The Signal, 1906-12-20, Page 7TH I SIGNAL : GODERIOH ONTARIO Tul'lw AY, beuum' er 2Oth, 1908 It t 7 An International Incident • AHOLIDAY celebration that wl lung be reulembert%t in the Aulerleau navy Is the "Santa Claus tinnier" given in the wardroom of one of Uncle Sam's gunboats of the Venezuelan coast. 'Phe plan had been to have the affair ou C'brlatnia■ night, but as the vessel was then at sea the eveut was ix,st- poted until New Year's, It was on this oeca.lon that an Renal battle- ship commander, with warlike Inten- tions toward the Uulted States and all their lnhabltaute, wax beguiled Into peaceful thougbts by good American punch, which the Amerleuu ottl ere dealt nut to him 1n each quantities that he finally aald he would like to settle in the western hemisphere. It happened that the ltalluu'N man- or -war and the Yankee guul,,at array- ed In southern waters ut about the same time. There was the metal luter- chauge of Collrteelle, Theft (weltered the Incident that aroused the Italian captain's Ire. A South American news- paper printed a cartoon representing him as being blown out of the water by the Uulted States gunboat. lit this, of course, there was no sense what- ever, as Italy and this country were on the frteudlleat terms, but the for- eign skipper, being both ezeltable and suspfcloue, took the matter to heart. The Americans heard tbat he even ac- cused tbeut of inspiring the cartoon and that he had- complained to his Home governtneut. New Year's day cause due whsle the goeslp was at ate height. For weeks the wardroom officers ut the gunboat had beeu making preparations for n grand feast. They decided at the Inst minute to Invite, the Italian any his staff as pleats of honor. A refusal, of course, was nut of the question. but when the guests arrived their attitude was cold and Mutant, es- pecially that of the captain, who look- ed as though he expeetrd to be thrown Into Irons, It was mold afterward that he had ordered his vessel to be ready for Inuue.liate action In ease'of treacle cry. At any rate, he mat down nt din- ner without a %ualle for his hosts, and for awhile things leaked gloomy. 1;radually, however, the younger offi- cers of the gunboat snceeeded 111 fore. •'DAt:(A s ) N •N Lf0 N1lALTn 71 THE 117.411 ♦ n .T11P111." to the cleat ispartake n rh g orsof the ro 1 and with each glass the suspicions cap tni44 grew Tess pus I,'bous. 1n an hour he• wean nffnble. In another hour he was affectionate. By the time the real celebration IN•gnn. while the coffer WAS being Nerved, 11e hnel forgotten the ear. bon and was drinking healths 10 the mars and stripe% every thirty Re'nllds. Whoa the eere)IIoli lea, which had been carefully nrrnnge•l, had been In prog tees a few minute.' be was proposing a Joint expedition by his nud the gun- le17t'n crews ngalnnt the Venezmrinn capital. 1:ve:1 If the Incident of the Italian's CotivernbM bad been lacking the illnmer would Ates been an affair to be emetic , tiered. Tete• neat part of the eloping rel• eia•atinn was the nispearatwe of a ('hristmns tree, which of course should have been called n New Year's tree. It was a bag tree, too, one tint nuyboily might 1 rt hucc closes and . he tars had t made re trip, ten miles intend to get It on the previous day. As It was borne' Int., the w-nrdroom It reaches tap Into • the dome -like window nt the top. For this window, forming a sort of tower eptwe to the wardroom, naval Olen have n technical name, hut no landlub- ber could hope to get It right, so let It Ile enlle11 !imply a window. The tree went all the any up, and from every brunch there hung gifts for the merry dialers. Jnat on the New Year's tree was fag - timed Into its place ou the center of the table there appeared through the high window • real Santa Claus, with beard and fors find rel coat of npprnred cut. Down the citmne)--Ilke opwnlnZ Ile crawled, Anally leaping upon the bi- ble with such force tint half fi dozen glasses went creuLing to the floor. Amid the nppaluse of the now filbert one party he proceeded to nwnrd the present!, ceiling each 11nnte bit n grnR sake from beneath his white whlekere. When he came to the Italian enptaln he addressed him as "Your most pow- erful ezcellency Signor ('aptstn bF which high sounding appellitlnn the llgnor captain was IIO nattered thnt he bowed until Ills forehead l'timpwd Into what was left of a saucer of lee cream. -New York Times. Business Education. We divert the attention 01 our tender, to the advertisement of the metier Kllhltt Biiiursi••l'ollege of »ntu-echoed that. is growi m a ng greater year by yea• midi la well worthy of patronage. \\'cite to the prinripel, Mr. W. .1. Elliott, for a calalogne 4f bin !clued. The tvinlcr term ulwtee January 'Ind. 1)etinguiished Burgeon It, widow wit. re httsbend lab just (lied fro111,1n ope'raliote be haul performed): At 11•.041, my dear madam, ycu have the s,Itisfactirm of knowing that your husband didn't die cinder the knife a of is medical bungler. -NV leder Pari• cA t alt•an, STRATFORD TO LAKE HURON. Electric Railway Project Revived Conference Held at Stratford. Runt ford. Ike. 17. -A nundhr of gentlemen hem Montreal and Ottawa interested in N. 1l. rantio'N radial railway land raulall undertakings have been in the eiLyshnlding 'a conference With t111' Members .If the bo1a1(1 of tussle who hold is charter for electric railways in this vicinity, among w•hielt is a charter fur a road from Si t•atJurd to St. Joseph. ou Lake Huron.. The delegation left here for laicals en route to Sl. J(iyyph 4411 a 1111) of inelwc. thin. The following were in the, delega- tion : 11. Merin l«ajoie, luu'ciet•r, and J. It. l.autndeuu, of Le Lague, Limitsl, uta• 111 the hugest unututac- Lures•s Of leather goons in the Domin- ion : Dr. 1,. 11. ltouthier, Dr. l7aevler. J. 1'. l'rudhentun4' and .1. M. Lavoie, of Ottawa. May I e Built Next Summer. The Strntfolrl !k•tu'un says : "The emiteetwe on Saturday, hell het ween the 1ilellt rois .if Use Stratford board of trade who hold a charter for radial railw•a3, bit this vieinily and the Montreal and Toronto ggentleweu who are int'res'1.41 in Mr. N. M. Caitlin's St. J*)w•plt preje:Ls, may lead to the Wilding of 0 rn:u1 1 Stratford to Lake Holism next summer. The en• tiles scheme Was talked over and intimllti011 was 111.1411. that, the charter would 114• turned over to any company that had the thiamin! ability tie carry it through to as successful finish en very reasonable terns. Further eon• sideration of the mallet• was deferred until a Ilei (•uufelence hl•re two sr three weeks hence. Ex -Aid. Vincent, of Ottawa, nue of the gentlemen pres- ent, afterwards told The Beau_•un tlou the talsney would hr provided if satis- factory terms (snail he made with the charter -holders and the city." AN EASY SNAP Is That of the County Newspaper Man, Some People Think. 1 Kaunas exeh•ulgt• says : "'SOW and th••n some cheerful individual m• Marks to 1144 : 'well. now that the WHO•CAN B=AT THIS? 1 Ik,wownont, N. D., Dec. 184h, 110)6, The Signal, (iolerich. (;KNT1.KNKN : Ellclosei ' find 112.111, which credit lite up un my subaerip- (lon. 1 read The Signal with great interest and. although 1 k very few of the mnnles of the'preeent popu- lation, yet 1 man pleased to note your `progress. 1 like the odd lotto- 1 IINVP'taken.your paper regularly' since 1b452 and have aeon ile ups and downs, but t consider it trotter now than ever it awl at any previous time. Please send it to ole at ('ovina. California. until further notice, Aa 1 IVACO iia few days. \Vishiug you all kinds of prosperity. )(ount. :I A )1 Ka '1'lh l>I NUN. wt. are glad, for two ell' three reasons, to 1s• utile to publish this letter. Many of our reader's will by pleases to hear again of Major TI - slln and to know that he retains an interest in the old town- of wind), in- deed, Ids recent generous gift to the Alexandra hospital is a subeitanl,ir-1 token. We are happy, loo, to know that. The Signal is so warmly aI)preci- Mte1 144 Mr. Thuninon's tlatteri ng re. harks indicate. And, again, wo are interested in 11r. Tlomsori s etat•- mPnt that he has been a rnlltin s sobsct•iber to 'rhe Signal since IK1.2 :a pried of over half a century. This is as record which very few of Iour elllkcl'1lsers can 141unt. .%t should ties pleased to hear front any Whir can Twat. or er11101. or even near- ly appr.laeh, Mr. TItttt11sen'44 record aN 1 41 Signal mauler. 'There are a few, we Ix•lieye, but nut ver v many. The Youth 1'ei, I'lll in liminess for myself, but I don't seems to be able' 10 meet with any sccess: The Sage Nobody ever- sleets with stleress, y g 1114111. 1st• I over- take it. About this ' '.of the year the father of the family should b' suss eal•cful to avoid Inr,king into the lop bureau drawer. the shirt -waist Ie.x, the linen cupboard, 41tul other place" where his Christ Inas surprises aur likely to be concealed. VICTOR LAURi8TO4 A GODERI CH BOY'S SONGS. Front tillie to time lefets•It/e has 114 11ea1l4'In the se• r011 t1 the work of Victor Lauriston, a rumor I.eslerit•h Illy whose literary ef- forts doming the toast fete )-ears have earned him a place among 1'anatlian writ rs of note, and ohose patriot i.• wing. "Me till. Land" has Ernst' scores at signer 11 ph. 11r. Isluriitnn'N stories and IMN'ItiN 11,1\'4' found pdae• in the 111na1 ' 111 a 1"Inclnta Mohr, Toronto S a ay Night. 11 s1- tuIiflfl(I'I',, ifstheinian Magazine(New York and .elsewhere: while his .,.,1,14,4 have 1• JttYI wide side. nye Plleela1 rangenrent.The Sig- nal o Maki` ol n.Il is n I 1 m Ik a n 1•11.10 lht 11 9.0 r/t.• 11f n,•winm He't hath will wipe'. e I interest to the aet friends here Il .i have Watched with era i fl a - lion 1t'. iattri'tnn's piogrI'sa. 1111 1.- 1 11411/1 ly .1iculuty :1m (.sh•riell is the %Cern of the author's INuyhlsuI and the 144 mill., to 14 very gre.aat extent. of the inspiration of his later work. 11'.• accordingly have pleasure in making the billowing anmeince- ment : '1'o the Hrst 1111e 111111111141 1t14011. subscribers of The Signal who re- new their, subscription for 11117. we will mum npplicntion give. entirely free o1 l'II4I gr, .41111/' of • of Vic- tor l.nnristnl's well-knn1•n pnpulu songs. nnKs. 'Dnisv Hose,-" "Little \IIs e -The 1iI1 4t Hose 111 June,' OP "Nr/aIle 1.+(11(1." We Pxx'0t e thentire 1 n W 1 hell copies to be exhausted in week's Those who wish one pit 111, therefore, not4 , delay in taking ad- vantage of t his ex ti Hemel, offer. K y These who have already :amen e I fur 19 17 luny re•cit•e It cape of 0114• of these songs on npplicntion so 101g as the supply lasts. paper is o111 i %impoe you run Enke it • easy for three 111' four days,' \'es, hose delightful it is that Ili.• r t•)' editor lige nothing at all to do Is'• tweet] press days. IhW111e•4)4 runs along ant onutieally. When paper hills a doe money drops oft the trees- with which to 114)0 thecal. Sub- M'riIN•rs vie with earl] other to see who can pay the farthest in aelvnnce. Advertisers beg for auldit' al space. And the way the news I is lye the editor is also plPlisant to contemplate. 'Please is s(Itething really strange Reinsert. Whenaaboul. the WO' news ire m n the paper in (4111. 111P editor simply goes 111 hi% desk, Irani hurl in his easy chair, looks wise and waits far the next week's press day. The day before press lit)' the 'triple liar up Iw- fnre Ilie ()Mee door and then file past his desk and tell hitt all the,news of the week. 11e writes it up in fifteen or tw'enl0 minutes. then lakes it back x114 hangs it on the hook. The cnur po,itore take the espy, shake it over the type 0 ea 5, s ,)' a 'ea/ mystic wsrde, the type Hies into place, and 4(1er n few passes by the bessitnn the farms are ready for the pies44 agaiin. And 1 h editor gees down and deposil1 re money in the bank. 1t is the greatest snap in 1I4' ratllogne. Now if the edjtnrrod.l only do away with press day lir• joy would be r1ynrydel4'." A Great Canadian Publication. The Christmas number of 1'I1e Farmer's Advocate mud 11 a Maga- zine, publishes! at (sunhat, Ont., is MI 1Is11111 perhaps even more than usual a m*gnifieent presentation of the agricultnrnl inlernsts of Canada.: The opening article is on "The Kx• !tomtits! of Canada." be A. Blur, and other articles depict more rau•;icnlI ar- Iy the ndvaneement tint has been' meld.. within recent )'ears in the verb' oils lintel of Canadian egriculhn'nl en. te•prise. Typographically and pic- torially ales the number is is note.' worthy one., there (wing a wealth of illusttatiupm, a number of thein in redoes. A two-page roltlle(l view showing a panorama of the (i11elph Agricultural College knitting,. and grumn(IN is worthy of careful preser- vation by those who receive the her. In addition to the agricultural articles, there is aquanti(v of choice reading of a more general character and Anent her flu• nIoniser is one with which the reader may pond many pleasant half.hours. "Deer friends," lw•gen the lecturer, "I call you ' .hear friends': 1 won't call you laeliee and gentlemen, hecanse, you Mete, l know you all 54. well."- IJfe. 1 The Outlook In Klondik.. There is is note of real cheerfulness in the paragraph given below front The Dawson News. The means of com- munication with Klondike are such thnt it be now a good while past Thanksgiving, but the paragralih in worth reading, as showing that, in the opinion of thone on the spot, Klon- dike is far from being a played out mining camp. The note rea(Is:-"To- day is Thanksgiving Day. Klondike is among the dietriets which can return thanks with no straining of the ima- ginetinn. We can be thankful for the Most perfect public health of any sec- tion of the Dominion; for the most glorious weather; for uninterrupted navigntion; for a past Reason of ac-, tivity and profit; for the doubling up of the value of claims; for an entire aenenn of full employment fon our workers; for a Ceasation of political wrangling; for many beneficial laws enacted; for the absolute promise (1 greater prosperity next yenr; for the close of n season more profitable to the country than last; for a year of tin idleness in the camp which was not voluntary; for the restful certainty that the coming year ie to require an army of employed double that of the lest year; for is nearly complete ab- senee of disaster, and for a well -stocked market and the wherewithal to pur- chase our turkey." ASO of Coloeat Posta. Where leve atoek has access to the fence we would not advise putting them In too soon after they are made. The man who makes his own poets need have rattle fear If he puts them In the ground when they nee n month or Mx weeks old. A line post four ruches square at the bottom find three Inches at the top Is ennelderml plenty strong enough for all practical purposes, pro. Tided It It properly •trengthen.l by the use of an Iron rod or wire. For corner poste of course much more ma- terial must be used.- Iowa homestead, The Shpts. Horse. Shying Is it dangerous habit, it Gan- net properly be termed a vice, an It is generally the result of defective vision. Gentle treatment, soothing words and patient persistence in accustoming the animal to the dreaded object will often effect a cure. Tn lash a tines,' les -niter It shies or 11 frightened only neer.. vs tee the sell. The punishment in Associated wltb the frightful object, and the horse will Mar It more And more e5.11 time the ohJect la en*nnnterel, and thero- fors this Is the wont way shying cam be rasal.&-DOST llsI ISM ram. THE MARKETS. Liverpool Whrfpt'ut►1r,a Close Lower, Chicago Hi_ Livia Stock Mar- kets -The Latest Quotations. 1la lay *Swaim:, Dee. 17• t-Iv-r111'h4,' warn' hlhlrra el.w.•.1 lo•dnr 11111 haiia '1tI to 4y4 lower Ilan saturday, and is in ret+real 1e.1 Inwrr. Al . dr.lgo May wheat closes 1I,e Mgt' •r Itin:. p alurday: May eons lye hlgber, and )lay ,/1114 %e Walter. WINNIPEG OPTIONS. At rho s'lam's,: epthal sal ken to -11117 the followlut worn the Arming quotations: Doe. 7;1'yr hid. )lay 76tie, July 751 bid. THE VISIBLE SUPPLY. thee. 17.116. her. 1x1,'1R. 1i Iwo t . , . , , .... , 4:134'ti01* :58. s34.0 • 1'. tar '4.43) 45!) 44.7:10..,). lh. l s .... 12,817,11441 27,7811!)' l (luring the 'week wheat increased 3,1x11, (41, eush,1,. eons nner.rl of .1 031!1111 bash••I44 and oat, d amenst 2t1s,1►al bushels. LEADING WHEAT MARKETS. pe'. May. July. Nita/ fork 6041 s4'; Se} Detroit 771,4 1.2 Toledo 16% 1411.s - •+ St. Louis ' 7214 77', Mtuuoupolta ... 7ala NII u '. 1/ninth .... 7M'. WU% sl', TORONTO GRAIN MARKET. Grala- wheut spring. torah ...111 M 10 SO 110 Wheat,Root..• hush 0 451.. wheat, fall, 3N10h 0 T2 0.73 V heat, red, bush 0 71 .... Perri. bush u w1 ILrl.-y numb t, 1174 4110 oats busk nor . U 3Y 01C1 1111x -►wheat'' bush 0 4x) .... nye, bush0 743 I ..,. NEW YORK DAIRY MARKET. Now• York, tor. 17.-Iinttt•r, arm; Ie- relptm• 4472; alre,•t prier, extra creamery. 3L'1yr to 81r; .Molal priers rrttmne'ry. ,nen mon to extol, 27.: 111 311'; IV.nuIFln to extra. ;(,L , .•_. 1'. store .;ala', common M rotary :4Y• to 3a.•; nimra ted. r'n anion t., , 1 Oa. hie In 2415..: v:.stern fa.t"r7, ...mi- nion to hr1l.. •hl.• to 'tee; weatrn, Indtnliou mamma). firsts �:.• to 21e. n ('keels. Ylrti• re elpts. 11r2: atata- full ('1441114411, 141111. 84.1 large Seer. 1:1ne), 1111.•; dn.. (fetcher bast. 13'yr: Ao. 1:,11 n.rde, 121y to 1:le: do., Infrrbr 111 to ethos. ems. 244" to 11.'. ' Eggs steady: re.'.-lpta. NY1S: 'slat • 1'.•nn- r7lnnla•-nearAy farset ar!eetrd• wh.) 10"; ehnlee. .'Ys. to ::141: do.. mike!. ....Ars, 33i to 37e; western ansa, :1r Inf4Ne1 pre •e 31.• to 311•); aernn.lr. _ t. 1,.:7:e. CATTLE MARKETS. Cables for ('pal. stead!-Caltl. Lower, /loge Milker of l'hleoww. 1•nA. n, Ise.. 17. 1•nn1•Ilnll entire In tb• Whorl' markets :aro gooier, El 141• 1244-• per m..; refrigerator beef, 411,4.' to $lac 1).r pound. TORONTO JUNCTION LIVE STOCK Toronto JJinetion, Dee. 17. -Re - rends of live I st,%'k nt the Unitin Stock Yards were 75 car loads, cum - posed of 1541 earth', 4 hogs, 410 "beep and lambs, 1 14 calves. Trude Wes ggo1M1 for the hest lots, but the common, rattle and ernes sold at bod- er prices than a \vewk ago. All offer- ings were subs hefnre noon. 74,4,1• In .-s.rrt rattle was better thin 7 •r r ass. 11)114 ;glees !:angina from. $1 5.1 to 15, Lot fro• I.nn1h1 1111• (atter qu'04)4.., the la.lk gang -o xl'I j to $l.!/'; '11'. ) Lost. 01111 alt 5:1.7.1 1., RI 35. 4at.•kCra. Vat many rho, Iota wore • Re•n d,eh- Milk of ,,It, 114494 IM•InR.11 1e u.•- Alrn'. 14'1,1 cradle sell from 51.11 t.. 11M: tt.ads of ,,0'nd. 04.7t to 5110; fair to to alum .t 1114"r to R3.11 ; ru4)mou and ('w. at 14.:.:+1 l., 54 p i.r . w'•. b'ee,lers and Meeker*. Pi.. dee. add at t: 411 to 53*')' fee n•re•rs• leha, ■t 52..;, In 11_.7.:; stnekets, at $2.23 to 1.1. MIIrh Cswa• About a dozen mister, nn.1 inisIngers sold •1 $4.0 to j:.5 rash. Veal Calve. Prlees ranged from 14.:), to 17 per 1 -wt. Sheep and Lambs Export ,'hes'j, Rohl 111 *4,:411 1.' 54.AR per est.; I,.u,ln' at j:..78 1.'56, with a perk •d lot ut 44.25per cwt. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK. Montreal h•:. 17. Carrico front besidnn and !Averts/01 on 1 anad,a,.1541(l.'.-am' 'little stn n_er .and paws Ono au1 :Mr:u sers r1 l.. to 1e' per 1111,' as even :seed with a w eek •gn, gales tieing uncle r,t 1114.•. fl:altinw• ratites goofed 1'nuadi;;n •4411'• at IW..c to 12e, and stator' that shlpineata of R•Nsl at, ers wont.' pay. Extort,, from Portion 1 last Week were :41 44 - rn1t1••, 1111.11 frim sr. .It John N , 11 •alllr•. n 1 . 1 t Y lag Io•'y 1 w a . err'^Je r mt11,• 0111 stile, - n 1 and lambs Ln hogs, 2w1 easel'+. A fealr n' of the lamb... 1•' was the weaker f,-•Iluu i•t the marker for begs and prices il..tined 21.• per .-w:. This was due to ...rail •d lent arlEle81 from Mon'nd 011 1 ;In:oll.ln 1 a, on and Ih-• fa •, That 'supplier' Mtin• s heel' larger of saes. At the rednetlou the demand from pnek• or.. 4(410 conA 1114 note. of ae•1.t44.1 loan wore made at 511.:41 Ise cwt , weighed off the nay. The bntele rs were present In MIT force and trade was gess :It the s,m• roles MI nn last week's markets unallte ear ,lilts. d. Prime 1hrlal mem -.tile '-4.I at 517_1 per 11.., wl(1, a few ,l•nire ill 7511.- to Ike. Primo I,•e.,•. .M,1 at 41,e to :g•; pretty gases rattle •;'i'• to 4.- •u,'I the common stnk. 2..,r 'to :G• per rb.; toll. h hop's sold nt 5:91 • , 1 �, rash1p goadvial calve. Inld It 1141 'to :Die ewer 11, sags nt 40 to 4kir, and lamlu. M 514e tr 6'Ir ser Ib. EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. rant nu(ralo, Dee. 17. rattle, 1.'.'.Ipta. l:an head; slow: heavy to Pie 1"w,1'; prime sir, rs, 5.1.1,4 10 $0.1.1: •hlppins 51.73 to 1'.5,4; tnt•hers', 54.25 to 5.8.3-•; heifer. 53.21 44, 11.:1): snare. 12.73 to $1.40; balls: $31.:41) to 54.:U; sto'k.rra and feeder,., $2. st to al._,i: stock heifers 52.:o 10 5.1: fresS .Cpl's and springers. 12' per head boter; 5144 Yo all lteerlpta, 12'x) head; arlive noel 611• higher. $ het 4.1(! 1 n An. III go - Ileeelpta, IN,7'n Wad; ne'Ive nut 7(14• to 21)' higher: henry' nisi inked, fa 101 to 50.4.8; ynrkers, 141 to to 1)1.:411; pigs, 5;.n to $6.63; roughs, $3.411! to $3.73; total.. 11 "- to 53. )(Prep and Iambs- Rrrligs, 26011 MEM. 111. w; alt l'1), steady; nettle loa, d. 43,• low Pr: Inmts. $:• to 57.73; yearlings, *411! to 50M: weih,•ra, 13.75 to 53.441; ^roves, 1.1 In 5.1.441: ahrel', mixed, $3 to CI $0; Catania lambs, 57.341 to 57.63. NEW YORK LIVE STOCK. Now 1'nrk, Ux r. 17.-110cer4 -fb•rrlpt+. 4. steers, alma, 1.111A strnv; bill. ami Imo gra ,sews, 'Ready; meAlom and &fool taws, 10e lower; steers 111.7:. to Viral; one ear extra $4125; oxen nod stng.•n, !1.2.34 to 54.:11,: buil., $3.23 to 51.:e,; enwa, 51 40 1. $3 (1.214. y.ols, steady; barnyard rale.•. dell, westerns, steady: coals j5 to fit; 111rly41rl calves 52.3}I to $3.3714; wrat.'n,s, 54 23. ahrt•p and Iambs Itt•tvlpte, 11,150: sheep, tower; prime rind ••bole.' broths atea'r: mNtl,tm grades, eaalrr;•heep, (3.2; to 55.36: wether, 5.8.78 In�lt' ,Ills,. $s: !amts, 57 10 55; one '9r Mester,her, Skip; CAA arta Ir robs 17.0110 $7.75; rolls, 11 50115.70 Ilrta--Itr.Ylpsa, 13,61i); market ahn-,t 10/'147; stats and Teuesstrnntl begs, Seco to $01'11: rbdlu'. 117111 pigs, $7. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK, Chime., Dec. 17. ('slur_ rtrre'pns, rya, 1e0; Ph. In 1:0 lower; common (n I.•sl St. ern, 54.2:e to $7.10; helfe•ra, $2.1: to 114 rq e0wa,. $2 Al to 54.40; I•nits $228 to $4: Workers and fosters. 52.40 in 14:4. 11oRn-Itrrelpts. sh"nt 3.7.fee,: ire t'. 10 • Metier; Tithed and hntl'hers', 5010 to 4143::•: heavy, $6.15 In $6351; light 511 ht to $43o. hulk of stiles 143.21 to 1)1.:111. )beep--tte,'ipt., Wpm; steady fn 10r. to d:r lower; sheep, $:Lpl to 5.1.73; Iambi 14.7,3 to 57.53. The PLrest and the Best (an he MOW of 1111 (dark's imnts, 1)1115 is the standard quality --we stand IN' - hind our goods. The Rush to the City. There in ranee truth I.hen pewLry !n 1 the following item culled Rous is city eontemp otery : The burin help fam- ine is atilt acute. The farm 1141)'14 HIP in the city clerking for Sal ants $111/1 week ; and the (arm girls are I cow. writing and clerking for $.i n mock ; and both soy's and girls arP paying hoard out of slender *mho its while their tnother:4 and 111 hers arse paying strangers as mach am their boys and girls receive in wages and boarding them. XMAS PRESENTS MAKE up your mind to buy practical gifts foi your relatives and friends. It will not cost a trifle more to buy a seful and attrac- m tive gift than a uselssls article. Let us tell you what our SANTA CLAUS has for you: Gifts for Men Men's black and tan kids slippers ;It 75c, $I.00 and $1.25. Men's1 black and tan ralmeo slip- pers at $i.5o, $1.75 and $2.00. Men's fang' colored kid slippers :It $1.25 and $t.5o. Men's patent colt shoes at $.}.So and $5.00. Men's overshoes, felt shoes and slippers, also nlamerous other useful gifts. - Gifts for Women Women's red, black,' blue and brown felt slippers, fur trimmed, at $1. Woolen's felt and velvet slippers in tartans and fancy colors at $1.25. • Wotften's felt and felt -lined bads. tad congress at $1.15 and $1.25. Women's spats, leggings and overshoes are also practical and useful I gifts. • Gifts for the Boys and Girls a.r�ir aM � There is nothing the young people appreciate more than a pair of skatin; shoes. *e also have a choice assortment of Misses' and Children's fancy slippers. WM_St1ARMAN • GIMP MOO A GRATEFUL LETTER. somumn.mneim-` North Range, Digby Co.. N. S.. Dee. , lith.-ISp)eciat.-IL IN each grateful 1 unsolicited lettere as the following' that prove beyond all shadow .•t doubt what 1)exid's Kidney Pills will do if they sae only ;riven a fair trial. Miss 13. Ik•II, nf,this place, writes : "1 wish to say x frau words %vitt' r.•- I gaol to the wonderful curative pow- 1 111)• ev f I NIi r\' hidePills. . 'They have greasily benefited loth ley father and tier. 11y father slif- ferlr•ll terribly f th Ohm for ten )'cars. 11e used six 1411ttleer of , 1)ohl's Kidney Pills and the result b" Dint hr has quite gotrid of hie 114,1,1,11 1'.,,. Finding sheat ins. tallier 11111 benefited so much I advised le y 111,44114.1' 1.1 Kltr Ih.•n1 a trial, es she w1s 1 1,1,1 1,11.11 With th hull• m I a nut1111 of the 'deny+ o • , • . t kl for overt wenl1 '-f/11 11 years. Stir para feels bet ter in every way and cannot sly too •h for Dold's. Kidney ('ills." Villains in the plays have 10 be vet ',' 11:11 ' . - 1 I11 I rlr 1 make 1 r . [ 1111k NN I. - K Chicago News. 1 Christmas Gifts .1 large stock of goods s1111- nblP (1 IV pt•rsen is just t•e•eriv- pd. We invite )'Olt to call ntld intpw(:t one Ia1Net•t ltlelll. Already some g.NNls nt.' picked fntt, 110 pill IWNy 4111 l'ht•i,tml0, any nrtiel.' you SOME LINES WE CARRY. Perfumes Goole perfume in a hand- po'kage is 111w'aya accept. - able. \Vr have a • plet( as. surtutunt at all prices, Ebony Goods !lair Ilrltshe,, Clot bee Hui Is - hes, ilat and Bennet Ilritshes, Mirrors Ple•,, Those 1111• art)• popular goods, Manicure Sets 1n St. -fling Silver and Ebony. Pipes, Cigars, Tobacco Pouches etc. Chocolates We lave I.O VNE'S in die' terms sized paekngrs, H. C. Dunlop, Bedford Block. GODERiCH. LPPI N COTT'S MONTHLY Mr7C.Ai IrJE A roti+lLv Lln1Apy The Beit ;.1 Cup:at Literature 12 t r.'ne1E-1' NO"'L. YEARLY MANY SHOa'* STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS *2.60 PEN vrAr': 25 cre. A eo►v NO CONTINUED STORIES e NUMIIIta COM IN ITSELF 1 1 '.all ;Intl se4 ns before purchasing. REG. BLACK THE TAILOR ristmas lifts Wile not come to us to choose your gifts for -0WES-7` • your frjends? We have a 11111 lino of .24!;I • 14 ( 1 AN► �I TIES PAJAMAS N ECK SCAR F 5 GLOVES ES HOSIERY FANCY SUSPENDERS and INITIAL HAND'CHIEFS a111iHi11,11,if,*if/ \1i11i111Iii1liiee 111111llillilii1ii11i1ii111111 re t!• tC tr aF Vanatter & Robertson, The Signal, Goderich, Ont. IF 6- 6- P. S. Be sure to read THE SIGNAL'S new serial story, F "BEVERLY Ofa GRAUSTARK." It is a good one Our Offer for 1907. \‘•e are pleased In be able to announce it re- tieWal of the special 4)1111' EI anh"et•ilwrs Of THE /SIGNAL by which they receive Two Papers for the Price of One. r:ve•t•y (uls.eriIN'r who page $1,I11 in 11119.1(1141' will receive 'I'HIE SIGNAL Huron's Beet and, Itrightent Loral Paper --,and THE DMONTItb':AL WEEKLY HERALD- the eosmupolitan week- ly which hue made stark great strides ill popular Ater within IFP last few years. A11 you need to do to secure the two papers for the !toner in to 1),1y promptly in advance. To New Subscribers wP 9.0111 NPmd THE SIGNAL for the balance el 11511 five of charge. \V.' want 1'(11' an n reader of THF: SIGNAL. during the ruining year. Semi your eultecription to tr-