HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-12-20, Page 10rr 10 IUUaroAT, December lath 1' 1 G Why Your Doctor Can cure your Cough or Cold, no question about that, but why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of having hisprescriptiun tilled, when you can step into any drug store an Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE fur a quarter. Why pay two to five dollars when a twenty-five cent Bottle of SHILOH will cure you as quickly ? Why not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for the past thirty-four years: let SHILOH be your doc- tor whenever a Cough or Cold appears.. SHILOH will cure you, and all druggists back up this statement with a positive guarantee. The next time you have a Coug!i or Cold cure It with SHILOH Lumberman's Friend All travellers, and those en- gaged in outdoor work, Jhuuld always lia\'e a\ bottle of Hirst's Pain Exterminator at Band. it is the most powerful liniment manufac- tured and gives instant relief in cases of Wrenches, Braises and Sprains. It also cures Strains, Rheumatism, Neuralgia and all kindred troubles. 25c. at all dealer.. Try Birst's Little Liver rills for indigestion and d yspepsia. Ask your dealer or send us 25c. direct A handsome souvenir card frc .!. THE F. F. DALLEY CO., L',wlted Hamilton. Ont. ter Fall and Winter SUITS A's ) OVERCOATS Correct i aterials 'Latest St es Perfect Fit Best Satrsfac on Lowest Prices DUNLO THE "TAILOR p' (VEST ST.. - GODERICH i f) THE PUBLIC 111 i.,. Of err, ... t 1111 hr.nghonl t 1,• I:. •1 i•h Fm Vhr ha. donated n n..'rb or .nil nnrgucnlly total soh'.•. n,. ,� ,n�,. sur arc naw of .plying all rn' , 4,11 pries.., while tile quality L ... e sol if not heifer. thou pier. M t• is MEAT At ARK I.T handle. all Arid • of menti.. INnrll ry. plc.,, and. while th,l.in.^, the public for their liberal 1L, l•, .,gr. we solicit N ronlinmuue of McLEAN BROS., • „t.•• I i::nt '+t. laid .syn u. I:.r1, if li SYNOPSIS OF Canadila Northwest Homestead Regulations. Any even nnmle•md n' Iton of Dominion Loud. in Manitoba. Sa,katrhew..uMal Alberta, . n,.'p 1 nit r Ind 2111. not reserved. ilei.' l,, loon.•. m•eul b)' na> In•r.on who i. the tide brad of fnmlly, ()r any male over In year. of nap. to the oxtaw,1 of 001 gil.,rtee melena of ISO nen.., aloes or B(9s., EMI"' IMO, In•n,',4. tirr.10filitlr .0 Ihp 11.•11 laud oNcc for the di+islet in whirl, the land 1. 'Itroar. The honw.a.ader is rcgnir.d to In•tfnr,, Ileo condi' too• eo,o•.'ted therewith under one of the following .1.n Ili At leis( .Ix month.' residence upon and culti, ration of the land in each year for three year. 12) If the father in: mother. If the father nal,•• rcAwsh of the 1 ...matter rc.dd,•s upnu a fan,, fn the s ichnt. oI the limn •emceed for the m- q.drrmrnt- a- to rr.tth•ne.• Hwy IN• sntl.ar•d by •n. 1, pt.,...) re•tdi•.g with the father or ,not her. If,hr+..ler hn+ hi- (s•rn,anrnt mr.Menrn upon familiar land owned lir Iden in the %iris ity of hl- honer -tend. the requirement. it. to re.k1, n.r 11tH) Ir .111 .n,rl by re.blenee lipon the .old land. Mix ooed.. pat lee 3 , w 31 rig .hnnld M• Riven (0 rho e' ' -I •r of I hnninion Land. at 1)ttawn of Intention to apply fat Intent. tr,(•DDW Deputy of the Mht iter of the Interior. N, H.-1'nsot hnelred imblle:,1 Ion of the. ,111 Teti i.cmnnt will not be Inld !..r NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of change of running advertise- ments must he left At this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion in issue of sarl\e week. TILL SIGNAL: GODEklt''1I 1)N'I'ARIt► "What Engilsh, dignity. "Ile does not .peak English, tllglmess," volunteered Battles, 1 volt'• mo well disguised that It star pre. the officer was staring blank) .her. "Every omeer in my army should and mart learn to .peak English," she said, at bee wits' end. "1 deilue to be qupstiuusd by the fellow. \WIII you talk to him In my stead}" "I, your highness'!" he cried In may. "Yes. Tall hew who we are and ask where the hospital Is," she wurIuureel, alnllug back with the sir of a gneeu. but with the Inward feeling that all was lost. "But 1 don't speak your laagu well." he protested. "You speak It beantifnlly,"'she said. Buldos leaned /forward painfully end apoLe to. the °Mere la the lirauetsrk tongue, "f)o,u't you know your primres?" demaud,d a trifle !Harshly. The wa eyes dew wide open in an Instant a his Jaw dropped. •"The --the princess'!" he gasped. "Don't stare rile that, sir. Direct to the mala gate at once. or you w have cause to regret your slowness." "lent the princess was—Is cotutng 1 the northern pas," .Humbled the ma "The guard has gone out to meet 6 mud"— Blldos eut nim off shortly wi the information that the prineese a be could ice, had come by Ibe Ion pass and that she was eager to rem a mstlug place at ouce. The (onvlt', Ing tone of the speaker and the rcga Indifference of the lady bad full erne upou the oIcer, who had never see her highness. He fell, buck with deep obeisance end gave a few hewn dered commands to his men.' '1'h coach moved oftattended by a par of foot soldiers, and Beverly breutbed Ler first sigh of relief. "You Aid It beautifully," ebelwhir - pared to /Seldom, aud be was couldd erably puzzled by' the ardor of bee praise. "Where are we going now?" site naked. "Into the city, your nighttime" he an levered. It was beginning to dawn noun hint that she wag amrtingly Ig- norant and Inconsequential for oue who, enjoyed the right to command lhesi\ cumwou soldiers. Her old (rel). idatiot returned with this brief au - ower. 'mething told lee that 11e was Iegtnniu to mistrhst her at last. Aft- er all, 1t Pant everything to Ipim and so little totter. When the'seoa.•h halted before the clty gates s11A was In a dire state of unbappiness. In the darkness she could feel the reproachful eyes of old Aunt Fanny seirtblug for her abate cloned eon.elen.•e. "Ask If Baron I1a(tgiuw1 Is la Gail - lock, and, if be Is, a mend them to take Inc to him Immatlately," she whispered to Belden, a midden Inspira- tion seizing her. She w old try the whole Matter before the g at chief nt pollee and trust to fortune. ;leer band fell impulsively upon his and, to her amnzement. It was as cold as ice. "What Is the matter?" she cried In alarm. "Yon trusted me In the wild., your bighn.a*," he said tensely; "I am true" - Ing you now." Refore she could reply the officer Ile charge of the Ganlook gate* ,appeared at the coach wludow. There were llghle on all melee, tier heart sank like lead. It would be a miracle It she passed the gates an- rerogn Ized, "i must nee Baron Dangloos at once," site cried in English, utterly disdaining her Instructions to Baidoe. "The baron Is engaged at present ai 1 can see no one," responded the g looking young officer In broken Eng h. "Wh Is be?" she demanded nerv- ously. ' "Ile 1.' t the house of Colonel Goat:, the lromtna,dant. What Is- your Intel - Mel. with h , ?' "It is with .Im, and not with you, ter," she .aid,• Imperious onee more. "v'oodw't mc, to Iso Immediately." "You cannot en r the ante. 'nice. 'Insolence' ezclal .e(1 Raldoq. "Is tt•ix the way, sir, in w it you address Ilse princes.? Make way or her." "The princes.l!" gasper the oMeer. Ti en a peeullar ale ore pread bis f.ow. He had served throe y ■ In the castle gutted at Edelweiss' Th e was 1 long pause. frana'ht with diose r for ltererly. "Yea, perhnp. it Is net as well that we cm,dnct her to Be it:legions," he field at last. The d meaning In ht. voice appealed only -to Il -e cnhmppy girl. "There shell be no further delay, your Nighties.!" he add- ed meek Ingly. A moment later the (Me. Swung open and they passed 11. •, ugfl. Beverly alone knew t}ut tory were going to Baron ilangloss tinder h..Hvy guard, virtually as prisoners. Ti:.. man knew her to h.. an Impostor ac.r was doing only his duly. 'i' .'re were .miles of derision nn the fa •1 1 of the soldiers when Beverly se -,•;a proudly between the flies and up the steps leading to the comman- dant'. door. but Were Were no audible remarks. ltaldoe followed, walklag artily, but defiantly, end Annt Fag- I came last. with the hand hag the 1 arils grinned broadly as the eorpu- 1 t negro.m wpdelled no the step*. e young officer and two men entered door with the wayfarers, who were ere to halt In the hallway. , IC111 your hlghoe*s roma with me?" I the ()Meer, returning to the boll rr a siert ■been.-.. Them was nn- tekable derision in his voice and potpie Insolence in his manner. Bev- Shoaled angrily. "Boron Dsnglooe Prw cur!eas to see you," he added. h a .mile Nererthelsm he shrank •It beneath the cold gleam la the . of the imposter. do you want:'" she put In with a creditable display of your a a tied 7 at die age he O 'r ud Aud you sum pave Ilotn111Lt whatever to say to this very Important young 3 man." Thy •'Iwpotlnut young man" eeitlally vb,l.-kiwi. "Follow me. your most royal high• nese, be said, pre'edlog'her through Us f ,s III I } I"1'oore ss Beverly Calhoun oe , "1-014JoBeverly Washington." n. the door that opened Into the omee of er `the commandant. Baldos glared after lh 'I them in angry amazement. o "Toting man, some day—and soou'- er I you will be a much wiser soldier—aud 11 hi the reeks," mild Beverly hotly, The 1smile Instantly receded from (be Mau - I lent fellow's face, for there was a 't e.,r1.1 of prophery-!n the way she said :i i.. . .utehSw he was in a much wore •• respectful humor wheu he returned to • the hall and stoat In the preseuce of e the tall, flushed stranger with the rag- ? ged uniform. A short, dere little man In the pic- turesque uniform of a (iraustarl om- eer arose as Beverly enterer the once. His short beard bristled as though It were ..ouceallug u smile, but his man- ner oat polite, even deferential. $b. advanced fearlessly toward hem, a wayward smile. struggling Into Ler i face. "I dare ay you kuow I am not the princess," she said eowposedly. Every vestige of tear was gone now that she bad reached the Blue of battle. 'foe doughty baron looked somewhat sur- prised at this frank- way' of opening an Interview. "1 ant quite well aware et 1t," be geld politely. "They ay you know every one, Bar- on I►anglosa," she boldly said. "Pray, *Ito am I?" The powerfdl official looked at the stuping faee for a moment, his busby eyehrowa coatraetlog ever so slightly. There was a shaweleas atreuk of duet across her cheek, but there was also a dimple there that appealed to the grim old man. Ills eyes twinkled as he replied, with fine obsequlomme.is: "You urs Mies Beverly Calhoun of Washington." pat ny len Th t!.e ord asl1 .3, 'mis p.l eels. 1s w!t a 1 syr "inn w11! amain lett," she al/, turning to B.Idos and the aegren. CHAPTER IX. I' VF.Ri.Y'S eyes showed her as- tonishment. Baron I)anglost courteously plaeed a chair fur her and asked her to be seated. "We were ezpectlug you, MI.. Cal- houn," he explained. "Her royal high- ness left Ht. Petersburg but a few lours nfter your departure, baying un- fortunately missed you." "You don't mean to ay that the .princess tried to dad mo In Ht. Peters- burg?" cried Beverly In wonder and delight. "That was one of the purpo.es of her visit," said he brusquely. "Oh, how jolly:" eried she, her gray eyes sparkling. The grim old raptnln was startled for the smallest fraction of a mtu»le, but tit on.•e fell to admit, Ing, the fresh, eager fees of the visitor. "The public at large Is under the Impression that she visited the emir on matters of Importance," be saki, with a condeseeu.ting smile. "And It really wax of no Importance at .Il, that's what you mean?" She ensiled back securely. "Your !lineage Informing her High- ness of your presence In St. Peters- burg lind no sooner arrived than she set forth to meet you In that city, lunch against the Advice of her ('oun- relore i will admit that she had other husinee. there, but It could have waft- ed. You .oe, Miss Calhoun, It was a great ri.k nt this particular time. Mis- fortune memo; diaster now. lint Providence was ler friend. She ar- rived eafcly la Ganlook not an hour .lak," "Ideally? Ob, Baron pansies., when ole?" /excitedly cried Um America gir "F the night .he 1e stopping with' the ( nteas Rallowitz. A force of men, bat not (home whom you met at the gotten, as jn.t been dispatched at her comma to search for you In the lower pan.. on took the most danger - ono road, MI 1'alhoun, and I am am*red that you come throngb In Sefety." "The Bussiatu Chea the lower peer I know not why. nt, course. 1 war quite ignorant. Itow,• -i• we sort nr, ther brigands nor .oldicr., tribal t n Grartark. 1 ettountere noel ,;al' more alanning than a mnnntalu And that, Baron Dauglns*, reedits 0113 to the sense Of a duty 1 have been mit leeting A poor wanderer in the NIL, defended me agaivat the (,east and billy wounded. ile must be taken t a hospital at no,,., sir, w1»re be may have the proper core." \Whereupn at 111* rrgnr.t, she bars riedly related the story of that ttl7lny jnttrnr, thrnu.^h the mnnntein., tint forgetting to paint the .-enrage nt R*I dna in most glowing enlnrs. The elblef was deeply Interested in the •torat the toot hinter end his party. T was an add gleam of 1atlsfnrtlnn is D's eye*, but elle did not observe It. ,.O "You will We (hilt he has Ino atteutluu, won't 3011.?" she Imp) the end. "Ile shall have our deepest eo athln." premised 1.1•. "You know 1 nus rather Interest cause 1 shut him, just as If It not enough that his legs were turn by the brute at the flue ought not to walk, Baron Dau If you duel whet 1'd suggest a bulmuce," she hurried "on glibly could not cameral the smile the eagerness lusplred. . "Reilly, he a serious eondltlou. 1 think he .owe quinine and whisky, too, a 'He shall have the best of ca terrupted the captain. "Leave h Mr, Miss t'alhoun." "Now, let me tell you menet said she, after due reelection. must not pay any attention to vitt mars. He la liable to be delirious talk I1: a terrible sort of way. know, delirious people never tal tlonally." She was loyally tryin protect Buidoa, the bunted, ai any Incrlwinating statements he wake. -Quite right, Mia Calhoun," al bilruu very gravely. "And now, 1'd like to go to the fess." said Beverly. absolutely au herself. "You know we are friends, she aud I." "1 have Brut a messenger to an0o your arrive!. She will expect y Beverly looked about the roof In plezity, "Itut there has been n• meas byre,' she said. "Ile left here some minutes befog" came. 1 knew who It nal that 1rI knocking at our gates, even thou traveled as Princess Tet►re of la stork." "And, oh, that remind' me, 8a Dinghies, Baldoe still believes m he the princess. Is It necessary to ..tell him the truth about me? .1 at present, 1 wean? I'm sure he'll tuned easier, 13 he doesn't know fereutiv." "So far as I am concerned. Miss houu. be I.6.II always regard you a queen," said Dangloss gallantly. "Thank you. It's very new et to'— A mile In untfori entered a knocklnl* at the door of the roew. saluted his superior and uttered a words In his own language. "Her ro)101 hlghuesa is awaiting tit the home of the countess, Hiss lona. A detail of meu will escort nut' your servant to her plaee." ' "Now, Weise. Baron Itangl )leaded Beverly at the door, "let hew. You know it hurts Wm walk. 1 :an't you have him carried 1 "!f be will consent," said he quiet iteveriy hurried Into' the outer roo After giving the baron a smile be "rant. Bnlrlios looked up .ager anxiously. "It'. all right," she said In low t lousing for n moment beside his cb 'Don't get up' Iloodby. I'll come ee you tomorrow-. ,Don't be In ••asst disturbed. Baron Dangloa lis Instructions." Impulsively giv lin her laud, which he respectfu aimed to bis lips, she followed A 'aptly and was g.IUP. Almost Immediately RaIdos was pieced to present himself before B n Dnugloss in the adjoining Too defusing to be carrier in, he resolut trode through the door and stood ore the grim old captain of pollee, asy, confident smile on his fern, lack patch once more covered\eels -Rh defiant assertiveness. "They tell me you are Baldes,i got unter," said Baron' Dangloss, eye Inn keenly, "Yes." "-enol you were hurt In defending •s Ito Is of mucb-consequence In Gra Lark. Hit down, my good fellow." B os' eye gleamed coldly for au Inatan len he sank Into a chair. "While a Ming that you have done Graata [rent serrl,P, I nm obliged to t oat flint I at ).mot know you to her than what you say. You are a goat bunter, and Boldos is not yo mime. Am 1 not right?" "You have had Instructions hole our sovereign, (Baron Dangle.* D ley include a command to cl'oss qu on me?" asked Itnldos banghtll angios hesitated for a full minute. "They did net. i take the liberty quiriug on my own responsibility" "Very well, sir. Until you have ght to question me, i am Miklos a govt hunter. i think I am hero to Ivy surgical treatment." "Toil decline to tell me anything es ' cernlug yourself?' "Only that i and Injured nod need Ile lief." "Perhaps 1 know more about yN than you sn*peet, sir." 'i nen not In the IPn.t Interested(, ran Dnugl000, In what you knew e princes brought me Into Gaaloef, d 1 hero her promise of help aid oteetlon while here. Tllnt Is all ve to ay, ezrcpt that 1 hove lens cit faith In her word." ►angle*. at watching him In selene some time. No oue hut !timbale ow •spat' was going oat lu tin ledlats 1 Beverly for the hundredth time. tired la ! "l'u, appalled wheat 1 thluk of the daugers you Incurred) III coudug to we. polder. No mut but a very foolish Auterlcau girl could have uudertaken Buell a trip ed be. at this. Lear me, Beverly, I should were have died' 1f suythlug dreadful had being " happened to you. \Why did you do it?" H. questioned the prlueeas. And then they gloss, laughed Joyously. a am- I "Aud you went all the way to Ht. Ile Petersburg to meet we, you dear, dear t her . Votive!" cried Beverly so warmly (bat le la the atteutive servant forgot his mask nestle of reverence. nd"— ' W'asu't It ridiculous of we? I know re." In• Oren would have forbidden It 1f he had 1m to bee., In Edelw•eira when I started. Aud, more slaw. to we, the poor tel- bla[•" low is doubtless at the conference wltb "You Dawsbergeu, utterly ignorant of my at he escapade. You should have heard the aud wiulatry—er—ab"— And the prlue.ss You paused for an English word. k n- • Kick?' Beverly supplied. g to ' Ye•a. •They objected violently. And. ain.t do you know, 1 was finally compelled might to Issue a private edict to restrain them front sending an appeal to Gren- d the fall away off there on the frontier. \Whether or no, my uncle lualsted that 91111- he should be brought home, a three n 03 days' journey, 1n order that he might groat keep me from going to Ht. I','tersburg. Of course they could not dlsola'y wy Un" edict, aud so per Great Is none the oat." wiser, unless he has returned from the �- conference. If be has, 1 apt sure he is oat the way to Gaulouk at this very ager minute." y� "What a whimsical ruler you are!" mo cried ieverly. "Upsetting everything sensible Just to rush off, humlrels of else n tulles to meet me! And Azphaht is trying to capture you , too! Goodness. roil you must lore me!" • to "Oh, but I did have a trilling affair to-- of state to lay before the czar, wy use dear: Tomorrow we shall be safe stud Bit muud In the castle, and It will all be def- , very much worth while. You see, iicr 1 erly, dear, even prints -saes enjoy n di cm_ version now and thea Oue wouldn't Link anything of this advent'jL`T In the ;nited States: it Is the enviroument at wakes It uotleeable. Besides, you s a you t I4 'travelel as a princess. Blow d1d you fur • like It?" He 1 Aud then the conversation related few 1 particularly to the advnutages of ruy alty es clewed from one side aud the you diadvantages ns regarded from an Cal- other, For a long time Beverly had yeti been wondering how she should pro ecce In' the effort to secure nle'ulltte owe ! clemency for Hal! -ti. .\s yet she had eke said nothing to Wetive of her promise to to him, made while she was a prin- t?" ryas. ly, ' "-\t any rate, l'ul sure the g•.)at hunt- s - en would not have been so faithful and true If they had not believed ate to ly, be a prince-sa," maid Beverly, paving the ,way. "Yon haren't a man In your ossa, kingdom who could be more chiral - ate roue thou Italdos." to "if he Is that kind of a man, he the Would treat any wotunn as gently." has "You should have beard hint call me Ing 'your IIlghuess,' " erns' Beverly. "Ile 13, will loathe Ire If he ever learns that 1 ti0t A..rired him." "Uh, I think, he deceived himself," re- apoke Trove easily. "jdeskire, you ar- look as much like a prineees ns I." m, "There Is something 1 want to speak fly , very seriously afoot to you, Yetive" be. said Beverly, making ready for the as cast. "You see, he did not want to Tb. enter Ganlook With nos, but 1 Insisted. qe Ile had becu so brace and gallant, nod ' he was.uffering so intensely, it would t have been criminal Iu me to leave him ng out there in the wilderness, wouldu't i It'd" "It would have leeu heartless." a "So 1 just made him come along. u. That WAS right, wasn't It/ That's what ■ 3. you wouldehave done, no matter who t; ba suns or what his objections might d. have been. Well, you see, It's this rk way, Tetive: Ile Is some sort of a. fn. ell gltive--not a criminal, you know, but • just some one they nye bunting for, I 03 don't know v. by. He wouldn't tell me. ar That was I,er, ectly rlr',t If be felt that way, wasn't it?" "And he had feugh( a lion In your defense," auppl.::-ented Votive, with a eie schoolgirl'', y, l "And 1 bad eleit Eta In the arm, WO." added Bee."•1;•. "So of cour.e I a just had to be t••a oeahle. In order to induce bim to come 1' •'1 me to a hos- • petal 1 was "'Aged t : zeirantee per - .4 feet safety to hila lila men went res - (tact to the hills, all except o1.1 Frans the driver. Now, the trouble Is this, Yetlre: 1 ant not the princess, and I cannot redeem n 1iuglc promise 1 Riede to him. Ile la helpless, and If anything gores wrong with him he will hate me forever." "No; 19 will hnte MP, for i nm the princess, sand be Is none the wi.er." , "But he will be told that Ills prin- eella woo Beverly Calhoun, a ouppowed- ly sire American girl. Don't you see $ + bow awkward It wIli be for me? Now, Votive, darling, what 1 wlah you to do Is to write a note, order or edict or e wbntevel It Is to iiaron I)nugloes,,eom- mandlog him to trent Bnldos am a pa- tient and not as n prlmoncr, And that when he 1s fully recovered he .is to have the privilege of leaving Ganlook without reservation." "ihtt he telae i•.• . desperate offend- er against the Mate, Beverly," plain- tively protcm1M Yetive. "if we only knew wont he le charged with:" 'byword, speetllatire mind. At length be arose and approached the proud fellow 1n rags. "You have earned every eonoldera- (lon at our lintels. My (nen will take you to the hospital. aud 3 n shall have the hest of mire. You have served our prinee.. w.Il. Tahtorrow you may feel inclined to talk more freely with me, for i nm your friend, itnldo,," "i am grateful for that, )tarot) Ilan - glose " maid the other simply. Then he nam led nwny, And a .•onlfortehle trot in the Guulnnk hnspltnl noon held htx long, fever(*h fr:nuc, while capnbie hands took rare of lila wound.. Ile did not know It, but two fully armed soldiers maintained n careful guard outside his door under 10.3nlct1013. from the head of the police. Moreover, a picked detail of turn minted forth Into the lower Lase Ili search •f the goat hunter's followers• in the mvnntin,e itererly wu con- dltcled to the loins of the ('otmte., itnllowitz. iier meeting with the • prInceqs was most Affectionate. There A Fine Holidar Plumber. The Ameriean lbws,- Breeder in is - 'imitate, the finest thing of the kind Kith ill utiosie appearance and in the value and interest of Ms vont ents it is an excellent, production, one whirh every htver of The horse eispeebilly appreciate. There 111f4 specially con- tributed ortieleo relating to the him- lory of tin. trotter and rout ent events. stories n nd poems of the turf. and a amount of Information of spertnl to hols4P111101. The n 00000 her 'nosy In, hod for 25 ecrits Ity addreasting The American Horse Breeder, High h:very mon mhtnild he his out, fool killer—New York Tittles. SKYLIGHTS c. vENTILATORS METALLIC ROOFING C° TORONTO. CANADA The price of half a pound of Red Rose Tel is small—very small, but. it will show you how intiph tea value, tea quality and flavor is eon - tallied in this "Good Tea" Te a "is good tea" Prices -25, 30, 95, 40, 60 and GO cts. par in load pulcOtil T. 14. IESTABflOOKS. JOHN. PI 8. wientipao. Christmas Goods We have now a full line of Christmas Goods in stock.. Perfumes in Boxes, all odors,,from 4.• LO They'make a beautiful gift. ;Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Brush and Cowl, Sets, Shaving Sets. All suitable presents for this Soll.• Prices low and goods guaranteed. We have a ease of Fiincy China in our windo‘ now, which We wilt sell :it cost for the next 12 week,. Coine and get vour pick. H. W. Thomson's DRUG STORE. Bread 'feu ran gin it frobh •t Is kneaded by agar h sr, from Ose Ibrirlstat and thrt planet Mode by the Largest Bakers In Caned.. YOUR POPULAR unOCF.u. Anew Another Great Offer Pt The thtee Par,. The Montreal Weekly Herald, el ln FARNIE4, witfi its illustrated Magazine sec- tion, is One of the very best -weeklies published in Canada. This is an opportunity to get it at: an exceptionally low price. Subscribe at once. New snbseribers re• ceive Signal and The Weekly Globe for the balance of this year FREE. Those who are already subscribers to The Signal can also take advantage of this offer, paying strictly in advance for next'year. Cash nmst accompany all subscriptionp. VANATFER & ROBERTSON, THE SIGNAL, Goderich Ont A GREAT COMBINATION TH13 TWO PAPERS VOU WANT. THE SIGNAL 130T I i t.) AND THAT SPLENDID WEEKLY THE FAMILY HERALD AND $ 1 .50 WEEKLY STAR'MONTREAL And w ith 'The Family lietald and 'Week ly filar will Ite included Illy most heatitifill 01111113 IWO!' given to tiewspeper I101111q14. if n gra volt-ro x al inches, entitled "A 'IT:: OF 'WAR." It is easily tem 311 0 I RI, dollar 1411. E SIONAL will mewl.- all hold new', markets, pocial happen Mg.. ell.- Plc,. 0E01 The FAIllily Herald and 'Weekly Mint will give you ***** Hoot ion of the grentest weekly newspaper eirvpring eveey portion 'of the globe, 0 great Family ',Inge zinc. far amino Pill,/ any of the Kngliali or Anna icon mogazines intereoting family reitilinie and without dosild /me ,,f the lw.d. fat ister'n ;women un 1 he vont ii11.11/. NO power pt -int• VII In the English language gives its re.tders such big value its nu. Family lboothi and Weekly Star. Kemple eoplea of t bemut Hill picture may br A4001 at, this 'office. Groleric h. Ont. I (Intl or send your sulincription In THAI' SIONAL,