HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-12-20, Page 311II'v14;NAi, • 1. .11bit: 1!Il (!\''!'!lean
TBOaa')Av, Deo•nl'ser 20 h, 1906
Miss Edith Jenkins has born en-
gaK1r1 to teach in 14. N. No. II, Mullett,
eat is salary of 111400.
Mina 1':1114 Turner has beet) engaged
to leach 111 S. S. No. ll, 'rueke'rulith,
at salary of $130.
1)'e• lintduu manager or the
y s ia11k R Exele • is seriously
Nlulal n l t 1, I I ugly
ill of hjoii I -p oisoniug.
The email runtaon train on the
Guelph K Gods -rich Railway is now
working in Milrele township.
Ou \V(dalewldy of Inst week Mr. and
Mus. John hardy, of Clinton, co,..
looted their gulden wadding.
A I:1111(4111111W depntglinu WAN (IL
Uttaw *,beret week to Nee the (oyern-
meld In regard to a new pxrs((Slce.
\\'illiau► Watson, of Ml•use•j,tw,
/11111111b;lIADl MANN ,.t1.004(PLO
remedirsewe all skin and blood diaea.c:-- Foams,
5.44 ltheu:n, Sot's, I',la, Con.ipahon, Indigestion
Ped other results el impure blood. They corle6
ex rats. and destroy the evil condition.
Ord,, '11/ Ir.rthel and kn..'. a.'l d"N'nl .k r...
r /:Iliad i',.. dud A/r,a !ae/a'„ ba., r Chet:.rod
,,,, I Pt 'Iterate stoma, 41, /e• r, k.,M,, r and bore th.
Ointment and Tablets, each 50c. Blood
Tow., $I. At drug -sore, - or from The
( home.' Co. d Caned., Lunited, Hiornkoa-
'00 Y
Citlh ®SS
w l IIJh
5 500
- -they are all
Each biscuit
as light as if
made by fairy
Raked to a
golden russet
6o fresh,
and crisp, and
tempting, that
just opening the
box is teasing
the appetite.
And you
fend a new
delight in every
one you eat.
Yon get perfection
when .you get
Sodas eo
Died of Consumption,but this Under
lady used Psychine and Is
strong and well
" My mother, brother and sister died of
consumption," says Ella M. Cove, of Lin-
den, N.S., "and 1 myself suffered for two
rears from a distressing cough and weak
lungs I suppose I inherited a tendency
in this direction?
" But thank God I used Psychine and it
built me right up. My lungs ars now
strong. 1 enjoy splendid health, and I owe
it all to Psychine."
Cousumption, whether hereditary or con-
tracted, cannot stand before Psychine.
Psychine kills the germ, no matter how it
nttaclo the lungs. Psychine builds up the
body and makes it strong and able to
resist disease. Psychine is an •id to
digestion and a maker of pure, rich blood.
The greatest giver of general health is
(Pronounced S,.ke•rn)
50c. Per Bottle
Lamer alias at and S2 -all dra matst .
OR. T. A. SLOCUM. Limited, Toronto.
' HRIiPPORY:--Between all
i I )e
11 ee nl.n
ns in l'anaule, tii
and Pint Heron, Mich. lof-
t do. Black it.,ck. Niagara Falls
old Suspension Bridge, N. Y.
At Single Fare
hoax! going Dec. 211It ami
th; recur ' g until Ih''. 2:441..
Iso going IhM.:il,( and Janteat
1+t., returning until Jon. 2, 1:E17.
At Fare and one-third
(i(NNI going Dec. 21. 22, 2:1,
21 and 2.5: nen(/ 1Mr. D4, 141, :Stand
31, and Jan. 1. 14117, returning
until Jan. S, 1907.
For tickets and fall information eon on
Tossn Ag1•nl.
(Meer hoar. eat 11.m. Mann,
!repot Tieket Agent.
It, McikonaldImorfel Pass. Agent.
• •
fot11erly of NVin familiarly
known its "Cheese ' \V*lsuu, is dt,ul.
Mrs. Adams died at the 1 of her
nlullyn', Mrs, %Vt.; kes, of Stanley. un
the lith in5l. Death was due to cun-
euulpl au11.
Miss lienee .
Ie tie datightet of Alia.
PPUie, ('lintel, diel) on Monday. 1111t
Inst., of roarer, after ,a painful illnrul
of, nearly four ye„ra.
NOV. 11. J. ('urrv, B. A., the pastor
of \Nalfon Nleth«list 4hurx'h, Was
Tied 011 the 'BMh tilt, at Galt to
Alin/4 11 lt/lw ill, Of 111411 (110'11.
(Sell. Swallow, Tate manager of the
(lover mt. poultry station at
Holmesvill,', whb'I* fan Is•cu abol-
ished, has 1.41 to ('lin(on.
Jas. M84'. I).slds, lir I11)lh, laser
for Toesinti i in January to take at pNsi-
ton Willi Gordon, 11w•kily A
wholesale (It yg 11Nl4 mer(•haots.
Chaos. l3urger4, of \\'iul(ham, died on
Tuesday of bast week 111 his 1hit•ty-
thirl year, 41 rictinl of COW, lunptiont,
1)reen:wit had lived in \Vinglumu 1111
fir life.
Mist K. Stevenson, of 13ufralo, has
been engaged as lady superintendent,
1 Miss Eva Kelly, of Winghauo, as.
head nurse .11 the new hospital at.
Thr death occurred ou NVedttestlay.
12th inst., 41 Agnes Mela•II:181, relict of
the late Andrew Mel Alan, at her
hunw 111 'rocket -smith, eget seventy-
nine years.
P. I3. Lewis, of the Hotel Nor-
mandie, Clinton, has Mold the goodwill
and furnishings of the house to N. S.
l'.N1pw1'. w'. ('olgll'I' will secure an-
other tenant.
It is said that ex-\V,u•den John Mc -
Chitties will Content the Iveveshi1 of
Ilurun tuw'u.hip with \V. It. NIr1)044.
*ld, a member eat the canned. Reeve
Brown is retiring.
An cline was Made Lest week in
IPisa(ing the mice at which the
(' •Ilerei:tl hotel as !Myth changed
hands. N!•. Nlrtaughey (lays $1'2,144.1,
not $2,1111.1 ns •t(trd.
John 1)nly, of lig !vine. diel in
the Nl t hops• hospital, 1.onlon. on
Tuesday of last week. He wens' Ill ty-
I wo year's of age. 'I'hu11l;ty Daly, 4.1
Soaforth, is a brother.
NI•s. Jackson, relict of the late I►dvid
J,seks n. of Hullelte diol on Friday,
71l1 host., :It her residence in Clinton,
She leaves three runs aqd 1hleed,ulgh-
Lerw t it her departure.
John C. Smith, 41. A.. at present
;latssie:it master of the 1►unails high
8444811, has been engaged tl take
similar work in the \\'ingh:un high
11411411,1, begin • g with the new year.
He'rvr Nr Ker, of the llowirk and
Grey Is laary, Iii..4 dispose) of his
hsI-arre faro, Io %V1u. Meigs of the
211.d rmnee•asiull of How ick, for *atrial.
31r. \fi'K,c is to Ilive of
\Villins 13e•dfotd, (4(11) of Michael
Ilt•elfotd, formetiv of the vieiuity of
L,mde•slN(t'u', diel nn 1)ereiI11s•r nth,
near Killarney. Ile wits found dead
in bed. death Tieing dor to heart
The rrouuns'uf \\'alarm Sing1sm1. a
former resident of Exeter, whose
death l,wL 'PIi0" of I,mdon on the
Illth just., wee brought to Exeter for
interment. Deceased wow sixty -Light
yews of age. go
1►n \\'eaneslily, 31 It inst.. \laud(' 11.,
eldest daughter ofilruee-
field. was 1111ited in marriage to
(i4'o * g,• Swan. The groom has a
posit with the (1: T. It. at Hamil-
ton. whirr they will make. their 1
Ntrs. A. 1'..1*.vnt died al her honer
in I'.gixrnlvill' nu Thnrsl/y sof last
week. aged thirty-three ))ears. She
hail been in ,Plicate beanie for s
limu•,-hut her oleatIt was not exIasi el
She 1,11 Ver. her hu-l.Lnd- and two
An old resident of l'd10rne pu/ss51
away Inst Werk, in the person of
William Eat at the age of sikty-sig
years. The deceased was rt native of
Ireland :111(1 rare to 4',/nadn forty-hvu
years ago. 11e is survived by his wife
and n grown-up f:nnih.
('has. ('aur, who lives cost of \\•,tl-
ton. met with n most unfortunate
occident on Tuesday of last week.
While he was rutting straw atthe
b:nn his left hand was Caught in the
knives and wan taken off. Amputa-
tion all the gist was found necessary.
The retonms of \\'illi.nn iillir, of
1y.anphin, Nlcul., arrived at KippN•n ot1
Tin ..day of last week and were interred
in IIt•ns'Il cemetery on Thul'mday. The
dcr'nmed, who (('1441 ill hi, forty-follr'III
ear, left Ki u sun four years ago for
the West. Itis death Willi doe to
t vphnid fever.
:\ balmy event wits relel,raled lit
the home of •)1r. rind N11•1'. Davie
- 11 \ 'r•1 -
' ri• Ill n \ I
Ignoble ole t't
Sat arcs !.
nrslly. I)e,enI,er 12th, when their
daughter. \lass I.nr•inda,, was 'lel in
matting., to E. \Vilhelnl, of finder.
'rhe eel 1'111011y 8.5',19 px'rfornti'd by Rev.
A. I). Distiller.
Former Resident of This District Dead.
Wind lura is•cn rtmeiVi•l in (Tinton
of the death of \\'In. T'. Hollies.
which 1wilirr'rl lit Ed 1, Oklaho-
ma. The deceased formerly lived on
I he 1(1411 rnnresnitin of ((Nlerirli town-
ship. and then 'ed into Clinton.
.s her he was in the carriage -took mg
lllsitle'ss. Aland. twenty-seven years
ago he left Clinton, flrel going to
K,111.114 HMI Icer settling in Oklaho-
ma. Ile WW1 the grandfather of SV.
S. 11. Holmes. Clinton, and was eigh-
t y•two year's of age.
Kincardine Girl Commits Suicide.
1)rspatehes f• Detroit, state than
:lay Futrell. nineteen y'ear's of age,
whose home it near Kincardine, died
*t St. Alary's hospital. Detroit• on the
12th inst.. the result of a self -admin.
istetl'I doss' of poison. On 1)eceullwt•
Ith, after a quarrel with her lover.
during which it is alleged that he
ns o
ooknd a f co
er, she 1
struck h ,
sublimate. She w'an terribly
horned 141on4 the month, throat nod
st ash. ,and after bring taken to the
hospital she lingered in agony until
her death.
East Huron Rural Schools.
Thee ate righty -three rural school
loaner an the inspectorate of East
Huron. The Illitlallnllll ...Noe. fixed
by lint of Parliament for t he principals
id• Rhea(• schools are as follows ;
I'wenty•fnur Isstois must pay a salary
of $,alae.; forty a .,Mary of *150;
sixteen a of SIM ; and three a
Mnlnry of $till. I'M. 'overage minimum
salary is $t71.•11. 'There will *1411 be five
n4Nistant Leachers. 'rhe minimum
salary for an aSMINtrnt 15 $:1111. S •
'reboot boards will pay 11101e than the
minimum rotaries.
Died in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. H. (iallegher. of Luck -
now, tree celled to Toronto last week
awing to the merlons illness of their
man James, it former Lucknow hoy,
who boil recently undergone several
operations watboa Iegajning hi.
health. \Vora has mince been received
of the fetal termination of his Meese
Mr. (lallagher was secreUny of the
Stark 'Telephone, Light etc Power
System. and a director of the Farmers'
Bank. lie was at one time manager
of the Sove•eigu Bank au Teeswater.
Ile leaves a widow, but no family'.`
Death of Moms Pioneer.
There passed away at his Isle resid-
ence in Hee rate, un Friday. 714* inst..
an old and respected resident of
Morris towurhip, 111 the 181184n of
Millet Berkley. r • lAt
war _born
seventy-ninie years ago in the Ottawa
district, and re rete with his wife to
Morris i11 11131. 'Their daughter was
the first white girl born in the town-
ship. Over thirty years ago N11'.
Barkley moved to 1rt11grave. He was
a Methodist in religion and a Conserv-
ative in politics. Besides hie widow,
he leaves three sons atnd four
Russell-Dunsford Wedding.
The h ' of 114. and Mrs. William
Ihnisford, of Stephen township, With
the scene 111 a happy event on \\'ed-
nrwlaly n( last week. the occasion
being the `marriage of their second
daughter, :Mss Ntu•y Clara, to Milton
M. Mussell, of the township of Hay.
The (err • was performed by Rev.
I). \\'. Collins, rector of 'l'rivitt
Nle int ('11111(.11, Exeter, in the
presence of about seventy guests.
11T•, and M174. Itusse•II will Wake their
homy un the fine farm Mr. Russell
recently purchased h• (i, t!ase mn
the la1ndutt road.
The Late Jacob Diehl, Stanley.
1n the departnle from this life Of
the hoe Jaarul !hold, of the fifth ("m-
ei-m amu of ?Manley. which occurred on
Friday, I)t•et•mber 701, an old and
h lenpeetell resident has gone to
his reward. Mr. Diehl w'as loon) in
ILIV„1•i,a ul the wear 11+21 ,aid left the
fatherland for the United Stares :at
e Six years
•- , •s a ,1
1 weal � f /ear veva t
K )
later 10• *,*111(4 Lo Canada toad settled
on the farm on which hu•conlinuesl to
live for lifl1•-flys year.. In the year
I$.'43 he Married Isabella Rice, of Perth
comity, who diel IwenLv•nine years
ago. hive 941115 Rad two daughters
e survl'e
'e n 1
and ver andchll h
n 1 t my tit
him ; ,also line sister, Mrs. Jacob
\Volae•, ('f;lirurefield, { Mr. Diehl WAWA
1.111 11.41111 in rrIig 3114 it Liberal in
Suicide or Accident ?
A 11,ysle•' death Ol'elll't'1d at
Brussels last week. On Monday
morning George Stems, a harness -
maker at that place, ruse about 3::11
and soon after left the 1 se. 41e
was in the habit of going occasionally
lea his place of boniness before I,,'vak'
(1(444. 4.0 111 (.t'n,I to sonuk_Lrgl•nt work,
and hiA family did not suspect any-
thing wrong. He did not return,
however. and un 'I'nr•(s1Nv Mnruing his
body was u114 it* the Ualitlauel River.
Whether his death was due to nevi -
dent eat• to Militia,i9 own to
roujecturc• In g I, 14, his work
he would close the river by a 11*I•r11w
footbridge. only eighteen inches wide.
with only One side pt•otis•t11 by ,a
railing, and in lhe',dark it would Ise
very easy to step lite into the river.
Mr. Ste was born at Elmira ,11sa1L
forty-four years ago. Ile learned hito
trade at Seloringville• and later con-
ducted a lousiness thele until he pur-
chased John lbmaldson's harness hind.
i ni-
ers at I31.11as•Ir this.4 yeil . Hr is
survived by his %(if.• 111111 two
111 i11111•11, a I14o1 and a daughter. The
remains were taken to Sebringvil1e
for interment.
Clinton Councillors Enlightened.
The Clinton. News -Record reports
theaction of the council of that town
with regard to the enfnrreuw•ut of the
license law, es41M'ialh• 1 .1 t clut9rs
111 1Ile Act. Acrolrlirig to one of these
chooses the fines in all ronvit•ti1(11s for
illegal liquor s•Ipang, where I111' in-
fnrmntions este IRid lw the local ('((11'
8tl(hlI*1*. 1411 it)Ii, 11.,' t1188ti 11(4114111')' bol
if the inspector enters the cases, the
fines go to the Government. Accord-
ing to (her cause. it is the 41111y of
ole collet:1IIIen to assist 111 the enforce-
ment of tete lay. Cotineiilut' i':easley,
Nebo is thoroughly .osteo in lbe
license law. said the /duty of the
Pin blest was very clearly dellnll.
They sl Id help to 'nice•' it an they
would any other law. They are rut
called lin to send their information to
the inspector, hint to plan it before
a Magistrate as they would any other
rase. lay doing this they pocket the
fees, ,alit the Meal tensm•y receives
the fines. The councillors admitted
getting 111.8• tighton the matter. and
the •lis•ussion ended with the ,adop-
t' of,a resolution darelling the roue
stables to use "alp t•e,lsotiablr means'
in ,resisting in the enforcement of the
liquor act.
How to Strengthen It so That It Will
Act as It Should.
The stomach is the principal organ
unmerited 111 the digestion of
it is wrnk, inactive or not of order mut
linable to properly (agent the fosse,
the body will soon Is, in a stole of
senIi-stu•v,tt ton.
Then, ten., when the slo11larh is
the forgo! is not properly di -
witted and pipe in it for hum's, &roul-
p104in11. fermenting and forming
p oisomlils gases and idiom llilll that
are Hiram b ed into the IrlooNd, poisoning
the system end impoverishing the
To enjoy goof health, it is ale
mul*tely nerei5,tr7 that the .toumtt'h
,1t1111hgesta'' organs ,should be strong
.and no other remedy (spoils Mi o -lir
in sttengthe•Iling and giving tone to
the whole digestive system.
Relief from the 11441' nl Mi-tetut is
permanent ,and lasting. 1'se N1i-0.1111
for it few days, and the digestion will
Ise g4Ns1, the appetite kern, and there
will he lit nans•n ear 111.4 Mini 11(11'9 eat-
ing, no slerple8Mnens IIs nrrvonsnes9,.
xl1/1 the iU•MlaCIl1, htlek,a•hes and dis-
turbed Iltnlitt
fur elhenit ;teflon that are the direct
result of as weakened stomach will
soon Ise overcome,
We absolutely agree that your
money will I. refunded sl Id you
box of \ i -n -n stomach
lolly 50 -cent N .1 is 1 uM h
tablets and not he satisfied with the
results. Mi -11.1111 is sold by druggists
everywhere, or will ise /Wilt by mail on
receipt of price, 30 cents.
%Veit' today for a bre sample pock -
age, and Mao give 115 your symptom's,
and one of the best-known stomach
specialists+ will give your ease Itis rnrP-
fu1 and personal attention will 1.
charge. Booth's /Iynio'i (' pony,
Buffalo, N. Y.
h)• a
I.so,lnppllrnlinn...4Iryr,uu401 remeh th.•
dla'aa-d slot inn of the,,.,. Then• 1s only new
wily to , nre f10.11(111..+. and tint 4by rrmnt it tl
tlntnl s'cu'd lr+.. Ihaft.... 4+ rational by no In-
flnfl,.d ,• 11t Inn of the morale lining of the
rn+hnr hint, fah, When till. 4th' In Inflamed
)nn hn.r tumbling Hound lir hn rfre4
hint, heat and who', 11 1. entirely finned, Arai.
lir+•• big, moil
re.all, and little.. the Inflatflnlatlrm
ran Ire laked 0,14 "nit Ihi. ,lie n•4nrr l In it-
ne,nl:q en,dltinn. hooting ',ill he drsfloseil
fore. er . nine cane. Ont of 1015 1110 can•.r4 by
ntarrh. which I. not /one hat an Infla"rd eon
Atoka, of the nonlife, rewfatee.
Nr• .411 id'.. One HOnared !Millan for *fly
ram of drafneao *,*,'M by ,wta,thl that earl
not he 1nr0,4 by hall'. (catarrh ('un ?tried
for I4.1Ocllar. fmc.
t •HICNKY k ('U.. Toledo, n,
Nobe )n 4*rn.41s10, air
• Take Hall's ! welly I'8lsfe r cuI*llpaalon.
Method of ('t.•rlag Ther C.ed f■
Professor Jars la of the Connecticut
experiment statlou presents to the New
kingland homestead n de.Iruble way
to cla¢r tBh4s:,
la 'few motto= of to country du no
Slid such 0,pid truusporintiou after
e s 1 New England. It Is out
n loot a o 1,
au unhommon occurrence while walk -
lug through a forest to find at molar
dlstaucel apple tress, which • dslg
years ago formed' our eounuerelal ur-
cha rds.
There Is no Jungle ulelhexl whereby
this growth of brush may be subdued
and the laud brought into workable
eoudltlon. Two courses may be follow•
ed- n Tong cue extending over three Or
tour years and the other a shorter one
requiring only nue or two years. The
former consists in rutting the bush
and keeping the land mowed oft or
pastured. By preventing the growth
of foliage In this way for about three
years, and thus starving the roots. rho
Inud /Mould be under control.
The secoud and more desirable meth-
od consists In the use of the plow and
harrow and the sowing of some crops
which will quickly take possession of
the laud. The common practice Is to
cut the brush In the fall or winter and
In early spring get In with the plow
and follow with the disk harrow.
I would suggest that the brush be
cut as soon an flossible, for the longer
(be delay the more difficult will he the
undertaking. If the owner of the laud
willies to get possession as Noon as
possible, It would be well to get to with
the plow this fall and follow with the
It s
cutaway harrow lea the I
•0 be well to
tare IR desired It would
.ow rye and seed down. In Connecti-
cut a great deal of such lane) Is being
used for orchard purposes. The trees
are set out as 1‘0011 as busk 1s cut.
The subjugating process Is essentially
the name except that It Is dune In the
young uretard. The trees have the
benefit of the cultivatlou and nre ono
year :nether advauted than It plant -
lug were delayed until the laud la
cleared of roots.
Movable Partftle es That Pretest
Feeders Trosgha.
An authority on suet' matters Is quot-
ed by nn etcbang` its follows In giv-
ing n pian for swinging partlllone in
the pea: "Tbls Its no 11'81 Invention, for
the device, with many modifications. I4
It5M1 in numerous farmers' piggeries.
The mealy wonder le that it Is not more
universally need.• The lop of this
swinging partition consists of a two
by four from which the three toot ride-
tltiop made of Inch boards swing by
binges. This partition Is held in place
at all times by a halt Ineh Iron rod
which slips up and down In staple's,
(wing reeelved at the bottom In holes '
bored In n hardwood cleat nailed across
the *enter of the trough. 'Ills fasten-
ing prevents the pegs from moving the
partition at any time. It the pens are
moor ten feet In width the swinging
partitions are too cumbersome to work
well. They should not be trade to
swing Into the pen past the cage of
the trough when fastened, or the pigs
will soo11 grew the edge of the bottoua
board off. These partitions are mnde
to erring hack until they stand straight
up overhead, resting at tbe ends be -
tweeze the posts. This permits pigs to
be driven out or In or the cleaning of
the pens from the nlley. In this rase
doors connecting tho alley and pens
were purposely omitted. Tho troughs
were mode of two Inch hemlock, con-
structed la a V shape, one side being
two by ten Inch material and the other
side and ends two by eight. These
troughs are simply toe nailed In be-
tween the division poets, so that they
can be removed easily and replaced
when ueressary, W. ilke the V shaped
troughs in preference to any Sat hot -
toned sort to the piggery, because the
pigs can elean them more ren(111y and
thoroughly, and there Is practically no
contact at the floor except for the short
end pieces. As n result filth and nlnls-
(Ore do not accumulate benenth them.
On the underside of the \' shaped
trough next the alley the floor 1s nl-
WnyS dry, rind on the pen side It ran
be cleaned thoroughly and Is always
exported to the ale."
A Storage P1t.
iu regard to storlug apples when
epee. is scarce Atnertcau Cultivator
Ram Apples may be stored, like Coote,
in a pit, covering them with straw at
first and afterward with earth when
colder wenther requires It. Tho bottom
of the pot should he covered with
boards or straw to keep the apples
from touching the earth, which 1s apt
to give them an earthy taste. This
method Is only advised as n makeshift
111 case no room elan he found to store
the apples more conveniently.
Sinking n pet for storing produce 1s a
smite' matter, 01111 yet roots stored thus
nre often lost by carelessness in
(Ing them in too deeply, so that they
heat,o nt grow andpit lit
int. Th.for a-
tae5, beets and carrots should not be
piled over two feet deep with roots,
nnd for turnips and horseradish It is
best not to have them over n foot deep.
Cover lightly at first and Increase the
covering as cold weather coupes on,
bcnring In mind that there is more
danger from best than from frost. Veg-
et.ble5 well stored in a put come out
veru fresh and nice la the aortas.,
A Hopeless ease.
She -Oh, deer, isn't it awful ! The
paper. ray that. you end I nre engaged.
Ile -Yes. SIMII 1 go tonna to he
different officer. and order them to
publish ,t correction ?
She -- Heavens, no! haven't you
eve learned that publishing n ester•
tion in w newspnpn•r always makes n
thing w01w?
Hr Whitt con we (444?
She Oh, well, if that.. the way you
feel 11410,11 it, go ahead and wake your
-Chiciurn Record -Herald.
Anyway, a n(nn in Jail L•s(apr•s lndhl-
ing a house. --New York flees.
most of necessity be lasting in
order 10 successfully weather
the storm% of business Tile.
The F4 *EST C'lTY ltl'alllaaa
& COLLIG* (raids
yuu,r« men and young women
to tekc miner p.,sirionr which
C V81111 Ua ley lead to (1/os11100*
of responsibility and trust. The
founds l;en i v secure . OT u r
louden's pin up. not down. %%e
are unable to supply the demand
for our student.. Why ' Be -
rause business tna•n recognize
the superior training they
Write. for our business and
shorthand booklet ; it': free.
School term : September till
June, inclusi%e.
Ft:wes't City
Business Collei;e
Paacycl. London
Gray's Syrup
Red Spruce Gum
For Coughs and Colds.
Shape -
The "Plastic
Form" fit and
cut, which
strikes a man the
minute he
notices a
"Plastic Form"
Suit, is as en-
during as it is
The snug fit
of the collar and
shoulders is built
right into the
coat- it's there
to stay, no matter how strenuous the day's work.'
The sleeves and knees don't get baggy -the
coat -skirts have always the straight, clean cut and
the pockets adhere to the original horizontal.
No matter how particular a man may be, he is
certain to find the material, the cut, fit and work-
manship that will suit him, in the "Plastic Form"
Suppose you drop' in to see some of our
Autumn.models. 17
Plastic Form Parlors, Goderich
Rea. Black, Sole Agent
We IDLY° Opened "11l .4 11 rah
Luck of
NUTS. etc.
Order y • supply for Christmas
4.1i h. We guarantee satisfaction.
Have you seen
the Premiums
Wt. Iter offering with .ix Tsars
of,I'leaa/11r Soap for 23 cents
A hands(llue puler of glass -
Ware or chinaware ABSO-
LUTELY I"RI' with each
quail ter's woe Lio.
Pleasure Soap is:Good Soap too.
Fanning Mill, Pump and General
Water Supply.
Fanning Mill Department Pump and (Yater Supply
'1 to, 1,1.14-t lu.pnn ul ''11 I1. 4,Pog rein'
llrwin 1 Ironing Machine will clean tiny and
The nonce -nlgdy of K'mlcu 1'a,nlns feat
every kind of seise+ or groin known loth.. n.Rn• stock or 11001...ewr to lir ektern..
nitre toren with the :Peed of Nn.l' fnnnluK mill a large s :triply of eery fine Ism 1'ungn. from
of witINl'arcing volitive y. Those who are Telt/ holing Imurahui,,cess for drilled or dog well.
(hem report cleaning for market
1 0111.0111.bn+he
or f. tiro. for hand orlN' t ver ar
INy� '1fn11t1 10511'. Tho (') plan e,ay.wnrkb4g �le•u will
'nd of g ill (.It May
l hoot by sets( ea fl nm hilaony I'lll*,) 'Re's tory 'l rung, well N,dr surd ran M•
kind 44f genic It may la In, nese clean it while wilt4Ld by w •n ,sal 1h11,1r m rhe
rlcnntng,hn 1(nidn, nlY'lel llnwblg any of the we Il0l0A•Igf^1- Intyr• 110, ,f sate. Nmol,,•.
ted n1. 41). 11 not only de. rs IIS.0, 41114004) l8 41 l n h n .11rd IN91 NNy .t)1* ' fou• drlllwl 0r
when r' N,11,, 41,,'I t w i
I g n t 1 l t u Oran t
M t 111 M
slog well., In, 14•1""""'"'''''.
of hy. doter, flat. secs, 1414'(1 to the high -piked
American IpIN•+eScottaTenter. Sinks and Sink Pompe.
Il i. one
01(th1s••1 uu"•hine. ulonafa,•l mrd14111'hr Inng deang 1.r p.mphlro tnalhlr,. urn
no sIe. ,I ,g 0N1 N•11d lilt., 1111e44Nnl • i 1, weld pN•rlatly .uloparl la• dr,.e'Irl,t water from
flux, chew anti Igloo lint 1011.1 Iernbl nnd enrol' well, '.,ring- for cork. sit noted lit N all -I dime
from n11Y groin they may Ice In, (.4' 11,11 111111f1I1.11 41e1 41 neec4011)4 from the
To ...are lslNmu• In the farmer of Moine a ,Ialrc 4144,1. 1 hr 111,41 d, n'I(hIIlV Io 14N•nl}rt.
Scheer fanning 14,111. lire. machine h Mole t0 Irb1 1 g
hong h, 11 1 ,.h;N• of n,n.n-1 am• ordb/nrY Mn.:111T1.11. Aa'. 1101 p) h
fling mill. nnd will he !lure hl with no extra /1111.1111'14-1111"1"11,1111114.1. s -al In h.1744%11 .MblO or
charge. "4I hn,t b,,jn1'ing th4 mill cedars ern„g_ ynnl. Not may 11 flit. mnehnie d'i'me
inn it for the lire of 11= tot n ,•ICs c. ,Nese Kltnl'1e r. w,, t, front the 'pont Ilke the nohow,. 44,, poop,.
111,1 In work (w 1"prramt e1 0r /M.O.,.
- flit by mm itayt n -Inde the manse of the water
11 ''an IN• taken nal of ,null al any Ilene Nltnrnl L rhan�el til -cat In any nl her 1(1 '•5rgnlrnl
n• quickly sal ao early ,M w three 'mnbin,sl through m•+ fd tmelergmnlnl r u. ,•1 head.
else The ,rte'1alhfne Mor. 1411 n*Ist h1 1110,1, 11dh4,,..l lir 1. Ire IANrrd Aimee ly /I *l well
than one mill if r.e1swry. if deelmd. It in .�rll nd'r, 1 for hand n.,•, hal
The (41114' of the machine ,Mnph'te 41111 fif 10' I11 winched tdi4I) 'rr. 11 ran Ise, Worked
I r.•n deer+I+1'w'KIN F. In r1,1..al4M,plelitrr(•d, by worm n 114 children nnd h,.o l'I(n l:N{nrit.
Mind in mill nnd gONrnnteed. NYOpAULie "AMS. - Hn. fnR
,11 sermn +•ndinat hl. 14811 011111.1.w'III he 111,1.1111.1,11111` 1.11111.1.1.1411W 111 incherthl+hl
Allowed • dollar elf Klee of nrnchfnn, wV hen
wink we M.\ r no hrslf Rl, 1 In , wIll )
or.lering mnlhine uu•nUon umkrt A(( luminit nay Job we well ,. st MRko, /0r wh wipe first
mill )4440 want hhn• 1411cl Int 0, If IN>,.'111l, Ink44 n0fob Niu1'IY! of the elk IIM, 1N111,4).
nL+u 81,41(10( .hese Ili d1, GIN nrRh1r 4o +areswfolly operate eL rant.
VA INN by of •rte tested nnd betels take,
Sieves and Screens for any Mill, of charge for nay Terser, employing ns In
lid of
in their work, If 1 emint rill Mal be operated.
Any gnnntlty M -ire of gm, noised lir black \\1 +apply all +trek for j01).
Iron Id4N'.'eit .Ird1dh1411 4.44,4*+ of mow At. MYI'Ile,\ x\'fi1F.Mi'. x\'I'1(ON,!'!'MPRs
111114'. ,neat II .y ,f necr,nrl hand half inch moo rte. Ilnt and 1o*t1 water a ...trnu for dwullloa
rm-ale. I Onl reel+ taken 4,, Uniting, 111111yy4( 1 oro. w neer .up111r eyetet0, for stald0. acre'
n 4Nr IN)1414 pipe., All ear,Irk•o throng', runll ymd+with al? neernwaly pipes. hydrRn's. Ianke 1
pnlmetly n•plltd lo. Mnil orA,r.'rarfitlly 181..'Mirk )..Ino .4 r„ as
oft the utast Intern%ett
"needed tn. 1.Lo..
The Grocers.
1 11 L8
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orden carlully atteno,d to at all
Steam night or day
la the old stand, Isar corner of Nelson and Victoria Streets, - GODLRICH.
Buy a
18„1 , •n will h:rye the i.e.,.
Well -made These al1's'
the qualities
Comfortable that make
Reliable Mel.al4011444
I ('utters (Nest
Handsome (1,
\\'e• have n full line of 1 „
111,14t popular styles from which
til scent.
1. .411 And "tet' thl'lll.
Wm. Knox,
('or. Hamilton 1i01)p:lt1CH
Newgate sit lr•e'Im.
Livery and Hack
The finest turnouts in
town aro supplied at
these well-known stables.
carriages for every re-
fluirement and good
horses furnished at real •
enable rates of II i re.
Careful drivers furnished
When re(fuired.
L.\II calls promptly attended to.
Walker & Augustine.
Phone S, Fast street Livery.
Livery, Nack
'Bus Stables
(44(x)4) HORSES
--K T C., A T----
-It A': E`-
Well- appoint e11
I4,m'k5 and 1411-
.,114 drivers in
barge of/ the
'Ruses, which will
meet all Irwin s
111111 NLeannllnSAS
41.1, ('ALL: A'ITEN1)Ei) TO