HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-12-13, Page 66 TuvksDAy, llcCeMbcr 13th 19(6 4 •I'flNAI.1;1MEM( 'II 1iNTAI:11► '}�'�P•yrr• .. Ai - - 1./rr.M•�",y�/�+aw. y.,nrrat,� „y..elnietrfams f% Is sleigh and reindeer re-eutor.•- d by fast trains and .M•o:en liners, ,Santa Clatls Is deliver. 1114 at ouch larger nuuber.,f prem. its every year. The toned States ttstal authorities say the ('hrlstmle Mail this season will far eZeeN1lu '441 unit' tlat,.uf.la:et "it inter. Aml then It was treii,o sous. %VIth every Inuut.t, luvII and city stooling out old receiving Its quota, Millions of letters and paek:Ige4- some by special delivery. many registeri.d nod• others with ordinary postage -- travel from nod to all parts of the na- tion. arrive from foreign shores or pass out to them. '!'here are about h41,01aa,- (Nat persons iu this country-. A imp 1 111) hof ktluw bI4 name. }'••r -11 of was 'Foto. \lint cats of his ,nasion are called 'tom. , It sort of noncommittal nano. an uo burden to the. eat. Mark r1' says lie 011(•1) killed a promising lot .or eats by overloading them namell . 11e vaned thele %urn:n Sour Mash. Anon:oar's and Him 1 Duce lures a eat named 1'111 Shiite buthr was fairly husky and out seem til mluJ It. We might r promise by 'ailing this especial fe SM.:lusher. 1.1e was always looking/ s44methllg. Mostly It was for sit thing to eat. and when It wasn't tha was for trouble. ylicawber hall hail a hard life. W i,tween the world, the• flesh and small boy he WW1 111) against It in of thee tittle. As a kitten he had 1. reared 111 eotuparativ.' luxury, but t time now seemed to hint, when 'thought of It at all, like a dire. sw dream. .Mostly lie did not think of being toe busy with everyday offal such as lighting; dolgIug stouts a h.,king for provender. The flout where he had lives! In his happy you hap. I per Is a .1 Is wain itch with t sr, het•- N Y dill 44hr le) for me t it hat the amt e'en hat he let It. rs, ' ml ly tit heel Riuv..d • away, forgetting to take dm :Jong. 'rhe nest Oe t:pants of the rouse did not wont hint, so he was brows' out on the colt world. Ile did tot leave tolnutarlly, but utter ieing •Ialsd.un(, kicked out. looked out and towed with hot water a sufficient uutu- wr of time*, lie filially took the hint hat his company wav' not desired. Ile 0d out sit touch mind the Indignities. 0t rude, phyMleal assault pained and trprlsed him. Ther' are some things tat even n cat will not stand. After that, for the most part, he r, .1 In a hack alley. Ile slept In a Irrel by day nod w..ut on voyages ,exploration and discovery by night. e did not tinct moth bit tribulation ill 'wraps -Reruns that were eatable• lid scraps with other felines. Surue- tirul•s, when driven by hunger, he veu- turYl out by day. Occasionally he eaiight light of n mouse, a bird or n lhJpmma)k• Then, motionless and alert, be would *alit it for what 'teemed ages. The patience of a cat Is a thiug that slimad he immortalized on n monument. While on these daily outings he hail 10 Jump sideways and straight np to get out of the way of playful brlekbat4 and clods hurled In lila direction. ile b,s•ame as exlwrt In 'dodging missiles as a millionaire in eventing n court sit 1411011,. Indy MI- eawbe'r knew nothing about uIllliun air's. 11e belonged to the bun pulloi. Most of the time b,• lived the strenuous life. 11.' became expert In war through many tr'nncings. Ile learned to 11,k eve'ry'thing be could not make 1,.t-' to. Ile had no tnura is to speak of and was never troubled by eun'cjetce lir :ltru Ism. `When living the simple life he was mild and meek Looking and had a t•ulc' 114 gentle and pleading as that of a look agent. Itut whet' on the wear path he will n eyelon' and emitted yell" that would wake up the block. Ile was a bed nett from the mountains :rod was yearning to uutke the world acquainted wlth:.the feet. Nriw.' there are eats and cats, as you doubtless know. Sometimes there are too. many .d theta, es M'i•ht11y fit might. 4I 'aw her belonged to this overlies. The cat's voice when timed np 1a not exaetlp like the music of the sph'res, but attracts more attention. t'(':1en ex- ('itel by wrath fe1iue tangoing,. has a diabolic finality that mounds like blas- phemy. So does the language of the man who Is stirred oat of his rest the're'by. If some (:nruer cnn14 Mg. rover Just what feline small talk mean." be would doubtless bring to oar notice nn original ami delicious array of 'air words that would enrich the glage trough long practle,''licawls•r 1m1 develolfe I n volee that ran all t e gamut of hideousna.s. 1t se. el through all the Reales of dt,t.ur and embraced ail the octaves of Ihhartnony. 11 441(14 not !mistral, but penetrating. was elumtle, criminal and assault yoking. Y expressed all that Is IcuJish 1)11)1 11111b''ol'ut. it hail in It the Jespnlr and .error of n loll seed, the wall of a defeated demon. It was n seno)1fl1, it outrage and an Infamy. The stento slyenl got n11 its sliding 'rale of diabolism. n111ts crescendo of 'nsse1- 11e•1s, all Its swItchbacks find shoot the chutes of the lufe'rnallsm of mouMp from the feline voice. Yet to r'g:ro \flcnwber's sleepy eyes, his imiffeteslve demeanor and his playful disposition one weld not '11'• pest him of harIMoring Pinch sentiments, You world not Intaglio' that muter that fluffy and amiable exterior (mild he rolled hip so mich noise and depravity - on the otutside. Inoffensive nn4 gulls. less docility; on the luside, murder, jority of them Isiah send and receive .1 Christmas mall, from nue• to .several t duze•ti pieces earls. '1'1414 gives a faint lies of the exteut of the work that falls 111..11 the postal :nnh,,riU.•m. 4 Whether in the" Ii'' 4 of tine city or on a rural delitcry 1 ,40, the carrier is t loaded dowti with 811)' remembrances 41 of In Ill Ii.t,.I or heart echoes of 1, seatterel famine:. The letters be must deliver are Basil three times as it 111111," as lit ordinary ..:,sons. bet Inds - greitr't burden is the packages h' li numerable, ba'k• br'u1.ing package•.. lint If, the carriers are worked hard. bow about the IMslottiee Meeks': Ile- Ii sides the Increased :mount of mutter they have to haudl.•, ll,' const 1M• par- a1 i 6ANT.( )IA61s TI/1: I'esT'I.1Y's 114,4 1C Alla. ticnlnrly careful that the regulations of the J'pnrt14 111 are ma being ',i), paled. Jl:uly articles of merl•hauuiae are prullibitt.Y1 transmission lit the 111)1144 '(Iointinuil are frequent Is`- (•plume of ignurnl4e. (Int' thing that cause* caths work for, Nle letter seders Is she pi4•nllnr ad- dresses on ninny letters and packages, 1Mide from th.' tbonsamls .1 Missives sent to Santa Claus? 1l're are those with some such address as -Care of Lieutenant 1'eary, North role." 1•uz- 'zle addresses are nod nue,n:llhn, :11.1, SIth'ngh M.m1('14114•.IM'(gl ie,, Qitj•.y then) onhinnrily, they 40 hot nt 4'hristnia. tinge. A frequent form of address I. drawing of a plan) plslding, with the name, street :111,1 city written in minim. ehara'ters on :1 10:1% of A sprig of holly at the top. The grr„lest center 4.1 postal activity in the world Is probably New York city. 1t Is by far the largest math dos trilnitin4 or shippllik point 04) the 1.01, tinout, r•c.•Ict11g Instal mailer from foreign countries, from the north. month told west. I1 also has an Irutnese for - elfin population that sends home vast tlm.lwr4 of money orient :I 041 register. ed 111 the midst 4.f the 4'hristmas rush 1111 average of 6,1510 registered pnr•s•14 and 114),111a1 letters an lo111r ern reeeItll at the foreign mall station In N,•w• York. }teeutly 0 : • Rblp sailed for Europe with 3,110o ,.n.-ki.,of ordinary Mall matter nn4alm(et 7:,(4410 register. ed pneknm's, while another vessel car. HeJ away half a ,nlllllot dollars in Rmoav orders, ' It; W. LUN', 44"-, 11111 'r It pro riot •1041 vire, '' hllJllke and bland," like 'the heath a Chimp," he had m1• dere •x111 a d b1e portion of the spirit of 11eelzebt That Is a cat. That was \flrawber. IIic cif. enutniuel other forms of ex- (•Itene . Once for n time he found a have of refuge 1,1 a saloon. ito dad not earn to tipple, for that Is a form of human Jelluqueney that is beyond •en n (at. lie was regarded as the nlaselt of the glare and grew :s sleek - and prosperous i to14ing as the owner. one night the s:IIMmr blew up from a defe'th-e gas tonin, in removing the ruins the workmen 11nearthed one pie•e of debits that emitted n wild yell thud shot out of the place like a streak. It was 'II.11wl.cr, denuded of hair, lint very nitwit alive. Many enotlnl111 were expressed In that :•.'II -pain, rage, ter. r.r, hunger and the outraged sous„ that follows the Iwtrayal of 4101111114' faith, Ile toad t1ist1`111 11 Ill, In return had hail hurled at Ilan n large section of earth. 'make and destruction. Out of 111,11.e - (m1 *11M•µ 111 11111 been hit by n house, tuned what seemed miles upward nod boil fallen b•u•k to be pinned down un- der a 'rain of broken her flxhtros, frog. meals of free lunettes and smashed Iver bottle*. there to be imprisoned In ' the b1Arktrees11 of 0(1-'r 4191!,aes4 for What seem., 'mending a4es. (Whet. way wits this to treat n d1fens'Ie4x and men'ln•rtl:.z rel' Whit bird lie dense In the world that It should blew' hits tap sop trtntt,le nm him IR suet 'million/ in time, however, his w-olndel feel- ing* and skin heeled, iia fur grew bock and be was once more ready to make, a presentable appearance In company. Evens cats feel some d'Ik:•tcy abont Tentuting Into society with molt of their clothes ripped off. Still later in his career he wifis taken 111 1 :N4' 811(1 matronly woman with an amiable disposition :171(1 n dou- ble chin, lt're he regained his faith 11n humankind mid 'tinsel for a time to be n howling pessltllst. Having had n little orifice ctrl for hie Into the kitchen entryway, t1, he wore slick with his frequent eominits and goings. Ant some stray eats also iwirne4 of 'the hole, so n small door with hinges shove was ldaeel oyer the opening. This hurt Mlcawber'' feelings, and he Mewed piteously 1111111 one Joy the email IMI' of the house pushed him Ihrilugh the hole And sli-'4.41 him hot► the door worked, layer afterward he asked nohlO(14's i4 Ileitnnce that is, in going nut. int when It e11111P to get- ting hick. that was 11 different natter, At first he poshest against the door, lint this hurt his dread nod 41d not effect the desired result. Then he mowed: Finally he worked It ont with hitt small eat brain. Ling on his back, he'pnwe,l the door open, then by A sodden squirming motion 1.44• through- the holt' before It could close again.' After that achievement he arched lila hack and wnikel ns proudly aa though be had wblpoed the biggest o.' uu the 1d,..•.. Nor C.J to. turtiet '1`_. 4. ' triol. Finally ttie family 411woy• 1x en'tl him at It, and neighbors came to see Idm cleverness. if this caused hint any pride, however, be never showed It. Cats are not a.n:,•teJ with swelled Ilelad. Pyeu 41,,411;;14 they have mv ethic" worth :neulioulr;. N-heu the family 111,0(11 .I11uwtwr hail honored with his present... 111 v 1 .1 W:1) to a distant city It war sine, ¶a regret that they were fu 1.1 leavt• hint behind. .%.4 the huuw• st `t•ucaut for n time he again !teem' wanderer the fuel•, of the earn . hump, a stray, a vagabond. So , more he began carousing Sud dist Ing the uelghborhowl. Ile had a euulal appetite lh!1 never was all el. a eravlug: that uerer was lit MieawIs•r w:114 a IlauJ.unle cat* raliuut tclthal, and Among the uo script felines of all color" and no 0 b. st"' 14 of he shone resplendent tubby coat, striped like a tiger. Ile now reached all age when any tegulatel eptt'should have sealed 41 and IN'eoue tI respected citizen. 1 haps it was n sei1se of his ulIregener condition that''aused him to east oho for another home: Luring his 44•rn, Irts he stupjMY1 :1t :t bath rad n fano g.,ve him ulflk fresh from the e, 'There were three Jn1,^e-4411 the pia and Slicawlc•r did not stay.' t)Ii wluter's day he esIM•••lully f the need of a new 1111'. 1•erli:rpt 1t w beeitto*• he was .014; also lulu y. s.winel to 111114 that 1,e was alwapel grr. Ile was a boodle of appetite, 1;uimatel volt, act Ine:ruate tout 44 IY /. reed MMI 111•: homemade 4'brlstmua pies - le 11 1I cut e•rnz.• has fut-aded Husain. 1, 11 :old the czarina has caught It. orb• She has plenty of C'hrlstmaa IM,r. ulo11ey Olid spends It liberally, but In M,as. addition utale•s with bier own bonds lel. gifts that will especially please the and Czarow•itz and the four little grind 1141•• duchegw•s, t The ezariva'" lite is a odor busy- nue, 1111,141 with court and other f0 a pubic Jntirx, social entertainments of had a personal nature azul many eels of well charily. while she spends Mom*• 111110 lit mt• u pointing. woodcarving. drawing and et,. literary- work, -11.o she devotes many lit hours to making Christmas pnwlttM er- for her cldldreu au ortpation w-hl.•h wr to her is indeed a t:iIor of lode•. w 1•robahly her most notable effort its 'Y•• n woodcut.%er IY an esnet mold of a *+islet in the ilv1M•ri::1 pleasure ground" els essine'etwl with the '1'sarsto• Selo pal - 'ax ace. It l 'lite original is the czar's 18'orlte $111itunT hulas., in w'Id••h he frequently 1111 ' 1,:s Ida luncheon served. when he de - Ug' more*, to .scale fr, .11 the utmost op- tu. pressIve splendor of the imperial IIIe he ' iiig r.M,mic-splenlur that takes away ts. Imperial aVpetite. ,r, " '1 . model 1s exquistteh' ,•aryel 111 of whit wood' owl has eighty-four iep- 'It• arab. rte. These are so made that Jr- the mit attar,. 1,11)144• 11111 1M• pulled rr• I down by he rzarowitz, who is now ole more than wit y'e'ars old. without be- Royd Iran IFEnzauttt - me• This particular day, wbleb w8' prove a r.sl letter one in his career, wandered fur from 11i., 1U11a1 halm FSually espying a alightly open doe his old donu•s.e habits got the best him, :11141 he veutllrevl In. It was ('lirl ems, holt he knew nothing of that. 1 Inc a pagan and heathen by man Perhaps 1n some sulM•onsrluua w•ny was sent us a 4'hristinns gift to the lit• tie folks there, but of that he also was lit Iguoraue. When once inside, the house me•mel deserted. but it was warm. That w'aa the main thing. No, not q.'ite the main thing. for the Inward gnawing (ontlu- tie,I. The carnal nature of a cat Is as string as that of 44/11110 people. The only ohje't In the universe nolo worth seeking was n dinner. Suddenly he caught` an unmistakable scent t!: made h144 nerves tingle and Ills 11 u 4enh water. Surely that wens milk: nicest.- ber'' unerring lusttn(•t 1o•atel It on a nearby table, and with n single spring he wax there. Ent the best laid plans 111 hot only of l'e and !nem but also of rats, go oft.nstray. There was certain - 1M• ly milk here. but in atolleuliar guise that his feline lr:lln '(old not make It out. The nursl ng bottle was n newthing In him experience, ole gave 1t up. Next he espied:Mother eat, one that looked like a very small edition of • Ing dnnnagel. 'rhe czarII, I 14 sit OT - Inlself. '1t remindwl hien mf his owl days of 1:itletllnsMI, when he land plflyel with n ball and romped his way hitt the hearts of t1' childr'u. Ice was not without sentlm'ut, 41)1)1, Iningry aR he was, he would stop to make friends Leaping 011 to the table where the small cat was seatl4, 11e proceeded to rank' advances. Itnt nevi a word said the other cot. Ile advanced clos- er, but the kitten did not even deign to notice him. This was rank dlteour• limy, and he went away In dlsgnst, Stuffed rots were niso a new thing to Mica w].er, - Venturing on his hunger driven way, he suddenly beenmc rigid In every limb. ile knew that labor. What eat dors not? it tens a mouse. Itnt where? Agniq his Instinct (arecled Ilei .to the spot. It was on n table II the Whiten, atilt with n bound he w -as bier'. Yes, here WAS the hole -Two of then!, In fact. }'lacing his nose down In eat fa'hlon, he diMoovere,l w bleb Pole the 1000s1. used. Knowing troth lig of the mysteries of traps and that til' particular 011' had relight n 44ma1) rodent only the night before, ,he sat down patiently to wait for that mouse to e0me forth. There the mistr,•ss found 141111 when she returned from a hurried call to borrow ROMP extra spoors for the ('hrimtmnq dinner. Out of het•'Iare heart she took pity on the wandering feline, and be was reward- ed with a liberal Christmas helping of his own. Iie• was forthwith adopterd and settled down to an old and re- spected cntbood. Only he watt not called '(flcnwber, Mit by the more appropriate, If mere ebmmonplace, name of Teta" y Of hla former walderftlisiand adventures be told me himself tuts he purred NIT CHALET MAI*: 1'4)1: TI[I: e'EAROWI E SY THY, 'Z.(RINA. pert woodcarver. This ability Is a re- sult of her 4lerma11 blood and environ- ment. t Al little Princes', Alis, daughter 1 of the late (;rand broke' Iwoula IV. n of Iles., and ".sweet I'riu•ess Alice'," Queen Victoria's favorite daughter, she Wo,, taught tnaty of the crafts that It le deemed proper In Germany for all ehlRlren to know. And It In Iteennew of that nbillty, her deep devotion to her children and the Inherent Jeslre of the (Germans "to make things" that the (marina plans and executes little sir - prises for the flue imperial youngsters of Russia, A, .I, HITT, c, ' irraks �HIt::C fs musk In the chlmnep— On the hearth a penial plow. Now the house I: making read') ror•,,nld Santa Claus, 1 know, And the lune the chimney 's singing Is a merry roundelay : "doll and cheer— (-hrl;tmas 's bete, And old Santa 's on the wag.' 'EVERY 'spark that mounts the chlmnel Is a falai of the fire, Dancing up to watch for Santa, Salting higher, higher, higher, TIII, amld the stars that twinkle, On the sly path":ay they pays', care and Mink, Nod and wink, Wafting for old Santa Claus. the coals that glow and sparkle on the hearth or in the grate And the embers there assembled Are but eager eyes that watt For Rrlss Kringle, who Is coming With his pack of sweets and ton Sledge and deer, 1lringing cheer 'o,a million girls and bops, --__-_- - ARTHUR i