HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-12-13, Page 15TNN' s411;\'AI. • 4:1,1110 ,111 ti\1'i'sit11b The News of the District. =o i4.4.454444�:4,:***+*4 ++++*,4«4.:444454; LOCMALSH. W1cnx►WrAy, Dee. loth. James 1t. Mackenzie left for Ik•troit 01) Monday hast. 31ra. Sarah l'amwou, of Lucknuw, hes IMN•11 vi.itiug tf•iends hen•. 1)au It. 3hu•Kenzie and Joules ('lull. emit rue In&sy mewing wood for 1•.I,. Alamo now. • John Mau•Itae is busily engaged hauling hay to Ripley, where he gets) at ready market for it. Duncltrr C. and 1)uria1d 11. AlcKen- aie are batsy grinding grain• for the farmers up in Para t. LAURIER. Tot "1)sn.t� UPC. t)Ih, The winter is gradually making its appearance. Geo. Mc(it•agor, of Lucknow, spent Sunday at house. Dan %reliregor is crushing 1)l 1hmc. McKenzie'). this week. Alexander (ir:ult tN rhorjug for J. K. Meliregor nt peewee. Mr. and 11ra. Ken. Mclennan war Ju lioderich on'I'hnrwdan. William McGregor, teacher at St. Helens. slant a couple of days -at home last week. Jack Kuntz has started to drill ain after heing idle for over* week fix, s derrick„which 'fell and was bully le by the heavy wind • • nights sego. MAFEKINtA Trrtanay. Ih'ee1)nler Il. Harold Treleaven and Bailie Sloth - ern, of Lucknuw public school. rprnt Sunday at their hnm.'here. Miss Lucile Treleaven. of Lucknow•, has been 1 • the past week on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Finlay visited relatives at Amlerley o1) Monday and Tuesday. Councillor Kickley is down at Guelph attending the winter fair. Imam- Mothers. who is clerking in H. J. Crawford's store in Dungannon. was home over Sunday. The teacher and pupils of y '4 No Y are preparing it progr,tlu for the nu• mud publil• rxaminet10n and ('hrist- 11111w tier to he held on -Thursday after nlxm rtnld evening. December 20th. KINTAIL. Tre.u.ty, Dee. 1Ith. George Drennan. sr.. is iudispw..•d this week. Dune. McKay called on end.. at 1.'en.s on Tuesday. Whet About organ g an heeler of Macs in our village' Miss Annie J nston tithe• guest of Miss Maria 1) nan this week. Misr An McMarehy. of (i.slerieh. called on friends herr last week. Miss Lily McKay has returned after . two weeks visit with her aunt in filth. Alm. R. A. l at,'iek and daughter. Mrs. (4. Ikoiglaa. of 1.ncknow•, spent Monday in KintaiJ. i)1in McMurchy, of (iomlertch, drove oat Monday to attend the funeral of the'lete Alex. Boyd. Mrs. MrWhinnev and daughter. Belle. returned to Dungannon after spending some time with Mrs. Collin - mon. CREWE. • Movn.yv. Dec. Ileh. Airs. John Hunter is unwell. wee r't•- grrt to learn Sleighing is gtmnt anal winter styrols to have a in earnest. Mr. and Mrs. Wu,. .I: •m. Prean Kinloss. are vimit lug ielnliYes herr tar a few days. Mims Mninl Pearce has been IMI the sick list for some t' but is s • what better at present. John AleIllynn. of Mnomt•jaw•, 'sskatehewnn, im 6uuu• visiting him brother Fred• t% Ito wit. hurts • time age. ' David Thlu'low was called away by the illness and death of his ler. Ales. John Thnrlow, of Shrpipardtnu. The funeral nook place on Sunday. Their in a gram! dead of a plaint re- garding the high taxes in the town- ship thin year. There may 1e• et ,explannt' for the any the rotes have been going rip. but see don't know what it is. Perhaps some new Nisei ire the conned might 1w• a Boast thing. The raising at Hobert Dor ' 's re- , gently was Il!lite an event 11n the neights,rh,sid. The large barn and shwa were (meet•s..fully robes! on a nine -foot cement. wall. This gives Mr. Dornan splendid stabling rind barn accommodation. There ,was a large crowd at the r'ni.ring. STOMACH'S IMPORTANCE. How to Strengthen It so That It Will Act as it Should. The stomach is the principal uwFRm coueet•neti in the digestion of fast. If it is weak, inactive 1)r nice of order and «able to properly digest the flaw!. the body will noon he in a stele of serol-atervathot. Then, too, when the stomach is weak, the forma is not properly di- gested end lien in it for hours, decom- posing, fermenting end forming PninononIa gases And ptomaines that are Absorbed into the blond, poisoning the avatem and impoverishing the blood. To enjoy goal 1enith, it is Rh. 'solute!), neeessAr•y that the stomach end digestive organ. should 11. strong and no other truanty e•rjoAla yli•o-ria in strengthening and giving bre In the whole digestive a)ateul. Retief from the nee of Mieo•ne im permanent stud lining. Urie Mi -0.14* for n few da ya, and the digestion will beReal. the appetite keen. and there will he no nanaen 1)r (Naar•+a after rid- ing, the leno a IeH pche.lslckechem aus l dis- turbed heart netinn that Are the direct result of A weakened stomach will anon lbs nverenme. We Alwo utel• agree that year i 11)014.,. will he 'refundeed should you s Ally a Zet.eept hex of Mi-o•na stomach a tablets And not he snt.iafled with the c nvsultal. Miura is meld by druggists everywhere, or will be sent by mail on i DUNLOP. over 4111 It ViMit to his relatives in Gude- t•ielt nial Colborne, Accompanied by his sam Joseph. Again the hatripy smarm of soviet end family gathering4 is approaching. the /14.14/14111 Wh011 throughout the unt. verse mankind rekticea to keep in me llllll •v• tht• birth of a Saviour. 1111. NC141/1111 W111.11 P41.11 eold-hearted infected with feelingo of generous lin- t/111W and the giving of gifts is the universal C1040111. 51111.4. 4 1114 1144 j0V NI • 1.11/141 y y td the volts that then rung the merriest tom fa away in distant lands 11011114 sleeping in the silent, city. 'With 1 11 %Min Of 111114 1111110WC11 ACAS/ /II W1 14.1:111.1* 10 tile readers of The Sign* our heartiesS wisher for their 111444 LOTHIAN. • 1 Duire. Frank '1'ildil, Hacker .1 olio Tugui).% y. Doe. Db. ti‘111.1111)01.11.1 11/111111.111 Dr. Tt•entain. New Vot this week. Linithernicit are. ha Aftit.rity'a mill. Daniel Melsmil has returned his visit to Chicago. Mho* Maggie McLean watt the g of 31iia Auttie Mackenzie this wee ST. AUUUST1NE. uling logs 141 Truairty. Dee. I Ill from Miss Jitekstm, of Auburn. viaited 11...), I Will tastily, of Manitol , is visiting his reletives here at 101341..111 Peter Ketiney, of Holt rood. the. guest of %Ilia. lii1111011/1 1711t, 5 h. I Miss Retro. MATIiiirer: 11 thodetiels. er tether s Ilona) Aloso.tv, Dee. PH Airs. Hobert Hucluman its ispondi 4441, 1111 ng• few Maya venting her sister, \Its. Mains, uf Blyth. respective homes butt week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Robinson, of Dun- Aliss katc McGuire, who has been Missies Vera MI.DOWell Alyrtle, London for souse thin% has returned I • Mr. 1 Afi's- John Ivightman gan ' , spent Sunday at John itt•tl- visiting friends and attending the momcb. wintet fair at Guelph this week. Bert Thompson and .1/11..4. iniVe Mr. and Mrs. Hardisty were called returned hi lllll 1 front the West. Tile t.0 Montreal last week, owing to the hay. sodden death of Mr. Hardisty s father. 1414 Tre 14... (of kVititeelturelt, s The tttttt al looniness meeting of the 1, viAting wit), ing. 4.. A„„ Teves+ •Ay, December 13th, 1906 13 41111 Christmas Gift Goods THE MUNI411/.41. CAMPAIGN. The towitship are already working up a gigot! deal of interest tlex lb I • son. of the lith •ession, lllll mums+ that he is in the field lbw the reeve - ship. Air. Rohm win represented the township as councillor for a llllll her of years, and has 110W 11(4.11 asked by a her of sillintatitial ratepayers to not sought tlw n lllll Motion, he *apt he will snow his 111/4111i. 111 1/0 011 tIll. 141111A A.IPX Y s. • lime ago announced his candidature, and it is etsaimal that Coat -141110r AleEwitti 4114411 inteuils to 11141144. 14 I/111 for the reeve'. rhair and that Reeve Jewell will run again. %Ye Bear that l'hos terrain. Hord. Stroughon and Jas. will stand agil.111. 111111 that Jas. Mis- t() in will be a candidate for council- Ior. The lllllll inations will be on De. ember :Ilea, when there will he the usual lively meeting et the townsItip TIltrtitt V. ter. Ilth. The fifty acres 114./4C the loke owned many years two hy Alliehael Hassan!, who disposed (if it to '1'. Kelly and AL Foley whet) he Willa Ste. Marie to settle. was purchased a few days ago by Wm. Stirling and Ittdtert Ilogie. Each of them now 11/tn MI - ail /II Of twenty-five arty,. to his fiti•iti. old pi lllll so. and settler of this district League wan held last week, when the MT king preparations :Or thei r .Mrs. D. !Ramsey hi not. improving as t kris, 110111 tree mid com•ert. her ft•imints would wish to see her. She still remains in a very daMtermis Marvin McDowell left last week for (ioderich, where ht. has secured the Herman Manic! is spending a few situation Its aasistatit bookkeeper in days in tioderielt. the Goderich organ factory. Miss 11. Mit•der spent Sunday with . H. iiiichatoin, Farrow and IV. her frientl,•Miss Belle Iletielle. .1. Parks were in 'Wingliatit, lielgtstve A. st. Diedhill. Clinton. lend 01IC and Myth, helping tt on. Johnson) burg a flying visit last week. pluck fowl. for several days hist week Benson 6.05. whois ,stitgoing rhe Donnybrook Sunday achool hen.. taininent on December 21 st. peal . . Thursday eV). ll ll twitm Ito bail the week before. is expected, as an excellent pro. gram is being prepitrett. The Atethodist church intrust hav- ing their annual tee•timeting Christunts Eve. Mrs. Titt•nbial. of the tuwdoolliP Ilsy. is visiting imletives ars I the village this week. ltsw. .1. L. Small. Knox ehtireli, !trenched rin "Church Union" last Sunday ming. Mr. Rodger, principal of our village. terhool. is writing this week at the fb, Goy -eating C.n.ba! way; nerve.. you. thrtlt s i your law ytoa bounce. fly it If Jn.oK yoi.41.1. mask 'khans. ascot. they 11 f eel rekietact to •ssay jun in 'MIMI Vint). prison] away boot Friday in the person i len.ion of his certificate, which ez of Harriet 1.11riSt 1141W. WilinW of the Open at New year..., late John Thurlow. her death taking . T 111 N101011/00 IN 111 Very 111004 place at the 1 llllll r.144.11.11 111`11C the lake. health, at. present. We hope soon 1 The. funeral took I, "lae° 0" hilItallY hear 111 his restoration to his wonted afternoon, Rev. .1. C. Reid. of Nile. health. conducting the services. SIN. Thin - way who went to Hotlerieh lost week 5 of the workmen on the rail - low was horn near Belleville 011.4 1111141. /1411111191 111111 ACP PIIWIL(191 011 the over half a eentury nip,. Air. Thorlow inst•• hY Jley• J• 1.• Small. 11. A.. Miss Os) in 1873. A family of eight sue. : e e ie • else ig, of Auburn. was 111111. - :teal A Ilit'll. Of :Nit irt h Ilia ()tit : I/avid, bride! pair left the same afternoon of /Wilfrid: Hugh. Thomas Anil Mrs, for Dalt. whets. they will reside. Con. Wm. Morris. of collswm., and peter, ; gi•atidations and best wishes ! of Joliette. III. The funeral was verv The aspirants for icipal honors( largely attended. ars. beginning Ill nppear West `Wit ----- %wolfish Is talking ...teeth's,. Emit NVii- MIINI/A A. I hm. loth. I t tite eclipsed Moon is brightening The. township commil will meet Misf. ti i Cs ilhorne'n law expenses toss! ex - Imlay, December 15th. All , taxes P ol :Mom 1 he universe' cry i "High taxation." MI1011111 be ;NM by this date. . l'he iast of the sugar beet emit WAN The 4"(14',ItiVe of the .Aulairti sal, - shipped on Friday to the factory at 1811 11 Netmel Association held a meet - to market. Rev. .1. I.. Small spoke .1 rhumb piece About the 2'4th of Jantiat•y next.. unniti on Sunday, plaeing before his ,..t. ti congrega. tonsil meeting of the sithiert whit+ was remitted through tiesday, 4th inst.. it WAN f:eehled that the Presliytery. anniversary servit•ea he held in that The trustees of S. S. No. 8 have re. church on the Shli of 3,mo/try. Rev. next veer. l'he salary is increased to ::::tniitud te:Ani.iiiiigre111,1111,g1 Puv.71; i nit: tinenitili %hue) $401. Ails); Domini is it competent of the sertion. teacher I !Possesses the eonfltlerme social on Tatetalor evening. travelling salesman for Brouptritros„ SY. HELENS. the Fonthill nurserymen. John ought to be a first-rate hand at the inkiness. 1 Tres DA V, Hee. I 1th. as he lout hiul A good deal of experience Wm. Todd made a trip to Cargill in the hortieolturel line. Smith's 11111 Sunday school will Aliss Hamlett. of %%Ingham, visited ! this week. have a Chriatitins tree and entertnin- at itobt. Allen's over Sionolny. _,4,11.1 is!: Eli7,A,beth,Aliller visited ile Made - the town hall. A good oni I hursday till Tuesday of this being prepared and the usual large; r1.1.111,r. ottelailanee in expected. Admission, 1 "r'MiKiisi Annie Clark left hist Werines The amnia! meeting of the • Smith's daY on a visit to Tonmto, Midland Hill Saltbrit It (slum) was held on Tues. I and Hamilton. , ,.• day Inst. The reports presented i AI:. end 31114. Atte Durnin and showed Hint the SI:11(401 WHA In a . family returned from•the. 'Went last flom•ishing condition. Mout of the; alaturtiny end intend spboding• the old officers were re-elected, Harry I winter here. . 1 lish church people were fit vows, with a A Leading School. fine day for their atiniveraary services'. The Central %waive, College of , last Sabbath. The Rey. Mr. Porton. Stratton,. 'Which is the largest lleh1101 I of Mitchell. preached very interesting of ita kind la Western ()nterin, is i and instructive wermons to large midi - worthy of the consideration of any ' ences Afternoon and evening. Mks young man or *Sultan who desires to Dunk Haines rendered a very beauti • lent training mitts)! where excellent work im heing done. Thome interested n a practical education should write or A catalogue. Winter !elm opens n •Inuintry 2od as per card in this Imp void, trouble with the artistic Rutherford : tie/usurer, W 1. MIller : wants( to borrow moticy for break- Mstry ILIAtneroti. Mary A. IVoist.', ast.-New York Time/. Cliaeheth Miller, Jean clack, John Mc - held after the regular pimyeroneeting service of last week the new tifilis•rs fleeted for the (mining year. The fol. lowing Are the officers for the yeat• vice-president. Wm. Rutherford ; i•e- • Mr. Anil Mi.. Cole. .1 ictlerielo township, spent a. short • at the The topic for League servits• next Thursday evening will be, ••%Vhat truth has chiefly II pilt.:114,11 yllli 11111* Y1141../1 $11111174,* school les:tome?" well at tended. itev. 31r. Dirks, of Sea forth. preached k Nits -• • his text be,ing taken from Mark I 1::.t!. Rev. Mi. Yqllitel took 31r. Birks' work in Seitfortli. 3111111.4 r 1 1P1'. 111111. MCN. Thos. Sowet.loy has been spentl• in..t a week .visiting friends at Pa Thos. Amy. jr.„ and rhilth•en have rettirned from a visit to friend, at Parkhill. Chris. Ct wok has nurrhases1 the Twill. farm adjoining his oWn 11011 now has three booth (41 act..s. L. Aldwot•th met with a, painful amide:It the tethet day, getting his arm caught in the gearittg of a wind- mill, which tore the flesh up to the el - Robert Elliott. the -tepid,: king," is in the field for the. reeveship. Ille will 111.1o. it lively for any oppoteent, John Ford is also thinking about it and 5 here Illny Ile Of !lei s. A pretty wedding. was eelebrated on Wednesday of last week at 1Villow Grove Farm, lItirtoto Itoad. when Miss Alfred Tebtoutt. Rev. 1•'. SW$11111 per- formed the vete '. and after the Wedding dinner 1 he hippy couple li•i i foi it trip to 'rill -onto and other points. and luippineis. A host of friends wish them long life • dealers aa medicine sell ;•4 BAYFIELD. This remedy eleosId be in mil household. The followittrr are a tew of the lines we can AT THE 1 PALACE Clothing Store to Our mind were never quite up to the .showings we have for this festive season. Never before were we more fully assured -that we have the very newest and nat- . tiest notions for, men and .hoys-everything from the hat or cap to the finest grades of hosiery ; from a collar button to a handsOme suit or overcoat. We have a lovely line of goods in individual fancy boxes. We mention just a few things HANDKERCHIEFS All kinds of silk, linen and fancy NECKWEAR ''A full line of silk and fine wool neck scarfs and squares. Large 'variety of new ties in string, four- in-hand, ascot and puff styles. Men's and bovs' gloves and -miits, all grades, from the finest kid to working kin&.. GENTS' SUSPENDERS Gents' suspenders put up in fancy boxes, suitable for presentation purposes. SWEATERS colors. Fancy sweate in all white or `% Fancy VESTS in new materials. HEADWEAR Boys' toques and tam Newest hats and cloth c ps. Fur caps in all the new and pop lar styles. UNDERWEAR • A large and splendid ;show tiz high-grade underwear. Neu pat- terns in men's and boys' sit' ts. Fine hosiery for men and boys. Collars and cuffs. . Fine cuff links, collar buttons, Gentlemen's umbrellas. etc. -, Garters, armlets, etc. Raincoats, overcoats and suits: The variety in which these several lines are,tO he seen at opr-store %%ill give you a far better idea,of how well we can help you in your choice of some- thing real nice and good than by simply reading., over the above list. ,‘ call on us will delight your eves and do N'011 good whether VsIll buv or not. McLEAN BROS. AR.1 TAILORS, Court House Square. Goderich L Dear Mother Your lattle fines are a constant rare is A Fall and Winter weather. They will ;A?, catch cold. 130 you know about Sh,loh.. diseases of the air pass.ages in children. to be the only reliable remedy for all :11,1'.; what a has douche. so many T It 13 ..nd Christmas Wants ; Consumpoon Cure. the Lung Tonic. and It is absolutely harmless and pleauint to take. It Is gua ra nteed to cure or your money • WE have a tine line of all kinds of grocer- .tes needed at this time of year. is returned. The price le 25c. per bottle asd D. R. Higgins, of lireteefie141, was in town me Saturday oh laisittess. SHILOH 1'. J. Minks had 'n (motile id horses - supply to you at lowest prices: -- die last week. Trouldem never eome insist in i he town hail on the lost rri- I 4""' lit "alliing dinner in 11"1. mvil ' 1 day of December: The 'Frinity church Duild will hold 11 ; Airs. Newlywed lied her Heat. ven- ! 1 Thornton MitAtartl, formerly of this ; tiley m.a.4 in silence at lippiwite ends lif village. has been engaged to tench I t.ne.41"`"ei stoves, tinware, etc., The place to get the best hardwan'e ,ilAketi flintily. “Never etijiiyeil any - good and ch..ap. II thhoitillogrm-,71i4 you like it. (billing?" Hhe is at Worsell'm hardware and stove di in soy life." he said. stot•e. Main street, BNyfit.1(1. I mid swallowed a lump. "Everything. Rev. II. Diode is giving n series of lllll iithful. from simp to puthlinig7111Ye f II. The chinieh im filled to tile then !" she slid. as a huge Piglt es - door every Sunday evening. The rev- exited lii.r. ••You sop I foe ot, t ere I 1 in see lllll mg more order the syrup for the pudding sn•I I ...2 populat• as he gets Acquainted.' had to have something. no 1 Dioli your """ Raisins Currants Peels Extracts Oranges Dates Figs Candy Nuts Lemons A large assortment at lowest prices, quai- MORRISH'S GROCERY t you II taste it." Selected. Hamilton Street IF: nintl meeting on Saturday es -ening. ...I Besides. winding up the year's Nisi- -__ _____ - .Tk bed -lime : say sour hymn. turd bld "Itooll• Vont half -Aim eye. beneath yonr eyelids fall. Another minute you will sluit them quite, Veis : I will twee). you: put out the light. nes, the following offleers u'et•e for 19117 : 'Worshipful Master, T. 1 1. rmy : chaplain. Rev. W. Mode ; re- cording secretary, G. E. Greenslade ; financial' secretarv, .4. E. Erwin ; co llllll Rte.% Elliott, .f. Speneer, It. This lodge will meet hereafter on the first IVednesslity in each month. Olark's Pork and Beans are lite best. Alweya ready. Drawl when cold, NA: good when hot -good tnek you un, although you air toll : 'What will you rare ine.wleeny one: sued call 1 NW her golden curl., noon my nem. I drew her lit [le feet within my hand ; . tier heart next IIII110 I/Cre gently. .oft and Paid NIP my merlon.- wage. kiwi.' Don't neglect your cough. Statistics show that in New York City alone over 200 people die every week from And most of these consumptives might be living now if they had not neglected the warning cough. rrl'E utrion enables you to throw off.a 'cough or cold. • 1906 Christmas Greetings • PURE FOODS Nothing demands so much attention as the food we eat. To have it good and pure are matters of 4.0 FIRST IMPORTANCE cgt Only good foods pure foods and these at right it7 prices leave 011C counter Come nor e sod you'll come again. 4 4. CHINAWARE it. A finer line of Plam and Fancy Chma and Crockery 4* ware win he hard to find than 445; 4. RIGHT HERE 4.1- 44 4- • Beautifully decorated Toilet Sets. Dinner and Tea * Sets, all of latest design, comprise part of this up to- * date stock. 44 CUT GLASS 4 + Our stock well assorted and prices within reach of all. , 41' 41