HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-12-20, Page 121• 12 Tn0'nnA,', December 40th 191'G I • TM'', SIGNAL : i;01)I 11'11 11\TARN) LOCAL TOPICS. �. Swami, I►:Iwllwnlwl: Nis. V. Miner.. 1„• heli time:m.1 .Ihilitt. IhIrhWlwNl : Miss E. llorl'tiu. I)rvslnle: - Mirr A. I'aw, 111•lulnre: Slim, I1.I LUCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. 14 oir•luded tions 1'.t:e 1. rows: jams+r 11114141e. litvtrett Iilun. ; ("111d110111'. l'has. W,isllingi'11 : 111 44.414.1.114. C. 33'uahllrgtd0l. J •m Tait And 11. (3eckell 1 courl•depury,'I'Ilos. Aurrlws. A Musical Evening. • One of the t t11thNII11nF 111111 INIp• War of shirt canllttsi 1ty) nowle•1•n c - pewee. is "Thr Holy Child," by Adams, n wellk• •ti English ww.i- eian, consisting of choral numbers ivainly but relieved by solo lethal iy e1' and a baritone :lir. It it of a aloin t 1 Appeal strcongly to 1111.411 audiences, not ex "1 n.i vel to nitl.ieians. 'elle trllalial ehotu., "II II' ,)' to 6ttil,' Iw' 1111.11111111041 tis aIle• 0111114 h1• b•I a 'most taking in their :Ipiw•aliug nolo• diousneas. This popular work %rill be given by the North (deet help( ill it thou- oil the evening of Thnrwiey. I1t•- 1 e11l1N'r 2' th, being particularly appre. Prieto to the Christmas. season. Ne- eding the cantata, which hike•, ,I bot forty minutes in in -millet ion, 1 he organist, A. Hoy Aleuts. will give a short concert program. His ntim- bare will include Batiste'. brilliant Offertoite in (' minor 1St. Cecilia) and n new piece, "Christmas," by 1►etllirl•, introducing it set of variations o11 ,'tdest i Fiileles. New Books at the Public Library. The lln,u11I:ut .tnge•1. Biased 7'rtll Stones. 'flue % tIt UNn Who l lid. Lasses at 1 ,iverhouse. lteveries of a Bachelor. 4 'tel a•1 I Amd, in. Thr R'ttrk of 1►ur ,nand.. Alden Nattiter. Fitt(tl'hlil I.Itei:111111'. Lyra Elegant int limo. Melting Snows. 1•:Mt«tys of Slnntt►ig11e. William 'I'e•II. Lives of 11 1111 ill P ' let.. A Beleaguered frit)'. Cast 1'1. by the SIN.. tiny. of 11. Tinroih)'s. 'i Iw'n fatly Wetrt to 1'nlb L, . Sltsfess ihn'otlly II,.'1in. The )loose of Fnllllule•nt. Ilnt of 4.ltllee'.tt•I. The S'ovngeut. The ('all of the [flood. The Ihw•tor. The Fight ing l'hnm e. Bevy Mill:an. On Wednesday. lbs. •int,• . I'' there was celebrated at lie' 1•.•s1.1• of Slt•. 'anti Sirs. Thos. Slilliai.. t horn(', the marriage of tnrir lllugh,.v Stun. to li,•nnet (.rev. of • tirh. Therr teie•ntoily inc. pet halm,: by the Iter. W. 11. (4suhnot in Ill. presents• of about Hfty guests. Th. arid.. looked t;hae ' g. dressed in tititr brocaded lustre. + A. the nosh ding march was played by 381..4 31 end .lillino, the bride entered. the room tin the mom of her father and ,n..41- b•.ide. the g'1.41111 under ,In ;welt of ever greeds and Hawers. Lit lle 3Ii.s Freda Snu►ilnr he. of Heuwdl, 1-1111sin al the brideacted 11s Hower -girl and 11wtkel very sweet dressed in „'hitt silk and Ince. After the nuptial knot was 111«1 and religion t Mat nous showered ulsln the happy 1'o pie. nit r•iwtilel to the dining-raau. where :1' splendid supper WA!' served. 'lin /,•. P ' i I1 end 111 the bride wet. a fur ruff and. In Iihe flow-e•r-girl-a gold rine. SIS. and :dry, lire)' will reside in liuleich. News from the Harbor. The steamer Turret Cape has ,Nen unloaded at the Big 31111 1 the Tur- ret Chief is not discharging ,lout twenty •ratioad, of Hour which she bronsht down aM iuirt of her cargo. from th • \1'innipier atilt of the %Vesi- ern Tann hl Flour Mills 1'11. The than' is being slipped to th.•-eal,nrh The elevator .lintel, shipping lint grnin on Satnrdnv I.t.l. Nat teat ion is glowed at this poll. the only three grain bolts to winter tele (wing the Turret A'api', the Tu1i•t Chief and the Newnlnunt. In ndoli• ,ion the schoSHICIs Azov, Hiding'. and Julia Larson, the togs Borten. Blake :and '3'wrr lhIcs, the steamer Coaster :and the hif'ge .therrot•n 4144nw• nue wintering Iwo.. The Two 3111es Inas been beached on the harbor island. The girders for owe of the Spalls of the Guelph & (l.tlevach Railway bridge l'ct•the G.'1'.It. 1melts have 14111 ,d, hilt, 11. was the (•:1.1• with sP iIttlliV of the Kindler' for Ihr.5haitland bridge. ter'rlst«I N' 1t end Vamp{ tl r Ht1e. Thegirders K will have to Is. turned round by' the demi, k here Anil it is exiu«•Md they will boo hoisted into position today. The Bonnie, Brier flush. A splendid audience gatherer! :It the t)prra (louse on Slunday evening to witness the presentation of the Scot- tish play, "71ie Bonn'. Brier Hush. - en adaptation of a Iw)rtiun of Ian Sh ei..yen', well-known snail-. The e pant* was n clever one. anal the. interest and the sympathy of the auliru0e were held from the begi11 ring to the end of the prttlo/•tion. Ilotll the pathos and the hmuor of the play were strongly presented. and 1Iit performers were :11111111':1 tial lift's' Io , then' vat.' roles, Whale ail were norgood, it is not ler« MMllty to niitk0 it •ri,i alta Linn of the different nrt.''t IK r . lout it may IN• t't•mal'k1YI that the lead ing .•10:1 varier. that of JAlrhlau Campbell, II the stern 1'•n oh 1' 1 nlrinitt tens pin'e'I> I.v \Ir..1, PalmerCollins inla a :mower ,hal Irl nothing t.. lie desired. (►11 the p.,t of those who(lad net i•1• seen he plat hefnt•t• 111et•1• WAN r. al.ldl'1'aglee 1.111 1.0.111 :I, io It.0w'. closely the story AM told iy Inn Mote- 1 Iter wank! be followed in the plat*. 1'ossider:Ible variations are neceattr', of comet., in the dramatizing of the tale : IN't•hnns the roll% et iti.•1.111 t 11:11 (night be offered by those who favor the storey %%mild he in regard to the olottttsit'e le%tty of -Post V," which rather jarred with the ideas 111 those who regarded that e•rren4ric chairmen.' in his heroic- aspect. Itis "Post y" cerfminlv.',Nileoil( finely nt t .1 it i• cal moment. It was a most enjoyable evening for those who vete present, HMI 44.1• (lust the managers tot the Opera House will Is. enconragrd to bring tonne other r ianiem of the sale offline to town during the pr•- ,•nt season. .. The Close of the Model School Term. The examinations of the 3i.elel dn. M rlotiel 1111 'Tuesday last and most nl the nn•nlls•r, of the 'lass have di. - permed to their homes. 4in SI la% afternoon niter 1 o'clock the ij. inl•i tial. .1. H. 'rigert, wenn 1111.!•441114.11144.11111 1 tta•e'Iling companion h)• the .last, nr- cotnpnni.•d by an address expressing the tt odents. appreciation of t itch intitrurtoor and his efforts on t heir Is. - half. Th,i recentlegislation tesloirilag sc•htttl 1rntteeti to pay n tet'tNin salary for teacher.. has had the effect of 1111k- ing the trust PPM 1111% lout 411 N/Y'llte the highest -muddled tta0h.•t•t Iatiiiblc'1ttd etntte•yllent h' they have in many rases (leen holding off 1`,-i.m slaking engage• nlentt in the hope of, if possible, get- ting exiw•rirned Normal-trot nail teltell- rix, which hitt r'smlte«i in beginners in the teaching proflhts' 'mf (wing able (Ar gist(• a11.411geIllent, w' t.trn ,a9 41).•14 otherwise would. `dill, quite it none• her of the Itt.mb't't of the (1tticrirh Model class hey, alesm ly ae•r•nrsl 'chards. They are as fullowa : Nita Miwitks,.('entttdia : 51iss .1. Blake. Huh ,t , w 'Thee,,., 1're„I thVer ttt,tt h't.,i,.•.-.I,t • be If ) : . f1' I. Slcl►i'ugnl, Ilrttldrn ; . Y 1 14 r 511..'4 S. 511•',Itl•. Itt',ietitt 1111('• : N14,,,, 11• j fete t'hrlstiais awl It Owls,Owls,i..rlll s t t.e•Mt• a ett „ant t« ilM) w 1'11: s tt,, t ,' i' 1111'•."1••' Ise (till Ilryslrlr, (ilwlrrirll 1 Itcm•Iti); Sli.al', ,hnuklg.dl nl It..l: ,•dplw: ,,:,t;n.:gdit gild 54t'iIing. Iltvhtld • Nis. 11. 1.',,,t,,, I ow the :irti.lir lhilit'in tIt fl' rel eelwwl.it. Flttreliee : Mil.: N. Sulk i 14ali. :A )'ton. , It• i. ,during. , liIt', ti'Ittly: 11'11111' It'eyt•e, 4 Iti1wt1,i, ., I.11'l'e 111,'lime.' e( 111•• 1"1ot„14, N 1'•'11••11. 1101114:10.1.•I'; :Alum i •int loll. neat 1'.x0- hrdnre..t el n'illwln.l d••nt lratrwl..t(1'i e•- 1, chde•n,, nqx. 1'urrtu• u'01 (•wilt. frau R'.b/eer. Irl': Clinton 11ogni• h. Sbil'ka : Alex. Smiths. tarlaturo autl 41t .•leery. 111 v411 4111 r 3,I4.IA•14,441, nr.u• IAt)a;AngumSlclA,,1eI, 1 ',sesame il 1 f.rr)'w 1111 1 It•ttu'Iritt call amt. see the pretty tinily.lhey. il noir llipl•�': 'I'hut•num Slu.Gud, 1 en•t nrrud.c`xhelt. Alit•I•I ; \Sill I''ingland, n1•at' nelgl'Itve. 1 lafttli/a►in; of so iiiveslou•nt Ih'u will yield It iA likely there will I.N• ,her ;.1.11)' dMrt'.rb utdy ti• hall 1441 ruUli, ltt,lr ut (grin fill' the SI.ulrl tiehuuls. as the i lwmilwbdlur. Th'. •:tatntlleywnvli.uu lellenntlan y,tll to ,i,- i• -1..,/N In r1v f.tr:t .Ilii Ilrq' Nal'11 1111 1.'lotbly will Idol Iw• tn11,- .1::....11 rW 11r.n1C. iN•I 11'. p- Its.. and )'oil g1•I •Dolng i/11•tell lit tulle 10 'l'1l1 ,hill' work ,al. n'Inru. II. Ito' •.11i•(.l,'11u11 of (,true, dell ni•.t tall, 1 dl.•.•i.,. Ther if H pt.tl.1 01 ex i.ninrr.' 0,1 thy,. yo; hn.l the muni '. P Meet a SeilT.�{hh Int IIII. :hell lir 11,•- .1 11. 1'.tile.uno• inion I. 0.'11101 into 1e•lub•r to make up the list 1tt surges:- the "111 motel of ill,• Lit:. .1o1u1 .', Ii,'. fail Sllwlel 5'•Loo1 .lull.•nt.• i.olt Itt•futt' New frit'.. CHURCH NOTES. The' chi 1.11.a«.. signal lins bron•Lhl u. many '.aa ords ,ti'r.uuuu•n.l teir.n 11.., North .tl.•,-: \L..I110.1;., Saliba.' I, "air soh+'tiler., tt'hirI, ,ne dilly a". school „ill bit t.tl, 1'ht i-1,„.,... 111.11 I':,•'i.Ird,' '1'h.•i0 w.•i.> ninny demand,. the Sovereign Bank of Canada Ch.arl.rW by Dominion Parliament. A NZW CANADIAN 1RLCOIID. :Iavings Deparlmeal al all Mica S'a""'lwe'd Tines ■` rs•10-01NIs her Tines a Year. Gtit rill- Erase, Jordin Block. ANDREW IORTE2• Manager. exandra Hospital, Godench, opened Decerabar r, irc6 .'uhJt%:Irt,ri•,,:'.tHi, ni intereslir f.•r•extra copies after th''•anion was fote.ludgtDoyle. and jtalg111ettwas pltlgralu. including special uulsie by exhausted. tnlrte.' for (shit and ....t., 1:. L. the children 'dud a- number of ad- Thr Im(N•ri,lt 1.3f4.444 al1rar1in a 1lirkinson for plaintiff, O. F. Blair for III -- .I.,. A eollrrtionwill h• btken for g •at: doal of nttrniton •tht'..' d:K., lir/i•udantt,• the funds of the Siek I'hileirerl's ,lee ow tit to the iirtiatir decoration of the In the absence of Judge Kiei11, 1'. A. 1 1.11. 1'oronl"' win, iw fot''the Christmas stash' i Male'r11...n. for11r'rl•-of li.sle•rich, has The choir of Nor th sl leets Sletlio• F'. 1 ,,y. ma int gig. of 411e Date l'n. been ,loolintett by 111. l ',minion (tors dist church pace prepared esrw'ri,•lty gine Wei L. Co.. Ltd..- returned hast Irnleent nM dl•pnts' ju.ig,' fur Brute new and gtwl n4risir for the Christ- wee, -I, h..... a three Weeks' tall). ill Ito• muni)', Mr. S,,ig .on will thus get alta. Sunday ..•rvicr.. tinnti• of 1 h N'r.t, wish ti. pockets fill of ordviv- orale• tt'.titiing fa,• the p.•t'ouwent int, ....mien- ,till Ii•, •'55'peri• is 11.' that fur Ill,• 1'.., lo, �. n+dislN•nw r of 'usl3cr w hill, will y Pu1r is 11•,1 n i ' ' 1i1Ni tir,ul .D1 High Milli day Iw• cooing Ili.+ my Iilit.'r II -•t 'v has r'.i'it4d his /osis III -.11.1." 1.'ih slel••ndill ,lel al acid , L I tt -The Finis, Halm.- 01111 .1. 1.• erh. y:. It tcin; t '1'.0ion- 11.•1., 1 at 1 ort Ile .e The mo-i;nztlt�..er. u. r of 7 it pr•t11 .•.ned-churns, Al the rutin; se''•utcd the s• Nd al hi. 114)1,,4. near to i,lols• last Sal milv was almost ' sell li.'• \lis. Kelm -all Itrow'l will sing iten•le,b,ero'. '1' nruto11 Slu.nard, of 4r.uterirh edition. The fron1i.0rcc Ki..e'. Pt,tyet. (riot "The tiol(b•i, Hnylleld-i. his sr •e.wa'. etas cooyw,.••d of Illi rututll14 1414•44. IA•g.-n,I,' by Dudley Buck, an excellent The .larltor)' true' ung of the town • by It. It. 5atlo•.v., ',Clown. ;end .it ,in• eXample at -I1 sit•:tl prayer. Itetnt•i1 %%t' haul oro tia tllrb/y aft...- "Ong' p,tg,• weer:• %I.•W. of the new' • The 4nelingof Kuru church l" P. n'wrll. Thr only fns' M.. ens Ile. (bale'ieh rb•valo1' and of Alexandra S. C. E. oil Tuesday g ofnox chis eh. .d ,t nrdrring of the I.rinting .f Ihr ,idol,;, 'hospital. •1'11.• twnlath•r yietv.:ue It- .,u•ci:i 0,,,,,,,,.R.1. and a g.1 program (blanci,tlst iteun•mt. Thr sinned will ir•lshu'rd iu'1'hr 15i,;n,i this week. Was Ir11deu•rd. )ii.. p„114,,. had Meet again Iouun•r•ow nigh .- rh:o'g'• of the meeting grid f, h;, I'hrladies eveningelimoi.. tulde•i•Hie \ PERSONA! MENTION. .Jordan ptrside1,l1 the piano. mi.:. r. 1.•ndersbip of .1. 1,..I1.r't;ln. he I their• Andet•wnt ,end Miss Slitrhi•II illwl Inst pl•articebefore l'hii•tot.t.o1 file.- Mi. Myrtle 4'on.in• 1s home troml assisted at ace 113nists. Slily Polley' day night. 'rhe• work to Im' guy n i. I i.ront .. dit'ialet'h',' subject into several clivi- I Ow 1,i•ge•nd .4 1111 '744114 :Ind OW 1 II" , .1„, S s., .,f 'Myth. was in town on .ions and had them intertspe •s«I with ; will IN' smile tin!" iii .1, :u s'. .r.,'..I.ly hymns and other nttl.ie. The pto-l Ili•nry 'Snyder,'of NII.•. has par Fred. 1'. ' •ener. ill' Ilrartf.rtll. is in grain was as follows : 1114 . '•Stand chased from lie.,. ,%elo•.'11 ti •• wc.'' I•p. 51.111411 Up for ,lrtu.:" prayer atltl'half of the .,Iloublr' house in i:.:1-1 town to.Lty. 11.1.1'- Itading:. hymn. "Tell 31e thestreet, ilea• the station. SIt.. tint 11.•i•. `11 iIlg home front (irimsby 111.1. 111,1 Story :" The Birth of ('hist : I is git'ing up fu'nrinl( ;end will tome to t'o; she hlidays. vocal Med.-It 4'arn,• 1•t.4111 the 311.1- 1 town with his Gamily to t•esid,.• .Ir'bi, n tin leave this afteryntion on night 1'Iwar." Misses AI,Kinuon and I At 4144.I'r'e'),byterian 444,„4,,.; 5-,,,.k., his rrtt11 n'to 1\'iatt 0.- ('lark: The Temptation id 1'hl'ist: tun. Sask.. 011 Thnrwiay. 1)e•rettltt',. Ali... 'erre•, of 111 lock. lois been"Yield Not to 'I'rnant..t i oo," chorus 4!(1114. S%-illianl llu;;h 5ttt•I(.. v, formerly visiting . iss Clarice I ' t hntiite. Hfte•n girls: 1'1111,4', wutpath)• fin' Jot l.ucknnw', arid Miss lila Florian, the NIt,•t'. I. I 5' iiIitvin l Antalon. wasulb•ring: 51 f:%en, err Ihr Sunirons. .o• nge•Nt dangling. of William in town fur day -lir 1tvn 1 is week. h:t• ' !(el,'• solo, Sliss Olive Smith : Irons, „f Toronto, were 11lrite•tl in Suss 1';1011', ••l t ith,ad rel riled Inst. Chl•krs Slirkstnn to the IAmt : vocal 11tarri:agr. solo, "Jest's. Keel) 1 , • Near week I t I 1 1 Thy Irons at t'1. N'' \ '. t With 1.1 Owing to U1..11.14111:11. nu•rling nig hl ' iAnutrnt. � 1 'honlNom, Wounded !tidy, " Sliat :1dr•h1311e I K.l s o • (.t, !If 11 •1.l 1w ' 11 1 I I I• of ,• N f t r Ian t' s v • � h Ind w u- hri. t e e k l n h,• ►. t Im'v'e. K h If t a• ir. nmd \ s 1 l }):114'. 1 1 .La (Slur nem ( i ql tI )rte . Order t Fetr•s e•w Ilal ' alley ( r fallit 1 aldurt. ••I Nwsl The.• I•:rrry 1 Ig m .11/1.111111114 lbi' 1'hristutls holida" , ,lour,'• Sliss's H<•r'tmgt•0ur and Angus -I I'hii.11nns night, thy' 11u•rttngo ha+,' alnu•Mvtll,.. Sin : !(tine : handing In'Ittl t in li'•I,.tk,.114 ig 1'I'hut••NLryst ight,IDrrrmb 1r 27th!'whe n i •i:IM. 1'alltphi•11 11f 1 o,leslwno. 1'•,1•1 chornt of Ilfls•ngirls: Christ's I►rNth:I Ilu•,uu1 ;animal election of ',Mktg's trill Iw• ioif the t.iw•nship of Ihdletl, was in ',trill solo. "Cast 'eta)' lrrr,nl upon 1 he• 1 held. Covert on '1'ucsl:1y. \ileill of . "C stTh !Item' : ('heist', I Fred Hropt - - has ,ill exitil'i4 of t h • .1111.11.. lio111:1111,.112,111,1:11,41•111414«..1/.1. 011 'I'm•.eltn' Hesmrrection : ••Christ Ile• bail is ptiminct of his studio in ung n1' on. 'm nv«it In Slrs. Fr:ull: window's of 'bogey,. linos.' form,•,; Ilnmtwe, in 1►efv'11, . %VIII 1•:. Pattie is INotk to town for a visit. 11.• hies heel in the Westerly States fors time. Risen 1inlay." Mil.« May Stoddart : Christ's Asrrn.ioi : %(tial tido, "I•',or1• 111 Farr," Sri,t Ihist Fisher : -vocal solo. "(dory Song," Mr. .1. E. Jordan. The County House of Refuge. Clinton New• I•:1'a : '1110 comity tonn- eil did a • inlaid., thing Inst week 111 appoint ung Bev. Mr. N'role as .•hap. Iain foto 11)e hoose. He 1s to ',Kik after hl •. burials, and , roalncf l eliginns services, for w•hieh lie will rrreiyl _ 1 per r t'ta 1'. I Of coot„• any Other minister is also at liberty to perform either of the 'yr - r. y ,' « Ime 1'•a d n 1 nt 1 ��•, I1. ole inclose ow' nt hand livirf near the house, and, IN InK nibs -41 frau the ministry. this will give him e•mlployeitcnt for which Ntute. Thr work is in the Pester )•I.' and is n 041l11hinnti0u.11f phologr•nphy and art i•41.14 Well,:. and is something not usually -obtainable emtotile of the large cities, The Ontario Checker .1s;o.iation ask + us Io , "mn'•,• lino holding of games for the Ontario cha,mpinn- •Ihi Pnl Hamilton on 1►ereolber 27. Yh anal :di. The prizes are n. $'4) ell,' aril money prizes f titreP al1l Slit. Nene is it t•hatice for any of our experts at checkers. The rase of .vex. OI•t•, :. hotel -keep - 1 1 1',l \ t 1'm hal 1 verso.. 1 . t. a C. 1V s K Evans and Woo. (';vans. an anion for board and lord _ing, was t im'rur..Iay be. Oen. McKenzie. of 11•inglwnl. spent a few alav,t in 14.1'11 1:1.t week with his 111-1/t het'. 14. W. 31.•Kenzie•• \r•. ttnitdf.mlt, I.:, 4'„ batt been nit thesi,•k list this week, but is re. covering from his indisposition. . Il u'rt . 44 Iowa•r. eUu•ry•d y1•.strral:It r from 'in ' IY ell 1 Wle h ,10ramphoied bt• his bride. His Ii1NI,'rirh friend*, wish 1 nnlch joy. Tile Misses Crawford. of N.•epnwa, e .Lu. hay., •. 1t 11 r.« ( ell .i N'llll he 4'hristmn" «e•n«till 1)'1111 their relatives at Part. Altw•tt and yitinitt*, after a visit at Ottawa with their father' John Crawtut'tl• 51. 1'. E. J. Norris, of Austin. Mau.. n1'. r'oin pa Medi by him Mon, 31N.ter .losrph. hntis'ru visiting hie mother, S1r.:. ,los ,.14111 Morris. Sirs. Slut•ris has Irvgt very, ill but is now Much inlptoaed. 1911• r•nutvul mf Aecointant H. Field 1•11111 th" (ilwleriel, branch of the (tank MORROW JOHNSTON CHRISTMAS MEATS \\•k. z' ,elected a choice let 1)t meats in cattle, lambs and Slot;ti. • :t he•irrl.:uol 1 steer, about ,:UMI IIs„ feel by Janne. (deem. l'tlbortlr'tow't- ship. 1 steer, 11111 Ili.., fell by F. Mei lon- og h. Colborne.2 - steer. 12 MI lbs., fed b)• .11. lira - ham. , 1 heifer, MO lbs., fed by Alt x. eclat on. Coalmine. 11:0)4 Ib. heifer. fel by it. l'.1rk- tvttu.I, ti.i<leirit township. 1 calf, fed by J. Putter, Coltw)t•m•, And also it lot of good Iambs, hogs, poultry, etc. See the [►isplay of CHRISTMAS MEATS at McLean Bros. MEAT MARKET \1.e have gathered together a large and very ehoiee scl,'et1911 id meat :4 nnil l POULTRY 01.111 kind. forth.' holid:lt season and will I ' glad 111 have I ..lit front you. McLEAN BROS.. Cotner Selu.ar and Fast Street. 1 L HOLIDAY FOOTWEAR IIN making your holiday purchases pl-t,,• great stress on buying your footwc;,1 here. - IT WILL PAY YOU TO DO SO. Sut;h :t resolution will insure you against buy- ing poor shoes and shoe disappointments of eve -r‘ kind. - - Our line of SLIPPERS is the finest ;assort- ment ,'oil can tined anywhere, as well as the most reasonable. Dame fashion has also dictated some beautlil new shapes in men's and „'omen's tine shoes. \1 pride ourselves especially en QUEEN QUALITY WALK -OVER i.'l►1tSNIT FUIt WOMEN MEN Downing & MacVicar of Akan real i. 141;01r41 In ail tto r:uue hill' ,•''magi %rill loci, :Is l e' 1.11.4 line of the 111.0, isgrnbu' :nn 1 t'tturU«nt. of bank .0Rleinl.. 31e. Viet. is promoted t.0 the Lindsay 1.1',11101 of the 11a11k eef Nontr.'almill 'he and 5trs. Field left on Tuesday. SIr. Field's piney here ba taken by H. 1(. Plunkett I who roltlem from the 1.1114I,,ty ttlttc.•. , DUNLOP. NuNteev, Der. 17111: Hees t,juiid is boob from ,nether • season's sailing on Ile• lakes. , J, •N Jewell and Thos. Monist., for. net •„'ell -k now it resitteots 'f 1hi, Pw11ship, are ba•L front 1 h \feet see. I�gt-t'ItiI 1' i. 11e1,•,u141 in 6,14114.1-;'1. A pleasant Glret.l•II gathetitg low", The ti'-' ti "'mg1'.. 111 II,t ..lnd plu•e t•e•entl)' nl 't ho Ifoun' of 511.4.1 la nod the htg rats' 111 the teacher.' Young. Hut•Iln et iol, whe't « • of i wthi •tees. which um 14 the ulo.l Sirs. hytINh•'1t fi,•nds h•tk e unit pular mut•rn of the unt:u io lie. rrnm nt, will lee putt)' thoroughly Twort 'h' Io pr•w•nl her .411 l ,1,171;1;11.1;:: sow, wltlense :IS it Luken ..f their t titres est out at the men tings of the 1'.t e•nt, prior to her delul gaily' for the .i'hl.4d 4401 ions on \Peri ars y, 4 next '45t'.t. �brs. 1►t•ys►blb•w'ish.•.lothank wl•rk - the friends ttle. so kindly ,i•Int•ntlw•r.•tl IA,Is \ „cairn tunny fo nwu.y her. She left bit. the West tlr Tut•. and don turn get a ionise e•im•1'. 4 day bearing with her the g,,od aisle•. Ito)• for doing more, -New fork; of the eimuouunity. Press. r Hurrah for` Santa Glans What can be more suitable for Christ- mas Gift hen a nice piece of FURNI T £ RE We h aye the largest nor lust tlw'' tf ► .mi. we loose gall 'shoo ' and i -,,It give exceptional in Oak and Slabegany ,tock \'NII,/•. pro _ Y •t.. Parlor Chairs in silk and a shed plush. Parlor Tables and Taboo eta, Parlor Cabinets and Music Caton Library Chairs in earytEnglish all leather; Moms Chairs and R Seat Rot kers. - XLadic::' Desks and Dressers In Oak and Me.hseany. Childrens Rockers and High Chairs in Wicker :..)ti Go'.:en Oak. 3. piece Toy Set in Red. Call early and make your selections and we will .e: a1 aside till you want thea,'1,•1iveld. It 1•.t.1''IMN.'YPL-_- ---- 'Phone ' contort* 'o'' H. B. Beckett , amhr" axed. 89 'Phone es Undertaker and Embalmer 11.: i \ i, \SINSINIMINIMNIMIMMIENZau1 1 1. 1. s .1 'II: I•: 5 1 1) E N 1 1: M- 1 I 1 1111 It NSIIMO ORMINIMO • ONISMOD MIMI= anit THE NEW STORE IS READY 'ut SO 4 THE NEW GRAiN ELEVATOR. Elevator .111./' (:,'drtithl Elevator k Transit Or., roust tact's' entirely of cement mid steel thennly nll- 1•1nrie1+• 1.in,lee.IPin elrvntot on the 4•011tine111 • idsw.1111FI) 1111111.411. (Ji,Iw t•ity, :Isl,tll111 bushels ; cost, $1:'l,IM111. The former elevator on the sante tilt,' was burned down .duly :1, 1118 ; the new elevator Intik in the Hatt gtnin November '411th, 13106. The cunt:Artit is J. H. 'rrutnunbauagr, of ,Minneapolis. o'• ../ 'PHONE NO 25. HE new store is ready for christmas shoppers. Ready for the rush that always crimes with th th e last few e days before the holiday. You will find it a good store to shoe if In I you are in a hurry. There is plenty , � ental of room to look in com- fort and stocks are all displayed for easy seeing and buying. We invite you to visit the new store at any time. Come and look it over from top to bottom. `;SIC will he glad to show you through. It is built and equipped to make shopping con- venient, east's and pleasant. We `stave tried to make it as modern and up-to- date a Dry Good Store as we could, for we wanted it to be a credit not only to ourselves but to Godcrich as well. We had plalt'gedfor a formal opening when we - m e but on ac- count of the seaton being so far ad- vanced were 'Unable to hold it, "o extend this general invitation -instead. Come any time, you will be w ome, and need feel under no obligation at - ever to buy. We want you to see e store,and get acquainted with it. Y CoURT HOUSE :1/4111111111111111111111111110111111110 • 111111111111.11111111 111111111ENID C /M TZ*l SQUARE i 1111 iom Neild .e Foul end t'n.loidei rrohts Note. fo circulation Deposits iau., of Aseetx over1auk t,Lhilfliesher to the euuLc :1,17:1.178 $ 24(1,000 1 759,995 $1,681,730 $1,413,475 1,::l'.1,000 362,1438 1,237,650 4,300,432 1,662,838 1.:;...1,0110 4211;373 . 1,284,840 7,196,741 1,720,373 1;ilu,47S 623,401 1,550,790 10,134,2011 2,133,9311 3.'442,710 . 1,336,847 2,850,675 16,578,1t20 5,278,557 -.1'.h of 14iiad hood.. Commercial .i an,: Debentures. Losse Iti au (pens Till Asset. I..' di ,nten h etc. sad Discount „ lit ... $ :;S8,1117 $ 4314,36:4 , $1,630,199 81,358,469 1113,853,203 1'1.13 622,774 713,397 1,747,342 4,074,048 7,2484,920 1:A04 1,214,822 •1,4111,341 672,034 1,179,640 7,014,123 10,201,954 It'1t't 791,153 1,566,144 9,578,850) 13,818,938 111114; 1 4!116,842 1,612,831 4,614,1117 14,640,510 25,343,401 1 :Iavings Deparlmeal al all Mica S'a""'lwe'd Tines ■` rs•10-01NIs her Tines a Year. Gtit rill- Erase, Jordin Block. ANDREW IORTE2• Manager. exandra Hospital, Godench, opened Decerabar r, irc6 .'uhJt%:Irt,ri•,,:'.tHi, ni intereslir f.•r•extra copies after th''•anion was fote.ludgtDoyle. and jtalg111ettwas pltlgralu. including special uulsie by exhausted. tnlrte.' for (shit and ....t., 1:. L. the children 'dud a- number of ad- Thr Im(N•ri,lt 1.3f4.444 al1rar1in a 1lirkinson for plaintiff, O. F. Blair for III -- .I.,. A eollrrtionwill h• btken for g •at: doal of nttrniton •tht'..' d:K., lir/i•udantt,• the funds of the Siek I'hileirerl's ,lee ow tit to the iirtiatir decoration of the In the absence of Judge Kiei11, 1'. A. 1 1.11. 1'oronl"' win, iw fot''the Christmas stash' i Male'r11...n. for11r'rl•-of li.sle•rich, has The choir of Nor th sl leets Sletlio• F'. 1 ,,y. ma int gig. of 411e Date l'n. been ,loolintett by 111. l ',minion (tors dist church pace prepared esrw'ri,•lty gine Wei L. Co.. Ltd..- returned hast Irnleent nM dl•pnts' ju.ig,' fur Brute new and gtwl n4risir for the Christ- wee, -I, h..... a three Weeks' tall). ill Ito• muni)', Mr. S,,ig .on will thus get alta. Sunday ..•rvicr.. tinnti• of 1 h N'r.t, wish ti. pockets fill of ordviv- orale• tt'.titiing fa,• the p.•t'ouwent int, ....mien- ,till Ii•, •'55'peri• is 11.' that fur Ill,• 1'.., lo, �. n+dislN•nw r of 'usl3cr w hill, will y Pu1r is 11•,1 n i ' ' 1i1Ni tir,ul .D1 High Milli day Iw• cooing Ili.+ my Iilit.'r II -•t 'v has r'.i'it4d his /osis III -.11.1." 1.'ih slel••ndill ,lel al acid , L I tt -The Finis, Halm.- 01111 .1. 1.• erh. y:. It tcin; t '1'.0ion- 11.•1., 1 at 1 ort Ile .e The mo-i;nztlt�..er. u. r of 7 it pr•t11 .•.ned-churns, Al the rutin; se''•utcd the s• Nd al hi. 114)1,,4. near to i,lols• last Sal milv was almost ' sell li.'• \lis. Kelm -all Itrow'l will sing iten•le,b,ero'. '1' nruto11 Slu.nard, of 4r.uterirh edition. The fron1i.0rcc Ki..e'. Pt,tyet. (riot "The tiol(b•i, Hnylleld-i. his sr •e.wa'. etas cooyw,.••d of Illi rututll14 1414•44. IA•g.-n,I,' by Dudley Buck, an excellent The .larltor)' true' ung of the town • by It. It. 5atlo•.v., ',Clown. ;end .it ,in• eXample at -I1 sit•:tl prayer. Itetnt•i1 %%t' haul oro tia tllrb/y aft...- "Ong' p,tg,• weer:• %I.•W. of the new' • The 4nelingof Kuru church l" P. n'wrll. Thr only fns' M.. ens Ile. (bale'ieh rb•valo1' and of Alexandra S. C. E. oil Tuesday g ofnox chis eh. .d ,t nrdrring of the I.rinting .f Ihr ,idol,;, 'hospital. •1'11.• twnlath•r yietv.:ue It- .,u•ci:i 0,,,,,,,,.R.1. and a g.1 program (blanci,tlst iteun•mt. Thr sinned will ir•lshu'rd iu'1'hr 15i,;n,i this week. Was Ir11deu•rd. )ii.. p„114,,. had Meet again Iouun•r•ow nigh .- rh:o'g'• of the meeting grid f, h;, I'hrladies eveningelimoi.. tulde•i•Hie \ PERSONA! MENTION. .Jordan ptrside1,l1 the piano. mi.:. r. 1.•ndersbip of .1. 1,..I1.r't;ln. he I their• Andet•wnt ,end Miss Slitrhi•II illwl Inst pl•articebefore l'hii•tot.t.o1 file.- Mi. Myrtle 4'on.in• 1s home troml assisted at ace 113nists. Slily Polley' day night. 'rhe• work to Im' guy n i. I i.ront .. dit'ialet'h',' subject into several clivi- I Ow 1,i•ge•nd .4 1111 '744114 :Ind OW 1 II" , .1„, S s., .,f 'Myth. was in town on .ions and had them intertspe •s«I with ; will IN' smile tin!" iii .1, :u s'. .r.,'..I.ly hymns and other nttl.ie. The pto-l Ili•nry 'Snyder,'of NII.•. has par Fred. 1'. ' •ener. ill' Ilrartf.rtll. is in grain was as follows : 1114 . '•Stand chased from lie.,. ,%elo•.'11 ti •• wc.'' I•p. 51.111411 Up for ,lrtu.:" prayer atltl'half of the .,Iloublr' house in i:.:1-1 town to.Lty. 11.1.1'- Itading:. hymn. "Tell 31e thestreet, ilea• the station. SIt.. tint 11.•i•. `11 iIlg home front (irimsby 111.1. 111,1 Story :" The Birth of ('hist : I is git'ing up fu'nrinl( ;end will tome to t'o; she hlidays. vocal Med.-It 4'arn,• 1•t.4111 the 311.1- 1 town with his Gamily to t•esid,.• .Ir'bi, n tin leave this afteryntion on night 1'Iwar." Misses AI,Kinuon and I At 4144.I'r'e'),byterian 444,„4,,.; 5-,,,.k., his rrtt11 n'to 1\'iatt 0.- ('lark: The Temptation id 1'hl'ist: tun. Sask.. 011 Thnrwiay. 1)e•rettltt',. Ali... 'erre•, of 111 lock. lois been"Yield Not to 'I'rnant..t i oo," chorus 4!(1114. S%-illianl llu;;h 5ttt•I(.. v, formerly visiting . iss Clarice I ' t hntiite. Hfte•n girls: 1'1111,4', wutpath)• fin' Jot l.ucknnw', arid Miss lila Florian, the NIt,•t'. I. I 5' iiIitvin l Antalon. wasulb•ring: 51 f:%en, err Ihr Sunirons. .o• nge•Nt dangling. of William in town fur day -lir 1tvn 1 is week. h:t• ' !(el,'• solo, Sliss Olive Smith : Irons, „f Toronto, were 11lrite•tl in Suss 1';1011', ••l t ith,ad rel riled Inst. Chl•krs Slirkstnn to the IAmt : vocal 11tarri:agr. solo, "Jest's. Keel) 1 , • Near week I t I 1 1 Thy Irons at t'1. N'' \ '. t With 1.1 Owing to U1..11.14111:11. nu•rling nig hl ' iAnutrnt. � 1 'honlNom, Wounded !tidy, " Sliat :1dr•h1311e I K.l s o • (.t, !If 11 •1.l 1w ' 11 1 I I I• of ,• N f t r Ian t' s v • � h Ind w u- hri. t e e k l n h,• ►. t Im'v'e. K h If t a• ir. nmd \ s 1 l }):114'. 1 1 .La (Slur nem ( i ql tI )rte . Order t Fetr•s e•w Ilal ' alley ( r fallit 1 aldurt. ••I Nwsl The.• I•:rrry 1 Ig m .11/1.111111114 lbi' 1'hristutls holida" , ,lour,'• Sliss's H<•r'tmgt•0ur and Angus -I I'hii.11nns night, thy' 11u•rttngo ha+,' alnu•Mvtll,.. Sin : !(tine : handing In'Ittl t in li'•I,.tk,.114 ig 1'I'hut••NLryst ight,IDrrrmb 1r 27th!'whe n i •i:IM. 1'alltphi•11 11f 1 o,leslwno. 1'•,1•1 chornt of Ilfls•ngirls: Christ's I►rNth:I Ilu•,uu1 ;animal election of ',Mktg's trill Iw• ioif the t.iw•nship of Ihdletl, was in ',trill solo. "Cast 'eta)' lrrr,nl upon 1 he• 1 held. Covert on '1'ucsl:1y. \ileill of . "C stTh !Item' : ('heist', I Fred Hropt - - has ,ill exitil'i4 of t h • .1111.11.. lio111:1111,.112,111,1:11,41•111414«..1/.1. 011 'I'm•.eltn' Hesmrrection : ••Christ Ile• bail is ptiminct of his studio in ung n1' on. 'm nv«it In Slrs. Fr:ull: window's of 'bogey,. linos.' form,•,; Ilnmtwe, in 1►efv'11, . %VIII 1•:. Pattie is INotk to town for a visit. 11.• hies heel in the Westerly States fors time. Risen 1inlay." Mil.« May Stoddart : Christ's Asrrn.ioi : %(tial tido, "I•',or1• 111 Farr," Sri,t Ihist Fisher : -vocal solo. "(dory Song," Mr. .1. E. Jordan. The County House of Refuge. Clinton New• I•:1'a : '1110 comity tonn- eil did a • inlaid., thing Inst week 111 appoint ung Bev. Mr. N'role as .•hap. Iain foto 11)e hoose. He 1s to ',Kik after hl •. burials, and , roalncf l eliginns services, for w•hieh lie will rrreiyl _ 1 per r t'ta 1'. I Of coot„• any Other minister is also at liberty to perform either of the 'yr - r. y ,' « Ime 1'•a d n 1 nt 1 ��•, I1. ole inclose ow' nt hand livirf near the house, and, IN InK nibs -41 frau the ministry. this will give him e•mlployeitcnt for which Ntute. Thr work is in the Pester )•I.' and is n 041l11hinnti0u.11f phologr•nphy and art i•41.14 Well,:. and is something not usually -obtainable emtotile of the large cities, The Ontario Checker .1s;o.iation ask + us Io , "mn'•,• lino holding of games for the Ontario cha,mpinn- •Ihi Pnl Hamilton on 1►ereolber 27. Yh anal :di. The prizes are n. $'4) ell,' aril money prizes f titreP al1l Slit. Nene is it t•hatice for any of our experts at checkers. The rase of .vex. OI•t•, :. hotel -keep - 1 1 1',l \ t 1'm hal 1 verso.. 1 . t. a C. 1V s K Evans and Woo. (';vans. an anion for board and lord _ing, was t im'rur..Iay be. Oen. McKenzie. of 11•inglwnl. spent a few alav,t in 14.1'11 1:1.t week with his 111-1/t het'. 14. W. 31.•Kenzie•• \r•. ttnitdf.mlt, I.:, 4'„ batt been nit thesi,•k list this week, but is re. covering from his indisposition. . Il u'rt . 44 Iowa•r. eUu•ry•d y1•.strral:It r from 'in ' IY ell 1 Wle h ,10ramphoied bt• his bride. His Ii1NI,'rirh friend*, wish 1 nnlch joy. Tile Misses Crawford. of N.•epnwa, e .Lu. hay., •. 1t 11 r.« ( ell .i N'llll he 4'hristmn" «e•n«till 1)'1111 their relatives at Part. Altw•tt and yitinitt*, after a visit at Ottawa with their father' John Crawtut'tl• 51. 1'. E. J. Norris, of Austin. Mau.. n1'. r'oin pa Medi by him Mon, 31N.ter .losrph. hntis'ru visiting hie mother, S1r.:. ,los ,.14111 Morris. Sirs. Slut•ris has Irvgt very, ill but is now Much inlptoaed. 1911• r•nutvul mf Aecointant H. Field 1•11111 th" (ilwleriel, branch of the (tank MORROW JOHNSTON CHRISTMAS MEATS \\•k. z' ,elected a choice let 1)t meats in cattle, lambs and Slot;ti. • :t he•irrl.:uol 1 steer, about ,:UMI IIs„ feel by Janne. (deem. l'tlbortlr'tow't- ship. 1 steer, 11111 Ili.., fell by F. Mei lon- og h. Colborne.2 - steer. 12 MI lbs., fed b)• .11. lira - ham. , 1 heifer, MO lbs., fed by Alt x. eclat on. Coalmine. 11:0)4 Ib. heifer. fel by it. l'.1rk- tvttu.I, ti.i<leirit township. 1 calf, fed by J. Putter, Coltw)t•m•, And also it lot of good Iambs, hogs, poultry, etc. See the [►isplay of CHRISTMAS MEATS at McLean Bros. MEAT MARKET \1.e have gathered together a large and very ehoiee scl,'et1911 id meat :4 nnil l POULTRY 01.111 kind. forth.' holid:lt season and will I ' glad 111 have I ..lit front you. McLEAN BROS.. Cotner Selu.ar and Fast Street. 1 L HOLIDAY FOOTWEAR IIN making your holiday purchases pl-t,,• great stress on buying your footwc;,1 here. - IT WILL PAY YOU TO DO SO. Sut;h :t resolution will insure you against buy- ing poor shoes and shoe disappointments of eve -r‘ kind. - - Our line of SLIPPERS is the finest ;assort- ment ,'oil can tined anywhere, as well as the most reasonable. Dame fashion has also dictated some beautlil new shapes in men's and „'omen's tine shoes. \1 pride ourselves especially en QUEEN QUALITY WALK -OVER i.'l►1tSNIT FUIt WOMEN MEN Downing & MacVicar of Akan real i. 141;01r41 In ail tto r:uue hill' ,•''magi %rill loci, :Is l e' 1.11.4 line of the 111.0, isgrnbu' :nn 1 t'tturU«nt. of bank .0Rleinl.. 31e. Viet. is promoted t.0 the Lindsay 1.1',11101 of the 11a11k eef Nontr.'almill 'he and 5trs. Field left on Tuesday. SIr. Field's piney here ba taken by H. 1(. Plunkett I who roltlem from the 1.1114I,,ty ttlttc.•. , DUNLOP. NuNteev, Der. 17111: Hees t,juiid is boob from ,nether • season's sailing on Ile• lakes. , J, •N Jewell and Thos. Monist., for. net •„'ell -k now it resitteots 'f 1hi, Pw11ship, are ba•L front 1 h \feet see. I�gt-t'ItiI 1' i. 11e1,•,u141 in 6,14114.1-;'1. A pleasant Glret.l•II gathetitg low", The ti'-' ti "'mg1'.. 111 II,t ..lnd plu•e t•e•entl)' nl 't ho Ifoun' of 511.4.1 la nod the htg rats' 111 the teacher.' Young. Hut•Iln et iol, whe't « • of i wthi •tees. which um 14 the ulo.l Sirs. hytINh•'1t fi,•nds h•tk e unit pular mut•rn of the unt:u io lie. rrnm nt, will lee putt)' thoroughly Twort 'h' Io pr•w•nl her .411 l ,1,171;1;11.1;:: sow, wltlense :IS it Luken ..f their t titres est out at the men tings of the 1'.t e•nt, prior to her delul gaily' for the .i'hl.4d 4401 ions on \Peri ars y, 4 next '45t'.t. �brs. 1►t•ys►blb•w'ish.•.lothank wl•rk - the friends ttle. so kindly ,i•Int•ntlw•r.•tl IA,Is \ „cairn tunny fo nwu.y her. She left bit. the West tlr Tut•. and don turn get a ionise e•im•1'. 4 day bearing with her the g,,od aisle•. Ito)• for doing more, -New fork; of the eimuouunity. Press. r Hurrah for` Santa Glans What can be more suitable for Christ- mas Gift hen a nice piece of FURNI T £ RE We h aye the largest nor lust tlw'' tf ► .mi. we loose gall 'shoo ' and i -,,It give exceptional in Oak and Slabegany ,tock \'NII,/•. pro _ Y •t.. Parlor Chairs in silk and a shed plush. Parlor Tables and Taboo eta, Parlor Cabinets and Music Caton Library Chairs in earytEnglish all leather; Moms Chairs and R Seat Rot kers. - XLadic::' Desks and Dressers In Oak and Me.hseany. Childrens Rockers and High Chairs in Wicker :..)ti Go'.:en Oak. 3. piece Toy Set in Red. Call early and make your selections and we will .e: a1 aside till you want thea,'1,•1iveld. It 1•.t.1''IMN.'YPL-_- ---- 'Phone ' contort* 'o'' H. B. Beckett , amhr" axed. 89 'Phone es Undertaker and Embalmer 11.: i \ i, \SINSINIMINIMNIMIMMIENZau1 1 1. 1. s .1 'II: I•: 5 1 1) E N 1 1: M- 1 I 1 1111 It NSIIMO ORMINIMO • ONISMOD MIMI= anit THE NEW STORE IS READY 'ut SO 4 THE NEW GRAiN ELEVATOR. Elevator .111./' (:,'drtithl Elevator k Transit Or., roust tact's' entirely of cement mid steel thennly nll- 1•1nrie1+• 1.in,lee.IPin elrvntot on the 4•011tine111 • idsw.1111FI) 1111111.411. (Ji,Iw t•ity, :Isl,tll111 bushels ; cost, $1:'l,IM111. The former elevator on the sante tilt,' was burned down .duly :1, 1118 ; the new elevator Intik in the Hatt gtnin November '411th, 13106. The cunt:Artit is J. H. 'rrutnunbauagr, of ,Minneapolis. o'• ../ 'PHONE NO 25. HE new store is ready for christmas shoppers. Ready for the rush that always crimes with th th e last few e days before the holiday. You will find it a good store to shoe if In I you are in a hurry. There is plenty , � ental of room to look in com- fort and stocks are all displayed for easy seeing and buying. We invite you to visit the new store at any time. Come and look it over from top to bottom. `;SIC will he glad to show you through. It is built and equipped to make shopping con- venient, east's and pleasant. We `stave tried to make it as modern and up-to- date a Dry Good Store as we could, for we wanted it to be a credit not only to ourselves but to Godcrich as well. We had plalt'gedfor a formal opening when we - m e but on ac- count of the seaton being so far ad- vanced were 'Unable to hold it, "o extend this general invitation -instead. Come any time, you will be w ome, and need feel under no obligation at - ever to buy. We want you to see e store,and get acquainted with it. Y CoURT HOUSE :1/4111111111111111111111111110111111110 • 111111111111.11111111 111111111ENID C /M TZ*l SQUARE