HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-12-13, Page 8rnVtai*v, I I, reu'h'i' 1:101 1! II ( x'111': SII:I. 141►11N:1;11 11 I'N'I'A1:11) bt;CrPatici13 ot a Z1ttne •I1 [tav i-uf!tten for 111 1 ( 11 ( 4Lnin imisaselss a a=rximasaillw After crossing 1h.' Maitland. .r idg • maples. t% hi' 1: in .11110111•1' I11111• 11111.1 (11111 to 111.' right and you 4t.'. what Is form .. wile. 1 1114 lw.% probably the Ila salt %cell 4/l 1'.114.141 ,. The. C. P. R. S.atjon. 'Ilei..11.vo'rry Pt IIu• ..,Il .11 .4 depth 11..11 :: 111i1.• ...nil 01.1 III -,11441111 I . Ila '4.3 thousand feta. and Ih,.uL.rqu.•11t 1'. 1'. It.'3...r••(. 41111.1r 1 4..'1411..1414' e4.1 rlop1114'lll 01 1411' 1111111.1 1'1 !1'1411.1) a I,a.-❑1,, :141'. el, ,d .. kinds • and ( impart in. 1411'141 in the! ",141414'41)"u. III11 444/.1. 14,;4• uwdrru I • •6,l. : Ilk, 44 ianly .d Ihu 11111 I),nuiui•n, a•' ,n,.•ui4.ul u, 1•1 l, 1',41 tit• han.11in pre%il,1. l.' this fortunate 1,1. 14111- 101 tit,' 4.111111. • 11,3..1•140•1 and Il eight .1n11,3r Wj•.111 11. ''l prime n.•.,.wly 11 4.11 Io i11,111. haul l4/ 6t. Milan Its! from ' ith. t I:u14. 111 Ili• 441in1. It,..' two. II,IIl,Il11 feel 4.1 .Ian ., • r' t .. 111 i 1 I. . I 111 ,11 31111 1 I .,1 1. ., Luld ••, 1 r 1 I h 1'101 1'11 Vt:dr.• :1.'t.,•.. of Lunl 1.14 .id.•t1.I1k. .14141. '1'144: Inge K; .•1 1'1311, on. 11' this .(cilrllillg p;6, l•' „' s aur Pre)).' ai,a1J( 11ui.t 4141.114i•i6,g1"do y;.141''%idenrr of IL' ..441p'u1'.. t•xp1•l'Ii(. eve.1' 1.14... .sl d, i. 31.1 V .141 •114''1 to he •1 ,kingill '1..i1r..111•411 111 8311/311 (.41 111'1' ••1 111. ..1111.11,1r ill. yast 4111.14 ,, Al 311 1141.. • 044,1.41.•.l 441)1 44 Cbc Swat • • . Ii1ri bt. •)long. fai11, ,ii I,.. nn,er4.4LIlg. hack"! 4/l •• %L4. 14..'4 jnd06,,jrande isa,..%tu ante. 1 L' .' l iul.0 llt' •,1e, ..... in 1 r, duriuc 111. nw.•41-d4.•ile.1 1,4..)111. 11 .441.11'.1 1'.• ..11 a ,,,111141.441 -.4, t .'1 jnsJ ' 1 . 1 \ •'11 1. •.1.11. t. th.plav 1lie, Irrliug. 1 ,I d,tul count y I,, ,r1r.1- ing :, bible! .1t the a).'.) 441,..1e h.• i,. a' tests. .1'...n di.. 1.114. 4.14'1 in 1.:41''' .. . of+ulofli-' Fut,. Reside •n.al Sue,. • 1h.• 1,111 1.14.141, colIl ' t., ., 11'1 4' 44,.11'. )jeer .t r'nl, on N Ili. 11 Ile I bunt a 11111111,,,.111.. ti WINNIPEG LETTER. t c ' ! 14141 over the large quantities yarded 1e>illru,r. i111.1Ihu 111111114'1' 1+1414)14, eh.,ett.., b), Smith's I{jll Chun a. Itjle bull).' 1111.1 jug, err. 1'attended 1111• ...late,. .d Un 1'.4.. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE QUEEN . A City of Men. Ly4,'4 .111 ehulrh i44 1 11 all„41•.'11'Another of Ibe ttl:11•aI'tt•rixlie. .1,1 4,11114 the Ite.. 11 . .\L•l,,a.l, 1111• ..1. CITY OF THE WEST. It:y''4.. 41,1i%,n4.,1 .4 .l r:r'u4.a 41..-I \\'umip'•4) i. Ihu prrsettee .4 it g,eaf 1,1141., tun tag. :uulnlgl.urn11'. d,.' . P rpon•It•ra 4(• u( men. At time.. Iy Mb)1•,11.111••u lc;.11iuu. 1.444 .1•.11 I \41114 .111.4.1 ',/444, 1141 entirely people ly anneal esting to be a 1'11.110' „'1'4, elem. I A Racy Descripb.,n by W. C. Goode by lura• :Intl ion.' is apt 141 sigh for a few tlntl.',,i, ribbon. from 1111• 191144 .111 h•'1r4h .nett) 6,l uuI1144•4 44 i111 \I1-. 1 of Some of tile Outstan.hng Fea- t r u 114.'1 N1..11.11.1% 1 . 'n tit I 1414.14a 1111. ,1 n. 11.14- a Manitoba I. oba Metropolis 11.•11•) the 1.I jun. hyli44ts •. rQF;•i1•nllc I Heal Estate Values Hotels Doing 111.11 jl %wl. 11,111y n 11111.jr,1 I 1'".I. a Rushing 111' Business A Scar - The sullied., Itl:,, 11f 1411. 114111411.144,.1e1 I' •14,'11 .1' eb.u.ui4',' of joy in 1 h 1 city of Wonted. Im.nllit, ..r 1 41 and o1 !waist. I heir 4'.4..11.1' (1,.11 it 1'0[11 lib,1l,•,4I latuely l.. Ile diel) of ee4,,1411. 1 I The 'Signal 443. p)l,.ed t''111441' u' %411. .110(.1i.4•1 4" I4•a,u 111414 1hj. few day.. 1e 4,11,11,11 ba, :1 ♦nn•lay' .4.144111,4144141•1 du 11,4. interesting' 14.1 ter lore ..1 a hundrr.l I14n'. and girl.. a I (ruin our furan 1-t.u\\' w1,..44i W. ('. r4.,ur•I, I f,1.1.ore, %)hj.44 it 444111141 114• (tootle. %vt•itto'tI 4/u %Viuiiipeg: had t..Io•,:,14.ha liorjled lur:11i14. T.1u,.•►:11tlnr0)'19n •ielyd. J31.ks 14' 11,!!4..to 114• .r lir English., rel)« position:1114/t pr.1tMpM•rlr. Nu sp,tkjng r11'e, but the "Nitwit" in• (doubt the near a ole will w•e a I4 lighten 1111 Ibe 14,1111114'1Ma(144115 and Leu 1,s 4/l' 1 he In Ile 1111111'. •\t 1 i111eu have glanced Amiga whole Work with. nut seeing a solitary female. At the pres.•11f 111111' there 14.1.14(1111,' Iuo1111• 11m. uuleeli Ihlnl.auds, of 1111.11 111.1.,. who 44'111 he g.jng 11111 to the Ium11t•r a3nod*, 6111 144.'1•nyd,4yuu 4/l 4geticiex:4/e cull• iu4) tut. Iri4.kl.uy.,lx,1 cnrpwuU•r. 111111 414 114'1' 1jn.'..: aur ru•p1uyu1ent 114),111 111'4'4141'. he 4.1111 plat.. ..!.411M Illell il' hr 1, 41 4)1.1 111.•111. .1.11 of the• Luulwr- to the newt. •r, by "reason of Its t•r4111kw11:el44 1 the nwulwruf 44u( -,.f• 11,Ue buildings which disfigure Its val- uable frunlnlp((ts''. yet \Vlunipwg is leak• Mg [1p i44ehilelUu'1lly, mid a few ..)'1911111 will 14.1 4311441 1111141 114 N111161l(M, 114 my 1piniu4, the Dominion Govern- ment lent IM 1'PMIMttl4l1111) 1.1' by b44' I h,' Ila- ext piens 141' nlv'hjlell141'1• ill 111e city. I1 is the new 1luxtltfHre (1n Portage avenue, c% kWh p1.1•M1•t41M :1 11111111• xt u fl /111. 141 Il.t 1114.1 L . Itwl with 111 1• •, 1 1 11 11 )141414)14 Mud Mlulptu,',• Tike a Grecian 11)14111,•. 111 m•y opinion it is the finest cgitt'1•I44 Ment building 1 have seen in any city, There aur also many 14111' lest - deuces, (apart went houses, w1tehull14•N. banks. err., jD pr(1ee1s of erecliutl. which ,use of 1144 excellent 1,1114414111141 of whjrh any city would be proud. lit 1.(11411.41144 to these the city hall and the Parliament buildings are entirely 0441. o/date and out of 11ropn1'L1111) tel the 11.4. :eh.,• ice .I a nuu141,1' 4,1' Ille 11 I -w'erl• ask, .1. 114 1114.'14• "ht. •1 told pj0n1•er14, 441.•4' 1.411111.1. 1.11'14 1 rnu,ll 1111.•.•41, 311,1 w'hu 11'14 411,1.11 Pru41,iuenl 1):1411, irriai4. ..f \\ innip' g ft eludes all kinds from Indians. ('14.1114)1 i11 these re44peelx, 'tweeds'. and Pi•eti1•h 6,p to bright. and such an ..elj%4• 1,:4'1 I.,1' 1144111). year:, 111111 111.1' 11114)))•. I should :u1.w.•t. iut.•Ilitirnt hinters' x.14. 44'1114 will I4/• IN'tl, in p,lble•.unl in 11144.41. 1,11. mus optinlj.nl, 441' eutllu.irislu. I•:•.',•lyoue back 141 IhrL 401'11 h(1nnr44 in the (.ring. I rurej;.lu element. 44111111 1114• gnat .1.e144. 10 lel) of 'Iii. !114;;1,14. j. I1111er .111115 111 \\ iiiiiip •g. 111x•44 An Afternoon with Joan Bu:hanan. of the 14,141 aril •.t 4411:,r j4 4).11114) l4 nut se.,111 1114.14141.41 10 111ju kind .1 labor1414 44'1.1 the llra.ur.• of 14pr[111iug an buppen 111 ! he 111,.ir fuhur. 11111111:1'1. :111.1. 141Iy ,'Ii.lg. U1 the t.ilie... H,T1• 4111,411 14 '..II. 1146,1 yell.1':I1 wiz.. 111 ,tr.'Ms is they' at.., engaged in almost till (141,14!11• I I lel•,) tar ; h.'1'.' it i. K 1 ..4%'11.1 1 11 I lad.111.1•49...11111 I I n. 4/l. w 4/. l4/ 1 :•'. 1 I I 1414. ..1- 4'.141411 1 ! •.. un. x V . I l 1 a 4'411 '. It 1 1t 1 1 1 1 : 11' , •. d :4/•e e4/ j1 1 tl 1•,II,I L4t .).1114 It i,•h 141:144 Il i n Illy :4sGm tidrnth• rra4.hint .4/l I4/ 4)l'1.l fail. N fur al41t.tnl.mi4. 11.'1414).1•. i.ling 4,.h %1 ,1 he stand.. it. .\I. opportunity by 1111 41.44111. t,;,,,„1. 11.11'1 141.114 1. Ix•t 41f lerl•tndvr44. .14;1 11 111.. t 1b. 1,1,411.111 141 Haus though .4., 4111 y••.11. 141141 thef..1• humor more, 4 sort. deasu .1, ,,,JJJ 1' 11 ,• 44111..1 ion. 1lie 1.. 1 ) r 1 1 le 1 46,1 1. w'ilhiu a I.141111.1.r4144 11rrla. 114 sr.,1u•.)1414,.1 as nr4''. 1.X1•11 V 41 111, 4344,11a t , 444.44'11411• 11.• •,1. ".141111,1 ."1 44111'•. I'•' 11 Ili. 1.111 3.'3 10.111 j4/ 111111.11,• life. \\lien ane.• Mind. 111 :411. ' 1't.'haps this l•11•v.41 ion way' 1""o1 tilt out re I nig, il, I •1.11'4. 4 j4/ 1•..11'. 1'.al i.11 he 4(.4 -paled .I'. lit it.:114411141. t.1' Ile 1•.•111' d.:s1 • .,•.111/1114 j1. 14•,,11. Il,:.•, t.1 .1•.'11,'111 .4 15.1.•.1 11004111 •111111.11.1.. :1131, 11.•• 111..14)1144 ..r 111.• 14'.1,45 1.141 .I..•111. 1.1111:.• 111 Ile 4 i.p1r1 unjl4 .. red..1•d 1114 ,..,11'•14 4411 h a 1.'14::11:.ab!e memory. hem. To glaiwe intt one of the 1141 I 11 ,11i I .Iii 1'1 ;n 4114.411 Ir., ,•111 .lin,}•, Ile 1'4'1.41..11 444)1.1 11114.1''•. 1 in;( in.•jd1•nl. 11•'111411.1.. ll.• 41f law 41 ty III :1'l 4•:1x4'•1'11 111•,141 Io 1'1iu_ I L'-...g1•u.urt. .l. 4'I.•'' and 141.111.: of 111•. lite ,,t• .car xi x11• 4.1y6, : 1111110.4,)'. fill. e.m11 et. i.: Iine.1 i j6, 14111,11:1. 4141 ..1100 Ihu ,1'.5111.44• 111, jl they 1111 414.11111 4 11111 1111.11 1111114 44.14 1 ' 1 )',•at.. n,"41st.• tiiul it dilli••ult Itr4,,,, 11,1114 •.1111 :I lin, .•1.1'14411 11f %,,1.•1'111 V. If 4% 14 It 11'.1 t41 1.41•t % ill' 114 approach, lr.:lrh, nil.) 1 frr.lil.g 1.41.1 be. Ir the 44ei'11..111.t11, I a 11 tlf..r 6,t :4y 1' 1 ' :old h., w.'uld 114.,.) nu 41.))1,114;; hone.) 1144' days .Th'• 11111. Prover!, 401 w 1.1 . \, 111 n. 11.1.11 be cold ri.41t01 y p,4o1, with 4/)e to the •'Hill." 1 hr .Ptlt1.11'y 6,,l mil h•t,11141ii,g. r lite 1 6,1 11, 11.111, .1' '•31111.. .114•411. \\•1111. in 111.• 114•44hhln'1,nu1' I en- 41P,•. 1'4144'((• 40 he all "11wr .111.11 I,'.,.. 41ain, liay. 41 nil did 44 4 f prod j.yed also c:•ry un11.11 at. evening u1 , ,kit tics" to many men .4.1 114•11. : n• 4/,l.. ,t 11111 k, 1111111 n11111.1 VIM 1411. ',I:p, N101t1jdr 0 111 11i• fa'njly. ler 01.0 I 111'..4"1'1• 11'1• :1 ;; ..141 411ij .ltlg 1111,4111,1 4,'m'1111,'I'.:1 43041 deal 04 111. 1'a14y 1 h4.: • :4/e 1x,1 I!. 4/t. history 4,f the 1,wali)4', %411i4•11 1 •.1n ; \• t.4/' a. I e'n41.1 le.lrn 4,'1 44.11m had .11441)'. sjl 111.1 110:41• %%All :, great 114'31 ; ' 1 I,. ,6, ..•I• •• 'I•, • I i.4' p4e.nu,-.'. 1 Tonna eceryl11jt14 in 41111111•104.104. '11111.1• herr. The 11.11,-•,' 1. 6•4in 141)11. i'.1•.f 1N, Ij11114%4in 1111•, e "14... , 1 1 Ih:t: Illi illy buia 11,1,11%lith a ,u:i1 r111j41;; 1119x•:I•ad1,'. 'I'M. 111.41. :1,111 y.11 -i,..... .'1411, 4i1 )jags 3r.• all u; tit • 'samesame!leaning charae4(1. 1140.1 v4,104101'11. n.. 4 y' 114 6,.,t. .i.l.•. '•t Ibe "'Aid. Pi.' this station, but .... 1,144).• 116,u,b,•t .l' 11,.• vat IV ..•1! b•1'. .4.1011 _ li,.y, ,.111.•v .old 1 41' l ' II'ail I)e4.'gl. .,•11141,,. .1 .OH' 1114,....1.1".1111. P4 hll1 it hat. I14•ru,u „) t 11:11 1111\'. ' 14 ,,- 111 1111' 1. 111 14.1 % .1 1 t •I-Ir.:i.l• , 1 t l. 1 u.•• 1 1 1 n .141.. 11.1 le.jtl,•nre 1.., Ib^ 11,1it., ,,•l we.111hy u.(,' 11.4111. 01 . t.4. , 114 .1 4..,).', 4'')) 11111 js 4. In.. 'C.. Ile 1114111 )-.14 ,•„114,• i11 . 14.11 .f I 110* Would You Like It ? rhe.L•vu. tuly-I.,.kinL 111144. \4111, j4. 1111111, 1,m. g,,,•,1 .1 lilt. 111chu.!. tie. 1,,.1414•,.1 I1111.•i1 I'h+. (.4.'1'•114 .1.414-- 111, well. ib••*if , Ia1loll I44'.11:; 4.•4 4 II,1''1.•.14,;.f Pile. 4114 "h4. 1411!.,.1), .j.l, of 4h6• read i. Ill• pt 4.1 I.% I.'•.,tjnn 1.1 4he .44.1.1,.. 1.rrtjly. \\ 111.11• PI,• .t 1l. .'q6, hal. 411.4 full). 11111 1 ,1 :4 11144•. condi .\'Ijtjning lin.'4.1...' i. 11 4. 3•1rd.,, 1., d.a.i 9 44e11 -.e1,, led. l,•41111t411 .11•4 I•.1.1 4:v414•t1.1 y. 1, ..,•.•illy' :1 light. dry. _4'1.,!1\ ...i1. awl .1414444.4' of 4•4.1.0- • 4•0e,1,. :6,'t 411 11,1 111,- *411111g 11 :1 d,•• 144)141 fui •.I.:4/)a. 'Ch1. 4, 41,41,' 4,1.11,•11 y j. 14131 i% l'•6,, -..l 11111. 15.141: I431 hill 1•3.43310u .411.11111.0 .1' 11.• I4 /1111. '11 ro11lpla•. 111,6 111,1141 4111 1 11 r 11. 111114. 0.11.141101441 11144 • .try 1.t• Ile 01111•, 1 1111' 11 111.11 i1 j- intended. The Noble Sires of the Township. - .011101 ul,e. n1.1 11141101. 111414) 1114111,41 10 441)1.01 1114..,.1111,),- pi.11)4•,•4', 111; p1 ace he Lail.',( "I) •cee.'. \\ 411611 11.1, 1.11. 140.1110 I I•sl 111 114'111 111:1111 .I 11...,141 1110111.10. 141' 1h,• 14,.114.11:). 44In, in t.1Im'r d:6,'. 1.14.,.) 4114•-d111i.-Iht'. ,.f a hush life 44ith walling 1.11 .4,l 1c0 14114.11'44141, 10 144.4% 1.141 J 41,•111.' ill :1 \%,4,11.1'1„•... 114.1 o4.. 10 4' 1401 .111' 0111111441 1.. 1131 IJe lira a. 111.011 01' 111,.4• 1111'11 :11041 54 •n ,'t1tl1,104i 6..1d.1j1,• a,,.I 1,1j41- 1301.111.1 .A1111,111,1 .11,11 1113 at. :1141 n.'.!, ,1.•1.41. in 1111111' .flily 1011 •a..111.1 j.-lly 11:14,mid it1,1 them In :1 mark PI dist Met ion :WO h.i, .i •.fir 111, , ,0 „'I 6,r inrrn-, b.:111,i11g 1101/1i. 'For .,.411•44 ,N ill lint rune the -t4 .•4611111 '1'64 ,, X161 a1.,..1.m..n the, hnil,g Lula. ]., owl ' .., ,I 1..110. the n, rrunl 1!4.11, lilt ), p'•.lrelnl 11...11. Pf 1111.11• 1:11110 and j.4111.lty 0:111 1..4 wjt,,,•.•,•,I 1441311.1.14. 1. y41 10 4144 '1 l.• .ml'..It- lid, 11.411.- and 111,•:1.11,4 .nrr.uullil,❑ 44 11,•14. 1114'1,'..1,•.,. •1411:4111. 311 1 1• 1 1111r -111.• 11•11.•Iil. PI I h'•jr .•aril .14'414)141.•. 1.1...•1•61111,:.41110111( .i.nl 141•1 411' 1,41 11 1 11 1.44.:111.1 11.0. the early 4,,,,,,.• .4 tow PI'lie 11.11,•1 Lunily. n 11.1141, 11.11 1,44..0%11 111414' y.•.11 4140 j6, It, )14...11 .I' 4'.114.4.6,,-. 11.1):1'. a 1111111E .y won, PI' ''I.1.1,,•11 o,eupie, t hi. Ln 114. Personal Rrm.nis:ences. lice, the ,...l j. 11• "I.I ..Im•-', el. %%ht•I''to: h411111•.i,.•d 41a141.y 4), 4411.11 in 1.1• •i4li,•s .1.,1414141 4. 14.11'• .1 \.4/e,• 111 alnl.a '•4111)11(114 11.•, • 4411, 4.11444 4 111 .11 111:1 11111e. Ile 11.14 44,:44.4 1'•.14. a,.. •) Ihink •f.,' 11,1 t:44... \• I I,3,,• 1',,),) .. f.lr 1. 11.1• hi. 111111.' 11•,.'111 41 :It. 11110 4 1 111, I'11•,1 - .1e011. Pt I hal r. .1 r,•p11.li.. 1 frill. 1111? 1.0,11 111' 1,• 11144' .110 io 1.,...•,1ii, Li- itut•"11.11 w 01'1 .1,114.•• .1r",1sios h 1, .,,\ teed the farm tot 114.1.)' %1 .11•. '1'11, .141 l•,t 11.'14 1.01.1n •"k . i. 14••1.1- 411441 a 1131141'•1.1114• and .u1 •,(:,111.11 1116110111 11)111, 1:1. %.1,,n jl, pl:m11. '"'h1. plPperly j,6, ! •'11'•:6,.) i. 1,1.)11 j6, Ijn'• .1114'1. ILtll 0 11.110 1141144). 1'1111 1. tit., '41lII _Loan .1 ••.%lend.4413i,.." the ,!1 • .6 144.1 ..f Ilt• late 1). 11. I - it, toy y4•:44s I.e 4'1.•rk of I. 1 : . 1 110 1,411111 V. 11'•1" j14 the 1,.1'011. h..1.i1.111t ): 44':1. „4/.•t.. 1,1 11441'4'1 I fink,• 1.14. .114' i.nrrey. 141,0 terns.. The L •.144 lake,, oft .c Ptd I':11411.14 I ..t 6i. lift• %chill• ..,- many \\' 1 1 I.•:', d, ,10 I 1 . 41 .4 . 1, nocc 11 as N 11 , n I 1.11,1 .)' 1'111• I."e i,1i i.; . ..par- 1 11111' 11-' . I4..1''•I of \I. . 111 l !6,'i•• ine,• 1'11, t I' li.. , lnniion 14f tit, l).p' 111. I )e114•it.• , 4.nn. thy I ,t, 1.144 .,4n e,'."9e,4 :1 flax mill. 44hjch 1, \` An Aged Resident. \ I1tIL 1 411..1 I.1' the 1 t 11 • 1.010' of tee' 14,11 k ,, pi,nrer. '1'- hard Toting. till 1'•.14'1i f Ihu 11.1114 ,n41o1)-. appetite, which J1,- . \ hl, tin•nt ancient alr!nL'' 0 I,II,r i. IM,Ih •' rhe 6,l rem .ler 111111 1111,•, 111.111 411111 41' Wing 1,1 111!,11., .y' :1 mitr- 11.t11 :,.I.nahin14 n4.ti.ity. and ill, The Lite James McDonagl•. - 1 Mtnnthi! breakfast. pnreilly j. enjoying the ,.ming .f ()n, of 111, 4,1111'•.1 .111)11. t.. take ' 1 lied 1(11• voice of the nejgle,.rho,NI :h14.m age 141 INj, 110, In,lljly. 4chir•h I. in f 140i' of jural. M,.11 a house, n. the Next coni, the 11114 tin, f,46,1• of 1ff,•t,.l.. inane g..Ml conditi.,,s for n pimple Rae.• fhar11ently been put :h We had 11 hr:11.1)' ,'ly 130IIn•r. \\;1111.4.. Coming 1 wt' llll.•nl home, wa.1hukit.' James ;drool in prltvjdrtg f.6,' the travelling '.irfi,,.' !1.n•• 11111.111.1 '1..,111 1le•1.I:.hjn• shwk. their success MIel) m:tgh. I..xe.11ent land the beat -' I ...' 11 . \\•ifh their c,ty' t one of tjnllm41• 111 111114)' 4arietie' anti a fine 1.4 table 1.41•, nlnl every reasonable, .ii j;1l% of pure 1pl'lllg wall•r p.11'til•11- unnt .uptoli.d j6, almoul.n'e, ll.•',' Lolly nItr..4're11 1111 .1t,nti.6,. 11, .114,14)1 b'• happy 144 4hIjr father 14,04 1.111111111.11,1•11 by 41111 1.110.111g the .0tmh- ., fel I n• Ilu•n'• 44111 r.rn4'1. ihiuull,•I)' becoming N1.14' b) 1. tit, 1,•.1.1,1,,•, and 41.0.0 )In' .owner .1 11111 44111110 tw. 1'.l ser Thr I1h• \\'6,l, .111.•11,-a most Milo• - II io,., g 1. ,.I .eltIt.r, fol' nl:Ily' 4'.,:o. ,11144 t.1' ,I'.1' Ihu l.ua.hip, 111:1' 11 I.,krlt .1•:141 'x ample or the cum6tions '•41.41114 in I ,'.l1' e.1v.. Ruling lis Ijt•r %411,1,',' j,4 111.• )14.11 hi. I'.m1i14 lis,d :1)11.,4 '•a1jnely X011111'11111.,, 1111:1 1411,11 Ih4. .prig .1st in Ihey ,•uj.yed 1 he Ailed Inxu4'4 44 a 1.u(. .1 I4.1 111.11/4. 1.1.311 1114. 1,411..,( I k,• 1,3•.44..11. \\11,6, telt• (.w 11.1i11 44:,. 111.1 1rg3r1- iz11tl le informed 161' writer Ili. Ila lase, .1 three and Ilia,114•a,.!seveuty- /ice rem,. of f"d.4)4 .r.•4trd .u,ll 1114 ' tiouniusn no, aim 1ha.' he lay Tn':,k,. .1 .4 night wPndering 1 4,,' could meet them. 11.• I, d 4/.l 141144)114 s1.11, :444/1 j)' he had 4/..n.• would pay cash for 11. The Village of Carlo*. \.other 111)1'• hl jag. y'4.41 1. 1':1'1'0%•. 10,• S111116'. 11111. a. jl 4yn. known in former day's, in ron.'•y .•6,c, of the tow nshjp's being 1:141 .m I,y. ;t6, 14141 111.01•, r .111.41.),.1' b4 II:rn.• .f Su.il h. SI:ul.h I,4 al Ih1. Ir.n1j[1t'nl t«.ini 11,,• aspe''1 i. irally lin,, wht•tb,•, y1411I IPP. I' th.,nPrll. nth, ,•:1st or 11r.! lit 1Lj• 161.1 11111'1\1 11,11 1114• :.ighl.e•, ••,t. :m lx11.11.j1e 'lj.a'. .f 11,4. broad , I.,ke- I141r.6,,'.•...•1.4'bein llainl4 ser. 44 4th 11..• naked rye. If thorn hedges rcisl.vl in the ph:,•I 11''"'•t1 anti 1011, 11•111.1.S.. 4),,. 111.4111' 44.1411) 11,1,4'111 :w pl'•asi'bg a pr.tsilt•.•! :1s 111,411)' 11311. .4' 0111 11.:111.:131141, 01,11. many .1 the t '.jdei,e. ld 1 h 10111 1P L. 1.114),)14, with 111,), ►uo.l•I'I, im- pro%1.)11.,111.. 1111• ,nlrli,i It.r the \ 1 A. W41:- _?t Hot I. During ray short holiday 144 1s u, 1'1 u.41'I.,.ly housed %%fah 11111. . 41 1. 114.:14 10, .114,, 1111.141 \I111' a pu''L. 6,11,1, 44l,. i..6, 441'11 known 11111 1411 u.il)' .14011 f.1' 'lint'. 1 110.4,41141% trII\I r, \1111••1' 4,.,. re, wally lima • Ih • pdielrt.,ti of the proper' 4• kilo., '•xperale11 eicsi.11•r.. 11',' 111 /t.•y 11 P. hiu Oho lams. atl.l promises 114 t•.rpj1:4i order. 114 m1,141-' n (.'l4v'•tI411 %%in.l• mill. ru.dern 111.a.,lalr ialpl'111, 1414.14)\ h:,cr L4.en,ialrlolore11 jute Ih. 11.11.1•. making .4 roue)- ur,•ee11 reform 114 %rbirh 1114114'.lh••rc n11:ry e.1 deli-h- met4ts might %4,11 fnllnw Th, .j11br; ru.ln., 110011g 1'00111 111,1 IM•11r.om. 1rr all well fm ni.!retl. awl :111' kip! r.ulfurt;tb!y warm ,Intl ,4/•e :1s clean as 11 new, pro. II's tenth' :1 )read 10 4)n Ihert. :11;d .l.,ep in .6,r 1 f his Lig I14.1•, ,'','i yt bing being M. 111111 1 and orderly Ih:4) yon wake 6,p in the morning rl•fro.hr,l and 44jtli ., 4)4 , 11 1 r (. 41 coiriliwle4) 1a' 1.41'•"111111•. 11,(1 is - I J 41114. 1111111, j6, 111:1„4311 1),11':M1y', 1'x111'.,,.1.11 %VI1.1 '111!0• ll' in 1 1 / 44.14 1 11 Iigrll prnple scare,))• •ig111. and i1te1- li.ti4,gIishahle Russian,. and rims. as Milieu. Am gnerl are N.N. " In;f. (1111• ••cntcning o41," 1 Nhnll gi a an inri•' young man ea me tilo the mei office dent. In conelimion, 4)n mmt :mil 14(.11111 11 and a,kwl, "1\'u. 1 j6, 1110.11 11.1 night, night with .1 mall : N. Llr 11114.1T. throng,'In1 n• 1010.-1 y, with 11111'.111 Wet• t 0 t 11• • .1 , t. trhnn+r t 1{•1111 Nlm 4' 1:111'• (1'r. \\ 1'.l p • When nil 44144) (arid \'44111.1 Nl reel and etre {villi rnnlN, nnnunrinK varinuN THK lih: l' wl. Mork// \x The h.'or and l is sm.,i, 4. a sol old • .ked..• frtom m11 odyn people. They 1411 to, .4! IIY.•4r t i In Iba north .11,449 Meellt 11) 1N. 11111).' ""aunt 1'c:•, . I' h 6,t nor well 11 many other m,tii showing how the fat Wr.1Ipeg's Chief Concern, • 1 have several tilers heard 1114• re- mark.. ••\\•initipx•.( is no !lar,.• for t'6,• .y holm. 110 .4/e Thinks .f anything "nit making money," Thi: p erloap. 1. pretty 11o,•. and 1cal i•.tale i, the aur• theme of;s•mil,n'ron4'ersali'm. 11.4% ever.'11 du 440 lhi.k Iha1 11.41 e.1:11e i. )3.1 1o•yon,I j!. Il'n•l44.t'l• saline 111 1,1'..1 411). '.l 1111• 0114. Ilf 141111.1. leu -1• 14!111 114141' 11141,1 1.0 111 1411..111- -j.le .f the 'silt' !moils may Ilul) that 'hey ha%,• lied up 141.•ir.1n111eyfor a' long 1 • ahead, let wj1hin the 1 11.'re 44,11 "1iJI Ie :4/l athan'••. and %%luau cheap 1.1,'114'' !Aver i4/ :111,,.1.1 onli000ti d 1mu.111141v j. tr:uty for; de- livery here there %vi11 k.• a Golit •r j4/• 13•'.11914.• 114 11)1.4)).1... ; and this is said lir 114• a 1hiu4) of the near future. I have looked around the wily polity II,r•,lghh• t. ascertain position :11111 I %a1.1.• of Pity lots % aa.',,d. 1)14, section know 44 a. ••1(,•. nett. 1111. 4444111 110111 lilt., i. 1,10.11• /•4141.1.1 0 11 11 willow -tank L'nr .r live feet high. b11) the -lots ate ...idling 1,t 813 per fool 11 441:ig4, 'I hl•I a -in x build- ing lest net jai 1411 11.,'• hat to the.•f- fect 111411 bnihljn$. 4•Ie1•I,vl 1111 less than 8:1,1111 The sheet ear line ran, I-'411 6,l...4 -j 14. 1 L• 'l00N•rt v, whi4.L i• a'«.,t 110.. ."i .. ft. the 4.jly 11:11. \\Ault' 1.. 101 only look high, Ili, j111P.rn14011 !,11111)1,1 In. 4,•11141, (.11' 144'11'•1 111111 1111. ,111111,11• .d *') 10 11):14) MII. 11.111011 "Cornu'.by • f :\.1114.141) is the principal intr'rr•.ted and i1binl.elf,•re''Iingnrest. 1,141• there worth $144.144441. Jhnit. ..t he 11/1 .,.thick ly1.'41.1.11 44)1)4 poplar 4te''M (111111 Iwo to tour inches in diameter. A few 411 'sago we were .•xpl,t, jig a road Ilrr-mtgh the 'poplars running .4? \\',•I1in4lnn crescent. pre( ty far out. There were 1111 11,111141 on Ike -street." 'tel 4hjnkiug we haul ,lrruck the re11 estate sign wt• were looking for we 44,141441 in and brushed 011 the . It tend, '•K two off the grass.- A" there watt nn4hin4) in sight lot .''1441, and wild grass looking throng)) the• . , I r hided that 144111111• 1'14) Offtl'i,,4• were Ione. 1114.14111144 Ih •1Nl, or else that JI, 0. I.hn.11n hail wandered al.og 11,•00 :14141 elropfwti I one of hi., Some Former Goderich People. An14lrig the pelade 1 ha % 11111 are- I):n1 Jlri'ornlar. Mrs. J1. and Aliso Tnitie are in the city : Mr.. JI's health has been impri,ved by Q'eal4'rn recd• 11,•4111 I,In•nr I'Ilinl1, win 1.14tmlying law herr :.rohn Andreicr : Mr, El. Holt, .f (Moist Krni.• Mtt•wau•t ham arrived in the Pity'. Int 1 have not seen him. N,11,1e Smith i,4 expler•te11 in j6, a few Clays, 1V.V.Ti' ,i C. (3rx1nR. 1Vinnip.. , :November Cth. How Much are Eggs ? "\Vh•t ,4/•r eggs a dozen I Islay i'" a lady awke•11 at the grovel'.. "Two -,tore for 24 rents.-' •111,1 the grocer, "would ,mike them re11444 per dozen "'1'h,r1." Kahl the 111111. '•1 .iii lake 21 rents' 441/11.1 How' many eggs 1111 ,rhe b)!)• +- Cin- cinnati Inlllirrl. PATERSON'S COUGH DROPS /set n r.nnr. 411.14¢1, 144; • 41'14. nix 1.., Ch..' 11b'.r all k,IN. t'.. 14'.1 at. telae /oath .r.krn r,._ ':.1•ni"ur'rniawtil'n i': Ibe THEY WILL CURE 'PH OR 1114 It will do )011 Jack . tit of the town) I O N E both 4)/001. -Yes." 44 o l the clerk, ' 1 .,w'' v6, n -):used a tiny h• • lomat., tip Arent 15 1 1 \\' ► "r.mm 6,11 tit II ! (1 Oat 14.11 Nov', 21+1, 1 1111. 14411. re" l y Intl." ..lit) 111" 1, • 11 144 t 11 1 I ► w didn't 1'l r, Iw , . A1 ,l 1 t . •.. 41. f .i •• '• I 6,v 4, 1 0 fl " Is.longing 1 Ar fie ret n m . . .11 1 I An- lois 1 o Nwi er '1 K K 1 t. 4 111 I III 1 1• •1 tit t / m 1 '.' 1144 / II 111114 re K Ira •,4 A 1I1 emboli!. K1 opportunities, 1 1 : 1 141. , somewhere.t untlrN 1 titthe r drew Paling. the .,6,l .f as trout by 114 line property of three hundred Christmas Comingsniti !J 1 n spot 1 fel A ,'14.1 . .lt•;ll. 1 1 t t, 1 ••N.. m11 herr. ' .nid the vital.. 1414t. ser ronlx•n eel 'renting tiles,. 24 4414)•4144, 111 ,11 •',Cul nn .141 '4rn: :I. 41111. acre.. 111 1 'el i1111 %lith 1'x- 44 4' 4 •1 )II -!••r 4'hri.'rnN•• Here a i0.1',, hI, 1 h1•.k, it.. "Dill )'m1\'T,1 1 y i It',ti % h 11 4111141 WW1 . t 11 t meet. Putt her on are (rt.114. Cul t I 1 I A i n' ) ► turn 141411 1,0141 1 . 0:111141 , .' I s nutlhnlgrlat'+ +"lid 1 ( 1 t. inquiet a•,•thef it tell • • homing 1 •. 1 Itl. 111 , ., . 1 1 K 1 , N• Lnn tlu' en 1 Na) 111, well•kr t ; •g 6,l t.1 1111111•1141111, 1141 i'I- '11r.1nw1'r (1,:111 n hdlra'NI'' - ••''1444 4,'I 1 rljd," said 4114' 4').•,jm, ••p 1l ' 4)1141!tomtit's .f Alps. RnIwM...n- raid Thos. \lit • ' keepei and 414,ania.trt•, ,Ind in 111 th,'N,. lint what de ehilInn .1)'! -You 6,q' bet Imont• 111411 Illy teeth." Items or N 'thing else• int, assuming ng ''4,•11. 'Phe line shade 4,,..•..1 these' undertakings he war Ab1. ,,NNi.le14 h)• Der wants fluter hater 6,v 11 i. not ,411 n laughing matter, "tow- !the former, the thought struck utry 4.44.p,•1li •s n11 1 much In thrix deet nn e%..-'hl414 p,,rtir+tl 1111.1i11011444An' tsi:rrlr ten, Cr Ila K K tial %her.• iN a and advaninge aftt•r All 1.414)• AI 1 anyone will "dm" Ihnl ! in our .horn and h:mtiy names like , •-• ing -I .1 Den, Its. (Adel' )114' tone to den,n, his a •li eh. Largely rail- Itramin' ';rmt '1; renin, 1'r Or t !4/i-' it 1'1111. In the rxtrm of a el•pl.rml'10 ; • ;,4nlith " •• I Men. :, grnn,4atost ..f the to dent I r. the .n4.,,...f the.,. {':4/i- m3.: roil in Ili. m•1: 4•.nnlly. Two hon- Hri,,' , elt What an I 1, \l'n1. 'Allen. a welbknntt n and .n. interests. The resit!! ww. that \14141431 nn•I)nm nn tied 41.Ib11. i•. N:,j l to In• a •14)'11 Initi- : t .' time and ink the world highly re-j«•nett p1'n.w'I. , Jnr. MrIh,n3g11 became a pr.Np,•ro11r liar receipt. in 1Vinnil1•g, and it is toll) Imr if 441 All had nwmeA 111,1 .4,1.1 311,•1441 .f )'nu .n the 0,.111.-A-1 :rid well-known limn in the 1• once in , fh,t. comer is 1 b prelli1'•)) state.) %".n 1111111114'. 11i. 4411) Frank. ''1,1-41 of Ihu 4..m1.611•)' and great raw,"hil, 111 l Ipuitpr' 11' 411..,',4I)o4',',' 1111•"11ir+n hof 11%%'inniplrK Architectural Features. "1'34 h,''ullNtwenll iN+u Ir,44 .f liar township, Inenpirl the .Idhnmtlltsd, ('hicApgl News. Aliment the very 11:1014 and this 411x•11 Whilv.Mxi11 1Uet•t i1 dillappxtinting lose 11 name ora sign of ei.• COAL ALL KINDS CF COAL ALWAYS ON NANO flea)) t nnl wrigQhrd on the market -raM., whor yon 1144 41111 411 (111 a Inn. WM. LEE. Older. hit al 1'. 4'. 14.14. :, Hwnlwnee Store .Me liauwre, prompt I♦ attended 1i. One of the most dangr, ons 411d repulsive Lonna 4/l Kidney Disease is opsy for which Dodd's h, Pills are the only cure. In Dropsy the neys are actually di:: up, and the water, I. should be expelled j.1 forst ,f urin,flows and lodges in the 1,), , the flesh and puffs ung skin. Remove the • which plugs up the .I Restore the Kidne,, , health. There is on., . Kidney Medicine DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Expectant Mothers should take " nu-ju " during this trying time. The extra strain, weight and undue pre.. sure on the delicate organ:, often irntate and inflame the kilney14. This not only increases the dao, ger of childbirth', but pieces the health of the baby in )eup.rd7, Bu-tju THE GENTLE KIDNEY PILL keepis the kidneys strong and vlgurous-acts as a mild tonic on all the female organs, and prevents Constipation. A " no -Ju " pill at bedtime is the best protection against Kid uey Trouble during pregaanc At all druggists, or direct on of pnce, Sex per h01. TMn CLAILIN CHEMICAL CO IMITLo 141No41,011. MT Christmas Fruits 11', have opened out a 1,•.., r4o4k Of ICA'SINS, ('I•ILH.\N'P.. 'l'EAls. F'I(i). • ':44'1'1'... Nl"I'i..1. (hder your supply for flit'.' 41,11. e.,4-45. %Ve guarantee sat Have you seen the Premiums we :1e niTering with .ix 1, t1 or Pleasure !roup for 2.1 14•.1. A hands piece of 4_1.. wine 1)t• ehimtw:4/e 1.1'TELY F'K EF: with ca, gnat tel.'s worth Pleasure Soap Is Good Soap t •n STURDY & 'CO. The Grocers. MEN WANTED 44Mr, Iw.0www 14.14..444. to wHalos ' .n11M.1114 .4t. ,' .114. up.lw- 44 atm. w'MmMt .nn4,1 ..t ,. ,.n 14' 144 • nn.r. ora e''n> A. ,n .,.air .1.11,1a,.1.11,1a,....1 r.n.M nun Nw 1.. not r.•..t I.M 1'w No r4 y.r,rn. .nr..1.I 1.4 114,4 /m Mrt+4/lare... *ALMS MEDICINAL CO., lo.4o., sereno, Csas(s TURKEYS WANTED \V.' want 4,, 1.114 4.4.11 1,11 will tut) the hlgh4'.t n,:6, k4'' %Veil,• far par) icnl:rs and -t:.4' 1 1111111y you hare. THE CANADA POULTRY A'. PRODUCE CO.. Limited. Stratford. - 1110 GRAND Ti? UNK:sYs EM CHRISTMAS II \NII NEW YEAR 11 HOLIDAY RATES 11 '1'F:Itit1T()111/11:: 1t l': Ih•t 4444.11 .111 M.1LiullI. in 1 4*l).td4; 4,1,4)) t(1 ►h•- 1roil, and t'ro't Heron, !lil•h. Rid. 1,11o, Black Rock. Niagara Falls 1141,4 1'M,pN•n'i.n Bridge, N. Y. At Single Fare Good going 11,•/'. 24111 awl _.ith: returning until Dee. 211th. Alm/wowing Dec. Met and .1ann1114 Ia., tet owning until .Ian. 2. 1911'i. At Fare and one-third (in.' g • g I►rr. 21. _., i. 23.23. '1and 2.1:also 14)". 2%, 2i1. :Ilion' :11, anti inn. 1. 111117, ,'.turning Mit jlIan. :1, lorr7. or In krl. and fall Information rail o. F. F. LAWRENCE, Ton Alen odic° hour, -A.:11 ,Lm. 1171 p.m. J. STRAITON, IM(,4rt TIrknl Aar„' t. D. McDonald District Pas.. ages, Toren)..