•s,o than one hnndnvl work. raid trhrmk- �toht systau. of like Iowlruf .INlakli%M b•lore fill- t.xpb action of thu nail Gualerielo nock, te.;violl l of a'/run1111 .ion, yrrr of the makium II filo 11xua hereinafter under the aulbolit (d Tlr Mul'icl ml \\:nee meat leaned And nut le- than Iwo hunalerl \fork. Act find a Hunieilwl VJmht .fail n r 'r , ail r b,fo • W n the rx r i nafon n Her V f Ili- m year 1 Act aline aaNlwillw•Ilt. las awtai i .old to yrwr lben•from red in evech nlYerrllnR >'tnr I'm, iA.• fair tha•ekclkm of ,ueh cauud-.ionen. during Ihr.'w'n•n,Y of the• .vtiel tw o. Now Tllio 1wrolo; 111 - u.uIIlcalwl cauucil of Attic WIlaln:AA file meld / umiwuy la:.. m. the nu7nrnt ion of Ihr town of (;.Acricb enact. u(.ted the inurlleilmiI rourocll of ,b• town of A. !oleo,%, :- 4 raderieh Il, aid Ib•In In their dd enterprise L Fnmo find after Ifre final y.„dug, or Ilei. , by gram it. W Ilam. le Irwn of jQq••.le. to lee byl..w. ","I umtl the wine a. duly relAwkd. the 1 reiwid wit intere-t sit four:oda h.lf Iver rill'[, wrlel work -mild electric light .y,lanu. of IAB in !went r r , y o 1 fad nunurl Iw.l total PA or po lei +Jd tuwu rd Uldelirb „bol IA• In.u. .... and , eitwl feud inter,•.', w ilia the fund {wyurnl to null rollevl by fhnr ocarina.-iuuor., enc . er'l. e.r ,hall b• ry ulal an .umo n( f" the e•huait -1.n 11 lw• Iha• brad of Ibc rouo-al fur the t rnlnl.�.,1u. to Io• Ined talk the ,rid town fn re. tion- b•ln�[ ,nd 11.. r.'n.elning Ino of whom ., spent of the dello-ol un•. to Ise i-ned 1.y ,el ue s1.Nll b•,- mase" 6) Ilse ,Melon of Ibr muniet- I 'f obi, 1*6am,', ,ouch Nnnun/l liniment, to le Imelity ail tilt. Illllc. mud is the team nncr hemin- I IImde int thaw• swnn. thee as 1ht• Annual ye)- Nner lean Idol, itself ulroi the cleetion fat lk-h 1 silent. Minn the ,osid delientun•. M to le i•.utd eviuml,,.ionen nil the• power. ri hts. m illi I ,11.116-atom-rmenddl•.,,nd by exetoWiule /mm It" -"'"I luuu"Dktw will, -Iv miKhl. -leder Ibr a muAlrltwl to XaIiun fur. iellld of ten )event, ,not Ares. ha,I, trees e[emlmerl rr 1, Yd by I A1u N'ue.F AA at bo. Imrn further Rmed liceeti1n111oflhtramol lUN'n, nine tlee'�cen.of I lint'ht. wid Cotutwity .hAll ,evun• [he due n• the mNkf n,rpureatbn allium IIto'-fr, le\serra Iwywent of Ili. -,rid lent nod eve draw, ae•rfosrul• Ili.• nult...ilU• to prov ide uwney n•quln•d III a ache• fat Ihr .Aid Ieroi. find condition. by ex. ,,,.po,I of.urh wMk.l..bell Arid rsuty Ir oxer u n II11 mel . d IYII\'era le ,I s sl the wid town(Arst ottlrl 1.y file said Boise' -.-.Parti and 11.- � monirage upon mel alae land. of Ihr mld /Tun.- oM(r1m xlquintarl by fIN•u., and '1.c cuuneil : twnarinlhe.nid town RINI all the hnakllng,•, therm-efulth during Iha - 111sellao., of Ibe rnh•hirvltry and phmt now lhenon far hemufler-lxmenl of e•onuni,.I.H,-r. sewn 1111,1• Ile ' to be erw•lal or ,Ixowd Ihenon Burietrt for t.ur- 11uthorit III n --Peet of -u-b work. except .. rroeIr of the ,eild leen. tort bt :e isenitill co u,.. :dun�.,.�. . u.,. ell). •1111' m - 1 n oil mel- farumrU)11 .lull take pM-i•.for the numin,a K• -hall tontalu a eUUatNt.t to inure the tlnII cif the ntlVulmn• of Ib• sealant of run.mlm ek1 bn,14inR•, nlArhlnery uwt pliant to Giller.( luurn rnlufraal to to. cicelud. al [he Wwu the."id lo.11 lea the nuwunt of .Ilei. law,. fu hull. In the f'N'se far t;olrN,•h, u . -31,1 Iia) of mutheomo u.ies-4,411 he nppro "I of h) the INr-l-tul.•t,1MN, at 7::1n oiaa•k iu the etrnl ng,. Wan. Nnd h) puli"le. ronlaanluR -hat 1. 111-1 euawlll) In each .IN,•ee'dvog scar al like known see the more KNme c1.ul-c. land to kee , the ,Niue lime Nnd I.I.,e • n- Ihw l.eaciunutiun fur wmc inn In•'ln•d during the Bur•n•nry ea� Ihr May-[ of Ihemaid Inwn.. alvi lasts. mall which moll mortmain• •tae 11 .la, :L At IIN. sold on,ainK the 1,,o, dull- ,hall r..rlt-be 0 orteNNlu oil llw Iwrt of the ad he fit all n•-pl-t. !1.0 mann•'. Ibe which pin; 1'an{wily not to so n llflat Nm takU allwd. 1aik art Ihl- uonduwtlun fw' ]hoo. far 111.. „fad warted by Ihr ..lot rwtl•nt, ,I_%here In the Um 1-, n1 -d In (;tw a Ill -huukl le l'1..'. -.Icy Dominion of (,on...In. th, .sure .11n11 til• helal .al Ilse fnnn• thug aid Aatl'rllmrtr.A. it l• cxlRdi,ut to grand that pblr-mall t1' lilt- ,.1nle• oMWr• aft to eJa• IIf NII mild A{A-oh)-1 W lhr maid,ondil a.m., ellrlon (far �Ia)or of tier .akl town• and cls,• Axo WIIYNr Ar air under thereto it will In• fail"el.rt War """ be onhllucre.l h. the.11., mmr.,,.rT to i-.ne aleHurn fan. of ehw, t$awu of notoo(I in all n•.le+rl.. Nnd Ilse Ii.,nl,t.m.. of U-Aa•t k•h f.x the- -nail of tit.,.nn4), n- hemin- I Ile(•$auwlminte,, 3(011wil-al Art. Iwo,,elaving N r a:;. d,d lrbarh i. Ihr mnu'lnt of Ihr to mol'o- ail electiol• .hall b• np14o-able. Ar iutl•41r1 lutke'-ated bylhr-6)9awl. the Iheretu:u.A stmern the• woes ,eel lbs, tilt• IInm11r1. of -he Auld delientntr. to tee.repli/ed elation of rho soil ,01" ail-.Imr1- .16511 have 10lb- wfd Purim ..aid to 1110lher. IIo effeet estates, .&rot ams, it Ilse elw•lur. nppmle tx- vivo mr An it i• dt..ir.0de rn i.-uc the of thi. byte.. "ad descfat un.. el war tall-' Nal to 1-N. k- t he I. At 11... nail elec 1 fin 11-1,1 under chi. b) Ire' pri,e•i1wloflhr.alddt•IIf mIN)lnbleby)carl) the -mtnni.-omwer whs, l..w n,, -it'd ah- •nm.rluriouIh# n' rind ofYvremy)Iwr-. Iw-film hil,lsr-I nuot1wr of„ras.d-(sell v Ie,I fon. far. In rise r"rlrn.'y off the ""tl deleolven, wed ra.' Ibe Ila-- r.r,-nidal fair talk• 1.s, -s-stud. yBnrly.unl. Willa of -nab "I-11ve HI'le""I. aIle"'r, Ide1'1ecl4-ell bo,,im). or Ibr cllv9im. favor Ihr nesn'g,de .1..I-1II.I Wq..6le in e.eh ha ll b• by nr-lau.Nlion, IIW "Quoui-.ioseer her. year rise pri1--gwl RINI lnten•-1 in m,trr•t of ins Ihw, l4r1re.t N..aarlelll ...I the best n•Ii.,, .id Acbt -l.all te• w, u,nrl) .. Im..j I,ie,.rel to Amm•.a.-•nl mel .1,N 111,w1I1y 111` Il. unlre for t wo Ibr "I'll) d ma {{fbaro m th I rarh td Ihr ail her )'rm' nnA until hl -.ail". r Is— ben el reed ailA stir•o If KHRAfthr.nla IN'rt1Al. Nnd Uric are w Irwldar7rNnferl.01.1Iht•n•uwin- A s:. \\'/IKNkllwlw total wnnunuI (o•gnirad 6y farm rl-nu,i-.1okwe .h.1t rwular.w• fn or11-e fair the Ibn.olidmol Slnnf-imd A,•t Iwrt Io k octal )rear xwi iI LOCAL TOPICS. I"I""-"'ree1)Idio flint H. H. Ala �r thews, of Nile, who adds that h , I lather wits x rubecrilwa. to Thr Sign, d To Support the Bylaws. Isinceblowearlies,lel•olleclion, pi-ohlthl i- 1•nnn the tittle it waw first Infected, an p A ofr(Kie9 ti the Itelem of 'n ole wince his father'o dtefith Mr. Alatthcw and of nti\ citizrnm iulrlemtwl in lake f has taken it henself. A(r. AlxtfheW putwaing of the induhlriAl bylaw4 lea era l"ule.t-rilrld agrain this morning fur I'll yotel co11 on January 701 will lee held Fti9uwl ,u of The \Vewkly Globe, til ,it the town hall toulorruw' (Fridayp taco lu4-'. hecxnoot get xlung with evening. Al K a/'cicek, fur lake• purpNNe out. cof organizing, A large attendance is requested. A Happy Occasion. W:11 Remain Mere. One of the ploxeant events elf the lChrirtruussen)uln for the pmprjeton We ore very.pbaaswl indeed ibis of The Nign+d waw x plrsentatior week to la abet• tip annoence th,lt J, � "utile to them by the InCmtNrrs of th( E. LPN'itt "Illi flintily role lea Ielonln rift'Nttaff (lit SatordAy afternoon. An ad renjde'ets of the town final th,t(, Mr. ' dress (which mfollehty forbids ue to Lewitt will otill cotllieue lea Ire mule- I n)bli.lu was read lay Nr. Walter ager co( thtl OlNlrripe Knitting ('o, �afteI and each mainline of the firm The annouueenient fat �Ir. Jwawitt'm wato pre"rnte( with one of NAllows, intended removal froel Wen it short. finemt views, haudfelnurly fl'amet. lime wag-) was the occasion of nu Recall The recipietts, who) were take I e coni- regret and Ihr many friends of the I pletely Ivy ourprise. attempted in a family fine glad to know now that We ew words to express their rippplPlia- fire nut to lose thein As residents. � tion of the kindly thought[Idness Christmas Window Dis la s.� Iwiaich )roulpted the action, and ale p Y of the Diligence And energy of the staff The Chrishnem displx. b. the : in the work elf turning out '•the twist melrhntllh of (:eNlrrich added greatly , and hrighte•mt Impair in Huron culmty." to the beigr1rhttirme of ill(. mwawlrII and w•PI•P x cmIlt to their tafefr and enter•' Saying Good-bye. priN(•. Wail, Seim ul au'n whirr• stone . Harry Irwin left fon Cliris(mAs 1'•'•' t r i p n (• r.twl leu yec�' AthYu•tivr win• morning fair Springfield. Naas.. where+ dtiw'.. In title wlt.: fa diloinutive he lilts n position ie A large depart• hcoumo•, i4 pN•rfw•t reprlaluelion of ri relent store. Hefor• hit, departure he nn.lrrn residence, lij(hlwl L) rh•(lric- was presented with a house cont by it- I'he other window wmfe dw•or. i rhe staff of H•mlgens HmR. ;.torr, of rated in la "tmsonable yard lallieful dP• which •he has been •t valuwl metnlver sign. Ate w•e have alreaedy nlrntiuued, ' for tilt. pl:tet twat years. Mr. Irwin's till• I'Pstanrxnlle were gaily decorated, hostile is in (Tinton and INefole comingg ,41111 Noulp of Ihegnm•er)• 6i,ok P windows here he waste connected with the ii2 ova Ir ver}• uttractivt-. (', (`, l,w:s genal }(rox.' CtinGut eablishment. window'n Iced very clever imitations of \L•. Irwin h a4 Always (leen a very cul itutourdlilot and x sttuuoer con- papular young fallow and fon Chrimi- .lreacted fof tnri,t114 .In,tll artj,""' of lit IS Fvc a flow cof [list ompNanions in• mi -ted animell by -p. fu rot to I rlra)It for N,lot debt Read hit rremi /M horeilbtner grow dlN1 1 DO ail. ,INre-wr Ila. tweet. ,•le,fed Nnd the n -w 1-wN.•1K,loirld.mod ,II ' 1-11 aenil:l elrrl len tbTlwrlrrst haldwarP, ,urd Intra% fat tilt- (other., VileI loins Wthr'HNhuo 1 (: 111.1'1' 1 !rlal.ac.. -. ',Ir t\llrmy&A 111,• rhUllot or IAN trbde ratal4.• property d Ihr lowu M 011.la,oI , o/melMbner .h,dl I.-efer editor two ofII.-�i lI.tel )'rr. luNll tl"' I4a1'l' K.•Nnhl,o,olu1-,r. t ;t rife, W •.lours, inclu lin the dry' )nds entail• • an o ielr'r was served and the H 1(I y agOplat Itmbnrentim. onidr tall!Pflif and llNnd• l tilme w•aa R t. i Io•• ,•-em- I' til•• •Met ret f.nl mnooB-.meal Irdl u,rxis The.rul Td; l"n 1m 1"`Il. un far Im•f"rl- the 1:Ah d:.y of Jm uNO as mi Is far vacant• dispbaym oaf I heir tenre-. Their. 1 Afte• the su�wr IAP •Illtl1'nt unPn nR_ 11 1%/1.xlknil. Asn N-IIY.N@Aft the Nlnrtlt Ill Inc 1•t1 -Ung yemr, pa."r w,h Ull.el'day 1N II... r"un.il' aft)' na Ile. .ell.• N ml urn to ll-• to, I IU IlN• /NA111/•11 erwllninp.m S R ,ire rosiole clever window -d I1'ANPIw in, ysiAl/d Hfl r'1'y ilt �tPtting lila trunk. (:oalerich, ,11141 Iliev In IN' 4WkAIlrn• delle .1 o .wid nnlnprovem' f- t►N•i:lw.:7 rod Ire b.. r t.uiosom a roork. t of Ihr Nftmir, of Ili, wed venter "I rkA-Irir light are rongntt- parked remedy fur I1iN depnrtulr next m1atl'd re inn Ihr skill they dimpbiyet i nictitating. I I al r.. or air x.,•csn drake.o. ns.rNx•INlnr�s.,)I work., w'hlch .ball mhew t .how Ib• , mnlu"' of the n•..l-, I..ur. • 111 P"t-PHr111g their CI ristolxs exhilN.i wheel in ar "tet, wbeno! eau prkwitwl or ihen•st i. In arreacr. .aid marl. Arisb Crow Ili.• -nkl Nork- 1l-. p' 'al Iw" lions, t New Line Open Next SYRsmer. Tu►ltevoru:themut {{wArnf bra Of lhr town Utely, the unnlf":r IIf ter-oil,-4ppl{.d it... s thescetlu'l. 'eer.thestoleend ,nlnr of the Old Subscribers. (fuel pill 11 rteUry : 'Uapt. \\'•idrIOAU or (lrnun,ho/rhecarr of GaIcH,•b rnn,•1• x. h 1.'ris 1. rhe mnniNarl nlilh'n I"""""I" s'"l humocunle pnpN rly awlanminK to IIII•,olid work., the nuH,u Hl of debeullllr•m In r•tiotvilig him me lowripl. jilt, yertPl•. recently renewed Il ill nlrpliltnUoll foil latllist[ of the Goel III Moml I Of the lawn U( I:alrrkh mhnllt[mnt to the wIA 1'mlgm a>' the Then f--.-rl 11nl trustainin • ".Itpi . 4 iniad. 111,. been•.' pi.iII Ihrron. air der Ila •. Dat' \ ,d iLn•. art L,wn, NL,lel that 1 oil .l, C. Is. Ihrintgh \1 r. Joseph H,•fferm:ui, l'. fl. .nm 1d tit ;ou.,m hr wHt of left.. latest, the trn'safln•sofd In and .tulwld. the Ameof rhe-inkbue feud. til,• 1'ap1•n.•. air rel- he had INteo laking 'Phe Signal for ll. pill\' l'1"Near e r 1 It r rig nt, fol• till- Kid d flat• matid enterprise. wl-InVIIA law Ndwn1•..I 'n fellows; Ira•tin-,level Nulnngemewt Au,1 .0 oclm:r colt. theg.auicm: tlmwalarh•s$a/as11(rnnrml forty yv,IrR. and Im•forr that him pricilr)SPof running Ihu+ I11tlial t•xcur- Talee[•, ler Lill- "jpe ilig he a t- it8\.,tkl twin rbc rxlrRlocl Nnd Aelicrn'Ire l6r AAk1 mrMalNRe. the w.i)ttuui•ret- IIf the , Id m•nxm., tTc o..t-of reletil., infirm enw•nt, Nnd o ten" IIol.. Ibe ImMr orae) teal'.tale .Iniue'e Ihw)•, WNw ,t mjutl In U1(If • ter fltI'l )t mllmag iloet• 111,111 tilt- rime that it wave Goodel•jell line Wheat 1 1 Nnd it ill {wtent.. awls eedeliern o Ilse wid ici lIr..l-.e Inatome Nupnloa nine lwoerall)'su-h Nstateloent of at... n•,e1ne1• end n wiled Pot still ir111Y1. in 184)1, A seineil%hiat thrcotr9h, Afl•. ,C. 11. Pewter, I'ollric., and the or Rom of a n!notsiXas -altl a- a ,:lemtor. to IN, wipplrinitrl Ivy one• etpe ndil for of the moid work. n•- Nrtltel ' n, wlI NI n141inm. nln.nl to thB I.teiml)-rm a;e yjn l 3 K. _ --- - - _ fete )'e IL Ix prtactically inl1w)"ible cal Nay f- thcil fnr plat pea pr. .hs, l hAre n•l•,rtcd rethc roanril Ihnl the n (1111 Hud nrmplete knom Iolge'f the -tet, is al ll- (fill IAO/t Or Fonnd a�I par thrat nury IN•, INaNrhly nut before vdd ridditiomJ .nail Id /Lilrr(m h"- been -a lcnArel 6)' the Cum 'ly whioll stal,liwol sh:nl he nldll rel by Ibc auditor. of t61• orr vorstion iu n•gnbr __ - .IIII)' el' AogitA lu•xt. He ell , __ - - 1 uivlml• 'limn the caul: -inn send ingrolt.ruont orf"Iho lA win..•, m. T6e,•mnn(Iw-tafarr,mn,rm w neer In ) IN(i FOI•ND. INNI. ANllllk\V'H MI•. Ilefferntan of the tier• io tine �(' atntk. nnA flu• uinrhlIIrrY:mil ylNut t6cm• In south llrC.l• faaud-ilwl tma-un•r. g(1Rrtrrly car w ul'l'!h w Anl -chlul y.,rd, a gold ring with tool. rnm•N"- land if "the Mayor will Litton IIl Ownerenn >G F'urthe l""T"'gnf raising the wid mull twenty delroten.. oftener A. IIm Bunnell -Anil dinr't, fill w'nt,r rade-Israel eltr•I rk• Itm,d arena. osne"I tel 1.y lhunl. a h•.,c mmmol. ,applirwlion at , take the matter up. tt•e will Ile one TII F. SII: N.th u1H.1t. y of tar,• wkl town h, Ilse -111-111111 n(W.111rt.1110a, nfum-,1id. b•N I'flur infer. Ii Is— pml.•r d1•bllr'.lowub., Nnd •btA it•Itself l allotil(•r dlllit'- regnillalbv alrn...id A,l,, --------- RACKLFTLOMT. N(IAIF\VIIp,IIV �� (IN) plewmel to ,uxkr lhr nt•t•essrl n• t ll- I',Ingetlll•IIIN fell' 111a career"lain flYlllt f Vt art Intr1vea pert o. (he, scull r r owls wiUdn one cevn fmm 1111• imM,hlg of tell. Thrn•.hnll IN, nu -I.r) lu-)able to til.• .:ai�l"unnnf..In11, m, Ibe. uan• N o "'I R NI sluing bnua,lct..cl Geel Ih to (:.Vial I nrfl end 1•rlae'm, and b)'1,aw. rwr1. air w1.irb dcb•nUu,•- -hall lc for tlae wfd ullms' rs nr,sny of ahl'NI las errgm,l or .Ith ase "n, Its. Finder will IA• ovNnniarl all la•a, btm ail SIIiN:1., 11mom. Nh,o met, 1 hat rain spplicalion h,im first the m'lfa. of (tAattKl. l.•aulltl he Annual instal. nlrnt f Irrineltwl Hnd it7t •n' -t mcpdnrl In x The eotl-• "f I1o,,I ,Im- $af Ilse• .ld lo.,, 1!1-11 'm 1ptll jnn." + ntwr t he.nid debt, nnd•hen Int detest on the .Ley air Ibe i..u.• t1.em,f, and In• "/l:alerfrh sh-II IxlNkul al ted•IlylNw xr Ila• fn11oning lime. and .I-wYw, ilii i. tow', are �l 1:\\I i': (IN T/) MY I'll EM 1N ES, It Is a Beauty. .luill {w)ublr at Ibr )%.ask of Moutnal. In fhe mld town of Monde). Ilia .•rant dNrr n/ Jam-irY next. cloo on(11-K ail tail' huuralliov LIj hof F. hmee,saon :1. K. O.. ConeauB, "limit f of n )r"rtlnm•ler•r. OwncrlYaaa A I.tigr dt•11 a'PI•y ivitglm h1•jll, h\' Oudrri-h, raif1.bl nrent)' ).•,Ir. thervaner. nmrH, annually after file dale thenof In oclook in Ihr f"n". oo n ni controlling 1111 Ilse WrIce In lake -k 4.0 Ise,- tine 111"1 IIf list. ,am•nlR•r, 11.,e N,lnw by 11"11line a mIN•nY Hnd Imtbsg rxp,o_A, JOHN H:\1,1,14'.11'. .1. A. ]'\ alker for the \\ enttq•n 1'an:lda atrrch It r,Ch or ,) ear. .t F:arh flu• .told d true. .Nelle' ,IN)', b) Ilm f de n11)' n•turnlurrnlllreruud lmll clerks : r'"Ilins nbul'i-Ion %o. Ysm 1 Plomr .Millin ('n, ill flltracting the nt- trttlloo Nnd "dolil•Atlo" ' er -lit ff; a rlrh, air bine rich. o hbttae rinyor of !hal wld fowp of l:atoy I, art rb.lnl...n Il'""' w"od"11111, ny K, t . Hell -her• de rods' Pilbllo Notice of viNiteirfe o t I Mr. \Vniker'x thop. While An Pxwnl- )• usher pen•om nail or -nA b)• bylaw to miarn the .unlr, and fiy ilia torn,un•r athem,ld mfornblg uttlo-er• acid Jare. firecken�dge, lull rlcrk• _- - tl►I'1' - - �_- ----� - CH. 1 in on mhuwm that a yet ice ' -I,h 1 l Im , I town. and the clerk .hall nit r•to qq thereto fhelmrumte .cal eaf the uuu.iBlludlb•. fuller -, b t I li1 Won No. -. -1 T. J. Vi Ar:u1L faire -ion•. tet l'hNil.•. Ikolu.. depot) -THF; ANNUAL NF ' . hT .\ INlI of Ihr A.hnchl t \1'xN'Hllllwll Aprrl' meant for htaav - work. IrPhl Nti11n I ell lit Ihl'1llt 1laell K K y 1. I hmitm.till• I, rii -a of rbc -aid dt.lN•n- Inns thrn•rthnll lx ell -I nnnuHlly ny sIN•rinl ml nearing omu•r. Hnd h..l. t idexu. INaI,1-.i, PollinK."I.1"i.bu enlUlml lNmili elide b•, 11( mite, al Sov el twill lie �el I.INni Ni1'I•m1 ", K t find Claimable of Leak -I ing con n broad elf Ille largest I rate m1 fill fhe manMe prop.•rIJ In the altd low's of Uaaft.rlch fhe No. :t al UII• town hall by w, A. H. I Urf, deputy niUlrnlnK oMrrr ;u.i II►ar• At I Hllbcotion. 1 uilatk s. ail. .B I IL .1 Ilia AIX'. Nix. It" HlnNl. mtrlk�n ' K feature ill Ito very hind• i inn ea /„este for Iha, t, of re{rylnm the xnnonnt daft akar enrh 1,. l'. inifd, le,1l clerk, 1'ullelm .'lIAll,i-ion Nu, r. ail S, Htothet+ x roe rs• motile 11 pestranee. 711. painting ill 1 l unusunl�y ---- __CEYL NNl'A1. npwrro "'air •�r1e•t�fM,"I d^Iri n.•flwl and lnlcir.t In wrmwl-harp, by .lulls, F. Hula. drynly mlundug JIF14I'IN(i.--TIIP. \. A' we•11 done told the decorrlt-e r. All mem.•)- Id from the uflfrt.r, nnel Veler Mr•F.R". is ell clerk, NlT•\h ultetlnR of the McKino , 31uf o"l i "1 K t K. im•ludjn Ler Clrnl tenv'x (liner :.: - P• Nlot (tom any tea aeenfonr ..f tow -wid I..nn rlawll n.r1.wirh 1'-1Ilingsulmllrlsloc,�a •\. ;11 Mn.. w'"hon'- Flmin.ntwna,Cangwny will -IN• ho•�d In the InN'll 11:,11, Fily(HI'' 1 ill IN-aetifolly Pxentel. 'Ihr nfh•r Utw renipt thermd b. d..l m-inr! t1. w -fain•, by Oi111y1. 1, 1)akwk. dep,Il)' rolurn111 N umepr, Rud �I. li. \yBbolm[II,, ll, UII F'1'Ill,a), .Inn liar ly 14111. I Ile;, -1 1 0'1 la"•k a to w'Hg1/11 Ilflm 'IIP IatteNt illi n1VP p f11PnLN {m"iAl aceouot in rise Nnuk •of Montreml at 1)abdeh, aid Ili* iwlt clerk. I'nllinK«nlalldsion No, aa, at JohII lain .are. Yhr-lilac.: n•BBlI las,. I nnnntol.In11•Inmrt. din. •cur and e:tm.., -' 1 and Alfo9rthet' jm n rtellt INrth to lbw monwt• reawlioR art the •relit air-orl..rrrial aramnt H• fab. firm- of -lune. b Ir. 1,. al,dwru, de nil Phry'- mtureing nm,er, pard w'illimu Talt• furl-, rho eleeting of Ihnr dlmctur-. Anwi ld $allies- Vardar,., far Ili.• Inw.l Imildel' and In 111. Com I pNtny. \Vhel1 lett l lust •1.e Intal :'crucial ran• and marking up he cu111 carer'- mel Inr ■air year *hell M• mel ....rk. ..I_. b John ll, ( Nu a fat Nr.c{Ilr',o lana r. 1.y J$abn \\". "lnlalfe. end wrlfnm of Ihu 'rued, l]�. The rolirlurrdi11tes r• x11t Julio 11. Unease, t\'Inl1.rop O.; JnnN•- K.cnn-. a the• new wagon gotta int thhe sheet Air. Walker's le titatiol t I I 1 1 t fill tprlied in ax towards tw)IIrent eaf the ,amount 'nllinar Sus wore. 'war fnr priocf{wl *lad peaty dw,puly n+Innllfa eamrrr. And Hulmrt Telt. proll l•lerk. K 0. Iron . IMre1.. a.l ►1• n.: John Itennewef•. limit...gen P 1, expert car 1•i•1ge-b11tldet' will IN' mole wide) I' c lnh•n•At lvo xec'uuf art the rnid d. l«rotnrrrt, aur Wulleilny. oho ,)til day (d A'cnlor ue a', the Mn�ur o/Ihr .old low's, w'h I win eliorible fasrele,ti,' rill,.i. FL HAPS, J. It. \I. i.KA N, known thrift cover. y 1 ter nmount to Imo rai.erl in -each )ear -km 1 be mllurnl to the wxtBnt of case .o n. me, allot i.•11. -hall xllend at tilt, minus-finruimr (d lite .0114 lows al Ila' n'rlu•k ht Nee.ptaty. I n.,ldenl- C. ii. Lee's WindOW. A. AnA fnr 11.+ imrt"rwn of fortbet airliep 1.m rotnbRrhmeot of the acid fxc•on if tb„ hsn•noun to ggminl per.arn- to anelnl s,1 Ihr nrio'l. ullhp al,jc-well ?OI'I('F IN HF'RKItY (;IV '�1 h. I'11AT RnIN'te (• •, . t tl¢jr.'xxbjljtt' xs A wjndoiv r Im vereby da•elmrerl that film ,Ood fineton' build. ,fad At Ihu flout .unu..�I'm u , d the tbe,lcrk tool 1.•h,df of til, ) ail'duvo k", win le ulxdc to t6n Inrliw- CalwdaHt drPf.her R nin nuulifl•nte•d ifN v K elf thin -Rs, Mad e1e INI,f. Iltltrlall,er,. I•fwrifr.lt, D and ■Oda 11-n1 le C#Intectioh n'ifil flat, aid leu;1- Im""'I -.blta•memnrt f1. sno-ot Nnd pmumtingf rope",.Ing rhe Iwm.h1K of eb!e Iv)'1". of lite pm.'.ttµ( .1•..11111 thereof. tat the Iforuu asset Ont"ren Ito, wary 4,ompieny:. W(Y•k Ill two vPrP clevet' And n•gliNtic i in t*.*, e1.n11 bw and thlq' are h1•reM r[etnptnl m-itelftl'I , - far I$a. Thal -le'e'k eatlb• Ie1N'I'r 111 Irllnll hmn,h IIII--; 111 (mill A get-uple 1'. C. IwrP'e n11111fowN, nnr Ill '1 theta IN•in arms foo[atiun INxrept •cowl rats•., for ■ wri,td of ten )enne. e.mrm-nei.,m walk tLr )rwr eminen "f Ih1• mild trN, al "f (i,wierl. h .hNll utlehf N. hl+ 1 mor In Ufa• town 111111 1fun.wAn, mint on the I bngwn '�- hs,e Iset een the til- I ) ai(1r- of Shelburue. in the ooeoIy d OnA1•rin, K nn nnfunlohllr and the u other- It mlpamt•I•. (hu' w,,old lar. _ ThisMiaaxlulltakewRectmlthednyH/ ret ecu WOON-k ht the• of 111-11 TnnwLly.lh.•Nthda)'oriono:ny nBat, to -visit theIan"lon•n/Ontario, Tuttenhhfll. In the Bounty of Millin,. In � N'-feely til never hnraginlo bmf much like ilia 1•rril neva . hr flame lw,-ieap r6wre.d• N. Thr voto o tie* el -,tor, of tier raid tnn'n upthtenundmrof uoterotfots,nd'%melu•1 the nyln w•• ugh oho pontic-ofmim(rm•DaMerin,It.%, woulda.rlthe N'nferakm, l el- h, Hums,, MMdlem,x, IAulhton. I K H n loath Luh fill• the INach'. mtol•P- jw ' ellonwn fnr the tirem 71t re If Ilal-rich -b-II Ire taken on thf- h) law at 111.. Inn(M 11t Ihr eo'ln-11 ehnmbl•t IN Ihr low' f.oderleh. the -tl rl of a dny of 1 •nlmr to �,�,' K,r01 and F..a-1,a, "II In Ihr I rorinre of ue1(nein, l� Iwrminn, atrnthmy. end the (o L p e INu'k of lel• nPw tin• x snap dish fol• ollowinar rami•- ns11 pewee- fhnr Iw to me): Ort grind*,. the -rh M) of Januan. lain, Tito", TI1. Inn. T' �• rl. Judf\mTON. y,n'nha 1'Nrkhlll N' "Ibmrbl"K. and ti'indm(x: NrM fL1 Imm naalr let• 1 NtPp, s lint NtI' 1'P1�imtrr fnr ter front tom- ,raring at eau, hour of bin. o'clock In the Ma'or, ) -... __ .-- "Ierk. I '-`-- nor s.)lc leakage• o/ IlhHlborne. hl that eounly of UanerlN (w-terly ( grating, etc.. would l000k worked up ail• ereon.o wild tie" moon tail nae i clock in flaw dren.(un of r6w eine Ins'. M• the f$allow-ifa ferin• T.1KF: Nfyr11F: thmnirh file "'unlit•- sef Unt. r:m)- nod sinmrm, fettle tn.cu of ("Alla to tin i111to rAr until the eneventhle Wits : s iw art returotnK oonN 9'hxt Ili(• nbrcc 1-,t / g' nnacl, m. i.wrm6an Iny. ,urd for nu elten.lun I,e+u in ;111•, la•r'm window. The other i� o oil neeuI3 X. C. stlebe net dlwn, h) R. l'. Heleher, deputy Trally IruC carIt) of n ping -sawed $af Ili litw Itbi,h hers bleu I"kee Inr$a,Ym.fdrrntfon off""('Ili rim, fol the ronnnonB.',oe."I and eufnplot io'l wny'-Ibn.•Hnd hirno 1 lily.. fl- '•unrr tiotl IN•AIw the nrine "Stew"ler mo roe", . returolum n{ellr, std JnmwA Ilmekwerldg+. tel clerk. i N,M whl-h will lm nnnllyy IAa,tmrl L) the eoulwil I* "f ole unmieQwlift h,ded HI for'uW, Ihr- Yrnd ds,) of Noceule'r• i IrtNpctnie. sail im w Rplendid ulnke•u ), n I t ase Ib, ectenl the w.w•nt Ifrrk 1'nlliug.uInliridlvev Nn .• al- 'i'. J. yldras'" of the ekr•lon. tn'Inm I Ie nail store•b Charles Hate. deputy' n•hlrdur nee 1 k rled thereto) After nr11h nom the Aml T'. 11. KIIAl"RK, purl I} 1r{11r•tP to deck chair!,, Pt p. The• paddlem IIf the jlfaddle- t Wheel ah' .f hlkwlnm ebero ami la iv orlon o, r- I cLek, 1 a le Tb• Po111ns,mMi•IMrw Nu. 3, air the Wwnhall. h I SIRnAI, ,yw dNlr of w•Idol� � ininli.vitlea war- ('onhderAlinn 7 Thn '. tki,n•tary, 1 hila HnlldinR. Toroflto, Ibc•• ,knlrm And tete hrnm jm fdlw) w mknh•. And the V. tho Iafl, d.y' I►rn•'.b,,. l0 fi and y. A. N. Cull, d*Pula reteiralom omcer. and L. that fhe , Mcom (,x the appncam r'anpw„y aleeck 1'alhflg j4 IIIltd(' of L)te valnll• I ToAA,twllelerk. of rho ehr,tn•w of lhr aid conal PnllinR-abli•)tilu No. 4. art fl. Atoth-r., ' Itwlby Hill tin Imkou tea , 0 on the 11.)- lir:d --------- I "eamollahle artivie. Thr deck iN ron-II x111{ wl fhe honrs.sed pbe,e. t o in Q rine rbnp, by Jobs, F. t)atem, de hof) rrtorniug if, 1� J(1}I\� 1 /1'M and Teter McKwwn. II r� 'fl- Iw+ ark. \. - - __. _ mtt•nrlel of hrm•key *Lick", while the a w•hult• i" mon me t \ i m n 9igxalk nkAtt-. P$aIlloar-obli•Ielaro No. S, art Yn. w'altao'. Clerk. _i The• twnlrctfi,;(�of ler motive N Wre. air riwnrxr ('. Black, let.efy fwturutng meal-, send M. (i. Nf,ob,l11•u, pull clerk. ----- --- - - - i viver iN it pill%ylrl'; Oalll MAV" el-, hue JNck duan 'I Polhmt •ntwliri.l"ll No. A. ,at John HmpheY'a ny H. L. SRtltatl ens vacant ilia ce•Ilar turning t11P crank. tom. Wab.u, do,uty returning Ilknr and Wilhelm Tait• p"dl r�erk. - -""-=----..._-_ �_- IITTA\VA, ONT. Hockey Notes. Polling aubn Mean rai ,, al- 1)boui. Ne•illw. I IRI Y WANTA'I). ) ARCHITpK(TURAL same, air Joakci w, CniRie Awlsery retars{nar AYl LY AT COMI'KTITION volt IL ill I'eprollel in the Toronto pwpPt•a Hector end Rob•rt Tait, Pell d*rk. `y ONCk al onr "Men. finest ImM, IiUDF:. dfl@mfnrda,.th*3fadn' It1Clf KNITTING I►Ki'AHTMKNTAI, AND off'rITl(F; in'IhIIINUN. Lhltt .fohn Nichol4r)n will pLiv with n ofJanewty,IV-,. l'l1•. Lludlr.l. J. K. .n Mnter of the --14 town .hall spoked At the hFN ITT• Mrinnlrer. the Argonnelm. "Big Nirk" pLlvlgl ", sunell elacimlver of the said town at ten o,elo,k ' -•-- if ("mo tiller dmN'1--- 0R- rife" Incite,, lax IN'• Cover miint for the Y(wPnliteN lumt N ry.r1-n1nINl 1 tet* fOM[Irw,e fn *ppldet ywfrmlo. W auPnd int ANTFf1,-..GIBE O ' i(1 OR 17 TU fix 1*•ariom• polling afeww-"id Nnd J' -tier building. to Ir curt•,, 1M• INwlellat.N1 (fuw'omnNenf INlww'n, )•war, ,Ind WAS it great fllettvr In nearly n plans. ami of Ili smelt In right hma.rwl ort enm,.ehlld oar-ummiry ups,/ flaw •eer- M' slaw rbrk ,m 1 yownl old, Al 1NIL TMs wtlthnr "f ilia dost du -*n w111 be m wan1•YI tt leen{n¢ the cup. pawl Parr-Iiral'rin /h,od N r hnlfnf the r.n . w pw o, inrem-ted {n and pmmot- draw. 1-= '�4. er wi h, Ad- thltd ar ,or p "wine til. pe•-inR Oaks Ibx M. ar/I•rl,h. Irrembl'li ad>r,,ab, Ih- test fourth AeN liJnl, tb• R'.,rr1aM tow ranch IIN 1 will phiy with the IYM• rl pp pNcL'VP CIIwnlpfuns air them b)iaw I __ J.e r' WANTRD.-A (i Alwil 10. The Awrk of rhwramnll d ter UDD (iFNFRAI, X111 I1raw'InK. will he reeliod nM. "err fnnn I 1.1111, pilin►, AMI Ian, Io am. AddmwnA of the internteliattel w u. N. A, thin wintt•ot. 11 ,10. field town "Petr, ' Glmlwrich .land attend at ht. n fn also "en'ant. Orme to 1ss �tail hanuat s,1 rt IRift "" t the ary (d the IMIwrIneY.i of PebHc works, All the ma•nior foam lips, nnme tow' owe bmll int fwo nrbrk In L1.n fr,?wnrxln "f A.RI'rM• 1r11yyIn rteMht lea JUIN 00-401. the Ath daq of Jmevary, Her,, to mom A. 111' M flA 1,�,. Itra•it ,11 iMl a. 1'h1.,moCllrlarI-,Owen to e',tnndhut ,,,III P;pPplt ScoMhlr.' Alclh)tl+dd, \rho is rx le'Lld (on F'n•ialAV. fn•t, p ahA anmlrr of .nears raw mad agxroal Ibe I _ -_.. _ -- _ ...we .law. wlm barer ner•n r_I,I,oI In 1'NIINdn for )(me (wlnnew. I B I he feet grime I" with (!fission on al eheml.•r of til* town art Want/a m.•I,r- at Iha eth C'NwilloN. ad Iwrfateetain-tectinN ,rqulre of btilldinR-Nnd New Yew.'. night. Everyone. turn to& mo d aid*fke til I1f6AkraflMeelettwr.l!sM. RV. Tl L7. H, O. JOHNSTON. -._ - - _... _ _ __ Ina' unN h , 1 hoNtntRr_hr,etr., le had arse ap14leMoil to elm umlrr-lmna,,. nut rind help the tPne1 Piet- tip ,t severe. ____ _. II►EN Uyonlrr, H YnPt" Nchfor rel.uruel IftAt night, - _._ - iJ \VANTF D, F16. GELINAt,. And will ink. him prlwce on the inter- TAKr, NOTLCF, F -ruler-, h --- liel.11tluent Nw able/ell your hill .. to n,.le M PnbIM \\'ork« K'''n•r„ ), olellettP O.H.A. 1.1111. *t t1 ahnre 1. a too@ Crop rd a r{ -h 1'wmrery', where flea ell Ref the lot 1 q '� yy rpOto 11"d gqwrkrf pr1, qwm crush. \V. �'. t i el- w )rb baa boon flrtawa, Inr I1, Itlll Newm w ret. will, not le IwM f"r Ilii- Higginson Biker. A. Hft117 ashen iatn CeNelAsrrrlam aWet T'wn.1.14 vl'Mkrreeet Iio AvetN.ltspartment, Nal if they inr,n It Nlt.hn'll-uthority 7•hr hrnn'+ of Mr•. And \Irm. K .fohn Backer, William"trPet, ways the senna NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -DEC. 27th J New Year HolMrr 1trfM -F', F. 1+•wlaaeo i t. Y lea (fur dew litsrtd-J. H. (lollltF ..... - I Annunt Meeting - Aachneld t N•awAsmh 4 I agrie'lItuml Society.... ........ 1 N The IN•a.al', Urrelin , -U. ilillsr Co........ l'nugh. and Cold. --It, t', 1►un \1'e Thank $)far Prtraw H. Rby. I Annurl M.rling ilcKllbp a]( WQ '06 lu.,nmalval ('u. - • Cbrlstnux, T rou- St. Uoonro'r Chatels daMiy 1 Selaool ...... 1 fieri. N'antoA-Gederlch KniWallCR, lad.. 1 Hilyr For ed The Mlmnal .. I i Thenit You• -Welter C. IW ham ............. B Ulla- for the New Year-McLewa W 1 New Year He,olutioone , sear Hsas.•.,•• N'' Now 1. tho Tbna- Reg. IYac ,. .. A Hrppy and Pro. e HIek Peron. New Yiai--.Q E. ('le%!7 Sato of •inciter end - its......... . / -- lax,--- . _... ....... .• ,( • S MUNICIPAL MATTERS. Now that Christnnts io over, munl. eipal ,affsira will receive 'note Atten- tion. The nomination Inertiog;will be so .1 next .Monday evening, when the nct•t•ttdnty ns to the intentions of unloved ra "didat e r o f r the v ' 1 Nrl/ lIm renlnicipual (wf oot•s will Ire Net at test. 1►string the week Councillor Blair h:u( announced hiscandidacy for the Inavornity. and Mayor Tilt lute Nun Frrisad his friends b)• wining that he II,, ch,ingwi 1114 Inind m1mout retiring and may Ile in the field Hgain. Coun- cillor Clark will probable Ire A can- didate for- the mayoralty if his health )vill permit. venal Councillor Ellicott "I'm) i,4 mlll)PO td W Ire looking the(• way, although he hall ret "iwdea, a public Nnttuunceinrnt to that effevot, Fur the re•veothi4) Ru1K. _N - the only lN•twln definitel • in the ... F'or• the deputy-reevtlnhil► sevrrrl Iran," are mentioned, including th cai col Councillor Young, Councillor Go1al- thortlie. ex-ll(ueccillor (i, M. F;lliutt And Robert Elliott, At tiny rate there in likely to Ile a fight fur this oMcr. Candidates for councillor note almost fix mcarce nm hen'. teeth. Ntocrly all the present cotincill(ont mlwm to Int intent un getting one of the higher pNNfiltonm, and new men are " Nu-kw•,mil in coming fur•walY1." A few geNd Intl are coulinK to the filint, however. I)a•. Macklin will Ile N candidiue, Nnd although he is com- Ncrrtivelya newcormer in Goaderich he lits mbuw'n ,ail fictive find discrimin- ailing interest in tilt- affairs of the low•n it lid Nhullld Ire a derided aaluisi. titan tit rhe coencil. If. C. JhlnniuQll i4 Ar /r 1 111Pt \V ll h K'tl 1 ItldeM .,end well Lark It moat art the council. He ham kept thick of nnmicipal affairs for yea'•"'%fid Nhouid tie Able to fit into a colmcillot'n choir without nfuch diffl- mall)-. (11 he" care wpNlken of, but not with'Anv degrote of definiteness, and there 6 plenty col roona in the field felt' KK/Ne! ulen, We Signal'N nominations for water -otllminsioners--\V. 'r. itsmey 'tad J. C. Martin -have hewn wseq eMe,V" arid it is W IN- hoped they will consent to fact If elected. The retiring sehmrl trustees are: Rr H. ('tilt fHt. David's ward); B. C. Monningma (Ht, PAtrick'A want) ; O. Y. CArey (Nt. (ieorge s Waedl. and J. H. Craigia (Nt. Andrew's want). of great festivities i,lint night, on the Iccasiotl of the marriage of their' thin) daughter, Jemimlt, to Georgy HiKKinwrn, foreman At the t•IPvator. rise foliose \vacs tita:orlttel with floweim end evergrei•ns and ail the retemogy wnm performed lax Ret•. James A. Anderm)n, At 7::11 In the eveningg the bride and groom stemNl locnP,lf h the nialletaN' in A decorative Arch. The wedding march was played by Miss ticVithe. The Imide wore a costume d crepe tie chine find carried whit'' n)sem, while her minter, Mjoin Delta Raker, who acted iia bridesmaid, wore'. )ink moulsmeline-dP-mrrie And rar- •ied a IN)uquet of pink reatrs. Wm. Hrnnnigun, of (iuelph. was best rasa". kftrr the cPreulony the happy party. n the nunlfier of 13f), sat down to an 'xcelient repent. Missile And dancing uacle the hours pains t•Atddly till morn. tog !again to d•twn. A frnet 1 o'cloc(t 1 Iel:herehe loneh wam Arrayed. )Ipe and violin music wax provided or the dancing. A unique frature vas f Ile Auctioning- of tine of tile, iride've slipper* the dainty article wei11g tw)ught ill�bv the happy moist t lfi.'L). The nut -of -town gurxts were lines A. E(uigh, elf Illyylh; -Mixx Lizzie fcKft)-, Iletroit t A. Afurray, Detroit, aid U. Martin. of Hipley. The wed - Ing gifts write troth nunlrtlma and nilly, Lite gnionl's gift to him bride rung fa handsome ort of turn and to er minter N hotne"Iet, mart with prAria fill rubjeck. Mr. and Mrs. Higglnalrn rill make their home on Britannia Iuul in lhP 110"Re formerly (mr.11piet y John Ifitin. The Jfu)uxty meeting of the Ondes- eh branch of the Wormt-nh Inxtitutit 111 lir held art tilt• )total@ cof Mrs. J. lealfurd, Lightholose btriwt, earl huI'lad-, Jitio try the 8n1, ,at :t 'edlN:k. A niibxnrilrer miggents that the nut- ning rntinty eonncil should complete Ir monument erected At the mouth list of the pngwwed new hrkdgr at ayfield, by hating A Nuitxlde inecrip- nil engraved therein. The mune of MisA Pearl Knox wits )advertently omitted front the list (if . C. I. st ldt•tlt.N tO whom Cous- ierrital diplomas were plementel ,art inr recent ronuneltrernent r,ZeMimrfe n( le mchrltd. Alex. Inglis reprised A telegram nn briwt11eaa morning containing the- end itelligeneP for the Nliddel death fnrnr N)plexy of t4ty Nife of him henthrf. V. W. 1119"x, in St. Louis, Afo. Mr, ill Mrs. IngglI- were at INIe time rrd- Plain of (iOderich. ANNOUNCEMENTIt, The Annual Christu)rA to" in roe. -tin', with St. (ieol-ge's Monday Krell will lie held on the evening cof rirt)ty, Januar)• olth, in the Rrhoul main. The pplYr9rram will rnnsint of Titationn, drill", A(mgst. etc., by the it dren. n[id hlstmontontsl music, and ill romm�rncr art 7::tq Oclock. Ad- ission 18c. BORN. .AK F; in 1'olborne town.blp (w T'lr•lwt. Ilsorember s\th, to Mr, and Mr. Rehm ?: Intake. A daughter. MARRIED. i(IGiN40N RAKiI,R. - no Nrds,e.dev treating. f►rvrontb.L� at I.b- bear M the, title. wreni., WII Iwm .IteOr Iw Her. a-. A. �IMefmn". R. A., fieorart, %tl�gtflwon fo Jemlma, third 4rught" fof Johs Faker. 1WARDS \t n.�nE1Dd ,N. 1 Irtar, 14.ra/her nod. Htory ►�uVdrward Nr NMA rear ". as <Z le e