HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-12-20, Page 2I'uuu.IAV, I).evuibcr 30th I KG (lUL1;ll11'1(, IINTAIIIU, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY ar ITA\Auld t t RuIRFRTdu\ Telephone ('all No, x;s Terms of subsertption : 1. neer "naso 111:meaner% ix months. ane ; ,hn'e months, t44. atlhe•nb,n' who tall Io I'e,e11e ink SI•is*i. r ,guhtrly by mall will confer a favor by 114. gIain, atg u. of the fact nl lI. wary a dale 14 poaoible. 44 nen a change of nddMwl. i. de.lrwl. l of h the 011 and the new w►dr... +huuld be given. • sok+ Adwrteson; nates : Legal dew nl her .Im,l:r advert. 4.1114 111., 114' tier Iter for first Iodation nail le per late for each •.tlmeoisent insertion. Mun.und by a • o parell settle. t solve line. to an Itch. Rn+L)1Nw eants of six line. loud under. Si. per year. Alo'ettimemenl. of I1s4, 1'otmd. St invert, ylt- •• 01.10. Yneant. 1441ua14un4'Wanl rd. House. fur N de Or to 'tent. Faroe for Sale or to Ron". A-tirh4, for tide, etc.. not exceeding eight lin.. emit ias•It ion : it far itr.t holm h, .Y4• fur each subsequent month. Larger Whet t n mt. In proportion. Announcement- in 1OHnary reading type len 111 ,. inn line. %II notice le.. than •L:r. Any 'portal notice, theoltieet 0f whl•h I. the p•,amt benefit of say individ mNl 1,r a+.;oo alt lo, to v' 4-u1.ide041 nn ,ulvcrt loanent •1,,d t • 'r chanted luinnlingly. (tate. for d,.pl"y 10n.1 1`01.1 ntct all, err 4.4• 4,111. wall be given 011 01.1110,11 1011. - Address all e011111111014:101,0,). t0 YANA rTElk & I'l Ot1'IITNII\, TIIF. 1410x.11. - -- - ----_ - -- ----Hr..erleh-Ont. (1nt1Elt1( 11. THURSDAY. 1lbe. !•I h. inn THE COMMISSIONERSHIPS. • While mu doubt eitireus ale quietly f renting their 4l miens in reference 141 t It establishing of s elllll s$i at to manage the wader and lighting systems of the town. thl•Ie is eery Iittk• open discussion of the question. It is t 1 be hoped that before the day et p a more active illteresl in the quesliu11 will be shown. as it i. 11141• .which 14{ Id revive emeriti acid seri- attention. Ve hays ah'ndy expressed the IDpi ion that rh will' depend upon the 0armlet of the ewclidlltem (len) ildatee fel' Thr ('llllmtnssl)Itrl••Inps. T'hli54. 4 ho favor the establishing 1,r a inmluliss ,n should endeavor to hiring oat the 1 t available 11101 for 1k1• p141*10119. 1 It is erille111 that 111.. voters are no going to Iake the minli- c' wl plant lou of the hands of the c •il 11, put it '1)14. the hands of :len w:e)n• ability to simile it efficiently, ' i• x ndtttet• of de Oa. The change Would be largely tin aper' pt. and it is an experiment th t .,hnuld not IN• e 44rumtel to int. p•lel 11441111x. In miler to start the sill rolling. The Signa will tike epi. itself 4 'muting; of two leen wh believes to be of the right *Deet few the sign. Ill the f1rsL place, rex- langur Almne'c should lw asked to offer lie• .elf ,Is a member of the c' 044 M. Mi. Murn.y during his flee or x years in the town conned devoted 1 great deal of Wartime to solving the .p abletist eT the water and light ori- oles.... and his knowledge of the work- ing of the plant is • intimate than Visit of any ether maul in town. with t Ie e'xteption of the engineer. His See - vires would I"' invaluable in the Ie- o-gaulizat' of the plant which will )gaol 114• necessary. .%nutlet• citizen Who IMmn111w1 several years experience in the reamed) and in whom we )o•- lieve the public w4'I1141 hare (onfielenee A. 11 t'ounnI.44Iunet' is .1. C. Marlin. Mr. Martin i. ,11111111 of simnel hominess ability and would be able to giver the duties of the polmita111 Thr attention which they will requite. Ili is 4t (Mut who has ahe,uh' girth :able Mal 1111' x •Tomb 'service to the tuw-4) and • ill Woos.. hands the intrust" of the 111.1/4111 w•eldd be perfectly safe. 1Vith ten such men 114 4hrmr•iti ef• Ilea the. rennuissio) S'.I '1,1 011a1) off 'With elteelle)t pr'.iN•r[m of \V'' do not knew wht-thrr either • f them ran he ninon/::led t.1 offer hi. a .'rhes in I lei. .41T4a(•il y, lhi. mention of their finales lean; panel- y0lunbmy 011 cur Pant : lint if they will 'n1n•ut t • 41.•1 their 1.1.41 ion should be assured and the ronnn1S4ion '171441111'111 then be given se Clair 11 1411. SHOULD REMAIN AS IT IS. For .1 good many yrxnll•V\pi•nrticdly min(',• 1111' system of elect lin\t by 41iN- *4'lets hila' 111111 effect. there 'has IN','i' al :interment at the county K�.ntlril by 5'111111 a Liberal and 11 ('nnser1141i444• tllertately haat/ 1eel) Il0te1 warden. rher4 is nu g.ax) reason why part p -)liths should be taken into consider arson at all in comity affair,, but everybody knows that they all'. 141111 11'for• this agreement,. Was node the first thing the council did '•rrry year WWI to divide into twos ule'lln•s, (71(1e 'ratty putting up its,indid,te for Thi wanidn'111p, ,11111 a [Abend or ll lie/1• 11 '*44,1111 I ring elected just ;IS the Majority of members happened to he Liberal or Conservative. 'lir plan which has been in effect daring the last ten years is a much better IMP, as eliminates this trial of strength lie. tweet' the tweapa1Urs which formerly was the invariable rule at the 1{I•st meeting for the year and which gate pretty party schemes tot 11141'' 11 place in cnnne•lien with the affairs of the county. '.One party, has about as gust a chatter no the other of snoring n majority of the members under the new *yearn' of electing the council, and in ander that eonaideratiln, , f ptttY nay be. kept ,anlde in the elec- tions soon to Ix• held it is adehalide that candidates for reeve and deputy reeve in the various municipilitie should declare• themselves in favor of the continuance of the present plan of choosing the warden. . Mt. SUN'S OPINION 1'11E SIGNAL : (:UI)14:R1('11 (iN'I'A It1(► The Surt has always paid especial 1al• Clover on should not hesitate to tentiun to tariff matters all they affect "eixe• Iuul WO IL 1h1• alines when such the falling -is and the consumer. yen• conditions develop. entity. After recalling the conditions which The payment of x proportion of the ekirtel x Tittle over twelve 1nonths 1)!ze "unary 411 It1442 is an 1n41ie4dioiI of a;1,, when the pmleeted• interests ; the 111•she of the nir'twns of !hr were clamoring for an imitation of fire" reN.weh'sn F:xh1htliois 4,4 the [Bagley tariff in l'auada, and deal fairly'w°thwith the prixe•wi111418 411141 when it 100kel Its if 11114 unorgau4izl•d ' at. Ih1• saute timeit 1' 311 act' which .•ply 411 opinion nppwlsed lux high lar- wi11 hater 18 gold ,'fled an fill iff would be swamped by the Inflnelm,• therlll'l'rNp of future exhibitions. of the well-orgliniu•( mdu111(4(411t'I''• The l'iitoil states is to build a lite Sun exluninrs the t•rw sehelules' battleship that Will be the biggest i1, which 1ue 111 chief 111tetesl t1• the I the world. L ngfellow's lines are still ferment and 4111110 up as follows: I mnhlydrd : 1Vhen the grand aggregate iN 11t141r "Were 11,111 the pun er l hat all. the world with up. and the mew thirties 1111 Id alseh,1(1 I torrur. neeessil ie., clothing and imlplementei are roulparet as a• whole with the old, it will be found. we think, that th.44' is a sensible lessening 111 the burdens resting Igpll farmers. This is partirahlrl14 true 1,l the Northwest, Iwrause III that section of the 1)1. . owing to the fact That the r - try there is in process of settlement. the implement 11111 is relatively larger than it is in the other se•t MM. e( ('1411• ala. 'Tile fact that there is 14 devil -tow at all. i(1 vires of the .tretlnoua efforts to secure au all-round iIr1e1M•. is C41115P for *Meer.. gratifk•xt' , The protest begot/ by Thr uu.again/eel farmers 01 htuebee, headed by 1I1'. Sellers.'stlrngtheled by (I1,• partially organized farmers "(Ontario, UN rep. resented ley the Farmers' .4'4so•iation ,111d Grange' and .supported by the aggressive fmtder,: organizatiilns of the West has had its etfcet. The ,course of legislation. tilde!' had for a few years .lax•n steadily tending towards 1)ingleyisrn, has leen tuned indhe other direction. if the offer of rr•ipreil 14 ro11(11111441 in the inter- mediate tariff mitres as effective Its hoped for. the turn will be all the decisive. .Not s little credit 'foi- 1 he furThr direct ion that 11,/" 1144.11 given .fur Mr. Fielding• and hi. colleltgues. Instead of yit•Iding to the c. -eat (rated pressure of the selfish res•, heel has rather !wen given in• them to the needs lot the .rl/[h•l'el dolma•*," The Sun, however, takes the new t (rtt1 only as :1 14 in the right direction. not 1.5 a pet mamma p li('y. 1t points out that since 14*4(1 the tariff 4111 11111141.1'N a1111 binders Inas leen" grad- ually reduced fr•4n1 :ti to 171 INT ,'lent., and advises that the healers now ren- re•nt7at• Meir kt 1 ark Mn lot her features Of the tariff, such 1(1 the clothing s^hrdales, which bear 11)41141 hra1i1y 1141. on them. -The hatpin tam fart." it say•+, •'is (fiat the present. t in tariff legI'l,alilia 114 duw•l)wanl rather than upward. The glare is at present with the fat niers : it is for them to follow op the advantage gained." ween. half the wealth IW..tONY4I o11 1'a1)11F• and coact.. (Dien to r.teeuu the human mint' front error, 'I'Iwre were nu acrd of "nwual.s 110, tort.." At the winter fair at (iurlph hist week is was state" by Captain Mc- Gillivray of the Salvation Army that it was the intention of the Artily to bring 5,l4*4 people to Canada next yeal':1nd It wits lllr llkl.el t11 seller the first shipload to Western 4)ntario. Applienti,o5 from forays dei ring helpers (vele desired. Thi, is san�op- purwilily for Humin county farmers who may 1N• short of help. It. will necessarily takes tiiie to bring the new conditions afire)ing the rural schools into proper xdjust- ulenl. Many Nrhl1ll boards will have t41 engage inex jw'rience4 leachers for next year and lily thein the higher salaries t•aII1•41 for by the 1.1e4 of Inst 4.44444.' . 11114 the tendency will 1..• for the better salaries to attract and keep within the pre ffession a letter class of leachers, and in two 1,r three Feat* the 1r4.u1t will he 1l11p11enI in the e efficient conduct of to. ..hoofs. Thcogfl we , should. have hewn plc:ast to ser Brother Kerr n :Ilei as the 1,ileu,l 1an41141ate in Fast Huron, 'then. is nn 11.1111.1 that the faltered/4 of the eats), riding have'•ldlsen x strong 1114111 am their leader in the next contest for the Commons. 311 111l1dop is it clever speaker. and, 111141e important .till, he has a 111e101gh be- lief it: government by the p•.1pl' for the people. In 111SI'hishelnl, who will probably be again ' at14) by the l'onser,xlive•s, he will have n worthy opponent, but Art•IIIe Hislop is in the light W win. It is reported from l/ttaw,l that manufc'lurets'are besieging the Min. inter of Finance. with 114p ants for in• 01804es in the cIiStomas 111111e% 041 /hell' EDITORIAL NOTES. own.particular pr.Nltiets• The 1.14N•rld member.. from Ih' \1•eslare apply -Ing Have you picked your. flyurit15 preNsure on the other side 'anal 11115',' among the bylaws? • Intimate” to Mr. Fielding then their constituents will resent any increase. in the tariff. It is significant that »t a n•retit caucus 01 the Conservative party 111 Ottawa, the suggrvtion was made by members horn the West that the l'onorrrgtivcs should drop their high (miff policy soul should hey to heat the I,ilier is in bidding for the support of the farmers with at low ha•- iff platten 11). If nH the reports ifee correct, the e4 •i1 of 11447 wi11 lie 11 new concern all through except for the Mayor and depnty•tee•ve. 1t w;(4 rally t.1 I00 a pat:iot in the 1141 dates lef.1ms. int 1a'-.1te 1141.1 wit were i vented to oh -6(111y the peace of mitt!" of he conscientious citizen. Th 44litos of The T'er41ntn (Holm and ' Toronto Star should brush up on pNI 'tical geography, They have both rife r41 to arch. Hislop as the nu11linee of rdrr 1•ileraM. The rinnr•I1 Minn Ir'uunitte,• may reach a comellll11 round nn' questions of doctrine and •!lurch policy. 11111 their nimble. will ngrncuce when they try 11, drt'id,• 4111 n, • for the nl•W '4l'g,111i7,141 inn. Education and rnlhuiia.1, says 1'• C. Jaumes, are the keynotes t Nucieso in agriculture. They are 'er 'nly et great tram, mull together they w 1 de) vastly more than either one of th m without the other. To SANTA ('LAU'. : This is to certify that ,all the boys and girls who read The Signal have been good this year and Il l llle demi ( v 11 44 ing of your' kind atten- tion em Christmas Eve. Pontes I nr less) (14,11)'. Tug Korn on. Now in the time far any enterpris- ing 14bung elan who wants an elegant r•h,4nre to break into public- life. Ni. noel run for the town` council 1 hi, year : all hi• will have to do is to walk in 1411( tieing etp'his hat. • .IoIIy old Stant) Clain, 51x�he not a eV- •eter ,If p'1'me1114, but s4'tne•tim', his attention is net directed to dwellings whore a visit from hint woule; Irl• plu- Genially timely: Those (rho kht(1W of nerdy ones sl Id give hint a hint. Perhaps the quiet which prevails to 1 uniilpol matters is due simply In,, 111 144'4 that the a1rtag,• cif izen a. .lout ,t present Worrying 44,4)X)44 herr,. to Is pang to get- throng', Christmt m than he 1'4 111X1114 the (11(41'44 ,t 1141 1144. if the wa and light commission by Li w pamsrm x•thn(s it will i.' easier to g'1 men to totter t he council. A. it is now, it takes ,In extram.diM1144 amount of plaint. t,palil to intim c citizen to take 1111 the burdens of the town councillor. Mrs. Osler, of '1'411.1)1111), rnol4u't' of Ih'. 1191ham Osier, ieh•hrat('d the one hundredth anniversary of her birth- day hist week. Another hit of eerie deuce that the ihtetor wap only joking when berg fmrw-anl his famous ehlor- o(ol ti-at-Nixty theory, .indge Met+on, of Toronto. iln44 even• (rtrd the eighteens derision that the color 111 a person should not del4n' him ft um the enjoyment of has rights as a ('amu:lel citizen. Bobbie Mona' motto, '•A mnn'"11 mum for a' that," as gots] enough for 'Canada. Also r i I It between I)dhr•41wnrrs and ',Ie•ir employees should not be allowed lei imperil the lives of people depend- ing upon the (nines for their supply of fuel. in such a case the paramount Thr opinion of The AV.•rkl' Sun re• right i" the right of the people to ep'rling the mew 141111 in of pat t11-111111• the use of the means of 4411shaining lite Interest and value 1 the fact that which Nature has ;supplied, and the 1)r. Crichton, whose 11111111' .t1•a5 struck off the rill of medical practition- ers by the 11/'diral ('iaulcil for what the ('uunc11 deemed to be 11nprufe'4Nional c Net, has won his rase in 1111 appeal to the courts, and it ham beet) entered that his Menge be restored to the list. Thr. ('richton's chief offence, :/pp4u- entl . was the advertising of a tomb - cal preparation which Ile had found to be of l,neflt to 4.11111,' of his patients. The vucceON of his appeal to the law may he salutary 111 preventing the aridtrary exercise of the'. 1p)Wets which are canted in the Medical Colin-. cit. While it is in the public Interest that the medical profession ehonld be kept lee of charlatanism. it im re very serious matter to deprive a g11nlifiwl 1 ysirian of his means of livelihood, WI the (`n,mr•il should use its powers wit li`caution and re.lrlv•, e Wonderful Child. 1'he world vl'4as da k with care and woe, With w ming and I'l iseir,• wild, 1Vhin in the Midst, Ha+ pure to show ti.N1 sent a child. The old, the ,Stifled, and the poor. 11'i(h voices harsh or mild, Said,. "Hope 111 11, )etutihm no more • W,. wenn: no 0141141." • Anil men of wave and moral word, \Vitt cornsciencer..111e1, Said, "1..1 he old truths still be heard: We want n.1 child." Then said the Lund, "I), world of can.. So blander) and )N•gniled. Th .11 most leeMlle. for thy repair. A holy ehi141." FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. Inccntrovert b e. Ilrnatll 4hnrrVer. -1'h'' .1,1y. me getting shorter which mean. that 1 h nights are lon;,•r. All Eyes on Goderich. A% met in Echo. The way in whirl) Uo e:irh a. forge nig ahead rather rsemblws a western 1X11'114 w1111 the diffe elle•t• of Nti1•Ilil44' in favor of this prosperous town on Lake Huron. Our turn may ('elle. loot it eegnir4N 54)11114 1111)t•e pushing. No Cause for Alarm Yet. win-hingtn11 1'114'• Some Xttiotint! sharp los figured out that at the presentrte of immiti• grtion there will le 1)11• Jap far eyery 1141 cit izen4 Irl this ''nufI I'y 1114, leaN 1 from HOW. Even at that. They al/I not be as 4111n 411 as danger - ons 415 the ofl''r ho1(11•14 and office ;4eeker.; Who now hold a1X)11l that titin. What ! Lake Huron Water Muddy t Iwmdnt. Fro. "'They 00y" the %Vat et of 14)4hnnnrl'. Pond is had and that a full supply cannot be h nil short of bake Huron. Hut e Lake Hilton watlrr also has Its objections. In stormy limes it 144 11111 of mull far half a mile from) shote. 1'oles, it 5henld In' filleted, the drinker wo1114 net is. a w•h411e lifetime getting his "perk of dirt." Is Thi! What Hugh Is After ? Sparkman. of Ft'xeter, Walden, is in operation he ran defy the Ian atter the nomination in South Iiiiron that be. 'Phe only trouble is that for t au the lki11ion House. 11'44 du out pesky apparatus gels out .1t. 41 pretend 11, know the attitude of the 14151(41 every 1111111•110111-;111 If the Conservatives Iowa' its Aar. llunm, the latch breaks .off abruptly you present reprementa1icr, blot we would kni)w that either the machine assume that he be tip again be for broken down 1,r the boy* have ' inntion. . 111,111 Mr. Sparkulan on tri' your corressnlde•nt and Chased and J1'. linen are p.11111131' 111441, 111111 him underground again. w shred 114ilk kCill11S, 11111 we believeSince the last d: spall•)) 1hi11g14 I1 that if the Literals Iv:nlld Nell 10 et1}1'k' heeu booming 0111 hell% 141111 twin pet 5,'11111 grievances, a w4111 (•1111111 IN' the 1111.4144 1Il('I'elea• in bilsiuess 41 1 selected who w'utlld defeat either of Hank is In he opened shortly' a them at the next election, New Yea's, It will be a 114111101Saga; C4 Is All Right. the C.11111111/11f!l)1nk of Industry, the head lot which is the 4.11111iflu:ulrier, Sir .1111uis 1t'urkhalda a kite, ,u1,it is r•pirtd that the s of t111• loyal branch will 1e: Jlanl John Clark : accountant, tiro,. r' The : teller, .11 )N•rl \fisc : 1114X14 ger, ,lark 1Villianls, 'These are good men and true, :1141 the 11111k d.1ut4e.s du a great business, eslee- i,Jly as it hill hesitti satiated in a very e0411014•111 lesetlma next to the pN1st- ethee building. Another sign of the times is the e.st:41111"1 '1,l of 11,1 agricull oral int. 1leurnt age dry here by the Frost. k NV(X51 Connn,y, with Stoneman Bros. for is- 44vers the w viler (104 will has . Acheson & Son gut exrxrin are g Ie 11'w rte( 'rake a good Zook at the'.,' December indueent i t. At go anywhere you like and see if you can nutfrk 1 ? , 11'.. .•1,f 111 r;llu� .. del- Our purchase, have been extra)rdiniu-ily large and w44' I;IIf a hig price gain with you, h.Irt JIC- e•II- ,111 wil l SALE OF COATS .`I.yryiltp Mail anti Estrin•. + -1 'The'I. 4114 1w1(h 4e441 in Santa Claus et. in any other jo4l•uikl illusion. and mol nearly 54. 1,uu•h 115 i1, the (lethal of as later 1144'6/41 of life. 11'hu would Consent to jli'abolition of dlla- Molls? %Vs. rave them in y4111411: we h1(4i them, in' fact, at all, times. Without thrum exi4.)''mre would he ,1 very uealot•aumg alGtir, for the dull realities would 114' 1,411 prolo'inellt. 'rhI•n let the Child r•m hare their Milo - relit slime of 111e enjoyment. and let the gr0%11-up folks e.4011•Ib11le liberal- ly towards it. Making .111e, however. to shod rally 111141 carry hoale 141114111 pal•l'1•I5. Teach Children.to Love Dogs. New Vert Herald. Thr child who is taught. 11, love all - 11I11115 111141 (11 have a .hag 145 N t'OlIl- p:mli1,u is int ro1lived to a friend lif the truest' 1 h,4.( Lind --the kind of friendship •. that s. 16ate you never had a dog? Then you 414111'4 know what pleasure suet..' had in his ••h:uupiullshlp i1, ramble., in his quiet presence in your rinm, his auellist•11• siveness when linitulm 4-,14414)14114.: would III ne 4411: a •'1'1111111" whit Nlw'44ys aulapls 11hie•elf to c.aur w1Nd1 when Mall or 4144111:01 551,111,1 jar (1144•( you. By all means cultivate in children love• of animals) eseeiall' of "Inan',4 Zest friend," the dug. Canada'* Interest in British Pokey. Turont s 1F the Chamberlain movementsue- r,441s in Iaiglanl, the hi.lnry will lie the 441111114 ars 111441 of pn,dre(i'lr in all 1 tries. Them will 1N• continual de- mands for increaser{ 41144414441' 41*, 1Il. protect 'Ye tariff 1(1 1h' 1'tineO Stales, originally introduced .n. , War Mean. are. been me the p44uatie•nt policy of the country. and culminated tet Ding• loyisgl, Our ewe Notional Puffer did net .pare 11,1t1,11 111441.11141, and we nerd have 11.1 hope that if P1r14811011 "ay.! obtain. .4 1.,.114.1_ in lire.( 111 -11 - *in i1 will .pal' the Pr.slurtn 4)1 1114• colonic- When 'l)4ntull pnNlu'lion increases. Ind the eol,11lal grain ernwds 1,111 1 he homegrown grown grain. the 11iit1.11 _1 armee will cry nut'fel Inns' pa of ret 14111, jn.l 1'' ee r' 111,1llilfar• (1,1,-I. ate 1.1 y jag .1111 I„1 111.0 phut•'• reel hot llgail•441 Hi itish Ina todd41r11ner.. The hope of the 1' lion taunter lhm in the maintenance lot the free market Ill the l'nilwl Kin1:41 So long as it is left free. l'attailn will' sell a and 4. in England, het:s ale it. •urp111. fes/ export will III'r•MM', w 11)11• the faired States 55x11 Nell .less ,u1Q 1'_.. IN•f•ncw• its .11rlldns for e'xp.it 4yill d' '-h. In Joking. the liriti.4, f11•dm•r to adopt mid. et ion you ale simply asking. Imtll to ets•1•t it tNll'rl'•i lagalal.4 the protutls of rear awn. farms. SHOULD i3E OPEN DISCUSSION. Tonrntn sr 1. A 1•r)tain view of the limits of in- depentle11ee within a party is clearly set forth in 11.1 Pres.('. 121 Presse Nay's that Sir \Vilfrid l.lulrier does not play the part 111'4111 111114.rru, Hr is in the Zest possible position to sire Kt s shunt' , INxnllin' 1111 a be inf*t•Iw4. [ion ronoelges toward him. Inde- pendent member. never tail to 11141 Inde- pendent their 'ohjertions to 1 ' . plc weighs and j'lelges them : he ave•ragrs the of ' ' . fur and against a eertain course; and in Inc• last resort, hr reln- .u1t+ the 11141145 of his followers in the (111t'1141, 111 - the coulee'''. says I11 Presto, eVeryl)lly gives his opinion Reel', without ret it. 1'n'c or (butt. The independent member ham there a fine role to play. 'Then et • decision is enfolded, ars the result of the meet ing of minds. Learing the camps the most recalcitrant members 4111) ' 10 the judptdl(rot of ' the majority This, according to la frena•, 4111u1 - bines the advantage of iIlelx•nelence with that of 1114• • bine1 55141e1ou1 of a 114441}' of 111x11. The .1i•fect in the systell) them oat• lined is that it leaves out of aernm•t the JN)pnhu' element in 1111• system of government. and (1),' .9111(441 414' value of free disci) .51m1. It x111 system that would be appropriate in n cottonyhivi hiving no public mu•etitlgs,°no news- papers, and no pnrlixnu•nt. fader an 01544 lite dense:ism. a wine d.ap.t wod141 rolleet inferuutioh 41-1,111 all purl" of the country. would listen to all kinds of sublet., and would 11•y to sift the trite from th.• nelh•u1• and the arise f • the Combo. and ford) a sound judgment. Hat in a free. country the people hive as right to 1114,11• (hall the exerCI.se of goon, judgment by their n roans. They have the right to k 1111 thi• materials 1141 Which the judgment is based. It is their ditty to vole•• and thus (4)1•hrp15P their representatives to Parliament. and indirectly to choose their Governments. '1'11 do this intel- ligently they must have before them Material such as the Premier and his 'ollwlg,i,s and the leader of Thr Oppo- sition 31111 the nlenlewl•s of L'arli;lnumt have before them. It will riot 410 1,11 the 444a et to say that his leader or has representative in iSaiament hal. thought Oyer the matter rarcfnlf4. 11011 has rem4 to "1101 and sn1.11 a r4111- r•11tsiln. fe 11111, know the . ilsoli'4 that have led 1111 to the ronehlsinn. The ft441 mu of a caucus as no sotto - 'sponse 4titlte I'm. the freedom of Parliament, the caucus is secret, and the people tanned know the farts and ar- guments on whirl] its decision is (monied, 1f 11 member of P4t•Iia(nent has s • great rause at heart, it ie. poor '1,m14)rt In tell hint that Ile• may write at letter about it to his leader and explain it to the eanrnm. ant !Mast ant, antes, with their permission, say anything about it in Parliament. He on the platform. or in the newspapers. If he as deprive) of his papular midi- enre, he and the people are deprived of the len4flt 111 fire institutions. There is hardly filly' despotic ('olntry in whirl) you would not be permitted to speak your view's freely before a hundred chosen persons, if you would Il' In p 44o1r1f bn y solemn oath to may nothing Owen at outside, it as the freer dascnssion in Parliament, in the press. on the pltforin, on Ito. steer, that distinguishes 11 flee 41111ntry front n despot it one. A1'FAiRS AT"LOYAL. in (•Marge. ' his is as good ('entre such :an establishment, and the pre pmts are that the agents will haver all kinds of success. Thr council is negotiating with x ('4)114111(144• of 1ap1)1111st14 for the CN- (111111N11111r11t,(If it ftetney here, but as greedy places like Clutton mad Iloln/es- ville would be after it if you pub- lished the lunars of 1 he i • tent 1 he .1,')1(11,4 are withheld for the pr•srgt. The 110111lnuti41ns for Mayor and councillors for Loyal for 111117 will take place in the town hall on Monlav evening, the :11 sI 1tlot., +it $ o'clock . 111 veuc•rlel will govern themselves. atee.rlingly. A g those whose 1011111.4 We hear 1u1•11tiunell 41.4 1pssible /Inundates ,1,r : For 'day.* J. %Wile liana. and 11.1)11 Patton : r •iltor for Wal 11 No. 1 - ,las:. Young and Nola. \1'1111111.: wool No. 2 -A. 1I. Green Ina l Allard Vi ise. For NO. J John Clark is the only 111011 s1, fpr in the field, and aN e•VPI.Y1NI(1). will want 11, 1...,,ow• nl41n•y from, him at the new hulk . he is not likely to ,Ile e 1pp015441, Flank Y g Ways he can beat attelm14l• 111 wird No. 1. but time will tell, 'There is a •rnient un foil I1, plrtlxre the candidates to HI's Police 441 gislilte Morris for not I1e- -------- TELEGRAPHY 1- Thr 141+1 .1 i•p 4'w'anl. position, 1.03,1111 111,111 aka». 1.. sil.,en ler anlann In Mllway -el 4 ire, Yon van lxe•011w .1 good operator in .ax h. if yon 'Indy in The trot cal t'olearaphy W c4411u1,1 'IUerrnrd .•. Ia.t. Tot -0111o. The finest .,.41'541 lu ('uol4. elite for Iwrti,•nlal-. W. H. SHAW. T J. JOHNSTON. I'm -Meal. Irl ln: 11.11 IBerlin Business College W. U. ELLER, • Principal. The First Day The first day of our win ter term wall be Jan. and, 1907 We will (nen re- open with undoubtedly the largest class In the history of this school. If you want the education that prepares for good positions, write for our catalogue,costs nothing •rnE 10 British American Business College S. M.1 ( Itwldingar. \,a,go ..,1 41, sift '1t..,'1'.00nio Oldest. Strongest. Best. Winter Term frons Ian. 2, 111(7. Filter 4111)' time. Excellent results guaran- teed. Catalogue and lessons in business is chintz free. l T, M. WATSOI' Principal Iste %inter Term Opens Januar) Ind. Mere are lame of Ire 44(4.41 RFCI,ptlS made 4r 1141 ELLIOTT TORONTO. ONT. /In I of the 144.1 Z.11.4.411. nom basion. anon we lay., 11d 11,'1l/ern of Thr ;spa 114•11.. %%101341 110 un4 el -r rend, 1,, -end. IVC bate old/ hail MC rill. fur In-inr..'nth•e,. Iea'hl l,, lot ex .1114 •nl- of °thee h1 -,nes. 'nll"Ne. nr '110r, 11.11111 •'had. were enrolled hd mho: in: the ha -t two rem-. We below, w, ha.. the boat Commerc.al School in Canada. We Ihnroiglly wti.f, 0111 -tndria-. ty rllr 1414*) for Olin I,N4n,- W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. I'or. None's and .114,011414 c.4 inter Term Opens ,tan. 2nd. CENTRAL STRATFORO, ONT. Ho. n „'ni;1,4,cd 111 Ile 1,111• of We tending cello mer'ia 1 Mehra)]. in Americo. Mir ;oaths/51e. are 411 de- mand n. Ht+rue.. 4 ol*r•ge teacher. 11e 1110.1 ',rent application or reeel5 •d for n Ira,•hor nMrre,1 $1.tln.l(l 115'r nn. 1,1111,. %Ve. tonere We Nn' rllmm�g one of the most O(,rogre..Nr and 1111-*0.dale hn•in1,.. hpining .4410011. 11, the Pro bee. Tam demand noon 11. for office help f+ .,•vend limes the .imply. write for free enialo sae. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, I'Nmipd-. ---- WINTER TERM ))` CLINTON Business College \ 11411,,1"1 1, it 1) 44111 1.110 111.1",•-- 1 '414.41'4 OPENS JANUARY 2d Thls i. I hr MOO modern. I her ,,gh sad 41144,s04111 ,n+lll nti..n of I444 kind In Ontario. I' —Ileal .dot of 1enelte .: unexcelled rgnleuwnl:Imre1 ntlend• The Signal's Special Correspondent ante ` w•tual tontine... T action!. TIMES \nrema•r we had TWENTY TIMM:M Again Heard From. '• n"Il' cell. concern.from leartIna ccern+ for lt(41K g 411'F ILY, IITi;\r41litA1'H/CIt11 ,its rinl In The 444 nn1 by W111.100.Teleftra ph. "011 1'F;I.1Cti1tU'H i;)(s a. we And graiinnie, 40 bend. imYal, i)Pe. /it -_On AeCnlltlt. of t11,' i:nterssylime. right eetlantship of press despatches Individual ilea ruction. helm this paint your rorrPaplmd44ntLout Inn handsome 1 HItISTMA.( ('ATA. has Int it year or so 1144.11Ilnalt4 to get 1 W 1 1. ,eel tree nn notate/Moo to 1; any IIPwN through to you. Im)t Ina y GEO. SPOTTON, - Principal. it is an open secret that 31r. Hugh ing now got a wireless telegraph phiut rot ' ' Coat Bargains 3.1 111•,'0 \Von1.a1 ('1141114, hr+wily furred and sp1e11dl,l!, 111/441,': all size., Ieg11l11. 4alue STOW, a4 each 1i111rk Calf ('oats. with Attla('111411 Collar : soft, glossy, even skins; regular $:1.I111, at rac11. llllllll .. Ladies' Astrachan land. and Heclna1xn Lamb Coates, Satin lined, ix•rfeet skins and Warranted 111 ever' par- ticular ticular: 5p4'UII 114.14 $27.141. $:bl.IMrand $32.50 Alaska, Sable: Scarfs of finest select 'skins, $111.011 11, ct` $JII,IM1, reduced to $7,4411 to • . JJ��1725.00 12 (Ilio Sable Mearfs and Boas, 41(11• $4.lMy.) qualit cele el tm $5.95 $25.00 $25.00 SALE OF CHRISTMAS LINENS ,Irish. Satin )an s 1 L1 I.s , purest tine Linen "I'ahlinl;s Napkins, a magnificent showing at a straight discount of 20 per (:int. off regular price. Handkerchiefs l)ur own direct importation Men's Pure Linen Hemstitch .t IN•1. 111.1'11, *2,1111, $:I.IMI ant" $4.00 Ladies Twee ),facer, $ ,Hain and fancy, at per dozen, „Limit,. $12.000 C•• Kid Gloves ' Men's hid (i loves, tans and greys. lined with heavy double wale, silk-, all size•.., at pier pair „ - I.AItII•:si' KID (*l.l)VE:S!a ve•iy large and c (11e11' range, ham Perrins. 1(eyni('(' .led ether makes, at per lrx4r. 7:5•, *1.111, $1,Li, til.: II, h2.I4I ;11141. llllll. $2.00 $2.50 W. Acheson & Son i 11 strict 1• ;11 with offender. against the peace, but a4 the candi- dates are afraid they alight t,,. up be- fore the l'u)1 thrluse•len it looks as if Uncle Harry would Is. allowed to hold down th' job :1141 em11timl• to - Hitless the whetes.. app.11,atus is out of order. Eo1(1,11.. HOLMESVILLE. Trlsn 14, Dee. 1X111. Mrs. 11 1",l5(I' •, 111 Tnlr./141,, is visit- ing h:•r parents: 11r. and 11rn, J, 1'44). TebI144tt will occupy" the \Iethemli444 pulpit next Sunday evening. Hiss Kathleen SWAM, spent Sunda') ill (i(,l••rli•11. the. guest 1,1 llrl' .islet. 1114. Annie Swami. • ' Mins A. Mr1.P.Nl left 1.n ylnuelay fol' rt. .1.s54•pll's Hospital, 1#'0el4,11, where she will millet go 1411 op' ll ion. )11'0. \V. Tebhul1 and d,elghtrr. 11*.,. Sala 'r. I,heitt, have t'r1111'(1441 to )heir 1 • in 1hi, vilhag.•. Hiss Fxntlir.leryis; who hats been in Winnipeg doting the past 5,11111114'), r•t*rneml Ito 1114. 144-.4 Friday. Thr Checker club in talking of re- organizing rind expects .,Nall 1,1 have sonic. interesting gaunrs tot reihnl. Satmrhay bins a lust)' day in the v{I 1 t.;,'..1 . , Leu g' number Were at the council meeting paying their tate, 111.. F. Johnston left on Tlie..4,s- fee 1)111111 II. When• she will juin 1 c• hem ;And. Who has been. sailing dorms, the s •r. NI•xl 111111x)' eve ' g 1lie t)p•r111X rs of the y n,nlg 111111'5 debating ran. 11 - tend hr1111M::n) o414t1•t hipper at 41 •.1f Iifil.e 1'iekarl. Hey. Mr. Rogers, president of the London 1 'onferen' e, While 4istitlg 411. the home of 1(ry. 3... swami. ,d- dr1•mso•( th.• League i1, connection With the 11'•thlxl144t eltur•h, 31r. 4ltlholf,l,d is doing a 111.1111,4 blacksmith 11,ulh ' , L IIs' theme days. -.1, Sw,utz furs leen hrlpinv him for a few of the busiest days. The let- Danl. - have made 1a harvest for the bl:u k smiths. . 011 1Ve4111e.,1.14 of last Week the oronllrly Meet in4 of the \l'. F. M. s, Wits. held nt alit• plarnl11ag'. 11 r». Swann gave n most interesting talk em -Systematic 1;isying." and lir mi.- si1.n work in Japan in t )onerous with the 1letholi,t church was thoroughly taken up, mos. -making the meeting very beneficial to the 10elnliers pre.. e'nt,t Head ear eltabbing list on (114• s, • • 11 and a i= Merry Christmas to yo!! and yours 11 If= YOU BUY YOUR II Stoves and Hardware 11 Ai WORSELLS' HARDWARE: ANC) STOVE STORE 11 Ooderich Bayfield == g