The Signal, 1906-12-13, Page 44 TUVWDAY, December 13th 1 A
Telephone ('a11 No. 1i,
Term. of Subscription :
81.111 per annual ill 14dy nete,.
L11011111+.:411, : three
subscribers who faill
onwr•Iye-1 pix sunset.
n•aularly by 111.111 will confer a favor by ac-
quainting us of the fret Al as early a date OA
when a change of mid re.s Is desired. both the
old sub the new address should be given.
Advertising Rates:
Legal and other similar a.lrertl.enrut... 1414•
per line for
le pe
ASCII ruhoe,pl«utiuIlI411mn.1)d.MC 'ulfw' by
• Hu.Inew cent+of twists
lix lines Anil11ulnder,1.1
ces. per
Ails ertl+ementsof Ln.:. Found, Straye(1. Sit-
u.tllon. )eluant, Situation. Wanted, liouwwbar
ts-uo or t retch. tforl�sink,. Letanot
.` e Sale or In exceedingehirght
line., Yew• each It* rtion ;SI for find
1.4r each subsequent loom h. Larger advertise-
ments ha proportion.
.tnnonneemente In antinomy reading ty71e len
rents per Ills, No not ice le.,. t ben pi .
AIRY syrth.
ci.41 notieee tiler: of aihtrh I. the
or asarwl
' on. for lrlei benefit
Idered anlot%or141e.rnn'111 and
to be chastest :uvvrntingly.
Minim for display and 'contract :vtrniv:
meets will be given on applivatloo.
Address all eomluunlcat tans to
)'AN.) rT61t t Ikti FItTNUN,
Tut thus..,
H=Mrit�b,4) t.11
pru4idel than in the Mod emu+, :end At
the and of the year. and for the fol oi1),
the people of that dietl•i(1..10'ould hurl•
the benefit and use of is railway. In
the 4 au cisme the ryoung w•ynlsn taker
goods which workmen somewhere pro-
duce anti out good Nv *111rin theme lip, a4I
that 44t the end of the roar the world
is that nitwit powder except for what
the:dressmakers itlay have saved ; in
the other � rave the goods 110VA 114411
C011 NJ, it it true, but while they
were IWIIlg runt�uwl a work wits cote•
stringed which snakes the .world
S2111,IMlp better off.
This is excellent 1144nloning -Plat the
kind that (lav 1rad,•.,a apply in tefer-
euee to tariff questions. Preto ttwdl'
would allow the ell*ntltIlCl Urs of t11r
various; Linda of good,' in the eotlntr•ies
where they .1)4114 .1N• produced moot
cheaplZ, and vu int•tchange of prod-
ucts betwotn count Fie* producing
diffident articles by 1)114111114 of which
each ennntry would procure every-
thing it needed at the bast loasible
cost. Protection makes artificial
conditions under which 401111N are pro -
florist by n wasteful expenditure of
•y" ill a country not rtiitvd to [Meir
production, and the country as r.
whole is burdened to the extent of the
ililferrnee het wer•u' 1 h' oist of these
gtouelsnndertheart4ticislcondil4 aud
the cost under natural conditions, 4)1•
order tree trade. The leauJt i8, 14 ill
the rase of the ladyh sea Oda 11!
uonsnien. THURSDAY. DEC. 1311
, 11444 1.») on clothes, that the cuuntre is
poorer by the 8.111nuitl of labor that is
diverted from really profita161e work.
Another result of the protection
system the unequal dietributiun 4)f
wealth --the few who are proteetel
being able to spend *2411,4(11, on 1
clothes or other extravagances, while 1
the *111\45441 lire prevented from obtain- t
ing the full reward of their labor, be q
rea4on 4)f the fact th it, while they
gain nothing by the protective system,
they h*ye to pay higher prices for a'• f 1
mina ecerythinq they buy.
W. 1•'. Maclean is as proud over that
L doss member fr Hamilton d4 a
hen with hnr chicken, and that a
Judging from the scarcity of muni•
cipal napiranta so far, the town coun-
cil of next year will be made tip large-
ly of "dark horses."
One reason for favoring a water and
light eomnlission is that the council
hits made such a poor job of handling
the water supply question.
A hint to ('hristtnas shoppers.
Read the announcements in our ether -
tieing columns and find out where
You can get the at•tirles cut want.
114 Globe suggests that the scats in
the gist:Mitt• 1x4 arranged in semi'
circ) r form. We are a(r4id this
might •Iente n tendency towards
"round bins."
Another"dfort is to lie made to rs-
t*blish Il' Y. M. C. A. or some snrh
organjzttiogit town. There should
le :111x11 1411 Ins 'tut fl/t• the young
men of Goderirh.
All this talk of C istuas makes a
fellow think hack to the time when
11e %vex a little chap and Nought San-
ta (:Taus wan this 11)1(1 tl 'ng. There
are disadvanttg414 in being rows-iio,
Town Clerk Johnston 'nigh to or-
ganize a school of inrttuction Isal-
Inl-,narking, to prepare the votet for
their dutisn on municipal elect
day. Leaving *wide the possibility
•lection, by Reclamation, there wi
be voting fu>' the mayor, the r'ev
the deputy -reeve, the councillors, th
water 4ln,1 light einnnIisaioners, (1
%tial trustees, ,old on no fewer tha
four bylaws, '1 lie flee and indcp *iii
eat elector will ha5e his w•nr'k cut on
fur hint.
With this growth of Tor into ha
come the development of a 41 die
Ariel which is elgngir.g the 1Prioun 111
lentiun of the (40eitt1 reformers of ell
city. This is a condition which 8140111
inmepnrahle from the hording of
large immolation in 01)4' centre, N
clearer indication could be given of
- the harmful effect), of the flow of
;Hopi' MC from the emir)try to the
cities. "God monde the country and.
Hurn le the town," and the Al-
mighty is atilt the better workmen,
A ',theta' M. 1'. hits taken it noon
himself to chide the 1.1lwp.1 prem. of
Ontsi1.4 for out sticking slowly
enough to the party. or. rather. fol the
prijit lr'IAn9, 11 would he an evil duly
for any feoli(*1:4!party when its news
papers should 41ecidc to support 1111(1
",'tend sissy MCI ion of the politicians
on its side of the part y line. The in-
flow, •e of a new•4pape' is not much if
erery* dy"k>Iratn beforehand wh111 it
will say on 411y' beam 1hat may arise.
The p'IIIP with 0 strain of independ-
ence in its make-up ir•of infinitely
Ryer' value t its party' thin the
slavi.h Shirk 141 -thin 'simian ter.
And this, ton, 1e •es out of account
the principle that th, duty of a news-
paper to the country ei nes before its
fluty to the party.
The K4Ieidoe:npp maul on The
Toronto News ought to be in charge
of the edit,' int page of that, per.
Ile mhonld h • able t) !mike softie m-
prove•ment in it+ ntteraucem nn ern
otitic questions. In lii4 own column
we find this vernally')
"How long are we to be afflicted
with the old exploded theory Ibet ex-
travegent.rxpeer>diture 4)n luxuries by
the fish is beneficial, 1Mea1)444 it create.
work ?" Hooka The Montreal Herald, and
the imestion i+ pertinent. 1 he rase 1,1
point is that of at voting woman in
New York who mpenrla S2no,fMll N year
ort elothos and who is defended on the
ground *her it. "maker. work." This i4
a fallacy t hat t:rimp.' it4 head in circle.'
Where it should never' he allowed to
appear. It brings. •p the di1tinetion
h.tween m)lnctivc and Hnprrlductire
labor. %,'o?' e•s are only ueefnl to the
world iu no far as they produce or
assist in producing thinge which real
or clothe or better the world in some
way. If the Nell' York Indy hired
men and women to dance before her
all d*y the world would not he the
richer, lout the poorer for their danc-
ing; fee*tune they produced nothing
Hutt helped to feed or cloths) the
world, while the world had to feed
and clothe them. And the rase n(
d MaMnakery who produce resnt111mm,
which are worn a few limes and
thrown Away is not very different
from that of the dancers. Sllppn.,.
the lady instead of spending $'9Y),0tIn
per parte on clothes bad used it to iron.
atrnrl. a nP1dPd railway twenty mile„
Tong. More "work- would tutee been f
filE SIGNAL : I;ODE It10I ON TA 1t 10
Mrs! ..tale animal in thew 1 111Nst•s.
Nu society shall be entitled t,1 re
cadre a grout exceeding $)w.1.
L'uder the new tcl restictiou14 in
leganl to the • luctiug of g*111ea of
rola111414 hair Ileo 1111111P 1M1)14' string•
The, annul nlseting+ l0 1e held in
January of district, township and 11,11"
tieultural societies, which for the last
•dente w•lIl Iw' ru(1vltilel under the old
Art, will iet the most Important
in the history of these ol'ganizelions
All who 4 i'e inlrr..Alec, in making of
primal impont(1Icol the educational
features of these wei..ltrs. and in' im-
proving the gnalily' and quantity of
the product14 of the farm. Motory and
garden. al Id attend these meetings
un January fah and IUth.
Copies of the new Act governing
Agri. ultlr*1 Soeietieo only Ie hail 4)u
*ppliestion to Mr. 1..c•kir Wilson,
Superintendent of Agricultural and
Horticultural Societies, Parlif(11lellt
Buildings, Toronto.
and action dismissed with cos
• 1« Uickiulxti (l;,xlerichl for t
ant, 11', Pmudfullt, K. ('., for
Its Gamble. -Judguient on 14
ap llication by the executore
will of Joseph Gamble for an
determining questions urisiu
the. will, The will war dot
Marsh, 18Ue1, and by it the t.
devised to his nephew Michael (1
N tarot in the some township
sisters Mary Anti Carter and
*rine Hathourne, 411141 after' 1eg1
Ing a le{p;$py o1 gdillh In Ilk rte
11'ilfrid Gamble, to be pa'
s1lehael, and * )I41inting his exec
hr devised ,end b.• picalhed the r
of his pruprrty to Mary :tun (
and Catharine 11ar,wouru•, 1'x11
414(41 in the testat'r'a lifetime, el
fore, 111 sec. i, of the 1\'ills Ac
undivided 4) he -half of the h
farm to whi •h rhe would h,fvt•
entitled if she hu•1 survived the
tar i+ iitr'11de1 iu the gift 0
residue. 'Held, I:iat 1)a to r1)
the residue H4 Is teal isolate 111
vires 51'011141 Ih45'. taken 414 tenni'
tllmmon. haul Catharine survive
te•wla(or; H.SI,O„ IM17, eh. 1111, saq
told 11 (11111154•I that .14 to the R
half de%is44* t l her there was n
Hut 414 to WI mush of the maid'
roost -4s of pers1)na1114, the resit
Iw1Im•sl 114 to tie legal• l' as
1rn141114, and the survivor it (her
entitled to I use whole of it. Olde
tiering accordingly. l'ost4 of
parties out of the estate, Muse n
executors 4i4 between solieitur
client. H. Morrison (Ln-k!HOW)
executors, P. A. Male 411 II
now) for Ma'y Ann Carter. 1•'
H:ueourt for infants mad other
Mc(:lurs's for 1907.
In the Januarywindier of M.'('I
will begin the life of Mary leak
Eddy and the Hion ory of the Chili
Science movement. For the first
,1 complete, holier(ist! and true story
o f Mrs. Edd', null l'hristi*n
Science 14 to be turd, -it will 1'1111
throughout the year. Georgina
11ilnii111 has written the story -for
nearly {Imre ream \Id'Iule'4staff have
worked hitt* her to make this story
occur**', fair, unhiaNel and cnmplrlr.
In view of the fort that for w.lnr
uor.ths the prae414 has been full of
diverse and conflicting metes and
tlte41*ent4 regarding Mrs. Eddy, it is
vident that accurate knowledge eon-
erning her is difficult to obtain in n
bort time. Consequently- McC111re's
ung and thorough pre` /erne of its
(gine will give 1111 11)1' the first time a
rue history and account of her and
ter cult,
Carl Sebum's reminiscences of
nnlf life will be continued. An indi-
cator of the timeliness of these rem-
114CenC 44, and the reawakened na-
iun*1 int emelt in Carl Sehul•y, to which
hey have aont•iblul•rl. are the great
'Nal Schurz inenlol•i:,I meetings held
-erotic in the Cities, A n41 the 11meu101•-
1111ovelllellt slarte•d w•hicll proposes
4 raise 82.111,1111 anti to erect 4 Call
ehurz Memorial as a tl•ihute' to Itis
lent service to the plrlgia'4a of the
nited SUltet.
Willing)) Allen Allen While, Samuel Hop-
i s, Hmiii) J. 11.ndrick and Oe age
it w Turner will 1118xont•i1/ute 114
CC IV'S powerful Art ivies on present
ay t pies, confit' and horn of
Odic merest. These wri(.'). are
*g 1111 ,end 1 he work of molt one
side Iron its literary achievement is
cunyellir , wholes factor in the
egeneratiu which the United Slates
now motel ring,
Ge ,rg.' Kam in, who won his spurs
- hie remark. tidy aeries on SOW!
d Humain's ex a syslcnl, luta beef)
to 11c1'Iule staff, The re41411s
hi+ lav' ant inves '' Abuts and wo' k
ill spprar...1 sit ear v date.
Ellen Terry contrite tea all intinlah•
story of the English imam* of mit-
'thin writing to n.+ with an-
Ilotes and inrilpnts fru the lives of
`At arta'') w'i ohe 'Ileal illti-
Ately. From these diol au)1lsing
d interesting happening,' wo 1.411,
Icrsldt/d why thee.. (1114 and
omen of genius bee . Inv and
00119. r
Fur the story readers, pnwh)c of
Mc('lur'e's fiction fare's -item Will
pear and a large her of Writers
1)415' "hit" recently. Sl)CIl well
4)40(1 names as Joseph Conrad, Mao c
wart Putting, Pert•ivnl Il damn,
da Rl,w•bora, 0. Henry, Myra
Ity, Hex lleiteh, Mrs. 11'ilaton Wood-
). end Helen H. Martin give prom -
of Its good slnriees of various tents
any leader could whet).
Ilustrnlol•, of note and merit will
o erotribnte their share and add t..
authors' ptr4lulto1') and enhance
writing•* and stories by scores ,1f
tunes nod illustrations in .44*ery
M. - .---- - -
The terms of the three industrial
bylaw. too he voted upon on January
70) are 111•ie•f1)' 4414 follows :
Kensington Furniture Co.
It is prapose'd 111 lend to P. (I. 1(
18411. doing business as the Kensing-
ton Furniture Co.. the stun of $'2.i,1J11,
tht• t hi be moan'. with interest
at -4; per cent., in twenty ritual An•
1111:11 IIIntN(Illrllt 14, The Company pro-
p lees to enlarge its factory and plant
to the total value of *11i,'sll, and to
employ Nt least one 1 lied opera-
tives during the term o the loan. As
security the town will have a first
1 age upon the whole property,
which is NI41) to he insl,lwrl in favor of
the town. The loon is to be advanced
41 the rate of ul) per vent. of the value
of the work -of extension and enl.lrge-
tient complete.'. The ,(11)11111)1 neces-
ary to Iw Iaisell N 1h• 1.'r this
lyl4W will be $1.1r2I.0N), Repayment IN
4) commence in one )'(', l• 111)114 the
late of the loan.
Ropers Mfg. Co., Limited.
The Rogers Mfg. Co., Limited, is
elrchaeing the lands and phot of the
ioderich Engine ('o. for $1I1,11(KI and
the Meaning of Christmas.
In humanity there is a constant struggle for supremacy be-
tween the divine and the earthy. There are ttmea when the
selfish and the base seem to be uppermost, evidenced by the
greed that cares not for the poverty of others, the treachery that
sells with a kiss the dearest friend, the materulism that, grasp-
ing at the temporal things, cannot see the value of the things of
the spirit. But if, at times, the worse nature seems the stronger,
there are other hours when the better spirit prevails and man
kind shows itself akin to the divine. Of such seasons Christmas
should surely be the chief As on this day Christ was born into
our humanity, so surely is every loving and unselfish soul born
into His divinity.
There are still, unhappily, those who destroy the spirit of
the season by struggling to attain what for them should be
counted unattainable ; but surely, Judging by the bright faces,
the joyous greetings. the loving plans for others. the general
air of goodwill, the majority of people in our Christian countries
hear the message of the Christmas angels, and gladly worship
in spirit as well as in name the Lord Emmanuel. It is to be
hoped that the rush of Christmas preparations will be less and
Tess able to obliterate the thoughts of Him Whose natal day we
celebrate, and Who still says to His people : "loasmuch as ye
have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have
done it unto me."
Ebe bolip berries.
i11.tlfe'unuuer through the fnrert
Came a )vcxxl•nylNph fair and young,
Anil her crimson coral necklace
On a branch of holly hung,
.1 nil among the quiet shadow,.
Of the coolarn, dark and cool,
Took :t bath in sweet tee•l1)41,411
In the waters of the ixol.
But she he nil 0 step Approar'hing.
Ar d she left the pod and ran.
And forgot her pretty trinket
In her IPS no. of 11 man :
So the wreath of ('hri1ltiman holly,
11'ith do knots of rihlxm r,•d.
Keeps the leads of x111.51411 coral
11'hieh she left it when she turd.
Minn' Irving. in 1.1ppinc4'44 s
The New Act Affecting Them Comes
Into Force February 1st, tea).
.1+ the .late. for the annual meet-
ings of Agricuh oral and Hnrticnitmoo
S;m•iett/w ale nese At hand, our renders
will doubt1014r be int+'reeted in learn-
ing something of the Iawa that will
gnrern the 1115)4•e111I'P 0f these organ-
i'/.art inns.
'rhe new 1.454'') r into fume on
F,'bruary 181, 11:17, but the next .an-
nual meetings of those ol•ttaniratinnr
will he held on the rates fixe.' under
the old Act, viz: Hortieullural and
tnw'n4hip societies un January St h,
:nul district noN•ietiem )1n •Isrlunry 16th,
and the usual two week,: notice nnlat
be given 111 h*al fle•wnply14•1•s th
gether with bills ixrstel in pIie.'m of
•' 'es,Irt.
1n fu1114'), MWIPli.04 will no Innge'r 114'
knnw•n ae district" and "township",
lad every Moiety in the Province wit"
ie. (111114(•11 on the anon• 11114in in legnrd
to 11te !eyelid of its Government
cult, anal wit r*eeive such grmnl in
'g14mtion to its expenditure for mai-l-
en urn) purpsosex during the pest
t rearm, x44 shown by their sworn
*non etetement to the Department
of Agri • Inure. A definition of what
limy be nnsidele4 "espw)ulit1ne for
.vfricultur pmt•proses" i4 given in
the Art'.
St (-ieti44 will he known 65 the name
and piece wi1P11' they held their bet.
annual exhibition unless they prefer
nom, other : then the new mune must
he detPrnin0(1 by the nu•)alier, there-
of end approval by the Minister of
Agriculture. •
(1'ndet• the 11(4' low it will no: be
permissible for horticultural societies
t, offer prizes far competition at, ex-
hibitions held under the atomice,. of
ngrieult nwI no,•ieti,... Thea.. Itst-
nan)at org'tnizations, however, 1111''
11144' their oven fonds for• the offering of
priz.•4 for horticitltutwl exhibits,
Hereafter no prize,' can be offered
for grade 111.414' stock.
Spring stallion end rattle shows
ohm II ree4'15'0 * spw•riml grant equal to
one•half the sum expended, but. polrt)
sum ..h411 not exceed 11.itt. 'Where
seed faint ars held the maximum
Brent shall he $2:4.
Rorietiee investing in hose*, rattle.
(thee/. or swine, for the improvement
f M(w k, will i.ceive a 'rant ranging
tom $.'f) downward, fat each 1r•gie-
pmp osee to spend "Antal hi improving
and extending the plant and to seer•
ploy not fewer than one hood/sell opw'r-
•,uiveN 110(1)1, the expiration of the
first year and not fewer than two
hundred IN'f0te the end of the
Nave 1 yea r. The ('onywny{'- is to
receive from the town .4 II/7111 of
*44,11111, 10 to lelnlid, with inter-
(.:{ 1)t tl, per rent.. in. twenty equal
annual instalments. ri'p4�•nn•nt t,1
commence in one year. rip l'.m-
pnny is t0 give the town it first most•
gage 11+(Nan its property. assign t0 the
town all patent. rights held by i1. aril
insure its property in fl%or' of the
town. Of the amount of the loan S2.5,-
null is to he 4(4lvnnr',oI in the Iirst place
and the balance of *111.01M1 11R soon le n
valuator (to he appointed by the town)
1quirts that. the l'1)n1pany' has ex-
oendal $'2',IEK) in improvements and
''iris')in114, '1'111• 1r11111A 1 to
1N• 1•ai191 10 c0ve1' this Inn. will hr
11 $,fNMl,
Goderich Carriage Co. Limited.
The Onderirh Carriage Company.
Litnitel, i4 to receive a loan of $11 i,I404,
to he repaid, .with interest at It per
rent., in twenty r,Iua1 annum instal-
ments. the (list r lloviI)Pnt to he made
on June At, 1(14(4. The company i, to
expend $:11,11414) for site And huilding+
and plant and to employ fr twenty-
IIh•0 t+. thirty Imnd+ 1)1 "(NI)1 1114 the
f*story commences to op -rale. As in
the other ':t's the town is to be N1•-
x0red by !gage a1)11 in'nranre.
The Nuns of Stumm is to 11.' 1111V11 111`1.11
1114 moon as the ('aumpnny expends 11129, -
(pat and the bnlann' when the ('tctor)•
is Opted. but no* until bona ndi'
mu1>rrriptinnr to the capital stock of
the Company to the ,11)01110 0f At
leant. $'20,01) h:15p leen Nreure . The
nnnmt1 S11Ntiln1 011 14• raised by the
town under this bylaw wilI he $1,153.-
1 1.
In the case of each of the time cnln-
p*ni4a it is proposed .also to grant ex-
emption from taxes (except school
rat'rl (4)r• * tr1.11) 111 t4•11 years.
At Osgood. Hall,
Plenty v. Orr.-'.Indgmpnt on appeal
by defendant, front judgment of
junior judge 4.f County ('hurt of Hu-
ron in en a thin in that court in favor
of plaintiff for 91Mdaongoo, hai,t.
Seth Plenty, the plaintiff, a young
girl living in 11•'inghllnl. wall injured
hye a collision between a boggy in
which she wag driving told mit orlon i•
tine, driven by • .104 1114'S Mullen, rind
owned by defendant. .Uexand01. Or,
the keeper of the lirnnsw•irk Hotel in
1Vingham. 1 but the action to
recover dau*oges for her injuries, al-
leging that Mnlleu was a set vent of
defendant, and that the collision was
doe Io his negligence. Mullen paid
defendant for board of the horses find
keep of the vehicle 711 rent? n day ;
he engaged to drive guest? of defend-
ant to ,md front the railway 1tnlion
fere of xhlrge : and he carried other
paass/nge•N and their luggage and Ing• order.
gage of defend:,n1'4 intent ti for hide, glad I
and kept lite Money so earned. f14'- "('h
f.ntlant r0nten(IPd that �flllll•11 wSA the rho
not hie s'rv.nt nor tinder his control,
bat was a bailee of the 0 ibtir end
hor'.es. Held, Clone, J , dins..ming,
that the proper infere.lee from the
fartA in es idenre was that the rela-
tion between defendant and the driver pardon
Mullen WA. oat that of wester and to mal
sett mit, lout 1hat of Imilnr and heifer. 1, it rued
end that inference the 1'ohlrt is hound Gonna
to draw. Appeal allowed with coats throne
011PA nt hone bappy.-Cleveland Plasm
Irfrud• peeler.
plain• - -
of '"t�h.' ('44,1... l' f • Toy land la tk•
l pedes teaselaa t illative 441. C 'etch.
�du Kllh Tourists wandering out of the beaten
stator trucks of their kind occasionally roma
"oar, to a little village in Auatrlu which iirv-
to his smuts the gaped of a corner of toylaud.
(lath- The name of the village ha St. Ulrich,
tenth and ueurIy all of its lubabltantl are
phew toy makers. Each housetuld, too, Lae
ud by Its 4petdslty. One old wuwau has dune
*110(8, nothing but curve wooden cats, dogs,
'luster 144)11414, sheep, goats aud elepbaut.,
IarinP She bus made those sell anflual14 Ler
ul, by
whole life lung. awl abs Lar 110 idea
t. (he how to cut anything Mae. She makes
in11w4 then) lu two sizes and turns out as
been hearty as possible a thoueond of them
toot*. a year.
f the She has no model or drawing of guy
•h e. kind to work b but
r dr• y Huta on rteadlly,
tr 111 unerringly, tt4lug gauged of different
1 the sixes and sh'aplug uut her eats, dugs,
iI ; wolves, sheep, gonts awl elephants
sided with au ease and au nwouut of truth
atom'• to nature that would be clever 1f they
14. 444 were not utterly mechanical.
hoary Thla woman learned from ber moth-
j•'int er how to carve those six uu1m1118, and
her mother had learned, In like mau-
r de -
,111 tier, from Ler grandmother. She has
f the taught the art to her own granddaugh•
•Stud ter, and so it may go on being trans -
for mated for genet -attune.
fuck- In another house our will find the
• 1V, whole family carving skulls and cross -
Per' bones for tlxiug ut the bases uf cruel-
fxes, fur the wooticarvWg luduatry
has Its religious a.' Well as Its amusing
side. In other houses are fatuities that
carve rocking horses or dulls or other
toys and lu still other houses whole
families of paldters.-London Tit -Bits.
er 11.
!tow 1 ■r1e 0a444•. Stepchildren Re-
member .'Old (onto 0.7” Friend.,
"Houle and mother:"
These Daigle words are responalbl,
for the sending out of Cleveland tinily
at this mouton of the yenr of thousand.
of dollars. At the window over which
Iv the word "Foreign," In the morcy
order office at the postofce, n eontlu•
nous string of people patiently await
thefr turn to send aims varylog from
;3 to $25 to loved ones ilt-Ing 10 what
they lovingly call the -"old country,"
Out of their bounty Cleveland's adopt-
ed children are sending something to
cheer 1)p those who nre Ilvlug In lent
favore.l climes. From week to week
they lay small mums aside as the end
of the year Approaches. Whom they
have accumulated the 014(4ssnry
nmount they troop down to the pont
office, the one bank 1n which foreign.
era have almolhto confidence, rind send
to mother, father, brother or sister the
tokens of their regard. Distances are
so great that the actual money Is much
more appropriate than any of the gaudy
artlelee which would naturally bre for-
"Me gotta twenta dol's worth," ex-
plained one woman as she elbowed her
way gradually to the window.
"What?" demanded the clerk. Ile is
required to unrlerstsnd everything.
"Me wants tomenta dot's," repeated
the woman.
"Oh, you want to send 1120 home,"
explaleed the clerk.
The woman Atgnided with her head
that she certainly did want to mend
aomo money home. Tightly clutching
ber check, she made a break to mall the
Her face was lighted up with a
o are you mending It tot" asked
rk of the neat in the 11130.
adudAer," says the woman. 1t It the
only word rhe littera 014 she lays down
ten tea -dollar hillsrnmlgh mal.1. She,
uttbed her order as 1f it wad 0
tram death and hurried away
i it.
tat In large number.. Italians,
nm and Irish are among the dally
Oar Rooke to risks the loved
T1e MerehtNrea'. loneeaQ
Little Blame Mermaid
In the deep was weeping;
Little Johnnie Merboy
company was keeping.
Casale of their bewailing?
Ws admit It shocking -
They can nevem, never
Have a CTrletm.s stocking!
-New York lfsakt.
the lieu -te'e lea end. 0.11101.1)111: (H 111
*Veilil4e.111•, eel' annual in rail W.” we, 144.
u'1 can Mss• 14 good operator in sir maul
if ton study 1.1 The 1'cut.wl Trlegntphy Whoo1.I
31)ermrd .1. 144.1, •sonata. The fined malted
in ('anode. *Write for pert icular+.
>'rc.idot*. I'11. i .4
British American
Business College
Oldest. Strongest, Best.
Winter Term
11,1111 Jan. 2. 19,17, Eul,•r :1 1)y
t 1,111, I•.xr1'III.111 t-.' ttIt4 ge1111.411-
t,•ell. l'.tt+dognr Aad IPS -oar in
1111.inr4r Fit ink free.
T. M. WATSON, Principal
Winter Term Opens January 2nd.
tree ••r w•.'<10 the PFLI r F 1F clams s.M 1.1 Ise
ani 1)4. t lac lost ,. .:4,. 11,nn I,1) -1111
111n. oe 4..,,e 1111,9* Iln,en of nM• Is,.
tion.. We hod nu hnr row• mul) fn
bn.lnrs.,..11.-g.' timelie . IWets 1.14 lid.
hot. of other hn'In. e"lleec.1)r burl.
and ,eh.w,l. is ere ri n,Ilyd here ,raring
I he last Iain peot-. We believe we have
the best Oommerual School ,n Canada,
)y1• thoroughly vii -f1- hnr student-.
):'rite pada) (1)r catalogue.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
1',11. 1lnlgc .11):I .)Irsnnlrr 41,
Pinter Ttrin Opens elan. lad.
Thi- o,l i- rerrenir 11 41, be 1)1.. of
the leading 1' 111g1)r r Srhod• In
Anerirn. Our Ih•nd,ndr., nee in ,1,•
nwtap l L'•.. 1'1111.4,• lenrbrr.,
The,nlr'•11 neral n pplirnt dun wx fetiic.rl
for a trnrhxr tali(•md. 14,14xe44 per an-
num. We Indiry a we re running one
of the moat pn.grr..ivr nd Inaoatat(-•n trnmin.g w'hlw,l In the
i Inir. The demand upon t, for officer
elp is w•verel tinter; the .up I), Write
for /1)4' en latah,,,-.
Business College <
1,) Waled with N'ingh;w,
1111-in'.. enlleg.
Thi. 4.1 Ihr Inn.* modern, thornngh
and 4,, t hit lrin. swell-,,t�shut of Icurlon of ft. kb^d
1111esraihd (patina -111: large attend
ones: net nal hoslne., seho.l. flooring
No ""Meer We fort TWENTY TI)II''
Is ninny 14,41s frnnl,lrnding enneerwi for
INN N KEEPERS. k.1,1'k A.. 110 al aaR,s to hard
I` .1)d 'ate.tolenl'IIk:ItY as ss to had
graduate. M to nand.
Enter may I lmrhulls .
net Ion.
1,:?- ad.tiwa 1
trnrI 11141STMAN IT.)•
t (Jail l; ','nl ?0'' on *4)1)10
GEO. SPOTTON, • Principal.
Berlin Business College
M. D. EULE11, • Principal.
W. Acheson & Son
'fake a good Zook at these 1)ecember,inducements
go anywhere you like and see it you can match t a then
O purchaser: have been extraordinarily large and hetl'stse
a big prier .;:lin with you, id )cc shharee
Coat Bargains
a i Ilea's W batt Coats, heavily furred and splendidly
made. all 4izr4, regular value $:15,UI1, at each
iflack (':elf ('outs. with Ahlr*ch*n Collar : raft, gle>ssv,
even skins: regular *142.40, at each
Lattice' Astrachan 1.,u1111 and Hon•ha1,u1 Lend. ('uat4,
!titin howl, pet and warranted in every prr-
ticular: special prices $27,I11, $1(1,11111110
Alaska sable! Stars'. of finest ssle•t skins, `111,IN0 to
(31100, reduced to $7.01) to
12 Ohio Settle Scarfs end Baas, our $$.0I gudlly,
*'educed to e
Irish Satin 1)anr.Isk,, purest fine Linen Tablings and
Napkins, a magnificent showing 1114 a straight discount of
20 per cent. off regular price.
Our own direct importation -
Men's Purr Linen Hemstitch at per dozen, 81,:44,
142.111. 14:1.111 and $4.00
Ladies' Pure Linea, plain and fancy, at per dozen,
$Lill t,, $12.00
Kid Gloves
.Ilea's Kid Glovt•s, tu14 and greys, lined with heavy
duuhle• 40144 p, silk, all size,, 1)t p.•1• pair
1..41)1 I:s' Kill t: CrW ES. a vet k large and eonlplete
lamps, t I'ettin.. 1*''anus and 4)1 hey me kers, 4(1 Is•r
pwir, 75c, $1. .. *1.:14), $2,(II and
INSI'I':1;"I'll \ 1NVI'I'El).
W. Acheson & Son
Hurrah for Say_ `a Claus
What ca.1 1:. more
suitable for ;.:.-ist-
mas Gift than a
nice piece of
We (114'4• the largest and b••.1
stock of goods we have ever shown
and can give Acrid hum! valines
in Ikik and Mlehoig,u)4' Rockers.
Parlor Chairs in silk and crushed
plush. Parlor Tables and Tabouret.,
Parlor Cabinets and Music Cabinet,.
Library Chairs in early English and
all leather; Morris Chairs and Roll
Seat Rockers.
4J a/' Ladies' Desks and Dressers in
Oak and Mahogany.
Children Rockers and High Chairs in Wicker and Golden Oak. 3.
piece Toy Set in Red.
1',111 early and make your whs.!ions nu11 We will Sel 111.111 aside
till you want then. delivered.
hr.Idene, car.
1 nlnl.ri:1 r..:nl.
-1', • (7-,
H. B. Beckett
Undertaker and Embalmer
N 11. If r l) It ti i N0.4 1' 4' .4 I, L` A 3' It 1i `, 1111': N 1 1
Prepared for a Big
Christmas Trade
WI:. have made big preparations for a large
' (..hri'.tmas trade. The large and select stock of
Ilea's and Boys'' Goods suitable for Christmas
presents ught to attract a Targe number to this
Consider the following list :-
Neckwear, Neckscarfs, Fancy Sox,
Shirts, Sweaters, Underwear, Suspend-
ers, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Cuff Links,
Tie Pins, Umbrellas, Fur Caps. Fur
Coats, Overcoats, Suits, etc.
and see the` many nie things
1t1. have to offer. I� w1 be a
to S ow t m,
pleasure for u$
Walter C.Pridham
The right place to buy Christmas Presents for Men.