HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-12-20, Page 11THF., glr;1'AI, (:01)1, 11,.‘,1; ' I\'1'A}tl() aCcit4cfri initl 114 44- i 4*9ic� 1 The News of the District.I ,444444 f„444444444 34,4:4,4.444,44:444444444444.4.444444N UUNGANNUN. 1t A. NEW'I'UN, DENTIST, Lt'('K- 1(. NIM'. Alhuu14•evrlyday ex•'eptThue.- flay.. New n.laety fur extracting: teeth lsmano- on,)'. bet ler than gas. crown nod bridge work. rte. Aluminum plates breakable'. N. It. You can nlwuys Mot, Your work mush better dune in the dental wore now. better facilities for doing the work, uwro coin instable fur 4lo patient. KINGSBRIDGE. 'I'ee.00.ty, Dee. 144th. 31r. and 31(•x..1. I)a11uu, of fitlderich, visite' hived. here oto Sunday. Miss M. (1'Le•au•y sp'ut la few (lays of hart week with friends at St. August• int•. We are sorry to relent the illness of of horses, and the prohahilitiPN a1.• I with all the cut•relt ('XI4•ud1turs 1111.1 that they will have to be kept here i and every ace L atgai• et the tows until the return of spring. shin twit', including the county rate. Ithere IM 114114' a 1144I:1111'e' of allem1 $41' i LAURIER.• ; to the good. It latoks as if the Irma 1't'1SMU.1Y, I)re. lath. Bial affairs of the !township hall been 1 el 411 ••1 e• (•eau very well h ul 11 111 t the R D. McGregor , •e U t home I .. ..1 lung( 1 hall t t r lel 1► nI ant( it is lu Ile htoprd that (he n•lectur- after spending a( week in Guelph. yvill 4.11'o4• wisely at the routing ed.„ (\ E. AVG1'STINK. -- 1)1'N(:AS- Airs. J. Buckley, but hopeto heart of ,aides Macl.enn,ul returned to Gale.. tion and re•Iurn men (Ito n111 k,.,.1.tJ NIM (op 'hpinll M441. !staler in flour and bee rt't•0Very aeon. rich Monday lifter sl ending a Welk at the township'. finances s 1111 a annual fest. '1'11m8' MINI. and Vire star anti I'uraY - his burnt. herr`. hams. 'lour: Danish Stock nod PoultryFowl.('hop- A few o{ the frit+rldN of Mk,' t'• ('Un.. -- -. -_-- eine promptly nl0•odwtlu. • 444(41 a very pleasant time at het •Th.'lti1.1'r tl•uuntV atoll'hs y 'sIre GODERICH•TOWNSHIP. ,`rfl)'1'ICE. '1'11 E LOCALA(AGENCY'home one evening last week. making 1i In integration for The Signal kat the 141.1 SI)•igll 1.,'11. jingle and honest are pocketbook on Il, 1. 31*Ni).'. •, Dec. 17th. ACC hs'k a141 Stationery stun,-. mat Mr.. high with the 111114. folks that St. Niche prune. C. .lc Kenzie, of tea:11ulsh. The public exit i 1 M. M. N„ �%trl.uan will drive order.. for .,41.o'ri »11111., K N'us the guest of Ills uncle, KPnnelh u,brrti.lag mud tub work, amt i. nuthorixwl to 111"44 1(11,4 1,1. Ieindeer Will have gosl K I will 1*' held on Friday of this week, alve n4•ehds 1urawm114t. 114.4.4 for the .anti•. fuming for 111eie trip. :flatly are kM)k- F. McLennan, on Mundo)'. 31iax Margaret Jle1llwaiu, of the \V KI)N K$I).t y, Ike. IlIth, Ing r.""."111..,„1",11 h4. 1, c1111111g of \Ve tar glad Lu• dta1 L1' that .lack Hayfield road, lea tees (his week for T. E. 1)urnin has 441111'11141 from Ilia 0b$en1414P44 r e h0lido' "at...". ' Kuntz waw $urcl'e$ful in obtaining a Toronto, where she will spend the trip to U)4. West.grand flow of water et Ken. U. M1'- l'ht•iatluas season. Miss Daniela has taken a position in KINTAIL. I.ennan's at the depth of 237 feet. Miss Mottle 3!.•111wain. of1441y4ell The water 1o.,• within 10 feet. of C. Ell1,*t's store. '1'rK140.ty, Dee. Ititli• the top. 'this is 14411 deepest well 1vxl, accompanied her sister. Jars. Ed. 11ur1in is home fruit Toronto Little Monica Jlattiu is un the Kick in Ashtiehl. Snell, to Paris, where the latter will for the holidays. list Lina week. ----------- reside in the future. Jiro. M. A. 1 w, nt Ilawttr left Iter'. Jas. Hvmiltou, of the Coital eLEEBURN. Ple*bylerian church. is holding a for her 1 • on Friday.Donald spent t few tix w w tolruth The 31iss(N Jane and I:10ra 511.- y Tt•Ks1.tV.1)ec. loth. n'ayer•uns•ling Friday night at Die ('haw. Elliott has Irturned from x this week. There will Is• 114 l'hriNUuxm lyra en- I of S 1 31ac31,1th, Ith ('1111 business trip to Ibunihon. 14'U(14ati Bros. disposed of their (41114inmelt at No. 5 whom on Friday cess• • \Vending belle1 are ringing. hie- fart cattle this week. Rohr. took a car- of this Werk. loan( to OnFridayitiyy of 1:1.1 week \\'ul. Mlltver. Ther paarticuf*114atreuext Week. by gape his »ppb•-4(1111•kers ,in oyato r ' hiss 51. Ryan is aas1441 1144 310•. Mc- John Dixon, of Ilenlo•It ('ity, and Slipper. Mlltlpel• Was sees ti from o !Wall 111 the pa,stoticc Mtor-. Jl r. Little, of 'I'lwswntrr, cullet 41n tto M, after which the evening wit, friends 10'1'4' 51 114)', spent in nudes and dancing. Will 1:. ( 1)g )tial wIW huub aver 1 K ti• Sunday visiting his p an.ats.'('here is some talk of bringing out l'ouu.'illor 11. 1.. SnikeId as x 1111011 - dale fur tthere•yeship. 31r. Salkehl has been very suet e•s14101 4.11 far in uuniitlripad rslver, and would st ' 1 very goal chance of elerliun to Ihr higher position, if he would allow IlkIlk111(11)4 441 goon theballot. JN'NI('r•.u. l'orNrn.. The lnwn- .byla it nlel 111011.1141114111011.1141114 to adj,uru- Illellt. Imembers ,toll '' "44•Ilt. 3111111te•, of last meeting read and passed. .\ 414111passel! ' and by141w were 1hn1 the tlunlinulha•s for 1. x(444 :Ind four councillors la, held at Holmes' HMI,1lulul(-sville• 011 Ile 31st of December. at 12 o'clocko'clockGummi : 11.1' I, the elec- tion be held in the Tonttwing plow",and with the following deputy return- ing ofitrtas: No. I, Orange 11.411. 1t 11 c •essi011, Chris. Johnston : No. _. le o house .1. S. linh•u nes, Sill (ne...sittn. John Sturdy ; No. '3, 1141114.4' of 'rhos. Ilnrrism, 4th conrP14siun. Thos. I1 411 i - ton : No. 4. hums.. of H. W. Elliott. Hayfield e411Wenninn. Jahn (Tarr : e• No 5, 1' sof J. 14144 .•'wery. 111th enures. *ion1. L , J. IL : \n, 11. buns,' ui Dart Hicks, 't_th roll'(w4i4111. 114(11 Hicks. The parsonage taxes were re- funded in renal' ha at let lion of shed Gt. public. NI x. M-rl•1a,y. ('Ierk. TIt1'It41(t v. Dee. II Ir1.K .\alb'4'1.44'I'01*.. 'TILL.C:elderi(•h Township Rith' A.wa'18164o held a match ye(tetrl:y afternoon at 1114' Go'ernnn•nt rine range. :riders were chosen by Iota' Salkeld 111111 0. Gino and the latter won with x majority 1.1 :i7 points. Last evening the .\• .4.141- tiun held its annual slipper t(1 the ('Itis, 44•111,+1•. - 'Ther• teas a goal tut wait of the titent14•Ir4 and i1 jolly evening was spent. After Hi...topper there win at pr-ognuu of "oasts, songs and $4aeches. A gq than who took part ' were ere '1'weerly add Itubt. Witsotl, of Our townsman. James Chisholm. in iw the field as candidate for cuuucillot• ha- (''11orne towlsship for the earning year. ('has. Carey, jr., and laairella Me - Nevin, former residents herr, weir• married in liolerieh an \Velnes(111)' of last week. The young people have a 141.441' envie of friends in this sect who wish thein a happy voyage on the matrimonial LOYAL . aK 1V4. 1. 11441 141 wl•I(' • nnotlit',' fall Ur. uud 31111. ltich*rl "'dm'''. "1 I111 snow, am the mauls were 41huist iuI- GIa1e•ricb. vial("( heir last Week.i Pass1(4( with ice, in consequence of which our efficient hha•k.mith had 0 441st. Jlr\Vhingey and daughter IA•Ile Are 1 • 1401111 front Xinlail. Harry Junes in engaged at Wal- k0111.1. \'nl•kn111N 4411141• (o1' the 1'hrist'1•aM season. Itev. W. A. Smith, of Luck visited at the Methodist pamonage IANC week. \V4. 1114. pleased to learn that 3I r$. 'f. E. 1)urnin is met tvering (rout her ill. • ness. , A I*•t' flhere attended I he stirred conceit in Nile church but \Veleiesday evt ring: Jnr.. \Vhite left on Tuesday for her home near Aylmer after a •4•iait wil11 her her and sisters. Miro Minnie 1►ut•niu, N'ho lues Igen attending the Normal Scholl at Lon- don, is home for the Christmas veva- .1 ion. H. E. Manning. Manager of the Sterling Blink. has moved to t' El. holes house farms 1) 1 'i'4i led by ltirh.r iltyan. fhe i')• . r0401$ have 11ve11 11111' smiths lots of work. \V4. undersand they have re 'td and sharpened (44411' f • hundred' attires in two (lays. owing to ill-hrnith RoIw'rt Stewart. of the Ilh (•41r'e,winn of %V.'.. \Vaw4• nosh, has wild his bum anti has 'ed to Blyth. '•Hugh . Stewart was the pnr•hnser of the tarn(. Make a note of OW dates of the Erskine Sunday school Christmas tree Saturday. 11m -em w•i• '_11 and the Methodist M lay school 'elate'tnin• merit Vitriol mem night. 1/eremites. 1:. Tries ON 'rut: 1.1,:111'. T. Li. .1,11 01 hits purellitsel the gas plain foul Harry Jones, and we understand that •Ifo Kurtxe, the t11141111ftU911r'e4)1 the machine, will b1.• here thes w•,.k to put it in good working sailer. As \Ir. Allen 1laa "Innate'" tee expe't to have want light in the near future. It rant lie too 11444111. an the gas Iighl hate. been sully missed in the village.. 111-NI11-1 1•.1,. 11 %WENS. - I{Il1lor14 of battle are in the -:tis. The m ' •ipa l warriors aIle Fretting on their paint. and in a( few dors the War•ry will be Mounded. In N'esl %Vawalnosh it IIa,kM 11$ if Itevee Ilailie 11011 John. 31c. !wen, %t•uuld be the candidates for the reet•eship for 19117. 141 Ashfield the presentiwheat 1nn44 are that Reeve 3lelntyrP and .Iohn N. McKenzie. the present earnly eIli eillur, will fight it. out between themselves. Thos. Slut 11• 4.r% has leen spoken of as a candidate, bat we understand he will not enter the field. \\'KL1. 1)x41: f After the aerident a few weeks ago to Fred McGlynn a movement Was started 1(1 raise A fund for 1 ' , told we are glad to he aljle to repoi'l that the '4,14.1. ha. (net with gratifying 14111•rl•s44. The erlllretor: have *Mu on hand '11111 expert »lout. Wit more to come in. 4Iv'rt• $1(x1 was. emitribil(d in our village. Such a Movement. as this is esperia1113-w•orthy. 1 the collector.. and all who ('(40' ril 4,114481 are to be congratulated upon hating shown mulch a r •telabl1' spirit for hmnuulity and genelosit)•. 1 he snpgorte'$ of a.jnst cause have not .1 In 11.11 and been turned V •' 1 \'-Inn tl I I II 1.l dHw /I tell t the fund will matte the IninI.n of mis- fortune considerably lighter for Ute young lean who lou leen sl sadly In- jured. • NILE. TtKsn.ty, 1k•.•. 1416. Jliss Lizzie (,infield is vi«iting her 'nater at Clinton. J. I1. Pentland is renewing old a1.- 'i""lancea here. .tan. Elliott. sr., hats returned after vending a couple of Het with his wins in the \Vent. The Nilee Sabbath school will hold their regular 1 ' vrru•y service' next Menrhl1. There will be three service!, at 10:311 a. ul.. 2:31 ,. tn. and 7::1) p. tn. In the •1111144 Rev. E. A. Fear, of Exeter, will outdrew. the chil- dren. 111 the afternoon there will he al. special children'41 slervice with ad - 'Insoles by Rev. Meer«. Feal• and Reid, 1111411 denial amain. In the even- ing Mr. hear will ,peak to parents and adults and Milton Tyndall will render n vocal 1Pleclion. 1'1)11 are eordiall)• invited to -attend then• eel• vier'. 1'olleeI Jona thrnitghout the day Neill be on behalf of the Sabbath Nrl,00), 1'ntt ('n'l'KRT.--One of the lest entertainments ever given here was the concert 411 the Methodist, church on 'Wednesday et'ening of last week. The program inclndei ae1r1•ti a by the choir of North «trees. Methodist church, Golerich, and the Pennington orchestra. of (iaherirh : elocutionary o,trllw•ri by Mists Ada Beattie, of `iexforth, and Main Henn, of Golerieh, and Iuldresrt•N by Rev. \\'. H. Graham. orf (iolerir•Ii : Rev. A. E. ,Ionto, 0f Auburn : Rev. H. E. Cary-, of 'smiles - born' : Itcv..4. W. Robirl..n, of Dun- gannon. and Rev. A. l'. Tiffin, of I'r•nwhridge. The music was inspir- ing, the readings were excellent, and the,ddr•e,mes were able and interpst- ' lag. At the conclusion of the pro- gram trefreihmenta Were served. There Was it large attendance anti the 'r•nterlainnlent Wan a sucream in every respect. "What is an agnostic ?" naked Iloilo. "A n agnostic." replied 1' 11 r l le George. "is a m*n 111 101 I II lied/11,'' 1h.4t he knew., nothing. and :Ihll'''. Fall if 3.044 believe 11i11,." great chance to display Iiia skill, Rilnuu Styles arrived her• Saturday PVening f • the SIo, where fie ham just passed tht'ungh as trying siege of typhoid Hever. 14'1• hope he may son regain his usual health and sUvngth. CREWE. \\' 1.113 vsl).% v, 111•c. 11th. 'nun Pierer. is visiting 1(1*1it'ea in Teeswitep-. 51iss Maud Pierre, who has lawn sick for N • time, i. ettnvxlt•scent. .las. Gartner. of 14(4,114(41', Naas re- newing 11,1 acquaintances hem Iasi week. Mrs. .lames 3b•1halad aril her ()mightier. 'Airs; David '1'hurlow, have 1111ritel h • :(ter spending a pleas- ant time in \\'iugluuu. TE.t,1F:14 I.F:..v,x,:.-\Ve regret to hear that 31i'4 Jlary E. Murray, of I'at,uuount, our s•hio1 tt•itrhet• for the past year, is aloud tnleitl• our (who'd. She has Iw•en very diligent ,1111 kind in the dish u•)4e of herr deities, and Neill la• missed in the section. Miss 74114rgnrel KBoat' ick halm leen engaged as teacher for next year. LOTHIAN. Trlo4U.LY, 104.r. lath. n - ,epidermic• of mumps is going through the sect' . Miss Mait Henderson, Kinker.., called 'here last week. \\'e are sort•v to 11,11- that Gilmore is still very ill. 1)o,,dd Morrison and his sister. Mrs. 3lorgar,, of l 14rlierrs'. 31an., are 1 he gucsl s 01 Mrs. Alex ..\IrL can. T. E. H.'nde•w11) hall the mist atone to lube his little Huger nearly severed hien hi,. hand while working 'around the mill. Mauler t• • ago Geo. Sandy had con- siderable barley at den from his granary. 11 wenn necessary to warn farmer„ to keep (Meir grad(( undPr_lock and key The mnd'111110 changed his route for the winter season on Tuesday and now' r es here In the 'Hing. This IV 110.111 vettient.nis we do not receive the Saturday Ionil till 1'rt4d i v. LANES. 51(444144414. Ih•c. 171h. Miss \udlvw, of .Zion. and Miss Snell, of Blyth. were rialto's in the burg last week. At the league on Thursday evening of this week the tupi(' w•111 be taken b)- 31iss Minnie. Nixon. There will be Bible study at the I • of S - '.1 Mhet•woal 'on Tues- day evening. eawWrnring at 7:JI1 p. In. The Signa is the last Christina.; lox that any 1111(41 can 4(111.'1).4441' for his wife for the incoming year. \V4. wish you all n merry ('hri$tanas and a happy and pt•o$p•ripr4 New Year. (In Friday afternoon and evening of this week Mhoe (' ' gluon, teacher of N. In school, intends holding an ex: uninntion. In addition to this there will be 41Christmas tree and a large program. Exrit(•glent runs high among the young men of this neigh?). whoa! in the 1•xpa•etation of starting a rine rut - social la). We believe this wrath! Ire a goal thing, as it would teach the I4/ya op become gold nuu'knmen. 'The weather at present looks as l6o(Igh we were going t0 have n green hat we hope Nuel) is not the rag•. tut the given 11114. would not t•lt•reapond with the (many joyous events taking place at this Christmas- tide. Soule of the prong people have been out at little too much recently and have ,'ought the matrimonial fever which abounds in the atmosphere at. this time of the year. fake war • g• young people, and stay ••blnmg and foolish" n't long 144 possible. Teltorts% Dee. Nth. Alias Olive 3111.1 -''bee. of the G. 1'. 1., is home with the Ors. Miss Kate McPhee 1141 last week to visit her sister in Michigan(. Miss Eliza Linfield is visiting her sister, 51rs. Rive, at Clinton. Mies ('lull, of Goderirh tOWuship, wits the guest of Miss Mattie Mallows last week. - Miss Blanche Mallows fits. expecLI•d 1 fromthe West Friday or Satur- day 4.1 ttlls•we•k. - .In+. 1'uuug. j1... is expected 111+u1e (1114 week after the s•"won'$ sailing on the hakes. Ilia loaf is laid up' at Deo tot Ilal•lan. BENMILLER. • f1- F:I IN Ksw.t V. Dec. lath. I.IIg-dna • ing seems to be 4111 the rage for lis winter. Many of the farmers 11. drawing out their logs. -I:pn•. Ih 1ea(K11e 1144441 TIl111•wb1)' eveuil g.-I+q,i.- will le, -How ('*u \\'e 4'arr) the Chi Spirit hr ugh 1111'7'?" 'Luke 2: 14-21. be y o'iog ladies in ro1111ec'iton with O. 1.:1)W4 1t11 le•agrll• 31184411nxl•y So• iety purpose sending a box to the IM.4c41ness 11 1'urg into. and in cuusegni•nee are busy getting things 4(w•4(11l '.1. Last \Velneslay evening the young people of 1 he village held t heir first sleighing part)•. They maul haling had a most enjoyable 1iul• and arty they are going to have as few re parties before the win 11•r is over. AUSUNN. '1'1.Ksu.t V, Dee. IKth. M41.ITI110. The open :fir rink has again leen made ,1111' our young peopbe are counting 0n a winters sport tilting that line. lt.tn.w.tt•.-A 111.1• -of $IIl'vl•yor$ hate (wen over the 4'. P. It. pine (:his week, pa4nibh• (exiting the track in order that they may 041:1x the ills along. TK.t•JIKIc'nst:.-The('hristuua$ night entertainment, as :bl'erli,4Pd. is going to be good. Rey. J. 1'. Iteid, of Nile. will (Ie•1)'4•er his popular lecture oto '•1'h.' Power of the Tongue' and nisei. - nil sic is to be gi%•en. 01) \Vedues- .111y evening the young people 0t Lhe church intend giving an entertain• hent. SALTFORD. 31(14411.444', Dec. 1111,. MK.'TIN0.--There is goal skating on the river. As far 145 can bre seen up or down fir the bridge it is nothing but one sheet of ice. and our young folks have started their skating and hockey praeLice. Saw•Mtr.l., -J. T. Goldthorpe is put- ting in a large quantity of logs at his yard near the malt block And it is his intention to place his portable mill in position next spt•ing. We understand that he will purchase Ings f farm- ers of cul 1111 miniver' as usual. W,NTIt)(t'o 04' 14014x1:44. Since winter has set in and work an the railway has leen stopped, Contractor Pigott has made this village the head- quitl'ter•,1 for wintering his Gams and now there are eighty-two horses dim- tr•ibotd in the old Leghorn hotel, Mt•s. Kuntz'. »tables at the brewery and Gen. h'owler's stable. To feed and carr for such a barye nnnllr•r nt hornet. entails a considerable expense, for the consumption of hay alone is an iters of over one ton p4.1. (boy. 4.11(1 441)111e fifty bu5hela'of onto are remind daily for rations. I'he only teams at. work now are *loun half-4dozen employed 4t drawing gravel from the gravel pit. In the village for the erection of the re- taining wall of concrete near the malt works at the hombre.. With hay at 91'2 per ton *fid hats t. Mr. per bushel 11 is easy 411 Nolte up what. moat Is' the cost of keeping this barge number BELFAST. Moxn.t y . Ilec. 17th. \\idling (bells will ring shortly. 31isa Nellie White has •reLnt•ned Inane from Dungan . ' 31r. andMrs. JackFergnsrt ,and Mist. Freda, 04 Lucknow, visited 31,-, And Mrs. It. Henry. Will Crosby. of \Vrodstr4•k, spent a few (lap' with his parents prior to his leaving 4141 A four months trip to NPN Z1AIAI111 11.1111 lM Il,nl(. The Mi'goal e11411t• out last week in its ('ht•Istn8A4 dress and we offer our congratulation.. The readers of The Signa know howV to appreciate goal things. Misses Clara '11)11 Ethel 3101.1'.411, 111 Lneknow, as the guests of Mks .lean Mullen. attended the first anniversary of the induction of Rev. 41)•. ('raw in the past dale of the St. Reline Presby- terian church. As the schools and the colleges close, this week will find •1 goodly number 'indite the parental roof Go enjoy all the goal things Santa Clam is sire t0 bring, and teachers and pupils will have a well-earned test. The marriage of \IIn Jennie Agar, daughter of 511•m. and ilrs. .las. Agar. formerly of this place, to Itolwrt Cochrane, of Winni41g, took place on December 5th. 1\i' extend hearty cangratnht ions and best, wisher, WEST WAWANOSH. M.err N w.\ v, 1)ee. 15th. M'r.4Trrouv MKK•r,Nn 1.1 The r'n'incil met today according to ',triune, the meinhera all present, Reeve Bailie in the chair. The min- utes of last meeting were tread and confirmed. 1'he treasut'eet"$ Mtntcnlent, showing balance mi hand of $1,717.71. received and filed. A bylaw was passed and deelentum$ i44n'd for Kirk's drain and the time of completion of saki drain was extended to ,lne, 111)7, 0n tion of Anderson and 'I'homp- Nn. The collector's t' • was ex- tended to the fi111t meeting of the new 344411.. on motion of Anderson and Medd. A bylaw was pissed ap- pointing polling booths end deputy Irturning officers. The lt4'eve• and 44oliritors were authorized to petite with Lr..1. H. Medd, 14. the olMltt•nc- t ion in the ditch 04( onsite him property, if they`. deemed it allviaahle, on motion h f 'I'nnlp1nn and Anderson. A number of cheques were issued, which will appear next week in the financial statement. I5ouneil adjourned. \V. S. Mrt'nosTIK, ('leek. TrttenaV, Dee. I4lh. 1'owNuH1r AFr.tIRM.--The annual financial Statement of the township has been publishild end makes 4 vert• (g.Nxl showing fur the present rm,ne)t, 1'he year• eco nlnlmired with a debt. of $2,1)11: this inn been wiped Out, and Til URN .444, Devestil't'r 20th, 1904 11 i 111 to our Never Christmas Gift Goods PALACE Clothing Store mind were never quit: up' to the show lugs we hats' for this testitt season' before were we more fully assured that we have the very newest and nat- tiest notions for men and boys everything from the hat or cap to the finest grades of hosiery ; from a collar button to a handsome suit or overcoat. We''have a lovely line of goods in individual fancy boxes. We mention just a few thint,rs : HANDKERCHIEFS SWEATERS All kinds of silk, linen handkerchiefs. and fuel: t NECKWEAR ,\ full line of silk and Linc wool neck scarfs and squares. • Large variety of new ties in string, four- in-hand, ascot and pull' styles. GLOVES Men's and boys' gloves and ;LII grades, from the finest kid t1' working- kinds. GENTS' SUSPENDERS Gents' suspenders put up in foal( t -boxes, suitable for presentation 'purposes. Fancy sweaters -in all white or colors. Fancy VESTS in nett nt,tterial4. HEADWEAR Boys' toques and tams. Fur caps in all the new and popular styles. Newest hells and cloth caps. UNDERWEAR - A large and splendid showing of high-grade underwear. New pat- terns in men's and boys' shirts. Fine hosiery for men and boys. Collars and cuffs. Fine cuff links, collar buttons, etc. Garters, armlets, etc. Gentlemen's umbrellas. Raincoats, overcoats and suits. T -he variety in which these several lines are to he seen at our store will give you 'a far better idea of how .well we can help you in your choice of som. - thing real nice and good than by sil>wlply reading over the above list.. A call on us will delight Vour eves.and do you good whether you bun- or not. McLEAN BROS. ARI' TAILORS, CLOTHIERS. FUR NIS fit RS. HATTCRS, Court House Square. Goden, i r (iole'it•h. ,lentpo'ogr1nl is 11111Vi&d fur. 1.11111- I pi wed of dialogues, recitations, 1•ead- COLBORNE. • 1 Ings, drills and 11111$0•. • A goal t' • is MAWR!) nee. 15th. Iexp)ectesl. All are w•,•I,' (Chins- LairsJIKETINo or Tow*41111' Cur:Y- *'WtI flee. 11k'. ('r„-l'o11ot'flecouncil met inthetown•I - _BA - - ship hall today, members:111 present. 34inuteo. of last ' meeting read and adopted. The council arrange( a settlement with Geo. \\'. Uow•son, N'rusKsn.wy, I)ee. Itrth. • Ju •s Attwood still rontnme$ very contractor for the.cutting of Sltannon'x 144'. (►$ 1 has been n engug,d 111 lain; the courted retaining $:11 of the, clerk in 1:. \\'4I' v$an's store. contract price on iteet)1lnt of'thework nut 'Wing done to the c plete wltis- Ki. hurl F:111u11 entertained H faction of the council. Robert liealr ler of his f'i,•nds 141 a "111(1 Thu iy Ll't applied for a rebate on his taxes on lot Thursday evv11ing. � I, i•I)m•ewsion i, mn 4141.011111. of his T.4.4u11erun, W101 hall been '1111,1 ol* h:trnsandtheirrunt•ntsbeingdl•44tr4)•ed n' w,k for two weeks, is able to art' int by fire. On luotiun of .114;w410 and I to business again. Straugh:in. his taxes on said Int were A let• from (peri. took in 1 h reef led.. \Villi,,,, Bogie made as play, '111.'hHonni,'Jitins 1114811, al Golc rimilal 11pplie:aliun and also had is rich Mand;.) night. taxes refunded. A very hang. her . .('has. F,'rguaan and Harry Falconei of no.'nd nts w01'1' 1111111 111141 W111 appear ' have arrived hone` after :Mother sea - in the ye'at•Iv "t"t.n,ent on nomination .'son's mailing -1m the (heat Lakes. day. Moved by McEwan, seconded by Ste:nigh:in, that the n ' :(inn 1,4 ,{t (111' Hayfield manse on Tues lay held at the township h:111. ('»low. 1111 'o(Phu11181 we,•K Iklvill Reid and Mise M lay, the .fist day of Dec 'e, .4*',•. mt, hath of Godrrirh, lora • Jlr. I o'clock to. 111., and the election. if anti Mrs. Itch'. necessary, will he held at, the fallow- ing poll,-ing places with the folio's Mg de•pnty .'turning Dolens : No. 1, Item miller. 'temperance Hall. .Andrew 4Ieddl.': No. 2. Stafford. Temperance 111111, .1. 3'. Goldthorpe : No. :t, Carlow, township hall. F. \\. Mrl)on:l gh : Nn, 1, leeburn, Temperance Hall, 1. H. Williams. F. W. Mrlh)..tr:11. Clerk. T1'(M0.ty, Dec. little JIi'•s. Hugh Hill's sister i.1. visiting lo'r AL present. Polly Jfiaelel has left out• neighbor- hood and bernule a Irsid(•f4 el Gen. miller. The fa rale•$ are utilizing the gull(( sleighing by. hauling their faun prod- uct* to town. Ilig,(h Hill's house is wearing its rmnple't' . Ile intends to move into it in the near future. '• John Schwalm, who has had some experience in hors4'Mhleing, isengageti in the Holmes%illc shop showing hmw'M (11n•i11g Ole 111114y 504)1.1111. 'rhe (I,,4) n4. Sunday school trill celebrate its ('ht•istnuts entertainment otl 4'hristInas Five. beginning at 7:341. Ikon% will Is' open at 14:')1, ;1n exeel- Rolet't. King and twig daughters are It ' f111n1 1h,• West 1111 11 visit. 31r. ' King is!" prosperous AVestern larno•r who has leen tont there for shout tW(•IltV yea's. Mo t.w1„ Trinity church Guild (will hold it model in t114• town hall ,m I:1 I'ri- da - evening,11,,I .,MII11N•1' 111 be iiervkl at 7 111' .11• I k ,af r aft(•r w'�ll h a program will be rendered. Adulis- M11t11, Ilk•. 111111 15e. ('.l). F. OF•F•b•Fats. The following officers were elected 101' IIs)7 by the Canadian Order of For•e•mter'n: Thiel tanner. '1'. \\', Camelia; : 14icc•rhio•f. li(•n Spence•: chlphai11, , 11nle8 Cattily bel1: ►rr'011110g nerl•eta,'v, T. 11. 1 11411•mere' : fillallrial necretart•, John Fraser l ,(amuses, John \VhiddOn : merlin. woMIward, It. N:Iliolt: -tonin,- Wn,elwarl, A. Elliott: senior beadle, 1. Spencer : junior beadle, U. 31c- I)unulti : court deputy, A. Donaldson. 3fany a nu111 looks everywhere (m- illi,. 4vor81. enemy except !q the mit tor. 441'w' York 9'irne«. Some fellows never know when they are licked, and others get X/111«111 Irl It that du t• don't mind. New York 00000. 00 »04400 00 Is your baby thin, weak, fretful? Make him a Scott's Emulsion baby. Scott's Emulsion is Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites prepared so that it is easily digested by little folks. Consequent) yl`the baby that is fed on Scott's Emulsion is a sturdy, rosy- cheeked little fellow full of health and vigor. AI -1. ORUCCISTR: R0r. ANI) 91.00. Just a Suggestion Something in Nickle- Pla------ ted Goods A pair of hockey skates Carving sets at 90c to $5.00 Silver-plated ware Plated 12 dwt. knives, Rogers 1847 Spoons of an endless variety A SAFETY RAZOR FOR FATHER PANDORA RANGE for your WIFE AT E. P. Paulin HARDWARE. Plumbing and Heating l'IIONf.S Store House 177. 1 4.1 A REAL 1OLD=FASHIONED WINTER is predicted, but there is nothing old-fashioned 1 about those GOOD CHEER RANGES Iand Heaters. Everyone guaranteed to bake, cook or heat with anything on the market on the same fuel. i SPECIAL CLEARING S/4 LE 01: Penn Esther Ranges I wish to clear every Penn Esther Range on 1 the floor before the 1st of January and to do so will make prices unheard of before in Goderich. This sale is to more fully introduce these splen- did ranges. Everyone guaranteed. Remember the place --- Davis' Old Stand, 1 near the Bank of Commerce. Come and get one while they last. 'PhMe 155• I W. R. PInd 11. 'Phone ,ss. 1 1 1