HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-12-13, Page 14L 12 THvmuAY, December 13th 19U' 'Itl'1' I.II:w•AI • •,I it•1%1.14 '' a,\'1 t 1 1,' " Don't Use Too Much" 4rrnOUrs ,Solid Extract of Beef to amset la 1k c ireful nut to use too great a proportion of Arntottr's lt@ef Extract when tnakinag Beef Tc ' Tea. Sleeps, or Gtat•tes. Too lunch does not intproes your dishes. Just add one -genet the quantity you would of other I; x t fact s and Fluid Beefs, Irvause Arntotte-s has four titles the strength of most of them. Write for Free Booklet. "CULIN- ARY \VRINRLI:S.:' at ARMOUR LIMITED a Toronto C*Mahan r*OTOar—TT /MORT STNCCT CAST 4 r Never Be Without It. Muscular Cramps, Neuralgia, Back Ube, Palls la Side and Limbs are cured instautly by Hirst's Pain Exterminator The most powerful liniment made. 25c. at all dealers. Try lIrat's Lillie Liver Mala for sick headache and dizziness. Ask your dealer or send us 25c. direct. A handsome water color sketclt free. THE F. F. DALLEY CO., Uetittd Hamilton. Ong tea 1 Fall and Winter SUITS A":t) OVE RCOATS Correct Materials Latest Styles Perfect Fit Best Satisfaction Lowest Prices DUNLOP THE TAILOR WEST ST , - GODI R!( H �U THI: PUBLIC The pries. of heti r! r l.• t Mollg11e,i1 1lir Ilr+tt•h I:m,.I,, ho. dropped a lanai .n• :4vr1. 111111 ron-,41m•nlly 1.w01 erns.. aro dawn. t., aro nor .111110 ng all rot-. 01 lower -pile"., n 1411,• the 'pion) 1.• g'"w1, if not 1N -I'll 11,.,. vier. \Ir LE.%ss MEAT M.11?KI:r handl.•- n11 kl , I. of moot., tweeter. err.: nhd, n ldM thanking th„ polder for their 111a•rnl pnlloiue40. o .olleit a rvm1111nn111 of the same. McLEAN BROS., corner Let NI. and Sturm•, 1: elealrh. SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. Any Tien nnmls•nd .Patton of IMrnlnion tan,(• In Matiitimnl, Saskatchewan and Allw•Hn, este„ 111 i11g w a1111 phi. not re.rrl Pd, lent)' tae 1111me•, Meat Id l,v any tw•r.,m oho i. rho see hind of n family. or ant node neer Is your. of old•, to the anent of 0111. WW1 ? let ton of me aro., en Ms.. Ener)} 11111.? lir main,' I4•nnn,tny nl Ito. hien! 1,111.410111tfre for lhrnll.l11cl in 4410,•1, the Inrwl 1. e1? 11111 P. TIM 1mn,Prle'ndrr I. nwpiind Io p•rf'rnl the condition. ro meet nl thPn•w llh Inwlrr tine of the following pion.: 111 At lent .it h.' re.klener neem newt .1,1114,1111,1o r1/ ,lir him! In i'n,•l, year for dale• eon. rIe If 1he ratite' tor mother. If the 6111,", i.de (.eawldl Of 11n• Inm,P-I, arlet n•.Ide. npn, n 1,,,,, to fhr t le '11/ f or 1otw1 •o,t,nd for Oho n• 1 •11 1'111 • ,i- 'o ars .•IMT 1 do 1 M mai ,wmt.11el by rook 114.1,111 n•.Idhrg 4411h�tln• fatln•r en 11111 IRT, I:b If the .Pel ler 11.. 1114 prrnnoe'rd n•.M4•n.r I Upon fnrmn•g land 114411,+1 10 him In Ihr 111•in- Iry of 111. horn,•., ,end. the ng11lrentenl- ns In n•-Iden'•e may tut• .01141, l 11y resMrnea neem IAT -aid lend. xlt bone h.' notice In writing .hnnlel Ie. given M the 1'omml++lmror of !tinnier.% (sine. at lm.t.wiof lntenlioo to apply far Latent. W. W. Neney of the Min'ste'r of the IMPrinr. N. 14. illautheel Zed pith11e*I Ion of 1111. nd Tertleement will not he land for NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of change of running advertise menta must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion in issue of samew eek. "Bleu t'Pry geutle wound, and l Iuv'e It w that t pray It way mew heel." She looked away suddruly. "Tell me nue thing." she said. a west coming over bar eyes. "You say they ire hunting you to the death. 'rhea -- then your fault mast be a grievous oue. Have you--buve you killed a man?" she added hastily. 11., was anent for a long Out.. "1 fear I have killed more than one man," he said 111 low tunes. Agaeu mho shrank Into the corner of the coati. "History says that your father was it brave soldier and fuugbt In wally bat- tles," he went on "Yea," 14110 Raid, tbluking of Major George Calhoun, "He killed welt thea. perbapH, as 1 have killed thew," 111 said. "Oh, soy father never killed a wan!" cried Beverly in drtuut horror. "Yet t:reustark reveres his mighty proWesa uu the field ut battle," said be. bait bcoulcally, "Oh," ,she wurwured, rewrmberlog that she was uuw the daughter et Yetivr's father, "1 see. You are nut a—a- a were wurderer, then':" "No. 1 Wee beau a soldier. That is all." "Thank heavete" able murmured and was no louger afraid of blw. "Would —would a perdu'. be of any especial benefit to you?" she asked, woudering bow fur her lufluenee night go with the Princes* Yet1vr. "It Is beyond your puwer to help me." be said gravely: She was silent. but It was the sileuce of deep reflec- tion. "Your highness left the castle ten days ago," be sold, dlsmlaslug hiw- self 11 1 subject foe conversation. "Have yeti kept lu cher cuwwuulra- tlou with Edelwelse durlug that tine?" "1 kuow iu tbiug fit what Is gulag un there," air suld quite truthfully: She uuly knew tout she tau sent a mes- sage to the Primers Eetive apprislug her of her arrival lu lit. Petersburg and of her luteutluu to leave soon for the (:ruu.lark capital. (•"Then yuu do out know that lir. .„Lo,ry le still ou the Danvabergeu fron- tier in rouference with repreaeutatives from Sere*. Ile mite not return fur a week, NO ('ole lel 4 UIaquz briigs hack word." "It's hews to um," murmured Bev- erly. ever1y. "You do not see'cu to be alarmed," he ventured. "Yet 1 fancy it 11 not It dan- gerous 111 11810U. although I'riuce Ga- briel it needy to battle at a moment's uutley." "I have the utmost confidence In "Ir. Lorry." said Beverly, with • proper pride. "Baron llangNao, your minister of lance. Is in these mountains watching the operations of Axphain scouts and spies," "Is he? You are very well posted, it 'remit." "Moreuver, the As'pbainlans are plan- ning to attack- tlauluok upon the first signal (row their ruler. I do taut wish to Marna yunr hlgbuese, but we any ae well elpeet trouble before we come tie the luulook gates. You are k-uown to he In the Pars, and 1 aut eertuiu an effort will be made to take pusses - Pion of your person." "Tiwy wouldu't dare!" she etaelalm• ed, "Uncle Saw would aanibllate,tbem lu a Werk." "Uncle Sam? Is he related to your Autit I'uuuy? I'm afraid be cuuld du but Tittle agstost Volga's nghtlug men:" lie said. witb'a smile. • "They'd 404,11 find' out who Uncle Sant is 1f they titch me," she threat- ened grandly. Ile Teemed puzzled. but was too polite to press her for expla- nations. "hist he 1s a long way ufr nud•roildu't do much 11 we were laud- deuly attacked from ambush, could lie? What would they do to welt I were taken, as you suggest'! She was mom .uncerued than she appeared to be. "With you lu their bealrs, Graustark would be utterly helpless. Yellin could demand anything she Bled and your wlnittry would be furred to submit." "1 -really think K would be a capital 'joke on the PrWrerar Volga," aurae! Iteverly reflectively. Ile did not kuow Tvhnt elle meant. but. regarded her soft smile as the clear tile to the serenity "t a mincer:. She sank bock nil- gave herself over to the lomplirltbus that were likely to grow out of her involuntary deception. The one thing wheat worried her more 111:111 all others want the fear tent Yetive might not be In li delweisL. According to all reports, she had lately been In et, Petersburg, and the mere feet that she was Inpposowl to lie traveling by eine,,•! WW1 suMelent woof that she was out .It Iter es-tint/11. 'Thele trm're wnm, 11f course, the pusm4billty Of trouble on the rond with thetphain scouts, hlit'Be•v- erly enjoyed the optimletu uf youth and eivllizatlon. Italdoa, the goat hunter. was dreami- ly tiiuklug of Ute beautiful ydlm4 wo- man nt hie side and of tbe queer freak fortune had pts yeti In bringlag them together. As Is studied her fare be could not but it ment that marriage at least establiebed a barrier between lar and the ldlvale. r lila bold heart night etherwIw' 1N, willing to risk. Ills blae): hair etregglel *hewn ever hie forehead-., mud his dark e>fee--gee patcit bad been nlrrep1111umslt• lifted were wlnitsunny 1true Iva. "Itis 'strange that yotl Ilya In (:rnu- slark nod have. mot POPO its prioress - before." she *alt. laying Rrnomotwurk for inquiry c mrusrling the acts and w•here+,INmrte of Ow* Tran prineimm. "May It plrasxr, prior highness. 1 have not 114e1 long in (;ra?stnrk. Ilev:idr44, It 114 staid ttmt halt the people of Gan - look have o,w er looked 1rp0n your feet•." I'm ant sultpvis.'t nt that The pro- portion 114 murh mealier than 1 I1nag %nod T hare net visited (:anlonk. strange 44e It'nay sews to 700" '('Inc n1' m y romps ny fell In with alma of weer guards I ram the t:anleok garrison Aay before yest.rday. A. learned that ?nu wens to reach .that Icity within forty -right hours. A large ilrtucbwrut of weu hos been Brut to meet you at I, Itbut." "Oh, Indeed," raid mueia Iuterested. "They must buve beau misinformed as to your route ur else your Ruaslau ese'ort decided to take you through by the lower and more hazardous way. It war our heck that you came by the wrung road. Otherwise we should not have met each other, and the lion," he said, swillug rede•tiveiy. "Where is Labbot':" asked she, in- tent upou the one subject uppermost In her wind. "In the mountains many leaguer nortb of tib pass. laud you taken that rot:te instead of Ibis you would by this time have left Iabbot fur the town of Errue, a halt days juuruey from lira look. lustead wt vagabuuds your es - curt would have been made up ut'loyal soldiers, well fed, well clad and well satisfied with themselves at heart." 'But uo braver, uo truer thou my soldiers of fortune," she said earnestly. "By the way. are yuu luturmed as to /be state of affairs lu bawsbergen?" "Scarcely as well as your highness must be," be replied. "The young prince— what's his limne'i" she paused, looking to him for the mane. "Dantam?" • "Yes, that's It. What has become of him? I mu terribly Interested la him." "He Is a fugitive. tbey say." "They haven't captured him, then? (:oat! 1 am so glad!" . Battles exhibited little or no lntereeit In the fresh topic. "It is strittge yuu should have for- gotten his uabne," bessald wearily, "Ob, I do so many ridiculous neuter' .complained Beverly, remembering who she war supposed to be. , 1 have uevrr Baru blot, yuu know,", sbe added. "It is out strange, your highness. He was edueuted lu Euglstul and bud seen but little of his own country when he was culled to the ihruue two years ago. You remember fit course that his moth- er was an Euglisltwoutau, Lady ..Ida Euleuner." thiuk 1 have beard some uf his history. A very little, to be sure." she explained lamely. "1'rlue'e Gabriel, his half brother. Is the sou of Prince Louis 111, by his first wife, who wits a Polish countess. After her death, whom Gabriel was too years old, the prima. married lady Ida. bautau is their sou. 11e has u sister. Caudate, who Is but ulueteeu )'ears Of age." "1 am ashamed to confess ttult you know so much wore about my ueigh- iors then 1," shat said. "1 lived In 1►uwsbergen ,or a little while and was ever interested iu ibr doings of royalty.' That is a poor mat's privilege, yuu kuuw-." "!'rime Gabriel must be a terrible man," cried Beverly, her heart swelling with tender thought, of the exiled 1)au- tau and bis little sister. "Yon have cause to know," said he shortly. and she 'was perplexed until rhe revelled the eturlee of (:abrfrl'r uelsdemeauurs at the court of Edel w'tlrs. "Is Prhee Denten as handsome ay they may he is?' she asked. "It is entirely a natter of opiuton." ire replied. "I fur one do not cousldur him at all prepossesalug." . The day weut ou, fatiguing, distress - lug in Its length aud Its bappeulugr, Progreso was necessarily slow, the perils of tbe goad lucreaslug as the little cavalcade wuuud deeper and deeper pito the wilderness. There were times wheu the coach' fairly crawled uloug the edge of a precipice, n pro- ceeding so basurdous that Beverly shuddered as If lu a chill. Aunt Vanity slept serenely must of the time. and BuWos took to dreanilug with his eyes wide open. tenantry to her exIK•ttu• tfuus, the Alphatsluur did not appear, and If there were robbers In the bide tbry thought better than to attack the valorous looking party. It dawned moue her finally that tbe Axphalulaui were guarding the upper route and not the one over *Meta she was traveling. Yrtive donhlless was approaching flan - look over the northern par,. provided the Tinily had not been encountered before i,abbot was rea -bed. Iteverly moon found herself fearing for the safety of the princess, a fenr which at Inst became alu.oet unendurable. Near ulghtfall they came upon three Gr:nmitnrk shepherds and teemed that l:aula,k could nut be coached, before the next afternoon. The tired, hungry traveler. spent the night in a sling little valley through which a rivulet ',minded onward to the river below. The supper was a scant one, the fora- gers having poor luck lu the hunt for food. Daybreak saw thew of their way eon more. hunger and dread hail worn down ncverly'44 enmity of good spirits: Rhe war having difficulty ly keeping the haggard, distressed nook from her face. Iter tender, hopeful eyes were not su bold ur so merry 11 on tbe div INefore; eheerfuluees cost her en effort, but be managed to keep it fairly alive. Her .wort, wretrlied endlentf starved, never forgot the def' .rete dqe tntbelrcharge, butstrode atendlly on wit's the doggedness of martyrs. .1t flutes she uta, Inipeliet is 11 1.1.111111 her true Identity, hut dlNere. tion told Im'r that deception war Iwi' lest safeguard. Late Itt the afternoon of the se•0nd day the front axle ot the roach snap ped In two, and a tedious delay of two hours ensued. BRIdos was strangely si- lent and subdued. It was not until the mldortune came that Beverly observ- ed the flushed condition of his face.I lnvolnntarlly and with the compassion of it true women, she touched her hand and brow. They were burning hot. The weeniest man war In a high fever. it. laughed et her fears and scoffed at the prnepert nt blood poisoning and the bemired other possibilities that eng .ontrd themselves to her anxious Beverly, very heals. "We are claw to tLlaluuk," Ile said. with fMet settiug of the tau. "Ilan y'1111 may be re'lievel of. yuul' tire.uue'. charlotte t•owpauy, j''ur blgltueau," t "You are going to u physician," she said resolutely, alive and acute 0101 wore. now %hut the fount purl of the journey we* euullug to an end. "'fell Mut wan to drive in u gallop 1111 111,' rest of the wuy." eturrizit BY this tine they were passing the queer little huts that mark- ed the outskirts of a habitable cuwmuuity. '1'Itese were the Moores of ahepberdr, hunters and oth- ers whore vucatious related especial- ly to the wountahlr. Farther on there were signs of farwlug futrrerts; the homes became wore nuweroua maul more preteutluus. in appearance. The ruck lined gorge breadeued into a fer- tile valley; the rail was *mouth aud level, a cuudltlou which afforded relief to the travelers. Iturone bad once more dressed the wuuuds Indicted by the Ikon, but he was enable to provide auythiug to subdue the fever. Hakim) woe undeniably ni. Beeerly, between her exctawatioae of joy and relief et being in sight of Oanheok, was profuse in her expresslous of outworn for the hero of the ilawk and haven. The feverish gleam In lis dark ryes and the pale that marked bis free tumbril her deeply. Suffering sotteuel his 'eau. suit browned features; obliterating the mocking lines that had lwpreesed her so unfavorably at the outset. She way suylug to herself that be was brud- sotue after a most unusual cast; It was an uuforgettaWe face. "Your highness," he said earuestly, after she Ind looked lung and auxiuuie ly 0t els alt cloyed eyes, "we are with- in an he of 0pulouk. It will be dark .before w reach the gates, 1 kuuw, but you b ve nothing to fear durlug the rest of the trip. Franz shall drive you to the sentry post and turu over the horses to your own men. fly friends aud I must leave you et the end of the mountain road. We are" -- "Ridiculous!" sbe cried. "I'll not penult It: You must go to a hospital." "If I enter the l:uulook gates 1t will be the sante as eutering the gates o death," be protested. "Nonseuse: You have a f' • or y011 wouldn't talk like that. can promise you absolute seven "You do not Idermtand, your high - Dees." "Nevertheless, you are golug to a hospital," she firmly said. "You would die out here in the wilds, so what are the aide either way? Aunt Fauuy, sent you be careful? bout you know that the least movement of those bug- hurts him? "Please do not whin ate, yunr high- ness. I aro doting very well," be said, smlltug, The coach brought up In front of a nladside inn. While some of the leen were watering the horses others gath- ered ubu;it ite upceu window. A coo - "Aunt Fanny, tuff& you be careful?" vermatlon In a tongue utterly ineompr.- benslble to Beverlytook pima. h•twreu Italdort attd lila followers. The latter 44e'n1e1 to 11e disturbed molt MOW' thing, and there was no mistaking the sollcitoor air with which they regard - e1 their leader. The pseudo princess wits patient 4t44 lung as po444411110 and then broke into the dhrumsieu. "What do they want?" she demand- ed in English. "They are asking for tuptrnctlona," he nflowered. " inmtrnet them to do as I lid," she enld. "Tell thein to hurry nlong end get you n doctor; thtt'm all," Evidently his frictdm were of the Name opluion,for nfter a long harangue in which he WAS obdurate to the last they left the carriage, and he sank back with a groan of dejection. "What Is It?:' Nie anxiously demand- ed "'flew nIsu Insist that i shall go to a surgeon," he said hopelessly. Ills eyes were moist, and he would not meet Iter gaze. lthe w04 hull of exultation. 'They have adti,ud me to put myself under your protection, shameless ns (bat may seem to a man. Sun and you alone bare the power to prefect me It 1 pass boy I the walls ut (lanlook." "1?" she cried, all n -Dotter. "1 could not thrust my fiend Into the laws of death unless the princess of (iraustnrk were there to stay their fury. Your royal hand alone can turn 4444)0e the Inevitable, Alas, I am help- less and know not what to de!" Beverly Calhoun mat very straight and silent beside the misguided Beldon, .after all, It was not within her power to protect hill. She was not the prin- ne's, and she had ilnnlntcly un IODn- Mee In (:nml.Kok, The authoritlew there could not be Ilece11'Pd 044 hnd been these Ignorant men "f 11..' hills, 1f sloe 1e1 IhInto the cel t 11 w.Is decidedly prob- able able that sloe might Lr taking hint to hes death. She voted only petition, net comnifimd. Once at Yenve's side mho was eotfldent she 111111 111 441)4-,• the man who had done an much for her, bet Ornlok was many melees from Edtet- wrINm, and there was to nmallranre that intervention (.01110 be obtained In time. on the other hand, If he went buck tont. hills he was likely to die of the poison nut fever. Beverly wag In n most un happy state of mind. if she rnnfesmel to him that Rho was not the princess he would refuse to enter the gates of Gaohlok, and be perfectly justified in doing so "But If T should feel?- Rhe asked at iet ♦ shiver rushing over her aid leaving her c'ukl with dread. "You are thu oily bupe•, your high - twee. You bud better say farewell to Bahia aud let. bleu agutu seek the frleally valley.' said be serially. "We eau go u0 farther. The soldier's must be uewr, your highuews. It foetus esp. tore 1f wr go un. l cannot expose toy • frleudr to the daugers. Let we lie put duels here and do you drive on to safety. 1 obeli fare much better then you th!uk. fur I um young and strung Rad"— "Nu! 111 risk It!" sho cried. "lou wast go into the clty. Tell thew tu, mut say taut 1 0111 protect you with wy uwu life and bouu.," Fever wade blot anbulsslye. Her eyes gave him confidence. 11rr volae soothed him fears. If he pblsiteael thew. Ixuniug trout the wiuduw hr culled Isle teen together. Beverly looked ou lu wuuder as these strauge turn bade farewell to their leader. Many of thew were weeping, and wort of them kissed his baud. 'There were broken an - tracer, tear choked promise's, uuxloUJ luqulrlea, and the parting was over. "Where are they going?" Beverly whispered as they motel away lu the dusk. - "Hack into the mountains to starve. pour fellows. God l e klud to tbeut, God be good to thew," he ball sobbed, hu ehiu dropping to his breast. Ile was trembling like a leaf. "Starve?" she whispered. "Have they no muuey?" "We are primness." came In mut&d tones from the stricken leader. Weeny leaned from the window and failed to the departlug ours. ltavutie , and one other reluctuutly upprual• led: Without a word site opened a smulf truvellug bag aud drew forth u heavy purse. TWr she pressed luto the baud of the mtudeut. It was filled with Graustark gavVOR, fur which she lied exchanged Awericau gold lu Russia. "God be with yon:" she fervently cried. Ile kissed her hand, and the two stood aside to 'let the couch on luta the dusky shadow anted them from th look, old 1•'rnuz lite of the lender Do you know you can buy Red Huse Tea .at tie same,, price as other teas? Then,— why not? Tea "is good tea" Prices - .5, 30, 35, 40, 50 and bo cts. per Ih. in lead packets T. H. ESTABROOKB. 6T. JOuw, N. 13, WINNIPCO. TORONTO, • w,1Oa4,on s, , r. ('m sorryforyou,llttle 6.1.1 am. Wherryour feet get col& and, wet. But if Granby R,yMerswere made Air dogs, You should have two pa ou Set. Rep - es of Can - driving. the ouiy tpuu)• lett to serve his e very end, ell, we have left them," muttered 40111044 as though to himself. "1 inuy never see them again—never re them agufu. And how true they have Melfi:'; "I shall send' for them the moment ! get to t:auluuk, and I'll promise par - duns for thele ell:" able cried rashly lu her rompuysluu. "No." he exclaimed fiercely; "you are nut to d1442urb them. Better that they should starve." Beverly wait sufficiently subdued. Ad they drew nearer the city gates her tbeart began to full Iter. This mate* N lite was in her weak., lurapabtr !lauds. and the time was nearing whom she must stood between him Rud disaster. "Where are these vaunted motdier's of yours?" he soddenly asked. infinite trolly lu hie voice. "My soldiers?" she said faintly. "Isu't-14 rather unusual that in time of trouble and ttucertalnty we should be able to appt•irrci within a toile of eine of your most important cities with- out even 110 much es seeing a soldier of /Irau,ttark':" She felt that he was scoffing, but It 'mattered little to her, "It Is a bit old, tuu't It?" Rhe agreed. "%4'ur.e than that, your highness:* "I Rhall speak 10 IMtigioma about it." Rhe maid sereuely, nod he leaked up Itl new• surprise. 'Trudy she was au ex• trnurdiunry princess. l'ully three-quarters of an hour pass. el before the censeli wvtN rhe•►el. Rec- erty, looking from the windows, 111111 se's the lighted w'ItltIOw•N of .oNtaget growing closer Mid closer together. The barking of roadside dols was the Maly Naomi that email be heard above the rattle of the wheels. It W114 14440 dark inside file coach to ere the fare of tete uwu b,wi,1e her, but something told her that he WA staring lutedly Into the night, alert and anxiutli. The responsibility 01 her position swoolial down Ig0m1 Iter" -like an nva11iu.he as s11P tlt-'nght of what the next few mitt - ones were to bring forth. It Was tbP MI11de01 seemlier of the 11.011141 and the Sharp eounuaudm from the 'teethe! that told her probation WO. at nu end. She round nu lunger speculate; it was high time to act. Ilse outpost," cauwe from Boldos, In strained tones. "Perhaps they won't know us—yon. 1 meats," she whimpered. "Baron 1/angina know+ everybody." Ile replied bitterly. "Wbat a bocrid old busybody be— sbe started W say, but thought better of It A couple of lanterns lashed at the Window, slroet blinding her. Aust iranay groaned audibly, but the figure of Beldon seemed to stiffen with de- fiance. tntforme,t men peered Into the lnterotr with more rud.aeRR sad cnrl- sstty than seemed rap.rtlml to a pria- enes, to say the least They saw R pret- ty, pleading fare, with wide gray eyes and parted lips, but they did not bow In humble submission, as Baldoa had expected. One of the map, evidently In command, addressed Beverly in rouge: but polite tones. It was a question that he asked, she knew, but she could lot answer him, for she could not un- derearwA Gtr ll 'ToIIK ('OYTI!It KU 1, ANOTHER LASTING CURE. St, isidorP, N. 13., Der. leth.- 9lwciall--In a few eonvineing wordN .it•. Lnzan' (i, Milos, of St. Isidore. N. H.. tells the story of his suffering and Rulesestnrnt•r•t•slarIltill Ill to health by. the sow of 1heold'o Kidney fills. "I write theme few wools," Rays Nr. fhielrm., "to let von know tett. 1 ant still gaite.Wvli, though it is 4411 long ego that 1hwitts Kidney 1'111x, cured Ina„ Nine Was it ('4(441• of lame bark t,imight 11n 1hr•ongh kidney 1411,1111/' tool I antlered terribly, for 1 r•ould not stoop ter bend Inv beck to do any ,• work, lHittIhsld's Kidney Pills to my aidand made it highly anode, - tory eon off it very had came. "J11hnaon him four bathrooms in him new house," •Mede e. pl►ntll.r'm petediee elf it, eh r'- Jlilwnuke'. Sentinel. _ 1 s • wy11TE 'WO Ppt{;Es METALLIC ROOFING Co TORONTO,CANADA' STEEL H iN aar+:eewsearwor^.v` tea.'nae::tgeai4,a'•is.,i,€aeeYEe- With your het warm and combrtable in GRANBY- -OVERSHOES. cold weather has n° terrors . Parnell's Bread Every .me she hat tried ' it rill haven,. other. Bat a nutty. palatable; whole wheat Sere That o peculiarly its own. Our rano ;• labelled on Ten It Is the sense Price as Thai Interior Kind. P . 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