HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-12-13, Page 2$ Tueccnj\, b.rcmbcr 13th 1' ( ( sI(.TAI.: 4.1)111•:1'11'11 li\'1,11:111 •11. ID mar amm. ammo ammo as* sammenemsommosimmon ammo ammo MI • ONNIMMio GINffins• wisi • -THE STERLING- BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFIFICE, - - - TORONTO, CANADA. With 42 Branches in Ontario. • The Goderich Branch occupies 4 Ioffices next to the Canadian Paci- fic Railway Telegraph Office, but Iproposes moving into the store new occupied by J. H. Colborne, at the Icorner of the Square andHamilton Street, early next month, so soon Ias necessary alterations have been • made. This will be a great con Ivenience to the farmers, as mi -- ton Street is practically the mar- ket street of Goderich. Authori,zed Capital $1,000,000. 4 OFFICERS- and DIRECTORS President Vice-president G. T. SOMERS, Toronto W. K. GEORGE, Toronto DIRECTORS C. W. SPENCER, Montreal J. C. EATON, Toronto - NOEL MARSHALL, Toronto WM. DINEEN, Toronto JOHN H. TILDEN, Hamilton SIDNEY JONES, Toronto H. WILBERFORCE ATKINS, M. D. ' General Manager, F. W. BROUGHALL Bankers and Agents in Canada THE DOMINION BANK THE TRADERS BANK OF CANADA Great Britain: THE NATIONAL BANK OF SCOTLAND, Limited. Neer York Buffalo THE NATIONAL PARK BANK THE PEOPLE'S BANK OF BUFFALO Savings Deposits received at all Branches from $1.00 upwards. INTEREST at 3 per cent.,compounded four times a year. Farmers' notes discounted at reasonab,e rates. Collections made in all parts of Canada and the States promptly, and at fair charges. The Sterling Bank has opened branches in the villages ''ages of Dun- gannon, Varna and Bayfield, an action which has `been greatly ap- preciated by the farmers adjacent to these points. And as it is im- 1 i possibleat this busy season for the E different managers to call person- ally upon each individual farmer, we take this opportunity of wish- ing all "A Merry Christmas and a I Prosperous New Year." s DUNGANNON BRANCH, \ VARNA AND BAYFIELD BRANCHES, R. E. MANNING, Manager. WM. BEATTY M GODERICH BRANCH, A. G. GAMBLE, Manager. i RISTMAS TO ALL A FEW SUGGESTIONS =T.OR JSEFUL CHR STMAS PRESE LARGE STOCK OF HAR WARE, ETC. S, OUT OF OUR Silv,r Knives and Forks, Rodgers and Keen goods. Table, dessert and tea Spoons,Rodgers, Keen and Nevada goods. Pen and Jack Knives, in Joseph Rodgers', Iioker's and all the hest makes. ('rices ranging front sc to $1.50. SCISSORS - I n the best makes, of.all st % les and sizes. Calais in cases, made by the best makers. 1< litter' K uttcr1 e. - 'PHONE STORE 22. RAZORS Ro.lgers, Keen Kutter, Carbo -N1 .igncI and of others of th-!•best makes. SKATES Of all steles and sizes, prices from 43c to $g: Chafing dishes, brass hot-water brass trays. Nickel -plated bathroom sun les, towel racks, soap dishes, sponge -holder,. Glass set ' and tooth -brush holders, combined. kettles on stands, 1 v Kitchen Utensils in aluminum ware, gran e ware :inti er ware. LAMPS Library, Hall anal tit:ind A Happy Thought Range A'Radiant Home Heater C H A S. C. LEE \\ 'PHONE HOUSE 112. • •